Programs & Examples On #Locked

How do I get a list of locked users in an Oracle database?

Found it!

SELECT username, 
  FROM dba_users;

OperationalError: database is locked

I disagree with @Patrick's answer which, by quoting this doc, implicitly links OP's problem (Database is locked) to this:

Switching to another database backend. At a certain point SQLite becomes too "lite" for real-world applications, and these sorts of concurrency errors indicate you've reached that point.

This is a bit "too easy" to incriminate SQlite for this problem (which is very powerful when correctly used; it's not only a toy for small databases, fun fact: An SQLite database is limited in size to 140 terabytes).

Unless you have a very busy server with thousands of connections at the same second, the reason for this Database is locked error is probably more a bad use of the API, than a problem inherent to SQlite which would be "too light". Here are more informations about Implementation Limits for SQLite.

Now the solution:

I had the same problem when I was using two scripts using the same database at the same time:

  • one was accessing the DB with write operations
  • the other was accessing the DB in read-only

Solution: always do cursor.close() as soon as possible after having done a (even read-only) query.

Here are more details.

How do I print the key-value pairs of a dictionary in python

>>> d={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
>>> for kv in d.items():
...     print kv[0],'\t',kv[1]
a   1
c   3
b   2

Change value of input placeholder via model?

As Wagner Francisco said, (in JADE)

input(type="text", ng-model="someModel", placeholder="{{someScopeVariable}}")`

And in your controller :

$scope.someScopeVariable = 'somevalue'

jQuery find element by data attribute value

you can also use andSelf() method to get wrapper DOM contain then find() can be work around as your idea

$(function() {_x000D_
.active {_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<a class="slide-link" href="#" data-slide="0">1</a>_x000D_
<a class="slide-link" href="#" data-slide="1">2</a>_x000D_
<a class="slide-link" href="#" data-slide="2">3</a>

Sort hash by key, return hash in Ruby

I had the same problem ( I had to sort my equipments by their name ) and i solved like this:

<% @equipments.sort.each do |name, quantity| %>
<% end %>

@equipments is a hash that I build on my model and return on my controller. If you call .sort it will sort the hash based on it's key value.

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?

I liked the approach taken by Wayfarer and flexaddicted, but found (like aZtral) that it did not work as the backgroundTapButton was the only element that was responding to user interaction. This led me to put all three of his subviews: _picker, _pickerToolbar and backgroundTapButton inside a containing view (popup) which was then animated on and off the screen. I also needed a Cancel button on the _pickerToolbar. Here are the relevant code elements for the popup view (you need to supply your own picker data source and delegate methods).

#define DURATION            0.4
#define PICKERHEIGHT        162.0
#define TOOLBARHEIGHT       44.0

@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIView        *popup;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIPickerView  *picker;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIToolbar     *pickerToolbar;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIButton      *backgroundTapButton;

-(void)viewDidLoad {
    // These are ivars for convenience
    rect = self.view.bounds;
    topNavHeight = self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height;
    bottomNavHeight = self.navigationController.toolbar.frame.size.height;
    navHeights = topNavHeight + bottomNavHeight;

-(void)showPickerView:(id)sender {
    [self createPicker];
    [self createToolbar];

    // create view container
    _popup = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, topNavHeight, rect.size.width, rect.size.height - navHeights)];
    // Initially put the centre off the bottom of the screen = CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2.0, rect.size.height + _popup.frame.size.height / 2.0);
    [_popup addSubview:_picker];
    [_popup insertSubview:_pickerToolbar aboveSubview:_picker];

    // Animate it moving up
    // This seems to work though I am not sure why I need to take off the topNavHeight
    CGFloat vertCentre = (_popup.frame.size.height - topNavHeight) / 2.0;

    [UIView animateWithDuration:DURATION animations:^{
        // move it to a new point in the middle of the screen
        [_popup setCenter:CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2.0, vertCentre)];
    } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
        // When done, place an invisible 'button' on the view behind the picker,
        // so if the user "taps to dismiss" the picker, it will go away
        self.backgroundTapButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
        _backgroundTapButton.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, _popup.frame.size.width, _popup.frame.size.height);
        [_backgroundTapButton addTarget:self action:@selector(doneAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
        [_popup insertSubview:_backgroundTapButton belowSubview:_picker];
        [self.view addSubview:_popup];

-(void)createPicker {
    // To use the default UIPickerView frame of 216px set frame to CGRectZero, but we want the 162px height one
    CGFloat     pickerStartY = rect.size.height - navHeights - PICKERHEIGHT;
    self.picker = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, pickerStartY, rect.size.width, PICKERHEIGHT)];
    _picker.dataSource = self;
    _picker.delegate = self;
    _picker.showsSelectionIndicator = YES;
    // Otherwise you can see the view underneath the picker
    _picker.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    _picker.alpha = 1.0f;

-(void)createToolbar {
    CGFloat     toolbarStartY = rect.size.height - navHeights - PICKERHEIGHT - TOOLBARHEIGHT;
    _pickerToolbar = [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, toolbarStartY, rect.size.width, TOOLBARHEIGHT)];
    [_pickerToolbar sizeToFit];

    NSMutableArray *barItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemCancel target:self action:@selector(cancelAction:)];
    [barItems addObject:cancelButton];

    // Flexible space to make the done button go on the right
    UIBarButtonItem *flexSpace = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace target:self action:nil];
    [barItems addObject:flexSpace];

    // The done button
    UIBarButtonItem *doneButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemDone target:self action:@selector(doneAction:)];
    [barItems addObject:doneButton];
    [_pickerToolbar setItems:barItems animated:YES];

// The method to process the picker, if we have hit done button
- (void)doneAction:(id)sender {
    [UIView animateWithDuration:DURATION animations:^{ = CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2.0, rect.size.height + _popup.frame.size.height / 2.0);
    } completion:^(BOOL finished) { [self destroyPopup]; }];
    // Do something to process the returned value from your picker

// The method to process the picker, if we have hit cancel button
- (void)cancelAction:(id)sender {
    [UIView animateWithDuration:DURATION animations:^{ = CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2.0, rect.size.height + _popup.frame.size.height / 2.0);
    } completion:^(BOOL finished) { [self destroyPopup]; }];

-(void)destroyPopup {
    [_picker removeFromSuperview];
    self.picker = nil;
    [_pickerToolbar removeFromSuperview];
    self.pickerToolbar = nil;
    [self.backgroundTapButton removeFromSuperview];
    self.backgroundTapButton = nil;
    [_popup removeFromSuperview];
    self.popup = nil;

How to set the max value and min value of <input> in html5 by javascript or jquery?

jQuery makes it easy to set any attributes for an element - just use the .attr() method:

$(document).ready(function() {
       "max" : 10,        // substitute your own
       "min" : 2          // values (or variables) here

The document ready handler is not required if your script block appears after the element(s) you want to manipulate.

Using a selector of "input" will set the attributes for all inputs though, so really you should have some way to identify the input in question. If you gave it an id you could say:


...or with a class:


Stored Procedure parameter default value - is this a constant or a variable

It has to be a constant - the value has to be computable at the time that the procedure is created, and that one computation has to provide the value that will always be used.

Look at the definition of sys.all_parameters:

default_value sql_variant If has_default_value is 1, the value of this column is the value of the default for the parameter; otherwise, NULL.

That is, whatever the default for a parameter is, it has to fit in that column.

As Alex K pointed out in the comments, you can just do:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[problemParam] 
    @StartDate INT = NULL,
    @EndDate INT = NULL
   SET @StartDate = COALESCE(@StartDate,CONVERT(INT,(CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE()-130,112))))

provided that NULL isn't intended to be a valid value for @StartDate.

As to the blog post you linked to in the comments - that's talking about a very specific context - that, the result of evaluating GETDATE() within the context of a single query is often considered to be constant. I don't know of many people (unlike the blog author) who would consider a separate expression inside a UDF to be part of the same query as the query that calls the UDF.

PHP post_max_size overrides upload_max_filesize


  • Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload
  • To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize
  • Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size.
  • PHP Default: 8M


  • The maximum size of an uploaded file
  • PHP Default: 2M

memory_limit > post_max_size > upload_max_filesize

PHP Default: 128M > 8M > 2M

By default, post_max_size should be 4 times greater than upload_max_filesize.
In turn memory_limit should be 16 times greater than post_max_size

push_back vs emplace_back

One more example for lists:

// constructs the elements in place.                                                

// creates a new object and then copies (or moves) that object.

Passing an array as an argument to a function in C

1. Standard array usage in C with natural type decay from array to ptr

@Bo Persson correctly states in his great answer here:

When passing an array as a parameter, this

void arraytest(int a[])

means exactly the same as

void arraytest(int *a)

However, let me add also that the above two forms also:

  1. mean exactly the same as

     void arraytest(int a[0])
  2. which means exactly the same as

     void arraytest(int a[1])
  3. which means exactly the same as

     void arraytest(int a[2])
  4. which means exactly the same as

     void arraytest(int a[1000])
  5. etc.

In every single one of the array examples above, and as shown in the example calls in the code just below, the input parameter type decays to an int *, and can be called with no warnings and no errors, even with build options -Wall -Wextra -Werror turned on (see my repo here for details on these 3 build options), like this:

int array1[2];
int * array2 = array1;

// works fine because `array1` automatically decays from an array type
// to `int *`
// works fine because `array2` is already an `int *` 

As a matter of fact, the "size" value ([0], [1], [2], [1000], etc.) inside the array parameter here is apparently just for aesthetic/self-documentation purposes, and can be any positive integer (size_t type I think) you want!

In practice, however, you should use it to specify the minimum size of the array you expect the function to receive, so that when writing code it's easy for you to track and verify. The MISRA-C-2012 standard (buy/download the 236-pg 2012-version PDF of the standard for £15.00 here) goes so far as to state (emphasis added):

Rule 17.5 The function argument corresponding to a parameter declared to have an array type shall have an appropriate number of elements.


If a parameter is declared as an array with a specified size, the corresponding argument in each function call should point into an object that has at least as many elements as the array.


The use of an array declarator for a function parameter specifies the function interface more clearly than using a pointer. The minimum number of elements expected by the function is explicitly stated, whereas this is not possible with a pointer.

In other words, they recommend using the explicit size format, even though the C standard technically doesn't enforce it--it at least helps clarify to you as a developer, and to others using the code, what size array the function is expecting you to pass in.

2. Forcing type safety on arrays in C

(Not recommended, but possible. See my brief argument against doing this at the end.)

As @Winger Sendon points out in a comment below my answer, we can force C to treat an array type to be different based on the array size!

First, you must recognize that in my example just above, using the int array1[2]; like this: arraytest(array1); causes array1 to automatically decay into an int *. HOWEVER, if you take the address of array1 instead and call arraytest(&array1), you get completely different behavior! Now, it does NOT decay into an int *! Instead, the type of &array1 is int (*)[2], which means "pointer to an array of size 2 of int", or "pointer to an array of size 2 of type int", or said also as "pointer to an array of 2 ints". So, you can FORCE C to check for type safety on an array, like this:

void arraytest(int (*a)[2])
    // my function here

This syntax is hard to read, but similar to that of a function pointer. The online tool, cdecl, tells us that int (*a)[2] means: "declare a as pointer to array 2 of int" (pointer to array of 2 ints). Do NOT confuse this with the version withOUT parenthesis: int * a[2], which means: "declare a as array 2 of pointer to int" (AKA: array of 2 pointers to int, AKA: array of 2 int*s).

Now, this function REQUIRES you to call it with the address operator (&) like this, using as an input parameter a POINTER TO AN ARRAY OF THE CORRECT SIZE!:

int array1[2];

// ok, since the type of `array1` is `int (*)[2]` (ptr to array of 
// 2 ints)
arraytest(&array1); // you must use the & operator here to prevent
                    // `array1` from otherwise automatically decaying
                    // into `int *`, which is the WRONG input type here!

This, however, will produce a warning:

int array1[2];

// WARNING! Wrong type since the type of `array1` decays to `int *`:
//      main.c:32:15: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘arraytest’ from 
//      incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]                                                            
//      main.c:22:6: note: expected ‘int (*)[2]’ but argument is of type ‘int *’
arraytest(array1); // (missing & operator)

You may test this code here.

To force the C compiler to turn this warning into an error, so that you MUST always call arraytest(&array1); using only an input array of the corrrect size and type (int array1[2]; in this case), add -Werror to your build options. If running the test code above on, do this by clicking the gear icon in the top-right and click on "Extra Compiler Flags" to type this option in. Now, this warning:

main.c:34:15: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘arraytest’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]                                                            
main.c:24:6: note: expected ‘int (*)[2]’ but argument is of type ‘int *’    

will turn into this build error:

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:34:15: error: passing argument 1 of ‘arraytest’ from incompatible pointer type [-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types]
     arraytest(array1); // warning!
main.c:24:6: note: expected ‘int (*)[2]’ but argument is of type ‘int *’
 void arraytest(int (*a)[2])
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors

Note that you can also create "type safe" pointers to arrays of a given size, like this:

int array[2];
// "type safe" ptr to array of size 2 of int:
int (*array_p)[2] = &array;

...but I do NOT necessarily recommend this (using these "type safe" arrays in C), as it reminds me a lot of the C++ antics used to force type safety everywhere, at the exceptionally high cost of language syntax complexity, verbosity, and difficulty architecting code, and which I dislike and have ranted about many times before (ex: see "My Thoughts on C++" here).

For additional tests and experimentation, see also the link just below.


See links above. Also:

  1. My code experimentation online:

Selecting/excluding sets of columns in pandas

In a similar vein, when reading a file, one may wish to exclude columns upfront, rather than wastefully reading unwanted data into memory and later discarding them.

As of pandas 0.20.0, usecols now accepts callables.1 This update allows more flexible options for reading columns:

skipcols = [...]
read_csv(..., usecols=lambda x: x not in skipcols)

The latter pattern is essentially the inverse of the traditional usecols method - only specified columns are skipped.


