Programs & Examples On #Math.sqrt

Read input from a JOptionPane.showInputDialog box

Your problem is that, if the user clicks cancel, operationType is null and thus throws a NullPointerException. I would suggest that you move

if (operationType.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) 

to the beginning of the group of if statements, and then change it to


This will make the program exit just as if the user had selected the quit option when the cancel button is pushed.

Then, change all the rest of the ifs to else ifs. This way, once the program sees whether or not the input is null, it doesn't try to call anything else on operationType. This has the added benefit of making it more efficient - once the program sees that the input is one of the options, it won't bother checking it against the rest of them.

How can I use an ES6 import in Node.js?

Using Node.js v12.2.0, I can import all standard modules like this:

import * as Http from 'http'
import * as Fs from 'fs'
import * as Path from 'path'
import * as Readline from 'readline'
import * as Os from 'os'

Versus what I did before:

  Http = require('http')
  ,Fs = require('fs')
  ,Path = require('path')
  ,Readline = require('readline')
  ,Os = require('os')

Any module that is an ECMAScript module can be imported without having to use an .mjs extension as long as it has this field in its package.json file:

"type": "module"

So make sure you put such a package.json file in the same folder as the module you're making.

And to import modules not updated with ECMAScript module support, you can do like this:

// Implement the old require function
import { createRequire } from 'module'
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url)

// Now you can require whatever
  WebSocket = require('ws')
  ,Mime = require('mime-types')
  ,Chokidar = require('chokidar')

And of course, do not forget that this is needed to actually run a script using module imports (not needed after v13.2):

node --experimental-modules my-script-that-use-import.js

And that the parent folder needs this package.json file for that script to not complain about the import syntax:

  "type": "module"

If the module you want to use has not been updated to support being imported using the import syntax then you have no other choice than using require (but with my solution above that is not a problem).

I also want to share this piece of code which implements the missing __filename and __dirname constants in modules:

import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'
import {dirname} from 'path'
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
const __dirname = dirname(__filename)

Exponentiation in Python - should I prefer ** operator instead of math.pow and math.sqrt?

Even in base Python you can do the computation in generic form

result = sum(x**2 for x in some_vector) ** 0.5

x ** 2 is surely not an hack and the computation performed is the same (I checked with cpython source code). I actually find it more readable (and readability counts).

Using instead x ** 0.5 to take the square root doesn't do the exact same computations as math.sqrt as the former (probably) is computed using logarithms and the latter (probably) using the specific numeric instruction of the math processor.

I often use x ** 0.5 simply because I don't want to add math just for that. I'd expect however a specific instruction for the square root to work better (more accurately) than a multi-step operation with logarithms.

Function to calculate distance between two coordinates

Using Haversine formula, source of the code:

//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the     :::
//:::  latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate     :::
//:::  the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource (TM) prodducts  :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Definitions:                                                           :::
//:::    South latitudes are negative, east longitudes are positive           :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Passed to function:                                                    :::
//:::    lat1, lon1 = Latitude and Longitude of point 1 (in decimal degrees)  :::
//:::    lat2, lon2 = Latitude and Longitude of point 2 (in decimal degrees)  :::
//:::    unit = the unit you desire for results                               :::
//:::           where: 'M' is statute miles (default)                         :::
//:::                  'K' is kilometers                                      :::
//:::                  'N' is nautical miles                                  :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Worldwide cities and other features databases with latitude longitude  :::
//:::  are available at                         :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  For enquiries, please contact [email protected]                  :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::  Official Web site:                       :::
//:::                                                                         :::
//:::      (C) All Rights Reserved 2018            :::
//:::                                                                         :::

function distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, unit) {
    if ((lat1 == lat2) && (lon1 == lon2)) {
        return 0;
    else {
        var radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1/180;
        var radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2/180;
        var theta = lon1-lon2;
        var radtheta = Math.PI * theta/180;
        var dist = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta);
        if (dist > 1) {
            dist = 1;
        dist = Math.acos(dist);
        dist = dist * 180/Math.PI;
        dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
        if (unit=="K") { dist = dist * 1.609344 }
        if (unit=="N") { dist = dist * 0.8684 }
        return dist;

The sample code is licensed under LGPLv3.

Export javascript data to CSV file without server interaction

@adeneo answer works for Firefox and chrome... For IE the below can be used.

if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {_x000D_
  var blob = new Blob([decodeURIComponent(encodeURI(], {_x000D_
    type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8;"_x000D_
  navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, 'FileName.csv');_x000D_

Solving Quadratic Equation

# syntaxis:2.7
# solution for quadratic equation
# a*x**2 + b*x + c = 0

d = b**2-4*a*c # discriminant

if d < 0:
    print 'No solutions'
elif d == 0:
    x1 = -b / (2*a)
    print 'The sole solution is',x1
else: # if d > 0
    x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(d)) / (2*a)
    x2 = (-b - math.sqrt(d)) / (2*a)
    print 'Solutions are',x1,'and',x2

I want to calculate the distance between two points in Java

You could also you Point2D Java API class:

public static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)


double distance = Point2D.distance(3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
System.out.println("The distance between the points is " + distance);

How to fix System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I had the same problem but it only occurred on the published website on Godaddy. It was no problem in my local host.

The error came from an aspx.cs (code behind file) where I tried to assign a value to a label. It appeared that from within the code behind, that the label Text appears to be null. So all I did with change all my Label Text properties in the ASPX file from Text="" to Text=" ".

The problem disappeared. I don’t know why the error happens from the hosted version but not on my localhost and don’t have time to figure out why. But it works fine now.

How do you get the magnitude of a vector in Numpy?

Fastest way I found is via inner1d. Here's how it compares to other numpy methods:

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d

V = np.random.random_sample((10**6,3,)) # 1 million vectors
A = np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', V, V))
B = np.linalg.norm(V,axis=1)   
C = np.sqrt((V ** 2).sum(-1))
D = np.sqrt((V*V).sum(axis=1))
E = np.sqrt(inner1d(V,V))

print [np.allclose(E,x) for x in [A,B,C,D]] # [True, True, True, True]

import cProfile"np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', V, V))") # 3 function calls in 0.013 seconds'np.linalg.norm(V,axis=1)')              # 9 function calls in 0.029 seconds'np.sqrt((V ** 2).sum(-1))')             # 5 function calls in 0.028 seconds'np.sqrt((V*V).sum(axis=1))')            # 5 function calls in 0.027 seconds'np.sqrt(inner1d(V,V))')                 # 2 function calls in 0.009 seconds

inner1d is ~3x faster than linalg.norm and a hair faster than einsum

Python math module

pow is built into the language(not part of the math library). The problem is that you haven't imported math.

Try this:

import math

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value

private String getDistanceOnRoad(double latitude, double longitude,
        double prelatitute, double prelongitude) {
    String result_in_kms = "";
    String url = ""
            + latitude + "," + longitude + "&destination=" + prelatitute
            + "," + prelongitude + "&sensor=false&units=metric";
    String tag[] = { "text" };
    HttpResponse response = null;
    try {
        HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext();
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
        response = httpClient.execute(httpPost, localContext);
        InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
        DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
        Document doc = builder.parse(is);
        if (doc != null) {
            NodeList nl;
            ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
            for (String s : tag) {
                nl = doc.getElementsByTagName(s);
                if (nl.getLength() > 0) {
                    Node node = nl.item(nl.getLength() - 1);
                } else {
                    args.add(" - ");
            result_in_kms = String.format("%s", args.get(0));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return result_in_kms;

Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell

Looking at your Erlang implementation. The timing has included the start up of the entire virtual machine, running your program and halting the virtual machine. Am pretty sure that setting up and halting the erlang vm takes some time.

If the timing was done within the erlang virtual machine itself, results would be different as in that case we would have the actual time for only the program in question. Otherwise, i believe that the total time taken by the process of starting and loading of the Erlang Vm plus that of halting it (as you put it in your program) are all included in the total time which the method you are using to time the program is outputting. Consider using the erlang timing itself which we use when we want to time our programs within the virtual machine itself timer:tc/1 or timer:tc/2 or timer:tc/3. In this way, the results from erlang will exclude the time taken to start and stop/kill/halt the virtual machine. That is my reasoning there, think about it, and then try your bench mark again.

I actually suggest that we try to time the program (for languages that have a runtime), within the runtime of those languages in order to get a precise value. C for example has no overhead of starting and shutting down a runtime system as does Erlang, Python and Haskell (98% sure of this - i stand correction). So (based on this reasoning) i conclude by saying that this benchmark wasnot precise /fair enough for languages running on top of a runtime system. Lets do it again with these changes.

EDIT: besides even if all the languages had runtime systems, the overhead of starting each and halting it would differ. so i suggest we time from within the runtime systems (for the languages for which this applies). The Erlang VM is known to have considerable overhead at start up!

Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates

This is an old question, nevertheless the answers did not satisfy me regarding to performance and optimization.

Here my optimized C# variant (distance in km, without variables and redundant calculations, very close to mathematical expression of Haversine Formular

Inspired by:

public static class Haversine
    public static double Calculate(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
        double rad(double angle) => angle * 0.017453292519943295769236907684886127d; // = angle * Math.Pi / 180.0d
        double havf(double diff) => Math.Pow(Math.Sin(rad(diff) / 2d), 2); // = sin²(diff / 2)
        return 12745.6 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(havf(lat2 - lat1) + Math.Cos(rad(lat1)) * Math.Cos(rad(lat2)) * havf(lon2 - lon1))); // earth radius 6.372,8?km x 2 = 12745.6

Haversine Formular from Wikipedia

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In C++, your source files are usually parsed from top to bottom in a single pass, so any variable or function must be declared before they can be used. There are some exceptions to this, like when defining functions inline in a class definition, but that's not the case for your code.

Either move the definition of integrate above the one for getSkewNormal, or add a forward declaration above getSkewNormal:

double integrate (double start, double stop, int numSteps, Evaluatable evalObj);

The same applies for sum.

Java : Accessing a class within a package, which is the better way?

As already said, on runtime there is no difference (in the class file it is always fully qualified, and after loading and linking the class there are direct pointers to the referred method), and everything in the java.lang package is automatically imported, as is everything in the current package.

The compiler might have to search some microseconds longer, but this should not be a reason - decide for legibility for human readers.

By the way, if you are using lots of static methods (from Math, for example), you could also write

import static java.lang.Math.*;

and then use


directly. But only do this if your class is math heavy and it really helps legibility of bigger formulas, since the reader (as the compiler) first would search in the same class and maybe in superclasses, too. (This applies analogously for other static methods and static variables (or constants), too.)

HTML Canvas Full Screen

You could just capture window resize events and set the size of your canvas to be the browser's viewport.

accessing a variable from another class

I hope I'm understanding the problem correctly, but it looks like you don't have a reference back to your DrawFrame object from DrawCircle.

Try this:

Change your constructor signature for DrawCircle to take in a DrawFrame object. Within the constructor, set the class variable "d" to the DrawFrame object you just took in. Now add the getWidth/getHeight methods to DrawFrame as mentioned in previous answers. See if that allows you to get what you're looking for.

Your DrawCircle constructor should be changed to something like:

public DrawCircle(DrawFrame frame)
    d = frame;
    w = 400;
    h = 400;
    diBig = 300;
    diSmall = 10;
    maxRad = (diBig/2) - diSmall;
    xSq = 50;
    ySq = 50;
    xPoint = 200;
    yPoint = 200;

The last line of code in DrawFrame should look something like:

contentPane.add(new DrawCircle(this));

Then, try using d.getheight(), d.getWidth() and so on within DrawCircle. This assumes you still have those methods available on DrawFrame to access them, of course.

Simple prime number generator in Python

print [x for x in range(2,100) if not [t for t in range(2,x) if not x%t]]

Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer

I'm not sure if it would be faster, or even accurate, but you could use John Carmack's Magical Square Root, algorithm to solve the square root faster. You could probably easily test this for all possible 32 bit integers, and validate that you actually got correct results, as it's only an appoximation. However, now that I think about it, using doubles is approximating also, so I'm not sure how that would come into play.

How to change plot background color?

Use the set_facecolor(color) method of the axes object, which you've created one of the following ways:

  • You created a figure and axis/es together

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
  • You created a figure, then axis/es later

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # nrows, ncols, index
  • You used the stateful API (if you're doing anything more than a few lines, and especially if you have multiple plots, the object-oriented methods above make life easier because you can refer to specific figures, plot on certain axes, and customize either)

    ax = plt.gca()

Then you can use set_facecolor:

ax.set_facecolor((1.0, 0.47, 0.42))

example plot with pink background on the axes

As a refresher for what colors can be:


Matplotlib recognizes the following formats to specify a color:

  • an RGB or RGBA tuple of float values in [0, 1] (e.g., (0.1, 0.2, 0.5) or (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3));
  • a hex RGB or RGBA string (e.g., '#0F0F0F' or '#0F0F0F0F');
  • a string representation of a float value in [0, 1] inclusive for gray level (e.g., '0.5');
  • one of {'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'};
  • a X11/CSS4 color name;
  • a name from the xkcd color survey; prefixed with 'xkcd:' (e.g., 'xkcd:sky blue');
  • one of {'tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan'} which are the Tableau Colors from the ‘T10’ categorical palette (which is the default color cycle);
  • a “CN” color spec, i.e. 'C' followed by a single digit, which is an index into the default property cycle (matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']); the indexing occurs at artist creation time and defaults to black if the cycle does not include color.

All string specifications of color, other than “CN”, are case-insensitive.

Connecting to Oracle Database through C#?

