Programs & Examples On #Jradiobutton

JRadioButton is the Java Swing implementation of a radio button.

JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

Use setResizable on your JFrame


But extending JFrame is generally a bad idea.

How do I get which JRadioButton is selected from a ButtonGroup

import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;

public class RadioButton extends JRadioButton {

    public class RadioButtonModel extends JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel {
        public Object[] getSelectedObjects() {
            if ( isSelected() ) {
                return new Object[] { RadioButton.this };
            } else {
                return new Object[0];

        public RadioButton getButton() { return RadioButton.this; }

    public RadioButton() { super(); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(Action action) { super(action); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(Icon icon) { super(icon); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(String text) { super(text); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(Icon icon, boolean selected) { super(icon, selected); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(String text, boolean selected) { super(text, selected); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(String text, Icon icon) { super(text, icon); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }
    public RadioButton(String text, Icon icon, boolean selected) { super(text, icon, selected); setModel(new RadioButtonModel()); }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RadioButton b1 = new RadioButton("A");
        RadioButton b2 = new RadioButton("B");
        ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
        RadioButtonModel model = (RadioButtonModel)group.getSelection();

How to make a new line or tab in <string> XML (eclipse/android)?

\n didn't work for me. So I used <br></br> HTML tag

    <string name="message_register_success">
Sign up is complete. <br></br>
 Enjoy a new shopping life at MageMobile!!

How can I show and hide elements based on selected option with jQuery?

To show the div while selecting one value and hide while selecting another value from dropdown box: -

 $('#yourselectorid').bind('change', function(event) {

           var i= $('#yourselectorid').val();

            if(i=="sometext") // equal to a selection option
               $('#divid').hide(); // hide the first one
               $('#divid2').show(); // show the other one


How can I scale an image in a CSS sprite

transform: scale(); will make original element preserve its size.

I found the best option is to use vw. It's working like a charm:

#div3 {_x000D_
  background:url('//') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background-size: 50vw;   _x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 40px;_x000D_
#div1 {_x000D_
  background-position: 0 0;_x000D_
  width: 12.5vw;_x000D_
  height: 13vw;_x000D_
#div2 {_x000D_
  background-position: -13vw -4vw;_x000D_
  width: 17.5vw;_x000D_
  height: 9vw;_x000D_
  transform: scale(1.8);_x000D_
#div3 {_x000D_
  background-position: -30.5vw 0;_x000D_
  width: 19.5vw;_x000D_
  height: 17vw;_x000D_
<div id="div1">_x000D_
  <div id="div2">_x000D_
  <div id="div3">_x000D_

add title attribute from css

While currently not possible with CSS, there is a proposal to enable this functionality called Cascading Attribute Sheets.

Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

echo "text to echo" > file.txt

Command-line Tool to find Java Heap Size and Memory Used (Linux)?

jvmtop is a command-line tool which provides a live-view at several metrics, including heap.

Example output of the VM overview mode:

 JvmTop 0.3 alpha (expect bugs)  amd64  8 cpus, Linux 2.6.32-27, load avg 0.12

 3370 rapperSimpleApp  165m  455m  109m  176m  0.12%  0.00% S6U37 web        21
11272 ver.resin.Resin [ERROR: Could not attach to VM]
27338 WatchdogManager   11m   28m   23m  130m  0.00%  0.00% S6U37 web        31
19187 m.jvmtop.JvmTop   20m 3544m   13m  130m  0.93%  0.47% S6U37 web        20
16733 artup.Bootstrap  159m  455m  166m  304m  0.12%  0.00% S6U37 web        46

How to find elements with 'value=x'?

$(selector).filter(function(){return this.value==yourval}).remove();

How to list the files inside a JAR file?

Just a different way of listing/reading files from a jar URL and it does it recursively for nested jars

URL urlResource = Thead.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("foo");, new InputStreamCallback() {
    public void onFile(String name, InputStream is) throws IOException {
        // got file name and content stream 

How to set a default entity property value with Hibernate

If you want to set default value in terms of database, just set @Column( columnDefinition = "int default 1")

But if what you intend is to set a default value in your java app you can set it on your class attribute like this: private Integer attribute = 1;

ArrayAdapter in android to create simple listview

The TextView resource id it needs is for a TextView layout file, so it won't be in the same activity.

You can create it by going to File > New > XML > XML Layout File, and enter the widget type, which is 'TextView' in the root tag field.


Check if element found in array c++

Here is a simple generic C++11 function contains which works for both arrays and containers:

using namespace std;

template<class C, typename T>
bool contains(C&& c, T e) { return find(begin(c), end(c), e) != end(c); };

Simple usage contains(arr, el) is somewhat similar to in keyword semantics in Python.

Here is a complete demo:

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template<typename C, typename T>
bool contains(C&& c, T e) { 
    return std::find(std::begin(c), std::end(c), e) != std::end(c);

template<typename C, typename T>
void check(C&& c, T e) {
    std::cout << e << (contains(c,e) ? "" : " not") <<  " found\n";

int main() {
    int a[] = { 10, 15, 20 };
    std::array<int, 3> b { 10, 10, 10 };
    std::vector<int> v { 10, 20, 30 };
    std::string s { "Hello, Stack Overflow" };
    check(a, 10);
    check(b, 15);
    check(v, 20);
    check(s, 'Z');

    return 0;


10 found
15 not found
20 found
Z not found

Trigger back-button functionality on button click in Android

You should use finish() when the user clicks on the button in order to go to the previous activity.

Button backButton = (Button)this.findViewById(;
backButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {

Alternatively, if you really need to, you can try to trigger your own back key press:

this.dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));
this.dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));

Execute both of these.

React navigation goBack() and update parent state

is there a way to pass param from navigate.goback() and parent can listen to the params and update its state?

You can pass a callback function as parameter (as mentioned in other answers).

Here is a more clear example, when you navigate from A to B and you want B to communicate information back to A you can pass a callback (here onSelect):


import React from "react";
import { Button, Text, View } from "react-native";

class ViewA extends React.Component {
  state = { selected: false };

  onSelect = data => {

  onPress = () => {
    this.props.navigate("ViewB", { onSelect: this.onSelect });

  render() {
    return (
        <Text>{this.state.selected ? "Selected" : "Not Selected"}</Text>
        <Button title="Next" onPress={this.onPress} />


import React from "react";
import { Button } from "react-native";

class ViewB extends React.Component {
  goBack() {
    const { navigation } = this.props;
    navigation.state.params.onSelect({ selected: true });

  render() {
    return <Button title="back" onPress={this.goBack} />;

Hats off for debrice - Refer to


For React Navigation v5


import React from "react";
import { Button } from "react-native";

class ViewB extends React.Component {
  goBack() {
    const { navigation, route } = this.props;
    route.params.onSelect({ selected: true });

  render() {
    return <Button title="back" onPress={this.goBack} />;

Dump a NumPy array into a csv file

Writing record arrays as CSV files with headers requires a bit more work.

This example reads from a CSV file ('example.csv') and writes its contents to another CSV file (out.csv).

import numpy as np

# Write an example CSV file with headers on first line
with open('example.csv', 'w') as fp:
2,222.2,second string

# Read it as a Numpy record array
ar = np.recfromcsv('example.csv')
# rec.array([(1, 100.1, 'string1'), (2, 222.2, 'second string')], 
#           dtype=[('col1', '<i4'), ('col2', '<f8'), ('col3', 'S13')])

# Write as a CSV file with headers on first line
with open('out.csv', 'w') as fp:
    fp.write(','.join(ar.dtype.names) + '\n')
    np.savetxt(fp, ar, '%s', ',')

Note that the above example cannot handle values which are strings with commas. To always enclose non-numeric values within quotes, use the csv package:

import csv

with open('out2.csv', 'wb') as fp:
    writer = csv.writer(fp, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

jQuery SVG, why can't I addClass?

jQuery 2.2 supports SVG class manipulation

The jQuery 2.2 and 1.12 Released post includes the following quote:

While jQuery is a HTML library, we agreed that class support for SVG elements could be useful. Users will now be able to call the .addClass(), .removeClass(), .toggleClass(), and .hasClass() methods on SVG. jQuery now changes the class attribute rather than the className property. This also makes the class methods usable in general XML documents. Keep in mind that many other things will not work with SVG, and we still recommend using a library dedicated to SVG if you need anything beyond class manipulation.

Example using jQuery 2.2.0

It tests:

  • .addClass()
  • .removeClass()
  • .hasClass()

If you click on that small square, it will change its color because the class attribute is added / removed.

$("#x").click(function() {_x000D_
    if ( $(this).hasClass("clicked") ) {_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
.clicked {_x000D_
    fill: red !important;  _x000D_
    <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <svg width="80" height="80">_x000D_
        <rect id="x" width="80" height="80" style="fill:rgb(0,0,255)" />_x000D_

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite'

System.Data.SQLite.dll is a mixed assembly, i.e. it contains both managed code and native code. Therefore a particular System.Data.SQLite.dll is either x86 or x64, but never both.

Update (courtesy J. Pablo Fernandez): Cassini, the development web server used by Visual Studio when you press F5 or click the green «play» button, is x86 only which means that even if your workstation is x64, you'll only be able to use the x86 version of System.Data.SQLite.dll.

An alternative is not to use Cassini but IIS7 which is properly x64.

Javascript Append Child AFTER Element

This suffices :

 parentGuest.parentNode.insertBefore(childGuest, parentGuest.nextSibling || null);

since if the refnode (second parameter) is null, a regular appendChild is performed. see here :

Actually I doubt that the || null is required, try it and see.

finding multiples of a number in Python

Based on mathematical concepts, I understand that:

  • all natural numbers that, divided by n, having 0 as remainder, are all multiples of n

Therefore, the following calculation also applies as a solution (multiples between 1 and 100):

>>> multiples_5 = [n for n in range(1, 101) if n % 5 == 0]
>>> multiples_5
[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100]

For further reading:

Calling another different view from the controller using ASP.NET MVC 4

You can directly return a different view like:

return View("NameOfView", Model);

Or you can make a partial view and can return like:

return PartialView("PartialViewName", Model);

Android: Create spinner programmatically from array

In Kotlin language you can do it in this way:

val values = arrayOf(

).also {
    spinner.adapter = it

program cant start because php5.dll is missing

What you can do to solve this is:

  1. Download PHP5.dll or PHP7.dll from:
  2. Copy the downloaded php5.dll or php7.dll to C:\xampp\php.
  3. Start Apache and MySQL from XAMPP Control Panel.

move a virtual machine from one vCenter to another vCenter

I've figure it out the solution to my problem:

  • Step 1: from within the vSphere client, while connected to vCenter1, select the VM and then from "File" menu select "Export"->"Export OVF Template" (Note: make sure the VM is Powered Off otherwise this feature is not available - it will be gray). This action will allow you to save on your machine/laptop the VM (as an .vmdk, .ovf and a .mf file).
  • Step 2: Connect to the vCenter2 with your vSphere client and from "File" menu select "Deploy OVF Template..." and then select the location where the VM was saved in the previous step.

That was all!

Rails: How can I rename a database column in a Ruby on Rails migration?

I'm on rails 5.2, and trying to rename a column on a devise User.

the rename_column bit worked for me, but the singular :table_name threw a "User table not found" error. Plural worked for me.

rails g RenameAgentinUser

Then change migration file to this:

rename_column :users, :agent?, :agent

Where :agent? is the old column name.

Change fill color on vector asset in Android Studio

Go to you and below this code
-> NavigationView navigationView = findViewById(;
Add single line of code -> navigationView.setItemIconTintList(null);
i.e. the last line of my code

I hope this might solve your problem.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private AppBarConfiguration mAppBarConfiguration;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;

        DrawerLayout drawer = findViewById(;
        NavigationView navigationView = findViewById(;

Styling the arrow on bootstrap tooltips

You can use this to change tooltip-arrow color

.tooltip.bottom .tooltip-arrow {
  top: 0;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -5px;
  border-bottom-color: #000000; /* black */
  border-width: 0 5px 5px;

Is there an equivalent for var_dump (PHP) in Javascript?

