Programs & Examples On #Opengl es

Subset of the OpenGL 3D graphics API designed for embedded devices such as mobile phones.

Draw text in OpenGL ES

Take a look at CBFG and the Android port of the loading/rendering code. You should be able to drop the code into your project and use it straight away.

  1. CBFG

  2. Android loader

I have problems with this implementation. It displays only one character, when I try do change size of the font's bitmap (I need special letters) whole draw fails :(

Warp \ bend effect on a UIView?

What you show looks like a mesh warp. That would be straightforward using OpenGL, but "straightforward OpenGL" is like straightforward rocket science.

I wrote an iOS app for my company called Face Dancerthat's able to do 60 fps mesh warp animations of video from the built-in camera using OpenGL, but it was a lot of work. (It does funhouse mirror type changes to faces - think "fat booth" live, plus lots of other effects.)

X11/Xlib.h not found in Ubuntu

Why not try find /usr/include/X11 -name Xlib.h

If there is a hit, you have Xlib.h

If not install it using sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

and you are good to go :)

How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link

Well not only do you have to worry about iOS and Android, there's also which android messaging app. Google messaging app for Note 9 and some new galaxys do not open with text, but the samsung app works. The solution seems to be add // after the sms:

so sms://15551235555

<a href="sms:/* phone number here */?body=/* body text here */">Link</a>

should be

<a href="sms://15551235555?body=Hello">Link</a>

Initializing select with AngularJS and ng-repeat

If you are using md-select and ng-repeat ing md-option from angular material then you can add ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$'}" to the md-select tag ash shown in this pen


<md-select ng-model="user" style="min-width: 200px;" ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$'}">_x000D_
  <md-select-label>{{ user ? : 'Assign to user' }}</md-select-label>_x000D_
  <md-option ng-value="user" ng-repeat="user in users">{{}}</md-option>_x000D_

Base 64 encode and decode example code

'java.util.Base64' class provides functionality to encode and decode the information in Base64 format.

How to get Base64 Encoder?

Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();

How to get Base64 Decoder?

Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder();

How to encode the data?

Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
String originalData = "java";
byte[] encodedBytes = encoder.encode(originalData.getBytes());

How to decode the data?

Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder();
byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decode(encodedBytes);
String decodedStr = new String(decodedBytes);

You can get more details at this link.

Can a relative sitemap url be used in a robots.txt?

According to the official documentation on it needs to be a full URL:

You can specify the location of the Sitemap using a robots.txt file. To do this, simply add the following line including the full URL to the sitemap:


Convert pandas.Series from dtype object to float, and errors to nans

In [30]: pd.Series([1,2,3,4,'.']).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
0     1
1     2
2     3
3     4
4   NaN
dtype: float64

How to maintain a Unique List in Java?

I do not know how efficient this is, However worked for me in a simple context.

List<int> uniqueNumbers = new ArrayList<>();

   public void AddNumberToList(int num)
        if(!uniqueNumbers .contains(num)) {
            uniqueNumbers .add(num);

How to get JQuery.trigger('click'); to initiate a mouse click

Just use this:

$(function() {

Tensorflow: Using Adam optimizer

You need to call tf.global_variables_initializer() on you session, like

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

Full example is available in this great tutorial

What is the difference between response.sendRedirect() and request.getRequestDispatcher().forward(request,response)


Control can be forward to resources available within the server from where the call is made. This transfer of control is done by the container internally and browser / client is not involved. This is the major difference between forward and sendRedirect. When the forward is done, the original request and response objects are transfered along with additional parameters if needed.


Control can be redirect to resources to different servers or domains. This transfer of control task is delegated to the browser by the container. That is, the redirect sends a header back to the browser / client. This header contains the resource url to be redirected by the browser. Then the browser initiates a new request to the given url. Since it is a new request, the old request and response object is lost.

For example, sendRedirect can transfer control from to but forward cannot do this.

‘session’ is not lost in both forward and redirect.

To feel the difference between forward and sendRedirect visually see the address bar of your browser, in forward, you will not see the forwarded address (since the browser is not involved) in redirect, you can see the redirected address.

Understanding dispatch_async

All of the DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_X queues are concurrent queues (meaning they can execute multiple tasks at once), and are FIFO in the sense that tasks within a given queue will begin executing using "first in, first out" order. This is in comparison to the main queue (from dispatch_get_main_queue()), which is a serial queue (tasks will begin executing and finish executing in the order in which they are received).

So, if you send 1000 dispatch_async() blocks to DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, those tasks will start executing in the order you sent them into the queue. Likewise for the HIGH, LOW, and BACKGROUND queues. Anything you send into any of these queues is executed in the background on alternate threads, away from your main application thread. Therefore, these queues are suitable for executing tasks such as background downloading, compression, computation, etc.

Note that the order of execution is FIFO on a per-queue basis. So if you send 1000 dispatch_async() tasks to the four different concurrent queues, evenly splitting them and sending them to BACKGROUND, LOW, DEFAULT and HIGH in order (ie you schedule the last 250 tasks on the HIGH queue), it's very likely that the first tasks you see starting will be on that HIGH queue as the system has taken your implication that those tasks need to get to the CPU as quickly as possible.

Note also that I say "will begin executing in order", but keep in mind that as concurrent queues things won't necessarily FINISH executing in order depending on length of time for each task.

As per Apple:

A concurrent dispatch queue is useful when you have multiple tasks that can run in parallel. A concurrent queue is still a queue in that it dequeues tasks in a first-in, first-out order; however, a concurrent queue may dequeue additional tasks before any previous tasks finish. The actual number of tasks executed by a concurrent queue at any given moment is variable and can change dynamically as conditions in your application change. Many factors affect the number of tasks executed by the concurrent queues, including the number of available cores, the amount of work being done by other processes, and the number and priority of tasks in other serial dispatch queues.

Basically, if you send those 1000 dispatch_async() blocks to a DEFAULT, HIGH, LOW, or BACKGROUND queue they will all start executing in the order you send them. However, shorter tasks may finish before longer ones. Reasons behind this are if there are available CPU cores or if the current queue tasks are performing computationally non-intensive work (thus making the system think it can dispatch additional tasks in parallel regardless of core count).

The level of concurrency is handled entirely by the system and is based on system load and other internally determined factors. This is the beauty of Grand Central Dispatch (the dispatch_async() system) - you just make your work units as code blocks, set a priority for them (based on the queue you choose) and let the system handle the rest.

So to answer your above question: you are partially correct. You are "asking that code" to perform concurrent tasks on a global concurrent queue at the specified priority level. The code in the block will execute in the background and any additional (similar) code will execute potentially in parallel depending on the system's assessment of available resources.

The "main" queue on the other hand (from dispatch_get_main_queue()) is a serial queue (not concurrent). Tasks sent to the main queue will always execute in order and will always finish in order. These tasks will also be executed on the UI Thread so it's suitable for updating your UI with progress messages, completion notifications, etc.

Make a float only show two decimal places

Use NSNumberFormatter with maximumFractionDigits as below:

NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2;
NSLog(@"%@", [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:12.345]]);

And you will get 12.35

error: This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above

Novice mistake. Make sure your package.json file is coded correctly. I had:

"start": "index node.js"
instead of:
"start": "node index.js"


Delete your package-lock.json file and node_modules folder. Then do npm cache clean

npm cache clean --force do npm install

Clear back stack using fragments

Hi~I found a solution which is much better,from:

 * Remove all entries from the backStack of this fragmentManager.
 * @param fragmentManager the fragmentManager to clear.
private void clearBackStack(FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
    if (fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
        FragmentManager.BackStackEntry entry = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryAt(0);
        fragmentManager.popBackStack(entry.getId(), FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);

splitting a number into the integer and decimal parts

This variant allows getting desired precision:

>>> a = 1234.5678
>>> (lambda x, y: (int(x), int(x*y) % y/y))(a, 1e0)
(1234, 0.0)
>>> (lambda x, y: (int(x), int(x*y) % y/y))(a, 1e1)
(1234, 0.5)
>>> (lambda x, y: (int(x), int(x*y) % y/y))(a, 1e15)
(1234, 0.5678)

How to use java.String.format in Scala?

In Scala 2.10

val name = "Ivan"
val weather = "sunny"

s"Hello $name, it's $weather today!"

Spring Security redirect to previous page after successful login

Back to previous page after succesfull login, we can use following custom authentication manager as follows:

<!-- enable use-expressions -->
    <http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true">
        <!-- src** matches: src/bar.c src/baz.c src/test/bartest.c-->
        <intercept-url pattern="/problemSolution/home/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>
        <intercept-url pattern="favicon.ico" access="permitAll"/>

        <logout logout-url="/problemSolution/logout"
        <!-- enable csrf protection -->

    <beans:bean id="authenticationSuccessHandler"
        <beans:property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/problemSolution/home"/>

    <!-- Select users and user_roles from database -->
        <authentication-provider user-service-ref="customUserDetailsService">
            <password-encoder hash="plaintext">

CustomUserDetailsService class

public class CustomUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {

        private UserService userService;

        public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String userName)
                        throws UsernameNotFoundException {
                com.codesenior.telif.local.model.User domainUser = userService.getUser(userName);

                boolean enabled = true;
                boolean accountNonExpired = true;
                boolean credentialsNonExpired = true;
                boolean accountNonLocked = true;

                return new User(

        public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities(List<UserRole> userRoleList) {
                return getGrantedAuthorities(getRoles(userRoleList));

        public List<String> getRoles(List<UserRole> userRoleList) {

                List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();

                for(UserRole userRole:userRoleList){
                return roles;

        public static List<GrantedAuthority> getGrantedAuthorities(List<String> roles) {
                List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();

                for (String role : roles) {
                        authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role));
                return authorities;


User Class

import com.codesenior.telif.local.model.UserRole;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

public class CustomUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService {

        private UserService userService;

        public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String userName)
                        throws UsernameNotFoundException {
                com.codesenior.telif.local.model.User domainUser = userService.getUser(userName);

                boolean enabled = true;
                boolean accountNonExpired = true;
                boolean credentialsNonExpired = true;
                boolean accountNonLocked = true;

                return new User(

        public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities(List<UserRole> userRoleList) {
                return getGrantedAuthorities(getRoles(userRoleList));

        public List<String> getRoles(List<UserRole> userRoleList) {

                List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();

                for(UserRole userRole:userRoleList){
                return roles;

        public static List<GrantedAuthority> getGrantedAuthorities(List<String> roles) {
                List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();

                for (String role : roles) {
                        authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role));
                return authorities;


UserRole Class

public class UserRole {
        private Integer userRoleId;

        private String role;

        @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "userRoleList")
        private List<User> userList;

        public Integer getUserRoleId() {
                return userRoleId;

        public void setUserRoleId(Integer userRoleId) {
                this.userRoleId= userRoleId;

        public String getRole() {
                return role;

        public void setRole(String role) {
                this.role= role;

        public String toString() {
                return String.valueOf(userRoleId);

        public List<User> getUserList() {
                return userList;

        public void setUserList(List<User> userList) {
                this.userList= userList;

Android: why is there no maxHeight for a View?

In order to create a ScrollView or ListView with a maxHeight you just need to create a Transparent LinearLayout around it with a height of what you want the maxHeight to be. You then set the ScrollView's Height to wrap_content. This creates a ScrollView that appears to grow until its height is equal to the parent LinearLayout.

PHP "php://input" vs $_POST

If post data is malformed, $_POST will not contain anything. Yet, php://input will have the malformed string.

For example there is some ajax applications, that do not form correct post key-value sequence for uploading a file, and just dump all the file as post data, without variable names or anything. $_POST will be empty, $_FILES empty also, and php://input will contain exact file, written as a string.

Declare multiple module.exports in Node.js

There are multiple ways to do this, one way is mentioned below. Just assume you have .js file like this.

let add = function (a, b) {
   console.log(a + b);

let sub = function (a, b) {
   console.log(a - b);

You can export these functions using the following code snippet,

 module.exports.add = add;
 module.exports.sub = sub;

And you can use the exported functions using this code snippet,

var add = require('./counter').add;
var sub = require('./counter').sub;


I know this is a late reply, but hope this helps!

how to install Lex and Yacc in Ubuntu?

Use the synaptic packet manager in order to install yacc / lex. If you are feeling more comfortable doing this on the console just do:

sudo apt-get install bison flex

There are some very nice articles on the net on how to get started with those tools. I found the article from CodeProject to be quite good and helpful (see here). But you should just try and search for "introduction to lex", there are plenty of good articles showing up.

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

r is a numpy (rec)array. So r["dt"] >= startdate is also a (boolean) array. For numpy arrays the & operation returns the elementwise-and of the two boolean arrays.

The NumPy developers felt there was no one commonly understood way to evaluate an array in boolean context: it could mean True if any element is True, or it could mean True if all elements are True, or True if the array has non-zero length, just to name three possibilities.

Since different users might have different needs and different assumptions, the NumPy developers refused to guess and instead decided to raise a ValueError whenever one tries to evaluate an array in boolean context. Applying and to two numpy arrays causes the two arrays to be evaluated in boolean context (by calling __bool__ in Python3 or __nonzero__ in Python2).

Your original code

mask = ((r["dt"] >= startdate) & (r["dt"] <= enddate))
selected = r[mask]

looks correct. However, if you do want and, then instead of a and b use (a-b).any() or (a-b).all().

How to randomly select rows in SQL?

Maybe this site will be of assistance.

