[javascript] how to remove css property using javascript?

is it possible to remove a CSS property of an element using JavaScript ? e.g. I have div.style.zoom = 1.2, now i want to remove the zoom property through JavaScript ?

This question is related to javascript css

The answer is

removeProperty will remove a style from an element.



MDN documentation page:

You can also do this in jQuery by saying $(selector).css("zoom", "")

You can use the styleSheets object:


Caveat #1: You have to know the index of your stylesheet and the index of your rule.

Caveat #2: This object is implemented inconsistently by the browsers; what works in one may not work in the others.

To change all classes for an element:

document.getElementById("ElementID").className = "CssClass";

To add an additional class to an element:

document.getElementById("ElementID").className += " CssClass";

To check if a class is already applied to an element:

if ( document.getElementById("ElementID").className.match(/(?:^|\s)CssClass(?!\S)/) )

This should do the trick - setting the inline style to normal for zoom:

$('div').attr("style", "zoom:normal;");

element.style.height = null;


<div style="height:100px;"> 
// results: 
<div style="">


actually, if you already know the property, this will do it...

for example:

<a href="test.html" style="color:white;zoom:1.2" id="MyLink"></a>

    var txt = "";
    txt = getStyle(InterTabLink);
    setStyle(InterTabLink, txt.replace("zoom\:1\.2\;","");

    function setStyle(element, styleText){
            element.style.setAttribute("cssText", styleText );
            element.setAttribute("style", styleText );

    /* getStyle function */
    function getStyle(element){
        var styleText = element.getAttribute('style');
        if(styleText == null)
            return "";
        if (typeof styleText == 'string') // !IE
            return styleText;
        else  // IE
            return styleText.cssText;

Note that this only works for inline styles... not styles you've specified through a class or something like that...

Other note: you may have to escape some characters in that replace statement, but you get the idea.

You can try finding all elements that have this class and setting the "zoom" property to "nothing".

If you are using jQuery javascript library, you can do it with $(".the_required_class").css("zoom","")

Edit: Removed this statement as it turned out to not be true, as pointed out in a comment and other answers it has indeed been possible since 2010.

False: there is no generally known way for modifying stylesheets from JavaScript.