If you use Firebug, you can use console.log to output an object and get a hyperlinked, explorable item in the console.

What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?

// implements "floor division", regardless of your type. So 1.0/2.0 will give 0.5, but both 1/2, 1//2 and 1.0//2.0 will give 0.

See for details

Iterating over every two elements in a list

I need to divide a list by a number and fixed like this.

l = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

def divideByN(data, n):
        return [data[i*n : (i+1)*n] for i in range(len(data)//n)]  

>>> print(divideByN(l,2))
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]

>>> print(divideByN(l,3))
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

Using Alert in Response.Write Function in ASP.NET

You ca also use Response.Write("alert('Error')");

Counting number of occurrences in column?

Just adding some extra sorting if needed

=QUERY(A2:A,"select A, count(A) where A is not null group by A order by count(A) DESC label A 'Name', count(A) 'Count'",-1)

enter image description here

Better way to remove specific characters from a Perl string

With a character class this big it is easier to say what you want to keep. A caret in the first position of a character class inverts its sense, so you can write

$varTemp =~ s/[^"%'+\-0-9<=>a-z_{|}]+//gi

or, using the more efficient tr

$varTemp =~ tr/"%'+\-0-9<=>A-Z_a-z{|}//cd

tr docs

Fastest way to check a string contain another substring in JavaScript?

I made a for you ...seems that indexOf is a bit faster.

VBA: How to display an error message just like the standard error message which has a "Debug" button?

There is a simpler way simply disable the error handler in your error handler if it does not match the error types you are doing and resume.

The handler below checks agains each error type and if none are a match it returns error resume to normal VBA ie GoTo 0 and resumes the code which then tries to rerun the code and the normal error block pops up.

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

x = 1/0

if Err.Number = 13 then ' 13 is Type mismatch (only used as an example)

'error handling code for this

end if

If err.Number = 1004 then ' 1004 is Too Large (only used as an example)

'error handling code for this

end if

On Error GoTo 0

MySQL's now() +1 day

INSERT INTO `table` ( `data` , `date` ) VALUES('".$data."',NOW()+INTERVAL 1 DAY);

How do I prevent a parent's onclick event from firing when a child anchor is clicked?

you can also try this

$("#clickable").click(function(event) {
   var senderElementName =;
   if(senderElementName === 'div')
       // do something here 
      //do something with <a> tag

Pass an array of integers to ASP.NET Web API?

You may try this code for you to take comma separated values / an array of values to get back a JSON from webAPI

 public class CategoryController : ApiController
     public List<Category> Get(String categoryIDs)
         List<Category> categoryRepo = new List<Category>();

         String[] idRepo = categoryIDs.Split(',');

         foreach (var id in idRepo)
             categoryRepo.Add(new Category()
                 CategoryID = id,
                 CategoryName = String.Format("Category_{0}", id)
         return categoryRepo;

 public class Category
     public String CategoryID { get; set; }
     public String CategoryName { get; set; }

Output :


How do you convert a C++ string to an int?

I have used something like the following in C++ code before:

#include <sstream>
int main()
    char* str = "1234";
    std::stringstream s_str( str );
    int i;
    s_str >> i;

How to determine the current language of a wordpress page when using polylang?

This plugin is documented rather good in

Switching post language

The developers documentation states the following logic as a means to generate URL's for different translations of the same post

<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<ul class='translations'><?php pll_the_languages(array('post_id' =>; $post->ID)); ?></ul>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>

If you want more influence on what is rendered, inspet pll_the_languages function and copy it's behaviour to your own output implementation

Switching site language

As you want buttons to switch language, this page: will give you the required info.

An implementation example:

<ul><?php pll_the_languages();?></ul>

Then style with CSS to create buttons, flags or whatever you want. It is also possible to use a widget for this, provided by te plugin

Getting current language

All plugins functions are explained here:

In this case use:


Validation failed for one or more entities while saving changes to SQL Server Database using Entity Framework

In my case I have a Table Column name Path which datatype i set was varchar(200).After updating it to nvarchar(max), I have deleted the table from edmx and then again added the table and it wokred properly for me.

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

Just Go To *Startmenu >>Java >>Configure Java >> Security >> Edit site list >> copy and paste your Link with problem >> OK Problem fixed :)*

file_put_contents: Failed to open stream, no such file or directory

There is definitly a problem with the destination folder path.

Your above error message says, it wants to put the contents to a file in the directory /files/grantapps/, which would be beyond your vhost, but somewhere in the system (see the leading absolute slash )

You should double check:

  • Is the directory /home/username/public_html/files/grantapps/ really present.
  • Contains your loop and your file_put_contents-Statement the absolute path /home/username/public_html/files/grantapps/

Ruby: Can I write multi-line string with no concatenation?

Elegant Answer Today:

Hi #{}, 

Thanks for raising the flag, we're always happy to help you.
Your issue will be resolved within 2 hours.
Please be patient!

Thanks again,
Team #{}

Theres a difference in <<-TEXT and <<~TEXT, former retains the spacing inside block and latter doesn't.

There are other options as well. Like concatenation etc. but this one makes more sense in general.

If I am wrong here, let me know how...

rsync: how can I configure it to create target directory on server?


from: /xxx/a/b/c/d/e/1.html

to: user@remote:/pre_existing/dir/b/c/d/e/1.html


cd /xxx/a/ && rsync -auvR b/c/d/e/ user@remote:/pre_existing/dir/

Adding Counter in shell script

Here's how you might implement a counter:

while true; do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       exit 0
  elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then
       echo "Counter: $counter times reached; Exiting loop!"
       exit 1
       echo "Counter: $counter time(s); Sleeping for another half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800

Some Explanations:

  • counter=$((counter+1)) - this is how you can increment a counter. The $ for counter is optional inside the double parentheses in this case.
  • elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then - this checks whether $counter is not greater than 20. If so, it outputs the appropriate message and breaks out of your while loop.

IN vs OR in the SQL WHERE Clause

I think oracle is smart enough to convert the less efficient one (whichever that is) into the other. So I think the answer should rather depend on the readability of each (where I think that IN clearly wins)

How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail?

As an alternative to PHPMailer, Pear's Mail and others you could use the Zend's library

  $config = array('auth' => 'login',
                   'ssl' => 'ssl',
                   'port'=> 465,
                   'username' => '[email protected]',
                   'password' => 'XXXXXXX');

 $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp('', $config);
 $mail = new Zend_Mail();
 $mail->setBodyText('This is the text of the mail.');
 $mail->setFrom('[email protected]', 'Some Sender');
 $mail->addTo('[email protected]', 'Some Recipient');

That is my set up in localhost server and I can able to see incoming mail to my mail box.

Tri-state Check box in HTML?

Here other Example with simple jQuery and property data-checked:

  .click(function(e) {_x000D_
    var el = $(this);_x000D_
    switch ('checked')) {_x000D_
      // unchecked, going indeterminate_x000D_
      case 0:_x000D_'checked', 1);_x000D_
        el.prop('indeterminate', true);_x000D_
        // indeterminate, going checked_x000D_
      case 1:_x000D_'checked', 2);_x000D_
        el.prop('indeterminate', false);_x000D_
        el.prop('checked', true);_x000D_
        // checked, going unchecked_x000D_
      default:_x000D_'checked', 0);_x000D_
        el.prop('indeterminate', false);_x000D_
        el.prop('checked', false);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<label><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="" checked id="checkbox"> Tri-State Checkbox </label>

file_get_contents("php://input") or $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, which one is better to get the body of JSON request?

For JSON data, it's much easier to POST it as "application/json" content-type. If you use GET, you have to URL-encode the JSON in a parameter and it's kind of messy. Also, there is no size limit when you do POST. GET's size if very limited (4K at most).

Make javascript alert Yes/No Instead of Ok/Cancel

You can use jQuery UI Dialog.

These libraries create HTML elements that look and behave like a dialog box, allowing you to put anything you want (including form elements or video) in the dialog.

How to add ID property to Html.BeginForm() in mvc?

This should get the id added.

ASP.NET MVC 5 and lower:

<% using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { id = "signupform" }))
   { } %>

ASP.NET Core: You can use tag helpers in forms to avoid the odd syntax for setting the id.

<form asp-controller="Account" asp-action="Register" method="post" id="signupform" role="form"></form>

Create Hyperlink in Slack

Recently it became possible (but with an odd workaround).

To do this you must first create text with the desired hyperlink in an editor that supports rich text formatting. This can be an advanced text editor, web browser, email client, web-development IDE, etc.). Then copypaste the text from the editor or rendered HTML from browser (or other). E.g. in the example below I copypasted the head of this StackOverflow page. As you may see, the hyperlink have been copied correctly and is clickable in the message (checked on Mac Desktop, browser, and iOS apps).

Message in Slack

On Mac

I was able to compose the desired link in the native Pages app as shown below. When you are done, copypaste your text into Slack app. This is the probably easiest way on Mac OS.

Link creation in Pages

On Windows

I have a strong suspicion that MS Word will do the same trick, but unfortunately I don't have an installed instance to check.


Create text in an online editor, such as Google Documents. Use Insert -> Link, modify the text and web URL, then copypaste into Slack.

enter image description here

Array functions in jQuery

jQuery has very limited array functions since JavaScript has most of them itself. But here are the ones they have: Utilities - jQuery API.

How to require a controller in an angularjs directive

I got lucky and answered this in a comment to the question, but I'm posting a full answer for the sake of completeness and so we can mark this question as "Answered".

It depends on what you want to accomplish by sharing a controller; you can either share the same controller (though have different instances), or you can share the same controller instance.

Share a Controller

Two directives can use the same controller by passing the same method to two directives, like so:

app.controller( 'MyCtrl', function ( $scope ) {
  // do stuff...

app.directive( 'directiveOne', function () {
  return {
    controller: 'MyCtrl'

app.directive( 'directiveTwo', function () {
  return {
    controller: 'MyCtrl'

Each directive will get its own instance of the controller, but this allows you to share the logic between as many components as you want.

Require a Controller

If you want to share the same instance of a controller, then you use require.

require ensures the presence of another directive and then includes its controller as a parameter to the link function. So if you have two directives on one element, your directive can require the presence of the other directive and gain access to its controller methods. A common use case for this is to require ngModel.

^require, with the addition of the caret, checks elements above directive in addition to the current element to try to find the other directive. This allows you to create complex components where "sub-components" can communicate with the parent component through its controller to great effect. Examples could include tabs, where each pane can communicate with the overall tabs to handle switching; an accordion set could ensure only one is open at a time; etc.

In either event, you have to use the two directives together for this to work. require is a way of communicating between components.

