Programs & Examples On #Net.tcp

net.tcp is a TCP-based network protocol for high-performance communication provided by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol

For me the solutions of this Error very strange. It was the issue of port address of EndpointAddress. In Visual studio port address of your file (e.g. Service1.svc) and port address of your wcf project must be the same which you gives into EndpointAddress. Let me describe you this solution in detail.

There are two steps to check the port addresses.

  1. In your WCF Project right click to your Service file (e.g. Service1.svc) -> than select View in browser now in your browser you have url like http://localhost:61122/Service1.svc so now note down your port address as a 61122

  2. Righ click your wcf project -> than select Properties -> go to the Web Tab -> Now in Servers section -> select Use Visual Studio Development Server -> select Specific Port and give the port address which we have earlier find from our Service1.svc service. That is (61122).

Earlier I have different port address. After Specifying port address properly which I have given into EndpointAddress, my problem was solved.

I hope this might be solved your issue.

Jquery- Get the value of first td in table

   var values = [];
   var table = $(this).closest("table");
   table.find("tr").each(function() {


You should avoid $(".hit") it's really inefficient. Try using event delegation instead.

how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content?

It's common for other components to be listening to the change event, or for custom event handlers to be attached that may have side effects. Select2 does not have a custom event (like select2:update) that can be triggered other than change. You can rely on jQuery's event namespacing to limit the scope to Select2 though by triggering the *change.select2 event.

$('#state').trigger('change.select2'); // Notify only Select2 of changes

Java IOException "Too many open files"

Although in most general cases the error is quite clearly that file handles have not been closed, I just encountered an instance with JDK7 on Linux that well... is sufficiently ****ed up to explain here.

The program opened a FileOutputStream (fos), a BufferedOutputStream (bos) and a DataOutputStream (dos). After writing to the dataoutputstream, the dos was closed and I thought everything went fine.

Internally however, the dos, tried to flush the bos, which returned a Disk Full error. That exception was eaten by the DataOutputStream, and as a consequence the underlying bos was not closed, hence the fos was still open.

At a later stage that file was then renamed from (something with a .tmp) to its real name. Thereby, the java file descriptor trackers lost track of the original .tmp, yet it was still open !

To solve this, I had to first flush the DataOutputStream myself, retrieve the IOException and close the FileOutputStream myself.

I hope this helps someone.

Having the output of a console application in Visual Studio instead of the console

You have three possibilities to do this, but it's not trivial. The main idea of all IDEs is that all of them are the parents of the child (debug) processes. In this case, it is possible to manipulate with standard input, output and error handler. So IDEs start child applications and redirect out into the internal output window. I know about one more possibility, but it will come in future

  1. You could implement your own debug engine for Visual Studio. Debug Engine control starting and debugging for application. Examples for this you could find how to do this on (Visual Studio Debug engine)
  2. Redirect form application using duplication of std handler for c++ or use Console.SetOut(TextWriter) for c#. If you need to print into the output window you need to use Visual Studio extension SDK. Example of the second variant you could find on Github.
  3. Start application that uses System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (for printing into output) and than it will start child application. On starting a child, you need to redirect stdout into parent with pipes. You could find an example on MSDN. But I think this is not the best way.

How to know Laravel version and where is it defined?

Yet another way is to read the composer.json file, but it can end with wildcard character *

count (non-blank) lines-of-code in bash

cat file.txt | awk 'NF' | wc -l

Android BroadcastReceiver within Activity

Extends the ToastDisplay class with BroadcastReceiver and register the receiver in the manifest file,and dont register your broadcast receiver in onResume() .

  <receiver android:name=".ToastDisplay">
      <action android:name=""/>

if you want to register in activity then register in the onCreate() method e.g:


    sentSmsBroadcastCome = new BroadcastReceiver() {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Toast.makeText(context, "SMS SENT!!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    IntentFilter filterSend = new IntentFilter();
    registerReceiver(sentSmsBroadcastCome, filterSend);

How to check a not-defined variable in JavaScript

The only way to truly test if a variable is undefined is to do the following. Remember, undefined is an object in JavaScript.

if (typeof someVar === 'undefined') {
  // Your variable is undefined

Some of the other solutions in this thread will lead you to believe a variable is undefined even though it has been defined (with a value of NULL or 0, for instance).

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?

Following solution is very basic and simple approach to send data from VC2 to VC1 using delegate .

PS: This solution is made in Xcode 9.X and Swift 4

Declared a protocol and created a delegate var into ViewControllerB

    import UIKit

    //Declare the Protocol into your SecondVC
    protocol DataDelegate {
        func sendData(data : String)

    class ViewControllerB : UIViewController {

    //Declare the delegate property in your SecondVC
        var delegate : DataDelegate?
        var data : String = "Send data to ViewControllerA."
        override func viewDidLoad() {

        @IBAction func btnSendDataPushed(_ sender: UIButton) {
                // Call the delegate method from SecondVC
                dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

ViewControllerA confirms the protocol and expected to receive data via delegate method sendData

    import UIKit
        // Conform the  DataDelegate protocol in ViewControllerA
        class ViewControllerA : UIViewController , DataDelegate {
        @IBOutlet weak var dataLabel: UILabel!

        override func viewDidLoad() {

        @IBAction func presentToChild(_ sender: UIButton) {
            let childVC =  UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:"ViewControllerB") as! ViewControllerB
            //Registered delegate
            childVC.delegate = self
            self.present(childVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

        // Implement the delegate method in ViewControllerA
        func sendData(data : String) {
            if data != "" {
                self.dataLabel.text = data

Delete dynamically-generated table row using jQuery

When cloning, by default it will not clone the events. The added rows do not have an event handler attached to them. If you call clone(true) then it should handle them as well.

how to stop a loop arduino

This will turn off interrupts and put the CPU into (permanent until reset/power toggled) sleep:


See also, for more details.

Javascript - Append HTML to container element without innerHTML

<div id="Result">

for(var i=0; i<=10; i++){
var data = "<b>vijay</b>";
 document.getElementById('Result').innerHTML += data;

assign the data for div with "+=" symbol you can append data including previous html data

How to open standard Google Map application from my application?

Using String format will help but you must be care full with the locale. In germany float will be separates with in comma instead an point.

Using String.format("geo:%f,%f",5.1,2.1); on locale english the result will be "geo:5.1,2.1" but with locale german you will get "geo:5,1,2,1"

You should use the English locale to prevent this behavior.

String uri = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "geo:%f,%f", latitude, longitude);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri));

To set an label to the geo point you can extend your geo uri by using:

!!! but be carefull with this the geo-uri is still under develoment

String uri = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "geo:%f,%f?z=%d&q=%f,%f (%s)", 
                           latitude, longitude, zoom, latitude, longitude, label);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri));

CSS to keep element at "fixed" position on screen

position: fixed;

Will make this happen.

It handles like position:absolute; with the exception that it will scroll with the window as the user scrolls down the content.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I have added app.UseStaticFiles(); this code in my startup.cs than it is fixed

Show Image View from file path?

       public static Bitmap decodeFile(String path) {
    Bitmap b = null;
    File f = new File(path);
    // Decode image size
    BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;

    FileInputStream fis = null;
    try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(f);
        BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, o);

        int IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = 1024; // maximum dimension limit
        int scale = 1;
        if (o.outHeight > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE || o.outWidth > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE) {
            scale = (int) Math.pow(2, (int) Math.round(Math.log(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE / (double) Math.max(o.outHeight, o.outWidth)) / Math.log(0.5)));

        // Decode with inSampleSize
        BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
        o2.inSampleSize = scale;

        fis = new FileInputStream(f);
        b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, o2);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return b;

public static Bitmap showBitmapFromFile(String file_path)
    try {
        File imgFile = new  File(file_path);

            Bitmap pic_Bitmap = decodeFile(file_path);
            return pic_Bitmap;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        MyLog.e("Exception showBitmapFromFile");
        return null;
    return null;

if you are using image loading in List view then use Aquery concept .

     AQuery  aq= new AQuery((Activity) activity, convertView);
            //load image from file, down sample to target width of 250 pixels .gi 
    File file=new File("//pic/path/here/aaaa.jpg");
    if(aq!=null), 250);

Find specific string in a text file with VBS script

Try to change like this ..

firstStr = "<?xml version" 'my file always starts like this

Do until objInputFile.AtEndOfStream  

    strToAdd = "<tr><td><a href=" & chr(34) & "../../Logs/DD/Beginning_of_DD_TC" & CStr(index) & ".html" & chr(34) & ">Beginning_of_DD_TC" & CStr(index) & "</a></td></tr>"  

   substrToFind = "<tr><td><a href=" & chr(34) & "../Test case " & trim(cstr((index)))

   tmpStr = objInputFile.ReadLine

   If InStr(tmpStr, substrToFind) <= 0 Then
       If Instr(tmpStr, firstStr) > 0 Then
          text = tmpStr 'to avoid the first empty line
          text = text & vbCrLf & tmpStr
       End If
      text = text & vbCrLf & strToAdd & vbCrLf & tmpStr

   End If
   index = index + 1

Python convert object to float

I eventually used:

weather["Temp"] = weather["Temp"].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)

It worked just fine, except that I got the following message.

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ FutureWarning:
convert_objects is deprecated.  Use the data-type specific converters pd.to_datetime, pd.to_timedelta and pd.to_numeric.

aspx page to redirect to a new page

Redirect aspx :


    <script runat="server">
    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";


How to escape indicator characters (i.e. : or - ) in YAML

If you're using @ConfigurationProperties with Spring Boot 2 to inject maps with keys that contain colons then you need an additional level of escaping using square brackets inside the quotes because spring only allows alphanumeric and '-' characters, stripping out the rest. Your new key would look like this:

"[]": GoogleMapsKeyforThisDomain

See this github issue for reference.

How to catch integer(0)?

You can easily catch integer(0) with function identical(x,y)

x = integer(0)
identical(x, integer(0))
[1] TRUE

foo = function(x){identical(x, integer(0))}
[1] TRUE


Excel how to find values in 1 column exist in the range of values in another

This is what you need:

 =NOT(ISERROR(MATCH(<cell in col A>,<column B>, 0)))  ## pseudo code

For the first cell of A, this would be:

 =NOT(ISERROR(MATCH(A2,$B$2:$B$5, 0)))

Enter formula (and drag down) as follows:

enter image description here

You will get:

enter image description here

R object identification

I usually start out with some combination of:

sapply(obj, class)
sapply(obj, attributes)

as appropriate based on what's revealed. For example, try with:

obj <- data.frame(a=1:26, b=letters)
obj <- list(a=1:26, b=letters, c=list(d=1:26, e=letters))
obj <- lm(dist ~ speed, data=cars)


If obj is an S3 or S4 object, you can also try methods or showMethods, showClass, etc. Patrick Burns' R Inferno has a pretty good section on this (sec #7).

EDIT: Dirk and Hadley mention str(obj) in their answers. It really is much better than any of the above for a quick and even detailed peek into an object.

How to update Ruby with Homebrew?

open terminal

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable

restart terminal then

rvm install ruby-2.4.2

check ruby version it should be 2.4.2

Console logging for react?

Here are some more console logging "pro tips":


var animals = [
    { animal: 'Horse', name: 'Henry', age: 43 },
    { animal: 'Dog', name: 'Fred', age: 13 },
    { animal: 'Cat', name: 'Frodo', age: 18 }




Shows you the call stack for leading up to the console.


You can even customise your consoles to make them stand out

console.todo = function(msg) {
    console.log(‘ % c % s % s % s‘, ‘color: yellow; background - color: black;’, ‘–‘, msg, ‘–‘);

console.important = function(msg) {
    console.log(‘ % c % s % s % s’, ‘color: brown; font - weight: bold; text - decoration: underline;’, ‘–‘, msg, ‘–‘);

console.todo(“This is something that’ s need to be fixed”);
console.important(‘This is an important message’);


If you really want to level up don't limit your self to the console statement.

Here is a great post on how you can integrate a chrome debugger right into your code editor!

An efficient compression algorithm for short text strings

I don't have code to hand, but I always liked the approach of building a 2D lookup table of size 256 * 256 chars (RFC 1978, PPP Predictor Compression Protocol). To compress a string you loop over each char and use the lookup table to get the 'predicted' next char using the current and previous char as indexes into the table. If there is a match you write a single 1 bit, otherwise write a 0, the char and update the lookup table with the current char. This approach basically maintains a dynamic (and crude) lookup table of the most probable next character in the data stream.

You can start with a zeroed lookup table, but obviosuly it works best on very short strings if it is initialised with the most likely character for each character pair, for example, for the English language. So long as the initial lookup table is the same for compression and decompression you don't need to emit it into the compressed data.

This algorithm doesn't give a brilliant compression ratio, but it is incredibly frugal with memory and CPU resources and can also work on a continuous stream of data - the decompressor maintains its own copy of the lookup table as it decompresses, thus the lookup table adjusts to the type of data being compressed.

