Programs & Examples On #Libsndfile

libsndfile is a cross platform library for reading and writing common file formats like WAV, AIFF, AU, as well as FLAC and Ogg/Vorbis.

How to fix an UnsatisfiedLinkError (Can't find dependent libraries) in a JNI project

I used to have exactly the same problem, and finally it was solved.

I put all the dependent DLLs into the same folder where mylib.dll was stored and make sure the JAVA Compiler could find it (if there is no mylib.dll in the compilation path, there would be an error reporting this during compiling). The important thing you need to notice is you must make sure all the dependent libs are of the same version with mylib.dll, for example if your mylib.dll is release version then you should also put the release version of all its dependent libs there.

Hope this could help others who have encountered the same problem.

Split comma separated column data into additional columns

split_part() does what you want in one step:

SELECT split_part(col, ',', 1) AS col1
     , split_part(col, ',', 2) AS col2
     , split_part(col, ',', 3) AS col3
     , split_part(col, ',', 4) AS col4
FROM   tbl;

Add as many lines as you have items in col (the possible maximum). Columns exceeding data items will be empty strings ('').

Invariant Violation: _registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element

Yes, basically what you done is right, except you forget that JavaScript is sync in many cases, so you running the code before your DOM gets loaded, there are few ways to solve this:

1) Check to see if DOM fully loaded, then do whatever you want, you can listen to DOMContentLoaded for example:

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed");

2) Very common way is adding the script tag to the bottom of your document (after body tag):

  <script src="/bundle.js"></script>

3) Using window.onload, which gets fired when the entire page loaded(img, etc)

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  console.log("Everything is loaded");

4) Using document.onload, which gets fired when the DOM is ready:

document.addEventListener("load", function() {
  console.log("DOM is ready");

There are even more options to check if DOM is ready, but the short answer is DO NOT run any script before you make sure your DOM is ready in every cases...

JavaScript is working along with DOM elements and if they are not available, will return null, could break the whole application... so always make sure you are fully ready to run your JavaScript before you do...

/bin/sh: pushd: not found

Your shell (/bin/sh) is trying to find 'pushd'. But it can't find it because 'pushd','popd' and other commands like that are build in bash.

Launch you script using Bash (/bin/bash) instead of Sh like you are doing now, and it will work

Python wildcard search in string

Do you mean any specific syntax for wildcards? Usually * stands for "one or many" characters and ? stands for one.

The simplest way probably is to translate a wildcard expression into a regular expression, then use that for filtering the results.

How to code a very simple login system with java


import java.util.Scanner;

public class LoginMain {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String Username;
    String Password;

    Password = "123";
    Username = "wisdom";

    Scanner input1 = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter Username : ");
    String username =;

    Scanner input2 = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter Password : ");
    String password =;

    if (username.equals(Username) && password.equals(Password)) {

        System.out.println("Access Granted! Welcome!");

    else if (username.equals(Username)) {
        System.out.println("Invalid Password!");
    } else if (password.equals(Password)) {
        System.out.println("Invalid Username!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Invalid Username & Password!");



How to make an ImageView with rounded corners?

In the v21 of the Support library there is now a solution to this: it's called RoundedBitmapDrawable.

It's basically just like a normal Drawable except you give it a corner radius for the clipping with:

setCornerRadius(float cornerRadius)

So, starting with Bitmap src and a target ImageView, it would look something like this:

RoundedBitmapDrawable dr = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(res, src);

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

If you want to search after the type is done use a global variable to hold the timeout returned from your setTimout call and cancel it with a clearTimeout if it hasn't yet happend so that it won't fire the timeout except on the last keyup event

var globalTimeout = null;  
  if(globalTimeout != null) clearTimeout(globalTimeout);  
  globalTimeout =setTimeout(SearchFunc,200);  
function SearchFunc(){  
  globalTimeout = null;  
  //ajax code

Or with an anonymous function :

var globalTimeout = null;  
$('#id').keyup(function() {
  if (globalTimeout != null) {
  globalTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
    globalTimeout = null;  

    //ajax code

  }, 200);  

"OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted" when installing Scrapy in OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) (System Integrity Protection)

I tried to install AWS via pip in El Capitan but this error appear

OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/var/folders/wm/jhnj0g_s16gb36y8kwvrgm7h0000gp/T/pip-wTnb_D-uninstall/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/six-1.4.1-py2.7.egg-info'

I found the answer here

sudo -H pip install awscli --upgrade --ignore-installed six

It works for me :)

How to do vlookup and fill down (like in Excel) in R?

I also like using qdapTools::lookup or shorthand binary operator %l%. It works identically to an Excel vlookup, but it accepts name arguments opposed to column numbers

## Replicate Ben's data:
hous <- structure(list(HouseType = c("Semi", "Single", "Row", "Single", 
    "Apartment", "Apartment", "Row"), HouseTypeNo = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 
    2L, 4L, 4L, 3L)), .Names = c("HouseType", "HouseTypeNo"), 
    class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -7L))

largetable <- data.frame(HouseType = as.character(sample(unique(hous$HouseType), 
    1000, replace = TRUE)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## It's this simple:
largetable[, 1] %l% hous

How can I match a string with a regex in Bash?

A Function To Do This

extract () {
  if [ -f $1 ] ; then
      case $1 in
          *.tar.bz2)   tar xvjf $1    ;;
          *.tar.gz)    tar xvzf $1    ;;
          *.bz2)       bunzip2 $1     ;;
          *.rar)       rar x $1       ;;
          *.gz)        gunzip $1      ;;
          *.tar)       tar xvf $1     ;;
          *.tbz2)      tar xvjf $1    ;;
          *.tgz)       tar xvzf $1    ;;
          *.zip)       unzip $1       ;;
          *.Z)         uncompress $1  ;;
          *.7z)        7z x $1        ;;
          *)           echo "don't know '$1'..." ;;
      echo "'$1' is not a valid file!"

Other Note

In response to Aquarius Power in the comment above, We need to store the regex on a var

The variable BASH_REMATCH is set after you match the expression, and ${BASH_REMATCH[n]} will match the nth group wrapped in parentheses ie in the following ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} = "compressed" and ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} = ".gz"

if [[ "compressed.gz" =~ ^(.*)(\.[a-z]{1,5})$ ]]; 
  echo ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} ; 
  echo "Not proper format"; 

(The regex above isn't meant to be a valid one for file naming and extensions, but it works for the example)

Html.fromHtml deprecated in Android N

Here is my solution.

 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {
        holder.notificationTitle.setText(Html.fromHtml(notificationSucces.getMessage(), Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY));
    } else {


How is a JavaScript hash map implemented?

I was running into the problem where i had the json with some common keys. I wanted to group all the values having the same key. After some surfing I found hashmap package. Which is really helpful.

To group the element with the same key, I used multi(key:*, value:*, key2:*, value2:*, ...).

This package is somewhat similar to Java Hashmap collection, but not as powerful as Java Hashmap.

How to set margin with jquery?

Set it with a px value. Changing the code like below should work

el.css('marginLeft', mrg + 'px');

Spring JDBC Template for calling Stored Procedures

There are a number of ways to call stored procedures in Spring.

If you use CallableStatementCreator to declare parameters, you will be using Java's standard interface of CallableStatement, i.e register out parameters and set them separately. Using SqlParameter abstraction will make your code cleaner.

I recommend you looking at SimpleJdbcCall. It may be used like this:

SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)
jdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter(paramName, OracleTypes.NUMBER));

For simple procedures you may use jdbcTemplate's update method:

jdbcTemplate.update("call SOME_PROC (?, ?)", param1, param2);

Making a WinForms TextBox behave like your browser's address bar

I've found an even simpler solution:

To make sure all text is selected when clicking on a textBox, make sure that the Click handler calls the Enter handler. No need for extra variables!


private void textBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
        textBox1_Enter(sender, e);

private void textBox1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e){
        TextBox tb = ((TextBox)sender);

Avoid browser popup blockers

My use case: In my react app, Upon user click there is an API call performed to the backend. Based on the response, new tab is opened with the api response added as params to the new tab URL (in same domain).

The only caveat in my use case is that it takes more for 1 second for the API response to be received. Hence pop-up blocker shows up (if it is active) when opening up URL in a new tab.

To circumvent the above described issue, here is the sample code,

    const url="http://someurl"+"?response"
    //catch error

Summary: Create an empty tab (as above line 1) and when the API call is completed, you can fill up the tab with the url and skip the popup blocker.

Keytool is not recognized as an internal or external command

A simple solution of error is that you first need to change the folder directory in command prompt. By default in command prompt or in terminal(Inside Android studio in the bottom)tab the path is set to C:\Users#Name of your PC that you selected\AndroidStudioProjects#app name\flutter_app> Change accordingly:- C:\Users#Name of your PC that you selected\AndroidStudioProjects#app name\flutter_app>cd\

type **cd** (#after flutter_app>), type only cd\ not comma's

then type cd Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_251\bin (#remember to check the file name of jre properly)

now type keytool -list -v -keystore "\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android (without anyspace type the command).

screenshot of the codes to run

Does Visual Studio have code coverage for unit tests?

Toni's answer is very useful, but I thought a quick start for total beginners to test coverage assessment (like I am).

As already mentioned, Visual Studio Professional and Community Editions do not have built-in test coverage support. However, it can be obtained quite easily. I will write step-by-step configuration for use with NUnit tests within Visual Studion 2015 Professional.

  1. Install OpenCover NUGet component using NuGet interface

  2. Get OpenCoverUI extension. This can be installed directly from Visual Studio by using Tools -> Extensions and Updates

  3. Configure OpenCoverUI to use the appropriate executables, by accessing Tools -> Options -> OpenCover.UI Options -> General

NUnit Path: must point to the `nunit-console.exe file. This can be found only within NUnit 2.xx version, which can be downloaded from here.

OpenCover Path: this should point to the installed package, usually <solution path>\packages\OpenCover.4.6.519\tools\OpenCover.Console.exe

  1. Install ReportGenerator NUGet package

  2. Access OpenCover Test Explorer from OpenCover menu. Try discovering tests from there. If it fails, check Output windows for more details.

  3. Check OpenCover Results (within OpenCover menu) for more details. It will output details such as Code Coverage in a tree based view. You can also highlight code that is or is not covered (small icon in the top-left).

NOTE: as mentioned, OpenCoverUI does not support latest major version of NUnit (3.xx). However, if nothing specific to this version is used within tests, it will work with no problems, regardless of having installed NUnit 3.xx version.

This covers the quick start. As already mentioned in the comments, for more advanced configuration and automation check this article.

Set angular scope variable in markup

Create a directive called myVar with

scope : { myVar: '@' }

and call it like this:

<div name="my_map" my-var="Richmond,VA">

Note in particular the camel case reference in the directive to the hyphenated tag name.

For more information see "Understanding Transclusion and Scopes" here:-

Here's a Fiddle that shows how you can copy values from attributes to scope variables in various different ways within a directive.

Excel: How to check if a cell is empty with VBA?

You could use IsEmpty() function like this:

Set rRng = Sheet1.Range("A10")
If IsEmpty(rRng.Value) Then ...

you could also use following:

If ActiveCell.Value = vbNullString Then ...

AngularJs directive not updating another directive's scope

Just wondering why you are using 2 directives?

It seems like, in this case it would be more straightforward to have a controller as the parent - handle adding the data from your service to its $scope, and pass the model you need from there into your warrantyDirective.

Or for that matter, you could use 0 directives to achieve the same result. (ie. move all functionality out of the separate directives and into a single controller).

It doesn't look like you're doing any explicit DOM transformation here, so in this case, perhaps using 2 directives is overcomplicating things.

Alternatively, have a look at the Angular documentation for directives: The very last example at the bottom of the page explains how to wire up dependent directives.

How do I share a global variable between c files?

using extern <variable type> <variable name> in a header or another C file.

