[html] How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link

How to use an html link to open the sms app with a pre-filled body?

Everything I have read seems to indicate that sms:18005555555?body=bodyTextHere

Should work, but on the iPhone, this doesn't work. If I take out the ?body=bodyTextHere, and just use sms:phonenumber, it works.

I have seen several instances where QR codes do this through a safari link. How are they able to pre-populate the body text?

This question is related to html ios hyperlink sms

The answer is

I suspect in most applications you won't know who to text, so you only want to fill the text body, not the number. That works as you'd expect by just leaving out the number - here's what the URLs look like in that case:


For iOS same thing except with the ;


Here's an example of the code I use to set up the SMS:

var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var url;

if (ua.indexOf("iphone") > -1 || ua.indexOf("ipad") > -1)
   url = "sms:;body=" + encodeURIComponent("I'm at " + mapUrl + " @ " + pos.Address);
   url = "sms:?body=" + encodeURIComponent("I'm at " + mapUrl + " @ " + pos.Address);

   location.href = url;

Android and iOS body only:

<a href="sms://;?&body=Hello%20World">Only body</a>

Android and iOS one recipient only with body:

<a href="sms://+15552345678;?&body=Hello%20World">one recipient only with body</a>

Only Android multiple recipients with body:

<a href="sms://+15552345678, +15552345679;?&body=Hello%20World">Android multiple recipients with body</a>

Only iOS multiple recipients with body:

<a href="sms://open?addresses=+15552345678,+15552345679;?&body=Hello%20World">iOS multiple recipients with body</a>

Note that the body should be URI encoded.

Every OS version has a different way of doing it. Take a look at the sms-link library

Just put all of the symbols in this order (I only tested it in this order since it makes the most sense code-wise to me).

Notice for the body link... I just put... ;?&body=. Also, notice that I have found I needed to use %20 for any spaces.

I have tested it on my iphone (v. 9.2) and another android and it works just fine.

This will solve the issue with having to hack it for different devices. I have no artifacts when I tested it in the SMS.

<a href="sms:19131234567;?&body=Question%20from%20mywebsite.com.%20%20MY%20MESSAGE%20-%20" title="Click here to TEXT US gallery token needs updating!">Send me SMS</a>

We found a proposed method and tested:

<a href="sms:12345678?body=Hello my friend">Send SMS</a>

Here are the results:

  • iPhone4 - fault (empty body of message);
  • Nokia N8 - ok (body of message - "Hello my friend", To "12345678");
  • HTC Mozart - fault (message "unsupported page" (after click on the "Send sms" link));
  • HTC Desire - fault (message "Invalid recipients(s):
    <12345678?body=Hellomyfriend>"(after click on the "Send sms" link)).

I therefore conclude it doesn't really work - with this method at least.

<a href="###" data-telno="13800000000" data-smscontent="hello" class="XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX sendsms"/>

$('.sendsms').on('click', function(){
    var p = $(this).data('telno'),
        c = $(this).data('smscontent'),
        t = ';';

    if (!ios) { // add your own iOS check
        t = '?';
    location.href = 'sms:'+ p + t + c;

To get sms: and mailto: links to work on both iPhone and Android, without any javascript, try this:

<a href="sms:321-555-1111?&body=This is what I want to sent">click to text</a>

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?&subject=My subject&body=This is what I want to sent">click to email</a>

I tested it on Chrome for Android & iPhone, and Safari on iPhone.
They all worked as expected. They worked without the phone number or email address as well.

For iOS 8, try this:

<a href="sms:/* phone number here */&body=/* body text here */">Link</a>

Switching the ";" with a "&" worked for me.

Bradorego's solution is what worked for me, but here is a more expanded answer.

A small consideration is that you need to encode the body using %20 instead of +. For PHP, this means using rawurlencode($body) instead of urlencode($body). Otherwise you'll see plus signs in the message on old versions of iOS, instead of spaces.

Here is a jQuery function which will refit your SMS links for iOS devices. Android/other devices should work normally and won't execute the code.


<a href="sms:+15551231234?body=Hello%20World">SMS "Hello World" to 555-123-1234</a>


(function() {
  if ( !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) ) return;

  jQuery('a[href^="sms:"]').attr('href', function() {
    // Convert: sms:+000?body=example
    // To iOS:  sms:+000;body=example (semicolon, not question mark)
    return jQuery(this).attr('href').replace(/sms:(\+?([0-9]*))?\?/, 'sms:$1;');

Consider using a class like a.sms-link instead of a[href^="sms:"] if possible.

I know this is an old thread but stumbled upon it and found that some parts are no longer relevant.

I've found that if you want to just per-populate the text without adding a phone number, you can do the following:

sms:?&body=/* message body here */

Neither Android nor iPhones currently support the body copy element in a Tap to SMS hyperlink. It can be done programmatically though,

MFMessageComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
picker.messageComposeDelegate = self;

picker.recipients = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"48151623"];  
picker.body = @"Body text.";

[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
[picker release];

The iPhone doesn't accept any message text, it will only take in the phone number. You can see this here https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/SMSLinks/SMSLinks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007899-CH7-SW1

Well not only do you have to worry about iOS and Android, there's also which android messaging app. Google messaging app for Note 9 and some new galaxys do not open with text, but the samsung app works. The solution seems to be add // after the sms:

so sms://15551235555

<a href="sms:/* phone number here */?body=/* body text here */">Link</a>

should be

<a href="sms://15551235555?body=Hello">Link</a>

For using Android you use below code

<a href="sms:+32665?body=reg fb1>Send SMS</a>

For iOS you can use below code

<a href="sms:+32665&body=reg fb1>Send SMS</a>

below code working for both iOs and Android

<a href="sms:+32665?&body=reg fb1>Send SMS</a>

There is not need for two separate anchor tags for Android and iOS. This should help.

// Without Contact Number
<a href="sms:?&body=message">Text Message</a>

// With Contact Number
<a href="sms:1234567890;?&body=message">Text Message</a>

// Works on both Android and iOS

I found out that, on iPhone 4 with IOS 7, you CAN put a body to the SMS only if you set a phone number in the list of contact of the phone.

So the following will work If 0606060606 is part of my contacts:

<a href="sms:0606060606;body=Hello my friend">Send SMS</a>

By the way, on iOS 6 (iPhone 3GS), it's working with just a body :

<a href="sms:;body=Hello my friend">Send SMS</a>

<a href="sms:/* phone number here */&body=/* body text here */">Link</a>

This works on my iPhone 5S!

(Just a little bit of topic), but maybe if you searched you could stumble here... In markdown (tested with parsedown and on iOS / android) you could do :

   //[send sms](sms:1234567890;?&body=my%20very%20interesting%20text)

One of the problems with a click-to-text link is solving the desktop scenario where no native texting app exists. A solution is to use Zipwhip's Click-to-Text button creator.

  • On the desktop, they send you an actual real text message behind the scenes from the user's input.
  • On iOS or Android you get the native texting functionality instead.


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