I made a method to solve this. My approach is:
1 - Create a abstract class that have a method to convert Objects to Array (including private attr) using Regex. 2 - Convert the returned array to json.
I use this Abstract class as parent of all my domain classes
Class code:
namespace Project\core;
abstract class AbstractEntity {
public function getAvoidedFields() {
return array ();
public function toArray() {
$temp = ( array ) $this;
$array = array ();
foreach ( $temp as $k => $v ) {
$k = preg_match ( '/^\x00(?:.*?)\x00(.+)/', $k, $matches ) ? $matches [1] : $k;
if (in_array ( $k, $this->getAvoidedFields () )) {
$array [$k] = "";
} else {
// if it is an object recursive call
if (is_object ( $v ) && $v instanceof AbstractEntity) {
$array [$k] = $v->toArray();
// if its an array pass por each item
if (is_array ( $v )) {
foreach ( $v as $key => $value ) {
if (is_object ( $value ) && $value instanceof AbstractEntity) {
$arrayReturn [$key] = $value->toArray();
} else {
$arrayReturn [$key] = $value;
$array [$k] = $arrayReturn;
// if it is not a array and a object return it
if (! is_object ( $v ) && !is_array ( $v )) {
$array [$k] = $v;
return $array;