Programs & Examples On #Jquery focusout

Connect to SQL Server through PDO using SQL Server Driver

Mind you that in my experience and also of other (PHP - Why is new SQLSRV driver slower than the old mssql driver?) that using PDO_SQLSRV is way slower than through PDO_ODBC.

If you want to use the faster PDO_ODBC you can use:

//use any of these or check exact MSSQL ODBC drivername in "ODBC Data Source Administrator"
$mssqldriver = '{SQL Server}'; 
$mssqldriver = '{SQL Server Native Client 11.0}';
$mssqldriver = '{ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server}';

$dbDB = new PDO("odbc:Driver=$mssqldriver;Server=$hostname;Database=$dbname", $username, $password);

Plotting two variables as lines using ggplot2 on the same graph

The general approach is to convert the data to long format (using melt() from package reshape or reshape2) or gather()/pivot_longer() from the tidyr package:


test_data_long <- melt(test_data, id="date")  # convert to long format

       aes(x=date, y=value, colour=variable)) +

ggplot2 output

Also see this question on reshaping data from wide to long.

How to Import Excel file into mysql Database from PHP

For >= 2nd row values insert into table-

$file = fopen($filename, "r");
//$sql_data = "SELECT * FROM prod_list_1 ";

$count = 0;                                         // add this line
while (($emapData = fgetcsv($file, 10000, ",")) !== FALSE)
    $count++;                                      // add this line

    if($count>1){                                  // add this line
      $sql = "INSERT into prod_list_1(p_bench,p_name,p_price,p_reason) values ('$emapData[0]','$emapData[1]','$emapData[2]','$emapData[3]')";
    }                                              // add this line

Looking for a 'cmake clean' command to clear up CMake output

Maybe it's a little outdated, but since this is the first hit when you google cmake clean, I will add this:

Since you can start a build in the build dir with a specified target with

cmake --build . --target xyz

you can of course run

cmake --build . --target clean

to run the clean target in the generated build files.

How to change target build on Android project?

Well I agree with Ryan Conrad on how to do it in eclipse, have you ensured you have changed your manifest.xml?

 <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />
 <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="8" />

CSS background-size: cover replacement for Mobile Safari

Also posted here: "background-size: cover" does not cover mobile screen

This works on Android 4.1.2 and iOS 6.1.3 (iPhone 4) and switches for desktop. Written for responsive sites.

Just in case, in your HTML head, something like this:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>


<div class="html-mobile-background"></div>


html {
    /* Whatever you want */
.html-mobile-background {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: -1;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 125%; /* To compensate for mobile browser address bar space */
    background: url(/images/bg.jpg) no-repeat; 
    background-size: 100% 100%;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
    html {
        background: url(/images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
        background-size: cover;
    .html-mobile-background {
        display: none;

How to exit git log or git diff

The END comes from the pager used to display the log (your are at that moment still inside it). Type q to exit it.

Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

        url: '',
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'callback',
        jsonpCallback: 'jsonp_callback'

jsonp is the querystring parameter name that is defined to be acceptable by the server while the jsonpCallback is the javascript function name to be executed at the client.
When you use such url:

url: ''

the question mark ? at the end instructs jQuery to generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback -the sucess function in this case- passing the json data as a parameter.

        url: '',
        success: function (data, status) {
        error: function (xOptions, textStatus) {

The same goes here if you are using $.getJSON with ? placeholder it will generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback:

//process data here

JPA CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans

I had the same problem and I wondered why this condition below did not delete the orphans. The list of dishes were not deleted in Hibernate (5.0.3.Final) when I executed a named delete query:

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "menuPlan", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Dish> dishes = new ArrayList<>();

Then I remembered that I must not use a named delete query, but the EntityManager. As I used the EntityManager.find(...) method to fetch the entity and then EntityManager.remove(...) to delete it, the dishes were deleted as well.

How to use sed to extract substring

Explaining how you can use cut:

cat yourxmlfile | cut -d'"' -f2

It will 'cut' all the lines in the file based on " delimiter, and will take the 2nd field , which is what you wanted.

Get combobox value in Java swing

If the string is empty, comboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() will give a NullPointerException. So better to typecast by (String).

CSS3 gradient background set on body doesn't stretch but instead repeats?

background: #13486d; /* for non-css3 browsers */
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#9dc3c3),   to(#13486d));  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #9dc3c3,  #13486d);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#9dc3c3', endColorstr='#13486d');

git pull error "The requested URL returned error: 503 while accessing"

As in "CocoaPods - pod setup http request failed", a 503 error on accessing (cloning) a public repository is likely to be the result of a GitHub glitch (availability issue)

Retrying later usually works.

Fix CSS hover on iPhone/iPad/iPod

Old Post I know however I successfully used onlclick="" when populating a table with JSON data. Tried many other options / scripts etc before, nothing worked. Will attempt this approach elsewhere. Thanks @Dan Morris .. from 2013!

     function append_json(data) {
     var table=document.getElementById('gable');
     data.forEach(function(object) {
         var tr=document.createElement('tr');
         tr.innerHTML='<td onclick="">' + object.COUNTRY + '</td>' + '<td onclick="">' + object.PoD + '</td>' + '<td onclick="">' + object.BALANCE + '</td>' + '<td onclick="">' + object.DATE + '</td>';

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

I slightly changed Markus' answer to update it for the latest Swift version, as var inside your method declaration is no longer supported:

extension Array {
    func takeElements(elementCount: Int) -> Array {
        if (elementCount > count) {
            return Array(self[0..<count])
        return Array(self[0..<elementCount])

Which exception should I raise on bad/illegal argument combinations in Python?

I've mostly just seen the builtin ValueError used in this situation.

Update cordova plugins in one command

I too would LOVE something like this - plugin management with the PhoneGap/Cordova CLI is so annoying. This blog post here may be a start to something like this - but I'm not quite sure A) how to leverage it yet or B) how well it would work.

