Programs & Examples On #Listbox control

Just what is an IntPtr exactly?

It's a value type large enough to store a memory address as used in native or unsafe code, but not directly usable as a memory address in safe managed code.

You can use IntPtr.Size to find out whether you're running in a 32-bit or 64-bit process, as it will be 4 or 8 bytes respectively.

Clear image on picturebox

Setting the Image property to null will work just fine. It will clear whatever image is currently displayed in the picture box. Make sure that you've written the code exactly like this:

picBox.Image = null;

How can I send an xml body using requests library?

Just send xml bytes directly:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests

xml = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} # set what your server accepts
print'', data=xml, headers=headers).text


  "origin": "x.x.x.x",
  "files": {},
  "form": {},
  "url": "",
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Content-Length": "48",
    "Accept-Encoding": "identity, deflate, compress, gzip",
    "Connection": "keep-alive",
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "User-Agent": "python-requests/0.13.9 CPython/2.7.3 Linux/3.2.0-30-generic",
    "Host": "",
    "Content-Type": "application/xml"
  "json": null,
  "data": "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n<a>\u0431</a>"

CryptographicException 'Keyset does not exist', but only through WCF

I have exactly similar problem too. I have used the command

findprivatekey root localmachine -n "CN="CertName" 

the result shows that the private key is in c:\ProgramData folder instead of C:\Documents and settngs\All users..

When I delete the key from c:\ProgramData folder, again run the findPrivatekey command does not succeed. ie. it does not find the key.

But if i search the same key returned by earlier command, i can still find the key in

C:\Documents and settngs\All users..

So to my understanding, IIS or the hosted WCF is not finding the private key from C:\Documents and settngs\All users..

Select from where field not equal to Mysql Php

Or can also insert the statement inside bracket.

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE NOT (columnA = 'x')

How do you use script variables in psql?

You can try to use a WITH clause.

WITH vars AS (SELECT 42 AS answer, 3.14 AS appr_pi)
SELECT t.*, vars.answer, t.radius*vars.appr_pi
FROM table AS t, vars;

How To Use DateTimePicker In WPF?

Please Note: The following answer only applied to WPF under the 3.5 Framework as NET 4.0 runtime has it's own datetime control.

By default WPF 3.5 does not come with a date time picker like winforms.

However a date picker has been added in the WPF tool kit produced by Microsoft which can be downloaded here. I guess it will become part of the framework in a future release.

It is simple to add a reference to the WPFToolkit.dll, see it in the tool box and distribute with your application by following the instructions on the website.

Before this was available other people had created 3rd party pickers (which you may prefer) or alternatively used the less ideal solution of using the winforms control in a WPF application.

Update: This so question is very similar this one which also has a link to a walk through for the datepicker along with other links.

How to use "raise" keyword in Python

It's used for raising errors.

if something:
    raise Exception('My error!')

Some examples here

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

This occurs if the password for the database is not given.

default="postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/DBname"

How to parse data in JSON format?

Sometimes your json is not a string. For example if you are getting a json from a url like this:

j = urllib2.urlopen('')

you will need to use json.load, not json.loads:

j_obj = json.load(j)

(it is easy to forget: the 's' is for 'string')

".addEventListener is not a function" why does this error occur?

var comment = document.getElementsByClassName("button");_x000D_
function showComment() {_x000D_
  var place = document.getElementById('textfield');_x000D_
  var commentBox = document.createElement('textarea');_x000D_
for (var i in comment) {_x000D_
  comment[i].onclick = function() {_x000D_
<input type="button" class="button" value="1">_x000D_
<input type="button" class="button" value="2">_x000D_
<div id="textfield"></div>

`export const` vs. `export default` in ES6

export default affects the syntax when importing the exported "thing", when allowing to import, whatever has been exported, by choosing the name in the import itself, no matter what was the name when it was exported, simply because it's marked as the "default".

A useful use case, which I like (and use), is allowing to export an anonymous function without explicitly having to name it, and only when that function is imported, it must be given a name:


Export 2 functions, one is default:

export function divide( x ){
    return x / 2;

// only one 'default' function may be exported and the rest (above) must be named
export default function( x ){  // <---- declared as a default function
    return x * x;

Import the above functions. Making up a name for the default one:

// The default function should be the first to import (and named whatever)
import square, {divide} from './module_1.js'; // I named the default "square" 

console.log( square(2), divide(2) ); // 4, 1

When the {} syntax is used to import a function (or variable) it means that whatever is imported was already named when exported, so one must import it by the exact same name, or else the import wouldn't work.

Erroneous Examples:

  1. The default function must be first to import

    import {divide}, square from './module_1.js
  2. divide_1 was not exported in module_1.js, thus nothing will be imported

    import {divide_1} from './module_1.js
  3. square was not exported in module_1.js, because {} tells the engine to explicitly search for named exports only.

    import {square} from './module_1.js

bootstrap 3 - how do I place the brand in the center of the navbar?

Just create this class and add it to your element to be centered.

.navbar-center {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

This appears to fit what you are looking for:

Basically, you will need to use regular expressions as there appears to be nothing built into oracle for this.

I pulled out the example from the thread and converted it for your purposes. I suck at regex's, though, so that might need tweaked :)

FROM myTable m
WHERE NOT regexp_like(m.status,'((Done^|Finished except^|In Progress^)')

Using a batch to copy from network drive to C: or D: drive

Just do the following change

echo off

echo Would you like to do a backup?


copy "\\My_Servers_IP\Shared Drive\FolderName\*" C:\TEST_BACKUP_FOLDER


Converting integer to string in Python

>>> i = 5
>>> print "Hello, world the number is " + i
TypeError: must be str, not int
>>> s = str(i)
>>> print "Hello, world the number is " + s
Hello, world the number is 5

How to change already compiled .class file without decompile?

As far as I've been able to find out, there is no simple way to do it. The easiest way is to not actually convert the class file into an executable, but to wrap an executable launcher around the class file. That is, create an executable file (perhaps an OS-based, executable scripting file) which simply invokes the Java class through the command line.

If you want to actually have a program that does it, you should look into some of the automated installers out there.

Here is a way I've found:

import java.util.jar.*;

class OnlyExt implements FilenameFilter{
String ext;
public OnlyExt(String ext){
this.ext="." + ext;

public boolean accept(File dir,String name){
return name.endsWith(ext);

public class ExeCreator {
public static int buffer = 10240;
protected void create(File exefile, File[] listFiles) {
try {
byte b[] = new byte[buffer];
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(exefile);
JarOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream(fout, new Manifest());
for (int i = 0; i < listFiles.length; i++) {
if (listFiles[i] == null || !listFiles[i].exists()|| listFiles[i].isDirectory())
System.out.println("Adding " + listFiles[i].getName());
JarEntry addFiles = new JarEntry(listFiles[i].getName());

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(listFiles[i]);
while (true) {
int len =, 0, b.length);
if (len <= 0)
out.write(b, 0, len);
System.out.println("Jar File is created successfully.");
} catch (Exception ex) {}

public static void main(String[]args){
ExeCreator exe=new ExeCreator();
FilenameFilter ff = new OnlyExt("class");
File folder = new File("./examples");
File[] files = folder.listFiles(ff);
File file=new File("examples.exe");
exe.create(file, files);



How do I include image files in Django templates?

I do understand, that your question was about files stored in MEDIA_ROOT, but sometimes it can be possible to store content in static, when you are not planning to create content of that type anymore.
May be this is a rare case, but anyway - if you have a huge amount of "pictures of the day" for your site - and all these files are on your hard drive?

In that case I see no contra to store such a content in STATIC.
And all becomes really simple:


To link to static files that are saved in STATIC_ROOT Django ships with a static template tag. You can use this regardless if you're using RequestContext or not.

{% load static %} <img src="{% static "images/hi.jpg" %}" alt="Hi!" />

copied from Official django 1.4 documentation / Built-in template tags and filters

Trying to get property of non-object - Laravel 5

It happen that after some time we need to run

 'php artisan passport:install --force 

again to generate a key this solved my problem ,

What's the difference between nohup and ampersand

nohup catches the hangup signal (see man 7 signal) while the ampersand doesn't (except the shell is confgured that way or doesn't send SIGHUP at all).

Normally, when running a command using & and exiting the shell afterwards, the shell will terminate the sub-command with the hangup signal (kill -SIGHUP <pid>). This can be prevented using nohup, as it catches the signal and ignores it so that it never reaches the actual application.

In case you're using bash, you can use the command shopt | grep hupon to find out whether your shell sends SIGHUP to its child processes or not. If it is off, processes won't be terminated, as it seems to be the case for you. More information on how bash terminates applications can be found here.

There are cases where nohup does not work, for example when the process you start reconnects the SIGHUP signal, as it is the case here.

Force add despite the .gitignore file

Another way of achieving it would be to temporary edit the gitignore file, add the file and then revert back the gitignore. A bit hacky i feel

How to download a file from a URL in C#?

Use System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile:

string remoteUri = "";
string fileName = "ms-banner.gif", myStringWebResource = null;

// Create a new WebClient instance.
using (WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient())
    myStringWebResource = remoteUri + fileName;
    // Download the Web resource and save it into the current filesystem folder.
    myWebClient.DownloadFile(myStringWebResource, fileName);        

How to format a date using ng-model?

I use the following directive that makes me and most users very happy! It uses moment for parsing and formatting. It looks a little bit like the one by SunnyShah, mentioned earlier.


.directive('appDatetime', function ($window) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
            var moment = $window.moment;


            element.on('change', function (e) {
                var element =;
                element.value = formatter(ngModel.$modelValue);

            function parser(value) {
                var m = moment(value);
                var valid = m.isValid();
                ngModel.$setValidity('datetime', valid);
                if (valid) return m.valueOf();
                else return value;

            function formatter(value) {
                var m = moment(value);
                var valid = m.isValid();
                if (valid) return m.format("LLLL");
                else return value;


        } //link

}); //appDatetime

In my form i use it like this:

<label>begin: <input type="text" ng-model="doc.begin" app-datetime required /></label>
<label>end: <input type="text" ng-model="doc.end" app-datetime required /></label>

This will bind a timestamp (milliseconds since 1970) to doc.begin and doc.end.

No content to map due to end-of-input jackson parser

A simple fix could be Content-Type: application/json

You are probably making a REST API call to get the response.

Mostly you are not setting Content-Type: application/json when you the request. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be chosen which might be causing this exception.

Getting rid of \n when using .readlines()

This should do what you want (file contents in a list, by line, without \n)

with open(filename) as f:
    mylist = 

Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

The simplest is to just give the 'trans' (formerly 'formatter' argument the name of the log function:

m + geom_boxplot() + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10')

EDIT: Or if you don't like that, then either of these appears to give different but useful results:

m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color), log="y")
m + geom_boxplot() 
m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color), log10="y")
m + geom_boxplot()

EDIT2 & 3: Further experiments (after discarding the one that attempted successfully to put "$" signs in front of logged values):

fmtExpLg10 <- function(x) paste(round_any(10^x/1000, 0.01) , "K $", sep="")
ggplot(diamonds, aes(color, log10(price))) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  scale_y_continuous("Price, log10-scaling", trans = fmtExpLg10)

alt text

Note added mid 2017 in comment about package syntax change:

scale_y_continuous(formatter = 'log10') is now scale_y_continuous(trans = 'log10') (ggplot2 v2.2.1)

Connection failed: SQLState: '01000' SQL Server Error: 10061

I had the same error which was coming and dont need to worry about this error, just restart the server and restart the SQL services. This issue comes when there is low disk space issue and system will go into hung state and then the sql services will stop automatically.