The next approach work to me with Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 1- From Solution Explorer right click on References then select add references 2- Assemblies > Framework > System.Data.OracleClient > OK and after that you free to add using System.Data.OracleClient in your application and deal with database like you do with Sql Server database except changing the prefix from Sql to Oracle as in SqlCommand become OracleCommand for example to link to Oracle XE

OracleConnection oraConnection = new OracleConnection(@"Data Source=XE; User ID=system; Password=*myPass*");
public void Open()
if (oraConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
public void Close()
if (oraConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

and to execute some command like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE using stored procedure we can use the following method

public void ExecuteCMD(string storedProcedure, OracleParameter[] param)
OracleCommand oraCmd = new OracleCommand();
oraCmd,CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
oraCmd.CommandText = storedProcedure;
oraCmd.Connection = oraConnection;

catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Sorry We've got Unknown Error","Connection Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

How to backup MySQL database in PHP?

Take a look here! It is a native solution written in php. You won't need to exec mysqldump, or cope with incomplete scripts. This is a full mysqldump clone, without dependencies, output compression and sane defaults.

Out of the box, mysqldump-php supports backing up table structures, the data itself, views, triggers and events.

MySQLDump-PHP is the only library that supports:

  • output binary blobs as hex.
  • resolves view dependencies (using Stand-In tables).
  • output compared against original mysqldump. Linked to travis-ci testing system (testing from php 5.3 to 7.1 & hhvm)
  • dumps stored procedures.
  • dumps events.
  • does extended-insert and/or complete-insert.
  • supports virtual columns from MySQL 5.7.

You can install it using composer, or just download the php file, and it is as easy as doing:

use Ifsnop\Mysqldump as IMysqldump;

try {
    $dump = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('database', 'username', 'password');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo 'mysqldump-php error: ' . $e->getMessage();

All the options are explained at the github page, but more or less are auto-explicative:

$dumpSettingsDefault = array(
    'include-tables' => array(),
    'exclude-tables' => array(),
    'compress' => Mysqldump::NONE,
    'init_commands' => array(),
    'no-data' => array(),
    'reset-auto-increment' => false,
    'add-drop-database' => false,
    'add-drop-table' => false,
    'add-drop-trigger' => true,
    'add-locks' => true,
    'complete-insert' => false,
    'databases' => false,
    'default-character-set' => Mysqldump::UTF8,
    'disable-keys' => true,
    'extended-insert' => true,
    'events' => false,
    'hex-blob' => true, /* faster than escaped content */
    'net_buffer_length' => self::MAXLINESIZE,
    'no-autocommit' => true,
    'no-create-info' => false,
    'lock-tables' => true,
    'routines' => false,
    'single-transaction' => true,
    'skip-triggers' => false,
    'skip-tz-utc' => false,
    'skip-comments' => false,
    'skip-dump-date' => false,
    'skip-definer' => false,
    'where' => '',
    /* deprecated */
    'disable-foreign-keys-check' => true

Getting the current Fragment instance in the viewpager

I have used the following:

 int index = vpPager.getCurrentItem();
 MyPagerAdapter adapter = ((MyPagerAdapter)vpPager.getAdapter());
 MyFragment suraVersesFragment = (MyFragment)adapter.getRegisteredFragment(index);

SQL Server default character encoding

If you need to know the default collation for a newly created database use:


This is the server collation for the SQL Server instance that you are running.

Can't create handler inside thread which has not called Looper.prepare()

All the answers above are correct, but I think this is the easiest example possible:

public class ExampleActivity extends Activity {
    private Handler handler;
    private ProgressBar progress;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        progress = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;
        handler = new Handler();

    public void clickAButton(View view) {
        // Do something that takes a while
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
       Runnable() { // This thread runs in the UI
                    public void run() {
                        progress.setProgress("anything"); // Update the UI
        new Thread(runnable).start();

What this does is update a progress bar in the UI thread from a completely different thread passed through the post() method of the handler declared in the activity.

Hope it helps!

EXCEL Multiple Ranges - need different answers for each range



with the range F4:G9:

0   0.1
1   0.15
5   0.2
15  0.3
30  1
100 1.3

and D4 being the value in question, e.g. 18.75 -> result: 0.3

Python readlines() usage and efficient practice for reading

The short version is: The efficient way to use readlines() is to not use it. Ever.

I read some doc notes on readlines(), where people has claimed that this readlines() reads whole file content into memory and hence generally consumes more memory compared to readline() or read().

The documentation for readlines() explicitly guarantees that it reads the whole file into memory, and parses it into lines, and builds a list full of strings out of those lines.

But the documentation for read() likewise guarantees that it reads the whole file into memory, and builds a string, so that doesn't help.

On top of using more memory, this also means you can't do any work until the whole thing is read. If you alternate reading and processing in even the most naive way, you will benefit from at least some pipelining (thanks to the OS disk cache, DMA, CPU pipeline, etc.), so you will be working on one batch while the next batch is being read. But if you force the computer to read the whole file in, then parse the whole file, then run your code, you only get one region of overlapping work for the entire file, instead of one region of overlapping work per read.

You can work around this in three ways:

  1. Write a loop around readlines(sizehint), read(size), or readline().
  2. Just use the file as a lazy iterator without calling any of these.
  3. mmap the file, which allows you to treat it as a giant string without first reading it in.

For example, this has to read all of foo at once:

with open('foo') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:

But this only reads about 8K at a time:

with open('foo') as f:
    while True:
        lines = f.readlines(8192)
        if not lines:
        for line in lines:

And this only reads one line at a time—although Python is allowed to (and will) pick a nice buffer size to make things faster.

with open('foo') as f:
    while True:
        line = f.readline()
        if not line:

And this will do the exact same thing as the previous:

with open('foo') as f:
    for line in f:


but should the garbage collector automatically clear that loaded content from memory at the end of my loop, hence at any instant my memory should have only the contents of my currently processed file right ?

Python doesn't make any such guarantees about garbage collection.

The CPython implementation happens to use refcounting for GC, which means that in your code, as soon as file_content gets rebound or goes away, the giant list of strings, and all of the strings within it, will be freed to the freelist, meaning the same memory can be reused again for your next pass.

However, all those allocations, copies, and deallocations aren't free—it's much faster to not do them than to do them.

On top of that, having your strings scattered across a large swath of memory instead of reusing the same small chunk of memory over and over hurts your cache behavior.

Plus, while the memory usage may be constant (or, rather, linear in the size of your largest file, rather than in the sum of your file sizes), that rush of mallocs to expand it the first time will be one of the slowest things you do (which also makes it much harder to do performance comparisons).

Putting it all together, here's how I'd write your program:

for filename in os.listdir(input_dir):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        if filename.endswith(".gz"):
            f =
        words = (line.split(delimiter) for line in f)
        ... my logic ...  

Or, maybe:

for filename in os.listdir(input_dir):
    if filename.endswith(".gz"):
        f =, 'rb')
        f = open(filename, 'rb')
    with contextlib.closing(f):
        words = (line.split(delimiter) for line in f)
        ... my logic ...

get unique machine id

I second Blindy's suggestion to use the MAC address of the (first?) network adapter. Yes, the MAC address can be spoofed, but this has side effects (you don't want two PCs with the same MAC address in the same network), and it's something that "your average pirate" won't do just to be able to use your software. Considering that there's no 100% solution against software piracy, the MAC address is a good compromise, IMO.

Note, however, that the address will change when the user adds, replaces or removes a network card (or replaces his old PC altogether), so be prepared to help your customers and give them a new key when they change their hardware configuration.

How to pass command-line arguments to a PowerShell ps1 file

Maybe you can wrap the PowerShell invocation in a .bat file like so:

rem ps.bat
@echo off
powershell.exe -command "%*"

If you then placed this file under a folder in your PATH, you could call PowerShell scripts like this:

ps foo 1 2 3

Quoting can get a little messy, though:

ps write-host """hello from cmd!""" -foregroundcolor green

What does "javascript:void(0)" mean?

Web Developers use javascript:void(0) because it is the easiest way to prevent the default behavior of a tag. void(*anything*) returns undefined and it is a falsy value. and returning a falsy value is like return false in onclick event of a tag that prevents its default behavior.

So I think javascript:void(0) is the simplest way to prevent the default behavior of a tag.

How to set 'X-Frame-Options' on iframe?

The solution is to install a browser plugin.

A web site which issues HTTP Header X-Frame-Options with a value of DENY (or SAMEORIGIN with a different server origin) cannot be integrated into an IFRAME... unless you change this behavior by installing a Browser plugin which ignores the X-Frame-Options Header (e.g. Chrome's Ignore X-Frame Headers).

Note that this not recommended at all for security reasons.

Recursive directory listing in DOS

I like to use the following to get a nicely sorted listing of the current dir:

> dir . /s /b sortorder:N

JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail

FWIW, I had this same error message under JSch 0.1.50. Upgrading to 0.1.52 solved the problem.

force Maven to copy dependencies into target/lib

The best approach depends on what you want to do:

  • If you want to bundle your dependencies into a WAR or EAR file, then simply set the packaging type of your project to EAR or WAR. Maven will bundle the dependencies into the right location.
  • If you want to create a JAR file that includes your code along with all your dependencies, then use the assembly plugin with the jar-with-dependencies descriptor. Maven will generate a complete JAR file with all your classes plus the classes from any dependencies.
  • If you want to simply pull your dependencies into the target directory interactively, then use the dependency plugin to copy your files in.
  • If you want to pull in the dependencies for some other type of processing, then you will probably need to generate your own plugin. There are APIs to get the list of dependencies, and their location on disk. You will have to take it from there...

How do I get monitor resolution in Python?

A cross platform and easy way to do this is by using TKinter that comes with nearly all the python versions so you don't have to install anything:

import tkinter
root = tkinter.Tk()
WIDTH, HEIGHT = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight()

WCF, Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive could not be found

I had the same problem but no clue what caused it. I Solved it by changing from Debug to Release and Run using Debug/Start New Instance. After that, it ran in both Release and Debug. It was magic...

laravel 5.5 The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again

In my case, I've got the same error message and then figured out that I've missed to add csrf_token for the form field. Then add the csrf_token.

Using form helper that will be,

{{ csrf_field() }}

Or without form helper that will be,

<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">

If that doesn't work, then-

Refresh the browser cache

and now it might work, thanks.

Update For Laravel 5.6

Laravel integrates new @csrf instead of {{ csrf_field() }}. That looks more nice now.

<form action="">

jQuery table sort

By far, the easiest one I've used is:

Amazingly simple...just make sure if you go the DOM replacement route (IE, building a table and letting DataTables reformat it) then make sure to format your table with <thead> and <tbody> or it won't work. That's about the only gotcha.

There's also support for AJAX, etc. As with all really good pieces of code, it's also VERY easy to turn it all off. You'd be suprised what you might use, though. I started with a "bare" DataTable that only sorted one field and then realized that some of the features were really relevant to what I'm doing. Clients LOVE the new features.

Bonus points to DataTables for full ThemeRoller support....

I've also had ok luck with tablesorter, but it's not nearly as easy, not quite as well documented, and has only ok features.

LinkButton Send Value to Code Behind OnClick

Just add to the CommandArgument parameter and read it out on the Click handler:

<asp:LinkButton ID="ENameLinkBtn" runat="server" 
    style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 8pt;" CommandArgument="YourValueHere" 
    OnClick="ENameLinkBtn_Click" >

Then in your click event:

protected void ENameLinkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)(sender);
    string yourValue = btn.CommandArgument;
    // do what you need here

Also you can set the CommandArgument argument when binding if you are using the LinkButton in any bindable controls by doing:

CommandArgument='<%# Eval("SomeFieldYouNeedArguementFrom") %>'

Insert picture/table in R Markdown

Several sites provide reasonable cheat sheets or HOWTOs for tables and images. Top on my list are:

Pictures are very simple to use but do not offer the ability to adjust the image to fit the page (see Update, below). To adjust the image properties (size, resolution, colors, border, etc), you'll need some form of image editor. I find I can do everything I need with one of ImageMagick, GIMP, or InkScape, all free and open source.

To add a picture, use:

![Caption for the picture.](/path/to/image.png)

I know pandoc supports PNG and JPG, which should meet most of your needs.

You do have control over image size if you are creating it in R (e.g., a plot). This can be done either directly in the command to create the image or, even better, via options if you are using knitr (highly recommended ... check out chunk options, specifically under Plots).

I strongly recommend perusing these tutorials; markdown is very handy and has many features most people don't use on a regular basis but really like once they learn it. (SO is not necessarily the best place to ask questions that are answered very directly in these tutorials.)

Update, 2019-Aug-31

Some time ago, pandoc incorporated "link_attributes" for images (apparently in 2015, with commit jgm/pandoc#244cd56). "Resizing images" can be done directly. For example:

![unchanged image](foo.jpg)
![much-smaller image](foo.jpg){#id .class width=30 height=20px}
![half-size image](foo.jpg){#id .class width=50% height=50%}

The dimensions can be provided with no units (pixels assumed), or with "px, cm, mm, in, inch and %" (ref:, search for link_attributes).

(I'm not certain that CommonMark has implemented this, though there was a lengthy discussion.)

Python string.replace regular expression

As a summary

import sys
import re

f = sys.argv[1]
find = sys.argv[2]
replace = sys.argv[3]
with open (f, "r") as myfile:
ret = re.sub(find,replace, s)   # <<< This is where the magic happens
print ret

Node.js connect only works on localhost

To gain access for other users to your local machine, i usually use ngrok. Ngrok exposes your localhost to the web, and has an NPM wrapper that is simple to install and start:

$ npm install ngrok -g
$ ngrok http 3000

See this example usage:

enter image description here

In the above example, the locally running instance of sails at: localhost:3000 is now available on the Internet served at: or

How to send PUT, DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection?

I agree with @adietisheim and the rest of people that suggest HttpClient.

I spent time trying to make a simple call to rest service with HttpURLConnection and it hadn't convinced me and after that I tried with HttpClient and it was really more easy, understandable and nice.

An example of code to make a put http call is as follows:

DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();

HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(URI);

StringEntity input = new StringEntity(XML);

HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(putRequest);

How can one see the structure of a table in SQLite?