My initial attempt at running the entire script right in the terminal command line did create an output of text with add/remove plugin commands ... but they didn't actually execute they just echoed into the terminal. I've reached out to the author hoping they will explain a bit more.

Getting list of items inside div using Selenium Webdriver

Follow the code below exactly matched with your case.

  1. Create an interface of the web element for the div under div with class as facetContainerDiv

ie for

<div class="facetContainerDiv">


2. Create an IList with all the elements inside the second div i.e for,

<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />
<label class="facetLabel">
   <input class="facetCheck" type="checkbox" />

3. Access each check boxes using the index

Please find the code below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

namespace SeleniumTests
  class ChechBoxClickWthIndex
        static void Main(string[] args)

            IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


            // Create an interface WebElement of the div under div with **class as facetContainerDiv**
            IWebElement WebElement =    driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@class='facetContainerDiv']/div"));
            // Create an IList and intialize it with all the elements of div under div with **class as facetContainerDiv**
            IList<IWebElement> AllCheckBoxes = WebElement.FindElements(By.XPath("//label/input"));
            int RowCount = AllCheckBoxes.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < RowCount; i++)
            // Check the check boxes based on index



How do I change the hover over color for a hover over table in Bootstrap?

.table-hover tbody tr:hover td {
    background: aqua;

this is the best solution i can gice so works out perfectly in such scena

How to get the correct range to set the value to a cell?

The following code does what is required

function doTest() {

How to get the list of properties of a class?

Try this:

var model = new MyObject();
foreach (var property in model.GetType().GetProperties())
    var descricao = property;
    var type = property.PropertyType.Name;

Do I need to explicitly call the base virtual destructor?

What the others said, but also note that you do not have to declare the destructor virtual in the derived class. Once you declare a destructor virtual, as you do in the base class, all derived destructors will be virtual whether you declare them so or not. In other words:

struct A {
   virtual ~A() {}

struct B : public A {
   virtual ~B() {}   // this is virtual

struct C : public A {
   ~C() {}          // this is virtual too

ojdbc14.jar vs. ojdbc6.jar

I have same problem!

Found following in oracle site link text

As mentioned above, the 11.1 drivers by default convert SQL DATE to Timestamp when reading from the database. This always was the right thing to do and the change in 9i was a mistake. The 11.1 drivers have reverted to the correct behavior. Even if you didn't set V8Compatible in your application you shouldn't see any difference in behavior in most cases. You may notice a difference if you use getObject to read a DATE column. The result will be a Timestamp rather than a Date. Since Timestamp is a subclass of Date this generally isn't a problem. Where you might notice a difference is if you relied on the conversion from DATE to Date to truncate the time component or if you do toString on the value. Otherwise the change should be transparent.

If for some reason your app is very sensitive to this change and you simply must have the 9i-10g behavior, there is a connection property you can set. Set mapDateToTimestamp to false and the driver will revert to the default 9i-10g behavior and map DATE to Date.

The type or namespace cannot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This error comes because compile does not know where to find the it occurs mainly when u copy or import item solve this .. 1.change the namespace in the formname.cs and formname.designer.cs to the name of your project .

How to get the first word of a sentence in PHP?

public function getStringFirstAlphabet($string){
    $string=explode(' ', $string);
    foreach ($string as $key => $value) {
    return $data;

Possible to iterate backwards through a foreach?

Sometimes you don't have the luxury of indexing, or perhaps you want to reverse the results of a Linq query, or maybe you don't want to modify the source collection, if any of these are true, Linq can help you.

A Linq extension method using anonymous types with Linq Select to provide a sorting key for Linq OrderByDescending;

    public static IEnumerable<T> Invert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
        var transform = source.Select(
            (o, i) => new
                Index = i,
                Object = o

        return transform.OrderByDescending(o => o.Index)
                        .Select(o => o.Object);


    var eable = new[]{ "a", "b", "c" };

    foreach(var o in eable.Invert())

    // "c", "b", "a"

It is named "Invert" because it is synonymous with "Reverse" and enables disambiguation with the List Reverse implementation.

It is possible to reverse certain ranges of a collection too, since Int32.MinValue and Int32.MaxValue are out of the range of any kind of collection index, we can leverage them for the ordering process; if an element index is below the given range, it is assigned Int32.MaxValue so that its order doesn't change when using OrderByDescending, similarly, elements at an index greater than the given range, will be assigned Int32.MinValue, so that they appear to the end of the ordering process. All elements within the given range are assigned their normal index and are reversed accordingly.

    public static IEnumerable<T> Invert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int index, int count)
        var transform = source.Select(
            (o, i) => new
                Index = i < index ? Int32.MaxValue : i >= index + count ? Int32.MinValue : i,
                Object = o

        return transform.OrderByDescending(o => o.Index)
                        .Select(o => o.Object);


    var eable = new[]{ "a", "b", "c", "d" };

    foreach(var o in eable.Invert(1, 2))

    // "a", "c", "b", "d"

I'm not sure of the performance hits of these Linq implementations versus using a temporary List to wrap a collection for reversing.

At time of writing, I was not aware of Linq's own Reverse implementation, still, it was fun working this out.

Efficiently getting all divisors of a given number


using namespace std;

#define ll long long

int main()
    ll int n;
    cin >> n;

    for(ll i = 2;  i <= sqrt(n); i++)
        if (n%i==0)
            if (n/i!=i)
                cout << i << endl << n/i<< endl;
                cout << i << endl;

CSS disable hover effect

Add the following to add hover effect on disabled button:

    /*your code goes here*/     

How do I make the return type of a method generic?

Create a function and pass out put parameter as of generic type.

 public static T some_function<T>(T out_put_object /*declare as Output object*/)
        return out_put_object;

How to create a density plot in matplotlib?

Five years later, when I Google "how to create a kernel density plot using python", this thread still shows up at the top!