For those who don't want to click through:

SELECT TOP 1 column FROM table

Redirect to specified URL on PHP script completion?

ob_start(); // ensures anything dumped out will be caught

// do stuff here
$url = ''; // this can be set based on whatever

// clear out the output buffer
while (ob_get_status()) 

// no redirect
header( "Location: $url" );

Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance

1) Public Inheritance:

a. Private members of Base class are not accessible in Derived class.

b. Protected members of Base class remain protected in Derived class.

c. Public members of Base class remain public in Derived class.

So, other classes can use public members of Base class through Derived class object.

2) Protected Inheritance:

a. Private members of Base class are not accessible in Derived class.

b. Protected members of Base class remain protected in Derived class.

c. Public members of Base class too become protected members of Derived class.

So, other classes can't use public members of Base class through Derived class object; but they are available to subclass of Derived.

3) Private Inheritance:

a. Private members of Base class are not accessible in Derived class.

b. Protected & public members of Base class become private members of Derived class.

So, no members of Base class can be accessed by other classes through Derived class object as they are private in Derived class. So, even subclass of Derived class can't access them.

Can scripts be inserted with innerHTML?

Krasimir Tsonev has a great solution that overcome all problems. His method doesn't need using eval, so no performance nor security problems exist. It allows you to set innerHTML string contains html with js and translate it immediately to an DOM element while also executes the js parts exist along the code. short ,simple, and works exactly as you want.

Enjoy his solution:

Important notes:

  1. You need to wrap the target element with div tag
  2. You need to wrap the src string with div tag.
  3. If you write the src string directly and it includes js parts, please take attention to write the closing script tags correctly (with \ before /) as this is a string.

socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use

Simple one line command to get rid of it, type below command in terminal,

ps -a

This will list out all process, checkout which is being used by Python and type bellow command in terminal,

kill -9 (processID) 

For example kill -9 33178

What does $ mean before a string?

$ is short-hand for String.Format and is used with string interpolations, which is a new feature of C# 6. As used in your case, it does nothing, just as string.Format() would do nothing.

It is comes into its own when used to build strings with reference to other values. What previously had to be written as:

var anInt = 1;
var aBool = true;
var aString = "3";
var formated = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", anInt, aBool, aString);

Now becomes:

var anInt = 1;
var aBool = true;
var aString = "3";
var formated = $"{anInt},{aBool},{aString}";

There's also an alternative - less well known - form of string interpolation using $@ (the order of the two symbols is important). It allows the features of a @"" string to be mixed with $"" to support string interpolations without the need for \\ throughout your string. So the following two lines:

var someDir = "a";

will output:


How to simulate a button click using code?

there is a better way.


this should answer all your problems. every View inherits this function, including Button, Spinner, etc.

Just to clarify, View does not have a static performClick() method. You must call performClick() on an instance of View. For example, you can't just call


Instead, do something like:

View myView = findViewById(;

Equivalent of waitForVisible/waitForElementPresent in Selenium WebDriver tests using Java?

Implicit and Explicit Waits

Implicit Wait

An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. The default setting is 0. Once set, the implicit wait is set for the life of the WebDriver object instance.

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Explicit Wait + Expected Conditions

An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. The worst case of this is Thread.sleep(), which sets the condition to an exact time period to wait. There are some convenience methods provided that help you write code that will wait only as long as required. WebDriverWait in combination with ExpectedCondition is one way this can be accomplished.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(

How to set a default row for a query that returns no rows?

Insert your default values into a table variable, then update this tableVar's single row with a match from your actual table. If a row is found, tableVar will be updated; if not, the default value remains. Return the table variable.

    ---=== The table & its data
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Rates (
        PkId int,
        name varchar(10),
        rate decimal(10,2)
    INSERT INTO dbo.Rates(PkId, name, rate) VALUES (1, 'Schedule 1', 0.1)
    INSERT INTO dbo.Rates(PkId, name, rate) VALUES (2, 'Schedule 2', 0.2)

Here's the solution:

---=== The solution 
  @PkId int
  DECLARE @tempTable TABLE (
    PkId int, 
    name varchar(10), 
    rate decimal(10,2)

 --- [1] Insert default values into @tempTable. PkId=0 is dummy value  
 INSERT INTO @tempTable(PkId, name, rate) VALUES (0, 'DEFAULT', 0.00)

 --- [2] Update the single row in @tempTable with the actual value.
 ---     This only happens if a match is found
 UPDATE @tempTable
    SET t.PkId=x.PkId,, t.rate = x.rate
    FROM @tempTable t INNER JOIN dbo.Rates x
    ON t.PkId = 0
    WHERE x.PkId = @PkId

 SELECT * FROM @tempTable

Test the code:

EXEC dbo.GetRate @PkId=1     --- returns values for PkId=1
EXEC dbo.GetRate @PkId=12314 --- returns default values

How to hide a button programmatically?

In Kotlin

myButton.visibility = View.GONE

ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified

Step 1:

select object_name, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid 
from v$locked_object l, dba_objects o, v$session s, v$process p
where l.object_id = o.object_id and l.session_id = s.sid and s.paddr = p.addr;

Step 2:

alter system kill session 'sid,serial#'; --`sid` and `serial#` get from step 1

More info:

center aligning a fixed position div

Koen's answer doesn't exactly centers the element.

The proper way is to use CCS3 transform property. Although it's not supported in some old browsers. And we don't even need to set a fixed or relative width.

.centered {
    position: fixed;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, 0);

Working jsfiddle comparison here.

How do you perform address validation?

You can try Pitney Bowes “IdentifyAddress” Api available at -

The service analyses and compares the input addresses against the known address databases around the world to output a standardized detail. It corrects addresses, adds missing postal information and formats it using the format preferred by the applicable postal authority. I also uses additional address databases so it can provide enhanced detail, including address quality, type of address, transliteration (such as from Chinese Kanji to Latin characters) and whether an address is validated to the premise/house number, street, or city level of reference information.

You will find a lot of samples and sdk available on the site and i found it extremely easy to integrate.

Remove tracking branches no longer on remote

May be this command is what you want.

After run:

git remote prune origin

then run:

diff <(git branch | sed -e 's/*/ /g') <(git branch -r | sed -e 's/origin\///g') | grep '^<'

this will show all branch which not in (git branch -r) but in (git branch)

This method have a problem, it will also show the branch in local which have not pushed before

Release generating .pdb files, why?

Actually without PDB files and symbolic information they have it would be impossible to create a successful crash report (memory dump files) and Microsoft would not have the complete picture what caused the problem.

And so having PDB improves crash reporting.

Yahoo Finance API

Here's a simple scraper I created in c# to get streaming quote data printed out to a console. It should be easily converted to java. Based on the following post:

Not too fancy (i.e. no regex etc), just a fast & dirty solution.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

namespace WebDataAddin
    public class YahooConstants
        public const string AskPrice = "a00";
        public const string BidPrice = "b00";
        public const string DayRangeLow = "g00";
        public const string DayRangeHigh = "h00";
        public const string MarketCap = "j10";
        public const string Volume = "v00";
        public const string AskSize = "a50";
        public const string BidSize = "b60";
        public const string EcnBid = "b30";
        public const string EcnBidSize = "o50";
        public const string EcnExtHrBid = "z03";
        public const string EcnExtHrBidSize = "z04";
        public const string EcnAsk = "b20";
        public const string EcnAskSize = "o40";
        public const string EcnExtHrAsk = "z05";
        public const string EcnExtHrAskSize = "z07";
        public const string EcnDayHigh = "h01";
        public const string EcnDayLow = "g01";
        public const string EcnExtHrDayHigh = "h02";
        public const string EcnExtHrDayLow = "g11";
        public const string LastTradeTimeUnixEpochformat = "t10";
        public const string EcnQuoteLastTime = "t50";
        public const string EcnExtHourTime = "t51";
        public const string RtQuoteLastTime = "t53";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteLastTime = "t54";
        public const string LastTrade = "l10";
        public const string EcnQuoteLastValue = "l90";
        public const string EcnExtHourPrice = "l91";
        public const string RtQuoteLastValue = "l84";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteLastValue = "l86";
        public const string QuoteChangeAbsolute = "c10";
        public const string EcnQuoteAfterHourChangeAbsolute = "c81";
        public const string EcnQuoteChangeAbsolute = "c60";
        public const string EcnExtHourChange1 = "z02";
        public const string EcnExtHourChange2 = "z08";
        public const string RtQuoteChangeAbsolute = "c63";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteAfterHourChangeAbsolute = "c85";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteChangeAbsolute = "c64";
        public const string QuoteChangePercent = "p20";
        public const string EcnQuoteAfterHourChangePercent = "c82";
        public const string EcnQuoteChangePercent = "p40";
        public const string EcnExtHourPercentChange1 = "p41";
        public const string EcnExtHourPercentChange2 = "z09";
        public const string RtQuoteChangePercent = "p43";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteAfterHourChangePercent = "c86";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteChangePercent = "p44";

        public static readonly IDictionary<string, string> CodeMap = typeof(YahooConstants).GetFields().
            Where(field => field.FieldType == typeof(string)).
            ToDictionary(field => ((string)field.GetValue(null)).ToUpper(), field => field.Name);

    public static class StringBuilderExtensions
        public static bool HasPrefix(this StringBuilder builder, string prefix)
            return ContainsAtIndex(builder, prefix, 0);

        public static bool HasSuffix(this StringBuilder builder, string suffix)
            return ContainsAtIndex(builder, suffix, builder.Length - suffix.Length);

        private static bool ContainsAtIndex(this StringBuilder builder, string str, int index)
            if (builder != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && index >= 0
                && builder.Length >= str.Length + index)
                return !str.Where((t, i) => builder[index + i] != t).Any();
            return false;

    public class WebDataAddin
        public const string ScriptStart = "<script>";
        public const string ScriptEnd = "</script>";

        public const string MessageStart = "try{parent.yfs_";
        public const string MessageEnd = ");}catch(e){}";

        public const string DataMessage = "u1f(";
        public const string InfoMessage = "mktmcb(";

        protected static T ParseJson<T>(string json)
            // parse json - max acceptable value retrieved from 
            var deserializer = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = 2147483647 };
            return deserializer.Deserialize<T>(json);

        public static void Main()
            const string symbols = "GBPUSD=X,SPY,MSFT,BAC,QQQ,GOOG";
            // these are constants in the YahooConstants enum above
            const string attrs = "b00,b60,a00,a50";
            const string url = "{0}&k={1}&r=0&callback=parent.yfs_u1f&mktmcb=parent.yfs_mktmcb&gencallback=parent.yfs_gencb&region=US&lang=en-US&localize=0&mu=1";

            var req = WebRequest.Create(string.Format(url, symbols, attrs));
            req.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            var missingCodes = new HashSet<string>();
            var response = req.GetResponse();
            if(response != null)
                var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
                if (stream != null)
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        var builder = new StringBuilder();
                        var initialPayloadReceived = false;
                        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                            var c = (char)reader.Read();
                                if (builder.HasSuffix(ScriptStart))
                                    // chop off the first part, and re-append the
                                    // script tag (this is all we care about)
                                    initialPayloadReceived = true;
                                // check if we have a fully formed message
                                // (check suffix first to avoid re-checking 
                                // the prefix over and over)
                                if (builder.HasSuffix(ScriptEnd) &&
                                    var chop = ScriptStart.Length + MessageStart.Length;
                                    var javascript = builder.ToString(chop,
                                        builder.Length - ScriptEnd.Length - MessageEnd.Length - chop);

                                    if (javascript.StartsWith(DataMessage))
                                        var json = ParseJson<Dictionary<string, object>>(

                                        // parse out the data. key should be the symbol

                                        foreach(var symbol in json)
                                            Console.WriteLine("Symbol: {0}", symbol.Key);
                                            var symbolData = (Dictionary<string, object>) symbol.Value;
                                            foreach(var dataAttr in symbolData)
                                                var codeKey = dataAttr.Key.ToUpper();
                                                if (YahooConstants.CodeMap.ContainsKey(codeKey))
                                                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", YahooConstants.
                                                        CodeMap[codeKey], dataAttr.Value);
                                                } else
                                                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1} (Warning! No Code Mapping Found)", 
                                                        codeKey, dataAttr.Value);

                                    } else if(javascript.StartsWith(InfoMessage))
                                        var json = ParseJson<Dictionary<string, object>>(

                                        foreach (var dataAttr in json)
                                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", dataAttr.Key, dataAttr.Value);
                                    } else
                                        throw new Exception("Cannot recognize the message type");

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

You can validate group checkbox and radio button without extra js code, see below example.

Your JS should be look like:


You can play with HTML tag and attributes: eg. group checkbox [minlength=2 and maxlength=4]

<fieldset class="col-md-12">
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-12 form-group">
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="1" required="required" data-msg-required="This value is required." minlength="2" maxlength="4" data-msg-maxlength="Max should be 4">Monday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="2">Tuesday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="3">Wednesday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="4">Thursday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="5">Friday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="6">Saturday
        <label class="checkbox-inline">
          <input type="checkbox" name="daysgroup[]" value="7">Sunday
        <label for="daysgroup[]" class="error">Your error message will be display here.</label>

You can see here first or any one input should have required, minlength="2" and maxlength="4" attributes. minlength/maxlength as per your requirement.

eg. group radio button:

<fieldset class="col-md-12">
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-12 form-group">
        <label class="form-check-inline">
          <input type="radio" name="gendergroup[]" value="m" required="required" data-msg-required="This value is required.">man
        <label class="form-check-inline">
          <input type="radio" name="gendergroup[]" value="w">woman
        <label class="form-check-inline">
          <input type="radio" name="gendergroup[]" value="o">other
        <label for="gendergroup[]" class="error">Your error message will be display here.</label>

You can check working example here.