How do I ignore files in a directory in Git?

I'm maintaining a GUI and CLI based service that allows you to generate .gitignore templates very easily at

You can either type the templates you want in the search field or install the command line alias and run

$ gi swift,osx

Create hyperlink to another sheet

If you need to hyperlink Sheet1 to all or corresponding sheets, then use simple vba code. If you wish to create a radio button, then assign this macro to that button ex "Home Page".

Here is it:

Sub HomePage()
' HomePage Macro

' This is common code to go to sheet 1 if do not change name for Sheet1
' OR 

' You can write you sheet name here in case if its name changes

    Sheets("Monthly Reports Home").Select

End Sub

How to show empty data message in Datatables

Late to the game, but you can also use a localisation file

DataTable provides a .json localized file, which contains the key sEmptyTable and the corresponding localized message.

For example, just download the localized json file on the above link, then initialize your Datatable like that :

$('#example').dataTable( {
    "language": {
        "url": "path/to/your/json/file.json"

IMHO, that's a lot cleaner, because your localized content is located in an external file.

This syntax works for DataTables 1.10.16, I didn't test on previous versions.

SQL-Server: Error - Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use

For me, the solution is:

  1. Check Overwrite the existing database(WITH REPLACE) in optoins tab at left hand side.

  2. Uncheck all other options.

  3. Select source and destination database.

  4. Click ok.

That's it.

Find row where values for column is maximal in a pandas DataFrame

A more compact and readable solution using query() is like this:

import pandas as pd

df = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3),columns=['A','B','C'])

# find row with maximum A
df.query('A == A.max()')

It also returns a DataFrame instead of Series, which would be handy for some use cases.

'Class' does not contain a definition for 'Method'

I had the same problem. I changed the Version of Assembly in AssemblyInfo.cs in the Properties Folder. But, I don't have any idea why this problem happened. Maybe the compiler doesn't understand that this dll is newer, just changing the version of Assembly.

How can I store JavaScript variable output into a PHP variable?

You can solve this problem by using AJAX. You don't need to load JQuery for AJAX but it has a better error and success handling than native JS.

I would do it like so:

1) add an click eventlistener to all my anchors on the page. 2) on click, you can setup an ajax-request to your php, in the POST-DATA you set the anchor id or the text-value 3) the php gets the value and you can setup a request to your database. Then you return the value which you need and echo it to the ajax-request. 4) your success function of the ajax-request is doing some stuff

For more information about ajax-requests look back here:

-> Ajax-Request NATIVE

A simple JQuery examle:

  $.ajax({url: "demo_test.txt", success: function(result){

Angular and Typescript: Can't find names - Error: cannot find name

Now you must import them manually.

import 'rxjs/add/operator/retry';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/timeout';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/delay';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';, JSON.stringify(json), {headers: headers, timeout: 1000})


         .timeout(10000, new Error('Time out.'))


         .map((res) => res.json())
          (data) => resolve(data.json()),
          (err) => reject(err)

Cannot change column used in a foreign key constraint

The type and definition of foreign key field and reference must be equal. This means your foreign key disallows changing the type of your field.

One solution would be this:

    favorite_food WRITE,
    person WRITE;

ALTER TABLE favorite_food
    DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_fav_food_person_id,

Now you can change you person_id


recreate foreign key

ALTER TABLE favorite_food
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fav_food_person_id FOREIGN KEY (person_id)
          REFERENCES person (person_id);


EDIT: Added locks above, thanks to comments

You have to disallow writing to the database while you do this, otherwise you risk data integrity problems.

I've added a write lock above

All writing queries in any other session than your own ( INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ) will wait till timeout or UNLOCK TABLES; is executed

EDIT 2: OP asked for a more detailed explanation of the line "The type and definition of foreign key field and reference must be equal. This means your foreign key disallows changing the type of your field."

From MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual: FOREIGN KEY Constraints

Corresponding columns in the foreign key and the referenced key must have similar internal data types inside InnoDB so that they can be compared without a type conversion. The size and sign of integer types must be the same. The length of string types need not be the same. For nonbinary (character) string columns, the character set and collation must be the same.

Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type

Here is a simple solution

try adding this dependency


How do I put a clear button inside my HTML text input box like the iPhone does?

It is so simple in HTML5

<input type="search">

This will do your job!

Difference between F5, Ctrl + F5 and click on refresh button?

F5 is a standard page reload.


Ctrl + F5 refreshes the page by clearing the cached content of the page.

Having the cursor in the address field and pressing Enter will also do the same as Ctrl + F5.

iPhone SDK on Windows (alternative solutions)

There is another solution if you want to develop in C/C++. will allow you to build iPhone applications in Visual Studio on Windows. It's worth a look-see for sure.

Row Offset in SQL Server

In SqlServer2005 you can do the following:

SET @Offset = 120000
SET @Limit = 10

      (ORDER BY column) AS rownum, column2, column3, .... columnX
) AS A
 A.rownum BETWEEN (@Offset) AND (@Offset + @Limit-1) 

package R does not exist

I just ran into this error while using Bazel to build an Android app:

error: package R does not exist
                + mContext.getString(R.string.common_string),
Target //libraries/common:common_paidRelease failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.

Ensure that your android_library/android_binary is using an AndroidManifest.xml with the correct package= attribute, and if you're using the custom_package attribute on android_library or android_binary, ensure that it is spelled out correctly.

MySQL select where column is not empty

In my case I had a varchar column, both the methods of IS NOT NULL & != '' didn't work, but the following worked for me. Just putting this out here.

SELECT * FROM `db_name` WHERE `column_name` LIKE '%*%'

Should IBOutlets be strong or weak under ARC?

Be aware, IBOutletCollection should be @property (strong, nonatomic).

Gradle build without tests

You will have to add -x test

e.g. ./gradlew build -x test


gradle build -x test

How can I convert a string to upper- or lower-case with XSLT?

<xsl:variable name="upper">UPPER CASE</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="lower" select="translate($upper,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')"/>
<xsl:value-of select ="$lower"/>

//displays UPPER CASE as upper case

No Android SDK found - Android Studio

Don't worry just change the

   ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.41'

to previous version. It worked for me hope it works for you too. Happy coding.

Call Python script from bash with argument

Embedded option:

Wrap python code in a bash function.


function current_datetime {
python - <<END
import datetime

# Call it

# Call it and capture the output
echo Current date and time: $DT

Use environment variables, to pass data into to your embedded python script.


function line {
PYTHON_ARG="$1" python - <<END
import os
line_len = int(os.environ['PYTHON_ARG'])
print '-' * line_len

# Do it one way
line 80

# Do it another way
echo $(line 80)

Mail multipart/alternative vs multipart/mixed

Mixed Subtype

The "mixed" subtype of "multipart" is intended for use when the body parts are independent and need to be bundled in a particular order. Any "multipart" subtypes that an implementation does not recognize must be treated as being of subtype "mixed".

Alternative Subtype

The "multipart/alternative" type is syntactically identical to "multipart/mixed", but the semantics are different. In particular, each of the body parts is an "alternative" version of the same information


openCV program compile error " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" in ubuntu 12.04

You haven't put the shared library in a location where the loader can find it. look inside the /usr/local/opencv and /usr/local/opencv2 folders and see if either of them contains any shared libraries (files beginning in lib and usually ending in .so). when you find them, create a file called /etc/ and write to it the paths to the folders where the libraries are stored, one per line.

for example, if the libraries were stored under /usr/local/opencv/ then I would write this to my opencv.conf file:


Then run

sudo ldconfig -v

If you can't find the libraries, try running

sudo updatedb && locate

in a shell. You don't need to run updatedb if you've rebooted since compiling OpenCV.


About shared libraries on Linux:

About adding the OpenCV shared libraries:

Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive

following 2 steps will force refresh Visual Studio and IIS Express cache and usually resolve my similar issues:

  1. Simply switch Project framework from 4+ to .Net framework 3.5 and run it
  2. If it ran successfully you can revert it back to your desired 4+ target framework and see that it will probably work again.

How to get value of selected radio button?

I used the function to get the desired output:

  console.log('Hey you clicked this: ' + this.value);

  if(this.value == 'Fixed Rate'){
    rate_value = $('#r1').value;
  } else if(this.value =='Variable Rate'){
   rate_value = $('#r2').value;
  } else if(this.value =='Multi Rate'){
   rate_value = $('#r3').value;

  $('#results').innerHTML = rate_value;

Hope it helps.

Java Spring Boot: How to map my app root (“/”) to index.html?

You can add a RedirectViewController like:

public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
        registry.addRedirectViewController("/", "/index.html");

How to set level logging to DEBUG in Tomcat?

JULI logging levels for Tomcat

SEVERE - Serious failures

WARNING - Potential problems

INFO - Informational messages

CONFIG - Static configuration messages

FINE - Trace messages

FINER - Detailed trace messages

FINEST - Highly detailed trace messages

You can find here more

Class constants in python

Since Horse is a subclass of Animal, you can just change




Still, you need to remember that SIZES[1] means "big", so probably you could improve your code by doing something like:

class Animal:

class Horse(Animal):
    def printSize(self):

Alternatively, you could create intermediate classes: HugeAnimal, BigAnimal, and so on. That would be especially helpful if each animal class will contain different logic.

How to return a value from a Form in C#?

I normally create a static method on form/dialog, that I can call. This returns the success (OK-button) or failure, along with the values that needs to be filled in.

 public class ResultFromFrmMain {
     public DialogResult Result { get; set; }
     public string Field1 { get; set; }


And on the form:

public static ResultFromFrmMain Execute() {
     using (var f = new frmMain()) {
          var result = new ResultFromFrmMain();
          result.Result = f.ShowDialog();
          if (result.Result == DialogResult.OK) {
             // fill other values
          return result;

To call your form;

public void MyEventToCallForm() {
   var result = frmMain.Execute();
   if (result.Result == DialogResult.OK) {
       myTextBox.Text = result.Field1; // or something like that

Pressing Ctrl + A in Selenium WebDriver

The simplest answer in C# (if you are C# inclined).

Actions action = new Actions(); 

This answer is almost given by Hari Reddy, but I have fixed the case which he'd got wrong on some keywords, added the KeyUp or you get in a mess leaving the control key down.

I've also added the clarification on OpenQA.Selenium.Keys, because you may also be using Windows.Forms on the same class as I was an require this clarity.

Lastly, I type "a" because I found that to be the simplest way and I can see no suggestion from the OP that they don't want the simplest answer.

Many thanks to Hari Reddy though as I was a novice in Actions class usage and I was writing many different commands. Chaining them together the way he showed is quicker :-)

Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string in

mysqli:query() returns a mysqli_result object, which cannot be serialized into a string.

You need to fetch the results from the object. Here's how to do it.

If you need a single value.

Fetch a single row from the result and then access column index 0 or using an associative key. Use the null-coalescing operator in case no rows are present in the result.

$result = $con->query($tourquery);  // or mysqli_query($con, $tourquery);

$tourresult = $result->fetch_array()[0] ?? '';
// OR
$tourresult = $result->fetch_array()['roomprice'] ?? '';

echo '<strong>Per room amount:  </strong>'.$tourresult;

If you need multiple values.

Use foreach loop to iterate over the result and fetch each row one by one. You can access each column using the column name as an array index.

$result = $con->query($tourquery);  // or mysqli_query($con, $tourquery);

foreach($result as $row) {
    echo '<strong>Per room amount:  </strong>'.$row['roomprice'];

How can I see the request headers made by curl when sending a request to the server?

I know this is a little late, but my favoured method for doing this is netcat, as you get exactly what curl sent; this can differ from the --trace or --trace-ascii options which won't show non-ASCII characters properly (they just show as dots or need to be decoded).

You can do this as very easily by opening two terminal windows, in the first type:

nc -l localhost 12345

This opens a listening process on port 12345 of your local machine.

In the second terminal window enter your curl command, for example:

curl --form 'foo=bar' localhost:12345

In the first terminal window you will see exactly what curl sent in the request.

Now of course nc won't send anything in response (unless you type it in yourself), so you will need to interrupt the curl command (control-c) and repeat the process for each test.

However, this is a useful option for simply debugging your request, as you're not involving a round-trip anywhere, or producing bogus, iterative requests somewhere until you get it right; once you're happy with the command, simply redirect it to a valid URL and you're good to go.

You can do the same for any cURL library as well, simply edit your request to point to the local nc listener until you're happy with it.

Fill Combobox from database

private void StudentForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

         string q = @"SELECT [BatchID] FROM [Batch]"; //BatchID column name of Batch table
         SqlDataReader reader = DB.Query(q);

         while (reader.Read())
             cbsb.Items.Add(reader["BatchID"].ToString()); //cbsb is the combobox name

Check whether a string matches a regex in JS

Use regex.test() if all you want is a boolean result:

console.log(/^([a-z0-9]{5,})$/.test('abc1')); // false_x000D_
console.log(/^([a-z0-9]{5,})$/.test('abc12')); // true_x000D_
console.log(/^([a-z0-9]{5,})$/.test('abc123')); // true

...and you could remove the () from your regexp since you've no need for a capture.

