[java] How can I clear or empty a StringBuilder?

If performance is the main concern then the irony, in my opinion, is the Java constructs to format the text that goes into the buffer, will be far more time consuming on the CPU than the allocation/reallocation/garbage collection ... well, possibly not the GC (garbage collection) depending on how many builders you create and discard.

But simply appending a compound string ("Hello World of " + 6E9 + " earthlings.") to the buffer is likely to make the whole matter inconsequential.

And, really, if an instance of StringBuilder is involved, then the content is complex and/or longer than a simple String str = "Hi"; (never mind that Java probably uses a builder in the background anyway).

Personally, I try not to abuse the GC. So if it's something that's going to be used a lot in a rapid fire scenario - like, say, writing debug output messages - I just assume declare it elsewhere and zero it out for reuse.

class MyLogger {
    StringBuilder strBldr = new StringBuilder(256);

    public void logMsg( String stuff, SomeLogWriterClass log ) {

        // zero out strBldr's internal index count, not every
        // index in strBldr's internal buffer

        // ... append status level

        // ... append ' ' followed by timestamp
        // assuming getTimestamp() returns a String
        strBldr.append(' ').append(getTimestamp());

        // ... append ':' followed by user message