  • jQuery v3.3.x
  • jQuery Validation Plugin - v1.17.0

Pandas: Return Hour from Datetime Column Directly

Since the quickest, shortest answer is in a comment (from Jeff) and has a typo, here it is corrected and in full:

sales['time_hour'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(sales['timestamp']).hour

How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

I made a simple JQuery plugin for this if anyone is interested.

difference between throw and throw new Exception()

The first preserves the original stacktrace:

try { ... }
    // Do something.

The second allows you to change the type of the exception and/or the message and other data:

try { ... } catch (Exception e)
    throw new BarException("Something broke!");

There's also a third way where you pass an inner exception:

try { ... }
catch (FooException e) {
    throw new BarException("foo", e);

I'd recommend using:

  • the first if you want to do some cleanup in error situation without destroying information or adding information about the error.
  • the third if you want to add more information about the error.
  • the second if you want to hide information (from untrusted users).

How to give ASP.NET access to a private key in a certificate in the certificate store?

I figured out how to do this in Powershell that someone asked about:

$keyname=(((gci cert:\LocalMachine\my | ? {$_.thumbprint -like $thumbprint}).PrivateKey).CspKeyContainerInfo).UniqueKeyContainerName
$keypath = $env:ProgramData + “\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\”

$Acl = Get-Acl $fullpath
$Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("IIS AppPool\$iisAppPoolName", "Read", "Allow")
Set-Acl $fullpath $Acl

No module named Image

It is changed to : from PIL.Image import core as image for new versions.

iterating over each character of a String in ruby 1.8.6 (each_char)

But now you can do much more:

a = "cruel world"

a.scan(/\w+/)        #=> ["cruel", "world"]

a.scan(/.../)        #=> ["cru", "el ", "wor"]

a.scan(/(...)/)      #=> [["cru"], ["el "], ["wor"]]

a.scan(/(..)(..)/)   #=> [["cr", "ue"], ["l ", "wo"]]

Display Two <div>s Side-by-Side

Try to Use Flex as that is the new standard of html5.

<div id="row1">
    <div id="column1">I am column one</div>
    <div id="column2">I am column two</div>

justify-content: space-around;




How can multiple rows be concatenated into one in Oracle without creating a stored procedure?

There are many way to do the string aggregation, but the easiest is a user defined function. Try this for a way that does not require a function. As a note, there is no simple way without the function.

This is the shortest route without a custom function: (it uses the ROW_NUMBER() and SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH functions )

SELECT questionid,
       KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS elements
FROM   (SELECT questionid,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY questionid ORDER BY elementid) AS curr,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY questionid ORDER BY elementid) -1 AS prev
        FROM   emp)
GROUP BY questionid
CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr AND questionid = PRIOR questionid
START WITH curr = 1;

How do I open port 22 in OS X 10.6.7

There are 3 solutions available for these.

1) Enable remote login using below command - sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on

2) In Mac, go to System Preference -> Sharing -> enable Remote Login that's it. 100% working solution

3) Final and most important solution is - Check your private area network connection . Sometime remote login isn't allow inside the local area network.

Kindly try to connect your machine using personal network like mobile network, Hotspot etc.

Adding a Button to a WPF DataGrid

First create a DataGridTemplateColumn to contain the button:

      <Button Click="ShowHideDetails">Details</Button> 

When the button is clicked, update the containing DataGridRow's DetailsVisibility:

void ShowHideDetails(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    for (var vis = sender as Visual; vis != null; vis = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(vis) as Visual)
    if (vis is DataGridRow)
        var row = (DataGridRow)vis;
        row.DetailsVisibility = 
        row.DetailsVisibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;

difference between $query>num_rows() and $this->db->count_all_results() in CodeIgniter & which one is recommended

Which one is better and what is the difference between these two Its almost imposibble to me, someone just want to get the number of records without re-touching or perform another query which involved same resource. Furthermore, the memory used by these two function is in same way after all, since with count_all_result you still performing get (in CI AR terms), so i recomend you using the other one (or use count() instead) which gave you reusability benefits.

How to create a batch file to run cmd as administrator

To prevent the script from failing when the script file resides on a non system drive (c:) and in a directory with spaces.


@echo off
if _%1_==_payload_  goto :payload

    echo %~nx0: elevating self
    set vbs=%temp%\getadmin.vbs
    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)                >> "%vbs%"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "payload %~sdp0 %*", "", "runas", 1 >> "%vbs%"
    del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
goto :eof




echo...Script Complete....


1067 error on attempt to start MySQL

I had a problem changing the datadir in my.ini for Windows 7.

I wanted the data to be stored on a different drive and I was moving this data from another PC by copying the whole folder. I changed datadir to desired drive and saved the my.ini file with no problems.

But mysql would not start. I opened my.ini file again and it appeared to have been changed. Then, I noticed the date on the my.ini had not changed. So I had to change the security privileges to give me write access to it.

This time when I saved it, the date changed and mysql started up access to all the correct data.

iPad WebApp Full Screen in Safari

  1. First, launch your Safari browser from the Home screen and go to the webpage that you want to view full screen.

  2. After locating the webpage, tap on the arrow icon at the top of your screen.

  3. In the drop-down menu, tap on the Add to Home Screen option.

  4. The Add to Home window should be displayed. You can customize the description that will appear as a title on the home screen of your iPad. When you are done, tap on the Add button.

  5. A new icon should now appear on your home screen. Tapping on the icon will open the webpage in the fullscreen mode.

Note: The icon on your iPad home screen only opens the bookmarked page in the fullscreen mode. The next page you visit will be contain the Safari address and title bars. This way of playing your webpage or HTML5 presentation in the fullscreen mode works if the source code of the webpage contains the following tag:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

You can add this tag to your webpage using a third-party tool, for example iWeb SEO Tool or any other you like. Please note that you need to add the tag first, refresh the page and then add a bookmark to your home screen.

How to query all the GraphQL type fields without writing a long query?

GraphQL query format was designed in order to allow:

  1. Both query and result shape be exactly the same.
  2. The server knows exactly the requested fields, thus the client downloads only essential data.

However, according to GraphQL documentation, you may create fragments in order to make selection sets more reusable:

# Only most used selection properties

fragment UserDetails on User {

Then you could query all user details by:

FetchUsers {
    users() {

You can also add additional fields alongside your fragment:

FetchUserById($id: ID!) {
    users(id: $id) {

When should use Readonly and Get only properties

Methods suggest something has to happen to return the value, properties suggest that the value is already there. This is a rule of thumb, sometimes you might want a property that does a little work (i.e. Count), but generally it's a useful way to decide.

Get the last element of a std::string

In C++11 and beyond, you can use the back member function:

char ch = myStr.back();

In C++03, std::string::back is not available due to an oversight, but you can get around this by dereferencing the reverse_iterator you get back from rbegin:

char ch = *myStr.rbegin();

In both cases, be careful to make sure the string actually has at least one character in it! Otherwise, you'll get undefined behavior, which is a Bad Thing.

Hope this helps!

How to add jQuery to an HTML page?

You can include JQuery using any of the following:

  • Link Using jQuery with a CDN

<script src=""></script>

  • Download Jquery From Here and include in your project
  • Download latest version using this link

Your code placement can look something like this

  • Your Jquery should be included before using it any where else it will throw an error


<script src=""></script>
    $('input[type=radio]').change(function() {

    $('input[type=radio]').each(function(index) {



Get Hard disk serial Number

Hm, looking at your first set of code, I think you have retrieved (maybe?) the hard drive model. The serial # comes from Win32_PhysicalMedia.

Get Hard Drive model

    ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new
    ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive");

   foreach(ManagementObject wmi_HD in searcher.Get())
    HardDrive hd = new HardDrive();
    hd.Model = wmi_HD["Model"].ToString();
    hd.Type  = wmi_HD["InterfaceType"].ToString(); 

Get the Serial Number

 searcher = new
    ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMedia");

   int i = 0;
   foreach(ManagementObject wmi_HD in searcher.Get())
    // get the hard drive from collection
    // using index
    HardDrive hd = (HardDrive)hdCollection[i];

    // get the hardware serial no.
    if (wmi_HD["SerialNumber"] == null)
     hd.SerialNo = "None";
     hd.SerialNo = wmi_HD["SerialNumber"].ToString();



Hope this helps :)

C#: how to get first char of a string?

Try this,

string s1="good"; string s=s1.Substring(0,1);

Recyclerview and handling different type of row inflation

getItemViewType(int position) is the key

In my opinion,the starting point to create this kind of recyclerView is the knowledge of this method. Since this method is optional to override therefore it is not visible in RecylerView class by default which in turn makes many developers(including me) wonder where to begin. Once you know that this method exists, creating such RecyclerView would be a cakewalk.

enter image description here

How to do it ?

You can create a RecyclerView with any number of different Views(ViewHolders). But for better readability lets take an example of RecyclerView with two Viewholders.
Remember these 3 simple steps and you will be good to go.

  • Override public int getItemViewType(int position)
  • Return different ViewHolders based on the ViewType in onCreateViewHolder() method
  • Populate View based on the itemViewType in onBindViewHolder() method

    Here is a code snippet for you

    public class YourListAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
        private static final int LAYOUT_ONE= 0;
        private static final int LAYOUT_TWO= 1;
        public int getItemViewType(int position)
               return LAYOUT_ONE;
               return LAYOUT_TWO;
        public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
            View view =null;
            RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder = null;
               view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(,parent,false);
               viewHolder = new ViewHolderOne(view);
               view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.two,parent,false);
               viewHolder= new ViewHolderTwo(view);
            return viewHolder;
        public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
           if(holder.getItemViewType()== LAYOUT_ONE)
               // Typecast Viewholder 
               // Set Viewholder properties 
               // Add any click listener if any 
           else {
               ViewHolderOne vaultItemHolder = (ViewHolderOne) holder;
      View.OnClickListener() {
                   public void onClick(View v) {
       /****************  VIEW HOLDER 1 ******************//
       public class ViewHolderOne extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
           public TextView name;
           public ViewHolderOne(View itemView) {
           name = (TextView)itemView.findViewById(;
      //****************  VIEW HOLDER 2 ******************//
      public class ViewHolderTwo extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{
           public ViewHolderTwo(View itemView) {
               ..... Do something

GitHub Code:

Here is a project where I have implemented a RecyclerView with multiple ViewHolders.

Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android

To declare different layouts and bitmaps you'd like to use for the different screens, you must place these alternative resources in separate directories/folders.

This means that if you generate a 200x200 image for xhdpi devices, you should generate the same resource in 150x150 for hdpi, 100x100 for mdpi, and 75x75 for ldpi devices.

Then, place the files in the appropriate drawable resource directory:


Any time you reference @drawable/awesomeimage, the system selects the appropriate bitmap based on the screen's density.

gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object [Git 2.10.0]

Make sure you have your email set properly.

git config --global "[email protected]"

How to add header row to a pandas DataFrame

col_Names=["Sequence", "Start", "End", "Coverage"]
my_CSV_File= pd.read_csv("yourCSVFile.csv",names=col_Names)

having done this, just check it with[well obviously I know, u know that. But still...


Hope it helps ... Cheers

Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe

AFAIK, no such way. And there is also an ambiguity: what would you like to get as the answer if the same executable has multiple hard-links "pointing" to it? (Hard-links don't actually "point", they are the same file, just at another place in the file system hierarchy.)

Once execve() successfully executes a new binary, all information about the arguments to the original program is lost.

Java, Check if integer is multiple of a number

Use the remainder operator (also known as the modulo operator) which returns the remainder of the division and check if it is zero:

if (j % 4 == 0) {
     // j is an exact multiple of 4

How to fill background image of an UIView


UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bg.png"];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:img];


UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bg.png"];
view.layer.contents = img.CGImage;

get next and previous day with PHP

Simply use this

echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime("yesterday"));
echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime("tomorrow"));

Short rot13 function - Python

This works for uppercase and lowercase. I don't know how elegant you deem it to be.

def rot13(s):
    rot=lambda x:chr(ord(x)+13) if chr(ord(x.lower())+13).isalpha()==True else chr(ord(x)-13)
    s=[rot(i) for i in filter(lambda x:x!=',',map(str,s))]
    return ''.join(s)

How to make spring inject value into a static field

I've had a similar requirement: I needed to inject a Spring-managed repository bean into my Person entity class ("entity" as in "something with an identity", for example an JPA entity). A Person instance has friends, and for this Person instance to return its friends, it shall delegate to its repository and query for friends there.

public class Person {
    private static PersonRepository personRepository;

    private long id;

    public static void setPersonRepository(PersonRepository personRepository){
        this.personRepository = personRepository;

    public Set<Person> getFriends(){
        return personRepository.getFriends(id);



public class PersonRepository {

    public Person get Person(long id) {
        // do database-related stuff

    public Set<Person> getFriends(long id) {
        // do database-related stuff


So how did I inject that PersonRepository singleton into the static field of the Person class?

I created a @Configuration, which gets picked up at Spring ApplicationContext construction time. This @Configuration gets injected with all those beans that I need to inject as static fields into other classes. Then with a @PostConstruct annotation, I catch a hook to do all static field injection logic.

public class StaticFieldInjectionConfiguration {

    private PersonRepository personRepository;

    private void init() {

How to launch an application from a browser?

You can't really "launch an application" in the true sense. You can as you indicated ask the user to open a document (ie a PDF) and windows will attempt to use the default app for that file type. Many applications have a way to do this.

For example you can save RDP connections as a .rdp file. Putting a link on your site to something like this should allow the user to launch right into an RDP session:

<a href="MyServer1.rdp">Server 1</a>

How to handle static content in Spring MVC?