Fixing npm path in Windows 8 and 10

Go to control panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings then environment variables.

From here find the path variable, Go to the end of the line and paste "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin" (change the path to the directory to where ever you installed it e.g. if you specifically installed it anywhere change it)

Is it possible to print a variable's type in standard C++?

You could use a traits class for this. Something like:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename T> class type_name {
    static const char *name;

#define DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(x) template<> const char *type_name<x>::name = #x;
#define GET_TYPE_NAME(x) (type_name<typeof(x)>::name)


int main()
    int a = 12;
    cout << GET_TYPE_NAME(a) << endl;

The DECLARE_TYPE_NAME define exists to make your life easier in declaring this traits class for all the types you expect to need.

This might be more useful than the solutions involving typeid because you get to control the output. For example, using typeid for long long on my compiler gives "x".

How can I kill whatever process is using port 8080 so that I can vagrant up?

I needed to kill processes on different ports so I created a bash script:

killPort() {
  PID=$(echo $(lsof -n -i4TCP:$1) | awk 'NR==1{print $11}')
  kill -9 $PID

Just add that to your .bashrc and run it like this:

killPort 8080

You can pass whatever port number you wish

Why I am Getting Error 'Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!'

You can see the source code about this output here:

void InputDispatcher::onDispatchCycleBrokenLocked(
        nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection) {
    ALOGE("channel '%s' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!",
    CommandEntry* commandEntry = postCommandLocked(
            & InputDispatcher::doNotifyInputChannelBrokenLockedInterruptible);
    commandEntry->connection = connection;

It's cause by cycle broken locked...

Python's "in" set operator

Yes, but it also means hash(b) == hash(x), so equality of the items isn't enough to make them the same.

Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?

Here you are another general solution for any data type.

int offset = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

try {
    do {
        int b =;

        if (b == -1)

        buffer[offset++] = (byte) b;

        //check offset with buffer length and reallocate array if needed
    } while (inputStream.available() > 0);
} catch (SocketException e) {
    //connection was lost

//process buffer

An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

In My Case, I was running Android Studio and Eclipse at a time. AS and Eclipse were trying to communicate a device/emulator through adb.

Solution: I closed Android Studio. Then I restarted Eclipse.

Hope this helps you :)

Deserializing JSON array into strongly typed .NET object

Afer looking at the source, for WP7 Hammock doesn't actually use Json.Net for JSON parsing. Instead it uses it's own parser which doesn't cope with custom types very well.

If using Json.Net directly it is possible to deserialize to a strongly typed collection inside a wrapper object.

var response = @"
        ""data"": [
                ""name"": ""A Jones"",
                ""id"": ""500015763""
                ""name"": ""B Smith"",
                ""id"": ""504986213""
                ""name"": ""C Brown"",
                ""id"": ""509034361""

var des = (MyClass)Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response, typeof(MyClass));


and with:

public class MyClass
    public List<User> data { get; set; }

public class User
    public string name { get; set; }
    public string id { get; set; }

Having to create the extra object with the data property is annoying but that's a consequence of the way the JSON formatted object is constructed.

Documentation: Serializing and Deserializing JSON

Plotting a 2D heatmap with Matplotlib

Here's how to do it from a csv:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

# Load data from CSV
dat = np.genfromtxt('', delimiter=' ',skip_header=0)
X_dat = dat[:,0]
Y_dat = dat[:,1]
Z_dat = dat[:,2]

# Convert from pandas dataframes to numpy arrays
X, Y, Z, = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])
for i in range(len(X_dat)):
        X = np.append(X, X_dat[i])
        Y = np.append(Y, Y_dat[i])
        Z = np.append(Z, Z_dat[i])

# create x-y points to be used in heatmap
xi = np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 1000)
yi = np.linspace(Y.min(), Y.max(), 1000)

# Interpolate for plotting
zi = griddata((X, Y), Z, (xi[None,:], yi[:,None]), method='cubic')

# I control the range of my colorbar by removing data 
# outside of my range of interest
zmin = 3
zmax = 12
zi[(zi<zmin) | (zi>zmax)] = None

# Create the contour plot
CS = plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,,
                  vmax=zmax, vmin=zmin)

where is in the form

x1 y1 z1
x2 y2 z2

How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor?

By default, Visual Studio Code will try to guess your indentation options depending on the file you open.

You can turn off indentation guessing via "editor.detectIndentation": false.

You can customize this easily via these three settings for Windows in menu File ? Preferences ? User Settings and for Mac in menu Code ? Preferences ? Settings or ?,:

// The number of spaces a tab is equal to. This setting is overridden
// based on the file contents when `editor.detectIndentation` is true.
"editor.tabSize": 4,

// Insert spaces when pressing Tab. This setting is overriden
// based on the file contents when `editor.detectIndentation` is true.
"editor.insertSpaces": true,

// When opening a file, `editor.tabSize` and `editor.insertSpaces`
// will be detected based on the file contents. Set to false to keep
// the values you've explicitly set, above.
"editor.detectIndentation": false

How do I select between the 1st day of the current month and current day in MySQL?

try this :

select * from table where (date >= @StartDate and date < @EndDate);

FIFO class in Java

You're looking for any class that implements the Queue interface, excluding PriorityQueue and PriorityBlockingQueue, which do not use a FIFO algorithm.

Probably a LinkedList using add (adds one to the end) and removeFirst (removes one from the front and returns it) is the easiest one to use.

For example, here's a program that uses a LinkedList to queue and retrieve the digits of PI:

import java.util.LinkedList;

class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        char arr[] = {3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9};
        LinkedList<Integer> fifo = new LinkedList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
            fifo.add (new Integer (arr[i]));

        System.out.print (fifo.removeFirst() + ".");
        while (! fifo.isEmpty())
            System.out.print (fifo.removeFirst());

Alternatively, if you know you only want to treat it as a queue (without the extra features of a linked list), you can just use the Queue interface itself:

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        char arr[] = {3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9};
        Queue<Integer> fifo = new LinkedList<Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
            fifo.add (new Integer (arr[i]));

        System.out.print (fifo.remove() + ".");
        while (! fifo.isEmpty())
            System.out.print (fifo.remove());

This has the advantage of allowing you to replace the underlying concrete class with any class that provides the Queue interface, without having to change the code too much.

The basic changes are to change the type of fifo to a Queue and to use remove() instead of removeFirst(), the latter being unavailable for the Queue interface.

Calling isEmpty() is still okay since that belongs to the Collection interface of which Queue is a derivative.

List of all users that can connect via SSH

Any user whose login shell setting in /etc/passwd is an interactive shell can login. I don't think there's a totally reliable way to tell if a program is an interactive shell; checking whether it's in /etc/shells is probably as good as you can get.

Other users can also login, but the program they run should not allow them to get much access to the system. And users that aren't allowed to login at all should have /etc/false as their shell -- this will just log them out immediately.

How to get full file path from file name?

private const string BulkSetPriceFile = "test.txt";
var fullname = Path.GetFullPath(BulkSetPriceFile);

Git: can't undo local changes (error: path ... is unmerged)

You did it the wrong way around. You are meant to reset first, to unstage the file, then checkout, to revert local changes.

Try this:

$ git reset foo/bar.txt
$ git checkout foo/bar.txt

Using LIMIT within GROUP BY to get N results per group?

Took some working, but I thougth my solution would be something to share as it is seems elegant as well as quite fast.

SELECT h.year,, h.rate 
  FROM (
    SELECT id, 
      SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(id, '-', year) ORDER BY rate DESC), ',' , 5) AS l
      FROM h
      WHERE year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2009
      GROUP BY id
      ORDER BY id
  ) AS h_temp
    LEFT JOIN h ON = 
      AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(h_temp.l, CONCAT(, '-', h.year), 1) != h_temp.l

Note that this example is specified for the purpose of the question and can be modified quite easily for other similar purposes.

Finding rows that don't contain numeric data in Oracle

I've found this useful:

 select translate('your string','_0123456789','_') from dual

If the result is NULL, it's numeric (ignoring floating point numbers.)

However, I'm a bit baffled why the underscore is needed. Without it the following also returns null:

 select translate('s123','0123456789', '') from dual

There is also one of my favorite tricks - not perfect if the string contains stuff like "*" or "#":

 SELECT 'is a number' FROM dual WHERE UPPER('123') = LOWER('123')

What event handler to use for ComboBox Item Selected (Selected Item not necessarily changed)

For me ComboBox.DropDownClosed Event did it.

private void cbValueType_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (cbValueType.SelectedIndex == someIntValue) //sel ind already updated
            // change sel Index of other Combo for example
            cbDataType.SelectedIndex = someotherIntValue;

When to use self over $this?

To really understand what we're talking about when we talk about self versus $this, we need to actually dig into what's going on at a conceptual and a practical level. I don't really feel any of the answers do this appropriately, so here's my attempt.

Let's start off by talking about what a class and an object is.

Classes And Objects, Conceptually

So, what is a class? A lot of people define it as a blueprint or a template for an object. In fact, you can read more About Classes In PHP Here. And to some extent that's what it really is. Let's look at a class:

class Person {
    public $name = 'my name';
    public function sayHello() {
        echo "Hello";

As you can tell, there is a property on that class called $name and a method (function) called sayHello().

It's very important to note that the class is a static structure. Which means that the class Person, once defined, is always the same everywhere you look at it.

An object on the other hand is what's called an instance of a Class. What that means is that we take the "blueprint" of the class, and use it to make a dynamic copy. This copy is now specifically tied to the variable it's stored in. Therefore, any changes to an instance is local to that instance.

$bob = new Person;
$adam = new Person;
$bob->name = 'Bob';
echo $adam->name; // "my name"

We create new instances of a class using the new operator.

Therefore, we say that a Class is a global structure, and an Object is a local structure. Don't worry about that funny -> syntax, we're going to go into that in a little bit.

One other thing we should talk about, is that we can check if an instance is an instanceof a particular class: $bob instanceof Person which returns a boolean if the $bob instance was made using the Person class, or a child of Person.

Defining State

So let's dig a bit into what a class actually contains. There are 5 types of "things" that a class contains:

  1. Properties - Think of these as variables that each instance will contain.

    class Foo {
        public $bar = 1;
  2. Static Properties - Think of these as variables that are shared at the class level. Meaning that they are never copied by each instance.

    class Foo {
        public static $bar = 1;
  3. Methods - These are functions which each instance will contain (and operate on instances).

    class Foo {
        public function bar() {}
  4. Static Methods - These are functions which are shared across the entire class. They do not operate on instances, but instead on the static properties only.

    class Foo {
        public static function bar() {}
  5. Constants - Class resolved constants. Not going any deeper here, but adding for completeness:

    class Foo {
        const BAR = 1;

So basically, we're storing information on the class and object container using "hints" about static which identify whether the information is shared (and hence static) or not (and hence dynamic).

State and Methods

Inside of a method, an object's instance is represented by the $this variable. The current state of that object is there, and mutating (changing) any property will result in a change to that instance (but not others).

If a method is called statically, the $this variable is not defined. This is because there's no instance associated with a static call.

The interesting thing here is how static calls are made. So let's talk about how we access the state:

Accessing State

So now that we have stored that state, we need to access it. This can get a bit tricky (or way more than a bit), so let's split this into two viewpoints: from outside of an instance/class (say from a normal function call, or from the global scope), and inside of an instance/class (from within a method on the object).

From Outside Of An Instance/Class

From the outside of an instance/class, our rules are quite simple and predictable. We have two operators, and each tells us immediately if we're dealing with an instance or a class static:

  • -> - object-operator - This is always used when we're accessing an instance.

    $bob = new Person;
    echo $bob->name;

    It's important to note that calling Person->foo does not make sense (since Person is a class, not an instance). Therefore, that is a parse error.

  • :: - scope-resolution-operator - This is always used to access a Class static property or method.

    echo Foo::bar()

    Additionally, we can call a static method on an object in the same way:

    echo $foo::bar()

    It's extremely important to note that when we do this from outside, the object's instance is hidden from the bar() method. Meaning that it's the exact same as running:

    $class = get_class($foo);

Therefore, $this is not defined in the static call.

From Inside Of An Instance/Class

Things change a bit here. The same operators are used, but their meaning becomes significantly blurred.

The object-operator -> is still used to make calls to the object's instance state.

class Foo {
    public $a = 1;
    public function bar() {
        return $this->a;

Calling the bar() method on $foo (an instance of Foo) using the object-operator: $foo->bar() will result in the instance's version of $a.

So that's how we expect.

