As mentioned above by others,
Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development method for managing software projects and product or application development. So Scrum is in fact a type of Agile approach which is used widely in software developments.
So, Scrum is a specific flavor of Agile, specifically it is referred to as an agile project management framework.
Also Scrum has mainly two roles inside it, which are: 1. Main/Core Role 2. Ancillary Role
Main/Core role: It consists of mainly three roles: a). Scrum Master, b). Product Owner, c). Development Team.
Ancillary Role: The ancillary roles in Scrum teams are those with no formal role and infrequent involvement in the Scrum procession but nonetheless, they must be taken into account. viz. Stakeholders, Managers.
Scrum Master:- There are 6 types of meetings in scrum:
Let me know if any one need more inputs on this.