My own experience with this problem is as follows. Most Spring-related web pages and books seem to suggest that the most appropriate syntax is the following.

    <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />

The above syntax suggests that you can place your static resources (CSS, JavaScript, images) in a folder named "resources" in the root of your application, i.e. /webapp/resources/.

However, in my experience (I am using Eclipse and the Tomcat plugin), the only approach that works is if you place your resources folder inside WEB_INF (or META-INF). So, the syntax I recommend is the following.

    <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/WEB-INF/resources/" />

In your JSP (or similar) , reference the resource as follows.

<script type="text/javascript"

Needless to mention, the entire question only arose because I wanted my Spring dispatcher servlet (front controller) to intercept everything, everything dynamic, that is. So I have the following in my web.xml.

    <!-- spring automatically discovers /WEB-INF/<servlet-name>-servlet.xml -->


Finally, since I'm using current best practices, I have the following in my front controller servlet xml (see above).


And I have the following in my actual controller implementation, to ensure that I have a default method to handle all incoming requests.


I hope this helps.


Join on one-to-many relation in JPQL looks as follows:

select b.fname, b.lname from Users b JOIN b.groups c where c.groupName = :groupName 

When several properties are specified in select clause, result is returned as Object[]:

Object[] temp = (Object[]) em.createNamedQuery("...")
    .setParameter("groupName", groupName)
String fname = (String) temp[0];
String lname = (String) temp[1];

By the way, why your entities are named in plural form, it's confusing. If you want to have table names in plural, you may use @Table to specify the table name for the entity explicitly, so it doesn't interfere with reserved words:

@Entity @Table(name = "Users")     
public class User implements Serializable { ... } 

How to Exit a Method without Exiting the Program?

In addition to Mark's answer, you also need to be aware of scope, which (as in C/C++) is specified using braces. So:

if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox1.Text == String.Empty || textBox1.TextLength == 0)
    textBox3.Text += "[-] Listbox is Empty!!!!\r\n";

will always return at that point. However:

if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox1.Text == String.Empty || textBox1.TextLength == 0)
    textBox3.Text += "[-] Listbox is Empty!!!!\r\n";

will only return if it goes into that if statement.

Linq order by, group by and order by each group?

try this...

public class Student 
        public int Grade { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("Name{0} : Grade{1}", Name, Grade);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

      List<Student> listStudents = new List<Student>();
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 10, Name = "Pedro" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 10, Name = "Luana" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 10, Name = "Maria" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 11, Name = "Mario" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 15, Name = "Mario" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 10, Name = "Bruno" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 10, Name = "Luana" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 11, Name = "Luana" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 22, Name = "Maria" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 55, Name = "Bruno" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 77, Name = "Maria" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 66, Name = "Maria" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 88, Name = "Bruno" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 42, Name = "Pedro" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 33, Name = "Bruno" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 33, Name = "Luciana" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 17, Name = "Maria" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 25, Name = "Luana" });
      listStudents.Add(new Student() { Grade = 25, Name = "Pedro" });

      listStudents.GroupBy(g => g.Name).OrderBy(g => g.Key).SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(x => x.Grade)).ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.ToString()));

What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?

I think the 2 sets of brackets makes it a bit confusing but I saw another usage in googles example, they used something similar, I hope this will help you understand better:

var app = || ( = {});

so if is not defined, then = {} is immediately executed, so is assigned with {} during the condition evaluation, so the result is both app and now become {}, so console output is:

Object {}
Object {}

Run react-native application on iOS device directly from command line?

Run this command in project root directory.

1>. List of iPhone devices for found the connected Real Devices and Simulator. same as like adb devices command for android.

xcrun instruments -s devices

2>. Select device using this command which you want to run your app

Using Device Name

react-native run-ios --device "Kool's iPhone"

Using UDID

react-native run-ios --device --udid 0412e2c2******51699

wait and watch to run your app in specific devices - K00L ;)

Assign static IP to Docker container

If you want your container to have it's own virtual ethernet socket (with it's own MAC address), iptables, then use the Macvlan driver. This may be necessary to route traffic out to your/ISPs router.

The activity must be exported or contain an intent-filter

I changed the Select Run/Debug Configuration from my MainActivity to App and it started working. Select App configuration snapshot:

enter image description here

How to draw a standard normal distribution in R

I am pretty sure this is a duplicate. Anyway, have a look at the following piece of code

x <- seq(5, 15, length=1000)
y <- dnorm(x, mean=10, sd=3)
plot(x, y, type="l", lwd=1)

I'm sure you can work the rest out yourself, for the title you might want to look for something called main= and y-axis labels are also up to you.

If you want to see more of the tails of the distribution, why don't you try playing with the seq(5, 15, ) section? Finally, if you want to know more about what dnorm is doing I suggest you look here

Inner Joining three tables

try this:

JOIN TableB ON TableA.primary_key = TableB.foreign_key 
JOIN TableB ON TableB.foreign_key = TableC.foreign_key

how to remove css property using javascript?

removeProperty will remove a style from an element.


MDN documentation page:

Questions every good PHP Developer should be able to answer

"Why aren't you using something else?"

Sorry, someone had to say it :)

Scroll to bottom of div?

On my Angular 6 application I just did this:

postMessage() {
  // post functions here
  let history = document.getElementById('history')
  let interval    
  interval = setInterval(function() {
    history.scrollTop = history.scrollHeight
  }, 1)

The clearInterval(interval) function will stop the timer to allow manual scroll top / bottom.

HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests was similar to the already mentioned tools and also had a very nice UI.

RequestBin gives you a URL that will collect requests made to it and let you inspect them in a human-friendly way. Use RequestBin to see what your HTTP client is sending or to inspect and debug webhook requests.

Though it has been discontinued as of Mar 21, 2018.

We have discontinued the publicly hosted version of RequestBin due to ongoing abuse that made it very difficult to keep the site up reliably. Please see instructions for setting up your own self-hosted instance.

How to get the sizes of the tables of a MySQL database?

Adapted from ChapMic's answer to suite my particular need.

Only specify your database name, then sort all the tables in descending order - from LARGEST to SMALLEST table inside selected database. Needs only 1 variable to be replaced = your database name.

table_name AS `Table`, 
round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) AS `size`
FROM information_schema.TABLES 

How to update a plot in matplotlib?

You essentially have two options:

  1. Do exactly what you're currently doing, but call graph1.clear() and graph2.clear() before replotting the data. This is the slowest, but most simplest and most robust option.

  2. Instead of replotting, you can just update the data of the plot objects. You'll need to make some changes in your code, but this should be much, much faster than replotting things every time. However, the shape of the data that you're plotting can't change, and if the range of your data is changing, you'll need to manually reset the x and y axis limits.

To give an example of the second option:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 6*np.pi, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

# You probably won't need this if you're embedding things in a tkinter plot...

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
line1, = ax.plot(x, y, 'r-') # Returns a tuple of line objects, thus the comma

for phase in np.linspace(0, 10*np.pi, 500):
    line1.set_ydata(np.sin(x + phase))

How to send email attachments?

The simplest code I could get to is:

#for attachment email
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage

    def attachment_email(request):
            email = EmailMessage(
            'Hello', #subject
            'Body goes here', #body
            '[email protected]', #from
            ['[email protected]'], #to
            ['[email protected]'], #bcc
            reply_to=['[email protected]'],
            headers={'Message-ID': 'foo'},


It was based on the official Django documentation

ListView item background via custom selector

The solution by dglmtn doesn't work when you have a 9-patch drawable with padding as background. Strange things happen, I don't even want to talk about it, if you have such a problem, you know them.

Now, If you want to have a listview with different states and 9-patch drawables (it would work with any drawables and colors, I think) you have to do 2 things:

  1. Set the selector for the items in the list.
  2. Get rid of the default selector for the list.

What you should do is first set the row_selector.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="" >
    <item android:state_enabled="true" 
     android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_pressed" />
    <item android:state_enabled="true"
     android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_focused" />
    <item android:state_enabled="true"
     android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_focused" />
     android:drawable="@drawable/list_item_bg_normal" />

Don't forget the android:state_selected. It works like android:state_focused for the list, but it's applied for the list item.

Now apply the selector to the items (row.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

Make a transparent selector for the list:


This should do the thing.

Array[n] vs Array[10] - Initializing array with variable vs real number

In C++, variable length arrays are not legal. G++ allows this as an "extension" (because C allows it), so in G++ (without being -pedantic about following the C++ standard), you can do:

int n = 10;
double a[n]; // Legal in g++ (with extensions), illegal in proper C++

If you want a "variable length array" (better called a "dynamically sized array" in C++, since proper variable length arrays aren't allowed), you either have to dynamically allocate memory yourself:

int n = 10;
double* a = new double[n]; // Don't forget to delete [] a; when you're done!

Or, better yet, use a standard container:

int n = 10;
std::vector<double> a(n); // Don't forget to #include <vector>

If you still want a proper array, you can use a constant, not a variable, when creating it:

const int n = 10;
double a[n]; // now valid, since n isn't a variable (it's a compile time constant)

Similarly, if you want to get the size from a function in C++11, you can use a constexpr:

constexpr int n()
    return 10;

double a[n()]; // n() is a compile time constant expression

How to check if an NSDictionary or NSMutableDictionary contains a key?

objectForKey will return nil if a key doesn't exist.

How to set proper codeigniter base url?

Base URL should be absolute, including the protocol:

$config['base_url'] = "";

If using the URL helper, then base_url() will output the above string.

Passing arguments to base_url() or site_url() will result in the following (assuming $config['index_page'] = "index.php";:

echo base_url('assets/stylesheet.css'); //
echo site_url('mycontroller/mymethod'); //

javascript set cookie with expire time

Below are code snippets to create and delete a cookie. The cookie is set for 1 day.

// 1 Day = 24 Hrs = 24*60*60 = 86400.
  1. By using max-age:

    • Creating the cookie:

    document.cookie = "cookieName=cookieValue; max-age=86400; path=/;";
    • Deleting the cookie:

    document.cookie = "cookieName=; max-age=- (any digit); path=/;";
  2. By using expires:

    • Syntax for creating the cookie for one day:

    var expires = (new Date( 86400*1000)).toUTCString();
    document.cookie = "cookieName=cookieValue; expires=" + expires + 86400) + ";path=/;"

How to clear a data grid view

You can clear DataGridView in this manner


If it is databound then try this

dataGridView1.Rows.Clear() // If dgv is bound to datatable

Select option padding not working in chrome

I have a little trick for your problem. But for that you must use javascript. If you detected that the browser is Chrome insert "dummy" options between every options. Give a new class for those "dummy" options and make them disabled. The height of "dummy" options you can define with font-size property.


option.dummy-option-for-chrome {


function prepareHtml5Selects() {

  var is_chrome = /chrome/.test( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() );
  if(!is_chrome) return;

  $('select > option').each(function() {
    $('<option class="dummy-option-for-chrome" disabled></option>')
  $('<option class="dummy-option-for-chrome" disabled></option>')
    .insertAfter($('select > option:last-child'));

WCFTestClient The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'

Here's what I had to do to get this working. This means:

  1. Custom UserNamePasswordValidator (no need for a Windows account, SQLServer or ActiveDirectory -- your UserNamePasswordValidator could have username & password hardcoded, or read it from a text file, MySQL or whatever).
  2. https
  3. IIS7
  4. .net 4.0

My site is managed through DotNetPanel. It has 3 security options for virtual directories:

  1. Allow Anonymous Access
  2. Enable Basic Authentication
  3. Enable Integrated Windows Authentication

Only "Allow Anonymous Access" is needed (although, that, by itself wasn't enough).


proxy.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel =  System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;

Didn't make a difference in my case.

However, using this binding worked:

      <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
        <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />
        <message clientCredentialType="UserName" />

Getting request payload from POST request in Java servlet

Using Java 8 try with resources:

    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    try(BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()))) {
        char[] charBuffer = new char[1024];
        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = > 0) {
            stringBuilder.append(charBuffer, 0, bytesRead);

Calling a php function by onclick event

Use this html code it will surely help you

<input type="button" value="NEXT"  onclick="document.write('<?php //call a function here ex- 'fun();' ?>');" />

one limitation is that it is taking more time to run so wait for few seconds it will work

Alter Table Add Column Syntax

The correct syntax for adding column into table is:

ALTER TABLE table_name
  ADD column_name column-definition;

In your case it will be:

  ADD EmployeeID int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1)

To add multiple columns use brackets:

ALTER TABLE table_name
  ADD (column_1 column-definition,
       column_2 column-definition,
       column_n column_definition);

COLUMN keyword in SQL SERVER is used only for altering:

ALTER TABLE table_name
  ALTER COLUMN column_name column_type;

Anaconda Installed but Cannot Launch Navigator

I had a similar issue today where only the prompt was available after installation. Finally solved this by un-installing my regular python installation and then install anaconda(anaconda 3 v5.2.0, with python 3.6).

How to install mcrypt extension in xampp

The recent versions of XAMPP for Windows runs PHP 7.x which are NOT compatible with mbcrypt. If you have a package like Laravel that requires mbcrypt, you will need to install an older version of XAMPP. OR, you can run XAMPP with multiple versions of PHP by downloading a PHP package from, installing it in your XAMPP folder, and configuring php.ini and httpd.conf to use the correct version of PHP for your site.

Rounding float in Ruby

You can also provide a negative number as an argument to the round method to round to the nearest multiple of 10, 100 and so on.

# Round to the nearest multiple of 10. 
12.3453.round(-1)       # Output: 10

# Round to the nearest multiple of 100. 
124.3453.round(-2)      # Output: 100

What does void* mean and how to use it?