The meaning of the :: operator though changes. It depends on the context of the call to the current function:

  • Within a static context

    Within a static context, any calls made using :: will also be static. Let's look at an example:

    class Foo {
        public function bar() {
            return Foo::baz();
        public function baz() {
            return isset($this);

    Calling Foo::bar() will call the baz() method statically, and hence $this will not be populated. It's worth noting that in recent versions of PHP (5.3+) this will trigger an E_STRICT error, because we're calling non-static methods statically.

  • Within an instance context

    Within an instance context on the other hand, calls made using :: depend on the receiver of the call (the method we're calling). If the method is defined as static, then it will use a static call. If it's not, it will forward the instance information.

    So, looking at the above code, calling $foo->bar() will return true, since the "static" call happens inside of an instance context.

Make sense? Didn't think so. It's confusing.

Short-Cut Keywords

Because tying everything together using class names is rather dirty, PHP provides 3 basic "shortcut" keywords to make scope resolving easier.

  • self - This refers to the current class name. So self::baz() is the same as Foo::baz() within the Foo class (any method on it).

  • parent - This refers to the parent of the current class.

  • static - This refers to the called class. Thanks to inheritance, child classes can override methods and static properties. So calling them using static instead of a class name allows us to resolve where the call came from, rather than the current level.


The easiest way to understand this is to start looking at some examples. Let's pick a class:

class Person {
    public static $number = 0;
    public $id = 0;
    public function __construct() {
        $this->id = self::$number;
    public $name = "";
    public function getName() {
        return $this->name;
    public function getId() {
        return $this->id;

class Child extends Person {
    public $age = 0;
    public function __construct($age) {
        $this->age = $age;
    public function getName() {
        return 'child: ' . parent::getName();

Now, we're also looking at inheritance here. Ignore for a moment that this is a bad object model, but let's look at what happens when we play with this:

$bob = new Person;
$bob->name = "Bob";
$adam = new Person;
$adam->name = "Adam";
$billy = new Child;
$billy->name = "Billy";
var_dump($bob->getId()); // 1
var_dump($adam->getId()); // 2
var_dump($billy->getId()); // 3

So the ID counter is shared across both instances and the children (because we're using self to access it. If we used static, we could override it in a child class).

var_dump($bob->getName()); // Bob
var_dump($adam->getName()); // Adam
var_dump($billy->getName()); // child: Billy

Note that we're executing the Person::getName() instance method every time. But we're using the parent::getName() to do it in one of the cases (the child case). This is what makes this approach powerful.

Word Of Caution #1

Note that the calling context is what determines if an instance is used. Therefore:

class Foo {
    public function isFoo() {
        return $this instanceof Foo;

Is not always true.

class Bar {
    public function doSomething() {
        return Foo::isFoo();
$b = new Bar;
var_dump($b->doSomething()); // bool(false)

Now it is really weird here. We're calling a different class, but the $this that gets passed to the Foo::isFoo() method is the instance of $bar.

This can cause all sorts of bugs and conceptual WTF-ery. So I'd highly suggest avoiding the :: operator from within instance methods on anything except those three virtual "short-cut" keywords (static, self, and parent).

Word Of Caution #2

Note that static methods and properties are shared by everyone. That makes them basically global variables. With all the same problems that come with globals. So I would be really hesitant to store information in static methods/properties unless you're comfortable with it being truly global.

Word Of Caution #3

In general you'll want to use what's known as Late-Static-Binding by using static instead of self. But note that they are not the same thing, so saying "always use static instead of self is really short-sighted. Instead, stop and think about the call you want to make and think if you want child classes to be able to override that static resolved call.


Too bad, go back and read it. It may be too long, but it's that long because this is a complex topic

TL/DR #2

Ok, fine. In short, self is used to reference the current class name within a class, where as $this refers to the current object instance. Note that self is a copy/paste short-cut. You can safely replace it with your class name, and it'll work fine. But $this is a dynamic variable that can't be determined ahead of time (and may not even be your class).

TL/DR #3

If the object-operator is used (->), then you always know you're dealing with an instance. If the scope-resolution-operator is used (::), you need more information about the context (are we in an object-context already? Are we outside of an object? etc).

How to Detect cause of 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error and handle it?

There is of course some apache log files. Search in your apache configuration files for 'Log' keyword, you'll certainly find plenty of them. Depending on your OS and installation places may vary (in a Typical Linux server it would be /var/log/apache2/[access|error].log).

Having a 503 error in Apache usually means the proxied page/service is not available. I assume you're using tomcat and that means tomcat is either not responding to apache (timeout?) or not even available (down? crashed?). So chances are that it's a configuration error in the way to connect apache and tomcat or an application inside tomcat that is not even sending a response for apache.

Sometimes, in production servers, it can as well be that you get too much traffic for the tomcat server, apache handle more request than the proxyied service (tomcat) can accept so the backend became unavailable.

How to hide form code from view code/inspect element browser?

document.onkeydown = function(e) {_x000D_
if(event.keyCode == 123) {_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'E'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 'I'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 'J'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'U'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'S'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'H'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'A'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'E'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_

Try this code

What Does 'zoom' do in CSS?

As Joshua M pointed out, the zoom function isn't supported only in Firefox, but you can simply fix this as shown:

div.zoom {
  zoom: 2; /* all browsers */
 -moz-transform: scale(2);  /* Firefox */

What is the difference between `new Object()` and object literal notation?

There are a lot of great answers here, but I want to come with my 50 cents.

What all of these answers are missing is a simple analogy which would work for a person who just starts his journey in the programming languages.

Hopefully, I will fill this gap with this analogy:

Object Literal Creation vs Constructor-based Syntax

Feel the difference with a sentence creation.

If I have a sentence "I like cheese", I can tell you clearly and loudly (literally, or verbatim): I like cheese.

This is my literal (word by word) creation of the sentence.

All other ways are some tricky ways of making you to understand of what sentence I created exactly. For example, I tell you:

  1. In my sentence, the subject is "I", the object is "cheese", and the predicate is "to like". This is another way of YOU to learn without any ambiguities the very same sentence: "I like cheese".


  1. My sentence has 3 words: the first one is the n-th word in the English dictionary, the the second one is the m-th word in the English dictionary and the last one is the l-th word in the English dictionary.

In this case, you also come to the same result: you know exactly what the sentence is.

You can devise any other methods which would differ from "word-by-word" sentence creation (LITERAL), and which would be INDIRECT (non literal, non verbatim) method of sentence creation.

I think this is the core concept which lays here.

Aligning label and textbox on same line (left and right)

You should use CSS to align the textbox. The reason your code above does not work is because by default a div's width is the same as the container it's in, therefore in your example it is pushed below.

The following would work.

<td  colspan="2" class="cell">
                <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>        
                <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" CssClass="righttextbox"></asp:TextBox>       

In your CSS file:



How to save a figure in MATLAB from the command line?

These days (May 2017), MATLAB still suffer from a robust method to export figures, especially in GNU/Linux systems when exporting figures in batch mode. The best option is to use the extension export_fig

Just download the source code from Github and use it:

plot(cos(linspace(0, 7, 1000)));
set(gcf, 'Position', [100 100 150 150]);
export_fig test2.png

How to set input type date's default value to today?

If you are using ruby you can use this to set the default value to today's date and time:

<input type="datetime-local" name="time" value="<%='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') %>" />

What's the easiest way to escape HTML in Python?

cgi.escape extended

This version improves cgi.escape. It also preserves whitespace and newlines. Returns a unicode string.

def escape_html(text):
    """escape strings for display in HTML"""
    return cgi.escape(text, quote=True).\
           replace(u'\n', u'<br />').\
           replace(u'\t', u'&emsp;').\
           replace(u'  ', u' &nbsp;')

for example

>>> escape_html('<foo>\nfoo\t"bar"')
u'&lt;foo&gt;<br />foo&emsp;&quot;bar&quot;'

Docker - Cannot remove dead container

grep 656cfd09aee399c8ae8c8d3e735fe48d70be6672773616e15579c8de18e2a3b3 /proc/*/mountinfo

then find the pid of 656cfd09aee399c8ae8c8d3e735fe48d70be6672773616e15579c8de18e2a3b3and and kill it

How to store the hostname in a variable in a .bat file?

Why not so?:

echo %host%

How to recover corrupted Eclipse workspace?

I also experienced an issue like this, my workspace was corrupted and didn't do all the important things anymore.

For some reason, I had a corrupt resource on one of my projects. It didn't show up in the package tree, but it did show in the error log in Eclipse as

Error while creating a link for external folder X:\somefolder

After checking every project (because the error didn't point to one), I indeed found this resource in one of the build paths (in Configure Build Path menu it did show an error icon!) and deleted it.

See Eclipse (Kepler) Workspace acting weird (type hierarchy, searching for references not working) for a wider description of my issue if you're experiencing something similar.

Posted this for future developers to reference.

SQL Server - transactions roll back on error?

Here the code with getting the error message working with MSSQL Server 2016:

        -- Do your stuff that might fail here
    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

        DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000) = ERROR_MESSAGE()
        DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT = ERROR_SEVERITY()
        DECLARE @ErrorState INT = ERROR_STATE()

    -- Use RAISERROR inside the CATCH block to return error  
    -- information about the original error that caused  
    -- execution to jump to the CATCH block.  
    RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState);

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

Here's how to disable minification on a per-bundle basis:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundleRaw("~/Content/foobarcss").Include("/some/path/foobar.css"));
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundleRaw("~/Bundles/foobarjs").Include("/some/path/foobar.js"));

Sidenote: The paths used for your bundles must not coincide with any actual path in your published builds otherwise nothing will work. Also make sure to avoid using .js, .css and/or '.' and '_' anywhere in the name of the bundle. Keep the name as simple and as straightforward as possible, like in the example above.

The helper classes are shown below. Notice that in order to make these classes future-proof we surgically remove the js/css minifying instances instead of using .clear() and we also insert a mime-type-setter transformation without which production builds are bound to run into trouble especially when it comes to properly handing over css-bundles (firefox and chrome reject css bundles with mime-type set to "text/html" which is the default):

internal sealed class StyleBundleRaw : StyleBundle
        private static readonly BundleMimeType CssContentMimeType = new BundleMimeType("text/css");

        public StyleBundleRaw(string virtualPath) : this(virtualPath, cdnPath: null)

        public StyleBundleRaw(string virtualPath, string cdnPath) : base(virtualPath, cdnPath)
                 Transforms.Add(CssContentMimeType); //0 vital
                 Transforms.Remove(Transforms.FirstOrDefault(x => x is CssMinify)); //0
        //0 the guys at redmond in their infinite wisdom plugged the mimetype "text/css" right into cssminify    upon unwiring the minifier we
        //  need to somehow reenable the cssbundle to specify its mimetype otherwise it will advertise itself as html and wont load

internal sealed class ScriptBundleRaw : ScriptBundle
        private static readonly BundleMimeType JsContentMimeType = new BundleMimeType("text/javascript");

        public ScriptBundleRaw(string virtualPath) : this(virtualPath, cdnPath: null)

        public ScriptBundleRaw(string virtualPath, string cdnPath) : base(virtualPath, cdnPath)
                 Transforms.Add(JsContentMimeType); //0 vital
                 Transforms.Remove(Transforms.FirstOrDefault(x => x is JsMinify)); //0
        //0 the guys at redmond in their infinite wisdom plugged the mimetype "text/javascript" right into jsminify   upon unwiring the minifier we need
        //  to somehow reenable the jsbundle to specify its mimetype otherwise it will advertise itself as html causing it to be become unloadable by the browsers in published production builds

internal sealed class BundleMimeType : IBundleTransform
        private readonly string _mimeType;

        public BundleMimeType(string mimeType) { _mimeType = mimeType; }

        public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response)
                 if (context == null)
                          throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
                 if (response == null)
                          throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(response));

         response.ContentType = _mimeType;

To make this whole thing work you need to install (via nuget):

WebGrease 1.6.0+ Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization 1.1.3+

And your web.config should be enriched like so:

        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Optimization" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="x.y.z.t" />
              <assemblyIdentity name="WebGrease" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="x.y.z.t" />

<!-- setting mimetypes like we do right below is absolutely vital for published builds because for some reason the -->
<!-- iis servers in production environments somehow dont know how to handle otf eot and other font related files   -->
      <!-- in case iis already has these mime types -->
      <remove fileExtension=".otf" />
      <remove fileExtension=".eot" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ttf" />
      <remove fileExtension=".woff" />
      <remove fileExtension=".woff2" />

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".otf" mimeType="font/otf" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".eot" mimeType="application/" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ttf" mimeType="application/octet-stream" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="application/font-woff2" />

      <!-- also vital otherwise published builds wont work  -->
      <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
         <remove name="BundleModule" />
         <add name="BundleModule" type="System.Web.Optimization.BundleModule" />

Note that you might have to take extra steps to make your css-bundles work in terms of fonts etc. But that's a different story.