Check out the Guide page of directives for more info:

Removing viewcontrollers from navigation stack


  • Swift 5.1, Xcode 11.3.1


extension UIViewController {
    func removeFromNavigationController() { navigationController?.removeController(.last) { self == $0 } }

extension UINavigationController {
    enum ViewControllerPosition { case first, last }
    enum ViewControllersGroupPosition { case first, last, all }

    func removeController(_ position: ViewControllerPosition, animated: Bool = true,
                          where closure: (UIViewController) -> Bool) {
        var index: Int?
        switch position {
            case .first: index = viewControllers.firstIndex(where: closure)
            case .last: index = viewControllers.lastIndex(where: closure)
        if let index = index { removeControllers(animated: animated, in: Range(index...index)) }

    func removeControllers(_ position: ViewControllersGroupPosition, animated: Bool = true,
                           where closure: (UIViewController) -> Bool) {
        var range: Range<Int>?
        switch position {
            case .first: range = viewControllers.firstRange(where: closure)
            case .last:
                guard let _range = viewControllers.reversed().firstRange(where: closure) else { return }
                let count = viewControllers.count - 1
                range = .init(uncheckedBounds: (lower: count - _range.min()!, upper: count - _range.max()!))
            case .all:
                let viewControllers = self.viewControllers.filter { !closure($0) }
                setViewControllers(viewControllers, animated: animated)
        if let range = range { removeControllers(animated: animated, in: range) }

    func removeControllers(animated: Bool = true, in range: Range<Int>) {
        var viewControllers = self.viewControllers
        setViewControllers(viewControllers, animated: animated)

    func removeControllers(animated: Bool = true, in range: ClosedRange<Int>) {
        removeControllers(animated: animated, in: Range(range))

private extension Array {
    func firstRange(where closure: (Element) -> Bool) -> Range<Int>? {
        guard var index = firstIndex(where: closure) else { return nil }
        var indexes = [Int]()
        while index < count && closure(self[index]) {
            index += 1
        if indexes.isEmpty { return nil }
        return Range<Int>(indexes.min()!...indexes.max()!)



navigationController?.removeControllers(in: 1...3)

navigationController?.removeController(.first) { $0 != self }

navigationController?.removeController(.last) { $0 != self }

navigationController?.removeControllers(.all) { $0.isKind(of: ViewController.self) }

navigationController?.removeControllers(.first) { !$0.isKind(of: ViewController.self) }

navigationController?.removeControllers(.last) { $0 != self }

Full Sample

Do not forget to paste here the solution code

import UIKit

class ViewController2: ViewController {}

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    private var tag: Int = 0
    deinit { print("____ DEINITED: \(self), tag: \(tag)" ) }

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        print("____ INITED: \(self)")
        let stackView = UIStackView()
        stackView.axis = .vertical
        stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        stackView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
        stackView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true

        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Push ViewController() white", selector: #selector(pushWhiteViewController)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Push ViewController() gray", selector: #selector(pushGrayViewController)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Push ViewController2() green", selector: #selector(pushController2)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Push & remove previous VC", selector: #selector(pushViewControllerAndRemovePrevious)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove first gray VC", selector: #selector(dropFirstGrayViewController)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove last gray VC", selector: #selector(dropLastGrayViewController)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove all gray VCs", selector: #selector(removeAllGrayViewControllers)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove all VCs exept Last", selector: #selector(removeAllViewControllersExeptLast)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove all exept first and last VCs", selector: #selector(removeAllViewControllersExeptFirstAndLast)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove all ViewController2()", selector: #selector(removeAllViewControllers2)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove first VCs where bg != .gray", selector: #selector(dropFirstViewControllers)))
        stackView.addArrangedSubview(createButton(text: "Remove last VCs where bg == .gray", selector: #selector(dropLastViewControllers)))

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        if title?.isEmpty ?? true { title = "First" }

    private func createButton(text: String, selector: Selector) -> UIButton {
        let button = UIButton()
        button.setTitle(text, for: .normal)
        button.setTitleColor(.blue, for: .normal)
        button.addTarget(self, action: selector, for: .touchUpInside)
        return button

extension ViewController {

    private func createViewController<VC: ViewController>(backgroundColor: UIColor = .white) -> VC {
        let viewController = VC()
        let counter = (navigationController?.viewControllers.count ?? -1 ) + 1
        viewController.tag = counter
        viewController.title = "Controller \(counter)"
        viewController.view.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
        return viewController

    @objc func pushWhiteViewController() {
        navigationController?.pushViewController(createViewController(), animated: true)

    @objc func pushGrayViewController() {
        navigationController?.pushViewController(createViewController(backgroundColor: .lightGray), animated: true)

    @objc func pushController2() {
        navigationController?.pushViewController(createViewController(backgroundColor: .green) as ViewController2, animated: true)

    @objc func pushViewControllerAndRemovePrevious() {
        navigationController?.pushViewController(createViewController(), animated: true)

    @objc func removeAllGrayViewControllers() {
        navigationController?.removeControllers(.all) { $0.view.backgroundColor == .lightGray }

    @objc func removeAllViewControllersExeptLast() {
        navigationController?.removeControllers(.all) { $0 != self }

    @objc func removeAllViewControllersExeptFirstAndLast() {
        guard let navigationController = navigationController, navigationController.viewControllers.count > 1 else { return }
        let lastIndex = navigationController.viewControllers.count - 1
        navigationController.removeControllers(in: 1..<lastIndex)

    @objc func removeAllViewControllers2() {
        navigationController?.removeControllers(.all) { $0.isKind(of: ViewController2.self) }

    @objc func dropFirstViewControllers() {
        navigationController?.removeControllers(.first) { $0.view.backgroundColor != .lightGray }

    @objc func dropLastViewControllers() {
        navigationController?.removeControllers(.last) { $0.view.backgroundColor == .lightGray }

    @objc func dropFirstGrayViewController() {
        navigationController?.removeController(.first) { $0.view.backgroundColor == .lightGray }

    @objc func dropLastGrayViewController() {
        navigationController?.removeController(.last) { $0.view.backgroundColor == .lightGray }


enter image description here

Python script to copy text to clipboard

See Pyperclip. Example (taken from Pyperclip site):

import pyperclip
pyperclip.copy('The text to be copied to the clipboard.')
spam = pyperclip.paste()

Also, see Xerox. But it appears to have more dependencies.

Does WGET timeout?

The default timeout is 900 second. You can specify different timeout.

-T seconds

The default is to retry 20 times. You can specify different tries.

-t number

link: wget man document

How to add background image for input type="button"?


Change MySQL default character set to UTF-8 in my.cnf?

MySQL 5.5, all you need is:


collation_server is optional.

mysql> show variables like 'char%';
| Variable_name            | Value                      |
| character_set_client     | utf8                       |
| character_set_connection | utf8                       |
| character_set_database   | utf8                       |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                     |
| character_set_results    | utf8                       |
| character_set_server     | utf8                       |
| character_set_system     | utf8                       |
| character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

How can I make an entire HTML form "readonly"?

Have all the form id's numbered and run a for loop in JS.

 for(id = 0; id<NUM_ELEMENTS; id++)
   document.getElementById(id).disabled = false; 

How to customize Bootstrap 3 tab color

To have the active tab also styled, merge the answer from this thread, from Mansukh Khandhar, with this other answer, from lmgonzalves:

.nav-tabs > > a {
  background-color: yellow !important;
  border: medium none;
  border-radius: 0;

Making a cURL call in C#

Call cURL from your console app is not a good idea.

But you can use TinyRestClient which make easier to build requests :

var client = new TinyRestClient(new HttpClient(),"");

AddQueryParameter("text", "").

Mercurial — revert back to old version and continue from there

hg update [-r REV]

If later you commit, you will effectively create a new branch. Then you might continue working only on this branch or eventually merge the existing one into it.

Opening Chrome From Command Line

Use the start command as follows.

start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

It will be better to close chrome instances before you open a new one. You can do that as follows:

taskkill /IM chrome.exe
start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

That'll work for you.

How to prevent scrollbar from repositioning web page?

My approach is to make the track transparent. The scroll bar thumb color is #C1C1C1 to match the default scrollbar thumb color. You can make it anything you prefer :)

Try this:

html {
    overflow-y: scroll;

body::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 0.7em;
    background-color: transparent;

body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    background: #C1C1C1;


How do I make a matrix from a list of vectors in R?

Not straightforward, but it works:

> t(sapply(a, unlist))
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
 [1,]    1    1    2    3    4    5
 [2,]    2    1    2    3    4    5
 [3,]    3    1    2    3    4    5
 [4,]    4    1    2    3    4    5
 [5,]    5    1    2    3    4    5
 [6,]    6    1    2    3    4    5
 [7,]    7    1    2    3    4    5
 [8,]    8    1    2    3    4    5
 [9,]    9    1    2    3    4    5
[10,]   10    1    2    3    4    5

Angularjs $q.all

The issue seems to be that you are adding the deffered.promise when deffered is itself the promise you should be adding:

Try changing to promises.push(deffered); so you don't add the unwrapped promise to the array.

 UploadService.uploadQuestion = function(questions){

            var promises = [];

            for(var i = 0 ; i < questions.length ; i++){

                var deffered  = $q.defer();
                var question  = questions[i]; 


                    url   : 'upload/question',
                    method: 'POST',
                    data  : question


            return $q.all(promises);

How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?

In my case removing node, delete all AppData/Roaming/npm and AppData/Roaming/npm-cache and installing node once again solve the issue.

Python set to list

Your code does work (tested with cpython 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2):

>>> a = set(["Blah", "Hello"])
>>> a = list(a) # You probably wrote a = list(a()) here or list = set() above
>>> a
['Blah', 'Hello']

Check that you didn't overwrite list by accident:

>>> assert list == __builtins__.list

JBoss debugging in Eclipse

You need to define a Remote Java Application in the Eclipse debug configurations:

Open the debug configurations (select project, then open from menu run/debug configurations) Select Remote Java Application in the left tree and press "New" button On the right panel select your web app project and enter 8787 in the port field. Here is a link to a detailed description of this process.

When you start the remote debug configuration Eclipse will attach to the JBoss process. If successful the debug view will show the JBoss threads. There is also a disconnect icon in the toolbar/menu to stop remote debugging.

How can I remove an SSH key?

The solution for me (openSUSE Leap 42.3, KDE) was to rename the folder ~/.gnupg which apparently contained the cached keys and profiles.

After KDE logout/logon the ssh-add/agent is running again and the folder is created from scratch, but the old keys are all gone.

I didn't have success with the other approaches.

Convert all strings in a list to int

Use a list comprehension:

results = [int(i) for i in results]


>>> results = ["1", "2", "3"]
>>> results = [int(i) for i in results]
>>> results
[1, 2, 3]

How do I check out a specific version of a submodule using 'git submodule'?

Step 1: Add the submodule

   git submodule add git://some_repository.git some_repository

Step 2: Fix the submodule to a particular commit

By default the new submodule will be tracking HEAD of the master branch, but it will NOT be updated as you update your primary repository. In order to change the submodule to track a particular commit or different branch, change directory to the submodule folder and switch branches just like you would in a normal repository.

   git checkout -b some_branch origin/some_branch

Now the submodule is fixed on the development branch instead of HEAD of master.

From Two Guys Arguing — Tie Git Submodules to a Particular Commit or Branch .

Prevent BODY from scrolling when a modal is opened

I'm not 100% sure this will work with Bootstrap but worth a try - it worked with Remodal.js which can be found on github: and it would make sense for the methods to be pretty similar.

To stop the page jumping to the top and also prevent the right shift of content add a class to the body when the modal is fired and set these CSS rules:

body.with-modal {
    position: static;
    height: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;

It's the position:static and the height:auto that combine to stop the jumping of content to the right. The overflow-y:hidden; stops the page from being scrollable behind the modal.

Reading a resource file from within jar

Make sure that you work with the correct separator. I replaced all / in a relative path with a File.separator. This worked fine in the IDE, however did not work in the build JAR.

What is SELF JOIN and when would you use it?

Well, one classic example is where you wanted to get a list of employees and their immediate managers:

select e.employee as employee, b.employee as boss
from emptable e, emptable b
where e.manager_id = b.empolyee_id
order by 1

It's basically used where there is any relationship between rows stored in the same table.

  • employees.
  • multi-level marketing.
  • machine parts.

And so on...

Python: read all text file lines in loop

There are situations where you can't use the (quite convincing) with... for... structure. In that case, do the following:

line =
if len(line) != 0:
     if 'str' in line:

This will work because the the readline() leaves a trailing newline character, where as EOF is just an empty string.

How to convert xml into array in php?

I liked this question and some answers was helpful to me, but i need to convert the xml to one domination array, so i will post my solution maybe someone need it later:

$xml = json_decode(json_encode((array)simplexml_load_string($xml)),1);
$finalItem = getChild($xml);

function getChild($xml, $finalItem = []){
    foreach($xml as $key=>$value){
            $finalItem[$key] = $value;
            $finalItem = getChild($value, $finalItem);
    return $finalItem;

Setting graph figure size

Write it as a one-liner:

figure('position', [0, 0, 200, 500])  % create new figure with specified size  

enter image description here

How to search for file names in Visual Studio?

Since you mention ReSharper in a comment:

You can do this in ReSharper by using the "Goto File..." option (Ctrl-Shift-N or ReSharper -> Go To -> File...) in my key mappings.

How to implement infinity in Java?

A generic solution is to introduce a new type. It may be more involved, but it has the advantage of working for any type that doesn't define its own infinity.