Convert Xml to DataTable

You can use this code(Recommended)

 MemoryStream objMS = new MemoryStream();
 DataTable oDT = new DataTable();//Your DataTable which you want to convert
 objMS.Position = 0;
 XPathDocument result = new XPathDocument(objMS);

This is another way but first ex. is recommended

StringWriter objSW = new StringWriter();
DataTable oDt = new DataTable();//Your DataTable which you want to convert
string result = objSW.ToString();

how to run a winform from console application?

The easiest option is to start a windows forms project, then change the output-type to Console Application. Alternatively, just add a reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll, and start coding:

using System.Windows.Forms;

static void Main() {
    Application.Run(new Form()); // or whatever

The important bit is the [STAThread] on your Main() method, required for full COM support.

How do I rewrite URLs in a proxy response in NGINX

You can use the following nginx configuration example:

upstream adminhost {
  server adminhostname:8080;

server {
  listen 80;

  location ~ ^/admin/(.*)$ {
    proxy_pass http://adminhost/$1$is_args$args;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;

Try-Catch-End Try in VBScript doesn't seem to work

Sometimes, especially when you work with VB, you can miss obvious solutions. Like I was doing last 2 days.

the code, which generates error needs to be moved to a separate function. And in the beginning of the function you write On Error Resume Next. This is how an error can be "swallowed", without swallowing any other errors. Dividing code into small separate functions also improves readability, refactoring & makes it easier to add some new functionality.

SQL ROWNUM how to return rows between a specific range

FROM    (
        SELECT  q.*, rownum rn
        FROM    (
                SELECT  *
                FROM    maps006
                ORDER BY
                ) q

Note the double nested view. ROWNUM is evaluated before ORDER BY, so it is required for correct numbering.

If you omit ORDER BY clause, you won't get consistent order.

best way to preserve numpy arrays on disk

There is now a HDF5 based clone of pickle called hickle!

import hickle as hkl 

data = { 'name' : 'test', 'data_arr' : [1, 2, 3, 4] }

# Dump data to file
hkl.dump( data, 'new_data_file.hkl' )

# Load data from file
data2 = hkl.load( 'new_data_file.hkl' )

print( data == data2 )


There also is the possibility to "pickle" directly into a compressed archive by doing:

import pickle, gzip, lzma, bz2

pickle.dump( data, 'data.pkl.gz',   'wb' ) )
pickle.dump( data, 'data.pkl.lzma', 'wb' ) )
pickle.dump( data, 'data.pkl.bz2',  'wb' ) )



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle, os, time
import gzip, lzma, bz2, h5py

compressions = [ 'pickle', 'h5py', 'gzip', 'lzma', 'bz2' ]
labels = [ 'pickle', 'h5py', 'pickle+gzip', 'pickle+lzma', 'pickle+bz2' ]
size = 1000

data = {}

# Random data
data['random'] = np.random.random((size, size))

# Not that random data
data['semi-random'] = np.zeros((size, size))
for i in range(size):
    for j in range(size):
        data['semi-random'][i,j] = np.sum(data['random'][i,:]) + np.sum(data['random'][:,j])

# Not random data
data['not-random'] = np.arange( size*size, dtype=np.float64 ).reshape( (size, size) )

sizes = {}

for key in data:

    sizes[key] = {}

    for compression in compressions:

        if compression == 'pickle':
            time_start = time.time()
            pickle.dump( data[key], open( 'data.pkl', 'wb' ) )
            time_tot = time.time() - time_start
            sizes[key]['pickle'] = ( os.path.getsize( 'data.pkl' ) * 10**(-6), time_tot )
            os.remove( 'data.pkl' )

        elif compression == 'h5py':
            time_start = time.time()
            with h5py.File( 'data.pkl.{}'.format(compression), 'w' ) as h5f:
                h5f.create_dataset('data', data=data[key])
            time_tot = time.time() - time_start
            sizes[key][compression] = ( os.path.getsize( 'data.pkl.{}'.format(compression) ) * 10**(-6), time_tot)
            os.remove( 'data.pkl.{}'.format(compression) )

            time_start = time.time()
            pickle.dump( data[key], eval(compression).open( 'data.pkl.{}'.format(compression), 'wb' ) )
            time_tot = time.time() - time_start
            sizes[key][ labels[ compressions.index(compression) ] ] = ( os.path.getsize( 'data.pkl.{}'.format(compression) ) * 10**(-6), time_tot )
            os.remove( 'data.pkl.{}'.format(compression) )

f, ax_size = plt.subplots()
ax_time = ax_size.twinx()

x_ticks = labels
x = np.arange( len(x_ticks) )

y_size = {}
y_time = {}
for key in data:
    y_size[key] = [ sizes[key][ x_ticks[i] ][0] for i in x ]
    y_time[key] = [ sizes[key][ x_ticks[i] ][1] for i in x ]

width = .2
viridis =

p1 = x-width, y_size['random']       , width, color = viridis(0)  )
p2 = x      , y_size['semi-random']  , width, color = viridis(.45))
p3 = x+width, y_size['not-random']   , width, color = viridis(.9) )

p4 = x-width, y_time['random']  , .02, color = 'red') x      , y_time['semi-random']  , .02, color = 'red') x+width, y_time['not-random']   , .02, color = 'red')

ax_size.legend( (p1, p2, p3, p4), ('random', 'semi-random', 'not-random', 'saving time'), loc='upper center',bbox_to_anchor=(.5, -.1), ncol=4 )
ax_size.set_xticks( x )
ax_size.set_xticklabels( x_ticks )

f.suptitle( 'Pickle Compression Comparison' )
ax_size.set_ylabel( 'Size [MB]' )
ax_time.set_ylabel( 'Time [s]' )

f.savefig( 'sizes.pdf', bbox_inches='tight' )

CSS position absolute full width problem

Make #site_nav_global_primary positioned as fixed and set width to 100 % and desired height.

Django - taking values from POST request

If you need to do something on the front end you can respond to the onsubmit event of your form. If you are just posting to admin/start you can access post variables in your view through the request object. request.POST which is a dictionary of post variables

PHP remove all characters before specific string

You can use strstr to do this.

echo strstr($str, 'www/audio');

How do I sort a vector of pairs based on the second element of the pair?

For something reusable:

template<template <typename> class P = std::less >
struct compare_pair_second {
    template<class T1, class T2> bool operator()(const std::pair<T1, T2>& left, const std::pair<T1, T2>& right) {
        return P<T2>()(left.second, right.second);

You can use it as

std::sort(foo.begin(), foo.end(), compare_pair_second<>());


std::sort(foo.begin(), foo.end(), compare_pair_second<std::less>());

Sort Pandas Dataframe by Date

@JAB's answer is fast and concise. But it changes the DataFrame you are trying to sort, which you may or may not want.

(Note: You almost certainly will want it, because your date columns should be dates, not strings!)

In the unlikely event that you don't want to change the dates into dates, you can also do it a different way.

First, get the index from your sorted Date column:

In [25]: pd.to_datetime(df.Date).order().index
Out[25]: Int64Index([0, 2, 1], dtype='int64')

Then use it to index your original DataFrame, leaving it untouched:

In [26]: df.ix[pd.to_datetime(df.Date).order().index]
        Date Symbol
0 2015-02-20      A
2 2015-08-21      A
1 2016-01-15      A


Note: for Pandas versions 0.20.0 and later, use loc instead of ix, which is now deprecated.


The below code worked for me perfectly here make http only instead https

npm config set registry  

How to use Git?

I think gitready is a great starting point. I'm using git for a project now and that site pretty much got the ball rolling for me.

Initializing entire 2D array with one value

Use vector array instead:

vector<vector<int>> array(ROW, vector<int>(COLUMN, 1));

How to dynamically set bootstrap-datepicker's date value?

This works perfectly for me. Simply put the following one.

$('.className').datepicker('setDate', 'now');

Deleting rows with MySQL LEFT JOIN

DELETE FROM deadline where ID IN (
    SELECT d.ID FROM `deadline` d LEFT JOIN `job` ON deadline.job_id = job.job_id WHERE `status` =  'szamlazva' OR `status` = 'szamlazhato' OR `status` = 'fizetve' OR `status` = 'szallitva' OR `status` = 'storno');

I am not sure if that kind of sub query works in MySQL, but try it. I am assuming you have an ID column in your deadline table.

Resolve Javascript Promise outside function scope

Yes, you can. By using the CustomEvent API for the browser environment. And using an event emitter project in node.js environments. Since the snippet in the question is for the browser environment, here is a working example for the same.

function myPromiseReturningFunction(){_x000D_
  return new Promise(resolve => {_x000D_
    window.addEventListener("myCustomEvent", (event) => {_x000D_
    }) _x000D_
myPromiseReturningFunction().then(result => {_x000D_
document.getElementById("p").addEventListener("click", () => {_x000D_
   window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("myCustomEvent", {detail : "It works!"}))_x000D_
<p id="p"> Click me </p>

I hope this answer is useful!

jquery remove "selected" attribute of option?

This works:





Saving an Excel sheet in a current directory with VBA

If the Path is omitted the file will be saved automaticaly in the current directory. Try something like this:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "Filename.xslx"

env: node: No such file or directory in mac

I was getting this env: node: No such file or directory error when running the job through Jenkins.

What I did to fix it - added export PATH="$PATH:"/usr/local/bin/ at the beginning of the script that Jenkins job executes.

Safe width in pixels for printing web pages?

A printer doesn't understand pixels, it understand dots (pt in CSS). The best solution is to write an extra CSS for printing, with all of its measures in dots.

Then, in your HTML code, in head section, put:

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
<link href="style_print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print">

npx command not found

if you are using Linux system, use sudo command

sudo npm i -g npx

#define macro for debug printing in C?

So, when using gcc, I like:

#define DBGI(expr) ({int g2rE3=expr; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%s(): ""%s->%i\n", __FILE__,  __LINE__, __func__, #expr, g2rE3); g2rE3;})

Because it can be inserted into code.

Suppose you're trying to debug

printf("%i\n", (1*2*3*4*5*6));


Then you can change it to:

printf("%i\n", DBGI(1*2*3*4*5*6));

hello.c:86:main(): 1*2*3*4*5*6->720

And you can get an analysis of what expression was evaluated to what.

It's protected against the double-evaluation problem, but the absence of gensyms does leave it open to name-collisions.

However it does nest:

DBGI(printf("%i\n", DBGI(1*2*3*4*5*6)));

hello.c:86:main(): 1*2*3*4*5*6->720
hello.c:86:main(): printf("%i\n", DBGI(1*2*3*4*5*6))->4

So I think that as long as you avoid using g2rE3 as a variable name, you'll be OK.

Certainly I've found it (and allied versions for strings, and versions for debug levels etc) invaluable.

How to print to console in pytest?

I needed to print important warning about skipped tests exactly when PyTest muted literally everything.

I didn't want to fail a test to send a signal, so I did a hack as follow:

def test_2_YellAboutBrokenAndMutedTests():
    import atexit
    def report():
        print C_patch.tidy_text("""
In silent mode PyTest breaks low level stream structure I work with, so
I cannot test if my functionality work fine. I skipped corresponding tests.
Run `py.test -s` to make sure everything is tested.""")
    if sys.stdout != sys.__stdout__:

The atexit module allows me to print stuff after PyTest released the output streams. The output looks as follow:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.3, pytest-2.9.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /media/Storage/henaro/smyth/Alchemist2-git/sources/C_patch, inifile: 
collected 15 items .....ssss....s.

===================== 10 passed, 5 skipped in 0.15 seconds =====================
In silent mode PyTest breaks low level stream structure I work with, so
I cannot test if my functionality work fine. I skipped corresponding tests.
Run `py.test -s` to make sure everything is tested.

Message is printed even when PyTest is in silent mode, and is not printed if you run stuff with py.test -s, so everything is tested nicely already.