Today, a much easier way to do this is to use seaborn, a package that provides many convenient plotting functions and good style management.

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
data = [1.5]*7 + [2.5]*2 + [3.5]*8 + [4.5]*3 + [5.5]*1 + [6.5]*8
sns.kdeplot(np.array(data), bw=0.5)

enter image description here

How to compile without warnings being treated as errors?

Thanks for all the helpful suggestions. I finally made sure that there are no warnings in my code, but again was getting this warning from sqlite3:

Assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that (X - c) <= X is always true

which I fixed by adding the following CFLAG:


What is useState() in React?

Thanks loelsonk, i did so

const [dataAction, setDataAction] = useState({name: '', description: ''});_x000D_
    const _handleChangeName = (data) => {_x000D_
            setDataAction( prevState  => ({ ...prevState,   name : }));_x000D_
            setDataAction( prevState  => ({ ...prevState,   description : data.description }));_x000D_
    ....return (_x000D_
          <input onChange={(event) => _handleChangeName({name:})}/>_x000D_
          <input onChange={(event) => _handleChangeName({description:})}/>_x000D_

How do you resize a form to fit its content automatically?

By using the various sizing properties (Dock, Anchor) or container controls (Panel, TableLayoutPanel, FlowLayoutPanel, etc.) you can only dictate the size from the outer control down to the inner controls. But there is nothing (working) within the .Net framework that allows to dictate the size of a container through the size of the child control. I also missed this a few times and tried the AutoSize property, but it never worked.

So all you can do is trying to get this stuff done manually, sorry.

Codeigniter: does $this->db->last_query(); execute a query?

For me save_queries option was turned off so,

$this->db->save_queries = TRUE; //Turn ON save_queries for temporary use.
$str = $this->db->last_query();
echo $str;

Ref: Can't get result from $this->db->last_query(); codeigniter

Javascript for "Add to Home Screen" on iPhone?

The only way to add any book marks in MobileSafari (including ones on the home screen) is with the builtin UI, and that Apples does not provide anyway to do this from scripts within a page. In fact, I am pretty sure there is no mechanism for doing this on the desktop version of Safari either.

Throwing exceptions from constructors

Throwing an exception is the best way of dealing with constructor failure. You should particularly avoid half-constructing an object and then relying on users of your class to detect construction failure by testing flag variables of some sort.

On a related point, the fact that you have several different exception types for dealing with mutex errors worries me slightly. Inheritance is a great tool, but it can be over-used. In this case I would probably prefer a single MutexError exception, possibly containing an informative error message.

SSL handshake fails with - a verisign chain certificate - that contains two CA signed certificates and one self-signed certificate

About the server can deliver to the clients the root cert or not, extracted from the RFC-5246 'The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2' doc it says:

This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender's certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it. Because certificate validation requires that root keys be distributed independently, the self-signed certificate that specifies the root certificate authority MAY be omitted from the chain, under the
assumption that the remote end must already possess it in order to validate it in any case.

About the term 'MAY', extracted from the RFC-2119 "Best Current Practice" says:

This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a
particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that
it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item.
An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be
prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does
include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation which does include a particular option
MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which
does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the
option provides.)

In conclusion, the root may be at the certification path delivered by the server in the handshake.

A practical use.
Think about, not in navigator user terms, but on a transfer tool at a server in a militarized zone with limited internet access.
The server, playing the client role at the transfer, receives all the certs path from the server.
All the certs in the chain should be checked to be trusted, root included.
The only way to check this is the root be included at the certs path in transfer time, being matched against a previously declared as 'trusted' local copy of them.

How to securely save username/password (local)?

DPAPI is just for this purpose. Use DPAPI to encrypt the password the first time the user enters is, store it in a secure location (User's registry, User's application data directory, are some choices). Whenever the app is launched, check the location to see if your key exists, if it does use DPAPI to decrypt it and allow access, otherwise deny it.

Offset a background image from the right using CSS

!! Outdated answer, since CSS3 brought this feature

Is there a way to position a background image a certain number of pixels from the right of its element?


Popular workarounds include

  • setting a margin-right on the element instead
  • adding transparent pixels to the image itself and positioning it top right
  • or calculating the position using jQuery after the element's width is known.

Print ArrayList

assium that you have a numbers list like that

List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

if you print the list

//method 1
// Conventional way of printing arraylist
for (int number : numbers) {

//method 2
// Lambda Expression to print arraylist
numbers.forEach((Integer value) -> System.out.print(value));

//method 3
// Lambda Expression to print arraylist
numbers.forEach(value -> System.out.print(value));

//method 4
// Lambda Expression (method reference) to print arraylist

R plot: size and resolution

If you'd like to use base graphics, you may have a look at this. An extract:

You can correct this with the res= argument to png, which specifies the number of pixels per inch. The smaller this number, the larger the plot area in inches, and the smaller the text relative to the graph itself.

Need to ZIP an entire directory using Node.js

I ended up wrapping archiver to emulate JSZip, as refactoring through my project woult take too much effort. I understand Archiver might not be the best choice, but here you go.


zip.file('something.txt','My content');
zip.folder('myfolder').file('something-inFolder.txt','My content');

// NodeJS file content:
    var fs = require('fs');
    var path = require('path');
    var archiver = require('archiver');

  function zipper(archive, settings) {
    return {
        output: null,
        streamToFile(dir) {
            const output = fs.createWriteStream(dir);
            this.output = output;

            return this;
        file(location, content) {
            if (settings.location) {
                location = path.join(settings.location, location);
            archive.append(content, { name: location });
            return this;
        folder(location) {
            if (settings.location) {
                location = path.join(settings.location, location);
            return zipper(archive, { location: location });
        finalize() {
            return this;
        onDone(method) {
            this.output.on('close', method);
            return this;
        onError(method) {
            this.output.on('error', method);
            return this;

exports.JSzipStream = {
    to(destination) {
        console.log('stream to',destination)
        const archive = archiver('zip', {
            zlib: { level: 9 } // Sets the compression level.
        return zipper(archive, {}).streamToFile(destination);

Recursive search and replace in text files on Mac and Linux

Whenever I type this command I always seem to hose it up, or forget a flag. I created a Gist on github based off of TaylanUB's answer that does a global find replace from the current directory. This is Mac OSX specific.