If T is a type for which lteq is defined, you can define InfiniteOr<T> with lteq something like this:

class InfiniteOr with type parameter T:
    field the_T of type null-or-an-actual-T
        return this.the_T == null
        return this.the_T
        if that.isInfinite()
            return true
        if this.isInfinite()
            return false
        return this.getFinite().lteq(that.getFinite())

I'll leave it to you to translate this to exact Java syntax. I hope the ideas are clear; but let me spell them out anyways.

The idea is to create a new type which has all the same values as some already existing type, plus one special value which—as far as you can tell through public methods—acts exactly the way you want infinity to act, e.g. it's greater than anything else. I'm using null to represent infinity here, since that seems the most straightforward in Java.

If you want to add arithmetic operations, decide what they should do, then implement that. It's probably simplest if you handle the infinite cases first, then reuse the existing operations on finite values of the original type.

There might or might not be a general pattern to whether or not it's beneficial to adopt a convention of handling left-hand-side infinities before right-hand-side infinities or vice versa; I can't tell without trying it out, but for less-than-or-equal (lteq) I think it's simpler to look at right-hand-side infinity first. I note that lteq is not commutative, but add and mul are; maybe that is relevant.

Note: coming up with a good definition of what should happen on infinite values is not always easy. It is for comparison, addition and multiplication, but maybe not subtraction. Also, there is a distinction between infinite cardinal and ordinal numbers which you may want to pay attention to.

How to change Maven local repository in eclipse

In Eclipse Photon navigate to Windows > Preferences > Maven > User Settings > User Setting

For "User settings" Browse to the settings.xml of the maven. ex. in my case maven it is located on the path C:\Program Files\Apache Software Distribution\apache-maven-3.5.4\conf\Settings.xml

Depending on the Settings.xml the Local Repository gets automatically configured to the specified location. Click here for screenshot

Delete a row in DataGridView Control in VB.NET

If dgv(11, dgv.CurrentRow.Index).Selected = True Then
    Exit Sub
End If

jQuery changing font family and font size

Full working solution :


<form id="myform">
    <select id="fs"> 
        <option value="Arial">Arial</option>
        <option value="Verdana ">Verdana </option>
        <option value="Impact ">Impact </option>
        <option value="Comic Sans MS">Comic Sans MS</option>

    <select id="size">
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>
        <option value="20">20</option>
        <option value="30">30</option>


<textarea class="changeMe">Text into textarea</textarea>
<div id="container" class="changeMe">
    <div id="float">
            Text into container


$("#fs").change(function() {
    $('.changeMe').css("font-family", $(this).val());


$("#size").change(function() {
    $('.changeMe').css("font-size", $(this).val() + "px");

Fiddle here:

How to receive POST data in django

res = request.GET['paymentid'] will raise a KeyError if paymentid is not in the GET data.

Your sample php code checks to see if paymentid is in the POST data, and sets $payID to '' otherwise:

$payID = isset($_POST['paymentid']) ? $_POST['paymentid'] : ''

The equivalent in python is to use the get() method with a default argument:

payment_id = request.POST.get('payment_id', '')

while debugging, this is what I see in the response.GET: <QueryDict: {}>, request.POST: <QueryDict: {}>

It looks as if the problem is not accessing the POST data, but that there is no POST data. How are you are debugging? Are you using your browser, or is it the payment gateway accessing your page? It would be helpful if you shared your view.

Once you are managing to submit some post data to your page, it shouldn't be too tricky to convert the sample php to python.

Inserting string at position x of another string


a.slice(0,position) + b + a.slice(position)

var a = "I want apple";_x000D_
var b = " an";_x000D_
var position = 6;_x000D_
var r= a.slice(0,position) + b + a.slice(position);_x000D_

or regexp solution

"I want apple".replace(/^(.{6})/,"$1 an")

var a = "I want apple";_x000D_
var b = " an";_x000D_
var position = 6;_x000D_
var r= a.replace(new RegExp(`^(.{${position}})`),"$1"+b);_x000D_
console.log("I want apple".replace(/^(.{6})/,"$1 an"));

Change Project Namespace in Visual Studio

Right click properties, Application tab, then see the assembly name and default namespace

How to Install Windows Phone 8 SDK on Windows 7

You can install it by first extracting all the files from the ISO and then overwriting those files with the files from the ZIP. Then you can run the batch file as administrator to do the installation. Most of the packages install on windows 7, but I haven't tested yet how well they work.

Add "Appendix" before "A" in thesis TOC

You can easily achieve what you want using the appendix package. Here's a sample file that shows you how. The key is the titletoc option when calling the package. It takes whatever value you've defined in \appendixname and the default value is Appendix.


\chapter{Lorem ipsum}
\section{Dolor sit amet}
  \chapter{Consectetur adipiscing elit}
  \chapter{Mauris euismod}

The output looks like

enter image description here

javascript regex : only english letters allowed

Another option is to use the case-insensitive flag i, then there's no need for the extra character range A-Z.

var reg = /^[a-z]+$/i;
console.log( reg.test("somethingELSE") ); //true
console.log( "somethingELSE".match(reg)[0] ); //"somethingELSE"

Here's a DEMO on how this regex works with test() and match().

How to deserialize a list using GSON or another JSON library in Java?

Another way is to use an array as a type, e.g.:

Video[] videoArray = gson.fromJson(json, Video[].class);

This way you avoid all the hassle with the Type object, and if you really need a list you can always convert the array to a list, e.g.:

List<Video> videoList = Arrays.asList(videoArray);

IMHO this is much more readable.

In Kotlin this looks like this:

Gson().fromJson(jsonString, Array<Video>

To convert this array into List, just use .toList() method

Replacing Pandas or Numpy Nan with a None to use with MysqlDB

After stumbling around, this worked for me:

df = df.astype(object).where(pd.notnull(df),None)

What's the best way to identify hidden characters in the result of a query in SQL Server (Query Analyzer)?

You can always use the DATALENGTH Function to determine if you have extra white space characters in text fields. This won't make the text visible but will show you where there are extra white space characters.

    SELECT DATALENGTH('MyTextData ') AS BinaryLength, LEN('MyTextData ') AS TextLength

This will produce 11 for BinaryLength and 10 for TextLength.

In a table your SQL would like this:

    SELECT * 
    FROM tblA
    WHERE DATALENGTH(MyTextField) > LEN(MyTextField)

This function is usable in all versions of SQL Server beginning with 2005.

What is Vim recording and how can it be disabled?

Type :h recording to learn more.

                           *q* *recording*
q{0-9a-zA-Z"}           Record typed characters into register {0-9a-zA-Z"}
                        (uppercase to append).  The 'q' command is disabled
                        while executing a register, and it doesn't work inside
                        a mapping.  {Vi: no recording}

q                       Stops recording.  (Implementation note: The 'q' that
                        stops recording is not stored in the register, unless
                        it was the result of a mapping)  {Vi: no recording}

@{0-9a-z".=*}           Execute the contents of register {0-9a-z".=*} [count]
                        times.  Note that register '%' (name of the current
                        file) and '#' (name of the alternate file) cannot be
                        used.  For "@=" you are prompted to enter an
                        expression.  The result of the expression is then
                        executed.  See also |@:|.  {Vi: only named registers}

jQuery same click event for multiple elements

I normally use on instead of click. It allow me to add more events listeners to a specific function.

$(document).on("click touchend", ".class1, .class2, .class3", function () {
     //do stuff

Set Windows process (or user) memory limit

Depending on your applications, it might be easier to limit the memory the language interpreter uses. For example with Java you can set the amount of RAM the JVM will be allocated.

Otherwise it is possible to set it once for each process with the windows API

SetProcessWorkingSetSize Function

The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) in wamp server

I face the same problem and changing

 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';


 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';

Solved this issue.

How to read AppSettings values from a .json file in ASP.NET Core

With .NET Core 2.2, and in the simplest way possible...

public IActionResult Index([FromServices] IConfiguration config)
    var myValue = config.GetValue<string>("MyKey");

appsettings.json is automatically loaded and available through either constructor or action injection, and there's a GetSection method on IConfiguration as well. There isn't any need to alter Startup.cs or Program.cs if all you need is appsettings.json.

C++ cout hex values?

I understand this isn't what OP asked for, but I still think it is worth to point out how to do it with printf. I almost always prefer using it over std::cout (even with no previous C background).

printf("%.2X", a);

'2' defines the precision, 'X' or 'x' defines case.

Good font for code presentations?

I use DejaVu Sans Mono at Size 16.

UPDATE : I have switched to Envy Code R for coding and Anonymous Pro for terminal

"SetPropertiesRule" warning message when starting Tomcat from Eclipse

I had the same problem with Eclipse 3.4(Ganymede) and dynamic web project.
The message didn't influence successfull deploy.But I had to delete row

<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/resources"/>

from org.eclipse.wst.common.component file in .settings folder of Eclipse

Is Task.Result the same as .GetAwaiter.GetResult()?

As already mentioned if you can use await. If you need to run the code synchronously like you mention .GetAwaiter().GetResult(), .Result or .Wait() is a risk for deadlocks as many have said in comments/answers. Since most of us like oneliners you can use these for .Net 4.5<

Acquiring a value via an async method:

var result = Task.Run(() => asyncGetValue()).Result;

Syncronously calling an async method

Task.Run(() => asyncMethod()).Wait();

No deadlock issues will occur due to the use of Task.Run.



Could cause a deadlock if the calling thread is from the threadpool. The following happens: A new task is queued to the end of the queue, and the threadpool thread which would eventually execute the Task is blocked until the Task is executed.


Rename Files and Directories (Add Prefix)

Thanks to Peter van der Heijden, here's one that'll work for filenames with spaces in them:

for f in * ; do mv -- "$f" "PRE_$f" ; done

("--" is needed to succeed with files that begin with dashes, whose names would otherwise be interpreted as switches for the mv command)

Excel - programm cells to change colour based on another cell

Select ColumnB and as two CF formula rules apply:

Green: =AND(B1048576="X",B1="Y")

Red: =AND(B1048576="X",B1="W")

enter image description here

phpinfo() - is there an easy way for seeing it?

Use the command line.

touch /var/www/project1/html/phpinfo.php && echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' >> /var/www/project1/html/phpinfo.php && firefox --url localhost/project1/phpinfo.php

Something like that? Idk!

Find a value in DataTable

this question asked in 2009 but i want to share my codes:

    Public Function RowSearch(ByVal dttable As DataTable, ByVal searchcolumns As String()) As DataTable

    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer

    Dim bln As Boolean

    Dim dttable2 As New DataTable
    For x = 0 To dttable.Columns.Count - 1

    For x = 0 To dttable.Rows.Count - 1
        For y = 0 To searchcolumns.Length - 1
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchcolumns(y)) = False Then
                If searchcolumns(y) = CStr(dttable.Rows(x)(y + 1) & "") & "" Then
                    bln = True
                    bln = False
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        If bln = True Then
        End If

    Return dttable2

End Function

Have bash script answer interactive prompts

If you only have Y to send :

$> yes Y |./your_script

If you only have N to send :

$> yes N |./your_script

What does the "yield" keyword do?

yield in python is in a way similar to the return statement, except for some differences. If multiple values have to be returned from a function, return statement will return all the values as a list and it has to be stored in the memory in the caller block. But what if we don't want to use extra memory? Instead, we want to get the value from the function when we need it. This is where yield comes in. Consider the following function :-

def fun():
   yield 1
   yield 2
   yield 3

And the caller is :-

def caller():
   print ('First value printing')
   print (fun())
   print ('Second value printing')
   print (fun())
   print ('Third value printing')
   print (fun())

The above code segment (caller function) when called, outputs :-

First value printing
Second value printing
Third value printing

As can be seen from above, yield returns a value to its caller, but when the function is called again, it doesn't start from the first statement, but from the statement right after the yield. In the above example, "First value printing" was printed and the function was called. 1 was returned and printed. Then "Second value printing" was printed and again fun() was called. Instead of printing 1 (the first statement), it returned 2, i.e., the statement just after yield 1. The same process is repeated further.