You can have a look at this article about pointers and read the chapter : void pointers.

This also works for C language.

The void type of pointer is a special type of pointer. In C++, void represents the absence of type, so void pointers are pointers that point to a value that has no type (and thus also an undetermined length and undetermined dereference properties).

This allows void pointers to point to any data type, from an integer value or a float to a string of characters. But in exchange they have a great limitation: the data pointed by them cannot be directly dereferenced (which is logical, since we have no type to dereference to), and for that reason we will always have to cast the address in the void pointer to some other pointer type that points to a concrete data type before dereferencing it.


replace below lines:

<permission android:name="com.myapp.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.myapp.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" 
android:protectionLevel="signature" /> 

casting int to char using C++ style casting

You should use static_cast<char>(i) to cast the integer i to char.

reinterpret_cast should almost never be used, unless you want to cast one type into a fundamentally different type.

Also reinterpret_cast is machine dependent so safely using it requires complete understanding of the types as well as how the compiler implements the cast.

For more information about C++ casting see:

Calculate mean and standard deviation from a vector of samples in C++ using Boost

2x faster than the versions before mentioned - mostly because transform() and inner_product() loops are joined. Sorry about my shortcut/typedefs/macro: Flo = float. CR const ref. VFlo - vector. Tested in VS2010

#define fe(EL, CONTAINER)   for each (auto EL in CONTAINER)  //VS2010
Flo stdDev(VFlo CR crVec) {
    SZ  n = crVec.size();               if (n < 2) return 0.0f;
    Flo fSqSum = 0.0f, fSum = 0.0f;
    fe(f, crVec) fSqSum += f * f;       // EDIT: was Cit(VFlo, crVec) {
    fe(f, crVec) fSum   += f;
    Flo fSumSq      = fSum * fSum;
    Flo fSumSqDivN  = fSumSq / n;
    Flo fSubSqSum   = fSqSum - fSumSqDivN;
    Flo fPreSqrt    = fSubSqSum / (n - 1);
    return sqrt(fPreSqrt);

onchange event for html.dropdownlist

You can do this

@Html.DropDownList("Sortby", new SelectListItem[] { new SelectListItem() 

       Text = "Newest to Oldest", Value = "0" }, new SelectListItem() { Text = "Oldest to Newest", Value = "1" } , new
           onchange = @"form.submit();"

A failure occurred while executing

Working on android studio: 3.6.3 and gradle version:

classpath ''
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.3.72"

Adding this line in file


How do I use WPF bindings with RelativeSource?

I didn't read every answer, but I just want to add this information in case of relative source command binding of a button.

When you use a relative source with Mode=FindAncestor, the binding must be like:

Command="{Binding Path=DataContext.CommandProperty, RelativeSource={...}}"

If you don't add DataContext in your path, at execution time it can't retrieve the property.

Convert base class to derived class

I have found one solution to this, not saying it's the best one, but it feels clean to me and doesn't require any major changes to my code. My code looked similar to yours until I realized it didn't work.

My Base Class

public class MyBaseClass
   public string BaseProperty1 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty2 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty3 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty4 { get; set; }
   public string BaseProperty5 { get; set; }

My Derived Class

public class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
   public string DerivedProperty1 { get; set; }
   public string DerivedProperty2 { get; set; }
   public string DerivedProperty3 { get; set; }

Previous method to get a populated base class

public MyBaseClass GetPopulatedBaseClass()
   var myBaseClass = new MyBaseClass();

   myBaseClass.BaseProperty1 = "Something"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty2 = "Something else"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty3 = "Something more"

   return myBaseClass;

Before I was trying this, which gave me a unable to cast error

public MyDerivedClass GetPopulatedDerivedClass()
   var newDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass)GetPopulatedBaseClass();

   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty1 = "Some One";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty2 = "Some Thing";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty3 = "Some Thing Else";

   return newDerivedClass;

I changed my code as follows bellow and it seems to work and makes more sense now:


public MyBaseClass GetPopulatedBaseClass()
   var myBaseClass = new MyBaseClass();

   myBaseClass.BaseProperty1 = "Something"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty2 = "Something else"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty3 = "Something more"

   return myBaseClass;


public void FillBaseClass(MyBaseClass myBaseClass)
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty1 = "Something"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty2 = "Something else"
   myBaseClass.BaseProperty3 = "Something more"


public MyDerivedClass GetPopulatedDerivedClass()
   var newDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass)GetPopulatedBaseClass();

   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty1 = "Some One";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty2 = "Some Thing";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty3 = "Some Thing Else";

   return newDerivedClass;


public MyDerivedClass GetPopulatedDerivedClass()
   var newDerivedClass = new MyDerivedClass();


   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty1 = "Some One";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty2 = "Some Thing";
   newDerivedClass.UniqueProperty3 = "Some Thing Else";

   return newDerivedClass;

Python class returning value

Use __new__ to return value from a class.

As others suggest __repr__,__str__ or even __init__ (somehow) CAN give you what you want, But __new__ will be a semantically better solution for your purpose since you want the actual object to be returned and not just the string representation of it.

Read this answer for more insights into __str__ and __repr__

class MyClass():
    def __new__(cls):
        return list() #or anything you want

>>> MyClass()
[]   #Returns a true list not a repr or string

How permission can be checked at runtime without throwing SecurityException?

You should check for permissions in the following way (as described here Android permissions):

int result = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(getContext(), Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE);

then, compare your result to either:

result == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED


result == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED

How to Display Multiple Google Maps per page with API V3

You haven't defined a div with id="map_canvas", you only have id="map_canvas2" and id="route2". The div ids need to match the argument in the GMap() constructor.

How to change background Opacity when bootstrap modal is open

After a day of struggling I figured out setting height :100% to class worked. height : 100% made opacity to show up whole page.

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

use the following function:

def is_numeric? val
    return val.try(:to_f).try(:to_s) == val


is_numeric? "1.2f" = false

is_numeric? "1.2" = true

is_numeric? "12f" = false

is_numeric? "12" = true

How to do a HTTP HEAD request from the windows command line?

1) See the headers that come back from a GET request

wget --server-response -O /dev/null http://....

1a) Save the headers that come back from a GET request

wget --server-response -o headers -O /dev/null http://....

2) See the headers that come back from GET HEAD request

wget --server-response --spider http://....

2a) Save the headers that come back from a GET HEAD request

wget --server-response --spider -o headers http://....
  • David

log4j vs logback

Should you? Yes.

Why? Log4J has essentially been deprecated by Logback.

Is it urgent? Maybe not.

Is it painless? Probably, but it may depend on your logging statements.

Note that if you really want to take full advantage of LogBack (or SLF4J), then you really need to write proper logging statements. This will yield advantages like faster code because of the lazy evaluation, and less lines of code because you can avoid guards.

Finally, I highly recommend SLF4J. (Why recreate the wheel with your own facade?)

PHP exec() vs system() vs passthru()

It really all comes down to how you want to handle output that the command might return and whether you want your PHP script to wait for the callee program to finish or not.

  • exec executes a command and passes output to the caller (or returns it in an optional variable).

  • passthru is similar to the exec() function in that it executes a command . This function should be used in place of exec() or system() when the output from the Unix command is binary data which needs to be passed directly back to the browser.

  • system executes an external program and displays the output, but only the last line.

If you need to execute a command and have all the data from the command passed directly back without any interference, use the passthru() function.

Changing the action of a form with JavaScript/jQuery

jQuery (1.4.2) gets confused if you have any form elements named "action". You can get around this by using the DOM attribute methods or simply avoid having form elements named "action".

<form action="foo">
  <button name="action" value="bar">Go</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('form').attr('action', 'baz'); //this fails silently
  $('form').get(0).setAttribute('action', 'baz'); //this works

Are the decimal places in a CSS width respected?

If it's a percentage width, then yes, it is respected. As Martin pointed out, things break down when you get to fractional pixels, but if your percentage values yield integer pixel value (e.g. 50.5% of 200px in the example) you'll get sensible, expected behaviour.

Edit: I've updated the example to show what happens to fractional pixels (in Chrome the values are truncated, so 50, 50.5 and 50.6 all show the same width).

Python SQLite: database is locked

I had the same problem: sqlite3.IntegrityError

As mentioned in many answers, the problem is that a connection has not been properly closed.

In my case I had try except blocks. I was accessing the database in the try block and when an exception was raised I wanted to do something else in the except block.

    conn = sqlite3.connect(path)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('''INSERT INTO ...''')
    conn = sqlite3.connect(path)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('''DELETE FROM ...''')
    cur.execute('''INSERT INTO ...''')

However, when the exception was being raised the connection from the try block had not been closed.

I solved it using with statements inside the blocks.

    with sqlite3.connect(path) as conn:
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('''INSERT INTO ...''')
    with sqlite3.connect(path) as conn:
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('''DELETE FROM ...''')
        cur.execute('''INSERT INTO ...''')

Mergesort with Python

A little late the the party, but I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring as my solution seems to run faster than OP's (on my machine, anyway):

# [Python 3]
def merge_sort(arr):
    if len(arr) < 2:
        return arr
    half = len(arr) // 2
    left = merge_sort(arr[:half])
    right = merge_sort(arr[half:])
    out = []
    li = ri = 0  # index of next element from left, right halves
    while True:
        if li >= len(left):  # left half is exhausted
        if ri >= len(right): # right half is exhausted
        if left[li] < right[ri]:
            li += 1
            ri += 1
    return out

This doesn't have any slow pop()s, and once one of the half-arrays is exhausted, it immediately extends the other one onto the output array rather than starting a new loop.

I know it's machine dependent, but for 100,000 random elements (above merge_sort() vs. Python built-in sorted()):

merge sort: 1.03605 seconds
Python sort: 0.045 seconds
Ratio merge / Python sort: 23.0229

Improve SQL Server query performance on large tables

Simple Answer: NO. You cannot help ad hoc queries on a 238 column table with a 50% Fill Factor on the Clustered Index.

Detailed Answer:

As I have stated in other answers on this topic, Index design is both Art and Science and there are so many factors to consider that there are few, if any, hard and fast rules. You need to consider: the volume of DML operations vs SELECTs, disk subsystem, other indexes / triggers on the table, distribution of data within the table, are queries using SARGable WHERE conditions, and several other things that I can't even remember right now.

I can say that no help can be given for questions on this topic without an understanding of the Table itself, its indexes, triggers, etc. Now that you have posted the table definition (still waiting on the Indexes but the Table definition alone points to 99% of the issue) I can offer some suggestions.

First, if the table definition is accurate (238 columns, 50% Fill Factor) then you can pretty much ignore the rest of the answers / advice here ;-). Sorry to be less-than-political here, but seriously, it's a wild goose chase without knowing the specifics. And now that we see the table definition it becomes quite a bit clearer as to why a simple query would take so long, even when the test queries (Update #1) ran so quickly.

The main problem here (and in many poor-performance situations) is bad data modeling. 238 columns is not prohibited just like having 999 indexes is not prohibited, but it is also generally not very wise.


  1. First, this table really needs to be remodeled. If this is a data warehouse table then maybe, but if not then these fields really need to be broken up into several tables which can all have the same PK. You would have a master record table and the child tables are just dependent info based on commonly associated attributes and the PK of those tables is the same as the PK of the master table and hence also FK to the master table. There will be a 1-to-1 relationship between master and all child tables.
  2. The use of ANSI_PADDING OFF is disturbing, not to mention inconsistent within the table due to the various column additions over time. Not sure if you can fix that now, but ideally you would always have ANSI_PADDING ON, or at the very least have the same setting across all ALTER TABLE statements.
  3. Consider creating 2 additional File Groups: Tables and Indexes. It is best not to put your stuff in PRIMARY as that is where SQL SERVER stores all of its data and meta-data about your objects. You create your Table and Clustered Index (as that is the data for the table) on [Tables] and all Non-Clustered indexes on [Indexes]
  4. Increase the Fill Factor from 50%. This low number is likely why your index space is larger than your data space. Doing an Index Rebuild will recreate the data pages with a max of 4k (out of the total 8k page size) used for your data so your table is spread out over a wide area.
  5. If most or all queries have "ER101_ORG_CODE" in the WHERE condition, then consider moving that to the leading column of the clustered index. Assuming that it is used more often than "ER101_ORD_NBR". If "ER101_ORD_NBR" is used more often then keep it. It just seems, assuming that the field names mean "OrganizationCode" and "OrderNumber", that "OrgCode" is a better grouping that might have multiple "OrderNumbers" within it.
  6. Minor point, but if "ER101_ORG_CODE" is always 2 characters, then use CHAR(2) instead of VARCHAR(2) as it will save a byte in the row header which tracks variable width sizes and adds up over millions of rows.
  7. As others here have mentioned, using SELECT * will hurt performance. Not only due to it requiring SQL Server to return all columns and hence be more likely to do a Clustered Index Scan regardless of your other indexes, but it also takes SQL Server time to go to the table definition and translate * into all of the column names. It should be slightly faster to specify all 238 column names in the SELECT list though that won't help the Scan issue. But do you ever really need all 238 columns at the same time anyway?

Good luck!

For the sake of completeness to the question "how to improve performance on a large table for ad-hoc queries", it should be noted that while it will not help for this specific case, IF someone is using SQL Server 2012 (or newer when that time comes) and IF the table is not being updated, then using Columnstore Indexes is an option. For more details on that new feature, look here: (I believe these were made to be updateable starting in SQL Server 2014).