It's nice because now I just pop open a terminal then copy in:

curl -s | bash -s "" ""

You can get some weird byte sequence errors, so here is the full code:

#By Nate Flink

#Invoke on the terminal like this
#curl -s | bash -s "" ""

if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
  echo "Usage: ./$0 [find string] [replace string]"
  exit 1


#needed for byte sequence error in ascii to utf conversion on OSX
export LC_CTYPE=C;
export LANG=C;

#sed -i "" is needed by the osx version of sed (instead of sed -i)
find . -type f -exec sed -i "" "s|${FIND}|${REPLACE}|g" {} +
exit 0

Add and remove multiple classes in jQuery

easiest way to append class name using javascript. It can be useful when .siblings() are misbehaving.

document.getElementById('myId').className += ' active';

AngularJS $location not changing the path

This wroks for me(in CoffeeScript)

 $location.path '/url/path'
 $scope.$apply() if (!$scope.$$phase)

How to set Oracle's Java as the default Java in Ubuntu?

to set Oracle's Java SE Development Kit as the system default Java just download the latest Java SE Development Kit from here then create a directory somewhere you like in your file system for example /usr/java now extract the files you just downloaded in that directory:

$ sudo tar xvzf jdk-8u5-linux-i586.tar.gz -C /usr/java

now to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable:

$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/java 20000
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/javac 20000

make sure the Oracle's java is set as default java by:

$ update-alternatives --config java

you get something like this:

There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                           Priority   Status
* 0            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     auto mode
  1            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java   1061      manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

pay attention to the asterisk before the numbers on the left and if the correct one is not set choose the correct one by typing the number of it and pressing enter. now test your java:

$ java -version

if you get something like the following, you are good to go:

java version "1.8.0_05"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_05-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.5-b02, mixed mode)

also note that you might need root permission or be in sudoers group to be able to do this. I've tested this solution on both ubuntu 12.04 and Debian wheezy and it works in both of them.

What are the First and Second Level caches in (N)Hibernate?

by default, NHibernate uses first level caching which is Session Object based. but if you are running in a multi-server environment, then the first level cache may not very scalable along with some performance issues. it is happens because of the fact that it has to make very frequent trips to the database as the data is distributed over multiple servers. in other words NHibernate provides a basic, not-so-sophisticated in-process L1 cache out of box. However, it doesn’t provide features that a caching solution must have to have a notable impact on the application performance.

so the questions of all these problem is the use of a L2 cache which is associated with the session factory objects. it reduces the time consuming trips to the database so ultimately increases the app response time.

How can I format a nullable DateTime with ToString()?

I like this option:

Console.WriteLine(dt2?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") ?? "n/a");

sqlite copy data from one table to another

If you have data already present in both the tables and you want to update a table column values based on some condition then use this

UPDATE Table1 set Name=(select t2.Name from Table2 t2 where

How do I convert a float number to a whole number in JavaScript?

A double bitwise not operator can be used to truncate floats. The other operations you mentioned are available through Math.floor, Math.ceil, and Math.round.

> ~~2.5
> ~~(-1.4)

More details courtesy of James Padolsey.

C# Macro definitions in Preprocessor

I would suggest you to write extension, something like below.

public static class WriteToConsoleExtension
   // Extension to all types
   public static void WriteToConsole(this object instance, 
                                     string format, 
                                     params object[] data)
       Console.WriteLine(format, data);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Program p = new Program();
        // Usage of extension
        p.WriteToConsole("Test {0}, {1}", DateTime.Now, 1);

Hope this helps (and not too late :) )

Overlay normal curve to histogram in R

This is an implementation of aforementioned StanLe's anwer, also fixing the case where his answer would produce no curve when using densities.

This replaces the existing but hidden hist.default() function, to only add the normalcurve parameter (which defaults to TRUE).

The first three lines are to support roxygen2 for package building.

#' @noRd
#' @exportMethod hist.default
#' @export
hist.default <- function(x,
                         breaks = "Sturges",
                         freq = NULL,
                         include.lowest = TRUE,
                         normalcurve = TRUE,
                         right = TRUE,
                         density = NULL,
                         angle = 45,
                         col = NULL,
                         border = NULL,
                         main = paste("Histogram of", xname),
                         ylim = NULL,
                         xlab = xname,
                         ylab = NULL,
                         axes = TRUE,
                         plot = TRUE,
                         labels = FALSE,
                         warn.unused = TRUE,
                         ...)  {

  xname <- paste(deparse(substitute(x), 500), collapse = "\n")

    h <- graphics::hist.default(
      x = x,
      breaks = breaks,
      freq = freq,
      include.lowest = include.lowest,
      right = right,
      density = density,
      angle = angle,
      col = col,
      border = border,
      main = main,
      ylim = ylim,
      xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab,
      axes = axes,
      plot = plot,
      labels = labels,
      warn.unused = warn.unused,

  if (normalcurve == TRUE & plot == TRUE) {
    x <- x[!]
    xfit <- seq(min(x), max(x), length = 40)
    yfit <- dnorm(xfit, mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))
    if (isTRUE(freq) | (is.null(freq) & is.null(density))) {
      yfit <- yfit * diff(h$mids[1:2]) * length(x)
    lines(xfit, yfit, col = "black", lwd = 2)

  if (plot == TRUE) {
  } else {

Quick example:


enter image description here

For dates it's bit different. For reference:

#' @noRd
#' @exportMethod hist.Date
#' @export
hist.Date <- function(x,
                      breaks = "months",
                      format = "%b",
                      normalcurve = TRUE,
                      xlab = xname,
                      plot = TRUE,
                      freq = NULL,
                      density = NULL,
                      start.on.monday = TRUE,
                      right = TRUE,
                      ...)  {

  xname <- paste(deparse(substitute(x), 500), collapse = "\n")

    h <- graphics:::hist.Date(
      x = x,
      breaks = breaks,
      format = format,
      freq = freq,
      density = density,
      start.on.monday = start.on.monday,
      right = right,
      xlab = xlab,
      plot = plot,

  if (normalcurve == TRUE & plot == TRUE) {
    x <- x[!]
    xfit <- seq(min(x), max(x), length = 40)
    yfit <- dnorm(xfit, mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))
    if (isTRUE(freq) | (is.null(freq) & is.null(density))) {
      yfit <- as.double(yfit) * diff(h$mids[1:2]) * length(x)
    lines(xfit, yfit, col = "black", lwd = 2)

  if (plot == TRUE) {
  } else {

Why both no-cache and no-store should be used in HTTP response?

Note that Internet Explorer from version 5 up to 8 will throw an error when trying to download a file served via https and the server sending Cache-Control: no-cache or Pragma: no-cache headers.


The use of Cache-Control: no-store and Pragma: private seems to be the closest thing which still works.

Finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image

It's indeed doable to query the manifest or blob info from docker registry server without pulling the image to local disk.

You can refer to the Registry v2 API to fetch the manifest of image.

GET /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference>

Note, you have to handle different manifest version. For v2 you can directly get the size of layer and digest of blob. For v1 manifest, you can HEAD the blob download url to get the actual layer size.

There is a simple script for handling above cases that will be continuously maintained.

CSS Resize/Zoom-In effect on Image while keeping Dimensions

You could achieve that simply by wrapping the image by a <div> and adding overflow: hidden to that element:

<div class="img-wrapper">
    <img src="..." />
.img-wrapper {
    display: inline-block; /* change the default display type to inline-block */
    overflow: hidden;      /* hide the overflow */


Also it's worth noting that <img> element (like the other inline elements) sits on its baseline by default. And there would be a 4~5px gap at the bottom of the image.

That vertical gap belongs to the reserved space of descenders like: g j p q y. You could fix the alignment issue by adding vertical-align property to the image with a value other than baseline.

Additionally for a better user experience, you could add transition to the images.

Thus we'll end up with the following:

.img-wrapper img {
    transition: all .2s ease;
    vertical-align: middle;


#pragma mark in Swift?

There are Three options to add #pragma_mark in Swift:

1) // MARK: - your text here -

2) // TODO: - your text here -

3) // FIXME: - your text here -

Note: Uses - for add separators

websocket.send() parameter

As I understand it, you want the server be able to send messages through from client 1 to client 2. You cannot directly connect two clients because one of the two ends of a WebSocket connection needs to be a server.

This is some pseudocodish JavaScript:


var websocket = new WebSocket("server address");

websocket.onmessage = function(str) {
  console.log("Someone sent: ", str);

// Tell the server this is client 1 (swap for client 2 of course)
  id: "client1"

// Tell the server we want to send something to the other client
  to: "client2",
  data: "foo"


var clients = {};

server.on("data", function(client, str) {
  var obj = JSON.parse(str);

  if("id" in obj) {
    // New client, add it to the id/client object
    clients[] = client;
  } else {
    // Send data to the client requested

With block equivalent in C#?

About 3/4 down the page in the "Using Objects" section:


With hero 
  .Name = "SpamMan" 
  .PowerLevel = 3 
End With 


//No "With" construct
hero.Name = "SpamMan"; 
hero.PowerLevel = 3; 

How can I find the link URL by link text with XPath?

Think of the phrase in the square brackets as a WHERE clause in SQL.

So this query says, "select the "href" attribute (@) of an "a" tag that appears anywhere (//), but only where (the bracketed phrase) the textual contents of the "a" tag is equal to 'programming questions site'".

How do I include a pipe | in my linux find -exec command?

The job of interpreting the pipe symbol as an instruction to run multiple processes and pipe the output of one process into the input of another process is the responsibility of the shell (/bin/sh or equivalent).

In your example you can either choose to use your top level shell to perform the piping like so:

find -name 'file_*' -follow -type f -exec zcat {} \; | agrep -dEOE 'grep'

In terms of efficiency this results costs one invocation of find, numerous invocations of zcat, and one invocation of agrep.

This would result in only a single agrep process being spawned which would process all the output produced by numerous invocations of zcat.

If you for some reason would like to invoke agrep multiple times, you can do:

find . -name 'file_*' -follow -type f \
    -printf "zcat %p | agrep -dEOE 'grep'\n" | sh

This constructs a list of commands using pipes to execute, then sends these to a new shell to actually be executed. (Omitting the final "| sh" is a nice way to debug or perform dry runs of command lines like this.)

In terms of efficiency this results costs one invocation of find, one invocation of sh, numerous invocations of zcat and numerous invocations of agrep.

The most efficient solution in terms of number of command invocations is the suggestion from Paul Tomblin:

find . -name "file_*" -follow -type f -print0 | xargs -0 zcat | agrep -dEOE 'grep'

... which costs one invocation of find, one invocation of xargs, a few invocations of zcat and one invocation of agrep.

Android Studio - mergeDebugResources exception

I just upgraded to the latest gradle build tool version and it works.

 classpath '

Correct owner/group/permissions for Apache 2 site files/folders under Mac OS X?

I know this is an old post, but for anyone upgrading to Mountain Lion (10.8) and experiencing similar issues, adding FollowSymLinks to your {username}.conf file (in /etc/apache2/users/) did the trick for me. So the file looks like this:

<Directory "/Users/username/Sites/">
  Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

How to parse JSON using Node.js?

