[c#] Clear image on picturebox

How can I clear draw image on picturebox? The following doesn't help me:

pictbox.Image = null;

Please help.


private void pictbox_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 
     Graphics g = e.Graphics; 
     vl.Draw(g, ref tran.realListForInsert); 

public void Draw(Graphics g, ref List<double> arr) 
    g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Red, 3), nodeArr[Convert.ToInt32(templstName)].pict.Location.X, nodeArr[Convert.ToInt32(templstName)].pict.Location.Y, 25, 25); 
    g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Green, 3), nodeArr[Convert.ToInt32(templstArgName)].pict.Location.X, nodeArr[Convert.ToInt32(templstArgName)].pict.Location.Y, 25, 25); 
    nodeArr[Convert.ToInt32(templstName)].text.Text = arr[Convert.ToInt32(templstArgName)].ToString(); 
    arr[Convert.ToInt32(templstName)] = arr[Convert.ToInt32(templstArgName)]; 

This question is related to c# .net winforms picturebox

The answer is

I used this method to clear the image from picturebox. It may help some one

private void btnClear1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            img1.ImageLocation = null;

Setting the Image property to null will work just fine. It will clear whatever image is currently displayed in the picture box. Make sure that you've written the code exactly like this:

picBox.Image = null;

private void ClearBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Studentpicture.Image = null;

You should try. When you clear your Graphics you must choose color. SystemColors.Control is native color of form

Graphics g = pB.CreateGraphics();

if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
    pictureBox1.Image = null;

For the Sake of Understanding:

Depending on how you're approaching your objective(s), keep in mind that the developer is responsible to Dispose everything that is no longer being used or necessary.

This means: Everything you've created along with your pictureBox (i.e: Graphics, List; etc) shall be disposed whenever it is no longer necessary.

For Instance: Let's say you have a Image File Loaded into your PictureBox, and you wish to somehow Delete that file. If you don't unload the Image File from PictureBox correctly; you won't be able to delete the file, as this will likely throw an Exception saying that the file is being used.

Therefore you'd be required to do something like:

pic_PhotoDisplay.Image = null;
pic_PhotoDisplay.ImageLocation = null;
// Required if you've drawn something in the PictureBox. Just Don't forget to Dispose Graphic.

// Depending on your approach; Dispose the Graphics with Something Like:
gfx = null;

Hope this helps you out.

I had to add a Refresh() statement after the Image = null to make things work.

I assume you want to clear the Images drawn via PictureBox.

This you would be achieved via a Bitmap object and using Graphics object. you might be doing something like

Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage(pictbox.Image);
graphic.Clear(Color.Red) //Color to fill the background and reset the box

Is this what you were looking out?


Since you are using the paint method this would cause it to be redrawn every time, I would suggest you to set a flag at the formlevel indicating whether it should or not paint the Picturebox

private bool _shouldDraw = true;
public bool ShouldDraw
    get { return _shouldDraw; }
    set { _shouldDraw = value; }

In your paint just use

  //do your stuff

When you click the button set this property to false and you should be fine.

clear pictureBox in c# winform Application Simple way to clear pictureBox in c# winform Application

I've had a stubborn image too, that wouldn't go away by setting the Image and InitialImage to null. To remove the image from the pictureBox for good, I had to use the code below, by calling Application.DoEvents() repeatedly:

            if (_pictureBox.Image != null)
            _pictureBox.Image = null;
            if (_pictureBox.InitialImage != null)
            _pictureBox.InitialImage = null;

As others have said, setting the Image property to null should work.

If it doesn't, it might mean that you used the InitialImage property to display your image. If that's indeed the case, try setting that property to null instead:

pictBox.InitialImage = null;

You need the following:

pictbox.Image = null;

Its so simple! You can go with your button click event, I used it with a button property Name: "btnClearImage"

// Note 1a:
// after clearing the picture box 
// you can also disable clear button 
// by inserting follwoing one line of code:

btnClearImage.Enabled = false   

// Note 1b:
// you should set your button Enabled property
// to "False"
// after that you will need to Insert 
// the following line to concerned event or button
// that load your image into picturebox1 
// code line is as follows:

btnClearImage.Enabled = true;

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