Reading a binary file with python

In general, I would recommend that you look into using Python's struct module for this. It's standard with Python, and it should be easy to translate your question's specification into a formatting string suitable for struct.unpack().

Do note that if there's "invisible" padding between/around the fields, you will need to figure that out and include it in the unpack() call, or you will read the wrong bits.

Reading the contents of the file in order to have something to unpack is pretty trivial:

import struct

data = open("from_fortran.bin", "rb").read()

(eight, N) = struct.unpack("@II", data)

This unpacks the first two fields, assuming they start at the very beginning of the file (no padding or extraneous data), and also assuming native byte-order (the @ symbol). The Is in the formatting string mean "unsigned integer, 32 bits".

jquery UI dialog: how to initialize without a title bar?

This is the easiest way to do it and it will only remove the titlebar in that one specific dialog;


ECONNREFUSED error when connecting to mongodb from node.js

I had same problem. It was resolved by running same code in Administrator Console.

Convert Go map to json

If you had caught the error, you would have seen this:

jsonString, err := json.Marshal(datas)

// [] json: unsupported type: map[int]main.Foo

The thing is you cannot use integers as keys in JSON; it is forbidden. Instead, you can convert these values to strings beforehand, for instance using strconv.Itoa.

See this post for more details:

less than 10 add 0 to number

You can write a generic function to do this...

var numberFormat = function(number, width) {
    return new Array(+width + 1 - (number + '').length).join('0') + number;


That way, it's not a problem to deal with any arbitrarily width.

Excel Formula to SUMIF date falls in particular month

=SUMPRODUCT( (MONTH($A$2:$A$6)=1) * ($B$2:$B$6) )


  • (MONTH($A$2:$A$6)=1) creates an array of 1 and 0, it's 1 when the month is january, thus in your example the returned array would be [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]

  • SUMPRODUCT first multiplies each value of the array created in the above step with values of the array ($B$2:$B$6), then it sums them. Hence in your example it does this: (1 * 430) + (1 * 96) + (1 * 440) + (0 * 72.10) + (0 * 72.30)

This works also in OpenOffice and Google Spreadsheets

Node.js heap out of memory

I just want to add that in some systems, even increasing the node memory limit with --max-old-space-size, it's not enough and there is an OS error like this:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
Aborted (core dumped)

In this case, probably is because you reached the max mmap per process.

You can check the max_map_count by running

sysctl vm.max_map_count

and increas it by running

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=655300

and fix it to not be reset after a reboot by adding this line


in /etc/sysctl.conf file.

Check here for more info.

A good method to analyse the error is by run the process with strace

strace node --max-old-space-size=128000 my_memory_consuming_process.js

Aggregate / summarize multiple variables per group (e.g. sum, mean)

With the dplyr package, you can use summarise_all, summarise_at or summarise_if functions to aggregate multiple variables simultaneously. For the example dataset you can do this as follows:

# summarising all non-grouping variables
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise_all(sum)

# summarising a specific set of non-grouping variables
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise_at(vars(x1, x2), sum)
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise_at(vars(-date), sum)

# summarising a specific set of non-grouping variables using select_helpers
# see ?select_helpers for more options
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise_at(vars(starts_with('x')), sum)
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise_at(vars(matches('.*[0-9]')), sum)

# summarising a specific set of non-grouping variables based on condition (class)
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)

The result of the latter two options:

    year month        x1         x2
   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1   2000     1 -73.58134  -92.78595
2   2000     2 -57.81334 -152.36983
3   2000     3 122.68758  153.55243
4   2000     4 450.24980  285.56374
5   2000     5 678.37867  384.42888
6   2000     6 792.68696  530.28694
7   2000     7 908.58795  452.31222
8   2000     8 710.69928  719.35225
9   2000     9 725.06079  914.93687
10  2000    10 770.60304  863.39337
# ... with 14 more rows

Note: summarise_each is deprecated in favor of summarise_all, summarise_at and summarise_if.

As mentioned in my comment above, you can also use the recast function from the reshape2-package:

recast(df1, year + month ~ variable, sum, id.var = c("date", "year", "month"))

which will give you the same result.

How do I view an older version of an SVN file?

I believe the best way to view revisions is to use a program/app that makes it easy for you. I like to use trac :

It provides a great svn browser and makes it really easy to go back through your revisions.

It may be a little overkill to set this up for one specific revision you want to check, but it could be useful if you're going to do this a lot in the future.

catch forEach last iteration

Updated answer for ES6+ is here.

arr = [1, 2, 3]; 

arr.forEach(function(i, idx, array){
   if (idx === array.length - 1){ 
       console.log("Last callback call at index " + idx + " with value " + i ); 

would output:

Last callback call at index 2 with value 3

The way this works is testing arr.length against the current index of the array, passed to the callback function.

How to call Stored Procedure in a View?

This construction is not allowed in SQL Server. An inline table-valued function can perform as a parameterized view, but is still not allowed to call an SP like this.

Here's some examples of using an SP and an inline TVF interchangeably - you'll see that the TVF is more flexible (it's basically more like a view than a function), so where an inline TVF can be used, they can be more re-eusable:

CREATE TABLE dbo.so916784 (
    num int

INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (0)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (1)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (2)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (3)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (4)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (5)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (6)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (7)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (8)
INSERT INTO dbo.so916784 VALUES (9)

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_so916784 @mod AS int
    SELECT  *
    FROM    dbo.so916784
    WHERE   num % @mod = 0

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tvf_so916784 (@mod AS int)
     SELECT *
     FROM   dbo.so916784
     WHERE  num % @mod = 0

EXEC dbo.usp_so916784 3
EXEC dbo.usp_so916784 4

SELECT * FROM dbo.tvf_so916784(3)    
SELECT * FROM dbo.tvf_so916784(4)

DROP FUNCTION dbo.tvf_so916784
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.usp_so916784
DROP TABLE dbo.so916784

How to alter a column and change the default value?

As a follow up, if you just want to set a default, pretty sure you can use the ALTER .. SET syntax. Just don't put all the other stuff in there. If you're gonna put the rest of the column definition in, use the MODIFY or CHANGE syntax as per the accepted answer.

Anyway, the ALTER syntax for setting a column default, (since that's what I was looking for when I came here):

ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name SET DEFAULT 'literal';

For which 'literal' could also be a number (e.g. ...SET DEFAULT 0). I haven't tried it with ...SET DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP but why not eh?

remove legend title in ggplot

You were almost there : just add theme(legend.title=element_blank())

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, colour=g)) +
  geom_line(stat="identity") + 
  theme(legend.position="bottom") +

This page on Cookbook for R gives plenty of details on how to customize legends.

Specifying java version in maven - differences between properties and compiler plugin

Consider the alternative:


It should be the same thing of maven.compiler.source/ but the above solution works for me, otherwise the second one gets the parent specification (I have a matrioska of .pom)

Change icon-bar (?) color in bootstrap

The reason your CSS isn't working is because of specificity. The Bootstrap selector has a higher specificity than yours, so your style is completely ignored.

Bootstrap styles this with the selector: .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar. This selector has a B specificity value of 3, whereas yours only has a B specificity value of 1.

Therefore, to override this, simply use the same selector in your CSS (assuming your CSS is included after Bootstrap's):

.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
    background-color: black;

Why is Ant giving me a Unsupported major.minor version error

The runtime jre was set to jre 6 instead of jre 7 in the build configuration window.

How to create a HTML Table from a PHP array?

Build two foreach loops and iterate through your array. Print out the value and add HTML table tags around that.

How to position the Button exactly in CSS

Try using absolute positioning, rather than relative positioning

this should get you close - you can adjust by tweaking margins or top/left positions

#play_button {
    transition: .5s ease;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;

How do I get the type of a variable?

You can use the typeid operator:

#include <typeinfo>
cout << typeid(variable).name() << endl;

Find nearest value in numpy array

With slight modification, the answer above works with arrays of arbitrary dimension (1d, 2d, 3d, ...):

def find_nearest(a, a0):
    "Element in nd array `a` closest to the scalar value `a0`"
    idx = np.abs(a - a0).argmin()
    return a.flat[idx]

Or, written as a single line:

a.flat[np.abs(a - a0).argmin()]

How to set delay in android?

If you want to do something in the UI on regular time intervals very good option is to use CountDownTimer:

new CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {

     public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
         mTextField.setText("seconds remaining: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000);

     public void onFinish() {

Drop default constraint on a column in TSQL

This is how you would drop the constraint

ALTER TABLE <schema_name, sysname, dbo>.<table_name, sysname, table_name>
   DROP CONSTRAINT <default_constraint_name, sysname, default_constraint_name>

With a script

-- t-sql scriptlet to drop all constraints on a table
DECLARE @database nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @table nvarchar(50)

set @database = 'dotnetnuke'
set @table = 'tabs'

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(255)
WHILE EXISTS(select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS where constraint_catalog = @database and table_name = @table)
    select    @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @table + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + CONSTRAINT_NAME 
    where    constraint_catalog = @database and 
            table_name = @table
    exec    sp_executesql @sql

Credits go to Jon Galloway

Convert base64 string to ArrayBuffer

For Node.js users:

const myBuffer = Buffer.from(someBase64String, 'base64');

myBuffer will be of type Buffer which is a subclass of Uint8Array. Unfortunately, Uint8Array is NOT an ArrayBuffer as the OP was asking for. But when manipulating an ArrayBuffer I almost always wrap it with Uint8Array or something similar, so it should be close to what's being asked for.

Axios Delete request with body and headers?

I had the same issue I solved it like that:

axios.delete(url, {data:{username:"user", password:"pass"}, headers:{Authorization: "token"}})

What LaTeX Editor do you suggest for Linux?

Honestly, I've always been happy with emacs. Then again, I started out using emacs, so I've no doubt that it colours my perceptions. Still, it gives syntax highlighting and formatting, and can easily be configured to build the LaTeX. Check out the TeX mode.

Getting "conflicting types for function" in C, why?

Watch again:

char dest[5];
char src[5] = "test";

printf("String: %s\n", do_something(dest, src));

Focus on this line:

printf("String: %s\n", do_something(dest, src));

You can clearly see that the do_something function is not declared!

If you look a little further,

printf("String: %s\n", do_something(dest, src));

char *do_something(char *dest, const char *src)
return dest;

you will see that you declare the function after you use it.

You will need to modify this part with this code:

char *do_something(char *dest, const char *src)
return dest;

printf("String: %s\n", do_something(dest, src));

Cheers ;)

How can I remove Nan from list Python/NumPy

The problem comes from the fact that np.isnan() does not handle string values correctly. For example, if you do:

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

However the pandas version pd.isnull() works for numeric and string values:

> False

> False

> True

> True

Reimport a module in python while interactive

Another small point: If you used the import some_module as sm syntax, then you have to re-load the module with its aliased name (sm in this example):

>>> import some_module as sm
>>> import importlib
>>> importlib.reload(some_module) # raises "NameError: name 'some_module' is not defined"
>>> importlib.reload(sm) # works

Get Android Device Name

UPDATE You could retrieve the device from buildprop easitly.

static String GetDeviceName() {
    Process p;
    String propvalue = "";
    try {
        p = new ProcessBuilder("/system/bin/getprop", "").redirectErrorStream(true).start();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            propvalue = line;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return propvalue;

But keep in mind, this doesn't work on some devices.

AngularJS Dropdown required validation

You need to add a name attribute to your dropdown list, then you need to add a required attribute, and then you can reference the error using myForm.[input name].$error.required:


        <form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl" ng-submit="save(myForm)" novalidate>
        <input type="text" name="txtServiceName" ng-model="ServiceName" required>
<span ng-show="myForm.txtServiceName.$error.required">Enter Service Name</span>
          <select name="service_id" class="Sitedropdown" style="width: 220px;"          
                  ng-options="service.ServiceID as service.ServiceName for service in services"
            <option value="">Select Service</option> 
          <span ng-show="myForm.service_id.$error.required">Select service</span>



        function Ctrl($scope) {
          $ = [
            {ServiceID: 1, ServiceName: 'Service1'},
            {ServiceID: 2, ServiceName: 'Service2'},
            {ServiceID: 3, ServiceName: 'Service3'}

    $ = function(myForm) {
    console.log('Selected Value: '+ myForm.service_id.$modelValue);
    alert('Data Saved! without validate');

Here's a working plunker.

Check if a file exists in jenkins pipeline

You need to use brackets when using the fileExists step in an if condition or assign the returned value to a variable

Using variable:

def exists = fileExists 'file'

if (exists) {
    echo 'Yes'
} else {
    echo 'No'

Using brackets:

if (fileExists('file')) {
    echo 'Yes'
} else {
    echo 'No'

How do MySQL indexes work?

Adding some visual representation to the list of answers. enter image description here

MySQL uses an extra layer of indirection: secondary index records point to primary index records, and the primary index itself holds the on-disk row locations. If a row offset changes, only the primary index needs to be updated.