Mac install and open mysql using terminal

For mac OS Catalina :

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p

This will prompt you to enter password of mysql

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

If a function does not return anything, e.g.:

def test():

it has an implicit return value of None.

Thus, as your pick* methods do not return anything, e.g.:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):

the lines that call them, e.g.:

word = pickEasy()

set word to None, so wordInput in getInput is None. This means that:

if guess in wordInput:

is the equivalent of:

if guess in None:

and None is an instance of NoneType which does not provide iterator/iteration functionality, so you get that type error.

The fix is to add the return type:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
    return word

Is it possible to style a mouseover on an image map using CSS?

You can do this by just changing the html. Here's an example:

    <title>Some title</title>
  <map name="navigatemap">
    <area shape="rect"  
    <area shape="rect"

    <area shape="rect" 

  <img src="Assets/NavigationBar(OnHome).png" 
     usemap="#navigatemap" />

Merge Cell values with PHPExcel - PHP

$this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->mergeCells("A".($p).":B".($p)); for dynamic merging of cells

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:crashlyticsStoreDeobsDebug' if I enable the proguard

You can run this command in your project directory. Basically it just cleans the build and gradle.

   cd android && rm -R .gradle && cd app && rm -R build

In my case, I was using react-native using this as a script in package.json

"scripts": { "clean-android": "cd android && rm -R .gradle && cd app && rm -R build" }

finding first day of the month in python

from datetime import datetime

date_today =
month_first_day = date_today.replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

Instagram API to fetch pictures with specific hashtags

It is not possible yet to search for content using multiple tags, for now only single tags are supported.

Firstly, the Instagram API endpoint "tags" required OAuth authentication.

This is not quite true, you only need an API-Key. Just register an application and add it to your requests. Example:

Also note that the username is not the user-id. You can look up user-Id`s here.

A workaround for searching multiple keywords would be if you start one request for each tag and compare the results on your server. Of course this could slow down your site depending on how much keywords you want to compare.

Android Studio update -Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution

You can download the gradle you want from Gradle Service by reading the it ,unpack it where you like and then change your grandle configuration use local not the recommended.

Printf width specifier to maintain precision of floating-point value

To my knowledge, there is a well diffused algorithm allowing to output to the necessary number of significant digits such that when scanning the string back in, the original floating point value is acquired in dtoa.c written by Daniel Gay, which is available here on Netlib (see also the associated paper). This code is used e.g. in Python, MySQL, Scilab, and many others.

Passing parameters to addTarget:action:forControlEvents

Need more than just an (int) via .tag? Use KVC!

You can pass any data you want through the button object itself (by accessing CALayers keyValue dict).

Set your target like this (with the ":")

[myButton addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonTap:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

Add your data(s) to the button itself (well the .layer of the button that is) like this:

NSString *dataIWantToPass = @"this is my data";//can be anything, doesn't have to be NSString
[myButton.layer setValue:dataIWantToPass forKey:@"anyKey"];//you can set as many of these as you'd like too!

Then when the button is tapped you can check it like this:


    NSString *dataThatWasPassed = (NSString *)[sender.layer valueForKey:@"anyKey"];
    NSLog(@"My passed-thru data was: %@", dataThatWasPassed);


Unsigned keyword in C++

Yes, it means unsigned int. It used to be that if you didn't specify a data type in C there were many places where it just assumed int. This was try, for example, of function return types.

This wart has mostly been eradicated, but you are encountering its last vestiges here. IMHO, the code should be fixed to say unsigned int to avoid just the sort of confusion you are experiencing.

Can an AWS Lambda function call another

Others pointed out to use SQS and Step Functions. But both these solutions add additional cost. Step Function state transitions are supposedly very expensive.

AWS lambda offers some retry logic. Where it tries something for 3 times. I am not sure if that is still valid when you trigger it use the API.

Run script with rc.local: script works, but not at boot

In Ubuntu I noticed there are 2 files. The real one is /etc/init.d/rc.local; it seems the other /etc/rc.local is bogus?

Once I modified the correct one (/etc/init.d/rc.local) it did execute just as expected.

angular2: how to copy object into another object

let course = {
  name: 'Angular',

let newCourse= Object.assign({}, course); 'React';

console.log(; // writes Angular
console.log(; // writes React

For Nested Object we can use of 3rd party libraries, for deep copying objects. In case of lodash, use _.cloneDeep()

let newCourse= _.cloneDeep(course);

Why would someone use WHERE 1=1 AND <conditions> in a SQL clause?

I found usefull this pattern when I'm testing or doublechecking things on the database, so I can comment very quickly other conditions:

AND Table.Field=Value
AND Table.IsValid=true

turns into:

--AND Table.Field=Value
--AND Table.IsValid=true

CentOS: Copy directory to another directory

To copy all files, including hidden files use:

cp -r /home/server/folder/test/. /home/server/

Array.push() and unique items

In case if you are looking for one liner

For primitives

this.items.indexOf(item) === -1) && this.items.push(item);

For objects

this.items.findIndex((item: ItemType) => item.var === checkValue) === -1 && this.items.push(item);

How to fix JSP compiler warning: one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs?

Tomcat 8.5. Inside, located in the /conf directory set:


Or go into context.xml, located in Tomcat's /conf directory and add:

<JarScanner scanClassPath="false"/>

Element count of an array in C++

Arrays in C++ are very different from those in Java in that they are completely unmanaged. The compiler or run-time have no idea whatsoever what size the array is.

The information is only known at compile-time if the size is defined in the declaration:

char array[256];

In this case, sizeof(array) gives you the proper size.

If you use a pointer as an array however, the "array" will just be a pointer, and sizeof will not give you any information about the actual size of the array.

STL offers a lot of templates that allow you to have arrays, some of them with size information, some of them with variable sizes, and most of them with good accessors and bounds checking.

How to remove specific substrings from a set of strings in Python?

When there are multiple substrings to remove, one simple and effective option is to use re.sub with a compiled pattern that involves joining all the substrings-to-remove using the regex OR (|) pipe.

import re

to_remove = ['.good', '.bad']
strings = ['Apple.good','Orange.good','Pear.bad']

p = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, to_remove))) # escape to handle metachars
[p.sub('', s) for s in strings]
# ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Pear']

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

Here is a variant of Eric J's solution, i.e. cryptographically sound, for WinRT (Windows Store App):

public static string GenerateRandomString(int length)
    var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";
    var result = new StringBuilder(length);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        result.Append(CryptographicBuffer.GenerateRandomNumber() % chars.Length);
    return result.ToString();

If performance matters (especially when length is high):

public static string GenerateRandomString(int length)
    var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";
    var result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(length);
    var bytes = CryptographicBuffer.GenerateRandom((uint)length * 4).ToArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i += 4)
        result.Append(BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, i) % chars.Length);
    return result.ToString();

How to use OAuth2RestTemplate?

You can find examples for writing OAuth clients here:

In your case you can't just use default or base classes for everything, you have a multiple classes Implementing OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails. The configuration depends of how you configured your OAuth service but assuming from your curl connections I would recommend:

class MyConfig{

    private String baseUrl;
    private String authorizeUrl;
    private String tokenUrl;

    protected OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource() {
        ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resource;
        resource = new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();

        List scopes = new ArrayList<String>(2);
        return resource;

    public OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate() {
        AccessTokenRequest atr = new DefaultAccessTokenRequest();
        return new OAuth2RestTemplate(resource(), new DefaultOAuth2ClientContext(atr));

class MyService {

    private OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate;

    public MyService() {

Do not forget about @EnableOAuth2Client on your config class, also I would suggest to try that the urls you are using are working with curl first, also try to trace it with the debugger because lot of exceptions are just consumed and never printed out due security reasons, so it gets little hard to find where the issue is. You should use logger with debug enabled set. Good luck

I uploaded sample springboot app on github to depict your situation because I could not find any samples for your scenario .

How do I prompt a user for confirmation in bash script?

qnd: use


for a one line response without readline support. Then test $VARNAME however you want.

How to import an existing project from GitHub into Android Studio

Unzip the github project to a folder. Open Android Studio. Go to File -> New -> Import Project. Then choose the specific project you want to import and then click Next->Finish. It will build the Gradle automatically and'll be ready for you to use.

P.S: In some versions of Android Studio a certain error occurs-
error:package does not exist.
To fix it go to Gradle Scripts->build.gradle(Module:app) and the add the dependecies:

dependencies {      
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])  
    compile ''  

Enjoy working in Android Studio

Getting Hour and Minute in PHP

In addressing your comment that you need your current time, and not the system time, you will have to make an adjustment yourself, there are 3600 seconds in an hour (the unit timestamps use), so use that. for example, if your system time was one hour behind:

$time = date('H:i',time() + 3600);

How to enable back/left swipe gesture in UINavigationController after setting leftBarButtonItem?

You need to handle two scenarios:

  1. When you're pushing a new view onto the stack
  2. When you're showing the root view controller

If you just need a base class you can use, here's a Swift 3 version:

import UIKit

final class SwipeNavigationController: UINavigationController {
    // MARK: - Lifecycle
    override init(rootViewController: UIViewController) {
        super.init(rootViewController: rootViewController)

         delegate = self
    override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: Bundle?) {
        super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)
        delegate = self

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { 
        super.init(coder: aDecoder) 

        delegate = self 
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // This needs to be in here, not in init
        interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = self
    deinit {
        delegate = nil
        interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = nil
    // MARK: - Overrides
    override func pushViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
        duringPushAnimation = true
        super.pushViewController(viewController, animated: animated)
    // MARK: - Private Properties
    fileprivate var duringPushAnimation = false


// MARK: - UINavigationControllerDelegate

extension SwipeNavigationController: UINavigationControllerDelegate {
    func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, didShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
        guard let swipeNavigationController = navigationController as? SwipeNavigationController else { return }
        swipeNavigationController.duringPushAnimation = false

// MARK: - UIGestureRecognizerDelegate

extension SwipeNavigationController: UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
    func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
        guard gestureRecognizer == interactivePopGestureRecognizer else {
            return true // default value
        // Disable pop gesture in two situations:
        // 1) when the pop animation is in progress
        // 2) when user swipes quickly a couple of times and animations don't have time to be performed
        return viewControllers.count > 1 && duringPushAnimation == false

If you end up needing to act as a UINavigationControllerDelegate in another class, you can write a delegate forwarder similar to this answer.

Adapted from source in Objective-C:

Bootstrap Carousel : Remove auto slide

Please try the following:

    $(document).ready(function() {      

ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column-Occurs when querying

This ORA-01461 does not occur only while inserting into a Long column. This error can occur when binding a long string for insert into a VARCHAR2 column and most commonly occurs when there is a multi byte(means single char can take more than one byte space in oracle) character conversion issue.

If the database is UTF-8 then, because of the fact that each character can take up to 3 bytes, conversion of 3 applied to check and so actually limited to use 1333 characters to insert into varchar2(4000).

Another solution would be change the datatype from varchar2(4000) to CLOB.

How to export a Hive table into a CSV file?

The problem solutions are fine but I found some problems in both:

  • As Carter Shanklin said, with this command we will obtain a csv file with the results of the query in the path specified:

    insert overwrite local directory '/home/carter/staging' row format delimited fields terminated by ',' select * from hugetable;

    The problem with this solution is that the csv obtained won´t have headers and will create a file that is not a CSV (so we have to rename it).

  • As user1922900 said, with the following command we will obtain a CSV files with the results of the query in the specified file and with headers:

    hive -e 'select * from some_table' | sed 's/[\t]/,/g' > /home/yourfile.csv

    With this solution we will get a CSV file with the result rows of our query, but with log messages between these rows too. As a solution of this problem I tried this, but without results.