Add a user control to a wpf window

You need to add a reference inside the window tag. Something like:


(When you add xmlns:controls=" intellisense should kick in to make this bit easier)

Then you can add the control with:

<controls:CustomControlClassName ..... />

How to make matrices in Python?

I got a simple fix to this by casting the lists into strings and performing string operations to get the proper print out of the matrix.

Creating the function

By creating a function, it saves you the trouble of writing the for loop every time you want to print out a matrix.

def print_matrix(matrix):
    for row in matrix:
        new_row = str(row)
        new_row = new_row.replace(',','')
        new_row = new_row.replace('[','')
        new_row = new_row.replace(']','')


Example of a 5x5 matrix with 0 as every entry:

>>> test_matrix = [[0] * 5 for i in range(5)]
>>> print_matrix(test_matrix)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 

Example of a 2x3 matrix with 0 as every entry:

>>> test_matrix = [[0] * 3 for i in range(2)]
>>> print_matrix(test_matrix)
0 0 0
0 0 0


If you want to make it print:

D D D D D 

I suggest you just change the way you enter your data into your lists within lists. In my method, each list within the larger list represents a line in the matrix, not columns.

How to discard uncommitted changes in SourceTree?

Its Ctrl + Shift + r

For me, there was only one option to discard all.

enter image description here

Using Git, show all commits that are in one branch, but not the other(s)

jimmyorr's answer does not work on Windows. it helps to use --not instead of ^ like so:

git log oldbranch --not newbranch --no-merges

what is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in sql

  1. GROUP BY will aggregate records by the specified column which allows you to perform aggregation functions on non-grouped columns (such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc.). ORDER BY alters the order in which items are returned.
  2. If you do SELECT IsActive, COUNT(*) FROM Customers GROUP BY IsActive you get a count of active and inactive customers. The group by aggregated the results based on the field you specified. If you do SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY Name then you get the result list sorted by the customer’s name.
  3. If you GROUP, the results are not necessarily sorted; although in many cases they may come out in an intuitive order, that's not guaranteed by the GROUP clause. If you want your groups sorted, always use an explicitly ORDER BY after the GROUP BY.
  4. Grouped data cannot be filtered by WHERE clause. Order data can be filtered by WHERE clause.

Test for multiple cases in a switch, like an OR (||)

Use commas to separate case

switch (pageid)
    case "listing-page","home-page":
    case "details-page":

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

A raw-type is the a lack of a type parameter when using a generic type.

Raw-type should not be used because it could cause runtime errors, like inserting a double into what was supposed to be a Set of ints.

Set set = new HashSet();
set.add(3.45); //ok

When retrieving the stuff from the Set, you don't know what is coming out. Let's assume that you expect it to be all ints, you are casting it to Integer; exception at runtime when the double 3.45 comes along.

With a type parameter added to your Set, you will get a compile error at once. This preemptive error lets you fix the problem before something blows up during runtime (thus saving on time and effort).

Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();
set.add(3.45); //NOT ok.

Access all Environment properties as a Map or Properties object

I had the requirement to retrieve all properties whose key starts with a distinct prefix (e.g. all properties starting with "log4j.appender.") and wrote following Code (using streams and lamdas of Java 8).

public static Map<String,Object> getPropertiesStartingWith( ConfigurableEnvironment aEnv,
                                                            String aKeyPrefix )
    Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();

    Map<String,Object> map = getAllProperties( aEnv );

    for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet())
        String key = entry.getKey();

        if ( key.startsWith( aKeyPrefix ) )
            result.put( key, entry.getValue() );

    return result;

public static Map<String,Object> getAllProperties( ConfigurableEnvironment aEnv )
    Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();
    aEnv.getPropertySources().forEach( ps -> addAll( result, getAllProperties( ps ) ) );
    return result;

public static Map<String,Object> getAllProperties( PropertySource<?> aPropSource )
    Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();

    if ( aPropSource instanceof CompositePropertySource)
        CompositePropertySource cps = (CompositePropertySource) aPropSource;
        cps.getPropertySources().forEach( ps -> addAll( result, getAllProperties( ps ) ) );
        return result;

    if ( aPropSource instanceof EnumerablePropertySource<?> )
        EnumerablePropertySource<?> ps = (EnumerablePropertySource<?>) aPropSource;
        Arrays.asList( ps.getPropertyNames() ).forEach( key -> result.put( key, ps.getProperty( key ) ) );
        return result;

    // note: Most descendants of PropertySource are EnumerablePropertySource. There are some
    // few others like JndiPropertySource or StubPropertySource
    myLog.debug( "Given PropertySource is instanceof " + aPropSource.getClass().getName()
                 + " and cannot be iterated" );

    return result;


private static void addAll( Map<String, Object> aBase, Map<String, Object> aToBeAdded )
    for (Entry<String, Object> entry : aToBeAdded.entrySet())
        if ( aBase.containsKey( entry.getKey() ) )

        aBase.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );

Note that the starting point is the ConfigurableEnvironment which is able to return the embedded PropertySources (the ConfigurableEnvironment is a direct descendant of Environment). You can autowire it by:

private ConfigurableEnvironment  myEnv;

If you not using very special kinds of property sources (like JndiPropertySource, which is usually not used in spring autoconfiguration) you can retrieve all properties held in the environment.

The implementation relies on the iteration order which spring itself provides and takes the first found property, all later found properties with the same name are discarded. This should ensure the same behaviour as if the environment were asked directly for a property (returning the first found one).

Note also that the returned properties are not yet resolved if they contain aliases with the ${...} operator. If you want to have a particular key resolved you have to ask the Environment directly again:

myEnv.getProperty( key );

.NET NewtonSoft JSON deserialize map to a different property name

Json.NET has a JsonPropertyAttribute which allows you to specify the name of a JSON property, so your code should be:

public class TeamScore
    public string EightyMinScore { get; set; }
    public string HomeOrAway { get; set; }
    [JsonProperty("score ")]
    public string Score { get; set; }
    public string TeamId { get; set; }

public class Team
    public string v1 { get; set; }
    public TeamScore TeamScores { get; set; }

public class RootObject
    public List<Team> Team { get; set; }

Documentation: Serialization Attributes

How do you read a file into a list in Python?

f = open("file.txt")
lines = f.readlines()

Look over here. readlines() returns a list containing one line per element. Note that these lines contain the \n (newline-character) at the end of the line. You can strip off this newline-character by using the strip()-method. I.e. call lines[index].strip() in order to get the string without the newline character.

As joaquin noted, do not forget to f.close() the file.

Converting strint to integers is easy: int("12").

How do you scroll up/down on the console of a Linux VM

SHIFT + Page Up and SHIFT + Page Down are the correct keys to operate on the linux (virtual) console, but vmware console doesn't have those terminal settings. The virtual console has fixed scroll back size, it sounds like it's limited to video memory size according to this Linux virtual console Scrolling behavior documentation.

How to get JS variable to retain value after page refresh?

This is possible with window.localStorage or window.sessionStorage. The difference is that sessionStorage lasts for as long as the browser stays open, localStorage survives past browser restarts. The persistence applies to the entire web site not just a single page of it.

When you need to set a variable that should be reflected in the next page(s), use:

var someVarName = "value";
localStorage.setItem("someVarKey", someVarName);

And in any page (like when the page has loaded), get it like:

var someVarName = localStorage.getItem("someVarKey");

.getItem() will return null if no value stored, or the value stored.

Note that only string values can be stored in this storage, but this can be overcome by using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. Technically, whenever you call .setItem(), it will call .toString() on the value and store that.

MDN's DOM storage guide (linked below), has workarounds/polyfills, that end up falling back to stuff like cookies, if localStorage isn't available.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to use an existing, or create your own mini library, that abstracts the ability to save any data type (like object literals, arrays, etc.).


How to auto adjust table td width from the content

Remove all widths set using CSS and set white-space to nowrap like so:

.content-loader tr td {
    white-space: nowrap;

I would also remove the fixed width from the container (or add overflow-x: scroll to the container) if you want the fields to display in their entirety without it looking odd...

See more here:

Python concatenate text files

What's wrong with UNIX commands ? (given you're not working on Windows) :

ls | xargs cat | tee output.txt does the job ( you can call it from python with subprocess if you want)

How to check if a file exists in Documents folder?

check if file exist in side the document/catchimage path :

NSString *stringPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES)objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *tempName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/catchimage/%@.png",stringPath,@"file name"];
if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:temName]){
    // ur code here
} else {
    // ur code here** 
} has not been called yet error occurs when only part of the function is ran.

Please find the attachment for an example to correct error With error....When abline is ran without plot() above enter image description here Error-free ...When both plot and abline ran together enter image description here

Creating lowpass filter in SciPy - understanding methods and units

A few comments:

  • The Nyquist frequency is half the sampling rate.
  • You are working with regularly sampled data, so you want a digital filter, not an analog filter. This means you should not use analog=True in the call to butter, and you should use scipy.signal.freqz (not freqs) to generate the frequency response.
  • One goal of those short utility functions is to allow you to leave all your frequencies expressed in Hz. You shouldn't have to convert to rad/sec. As long as you express your frequencies with consistent units, the scaling in the utility functions takes care of the normalization for you.

Here's my modified version of your script, followed by the plot that it generates.

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, freqz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
    return b, a

def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

# Filter requirements.
order = 6
fs = 30.0       # sample rate, Hz
cutoff = 3.667  # desired cutoff frequency of the filter, Hz

# Get the filter coefficients so we can check its frequency response.
b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order)

# Plot the frequency response.
w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=8000)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(0.5*fs*w/np.pi, np.abs(h), 'b')
plt.plot(cutoff, 0.5*np.sqrt(2), 'ko')
plt.axvline(cutoff, color='k')
plt.xlim(0, 0.5*fs)
plt.title("Lowpass Filter Frequency Response")
plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')

# Demonstrate the use of the filter.
# First make some data to be filtered.
T = 5.0         # seconds
n = int(T * fs) # total number of samples
t = np.linspace(0, T, n, endpoint=False)
# "Noisy" data.  We want to recover the 1.2 Hz signal from this.
data = np.sin(1.2*2*np.pi*t) + 1.5*np.cos(9*2*np.pi*t) + 0.5*np.sin(12.0*2*np.pi*t)

# Filter the data, and plot both the original and filtered signals.
y = butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order)

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(t, data, 'b-', label='data')
plt.plot(t, y, 'g-', linewidth=2, label='filtered data')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')


lowpass example

.trim() in JavaScript not working in IE

This is because of typo error getElementByID. Change it to getElementById

jQuery if checkbox is checked

If none of the above solutions work for any reason, like my case, try this:

  <script type="text/javascript">
        if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
           // Do something...
           alert('You can rock now...');

Laravel Pagination links not including other GET parameters

Laravel 7.x and above has added new method to paginator:


So you can use it like:

{{ $users->withQueryString()->links() }}

For laravel below 7.x use:

{{ $users->appends(request()->query())->links() }}

Saving ssh key fails

On Windows 8.1 using CMDER, I created the ssh key with this file path /c/Users/youruser/.ssh/id_rsa_whatever, the problem was the : that I was using. With this path I didn't create the folder before running the command, there is no need to run mkdir because the command will create the folder automatically.

UPDATE if exists else INSERT in SQL Server 2008

Many people will suggest you use MERGE, but I caution you against it. By default, it doesn't protect you from concurrency and race conditions any more than multiple statements, but it does introduce other dangers:

Even with this "simpler" syntax available, I still prefer this approach (error handling omitted for brevity):

UPDATE dbo.table SET ... WHERE PK = @PK;
  INSERT dbo.table(PK, ...) SELECT @PK, ...;

A lot of folks will suggest this way:

  UPDATE ...
  INSERT ...

But all this accomplishes is ensuring you may need to read the table twice to locate the row(s) to be updated. In the first sample, you will only ever need to locate the row(s) once. (In both cases, if no rows are found from the initial read, an insert occurs.)

Others will suggest this way:

  INSERT ...
  IF ERROR_NUMBER() = 2627
    UPDATE ...