How to change heatmap.2 color range in R?

I got the color range to be asymmetric simply by changing the symkey argument to FALSE

symm=F,symkey=F,symbreaks=T, scale="none"

Solved the color issue with colorRampPalette with the breaks argument to specify the range of each color, e.g.

colors = c(seq(-3,-2,length=100),seq(-2,0.5,length=100),seq(0.5,6,length=100))

my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "black", "green"))(n = 299)


heatmap.2(as.matrix(SeqCountTable), col=my_palette, 
    breaks=colors,"none", trace="none", 
        dendrogram=c("row"), symm=F,symkey=F,symbreaks=T, scale="none")

Gradle - Could not find or load main class

Just to make it clear for newbies trying to run a gradle project from Netbeans:
To understand this, you need to see what the main class name looks like and what the gradle build looks like:

Main class:

package com.stormtrident;

public class StormTrident {
    public static void main(String[] cmdArgs) {

Notice that it is part of the package "com.stormtrident".

Gradle build:

apply plugin: 'java'

defaultTasks 'jar'

jar {
 from {
        (configurations.runtime).collect {
            it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.stormtrident.StormTrident'

sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
[compileJava, compileTestJava]*.options*.encoding = 'UTF-8'

if (!hasProperty('mainClass')) {
    ext.mainClass = 'com.stormtrident.StormTrident'

repositories {

dependencies {
    //---apache storm
    compile 'org.apache.storm:storm-core:1.0.0'  //compile 
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.10'

Turn a single number into single digits Python

The easiest way is to turn the int into a string and take each character of the string as an element of your list:

>>> n = 43365644 
>>> digits = [int(x) for x in str(n)]
>>> digits
[4, 3, 3, 6, 5, 6, 4, 4]
>>> lst.extend(digits)  # use the extends method if you want to add the list to another

It involves a casting operation, but it's readable and acceptable if you don't need extreme performance.

How to set the style -webkit-transform dynamically using JavaScript?

If you want to do it via setAttribute you would change the style attribute like so:

element.setAttribute('style','transform:rotate(90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg)') //etc

This would be helpful if you want to reset all other inline style and only set your needed style properties' values again, BUT in most cases you may not want that. That's why everybody advised to use this: = 'rotate(90deg)'; = 'rotate(90deg)';

The above is equivalent to['transform'] = 'rotate(90deg)';['-webkit-transform'] = 'rotate(90deg)';

What's the actual use of 'fail' in JUnit test case?

I think the usual use case is to call it when no exception was thrown in a negative test.

Something like the following pseudo-code:

    try {
        foo.add(NIL);                      // we expect a NullPointerException here
        fail("No NullPointerException");   // cause the test to fail if we reach this            
     } catch (NullNullPointerException e) {
        // OK got the expected exception

Generating random numbers in C

Or, to get a pseudo-random int in the range 0 to 19, for example, you could use the higher bits like this:

j = ((rand() >> 15) % 20;

jQuery - Fancybox: But I don't want scrollbars!

    fitToView   : false,
    width       : '100%',
    height      : '100%',
    maxWidth    : 850,
    maxHeight   : 550,    
    fitToView   : false,
    padding : 20,
    autoSize    : true,
    closeClick  : true,
    openEffect  : 'none',
    closeEffect : 'none',
    overflow : 'hidden', 

            scrolling   : 'no'

What is the easiest way to push an element to the beginning of the array?

You can use insert:

a = [1,2,3]
=> ['x',1,2,3]

Where the first argument is the index to insert at and the second is the value.

How to import cv2 in python3?

anaconda prompt -->pip install opencv-python

How to create a sticky left sidebar menu using bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap 3

Here is a working left sidebar example: (similar to the Bootstrap docs)

The trick is using the affix component along with some CSS to position it:

  #sidebar.affix-top {
    position: static;

  #sidebar.affix {
    position: fixed;

EDIT- Another example with footer and affix-bottom

Bootstrap 4

The Affix component has been removed in Bootstrap 4, so to create a sticky sidebar, you can use a 3rd party Affix plugin like this Bootstrap 4 sticky sidebar example, or use the sticky-top class is explained in this answer.

Related: Create a responsive navbar sidebar "drawer" in Bootstrap 4?

Replace all non-alphanumeric characters in a string


s = filter(str.isalnum, s)

in Python3:

s = ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, s))

Edit: realized that the OP wants to replace non-chars with '*'. My answer does not fit

How can I resolve the error: "The command [...] exited with code 1"?

For me, in VS 2013, I had to get rid of missing references under References in the UI project (MVC). Turns out, the ones missing were not referenced.

How to display hexadecimal numbers in C?

Your code has no problem. It does print the way you want. Alternatively, you can do this:


Get age from Birthdate


You can calculate with Dates.

var birthdate = new Date("1990/1/1");
var cur = new Date();
var diff = cur-birthdate; // This is the difference in milliseconds
var age = Math.floor(diff/31557600000); // Divide by 1000*60*60*24*365.25

Removing leading and trailing spaces from a string

To add to the problem, how to extend this formatting to process extra spaces between words of the string.

Actually, this is a simpler case than accounting for multiple leading and trailing white-space characters. All you need to do is remove duplicate adjacent white-space characters from the entire string.

The predicate for adjacent white space would simply be:

auto by_space = [](unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
    return std::isspace(a) and std::isspace(b);

and then you can get rid of those duplicate adjacent white-space characters with std::unique, and the erase-remove idiom:

// s = "       This       is       a sample   string     "  
s.erase(std::unique(std::begin(s), std::end(s), by_space), 
// s = " This is a sample string "  

This does potentially leave an extra white-space character at the front and/or the back. This can be removed quite easily:

if (std::size(s) && std::isspace(s.back()))

if (std::size(s) && std::isspace(s.front()))
    s.erase(0, 1);

Here's a demo.

Import Excel spreadsheet columns into SQL Server database

Microsoft suggest several methods:

  • SQL Server Data Transformation Services (DTS)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS)
  • SQL Server linked servers
  • SQL Server distributed queries
  • ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
  • ADO and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet 4.0

If the wizard (DTS) isn't working (and I think it should) you could try something like this which basically suggests doing something like

INSERT INTO [tblTemp] ([Column1], [Column2], [Column3], [Column4])

SELECT A.[Column1], A.[Column2], A.[Column3], A.[Column4]
('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\Excel.xls;HDR=YES', 'select * from [Sheet1$]') AS A;

JavaScript global event mechanism

Try Atatus which provides Advanced Error Tracking and Real User Monitoring for modern web apps.

Let me explain how to get stacktraces that are reasonably complete in all browsers.

Error handling in JavaScript

Modern Chrome and Opera fully support the HTML 5 draft spec for ErrorEvent and window.onerror. In both of these browsers you can either use window.onerror, or bind to the 'error' event properly:

// Only Chrome & Opera pass the error object.
window.onerror = function (message, file, line, col, error) {
    console.log(message, "from", error.stack);
    // You can send data to your server
    // sendError(data);
// Only Chrome & Opera have an error attribute on the event.
window.addEventListener("error", function (e) {
    console.log(e.error.message, "from", e.error.stack);
    // You can send data to your server
    // sendError(data);

Unfortunately Firefox, Safari and IE are still around and we have to support them too. As the stacktrace is not available in window.onerror we have to do a little bit more work.

It turns out that the only thing we can do to get stacktraces from errors is to wrap all of our code in a try{ }catch(e){ } block and then look at e.stack. We can make the process somewhat easier with a function called wrap that takes a function and returns a new function with good error handling.

function wrap(func) {
    // Ensure we only wrap the function once.
    if (!func._wrapped) {
        func._wrapped = function () {
                func.apply(this, arguments);
            } catch(e) {
                console.log(e.message, "from", e.stack);
                // You can send data to your server
                // sendError(data);
                throw e;
    return func._wrapped;

This works. Any function that you wrap manually will have good error handling, but it turns out that we can actually do it for you automatically in most cases.

By changing the global definition of addEventListener so that it automatically wraps the callback we can automatically insert try{ }catch(e){ } around most code. This lets existing code continue to work, but adds high-quality exception tracking.

var addEventListener = window.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
window.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (event, callback, bubble) {, event, wrap(callback), bubble);

We also need to make sure that removeEventListener keeps working. At the moment it won't because the argument to addEventListener is changed. Again we only need to fix this on the prototype object:

var removeEventListener = window.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener;
window.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function (event, callback, bubble) {, event, callback._wrapped || callback, bubble);

Transmit error data to your backend

You can send error data using image tag as follows

function sendError(data) {
    var img = newImage(),
        src = '' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data));

    img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
    img.onload = function success() {
        console.log('success', data);
    img.onerror = img.onabort = function failure() {
        console.error('failure', data);
    img.src = src;

Disclaimer: I am a web developer at

Where can I get a list of Ansible pre-defined variables?

I use this simple playbook:

# vars.yml
# Shows the value of all variables/facts.
# Example:
#   ansible-playbook vars.yml -e 'hosts=localhost'
- hosts: localhost
    - fail: "You must specify a value for `hosts` variable - e.g.: ansible-playbook vars.yml -e 'hosts=localhost'"
      when: hosts is not defined

- hosts: "{{ hosts }}"
    - debug: var=vars
    - debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]

SVN change username

You could ask your colleague to create a patch, which will collapse all the changes that have been made into a single file that you can apply to your own check out. This will update all of your files appropriately and then you can revert the changes on his side and check yours in.

Programmatically center TextView text


How to group subarrays by a column value?

I just threw this together, inspired by .NET LINQ


// callable type hint may be "closure" type hint instead, depending on php version
function array_group_by(array $arr, callable $key_selector) {
  $result = array();
  foreach ($arr as $i) {
    $key = call_user_func($key_selector, $i);
    $result[$key][] = $i;
  return $result;

 $data = array(
        array(1, "Andy", "PHP"),
        array(1, "Andy", "C#"),
        array(2, "Josh", "C#"),
        array(2, "Josh", "ASP"),
        array(1, "Andy", "SQL"),
        array(3, "Steve", "SQL"),

$grouped = array_group_by($data, function($i){  return $i[0]; });



And voila you get

array(3) {
  array(3) {
    array(3) {
      string(4) "Andy"
      string(3) "PHP"
    array(3) {
      string(4) "Andy"
      string(2) "C#"
    array(3) {
      string(4) "Andy"
      string(3) "SQL"
  array(2) {
    array(3) {
      string(4) "Josh"
      string(2) "C#"
    array(3) {
      string(4) "Josh"
      string(3) "ASP"
  array(1) {
    array(3) {
      string(5) "Steve"
      string(3) "SQL"

Disable autocomplete via CSS

You can use a generated id and name everytime, which is different, so the browser cannot remember this text-field and will fail to suggest some values.

This is at least the cross browser safe alternative, but I would recommend to go with the answer from RobertsonM (autocomplete="off").

How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android

Instead of creating too many short Polylines just create one like here:

PolylineOptions options = new PolylineOptions().width(5).color(Color.BLUE).geodesic(true);
for (int z = 0; z < list.size(); z++) {
    LatLng point = list.get(z);
line = myMap.addPolyline(options);

I'm also not sure you should use geodesic when your points are so close to each other.

How do you get centered content using Twitter Bootstrap?

On my side I define new CSS styles ready to use and easy to remember:

.center { text-align: center;}
.left { text-align: left;}
.right { text-align: right;}
.justify { text-align: justify;}
.fleft { float: left;} /*-> similar to .pull-left already existing in bootstrap*/
.fright { float: right;}  /*-> similar to .pull-right already existing in bootstrap*/
.vab { vertical-align: bottom;}
.bold { font-weight: bold;}
.italic { font-style: italic;}

Is it a good idea? Is there any good practice for this?