Data in a file

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))

filename = "foo.csv"


skipcols = ["B", "D"]
df1 = pd.read_csv(filename, usecols=lambda x: x not in skipcols, index_col=0)


          A         C
0  0.062350  0.076924
1 -0.016872  1.091446
2  0.213050  1.646109
3 -1.196928  1.153497
4 -0.628839 -0.856529


A DataFrame was written to a file. It was then read back as a separate DataFrame, now skipping unwanted columns (B and D).

Note that for the OP's situation, since data is already created, the better approach is the accepted answer, which drops unwanted columns from an extant object. However, the technique presented here is most useful when directly reading data from files into a DataFrame.

A request was raised for a "skipcols" option in this issue and was addressed in a later issue.

How to set a header for a HTTP GET request, and trigger file download?

i want to post my solution here which was done AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC. The code illustrates how to download file with authentication.

WebApi method along with helper class:

class FileController: ApiController
    [Authorize(Roles = "admin")]
    public HttpResponseMessage DownloadDocument([FromUri] int fileId)
        var file = "someFile.docx"// asking storage service to get file path with id
        return Request.ReturnFile(file);

static class DownloadFIleFromServerHelper
    public static HttpResponseMessage ReturnFile(this HttpRequestMessage request, string file)
        var result = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

        result.Content = new StreamContent(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
        result.Content.Headers.Add("x-filename", Path.GetFileName(file)); // letters of header names will be lowercased anyway in JS.
        result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
        result.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
            FileName = Path.GetFileName(file)

        return result;

Web.config file changes to allow sending file name in custom header.

                <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="POST,GET,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS" />
                <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Authorization,Content-Type,x-filename" />
                <add name="Access-Control-Expose-Headers" value="Authorization,Content-Type,x-filename" />
                <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />

Angular JS Service Part:

function proposalService($http, $cookies, config, FileSaver) {
        return {
                downloadDocument: downloadDocument

    function downloadFile(documentId, errorCallback) {
        url: config.apiUrl + "files/download-file?documentId=" + documentId,
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
            "Content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            "Authorization": "Bearer " + $cookies.get("api_key")
        responseType: "arraybuffer"  
    .success( function(data, status, headers) {
        var filename = headers()['x-filename'];

        var blob = new Blob([data], { type: "application/octet-binary" });
        FileSaver.saveAs(blob, filename);
    .error(function(data, status) {
        console.log("Request failed with status: " + status);
        errorCallback(data, status);

Module dependency for FileUpload: angular-file-download (gulp install angular-file-download --save). Registration looks like below.

var app = angular.module('cool',
. // other staff.

How to adjust text font size to fit textview

Use app:autoSizeTextType="uniform" for backward compatibility because android:autoSizeTextType="uniform" only work in API Level 26 and higher.

How to simulate key presses or a click with JavaScript?

Focus might be what your looking for. With tabbing or clicking I think u mean giving the element the focus. Same code as Russ (Sorry i stole it :P) but firing an other event.

// this must be done after input1 exists in the DOM
var element = document.getElementById("input1");

if (element) element.focus();

How to change Hash values?

If you know that the values are strings, you can call the replace method on them while in the cycle: this way you will change the value.

Altohugh this is limited to the case in which the values are strings and hence doesn't answer the question fully, I thought it can be useful to someone.

json_encode/json_decode - returns stdClass instead of Array in PHP

$arrayDecoded = json_decode($arrayEncoded, true);

gives you an array.

How to loop through an array containing objects and access their properties

Some use cases of looping through an array in the functional programming way in JavaScript:

1. Just loop through an array

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

myArray.forEach((element, index, array) => {
    console.log(element.x); // 100, 200, 300
    console.log(index); // 0, 1, 2
    console.log(array); // same myArray object 3 times

Note: Array.prototype.forEach() is not a functional way strictly speaking, as the function it takes as the input parameter is not supposed to return a value, which thus cannot be regarded as a pure function.

2. Check if any of the elements in an array pass a test

const people = [
    {name: 'John', age: 23}, 
    {name: 'Andrew', age: 3}, 
    {name: 'Peter', age: 8}, 
    {name: 'Hanna', age: 14}, 
    {name: 'Adam', age: 37}];

const anyAdult = people.some(person => person.age >= 18);
console.log(anyAdult); // true

3. Transform to a new array

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const newArray= => element.x);
console.log(newArray); // [100, 200, 300]

Note: The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.

4. Sum up a particular property, and calculate its average

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const sum = => element.x).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
console.log(sum); // 600 = 0 + 100 + 200 + 300

const average = sum / myArray.length;
console.log(average); // 200

5. Create a new array based on the original but without modifying it

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const newArray= => {
    return {
        x: element.x * 2

console.log(myArray); // [100, 200, 300]
console.log(newArray); // [200, 400, 600]

6. Count the number of each category

const people = [
    {name: 'John', group: 'A'}, 
    {name: 'Andrew', group: 'C'}, 
    {name: 'Peter', group: 'A'}, 
    {name: 'James', group: 'B'}, 
    {name: 'Hanna', group: 'A'}, 
    {name: 'Adam', group: 'B'}];

const groupInfo = people.reduce((groups, person) => {
    const {A = 0, B = 0, C = 0} = groups;
    if ( === 'A') {
        return {...groups, A: A + 1};
    } else if ( === 'B') {
        return {...groups, B: B + 1};
    } else {
        return {...groups, C: C + 1};
}, {});

console.log(groupInfo); // {A: 3, C: 1, B: 2}

7. Retrieve a subset of an array based on particular criteria

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const newArray = myArray.filter(element => element.x > 250);
console.log(newArray); // [{x:300}] 

Note: The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

8. Sort an array

const people = [
  { name: "John", age: 21 },
  { name: "Peter", age: 31 },
  { name: "Andrew", age: 29 },
  { name: "Thomas", age: 25 }

let sortByAge = people.sort(function (p1, p2) {
  return p1.age - p2.age;


enter image description here

9. Find an element in an array

const people = [ {name: "john", age:23},
                {name: "john", age:43},
                {name: "jim", age:101},
                {name: "bob", age:67} ];

const john = people.find(person => === 'john');

enter image description here

The Array.prototype.find() method returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.


Gradients on UIView and UILabels On iPhone

This is what I got working- set UIButton in xCode's IB to transparent/clear, and no bg image.

UIColor *pinkDarkOp = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9f green:0.53f blue:0.69f alpha:1.0];
UIColor *pinkLightOp = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.79f green:0.45f blue:0.57f alpha:1.0];

CAGradientLayer *gradient = [CAGradientLayer layer];
gradient.frame = [[shareWordButton layer] bounds];
gradient.cornerRadius = 7;
gradient.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
gradient.locations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                      [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0f],
                      [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.7],

[[recordButton layer] insertSublayer:gradient atIndex:0];

JavaScript .replace only replaces first Match

You need a /g on there, like this:

var textTitle = "this is a test";_x000D_
var result = textTitle.replace(/ /g, '%20');_x000D_

You can play with it here, the default .replace() behavior is to replace only the first match, the /g modifier (global) tells it to replace all occurrences.

Spring Boot War deployed to Tomcat

If you are creating a new app instead of converting an existing one, the easiest way to create WAR based spring boot application is through Spring Initializr.

It auto-generates the application for you. By default it creates Jar, but in the advanced options, you can select to create WAR. This war can be also executed directly.

enter image description here

Even easier is to create the project from IntelliJ IDEA directly:

File ? New Project ? Spring Initializr

Ansible: deploy on multiple hosts in the same time

In my case I needed the configuration stage to be blocking as a whole, but execute each role in parallel. I've tackled this issue using the following code:

echo webserver loadbalancer database | tr ' ' '\n' \
| xargs -I % -P 3 bash -c 'ansible-playbook $1.yml' -- %

the -P 3 argument in xargs makes sure that all the commands are ran in parallel, each command executes the respective playbook and the command as a whole blocks until all parts are finished.

How do I execute external program within C code in linux with arguments?

You can use fork() and system() so that your program doesn't have to wait until system() returns.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc,char* argv[]){

    int status;

    // By calling fork(), a child process will be created as a exact duplicate of the calling process.
    // Search for fork() (maybe "man fork" on Linux) for more information.
    if(fork() == 0){ 
        // Child process will return 0 from fork()
        printf("I'm the child process.\n");
        status = system("my_app");
        // Parent process will return a non-zero value from fork()
        printf("I'm the parent.\n");

    printf("This is my main program and it will continue running and doing anything i want to...\n");

    return 0;

MySQL selecting yesterday's date

You can use:








Android: How do I get string from resources using its name?

To safe, you should add: mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.your_string);

mContext can be: context in onAttach() of Fragment or this of Activity.

How to create a md5 hash of a string in C?

I don't know this particular library, but I've used very similar calls. So this is my best guess:

unsigned char digest[16];
const char* string = "Hello World";
struct MD5Context context;
MD5Update(&context, string, strlen(string));
MD5Final(digest, &context);

This will give you back an integer representation of the hash. You can then turn this into a hex representation if you want to pass it around as a string.

char md5string[33];
for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
    sprintf(&md5string[i*2], "%02x", (unsigned int)digest[i]);

How to POST JSON request using Apache HttpClient?

As mentioned in the excellent answer by janoside, you need to construct the JSON string and set it as a StringEntity.

To construct the JSON string, you can use any library or method you are comfortable with. Jackson library is one easy example:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode node = mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("name", "value"); // repeat as needed
String JSON_STRING = node.toString();
postMethod.setEntity(new StringEntity(JSON_STRING, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));

"Could not get any response" response when using postman with subdomain

For anyone who experienced this issue with real domain instead of localhost and couldn't solve it using ANY OF THE ABOVE solutions.

Try changing your Network DNS (WIFI or LAN) to some other DNS. For me, I used Google DNS, and it worked!

enter image description here

Auto-click button element on page load using jQuery

We should rather use Javascript.

    <button href="images/car.jpg" id="myButton">
        Here is the Button to be clicked




Android Studio - Importing external Library/Jar

Here is how I got it going specifically for the admob sdk jar file:

  1. Drag your jar file into the libs folder.
  2. Right click on the jar file and select Add Library now the jar file is a library lets add it to the compile path
  3. Open the build.gradle file (note there are two build.gradle files at least, don't use the root one use the one in your project scope).
  4. Find the dependencies section (for me i was trying to the admob -GoogleAdMobAdsSdk jar file) e.g.

    dependencies {
       compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar','libs/GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.3.1.jar')
  5. Last go into settings.gradle and ensure it looks something like this:

    include ':yourproject', ':yourproject:libs:GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.3.1'
  6. Finally, Go to Build -> Rebuild Project

How do I declare class-level properties in Objective-C?

As seen on WWDC 2016/XCode 8 (what's new in LLVM session @5:05). Class properties can be declared as follows

@interface MyType : NSObject
@property (class) NSString *someString;

NSLog(@"format string %@", MyType.someString);

Note that class properties are never synthesized

static NSString * _someString;
+ (NSString *)someString { return _someString; }
+ (void)setSomeString:(NSString *)newString { _someString = newString; }

Converting a String to Object

String extends Object, which means an Object. Object o = a; If you really want to get as Object, you may do like below.

String s = "Hi";

Object a =s;

Which JRE am I using?

Open a command prompt:

 Version:  java -version
 Location: where java (in Windows)
           which java (in Unix, Linux, and Mac)

To set Java home in Windows:

Right click on My computerPropertiesAdvanced system settingsEnvironment VariableSystem VariableNew. Give the name as JAVA_HOME and the value as (e.g.) c:\programfiles\jdk

Select Path and click Edit, and keep it in the beginning as: %JAVA_HOME%\bin;...remaining settings goes here


How do I push amended commit to the remote Git repository?

You are getting this error because the Git remote already has these commit files. You have to force push the branch for this to work:

git push -f origin branch_name

Also make sure you pull the code from remote as someone else on your team might have pushed to the same branch.

git pull origin branch_name

This is one of the cases where we have to force push the commit to remote.

What are the Android SDK build-tools, platform-tools and tools? And which version should be used?

I'll leave the discussion of the difference between Build Tools, Platform Tools, and Tools to others. From a practical standpoint, you only need to know the answer to your second question:

Which version should be used?

Answer: Use the most recent version.

For those using Android Studio with Gradle, the buildToolsVersion has to be set in the build.gradle (Module: app) file.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 25
    buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"


Where do I get the most recent version number of Build Tools?

Open the Android SDK Manager.

  • In Android Studio go to Tools > Android > SDK Manager > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK
  • Choose the SDK Tools tab.
  • Select Android SDK Build Tools from the list
  • Check Show Package Details.

The last item will show the most recent version.

enter image description here

Make sure it is installed and then write that number as the buildToolsVersion in build.gradle (Module: app).

Java Read Large Text File With 70million line of text

1) I am sure there is no difference speedwise, both use FileInputStream internally and buffering

2) You can take measurements and see for yourself

3) Though there's no performance benefits I like the 1.7 approach

try (BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("test.txt"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
    for (String line = null; (line = br.readLine()) != null;) {

4) Scanner based version

    try (Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("test.txt"), "UTF-8")) {
        while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
            String line = sc.nextLine();
        // note that Scanner suppresses exceptions
        if (sc.ioException() != null) {
            throw sc.ioException();

5) This may be faster than the rest

try (SeekableByteChannel ch = Files.newByteChannel(Paths.get("test.txt"))) {
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1000);
    for(;;) {
        StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
        int n =;
        // add chars to line
        // ...

it requires a bit of coding but it can be really faster because of ByteBuffer.allocateDirect. It allows OS to read bytes from file to ByteBuffer directly, without copying

6) Parallel processing would definitely increase speed. Make a big byte buffer, run several tasks that read bytes from file into that buffer in parallel, when ready find first end of line, make a String, find next...