You will get the structure by typing the command:

.schema <tableName>

SQL Server remove milliseconds from datetime

If you are using SQL Server (starting with 2008), choose one of this:

  • CONVERT(DATETIME2(0), YourDateField)
  • CONVERT(DATETIMEOFFSET(0), YourDateField) -- with the addition of a time zone offset

mysql: see all open connections to a given database?

You can invoke MySQL show status command

show status like 'Conn%';

For more info read Show open database connections

Read from file in eclipse

Sometimes, even when the file is in the right directory, there is still the "file not found" exception. One thing you could do is to drop the text file inside eclipse, where your classes are, on the left side. It is going to ask you if you want to copy, click yes. Sometimes it helps.

What's the difference between align-content and align-items?

What I have learned from every answer and visiting the blog is

what is the cross axis and main axis

  • main axis is horizontal row and cross axis is vertical column - for flex-direction: row
  • main axis is vertical column and cross axis is horizontal row - for flex-direction: column

Now align-content and align-items

align-content is for the row, it works if the container has (more than one row) Properties of align-content

.container {
  align-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly | stretch | start | end | baseline | first baseline | last baseline + ... safe | unsafe;

align-items is for the items in row Properties of align-items

.container {
  align-items: stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | first baseline | last baseline | start | end | self-start | self-end + ... safe | unsafe;

For more reference visit to flex

How do I find all of the symlinks in a directory tree?

Kindly find below one liner bash script command to find all broken symbolic links recursively in any linux based OS

a=$(find / -type l); for i in $(echo $a); do file $i ; done |grep -i broken 2> /dev/null

REST API Best practice: How to accept list of parameter values as input


I think you can do it 2 ways<id> : if you just want one record : if you want all records<id1>,<id2> :as James suggested can be an option since what comes after the Product tag is a parameter

Or the one I like most is:

You can use the the Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS) property of a RestFul WS and do a call that should return the equivalent urls of<id> and call them after this.


When you have to do queries on the url calls. I would suggest using HATEOAS again.

1) Do a get call to

2) Do a get call to,bags/color/black,red

3) (Using HATEOAS) Do a get call to ` -> receive the urls all clothing possible urls -> call the ones you want (clothing and bags) -> receive the possible color urls -> call the ones you want

Can I set the height of a div based on a percentage-based width?

<div><p>some unnecessary content</p></div>

    border: 1px solid red;
    width: 40%;
    padding: 40%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

For this to work i think you need to define the padding to ex. top? like this:

<div><p>some unnecessary content</p></div>

    border: 1px solid red;
    width: 40%;
    padding-top: 40%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

anyways, thats how i got it to work, since with just padding all arround it would not be a square.

Where can I download JSTL jar

Visit Here to get your required jar files of JSTL.

and to get any of your required jar files visit HERE

How to make IPython notebook matplotlib plot inline

Use the %pylab inline magic command.

Calling an executable program using awk

I was able to have this done via below method

cat ../logs/em2.log.1 |grep -i |awk '{system(`date`); print $1}'

awk has a function called system it enables you to execute any linux bash command within the output of awk.

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

I had the same problem. One day the program was working perfectly, and the following wasn't. I checked on Github the changes I made. For me the problem was on build.gradle (Module:app) in the dependencies:

compile ''

This line was the one that was causing the problem. After changing it the app was running properly again

Meaning of numbers in "col-md-4"," col-xs-1", "col-lg-2" in Bootstrap

From Twitter Bootstrap documentation:

  • small grid (= 768px) = .col-sm-*,
  • medium grid (= 992px) = .col-md-*,
  • large grid (= 1200px) = .col-lg-*.


How to convert .pem into .key?

just as a .crt file is in .pem format, a .key file is also stored in .pem format. Assuming that the cert is the only thing in the .crt file (there may be root certs in there), you can just change the name to .pem. The same goes for a .key file. Which means of course that you can rename the .pem file to .key.

Which makes gtrig's answer the correct one. I just thought I'd explain why.

Cancel a vanilla ECMAScript 6 Promise chain

It is actually impossible to stop the execution of the promise, but you can hijack the reject and call it from the promise itself.

class CancelablePromise {
  constructor(executor) {
    let _reject = null;
    const cancelablePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      _reject = reject;
      return executor(resolve, reject);
    cancelablePromise.cancel = _reject;

    return cancelablePromise;


const p = new CancelablePromise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 2000);


setTimeout(() => {
  p.cancel(new Error('Messed up!'));
}, 1000);

How to open Console window in Eclipse?

The only reliable way to open it is Window -> Show View -> Other -> Search "console". There was a handful suggestions in this post and none of them works! Apparently Eclipse likes to change their logic every other second.

Also, resetting the view is the most horrible suggestion, because that way you will lose everything you have ever done to change the layout, so it will probably not work for the most of the readers.

Javascript use variable as object name

If you already know the list of the possible varible names then try creating a new Object(iconObj) whose properties name are same as object names, Here in below example, iconLib variable will hold two string values , either 'ZondIcons' or 'MaterialIcons'. propertyName is the property of ZondIcons or MaterialsIcon object.

   const iconObj = {
  const objValue = iconObj[iconLib][propertyName]

After Spring Boot 2.0 migration: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName

I have added in Application Class

public DataSource dataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
} I have added


More details Configure a Custom DataSource

The EntityManager is closed

I found an interesting article about this problem

if (!$entityManager->isOpen()) {
  $entityManager = $entityManager->create(
    $entityManager->getConnection(), $entityManager->getConfiguration());

Doctrine 2 Exception EntityManager is closed

convert string to specific datetime format?

More formats:

 require 'date'

 date = "01/07/2016 09:17AM"
 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%A, %b %d")
 #=> Friday, Jul 01

 #=> 07/01/2016

 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%m-%e-%y %H:%M")
 #=> 07- 1-16 09:17

 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%b %e")
 #=> Jul  1

 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%l:%M %p")
 #=>  9:17 AM

 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%B %Y")
 #=> July 2016
 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%b %d, %Y")
 #=> Jul 01, 2016
 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
 #=> Fri,  1 Jul 2016 09:17:00 +0200
 #=> 2016-07-01T 9:17:00+0200
 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")
 #=> 09:17:00 AM
 #=> 09:17:00
 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%e %b %Y %H:%M:%S%p")
 #=>  1 Jul 2016 09:17:00AM
 #=> 01.07.16
 DateTime.parse(date).strftime("%A, %d %b %Y %l:%M %p")
 #=> Friday, 01 Jul 2016  9:17 AM

Notepad++ add to every line

Please find the Screenshot below which Add a new word at the start and end of the line at a single shot

adding a new word at the start & end of the every line in Notepad++ at a single shot

Data was not saved: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

Looks like Users that are added in your Country object, are not already present in the DB. You need to use cascade to make sure that when Country is persisted, all User which are not there in data but are associated with Country also get persisted.

Below code should help:

@ManyToOne (cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
   @JoinColumn (name = "countryId")
   private Country country;

How to make a <svg> element expand or contract to its parent container?

@robertc has it right, but you also need to notice that svg, #container causes the svg to be scaled exponentially for anything but 100% (once for #container and once for svg).

In other words, if I applied 50% h/w to both elements, it's actually 50% of 50%, or .5 * .5, which equals .25, or 25% scale.

One selector works fine when used as @robertc suggests.

svg {

Is it possible to use the instanceof operator in a switch statement?

The Eclipse Modelling Framework has an interesting idea that also considers inheritance. The basic concept is defined in the Switch interface: switching is done by invoking the doSwitch method.

What is really interesting is the implementation. For each type of interest, a

public T caseXXXX(XXXX object);

method must be implemented (with a default implementation returning null). The doSwitch implementation will attempt to call al the caseXXX methods on the object for all its type hierarchy. Something in the lines of:

BaseType baseType = (BaseType)object;
T result = caseBaseType(eAttribute);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType1(baseType);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType2(baseType);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType3(baseType);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType4(baseType);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(object);
return result;

The actual framework uses an integer id for each class, so the logic is actually a pure switch:

public T doSwitch(Object object) {
    return doSwitch(object.class(), eObject);

protected T doSwitch(Class clazz, Object object) {
    return doSwitch(getClassifierID(clazz), object);

protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, Object theObject) {
    switch (classifierID) {
    case MyClasses.BASETYPE:
      BaseType baseType = (BaseType)object;
      return result;
    case MyClasses.TYPE1:

You can look at a complete implementation of the ECoreSwitch to get a better idea.

How to get the EXIF data from a file using C#

Image class has PropertyItems and PropertyIdList properties. You can use them.

How get all values in a column using PHP?

First things is this is only for advanced developers persons Who all are now beginner to php dont use this function if you are using the huge project in core php use this function

function displayAllRecords($serverName, $userName, $password, $databaseName,$sqlQuery='')
    $databaseConnectionQuery =  mysqli_connect($serverName, $userName, $password, $databaseName);
    if($databaseConnectionQuery === false)
        die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error());
        return false;

    $resultQuery = mysqli_query($databaseConnectionQuery,$sqlQuery);
    $fetchFields = mysqli_fetch_fields($resultQuery);
    $fetchValues = mysqli_fetch_fields($resultQuery);

    if (mysqli_num_rows($resultQuery) > 0) 

        echo "<table class='table'>";
        echo "<tr>";
        foreach ($fetchFields as $fetchedField)
            echo "<td>";
            echo "<b>" . $fetchedField->name . "<b></a>";
            echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        while($totalRows = mysqli_fetch_array($resultQuery)) 
            echo "<tr>";                                
            for($eachRecord = 0; $eachRecord < count($fetchValues);$eachRecord++)
                echo "<td>";
                echo $totalRows[$eachRecord];
                echo "</td>";               
            echo "<td><a href=''><button>Edit</button></a></td>";
            echo "<td><a href=''><button>Delete</button></a></td>";
            echo "</tr>";           
        echo "</table>";        

      echo "No Records Found in";

All set now Pass the arguments as For Example

$queryStatment = "SELECT * From USERS "; $testing = displayAllRecords('localhost','root','root@123','email',$queryStatment); echo $testing;


localhost indicates Name of the host,

root indicates the username for database

root@123 indicates the password for the database

$queryStatment for generating Query

hope it helps

Exception is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement

Any class which extends Exception class will be a user defined Checked exception class where as any class which extends RuntimeException will be Unchecked exception class. as mentioned in User defined exception are checked or unchecked exceptions So, not throwing the checked exception(be it user-defined or built-in exception) gives compile time error.

Checked exception are the exceptions that are checked at compile time.

Unchecked exception are the exceptions that are not checked at compiled time

How can I change the font-size of a select option?

We need a trick here...

Normal select-dropdown things won't accept styles. BUT. If there's a "size" parameter in the tag, almost any CSS will apply. With this in mind, I've created a fiddle that's practically equivalent to a normal select tag, plus the value can be edited manually like a ComboBox in visual languages (unless you put readonly in the input tag).

A simplified example:


    /* only these 2 lines are truly required */
    .stylish span {position:relative;}
    .stylish select {position:absolute;left:0px;display:none}

    /* now you can style the hell out of them */
    .stylish input    { ... }
    .stylish select   { ... }
    .stylish option   { ... }
    .stylish optgroup { ... }

<div class="stylish">
    <label> Choose your superhero: </label>
        <input onclick="$(this).closest('div').find('select').slideToggle(110)">
        <select size=15 onclick="$(this).hide().closest('div').find('input').val($(this).find('option:selected').text());">

            <optgroup label="Fantasy"></optgroup>
            <option value="gandalf">Gandalf</option>
            <option value="harry">Harry Potter</option>
            <option value="jon">Jon Snow</option>

            <optgroup label="Comics"></optgroup>
            <option value="tony">Tony Stark</option>
            <option value="steve">Steven Rogers</option>
            <option value="natasha">Natasha Romanova</option>


        For the sake of simplicity, I used jQuery here.
        Today it's easy to do the same without it, now
        that we have querySelector(), closest(), etc.


A live example:

Note 1: Sorry for the gradients & all fancy stuff, no they're not necessary, yes I'm showing off, I know, hashtag onlyhuman, hashtag notproud.

Note 2: Those <optgroup> tags don't encapsulate the options belonging under them as they normally should; this is intentional. It's better for the styling (the well-mannered way would be a lot less stylable), and yes this is painless and works in every browser.

Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script

A good way to test if a string is a correct date is to use the command date:

if date -d "${DATE}" >/dev/null 2>&1
  # do what you need to do with your date
  echo "${DATE} incorrect date" >&2
  exit 1

from comment: one can use formatting

if [ "2017-01-14" == $(date -d "2017-01-14" '+%Y-%m-%d') ] 

Use stored procedure to insert some data into a table

If you have the table definition to have an IDENTITY column e.g. IDENTITY(1,1) then don't include MyId in your INSERT INTO statement. The point of IDENTITY is it gives it the next unused value as the primary key value.

insert into MYDB.dbo.MainTable (MyFirstName, MyLastName, MyAddress, MyPort)
values(@myFirstName, @myLastName, @myAddress, @myPort)

There is then no need to pass the @MyId parameter into your stored procedure either. So change it to:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]
@myFirstName nvarchar(50)
,@myLastName nvarchar(50)
,@myAddress nvarchar(MAX)
,@myPort int


If you want to know what the ID of the newly inserted record is add


to the end of your procedure. e.g.

You will then be able to pick this up in which ever way you are calling it be it SQL or .NET.

P.s. a better way to show you table definision would have been to script the table and paste the text into your stackoverflow browser window because your screen shot is missing the column properties part where IDENTITY is set via the GUI. To do that right click the table 'Script Table as' --> 'CREATE to' --> Clipboard. You can also do File or New Query Editor Window (all self explanitory) experient and see what you get.

How do I auto-submit an upload form when a file is selected?

Try bellow code with jquery :

    <script src=""></script>

    $('#myForm').on('change', "input#MyFile", function (e) {
    <div id="content">
        <form id="myForm" action="action.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <input type="file" id="MyFile" value="Upload" />

How are iloc and loc different?