Additional considerations are:

  • Enable compression on the Clustered Index. This option became available in SQL Server 2008, but as an Enterprise Edition-only feature. However, as of SQL Server 2016 SP1, Data Compression was made available in all editions! Please see the MSDN page for Data Compression for details on Row and Page Compression.
  • If you cannot use Data Compression, or if it won't provide much benefit for a particular table, then IF you have a column of a fixed-length type (INT, BIGINT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, CHAR, NCHAR, BINARY, DATETIME, SMALLDATETIME, MONEY, etc) and well over 50% of the rows are NULL, then consider enabling the SPARSE option which became available in SQL Server 2008. Please see the MSDN page for Use Sparse Columns for details.

Check if null Boolean is true results in exception

Boolean types can be null. You need to do a null check as you have set it to null.

if (bool != null && bool)

Trim last 3 characters of a line WITHOUT using sed, or perl, etc

If the script always outputs lines of 10 characters followed by 3 extra (in other words, you just want the first 10 characters), you can use

script | cut -c 1-10

If it outputs an uncertain number of non-space characters, followed by a space and then 2 other extra characters (in other words, you just want the first field), you can use

script | cut -d ' ' -f 1

... as in majhool's comment earlier. Depending on your platform, you may also have colrm, which, again, would work if the lines are a fixed length:

script | colrm 11

Getting the text that follows after the regex match

Your regex "sentence(.*)" is right. To retrieve the contents of the group in parenthesis, you would call:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "sentence(.*)" );
Matcher m = p.matcher( "some lame sentence that is awesome" );
if ( m.find() ) {
   String s =; // " that is awesome"

Note the use of m.find() in this case (attempts to find anywhere on the string) and not m.matches() (would fail because of the prefix "some lame"; in this case the regex would need to be ".*sentence(.*)")

Error: Cannot find module 'ejs'

I face same error for ejs, then i just run node install ejs This will install ejs again.

and then also run npm install to install node_modules again. That's work for me.

Python "SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file"

I had the same error while copying and pasting a comment from the web

For me it was a single quote (') in the word

I just erased it and re-typed it.

html script src="" triggering redirection with button

First you are linking the file that is here:

<script src="../Script/login.js"> 

Which would lead the website to a file in the Folder Script, but then in the second paragraph you are saying that the folder name is

and also i have onother folder named scripts that contains the the following login.js file

So, this won't work! Because you are not accessing the correct file. To do that please write the code as

<script src="/script/login.js"></script>

Try removing the .. from the beginning of the code too.

This way, you'll reach the js file where the function would run!

Just to make sure:

Just to make sure that the files are attached the HTML DOM, then please open Developer Tools (F12) and in the network workspace note each request that the browser makes to the server. This way you will learn which files were loaded and which weren't, and also why they were not!

Good luck.

Android - Adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent-filter after Updating SDK version 23

this solution work only .if your want to ignore this Warning

<manifest xmlns:android=""

How to get row from R data.frame

10 years later ---> Using tidyverse we could achieve this simply and borrowing a leaf from Christopher Bottoms. For a better grasp, see slice().

x <- structure(list(A = c(5,    3.5, 3.25, 4.25,  1.5 ), 
                    B = c(4.25, 4,   4,    4.5,   4.5 ),
                    C = c(4.5,  2.5, 4,    2.25,  3   )
.Names    = c("A", "B", "C"),
class     = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA, -5L)

#>      A    B    C
#> 1 5.00 4.25 4.50
#> 2 3.50 4.00 2.50
#> 3 3.25 4.00 4.00
#> 4 4.25 4.50 2.25
#> 5 1.50 4.50 3.00

y<-c(A=5, B=4.25, C=4.5)
#>    A    B    C 
#> 5.00 4.25 4.50

#The slice() verb allows one to subset data row-wise. 
x <- x %>% slice(1) #(n) for the nth row, or (i:n) for range i to n, (i:n()) for i to last row...

#>   A    B   C
#> 1 5 4.25 4.5

#Test that the items in the row match the vector you wanted
#>      A    B    C

Created on 2020-08-06 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Generating random numbers in Objective-C

As of iOS 9 and OS X 10.11, you can use the new GameplayKit classes to generate random numbers in a variety of ways.

You have four source types to choose from: a general random source (unnamed, down to the system to choose what it does), linear congruential, ARC4 and Mersenne Twister. These can generate random ints, floats and bools.

At the simplest level, you can generate a random number from the system's built-in random source like this:

NSInteger rand = [[GKRandomSource sharedRandom] nextInt];

That generates a number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. If you want a number between 0 and an upper bound (exclusive) you'd use this:

NSInteger rand6 = [[GKRandomSource sharedRandom] nextIntWithUpperBound:6];

GameplayKit has some convenience constructors built in to work with dice. For example, you can roll a six-sided die like this:

GKRandomDistribution *d6 = [GKRandomDistribution d6];
[d6 nextInt];

Plus you can shape the random distribution by using things like GKShuffledDistribution.

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

Even both eacceleator and xcache perform quite well during moderate loads, APC maintains its stability under serious request intensity. If we're talking about a few hundred requests/sec here, you'll not feel the difference. But if you're trying to respond more, definetely stick with APC. Especially if your application has overly dynamic characteristics which will likely cause locking issues under such loads. may help.

Can I use a min-height for table, tr or td?

The solution without div is used a pseudo element like ::after into first td in row with min-height. Save your HTML clean.

table tr td:first-child::after {
   content: "";
   display: inline-block;
   vertical-align: top;
   min-height: 60px;

SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

I had this problem because i was adding bundle and certificate in wrong order so maybe this could help someone else.

Before (which is wrong) :

cat ca_bundle.crt certificate.crt > bundle_chained.crt

After (which is right)

cat certificate.crt ca_bundle.crt > bundle_chained.crt

And Please don't forget to update the appropriate conf (ssl_certificate must now point to the chained crt) as

server {
    listen              443 ssl;
    ssl_certificate     bundle_chained.crt;

From the nginx manpage:

If the server certificate and the bundle have been concatenated in the wrong order, nginx will fail to start and will display the error message:

SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(" ... /") failed
   (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:
    X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch)

How to convert Map keys to array?

You can use the spread operator to convert Map.keys() iterator in an Array.

let myMap = new Map().set('a', 1).set('b', 2).set(983, true)_x000D_
let keys = [...myMap.keys()]_x000D_

How to get post slug from post in WordPress?

Wordpress: Get post/page slug

// Custom function to return the post slug
function the_slug($echo=true){
  $slug = basename(get_permalink());
  do_action('before_slug', $slug);
  $slug = apply_filters('slug_filter', $slug);
  if( $echo ) echo $slug;
  do_action('after_slug', $slug);
  return $slug;
<?php if (function_exists('the_slug')) { the_slug(); } ?>

VBA shorthand for x=x+1?

Sadly there are no operation-assignment operators in VBA.

(Addition-assignment += are available in VB.Net)

Pointless workaround;

Sub Inc(ByRef i As Integer)
   i = i + 1  
End Sub
Static value As Integer
inc value
inc value

Trim spaces from end of a NSString

A simple solution to only trim one end instead of both ends in Objective-C:

@implementation NSString (category)

/// trims the characters at the end
- (NSString *)stringByTrimmingSuffixCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)characterSet {
    NSUInteger i = self.length;
    while (i > 0 && [characterSet characterIsMember:[self characterAtIndex:i - 1]]) {
    return [self substringToIndex:i];


And a symmetrical utility for trimming the beginning only:

@implementation NSString (category)

/// trims the characters at the beginning
- (NSString *)stringByTrimmingPrefixCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)characterSet {
    NSUInteger i = 0;
    while (i < self.length && [characterSet characterIsMember:[self characterAtIndex:i]]) {
    return [self substringFromIndex:i];


Compare 2 JSON objects

Simply parsing the JSON and comparing the two objects is not enough because it wouldn't be the exact same object references (but might be the same values).

You need to do a deep equals.

From - which seems the use jQuery.

Object.extend(Object, {
   deepEquals: function(o1, o2) {
     var k1 = Object.keys(o1).sort();
     var k2 = Object.keys(o2).sort();
     if (k1.length != k2.length) return false;
     return, function(keyPair) {
       if(typeof o1[keyPair[0]] == typeof o2[keyPair[1]] == "object"){
         return deepEquals(o1[keyPair[0]], o2[keyPair[1]])
       } else {
         return o1[keyPair[0]] == o2[keyPair[1]];


var anObj = JSON.parse(jsonString1);
var anotherObj= JSON.parse(jsonString2);

if (Object.deepEquals(anObj, anotherObj))

LINQ: Distinct values

// First Get DataTable as dt
// DataRowComparer Compare columns numbers in each row & data in each row

IEnumerable<DataRow> Distinct = dt.AsEnumerable().Distinct(DataRowComparer.Default);

foreach (DataRow row in Distinct)
    Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} {1,-15}",

How to invert a grep expression

As stated multiple times, inversion is achieved by the -v option to grep. Let me add the (hopefully amusing) note that you could have figured this out yourself by grepping through the grep help text:

grep --help | grep invert

-v, --invert-match select non-matching lines

Opening a new tab to read a PDF file

On Chrome this has proven to work well for me.

<a href="newsletter_01.pdf" target="_new">Read more</a>

JavaScript - Hide a Div at startup (load)

Barring the CSS solution. The fastest possible way is to hide it immediatly with a script.

<div id="hideme"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

In this case I would recommend the CSS solution by Vega. But if you need something more complex (like an animation) you can use this approach.

This has some complications (see comments below). If you want this piece of script to really run as fast as possible you can't use jQuery, use native JS only and defer loading of all other scripts.

How to trigger Jenkins builds remotely and to pass parameters

To pass/use the variables, first create parameters in the configure section of Jenkins. Parameters that you use can be of type text, String, file, etc.

After creating them, use the variable reference in the fields you want to.

For example: I have configured/created two variables for Email-subject and Email-recipentList, and I have used their reference in the EMail-ext plugin (attached screenshot).

Enter image description here

Commit history on remote repository

You can only view the log on a local repository, however that can include the fetched branches of all remotes you have set-up.

So, if you clone a repo...

git clone git@gitserver:folder/repo.git

This will default to origin/master.

You can add a remote to this repo, other than origin let's add production. From within the local clone folder:

git remote add production git@production-server:folder/repo.git

If we ever want to see the log of production we will need to do:

git fetch --all 

This fetches from ALL remotes (default fetch without --all would fetch just from origin)

After fetching we can look at the log on the production remote, you'll have to specify the branch too.

git log production/master

All options will work as they do with log on local branches.

GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM problem when working with terminal and MacFusion

You will also get this if git doesn't have permissions to read the config files. It will just go up in the hierarchy tree until it needs to cross file systems.

How to make an autocomplete address field with google maps api?

It is easy, but the Google API examples give you detailed explanation with how you can get the map to display the entered location. For only autocomplete feature, you can do something like this.

First, enable Google Places API Web Service. Get the API key. You will have to use it in the script tag in html file.

<input type="text" id="location">
<script type="text/javascript" src="[YOUR_KEY_HERE]&libraries=places"></script>
<script src="javascripts/scripts.js"></scripts>

Use script file to load the autocomplete class. Your scripts.js file will look something like this.

    // scripts.js custom js file
$(document).ready(function () {
   google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

function initialize() {
    var input = document.getElementById('location');
    var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);

Align nav-items to right side in bootstrap-4

In last versions, it is easier. Just put a ml-auto class in the ul like so:

<ul class="nav navbar-nav ml-auto">

How to parse JSON Array (Not Json Object) in Android

Create a POJO Java Class for the objects in the list like so:

class NameUrlClass{
       private String name;
       private String url;
       public NameUrlClass(String name,String url){
     = name;
              this.url = url; 

Now simply create a List of NameUrlClass and initialize it to an ArrayList like so:

List<NameUrlClass> obj = new ArrayList<NameUrlClass>;

You can use store the JSON array in this object

obj = JSONArray;//[{"name":"name1","url":"url1"}{"name":"name2","url":"url2"},...]

Core dump file analysis

Steps to debug coredump using GDB:

Some generic help:

gdb start GDB, with no debugging les

gdb program begin debugging program

gdb program core debug coredump core produced by program

gdb --help describe command line options

  1. First of all, find the directory where the corefile is generated.

  2. Then use ls -ltr command in the directory to find the latest generated corefile.

  3. To load the corefile use

    gdb binary path of corefile

    This will load the corefile.

  4. Then you can get the information using the bt command.

    For a detailed backtrace use bt full.

  5. To print the variables, use print variable-name or p variable-name

  6. To get any help on GDB, use the help option or use apropos search-topic

  7. Use frame frame-number to go to the desired frame number.

  8. Use up n and down n commands to select frame n frames up and select frame n frames down respectively.

  9. To stop GDB, use quit or q.

How to check a boolean condition in EL?

You can check this way too

<c:if test="${theBooleanVariable ne true}">It's false!</c:if>

How to split a string, but also keep the delimiters?