Prevent browser caching of AJAX call result

Internet Explorer’s Ajax Caching: What Are YOU Going To Do About It? suggests three approaches:

  1. Add a cache busting token to the query string, like ?date=[timestamp]. In jQuery and YUI you can tell them to do this automatically.
  2. Use POST instead of a GET
  3. Send a HTTP response header that specifically forbids browsers to cache it

remove None value from a list without removing the 0 value

For Python 2.7 (See Raymond's answer, for Python 3 equivalent):

Wanting to know whether something "is not None" is so common in python (and other OO languages), that in my (which I import to each module with "from Common import *"), I include these lines:

def exists(it):
    return (it is not None)

Then to remove None elements from a list, simply do:

filter(exists, L)

I find this easier to read, than the corresponding list comprehension (which Raymond shows, as his Python 2 version).

Is there any native DLL export functions viewer?

If you don't have the source code and API documentation, the machine code is all there is, you need to disassemble the dll library using something like IDA Pro , another option is use the trial version of PE Explorer.

PE Explorer provides a Disassembler. There is only one way to figure out the parameters: run the disassembler and read the disassembly output. Unfortunately, this task of reverse engineering the interface cannot be automated.

PE Explorer comes bundled with descriptions for 39 various libraries, including the core Windows® operating system libraries (eg. KERNEL32, GDI32, USER32, SHELL32, WSOCK32), key graphics libraries (DDRAW, OPENGL32) and more.

alt text

Yes/No message box using QMessageBox

QT can be as simple as that of Windows. The equivalent code is

if (QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Information, "title", "Question", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No).exec()) 


Clone private git repo with dockerfile

My key was password protected which was causing the problem, a working file is now listed below (for help of future googlers)

FROM ubuntu

MAINTAINER Luke Crooks "[email protected]"

# Update aptitude with new repo
RUN apt-get update

# Install software 
RUN apt-get install -y git
# Make ssh dir
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/

# Copy over private key, and set permissions
# Warning! Anyone who gets their hands on this image will be able
# to retrieve this private key file from the corresponding image layer
ADD id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa

# Create known_hosts
RUN touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts
# Add bitbuckets key
RUN ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts

# Clone the conf files into the docker container
RUN git clone [email protected]:User/repo.git

Why do we assign a parent reference to the child object in Java?

First, a clarification of terminology: we are assigning a Child object to a variable of type Parent. Parent is a reference to an object that happens to be a subtype of Parent, a Child.

It is only useful in a more complicated example. Imagine you add getEmployeeDetails to the class Parent:

public String getEmployeeDetails() {
    return "Name: " + name;

We could override that method in Child to provide more details:

public String getEmployeeDetails() {
    return "Name: " + name + " Salary: " + salary;

Now you can write one line of code that gets whatever details are available, whether the object is a Parent or Child:


The following code:

Parent parent = new Parent(); = 1;
Child child = new Child(); = 2;
child.salary = 2000;
Parent[] employees = new Parent[] { parent, child };
for (Parent employee : employees) {

Will result in the output:

Name: 1
Name: 2 Salary: 2000

We used a Child as a Parent. It had specialized behavior unique to the Child class, but when we called getEmployeeDetails() we could ignore the difference and focus on how Parent and Child are similar. This is called subtype polymorphism.

Your updated question asks why Child.salary is not accessible when the Childobject is stored in a Parent reference. The answer is the intersection of "polymorphism" and "static typing". Because Java is statically typed at compile time you get certain guarantees from the compiler but you are forced to follow rules in exchange or the code won't compile. Here, the relevant guarantee is that every instance of a subtype (e.g. Child) can be used as an instance of its supertype (e.g. Parent). For instance, you are guaranteed that when you access employee.getEmployeeDetails or the method or field is defined on any non-null object that could be assigned to a variable employee of type Parent. To make this guarantee, the compiler considers only that static type (basically, the type of the variable reference, Parent) when deciding what you can access. So you cannot access any members that are defined on the runtime type of the object, Child.

When you truly want to use a Child as a Parent this is an easy restriction to live with and your code will be usable for Parent and all its subtypes. When that is not acceptable, make the type of the reference Child.

SMTP connect() failed PHPmailer - PHP

You are missing the directive that states the connection uses SSL

require ("class.phpmailer.php");
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;     // turn of SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = "YAHOO ACCOUNT";  // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "YAHOO ACCOUNT PASSWORD"; // SMTP password
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Host = "YAHOO HOST"; // SMTP host
$mail->Port = 465;

Then add in the other parts

$webmaster_email = "[email protected]";       //Reply to this email ID
$email="[email protected]";                // Recipients email ID
$name="My Name";                              // Recipient's name
$mail->From = $webmaster_email;
$mail->FromName = "My Name";
$mail->AddReplyTo($webmaster_email,"My Name");
$mail->WordWrap = 50;                         // set word wrap
$mail->IsHTML(true);                          // send as HTML
$mail->Subject = "subject";
$mail->Body = "Hi,
This is the HTML BODY ";                      //HTML Body 
$mail->AltBody = "This is the body when user views in plain text format"; //Text Body 

echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
echo "Message has been sent";

As a side note, I have had trouble using Body + AltBody together although they are supposed to work. As a result, I wrote the following wrapper function which works perfectly.

require ("class.phpmailer.php");

// Setup Configuration for Mail Server Settings
$email['host']          = '';
$email['port']          = 366;
$email['user']          = '[email protected]';
$email['pass']          = 'from password';
$email['from']          = 'From Name';
$email['reply']         = '[email protected]';
$email['replyname']     = 'Reply To Name';

$addresses_to_mail_to = '[email protected];[email protected]';
$email_subject = 'My Subject';
$email_body = '<html>Code Here</html>';
$who_is_receiving_name = 'John Smith';

$result = sendmail(


function sendmail($body, $subject, $to, $name, $attach = "") {

  global $email;
  $return = false;

  $mail = new PHPMailer(true); // the true param means it will throw exceptions on errors, which we need to catch
  $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
  try {
    $mail->Host       = $email['host']; // SMTP server
//    $mail->SMTPDebug  = 2;                     // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
    $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                  // enable SMTP authentication
    $mail->Host       = $email['host']; // sets the SMTP server
    $mail->Port       = $email['port'];                    // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
    $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls";
    $mail->Username   = $email['user']; // SMTP account username
    $mail->Password   = $email['pass'];        // SMTP account password
    $mail->AddReplyTo($email['reply'], $email['replyname']);
    if(stristr($to,';')) {
      $totmp = explode(';',$to);
      foreach($totmp as $destto) {
        if(trim($destto) != "") {
          $mail->AddAddress(trim($destto), $name);
    } else {
      $mail->AddAddress($to, $name);
    $mail->SetFrom($email['user'], $email['from']);
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    $mail->AltBody = 'To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!'; // optional - MsgHTML will create an alternate automatically
    if(is_array($attach)) {
        foreach($attach as $attach_f) {
            if($attach_f != "") {
              $mail->AddAttachment($attach_f);      // attachment
    } else {
        if($attach != "") {
          $mail->AddAttachment($attach);      // attachment
  } catch (phpmailerException $e) {
    $return = $e->errorMessage();
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    $return = $e->errorMessage();

  return $return;

How do I measure separate CPU core usage for a process?

You can use:

 mpstat -P ALL 1

It shows how much each core is busy and it updates automatically each second. The output would be something like this (on a quad-core processor):

10:54:41 PM  CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest   %idle
10:54:42 PM  all    8.20    0.12    0.75    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   90.93
10:54:42 PM    0   24.00    0.00    2.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   74.00
10:54:42 PM    1   22.00    0.00    2.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   76.00
10:54:42 PM    2    2.02    1.01    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   96.97
10:54:42 PM    3    2.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   98.00
10:54:42 PM    4   14.15    0.00    1.89    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   83.96
10:54:42 PM    5    1.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   99.00
10:54:42 PM    6    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00
10:54:42 PM    7    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  100.00

This command doesn't answer original question though i.e. it does not show CPU core usage for a specific process.

How to Automatically Close Alerts using Twitter Bootstrap

After going over some of the answers here an in another thread, here's what I ended up with:

I created a function named showAlert() that would dynamically add an alert, with an optional type and closeDealy. So that you can, for example, add an alert of type danger (i.e., Bootstrap's alert-danger) that will close automatically after 5 seconds like so:

showAlert("Warning message", "danger", 5000);

To achieve that, add the following Javascript function:

function showAlert(message, type, closeDelay) {

    if ($("#alerts-container").length == 0) {
        // alerts-container does not exist, add it
            .append( $('<div id="alerts-container" style="position: fixed;
                width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 10%;">') );

    // default to alert-info; other options include success, warning, danger
    type = type || "info";    

    // create the alert div
    var alert = $('<div class="alert alert-' + type + ' fade in">')
            $('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">')

    // add the alert div to top of alerts-container, use append() to add to bottom

    // if closeDelay was passed - set a timeout to close the alert
    if (closeDelay)
        window.setTimeout(function() { alert.alert("close") }, closeDelay);     

Including dependencies in a jar with Maven

If you (like me) dont particularly like the jar-with-dependencies approach described above, the maven-solution I prefer is to simply build a WAR-project, even if it is only a stand-alone java application you are building:

  1. Make a normal maven jar-project, that will build your jar-file (without the dependencies).

  2. Also, setup a maven war-project (with only an empty src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file, which will avoid a warning/error in the maven-build), that only has your jar-project as a dependency, and make your jar-project a <module> under your war-project. (This war-project is only a simple trick to wrap all your jar-file dependencies into a zip-file.)

  3. Build the war-project to produce the war-file.

  4. In the deployment-step, simply rename your .war-file to *.zip and unzip it.

You should now have a lib-directory (which you can move where you want it) with your jar and all the dependencies you need to run your application:

java -cp 'path/lib/*' MainClass

(The wildcard in classpath works in Java-6 or higher)

I think this is both simpler to setup in maven (no need to mess around with the assembly plugin) and also gives you a clearer view of the application-structure (you will see the version-numbers of all dependent jars in plain view, and avoid clogging everything into a single jar-file).

How is "mvn clean install" different from "mvn install"?

Ditto for @Andreas_D, in addition if you say update Spring from 1 version to another in your project without doing a clean, you'll wind up with both in your artifact. Ran into this a lot when doing Flex development with Maven.

Alternative to Intersect in MySQL

Microsoft SQL Server's INTERSECT "returns any distinct values that are returned by both the query on the left and right sides of the INTERSECT operand" This is different from a standard INNER JOIN or WHERE EXISTS query.

SQL Server

CREATE TABLE table_a (
    value VARCHAR(255)

CREATE TABLE table_b (
    value VARCHAR(255)

INSERT INTO table_a VALUES (1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'B');
INSERT INTO table_b VALUES (1, 'B');

SELECT value FROM table_a
SELECT value FROM table_b


(1 rows affected)


CREATE TABLE `table_a` (
  `value` varchar(255),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `table_b` LIKE `table_a`;

INSERT INTO table_a VALUES (1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'B');
INSERT INTO table_b VALUES (1, 'B');

SELECT value FROM table_a
INNER JOIN table_b
USING (value);

| value |
| B     |
| B     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT value FROM table_a
WHERE (value) IN
(SELECT value FROM table_b);

| value |
| B     |
| B     |

With this particular question, the id column is involved, so duplicate values will not be returned, but for the sake of completeness, here's a MySQL alternative using INNER JOIN and DISTINCT:

INNER JOIN table_b
USING (value);

| value |
| B     |

And another example using WHERE ... IN and DISTINCT:

WHERE (value) IN
(SELECT value FROM table_b);

| value |
| B     |

Giving height to table and row in Bootstrap

What worked for me was adding a div around the content. Originally i had this. Css applied to the td had no effect.

             @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Message)           

Then I wrapped the content in a div and the css worked as expected

            <div class="largeContent">
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Message)

Permutation of array

Example with primitive array:

public static void permute(int[] intArray, int start) {
    for(int i = start; i < intArray.length; i++){
        int temp = intArray[start];
        intArray[start] = intArray[i];
        intArray[i] = temp;
        permute(intArray, start + 1);
        intArray[i] = intArray[start];
        intArray[start] = temp;
    if (start == intArray.length - 1) {

public static void main(String[] args){
    int intArr[] = {1, 2, 3};
    permute(intArr, 0);

Getting the Facebook like/share count for a given URL

use below URL and replace myurl with your post url and you will get all the things

but keep in mind it will give you response in XML format only

Example :


The type arguments cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly

This error is also related with a cache issue.

I had the same problem and it was solved just cleaning and building the solution again.

How to find difference between two columns data?

select previous, Present, previous-Present as Difference from tablename


select previous, Present, previous-Present as Difference from #TEMP1

List all indexes on ElasticSearch server?

For a concise list of all indices in your cluster, call

curl http://localhost:9200/_aliases

this will give you a list of indices and their aliases.

If you want it pretty-printed, add pretty=true:

curl http://localhost:9200/_aliases?pretty=true

The result will look something like this, if your indices are called old_deuteronomy and mungojerrie:

  "old_deuteronomy" : {
    "aliases" : { }
  "mungojerrie" : {
    "aliases" : {
      "rumpleteazer" : { },
      "that_horrible_cat" : { }

How can I order a List<string>?

ListaServizi = ListaServizi.OrderBy(q => q).ToList();

Storing image in database directly or as base64 data?

I contend that images (files) are NOT usually stored in a database base64 encoded. Instead, they are stored in their raw binary form in a binary (blob) column (or file).

Base64 is only used as a transport mechanism, not for storage. For example, you can embed a base64 encoded image into an XML document or an email message.

Base64 is also stream friendly. You can encode and decode on the fly (without knowing the total size of the data).

While base64 is fine for transport, do not store your images base64 encoded.

Base64 provides no checksum or anything of any value for storage.

Base64 encoding increases the storage requirement by 33% over a raw binary format. It also increases the amount of data that must be read from persistent storage, which is still generally the largest bottleneck in computing. It's generally faster to read less bytes and encode them on the fly. Only if your system is CPU bound instead of IO bound, and you're regularly outputting the image in base64, then consider storing in base64.