.loc and .iloc are used for indexing, i.e., to pull out portions of data. In essence, the difference is that .loc allows label-based indexing, while .iloc allows position-based indexing.

If you get confused by .loc and .iloc, keep in mind that .iloc is based on the index (starting with i) position, while .loc is based on the label (starting with l).


.loc is supposed to be based on the index labels and not the positions, so it is analogous to Python dictionary-based indexing. However, it can accept boolean arrays, slices, and a list of labels (none of which work with a Python dictionary).


.iloc does the lookup based on index position, i.e., pandas behaves similarly to a Python list. pandas will raise an IndexError if there is no index at that location.


The following examples are presented to illustrate the differences between .iloc and .loc. Let's consider the following series:

>>> s = pd.Series([11, 9], index=["1990", "1993"], name="Magic Numbers")
>>> s
1990    11
1993     9
Name: Magic Numbers , dtype: int64

.iloc Examples

>>> s.iloc[0]
>>> s.iloc[-1]
>>> s.iloc[4]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds
>>> s.iloc[0:3] # slice
1990 11
1993  9
Name: Magic Numbers , dtype: int64
>>> s.iloc[[0,1]] # list
1990 11
1993  9
Name: Magic Numbers , dtype: int64

.loc Examples

>>> s.loc['1990']
>>> s.loc['1970']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: ’the label [1970] is not in the [index]’
>>> mask = s > 9
>>> s.loc[mask]
1990 11
Name: Magic Numbers , dtype: int64
>>> s.loc['1990':] # slice
1990    11
1993     9
Name: Magic Numbers, dtype: int64

Because s has string index values, .loc will fail when indexing with an integer:

>>> s.loc[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 0

Request Permission for Camera and Library in iOS 10 - Info.plist

You have to add the below permission in Info.plist. More Referance

Camera :

Key       :  Privacy - Camera Usage Description   
Value     :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) camera use

Photo :

Key       :  Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description    
Value     :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) photo use

How to run python script in webpage

As others have pointed out, there are many web frameworks for Python.

But, seeing as you are just getting started with Python, a simple CGI script might be more appropriate:

  1. Rename your script to index.cgi. You also need to execute chmod +x index.cgi to give it execution privileges.

  2. Add these 2 lines in the beginning of the file:

print('Content-type: text/html\r\n\r')

After this the Python code should run just like in terminal, except the output goes to the browser. When you get that working, you can use the cgi module to get data back from the browser.

Note: this assumes that your webserver is running Linux. For Windows, #!/Python26/python might work instead.

Vuejs: Event on route change

Watcher with the deep option didn't work for me.

Instead, I use updated() lifecycle hook which gets executed everytime the component's data changes. Just use it like you do with mounted().

mounted() {
   /* to be executed when mounted */
updated() {

For your reference, visit the documentation.

Convert JsonNode into POJO

In Jackson 2.4, you can convert as follows:

MyClass newJsonNode = jsonObjectMapper.treeToValue(someJsonNode, MyClass.class);

where jsonObjectMapper is a Jackson ObjectMapper.

In older versions of Jackson, it would be

MyClass newJsonNode = jsonObjectMapper.readValue(someJsonNode, MyClass.class);

Easiest way to convert a List to a Set in Java

If you use the Guava library:

Set<Foo> set = Sets.newHashSet(list);

or, better:

Set<Foo> set = ImmutableSet.copyOf(list);

How to customize the background color of a UITableViewCell?

    UIView *bg = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:cell.frame];
    bg.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:175.0/255.0 green:220.0/255.0 blue:186.0/255.0 alpha:1]; 
    cell.backgroundView = bg;
    [bg release];

Convert timestamp to string

try this

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
String string  = dateFormat.format(new Date());

you can create any format see this

Select top 10 records for each category

Tried the following and it worked with ties too.

SELECT rs.Field1,rs.Field2 
    SELECT Field1,Field2, ROW_NUMBER() 
      OVER (Partition BY Section
            ORDER BY RankCriteria DESC ) AS Rank
    FROM table
    ) rs WHERE Rank <= 10

copying all contents of folder to another folder using batch file?

xcopy.exe is the solution here. It's built into Windows.

xcopy /s c:\Folder1 d:\Folder2

You can find more options at

How to remove duplicate objects in a List<MyObject> without equals/hashcode?

Use set:

yourList = new ArrayList<Blog>(new LinkedHashSet<Blog>(yourList));

This will create list without duplicates and the element order will be as in original list.

Just do not forget to implement hashCode() and equals() for your class Blog.

How to read a CSV file from a URL with Python?

You need to replace open with urllib.urlopen or urllib2.urlopen.


import csv
import urllib2

url = ''
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
cr = csv.reader(response)

for row in cr:
    print row

This would output the following

Year,City,Sport,Discipline,NOC,Event,Event gender,Medal
1924,Chamonix,Skating,Figure skating,AUT,individual,M,Silver
1924,Chamonix,Skating,Figure skating,AUT,individual,W,Gold

The original question is tagged "python-2.x", but for a Python 3 implementation (which requires only minor changes) see below.

Creating an instance of class

  1. Allocates some dynamic memory from the free store, and creates an object in that memory using its default constructor. You never delete it, so the memory is leaked.
  2. Does exactly the same as 1; in the case of user-defined types, the parentheses are optional.
  3. Allocates some automatic memory, and creates an object in that memory using its default constructor. The memory is released automatically when the object goes out of scope.
  4. Similar to 3. Notionally, the named object foo4 is initialised by default-constructing, copying and destroying a temporary object; usually, this is elided giving the same result as 3.
  5. Allocates a dynamic object, then initialises a second by copying the first. Both objects are leaked; and there's no way to delete the first since you don't keep a pointer to it.
  6. Does exactly the same as 5.
  7. Does not compile. Foo foo5 is a declaration, not an expression; function (and constructor) arguments must be expressions.
  8. Creates a temporary object, and initialises a dynamic object by copying it. Only the dynamic object is leaked; the temporary is destroyed automatically at the end of the full expression. Note that you can create the temporary with just Foo() rather than the equivalent Foo::Foo() (or indeed Foo::Foo::Foo::Foo::Foo())

When do I use each?

  1. Don't, unless you like unnecessary decorations on your code.
  2. When you want to create an object that outlives the current scope. Remember to delete it when you've finished with it, and learn how to use smart pointers to control the lifetime more conveniently.
  3. When you want an object that only exists in the current scope.
  4. Don't, unless you think 3 looks boring and what to add some unnecessary decoration.
  5. Don't, because it leaks memory with no chance of recovery.
  6. Don't, because it leaks memory with no chance of recovery.
  7. Don't, because it won't compile
  8. When you want to create a dynamic Bar from a temporary Foo.

Jquery ajax call click event submit button

You did not add # before id of the button. You do not have right selector in your jquery code. So jquery is never execute in your button click. its submitted your form directly not passing any ajax request.

See documentation:
its your friend.

Try this:

It seems that id: $("#Shareitem").val() is wrong if you want to pass the value of

<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" id="id">

you need to change this line:

id: $("#Shareitem").val()


id: $("#id").val()

All together:

 <script src=""></script>
        $.ajax({type: "POST",
                url: "/imball-reagens/public/shareitem",
                data: { id: $("#Shareitem").val(), access_token: $("#access_token").val() },

Make div scrollable

use overflow:auto property, If overflow is clipped, a scroll-bar should be added to see the rest of the content,and mention the height


        height: 440px;
        width: 215px;
        overflow: auto;
        float: left;
        position: relative;
        margin-left: -5px;

VBA - Select columns using numbers?

In the example code below I use variables just to show how the command could be used for other situations.

FirstCol = 1
LastCol = FirstCol + 5
Range(Columns(FirstCol), Columns(LastCol)).Select

How do I use cx_freeze?

find the cxfreeze script and run it. It will be in the same path as your other python helper scripts, such as pip.

cxfreeze --target-dir dist

read more at:

jQuery find events handlers registered with an object

As of jQuery 1.8, the event data is no longer available from the "public API" for data. Read this jQuery blog post. You should now use this instead:

jQuery._data( elem, "events" );

elem should be an HTML Element, not a jQuery object, or selector.

Please note, that this is an internal, 'private' structure, and shouldn't be modified. Use this for debugging purposes only.

In older versions of jQuery, you might have to use the old method which is:

jQuery( elem ).data( "events" );

Largest and smallest number in an array

    public int MinimumValue { get; private set; }
    public int MaxmimumValue { get; private set; }

    public void num()
        int[] array = { 12, 56, 89, 65, 61, 36, 45, 23 };
        MaxmimumValue = array[0];
        MinimumValue = array[0];

        foreach (int num in array)


            if (num > MaxmimumValue) MaxmimumValue = num;
            if (num < MinimumValue) MinimumValue = num;

SQL query for extracting year from a date

This worked for me:


JavaScript: Object Rename Key

Personally, the most effective way to rename keys in object without implementing extra heavy plugins and wheels:

var str = JSON.stringify(object);
str = str.replace(/oldKey/g, 'newKey');
str = str.replace(/oldKey2/g, 'newKey2');

object = JSON.parse(str);

You can also wrap it in try-catch if your object has invalid structure. Works perfectly :)

sed command with -i option failing on Mac, but works on Linux

If you use the -i option you need to provide an extension for your backups.

If you have:


The command (note the lack of space between -i and '' and the -e to make it work on new versions of Mac and on GNU):

sed -i'.original' -e 's/old_link/new_link/g' *

Create 2 backup files like:


There is no portable way to avoid making backup files because it is impossible to find a mix of sed commands that works on all cases:

  • sed -i -e ... - does not work on OS X as it creates -e backups
  • sed -i'' -e ... - does not work on OS X 10.6 but works on 10.9+
  • sed -i '' -e ... - not working on GNU

Note Given that there isn't a sed command working on all platforms, you can try to use another command to achieve the same result.

E.g., perl -i -pe's/old_link/new_link/g' *

Loading basic HTML in Node.js

I know this is an old question - here is a simple file server utility if you'd prefer to not use connect or express; but rather the http module.

var fileServer = require('./fileServer');
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
   var file = __dirname + req.url;
   if(req.url === '/') {
       // serve index.html on root 
       file = __dirname + 'index.html'
   // serve all other files echoed by index.html e.g. style.css
   // callback is optional
   fileServer(file, req, res, callback);

module.exports = function(file, req, res, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs')
        , ext = require('path').extname(file)
        , type = ''
        , fileExtensions = {
    console.log('req    '+req.url)
    for(var i in fileExtensions) {
       if(ext === i) {    
          type = fileExtensions[i]
    fs.exists(file, function(exists) {
       if(exists) {
          res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': type })
          console.log('served  '+req.url)
          if(callback !== undefined) callback()
       } else {
          console.log(file,'file dne')

Missing Microsoft RDLC Report Designer in Visual Studio

In VS 2017, i have checked SQL Server Data Tools during the installation and it doesn't help. So I have downloaded and installed Microsoft.RdlcDesigner.vsix

Now it works.


Another way is to use Extensions and Updates.

Go to Tools > Extensions and Updates choose Online then search for Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual studio and click Download. It need to close VS to start installation. After installation you will be able to use rdlc designer.

Hope this helps!

Check if array is empty or null

As long as your selector is actually working, I see nothing wrong with your code that checks the length of the array. That should do what you want. There are a lot of ways to clean up your code to be simpler and more readable. Here's a cleaned up version with notes about what I cleaned up.

var album_text = [];

$("input[name='album_text[]']").each(function() {
    var value = $(this).val();
    if (value) {
if (album_text.length === 0) {

else {
  //send data

Some notes on what you were doing and what I changed.

  1. $(this) is always a valid jQuery object so there's no reason to ever check if ($(this)). It may not have any DOM objects inside it, but you can check that with $(this).length if you need to, but that is not necessary here because the .each() loop wouldn't run if there were no items so $(this) inside your .each() loop will always be something.
  2. It's inefficient to use $(this) multiple times in the same function. Much better to get it once into a local variable and then use it from that local variable.
  3. It's recommended to initialize arrays with [] rather than new Array().
  4. if (value) when value is expected to be a string will both protect from value == null, value == undefined and value == "" so you don't have to do if (value && (value != "")). You can just do: if (value) to check for all three empty conditions.
  5. if (album_text.length === 0) will tell you if the array is empty as long as it is a valid, initialized array (which it is here).

What are you trying to do with this selector $("input[name='album_text[]']")?

Gridview get Checkbox.Checked value

If you want a method other than findcontrol try the following:

 GridViewRow row = Gridview1.SelectedRow;
 int CustomerId = int.parse(row.Cells[0].Text);// to get the column value
 CheckBox checkbox1= row.Cells[0].Controls[0] as CheckBox; // you can access the controls like this

How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in any binary tree?

Code for A Breadth First Search to make sure both nodes are in the tree. Only then move forward with the LCA search. Please comment if you have any suggestions to improve. I think we can probably mark them visited and restart the search at a certain point where we left off to improve for the second node (if it isn't found VISITED)

public class searchTree {
    static boolean v1=false,v2=false;
    public static boolean bfs(Treenode root, int value){
           return false;
    Queue<Treenode> q1 = new LinkedList<Treenode>();

        Treenode temp = q1.peek();

        if(temp!=null) {
            if (temp.value == value) return true;
            if (temp.left != null) q1.add(temp.left);
            if (temp.right != null) q1.add(temp.right);
    return false;

public static Treenode lcaHelper(Treenode head, int x,int y){

        return null;

    if(head.value == x || head.value ==y){
        if (head.value == y){
            v2 = true;
            return head;
        else {
            v1 = true;
            return head;

    Treenode left = lcaHelper(head.left, x, y);
    Treenode right = lcaHelper(head.right,x,y);

    if(left!=null && right!=null){
        return head;
    return (left!=null) ? left:right;

public static int lca(Treenode head, int h1, int h2) {
    v1 = bfs(head,h1);
    v2 = bfs(head,h2);
    if(v1 && v2){
        Treenode lca = lcaHelper(head,h1,h2);
        return lca.value;
    return -1;

Buiding Hadoop with Eclipse / Maven - Missing artifact

Change the set of installed JREs in your eclipse. Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs, change the location of jre to %JAVA_HOME%/jre, but not something like C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

Run CSS3 animation only once (at page loading)

An easy solution to solve this problem is by just adding more seconds to the animation in a:hover and taking advantage of the transitions in @keyframes

a:hover {
        animation: hover 200s infinite alternate ease-in-out;

Just make the progression of @keyframes go faster by using percentages.