Caveat: Disk data structure looks flat in the diagram but actually is a B+ tree.

Source: link

JavaScript: How do I print a message to the error console?

function foo() {_x000D_
  function bar() {_x000D_
    console.trace("Tracing is Done here");_x000D_

console.log(console); //to print console object_x000D_
console.clear('console.clear'); //to clear console_x000D_
console.log('console.log'); //to print log message_x000D_''); //to print log message _x000D_
console.debug('console.debug'); //to debug message_x000D_
console.warn('console.warn'); //to print Warning_x000D_
console.error('console.error'); //to print Error_x000D_
console.table(["car", "fruits", "color"]);//to print data in table structure_x000D_
console.assert('console.assert'); //to print Error_x000D_
console.dir({"name":"test"});//to print object_x000D_
console.dirxml({"name":"test"});//to print object as xml formate

To Print Error:- console.error('x=%d', x);

console.log("This is the outer level");_x000D_;_x000D_
console.log("Level 2");_x000D_;_x000D_
console.log("Level 3");_x000D_
console.warn("More of level 3");_x000D_
console.log("Back to level 2");_x000D_
console.log("Back to the outer level");

How to get the size of a string in Python?

>>> s = 'abcd'
>>> len(s)

How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

For developers who want their text fields to accept unsigned numbers only such as socket ports and so on:


<TextBox PreviewTextInput="Port_PreviewTextInput" MaxLines="1"/>


private void Port_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = !int.TryParse(e.Text, out int x);

How to make execution pause, sleep, wait for X seconds in R?

See help(Sys.sleep).

For example, from ?Sys.sleep

testit <- function(x)
    p1 <- proc.time()
    proc.time() - p1 # The cpu usage should be negligible


> testit(3.7)
   user  system elapsed 
  0.000   0.000   3.704 

Open another page in php

header( 'Location:' );

in your process.php file

What to put in a python module docstring?

Think about somebody doing help(yourmodule) at the interactive interpreter's prompt — what do they want to know? (Other methods of extracting and displaying the information are roughly equivalent to help in terms of amount of information). So if you have in

"""This module does blah blah."""

class Blah(object):
  """This class does blah blah."""


>>> import x; help(x)


Help on module x:

    x - This module does blah blah.



    class Blah(__builtin__.object)
     |  This class does blah blah.
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Blah' objects>
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

As you see, the detailed information on the classes (and functions too, though I'm not showing one here) is already included from those components' docstrings; the module's own docstring should describe them very summarily (if at all) and rather concentrate on a concise summary of what the module as a whole can do for you, ideally with some doctested examples (just like functions and classes ideally should have doctested examples in their docstrings).

I don't see how metadata such as author name and copyright / license helps the module's user — it can rather go in comments, since it could help somebody considering whether or not to reuse or modify the module.

Convert NSNumber to int in Objective-C

You should stick to the NSInteger data types when possible. So you'd create the number like that:

NSInteger myValue = 1;
NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithInteger: myValue];

Decoding works with the integerValue method then:

NSInteger value = [number integerValue];

Disable submit button when form invalid with AngularJS

Selected response is correct, but someone like me, may have issues with async validation with sending request to the server-side - button will be not disabled during given request processing, so button will blink, which looks pretty strange for the users.

To void this, you just need to handle $pending state of the form:

<form name="myForm">
  <input name="myText" type="text" ng-model="mytext" required />
  <button ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid || myForm.$pending">Save</button>

How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file

The answer is to DISABLE "Enable auto-completion on each input". Tested and works perfectly.

How can I update window.location.hash without jumping the document?

Why dont you get the current scroll position, put it in a variable then assign the hash and put the page scroll back to where it was:

var yScroll=document.body.scrollTop;
window.location.hash = id;

this should work

Applying function with multiple arguments to create a new pandas column

Alternatively, you can use numpy underlying function:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [10,20,30], "B": [20, 30, 10]})
>>> df['new_column'] = np.multiply(df['A'], df['B'])
>>> df
    A   B  new_column
0  10  20         200
1  20  30         600
2  30  10         300

or vectorize arbitrary function in general case:

>>> def fx(x, y):
...     return x*y
>>> df['new_column'] = np.vectorize(fx)(df['A'], df['B'])
>>> df
    A   B  new_column
0  10  20         200
1  20  30         600
2  30  10         300

Get clicked element using jQuery on event?

A simple way is to pass the data attribute to your HTML tag.


<div data-id='tagid' class="clickElem"></div>

$(document).on("click",".appDetails", function () {
   var clickedBtnID = $(this).attr('data');
   alert('you clicked on button #' + clickedBtnID);

How to know what the 'errno' means?

Type sudo apt-get install moreutils into your shell and then, once that has installed, type errno 2. You can also use errno -l for all error numbers, or see only the file ones by piping it to grep, like this: errno -l | grep file.

Importing two classes with same name. How to handle?

use the fully qualified name instead of importing the class.


//import java.util.Date; //delete this
//import my.own.Date;

class Test{

   public static void main(String [] args){

      // I want to choose my.own.Date here. How?
      my.own.Date myDate = new my.own.Date();

      // I want to choose util.Date here. How ?
      java.util.Date javaDate = new java.util.Date();

How to check if a network port is open on linux?

If you want to use this in a more general context, you should make sure, that the socket that you open also gets closed. So the check should be more like this:

import socket
from contextlib import closing

def check_socket(host, port):
    with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock:
        if sock.connect_ex((host, port)) == 0:
            print "Port is open"
            print "Port is not open"

Constant pointer vs Pointer to constant

const int* ptr; 

declares ptr a pointer to const int type. You can modify ptr itself but the object pointed to by ptr shall not be modified.

const int a = 10;
const int* ptr = &a;  
*ptr = 5; // wrong
ptr++;    // right  


int * const ptr;  

declares ptr a const pointer to int type. You are not allowed to modify ptr but the object pointed to by ptr can be modified.

int a = 10;
int *const ptr = &a;  
*ptr = 5; // right
ptr++;    // wrong

Generally I would prefer the declaration like this which make it easy to read and understand (read from right to left):

int const  *ptr; // ptr is a pointer to constant int 
int *const ptr;  // ptr is a constant pointer to int

Pad with leading zeros

There's no such concept as an integer with padding. How many legs do you have - 2, 02 or 002? They're the same number. Indeed, even the "2" part isn't really part of the number, it's only relevant in the decimal representation.

If you need padding, that suggests you're talking about the textual representation of a number... i.e. a string.

You can achieve that using string formatting options, e.g.

string text = value.ToString("0000000");


string text = value.ToString("D7");

How to run travis-ci locally

It is possible to SSH to Travis CI environment via a bounce host. The feature isn't built in Travis CI, but it can be achieved by the following steps.

  1. On the bounce host, create travis user and ensure that you can SSH to it.
  2. Put these lines in the script: section of your .travis.yml (e.g. at the end).

    - echo travis:$sshpassword | sudo chpasswd
    - sudo sed -i 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    - sudo service ssh restart
    - sudo apt-get install sshpass
    - sshpass -p $sshpassword ssh -R 9999:localhost:22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no travis@$bouncehostip

    Where $bouncehostip is the IP/host of your bounce host, and $sshpassword is your defined SSH password. These variables can be added as encrypted variables.

  3. Push the changes. You should be able to make an SSH connection to your bounce host.

Source: Shell into Travis CI Build Environment.

Here is the full example:

# use the new container infrastructure
sudo: required
dist: trusty

language: python
python: "2.7"

- echo travis:$sshpassword | sudo chpasswd
- sudo sed -i 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- sudo service ssh restart
- sudo apt-get install sshpass
- sshpass -p $sshpassword ssh -R 9999:localhost:22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no travisci@$bouncehostip

See: c-mart/travis-shell at GitHub.

See also: How to reproduce a travis-ci build environment for debugging

How to load local html file into UIWebView

UIWebView *web=[[UIWebView alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
    //[self.view addSubview:web];
    NSString *filePath=[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"browser_demo" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:nil];
    [web loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestW[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]]];

git: 'credential-cache' is not a git command

I realize I'm a little late to the conversation, but I encountered the exact same issue In my git config I had two entries credentials…

In my .gitconfig file

helper = cached
helper = wincred

The Fix: Changed my .gitconfig file to the settings below

helper = wincred
helper = wincred

PHP/MySQL Insert null values

I think you need quotes around your {$row['null_field']}, so '{$row['null_field']}'

If you don't have the quotes, you'll occasionally end up with an insert statement that looks like this: insert into table2 (f1, f2) values ('val1',) which is a syntax error.

If that is a numeric field, you will have to do some testing above it, and if there is no value in null_field, explicitly set it to null..

How to implement Rate It feature in Android App

I'm using this easy solution. You can just add this library with gradle:

compile 'com.github.fernandodev.easyratingdialog:easyratingdialog:+'

Can you write virtual functions / methods in Java?

In Java, all public (non-private) variables & functions are Virtual by default. Moreover variables & functions using keyword final are not virtual.

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

The message above means that you're running so many programs on your PC that there is no memory left to run one more. This isn't a Java problem and no Java option is going to change this.

Use the Task Manager of Windows to see how much of your 4GB RAM is actually free. My guess is that somewhere, you have a program that eats all the memory. Find it and kill it.

EDIT You need to understand that there are two types of "out of memory" errors.

The first one is the OutOfMemoryException which you get when Java code is running and the Java heap is not large enough. This means Java code asks the Java runtime for memory. You can fix those with -Xmx...

The other error is when the Java runtime runs out of memory. This isn't related to the Java heap at all. This is an error when Java asks the OS for more memory and the OS says: "Sorry, I don't have any."

To fix the latter, close applications or reboot (to clean up memory fragmentation).

how to view the contents of a .pem certificate

An alternative to using keytool, you can use the command

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text

This should work for any x509 .pem file provided you have openssl installed.

Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM ( replacing SWT file )

I removed C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath from my path, and it worked for me.

But make sure you include x64 JDK and JRE addresses in your path.

Send Mail to multiple Recipients in java

Easy way to do

String[] listofIDS={"[email protected]","[email protected]"};

for(String cc:listofIDS) {

How do I reset a jquery-chosen select option with jQuery?

You can try this to reset (empty) drop down

            $('#autoship_option').empty(); //remove all child nodes
            var newOption = $('<option value=""></option>');

Adding a module (Specifically pymorph) to Spyder (Python IDE)

Ok, no one has answered this yet but I managed to figure it out and get it working after also posting on the spyder discussion boards. For any libraries that you want to add that aren't included in the default search path of spyder, you need to go into Tools and add a path to each library via the PYTHONPATH manager. You'll then need to update the module names list from the same menu and restart spyder before the changes take effect.

Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)

1) The reason not to prefer a shape of (R, 1) over (R,) is that it unnecessarily complicates things. Besides, why would it be preferable to have shape (R, 1) by default for a length-R vector instead of (1, R)? It's better to keep it simple and be explicit when you require additional dimensions.

2) For your example, you are computing an outer product so you can do this without a reshape call by using np.outer:

np.outer(M[:,0], numpy.ones((1, R)))

What are my options for storing data when using React Native? (iOS and Android)

Here's what I've learned as I determine the best way to move forward with a couple of my current app projects.

Async Storage (formerly "built-in" to React Native, now moved on its own)

I use AsyncStorage for an in-production app. Storage stays local to the device, is unencrypted (as mentioned in another answer), goes away if you delete the app, but should be saved as part of your device's backups and persists during upgrades (both native upgrades ala TestFlight and code upgrades via CodePush).

Conclusion: Local storage; you provide your own sync/backup solution.


Other projects I have worked on have used sqlite3 for app storage. This gives you an SQL-like experience, with compressible databases that can also be transmitted to and from the device. I have not had any experience with syncing them to a back end, but I imagine various libraries exist. There are RN libraries for connecting to SQLite.

Data is stored in your traditional database format with databases, tables, keys, indices, etc. all saved to disk in a binary format. Direct access to the data is available via command line or apps that have SQLite drivers.

Conclusion: Local storage; you supply the sync and backup.


Firebase offers, among other things, a real time noSQL database along with a JSON document store (like MongoDB) meant for keeping from 1 to n number of clients synchronized. The docs talk about offline persistence, but only for native code (Swift/Obj-C, Java). Google's own JavaScript option ("Web") which is used by React Native does not provide a cached storage option (see 2/18 update below). The library is written with the assumption that a web browser is going to be connecting, and so there will be a semi-persistent connection. You could probably write a local caching mechanism to supplement the Firebase storage calls, or you could write a bridge between the native libraries and React Native.

Update 2/2018 I have since found React Native Firebase which provides a compatible JavaScript interface to the native iOS and Android libraries (doing what Google probably could/should have done), giving you all the goodies of the native libraries with the bonus of React Native support. With Google's introduction of a JSON document store beside the real-time database, I'm giving Firebase a good second look for some real-time apps I plan to build.