So, to solve all these issues I created a script that execute a list of queries, create a folder (with a timestamp) where it stores the results, rename the files obtained, remove the unnecesay files and it also add the respective headers.

 QUERIES=("select * from table1" "select * from table2")
 directoryname=$(echo "ScriptResults$timestamp")
 mkdir $directoryname 
for query in ${QUERIES[*]}
     hive -S -e "set hive.cli.print.header=true; $query limit 1" | head -1 | sed 's/[\t]/,/g' >> /data/2/DOMAIN_USERS/SANUK/users/$USER/$tablename/header.csv
     mv $tablename/000000_0 $tablename/$tablename.csv
     cat $tablename/$tablename.csv >> $tablename/header.csv.
     rm $tablename/$tablename.csv
     mv $tablename/header.csv $tablename/$tablename.csv 
     mv $tablename/$tablename.csv $directoryname
     rm -rf $tablename/ 

What is a quick way to force CRLF in C# / .NET?

input.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n")

This will work if the input contains only one type of line breaks - either CR, or LF, or CR+LF.

Python style - line continuation with strings?

Just pointing out that it is use of parentheses that invokes auto-concatenation. That's fine if you happen to already be using them in the statement. Otherwise, I would just use '\' rather than inserting parentheses (which is what most IDEs do for you automatically). The indent should align the string continuation so it is PEP8 compliant. E.g.:

my_string = "The quick brown dog " \
            "jumped over the lazy fox"

How to run Java program in command prompt

A very general command prompt how to for java is

java mainjava

You'll very often see people doing

javac *.java
java mainjava

As for the subclass problem that's probably occurring because a path is missing from your class path, the -c flag I believe is used to set that.

Failed to resolve:

Add the following code on build.gragle (project) for adding Google maven repository

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'

Python function as a function argument?

Here's another way using *args (and also optionally), **kwargs:

def a(x, y):
  print x, y

def b(other, function, *args, **kwargs):
  function(*args, **kwargs)
  print other

b('world', a, 'hello', 'dude')


hello dude

Note that function, *args, **kwargs have to be in that order and have to be the last arguments to the function calling the function.

Java Compare Two List's object values?

You can subtract one list from the other using CollectionUtils.subtract, if the result is an empty collection, it means both lists are the same. Another approach is using CollectionUtils.isSubCollection or CollectionUtils.isProperSubCollection.

For any case you should implement equals and hashCode methods for your object.

How to unblock with mysqladmin flush hosts

mysqladmin is not a SQL statement. It's a little helper utility program you'll find on your MySQL server... and "flush-hosts" is one of the things it can do. ("status" and "shutdown" are a couple of other things that come to mind).

You type that command from a shell prompt.

Alternately, from your query browser (such as phpMyAdmin), the SQL statement you're looking for is simply this:


Shift column in pandas dataframe up by one?

In [44]: df['gdp'] = df['gdp'].shift(-1)

In [45]: df
   y  gdp  cap
0  1    3    5
1  2    7    9
2  8    4    2
3  3    7    7
4  6  NaN    7

In [46]: df[:-1]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
   y  gdp  cap
0  1    3    5
1  2    7    9
2  8    4    2
3  3    7    7

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

You have 2 options for this error:

  1. The file you are uploading is too big, which you need to use smaller file.
  2. Increase the upload size in php.ini to

upload_max_filesize = 9M; post_max_size = 9M;

Composer: Command Not Found

This is for mac or ubuntu user, try this on terminal

curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

Using grep to search for hex strings in a file

grep has a -P switch allowing to use perl regexp syntax the perl regex allows to look at bytes, using \x.. syntax.

so you can look for a given hex string in a file with: grep -aP "\xdf"

but the outpt won't be very useful; indeed better do a regexp on the hexdump output;

The grep -P can be useful however to just find files matrching a given binary pattern. Or to do a binary query of a pattern that actually happens in text (see for example How to regexp CJK ideographs (in utf-8) )

How to get HttpRequestMessage data

In case you want to cast to a class and not just a string:

YourClass model = await request.Content.ReadAsAsync<YourClass>();

Multi-select dropdown list in ASP.NET

jQuery Dropdown Check List can be used to transform a regular multiple select html element into a dropdown checkbox list, it works on client so can be used with any server side technology:

alt text

Send POST data using XMLHttpRequest

Minimal use of FormData to submit an AJAX request

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge, chrome=1"/>
"use strict";
function submitForm(oFormElement)
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.onload = function(){ alert (xhr.responseText); } // success case
  xhr.onerror = function(){ alert (xhr.responseText); } // failure case (oFormElement.method, oFormElement.action, true);
  xhr.send (new FormData (oFormElement));
  return false;

<form method="post" action="somewhere" onsubmit="return submitForm(this);">
  <input type="hidden" value="person"   name="user" />
  <input type="hidden" value="password" name="pwd" />
  <input type="hidden" value="place"    name="organization" />
  <input type="hidden" value="key"      name="requiredkey" />
  <input type="submit" value="post request"/>


  1. This does not fully answer the OP question because it requires the user to click in order to submit the request. But this may be useful to people searching for this kind of simple solution.

  2. This example is very simple and does not support the GET method. If you are interesting by more sophisticated examples, please have a look at the excellent MDN documentation. See also similar answer about XMLHttpRequest to Post HTML Form.

  3. Limitation of this solution: As pointed out by Justin Blank and Thomas Munk (see their comments), FormData is not supported by IE9 and lower, and default browser on Android 2.3.

What is the correct way to read a serial port using .NET framework?

I used similar code to @MethodMan but I had to keep track of the data the serial port was sending and look for a terminating character to know when the serial port was done sending data.

private string buffer { get; set; }
private SerialPort _port { get; set; }

public Port() 
    _port = new SerialPort();
    _port.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(dataReceived);
    buffer = string.Empty;

private void dataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
    buffer += _port.ReadExisting();

    //test for termination character in buffer
    if (buffer.Contains("\r\n"))
        //run code on data received from serial port

Pass request headers in a jQuery AJAX GET call

Use beforeSend:

         url: "http://localhost/PlatformPortal/Buyers/Account/SignIn",
         data: { signature: authHeader },
         type: "GET",
         beforeSend: function(xhr){xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Test-Header', 'test-value');},
         success: function() { alert('Success!' + authHeader); }

How do I update a GitHub forked repository?

If you use GitHub Desktop, you can do it easily in just 6 steps (actually only 5).

Once you open Github Desktop and choose your repository,

  1. Go to History tab
  2. Click on the search bar. It will show you all the available branches (including upstream branches from parent repository)
  3. Select the respective upstream branch (it will be upstream/master to sync master branch)
  4. (OPTIONAL) It will show you all the commits in the upstream branch. You can click on any commit to see the changes.
  5. Click Merge in master / branch-name, based on your active branch.
  6. Wait for GitHub Desktop to do the magic.

Checkout the GIF below as an example:

Sync Upstream branches in a forked repository from the parent repository

What does Statement.setFetchSize(nSize) method really do in SQL Server JDBC driver?

In JDBC, the setFetchSize(int) method is very important to performance and memory-management within the JVM as it controls the number of network calls from the JVM to the database and correspondingly the amount of RAM used for ResultSet processing.

Inherently if setFetchSize(10) is being called and the driver is ignoring it, there are probably only two options:

  1. Try a different JDBC driver that will honor the fetch-size hint.
  2. Look at driver-specific properties on the Connection (URL and/or property map when creating the Connection instance).

The RESULT-SET is the number of rows marshalled on the DB in response to the query. The ROW-SET is the chunk of rows that are fetched out of the RESULT-SET per call from the JVM to the DB. The number of these calls and resulting RAM required for processing is dependent on the fetch-size setting.

So if the RESULT-SET has 100 rows and the fetch-size is 10, there will be 10 network calls to retrieve all of the data, using roughly 10*{row-content-size} RAM at any given time.

The default fetch-size is 10, which is rather small. In the case posted, it would appear the driver is ignoring the fetch-size setting, retrieving all data in one call (large RAM requirement, optimum minimal network calls).

What happens underneath is that it doesn't actually fetch one row at a time from the RESULT-SET. It fetches that from the (local) ROW-SET and fetches the next ROW-SET (invisibly) from the server as it becomes exhausted on the local client.

All of this depends on the driver as the setting is just a 'hint' but in practice I have found this is how it works for many drivers and databases (verified in many versions of Oracle, DB2 and MySQL).

Update one MySQL table with values from another

UPDATE tobeupdated
INNER JOIN original ON (tobeupdated.value = original.value)

That should do it, and really its doing exactly what yours is. However, I prefer 'JOIN' syntax for joins rather than multiple 'WHERE' conditions, I think its easier to read

As for running slow, how large are the tables? You should have indexes on tobeupdated.value and original.value

EDIT: we can also simplify the query

UPDATE tobeupdated
INNER JOIN original USING (value)

USING is shorthand when both tables of a join have an identical named key such as id. ie an equi-join -

Save text file UTF-8 encoded with VBA

The traditional way to transform a string to a UTF-8 string is as follows:

StrConv("hello world",vbFromUnicode)

So put simply:

Dim fnum As Integer
fnum = FreeFile
Open "myfile.txt" For Output As fnum
Print #fnum, StrConv("special characters: äöüß", vbFromUnicode)
Close fnum

No special COM objects required

How can I replace every occurrence of a String in a file with PowerShell?

I found a little known but amazingly cool way to do it from Payette's Windows Powershell in Action. You can reference files like variables, similar to $env:path, but you need to add the curly braces.

${c:file.txt} = ${c:file.txt} -replace 'oldvalue','newvalue'

java.util.Date to XMLGregorianCalendar

Just thought I'd add my solution below, since the answers above did not meet my exact needs. My Xml schema required seperate Date and Time elements, not a singe DateTime field. The standard XMLGregorianCalendar constructor used above will generate a DateTime field

Note there a couple of gothca's, such as having to add one to the month (since java counts months from 0).

GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlDate = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendarDate(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1, cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 0);
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlTime = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendarTime(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), 0);

Bootstrap 3 navbar active li not changing background-color

Well, I had a similar challenge. Using the inspect element tool in Firefox, I was able to trace the markup and the CSS used to style the link when clicked. On click, the list item (li) is given a class of .open and it's the anchor tag in the class that is formatted with the grey color background.

To fix this, just add this to your stylesheet.

.nav .open > a
    // Put in styling

Pip install Matplotlib error with virtualenv

Another option is to install anaconda, which comes with packages such as: Matplotlib, numpy and pandas.

Angular2 RC5: Can't bind to 'Property X' since it isn't a known property of 'Child Component'

I fixed it with adding the prefix (attr.) :

<create-report-card-form [attr.currentReportCardCount]="expression" ...

Unfortunately this haven't documented properly yet.

more detail here

Mockito, JUnit and Spring

Your question seems to be asking about which of the three examples you have given is the preferred approach.

Example 1 using the Reflection TestUtils is not a good approach for Unit testing. You really don't want to be loading the spring context at all for a unit test. Just mock and inject what is required as shown by your other examples.

You do want to load the spring context if you want to do some Integration testing, however I would prefer using @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) to perform the loading of the context along with @Autowired if you need access to its' beans explicitly.

Example 2 is a valid approach and the use of @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) will remove the need to specify a @Before method and an explicit call to MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);

Example 3 is another valid approach that doesn't use @RunWith(...). You haven't instantiated your class under test HelloFacadeImpl explicitly, but you could have done the same with Example 2.

My suggestion is to use Example 2 for your unit testing as it reduces the code clutter. You can fall back to the more verbose configuration if and when you're forced to do so.