AngularJS resource promise

If you want to use asynchronous method you need to use callback function by $promise, here is example:

var Regions = $resource('mocks/regions.json');

$scope.regions = Regions.query();
$scope.regions.$promise.then(function (result) {
    $scope.regions = result;

How do you UrlEncode without using System.Web?

The answers here are very good, but still insufficient for me.

I wrote a small loop that compares Uri.EscapeUriString with Uri.EscapeDataString for all characters from 0 to 255.

NOTE: Both functions have the built-in intelligence that characters above 0x80 are first UTF-8 encoded and then percent encoded.

Here is the result:

******* Different *******

'#' -> Uri "#" Data "%23"
'$' -> Uri "$" Data "%24"
'&' -> Uri "&" Data "%26"
'+' -> Uri "+" Data "%2B"
',' -> Uri "," Data "%2C"
'/' -> Uri "/" Data "%2F"
':' -> Uri ":" Data "%3A"
';' -> Uri ";" Data "%3B"
'=' -> Uri "=" Data "%3D"
'?' -> Uri "?" Data "%3F"
'@' -> Uri "@" Data "%40"

******* Not escaped *******

'!' -> Uri "!" Data "!"
''' -> Uri "'" Data "'"
'(' -> Uri "(" Data "("
')' -> Uri ")" Data ")"
'*' -> Uri "*" Data "*"
'-' -> Uri "-" Data "-"
'.' -> Uri "." Data "."
'_' -> Uri "_" Data "_"
'~' -> Uri "~" Data "~"

'0' -> Uri "0" Data "0"
'9' -> Uri "9" Data "9"

'A' -> Uri "A" Data "A"
'Z' -> Uri "Z" Data "Z"

'a' -> Uri "a" Data "a"
'z' -> Uri "z" Data "z"

******* UTF 8 *******

'Ò' -> Uri "%C3%92" Data "%C3%92"
'Ó' -> Uri "%C3%93" Data "%C3%93"
'Ô' -> Uri "%C3%94" Data "%C3%94"
'Õ' -> Uri "%C3%95" Data "%C3%95"
'Ö' -> Uri "%C3%96" Data "%C3%96"

EscapeUriString is to be used to encode URLs, while EscapeDataString is to be used to encode for example the content of a Cookie, because Cookie data must not contain the reserved characters '=' and ';'.

Push an associative item into an array in JavaScript

Another method for creating a JavaScript associative array

First create an array of objects,

 var arr = {'name': []};

Next, push the value to the object.

  var val = 2;

To read from it:

var val =[0];

Unit test naming best practices

In VS + NUnit I usually create folders in my project to group functional tests together. Then I create unit test fixture classes and name them after the type of functionality I'm testing. The [Test] methods are named along the lines of Can_add_user_to_domain:

- MyUnitTestProject   
  + FTPServerTests <- Folder
   + UserManagerTests <- Test Fixture Class
     - Can_add_user_to_domain  <- Test methods
     - Can_delete_user_from_domain
     - Can_reset_password

How can I count the number of elements of a given value in a matrix?

This is a very good function file available on Matlab Central File Exchange.

countmember.m link

This function file is totally vectorized and hence very quick. Plus, in comparison to the function being referred to in aioobe's answer, this function doesn't use the accumarray function, which is why this is even compatible with older versions of Matlab. Also, it works for cell arrays as well as numeric arrays.

SOLUTION : You can use this function in conjunction with the built in matlab function, "unique".

occurance_count = countmember(unique(M),M)

occurance_count will be a numeric array with the same size as that of unique(M) and the different values of occurance_count array will correspond to the count of corresponding values (same index) in unique(M).

How to overlay one div over another div

Here follows a simple solution 100% based on CSS. The "secret" is to use the display: inline-block in the wrapper element. The vertical-align: bottom in the image is a hack to overcome the 4px padding that some browsers add after the element.

Advice: if the element before the wrapper is inline they can end up nested. In this case you can "wrap the wrapper" inside a container with display: block - usually a good and old div.

.wrapper {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.hover {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    right: 0;_x000D_
    bottom: 0;_x000D_
    background-color: rgba(0, 188, 212, 0);_x000D_
    transition: background-color 0.5s;_x000D_
.hover:hover {_x000D_
    background-color: rgba(0, 188, 212, 0.8);_x000D_
    // You can tweak with other background properties too (ie: background-image)..._x000D_
img {_x000D_
    vertical-align: bottom;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
    <div class="hover"></div>_x000D_
    <img src="" />_x000D_

ArrayList vs List<> in C#

Yes, pretty much. List<T> is a generic class. It supports storing values of a specific type without casting to or from object (which would have incurred boxing/unboxing overhead when T is a value type in the ArrayList case). ArrayList simply stores object references. As a generic collection, List<T> implements the generic IEnumerable<T> interface and can be used easily in LINQ (without requiring any Cast or OfType call).

ArrayList belongs to the days that C# didn't have generics. It's deprecated in favor of List<T>. You shouldn't use ArrayList in new code that targets .NET >= 2.0 unless you have to interface with an old API that uses it.

Create empty data frame with column names by assigning a string vector?

How about:

df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
x <- c("name", "age", "gender")
colnames(df) <- x

To do all these operations in one-liner:

setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)), c("name", "age", "gender"))

#[1] name   age    gender
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)


data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0, dimnames=list(NULL, c("name", "age", "gender"))))

Reordering arrays

Here is an immutable version for those who are interested:

function immutableMove(arr, from, to) {
  return arr.reduce((prev, current, idx, self) => {
    if (from === to) {
    if (idx === from) {
      return prev;
    if (from < to) {
    if (idx === to) {
    if (from > to) {
    return prev;
  }, []);

Adding images to an HTML document with javascript

You need to use document.getElementById() in line 3.

If you try this right now in the console:

var img = document.createElement("img");_x000D_
img.src = "";_x000D_
var src = document.getElementById("header");_x000D_
<div id="header"></div>

... you'd get this:

enter image description here

How can I override inline styles with external CSS?

used !important in CSS property

<div style="color: red;">
    Hello World, How Can I Change The Color To Blue?

div {
        color: blue !important;

Including one C source file in another?


Depending on your build environment (you don't specify), you may find that it works in exactly the way that you want.

However, there are many environments (both IDEs and a lot of hand crafted Makefiles) that expect to compile *.c - if that happens you will probably end up with linker errors due to duplicate symbols.

As a rule this practice should be avoided.

If you absolutely must #include source (and generally it should be avoided), use a different file suffix for the file.

Markdown `native` text alignment

The div element has its own alignment attribute, align.

<div align="center">
  my text here.

Programmatically close aspx page from code behind

You would typically do something like:

protected void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "closePage", "window.close();", true);

However, keep in mind that different things will happen in different scenerios. Firefox won't let you close a window that wasn't opened by you (opened with

IE7 will prompt the user with a "This page is trying to close (Yes | No)" dialog.

In any case, you should be prepared to deal with the window not always closing!

One fix for the 2 above issues is to use:

protected void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "closePage", "'close.html', '_self', null);", true);

And create a close.html:

 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
     var redirectTimerId = 0;
     function closeWindow()
         window.opener = top;
         redirectTimerId = window.setTimeout('redirect()', 2000);

     function stopRedirect()

     function redirect()
         window.location = 'default.aspx';
 <body onload="closeWindow()" onunload="stopRedirect()" style="">
     <center><h1>Please Wait...</h1></center>

Note that close.html will redirect to default.aspx if the window does not close after 2 sec for some reason.

How to interpolate variables in strings in JavaScript, without concatenation?

If you like to write CoffeeScript you could do:

hello = "foo"
my_string = "I pity the #{hello}"

CoffeeScript actually IS javascript, but with a much better syntax.

For an overview of CoffeeScript check this beginner's guide.

Client on Node.js: Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

I confirm. We must add:

webPreferences: {
    nodeIntegration: true

For example:

mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({webPreferences: {
    nodeIntegration: true

For me, the problem has been resolved with that.

vuetify center items into v-flex

<v-layout justify-center>
    <v-btn primary>
    </v-btn>`enter code here`

RESTful call in Java

I want to share my personal experience, calling a REST WS with Post JSON call:


public class HWS {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        //Insert your JSON query request
        String query = "{'PARAM1': 'VALUE','PARAM2': 'VALUE','PARAM3': 'VALUE','PARAM4': 'VALUE'}";
        //It change the apostrophe char to double quote char, to form a correct JSON string
        query=query.replace("'", "\"");

            //make connection
            URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection();
            //It Content Type is so important to support JSON call
            urlc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml");
            Msj("Conectando: " + url.toString());
            //use post mode
            //send query
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(urlc.getOutputStream());
            Msj("Consulta: " + query);
            //get result
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlc.getInputStream()));
            String l = null;
            while ((l=br.readLine())!=null) {
        } catch (Exception e){
            Msj("Error ocurrido");
    private static void Msj(String texto){

How to create a RelativeLayout programmatically with two buttons one on top of the other?

I have written a quick example to demonstrate how to create a layout programmatically.

public class CodeLayout extends Activity {

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Creating a new RelativeLayout
        RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(this);

        // Defining the RelativeLayout layout parameters.
        // In this case I want to fill its parent
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams rlp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

        // Creating a new TextView
        TextView tv = new TextView(this);

        // Defining the layout parameters of the TextView
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

        // Setting the parameters on the TextView

        // Adding the TextView to the RelativeLayout as a child

        // Setting the RelativeLayout as our content view
        setContentView(relativeLayout, rlp);

In theory everything should be clear as it is commented. If you don't understand something just tell me.

Adding div element to body or document in JavaScript

The modern way is to use ParentNode.append(), like so:

let element = document.createElement('div');_x000D_ = 'position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.3;z-index:100;background:#000;';_x000D_

Get keys of a Typescript interface as array of strings

The following requires you to list the keys on your own, but at least TypeScript will enforce IUserProfile and IUserProfileKeys have the exact same keys (Required<T> was added in TypeScript 2.8):

export interface IUserProfile  {
  id: string;
  name: string;
type KeysEnum<T> = { [P in keyof Required<T>]: true };
const IUserProfileKeys: KeysEnum<IUserProfile> = {
  id: true,
  name: true,

How to find length of a string array?

String car [];

is a reference to an array of String-s. You can't see a length because there is no array there!

How do I enable/disable log levels in Android?

The easiest way is probably to run your compiled JAR through ProGuard before deployment, with a config like:

-assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log {
    public static int v(...);

That will — aside from all the other ProGuard optimisations — remove any verbose log statements directly from the bytecode.

Short circuit Array.forEach like calling break

I use nullhack for that purpose, it tries to access property of null, which is an error:

try {
    function ( val, idx, arr ) {
      if ( val == 3 ) null.NULLBREAK;
} catch (e) {
  // e <=> TypeError: null has no properties

How to Set RadioButtonFor() in MVC 2 as Checked by default

Here is code to set default radio button set to true

@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender, "Male", new { @checked = "checked", id = "rdGender", name = "rbGender" })

How to get streaming url from online streaming radio station

Edited ZygD's answer for python 3.x.:

import re
import urllib.request
import string
url1 = input("Please enter a URL from Tunein Radio: ");
request = urllib.request.Request(url1);
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request);
raw_file ='utf-8');
API_key = re.findall(r"StreamUrl\":\"(.*?),\"",raw_file);
#print API_key;
#print "The API key is: " + API_key[0];
request2 = urllib.request.Request(str(API_key[0]));
response2 = urllib.request.urlopen(request2);
key_content ='utf-8');
raw_stream_url = re.findall(r"Url\": \"(.*?)\"",key_content);
bandwidth = re.findall(r"Bandwidth\":(.*?),", key_content);
reliability = re.findall(r"lity\":(.*?),", key_content);
isPlaylist = re.findall(r"HasPlaylist\":(.*?),",key_content);
codec = re.findall(r"MediaType\": \"(.*?)\",", key_content);
tipe = re.findall(r"Type\": \"(.*?)\"", key_content);
total = 0
for element in raw_stream_url:
    total = total + 1
i = 0
print ("I found " + str(total) + " streams.");
for element in raw_stream_url:
    print ("Stream #" + str(i + 1));
    print ("Stream stats:");
    print ("Bandwidth: " + str(bandwidth[i]) + " kilobytes per second.");
    print ("Reliability: " + str(reliability[i]) + "%");
    print ("HasPlaylist: " + str(isPlaylist[i]));
    print ("Stream codec: " + str(codec[i]));
    print ("This audio stream is " + tipe[i].lower());
    print ("Pure streaming URL: " + str(raw_stream_url[i]));
i = i + 1
input("Press enter to close")

How to get previous month and year relative to today, using strtotime and date?

strtotime have second timestamp parameter that make the first parameter relative to second parameter. So you can do this:

date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month', time()))

How to get a .csv file into R?