However, this is problematic if for no other reason than letting SQL Server catch exceptions that you could have prevented in the first place is much more expensive, except in the rare scenario where almost every insert fails. I prove as much here:

Not sure what you think you gain by having a single statement; I don't think you gain anything. MERGE is a single statement but it still has to really perform multiple operations anyway - even though it makes you think it doesn't.

How to grep for contents after pattern?

This will print everything after each match, on that same line only:

perl -lne 'print $1 if /^potato:\s*(.*)/' file.txt

This will do the same, except it will also print all subsequent lines:

perl -lne 'if ($found){print} elsif (/^potato:\s*(.*)/){print $1; $found++}' file.txt

These command-line options are used:

  • -n loop around each line of the input file
  • -l removes newlines before processing, and adds them back in afterwards
  • -e execute the perl code

What are advantages of Artificial Neural Networks over Support Vector Machines?

One thing to note is that the two are actually very related. Linear SVMs are equivalent to single-layer NN's (i.e., perceptrons), and multi-layer NNs can be expressed in terms of SVMs. See here for some details.

MVC Razor Hidden input and passing values

If you are using Razor, you cannot access the field directly, but you can manage its value.

The idea is that the first Microsoft approach drive the developers away from Web Development and make it easy for Desktop programmers (for example) to make web applications.

Meanwhile, the web developers, did not understand this tricky strange way of ASP.NET.

Actually this hidden input is rendered on client-side, and the ASP has no access to it (it never had). However, in time you will see its a piratical way and you may rely on it, when you get use with it. The web development differs from the Desktop or Mobile.

The model is your logical unit, and the hidden field (and the whole view page) is just a representative view of the data. So you can dedicate your work on the application or domain logic and the view simply just serves it to the consumer - which means you need no detailed access and "brainstorming" functionality in the view.

The controller actually does work you need for manage the hidden or general setup. The model serves specific logical unit properties and functionality and the view just renders it to the end user, simply said. Read more about MVC.


public class MyClassModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string MyPropertyForHidden { get; set; }

This is the controller aciton

public ActionResult MyPageView()
    MyClassModel model = new MyClassModel(); // Single entity, strongly-typed
    // IList model = new List<MyClassModel>(); // or List, strongly-typed
    // ViewBag.MyHiddenInputValue = "Something to pass"; // ...or using ViewBag

    return View(model);

The view is below

//This will make a Model property of the View to be of MyClassModel
@model MyNamespace.Models.MyClassModel // strongly-typed view
// @model IList<MyNamespace.Models.MyClassModel> // list, strongly-typed view

// ... Some Other Code ...

@using(Html.BeginForm()) // Creates <form>
    // Renders hidden field for your model property (strongly-typed)
    // The field rendered to server your model property (Address, Phone, etc.)
    Html.HiddenFor(model => Model.MyPropertyForHidden); 

    // For list you may use foreach on Model
    // foreach(var item in Model) or foreach(MyClassModel item in Model)

// ... Some Other Code ...

The view with ViewBag:

// ... Some Other Code ...

@using(Html.BeginForm()) // Creates <form>
        new { @class = "hiddencss", maxlength = 255 /*, etc... */ }

// ... Some Other Code ...

We are using Html Helper to render the Hidden field or we could write it by hand - <input name=".." id=".." value="ViewBag.MyHiddenInputValue"> also.

The ViewBag is some sort of data carrier to the view. It does not restrict you with model - you can place whatever you like.

How to view file history in Git?

Looks like you want git diff and/or git log. Also check out gitk

gitk path/to/file
git diff path/to/file
git log path/to/file

AES vs Blowfish for file encryption

I know this answer violates the terms of your question, but I think the correct answer to your intent is simply this: use whichever algorithm allows you the longest key length, then make sure you choose a really good key. Minor differences in the performance of most well regarded algorithms (cryptographically and chronologically) are overwhelmed by a few extra bits of a key.

How to get the first element of the List or Set?

Collection c;

Iterator iter = c.iterator();

Object first =;

(This is the closest you'll get to having the "first" element of a Set. You should realize that it has absolutely no meaning for most implementations of Set. This may have meaning for LinkedHashSet and TreeSet, but not for HashSet.)

Adding <script> to WordPress in <head> element

If you are ok using an external plugin to do that you can use Header and Footer Scripts plugin

From the description:

Many WordPress Themes do not have any options to insert header and footer scripts in your site or . It helps you to keep yourself from theme lock. But, sometimes it also causes some pain for many. like where should I insert Google Analytics code (or any other web-analytics codes). This plugin is one stop and lightweight solution for that. With this "Header and Footer Script" plugin will be able to inject HTML tags, JS and CSS codes to and easily.

PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied python using moviepy to write gif

Maybe you wrongly set permission on python3. For instance if for the file permission is set like

`os.chmod('spam.txt', 0777)` --> This will lead to SyntaxError 

This syntax was used in Python2. Now if you change like: os.chmod('spam.txt', 777) --> This is still worst!! Your permission will be set wrongly since are not on "octal" but on decimal.

Afterwards you will get permission Error if you try for instance to remove the file: PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied:

Solution for python3 is quite easy: os.chmod('spam.txt', 0o777) --> The syntax is now ZERO and o "0o"

Parse HTML table to Python list?

You should use some HTML parsing library like lxml:

from lxml import etree
s = """<table>
  <tr><th>Event</th><th>Start Date</th><th>End Date</th></tr>
table = etree.HTML(s).find("body/table")
rows = iter(table)
headers = [col.text for col in next(rows)]
for row in rows:
    values = [col.text for col in row]
    print dict(zip(headers, values))


{'End Date': 'c', 'Start Date': 'b', 'Event': 'a'}
{'End Date': 'f', 'Start Date': 'e', 'Event': 'd'}
{'End Date': 'i', 'Start Date': 'h', 'Event': 'g'}

How to declare an ArrayList with values?


List<String> x = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("xyz", "abc"));

If you don't want to add new elements to the list later, you can also use (Arrays.asList returns a fixed-size list):

List<String> x = Arrays.asList("xyz", "abc");

Note: you can also use a static import if you like, then it looks like this:

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;


List<String> x = new ArrayList<>(asList("xyz", "abc"));


List<String> x = asList("xyz", "abc");

How to fix 'fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported' - graceful-fs

I had this problem and I was able to fix this by updating npm

sudo npm update -g npm

Before the update, the result of npm info graceful-fs | grep 'version:' was:

version: '3.3.12'

After the update the result is:

version: '3.9.3' vs location.hostname and cross-browser compatibility?

If you are insisting to use the window.location.origin You can put this in top of your code before reading the origin

if (!window.location.origin) {
  window.location.origin = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port: '');


PS: For the record, it was actually the original question. It was already edited :)

C: What is the difference between ++i and i++?

i++ is known as Post Increment whereas ++i is called Pre Increment.


i++ is post increment because it increments i's value by 1 after the operation is over.

Lets see the following example:

int i = 1, j;
j = i++;

Here value of j = 1 but i = 2. Here value of i will be assigned to j first then i will be incremented.


++i is pre increment because it increments i's value by 1 before the operation. It means j = i; will execute after i++.

Lets see the following example:

int i = 1, j;
j = ++i;

Here value of j = 2 but i = 2. Here value of i will be assigned to j after the i incremention of i. Similarly ++i will be executed before j=i;.

For your question which should be used in the incrementation block of a for loop? the answer is, you can use any one.. doesn't matter. It will execute your for loop same no. of times.

for(i=0; i<5; i++)
   printf("%d ",i);


for(i=0; i<5; ++i)
   printf("%d ",i);

Both the loops will produce same output. ie 0 1 2 3 4.

It only matters where you are using it.

for(i = 0; i<5;)
    printf("%d ",++i);

In this case output will be 1 2 3 4 5.

error UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte

use only


instead of


How do I install TensorFlow's tensorboard?

TensorBoard isn't a separate component. TensorBoard comes packaged with TensorFlow.

Date query with ISODate in mongodb doesn't seem to work

Try this:

{ "dt" : { "$gte" : ISODate("2013-10-01") } }

Storing JSON in database vs. having a new column for each key

Like most things "it depends". It's not right or wrong/good or bad in and of itself to store data in columns or JSON. It depends on what you need to do with it later. What is your predicted way of accessing this data? Will you need to cross reference other data?

Other people have answered pretty well what the technical trade-off are.

Not many people have discussed that your app and features evolve over time and how this data storage decision impacts your team.

Because one of the temptations of using JSON is to avoid migrating schema and so if the team is not disciplined, it's very easy to stick yet another key/value pair into a JSON field. There's no migration for it, no one remembers what it's for. There is no validation on it.

My team used JSON along side traditional columns in postgres and at first it was the best thing since sliced bread. JSON was attractive and powerful, until one day we realized that flexibility came at a cost and it's suddenly a real pain point. Sometimes that point creeps up really quickly and then it becomes hard to change because we've built so many other things on top of this design decision.

Overtime, adding new features, having the data in JSON led to more complicated looking queries than what might have been added if we stuck to traditional columns. So then we started fishing certain key values back out into columns so that we could make joins and make comparisons between values. Bad idea. Now we had duplication. A new developer would come on board and be confused? Which is the value I should be saving back into? The JSON one or the column?

The JSON fields became junk drawers for little pieces of this and that. No data validation on the database level, no consistency or integrity between documents. That pushed all that responsibility into the app instead of getting hard type and constraint checking from traditional columns.

Looking back, JSON allowed us to iterate very quickly and get something out the door. It was great. However after we reached a certain team size it's flexibility also allowed us to hang ourselves with a long rope of technical debt which then slowed down subsequent feature evolution progress. Use with caution.

Think long and hard about what the nature of your data is. It's the foundation of your app. How will the data be used over time. And how is it likely TO CHANGE?

How can I clear or empty a StringBuilder?

I think many of the answers here may be missing a quality method included in StringBuilder: .delete(int start, [int] end). I know this is a late reply; however, this should be made known (and explained a bit more thoroughly).

Let's say you have a StringBuilder table - which you wish to modify, dynamically, throughout your program (one I am working on right now does this), e.g.

StringBuilder table = new StringBuilder();

If you are looping through the method and alter the content, use the content, then wish to discard the content to "clean up" the StringBuilder for the next iteration, you can delete it's contents, e.g.

table.delete(int start, int end). 

start and end being the indices of the chars you wish to remove. Don't know the length in chars and want to delete the whole thing?

table.delete(0, table.length());

NOW, for the kicker. StringBuilders, as mentioned previously, take a lot of overhead when altered frequently (and can cause safety issues with regard to threading); therefore, use StringBuffer - same as StringBuilder (with a few exceptions) - if your StringBuilder is used for the purpose of interfacing with the user.

Propagate all arguments in a bash shell script

A lot answers here recommends $@ or $* with and without quotes, however none seems to explain what these really do and why you should that way. So let me steal this excellent summary from this answer:

| Syntax |      Effective result     |
|   $*   |     $1 $2 $3 ... ${N}     |
|   $@   |     $1 $2 $3 ... ${N}     |
|  "$*"  |    "$1c$2c$3c...c${N}"    |
|  "$@"  | "$1" "$2" "$3" ... "${N}" |

Notice that quotes makes all the difference and without them both have identical behavior.

For my purpose, I needed to pass parameters from one script to another as-is and for that the best option is:

# file:
# we have some params passed to 
# which we will like to pass on to as-is

./ $*

Notice no quotes and $@ should work as well in above situation.

How to change the MySQL root account password on CentOS7?

What version of mySQL are you using? I''m using 5.7.10 and had the same problem with logging on as root

There is 2 issues - why can't I log in as root to start with, and why can I not use 'mysqld_safe` to start mySQL to reset the root password.

I have no answer to setting up the root password during installation, but here's what you do to reset the root password

Edit the initial root password on install can be found by running

grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log

  1. systemd is now used to look after mySQL instead of mysqld_safe (which is why you get the -bash: mysqld_safe: command not found error - it's not installed)

  2. The user table structure has changed.

So to reset the root password, you still start mySQL with --skip-grant-tables options and update the user table, but how you do it has changed.