Reloading module giving NameError: name 'reload' is not defined

For >= Python3.4:

import importlib

For <= Python3.3:

import imp

For Python2.x:

Use the in-built reload() function.


Is there a php echo/print equivalent in javascript

this is an another way:

    <style type="text/css">
        border: 1px solid #000000;
        min-height: 250px;
        max-height: 100%;
        padding: 5px;
        font-family: sans-serif;
        font-size: 12px;
    <script type="text/javascript" lang="ja">
    function start(){
        function echo(text){
            lastResultAreaText = document.getElementById('result').innerHTML;
            resultArea = document.getElementById('result');

        echo("Hello World!");
<body onload="start()">
<pre id="result"></pre> 

Java Garbage Collection Log messages

  1. PSYoungGen refers to the garbage collector in use for the minor collection. PS stands for Parallel Scavenge.
  2. The first set of numbers are the before/after sizes of the young generation and the second set are for the entire heap. (Diagnosing a Garbage Collection problem details the format)
  3. The name indicates the generation and collector in question, the second set are for the entire heap.

An example of an associated full GC also shows the collectors used for the old and permanent generations:

3.757: [Full GC [PSYoungGen: 2672K->0K(35584K)] 
            [ParOldGen: 3225K->5735K(43712K)] 5898K->5735K(79296K) 
            [PSPermGen: 13533K->13516K(27584K)], 0.0860402 secs]

Finally, breaking down one line of your example log output:

8109.128: [GC [PSYoungGen: 109884K->14201K(139904K)] 691015K->595332K(1119040K), 0.0454530 secs]
  • 107Mb used before GC, 14Mb used after GC, max young generation size 137Mb
  • 675Mb heap used before GC, 581Mb heap used after GC, 1Gb max heap size
  • minor GC occurred 8109.128 seconds since the start of the JVM and took 0.04 seconds

Change IPython/Jupyter notebook working directory

In iPython Notebook on Windows, this worked for me:

cd d:\folder\

AngularJS ng-style with a conditional expression

For single css property

ng-style="1==1 && {'color':'red'}"

For multiple css properties below can be referred

ng-style="1==1 && {'color':'red','font-style': 'italic'}"

Replace 1==1 with your condition expression

MS SQL compare dates?


Should do what you need.

Test Case

WITH dates(date1, date2, date3, date4)
     AS (SELECT CAST('20101231 15:13:48.593' AS DATETIME),
                CAST('20101231 00:00:00.000' AS DATETIME),
                CAST('20101231 15:13:48.593' AS DATETIME),
                CAST('20101231 00:00:00.000' AS DATETIME))
         WHEN CAST(date1 AS DATE) <= CAST(date2 AS DATE) THEN 'Y'
         ELSE 'N'
         WHEN date3 <= date4 THEN 'Y'
         ELSE 'N'
FROM   dates 


Y                         N

MySQL JOIN the most recent row only?

You can also do this

SELECT    CONCAT(title, ' ', forename, ' ', surname) AS name
FROM      customer c
              SELECT * FROM  customer_data ORDER BY id DESC
          ) customer_data ON (customer_data.customer_id = c.customer_id)
GROUP BY  c.customer_id          
WHERE     CONCAT(title, ' ', forename, ' ', surname) LIKE '%Smith%' 
LIMIT     10, 20;

How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values

To store values in shared preferences:

SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit();

To retrieve values from shared preferences:

SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
String name = sp.getString("Name", ""); // Second parameter is the default value.

addEventListener not working in IE8

You can use the below addEvent() function to add events for most things but note that for XMLHttpRequest if (el.attachEvent) will fail in IE8, because it doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.attachEvent() so you have to use XMLHttpRequest.onload = function() {} instead.

function addEvent(el, e, f) {
    if (el.attachEvent) {
        return el.attachEvent('on'+e, f);
    else {
        return el.addEventListener(e, f, false);

var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.onload = function(e) {

MySQL Results as comma separated list

Now only I came across this situation and found some more interesting features around GROUP_CONCAT. I hope these details will make you feel interesting.


FROM Tasks;


| GROUP_CONCAT(TaskName)                                           |
| Do garden,Feed cats,Paint roof,Take dog for walk,Relax,Feed cats |


FROM Tasks;


| GROUP_CONCAT(TaskName)                                           |
| Do garden,Feed cats,Paint roof,Take dog for walk,Relax,Feed cats |


FROM Tasks;


| Take dog for walk,Relax,Paint roof,Feed cats,Do garden |


FROM Tasks;


| GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT TaskName SEPARATOR ' + ')                |
| Do garden + Feed cats + Paint roof + Relax + Take dog for walk |

GROUP_CONCAT and Combining Columns

FROM Tasks;


| GROUP_CONCAT(TaskId, ') ', TaskName SEPARATOR ' ')                                 |
| 1) Do garden 2) Feed cats 3) Paint roof 4) Take dog for walk 5) Relax 6) Feed cats |

GROUP_CONCAT and Grouped Results Assume that the following are the results before using GROUP_CONCAT

| ArtistName             | AlbumName                |
| Iron Maiden            | Powerslave               |
| AC/DC                  | Powerage                 |
| Jim Reeves             | Singing Down the Lane    |
| Devin Townsend         | Ziltoid the Omniscient   |
| Devin Townsend         | Casualties of Cool       |
| Devin Townsend         | Epicloud                 |
| Iron Maiden            | Somewhere in Time        |
| Iron Maiden            | Piece of Mind            |
| Iron Maiden            | Killers                  |
| Iron Maiden            | No Prayer for the Dying  |
| The Script             | No Sound Without Silence |
| Buddy Rich             | Big Swing Face           |
| Michael Learns to Rock | Blue Night               |
| Michael Learns to Rock | Eternity                 |
| Michael Learns to Rock | Scandinavia              |
| Tom Jones              | Long Lost Suitcase       |
| Tom Jones              | Praise and Blame         |
| Tom Jones              | Along Came Jones         |
| Allan Holdsworth       | All Night Wrong          |
| Allan Holdsworth       | The Sixteen Men of Tain  |
USE Music;
SELECT ar.ArtistName,
FROM Artists ar
INNER JOIN Albums al
ON ar.ArtistId = al.ArtistId
GROUP BY ArtistName;


| ArtistName             | GROUP_CONCAT(al.AlbumName)                                                 |
| AC/DC                  | Powerage                                                                   |
| Allan Holdsworth       | All Night Wrong,The Sixteen Men of Tain                                    |
| Buddy Rich             | Big Swing Face                                                             |
| Devin Townsend         | Epicloud,Ziltoid the Omniscient,Casualties of Cool                         |
| Iron Maiden            | Somewhere in Time,Piece of Mind,Powerslave,Killers,No Prayer for the Dying |
| Jim Reeves             | Singing Down the Lane                                                      |
| Michael Learns to Rock | Eternity,Scandinavia,Blue Night                                            |
| The Script             | No Sound Without Silence                                                   |
| Tom Jones              | Long Lost Suitcase,Praise and Blame,Along Came Jones                       |

How to add a form load event (currently not working)

Three ways you can do this - from the form designer, select the form, and where you normally see the list of properties, just above it there should be a little lightning symbol - this shows you all the events of the form. Find the form load event in the list, and you should be able to pick ProgramViwer_Load from the dropdown.

A second way to do it is programmatically - somewhere (constructor maybe) you'd need to add it, something like: ProgramViwer.Load += new EventHandler(ProgramViwer_Load);

A third way using the designer (probably the quickest) - when you create a new form, double click on the middle of it on it in design mode. It'll create a Form load event for you, hook it in, and take you to the event handler code. Then you can just add your two lines and you're good to go!

'method' object is not subscriptable. Don't know what's wrong

You need to use parentheses: myList.insert([1, 2, 3]). When you leave out the parentheses, python thinks you are trying to access myList.insert at position 1, 2, 3, because that's what brackets are used for when they are right next to a variable.

Nginx not picking up site in sites-enabled?

I had the same problem. It was because I had accidentally used a relative path with the symbolic link.

Are you sure you used full paths, e.g.:

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

What is the difference between cssSelector & Xpath and which is better with respect to performance for cross browser testing?

The debate between cssSelector vs XPath would remain as one of the most subjective debate in the Selenium Community. What we already know so far can be summarized as:

  • People in favor of cssSelector say that it is more readable and faster (especially when running against Internet Explorer).
  • While those in favor of XPath tout it's ability to transverse the page (while cssSelector cannot).
  • Traversing the DOM in older browsers like IE8 does not work with cssSelector but is fine with XPath.
  • XPath can walk up the DOM (e.g. from child to parent), whereas cssSelector can only traverse down the DOM (e.g. from parent to child)
  • However not being able to traverse the DOM with cssSelector in older browsers isn't necessarily a bad thing as it is more of an indicator that your page has poor design and could benefit from some helpful markup.
  • Ben Burton mentions you should use cssSelector because that's how applications are built. This makes the tests easier to write, talk about, and have others help maintain.
  • Adam Goucher says to adopt a more hybrid approach -- focusing first on IDs, then cssSelector, and leveraging XPath only when you need it (e.g. walking up the DOM) and that XPath will always be more powerful for advanced locators.

Dave Haeffner carried out a test on a page with two HTML data tables, one table is written without helpful attributes (ID and Class), and the other with them. I have analyzed the test procedure and the outcome of this experiment in details in the discussion Why should I ever use cssSelector selectors as opposed to XPath for automated testing?. While this experiment demonstrated that each Locator Strategy is reasonably equivalent across browsers, it didn't adequately paint the whole picture for us. Dave Haeffner in the other discussion Css Vs. X Path, Under a Microscope mentioned, in an an end-to-end test there were a lot of other variables at play Sauce startup, Browser start up, and latency to and from the application under test. The unfortunate takeaway from that experiment could be that one driver may be faster than the other (e.g. IE vs Firefox), when in fact, that's wasn't the case at all. To get a real taste of what the performance difference is between cssSelector and XPath, we needed to dig deeper. We did that by running everything from a local machine while using a performance benchmarking utility. We also focused on a specific Selenium action rather than the entire test run, and run things numerous times. I have analyzed the specific test procedure and the outcome of this experiment in details in the discussion cssSelector vs XPath for selenium. But the tests were still missing one aspect i.e. more browser coverage (e.g., Internet Explorer 9 and 10) and testing against a larger and deeper page.

Dave Haeffner in another discussion Css Vs. X Path, Under a Microscope (Part 2) mentions, in order to make sure the required benchmarks are covered in the best possible way we need to consider an example that demonstrates a large and deep page.

Test SetUp

To demonstrate this detailed example, a Windows XP virtual machine was setup and Ruby (1.9.3) was installed. All the available browsers and their equivalent browser drivers for Selenium was also installed. For benchmarking, Ruby's standard lib benchmark was used.