As Dirk said, the function you are after is 'read.csv' or one of the other read.table variants. Given your sample data above, I think you will want to do something like this:


df <- read.csv("myRandomFile.csv", header=TRUE)

All we did in the above was set the directory to where your .csv file is and then read the .csv into a dataframe named df. You can check that the data loaded properly by checking the structure of the object with:


Assuming the data loaded properly, you can think go on to perform any number of statistical methods with the data in your data frame. I think summary(df) would be a good place to start. Learning how to use the help in R will be immensely useful, and a quick read through the help on CRAN will save you lots of time in the future:

Typescript: TS7006: Parameter 'xxx' implicitly has an 'any' type

In your tsconfig.json file set the parameter "noImplicitAny": false under compilerOptions to get rid of this error.

google-services.json for different productFlavors

According to ahmed_khan_89's answer, you can put you "copy code" inside product flavors.

productFlavors {
    staging {
        applicationId = "com.demo.staging"

        println "Using Staging google-service.json"
        copy {
            from 'src/staging/'
            include '*.json'
            into '.'
    production {
        applicationId = "com.demo.production"

        println "Using Production google-service.json"
        copy {
            from 'src/production/'
            include '*.json'
            into '.'

Then you don't have to switch settings manually.

How to remove focus from single editText

I will try to explain how to remove the focus (flashing cursor) from EditText view with some more details and understanding. Usually this line of code should work


but it could be situation when the editText still has the focus, and this is happening because clearFocus() method is trying to set the focus back to the first focusable view in the activity/fragment layout.

So if you have only one view in the activity which is focusable, and this usually will be your EditText view, then clearFocus() will set the focus again to that view, and for you it will look that clearFocus() is not working. Remember that EditText views are focusable(true) by default so if you have only one EditText view inside your layout it will aways get the focus on the screen. In this case your solution will be to find the parent view(some layout , ex LinearLayout, Framelayout) inside your layout file and set to it this xml code


After that when you execute editText.clearFocus() the parent view inside your layout will accept the focus and your editText will be clear of the focus.

I hope this will help somebody to understand how clearFocus() is working.

Debugging JavaScript in IE7

Web Development Helper is very good.

The IE Dev Toolbar is often helpful, but unfortunately doesn't do script debugging

Can you animate a height change on a UITableViewCell when selected?

Check this method after iOS 7 and later.

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
    return UITableViewAutomaticDimension;

Improvements have been made to this in iOS 8. We can set it as property of the table view itself.

Receiver not registered exception error?

I used a try - catch block to solve the issue temporarily.

// Unregister Observer - Stop monitoring the underlying data source.
        if (mDataSetChangeObserver != null) {
            // Sometimes the Fragment onDestroy() unregisters the observer before calling below code
            // See <a></a>
            try  {
                mDataSetChangeObserver = null;
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // Check wether we are in debug mode
                if (BuildConfig.IS_DEBUG_MODE) {

How do I create a self-signed certificate for code signing on Windows?

As stated in the answer, in order to use a non deprecated way to sign your own script, one should use New-SelfSignedCertificate.

  1. Generate the key:
New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName [email protected] -Type CodeSigning -CertStoreLocation cert:\CurrentUser\My
  1. Export the certificate without the private key:
Export-Certificate -Cert (Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My -CodeSigningCert)[0] -FilePath code_signing.crt

The [0] will make this work for cases when you have more than one certificate... Obviously make the index match the certificate you want to use... or use a way to filtrate (by thumprint or issuer).

  1. Import it as Trusted Publisher
Import-Certificate -FilePath .\code_signing.crt -Cert Cert:\CurrentUser\TrustedPublisher
  1. Import it as a Root certificate authority.
Import-Certificate -FilePath .\code_signing.crt -Cert Cert:\CurrentUser\Root
  1. Sign the script (assuming here it's named script.ps1, fix the path accordingly).
Set-AuthenticodeSignature .\script.ps1 -Certificate (Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My -CodeSigningCert)

Obviously once you have setup the key, you can simply sign any other scripts with it.
You can get more detailed information and some troubleshooting help in this article.

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

Edited Jarno Argillanders answer:

How to fit Image with your Width and Height:

1) Initialize ImageView and set Image:

iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;

2) Now resize:


Edited scaleImage method: (you can replace EXPECTED bounding values)

private void scaleImage(ImageView view) {
    Drawable drawing = view.getDrawable();
    if (drawing == null) {
    Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) drawing).getBitmap();

    int width = bitmap.getWidth();
    int height = bitmap.getHeight();
    int xBounding = ((View) view.getParent()).getWidth();//EXPECTED WIDTH
    int yBounding = ((View) view.getParent()).getHeight();//EXPECTED HEIGHT

    float xScale = ((float) xBounding) / width;
    float yScale = ((float) yBounding) / height;

    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.postScale(xScale, yScale);

    Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true);
    width = scaledBitmap.getWidth();
    height = scaledBitmap.getHeight();
    BitmapDrawable result = new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), scaledBitmap);


    LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); 
    params.width = width;
    params.height = height;

And .xml:

    android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" />

How to set the context path of a web application in Tomcat 7.0

What you can do is the following;

Add a file called ROOT.xml in <catalina_home>/conf/Catalina/localhost/

This ROOT.xml will override the default settings for the root context of the tomcat installation for that engine and host (Catalina and localhost).

Enter the following to the ROOT.xml file;


Here, <yourApp> is the name of, well, your app.. :)

And there you go, your application is now the default application and will show up on http://localhost:8080

However, there is one side effect; your application will be loaded twice. Once for localhost:8080 and once for localhost:8080/yourApp. To fix this you can put your application OUTSIDE <catalina_home>/webapps and use a relative or absolute path in the ROOT.xml's docBase tag. Something like this;


And then it should be all OK!

How to fix error "ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python." when trying to install django-heroku using pip

You need to add the package containing the executable pg_config.

A prior answer should have details you need: pg_config executable not found

Measure string size in Bytes in php

PHP's strlen() function returns the number of ASCII characters.

strlen('borsc') -> 5 (bytes)

strlen('boršc') -> 7 (bytes)

$limit_in_kBytes = 20000;

$pointer = 0;
while(strlen($your_string) > (($pointer + 1) * $limit_in_kBytes)){
    $str_to_handle = substr($your_string, ($pointer * $limit_in_kBytes ), $limit_in_kBytes);
    // here you can handle (0 - n) parts of string

$str_to_handle = substr($your_string, ($pointer * $limit_in_kBytes), $limit_in_kBytes);
// here you can handle last part of string

.. or you can use a function like this:

function parseStrToArr($string, $limit_in_kBytes){
    $ret = array();

    $pointer = 0;
    while(strlen($string) > (($pointer + 1) * $limit_in_kBytes)){
        $ret[] = substr($string, ($pointer * $limit_in_kBytes ), $limit_in_kBytes);

    $ret[] = substr($string, ($pointer * $limit_in_kBytes), $limit_in_kBytes);

    return $ret;

$arr = parseStrToArr($your_string, $limit_in_kBytes = 20000);

Shortcut for echo "<pre>";print_r($myarray);echo "</pre>";

This is the shortest:

echo '<pre>',print_r($arr,1),'</pre>';

The closing tag can also be omitted.

Defining a percentage width for a LinearLayout?

Use new percentage support library

compile ''

See below example


For More Info Tutorial1 Tutorial2 Tutorial3


Is NDEBUG standard?

Yes it is a standard macro with the semantic "Not Debug" for C89, C99, C++98, C++2003, C++2011, C++2014 standards. There are no _DEBUG macros in the standards.

C++2003 standard send the reader at "page 326" at " Headers" to standard C.

That NDEBUG is similar as This is the same as the Standard C library.

In C89 (C programmers called this standard as standard C) in "4.2 DIAGNOSTICS" section it was said

If NDEBUG is defined as a macro name at the point in the source file where is included, the assert macro is defined simply as

     #define assert(ignore) ((void)0)

If look at the meaning of _DEBUG macros in Visual Studio then it will be seen, that this macro is automatically defined by your ?hoice of language runtime library version.

Best way to convert an ArrayList to a string

Changing List to a readable and meaningful String is really a common question that every one may encounter.

Case 1. If you have apache's StringUtils in your class path (as from rogerdpack and Ravi Wallau):

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
String str = StringUtils.join(myList);

Case 2 . If you only want to use ways from JDK(7):

import java.util.Arrays;
String str = Arrays.toString(myList.toArray()); 

Just never build wheels by yourself, dont use loop for this one-line task.

Eclipse CDT: Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved

I simply delete all error in the buttom: problem list. then close project and reopen project clean project build all run

then those stupids errors go.

Jquery date picker z-index issue

In fact you can effectively add in your css .ui-datepicker{ z-index: 9999 !important;} but you can modify jquery-ui.css or jquery-ui.min.css and add at the end of the ui-datepicker class z-index: 9999 !important;. both things work for me (You only need one ;-))

Apache won't run in xampp

None of the above worked for me. This is what finally worked for me:

1) Start Services (Type services in your start > search)
2) Look for Apache services.It was disabled in my case. Enabling it worked for me.

Some people have also reported duplicate listing of Apache services which has prevented it from starting. If that is the case, delete/disable one of the Apache services which corresponds to the wrong path.

A restart of XAMPP might be required.

Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path

with opencv 4.0;

  • add -DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=ON to build arguments
  • pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4 instead of opencv

Math.random() versus Random.nextInt(int)

According to this example Random.nextInt(n) has less predictable output then Math.random() * n. According to [sorted array faster than an unsorted array][1] I think we can say Random.nextInt(n) is hard to predict.

usingRandomClass : time:328 milesecond.

usingMathsRandom : time:187 milesecond.

package javaFuction;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomFuction 
    static int array[] = new int[9999];
    static long sum = 0;
    public static void usingMathsRandom() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
         array[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];

    public static void usingRandomClass() {
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            array[i] = random.nextInt(256);

        for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 9999; j++) {
                if (array[j] >= 128) {
                    sum += array[j];



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingRandomClass " + (end - start));
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("usingMathsRandom " + (end - start));



How to hide status bar in Android

If you refer to the Google Documents you can use this method for android 4.1 and above, call this method before setContentView()

public void hideStatusBar() {
    View view = getWindow().getDecorView();
    int uiOption = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN;
    ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
    if (actionBar != null) {

Python - Check If Word Is In A String

If matching a sequence of characters is not sufficient and you need to match whole words, here is a simple function that gets the job done. It basically appends spaces where necessary and searches for that in the string:

def smart_find(haystack, needle):
    if haystack.startswith(needle+" "):
        return True
    if haystack.endswith(" "+needle):
        return True
    if haystack.find(" "+needle+" ") != -1:
        return True
    return False

This assumes that commas and other punctuations have already been stripped out.

How do you change library location in R?