Tweaked Pattern.split() to include matched pattern to the list


// add match to the list
        matchList.add(input.subSequence(start, end).toString());

Full source

public static String[] inclusiveSplit(String input, String re, int limit) {
    int index = 0;
    boolean matchLimited = limit > 0;
    ArrayList<String> matchList = new ArrayList<String>();

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(re);
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input);

    // Add segments before each match found
    while (m.find()) {
        int end = m.end();
        if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit - 1) {
            int start = m.start();
            String match = input.subSequence(index, start).toString();
            // add match to the list
            matchList.add(input.subSequence(start, end).toString());
            index = end;
        } else if (matchList.size() == limit - 1) { // last one
            String match = input.subSequence(index, input.length())
            index = end;

    // If no match was found, return this
    if (index == 0)
        return new String[] { input.toString() };

    // Add remaining segment
    if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit)
        matchList.add(input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString());

    // Construct result
    int resultSize = matchList.size();
    if (limit == 0)
        while (resultSize > 0 && matchList.get(resultSize - 1).equals(""))
    String[] result = new String[resultSize];
    return matchList.subList(0, resultSize).toArray(result);

ReferenceError: variable is not defined

It's declared inside a closure, which means it can only be accessed there. If you want a variable accessible globally, you can remove the var:

    value = "10";
value; // "10"

This is equivalent to writing window.value = "10";.

Convert timestamp long to normal date format


    ZoneId usersTimeZone = ZoneId.of("Asia/Tashkent");
    Locale usersLocale = Locale.forLanguageTag("ga-IE");
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM)

    long microsSince1970 = 1_512_345_678_901_234L;
    long secondsSince1970 = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toSeconds(microsSince1970);
    long remainingMicros = microsSince1970 - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMicros(secondsSince1970);
    ZonedDateTime dateTime = Instant.ofEpochSecond(secondsSince1970, 
    String dateTimeInUsersFormat = dateTime.format(formatter);

The above snippet prints:

4 Noll 2017 05:01:18

“Noll” is Gaelic for December, so this should make your user happy. Except there may be very few Gaelic speaking people living in Tashkent, so please specify the user’s correct time zone and locale yourself.

I am taking seriously that you got microseconds from your database. If second precision is fine, you can do without remainingMicros and just use the one-arg Instant.ofEpochSecond(), which will make the code a couple of lines shorter. Since Instant and ZonedDateTime do support nanosecond precision, I found it most correct to keep the full precision of your timestamp. If your timestamp was in milliseconds rather than microseconds (which they often are), you may just use Instant.ofEpochMilli().

The answers using Date, Calendar and/or SimpleDateFormat were fine when this question was asked 7 years ago. Today those classes are all long outdated, and we have so much better in java.time, the modern Java date and time API.

For most uses I recommend you use the built-in localized formats as I do in the code. You may experiment with passing SHORT, LONG or FULL for format style. Yo may even specify format style for the date and for the time of day separately using an overloaded ofLocalizedDateTime method. If a specific format is required (this was asked in a duplicate question), you can have that:

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss, dd/MM/uuuu");

Using this formatter instead we get

05:01:18, 04/12/2017

Link: Oracle tutorial: Date Time explaining how to use java.time.

Tomcat: How to find out running tomcat version

For windows machine 
Go to the tomcat directory C:\apache-tomcat-x.0.xx\bin
    Using CATALINA_BASE:   "C:\apache-tomcat-x.0.xx"
    Using CATALINA_HOME:   "C:\apache-tomcat-x.0.xx"
    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\apache-tomcat-x.0.xx\temp"
    Using JRE_HOME:        "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65"
    Using CLASSPATH:       "C:\apache-tomcat-x.0.xx\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\apache-tomcat-x.0.xx\bin\tomcat-juli.jar"
    Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.53

For Linux Machine 
Go to the tomcat directory /usr/mack/apache-tomcat-x.0.xx/bin
    # ./
    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/mack/apache-tomcat-x.0.xx
    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/mack/apache-tomcat-x.0.xx
    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/mack/apache-tomcat-x.0.xx/temp
    Using JRE_HOME:        /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_71/jre
    Using CLASSPATH:       /usr/mack/apache-tomcat-x.0.xx/bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/mack/apache-tomcat-x.0.xx/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
    Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.56

If Tomcat is installed as a service:

#sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat version

With Twitter Bootstrap, how can I customize the h1 text color of one page and leave the other pages to be default?

The best way to solve this problem would be by starting with customizing Bootstrap using their customization tools.

Go down to @headings-color and change it from "inherit" to something that you would like your headers to be across the site (if you like the default just change it to #333).

Note that this will keep all your headings the same color, as you requested.

Now in order to accomplish what you want that after you make this change you can now overwrite them specifically in your own CSS to apply your own color to them. The "inherit" keyword I always have found to be a pain in frameworks.

Is there any way to install Composer globally on Windows?

Unfortunately, all the good answers here didn't work for me. So after installing composer on windows 10, I just had to set system variable in environment variables and it worked.

Windows 10 environment variable -> system variables

Concept of void pointer in C programming

In C, a void * can be converted to a pointer to an object of a different type without an explicit cast:

void abc(void *a, int b)
    int *test = a;
    /* ... */

This doesn't help with writing your function in a more generic way, though.

You can't dereference a void * with converting it to a different pointer type as dereferencing a pointer is obtaining the value of the pointed-to object. A naked void is not a valid type so derefencing a void * is not possible.

Pointer arithmetic is about changing pointer values by multiples of the sizeof the pointed-to objects. Again, because void is not a true type, sizeof(void) has no meaning so pointer arithmetic is not valid on void *. (Some implementations allow it, using the equivalent pointer arithmetic for char *.)

Loading/Downloading image from URL on Swift

class func downloadImageFromUrl(with urlStr: String, andCompletionHandler:@escaping (_ result:Bool) -> Void) {
        guard let url = URL(string: urlStr) else {
        } .background).async {
            URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
                if error == nil {
                    let httpURLResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse
                    Utils.print( "status code ID : \(String(describing: httpURLResponse?.statusCode))")
                    if httpURLResponse?.statusCode == 200 {
                        if let data = data {
                            if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
                                ImageCaching.sharedInterface().setImage(image, withID: url.absoluteString as NSString)
                                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            }else {
                        }else {
                    }else {
                }else {

I have created a simple class function in my Utils.swift class for calling that method you can simply accesss by classname.methodname and your images are saved in NSCache using ImageCaching.swift class

Utils.downloadImageFromUrl(with: URL, andCompletionHandler: { (isDownloaded) in
                            if isDownloaded {
                                if  let image = ImageCaching.sharedInterface().getImage(URL as NSString) {
                                    self.btnTeam.setBackgroundImage(image, for: .normal)
                            }else {
                                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                                    self.btnTeam.setBackgroundImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "com"), for: .normal)

Happy Codding. Cheers:)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems

For this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:

There are problems with your import or package name.
You can delete the package name or fix import errors

Replace non-numeric with empty string

You don't need to use Regex.

phone = new String(phone.Where(c => char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray())

How to clear react-native cache?

I had a similar problem, I tried to clear all the caches possible (tried almost all the solutions above) and the only thing that worked for me was to kill the expo app and to restart it.

Div show/hide media query

It sounds like you may be wanting to access the viewport of the device. You can do this by inserting this meta tag in your header.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Concatenating strings in C, which method is more efficient?

sprintf() is designed to handle far more than just strings, strcat() is specialist. But I suspect that you are sweating the small stuff. C strings are fundamentally inefficient in ways that make the differences between these two proposed methods insignificant. Read "Back to Basics" by Joel Spolsky for the gory details.

This is an instance where C++ generally performs better than C. For heavy weight string handling using std::string is likely to be more efficient and certainly safer.


[2nd edit]Corrected code (too many iterations in C string implementation), timings, and conclusion change accordingly

I was surprised at Andrew Bainbridge's comment that std::string was slower, but he did not post complete code for this test case. I modified his (automating the timing) and added a std::string test. The test was on VC++ 2008 (native code) with default "Release" options (i.e. optimised), Athlon dual core, 2.6GHz. Results:

C string handling = 0.023000 seconds
sprintf           = 0.313000 seconds
std::string       = 0.500000 seconds

So here strcat() is faster by far (your milage may vary depending on compiler and options), despite the inherent inefficiency of the C string convention, and supports my original suggestion that sprintf() carries a lot of baggage not required for this purpose. It remains by far the least readable and safe however, so when performance is not critical, has little merit IMO.

I also tested a std::stringstream implementation, which was far slower again, but for complex string formatting still has merit.

Corrected code follows:

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>

void a(char *first, char *second, char *both)
    for (int i = 0; i != 1000000; i++)
        strcpy(both, first);
        strcat(both, " ");
        strcat(both, second);

void b(char *first, char *second, char *both)
    for (int i = 0; i != 1000000; i++)
        sprintf(both, "%s %s", first, second);

void c(char *first, char *second, char *both)
    std::string first_s(first) ;
    std::string second_s(second) ;
    std::string both_s(second) ;

    for (int i = 0; i != 1000000; i++)
        both_s = first_s + " " + second_s ;

int main(void)
    char* first= "First";
    char* second = "Second";
    char* both = (char*) malloc((strlen(first) + strlen(second) + 2) * sizeof(char));
    clock_t start ;

    start = clock() ;
    a(first, second, both);
    printf( "C string handling = %f seconds\n", (float)(clock() - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ;

    start = clock() ;
    b(first, second, both);
    printf( "sprintf           = %f seconds\n", (float)(clock() - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ;

    start = clock() ;
    c(first, second, both);
    printf( "std::string       = %f seconds\n", (float)(clock() - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ;

    return 0;

How can I get zoom functionality for images?

In Response to Janusz original question, there are several ways to achieve this all of which vary in their difficulty level and have been stated below. Using a web view is good, but it is very limited in terms of look and feel and controllability. If you are drawing a bitmap from a canvas, the most versatile solutions that have been proposed seems to be MikeOrtiz's, Robert Foss's and/or what Jacob Nordfalk suggested. There is a great example for incorporating the android-multitouch-controller by PaulBourke, and is great for having the multi-touch support and alltypes of custom views.

Personally, if you are simply drawing a canvas to a bitmap and then displaying it inside and ImageView and want to be able to zoom into and move around using multi touch, I find MikeOrtiz's solution as the easiest. However, for my purposes the code from the Git that he has provided seems to only work when his TouchImageView custom ImageView class is the only child or provide the layout params as:


Unfortunately due to my layout design, I needed "wrap_content" for "layout_height". When I changed it to this the image was cropped at the bottom and I couldn't scroll or zoom to the cropped region. So I took a look at the Source for ImageView just to see how Android implemented "onMeasure" and changed MikeOrtiz's to suit.

protected void onMeasure (int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)
    super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

  //**** ADDED THIS ********/////
      int  w = (int) bmWidth;
      int  h = (int) bmHeight;
     width = resolveSize(w, widthMeasureSpec);  
     height = resolveSize(h, heightMeasureSpec);
  //**** END ********///   

   // width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);   // REMOVED
   // height = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); // REMOVED

    //Fit to screen.
    float scale;
    float scaleX =  (float)width / (float)bmWidth;
    float scaleY = (float)height / (float)bmHeight;

    scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
    matrix.setScale(scale, scale);
    saveScale = 1f;

    // Center the image
    redundantYSpace = (float)height - (scale * (float)bmHeight) ;
    redundantXSpace = (float)width - (scale * (float)bmWidth);
    redundantYSpace /= (float)2;
    redundantXSpace /= (float)2;

    matrix.postTranslate(redundantXSpace, redundantYSpace);

    origWidth = width - 2 * redundantXSpace;
    origHeight = height - 2 * redundantYSpace;
   // origHeight = bmHeight;
    right = width * saveScale - width - (2 * redundantXSpace * saveScale);
    bottom = height * saveScale - height - (2 * redundantYSpace * saveScale);


Here resolveSize(int,int) is a "Utility to reconcile a desired size with constraints imposed by a MeasureSpec, where :


 - size How big the view wants to be
 - MeasureSpec Constraints imposed by the parent


 - The size this view should be."

So essentially providing a behaviour a little more similar to the original ImageView class when the image is loaded. Some more changes could be made to support a greater variety of screens which modify the aspect ratio. But for now I Hope this helps. Thanks to MikeOrtiz for his original code, great work.

Server Discovery And Monitoring engine is deprecated

use this line, this worked for me

mongoose.set('useUnifiedTopology', true);

Set UIButton title UILabel font size programmatically

swift 4.x

button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20)

Icons missing in jQuery UI

I saw in console that whenever I open my datepicker that I get 404 Not found error for this image file ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png

I downloaded the image from github and put it in my local under jquery-ui folder. Now the problem is solved.

Other image files found here:

What is the syntax to insert one list into another list in python?

foo = [1, 2, 3]
bar = [4, 5, 6]

foo.append(bar) --> [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]
foo.extend(bar) --> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Find MongoDB records where array field is not empty

db.find({ pictures: { $elemMatch: { $exists: true } } })

$elemMatch matches documents that contain an array field with at least one element that matches the specified query.

So you're matching all arrays with at least an element.

How to save a bitmap on internal storage

private static void SaveImage(Bitmap finalBitmap) {

    String root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
    File myDir = new File(root + "/saved_images");

    String fname = "Image-"+ o +".jpg";
    File file = new File (myDir, fname);
    if (file.exists ()) file.delete ();
    try {
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        finalBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, out);

    } catch (Exception e) {

Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>

Because it's not.

Indexing is covered by IList. IEnumerable means "I have some of the powers of IList, but not all of them."

Some collections (like a linked list), cannot be indexed in a practical way. But they can be accessed item-by-item. IEnumerable is intended for collections like that. Note that a collection can implement both IList & IEnumerable (and many others). You generally only find IEnumerable as a function parameter, meaning the function can accept any kind of collection, because all it needs is the simplest access mode.

What is a classpath and how do I set it?

When programming in Java, you make other classes available to the class you are writing by putting something like this at the top of your source file:

import org.javaguy.coolframework.MyClass;

Or sometimes you 'bulk import' stuff by saying:

import org.javaguy.coolframework.*;

So later in your program when you say:

MyClass mine = new MyClass();

The Java Virtual Machine will know where to find your compiled class.