Test Code

require_relative 'base'
require 'benchmark'

class LargeDOM < Base

    nested_sibling_traversal: {
      css: "div#siblings > div:nth-of-type(1) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3) > div:nth-of-type(3)",
      xpath: "//div[@id='siblings']/div[1]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]/div[3]"
    nested_sibling_traversal_by_class: {
      css: "div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1 > div.item-1",
      xpath: "//div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]/div[contains(@class, 'item-1')]"
    table_header_id_and_class: {
      css: "table#large-table thead .column-50",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//thead//*[@class='column-50']"
    table_header_id_class_and_direct_desc: {
      css: "table#large-table > thead .column-50",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/thead//*[@class='column-50']"
    table_header_traversing: {
      css: "table#large-table thead tr th:nth-of-type(50)",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//thead//tr//th[50]"
    table_header_traversing_and_direct_desc: {
      css: "table#large-table > thead > tr > th:nth-of-type(50)",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/thead/tr/th[50]"
    table_cell_id_and_class: {
      css: "table#large-table tbody .column-50",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//tbody//*[@class='column-50']"
    table_cell_id_class_and_direct_desc: {
      css: "table#large-table > tbody .column-50",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/tbody//*[@class='column-50']"
    table_cell_traversing: {
      css: "table#large-table tbody tr td:nth-of-type(50)",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//tbody//tr//td[50]"
    table_cell_traversing_and_direct_desc: {
      css: "table#large-table > tbody > tr > td:nth-of-type(50)",
      xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/tbody/tr/td[50]"

  attr_reader :driver

  def initialize(driver)
    @driver = driver
    visit '/large'
    is_displayed?(id: 'siblings')

  # The benchmarking approach was borrowed from
  def benchmark
    Benchmark.bmbm(27) do |bm|
      LOCATORS.each do |example, data|
    data.each do |strategy, locator| + " using " + strategy.to_s) do
          ENV['iterations'].to_i.times do |count|
         find(strategy => locator)
        rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError => error
          puts "( 0.0 )"



NOTE: The output is in seconds, and the results are for the total run time of 100 executions.

In Table Form:


In Chart Form:

  • Chrome:


  • Firefox:


  • Internet Explorer 8:


  • Internet Explorer 9:


  • Internet Explorer 10:


  • Opera:


Analyzing the Results

  • Chrome and Firefox are clearly tuned for faster cssSelector performance.
  • Internet Explorer 8 is a grab bag of cssSelector that won't work, an out of control XPath traversal that takes ~65 seconds, and a 38 second table traversal with no cssSelector result to compare it against.
  • In IE 9 and 10, XPath is faster overall. In Safari, it's a toss up, except for a couple of slower traversal runs with XPath. And across almost all browsers, the nested sibling traversal and table cell traversal done with XPath are an expensive operation.
  • These shouldn't be that surprising since the locators are brittle and inefficient and we need to avoid them.


  • Overall there are two circumstances where XPath is markedly slower than cssSelector. But they are easily avoidable.
  • The performance difference is slightly in favor of for non-IE browsers and slightly in favor of for IE browsers.


You can perform the bench-marking on your own, using this library where Dave Haeffner wrapped up all the code.

JQuery How to extract value from href tag?

if ($('a').on('Clicked').text().search('1') == -1)
    //Page == 1
    //Page != 1

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

The simpliest solution is:; //Only after .show() was called

ReactJS and images in public folder

You Could also use this.. it works assuming 'yourimage.jpg' is in your public folder.

<img src={'./yourimage.jpg'}/>


Did you edit the AndroidManifest.xml directly in the .apk file? If so, that won't work.

Every Android .apk needs to be signed if it is going to be installed on a phone, even if you're not installing through the Market. The development tools work round this by signing with a development certificate but the .apk is still signed.

One use of this is so a device can tell if an .apk is a valid upgrade for an installed application, since if it is the Certificates will be the same.

So if you make any changes to your app at all you'll need to rebuild the .apk so it gets signed properly.

CSS float right not working correctly

Here is one way of doing it.

If you HTML looks like this:

<div>Contact Details
    <button type="button" class="edit_button">My Button</button>

apply the following CSS:

div {
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-color: gray;
    overflow: auto;
.edit_button {
    float: right;
    margin: 0 10px 10px 0; /* for demo only */

The trick is to apply overflow: auto to the div, which starts a new block formatting context. The result is that the floated button is enclosed within the block area defined by the div tag.

You can then add margins to the button if needed to adjust your styling.

In the original HTML and CSS, the floated button was out of the content flow so the border of the div would be positioned with respect to the in-flow text, which does not include any floated elements.

See demo at:

Print array elements on separate lines in Bash?

Using for:

for each in "${alpha[@]}"
  echo "$each"

Using history; note this will fail if your values contain !:

history -p "${alpha[@]}"

Using basename; note this will fail if your values contain /:

basename -a "${alpha[@]}"

Using shuf; note that results might not come out in order:

shuf -e "${alpha[@]}"

PHP header redirect 301 - what are the implications?

Search engines like 301 redirects better than a 404 or some other type of client side redirect, no worries there.

CPU usage will be minimal, if you want to save even more cycles you could try and handle the redirect in apache using htaccess, then php won't even have to get involved. If you want to load test a server, you can use ab which comes with apache, or httperf if you are looking for a more robust testing tool.

Slack URL to open a channel from browser

You can use


in order to open the Slack desktop application. For example, on mac, I've run:

open slack://

from the terminal and it opens the Mac desktop Slack application. Still, I didn't figure out the URL that should be used for opening a certain team, channel or message.

Android Get Current timestamp?

I suggest using Hits's answer, but adding a Locale format, this is how Android Developers recommends:

try {
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault());
        return dateFormat.format(new Date()); // Find todays date
    } catch (Exception e) {

        return null;

How to import an existing directory into Eclipse?

There is no need to create a Java project and let unnecessary Java dependencies and libraries to cling into the project. The question is regarding importing an existing directory into eclipse

Suppose the directory is present in C:/harley/mydir. What you have to do is the following:

  • Create a new project (Right click on Project explorer, select New -> Project; from the wizard list, select General -> Project and click next.)

  • Give to the project the same name of your target directory (in this case mydir)

  • Uncheck Use default location and give the exact location, for example C:/harley/mydir

  • Click on Finish

You are done. I do it this way.

How to programmatically set the Image source

try this

PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            Image = Image.FromFile(@"c:\Images\test.jpg"),
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage

What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

If Zip Code allows characters and digits (alphanumeric), below regex would be used where it matches, 5 or 9 or 10 alphanumeric characters with one hypen (-):


Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

KEYPRESS (enter key)
Click inside the snippet and press Enter key.


document.addEventListener("keypress", function(event) {
  if (event.keyCode == 13) {

Vanilla shorthand (ES6)

this.addEventListener('keypress', event => {
  if (event.keyCode == 13) {


$(this).on('keypress', function(event) {
  if (event.keyCode == 13) {
<script src=""></script>

jQuery classic

$(this).keypress(function(event) {
  if (event.keyCode == 13) {
<script src=""></script>

jQuery shorthand (ES6)

$(this).keypress((e) => {
  if (e.keyCode == 13)
<script src=""></script>

Even shorter (ES6)

<script src=""></script>

Due some requests, here an explanation:

I rewrote this answer as things have become deprecated over time so I updated it.

I used this to focus on the window scope inside the results when document is ready and for the sake of brevity but it's not necessary.

The .which and .keyCode methods are actually considered deprecated so I would recommend .code but I personally still use keyCode as the performance is much faster and only that counts for me. The jQuery classic version .keypress() is not officially deprecated as some people say but they are no more preferred like .on('keypress') as it has a lot more functionality(live state, multiple handlers, etc.). The 'keypress' event in the Vanilla version is also deprecated. People should prefer beforeinput or keydown today. (Note: It has nothing to do with jQuery's events, they are called the same but execute differently.)

All examples above are no biggies regarding deprecated or not. Consoles or any browser should be able to notify you with that if this happens. And if this ever does in future, just fix it.

Despite the ease making it too short and snippy isn't always good either. If you work in a team, your code must be readable and detailed. I recommend the jQuery version .on('keypress'), this is the way to go and understandable by most people.

I always follow my phrase Performance over Effectiveness as anything can be more effective if there is the option but it just should function and execute only what I want, the faster the better. This is why I prefer .keyCode even if it's considered deprecated(in most cases). It's all up to you though.

Performance Test

How to list all the files in android phone by using adb shell?

Open cmd type adb shell then press enter. Type ls to view files list.

Angular2 Routing with Hashtag to page anchor

This one work for me !! This ngFor so it dynamically anchor tag, You need to wait them render


<div #ngForComments *ngFor="let cm of Comments">
    <a id="Comment_{{}}" fragment="Comment_{{}}" (click)="jumpToId()">{{cm.namae}} Reply</a> Blah Blah

My ts file:

private fragment: string;
@ViewChildren('ngForComments') AnchorComments: QueryList<any>;

ngOnInit() {
      this.route.fragment.subscribe(fragment => { this.fragment = fragment; 
ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.AnchorComments.changes.subscribe(t => {

ngForRendred() {

jumpToId() { 
    let x = document.querySelector("#" + this.fragment);
    if (x){

Don't forget to import that ViewChildren, QueryList etc.. and add some constructor ActivatedRoute !!

Undoing a git rebase

If you successfully rebased against remote branch and can not git rebase --abort you still can do some tricks to save your work and don't have forced pushes. Suppose your current branch that was rebased by mistake is called your-branch and is tracking origin/your-branch

  • git branch -m your-branch-rebased # rename current branch
  • git checkout origin/your-branch # checkout to latest state that is known to origin
  • git checkout -b your-branch
  • check git log your-branch-rebased, compare to git log your-branch and define commits that are missing from your-branch
  • git cherry-pick COMMIT_HASH for every commit in your-branch-rebased
  • push your changes. Please aware that two local branches are associated with remote/your-branch and you should push only your-branch

grid controls for ASP.NET MVC?

We have been using jqGrid on a project and have had some good luck with it. Lots of options for inline editing, etc. If that stuff isn't necessary, then we've just used a plain foreach loop like @Hrvoje.

CodeIgniter: 404 Page Not Found on Live Server

I am doing it on local and production server this way:


$route['default_controller']   = 'Home_controller';

Files' names:

  • in controllers folder: Home_controller.php
  • in models folder: Home_model.php
  • in views folder: Home.php


       class Home_controller extends CI_Controller {

           public function index(){

              //loading Home_model

              //get data from DB
              $data['db_data']  = $this->Home_model->getData();

              //pass $data to Home.html
              $this->load->view('Home', $data);


       class Home_model extends CI_Model {

There should be no more problems with cases anymore :)

The entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query

There is another way that I found works, you have to build a class that derives from your Product class and use that. For instance:

public class PseudoProduct : Product { }

public IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(int categoryID)
    return from p in db.Products
           where p.CategoryID== categoryID
           select new PseudoProduct() { Name = p.Name};

Not sure if this is "allowed", but it works.

Check if argparse optional argument is set or not

Very simple, after defining args variable by 'args = parser.parse_args()' it contains all data of args subset variables too. To check if a variable is set or no assuming the 'action="store_true" is used...

if args.argument_name:
   # do something
   # do something else

XSLT string replace

I keep hitting this answer. But none of them list the easiest solution for xsltproc (and probably most XSLT 1.0 processors):

  1. Add the exslt strings name to the stylesheet, i.e.:
  1. Then use it like:
<xsl:value-of select="str:replace(., ' ', '')"/>

What is an OS kernel ? How does it differ from an operating system?

In computing, the 'kernel' is the central component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware and software components). Usually as a basic component of an operating system, a kernel can provide the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources (especially processors and I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function. It typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms and system calls.

Set Page Title using PHP

create a new page php and add this code:

function ch_title($title){_x000D_
    $output = ob_get_contents();_x000D_
    if ( ob_get_length() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); }_x000D_
    $patterns = array("/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/");_x000D_
    $replacements = array("<title>$title</title>");_x000D_
    $output = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements,$output);_x000D_
    echo $output;_x000D_

in <head> add code: <?php require 'page.php' ?> and on each page you call the function ch_title('my title');

how to filter out a null value from spark dataframe

A good solution for me was to drop the rows with any null values:

Dataset<Row> filtered = df.filter(row => !row.anyNull);

In case one is interested in the other case, just call row.anyNull. (Spark 2.1.0 using Java API)

To show a new Form on click of a button in C#

private void ButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    MyForm form = new MyForm();
    form.Show(); // or form.ShowDialog(this);

How do I get the last character of a string using an Excel function?


is quite sufficient (where the string is contained in A1).