The real-time database is stored as a JSON-like tree that you can edit on the website and import/export pretty simply.

Conclusion: With react-native-firebase, RN gets same benefits as Swift and Java. [/update] Scales well for network-connected devices. Low cost for low utilization. Combines nicely with other Google cloud offerings. Data readily visible and editable from their interface.


Update 4/2020 MongoDB has acquired Realm and is planning to combine it with MongoDB Stitch (discussed below). This looks very exciting.

Update 9/2020 Having used Realm vs. Stitch: Stitch API's essentially allowed a JS app (React Native or web) to talk directly to the Mongo database instead of going through an API server you build yourself.

Realm was meant to synchronize portions of the database whenever changes were made.

The combination of the two gets a little confusing. The formerly-known-as-Stitch API's still work like your traditional Mongo query and update calls, whereas the newer Realm stuff attaches to objects in code and handles synchronization all by itself... mostly. I'm still working through the right way to do things in one project, which is using SwiftUI, so it's a bit off-topic. But promising and neat nonetheless.

Also a real time object store with automagic network synchronization. They tout themselves as "device first" and the demo video shows how the devices handle sporadic or lossy network connectivity.

They offer a free version of the object store that you host on your own servers or in a cloud solution like AWS or Azure. You can also create in-memory stores that do not persist with the device, device-only stores that do not sync up with the server, read-only server stores, and the full read-write option for synchronization across one or more devices. They have professional and enterprise options that cost more up front per month than Firebase.

Unlike Firebase, all Realm capabilities are supported in React Native and Xamarin, just as they are in Swift/ObjC/Java (native) apps.

Your data is tied to objects in your code. Because they are defined objects, you do have a schema, and version control is a must for code sanity. Direct access is available via GUI tools Realm provides. On-device data files are cross-platform compatible.

Conclusion: Device first, optional synchronization with free and paid plans. All features supported in React Native. Horizontal scaling more expensive than Firebase.


I honestly haven't done a lot of playing with this one, but will be doing so in the near future.

If you have a native app that uses CloudKit, you can use CloudKit JS to connect to your app's containers from a web app (or, in our case, React Native). In this scenario, you would probably have a native iOS app and a React Native Android app.

Like Realm, this stores data locally and syncs it to iCloud when possible. There are public stores for your app and private stores for each customer. Customers can even chose to share some of their stores or objects with other users.

I do not know how easy it is to access the raw data; the schemas can be set up on Apple's site.

Conclusion: Great for Apple-targeted apps.


Big name, lots of big companies behind it. There's a Community Edition and Enterprise Edition with the standard support costs.

They've got a tutorial on their site for hooking things up to React Native. I also haven't spent much time on this one, but it looks to be a viable alternative to Realm in terms of functionality. I don't know how easy it is to get to your data outside of your app or any APIs you build.

[Edit: Found an older link that talks about Couchbase and CouchDB, and CouchDB may be yet another option to consider. The two are historically related but presently completely different products. See this comparison.]

Conclusion: Looks to have similar capabilities as Realm. Can be device-only or synced. I need to try it out.


Update 4/2020

Mongo acquired Realm and plans to combine MongoDB Stitch (discussed below) with Realm (discussed above).

I'm using this server side for a piece of the app that uses AsyncStorage locally. I like that everything is stored as JSON objects, making transmission to the client devices very straightforward. In my use case, it's used as a cache between an upstream provider of TV guide data and my client devices.

There is no hard structure to the data, like a schema, so every object is stored as a "document" that is easily searchable, filterable, etc. Similar JSON objects could have additional (but different) attributes or child objects, allowing for a lot of flexibility in how you structure your objects/data.

I have not tried any client to server synchronization features, nor have I used it embedded. React Native code for MongoDB does exist.

Conclusion: Local only NoSQL solution, no obvious sync option like Realm or Firebase.

Update 2/2019

MongoDB has a "product" (or service) called Stitch. Since clients (in the sense of web browsers and phones) shouldn't be talking to MongoDB directly (that's done by code on your server), they created a serverless front-end that your apps can interface with, should you choose to use their hosted solution (Atlas). Their documentation makes it appear that there is a possible sync option.

This writeup from Dec 2018 discusses using React Native, Stitch, and MongoDB in a sample app, with other samples linked in the document (

Twilio Sync

Another NoSQL option for synchronization is Twilio's Sync. From their site: "Sync lets you manage state across any number of devices in real time at scale without having to handle any backend infrastructure."

I looked at this as an alternative to Firebase for one of the aforementioned projects, especially after talking to both teams. I also like their other communications tools, and have used them for texting updates from a simple web app.

[Edit] I've spent some time with Realm since I originally wrote this. I like how I don't have to write an API to sync the data between the app and the server, similar to Firebase. Serverless functions also look to be really helpful with these two, limiting the amount of backend code I have to write.

I love the flexibility of the MongoDB data store, so that is becoming my choice for the server side of web-based and other connection-required apps.

I found RESTHeart, which creates a very simple, scalable RESTful API to MongoDB. It shouldn't be too hard to build a React (Native) component that reads and writes JSON objects to RESTHeart, which in turn passes them to/from MongoDB.

[Edit] I added info about how the data is stored. Sometimes it's important to know how much work you might be in for during development and testing if you've got to tweak and test the data.

Edits 2/2019 I experimented with several of these options when designing a high-concurrency project this past year (2018). Some of them mention hard and soft concurrency limits in their documentation (Firebase had a hard one at 10,000 connections, I believe, while Twilio's was a soft limit that could be bumped, according to discussions with both teams at AltConf).

If you are designing an app for tens to hundreds of thousands of users, be prepared to scale the data backend accordingly.

What is the proper REST response code for a valid request but an empty data?

Encode the response content with a common enum that allows the client to switch on it and fork logic accordingly. I'm not sure how your client would distinguish the difference between a "data not found" 404 and a "web resource not found" 404? You don;t want someone to browse to userZ/9 and have the client wonder off as if the request was valid but there was no data returned.

Cannot find JavaScriptSerializer in .Net 4.0

This is how to get JavaScriptSerializer available in your application, targetting .NET 4.0 (full)

using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

This should allow you to create a new JavaScriptSerializer object!

How to POST using HTTPclient content type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Another variant to POST this content type and which does not use a dictionary would be:

StringContent postData = new StringContent(JSON_CONTENT, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
using (HttpResponseMessage result = httpClient.PostAsync(url, postData).Result)
    string resultJson = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

How to remove old and unused Docker images

Assuming you have Docker 1.13 or higher you can just use the prune commands. For your question specifically for removing old images, you want the first one.

# Remove unused images
docker image prune

# Remove stopped containers.
docker container prune

# Remove unused volumes
docker volume prune

# Remove unused networks
docker network prune

# Command to run all prunes:
docker system prune

I would recommend not getting used to using the docker system prune command. I reckon users will accidentally remove things they don't mean to. Personally, I'm going to mainly be using the docker image prune and docker container prune commands.

org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

In my case setting the referenced object to NULL in my object before the merge o save method solve the problem, in my case the referenced object was catalog, that doesn't need to be saved, because in some cases I don't have it even.


    (fisEntryEB) getSession().merge(fisEntryEB);

how to create a list of lists

Use append method, eg:

lst = []
line = np.genfromtxt('temp.txt', usecols=3, dtype=[('floatname','float')], skip_header=1)

Shortcut to open file in Vim

In GVIM, The file can be browsed using open / read / write dialog;

:browse {command}

{command} - open / read / write

open - Opens the file read - Appends the file write - SaveAs dialog

How to update multiple columns in single update statement in DB2

For the sake of completeness and the edge case of wanting to update all columns of a row, you can do the following, but consider that the number and types of the fields must match.

Using a data structure

         SET ROW = :DataDs
         WHERE CURRENT OF CURSOR; //If using a cursor for update


SQL only

                     FROM   t2
                     WHERE  t2.c3 = t1.c3)


IIs Error: Application Codebehind=“Global.asax.cs” Inherits=“nadeem.MvcApplication”

In my case, it was also caused by old dlls. Clean all your files then rebuild.

Print specific part of webpage

Instead of all the complicated JavaScript, you can actually achieve this with simple CSS: just use two CSS files, one for your normal screen display, and another for the display of ONLY the content you wish to print. In this latter file, hide everything you don't want printed, display only the pop up.

Remember to define the media attribute of both CSS files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen-css.css" media="all" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="print-css.css" media="print" />

How to set the action for a UIBarButtonItem in Swift

Swift 5 & iOS 13+ Programmatic Example

  1. You must mark your function with @objc, see below example!
  2. No parenthesis following after the function name! Just use #selector(name).
  3. private or public doesn't matter; you can use private.

Code Example

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    let menuButtonImage = UIImage(systemName: "flame")
    let menuButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: menuButtonImage, style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(didTapMenuButton))
    navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = menuButton

@objc public func didTapMenuButton() {
    print("Hello World")

Getting all types in a namespace via reflection

Just like @aku answer, but using extension methods:

string @namespace = "...";

var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
    .Where(t => t.IsClass && t.Namespace == @namespace)

types.ForEach(t => Console.WriteLine(t.Name));

Inverse of a matrix using numpy

Another way to do this is to use the numpy matrix class (rather than a numpy array) and the I attribute. For example:

>>> m = np.matrix([[2,3],[4,5]])
>>> m.I
matrix([[-2.5,  1.5],
       [ 2. , -1. ]])

How do I resolve "Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object"?

This download fixed my VB6 EXE and Access 2016 (using ACEDAO.DLL) run-time error 429. Took me 2 long days to get it resolved because there are so many causes of 429.

QUOTE from link: "This download will install a set of components that can be used to facilitate transfer of data between 2010 Microsoft Office System files and non-Microsoft Office applications"

How set maximum date in datepicker dialog in android?

Get today's date (& time) and apply them as maximum date.

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.set(2017, 0, 1);//Year,Mounth -1,Day

ALSO WE MAY DO THIS (check this Stackoverflow answer for System.currentTimeMillis() vs Calendar method)

long now = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000;
dp_time.setMaxDate(now+(1000*60*60*24*7)); //After 7 Days from Now

How do I concatenate two text files in PowerShell?

Do not use >; it messes up the character encoding. Use:

Get-Content files.* | Set-Content newfile.file

Get UserDetails object from Security Context in Spring MVC controller

If you just want to print user name on the pages, maybe you'll like this solution. It's free from object castings and works without Spring Security too:

@RequestMapping(value = "/index.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView indexView(HttpServletRequest request) {

    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");

    String userName = "not logged in"; // Any default user  name
    Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal();
    if (principal != null) {
        userName = principal.getName();

    mv.addObject("username", userName);

    // By adding a little code (same way) you can check if user has any
    // roles you need, for example:

    boolean fAdmin = request.isUserInRole("ROLE_ADMIN");
    mv.addObject("isAdmin", fAdmin);

    return mv;

Note "HttpServletRequest request" parameter added.

Works fine because Spring injects it's own objects (wrappers) for HttpServletRequest, Principal etc., so you can use standard java methods to retrieve user information.

Syntax error due to using a reserved word as a table or column name in MySQL

The Problem

In MySQL, certain words like SELECT, INSERT, DELETE etc. are reserved words. Since they have a special meaning, MySQL treats it as a syntax error whenever you use them as a table name, column name, or other kind of identifier - unless you surround the identifier with backticks.

As noted in the official docs, in section 10.2 Schema Object Names (emphasis added):

Certain objects within MySQL, including database, table, index, column, alias, view, stored procedure, partition, tablespace, and other object names are known as identifiers.


If an identifier contains special characters or is a reserved word, you must quote it whenever you refer to it.


The identifier quote character is the backtick ("`"):

A complete list of keywords and reserved words can be found in section 10.3 Keywords and Reserved Words. In that page, words followed by "(R)" are reserved words. Some reserved words are listed below, including many that tend to cause this issue.

  • ADD
  • AND
  • BY
  • CALL
  • CASE
  • DESC
  • FROM
  • IN
  • IS
  • KEY
  • LIKE
  • LONG
  • NOT
  • OR
  • RANK
  • TO

The Solution

You have two options.

1. Don't use reserved words as identifiers

The simplest solution is simply to avoid using reserved words as identifiers. You can probably find another reasonable name for your column that is not a reserved word.

Doing this has a couple of advantages:

  • It eliminates the possibility that you or another developer using your database will accidentally write a syntax error due to forgetting - or not knowing - that a particular identifier is a reserved word. There are many reserved words in MySQL and most developers are unlikely to know all of them. By not using these words in the first place, you avoid leaving traps for yourself or future developers.

  • The means of quoting identifiers differs between SQL dialects. While MySQL uses backticks for quoting identifiers by default, ANSI-compliant SQL (and indeed MySQL in ANSI SQL mode, as noted here) uses double quotes for quoting identifiers. As such, queries that quote identifiers with backticks are less easily portable to other SQL dialects.