Inline images (base64 encoded images embedded in HTML) are a bottleneck themselves--you're sending 33% more data over the wire, and doing it serially (the web browser has to wait on the inline images before it can finish downloading the page HTML).

If you still wish to store images base64 encoded, please, whatever you do, make sure you don't store base64 encoded data in a UTF8 column then index it.

What is the difference between Multiple R-squared and Adjusted R-squared in a single-variate least squares regression?

The R-squared is not dependent on the number of variables in the model. The adjusted R-squared is.

The adjusted R-squared adds a penalty for adding variables to the model that are uncorrelated with the variable your trying to explain. You can use it to test if a variable is relevant to the thing your trying to explain.

Adjusted R-squared is R-squared with some divisions added to make it dependent on the number of variables in the model.

Can I serve multiple clients using just Flask as standalone?

Using the simple from within Flask creates a single synchronous server on a single thread capable of serving only one client at a time. It is intended for use in controlled environments with low demand (i.e. development, debugging) for exactly this reason.

Spawning threads and managing them yourself is probably not going to get you very far either, because of the Python GIL.

That said, you do still have some good options. Gunicorn is a solid, easy-to-use WSGI server that will let you spawn multiple workers (separate processes, so no GIL worries), and even comes with asynchronous workers that will speed up your app (and make it more secure) with little to no work on your part (especially with Flask).

Still, even Gunicorn should probably not be directly publicly exposed. In production, it should be used behind a more robust HTTP server; nginx tends to go well with Gunicorn and Flask.

Find which version of package is installed with pip

As of pip 1.3, there is a pip show command.

$ pip show Jinja2
Name: Jinja2
Version: 2.7.3
Location: /path/to/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requires: markupsafe

In older versions, pip freeze and grep should do the job nicely.

$ pip freeze | grep Jinja2

How to initialize an array's length in JavaScript?

  • Array(5) gives you an array with length 5 but no values, hence you can't iterate over it.

  • Array.apply(null, Array(5)).map(function () {}) gives you an array with length 5 and undefined as values, now it can be iterated over.

  • Array.apply(null, Array(5)).map(function (x, i) { return i; }) gives you an array with length 5 and values 0,1,2,3,4.

  • Array(5).forEach(alert) does nothing, Array.apply(null, Array(5)).forEach(alert) gives you 5 alerts

  • ES6 gives us Array.from so now you can also use Array.from(Array(5)).forEach(alert)

  • If you want to initialize with a certain value, these are good to knows...
    Array.from('abcde'), Array.from('x'.repeat(5))
    or Array.from({length: 5}, (v, i) => i) // gives [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

How to hide 'Back' button on navigation bar on iPhone?

hide back button with bellow code...

[self.navigationItem setHidesBackButton:YES animated:YES];


[self.navigationItem setHidesBackButton:YES];

Also if you have custom UINavigationBar then try bellow code

self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;

Convert int to string?

string a = i.ToString();
string b = Convert.ToString(i);
string c = string.Format("{0}", i);
string d = $"{i}";
string e = "" + i;
string f = string.Empty + i;
string g = new StringBuilder().Append(i).ToString();

How can I edit a view using phpMyAdmin 3.2.4?

To expand one what CheeseConQueso is saying, here are the entire steps to update a view using PHPMyAdmin:

  1. Run the following query: SHOW CREATE VIEW your_view_name
  2. Expand the options and choose Full Texts
  3. Press Go
  4. Copy entire contents of the Create View column.
  5. Make changes to the query in the editor of your choice
  6. Run the query directly (without the CREATE VIEW... syntax) to make sure it runs as you expect it to.
  7. Once you're satisfied, click on your view in the list on the left to browse its data and then scroll all the way to the bottom where you'll see a CREATE VIEW link. Click that.
  8. Place a check in the OR REPLACE field.
  9. In the VIEW name put the name of the view you are going to update.
  10. In the AS field put the contents of the query that you ran while testing (without the CREATE VIEW... syntax).
  11. Press Go

I hope that helps somebody. Special thanks to CheesConQueso for his/her insightful answer.

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)

A fourth option to those you mention are binary files. Although that sounds arcane and difficult, it's really easy with the serialization API in .NET.

Whether you choose binary or XML files, you can use the same serialization API, although you would use different serializers.

To binary serialize a class, it must be marked with the [Serializable] attribute or implement ISerializable.

You can do something similar with XML, although there the interface is called IXmlSerializable, and the attributes are [XmlRoot] and other attributes in the System.Xml.Serialization namespace.

If you want to use a relational database, SQL Server Compact Edition is free and very lightweight and based on a single file.

Manually install Gradle and use it in Android Studio

I used like this,


And its worked for me.

Double decimal formatting in Java

I know that this is an old topic, but If you really like to have the period instead of the comma, just save your result as X,00 into a String and then just simply change it for a period so you get the X.00

The simplest way is just to use replace.

String var = "X,00";
String newVar = var.replace(",",".");

The output will be the X.00 you wanted. Also to make it easy you can do it all at one and save it into a double variable:

Double var = Double.parseDouble(("X,00").replace(",",".");

I know that this reply is not useful right now but maybe someone that checks this forum will be looking for a quick solution like this.

How does HTTP file upload work?

An HTTP message may have a body of data sent after the header lines. In a response, this is where the requested resource is returned to the client (the most common use of the message body), or perhaps explanatory text if there's an error. In a request, this is where user-entered data or uploaded files are sent to the server.

Re-ordering columns in pandas dataframe based on column name

print df.sort_index(by='Frequency',ascending=False)

where by is the name of the column,if you want to sort the dataset based on column

Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context

You need a ResourceLink in your META-INF/context.xml file to make the global resource available to the web application.

 <ResourceLink name="jdbc/mydb"
              type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

How could I put a border on my grid control in WPF?

This is a later answer that works for me, if it may be of use to anyone in the future. I wanted a simple border around all four sides of the grid and I achieved it like so...

<DataGrid x:Name="dgDisplay" Margin="5" BorderBrush="#1266a7" BorderThickness="1"...

Why does the html input with type "number" allow the letter 'e' to be entered in the field?

<input type="number" onkeydown="return FilterInput(event)" onpaste="handlePaste(event)"  >

function FilterInput(event) {
    var keyCode = ('which' in event) ? event.which : event.keyCode;

    isNotWanted = (keyCode == 69 || keyCode == 101);
    return !isNotWanted;
function handlePaste (e) {
    var clipboardData, pastedData;

    // Get pasted data via clipboard API
    clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
    pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text').toUpperCase();

    if(pastedData.indexOf('E')>-1) {
        //alert('found an E');

What is the proper use of an EventEmitter?

There is no: nono and no: yesyes. The truth is in the middle And no reasons to be scared because of the next version of Angular.

From a logical point of view, if You have a Component and You want to inform other components that something happens, an event should be fired and this can be done in whatever way You (developer) think it should be done. I don't see the reason why to not use it and i don't see the reason why to use it at all costs. Also the EventEmitter name suggests to me an event happening. I usually use it for important events happening in the Component. I create the Service but create the Service file inside the Component Folder. So my Service file becomes a sort of Event Manager or an Event Interface, so I can figure out at glance to which event I can subscribe on the current component.

I know..Maybe I'm a bit an old fashioned developer. But this is not a part of Event Driven development pattern, this is part of the software architecture decisions of Your particular project.

Some other guys may think that use Observables directly is cool. In that case go ahead with Observables directly. You're not a serial killer doing this. Unless you're a psychopath developer, So far the Program works, do it.

OR is not supported with CASE Statement in SQL Server

You can use one of the expressions that WHEN has, but you cannot mix both of them.

  1. WHEN when_expression

    Is a simple expression to which input_expression is compared when the simple CASE format is used. when_expression is any valid expression. The data types of input_expression and each when_expression must be the same or must be an implicit conversion.

  2. WHEN Boolean_expression

    Is the Boolean expression evaluated when using the searched CASE format. Boolean_expression is any valid Boolean expression.

You could program:


    CASE ProductLine
            WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road'
            WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain'
            WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring'
            WHEN 'S' THEN 'Other sale items'
            ELSE 'Not for sale'


            WHEN ListPrice =  0 THEN 'Mfg item - not for resale'
            WHEN ListPrice < 50 THEN 'Under $50'
            WHEN ListPrice >= 50 and ListPrice < 250 THEN 'Under $250'
            WHEN ListPrice >= 250 and ListPrice < 1000 THEN 'Under $1000'
            ELSE 'Over $1000'

But in any case you can expect that the variable ranking is going to be compared in a boolean expression.

See CASE (Transact-SQL) (MSDN).

"id cannot be resolved or is not a field" error?

Look at your import statements at the top. If you are saying import android.R, then there that is a problem. It might not be the only one as these 'R' errors can be tricky, but it would definitely definitely at least part of the problem.

If that doesn't fix it, make sure your eclipse plugin(ADT) and your android SDK are fully up to date, remove the project from the emulator/phone by manually deleting it from the OS, and clean the project (Launch Eclipse->Project->Clean...). Sounds silly to make sure your stuff is fully up to date, but the earlier versions of the ADT and SDK has a lot of annoying bugs related to the R files that have since been cleared up.

Just FYI, the stuff that shows up in the R class is generated from the stuff in your project res (aka resources) folder. The R class allows you to reference a resource (such as an image or a string) without having to do file operations all over the place. It does other stuff too, but that's for another answer. Android OS uses a similar scheme - it has a resources folder and the class android.R is the way to access stuff in the android resources folder. The problem arises when in a single class you are using both your own resources, and standard android resources. Normally you can say import at the top, and then reference a class just using the last bit of the name (for example, import java.util.List allows you to just write List in your class and the compiler knows you mean java.util.List). When you need to use two classes that are named the same thing, as is the case with the auto-generated R class, then you can import one of them and you have to fully qualify the other one whenever you want to mean it. Typically I import the R file for my project, and then just say android.R.whatever when I want an android resource.

Also, to reiterate Andy, don't modify the R file automatically. That's not how it's meant to be used.

Why is the Visual Studio 2015/2017/2019 Test Runner not discovering my xUnit v2 tests

I was suffering from this problem for long times.

  • I had about 100 projects different version was deployed in different server.

  • Updating xunit from 2.2.0 to 2.3.1 was not a solution because build was failing in 2.3.1.

Then I just updated xunit.runner.visualstudio to 2.3.1 and everything started to work fine. I have used this command in my package manager console to updated my xunit.runner.visualstudio package

Get-Project ComapanyName.ProjectName.*.Tests | Install-Package xunit.runner.visualstudio -Version 2.3.1

Javascript: How to remove the last character from a div or a string?

Are u sure u want to remove only last character. What if the user press backspace from the middle of the word.. Its better to get the value from the field and replace the divs html. On keyup


afxwin.h file is missing in VC++ Express Edition

Found this post that may help:

Or shortly, afxwin.h is MFC and MFC is not included in the free version of VC++ (Express Edition).

How to read the RGB value of a given pixel in Python?

You could use the Tkinter module, which is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit and you don't need extra download. See

(For Python 3, Tkinter is renamed to tkinter)

Here is how to set RGB values:

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def pixel(image, pos, color):
    """Place pixel at pos=(x,y) on image, with color=(r,g,b)."""
    r,g,b = color
    x,y = pos
    image.put("#%02x%02x%02x" % (r,g,b), (y, x))

photo = PhotoImage(width=32, height=32)

pixel(photo, (16,16), (255,0,0))  # One lone pixel in the middle...

label = Label(root, image=photo)

And get RGB:

def getRGB(image, x, y):
    value = image.get(x, y)
    return tuple(map(int, value.split(" ")))

Using group by on two fields and count in SQL

SELECT group,subGroup,COUNT(*) FROM tablename GROUP BY group,subgroup

C# Timer or Thread.Sleep

It's important to understand that your code will sleep for 50 seconds between ending one loop, and starting the next...

A timer will call your loop every 50 seconds, which isn't exactly the same.

They're both valid, but a timer is probably what you're looking for here.

Binding ItemsSource of a ComboBoxColumn in WPF DataGrid

I realize this question is over a year old, but I just stumbled across it in dealing with a similar problem and thought I would share another potential solution in case it might help a future traveler (or myself, when I forget this later and find myself flopping around on StackOverflow between screams and throwings of the nearest object on my desk).

In my case I was able to get the effect I wanted by using a DataGridTemplateColumn instead of a DataGridComboBoxColumn, a la the following snippet. [caveat: I'm using .NET 4.0, and what I've been reading leads me to believe the DataGrid has done a lot of evolving, so YMMV if using earlier version]

<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Identifier_TEMPLATED">
            <ComboBox IsEditable="False" 
                Text="{Binding ComponentIdentifier,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
                ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ApplicableIdentifiers, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ComponentIdentifier}" />

Angular 4 HttpClient Query Parameters

With Angular 7, I got it working by using the following without using HttpParams.

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

export class ApiClass {

  constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {
    // use it like this in other services / components etc.
      then(res => {
        console.log('res: ', res);

  getDataFromServer() {
    const params = {
      param1: value1,
      param2: value2
    const url = ''

    // { params: params } is the same as { params } 
    // look for es6 object literal to read more
    return this.httpClient.get(url, { params }).toPromise();

Index was outside the bounds of the Array. (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)

The Reason behind the error message is that SQL couldn't show new features in your old SQL server version.

Please upgrade your client SQL version to same as your server Sql version

How to execute a stored procedure within C# program

What I made, in my case I wanted to show procedure's result in dataGridView:

using (var command = new SqlCommand("ProcedureNameHere", connection) {
            // Set command type and add Parameters
            CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure,
            Parameters = { new SqlParameter("@parameterName",parameterValue) }
            // Execute command in Adapter and store to dataset
            var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);
            var dataset = new DataSet();
            // Display results in DatagridView
            dataGridView1.DataSource = dataset.Tables[0];

Get Filename Without Extension in Python

>>> import os
>>> os.path.splitext("")
('', '.jpg')

How to make a list of n numbers in Python and randomly select any number?