1. Stop mysql:
systemctl stop mysqld

2. Set the mySQL environment option 
systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-grant-tables"

3. Start mysql usig the options you just set
systemctl start mysqld

4. Login as root
mysql -u root

5. Update the root user password with these mysql commands
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD('MyNewPassword')
    -> WHERE User = 'root' AND Host = 'localhost';
mysql> quit

*** Edit ***
As mentioned my shokulei in the comments, for 5.7.6 and later, you should use 
   mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyNewPass';
Or you'll get a warning

6. Stop mysql
systemctl stop mysqld

7. Unset the mySQL envitroment option so it starts normally next time
systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS

8. Start mysql normally:
systemctl start mysqld

Try to login using your new password:
7. mysql -u root -p


As it says at,


As of MySQL 5.7.6, for MySQL installation using an RPM distribution, server startup and shutdown is managed by systemd on several Linux platforms. On these platforms, mysqld_safe is no longer installed because it is unnecessary. For more information, see Section 2.5.10, “Managing MySQL Server with systemd”.

Which takes you to where it mentions the systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS= towards the bottom of the page.

The password reset commands are at the bottom of

PostgreSQL: Modify OWNER on all tables simultaneously in PostgreSQL

Based on the answer by elysch, here is a solution for multiple schemas:

DO $$
  r record;
  i int;
  v_schema text[] := '{public,schema1,schema2,schema3}';
  v_new_owner varchar := 'my_new_owner';
    FOR r IN 
        select 'ALTER TABLE "' || table_schema || '"."' || table_name || '" OWNER TO ' || v_new_owner || ';' as a from information_schema.tables where table_schema = ANY (v_schema)
        union all
        select 'ALTER TABLE "' || sequence_schema || '"."' || sequence_name || '" OWNER TO ' || v_new_owner || ';' as a from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = ANY (v_schema)
        union all
        select 'ALTER TABLE "' || table_schema || '"."' || table_name || '" OWNER TO ' || v_new_owner || ';' as a from information_schema.views where table_schema = ANY (v_schema)
        union all
        select 'ALTER FUNCTION "'||nsp.nspname||'"."'||p.proname||'"('||pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid)||') OWNER TO ' || v_new_owner || ';' as a from pg_proc p join pg_namespace nsp ON p.pronamespace = nsp.oid where nsp.nspname = ANY (v_schema)
        union all
        select 'ALTER DATABASE "' || current_database() || '" OWNER TO ' || v_new_owner 
        EXECUTE r.a;
    FOR i IN array_lower(v_schema,1) .. array_upper(v_schema,1)
        EXECUTE 'ALTER SCHEMA "' || v_schema[i] || '" OWNER TO ' || v_new_owner ;

How to import an excel file in to a MySQL database

There are actually several ways to import an excel file in to a MySQL database with varying degrees of complexity and success.

  1. Excel2MySQL. Hands down, the easiest and fastest way to import Excel data into MySQL. It supports all verions of Excel and doesn't require Office install.

    screenshot of Excel2MySQL

  2. LOAD DATA INFILE: This popular option is perhaps the most technical and requires some understanding of MySQL command execution. You must manually create your table before loading and use appropriately sized VARCHAR field types. Therefore, your field data types are not optimized. LOAD DATA INFILE has trouble importing large files that exceed 'max_allowed_packet' size. Special attention is required to avoid problems importing special characters and foreign unicode characters. Here is a recent example I used to import a csv file named test.csv.

    enter image description here

  3. phpMyAdmin: Select your database first, then select the Import tab. phpMyAdmin will automatically create your table and size your VARCHAR fields, but it won't optimize the field types. phpMyAdmin has trouble importing large files that exceed 'max_allowed_packet' size.

    enter image description here

  4. MySQL for Excel: This is a free Excel Add-in from Oracle. This option is a bit tedious because it uses a wizard and the import is slow and buggy with large files, but this may be a good option for small files with VARCHAR data. Fields are not optimized.

    enter image description here

Load JSON text into class object in c#

copy your Json and paste at textbox on and click on Generate button,

A cs class will be generated use that cs file as below:

var generatedcsResponce = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(yourJson);

where RootObject is the name of the generated cs file;

MySql export schema without data

Dumping without using output.

mysqldump --no-data <database name> --result-file=schema.sql

Error: Cannot find module '../lib/utils/unsupported.js' while using Ionic

As mentioned earlier.

 sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
 brew uninstall --force node                
 brew install node

How can I remove the outline around hyperlinks images?

If the solution above doesn't work for anyone. Give this a try as well

a {
 box-shadow: none;

Java math function to convert positive int to negative and negative to positive?

No such function exists or is possible to write.

The problem is the edge case Integer.MIN_VALUE (-2,147,483,648 = 0x80000000) apply each of the three methods above and you get the same value out. This is due to the representation of integers and the maximum possible integer Integer.MAX_VALUE (-2,147,483,647 = 0x7fffffff) which is one less what -Integer.MIN_VALUE should be.

How to get the URL without any parameters in JavaScript?

Use indexOf

var url = "";

if (url.indexOf("?")>-1){
url = url.substr(0,url.indexOf("?"));

Calculate date from week number

this is my solution when we want to calculate a date given year, week number and day of the week.

int Year = 2014;
int Week = 48;
int DayOfWeek = 4;

DateTime FecIni = new DateTime(Year, 1, 1);
FecIni = FecIni.AddDays(7 * (Week - 1));
if ((int)FecIni.DayOfWeek > DayOfWeek)
    while ((int)FecIni.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek) FecIni = FecIni.AddDays(-1);
    while ((int)FecIni.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek) FecIni = FecIni.AddDays(1);

bitwise XOR of hex numbers in python

Whoa. You're really over-complicating it by a very long distance. Try:

>>> print hex(0x12ef ^ 0xabcd)

You seem to be ignoring these handy facts, at least:

  • Python has native support for hexadecimal integer literals, with the 0x prefix.
  • "Hexadecimal" is just a presentation detail; the arithmetic is done in binary, and then the result is printed as hex.
  • There is no connection between the format of the inputs (the hexadecimal literals) and the output, there is no such thing as a "hexadecimal number" in a Python variable.
  • The hex() function can be used to convert any number into a hexadecimal string for display.

If you already have the numbers as strings, you can use the int() function to convert to numbers, by providing the expected base (16 for hexadecimal numbers):

>>> print int("12ef", 16)

So you can do two conversions, perform the XOR, and then convert back to hex:

>>> print hex(int("12ef", 16) ^ int("abcd", 16))

How to find time complexity of an algorithm

Taken from here - Introduction to Time Complexity of an Algorithm

1. Introduction

In computer science, the time complexity of an algorithm quantifies the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run as a function of the length of the string representing the input.

2. Big O notation

The time complexity of an algorithm is commonly expressed using big O notation, which excludes coefficients and lower order terms. When expressed this way, the time complexity is said to be described asymptotically, i.e., as the input size goes to infinity.

For example, if the time required by an algorithm on all inputs of size n is at most 5n3 + 3n, the asymptotic time complexity is O(n3). More on that later.

Few more Examples:

  • 1 = O(n)
  • n = O(n2)
  • log(n) = O(n)
  • 2 n + 1 = O(n)

3. O(1) Constant Time:

An algorithm is said to run in constant time if it requires the same amount of time regardless of the input size.


  • array: accessing any element
  • fixed-size stack: push and pop methods
  • fixed-size queue: enqueue and dequeue methods

4. O(n) Linear Time

An algorithm is said to run in linear time if its time execution is directly proportional to the input size, i.e. time grows linearly as input size increases.

Consider the following examples, below I am linearly searching for an element, this has a time complexity of O(n).

int find = 66;
var numbers = new int[] { 33, 435, 36, 37, 43, 45, 66, 656, 2232 };
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length - 1; i++)
    if(find == numbers[i])

More Examples:

  • Array: Linear Search, Traversing, Find minimum etc
  • ArrayList: contains method
  • Queue: contains method

5. O(log n) Logarithmic Time:

An algorithm is said to run in logarithmic time if its time execution is proportional to the logarithm of the input size.

Example: Binary Search

Recall the "twenty questions" game - the task is to guess the value of a hidden number in an interval. Each time you make a guess, you are told whether your guess is too high or too low. Twenty questions game implies a strategy that uses your guess number to halve the interval size. This is an example of the general problem-solving method known as binary search

6. O(n2) Quadratic Time

An algorithm is said to run in quadratic time if its time execution is proportional to the square of the input size.


7. Some Useful links

What is the difference between char array and char pointer in C?

For cases like this, the effect is the same: You end up passing the address of the first character in a string of characters.

The declarations are obviously not the same though.

The following sets aside memory for a string and also a character pointer, and then initializes the pointer to point to the first character in the string.

char *p = "hello";

While the following sets aside memory just for the string. So it can actually use less memory.

char p[10] = "hello";

Hide the browse button on a input type=file

You may just without making the element hidden, simply make it transparent by making its opacity to 0.

Making the input file hidden will make it STOP working. So DON'T DO THAT..

Here you can find an example for a transparent Browse operation;

C# Help reading foreign characters using StreamReader

For swedish Å Ä Ö the only solution form the ones above working was:


Hopefully this will save someone time.

Git: How to reset a remote Git repository to remove all commits?

Completely reset?

  1. Delete the .git directory locally.

  2. Recreate the git repostory:

    $ cd (project-directory)
    $ git init
    $ (add some files)
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m 'Initial commit'
  3. Push to remote server, overwriting. Remember you're going to mess everyone else up doing this … you better be the only client.

    $ git remote add origin <url>
    $ git push --force --set-upstream origin master

Convert a String to int?

Well, no. Why there should be? Just discard the string if you don't need it anymore.

&str is more useful than String when you need to only read a string, because it is only a view into the original piece of data, not its owner. You can pass it around more easily than String, and it is copyable, so it is not consumed by the invoked methods. In this regard it is more general: if you have a String, you can pass it to where an &str is expected, but if you have &str, you can only pass it to functions expecting String if you make a new allocation.

You can find more on the differences between these two and when to use them in the official strings guide.

How to click a link whose href has a certain substring in Selenium?

I need to click the link who's href has substring "long" in it. How can I do this?

With the beauty of CSS selectors.

your statement would be...


This means, in english,

Find me any 'a' elements, that have the href attribute, and that attribute contains 'long'

You can find a useful article about formulating your own selectors for automation effectively, as well as a list of all the other equality operators. contains, starts with, etc... You can find that at:

How to convert a "dd/mm/yyyy" string to datetime in SQL Server?

The last argument of CONVERT seems to determine the format used for parsing. Consult MSDN docs for CONVERT.

111 - the one you are using is Japan yy/mm/dd.

I guess the one you are looking for is 103, that is dd/mm/yyyy.

So you should try:

 SELECT convert(datetime, '23/07/2009', 103)

BULK INSERT with identity (auto-increment) column

Another option, if you're using temporary tables instead of staging tables, could be to create the temporary table as your import expects, then add the identity column after the import.

So your sql does something like this:

  1. If temp table exists, drop
  2. Create temp table
  3. Bulk Import to temp table
  4. Alter temp table add identity
  5. < whatever you want to do with the data >
  6. Drop temp table

Still not very clean, but it's another option... might have to get locks to be safe, too.

Why does Git treat this text file as a binary file?

If you have not set the type of a file, Git tries to determine it automatically and a file with really long lines and maybe some wide characters (e.g. Unicode) is treated as binary. With the .gitattributes file you can define how Git interpretes the file. Setting the diff attribute manually lets Git interprete the file content as text and will do an usual diff.

Just add a .gitattributes to your repository root folder and set the diff attribute to the paths or files. Here's an example:

src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/public/js/i18n/* diff
doc/Help/NothingToSay.yml                      diff
*.css                                          diff

If you want to check if there are attributes set on a file, you can do that with the help of git check-attr

git check-attr --all -- src/my_file.txt

Another nice reference about Git attributes could be found here.

Clear form fields with jQuery

Tested and verified code:

  $( document ).ready(function() {

Javascript must be included in $(document).ready and it must be with your logic.