You can simply use JSON.parse.

The definition of the JSON object is part of the ECMAScript 5 specification. node.js is built on Google Chrome's V8 engine, which adheres to ECMA standard. Therefore, node.js also has a global object JSON[docs].

Note - JSON.parse can tie up the current thread because it is a synchronous method. So if you are planning to parse big JSON objects use a streaming json parser.

How to solve Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\invmgt\manufactured_goods\change.php on line 21

You are not getting value of $id=$_GET['id'];

And you are using it (before it gets initialised).

Use php's in built isset() function to check whether the variable is defied or not.

So, please update the line to:

$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : '';

Pause in Python

If you type


It will wait for them to press any button then it will continue. Also you can put text between the quotes.

How to add and remove item from array in components in Vue 2

You can use Array.push() for appending elements to an array.

For deleting, it is best to use this.$delete(array, index) for reactive objects.

Vue.delete( target, key ): Delete a property on an object. If the object is reactive, ensure the deletion triggers view updates. This is primarily used to get around the limitation that Vue cannot detect property deletions, but you should rarely need to use it.

Javascript reduce() on Object

If you can use an array, do use an array, the length and order of an array are half its worth.

function reducer(obj, fun, temp){
    if(typeof fun=== 'function'){
        if(temp== undefined) temp= '';
        for(var p in obj){
                temp= fun(obj[p], temp, p, obj);
    return temp;
var O={a:{value:1},b:{value:2},c:{value:3}}

reducer(O, function(a, b){return a.value+b;},0);

/* returned value: (Number) 6 */

how to customise input field width in bootstrap 3

You can use these classes





for input fields and replace input with btn for buttons.

Check this documentation

This will change only height of the element, to reduce the width you have to use grid system classes like col-xs-* col-md-* col-lg-*.

Example col-md-3. See doc here

How to get streaming url from online streaming radio station

Shahar's answer was really helpful, but I found it quite tedious to do this all myself, so I made a nifty little Python program:

import re
import urllib2
import string
url1 = raw_input("Please enter a URL from Tunein Radio: ");
open_file = urllib2.urlopen(url1);
raw_file =;
API_key = re.findall(r"StreamUrl\":\"(.*?),",raw_file);
#print API_key;
#print "The API key is: " + API_key[0];
use_key = urllib2.urlopen(str(API_key[0]));
key_content =;
raw_stream_url = re.findall(r"Url\": \"(.*?)\"",key_content);
bandwidth = re.findall(r"Bandwidth\":(.*?),", key_content);
reliability = re.findall(r"lity\":(.*?),", key_content);
isPlaylist = re.findall(r"HasPlaylist\":(.*?),",key_content);
codec = re.findall(r"MediaType\": \"(.*?)\",", key_content);
tipe = re.findall(r"Type\": \"(.*?)\"", key_content);
total = 0
for element in raw_stream_url:
    total = total + 1
i = 0
print "I found " + str(total) + " streams.";
for element in raw_stream_url:
    print "Stream #" + str(i + 1);
    print "Stream stats:";
    print "Bandwidth: " + str(bandwidth[i]) + " kilobytes per second."
    print "Reliability: " + str(reliability[i]) + "%"
    print "HasPlaylist: " + str(isPlaylist[i]) + "."
    print "Stream codec: " + str(codec[i]) + "."
    print "This audio stream is " + tipe[i].lower() + "."
    print "Pure streaming URL: " + str(raw_stream_url[i]) + ".";
    i = i + 1
raw_input("Press enter to close TMUS.")

It's basically Shahar's solution automated.

_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

You can use read_csv from pandas to skip these lines.

import pandas as pd

data_df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', error_bad_lines=False)

Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java

For me, the simplest way to do that is:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.setTime(new Date());
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

//Here you say to java the initial timezone. This is the secret
//Will print in UTC

//Here you set to your timezone
//Will print on your default Timezone

jquery clear input default value

$(document).ready(function() {
//clear on focus
$('.input').focus(function() {
   //clear when submitted
$('.button').click(function() {


Android Studio - Device is connected but 'offline'

If your app doesn't manipulate WiFi connections - another slightly different solution, which bypasses USB issues entirely - enabling a wireless debugging connection - ADB over WiFi/TCP/IP.

Error message "Linter pylint is not installed"

Check the path Pylint has been installed to, by typing which pylint on your terminal.

You will get something like: /usr/local/bin/pylint

Copy it.

Go to your Visual Studio Code settings in the preferences tab and find the line that goes

"python.linting.pylintPath": "pylint"

Edit the line to be

"python.linting.pylintPath": "/usr/local/bin/pylint",

replacing the value "pylint" with the path you got from typing which pylint.

Save your changes and reload Visual Studio Code.

Limiting the number of characters per line with CSS

Another approach to this would put a span element with a display:block style inside the p element each time you need the content to break. It would only be useful when your p content is static.

<p>this is a not-dynamic text and I want to put<span style="display:block">the following words in the next line</span>and these other words in a third one</p>

It would output:

This is a not-dynamic text and I want to put

the following words in the next line

and these others in a third one

This allows you to change your text line-breaks in different viewports without JS.

How to specify a local file within html using the file: scheme?

For apache look up SymLink or you can solve via the OS with Symbolic Links or on linux set up a library link/etc

My answer is one method specifically to windows 10.

So my method involves mapping a network drive to U:/ (e.g. I use G:/ for Google Drive)

open cmd and type hostname (example result: LAPTOP-G666P000, you could use your ip instead, but using a static hostname for identifying yourself makes more sense if your network stops)

Press Windows_key + E > right click 'This PC' > press N (It's Map Network drive, NOT add a network location)

If you are right clicking the shortcut on the desktop you need to press N then enter

Fill out U: or G: or Z: or whatever you want Example Address: \\LAPTOP-G666P000\c$\Users\username\

Then you can use <a href="file:///u:/2ndFile.html"><button type="submit">Local file</button> like in your question

related: You can also use this method for FTPs, and setup multiple drives for different relative paths on that same network.

related2: I have used http://localhost/c$ etc before on some WAMP/apache servers too before, you can use .htaccess for control/security but I recommend to not do so on a live/production machine -- or any other symlink documentroot example you can google

Moment.js - How to convert date string into date?