Create the list (edited):

count_list = range(1, N+1)

Select random element:

import random

max(length(field)) in mysql

Use CHAR_LENGTH() instead-of LENGTH() as suggested in: MySQL - length() vs char_length()

SELECT name, CHAR_LENGTH(name) AS mlen FROM mytable ORDER BY mlen DESC LIMIT 1

How to set value in @Html.TextBoxFor in Razor syntax?

I tried replacing value with Value and it worked out. It has set the value in input tag now.

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Destination, new { id = "txtPlace", Value= "3" })

How to convert Map keys to array?

You can use the spread operator to convert Map.keys() iterator in an Array.

let myMap = new Map().set('a', 1).set('b', 2).set(983, true)_x000D_
let keys = [...myMap.keys()]_x000D_

ssh: check if a tunnel is alive

Netcat is your friend:

nc -z localhost 6000 || echo "no tunnel open"

Running MSBuild fails to read SDKToolsPath

Set Sdk40ToolsPath rather than SdkToolsPath to specify a location other than the install directory.

I hit a similar problem with AL.exe because I had just xcopied the tools onto the build machine rather than installing the SDK, so the usual registry keys were missing. I ran a build with diagnostic output (/verbosity:diagnostic) and noticed that there were several SDK tools paths defined: Sdk40ToolsPath, Sdk35ToolsPath and SdkToolsPath. Setting Sdk40ToolsPath to point to the appropriate SDK version's bin folder solved the problem for me.

How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply?

YUI has by far the best stylesheet utility I have seen out there. I encourage you to check it out, but here's a taste:

// style element or locally sourced link element
var sheet = YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(YAHOO.util.Selector.query('style',null,true));

sheet = YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(YAHOO.util.Dom.get('local'));

// OR the id of a style element or locally sourced link element
sheet = YAHOO.util.StyleSheet('local');

// OR string of css text
var css = ".moduleX .alert { background: #fcc; font-weight: bold; } " +
          ".moduleX .warn  { background: #eec; } " +
          ".hide_messages .moduleX .alert, " +
          ".hide_messages .moduleX .warn { display: none; }";

sheet = new YAHOO.util.StyleSheet(css);

There are obviously other much simpler ways of changing styles on the fly such as those suggested here. If they make sense for your problem, they might be best, but there are definitely reasons why modifying css is a better solution. The most obvious case is when you need to modify a large number of elements. The other major case is if you need your style changes to involve the cascade. Using the dom to modify an element will always have a higher priority. Its the sledgehammer approach and is equivalent to using the style attribute directly on the html element. That is not always the desired effect.

Windows 10 SSH keys

  1. Open the windows command line (type "cmd" on the search box and hit enter).
  2. It'll default to your home folder, so you don't need to cd to a different one.
  3. Type ssh-keygen
  4. Follow the instructions and you are good to go
  5. Your ssh keys should be stored at chosed directory, the default is: /c/Users/YourUserName/.ssh/

p.s.: If you installed git with bash integration (like me) open "Git Bash" instead of "cmd" on first step

What is Hive: Return Code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask

I was also facing same error when I was inserting the data into HIVE external table which was pointing to Elastic search cluster.

I replaced the older JAR elasticsearch-hadoop-2.0.0.RC1.jar to elasticsearch-hadoop-5.6.0.jar, and everything worked fine.

My Suggestion is please use the specific JAR as per the elastic search version. Don't use older JARs if you are using newer version of elastic search.

Thanks to this post Hive- Elasticsearch Write Operation #409

Python 3: UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment

I don't like this behavior, but this is how Python works. The question has already been answered by others, but for completeness, let me point out that Python 2 has more such quirks.

def f(x):
    return x

def main():
    print f(3)
    if (True):
        print [f for f in [1, 2, 3]]


Python 2.7.6 returns an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
  File "", line 5, in main
    print f(3)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment

Python sees the f is used as a local variable in [f for f in [1, 2, 3]], and decides that it is also a local variable in f(3). You could add a global f statement:

def f(x):
    return x

def main():
    global f
    print f(3)
    if (True):
        print [f for f in [1, 2, 3]]


It does work; however, f becomes 3 at the end... That is, print [f for f in [1, 2, 3]] now changes the global variable f to 3, so it is not a function any more.

Fortunately, it works fine in Python3 after adding the parentheses to print.

Delete last commit in bitbucket

By now, cloud bitbucket (I'm not sure which version) allows to revert a commit from the file system as follows (I do not see how to revert from the Bitbucket interface in the Chrome browser).

-backup your entire directory to secure the changes you inadvertently committed

-select checked out directory

-right mouse button: tortoise git menu

-repo-browser (the menu option 'revert' only undoes the uncommited changes)

-press the HEAD button

-select the uppermost line (the last commit)

-right mouse button: revert change by this commit

-after it undid the changes on the file system, press commit

-this updates GIT with a message 'Revert (your previous message). This reverts commit so-and-so'

-select 'commit and push'.

How can I make robocopy silent in the command line except for progress?

The > null does not work in the quotes. It sees the > null as the batch filename.

The robocopy no output worked!!!

Here is the new batch file:

robocopy /mir /B /r:1 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /nc /ns /np c:\EnvBackup c:\offsite_backup\EnvBackup

robocopy /mir /B /r:1 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /nc /ns /np c:\shares c:\offsite_backup\shares

robocopy /mir /B /r:1 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /nc /ns /np c:\Quickbooks_Backup c:\offsite_backup\Quickbooks_Backup

How can I perform a reverse string search in Excel without using VBA?

To add to Jerry and Joe's answers, if you're wanting to find the text BEFORE the last word you can use:


With 'My little cat' in A1 would result in 'My little' (where Joe and Jerry's would give 'cat'

In the same way that Jerry and Joe isolate the last word, this then just gets everything to the left of that (then trims it back)

How can I disable mod_security in .htaccess file?

In .htaccess file at site root directory edit following line:

<ifmodule mod_security.c>_x000D_
SecFilterEngine Off_x000D_
SecFilterScanPOST Off_x000D_
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>_x000D_
RewriteEngine On_x000D_
RewriteBase /_x000D_
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f_x000D_
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d_x000D_
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]_x000D_

Just keep the mod_security rules like SecFilterEngine and parts apart from each other. Its works for apache server

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

The simplest solution for me is implementing a regular stringReplace to replace parameter inputs with parameter values (treating all parameters as string, for simplicity):

 String debugedSql = sql;
 //then, for each named parameter
     debugedSql = debugedSql.replaceAll(":"+key, "'"+value.toString()+"'");
 //and finnaly

or something similar for positional parameters (?).
Take care of null values and specific value types like date, if you want a run ready sql to be logged.

I want to align the text in a <td> to the top

you can use valign="top" on the td tag it is working perfectly for me.


just use a subquery right there like:

INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ("A string", 5, (SELECT ...)).

Android set bitmap to Imageview

    //decode base64 string to image
    imageBytes = Base64.decode(encodedImage, Base64.DEFAULT);
    Bitmap decodedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length);

  //setImageBitmap is imp

Xcode 4: How do you view the console?

for Xcode 5:

View->Debug Area->Activate Console

shift + cmd + c

Apache and Node.js on the Same Server

ProxyPass /node http://localhost:8000/     
  • this worked for me when I made above entry in httpd-vhosts.conf instead of httpd.conf
  • I have XAMPP installed over my environment & was looking to hit all the traffic at apache on port 80 with NodeJS applicatin running on 8080 port i.e. http://localhost/[name_of_the_node_application]

How to add multiple classes to a ReactJS Component?

I usually use it like this : (in your case)

    <li  key={index} className={
        "component " +
        `${activeClass? activeClass: " not-an-active-class "}` +
        `${data.class? " " + data.class : " no-data-class "}`
   } />

When it comes to JSX and (usually) we have some json... than you loop it ..., plus some conditional to check if json property exists to render class name depending on property value from JSON. In example below component_color and component_dark_shade are properties from

   <div className={
        "component " +
        `${component_color? component_color: " no-color "}` +
        `${component_dark_shade? " " + component_dark_shade : " light "}`

Output : <div class="component no-color light" .... Or: <div class="component blue dark" .... depending on values from map...

How to build and run Maven projects after importing into Eclipse IDE

1.Update project

Right Click on your project maven > update project

2.Build project

Right Click on your project again. run as > Maven build

If you have not created a “Run configuration” yet, it will open a new configuration with some auto filled values.

You can change the name. "Base directory" will be a auto filled value for you. Keep it as it is. Give maven command to ”Goals” fields.

i.e, “clean install” for building purpose

Click apply

Click run.

3.Run project on tomcat

Right Click on your project again. run as > Run-Configuration. It will open Run-Configuration window for you.

Right Click on “Maven Build” from the right side column and Select “New”. It will open a blank configuration for you.

Change the name as you want. For the base directory field you can choose values using 3 buttons(workspace,FileSystem,Variables). You can also copy and paste the auto generated value from previously created Run-configuration. Give the Goals as “tomcat:run”. Click apply. Click run.

If you want to get more clear idea with snapshots use the following link.

Build and Run Maven project in Eclipse

(I hope this answer will help someone come after the topic of the question)

Install IPA with iTunes 11

For iTunes 11:

  1. open your iTunes "Side Bar" by going to View -> Show Side Bar
  2. drag the mobileprovision and ipa files to your iTunes "Apps" under LIBRARY
  3. open you device Apps from DEVICES and click install for the application and wait for iTunes to sync

How do you store Java objects in HttpSession?

Here you can do it by using HttpRequest or HttpSession. And think your problem is within the JSP.

If you are going to use the inside servlet do following,

Object obj = new Object();
session.setAttribute("object", obj);


HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Object obj = new Object();
session.setAttribute("object", obj);

and after setting your attribute by using request or session, use following to access it in the JSP,

<%= request.getAttribute("object")%>


<%= session.getAttribute("object")%>

So seems your problem is in the JSP.

If you want use scriptlets it should be as follows,

Object obj = request.getSession().getAttribute("object");

Or can use expressions as follows,

<%= session.getAttribute("object")%>

or can use EL as follows, ${object} or ${sessionScope.object}

Remove blank lines with grep

I prefer using egrep, though in my test with a genuine file with blank line your approach worked fine (though without quotation marks in my test). This worked too:

egrep -v "^(\r?\n)?$" filename.txt

Phone number formatting an EditText in Android

You can accept only numbers and phone number type using java code

 EditText number1 = (EditText) layout.findViewById(; 
      number1.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new InputFilter.LengthFilter(14)}); // 14 is max digits

This code will avoid lot of validations after reading input

How to get complete month name from DateTime

DateTime birthDate = new DateTime(1981, 8, 9);
Console.WriteLine ("I was born on the {0}. of {1}, {2}.", birthDate.Day, birthDate.ToString("MMMM"), birthDate.Year);

/* The above code will say:
"I was born on the 9. of august, 1981."

"dd" converts to the day (01 thru 31).
"ddd" converts to 3-letter name of day (e.g. mon).
"dddd" converts to full name of day (e.g. monday).
"MMM" converts to 3-letter name of month (e.g. aug).
"MMMM" converts to full name of month (e.g. august).
"yyyy" converts to year.

C# : Passing a Generic Object

You cannot access var with the generic.

Try something like

Console.WriteLine("Generic : {0}", test);

And override ToString method [1]

[1] Connection refused

This exception means that there is no service listening on the IP/port you are trying to connect to:

  • You are trying to connect to the wrong IP/Host or port.
  • You have not started your server.
  • Your server is not listening for connections.
  • On Windows servers, the listen backlog queue is full.

Create sequence of repeated values, in sequence?

Another base R option could be gl():

gl(5, 3)

Where the output is a factor:

 [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5
Levels: 1 2 3 4 5

If integers are needed, you can convert it:

as.numeric(gl(5, 3))

 [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5

Retrieve the maximum length of a VARCHAR column in SQL Server

SELECT TOP 1 column_name, LEN(column_name) AS Lenght FROM table_name ORDER BY LEN(column_name) DESC

Sort array of objects by string property value

For fp-holics:

const objectSorter = (p)=>(a,b)=>((a,b)=>a>b?1:a<b?-1:0)(a[p], b[p]);

How to load data from a text file in a PostgreSQL database?

Let consider that your data are in the file values.txt and that you want to import them in the database table myTable then the following query does the job

COPY myTable FROM 'value.txt' (DELIMITER('|'));

pandas get column average/mean

If you only want the mean of the weight column, select the column (which is a Series) and call .mean():

In [479]: df
         ID  birthyear    weight
0    619040       1962  0.123123
1    600161       1963  0.981742
2  25602033       1963  1.312312
3    624870       1987  0.942120

In [480]: df["weight"].mean()
Out[480]: 0.83982437500000007

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_ARRAY token

The error is:

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_ARRAY token at [Source: line: 1, column: 1095] (through reference chain: JsonGen["platforms"])

In JSON, platforms look like this:

"platforms": [
        "platform": "iphone"
        "platform": "ipad"
        "platform": "android_phone"
        "platform": "android_tablet"

So try change your pojo to something like this:

private List platforms;

public List getPlatforms(){
    return this.platforms;

public void setPlatforms(List platforms){
    this.platforms = platforms;

EDIT: you will need change mobile_networks too. Will look like this:

private List mobile_networks;

public List getMobile_networks() {
    return mobile_networks;

public void setMobile_networks(List mobile_networks) {
    this.mobile_networks = mobile_networks;

IIS error, Unable to start debugging on the webserver

I edited the solution file and changed localhost to my ip address. Before that I had added IIS_IUSRS with full control in the project directory. I can now debug.

jquery $(window).width() and $(window).height() return different values when viewport has not been resized

I was having a very similar problem. I was getting inconsistent height() values when I refreshed my page. (It wasn't my variable causing the problem, it was the actual height value.)

I noticed that in the head of my page I called my scripts first, then my css file. I switched so that the css file is linked first, then the script files and that seems to have fixed the problem so far.

Hope that helps.