@keyframes hover {
    0% {
        transform: scale(1, 1);
    1% {
        transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);
    100% {
        transform: scale(1.1, 1.1);

200 seconds or 300 seconds in the animation is more than enough to make sure the animation doesn't restart. A normal person won't last more than a few seconds hovering an image.

Laravel 5 - artisan seed [ReflectionException] Class SongsTableSeeder does not exist

If our CustomTableSeeder is in same directory with DatabaseSeeder we should use like below:


in our DatabaseSeeder File; then another error will be thrown that says: 'DB Class not found' then we should add our DB facade to our CustomTableSeeder File like below:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

it worked for me!

python exception message capturing

The syntax is no longer supported in python 3. Use the following instead.

except BaseException as e:
    logger.error('Failed to do something: ' + str(e))

HTML entity for check mark

HTML and XML entities are just a way of referencing a Unicode code-point in a way that reliably works regardless of the encoding of the actual page, making them useful for using esoteric Unicode characters in a page using 7-bit ASCII or some other encoding scheme, ideally on a one-off basis. They're also used to escape the <, >, " and & characters as these are reserved in SGML.

Anyway, Unicode has a number of tick/check characters, as per Wikipedia ( ).

Ideally you should save/store your HTML in a Unicode format like UTF-8 or 16, thus obviating the need to use HTML entities to represent a Unicode character. Nonetheless use: &#x2714; ✔.


Is using hex notation and is the same as


(as 2714 in base 16 is the same as 10004 in base 10)

shorthand c++ if else statement

Depending on how often you use this in your code you could consider the following:


#define SIGN(x) ( (x) >= 0 )

Inline function

inline int sign(int x)
    return x >= 0;

Then you would just go:

bigInt.sign = sign(number); 

TensorFlow ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 64, 3) for Tensor u'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 64, 64, 3)'

image has a shape of (64,64,3).

Your input placeholder _x have a shape of (?, 64,64,3).

The problem is that you're feeding the placeholder with a value of a different shape.

You have to feed it with a value of (1, 64, 64, 3) = a batch of 1 image.

Just reshape your image value to a batch with size one.

image = array(img).reshape(1, 64,64,3)

P.S: the fact that the input placeholder accepts a batch of images, means that you can run predicions for a batch of images in parallel. You can try to read more than 1 image (N images) and than build a batch of N image, using a tensor with shape (N, 64,64,3)

Submit form using AJAX and jQuery

First give your form an id attribute, then use code like this:

$(document).ready( function() {
  var form = $('#my_awesome_form');

  form.find('select:first').change( function() {
    $.ajax( {
      type: "POST",
      url: form.attr( 'action' ),
      data: form.serialize(),
      success: function( response ) {
        console.log( response );
    } );
  } );

} );

So this code uses .serialize() to pull out the relevant data from the form. It also assumes the select you care about is the first one in the form.

For future reference, the jQuery docs are very, very good.

Show git diff on file in staging area

In order to see the changes that have been staged already, you can pass the -–staged option to git diff (in pre-1.6 versions of Git, use –-cached).

git diff --staged
git diff --cached

How to decide when to use Node.js?

It can be used where

  • Applications that are highly event driven & are heavily I/O bound
  • Applications handling a large number of connections to other systems
  • Real-time applications (Node.js was designed from the ground up for real time and to be easy to use.)
  • Applications that juggle scads of information streaming to and from other sources
  • High traffic, Scalable applications
  • Mobile apps that have to talk to platform API & database, without having to do a lot of data analytics
  • Build out networked applications
  • Applications that need to talk to the back end very often

On Mobile front, prime-time companies have relied on Node.js for their mobile solutions. Check out why?

LinkedIn is a prominent user. Their entire mobile stack is built on Node.js. They went from running 15 servers with 15 instances on each physical machine, to just 4 instances – that can handle double the traffic!

eBay launched, a web query language for HTTP APIs, which uses Node.js as the runtime stack. They were able to tune a regular developer-quality Ubuntu workstation to handle more than 120,000 active connections per node.js process, with each connection consuming about 2kB memory!

Walmart re-engineered its mobile app to use Node.js and pushed its JavaScript processing to the server.

Read more at:

How do I check if the Java JDK is installed on Mac?

Make sure you correctly define the project's JDK and restart IntelliJ (full restart).

The backend version is not supported to design database diagrams or tables

I ran into this problem when SQL Server 2014 standard was installed on a server where SQL Server Express was also installed. I had opened SSMS from a desktop shortcut, not realizing right away that it was SSMS for SQL Server Express, not for 2014. SSMS for Express returned the error, but SQL Server 2014 did not.

Retrieve the commit log for a specific line in a file?

This will call git blame for every meaningful revision to show line $LINE of file $FILE:

git log --format=format:%H $FILE | xargs -L 1 git blame $FILE -L $LINE,$LINE

As usual, the blame shows the revision number in the beginning of each line. You can append

| sort | uniq -c

to get aggregated results, something like a list of commits that changed this line. (Not quite, if code only has been moved around, this might show the same commit ID twice for different contents of the line. For a more detailed analysis you'd have to do a lagged comparison of the git blame results for adjacent commits. Anyone?)

How can I detect if a selector returns null?

I like to do something like this:

$.fn.exists = function(){
    return this.length > 0 ? this : false;

So then you can do something like this:

var firstExistingElement = 
    $('#iDontExist').exists() ||      //<-returns false;
    $('#iExist').exists() ||          //<-gets assigned to the variable 
    $('#iExistAsWell').exists();      //<-never runs

firstExistingElement.doSomething();   //<-executes on #iExist

Most efficient way to concatenate strings?

Adding to the other answers, please keep in mind that StringBuilder can be told an initial amount of memory to allocate.

The capacity parameter defines the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the memory allocated by the current instance. Its value is assigned to the Capacity property. If the number of characters to be stored in the current instance exceeds this capacity value, the StringBuilder object allocates additional memory to store them.

If capacity is zero, the implementation-specific default capacity is used.

Repeatedly appending to a StringBuilder that hasn't been pre-allocated can result in a lot of unnecessary allocations just like repeatedly concatenating regular strings.

If you know how long the final string will be, can trivially calculate it, or can make an educated guess about the common case (allocating too much isn't necessarily a bad thing), you should be providing this information to the constructor or the Capacity property. Especially when running performance tests to compare StringBuilder with other methods like String.Concat, which do the same thing internally. Any test you see online which doesn't include StringBuilder pre-allocation in its comparisons is wrong.

If you can't make any kind of guess about the size, you're probably writing a utility function which should have its own optional argument for controlling pre-allocation.

ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

When pip tells you that you already have protobuf, but PyCharm (or other) tells you that you don't have it, it means that pip and PyCharm are using a different Python interpreter. This is a very common issue, especially on a Mac, with no standard Python package management.

The best way to completely eliminate such issues is using a virtualenv per Python project, which is essentially a directory of Python packages and environment variable settings to isolate the Python environment of the project from everything else.

Create a virtualenv for your project like this:

cd project
virtualenv --distribute virtualenv -p /path/to/python/executable

This creates a directory called virtualenv inside your project. (Make sure to configure your VCS (for example Git) to ignore this directory.)

To install packages in this virtualenv, you need to activate the environment variable settings:

. virtualenv/bin/activate

Verify that pip will use the right Python executable inside the virtualenv, by running pip -V. It should tell you the Python library path used, which should be inside the virtualenv.

Now you can use pip to install protobuf as you did.

And finally, you need to make PyCharm use this virtualenv instead of the system libraries. Somewhere in the project settings you can configure an interpreter for the project, select the Python executable inside the virtualenv.

How do I share a global variable between c files?

In the second .c file use extern keyword with the same variable name.

Adding padding to a tkinter widget only on one side

There are multiple ways of doing that you can use either place or grid or even the packmethod.

Sample code:

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()

l = Label(root, text="hello" )
l.pack(padx=6, pady=4) # where padx and pady represent the x and y axis respectively
# well you can also use side=LEFT inside the pack method of the label widget.

To place a widget to on basis of columns and rows , use the grid method:

but = Button(root, text="hello" )
but.grid(row=0, column=1)

Remove innerHTML from div

To remove all child elements from your div:


.removeData() and the corresponding .data() function are used to attach data behind an element, say if you wanted to note that a specific list element referred to user ID 25 in your database:

var $li = $('<li>Joe</li>').data('id', 25);

PDO with INSERT INTO through prepared statements

Thanks to Novocaine88's answer to use a try catch loop I have successfully received an error message when I caused one.

    $dbhost = "localhost";
    $dbname = "pdo";
    $dbusername = "root";
    $dbpassword = "845625";

    $link = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbusername, $dbpassword);

    try {
        $statement = $link->prepare("INERT INTO testtable(name, lastname, age)

    } catch(PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();

In the following code instead of INSERT INTO it says INERT.

this is the error I got.

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'INERT INTO testtable(name, lastname, age) VALUES('Bob','Desaunoi' at line 1

When I "fix" the issue, it works as it should. Thanks alot everyone!

Why I've got no crontab entry on OS X when using vim?

The above has a mix of correct answers. What worked for me for having the exact same errors are:

1) edit your bash config file

$ cd ~ && vim .bashrc

2) in your bash config file, make sure default editor is vim rather than vi (which causes the problem)

export EDITOR=vim

3) edit your vim config file

$cd ~ && vim .vimrc

4) make sure set backupcopy is yes in your .vimrc

set backupcopy=yes

5) restart terminal

6) now try crontab edit

$ crontab -e

10 * * * * echo "hello world"

You should see that it creates the crontab file correctly. If you exit vim (either ZZ or :wq) and list crontab with following command; you should see the new cron job. Hope this helps.

$ crontab -l

Initializing a two dimensional std::vector

Suppose you want to initialize a two dimensional integer vector with n rows and m column each having value 'VAL'

Write it as

std::vector<vector<int>> arr(n, vector<int>(m,VAL));

This VAL can be a integer type variable or constant such as 100

git: updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally

git pull <remote> master:dev will fetch the remote/master branch and merge it into your local/dev branch.

git pull <remote> dev will fetch the remote/dev branch, and merge it into your current branch.

I think you said the conflicting commit is on remote/dev, so that is the branch you probably intended to fetch and merge.

In that case, you weren't actually merging the conflict into your local branch, which is sort of weird since you said you saw the incorrect code in your working copy. You might want to check what is going on in remote/master.

javascript convert int to float

toFixed() method formats a number using fixed-point notation. Read MDN Web Docs for full reference.

var fval = 4;

console.log(fval.toFixed(2)); // prints 4.00

C compile : collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

sometimes this error came beacause failed to compile in middlest of any build. The best way to try is by doing make clean and again make the whole code .

CSS transition fade on hover

This will do the trick


  transition: opacity .2s ease-out;
  -moz-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;
  -webkit-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;
  -o-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;

How do I pass named parameters with Invoke-Command?

I needed something to call scripts with named parameters. We have a policy of not using ordinal positioning of parameters and requiring the parameter name.

My approach is similar to the ones above but gets the content of the script file that you want to call and sends a parameter block containing the parameters and values.

One of the advantages of this is that you can optionally choose which parameters to send to the script file allowing for non-mandatory parameters with defaults.

Assuming there is a script called "MyScript.ps1" in the temporary path that has the following parameter block:

[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $False)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $MyNamedParameter1,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $MyNamedParameter2,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [String] $MyNamedParameter3 = "some default value"

This is how I would call this script from another script:

$params = @{
    MyNamedParameter1 = $SomeValue
    MyNamedParameter2 = $SomeOtherValue

If ($SomeCondition)
    $params['MyNamedParameter3'] = $YetAnotherValue

$pathToScript = Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath MyScript.ps1

$sb = [scriptblock]::create(".{$(Get-Content -Path $pathToScript -Raw)} $(&{
} @params)")
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb

I have used this in lots of scenarios and it works really well. One thing that you occasionally need to do is put quotes around the parameter value assignment block. This is always the case when there are spaces in the value.

e.g. This param block is used to call a script that copies various modules into the standard location used by PowerShell C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules which contains a space character.

$params = @{
        SourcePath      = "$WorkingDirectory\Modules"
        DestinationPath = "'$(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('ProgramFiles')) -ChildPath 'WindowsPowershell\Modules')'"

Hope this helps!

How to use session in JSP pages to get information?

You can directly use (String)session.getAttribute("username"); inside scriptlet tag ie <% %>.

How can I add shadow to the widget in flutter?

Use BoxDecoration with BoxShadow.