It would be impractical to have the VM look through every folder on your machine, so you have to provide the VM a list of places to look. This is done by putting folder and jar files on your classpath.

Before we talk about how the classpath is set, let's talk about .class files, packages, and .jar files.

First, let's suppose that MyClass is something you built as part of your project, and it is in a directory in your project called output. The .class file would be at output/org/javaguy/coolframework/MyClass.class (along with every other file in that package). In order to get to that file, your path would simply need to contain the folder 'output', not the whole package structure, since your import statement provides all that information to the VM.

Now let's suppose that you bundle CoolFramework up into a .jar file, and put that CoolFramework.jar into a lib directory in your project. You would now need to put lib/CoolFramework.jar into your classpath. The VM will look inside the jar file for the org/javaguy/coolframework part, and find your class.

So, classpaths contain:

  • JAR files, and
  • Paths to the top of package hierarchies.

How do you set your classpath?

The first way everyone seems to learn is with environment variables. On a unix machine, you can say something like:

export CLASSPATH=/home/myaccount/myproject/lib/CoolFramework.jar:/home/myaccount/myproject/output/

On a Windows machine you have to go to your environment settings and either add or modify the value that is already there.

The second way is to use the -cp parameter when starting Java, like this:

java -cp "/home/myaccount/myproject/lib/CoolFramework.jar:/home/myaccount/myproject/output/"  MyMainClass

A variant of this is the third way which is often done with a .sh or .bat file that calculates the classpath and passes it to Java via the -cp parameter.

There is a "gotcha" with all of the above. On most systems (Linux, Mac OS, UNIX, etc) the colon character (':') is the classpath separator. In windowsm the separator is the semicolon (';')

So what's the best way to do it?

Setting stuff globally via environment variables is bad, generally for the same kinds of reasons that global variables are bad. You change the CLASSPATH environment variable so one program works, and you end up breaking another program.

The -cp is the way to go. I generally make sure my CLASSPATH environment variable is an empty string where I develop, whenever possible, so that I avoid global classpath issues (some tools aren't happy when the global classpath is empty though - I know of two common, mega-thousand dollar licensed J2EE and Java servers that have this kind of issue with their command-line tools).

Horizontal list items

This fiddle shows how

ul, li {

Great references on lists and css here:

Update a table using JOIN in SQL Server?

MERGE table1 T
   USING table2 S
      ON T.CommonField = S."Common Field"
         AND T.BatchNo = '110'
      SET CalculatedColumn = S."Calculated Column";

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby's string interpolation?

import inspect
def s(template, **kwargs):
    "Usage: s(string, **locals())"
    if not kwargs:
        frame = inspect.currentframe()
            kwargs = frame.f_back.f_locals
            del frame
        if not kwargs:
            kwargs = globals()
    return template.format(**kwargs)


a = 123
s('{a}', locals()) # print '123'
s('{a}') # it is equal to the above statement: print '123'
s('{b}') # raise an KeyError: b variable not found

PS: performance may be a problem. This is useful for local scripts, not for production logs.


How to encrypt and decrypt file in Android?

Use a CipherOutputStream or CipherInputStream with a Cipher and your FileInputStream / FileOutputStream.

I would suggest something like Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") for creating the Cipher class. CBC mode is secure and does not have the vulnerabilities of ECB mode for non-random plaintexts. It should be present in any generic cryptographic library, ensuring high compatibility.

Don't forget to use a Initialization Vector (IV) generated by a secure random generator if you want to encrypt multiple files with the same key. You can prefix the plain IV at the start of the ciphertext. It is always exactly one block (16 bytes) in size.

If you want to use a password, please make sure you do use a good key derivation mechanism (look up password based encryption or password based key derivation). PBKDF2 is the most commonly used Password Based Key Derivation scheme and it is present in most Java runtimes, including Android. Note that SHA-1 is a bit outdated hash function, but it should be fine in PBKDF2, and does currently present the most compatible option.

Always specify the character encoding when encoding/decoding strings, or you'll be in trouble when the platform encoding differs from the previous one. In other words, don't use String.getBytes() but use String.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).

To make it more secure, please add cryptographic integrity and authenticity by adding a secure checksum (MAC or HMAC) over the ciphertext and IV, preferably using a different key. Without an authentication tag the ciphertext may be changed in such a way that the change cannot be detected.

Be warned that CipherInputStream may not report BadPaddingException, this includes BadPaddingException generated for authenticated ciphers such as GCM. This would make the streams incompatible and insecure for these kind of authenticated ciphers.

Two values from one input in python?

a,b=[int(x) for x in input().split()]


10 8

10 8

How can I have grep not print out 'No such file or directory' errors?

You can use the -s or --no-messages flag to suppress errors.

-s, --no-messages suppress error messages

grep pattern * -s -R -n

How do I test if a variable does not equal either of two values?

This can be done with a switch statement as well. The order of the conditional is reversed but this really doesn't make a difference (and it's slightly simpler anyways).

switch(test) {
    case A:
    case B:
        do other stuff;
        do stuff;

How may I align text to the left and text to the right in the same line?

If you just want to change alignment of text just make a classes

.left {
text-align: left;

and span that class through the text

<span class='left'>aligned left</span>

What are Maven goals and phases and what is their difference?

Maven working terminology having phases and goals.

Phase:Maven phase is a set of action which is associated with 2 or 3 goals

exmaple:- if you run mvn clean

this is the phase will execute the goal mvn clean:clean

Goal:Maven goal bounded with the phase

for reference

How to display all elements in an arraylist?

Tangential: String.format() rocks:

public String toString() {
    return String.format("%s %s", getMake(), getReg());

private static void printAll() {
    for (Car car: cars)
        System.out.println(car); // invokes Car.toString()

How to fix itunes could not connect to the iphone because an invalid response was received from the device?

Try resetting your network settings

Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings

And try deleting the contents of your mac/pc lockdown folder. Here's the link, follow the steps on "Reset the Lockdown folder".

This one worked for me.

Formatting PowerShell Get-Date inside string

Instead of using string interpolation you could simply format the DateTime using the ToString("u") method and concatenate that with the rest of the string:

$startTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "The script was started " + $startTime.ToString("u") 

Change Select List Option background colour on hover in html

Currently there is no way to apply a css to get your desired result . Why not use libraries like choosen or select2 . These allow you to style the way you want.

If you don want to use third party libraries then you can make a simple un-ordered list and play with some css.Here is thread you could follow

How to convert <select> dropdown into an unordered list using jquery?

Writing String to Stream and reading it back does not work

After you write to the MemoryStream and before you read it back, you need to Seek back to the beginning of the MemoryStream so you're not reading from the end.


After seeing your update, I think there's a more reliable way to build the stream:

UnicodeEncoding uniEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding();
String message = "Message";

// You might not want to use the outer using statement that I have
// I wasn't sure how long you would need the MemoryStream object    
using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
    var sw = new StreamWriter(ms, uniEncoding);
        sw.Flush();//otherwise you are risking empty stream
        ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        // Test and work with the stream here. 
        // If you need to start back at the beginning, be sure to Seek again.

As you can see, this code uses a StreamWriter to write the entire string (with proper encoding) out to the MemoryStream. This takes the hassle out of ensuring the entire byte array for the string is written.

Update: I stepped into issue with empty stream several time. It's enough to call Flush right after you've finished writing.

Access VBA | How to replace parts of a string with another string

Use Access's VBA function Replace(text, find, replacement):

Dim result As String

result = Replace("Some sentence containing Avenue in it.", "Avenue", "Ave")

What's the difference between struct and class in .NET?

Difference between Structs and Classes:

  • Structs are value type whereas Classes are reference type.
  • Structs are stored on the stack whereas Classes are stored on the heap.
  • Value types hold their value in memory where they are declared, but reference type holds a reference to an object memory.
  • Value types destroyed immediately after the scope is lost whereas reference type only the variable destroy after the scope is lost. The object is later destroyed by the garbage collector.
  • When you copy struct into another struct, a new copy of that struct gets created modified of one struct won't affect the value of the other struct.
  • When you copy a class into another class, it only copies the reference variable.
  • Both the reference variable point to the same object on the heap. Change to one variable will affect the other reference variable.
  • Structs can not have destructors, but classes can have destructors.
  • Structs can not have explicit parameterless constructors whereas classes can. Structs don't support inheritance, but classes do. Both support inheritance from an interface.
  • Structs are sealed type.

Editing dictionary values in a foreach loop

You can't modify the collection, not even the values. You could save these cases and remove them later. It would end up like this:

Dictionary<string, int> colStates = new Dictionary<string, int>();
// ...
// Some code to populate colStates dictionary
// ...

int OtherCount = 0;
List<string> notRelevantKeys = new List<string>();

foreach (string key in colStates.Keys)

    double Percent = colStates[key] / colStates.Count;

    if (Percent < 0.05)
        OtherCount += colStates[key];

foreach (string key in notRelevantKeys)
    colStates[key] = 0;

colStates.Add("Other", OtherCount);

Running code in main thread from another thread

A condensed code block is as follows:

   new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
       public void run() {
           // things to do on the main thread

This does not involve passing down the Activity reference or the Application reference.

Kotlin Equivalent:

    Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(Runnable {
        // things to do on the main thread

How to use ng-repeat without an html element

You might want to flatten the data within your controller:

function MyCtrl ($scope) {
  $scope.myData = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]];
  $scope.flattened = function () {
    var flat = [];
    $scope.myData.forEach(function (item) {
    return flat;

And then in the HTML:

    <tr ng-repeat="item in flattened()"><td>{{item}}</td></tr>

Spring Boot: How can I set the logging level with

If you want to set more detail, please add a log config file name "logback.xml" or "logback-spring.xml".

in your file, input like this:

logging.config: classpath:logback-spring.xml

in the loback-spring.xml, input like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml"/>

        <appender name="ROOT_APPENDER" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">

            <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">


            <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">


                <timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP">

                <pattern>%-20(%d{yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%X{requestId}]) %-5level - %logger{80} - %msg%n

        <appender name="BUSINESS_APPENDER" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
            <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">


            <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">


                <timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP">

                <pattern>%-20(%d{yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%X{requestId}]) %-5level - %logger{80} - %msg%n

        <logger name="{project-package-name}" level="TRACE">
            <appender-ref ref="BUSINESS_APPENDER" />

        <root level="INFO">
            <appender-ref ref="ROOT_APPENDER" />


Manually adding a Userscript to Google Chrome

Share and install userscript with one-click

To make auto-install (but mannually confirm), You can make gist ( with <filename>.user.js filename to get on-click installation when you click on Raw and get this page:

Installation page

How to do this ?

  1. Name your gist <filename>.user.js, write your code and click on "Create".
    Make file on gist

  2. In the gist page, click on Raw to get installation page (first screen).
    Raw button

  3. Check the code and install it.

Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?

I second Hightechrider: there is a specialized Url class already built for you.

I must also point out, however, that the PHP's replaceAll uses regular expressions for search pattern, which you can do in .NET as well - look at the RegEx class.

Inline elements shifting when made bold on hover

You can try the negative margins too if the bold text is wider than the regular. (not always) So the idea is to use classes instead to style the :hover state.


 $(".nav-main .navbar-collapse > ul > li > a").hover(function() {
    var originalWidth = $(this).outerWidth();

       "margin-left": -(($(this).outerWidth() - originalWidth) / 2),
       "margin-right": -(($(this).outerWidth() - originalWidth) / 2)
 function() {


ul > li > a {
    font-style: normal;

ul > li > a.hover {
    font-style: bold;

I hope I could help!

How to add include and lib paths to configure/make cycle?

You want a file. Try:

$ mkdir -p ~/local/share
$ cat << EOF > ~/local/share/

Whenever you invoke an autoconf generated configure script with --prefix=$HOME/local, the will be read and all the assignments will be made for you. CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS should be all you need, but you can make any other desired assignments as well (hence the ... in the sample above). Note that -I flags belong in CPPFLAGS and not in CFLAGS, as -I is intended for the pre-processor and not the compiler.

How do I keep two side-by-side divs the same height?

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the (very old but reliable) Absolute Columns technique:

In my opinion, it is far superior to both Faux Columns and One True Layout's technique.

The general idea is that an element with position: absolute; will position against the nearest parent element that has position: relative;. You then stretch a column to fill 100% height by assigning both a top: 0px; and bottom: 0px; (or whatever pixels/percentages you actually need.) Here's an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        position: relative;

        width: 50%;
        background-color: pink;

        position: absolute;
        top: 0px;
        right: 0px;
        bottom: 0px;
        width: 50%;
        background-color: teal;
    <div id="container">
      <div id="left-column">
      <div id="right-column">
        Lorem ipsum

How can I make my flexbox layout take 100% vertical space?

Let me show you another way that works 100%. I will also add some padding for the example.

<div class = "container">
  <div class = "flex-pad-x">
    <div class = "flex-pad-y">
      <div class = "flex-pad-y">
        <div class = "flex-grow-y">
         Content Centered

.container {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  bottom: 0px;
  right: 0px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

  .flex-pad-x {
    padding: 0px 20px;
    height: 100%;
    display: flex;

  .flex-pad-y {
    padding: 20px 0px;
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

  .flex-grow-y {
    flex-grow: 1;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    flex-direction: column;

As you can see we can achieve this with a few wrappers for control while utilising the flex-grow & flex-direction attribute.

1: When the parent "flex-direction" is a "row", its child "flex-grow" works horizontally. 2: When the parent "flex-direction" is "columns", its child "flex-grow" works vertically.

Hope this helps