I get conflicting provisioning settings error when I try to archive to submit an iOS app

The problem is in the Cordova settings.

Note this:

iPhone Distribution has been manually specified

This didn’t make any sense to me, since I had set the project to auto sign in xcode. Like you, the check and uncheck didn’t work. But then I read the last file path given and followed it. The file path is APP > Platforms > ios > Cordova > build-release.xconfig

And in the file, iPhone Distribution is explicitly set for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY.


CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Distribution
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Distribution


CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Developer

It a simple thing, and the error message does make it clear that iPhone Distribution has been manually specified, but it doesn’t really say where unless you follow the path. I looked and fiddled with xcode for about three hours trying to figure this out. Hopes this helps anyone in the future.

How to convert numpy arrays to standard TensorFlow format?

You can use tf.pack (tf.stack in TensorFlow 1.0.0) method for this purpose. Here is how to pack a random image of type numpy.ndarray into a Tensor:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
random_image = np.random.randint(0,256, (300,400,3))
random_image_tensor = tf.pack(random_image)
evaluated_tensor = random_image_tensor.eval()

UPDATE: to convert a Python object to a Tensor you can use tf.convert_to_tensor function.

How to add leading zeros for for-loop in shell?

seq -w will detect the max input width and normalize the width of the output.

for num in $(seq -w 01 05); do

At time of writing this didn't work on the newest versions of OSX, so you can either install macports and use its version of seq, or you can set the format explicitly:

seq -f '%02g' 1 3

But given the ugliness of format specifications for such a simple problem, I prefer the solution Henk and Adrian gave, which just uses Bash. Apple can't screw this up since there's no generic "unix" version of Bash:

echo {01..05}


for number in {01..05}; do ...; done

Using ExcelDataReader to read Excel data starting from a particular cell

If you are using ExcelDataReader 3+ you will find that there isn't any method for AsDataSet() for your reader object, You need to also install another package for ExcelDataReader.DataSet, then you can use the AsDataSet() method.
Also there is not a property for IsFirstRowAsColumnNames instead you need to set it inside of ExcelDataSetConfiguration.


using (var stream = File.Open(originalFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
    IExcelDataReader reader;

    // Create Reader - old until 3.4+
    ////var file = new FileInfo(originalFileName);
    ////if (file.Extension.Equals(".xls"))
    ////    reader = ExcelDataReader.ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
    ////else if (file.Extension.Equals(".xlsx"))
    ////    reader = ExcelDataReader.ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
    ////    throw new Exception("Invalid FileName");
    // Or in 3.4+ you can only call this:
    reader = ExcelDataReader.ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream)

    //// reader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames
    var conf = new ExcelDataSetConfiguration
        ConfigureDataTable = _ => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration
            UseHeaderRow = true 

    var dataSet = reader.AsDataSet(conf);

    // Now you can get data from each sheet by its index or its "name"
    var dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];


You can find row number and column number of a cell reference like this:

var cellStr = "AB2"; // var cellStr = "A1";
var match = Regex.Match(cellStr, @"(?<col>[A-Z]+)(?<row>\d+)");
var colStr = match.Groups["col"].ToString();
var col = colStr.Select((t, i) => (colStr[i] - 64) * Math.Pow(26, colStr.Length - i - 1)).Sum();
var row = int.Parse(match.Groups["row"].ToString());

Now you can use some loops to read data from that cell like this:

for (var i = row; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
    for (var j = col; j < dataTable.Columns.Count; j++)
        var data = dataTable.Rows[i][j];


You can filter rows and columns of your Excel sheet at read time with this config:

var i = 0;
var conf = new ExcelDataSetConfiguration
    UseColumnDataType = true,
    ConfigureDataTable = _ => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration
        FilterRow = rowReader => fromRow <= ++i - 1,
        FilterColumn = (rowReader, colIndex) => fromCol <= colIndex,
        UseHeaderRow = true

How to create a drop shadow only on one side of an element?

I think this is what you're after?

.shadow {_x000D_
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px white, 0 6px 4px black;_x000D_
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px white, 0 6px 4px black;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px white, 0 6px 4px black;_x000D_
<div class="shadow">wefwefwef</div>

JS: Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function (onclick)

Please change only the name of the function; no other change is required

    function totalbandwidthresult() {
        var fps = Number(document.calculator.fps.value);
        var bitrate = Number(document.calculator.bitrate.value);
        var numberofcameras = Number(document.calculator.numberofcameras.value);
        var encoding = document.calculator.encoding.value;
        if (encoding = "mjpeg") {
            storage = bitrate * fps;
        } else {
            storage = bitrate;

        totalbandwidth = (numberofcameras * storage) / 1000;
        document.calculator.totalbandwidthresult.value = totalbandwidth;

<form name="calculator" class="formtable">
    <div class="formrow">
        <label for="rcname">RC Name</label>
        <input type="text" name="rcname">
    <div class="formrow">
        <label for="fps">FPS</label>
        <input type="text" name="fps">
    <div class="formrow">
        <label for="bitrate">Bitrate</label>
        <input type="text" name="bitrate">
    <div class="formrow">
        <label for="numberofcameras">Number of Cameras</label>
        <input type="text" name="numberofcameras">
    <div class="formrow">
        <label for="encoding">Encoding</label>
        <select name="encoding" id="encodingoptions">
            <option value="h264">H.264</option>
            <option value="mjpeg">MJPEG</option>
            <option value="mpeg4">MPEG4</option>
    </div>Total Storage:
    <input type="text" name="totalstorage">Total Bandwidth:
    <input type="text" name="totalbandwidth">
    <input type="button" value="totalbandwidthresult" onclick="totalbandwidthresult();">

Using CSS td width absolute, position

You can also use:

.rhead {

but this will only with with some browsers, if I remember correctly IE8 does not allow this. Over all, It is safer to just put the width="" attribute in the <td> itself.

How to Copy Contents of One Canvas to Another Canvas Locally

@robert-hurst has a cleaner approach.

However, this solution may also be used, in places when you actually want to have a copy of Data Url after copying. For example, when you are building a website that uses lots of image/canvas operations.

    // select canvas elements
    var sourceCanvas = document.getElementById("some-unique-id");
    var destCanvas = document.getElementsByClassName("some-class-selector")[0];

    //copy canvas by DataUrl
    var sourceImageData = sourceCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    var destCanvasContext = destCanvas.getContext('2d');

    var destinationImage = new Image;
    destinationImage.onload = function(){
    destinationImage.src = sourceImageData;

Express.js Response Timeout

You don't need other npm modules to do this

var server = app.listen();

inspired by


app.use(function(req, res, next){
    res.setTimeout(500000, function(){
        // call back function is called when request timed out.

SVN checkout the contents of a folder, not the folder itself

Just add a . to it:

svn checkout file:///home/landonwinters/svn/waterproject/trunk .

That means: check out to current directory.

git returns http error 407 from proxy after CONNECT

This config works in my setup:

    proxy = <your proxy>
[https] proxy = <your proxy>
    sslVerify = false
    sslVerify = false   
    helper = wincred with target "_blank" in Chrome

It's a setting in chrome. You can't control how the browser interprets the target _blank.

How to remove provisioning profiles from Xcode

open your terminal then use this command

cd /Users/youruser/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/

check first inside your folder by use this command


then if all files not use, delete by use this command

rm *

Bootstrap 3 - Set Container Width to 940px Maximum for Desktops?

If you don't wish to compile bootstrap, copy the following and insert it in your custom css file. It's not recommended to change the original bootstrap css file. Also, you won't be able to modify the bootstrap original css if you are loading it from a cdn.

Paste this in your custom css file:

@media (min-width:992px)
@media (min-width:1200px)

I am here setting my container to 960px for anything that can accommodate it, and keeping the rest media sizes to default values. You can set it to 940px for this problem.

PL/pgSQL checking if a row exists

Simpler, shorter, faster: EXISTS.

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM people p WHERE p.person_id = my_person_id) THEN
  -- do something

The query planner can stop at the first row found - as opposed to count(), which will scan all matching rows regardless. Makes a difference with big tables. Hardly matters with a condition on a unique column - only one row qualifies anyway (and there is an index to look it up quickly).

Improved with input from @a_horse_with_no_name in the comments below.

You could even use an empty SELECT list:

IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM people p WHERE p.person_id = my_person_id) THEN ...

Since the SELECT list is not relevant to the outcome of EXISTS. Only the existence of at least one qualifying row matters.

Pyspark: display a spark data frame in a table format

Let's say we have the following Spark DataFrame:

df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
        (1, "Mark", "Brown"), 
        (2, "Tom", "Anderson"), 
        (3, "Joshua", "Peterson")
    ('id', 'firstName', 'lastName')

There are typically three different ways you can use to print the content of the dataframe:

Print Spark DataFrame

The most common way is to use show() function:

| id|firstName|lastName|
|  1|     Mark|   Brown|
|  2|      Tom|Anderson|
|  3|   Joshua|Peterson|

Print Spark DataFrame vertically

Say that you have a fairly large number of columns and your dataframe doesn't fit in the screen. You can print the rows vertically - For example, the following command will print the top two rows, vertically, without any truncation.

>>>, truncate=False, vertical=True)
-RECORD 0-------------
 id        | 1        
 firstName | Mark     
 lastName  | Brown    
-RECORD 1-------------
 id        | 2        
 firstName | Tom      
 lastName  | Anderson 
only showing top 2 rows

Convert to Pandas and print Pandas DataFrame

Alternatively, you can convert your Spark DataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame using .toPandas() and finally print() it.

>>> df_pd = df.toPandas()
>>> print(df_pd)
   id firstName  lastName
0   1      Mark     Brown
1   2       Tom  Anderson
2   3    Joshua  Peterson

Note that this is not recommended when you have to deal with fairly large dataframes, as Pandas needs to load all the data into memory. If this is the case, the following configuration will help when converting a large spark dataframe to a pandas one:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled", "true")

For more details you can refer to my blog post Speeding up the conversion between PySpark and Pandas DataFrames

Proper use of errors

Don't forget about switch statements:

  • Ensure handling with default.
  • instanceof can match on superclass.
  • ES6 constructor will match on the exact class.
  • Easier to read.

function handleError() {_x000D_
    try {_x000D_
        throw new RangeError();_x000D_
    catch (e) {_x000D_
        switch (e.constructor) {_x000D_
            case Error:      return console.log('generic');_x000D_
            case RangeError: return console.log('range');_x000D_
            default:         return console.log('unknown');_x000D_

Find the number of downloads for a particular app in apple appstore

Updated answer now that has been bought and shut down. and are the best options now. Thanks @rinogo for the original suggestion!

Outdated answer:

Site is still buggy, but this is by far the best that I've found. Not sure if it's accurate, but at least they give you numbers that you can guess off of! They have numbers for Android, iOS (iPhone and iPad) and even Windows!

How do I check if a given Python string is a substring of another one?

Try using in like this:

>>> x = 'hello'
>>> y = 'll'
>>> y in x

How to return a custom object from a Spring Data JPA GROUP BY query

This SQL query return List< Object[] > would.

You can do it this way:

 public class SurveyController {

   private SurveyRepository surveyRepository;

     @RequestMapping(value = "/find", method =  RequestMethod.GET)
     public Map<Long,String> findSurvey(){
       List<Object[]> result = surveyRepository.findSurveyCount();
       Map<Long,String> map = null;
       if(result != null && !result.isEmpty()){
          map = new HashMap<Long,String>();
          for (Object[] object : result) {
     return map;

jQuery change method on input type="file"

is the ajax uploader refreshing your input element? if so you should consider using .live() method.

 $('#imageFile').live('change', function(){ uploadFile(); });


from jQuery 1.7+ you should use now .on()

 $(parent_element_selector_here or document ).on('change','#imageFile' , function(){ uploadFile(); });

DNS problem, nslookup works, ping doesn't

I think the problem can be because of the NAT. Normally the DNS clients make requests via UDP. But when the DNS server is behind the NAT the UDP requests will not work.

How to wrap text using CSS?

Try doing this. Works for IE8, FF3.6, Chrome

        <div style="word-wrap: break-word; width: 100px">gdfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg</div>

JSON.parse unexpected character error

Not true for the OP, but this error can be caused by using single quotation marks (') instead of double (") for strings.

The JSON spec requires double quotation marks for strings.


JSON.parse(`{"myparam": 'myString'}`)

gives the error, whereas

JSON.parse(`{"myparam": "myString"}`)

does not. Note the quotation marks around myString.


Apache gives me 403 Access Forbidden when DocumentRoot points to two different drives

For Apache 2.4.2: I was getting 403: Forbidden continuously when I was trying to access WAMP on my Windows 7 desktop from my iPhone on WiFi. On one blog, I found the solution - add Require all granted after Allow all in the <Directory> section. So this is how my <Directory> section looks like inside <VirtualHost>

<Directory "C:/wamp/www">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Require all granted

A JOIN With Additional Conditions Using Query Builder or Eloquent

If you have some params, you can do this.

    $results = DB::table('rooms')
    ->leftJoin('bookings', function($join) use ($param1, $param2)
        $join->on('', '=', 'bookings.room_type_id');

    ->where('bookings.room_type_id', '=', NULL)

and then return your query

return $results;

Token based authentication in Web API without any user interface

ASP.Net Web API has Authorization Server build-in already. You can see it inside Startup.cs when you create a new ASP.Net Web Application with Web API template.

OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
    TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
    Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId),
    AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/Account/ExternalLogin"),
    AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
    // In production mode set AllowInsecureHttp = false
    AllowInsecureHttp = true

All you have to do is to post URL encoded username and password inside query string.


If you want to know more detail, you can watch User Registration and Login - Angular Front to Back with Web API by Deborah Kurata.