Similar in nature to LEFT, Excel's RIGHT function extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character:


RIGHT( text, [number_of_characters] )

Parameters or Arguments


The string that you wish to extract from.


Optional. It indicates the number of characters that you wish to extract starting from the right-most character. If this parameter is omitted, only 1 character is returned.

Applies To

Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2011 for Mac, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000

Since number_of_characters is optional and defaults to 1 it is not required in this case.

However, there have been many issues with trailing spaces and if this is a risk for the last visible character (in general):


might be preferred.

Find a private field with Reflection?

I came across this while searching for this on google so I realise I'm bumping an old post. However the GetCustomAttributes requires two params.

typeof(Foo).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SomeAttribute), false).Length > 0);

The second parameter specifies whether or not you wish to search the inheritance hierarchy

How to call a javaScript Function in jsp on page load without using <body onload="disableView()">

Either use window.onload this way

    window.onload = function() {
        // ...

or alternatively

    window.onload = functionName;

(yes, without the parentheses)

Or just put the script at the very bottom of page, right before </body>. At that point, all HTML DOM elements are ready to be accessed by document functions.



Add CSS box shadow around the whole DIV

The CSS code would be:

box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px white;

That will shadow the entire DIV no matter its shape!

How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?

For VB.Net

CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).GetFocusedRow()

For C#


example bind data by linq so use

Dim selRow As CUSTOMER = CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).GetFocusedRow()

Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android

When I was bugged with this, I got the serializing solution where, you can serialize your string, But I came up with a hack as well.

Read this only if you haven't read about serializing, else go down and read my hack

In order to store array items in order, we can serialize the array into a single string (by making a new class ObjectSerializer (copy the code from – , replace everything except the package name))

Entering data in Shared preference : enter image description here

the rest of the code on line 38 - enter image description here

Put the next arg as this, so that if data is not retrieved it will return empty array(we cant put empty string coz the container/variable is an array not string)

Coming to my Hack :-

Merge contents of array into a single string by having some symbol in between each item and then split it using that symbol when retrieving it. Coz adding and retrieving String is easy with shared preferences. If you are worried about splitting just look up "splitting a string in java".

[Note: This works fine if the contents of your array is of primitive kind like string, int, float, etc. It will work for complex arrays which have its own structure, suppose a phone book, but the merging and splitting would become a bit complex. ]

PS: I am new to android, so don't know if it is a good hack, so lemme know if you find better hacks.

What is the difference between prefix and postfix operators?


Step 1: int fun(int); Here we declare the prototype of the function fun().

Step 2: int i = fun(10); The variable i is declared as an integer type and the result of the fun(10) will be stored in the variable i.

Step 3: int fun(int i){ return (i++); } Inside the fun() we are returning a value return(i++). It returns 10. because i++ is the post-increement operator.

Step 4: Then the control back to the main function and the value 10 is assigned to variable i.

Step 5: printf("%d\n", --i); Here --i denoted pre-increement. Hence it prints the value 9.

Access to the path denied error in C#

You do not have permissions to access the file. Please be sure whether you can access the file in that drive.

string route= @"E:\Sample.text";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(route, FileMode.Create);

You have to provide the file name to create. Please try this, now you can create.

How to git-cherry-pick only changes to certain files?

I would just cherry-pick everything, then do this:

git reset --soft HEAD^

Then I would revert the changes I don't want, then make a new commit.

.htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?

If you want to redirect all non-www requests to your site to the www version, all you need to do is add the following code to your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Disable Rails SQL logging in console

This might not be a suitable solution for the console, but Rails has a method for this problem: Logger#silence

ActiveRecord::Base.logger.silence do
  # the stuff you want to be silenced

Setting environment variables in Linux using Bash

The reason people often suggest writing

export VAR

instead of the shorter

export VAR=value

is that the longer form works in more different shells than the short form. If you know you're dealing with bash, either works fine, of course.

How to loop through a directory recursively to delete files with certain extensions

If you want to do something recursively, I suggest you use recursion (yes, you can do it using stacks and so on, but hey).

recursiverm() {
  for d in *; do
    if [ -d "$d" ]; then
      (cd -- "$d" && recursiverm)
    rm -f *.pdf
    rm -f *.doc

(cd /tmp; recursiverm)

That said, find is probably a better choice as has already been suggested.

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname IIS7

Make sure IIS is listening to your port.

In my case this was the issue. So I had to change my port to something else like 8083 and it solved this issue.

How to replace values at specific indexes of a python list?

The biggest problem with your code is that it's unreadable. Python code rule number one, if it's not readable, no one's gonna look at it for long enough to get any useful information out of it. Always use descriptive variable names. Almost didn't catch the bug in your code, let's see it again with good names, slow-motion replay style:

to_modify = [5,4,3,2,1,0]
indexes = [0,1,3,5]
replacements = [0,0,0,0]

for index in indexes:
    to_modify[indexes[index]] = replacements[index]
    # to_modify[indexes[index]]
    # indexes[index]
    # Yo dawg, I heard you liked indexes, so I put an index inside your indexes
    # so you can go out of bounds while you go out of bounds.

As is obvious when you use descriptive variable names, you're indexing the list of indexes with values from itself, which doesn't make sense in this case.

Also when iterating through 2 lists in parallel I like to use the zip function (or izip if you're worried about memory consumption, but I'm not one of those iteration purists). So try this instead.

for (index, replacement) in zip(indexes, replacements):
    to_modify[index] = replacement

If your problem is only working with lists of numbers then I'd say that @steabert has the answer you were looking for with that numpy stuff. However you can't use sequences or other variable-sized data types as elements of numpy arrays, so if your variable to_modify has anything like that in it, you're probably best off doing it with a for loop.

Inserting Data into Hive Table

Use this -

create table dummy_table_name as select * from source_table_name;

This will create the new table with existing data available on source_table_name.

What is an .inc and why use it?

Just to add. Another disadvantage would be, .inc files are not recognized by IDE thus, you could not take advantage of auto-complete or code prediction features.

Pull all images from a specified directory and then display them

You need to change the loop from for ($i=1; $i<count($files); $i++) to for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++):

So the correct code is

$files = glob("images/*.*");

for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++) {
    $image = $files[$i];
    print $image ."<br />";
    echo '<img src="'.$image .'" alt="Random image" />'."<br /><br />";


Uncaught TypeError: $(...).datepicker is not a function(anonymous function)

You just need to add three file and two css links. You can either cdn's as well. Links for the js files and css files are as such :-

  1. jQuery.dataTables.min.js
  2. dataTables.bootstrap.min.js
  3. dataTables.bootstrap.min.css
  4. bootstrap-datepicker.css
  5. bootstrap-datepicker.js

They are valid if you are using bootstrap in your project.

I hope this will help you. Regards, Vivek Singla

String vs. StringBuilder

StringBuilder is significantly more efficient but you will not see that performance unless you are doing a large amount of string modification.

Below is a quick chunk of code to give an example of the performance. As you can see you really only start to see a major performance increase when you get into large iterations.

As you can see the 200,000 iterations took 22 seconds while the 1 million iterations using the StringBuilder was almost instant.

string s = string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

Console.WriteLine("Beginning String + at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

for (int i = 0; i <= 50000; i++)
    s = s + 'A';

Console.WriteLine("Finished String + at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

Console.WriteLine("Beginning String + at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

for (int i = 0; i <= 200000; i++)
    s = s + 'A';

Console.WriteLine("Finished String + at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Beginning Sb append at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

for (int i = 0; i <= 1000000; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Finished Sb append at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());


Result of the above code:

Beginning String + at 28/01/2013 16:55:40.

Finished String + at 28/01/2013 16:55:40.

Beginning String + at 28/01/2013 16:55:40.

Finished String + at 28/01/2013 16:56:02.

Beginning Sb append at 28/01/2013 16:56:02.

Finished Sb append at 28/01/2013 16:56:02.

Has an event handler already been added?

i agree with alf's answer,but little modification to it is,, to use,

                control_name.Click -= event_Click;
                main_browser.Document.Click += Document_Click;
            catch(Exception exce)
                main_browser.Document.Click += Document_Click;

How can you dynamically create variables via a while loop?

NOTE: This should be considered a discussion rather than an actual answer.

An approximate approach is to operate __main__ in the module you want to create variables. For example there's a

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

def set_vars():
    import __main__
    print '__main__', __main__
    __main__.B = 1

    print B
except NameError as e:
    print e


print 'B: %s' % B

Running it would output

$ python
name 'B' is not defined
__main__ <module '__main__' from ''>
B: 1

But this approach only works in a single module script, because the __main__ it import will always represent the module of the entry script being executed by python, this means that if is involved by other code, the B variable will be created in the scope of the entry script instead of in itself. Assume there is a script

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

    import b
except NameError as e:
    print e

print 'in B', B

Running it would output

$ python
name 'B' is not defined
__main__ <module '__main__' from ''>
name 'B' is not defined
in B 1

Note that the __main__ is changed to ''.

How to send a "multipart/form-data" with requests in python?

Basically, if you specify a files parameter (a dictionary), then requests will send a multipart/form-data POST instead of a application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST. You are not limited to using actual files in that dictionary, however:

>>> import requests
>>> response ='', files=dict(foo='bar'))
>>> response.status_code

and lets you know what headers you posted with; in response.json() we have:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(response.json()['headers'])
{'Accept': '*/*',
 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
 'Connection': 'close',
 'Content-Length': '141',
 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; '
 'Host': '',
 'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.21.0'}

Better still, you can further control the filename, content type and additional headers for each part by using a tuple instead of a single string or bytes object. The tuple is expected to contain between 2 and 4 elements; the filename, the content, optionally a content type, and an optional dictionary of further headers.

I'd use the tuple form with None as the filename, so that the filename="..." parameter is dropped from the request for those parts:

>>> files = {'foo': 'bar'}
>>> print(requests.Request('POST', '', files=files).prepare().body.decode('utf8'))
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"; filename="foo"

>>> files = {'foo': (None, 'bar')}
>>> print(requests.Request('POST', '', files=files).prepare().body.decode('utf8'))
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"


files can also be a list of two-value tuples, if you need ordering and/or multiple fields with the same name:
        ('foo', (None, 'bar')),
        ('foo', (None, 'baz')),
        ('spam', (None, 'eggs')),

If you specify both files and data, then it depends on the value of data what will be used to create the POST body. If data is a string, only it willl be used; otherwise both data and files are used, with the elements in data listed first.

There is also the excellent requests-toolbelt project, which includes advanced Multipart support. It takes field definitions in the same format as the files parameter, but unlike requests, it defaults to not setting a filename parameter. In addition, it can stream the request from open file objects, where requests will first construct the request body in memory:

from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder

mp_encoder = MultipartEncoder(
        'foo': 'bar',
        # plain file object, no filename or mime type produces a
        # Content-Disposition header with just the part name
        'spam': ('spam.txt', open('spam.txt', 'rb'), 'text/plain'),
r =
    data=mp_encoder,  # The MultipartEncoder is posted as data, don't use files=...!
    # The MultipartEncoder provides the content-type header with the boundary:
    headers={'Content-Type': mp_encoder.content_type}

Fields follow the same conventions; use a tuple with between 2 and 4 elements to add a filename, part mime-type or extra headers. Unlike the files parameter, no attempt is made to find a default filename value if you don't use a tuple.

PHP cURL, extract an XML response

Just add header('Content-type: application/xml'); before your echo of the XML response and you will see an XML page.

How to send password securely over HTTP?

HTTPS is so powerful because it uses asymmetric cryptography. This type of cryptography not only allows you to create an encrypted tunnel but you can verify that you are talking to the right person, and not a hacker.

Here is Java source code which uses the asymmetric cipher RSA (used by PGP) to communicate:

How to start debug mode from command prompt for apache tomcat server?