I'm late to the party but I encountered the same thing when I tried to get fancy and move my library and then had files being saved to a folder that was outdated:

.libloc <<- "C:/Program Files/rest_of_your_Library_FileName"

One other point to mention is that for Windows Computers, if you copy the address from Windows Explorer, you have to manually change the '\' to a '/' for the directory to be recognized.

How to use Switch in SQL Server

Actually i am getting return value from a another sp into @temp and then it @temp =1 then i want to inc the count of @SelectoneCount by 1 and so on. Please let me know what is the correct syntax.

What's wrong with:

IF @Temp = 1 --Or @Temp = 2 also?
    SET @SelectoneCount = @SelectoneCount + 1

(Although this does reek of being procedural code - not usually the best way to use SQL)

What are the differences between using the terminal on a mac vs linux?

@Michael Durrant's answer ably covers the shell itself, but the shell environment also includes the various commands you use in the shell and these are going to be similar -- but not identical -- between OS X and linux. In general, both will have the same core commands and features (especially those defined in the Posix standard), but a lot of extensions will be different.

For example, linux systems generally have a useradd command to create new users, but OS X doesn't. On OS X, you generally use the GUI to create users; if you need to create them from the command line, you use dscl (which linux doesn't have) to edit the user database (see here). (Update: starting in macOS High Sierra v10.13, you can use sysadminctl -addUser instead.)

Also, some commands they have in common will have different features and options. For example, linuxes generally include GNU sed, which uses the -r option to invoke extended regular expressions; on OS X, you'd use the -E option to get the same effect. Similarly, in linux you might use ls --color=auto to get colorized output; on macOS, the closest equivalent is ls -G.

EDIT: Another difference is that many linux commands allow options to be specified after their arguments (e.g. ls file1 file2 -l), while most OS X commands require options to come strictly first (ls -l file1 file2).

Finally, since the OS itself is different, some commands wind up behaving differently between the OSes. For example, on linux you'd probably use ifconfig to change your network configuration. On OS X, ifconfig will work (probably with slightly different syntax), but your changes are likely to be overwritten randomly by the system configuration daemon; instead you should edit the network preferences with networksetup, and then let the config daemon apply them to the live network state.

How to get the selected item from ListView?

On onItemClick :

String text = parent.getItemAtPosition(position).toString();

Using media breakpoints in Bootstrap 4-alpha

I answered a similar question here

As @Syden said, the mixins will work. Another option is using SASS map-get like this..

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, sm)){
  .something {
    padding: 10px;

@media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, md)){
  .something {
    padding: 20px;

Bootstrap 4 Breakpoints demo

"SSL certificate verify failed" using pip to install packages

It seems that Scrapy fails because installing Twisted fails, which fails because incremental fails. Running pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --upgrade incremental fixed this for me.

How do I use Wget to download all images into a single folder, from a URL?

The proposed solutions are perfect to download the images and if it is enough for you to save all the files in the directory you are using. But if you want to save all the images in a specified directory without reproducing the entire hierarchical tree of the site, try to add "cut-dirs" to the line proposed by Jon.

wget -r -P /save/location -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png --cut-dirs=1 --cut-dirs=2 --cut-dirs=3

in this case cut-dirs will prevent wget from creating sub-directories until the 3th level of depth in the website hierarchical tree, saving all the files in the directory you specified.You can add more 'cut-dirs' with higher numbers if you are dealing with sites with a deep structure.

How to solve "Unresolved inclusion: <iostream>" in a C++ file in Eclipse CDT?

It sounds like you haven't used this IDE before. Read Eclipse's "Before You Begin" page and follow the instructions to the T. This will make sure that Eclipse, which is only an IDE, is actually linked to a compiler.

How to prevent Browser cache on Angular 2 site?

angular-cli resolves this by providing an --output-hashing flag for the build command (versions 6/7, for later versions see here). Example usage:

ng build --output-hashing=all

Bundling & Tree-Shaking provides some details and context. Running ng help build, documents the flag:

--output-hashing=none|all|media|bundles (String)

Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.
aliases: -oh <value>, --outputHashing <value>

Although this is only applicable to users of angular-cli, it works brilliantly and doesn't require any code changes or additional tooling.


A number of comments have helpfully and correctly pointed out that this answer adds a hash to the .js files but does nothing for index.html. It is therefore entirely possible that index.html remains cached after ng build cache busts the .js files.

At this point I'll defer to How do we control web page caching, across all browsers?

Rendering a template variable as HTML

The simplest way is to use the safe filter:

{{ message|safe }}

Check out the Django documentation for the safe filter for more information.

Java Code for calculating Leap Year

new GregorianCalendar().isLeapYear(year);

AngularJs - ng-model in a SELECT

You dont need to define option tags, you can do this using the ngOptions directive:

<select class="form-control" ng-change="unitChanged()" ng-model="data.unit" ng-options=" as unit.label for unit in units"></select>

how to convert image to byte array in java?

If you are using JDK 7 you can use the following code..

import java.nio.file.Files;

File fi = new File("myfile.jpg");
byte[] fileContent = Files.readAllBytes(fi.toPath())

JAX-WS and BASIC authentication, when user names and passwords are in a database

If you put the username and password at clientside into the request this way:

URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/myapplication?wsdl");
MyWebService webservice = new MyWebServiceImplService(url).getMyWebServiceImplPort();
Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider) webservice).getRequestContext();
requestContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "myusername");
requestContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");

and call your webservice

String response = webservice.someMethodAtMyWebservice("test");

Then you can read the Basic Authentication string like this at the server side (you have to add some checks and do some exceptionhandling):

WebServiceContext webserviceContext;

public void someMethodAtMyWebservice(String parameter) {
    MessageContext messageContext = webserviceContext.getMessageContext();
    Map<String, ?> httpRequestHeaders = (Map<String, ?>) messageContext.get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS);
    List<?> authorizationList = (List<?>) httpRequestHeaders.get("Authorization");
    if (authorizationList != null && !authorizationList.isEmpty()) {
        String basicString = (String) authorizationList.get(0);
        String encodedBasicString = basicString.substring("Basic ".length());
        String decoded = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedBasicString), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        String[] splitter = decoded.split(":");
        String usernameFromBasicAuth = splitter[0];
        String passwordFromBasicAuth = splitter[1];

Why the switch statement cannot be applied on strings?

That's because C++ turns switches into jump tables. It performs a trivial operation on the input data and jumps to the proper address without comparing. Since a string is not a number, but an array of numbers, C++ cannot create a jump table from it.

movf    INDEX,W     ; move the index value into the W (working) register from memory
addwf   PCL,F       ; add it to the program counter. each PIC instruction is one byte
                    ; so there is no need to perform any multiplication. 
                    ; Most architectures will transform the index in some way before 
                    ; adding it to the program counter

table                   ; the branch table begins here with this label
    goto    index_zero  ; each of these goto instructions is an unconditional branch
    goto    index_one   ; of code
    goto    index_two
    goto    index_three

    ; code is added here to perform whatever action is required when INDEX = zero


(code from wikipedia

Background images: how to fill whole div if image is small and vice versa

This will work like a charm.

background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: contain;

array filter in python?

tuple(set([6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]).difference([6, 9, 12]))

How to recognize swipe in all 4 directions

Swipe gesture to the view you want, or viewcontroller whole view in Swift 5 & XCode 11 based on @Alexandre Cassagne

override func viewDidLoad() {


func addSwipe() {
    let directions: [UISwipeGestureRecognizer.Direction] = [.right, .left, .up, .down]
    for direction in directions {
        let gesture = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleSwipe))
        gesture.direction = direction
        self.myView.addGestureRecognizer(gesture)// self.view

@objc func handleSwipe(sender: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {
    let direction = sender.direction
    switch direction {
        case .right:
            print("Gesture direction: Right")
        case .left:
            print("Gesture direction: Left")
        case .up:
            print("Gesture direction: Up")
        case .down:
            print("Gesture direction: Down")
            print("Unrecognized Gesture Direction")

Batch file to run a command in cmd within a directory

Chain arbitrary commands using & like this:

command1 & command2 & command3 & ...

Thus, in your particular case, put this line in a batch file on your desktop:

START cmd.exe /k "cd C:\activiti-5.9\setup & ant demo.start"

You can also use && to chain commands, albeit this will perform error checking and the execution chain will break if one of the commands fails. The behaviour is detailed here.

Edit: Intrigued by @James K's comment "You CAN chain the commands, but they will have no effect", I tested some more and to my surprise discovered, that the program I was starting in my original test - firefox.exe - while not existing in a directory in the PATH environment variable, is actually executable anywhere on my system (which really made me wonder - see bottom of answer for explanation). So in fact executing...

START cmd.exe /k "cd C:\progra~1\mozill~1 && firefox"

...didn't prove the solution was working. So I chose another program (nLite) after making sure that it was not executable anywhere on my system:

START cmd.exe /k "cd C:\progra~1\nlite && nlite"

And that works just as my original answer already suggested. A Windows version is not given in the question, but I'm using Windows XP, btw.

If anybody is interested why firefox.exe, while not being in PATH, is executable anywhere on my system - and very probably on yours as well - this is due to a registry key where applications can be registered to be available everywhere. See this SU answer for details.

Best way to do a PHP switch with multiple values per case?

Put those many values into an array and query the array, as the switch-case seems to hide the underlying semantics of what you're trying to achieve when a string variable is used as the condition, making it harder to read and understand, e.g.:

$current_home = null;
$current_users = null;
$current_forum = null;

$lotsOfStrings = array('', 'users.location', 'users.featured', '');

if(empty($p)) {
    $current_home = 'current';

if(in_array($p,$lotsOfStrings)) {
    $current_users = 'current';

if(0 === strcmp('forum',$p)) {
    $current_forum = 'current';

Explicit Return Type of Lambda

You can explicitly specify the return type of a lambda by using -> Type after the arguments list:

[]() -> Type { }

However, if a lambda has one statement and that statement is a return statement (and it returns an expression), the compiler can deduce the return type from the type of that one returned expression. You have multiple statements in your lambda, so it doesn't deduce the type.

How to insert text into the textarea at the current cursor position?

 * Usage "foo baz".insertInside(4, 0, "bar ") ==> "foo bar baz"
String.prototype.insertInside = function(start, delCount, newSubStr) {
    return this.slice(0, start) + newSubStr + this.slice(start + Math.abs(delCount));

 $('textarea').bind("keydown keypress", function (event) {
   var val = $(this).val();
   var indexOf = $(this).prop('selectionStart');
   if(event.which === 13) {
       val = val.insertInside(indexOf, 0,  "<br>\n");

Display text from .txt file in batch file

Just set the time and date to variables if it will be something that will be in a loop then

set T=%time%
set D=%Date%

echo %T%>>log.txt
echo %d%>>log.txt
echo time:%T%
echo date:%D%
goto top

I suggest making it nice and clean by putting:

@echo off

in front of every thing it get rid of the rubbish C:/users/example/...

and putting


after the :top to clear the screen before it add the new date and time to the display

ImportError: cannot import name main when running pip --version command in windows7 32 bit

I had the same problem, but uninstall and reinstall with apt and pip didn't work for me.

I saw another solution that presents a easy way to recover pip3 path:

sudo python3 -m pip uninstall pip && sudo apt install python3-pip --reinstall

VBA Count cells in column containing specified value

one way;

var = count("find me", Range("A1:A100"))

function count(find as string, lookin as range) As Long
   dim cell As Range
   for each cell in lookin
       if (cell.Value = find) then count = count + 1 '//case sens
end function

angular js unknown provider

For me, this error was caused by running the minified version of my angular app. Angular docs suggest a way to work around this. Here is the relevant quote describing the issue, and you can find the suggested solution in the docs themselves here:

A Note on Minification Since Angular infers the controller's dependencies from the names of arguments to the controller's constructor function, if you were to minify the JavaScript code for PhoneListCtrl controller, all of its function arguments would be minified as well, and the dependency injector would not be able to identify services correctly.