Using the RUN instruction in a Dockerfile with 'source' does not work

Simplest way is to use the dot operator in place of source, which is the sh equivalent of the bash source command:

Instead of:

RUN source /usr/local/bin/


RUN . /usr/local/bin/

Bootstrap visible and hidden classes not working properly

Your .mobile div has the following styles on it:

.mobile {
    display: none !important;
    visibility: hidden !important;

Therefore you need to override the visibility property with visible in addition to overriding the display property with block. Like so:

.visible-sm {
    display: block !important;
    visibility: visible !important;

How to set min-font-size in CSS

.class {
    font-size: clamp(minimum-size, prefered-size, maximum-size)

using this you could set it up so prefered and max values are 5vw but the minimum is 15px or something so it won't go over 5vw but if 5vw < 15px it will stick to 15px

What are allowed characters in cookies?

I think it's generally browser specific. To be on the safe side, base64 encode a JSON object, and store everything in that. That way you just have to decode it and parse the JSON. All the characters used in base64 should play fine with most, if not all browsers.

Uppercase first letter of variable

Use the .replace[MDN] function to replace the lowercase letters that begin a word with the capital letter.

var str = "hello world";_x000D_
str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) {_x000D_
    return letter.toUpperCase();_x000D_
alert(str); //Displays "Hello World"

Edit: If you are dealing with word characters other than just a-z, then the following (more complicated) regular expression might better suit your purposes.

var str = "???? ????????? björn über ñaque a?fa";_x000D_
str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/^[\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]|\s[\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]/g, function(letter) {_x000D_
    return letter.toUpperCase();_x000D_
alert(str); //Displays "???? ????????? Björn Über Ñaque ??fa"

How best to include other scripts?

we just need to find out the folder where our and is stored; just change your with this:


SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
SCRIPT_DIR="$(echo $0| sed "s/$SCRIPT_NAME//g")"
source $SCRIPT_DIR/

echo "The main script"

Network usage top/htop on Linux

NetHogs is probably what you're looking for:

a small 'net top' tool. Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it groups bandwidth by process.

NetHogs does not rely on a special kernel module to be loaded. If there's suddenly a lot of network traffic, you can fire up NetHogs and immediately see which PID is causing this. This makes it easy to identify programs that have gone wild and are suddenly taking up your bandwidth.

Since NetHogs heavily relies on /proc, most features are only available on Linux. NetHogs can be built on Mac OS X and FreeBSD, but it will only show connections, not processes...

Checking for a null object in C++

A reference can not be NULL. The interface makes you pass a real object into the function.

So there is no need to test for NULL. This is one of the reasons that references were introduced into C++.

Note you can still write a function that takes a pointer. In this situation you still need to test for NULL. If the value is NULL then you return early just like in C. Note: You should not be using exceptions when a pointer is NULL. If a parameter should never be NULL then you create an interface that uses a reference.

How do I list all tables in a schema in Oracle SQL?

You can query USER_TABLES

select TABLE_NAME from user_tables

How to remove rows with any zero value

I would probably go with Joran's suggestion of replacing 0's with NAs and then using the built in functions you mentioned. If you can't/don't want to do that, one approach is to use any() to find rows that contain 0's and subset those out:

#Fake data
x <- data.frame(a = sample(0:2, 5, TRUE), b = sample(0:2, 5, TRUE))
> x
  a b
1 2 1
2 2 2
3 0 0
4 2 1
5 1 2
#Subset out any rows with a 0 in them
#Note the negation with ! around the apply function
x[!(apply(x, 1, function(y) any(y == 0))),]
  a b
1 2 1
2 2 2
4 2 1
5 1 2

To implement Joran's method, something like this should get you started:

x[x==0] <- NA

Quick way to retrieve user information Active Directory

Well, if you know where your user lives in the AD hierarchy (e.g. quite possibly in the "Users" container, if it's a small network), you could also bind to the user account directly, instead of searching for it.

DirectoryEntry deUser = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://cn=John Doe,cn=Users,dc=yourdomain,dc=com");

if (deUser != null)
  ... do something with your user

And if you're on .NET 3.5 already, you could even use the vastly expanded System.DirectorySrevices.AccountManagement namespace with strongly typed classes for each of the most common AD objects:

// bind to your domain
PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "LDAP://dc=yourdomain,dc=com");

// find the user by identity (or many other ways)
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, "cn=John Doe");

There's loads of information out there on System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement - check out this excellent article on MSDN by Joe Kaplan and Ethan Wilansky on the topic.

Bootstrap throws Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery

In my case solution is really silly, and strange.

Below code was pre-populated by _Layout.cshtml file. (NOT written by me)

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

But, when I verified in Scripts folder, jquery-1.10.2.min.js was not even available. Hence, replaced code like below where jquery-1.9.1.min.js is an existing file:

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Angular 2 TypeScript how to find element in Array

Transform the data structure to a map if you frequently use this search

mapPersons: Map<number, Person>;

// prepare the map - call once or when person array change
populateMap() : void {
    this.mapPersons = new Map();
    for (let o of this.personService.getPersons()) this.mapPersons.set(, o);
getPerson(id: number) : Person {
    return this.mapPersons.get(id);

Python - Move and overwrite files and folders

You can use this to copy directory overwriting existing files:

import shutil
shutil.copytree("src", "dst", dirs_exist_ok=True)

dirs_exist_ok argument was added in Python 3.8.

See docs:

function declaration isn't a prototype

Quick answer: change int testlib() to int testlib(void) to specify that the function takes no arguments.

A prototype is by definition a function declaration that specifies the type(s) of the function's argument(s).

A non-prototype function declaration like

int foo();

is an old-style declaration that does not specify the number or types of arguments. (Prior to the 1989 ANSI C standard, this was the only kind of function declaration available in the language.) You can call such a function with any arbitrary number of arguments, and the compiler isn't required to complain -- but if the call is inconsistent with the definition, your program has undefined behavior.

For a function that takes one or more arguments, you can specify the type of each argument in the declaration:

int bar(int x, double y);

Functions with no arguments are a special case. Logically, empty parentheses would have been a good way to specify that an argument but that syntax was already in use for old-style function declarations, so the ANSI C committee invented a new syntax using the void keyword:

int foo(void); /* foo takes no arguments */

A function definition (which includes code for what the function actually does) also provides a declaration. In your case, you have something similar to:

int testlib()
    /* code that implements testlib */

This provides a non-prototype declaration for testlib. As a definition, this tells the compiler that testlib has no parameters, but as a declaration, it only tells the compiler that testlib takes some unspecified but fixed number and type(s) of arguments.

If you change () to (void) the declaration becomes a prototype.

The advantage of a prototype is that if you accidentally call testlib with one or more arguments, the compiler will diagnose the error.

(C++ has slightly different rules. C++ doesn't have old-style function declarations, and empty parentheses specifically mean that a function takes no arguments. C++ supports the (void) syntax for consistency with C. But unless you specifically need your code to compile both as C and as C++, you should probably use the () in C++ and the (void) syntax in C.)

How do you beta test an iphone app?

Creating ad-hoc distribution profiles

The instructions that Apple provides are here, but here is how I created a general provisioning profile that will work with multiple apps, and added a beta tester.

My setup:

  • Xcode 3.2.1
  • iPhone SDK 3.1.3

Before you get started, make sure that..

  • You can run the app on your own iPhone through Xcode.

Step A: Add devices to the Provisioning Portal

  1. Send an email to each beta tester with the following message:

    To get my app on onto your iPhone I need some information about your phone. Guess what, there is an app for that!

    Click on the below link and install and then run the app.

    This app will create an email. Please send it to me.

  2. Collect all the UDIDs from your testers.

  3. Go to the Provisioning Portal.

  4. Go to the section Devices.

  5. Click on the button Add Devices and add the devices previously collected.

Step B: Create a new provisioning profile

  1. Start the Mac OS utility program Keychain Access.

  2. In its main menu, select Keychain Access / Certificate Assistant / Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority...

  3. The dialog that pops up should aready have your email and name it it.

  4. Select the radio button Saved to disk and Continue.

  5. Save the file to disk.

  6. Go back to the Provisioning Portal.

  7. Go to the section Certificates.

  8. Go to the tab Distribution.

  9. Click the button Request Certificate.

  10. Upload the file you created with Keychain Access: CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest.

  11. Click the button Aprove.

  12. Refresh your browser until the status reads Issued.

  13. Click the Download button and save the file distribution_identify.cer.

  14. Doubleclick the file to add it to the Keychain.

  15. Backup the certificate by selecting its private key and the File / Export Items....

  16. Go back to the Provisioning Portal again.

  17. Go to the section Provisioning.

  18. Go to the tab Distribution.

  19. Click the button New Profile.

  20. Select the radio button Ad hoc.

  21. Enter a profile name, I named mine Evertsson Common Ad Hoc.

  22. Select the app id. I have a common app id to use for multiple apps: Evertsson Common.

  23. Select the devices, in my case my own and my tester's.

  24. Submit.

  25. Refresh the browser until the status field reads Active.

  26. Click the button Download and save the file to disk.

  27. Doubleclick the file to add it to Xcode.

Step C: Build the app for distribution

  1. Open your project in Xcode.

  2. Open the Project Info pane: In Groups & Files select the topmost item and press Cmd+I.

  3. Go to the tab Configuration.

  4. Select the configuration Release.

  5. Click the button Duplicate and name it Distribution.

  6. Close the Project Info pane.

  7. Open the Target Info pane: In Groups & Files expand Targets, select your target and press Cmd+I.

  8. Go to the tab Build.

  9. Select the Configuration named Distribution.

  10. Find the section Code Signing.

  11. Set the value of Code Signing Identity / Any iPhone OS Device to iPhone Distribution.

  12. Close the Target Info pane.

  13. In the main window select the Active Configuration to Distribution.

  14. Create a new file from the file template Code Signing / Entitlements.

  15. Name it Entitlements.plist.

  16. In this file, uncheck the checkbox get-task-allow.

  17. Bring up the Target Info pane, and find the section Code Signing again.

  18. After Code Signing Entitlements enter the file name Entitlements.plist.

  19. Save, clean, and build the project.

  20. In Groups & Files find the folder MyApp / Products and expand it.

  21. Right click the app and select Reveal in Finder.

  22. Zip the .app file and the .mobileprovision file and send the archive to your tester.

    Here is my app. To install it onto your phone:

    1. Unzip the archive file.

    2. Open iTunes.

    3. Drag both files into iTunes and drop them on the Library group.

    4. Sync your phone to install the app.

Done! Phew. This worked for me. So far I've only added one tester.

How can I set the max-width of a table cell using percentages?

I know this is literally a year later, but I figured I'd share. I was trying to do the same thing and came across this solution that worked for me. We set a max width for the entire table, then worked with the cell sizes for the desired effect.

Put the table in its own div, then set the width, min-width, and/or max-width of the div as desired for the entire table. Then, you can work and set width and min-widths for other cells, and max width for the div effectively working around and backwards to achieve the max width we wanted.

#tablediv {

.tdleft {
<div id="tablediv">
  <table width="100%" border="1">
      <td class="tdleft">Test</td>
      <td>A long string blah blah blah</td>

Admittedly, this does not give you a "max" width of a cell per se, but it does allow some control that might work in-lieu of such an option. Not sure if it will work for your needs. I know it worked for our situation where we want the navigation side in the page to scale up and down to a point but for all the wide screens these days.

'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error

The error TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable means that you tried to call a numpy array as a function. We can reproduce the error like so in the repl:

In [16]: import numpy as np

In [17]: np.array([1,2,3])()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-17-1abf8f3c8162> in <module>()
----> 1 np.array([1,2,3])()

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

If we are to assume that the error is indeed coming from the snippet of code that you posted (something that you should check,) then you must have reassigned either pd.rolling_mean or pd.rolling_std to a numpy array earlier in your code.

What I mean is something like this:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Works
Out[3]: array([ nan,  nan,  nan])

In [4]: pd.rolling_mean = np.array([1,2,3])

In [5]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-5-f528129299b9> in <module>()
----> 1 pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

So, basically you need to search the rest of your codebase for pd.rolling_mean = ... and/or pd.rolling_std = ... to see where you may have overwritten them.

Also, if you'd like, you can put in reload(pd) just before your snippet, which should make it run by restoring the value of pd to what you originally imported it as, but I still highly recommend that you try to find where you may have reassigned the given functions.

Convert a Python list with strings all to lowercase or uppercase

Besides being easier to read (for many people), list comprehensions win the speed race, too:

$ python2.6 -m timeit '[x.lower() for x in ["A","B","C"]]'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.03 usec per loop
$ python2.6 -m timeit '[x.upper() for x in ["a","b","c"]]'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.04 usec per loop

$ python2.6 -m timeit 'map(str.lower,["A","B","C"])'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.44 usec per loop
$ python2.6 -m timeit 'map(str.upper,["a","b","c"])'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.44 usec per loop

$ python2.6 -m timeit 'map(lambda x:x.lower(),["A","B","C"])'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.87 usec per loop
$ python2.6 -m timeit 'map(lambda x:x.upper(),["a","b","c"])'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.87 usec per loop

Messagebox with input field

You can do it by making form and displaying it using ShowDialogBox....

Form.ShowDialog Method - Shows the form as a modal dialog box.


public void ShowMyDialogBox()
   Form2 testDialog = new Form2();

   // Show testDialog as a modal dialog and determine if DialogResult = OK.
   if (testDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
      // Read the contents of testDialog's TextBox.
      this.txtResult.Text = testDialog.TextBox1.Text;
      this.txtResult.Text = "Cancelled";

How do you clone an Array of Objects in Javascript?

For cloning the objects as well I was just going to suggest ECMAScript 6 reduce():

const newArray=myArray.reduce((array, element)=>array.push(Object.assign({}, element)), []);

But frankly I like the answer of @dinodsaurus even better. I'm just putting this version here as another option, but personally I'll be using map() as suggested by @dinodsaurus .

How to get the <html> tag HTML with JavaScript / jQuery?

This is how to get the html DOM element purely with JS:

var htmlElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];


var htmlElement = document.querySelector("html");

And if you want to use jQuery to get attributes from it...


ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

The error is also caused by quirky handling of quotes and single qutoes. To include single quotes inside the query, use doubled single quotes.