  1. From your IDE, create a remote debug configuration, configure it for the default JPDA Tomcat port which is port 8000.

  2. From the command line:


    cd apache-tomcat/bin
    export JPDA_SUSPEND=y
    ./ jpda run


    cd apache-tomcat\bin
    set JPDA_SUSPEND=y
    catalina.bat jpda run
  3. Execute the remote debug configuration from your IDE, and Tomcat will start running and you are now able to set breakpoints in the IDE.


The JPDA_SUSPEND=y line is optional, it is useful if you want that Apache Tomcat doesn't start its execution until step 3 is completed, useful if you want to troubleshoot application initialization issues.

AttributeError("'str' object has no attribute 'read'")

AttributeError("'str' object has no attribute 'read'",)

This means exactly what it says: something tried to find a .read attribute on the object that you gave it, and you gave it an object of type str (i.e., you gave it a string).

The error occurred here:

json.load (jsonofabitch)['data']['children']

Well, you aren't looking for read anywhere, so it must happen in the json.load function that you called (as indicated by the full traceback). That is because json.load is trying to .read the thing that you gave it, but you gave it jsonofabitch, which currently names a string (which you created by calling .read on the response).

Solution: don't call .read yourself; the function will do this, and is expecting you to give it the response directly so that it can do so.

You could also have figured this out by reading the built-in Python documentation for the function (try help(json.load), or for the entire module (try help(json)), or by checking the documentation for those functions on .

What is use of c_str function In c++

c_str returns a const char* that points to a null-terminated string (i.e. a C-style string). It is useful when you want to pass the "contents"¹ of an std::string to a function that expects to work with a C-style string.

For example, consider this code:

std::string str("Hello world!");
int pos1 = str.find_first_of('w');

int pos2 = strchr(str.c_str(), 'w') - str.c_str();

if (pos1 == pos2) {
    printf("Both ways give the same result.\n");

See it in action.


¹ This is not entirely true because an std::string (unlike a C string) can contain the \0 character. If it does, the code that receives the return value of c_str() will be fooled into thinking that the string is shorter than it really is, since it will interpret \0 as the end of the string.

After installing with pip, "jupyter: command not found"

Try "pip3 install jupyter", instead of pip. It worked for me.

PHP how to get value from array if key is in a variable

As others stated, it's likely failing because the requested key doesn't exist in the array. I have a helper function here that takes the array, the suspected key, as well as a default return in the event the key does not exist.

    protected function _getArrayValue($array, $key, $default = null)
        if (isset($array[$key])) return $array[$key];
        return $default;

hope it helps.

How to change package name of an Android Application

There is a way to change the package name easily in Eclipse. Right click on your project, scroll down to Android Tools, and then click on Rename Application Package.

jQuery datepicker years shown

Adding to what @Shog9 posted, you can also restrict dates individually in the beforeShowDay: callback function.

You supply a function that takes a date and returns a boolean array:

"$(".selector").datepicker({ beforeShowDay: nationalDays}) 
natDays = [[1, 26, 'au'], [2, 6, 'nz'], [3, 17, 'ie'], [4, 27, 'za'], 
[5, 25, 'ar'], [6, 6, 'se'], [7, 4, 'us'], [8, 17, 'id'], [9, 7, 
'br'], [10, 1, 'cn'], [11, 22, 'lb'], [12, 12, 'ke']]; 
function nationalDays(date) { 
    for (i = 0; i < natDays.length; i++) { 
      if (date.getMonth() == natDays[i][0] - 1 && date.getDate() == 
natDays[i][1]) { 
        return [false, natDays[i][2] + '_day']; 
  return [true, '']; 

How do I use StringUtils in Java?

StringUtils is a utility class from Apache commons-lang (many libraries have it but this is the most common library). You need to download the jar and add it to your applications classpath.

Vuejs: Event on route change

Another solution for typescript user:

import Vue from "vue";
import Component from "vue-class-component";

  beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
    // incase if you want to access `this`
    // const self = this as any;

export default class ComponentName extends Vue {}

How to get current SIM card number in Android?

You can use the TelephonyManager to do this:

TelephonyManager t = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE); 
String number = t.getLine1Number();

Have you used

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

Android: How do bluetooth UUIDs work?

The UUID is used for uniquely identifying information. It identifies a particular service provided by a Bluetooth device. The standard defines a basic BASE_UUID: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB.

Devices such as healthcare sensors can provide a service, substituting the first eight digits with a predefined code. For example, a device that offers an RFCOMM connection uses the short code: 0x0003

So, an Android phone can connect to a device and then use the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) to find out what services it provides (UUID).

In many cases, you don't need to use these fixed UUIDs. In the case your are creating a chat application, for example, one Android phone interacts with another Android phone that uses the same application and hence the same UUID.

So, you can set an arbitrary UUID for your application using, for example, one of the many random UUID generators on the web (for example).

What does "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException" mean?

In extremely non-technical terms, it may mean that you forgot to put "ejb:" or "jdbc:" or something at the very beginning of the URI you are trying to connect.

Capture screenshot of active window?

ScreenCapture sc = new ScreenCapture();
// capture entire screen, and save it to a file
Image img = sc.CaptureScreen();
// display image in a Picture control named imageDisplay
this.imageDisplay.Image = img;
// capture this window, and save it

Why is "1000000000000000 in range(1000000000000001)" so fast in Python 3?

If you're wondering why this optimization was added to range.__contains__, and why it wasn't added to xrange.__contains__ in 2.7:

First, as Ashwini Chaudhary discovered, issue 1766304 was opened explicitly to optimize [x]range.__contains__. A patch for this was accepted and checked in for 3.2, but not backported to 2.7 because "xrange has behaved like this for such a long time that I don't see what it buys us to commit the patch this late." (2.7 was nearly out at that point.)


Originally, xrange was a not-quite-sequence object. As the 3.1 docs say:

Range objects have very little behavior: they only support indexing, iteration, and the len function.

This wasn't quite true; an xrange object actually supported a few other things that come automatically with indexing and len,* including __contains__ (via linear search). But nobody thought it was worth making them full sequences at the time.

Then, as part of implementing the Abstract Base Classes PEP, it was important to figure out which builtin types should be marked as implementing which ABCs, and xrange/range claimed to implement collections.Sequence, even though it still only handled the same "very little behavior". Nobody noticed that problem until issue 9213. The patch for that issue not only added index and count to 3.2's range, it also re-worked the optimized __contains__ (which shares the same math with index, and is directly used by count).** This change went in for 3.2 as well, and was not backported to 2.x, because "it's a bugfix that adds new methods". (At this point, 2.7 was already past rc status.)

So, there were two chances to get this optimization backported to 2.7, but they were both rejected.

* In fact, you even get iteration for free with indexing alone, but in 2.3 xrange objects got a custom iterator.

** The first version actually reimplemented it, and got the details wrong—e.g., it would give you MyIntSubclass(2) in range(5) == False. But Daniel Stutzbach's updated version of the patch restored most of the previous code, including the fallback to the generic, slow _PySequence_IterSearch that pre-3.2 range.__contains__ was implicitly using when the optimization doesn't apply.

Search in all files in a project in Sublime Text 3

Here's the easiest way : File -> Find in files

enter image description here

How to display .svg image using swift

There is no Inbuilt support for SVG in Swift. So we need to use other libraries.

The simple SVG libraries in swift are :

1) SwiftSVG Library

It gives you more option to Import as UIView, CAShapeLayer, Path, etc

To modify your SVG Color and Import as UIImage you can use my extension codes for the library mentioned in below link,

Click here to know on using SwiftSVG library :
Using SwiftSVG to set SVG for Image


2) SVGKit Library

2.1) Use pod to install :

pod 'SVGKit', :git => '', :branch => '2.x'

2.2) Add framework

Goto AppSettings
-> General Tab
-> Scroll down to Linked Frameworks and Libraries
-> Click on plus icon
-> Select SVG.framework

2.3) Add in Objective-C to Swift bridge file bridging-header.h :

#import <SVGKit/SVGKit.h>
#import <SVGKit/SVGKImage.h>

2.4) Create SvgImg Folder (for better organization) in Project and add SVG files inside it.

Note : Adding Inside Assets Folder won't work and SVGKit searches for file only in Project folders

2.5) Use in your Swift Code as below :

import SVGKit


let namSvgImgVar: SVGKImage = SVGKImage(named: "NamSvgImj")

Note : SVGKit Automatically apends extention ".svg" to the string you specify

let namSvgImgVyuVar = SVGKImageView(SVGKImage: namSvgImgVar)

let namImjVar: UIImage = namSvgImgVar.UIImage

There are many more options for you to init SVGKImage and SVGKImageView

There are also other classes u can explore


    and etc ...

JavaScript - populate drop down list with array

I found this also works...

var select = document.getElementById("selectNumber"); 
var options = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; 

// Optional: Clear all existing options first:
select.innerHTML = "";
// Populate list with options:
for(var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
    var opt = options[i];
    select.innerHTML += "<option value=\"" + opt + "\">" + opt + "</option>";

Running Google Maps v2 on the Android emulator

At the moment, referencing the Google Android Map API v2 you can't run Google Maps v2 on the Android emulator; you must use a device for your tests.

How can I put a database under git (version control)?

Use a tool like iBatis Migrations (manual, short tutorial video) which allows you to version control the changes you make to a database throughout the lifecycle of a project, rather than the database itself.

This allows you to selectively apply individual changes to different environments, keep a changelog of which changes are in which environments, create scripts to apply changes A through N, rollback changes, etc.

Check if a PHP cookie exists and if not set its value


You can't according to the PHP manual:

Once the cookies have been set, they can be accessed on the next page load with the $_COOKIE or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS arrays.

This is because cookies are sent in response headers to the browser and the browser must then send them back with the next request. This is why they are only available on the second page load.

Work around

But you can work around it by also setting $_COOKIE when you call setcookie():

if(!isset($_COOKIE['lg'])) {
    setcookie('lg', 'ro');
    $_COOKIE['lg'] = 'ro';
echo $_COOKIE['lg'];

How to receive serial data using android bluetooth

Take a look at incredible Bluetooth Serial class that has onResume() ability that helped me so much. I hope this helps ;)

How best to read a File into List<string>

var logFile = File.ReadAllLines(LOG_PATH);
var logList = new List<string>(logFile);

Since logFile is an array, you can pass it to the List<T> constructor. This eliminates unnecessary overhead when iterating over the array, or using other IO classes.

Actual constructor implementation:

public List(IEnumerable<T> collection)
        ICollection<T> c = collection as ICollection<T>;
        if( c != null) {
            int count = c.Count;
            if (count == 0)
                _items = _emptyArray;
            else {
                _items = new T[count];
                c.CopyTo(_items, 0);
                _size = count;

Android : How to set onClick event for Button in List item of ListView


inside your getView(...) method if you try to start an activity through button onClickListener:

        val intent = Intent(this@CurrentActivity,

Pass the correct pointer for "this"

jquery Ajax call - data parameters are not being passed to MVC Controller action

If you have trouble with caching ajax you can turn it off:

$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});

Use async await with

If you map to an array of Promises, you can then resolve them all to an array of numbers. See Promise.all.

php/mySQL on XAMPP: password for phpMyAdmin and mysql_connect different?

You need to change the password directly in the database because at mysql the users and their profiles are saved in the database.

So there are several ways. At phpMyAdmin you simple go to user admin, choose root and change the password.

How to open a website when a Button is clicked in Android application?

ImageView Button = (ImageView)findViewById(;

Button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {
        Uri uri = Uri.parse("");

        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

jquery getting post action url

Clean and Simple:

$('#signup').submit(function(event) {
