[python] Install psycopg2 on Ubuntu

I'm trying to get the python postgres client module installed on Ubuntu 12.04. The guidance is to do the following:

apt-get install python-psycopg2

However, apt says that the package can't be located.
I'm keen to install this through apt. Is this part of another package that I can install?

This question is related to python postgresql ubuntu

The answer is

I prefer using pip in case you are using virtualenv:

  1. apt install libpython2.7 libpython2.7-dev
  2. pip install psycopg2


sudo apt-get install python3-psycopg2

for Python3 )

This worked for me:

pip install psycopg2-binary

I updated my requirements.txt to have psycopg2==2.7.4 --no-binary=psycopg2 So that it build binaries on source

This works for me in Ubuntu 12.04 and 15.10

if pip not installed:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

and then:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
sudo pip install psycopg2

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