Strange problem with Subversion - "File already exists" when trying to recreate a directory that USED to be in my repository

Had similar problem. To resolve it, updated from svn trunk with option of priority of local files.

svn update path/ --accept=mine-full

After You could commit as usual. Of course, be careful using it.

set default schema for a sql query

A quick google pointed me to this page. It explains that from sql server 2005 onwards you can set the default schema of a user with the ALTER USER statement. Unfortunately, that means that you change it permanently, so if you need to switch between schemas, you would need to set it every time you execute a stored procedure or a batch of statements. Alternatively, you could use the technique described here.

If you are using sql server 2000 or older this page explains that users and schemas are then equivalent. If you don't prepend your table name with a schema\user, sql server will first look at the tables owned by the current user and then the ones owned by the dbo to resolve the table name. It seems that for all other tables you must prepend the schema\user.

How to refer to relative paths of resources when working with a code repository

In Python, paths are relative to the current working directory, which in most cases is the directory from which you run your program. The current working directory is very likely not as same as the directory of your module file, so using a path relative to your current module file is always a bad choice.

Using absolute path should be the best solution:

import os
package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
thefile = os.path.join(package_dir,'test.cvs')

Django - Reverse for '' not found. '' is not a valid view function or pattern name

The common error that I have find is when you forget to define your url in yourapp/

we don't want any suggetion!! solution plz..

Disable submit button on form submit

Simple and effective solution is

<form ... onsubmit="myButton.disabled = true; return true;">
    <input type="submit" name="myButton" value="Submit">

Source: here

Flask SQLAlchemy query, specify column names

You can use Query.values, Query.values

session.query(SomeModel).values('id', 'user')

"FATAL: Module not found error" using modprobe

The best thing is to actually use the kernel makefile to install the module:

Here is are snippets to add to your Makefile

around the top add:

PWD=$(shell pwd)
VER=$(shell uname -r)
# Later if you want to package the module binary you can provide an INSTALL_ROOT
# INSTALL_ROOT=/tmp/install-root

around the end add:

        $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_BUILD) M=$(PWD) \
           INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(INSTALL_ROOT) modules_install

and then you can issue

    sudo make install

this will put it either in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/

or /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/

and run depmod appropriately

How can I disable selected attribute from select2() dropdown Jquery?

To disable the complete select2 box, that is no deletion of already selected values and no new insertion, use:

$("id-select2").prop("disabled", true);

where id-select2 is the unique id of select2. you can also use any particular class if defined to address the dropdown.

Calling a function in jQuery with click()


Let's say you want to call your function passing some args to it i.e., closeIt(1, false). Then, you should build an anonymous function and call closeIt from it.

$("#closeLink").click(function() {
    closeIt(1, false);

How to resize image automatically on browser width resize but keep same height?

You should learn about the Media queries for CSS. The site you referring to is using the same. The site is basically using the different CSS everytime the browser window size is changining. Here's the link for samples

Unicode character for "X" cancel / close?

× &#215; or &times; (same thing) U+00D7 multiplication sign

× same character with a strong font weight

? &#10799; U+2A2F Gibbs product

? &#10006; U+2716 heavy multiplication sign

There's also an emoji ❌ if you support it. If you don't you just saw a square = &#10060;

I also made this simple code example on Codepen when I was working with a designer who asked me to show her what it would look like when I asked if I could replace your close button with a coded version rather than an image.

  <li class="ele">
    <div class="x large"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x spin large"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x spin large slow"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x flop large"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x t large"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x shift large"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
  <li class="ele">
    <div class="x medium"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x spin medium"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x spin medium slow"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x flop medium"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x t medium"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x shift medium"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>

  <li class="ele">
    <div class="x small"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x spin small"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x spin small slow"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x flop small"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x t small"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x shift small"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>
    <div class="x small grow"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>

  <li class="ele">
    <div class="x switch"><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b></div>

How to Query an NTP Server using C#?

A modified version to compensate network times and calculate with DateTime-Ticks (more precise than milliseconds)

public static DateTime GetNetworkTime()
  const string NtpServer = "";

  const int DaysTo1900 = 1900 * 365 + 95; // 95 = offset for leap-years etc.
  const long TicksPerSecond = 10000000L;
  const long TicksPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * TicksPerSecond;
  const long TicksTo1900 = DaysTo1900 * TicksPerDay;

  var ntpData = new byte[48];
  ntpData[0] = 0x1B; // LeapIndicator = 0 (no warning), VersionNum = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

  var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(NtpServer).AddressList;
  var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
  long pingDuration = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // temp access (JIT-Compiler need some time at first call)
  using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp))
    socket.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
    pingDuration = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // after Send-Method to reduce WinSocket API-Call time

    pingDuration = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - pingDuration;

  long pingTicks = pingDuration * TicksPerSecond / Stopwatch.Frequency;

  // optional: display response-time
  // Console.WriteLine("{0:N2} ms", new TimeSpan(pingTicks).TotalMilliseconds);

  long intPart = (long)ntpData[40] << 24 | (long)ntpData[41] << 16 | (long)ntpData[42] << 8 | ntpData[43];
  long fractPart = (long)ntpData[44] << 24 | (long)ntpData[45] << 16 | (long)ntpData[46] << 8 | ntpData[47];
  long netTicks = intPart * TicksPerSecond + (fractPart * TicksPerSecond >> 32);

  var networkDateTime = new DateTime(TicksTo1900 + netTicks + pingTicks / 2);

  return networkDateTime.ToLocalTime(); // without ToLocalTime() = faster

Android, How to create option Menu

Good Day I was checked And if You choose Empty Activity You Don't have build in Menu functions For Build in You must choose Basic Activity In this way You Activity will run onCreateOptionsMenu

Or if You work in Empty Activity from start Chenge in styles.xml the

How do I measure separate CPU core usage for a process?

The ps solution was nearly what I needed and with some bash thrown in does exactly what the original question asked for: to see per-core usage of specific processes

This shows per-core usage of multi-threaded processes too.

Use like: cpustat `pgrep processname` `pgrep otherprocessname` ...


while [ $# != 0 ]; do
        pids=("${pids[@]}" "$1")

if [ -z "${pids[0]}" ]; then
        echo "Usage: $0 <pid1> [pid2] ..."
        exit 1

for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do
        if [ ! -e /proc/$pid ]; then
                echo "Error: pid $pid doesn't exist"
                exit 1

while [ true ]; do
        echo -e "\033[H\033[J"
        for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do
                ps -p $pid -L -o pid,tid,psr,pcpu,comm=
        sleep 1

Note: These stats are based on process lifetime, not the last X seconds, so you'll need to restart your process to reset the counter.

How to set background color in jquery

$(this).css('background-color', 'red');

Rails 4 Authenticity Token

Instead of turn off the csrf protection, it's better to add the following line of code into the form

<%= tag(:input, :type => "hidden", :name => request_forgery_protection_token.to_s, :value => form_authenticity_token) %> 

and if you're using form_for or form_tag to generate the form, then it will automatically add the above line of code in the form

Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class?

Methods within an anonomyous inner class may be invoked well after the thread that spawned it has terminated. In your example, the inner class will be invoked on the event dispatch thread and not in the same thread as that which created it. Hence, the scope of the variables will be different. So to protect such variable assignment scope issues you must declare them final.

What is the difference between % and %% in a cmd file?

(Explanation in more details can be found in an archived Microsoft KB article.)

Three things to know:

  1. The percent sign is used in batch files to represent command line parameters: %1, %2, ...
  2. Two percent signs with any characters in between them are interpreted as a variable:

    echo %myvar%

  3. Two percent signs without anything in between (in a batch file) are treated like a single percent sign in a command (not a batch file): %%f

Why's that?

For example, if we execute your (simplified) command line

FOR /f %f in ('dir /b .') DO somecommand %f

in a batch file, rule 2 would try to interpret

%f in ('dir /b .') DO somecommand %

as a variable. In order to prevent that, you have to apply rule 3 and escape the % with an second %:

FOR /f %%f in ('dir /b .') DO somecommand %%f

How to upload file using Selenium WebDriver in Java

Find the tag as type="file". this the main tag which is supported by selenium. If you are able to build your XPath with same when it is recommended.

  • use sendkeys for the button having browse option(The button which will open your window box to select files)
  • Now click on the button which is going to upload your file

As below :-


For multiple file upload put all files one by one by sendkeys and then click on upload

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@id='Upload']")).click(); // Upload button

How to create EditText accepts Alphabets only in android?

EditText state = (EditText) findViewById(;

                Pattern ps = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z ]+$");
                Matcher ms = ps.matcher(state.getText().toString());
                boolean bs = ms.matches();
                if (bs == false) {
                    if (ErrorMessage.contains("invalid"))
                        ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage + "state,";
                        ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage + "invalid state,";


Static method in a generic class?

It is correctly mentioned in the error: you cannot make a static reference to non-static type T. The reason is the type parameter T can be replaced by any of the type argument e.g. Clazz<String> or Clazz<integer> etc. But static fields/methods are shared by all non-static objects of the class.

The following excerpt is taken from the doc:

A class's static field is a class-level variable shared by all non-static objects of the class. Hence, static fields of type parameters are not allowed. Consider the following class:

public class MobileDevice<T> {
    private static T os;

    // ...

If static fields of type parameters were allowed, then the following code would be confused:

MobileDevice<Smartphone> phone = new MobileDevice<>();
MobileDevice<Pager> pager = new MobileDevice<>();
MobileDevice<TabletPC> pc = new MobileDevice<>();

Because the static field os is shared by phone, pager, and pc, what is the actual type of os? It cannot be Smartphone, Pager, and TabletPC at the same time. You cannot, therefore, create static fields of type parameters.

As rightly pointed out by chris in his answer you need to use type parameter with the method and not with the class in this case. You can write it like:

static <E> void doIt(E object) 

Number format in excel: Showing % value without multiplying with 100

In Excel workbook - Select the Cell-goto Format Cells - Number - Custom - in the Type box type as shows (0.00%)

Eloquent Collection: Counting and Detect Empty


in this case you want to check two type of count for two cace

case 1:

if result contain only one record other word select single row from database using ->first()

       ...record is exist true...

case 2:

if result contain set of multiple row other word using ->get() or ->all()

  if($result->count()) {
         ...record is exist true...

Bundle ID Suffix? What is it?

The bundle identifier is an ID for your application used by the system as a domain for which it can store settings and reference your application uniquely.

It is represented in reverse DNS notation and it is recommended that you use your company name and application name to create it.

An example bundle ID for an App called The Best App by a company called Awesome Apps would look like:


In this case the suffix is thebestapp.

Calling functions in a DLL from C++

You can either go the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress route (as Harper mentioned in his answer, here's link to the run-time dynamic linking MSDN sample again) or you can link your console application to the .lib produced from the DLL project and include the hea.h file with the declaration of your function (as described in the load-time dynamic linking MSDN sample)

In both cases, you need to make sure your DLL exports the function you want to call properly. The easiest way to do it is by using __declspec(dllexport) on the function declaration (as shown in the creating a simple dynamic-link library MSDN sample), though you can do it also through the corresponding .def file in your DLL project.

For more information on the topic of DLLs, you should browse through the MSDN About Dynamic-Link Libraries topic.

How to write a confusion matrix in Python?

A small change of cgnorthcutt's solution, considering the string type variables

def get_confusion_matrix(l1, l2):

    assert len(l1)==len(l2), "Two lists have different size."

    K = len(np.unique(l1))

    # create label-index value
    label_index = dict(zip(np.unique(l1), np.arange(K)))

    result = np.zeros((K, K))
    for i in range(len(l1)):
        result[label_index[l1[i]]][label_index[l2[i]]] += 1

    return result

Loop Through Each HTML Table Column and Get the Data using jQuery

You can try with textContent.

var productId = val[key].textContent;

Visual Studio: ContextSwitchDeadlock

It sounds like you are doing this on the main UI thread in the app. The UI thread is responsible for pumping windows messages as the arrive, and yet because yours is blocked in database calls it is unable to do so. This can cause problems with system wide messages.

You should look at spawning a background thread for the long running operation and putting up some kind of "I'm busy" dialog for the user while it happens.