If you are getting a JS based date String then first use the new Date(String) constructor and then pass the Date object to the moment method. Like:

var dateString = 'Thu Jul 15 2016 19:31:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)';
var dateObj = new Date(dateString);
var momentObj = moment(dateObj);
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

In case dateString is 15-07-2016, then you should use the moment(date:String, format:String) method

var dateString = '07-15-2016';
var momentObj = moment(dateString, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

How do I enable the column selection mode in Eclipse?

To activate the cursor and select the columns you want to select use:

Windows: Alt+Shift+A

Mac: command + option + A

Linux-based OS: Alt+Shift+A

To deactivate, press the keys again.

This information was taken from DJ's Java Blog.

Auto increment in phpmyadmin

In phpMyAdmin, navigate to the table in question and click the "Operations" tab. On the left under Table Options you will be allowed to set the current AUTO_INCREMENT value.

CSS Outside Border

Why not simply using background-clip?

-webkit-background-clip: padding;
   -moz-background-clip: padding;
        background-clip: padding-box;


How to open a web server port on EC2 instance

You need to configure the security group as stated by cyraxjoe. Along with that you also need to open System port. Steps to open port in windows :-

  1. On the Start menu, click Run, type WF.msc, and then click OK.
  2. In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, in the left pane, right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule in the action pane.
  3. In the Rule Type dialog box, select Port, and then click Next.
  4. In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select TCP. Select Specific local ports, and then type the port number , such as 8787 for the default instance. Click Next.
  5. In the Action dialog box, select Allow the connection, and then click Next.
  6. In the Profile dialog box, select any profiles that describe the computer connection environment when you want to connect , and then click Next.
  7. In the Name dialog box, type a name and description for this rule, and then click Finish.

Ref:- Microsoft Docs for port Opening

How to add a new column to a CSV file?

In case of a large file you can use pandas.read_csv with the chunksize argument which allows to read the dataset per chunk:

import pandas as pd

INPUT_CSV = "input.csv"
OUTPUT_CSV = "output.csv"
CHUNKSIZE = 1_000 # Maximum number of rows in memory

header = True
mode = "w"
for chunk_df in pd.read_csv(INPUT_CSV, chunksize=CHUNKSIZE):
    chunk_df["Berry"] = chunk_df["Name"]
    # You apply any other transformation to the chunk
    # ...
    chunk_df.to_csv(OUTPUT_CSV, header=header, mode=mode)
    header = False # Do not save the header for the other chunks
    mode = "a" # 'a' stands for append mode, all the other chunks will be appended

If you want to update the file inplace, you can use a temporary file and erase it at the end

import pandas as pd

INPUT_CSV = "input.csv"
TMP_CSV = "tmp.csv"
CHUNKSIZE = 1_000 # Maximum number of rows in memory

header = True
mode = "w"
for chunk_df in pd.read_csv(INPUT_CSV, chunksize=CHUNKSIZE):
    chunk_df["Berry"] = chunk_df["Name"]
    # You apply any other transformation to the chunk
    # ...
    chunk_df.to_csv(TMP_CSV, header=header, mode=mode)
    header = False # Do not save the header for the other chunks
    mode = "a" # 'a' stands for append mode, all the other chunks will be appended

os.replace(TMP_CSV, INPUT_CSV)

select count(*) from table of mysql in php

Please start using PDO.

mysql_* is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0 and will be removed entirely in 7. Let's make it easier to upgrade and start using it now.

$dbh = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) as total from Students');

How to compile and run a C/C++ program on the Android system

if you have installed NDK succesfully then start with it sample application

if you are interested another ways of this then may this will help

I also want to know is it possible to push the compiled binary into android device or AVD and run using the terminal of the android device or AVD?

here you can see NestedVM

NestedVM provides binary translation for Java Bytecode. This is done by having GCC compile to a MIPS binary which is then translated to a Java class file. Hence any application written in C, C++, Fortran, or any other language supported by GCC can be run in 100% pure Java with no source changes.

Example: Cross compile Hello world C program and run it on android

subquery in FROM must have an alias

add an ALIAS on the subquery,

SELECT  COUNT(made_only_recharge) AS made_only_recharge
        SELECT DISTINCT (identifiant) AS made_only_recharge
        FROM cdr_data
        WHERE CALLEDNUMBER = '0130'
        SELECT DISTINCT (identifiant) AS made_only_recharge
        FROM cdr_data
        WHERE CALLEDNUMBER != '0130'
    ) AS derivedTable                           -- <<== HERE

Print DIV content by JQuery

There is a way to use this with a hidden div but you have to work abit more with the printElement() function and css.


     display: none;


  $("#SelectorToPrint").printElement({ printBodyOptions:{styleToAdd:'padding:10px;margin:10px;display:block', classNameToAdd:'WhatYouWant'}})

This will override the display: none in the new window you open and the content will be displayed on the print-preview page and the div on you site remains hidden.

Shell script : How to cut part of a string

I pasted the contents of your example into a file named so.txt.

$ cat so.txt | awk '{ print $7 }' | cut -f2 -d"="


  1. cat so.txt will print the contents of the file to stdout.
  2. awk '{ print $7 }' will print the seventh column, i.e. the one containing id=n
  3. cut -f2 -d"=" will cut the output of step #2 using = as the delimiter and get the second column (-f2)

If you'd rather get id= also, then:

$ cat so.txt | awk '{ print $7 }' 

How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

Just use special `

var lyrics = 'Never gonna give you up';
var html = `<div>${lyrics}</div>`;

You can see more examples here.