Here is a visual demo manipulating the following options:

  • opacity
  • x offset
  • y offset
  • blur radius
  • spread radius

The animated gif doesn't do so well with colors. You can try it yourself on a device.

enter image description here

Here is the full code for that demo:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: ShadowDemo(),

class ShadowDemo extends StatefulWidget {
  _ShadowDemoState createState() => _ShadowDemoState();

class _ShadowDemoState extends State<ShadowDemo> {
  var _image = NetworkImage('');

  var _opacity = 1.0;
  var _xOffset = 0.0;
  var _yOffset = 0.0;
  var _blurRadius = 0.0;
  var _spreadRadius = 0.0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Stack(
      children: <Widget>[
            decoration: BoxDecoration(
              color: Color(0xFF0099EE),
              boxShadow: [
                  color: Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, _opacity),
                  offset: Offset(_xOffset, _yOffset),
                  blurRadius: _blurRadius,
                  spreadRadius: _spreadRadius,
            child: Image(image:_image, width: 100, height: 100,),
          alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
          child: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 80.0),
            child: Column(
              children: <Widget>[
                  value: _opacity,
                  min: 0.0,
                  max: 1.0,
                  onChanged: (newValue) =>
                    setState(() => _opacity = newValue)
                  value: _xOffset,
                  min: -100,
                  max: 100,
                  onChanged: (newValue) =>
                    setState(() => _xOffset = newValue)
                  value: _yOffset,
                  min: -100,
                  max: 100,
                  onChanged: (newValue) =>
                    setState(() => _yOffset = newValue)
                  value: _blurRadius,
                  min: 0,
                  max: 100,
                  onChanged: (newValue) =>
                    setState(() => _blurRadius = newValue)
                  value: _spreadRadius,
                  min: 0,
                  max: 100,
                  onChanged: (newValue) =>
                    setState(() => _spreadRadius = newValue)

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

Conditional compilation directives are your friend:

            var jsBundle = new Bundle("~/Scripts/js");
            var jsBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/Scripts/js");

How does GPS in a mobile phone work exactly?

There's 3 satellites at least that you must be able to receive from of the 24-32 out there, and they each broadcast a time from a synchronized atomic clock. The differences in those times that you receive at any one time tell you how long the broadcast took to reach you, and thus where you are in relation to the satellites. So, it sort of reads from something, but it doesn't connect to that thing. Note that this doesn't tell you your orientation, many GPSes fake that (and speed) by interpolating data points.

If you don't count the cost of the receiver, it's a free service. Apparently there's higher resolution services out there that are restricted to military use. Those are likely a fixed cost for a license to decrypt the signals along with a confidentiality agreement.

Now your device may support GPS tracking, in which case it might communicate, say via GPRS, to a database which will store the location the device has found itself to be at, so that multiple devices may be tracked. That would require some kind of connection.

Maps are either stored on the device or received over a connection. Navigation is computed based on those maps' databases. These likely are a licensed item with a cost associated, though if you use a service like Google Maps they have the license with NAVTEQ and others.

How to remove list elements in a for loop in Python?

How about creating a new list and adding elements you want to that new list. You cannot remove elements while iterating through a list

python : list index out of range error while iteratively popping elements


while True:
        n += 1
          key = DATA[n-1]['message']['text']

Console :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 82, in <module>
    key =DATA[n-1]['message']['text']
IndexError: list index out of range

How to enable Google Play App Signing

Do the following :

"CREATE APPLICATION" having the same name which you want to upload before.
Click create.
After creation of the app now click on the "App releases"
Click on the "CREATE RELEASE"
Here you see "Google Play App Signing" dialog.
Just click on the "OPT-OUT" button.
It will ask you to confirm it. Just click on the "confirm" button

Border for an Image view in Android?

I found it so much easier to do this:

1) Edit the frame to have the content inside (with 9patch tool).

2) Place the ImageView inside a Linearlayout, and set the frame background or colour you want as the background of the Linearlayout. As you set the frame to have the content inside itself, your ImageView will be inside the frame (right where you set the content with the 9patch tool).

Fast way to discover the row count of a table in PostgreSQL

I did this once in a postgres app by running:


Then examining the output with a regex, or similar logic. For a simple SELECT *, the first line of output should look something like this:

Seq Scan on uids  (cost=0.00..1.21 rows=8 width=75)

You can use the rows=(\d+) value as a rough estimate of the number of rows that would be returned, then only do the actual SELECT COUNT(*) if the estimate is, say, less than 1.5x your threshold (or whatever number you deem makes sense for your application).

Depending on the complexity of your query, this number may become less and less accurate. In fact, in my application, as we added joins and complex conditions, it became so inaccurate it was completely worthless, even to know how within a power of 100 how many rows we'd have returned, so we had to abandon that strategy.

But if your query is simple enough that Pg can predict within some reasonable margin of error how many rows it will return, it may work for you.

see if two files have the same content in python

I'm not sure if you want to find duplicate files or just compare two single files. If the latter, the above approach (filecmp) is better, if the former, the following approach is better.

There are lots of duplicate files detection questions here. Assuming they are not very small and that performance is important, you can

  • Compare file sizes first, discarding all which doesn't match
  • If file sizes match, compare using the biggest hash you can handle, hashing chunks of files to avoid reading the whole big file

Here's is an answer with Python implementations (I prefer the one by nosklo, BTW)

How to exit if a command failed?

I've hacked up the following idiom:

echo "Generating from IDL..."
idlj -fclient -td java/src echo.idl
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo "Failed, aborting." ; exit 1; } fi

echo "Compiling classes..."
javac *java
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo "Failed, aborting." ; exit 1; } fi

echo "Done."

Precede each command with an informative echo, and follow each command with that same
if [ $? -ne 0 ];... line. (Of course, you can edit that error message if you want to.)

What is the difference between readonly="true" & readonly="readonly"?

Giving an element the attribute readonly will give that element the readonly status. It doesn't matter what value you put after it or if you put any value after it, it will still see it as readonly. Putting readonly="false" won't work.

Suggested is to use the W3C standard, which is readonly="readonly".

How to convert HTML to PDF using iText

This links might be helpful to convert.

If it is a college Project, you can even go for these,

Example is given to convert HTML to PDF

Use FontAwesome or Glyphicons with css :before

@keithwyland answer is great. Here's a SCSS mixin:

@mixin font-awesome($content){
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    display: inline-block;
    text-decoration: inherit;
    content: $content;


@include font-awesome("\f054");

Table and Index size in SQL Server

sp_spaceused gives you the size of all the indexes combined.

If you want the size of each index for a table, use one of these two queries:

SELECT                  AS IndexName,
    SUM(s.used_page_count) * 8   AS IndexSizeKB
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats  AS s 
JOIN sys.indexes                AS i
ON s.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND s.index_id = i.index_id
WHERE s.[object_id] = object_id('dbo.TableName')

SELECT              AS IndexName,
    SUM(page_count * 8) AS IndexSizeKB
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(
    db_id(), object_id('dbo.TableName'), NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED') AS s
JOIN sys.indexes AS i
ON s.[object_id] = i.[object_id] AND s.index_id = i.index_id

The results are usually slightly different but within 1%.

How to create an empty file with Ansible?

The documentation of the file module says

If state=file, the file will NOT be created if it does not exist, see the copy or template module if you want that behavior.

So we use the copy module, using force=no to create a new empty file only when the file does not yet exist (if the file exists, its content is preserved).

- name: ensure file exists
    content: ""
    dest: /etc/nologin
    force: no
    group: sys
    owner: root
    mode: 0555

This is a declarative and elegant solution.

How to use HttpWebRequest (.NET) asynchronously?

Use HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse()

HttpWebRequest webRequest;

void StartWebRequest()
    webRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(FinishWebRequest), null);

void FinishWebRequest(IAsyncResult result)

The callback function is called when the asynchronous operation is complete. You need to at least call EndGetResponse() from this function.

How to set default font family for entire Android app

Try this library, its lightweight and easy to implement

              android:id="@+id/textView64" />

Vertically aligning a checkbox

make input to block and float, Adjust margin top value.


<div class="label">
<input type="checkbox" name="test" /> luke..


change margin-top, if your line-height is different.
border:1px solid red;


Open a facebook link by native Facebook app on iOS

swift 3

if let url = URL(string: "fb://profile/<id>") {
        if #available(iOS 10, *) {
  , options: [:],completionHandler: { (success) in
                print("Open fb://profile/<id>: \(success)")
        } else {
            let success = UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)
            print("Open fb://profile/<id>: \(success)")

Get The Current Domain Name With Javascript (Not the path, etc.)

If you want the country domain name - for example to extract  .com  from :


const getCountryDomainName = () => {
  let hostName = window.location.hostname;
  let lastDotIndex = hostName.lastIndexOf('.');
  let countryDomainName = hostName.substr(lastDotIndex+1, hostName.length);
  return countryDomainName;


function getCountryDomainName() {
  let hostName = window.location.hostname;
  let lastDotIndex = hostName.lastIndexOf('.');
  let countryDomainName = hostName.substr(lastDotIndex+1, hostName.length);
  return countryDomainName;

Then, just use the function to assign the value to a var:

const countryDomainName = getCountryDomainName();

How to stretch in width a WPF user control to its window?

Is the Canvas crucial in your window? If not, try removing it and keep the Grid as the main panel. Canvas has no size unless specified, while a Grid normally takes up all available space. Inside the Canvas, the Grid will have no available space.

Compare two columns using pandas

You could use np.where. If cond is a boolean array, and A and B are arrays, then

C = np.where(cond, A, B)

defines C to be equal to A where cond is True, and B where cond is False.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

a = [['10', '1.2', '4.2'], ['15', '70', '0.03'], ['8', '5', '0']]
df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['one', 'two', 'three'])

df['que'] = np.where((df['one'] >= df['two']) & (df['one'] <= df['three'])
                     , df['one'], np.nan)


  one  two three  que
0  10  1.2   4.2   10
1  15   70  0.03  NaN
2   8    5     0  NaN

If you have more than one condition, then you could use instead. For example, if you wish df['que'] to equal df['two'] when df['one'] < df['two'], then

conditions = [
    (df['one'] >= df['two']) & (df['one'] <= df['three']), 
    df['one'] < df['two']]

choices = [df['one'], df['two']]

df['que'] =, choices, default=np.nan)


  one  two three  que
0  10  1.2   4.2   10
1  15   70  0.03   70
2   8    5     0  NaN

If we can assume that df['one'] >= df['two'] when df['one'] < df['two'] is False, then the conditions and choices could be simplified to

conditions = [
    df['one'] < df['two'],
    df['one'] <= df['three']]

choices = [df['two'], df['one']]

(The assumption may not be true if df['one'] or df['two'] contain NaNs.)

Note that

a = [['10', '1.2', '4.2'], ['15', '70', '0.03'], ['8', '5', '0']]
df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['one', 'two', 'three'])

defines a DataFrame with string values. Since they look numeric, you might be better off converting those strings to floats:

df2 = df.astype(float)

This changes the results, however, since strings compare character-by-character, while floats are compared numerically.

In [61]: '10' <= '4.2'
Out[61]: True

In [62]: 10 <= 4.2
Out[62]: False

Why are Python lambdas useful?

First congrats that managed to figure out lambda. In my opinion this is really powerful construct to act with. The trend these days towards functional programming languages is surely an indicator that it neither should be avoided nor it will be redefined in the near future.

You just have to think a little bit different. I'm sure soon you will love it. But be careful if you deal only with python. Because the lambda is not a real closure, it is "broken" somehow: pythons lambda is broken Software caused connection abort: recv failed

If you are using Netbeans to manage Tomcat, try to disable HTTP monitor in Tools - Servers

configure Git to accept a particular self-signed server certificate for a particular https remote

OSX User adjustments.

Following the steps of the Accepted answer worked for me with a small addition when configuring on OSX.

I put the cert.pem file in a directory under my OSX logged in user and thus caused me to adjust the location for the trusted certificate.

Configure git to trust this certificate:

$ git config --global http.sslCAInfo $HOME/git-certs/cert.pem

How to recursively find and list the latest modified files in a directory with subdirectories and times

I shortened Daniel Böhmer's awesome answer to this one-liner:

stat --printf="%y %n\n" $(ls -tr $(find * -type f))

If there are spaces in filenames, you can use this modification:

OFS="$IFS";IFS=$'\n';stat --printf="%y %n\n" $(ls -tr $(find . -type f));IFS="$OFS";

How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?

if you want to pass variable as param lets try this

if requirement is function and var as parmas then try this

setTimeout((param1,param2) => { 
     alert(param1 + param2);
},2000,'msg1', 'msg2')

if requirement is only variables as a params then try this

setTimeout((param1,param2) => { alert(param1 + param2) },2000,'msg1', 'msg2')

You can try this with ES5 and ES6

Installing Apache Maven Plugin for Eclipse

For Eclipse (Helios) the following procedure works - I've tried it:

  1. Go to Help -> Install New software
  2. Add the following link:
  3. After results found unselect "sl4j... (optional)"
  4. Next

How to call multiple JavaScript functions in onclick event?

One addition, for maintainable JavaScript is using a named function.

This is the example of the anonymous function:

var el = document.getElementById('id');

// example using an anonymous function (not recommended):
el.addEventListener('click', function() { alert('hello world'); });
el.addEventListener('click', function() { alert('another event') });

But imagine you have a couple of them attached to that same element and want to remove one of them. It is not possible to remove a single anonymous function from that event listener.

Instead, you can use named functions:

var el = document.getElementById('id');

// create named functions:
function alertFirst() { alert('hello world'); };
function alertSecond() { alert('hello world'); };

// assign functions to the event listeners (recommended):
el.addEventListener('click', alertFirst);
el.addEventListener('click', alertSecond);

// then you could remove either one of the functions using:
el.removeEventListener('click', alertFirst);

This also keeps your code a lot easier to read and maintain. Especially if your function is larger.

What is an IIS application pool?

IIS-Internet information Service is a web server used to host one or more web application . Lets take any example here say Microsoft is maintaining web server and we are running our website (news content based)on this IIS. Since, Microsoft is a big shot company it might take or also ready to host another website say based).

Now web server is hosting i.e providing memory to run both websites on its single web server.Thus , here application pools come into picture . has its own rules, business logic , data etc and same applies to

IIS provides two application pools (path) to run two websites in their own world (data) smoothly in a single webserver without affecting each ones matter (security, scalability).This is application pool in IIS.

So you can have any number of application pool depending upon on servers capacity

SQL Server 2008- Get table constraints

You should use the current sys catalog views (if you're on SQL Server 2005 or newer - the sysobjects views are deprecated and should be avoided) - check out the extensive MSDN SQL Server Books Online documentation on catalog views here.