List<T> or IList<T>

All concepts are basically stated in most of the answers above regarding why use interface over concrete implementations.

IList<T> defines those methods (not including extension methods)

IList<T> MSDN link

  1. Add
  2. Clear
  3. Contains
  4. CopyTo
  5. GetEnumerator
  6. IndexOf
  7. Insert
  8. Remove
  9. RemoveAt

List<T> implements those nine methods (not including extension methods), on top of that it has about 41 public methods, which weighs in your consideration of which one to use in your application.

List<T> MSDN link

How do I set the selected item in a drop down box

You can use this method if you use a MySQL database:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE `id`!='".$user_id."'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    if ($_GET['to'] == $row['id'])
        $selected = 'selected="selected"';
    $selected = '';
    echo('<option value="'.$row['id'].' '.$selected.'">'.$row['username'].' ('.$row['fname'].' '.substr($row['lname'],0,1).'.)</option>');

It will compare if the user in $_GET['to'] is the same as $row['id'] in table, if yes, the $selected will be created. This was for a private messaging system...

HTML / CSS Popup div on text click


In the content area you can provide whatever you want to display in it.

.black_overlay {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0%;_x000D_
  left: 0%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
  z-index: 1001;_x000D_
  -moz-opacity: 0.8;_x000D_
  opacity: .80;_x000D_
  filter: alpha(opacity=80);_x000D_
.white_content {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 25%;_x000D_
  left: 25%;_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  height: 50%;_x000D_
  padding: 16px;_x000D_
  border: 16px solid orange;_x000D_
  background-color: white;_x000D_
  z-index: 1002;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  <title>LIGHTBOX EXAMPLE</title>_x000D_
  <p>This is the main content. To display a lightbox click <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display='block'">here</a>_x000D_
  <div id="light" class="white_content">This is the lightbox content. <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementById('light').style.display='none';document.getElementById('fade').style.display='none'">Close</a>_x000D_
  <div id="fade" class="black_overlay"></div>_x000D_

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

Here is another way:

static void
unhandled_interrupt(struct trap_frame *frame, int irq, void *arg)
    //this code intentionally left blank

static struct irqtbl_s vector_tbl[XCHAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS] = {
    [0 ... XCHAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS-1] {unhandled_interrupt, NULL},



Designated inits

Then ask the question: When can one use C extensions?

The code sample above is in an embedded system and will never see the light from another compiler.

Integer.toString(int i) vs String.valueOf(int i)

The implementation of String.valueOf() that you see is the simplest way to meet the contract specified in the API: "The representation is exactly the one returned by the Integer.toString() method of one argument."

trying to animate a constraint in swift

In my case, I only updated the custom view.

customView.layoutIfNeeded()    // Change to view.layoutIfNeeded()
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
   customViewConstraint.constant = 100.0
   customView.layoutIfNeeded() // Change to view.layoutIfNeeded()

Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding WebHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [http]


<serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true"/>


<serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="false"/>

You're telling WCF to use https for the metadata endpoint and I see that your'e exposing your service on http, and then you get the error in the title.

You also have to set <security mode="None" /> if you want to use HTTP as your URL suggests.

AngularJS - ng-if check string empty value

If by "empty" you mean undefined, it is the way ng-expressions are interpreted. Then, you could use :

<a ng-if="!" href="#/details/{{}}"><img src="/img.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a>

How do I remove a comma off the end of a string?

I had a pesky "invisible" space at the end of my string and had to do this


But a solution above is better

 $update_sql=rtrim($update_sql,', ');

Python argparse: default value or specified value

The difference between:

parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", nargs='?', type=int, const=1, default=7)


parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", nargs='?', type=int, const=1)

is thus: => debug is 7 (from default) in the first case and "None" in the second --debug => debug is 1 in each case --debug 2 => debug is 2 in each case

How do I capture the output of a script if it is being ran by the task scheduler?

Use the cmd.exe command processor to build a timestamped file name to log your scheduled task's output

To build upon answers by others here, it may be that you want to create an output file that has the date and/or time embedded in the name of the file. You can use the cmd.exe command processor to do this for you.

Note: This technique takes the string output of internal Windows environment variables and slices them up based on character position. Because of this, the exact values supplied in the examples below may not be correct for the region of Windows you use. Also, with some regional settings, some components of the date or time may introduce a space into the constructed file name when their value is less than 10. To mitigate this issue, surround your file name with quotes so that any unintended spaces in the file name won't break the command-line you're constructing. Experiment and find what works best for your situation.

Be aware that PowerShell is more powerful than cmd.exe. One way it is more powerful is that it can deal with different Windows regions. But this answer is about solving this issue using cmd.exe, not PowerShell, so we continue.

Using cmd.exe

You can access different components of the date and time by slicing the internal environment variables %date% and %time%, as follows (again, the exact slicing values are dependent on the region configured in Windows):

  • Year (4 digits): %date:~10,4%
  • Month (2 digits): %date:~4,2%
  • Day (2 digits): %date:~7,2%
  • Hour (2 digits): %time:~0,2%
  • Minute (2 digits): %time:~3,2%
  • Second (2 digits): %time:~6,2%

Suppose you want your log file to be named using this date/time format: "Log_[yyyyMMdd]_[hhmmss].txt". You'd use the following:


To test this, run the following command line:

cmd.exe /c echo "Log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.txt"

Putting it all together, to redirect both stdout and stderr from your script to a log file named with the current date and time, use might use the following as your command line:

cmd /c YourProgram.cmd > "Log_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.txt" 2>&1

Note the use of quotes around the file name to handle instances a date or time component may introduce a space character.

In my case, if the current date/time were 10/05/2017 9:05:34 AM, the above command-line would produce the following:

cmd /c YourProgram.cmd > "Log_20171005_ 90534.txt" 2>&1

$on and $broadcast in angular

If you want to $broadcast use the $rootScope:

$scope.startScanner = function() {


And then to receive, use the $scope of your controller:

$scope.$on('scanner-started', function(event, args) {

    // do what you want to do

If you want you can pass arguments when you $broadcast:

$rootScope.$broadcast('scanner-started', { any: {} });

And then receive them:

$scope.$on('scanner-started', function(event, args) {

    var anyThing = args.any;
    // do what you want to do

Documentation for this inside the Scope docs.

How to insert array of data into mysql using php

I've a PHP library which helps to insert array into MySQL Database. By using this you can create update and delete. Your array key value should be same as the table column value. Just using a single line code for the create operation

DB::create($db, 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME', $dataArray);

where $db is your Database connection.

Similarly, You can use this for update and delete. Select operation will be available soon. Github link to download :

Random date in C#

Useful extension based of @Jeremy Thompson's solution

public static class RandomExtensions
    public static DateTime Next(this Random random, DateTime start, DateTime? end = null)
        end ??= new DateTime();
        int range = (end.Value - start).Days;
        return start.AddDays(random.Next(range));

ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

I suspect you're only reporting the last error in a stack like this:

ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded
ORA-04061: existing state of package body "schema.package" has been invalidated
ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package body "schema.package"
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "schema.package"

If so, that's because your package is stateful:

The values of the variables, constants, and cursors that a package declares (in either its specification or body) comprise its package state. If a PL/SQL package declares at least one variable, constant, or cursor, then the package is stateful; otherwise, it is stateless.

When you recompile the state is lost:

If the body of an instantiated, stateful package is recompiled (either explicitly, with the "ALTER PACKAGE Statement", or implicitly), the next invocation of a subprogram in the package causes Oracle Database to discard the existing package state and raise the exception ORA-04068.

After PL/SQL raises the exception, a reference to the package causes Oracle Database to re-instantiate the package, which re-initializes it...

You can't avoid this if your package has state. I think it's fairly rare to really need a package to be stateful though, so you should revisit anything you have declared in the package, but outside a function or procedure, to see if it's really needed at that level. Since you're on 10g though, that includes constants, not just variables and cursors.

But the last paragraph from the quoted documentation means that the next time you reference the package in the same session, you won't get the error and it will work as normal (until you recompile again).

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

In Internet Explorer, parentElement is undefined for SVG elements, whereas parentNode is defined.

How to Correctly handle Weak Self in Swift Blocks with Arguments

If self could be nil in the closure use [weak self].

If self will never be nil in the closure use [unowned self].

If it's crashing when you use [unowned self] I would guess that self is nil at some point in that closure, which is why you had to go with [weak self] instead.

I really liked the whole section from the manual on using strong, weak, and unowned in closures:

Note: I used the term closure instead of block which is the newer Swift term:

Difference between block (Objective C) and closure (Swift) in ios

How do I create documentation with Pydoc?

pydoc is fantastic for generating documentation, but the documentation has to be written in the first place. You must have docstrings in your source code as was mentioned by RocketDonkey in the comments:

This example module shows various types of documentation available for use
with pydoc.  To generate HTML documentation for this module issue the

    pydoc -w foo


class Foo(object):
    Foo encapsulates a name and an age.
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        Construct a new 'Foo' object.

        :param name: The name of foo
        :param age: The ageof foo
        :return: returns nothing
        """ = name
        self.age = age

def bar(baz):
    Prints baz to the display.
    print baz

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = Foo('John Doe', 42)
    bar("hello world")

The first docstring provides instructions for creating the documentation with pydoc. There are examples of different types of docstrings so you can see how they look when generated with pydoc.

How to make Sonar ignore some classes for codeCoverage metric?

Accordingly to this document for SonarQube 7.1

sonar.exclusions - Comma-delimited list of file path patterns to be excluded from analysis sonar.coverage.exclusions - Comma-delimited list of file path patterns to be excluded from coverage calculations

This document gives some examples on how to create path patterns

# Exclude all classes ending by "Bean"
# Matches org/sonar.api/, org/sonar/util/, org/sonar/util/, etc.

# Exclude all classes in the "src/main/java/org/sonar" directory
# Matches src/main/java/org/sonar/, src/main/java/org/sonar/
# But does not match src/main/java/org/sonar/util/

# Exclude all COBOL programs in the "bank" directory and its sub-directories
# Matches bank/ZTR00021.cbl, bank/data/CBR00354.cbl, bank/data/REM012345.cob

# Exclude all COBOL programs in the "bank" directory and its sub-directories whose extension is .cbl
# Matches bank/ZTR00021.cbl, bank/data/CBR00354.cbl

If you are using Maven for your project, Maven command line parameters can be passed like this for example -Dsonar.coverage.exclusions=**/config/*,**/model/*

I was having problem with excluding single class explicitly. Below my observations:

**/* - not working for some reason, I was expecting such syntax should work
com/some/package/name/ - not working
src/main/java/com/some/package/name/ - good, class excluded explicitly without using wildcards

How can I throw CHECKED exceptions from inside Java 8 streams?

If you use Spring Framework you can use ReflectionUtils.rethrowRuntimeException(ex) described here The beauty of this util method is that it re-throws exactly same exception but of Runtime type, so your catch block that expects exception of checked type will still catch it as intended.

Matplotlib: ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension

You should make x and y numpy arrays, not lists:

x = np.array([0.46,0.59,0.68,0.99,0.39,0.31,1.09,
y = np.array([0.315,0.383,0.452,0.650,0.279,0.215,0.727,0.512,

With this change, it produces the expect plot. If they are lists, m * x will not produce the result you expect, but an empty list. Note that m is anumpy.float64 scalar, not a standard Python float.