Purely for the sake of reducing the risk of future mistakes, this is usually a wiser course of action than backtick-quoting the identifier.

2. Use backticks

If renaming the table or column isn't possible, wrap the offending identifier in backticks (`) as described in the earlier quote from 10.2 Schema Object Names.

An example to demonstrate the usage (taken from 10.3 Keywords and Reserved Words):

mysql> CREATE TABLE interval (begin INT, end INT);
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax.
near 'interval (begin INT, end INT)'

mysql> CREATE TABLE `interval` (begin INT, end INT); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

Similarly, the query from the question can be fixed by wrapping the keyword key in backticks, as shown below:

INSERT INTO user_details (username, location, `key`)
VALUES ('Tim', 'Florida', 42)";               ^   ^

Permanently adding a file path to sys.path in Python

There are a few ways. One of the simplest is to create a my-paths.pth file (as described here). This is just a file with the extension .pth that you put into your system site-packages directory. On each line of the file you put one directory name, so you can put a line in there with /path/to/the/ and it will add that directory to the path.

You could also use the PYTHONPATH environment variable, which is like the system PATH variable but contains directories that will be added to sys.path. See the documentation.

Note that no matter what you do, sys.path contains directories not files. You can't "add a file to sys.path". You always add its directory and then you can import the file.

Replacing blank values (white space) with NaN in pandas

How about:

d = d.applymap(lambda x: np.nan if isinstance(x, basestring) and x.isspace() else x)

The applymap function applies a function to every cell of the dataframe.

Android translate animation - permanently move View to new position using AnimationListener

You can try this way -

ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationX", 100f).apply {
    duration = 2000

Note - view is your view where you want animation.

Move to next item using Java 8 foreach loop in stream

The lambda you are passing to forEach() is evaluated for each element received from the stream. The iteration itself is not visible from within the scope of the lambda, so you cannot continue it as if forEach() were a C preprocessor macro. Instead, you can conditionally skip the rest of the statements in it.

When use ResponseEntity<T> and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications

To complete the answer from Sotorios Delimanolis.

It's true that ResponseEntity gives you more flexibility but in most cases you won't need it and you'll end up with these ResponseEntity everywhere in your controller thus making it difficult to read and understand.

If you want to handle special cases like errors (Not Found, Conflict, etc.), you can add a HandlerExceptionResolver to your Spring configuration. So in your code, you just throw a specific exception (NotFoundException for instance) and decide what to do in your Handler (setting the HTTP status to 404), making the Controller code more clear.

Open URL in Java to get the content

It works for me. Please check if you are using the right imports?


How to use EOF to run through a text file in C?

One possible C loop would be:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int c;
    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
        ** Do something with c, such as check against '\n'
        ** and increment a line counter.

For now, I would ignore feof and similar functions. Exprience shows that it is far too easy to call it at the wrong time and process something twice in the belief that eof hasn't yet been reached.

Pitfall to avoid: using char for the type of c. getchar returns the next character cast to an unsigned char and then to an int. This means that on most [sane] platforms the value of EOF and valid "char" values in c don't overlap so you won't ever accidentally detect EOF for a 'normal' char.

AngularJS: How to run additional code after AngularJS has rendered a template?

Neither $scope.$evalAsync() or $timeout(fn, 0) worked reliably for me.

I had to combine the two. I made a directive and also put a priority higher than the default value for good measure. Here's a directive for it (Note I use ngInject to inject dependencies):

app.directive('postrenderAction', postrenderAction);

/* @ngInject */
function postrenderAction($timeout) {
    // ### Directive Interface
    // Defines base properties for the directive.
    var directive = {
        restrict: 'A',
        priority: 101,
        link: link
    return directive;

    // ### Link Function
    // Provides functionality for the directive during the DOM building/data binding stage.
    function link(scope, element, attrs) {
        $timeout(function() {
        }, 0);

To call the directive, you would do this:

<div postrender-action="functionToRun()"></div>

If you want to call it after an ng-repeat is done running, I added an empty span in my ng-repeat and ng-if="$last":

<li ng-repeat="item in list">
    <!-- Do stuff with list -->

    <!-- Fire function after the last element is rendered -->
    <span ng-if="$last" postrender-action="$ctrl.postRender()"></span>

How to Set Focus on JTextField?

How about put jTextField.requestFocusInWindow(); into jTextField FocusLost event? Works for me have 5 controls on JPanel Soon as click on MessageBox, focus lost on jTextField. Used all the suggested codes but no luck Only above method works my case.

Perform an action in every sub-directory using Bash

for D in `find . -type d`
    //Do whatever you need with D

Find and Replace string in all files recursive using grep and sed

The GNU guys REALLY messed up when they introduced recursive file searching to grep. grep is for finding REs in files and printing the matching line (g/re/p remember?) NOT for finding files. There's a perfectly good tool with a very obvious name for FINDing files. Whatever happened to the UNIX mantra of do one thing and do it well?

Anyway, here's how you'd do what you want using the traditional UNIX approach (untested):

find /path/to/folder -type f -print |
while IFS= read -r file
   awk -v old="$oldstring" -v new="$newstring" '
      BEGIN{ rlength = length(old) }
      rstart = index($0,old) { $0 = substr($0,rstart-1) new substr($0,rstart+rlength) }
      { print }
   ' "$file" > tmp &&
   mv tmp "$file"

Not that by using awk/index() instead of sed and grep you avoid the need to escape all of the RE metacharacters that might appear in either your old or your new string plus figure out a character to use as your sed delimiter that can't appear in your old or new strings, and that you don't need to run grep since the replacement will only occur for files that do contain the string you want. Having said all of that, if you don't want the file timestamp to change if you don't modify the file, then just do a diff on tmp and the original file before doing the mv or throw in an fgrep -q before the awk.

Caveat: The above won't work for file names that contain newlines. If you have those then let us know and we can show you how to handle them.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xef in position 1

In my case, it was caused by my Unicode file being saved with a "BOM". To solve this, I cracked open the file using BBEdit and did a "Save as..." choosing for encoding "Unicode (UTF-8)" and not what it came with which was "Unicode (UTF-8, with BOM)"

What is the idiomatic Go equivalent of C's ternary operator?

No Go doesn't have a ternary operator, using if/else syntax is the idiomatic way.

Why does Go not have the ?: operator?

There is no ternary testing operation in Go. You may use the following to achieve the same result:

if expr {
    n = trueVal
} else {
    n = falseVal

The reason ?: is absent from Go is that the language's designers had seen the operation used too often to create impenetrably complex expressions. The if-else form, although longer, is unquestionably clearer. A language needs only one conditional control flow construct.

— Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - The Go Programming Language

Reverting single file in SVN to a particular revision

If it's only a couple of files, and if you're using Tortoise SVN, you can use the following approach:

  1. Right click on your source file, and select "TortoiseSVN" -> "Show log".
  2. Right click on a revision in the log, and select "Save revision to...".
  3. Let the old revision overwrite your current file.
  4. Commit the overwritten source file.

Default value for field in Django model

You can also use a callable in the default field, such as:

b = models.CharField(max_length=7, default=foo)

And then define the callable:

def foo():
    return 'bar'

How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

If you want to detach existing object follow @Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:

var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();

As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.

How to resolve : Can not find the tag library descriptor for ""

It has nothing to do about <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>.

Just go to project and right click then project menu -> Clean the project error will definitely remove and update maven .

Why SQL Server throws Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric?

Lets see, numeric (3,2). That means you have 3 places for data and two of them are to the right of the decimal leaving only one to the left of the decimal. 15 has two places to the left of the decimal. BTW if you might have 100 as a value I'd increase that to numeric (5, 2)

Authenticating against Active Directory with Java on Linux

Here's the code I put together based on example from this blog: LINK and this source: LINK.

import com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.AuthenticationException;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import static;

class App2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        if (args.length != 4 && args.length != 2) {
            System.out.println("Purpose: authenticate user against Active Directory and list group membership.");
            System.out.println("Usage: App2 <username> <password> <domain> <server>");
            System.out.println("Short usage: App2 <username> <password>");
            System.out.println("(short usage assumes 'xyz.tld' as domain and 'abc' as server)");

        String domainName;
        String serverName;

        if (args.length == 4) {
            domainName = args[2];
            serverName = args[3];
        } else {
            domainName = "xyz.tld";
            serverName = "abc";

        String username = args[0];
        String password = args[1];

                .println("Authenticating " + username + "@" + domainName + " through " + serverName + "." + domainName);

        // bind by using the specified username/password
        Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
        String principalName = username + "@" + domainName;
        props.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, principalName);
        props.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
        DirContext context;

        try {
            context = LdapCtxFactory.getLdapCtxInstance("ldap://" + serverName + "." + domainName + '/', props);
            System.out.println("Authentication succeeded!");

            // locate this user's record
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> renum =,
                    "(& (userPrincipalName=" + principalName + ")(objectClass=user))", controls);
            if (!renum.hasMore()) {
                System.out.println("Cannot locate user information for " + username);
            SearchResult result =;

            List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>();
            Attribute memberOf = result.getAttributes().get("memberOf");
            if (memberOf != null) {// null if this user belongs to no group at all
                for (int i = 0; i < memberOf.size(); i++) {
                    Attributes atts = context.getAttributes(memberOf.get(i).toString(), new String[] { "CN" });
                    Attribute att = atts.get("CN");


            System.out.println("User belongs to: ");
            Iterator ig = groups.iterator();
            while (ig.hasNext()) {
                System.out.println("   " +;

        } catch (AuthenticationException a) {
            System.out.println("Authentication failed: " + a);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            System.out.println("Failed to bind to LDAP / get account information: " + e);

    private static String toDC(String domainName) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        for (String token : domainName.split("\\.")) {
            if (token.length() == 0)
                continue; // defensive check
            if (buf.length() > 0)
        return buf.toString();


Read entire file in Scala?

Using getLines() on discards what characters were used for line terminators (\n, \r, \r\n, etc.)

The following should preserve it character-for-character, and doesn't do excessive string concatenation (performance problems):

def fileToString(file: File, encoding: String) = {
  val inStream = new FileInputStream(file)
  val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream
  try {
    var reading = true
    while ( reading ) { match {
        case -1 => reading = false
        case c => outStream.write(c)
  finally {
  new String(outStream.toByteArray(), encoding)

Where are Docker images stored on the host machine?

I couldn't resolve the question with Docker version 18.09 on macos using the above answers and tried again.

The only actual solution for me was using this docker-compose.yml configuration:

version: '3.7'
        - data-volume:/var/tmp/container-volume

    driver: local
      type: none
      o: bind
      device: /tmp/host-volume

After launching with docker-compose up I finally had /tmp/host-volume from macos shared as writeable volume from within the container:

> docker exec -it 1234 /bin/bash
bash-4.4$ df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
osxfs                488347692 464780044  21836472  96% /var/tmp/container-volume

Hope this helps others too.

Get a UTC timestamp

"... that are independent of their timezone"

var timezone =  d.getTimezoneOffset() // difference in minutes from GMT

How to find the minimum value in an ArrayList, along with the index number? (Java)

public static int minIndex (ArrayList<Float> list) {
  return list.indexOf (Collections.min(list));
System.out.println("Min = " + list.get(minIndex(list));

Git refusing to merge unrelated histories on rebase

I see the most voted answer doesn't solve this question, which is in the context of rebasing.

The only way to synchronize the two diverged branches is to merge them back together, resulting in an extra merge commit and two sets of commits that contain the same changes (the original ones, and the ones from your rebased branch). Needless to say, this is a very confusing situation.

So, before you run git rebase, always ask yourself, “Is anyone else looking at this branch?” If the answer is yes, take your hands off the keyboard and start thinking about a non-destructive way to make your changes (e.g., the git revert command). Otherwise, you’re safe to re-write history as much as you like.


Android Studio Rendering Problems : The following classes could not be found

I have faced this issue when I introduced additional supporting libraries in my project IntelliJ IDEA

So for me "File" -> "Invalidate Caches...", and select "Invalidate and Restart" option to fix this.

How to drop all user tables?

   FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT object_name, object_type
                   FROM user_objects
                   WHERE object_type IN
                              'MATERIALIZED VIEW',
                              'PACKAGE BODY'
         IF cur_rec.object_type = 'TABLE'
                              || cur_rec.object_type
                              || ' "'
                              || cur_rec.object_name
                              || '" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS';
                              || cur_rec.object_type
                              || ' "'
                              || cur_rec.object_name
                              || '"';
         END IF;
         WHEN OTHERS
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('FAILED: DROP '
                                  || cur_rec.object_type
                                  || ' "'
                                  || cur_rec.object_name
                                  || '"'
   FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT * 
                   FROM all_synonyms 
                   WHERE table_owner IN (SELECT USER FROM dual))
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM ' || cur_rec.synonym_name;