There are quite a few views you might be interested in:

  • sys.default_constraints for default constraints on columns
  • sys.check_constraints for check constraints on columns
  • sys.key_constraints for key constraints (e.g. primary keys)
  • sys.foreign_keys for foreign key relations

and a lot more - check it out!

You can query and join those views to get the info needed - e.g. this will list the tables, columns and all default constraints defined on them:

    TableName = t.Name,
    ColumnName = c.Name,
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.default_constraints dc ON t.object_id = dc.parent_object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON dc.parent_object_id = c.object_id AND c.column_id = dc.parent_column_id

Convert dictionary values into array

// dict is Dictionary<string, Foo>

Foo[] foos = new Foo[dict.Count];
dict.Values.CopyTo(foos, 0);

// or in C# 3.0:
var foos = dict.Values.ToArray();

How to enable directory listing in apache web server

See if you are able to access/list the '/icons/' directory. This is useful to test the behavior of Directory in Apache.

for eg : You might be having below config by default in your httpd.conf file.So hit the url : IP:Port/icons/ and see if it list the icons or not.You can also try by putting the 'directory/folder' inside the 'var/www/icons'.

Alias /icons/ "/var/www/icons/"

<Directory "/var/www/icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

If it does works then you can crosscheck or modify your custom directory configuration with '' configuration.

How to make a GUI for bash scripts?

If you have Qt/KDE installed, you can use kdialog, which pops up a Qt dialog window. You can easily specify to display a Yes/No dialog, OK/Cancel, simple text input, password input etc. You then have access to the return values from these dialogs at the shell.

How to convert Calendar to java.sql.Date in Java?

I found this code works:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss");    
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2013,0,31);

you can find the rest in this tutorial:

Hide Twitter Bootstrap nav collapse on click

Another quick solution for Bootstrap 3.* could be:

$( document ).ready(function() {
    // Hide collapsed menu on click
    $('.nav a').each(function (idx, obj) {
        var selected = $(obj);

        selected.on('click', function() {
            if (selected.closest('').length > 0) {
                $('.navbar-toggle').click(); //bootstrap 3.x by Richard

Android Device not recognized by adb

Find drivers for your device and install them That will be the end of your device not detected problems Windows have driver problems, sometimes messed by overriding the existing driver

You can also try uninstalling driver from Win7 and reinstalling

how to POST/Submit an Input Checkbox that is disabled?

You could handle it this way... For each checkbox, create a hidden field with the same name attribute. But set the value of that hidden field with some default value that you could test against. For example..

<input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox" value="agree" />
<input type="hidden" name="myCheckbox" value="false" />

If the checkbox is "checked" when the form is submitted, then the value of that form parameter will be


If the checkbox is not checked, then the value would be


You could use any value instead of "false", but you get the idea.

when exactly are we supposed to use "public static final String"?

? public makes it accessible across the other classes. You can use it without instantiate of the class or using any object.

? static makes it uniform value across all the class instances. It ensures that you don't waste memory creating many of the same thing if it will be the same value for all the objects.

? final makes it non-modifiable value. It's a "constant" value which is same across all the class instances and cannot be modified.

Reset the database (purge all), then seed a database

I use rake db:reset which drops and then recreates the database and includes your seeds.rb file.

The transaction log for database is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases

As an aside, it is always a good practice (and possibly a solution for this type of issue) to delete a large number of rows by using batches:

              FROM   YourTable 
              WHERE  <yourCondition>) 
  DELETE TOP(10000) FROM YourTable 
  WHERE  <yourCondition>

Create a table without a header in Markdown

If you don't mind wasting a line by leaving it empty, consider the following hack (it is a hack, and use this only if you don't like adding any additional plugins).

| | | |
|__Bold Key__| Value1 |
| Normal Key | Value2 |

To view how the above one could look, copy the above and visit

It worked with GitLab/GitHub's Markdown implementations.

UITableView - change section header color

With RubyMotion / RedPotion, paste this into your TableScreen:

  def tableView(_, willDisplayHeaderView: view, forSection: section)
    view.textLabel.textColor = rmq.color.your_text_color
    view.contentView.backgroundColor = rmq.color.your_background_color

Works like a charm!

Laravel Eloquent ORM Transactions

If any exception occurs, the transaction will rollback automatically.

Laravel Basic transaction format


    * SQL operation one 
    * SQL operation two
    * SQL operation n */

   /* Transaction successful. */
}catch(\Exception $e){       

    /* Transaction failed. */

How do you send an HTTP Get Web Request in Python?

In Python, you can use urllib2 ( to do all of that work for you.

Simply enough:

import urllib2
f =  urllib2.urlopen(url)

Will print the received HTTP response.

To pass GET/POST parameters the urllib.urlencode() function can be used. For more information, you can refer to the Official Urllib2 Tutorial

Is it possible to save HTML page as PDF using JavaScript or jquery?

It is much easier and reliable to convert html to pdf server side. We are using Google Puppeteer. It is well maintained with wrappers for any server side language of your choosing. Puppeteer uses headless Chrome to generate screenshots and/or PDF files. It will save you a LOT of headache especially if you need to generate complex PDF files with tables, images, graphs, multiple pages and so

How to get Text BOLD in Alert or Confirm box?

Maybe you coul'd use UTF8 bold chars.

For examples:

It works on Chromium 80.0, I don't know on other browsers...

How to convert a string to an integer in JavaScript?

Please see the below example.It will help clear your doubt

Example                  Result

parseInt("4")            4
parseInt("5aaa")         5
parseInt("4.33333")      4
parseInt("aaa");         NaN (means "Not a Number")

by using parseint function It will only give op of integer present and not the string

How to convert time milliseconds to hours, min, sec format in JavaScript?

The above snippets don't work for cases with more than 1 day (They are simply ignored).

For this you can use:

function convertMS(ms) {
    var d, h, m, s;
    s = Math.floor(ms / 1000);
    m = Math.floor(s / 60);
    s = s % 60;
    h = Math.floor(m / 60);
    m = m % 60;
    d = Math.floor(h / 24);
    h = h % 24;
    h += d * 24;
    return h + ':' + m + ':' + s;

enter image description here

Thanks to

formatFloat : convert float number to string

Try this

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func FloatToString(input_num float64) string {
    // to convert a float number to a string
    return strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', 6, 64)

func main() {

If you just want as many digits precision as possible, then the special precision -1 uses the smallest number of digits necessary such that ParseFloat will return f exactly. Eg

strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', -1, 64)

Personally I find fmt easier to use. (Playground link)

fmt.Printf("x = %.6f\n", 21312421.213123)

Or if you just want to convert the string

fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", 21312421.213123)

How to add button inside input

The button isn't inside the input. Here:

input[type="text"] {
    width: 200px;
    height: 20px;
    padding-right: 50px;

input[type="submit"] {
    margin-left: -50px;
    height: 20px;
    width: 50px;


Why extend the Android Application class?


In many apps, there's no need to work with an application class directly. However, there are a few acceptable uses of a custom application class:

  • Specialized tasks that need to run before the creation of your first activity
  • Global initialization that needs to be shared across all components (crash reporting, persistence)
  • Static methods for easy access to static immutable data such as a shared network client object

You should never store mutable instance data inside the Application object because if you assume that your data will stay there, your application will inevitably crash at some point with a NullPointerException. The application object is not guaranteed to stay in memory forever, it will get killed. Contrary to popular belief, the app won’t be restarted from scratch. Android will create a new Application object and start the activity where the user was before to give the illusion that the application was never killed in the first place.

Error installing mysql2: Failed to build gem native extension

If you are still having trouble….

Try installing

   sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev

How to check all checkboxes using jQuery?

Trigger Click





    $('input:checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked);

Exists Angularjs code/naming conventions?

For structuring an app, this is one of the best guides that I've found:

Note that the structure recommended by Google is different than what you'll find in a lot of seed projects, but for large apps it's a lot saner.

Google also has a style guide that makes sense to use only if you also use Closure.

...this answer is incomplete, but I hope that the limited information above will be helpful to someone.

What is this: [Ljava.lang.Object;?

If you are here because of the Liquibase error saying:

Caused By: Precondition Error
Can't detect type of array [Ljava.lang.Short

and you are using

not {

precondition multiple times, then you are facing an old bug:

We can try to execute an above check using bare sqlCheck(Postgres):

SELECT COUNT(i.relname)
    pg_class t,
    pg_class i,
    pg_index ix
    t.oid = ix.indrelid
    and i.oid = ix.indexrelid
    and t.relkind = 'r'
    and t.relname = 'tableName'
    and i.relname = 'indexName';

where tableName - is an index table name and indexName - is an index name

How to concat two ArrayLists?

add one ArrayList to second ArrayList as:


EDIT : if you want to Create new ArrayList from two existing ArrayList then do as:

ArrayList<String> arraylist3=new ArrayList<String>();

arraylist3.addAll(Arraylist1); // add first arraylist

arraylist3.addAll(Arraylist2); // add Second arraylist

Laravel 5: Display HTML with Blade

its a simple

{!! $text !!}

laravel compile as a dom element and {{$text}} print as a string

Dynamic type languages versus static type languages

Static Typing: The languages such as Java and Scala are static typed.

The variables have to be defined and initialized before they are used in a code.

for ex. int x; x = 10;


Dynamic Typing: Perl is an dynamic typed language.

Variables need not be initialized before they are used in code.

y=10; use this variable in the later part of code

How to implement a FSM - Finite State Machine in Java

I design & implemented a simple finite state machine example with java.

IFiniteStateMachine: The public interface to manage the finite state machine
such as add new states to the finite state machine or transit to next states by
specific actions.

interface IFiniteStateMachine {
    void setStartState(IState startState);

    void setEndState(IState endState);

    void addState(IState startState, IState newState, Action action);

    void removeState(String targetStateDesc);

    IState getCurrentState();

    IState getStartState();

    IState getEndState();

    void transit(Action action);

IState: The public interface to get state related info
such as state name and mappings to connected states.

interface IState {
    // Returns the mapping for which one action will lead to another state
    Map<String, IState> getAdjacentStates();

    String getStateDesc();

    void addTransit(Action action, IState nextState);

    void removeTransit(String targetStateDesc);

Action: the class which will cause the transition of states.

public class Action {
    private String mActionName;

    public Action(String actionName) {
        mActionName = actionName;

    String getActionName() {
        return mActionName;

    public String toString() {
        return mActionName;


StateImpl: the implementation of IState. I applied data structure such as HashMap to keep Action-State mappings.

public class StateImpl implements IState {
    private HashMap<String, IState> mMapping = new HashMap<>();
    private String mStateName;

    public StateImpl(String stateName) {
        mStateName = stateName;

    public Map<String, IState> getAdjacentStates() {
        return mMapping;

    public String getStateDesc() {
        return mStateName;

    public void addTransit(Action action, IState state) {
        mMapping.put(action.toString(), state);

    public void removeTransit(String targetStateDesc) {
        // get action which directs to target state
        String targetAction = null;
        for (Map.Entry<String, IState> entry : mMapping.entrySet()) {
            IState state = entry.getValue();
            if (state.getStateDesc().equals(targetStateDesc)) {
                targetAction = entry.getKey();


FiniteStateMachineImpl: Implementation of IFiniteStateMachine. I use ArrayList to keep all the states.

public class FiniteStateMachineImpl implements IFiniteStateMachine {
    private IState mStartState;
    private IState mEndState;
    private IState mCurrentState;
    private ArrayList<IState> mAllStates = new ArrayList<>();
    private HashMap<String, ArrayList<IState>> mMapForAllStates = new HashMap<>();

    public FiniteStateMachineImpl(){}
    public void setStartState(IState startState) {
        mStartState = startState;
        mCurrentState = startState;
        // todo: might have some value
        mMapForAllStates.put(startState.getStateDesc(), new ArrayList<IState>());

    public void setEndState(IState endState) {
        mEndState = endState;
        mMapForAllStates.put(endState.getStateDesc(), new ArrayList<IState>());

    public void addState(IState startState, IState newState, Action action) {
        // validate startState, newState and action

        // update mapping in finite state machine
        final String startStateDesc = startState.getStateDesc();
        final String newStateDesc = newState.getStateDesc();
        mMapForAllStates.put(newStateDesc, new ArrayList<IState>());
        ArrayList<IState> adjacentStateList = null;
        if (mMapForAllStates.containsKey(startStateDesc)) {
            adjacentStateList = mMapForAllStates.get(startStateDesc);
        } else {
            adjacentStateList = new ArrayList<>();
        mMapForAllStates.put(startStateDesc, adjacentStateList);

        // update mapping in startState
        for (IState state : mAllStates) {
            boolean isStartState = state.getStateDesc().equals(startState.getStateDesc());
            if (isStartState) {
                startState.addTransit(action, newState);

    public void removeState(String targetStateDesc) {
        // validate state
        if (!mMapForAllStates.containsKey(targetStateDesc)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Don't have state: " + targetStateDesc);
        } else {
            // remove from mapping

        // update all state
        IState targetState = null;
        for (IState state : mAllStates) {
            if (state.getStateDesc().equals(targetStateDesc)) {
                targetState = state;
            } else {



    public IState getCurrentState() {
        return mCurrentState;

    public void transit(Action action) {
        if (mCurrentState == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Please setup start state");
        Map<String, IState> localMapping = mCurrentState.getAdjacentStates();
        if (localMapping.containsKey(action.toString())) {
            mCurrentState = localMapping.get(action.toString());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("No action start from current state");

    public IState getStartState() {
        return mStartState;

    public IState getEndState() {
        return mEndState;


public class example {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Finite state machine!!!");
        IState startState = new StateImpl("start");
        IState endState = new StateImpl("end");
        IFiniteStateMachine fsm = new FiniteStateMachineImpl();
        IState middle1 = new StateImpl("middle1");
        middle1.addTransit(new Action("path1"), endState);
        fsm.addState(startState, middle1, new Action("path1"));
        fsm.transit(new Action(("path1")));
        fsm.addState(middle1, endState, new Action("path1-end"));
        fsm.transit(new Action(("path1-end")));
        fsm.addState(endState, middle1, new Action("path1-end"));


Full example on Github

validate natural input number with ngpattern

This is working

<form name="myform" ng-submit="create()">
    <input type="number"
    <span  ng-show="myform.price_field.$error.pattern">Not valid number!</span>
    <input type="submit" class="btn">

Loading custom configuration files

the articles posted by Ricky are very good, but unfortunately they don't answer your question.