I actually consider this a bit dubious behavior of Numpy. In normal Python, multiplying a list with an integer just repeats the list:

In [42]: 2 * [1, 2, 3]
Out[42]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

while multiplying a list with a float gives an error (as I think it should):

In [43]: 1.5 * [1, 2, 3]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-d710bb467cdd> in <module>()
----> 1 1.5 * [1, 2, 3]
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

The weird thing is that multiplying a Python list with a Numpy scalar apparently works:

In [45]: np.float64(0.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[45]: []

In [46]: np.float64(1.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[46]: [1, 2, 3]

In [47]: np.float64(2.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[47]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

So it seems that the float gets truncated to an int, after which you get the standard Python behavior of repeating the list, which is quite unexpected behavior. The best thing would have been to raise an error (so that you would have spotted the problem yourself instead of having to ask your question on Stackoverflow) or to just show the expected element-wise multiplication (in which your code would have just worked). Interestingly, addition between a list and a Numpy scalar does work:

In [69]: np.float64(0.123) + [1, 2, 3]
Out[69]: array([ 1.123,  2.123,  3.123])

How to test valid UUID/GUID?

thanks to @usertatha with some modification

function isUUID ( uuid ) {
    let s = "" + uuid;

    s = s.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$');
    if (s === null) {
      return false;
    return true;

Reloading a ViewController

Reinitialise the view controller

YourViewController *vc = [[YourViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"YourViewControllerIpad" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController vc animated:NO];

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?

Hilite doesn't seem to be mentioned yet in the answers, so: Hilite supports lots of languages (20+), can be used online also via API, and is on Github (so you can clone, modify, and run it on your own if you don't trust the online service). The online version can also be adjusted to one's needs via CSS rules.

I just found it some minutes ago since I needed a tool for copying xQuery into Word, but couldn't find a proper tool for doing so. The source program is baseX and for some reason, its formatting could not be transmitted to Word (also not via Keep format etc. when pasting). Also, many of the given answers are now, i.e. 06/2019, not working anymore or do not support xQuery. Hilite, however, did the job quite well.

Edit: a code block is not part of the result, unfortunatelly, just the highlighting. Nevertheless, it's better than nothing and adjusting the result by adding a block around is still less work than formating every single line by hand

css overflow - only 1 line of text

white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;

Define width also to set overflow in one line

How do I trim whitespace?

#how to trim a multi line string or a file

s=""" line one
\tline two\t
line three """

#line1 starts with a space, #2 starts and ends with a tab, #3 ends with a space.

print s1
[' line one', '\tline two\t', 'line three ']

print [i.strip() for i in s1]
['line one', 'line two', 'line three']

#more details:

#we could also have used a forloop from the begining:
for line in s.splitlines():

#we could also be reading a file line by line.. e.g. my_file=open(filename), or with open(filename) as myfile:
for line in my_file:

#moot point: note splitlines() removed the newline characters, we can keep them by passing True:
#although split() will then remove them anyway..
print s2
[' line one\n', '\tline two\t\n', 'line three ']

convert '1' to '0001' in JavaScript

Just to demonstrate the flexibility of javascript: you can use a oneliner for this

function padLeft(nr, n, str){
    return Array(n-String(nr).length+1).join(str||'0')+nr;
//or as a Number prototype method:
Number.prototype.padLeft = function (n,str){
    return Array(n-String(this).length+1).join(str||'0')+this;
console.log(padLeft(23,5));       //=> '00023'
console.log((23).padLeft(5));     //=> '00023'
console.log((23).padLeft(5,' ')); //=> '   23'
console.log(padLeft(23,5,'>>'));  //=> '>>>>>>23'

If you want to use this for negative numbers also:

Number.prototype.padLeft = function (n,str) {
    return (this < 0 ? '-' : '') + 
             .join(str||'0') + 
console.log((-23).padLeft(5));     //=> '-00023'

Alternative if you don't want to use Array:

number.prototype.padLeft = function (len,chr) {
 var self = Math.abs(this)+'';
 return (this<0 && '-' || '')+
         (String(Math.pow( 10, (len || 2)-self.length))
           .slice(1).replace(/0/g,chr||'0') + self);

How to show disable HTML select option in by default?

In HTML5, to select a disabled option:

<option selected disabled>Choose Tagging</option>

How to determine the IP address of a Solaris system

The following shell script gives a nice tabular result of interfaces and IP addresses (excluding the loopback interface) It has been tested on a Solaris box

/usr/sbin/ifconfig -a | awk '/flags/ {printf $1" "} /inet/ {print $2}' | grep -v lo


How to sanity check a date in Java

Here is I would check the date format:

 public static boolean checkFormat(String dateTimeString) {
    return dateTimeString.matches("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}") || dateTimeString.matches("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}\\s\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}")
            || dateTimeString.matches("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}") || dateTimeString
            .matches("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}Z") ||

How to install gem from GitHub source?

In your Gemfile, add the following:

gem 'example', :git => 'git://'

You can also add ref, branch and tag options,

For example if you want to download from a particular branch:

gem 'example', :git => "git://", :branch => "my-branch"

Then run:

bundle install

How to check radio button is checked using JQuery?

Check this one out, too:

$(document).ready(function() { 
  if($("input:radio[name='yourRadioGroupName'][value='yourvalue']").is(":checked")) { 
      //its checked 

Cannot find Dumpbin.exe

A little refresh as for the Visual Studio 2015.

DUMPBIN is being shipped within Common Tools for Visual C++, so be sure to select this feature in the process of installation of Visual Studio. The utility resides at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\

It become available within Developer Command Prompt for VS 2015, which can be executed from Start Menu:

Visual Studio 2015 \ Visual Studio Tools \ Developer Command Prompt for VS2015

If you want to make it available in the regular command prompt, then add the utility's location to the PATH environment variable on your machine.

enter image description here

Read and overwrite a file in Python

If you don't want to close and reopen the file, to avoid race conditions, you could truncate it:

f = open(filename, 'r+')
text =
text = re.sub('foobar', 'bar', text)

The functionality will likely also be cleaner and safer using open as a context manager, which will close the file handler, even if an error occurs!

with open(filename, 'r+') as f:
    text =
    text = re.sub('foobar', 'bar', text)

'MOD' is not a recognized built-in function name

for your exact sample, it should be like this.

SET @m = 321%11

How to display HTML tags as plain text

There is another way...

header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');

This makes the whole page served as plain text... better is htmlspecialchars...

Hope this helps...

String delimiter in string.split method

String[] splitArray = subjectString.split("\\|\\|");

You use a function:

public String[] stringSplit(String string){

    String[] splitArray = string.split("\\|\\|");
    return splitArray;

Find if a String is present in an array

If you can organize the values in the array in sorted order, then you can use Arrays.binarySearch(). Otherwise you'll have to write a loop and to a linear search. If you plan to have a large (more than a few dozen) strings in the array, consider using a Set instead.

What is the difference between <p> and <div>?

Think of DIV as a grouping element. You put elements in a DIV element so that you can set their alignments

Whereas "p" is simply to create a new paragraph.

"NOT IN" clause in LINQ to Entities


from p in db.Products
where !theBadCategories.Contains(p.Category)
select p;

What's the SQL query you want to translate into a Linq query?

Can I give the col-md-1.5 in bootstrap?

Bootstrap has column offsets, so if you want columns with equal width without specifying size use this.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col">col</div>
  <div class="col">col</div>
  <div class="col">col</div>
  <div class="col">col</div>

Also check out this link

Aligning rotated xticklabels with their respective xticks

You can set the horizontal alignment of ticklabels, see the example below. If you imagine a rectangular box around the rotated label, which side of the rectangle do you want to be aligned with the tickpoint?

Given your description, you want: ha='right'


x = np.arange(n)
y = np.sin(np.linspace(-3,3,n))
xlabels = ['Ticklabel %i' % i for i in range(n)]

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(12,3))

ha = ['right', 'center', 'left']

for n, ax in enumerate(axs):
    ax.plot(x,y, 'o-')
    ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=40, ha=ha[n])

enter image description here

Git - Pushing code to two remotes

To send to both remote with one command, you can create a alias for it:

git config alias.pushall '!git push origin devel && git push github devel'

With this, when you use the command git pushall, it will update both repositories.

$http.get(...).success is not a function

This might be redundant but the above most voted answer says .then(function (success) and that didn't work for me as of Angular version 1.5.8. Instead use response then inside the block got me my json data I was looking for.

    method: 'get', 
    url: 'data/data.json'
}).then(function (response) {
    console.log(response, 'res');
    data =;
},function (error){
    console.log(error, 'can not get data.');

Command to get nth line of STDOUT

For more completeness..

ls -l | (for ((x=0;x<2;x++)) ; do read ; done ; head -n1)

Throw away lines until you get to the second, then print out the first line after that. So, it prints the 3rd line.

If it's just the second line..

ls -l | (read; head -n1)

Put as many 'read's as necessary.

useState set method not reflecting change immediately

useEffect has its own state/lifecycle, it will not update until you pass a function in parameters or effect destroyed.

object and array spread or rest will not work inside useEffect.

React.useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
        try {
            let result = await fetch("/query/countries");
            const res = await result.json();
            let result1 = await fetch("/query/projects");
            const res1 = await result1.json();
            let result11 = await fetch("/query/regions");
            const res11 = await result11.json();
                countries: res,
                projects: res1,
                regions: res11
        } catch {}
}, [setData])
# or use this
useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
        try {
            await Promise.all([
                fetch("/query/countries").then((response) => response.json()),
                fetch("/query/projects").then((response) => response.json()),
                fetch("/query/regions").then((response) => response.json())
            ]).then(([country, project, region]) => {
                // console.log(country, project, region);
                    countries: country,
                    projects: project,
                    regions: region
        } catch {
            console.log("data fetch error")
}, [setData]);

Sort a list by multiple attributes?

Several years late to the party but I want to both sort on 2 criteria and use reverse=True. In case someone else wants to know how, you can wrap your criteria (functions) in parenthesis:

s = sorted(my_list, key=lambda i: ( criteria_1(i), criteria_2(i) ), reverse=True)

How to create <input type=“text”/> dynamically

Maybe the method document.createElement(); is what you're looking for.

Listing files in a directory matching a pattern in Java

Since Java 8 you can use lambdas and achieve shorter code:

File dir = new File(xmlFilesDirectory);
File[] files = dir.listFiles((d, name) -> name.endsWith(".xml"));

How to make cross domain request

You can make cross domain requests using the XMLHttpRequest object. This is done using something called "Cross Origin Resource Sharing". See:

Very simply put, when the request is made to the server the server can respond with a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header which will either allow or deny the request. The browser needs to check this header and if it is allowed then it will continue with the request process. If not the browser will cancel the request.

You can find some more information and a working example here:

JSONP is an alternative solution, but you could argue it's a bit of a hack.

Unable to find valid certification path to requested target - error even after cert imported

You need to configuring JSSE System Properties, specifically point to client certificate store.

Via command line:

java com.progress.Client

or via Java code:

import java.util.Properties;
    Properties systemProps = System.getProperties();
    systemProps.put("", "pathToTruststore.ts");

For more refer to details on RedHat site.

Correct use for angular-translate in controllers

Recommended: don't translate in the controller, translate in your view

I'd recommend to keep your controller free from translation logic and translate your strings directly inside your view like this:

<h1>{{ 'TITLE.HELLO_WORLD' | translate }}</h1>

Using the provided service

Angular Translate provides the $translate service which you can use in your Controllers.

An example usage of the $translate service can be:

.controller('TranslateMe', ['$scope', '$translate', function ($scope, $translate) {
        .then(function (translatedValue) {
            $scope.pageTitle = translatedValue;

The translate service also has a method for directly translating strings without the need to handle a promise, using $translate.instant():

.controller('TranslateMe', ['$scope', '$translate', function ($scope, $translate) {
    $scope.pageTitle = $translate.instant('TITLE.DASHBOARD'); // Assuming TITLE.DASHBOARD is defined

The downside with using $translate.instant() could be that the language file isn't loaded yet if you are loading it async.

Using the provided filter

This is my preferred way since I don't have to handle promises this way. The output of the filter can be directly set to a scope variable.