This won't work

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml("Select ....") XML from dual;

or this either

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('Select .. where something='red'..') XML from dual;

but this DOES work

select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('Select .. where something=''red''..') XML from dual;

tell pip to install the dependencies of packages listed in a requirement file

Given your comment to the question (where you say that executing the install for a single package works as expected), I would suggest looping over your requirement file. In bash:

while read p; do
  pip install $p
done < requirements.pip


How to set Angular 4 background image?

If you plan using background images a lot throughout your project you may find it useful to create a really simple custom pipe that will create the url for you.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'asUrl'
export class BackgroundUrlPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: string): string {
    return `url(./images/${value})`


Then you can add background images without all the string concatenation.

<div [ngStyle]="{ background: trls.img | asUrl }"></div>

How to find which version of TensorFlow is installed in my system?

Almost every normal package in python assigns the variable .__version__ to the current version. So if you want to find the version of some package you can do the following

import a

For tensorflow it will be

import tensorflow as tf

For old versions of tensorflow (below 0.10), use tf.__version__

User Get-ADUser to list all properties and export to .csv

@AnsgarWiechers - it's not my experience that querying everything and then pruning the result is more efficient when you're doing a targeted search of known accounts. Although, yes, it is also more efficient to select just the properties you need to return.

The below examples are based on a domain in the range of 20,000 account objects.

measure-command {Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties DisplayName,st }
Seconds           : 16
Milliseconds      : 208

measure-command {$userlist | get-aduser -Properties DisplayName,st}
Seconds           : 3
Milliseconds      : 496

In the second example, $userlist contains 368 account names (just strings, not pre-fetched account objects).

Note that if I include the where clause per your suggestion to prune to the actually desired results, it's even more expensive.

measure-command {Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties DisplayName,st |where {$userlist -Contains $_.samaccountname } }
Seconds           : 17
Milliseconds      : 876

Indexed attributes seem to have similar performance (I tried just returning displayName).

Even if I return all user account properties in my set, it's more efficient. (Adding a select statement to the below brings it down by a half-second).

measure-command {$userlist | get-aduser -Properties *}
Seconds           : 12
Milliseconds      : 75

I can't find a good document that was written in ye olde days about AD queries to link to, but you're hitting every account in your search scope to return the properties. This discusses the basics of doing effective AD queries - scoping and filtering:

When your search scope is "*", you're still building a (big) list of the objects and iterating through each one. An LDAP search filter is always more efficient to build the list first (or a narrow search base, which is again building a smaller list to query).

Sort objects in an array alphabetically on one property of the array

You have to pass a function that accepts two parameters, compares them, and returns a number, so assuming you wanted to sort them by ID you would write...

objArray.sort(function(a,b) {
// objArray is now sorted by Id

How can I catch an error caused by mail()?

This is about the best you can do:

if (!mail(...)) {
   // Reschedule for later try or panic appropriately!

mail() returns TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted for delivery, FALSE otherwise.

It is important to note that just because the mail was accepted for delivery, it does NOT mean the mail will actually reach the intended destination.

If you need to suppress warnings, you can use:

if (!@mail(...))

Be careful though about using the @ operator without appropriate checks as to whether something succeed or not.

If mail() errors are not suppressible (weird, but can't test it right now), you could:

a) turn off errors temporarily:

$errLevel = error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);  // suppress NOTICEs
error_reporting($errLevel);  // restore old error levels

b) use a different mailer, as suggested by fire and Mike.

If mail() turns out to be too flaky and inflexible, I'd look into b). Turning off errors is making debugging harder and is generally ungood.

Shell script not running, command not found

#! /bin/bash

remove the indicated space. The shebang should be


CSS :: child set to change color on parent hover, but changes also when hovered itself

If you don't care about supporting old browsers, you can use :not() to exclude that element:

.parent:hover span:not(:hover) {
    border: 10px solid red;


If you do want to support them, the I guess you'll have to either use JavaScript or override the CSS properties again:

.parent span:hover {
    border: 10px solid green;

C++ queue - simple example

std::queue<myclass*> that's it

Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

I've spent hours to figure out that in the text I was trying to display contained a single quote (in string.xml) so I just escaped it with a backslash and it worked nicely => the height of the TextView was correctly wrapping text:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:textStyle="bold" />


React component not re-rendering on state change

After looking into many answers (most of them are correct for their scenarios) and none of them fix my problem I realized that my case is a bit different:

In my weird scenario my component was being rendered inside the state and therefore couldn't be updated. Below is a simple example:

constructor() {
    this.myMethod = this.myMethod.bind(this);
    this.changeTitle = this.changeTitle.bind(this);


changeTitle() {
    this.setState({title: 'I will never get updated!!'});

myMethod() {
    this.setState({body: <div>{this.state.title}</div>});

render() {
    return <>
        <Button onclick={() => this.changeTitle()}>Change Title!</Button>

After refactoring the code to not render the body from state it worked fine :)

Using sed, Insert a line above or below the pattern?

More portable to use ed; some systems don't support \n in sed

printf "/^lorem ipsum dolor sit amet/a\nconsectetur adipiscing elit\n.\nw\nq\n" |\
    /bin/ed $filename

How to vertically center <div> inside the parent element with CSS?

If you know the height, you can use absolute positioning with a negative margin-top like so:

#Login {
    margin-left:-200px; /* width / -2 */
    margin-top:-200px; /* height / -2 */

Otherwise, there's no real way to vertically center a div with just CSS

How to convert base64 string to image?

This should do the trick:

image = open("image.png", "wb")

Remove Backslashes from Json Data in JavaScript

Your string is invalid, but assuming it was valid, you'd have to do:

var finalData = str.replace(/\\/g, "");

When you want to replace all the occurences with .replace, the first parameter must be a regex, if you supply a string, only the first occurrence will be replaced, that's why your replace wouldn't work.


How to loop backwards in python?

for x in reversed(whatever):

This works on basically everything that has a defined order, including xrange objects and lists.

How to view files in binary from bash?

sudo apt-get install bless

Bless is GUI tool which can view, edit, seach and a lot more. Its very light weight.

"An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions" while using SMTP

Ok, so very important to realize the implications here.

Docs say that SSL over 465 is NOT supported in SmtpClient.

Seems like you have no choice but to use STARTTLS which may not be supported by your mail host. You may have to use a different library if your host requires use of SSL over 465.

Quoted from

The SmtpClient class only supports the SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security as defined in RFC 3207. In this mode, the SMTP session begins on an unencrypted channel, then a STARTTLS command is issued by the client to the server to switch to secure communication using SSL. See RFC 3207 published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for more information.

An alternate connection method is where an SSL session is established up front before any protocol commands are sent. This connection method is sometimes called SMTP/SSL, SMTP over SSL, or SMTPS and by default uses port 465. This alternate connection method using SSL is not currently supported.

Is Google Play Store supported in avd emulators?

It's not officially supported yet.

Edit: It's now supported in modern versions of Android Studio, at least on some platforms.

Old workarounds

If you're using an old version of Android Studio which doesn't support the Google Play Store, and you refuse to upgrade, here are two possible workarounds:

  1. Ask your favorite app's maintainers to upload a copy of their app into the Amazon Appstore. Next, install the Appstore onto your Android device. Finally, use the Appstore to install your favorite app.

  2. Or: Do a Web search to find a .apk file for the software you want. For example, if you want to install SleepBot in your Android emulator, you can do a Google Web search for [ SleepBot apk ]. Then use adb install to install the .apk file.

Spring Data and Native Query with pagination

You can achieve it by using following code,

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users u WHERE  ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> getUsers(String name, Pageable pageable);

Simply use ORDER BY ?#{#pageable} and pass page request to your method.


This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: IncomingHandler

If IncomingHandler class is not static, it will have a reference to your Service object.

Handler objects for the same thread all share a common Looper object, which they post messages to and read from.

As messages contain target Handler, as long as there are messages with target handler in the message queue, the handler cannot be garbage collected. If handler is not static, your Service or Activity cannot be garbage collected, even after being destroyed.

This may lead to memory leaks, for some time at least - as long as the messages stay int the queue. This is not much of an issue unless you post long delayed messages.

You can make IncomingHandler static and have a WeakReference to your service:

static class IncomingHandler extends Handler {
    private final WeakReference<UDPListenerService> mService; 

    IncomingHandler(UDPListenerService service) {
        mService = new WeakReference<UDPListenerService>(service);
    public void handleMessage(Message msg)
         UDPListenerService service = mService.get();
         if (service != null) {

See this post by Romain Guy for further reference

fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

just do an initial commit and the error will go away:

git commit -m "initial commit"

How to kill MySQL connections

| Id  | User | Host            | db   | Command | Time | State | Info      |
| 143 | root | localhost:61179 | cds  | Query   |    0 | init  | SHOW PROCESSLIST |
| 192 | root | localhost:53793 | cds  | Sleep   |    4 |       | NULL      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> KILL 192;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

USER 192 :

mysql> SELECT * FROM exept;
| id |
|  1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM exept;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

ES6 class variable alternatives

Since your issue is mostly stylistic (not wanting to fill up the constructor with a bunch of declarations) it can be solved stylistically as well.

The way I view it, many class based languages have the constructor be a function named after the class name itself. Stylistically we could use that that to make an ES6 class that stylistically still makes sense but does not group the typical actions taking place in the constructor with all the property declarations we're doing. We simply use the actual JS constructor as the "declaration area", then make a class named function that we otherwise treat as the "other constructor stuff" area, calling it at the end of the true constructor.

"use strict";

class MyClass
    // only declare your properties and then call this.ClassName(); from here
        this.prop1 = 'blah 1';
        this.prop2 = 'blah 2';
        this.prop3 = 'blah 3';

    // all sorts of other "constructor" stuff, no longer jumbled with declarations
    MyClass() {

Both will be called as the new instance is constructed.

Sorta like having 2 constructors where you separate out the declarations and the other constructor actions you want to take, and stylistically makes it not too hard to understand that's what is going on too.

I find it's a nice style to use when dealing with a lot of declarations and/or a lot of actions needing to happen on instantiation and wanting to keep the two ideas distinct from each other.

NOTE: I very purposefully do not use the typical idiomatic ideas of "initializing" (like an init() or initialize() method) because those are often used differently. There is a sort of presumed difference between the idea of constructing and initializing. Working with constructors people know that they're called automatically as part of instantiation. Seeing an init method many people are going to assume without a second glance that they need to be doing something along the form of var mc = MyClass(); mc.init();, because that's how you typically initialize. I'm not trying to add an initialization process for the user of the class, I'm trying to add to the construction process of the class itself.

While some people may do a double-take for a moment, that's actually the bit of the point: it communicates to them that the intent is part of construction, even if that makes them do a bit of a double take and go "that's not how ES6 constructors work" and take a second looking at the actual constructor to go "oh, they call it at the bottom, I see", that's far better than NOT communicating that intent (or incorrectly communicating it) and probably getting a lot of people using it wrong, trying to initialize it from the outside and junk. That's very much intentional to the pattern I suggest.

For those that don't want to follow that pattern, the exact opposite can work too. Farm the declarations out to another function at the beginning. Maybe name it "properties" or "publicProperties" or something. Then put the rest of the stuff in the normal constructor.

"use strict";

class MyClass
    properties() {
        this.prop1 = 'blah 1';
        this.prop2 = 'blah 2';
        this.prop3 = 'blah 3';

    constructor() {;

Note that this second method may look cleaner but it also has an inherent problem where properties gets overridden as one class using this method extends another. You'd have to give more unique names to properties to avoid that. My first method does not have this problem because its fake half of the constructor is uniquely named after the class.

What HTTP traffic monitor would you recommend for Windows?

I like TcpCatcher because it is very simple to use and has a modern interface. It is provided as a jar file, you just download it and run it (no installation process). Also, it comes with a very useful "on the fly" packets modification features (debug mode).

Downcasting in Java

Downcasting transformation of objects is not possible. Only

DownCasting1 _downCasting1 = (DownCasting1)((DownCasting2)downCasting1);

is posible

class DownCasting0 {
    public int qwe() {
        return -0;

class DownCasting1 extends DownCasting0 {
    public int qwe1() {
        return -1;

class DownCasting2 extends DownCasting1 {
    public int qwe2() {
        return -2;

public class DownCasting {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
            DownCasting0 downCasting0 = new DownCasting0();
            DownCasting1 downCasting1 = new DownCasting1();
            DownCasting2 downCasting2 = new DownCasting2();

            DownCasting0 a1 = (DownCasting0) downCasting2;
            a1.qwe(); //good

            System.out.println(downCasting0 instanceof  DownCasting2);  //false
            System.out.println(downCasting1 instanceof  DownCasting2);  //false
            System.out.println(downCasting0 instanceof  DownCasting1);  //false

            DownCasting2 _downCasting1= (DownCasting2)downCasting1;     //good
            DownCasting1 __downCasting1 = (DownCasting1)_downCasting1;  //good
            DownCasting2 a3 = (DownCasting2) downCasting0; // java.lang.ClassCastException

            if(downCasting0 instanceof  DownCasting2){ //false
                DownCasting2 a2 = (DownCasting2) downCasting0;
                a2.qwe(); //error

            byte b1 = 127;
            short b2 =32_767;
            int b3 = 2_147_483_647;
//          long _b4 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807; //int large number max 2_147_483_647
            long b4 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807L;
//          float _b5 = 3.4e+038; //double default
            float b5 = 3.4e+038F; //Sufficient for storing 6 to 7 decimal digits
            double b6 = 1.7e+038;
            double b7 = 1.7e+038D; //Sufficient for storing 15 decimal digits

            long c1 = b3;
            int c2 = (int)b4;

            //int       4 bytes     Stores whole numbers from -2_147_483_648 to 2_147_483_647
            //float     4 bytes     Stores fractional numbers from 3.4e-038 to 3.4e+038. Sufficient for storing 6 to 7 decimal digits
            float c3 = b3; //logic error
            double c4 = b4; //logic error

        } catch (Throwable e) {