To solve your problem you should try this piece of code:

ExeConfigurationFileMap configMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
configMap.ExeConfigFilename = @"d:\test\justAConfigFile.config.whateverYouLikeExtension";
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

If need to access a value within the config you can use the index operator:


Eclipse gives “Java was started but returned exit code 13”

The solution can be found here

The eclipse.ini file should be somewhat like this...

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\javaw.exe

Converting Object to JSON and JSON to Object in PHP, (library like Gson for Java)

for more extendability for large scale apps use oop style with encapsulated fields.

Simple way :-

  class Fruit implements JsonSerializable {

        private $type = 'Apple', $lastEaten = null;

        public function __construct() {
            $this->lastEaten = new DateTime();

        public function jsonSerialize() {
            return [
                'category' => $this->type,
                'EatenTime' => $this->lastEaten->format(DateTime::ISO8601)

echo json_encode(new Fruit()); //which outputs:


Real Gson on PHP :-

  4. - serialize only

Using bootstrap with bower

I ended up going with a shell script that you should only really have to run once when you first checkout a project

#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p webroot/js
mkdir -p webroot/css
mkdir -p webroot/css-min
mkdir -p webroot/img
mkdir -p webroot/font

npm i
bower i

# boostrap
pushd components/bootstrap
npm i
make bootstrap
cp components/bootstrap/bootstrap/css/*.min.css webroot/css-min/
cp components/bootstrap/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js src/js/deps/
cp components/bootstrap/bootstrap/img/* webroot/img/

# fontawesome
cp components/font-awesome/css/*.min.css webroot/css-min/
cp components/font-awesome/font/* webroot/font/

SQLAlchemy equivalent to SQL "LIKE" statement

Using PostgreSQL like (see accepted answer above) somehow didn't work for me although cases matched, but ilike (case insensisitive like) does.

Redirect to Action in another controller

Try switching them:

return RedirectToAction("Account", "Login");

I tried it and it worked.

How can I get the current network interface throughput statistics on Linux/UNIX?

I wrote this dumb script a long time ago, it depends on nothing but Perl and Linux≥2.6:


use strict;
use warnings;

use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep);

my $dev = @ARGV ? shift : 'eth0';
my $dir = "/sys/class/net/$dev/statistics";
my %stats = do {
    opendir +(my $dh), $dir;
    local @_ = readdir $dh;
    closedir $dh;
    map +($_, []), grep !/^\.\.?$/, @_;

if (-t STDOUT) {
    while (1) {
        print "\033[H\033[J", run();
        my ($time, $us) = gettimeofday();
        my ($sec, $min, $hour) = localtime $time;
            local $| = 1;
            printf '%-31.31s: %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d%8s%8s%8s%8s',
            $dev, $hour, $min, $sec, $us, qw(1s 5s 15s 60s)
        usleep($us ? 1000000 - $us : 1000000);
else {print run()}

sub run {
    map {
        chomp (my ($stat) = slurp("$dir/$_"));
        my $line = sprintf '%-31.31s:%16.16s', $_, $stat;
        $line .= sprintf '%8.8s', int (($stat - $stats{$_}->[0]) / 1)
            if @{$stats{$_}} > 0;
        $line .= sprintf '%8.8s', int (($stat - $stats{$_}->[4]) / 5)
            if @{$stats{$_}} > 4;
        $line .= sprintf '%8.8s', int (($stat - $stats{$_}->[14]) / 15)
            if @{$stats{$_}} > 14;
        $line .= sprintf '%8.8s', int (($stat - $stats{$_}->[59]) / 60)
            if @{$stats{$_}} > 59;
        unshift @{$stats{$_}}, $stat;
        pop @{$stats{$_}} if @{$stats{$_}} > 60;
    } sort keys %stats;

sub slurp {
    local @ARGV = @_;
    local @_ = <>;

It just reads from /sys/class/net/$dev/statistics every second, and prints out the current numbers and the average rate of change:

$ ./ eth0
rx_bytes                       :  74457040115259 4369093 4797875 4206554 364088
rx_packets                     :     91215713193   23120   23502   23234  17616
tx_bytes                       :  90798990376725 8117924 7047762 7472650 319330
tx_packets                     :     93139479736   23401   22953   23216  23171
eth0                           : 15:22:09.002216      1s      5s     15s     60s

                                ^ current reading  ^-------- averages ---------^

How to use JavaScript to change div backgroundColor

This one might be a bit weird because I am really not a serious programmer and I am discovering things in programming the way penicillin was invented - sheer accident. So how to change an element on mouseover? Use the :hover attribute just like with a elements.


    background-color: black;

This changes any div with the class classname to have a black background on mousover. You can basically change any attribute. Tested in IE and Firefox

Happy programming!

Send email using java

Your code works, apart from setting up the connection with the SMTP server. You need a running mail (SMTP) server to send you email for you.

Here is your modified code. I commented out the parts that are not needed and changed the Session creation so it takes an Authenticator. Now just find out the SMPT_HOSTNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD you want to use (your Internet provider usually provides them).

I always do it like this (using a remote SMTP server I know) because running a local mailserver is not that trivial under Windows (it's apparently quite easy under Linux).

import java.util.*;

import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;

//import javax.activation.*;

public class SendEmail {

    private static String SMPT_HOSTNAME = "";
    private static String USERNAME = "";
    private static String PASSWORD = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Recipient's email ID needs to be mentioned.
        String to = "[email protected]";

        // Sender's email ID needs to be mentioned
        String from = "[email protected]";

        // Assuming you are sending email from localhost
        // String host = "localhost";

        // Get system properties
        Properties properties = System.getProperties();

        // Setup mail server
        properties.setProperty("", SMPT_HOSTNAME);

        // Get the default Session object.
        // Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);

        // create a session with an Authenticator
        Session session = Session.getInstance(properties, new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

        try {
            // Create a default MimeMessage object.
            MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);

            // Set From: header field of the header.
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));

            // Set To: header field of the header.
            message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(

            // Set Subject: header field
            message.setSubject("This is the Subject Line!");

            // Now set the actual message
            message.setText("This is actual message");

            // Send message
            System.out.println("Sent message successfully....");
        } catch (MessagingException mex) {

MySQL Job failed to start

In most cases, just purging the mysql-server package and re-installing it will do the job.


sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.1 mysql-common

followed by

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?

I'd use SimpleXMLElement.


$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<xml/>');

for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; ++$i) {
    $track = $xml->addChild('track');
    $track->addChild('path', "song$i.mp3");
    $track->addChild('title', "Track $i - Track Title");

Header('Content-type: text/xml');

How do I resolve a HTTP 414 "Request URI too long" error?

An excerpt from the RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:

The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. POST is designed to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions:

  • Annotation of existing resources;
  • Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list, or similar group of articles;
  • Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a form, to a data-handling process;
  • Extending a database through an append operation.

MySQL duplicate entry error even though there is no duplicate entry

I know this wasn't the problem in this case, but I had a similar issue of "Duplicate Entry" when creating a composite primary key:

ALTER TABLE table ADD PRIMARY KEY(fieldA,fieldB); 

The error was something like:

#1062 Duplicate entry 'valueA-valueB' for key 'PRIMARY'

So I searched:

select * from table where fieldA='valueA' and fieldB='valueB'

And the output showed just 1 row, no duplicate!

After some time I found out that if you have NULL values in these field you receive these errors. In the end the error message was kind of misleading me.

Send multipart/form-data files with angular using $http

In Angular 6, you can do this:

In your service file:

 function_name(data) {
    const url = `the_URL`;
    let input = new FormData();
    input.append('url', data);   // "url" as the key and "data" as value
    return, input).pipe(map((resp: any) => resp));

In component.ts file: in any function say xyz,

this.Your_service_alias.function_name(data).subscribe(d => {   // "data" can be your file or image in base64 or other encoding

Where to install Android SDK on Mac OS X?

You can install android-sdk in different ways

  1. homebrew
    Install brew using command from

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"  

    Install android-sdk using

    brew install android-sdk

    Now android-sdk will be installed in /usr/local/opt/android-sdk

    export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk
  2. If you installed android studio following the website,
    android-sdk will be installed in ~/Library/Android/sdk

    export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk

I think these defaults make sense and its better to stick to it


More of a comment link for suggested further reading...A really good blog article which benchmarks various ways of accomplishing this task can be found here.

They use a few techniques: "Insert Where Not Exists", "Merge" statement, "Insert Except", and your typical "left join" to see which way is the fastest to accomplish this task.

The example code used for each technique is as follows (straight copy/paste from their page) :

INSERT INTO #table1 (Id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
SELECT Id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData
FROM #table2
WHERE NOT EXISTS (Select Id, guidd From #table1 WHERE =
MERGE #table1 as [Target]
USING  (select Id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData from #table2) as [Source]
(id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
    on [Target].id =[Source].id
    INSERT (id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
    VALUES ([Source].id, [Source].guidd, [Source].TimeAdded, [Source].ExtraData);
INSERT INTO #table1 (id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
SELECT id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData from #table2
SELECT id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData from #table1
INSERT INTO #table1 (id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
SELECT, #table2.guidd, #table2.TimeAdded, #table2.ExtraData
FROM #table2
LEFT JOIN #table1 on =
WHERE is null

It's a good read for those who are looking for speed! On SQL 2014, the Insert-Except method turned out to be the fastest for 50 million or more records.

How do I use spaces in the Command Prompt?

set "CMD=C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFtk\bin\pdftk"
echo cmd /K ""%CMD%" %D% output trimmed.pdf"
start cmd /K ""%CMD%" %D% output trimmed.pdf"

this worked for me in a batch file

Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object?

Another option is to "Paste JSON as classes" so it can be deserialised quick and easy.

  1. Simply copy your entire JSON
  2. In Visual Studio: Click EditPaste SpecialPaste JSON as classes

Here is a better explanation n piccas... ‘Paste JSON As Classes’ in ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 RC

Bootstrap 4: Multilevel Dropdown Inside Navigation

Using official HTML without adding extra CSS styles and classes, it's like native support.

Just add the following code:

$.fn.dropdown = (function() {
    var $bsDropdown = $.fn.dropdown;
    return function(config) {
        if (typeof config === 'string' && config === 'toggle') { // dropdown toggle trigged
        var ret = $$(this), config);
        $(this).off(''); // Turn off dropdown.js click event, it will call 'this.toggle()' internal
        return ret;

$(function() {
    $('.dropdown [data-toggle="dropdown"]').on('click', function(e) {
    $('.dropdown').on('', function(e) {
        if ($(this).is('.has-child-dropdown-show')) {

Dropdown of bootstrap can be easily changed to infinite level. It's a pity that they didn't do it.

BTW, a hover version:

Here is a perfect demo: (works well with Bootstrap v4.4.1)

View not attached to window manager crash

May be you initialize pDialog globally, Then remove it and intialize your view or dialog locally.I have same issue, I have done this and my issue is resolved. Hope it will work for u.

Is there an easy way to convert jquery code to javascript?

Is there an easy way to convert jQuery code to regular javascript?

No, especially if:

understanding the examples of javascript solutions written in jQuery [is] hard.

JQuery and all the frameworks tend to make understanding the code easier. If that's difficult to understand, then vanilla javascript will be torture :)

MVC 3: How to render a view without its layout page when loaded via ajax?

I prefer, and use, your #1 option. I don't like #2 because to me View() implies you are returning an entire page. It should be a fully fleshed out and valid HTML page once the view engine is done with it. PartialView() was created to return arbitrary chunks of HTML.

I don't think it's a big deal to have a view that just calls a partial. It's still DRY, and allows you to use the logic of the partial in two scenarios.

Many people dislike fragmenting their action's call paths with Request.IsAjaxRequest(), and I can appreciate that. But IMO, if all you are doing is deciding whether to call View() or PartialView() then the branch is not a big deal and is easy to maintain (and test). If you find yourself using IsAjaxRequest() to determine large portions of how your action plays out, then making a separate AJAX action is probably better.

Change keystore password from no password to a non blank password

this way worked better for me:

echo y | keytool -storepasswd -storepass 123456 -keystore /tmp/IT-Root-CA.keystore -import -alias IT-Root-CA -file /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/IT-Root-CA.crt

machine running:

[root@rhel80-68]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.1 (Ootpa)

Change div height on button click

Just remove the "px" in the style.height assignation, like:

<button type="button" onClick = "document.getElementById('chartdiv').style.height = 200px"> </button>

Should be

<button type="button" onClick = "document.getElementById('chartdiv').style.height = 200">Click Me!</button>

How to add display:inline-block in a jQuery show() function?

Use css() just after show() or fadeIn() like this:

$('div.className').fadeIn().css('display', 'inline-block');

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred

For me the following worked:

  1. Kill adb.exe from Task Manager

  2. Restart Eclipse as administrator

  3. For my app, the target was Google APIs level 10.. I went to Window-> AVD Manager and the entry for "Google APIs level 10" had a broken instead of a green tick - so I just clicked the entry and clicked the "repair" button and problem was fixed

(It was probably only 3 above..)

Date / Timestamp to record when a record was added to the table?

You can use a datetime field and set it's default value to GetDate().

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
    [TimeStamp] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Test_TimeStamp] DEFAULT (GetDate()),
    [Foo] [varchar](50) NOT NULL