.controller('TranslateMe', ['$scope', '$filter', function ($scope, $filter) {
    var $translate = $filter('translate');

    $scope.pageTitle = $translate('TITLE.DASHBOARD'); // Assuming TITLE.DASHBOARD is defined

Using the provided directive

Since @PascalPrecht is the creator of this awesome library, I'd recommend going with his advise (see his answer below) and use the provided directive which seems to handle translations very intelligent.

The directive takes care of asynchronous execution and is also clever enough to unwatch translation ids on the scope if the translation has no dynamic values.

Applying styles to tables with Twitter Bootstrap

you can Add contextual classes to every single row as follows:

<tr class="table-success"></tr>
<tr class="table-error"></tr>
<tr class="table-warning"></tr>
<tr class="table-info"></tr>
<tr class="table-danger"></tr>

You can also add them to table data same as above

You can set your table size by setting classes as table-sm and so on.

You can add custom classes and add your own styling:

<table class="table">
  <thead style = "color:red;background-color:blue">
      <th>First Name</th>
      <th>Last Name</th>

This way you can add custom styling. I have showed inline styling just for example how it works, you can add classes and call them in your css as well.

What does getActivity() mean?

getActivity() is used for fragment. For activity, wherever you can use this, you can replace the this in fragment in similar cases with getActivity().

"call to undefined function" error when calling class method


I stumbled upon this error today while testing a simple script. I am not using "class" function though so it take it with grain of salt. I was calling function before its definition & declaration ...something like this

       catch (exception $e)
            echo "$e->getMessage()";

       function foo(){
                       echo "blah blah blah";

so php was throwing me error "call to undefined function ".

This kinda seem classic programming error but may help someone in need of clue.

How to check if directory exist using C++ and winAPI

If linking to the shell Lightweight API (shlwapi.dll) is ok for you, you can use the PathIsDirectory function

How to use JavaScript to change div backgroundColor

Access the element you want to change via the DOM, for example with document.getElementById() or via this in your event handler, and change the style in that element:



You can use getElementsByTagName too, (untested) example:

function colorElementAndH2(elem, colorElem, colorH2) {
    // change element background color = colorElem;
    // color first contained h2
    var h2s = elem.getElementsByTagName("h2");
    if (h2s.length > 0)
        hs2[0].style.backgroundColor = colorH2;

// add event handlers when complete document has been loaded
window.onload = function() {
    // add to _all_ divs (not sure if this is what you want though)
    var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
    for(i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i)
        elems[i].onmouseover = function() { colorElementAndH2(this, 'red', 'blue'); }
        elems[i].onmouseout = function() { colorElementAndH2(this, 'transparent', 'transparent'); }

yii2 redirect in controller action does not work?

here is another way to do this

if(!Yii::$app->request->getIsPost()) {
    return Yii::$app->getResponse()->redirect(array('/user/index',302));

How do I 'git diff' on a certain directory?

If you're comparing different branches, you need to use -- to separate a Git revision from a filesystem path. For example, with two local branches, master and bryan-working:

$ git diff master -- AFolderOfCode/ bryan-working -- AFolderOfCode/

Or from a local branch to a remote:

$ git diff master -- AFolderOfCode/ origin/master -- AFolderOfCode/

How to update Android Studio automatically?

Yes you are right. There is no built in mechanism for automatically updation of Android Studio. You have to manually download it and configure it.

Java 8 lambdas, Function.identity() or t->t

As of the current JRE implementation, Function.identity() will always return the same instance while each occurrence of identifier -> identifier will not only create its own instance but even have a distinct implementation class. For more details, see here.

The reason is that the compiler generates a synthetic method holding the trivial body of that lambda expression (in the case of x->x, equivalent to return identifier;) and tell the runtime to create an implementation of the functional interface calling this method. So the runtime sees only different target methods and the current implementation does not analyze the methods to find out whether certain methods are equivalent.

So using Function.identity() instead of x -> x might save some memory but that shouldn’t drive your decision if you really think that x -> x is more readable than Function.identity().

You may also consider that when compiling with debug information enabled, the synthetic method will have a line debug attribute pointing to the source code line(s) holding the lambda expression, therefore you have a chance of finding the source of a particular Function instance while debugging. In contrast, when encountering the instance returned by Function.identity() during debugging an operation, you won’t know who has called that method and passed the instance to the operation.

Share data between AngularJS controllers

Not sure where I picked up this pattern but for sharing data across controllers and reducing the $rootScope and $scope this works great. It is reminiscent of a data replication where you have publishers and subscribers. Hope it helps.

The Service:

(function(app) {
    "use strict";
    app.factory("sharedDataEventHub", sharedDataEventHub);

    sharedDataEventHub.$inject = ["$rootScope"];

    function sharedDataEventHub($rootScope) {
        var service = {
            changeData: changeData,
            onChangeData: onChangeData
        return service;

        function changeData(obj) {
            $rootScope.$broadcast(DATA_CHANGE, obj);

        function onChangeData($scope, handler) {
            $scope.$on(DATA_CHANGE, function(event, obj) {

The Controller that is getting the new data, which is the Publisher would do something like this..

var someData = yourDataService.getSomeData();


The Controller that is also using this new data, which is called the Subscriber would do something like this...

sharedDataEventHub.onChangeData($scope, function(data) {
    vm.localData.Property1 = data.Property1;
    vm.localData.Property2 = data.Property2;

This will work for any scenario. So when the primary controller is initialized and it gets data it would call the changeData method which would then broadcast that out to all the subscribers of that data. This reduces the coupling of our controllers to each other.

How can I check for "undefined" in JavaScript?

In this article I read that frameworks like Underscore.js use this function:

function isUndefined(obj){
    return obj === void 0;

How to initialize an array in angular2 and typescript

Class definitions should be like :

export class Environment {

    constructor( id: string, name: string ) { 
        this.cId = id;
        this.cName = name;

        return this.cId + " " + this.cName;

 var environments = new Environment('a','b');
 console.log(environments.getMyFields()); // will print a b


How to retrieve Key Alias and Key Password for signed APK in android studio(migrated from Eclipse)

Android Studio 3.0 below working method:
Find your old zipped project.
If you have built the apk, you'll find the password in file:


If you don't have zipped project, search your git repositories if you have .gradle folder pushed or not.
Otherwise you'll have to recover files and search files by content "".

DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") is returning AM time instead of PM time?

With C#6.0 you also have a new way of formatting date when using string interpolation e.g.

$"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"

Can't say its any better, but it is slightly cleaner if including the formatted DateTime in a longer string.

More about string interpolation.

Plot width settings in ipython notebook

This is way I did it:

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 9) # (w, h)

You can define your own sizes.

Amazon Interview Question: Design an OO parking lot

you would need a parking lot, that holds a multi-dimensional array (specified in the constructor) of a type "space". The parking lot can keep track of how many spaces are taken via calls to functions that fill and empty spaces.Space can hold an enumerated type that tells what kind of space it is. Space also has a method taken(). for the valet parking, just find the first space thats open and put the car there. You will also need a Car object to put in the space, that holds whether it is a handicapped, compact, or regular vehicle.

class ParkingLot
    Space[][] spaces;

    ParkingLot(wide, long); // constructor

    FindOpenSpace(TypeOfCar); // find first open space where type matches

enum TypeOfSpace = {compact, handicapped, regular };
enum TypeOfCar = {compact, handicapped, regular };

class Space
    TypeOfSpace type;
    bool empty;
    // gets and sets here
    // make sure car type

class car
    TypeOfCar type;

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?

Here are a few points:

  • You could consider upgrading to HttpClient 4 (generally speaking, if you can, I don't think version 3 is still actively supported).

  • A 500 status code is a server error, so it might be useful to see what the server says (any clue in the response body you're printing?). Although it might be caused by your client, the server shouldn't fail this way (a 4xx error code would be more appropriate if the request is incorrect).

  • I think setDoAuthentication(true) is the default (not sure). What could be useful to try is pre-emptive authentication works better:


Otherwise, the main difference between curl -d "" and what you're doing in Java is that, in addition to Content-Length: 0, curl also sends Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Note that in terms of design, you should probably send an entity with your POST request anyway.

Ring Buffer in Java

Use a Queue

Queue<String> qe=new LinkedList<String>();


System.out.println(qe.poll()); //returns a
System.out.println(qe.poll()); //returns b
System.out.println(qe.poll()); //returns c
System.out.println(qe.poll()); //returns d

There's five simple methods of a Queue

  • element() -- Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.

  • offer(E o) -- Inserts the specified element into this queue, if

  • peek() -- Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, returning null if this queue is empty.

  • poll() -- Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, or null if this queue is empty.

  • remove() -- Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter - .NET Error

You have a constructor which takes 2 parameters. You should write something like:

new ErrorEventArg(errorMsv, lastQuery)

It's less code and easier to read.


Or, in order for your way to work, you can try writing a default constructor for ErrorEventArg which would have no parameters, like this:

public ErrorEventArg() {}

UINavigationBar custom back button without title

You can subclass UINavigationController, set itself as the delegate, and set the backBarButtonItem in the delegate method navigationController:willShowViewController:animated:

@interface Custom_NavigationController : UINavigationController <UINavigationControllerDelegate>


@implementation Custom_NavigationController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    self.delegate = self;

#pragma mark - UINavigationControllerDelegate

- (void)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController     willShowViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated
    viewController.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:nil action:nil];


Input Type image submit form value?

Inputs of type="image" don't send their name/value pair when used to submit the form. To me, that sounds like a bug, but that's how it is.

To get around this, you can replace the input with a button of type="submit", and put a img element inside.

Unfortunately, that causes your image to be in a ugly HTML "button". However, assuming you aren't using the standard HTML button anywhere, you can just override the stylesheet, and then everything should work as expected:

button, input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"] {_x000D_
 background: none;_x000D_
 color: inherit;_x000D_
 border: none;_x000D_
 padding: 0;_x000D_
 font: inherit;_x000D_
 cursor: pointer;_x000D_
 outline: inherit;_x000D_
<form action="/post">_x000D_
<input name="test">_x000D_
<button type="submit" name="submit_button" value="submitted">_x000D_
<img src="" alt="image">_x000D_

Checkbox for nullable boolean

I also faced the same issue. I tried the following approach to solve the issue because i don't want to change the DB and again generate the EDMX.


   bool testVar = (Model.MYVar ? true : false);


<label>@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => testVar)testVar</label><br />

Python conditional assignment operator

I would use

x = 'default' if not x else x

Much shorter than all of your alternatives suggested here, and straight to the point. Read, "set x to 'default' if x is not set otherwise keep it as x." If you need None, 0, False, or "" to be valid values however, you will need to change this behavior, for instance:

valid_vals = ("", 0, False) # We want None to be the only un-set value

x = 'default' if not x and x not in valid_vals else x

This sort of thing is also just begging to be turned into a function you can use everywhere easily:

setval_if = lambda val: 'default' if not val and val not in valid_vals else val

at which point, you can use it as:

>>> x = None # To set it to something not valid
>>> x = setval_if(x) # Using our special function is short and sweet now!
>>> print x # Let's check to make sure our None valued variable actually got set

Finally, if you are really missing your Ruby infix notation, you could overload ||=| (or something similar) by following this guy's hack:

How can I run another application within a panel of my C# program?

If you want to run notepad inside your app you would probably be better of with a text editor component. There's obviously a basic text box that comes with WinForms, but I suspect more advanced components that offer Notepad functionality (or better) can be found on the interweb.

How do you make an anchor link non-clickable or disabled?

The cleanest method would be to add a class with pointer-events:none when you want to disable a click. It would function like a normal label.

    pointer-events: none;

Failed to resolve: (Dependency Error)

Find root build.gradle file and add google maven repo inside allprojects tag

repositories {
        maven {                                  // <-- Add this
            url '' 
            name 'Google'

It's better to use specific version instead of variable version

compile ''

If you're using Android Plugin for Gradle 3.0.0 or latter version

repositories {
      google()        //---> Add this

and inject dependency in this way :

implementation ''