Laravel Query Builder where max id

Just like the docs say


How to get Time from DateTime format in SQL?

SQL Server 2008+ has a "time" datatype

    ..., CAST(MyDateTimeCol AS time)

For older versions, without varchar conversions

    ..., DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, MyDateTimeCol, 0), MyDateTimeCol)

Cannot checkout, file is unmerged

Following is worked for me

git reset HEAD

I was getting following error

git stash
src/config.php: needs merge
src/config.php: needs merge
src/config.php: unmerge(230a02b5bf1c6eab8adce2cec8d573822d21241d)
src/config.php: unmerged (f5cc88c0fda69bf72107bcc5c2860c3e5eb978fa)

Then i ran

git reset HEAD

it worked

How do I create a Python function with optional arguments?

Just use the *args parameter, which allows you to pass as many arguments as you want after your a,b,c. You would have to add some logic to map args->c,d,e,f but its a "way" of overloading.

def myfunc(a,b, *args, **kwargs):
   for ar in args:
      print ar

And it will print values of c,d,e,f

Similarly you could use the kwargs argument and then you could name your parameters.

def myfunc(a,b, *args, **kwargs):
      c = kwargs.get('c', None)
      d = kwargs.get('d', None)
myfunc(a,b, c='nick', d='dog', ...)

And then kwargs would have a dictionary of all the parameters that are key valued after a,b

openpyxl - adjust column width size

A slight improvement of the above accepted answer, that I think is more pythonic (asking for forgiveness is better than asking for permission)

column_widths = []
for row in workSheet.iter_rows():
    for i, cell in enumerate(row):
            column_widths[i] = max(column_widths[i], len(str(cell.value)))
        except IndexError:

for i, column_width in enumerate(column_widths):
    workSheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(i + 1)].width = column_width

Get timezone from users browser using moment(timezone).js

Using Moment library, see their website ->

i notice they also user their own library in their website, so you can have a try using the browser console before installing it


The moment#tz mutator will change the time zone and update the offset.

moment("2013-11-18").tz("America/Toronto").format('Z'); // -05:00
moment("2013-11-18").tz("Europe/Berlin").format('Z');   // +01:00

This information is used consistently in other operations, like calculating the start of the day.

var m ="2013-11-18 11:55", "America/Toronto");
m.format();                     // 2013-11-18T11:55:00-05:00
m.startOf("day").format();      // 2013-11-18T00:00:00-05:00"Europe/Berlin").format(); // 2013-11-18T06:00:00+01:00
m.startOf("day").format();      // 2013-11-18T00:00:00+01:00

Without an argument, moment#tz returns:

    the time zone name assigned to the moment instance or
    undefined if a time zone has not been set.

var m ="2013-11-18 11:55", "America/Toronto");;  // America/Toronto
var m ="2013-11-18 11:55"); === undefined;  // true

Split function in oracle to comma separated values with automatic sequence

Best Query For comma separated in This Query we Convert Rows To Column ...

SELECT listagg(BL_PRODUCT_DESC, ', ') within
   group(   order by BL_PRODUCT_DESC) PROD
  WHERE Get_Product_Type_Id = 6000000000007

Convert String to java.util.Date

I think your date format does not make sense. There is no 13:00 PM. Remove the "aaa" at the end of your format or turn the HH into hh.

Nevertheless, this works fine for me:

String testDate = "29-Apr-2010,13:00:14 PM";
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy,HH:mm:ss aaa");
Date date = formatter.parse(testDate);

It prints "Thu Apr 29 13:00:14 CEST 2010".

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Try this. It's works for me well.

function clicked(item) {
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>

<button onclick="clicked(this);" id="modalME">Click me</button>

<!-- Modal -->
  <div class="modal" id="modalME" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h2>Modal in CSS</h2>
        <a href="#close" class="btn-close" aria-hidden="true">×</a> <!--CHANGED TO "#close"-->
      <div class="modal-body">
        <p>One modal example here.</p>
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <a href="#close" class="btn">Nice!</a>  <!--CHANGED TO "#close"-->
  <!-- /Modal -->

Show DataFrame as table in iPython Notebook

It seems you can just display both dfs using a comma in between in display. I noticed this on some notebooks on github. This code is from Jake VanderPlas's notebook.

class display(object):
    """Display HTML representation of multiple objects"""
    template = """<div style="float: left; padding: 10px;">
    <p style='font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace'>{0}</p>{1}
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.args = args

    def _repr_html_(self):
        return '\n'.join(self.template.format(a, eval(a)._repr_html_())
                     for a in self.args)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '\n\n'.join(a + '\n' + repr(eval(a))
                       for a in self.args)

display('df', "df2")

How to check if memcache or memcached is installed for PHP?

I know this is an old thread, but there's another way that I've found useful for any extension.


php -m | grep <module_name>

In this particular case:

php -m | grep memcache

If you want to list all PHP modules then:

php -m

Depending on your system you'd get an output similar to this:

[PHP Modules]
... lots of other modules ...
 ... and still more modules ...

[Zend Modules]

You can see that memcache is in this list.

Can't push image to Amazon ECR - fails with "no basic auth credentials"

I was facing the same issue and fixed it with this command. It works for me, please update it as per your account. This is for Ubuntu machine where AWS-CLI needs to be installed with Docker


account=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)

# Get the region defined in the current configuration
region=$(aws configure get region)

aws ecr get-login-password --region ${region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${account}.dkr.ecr.${region}${algorithm_name}

Android, How to limit width of TextView (and add three dots at the end of text)?

you can do that by xml:

    android:maxLines="1" // or any number of lines you want

SQL join format - nested inner joins

Since you've already received help on the query, I'll take a poke at your syntax question:

The first query employs some lesser-known ANSI SQL syntax which allows you to nest joins between the join and on clauses. This allows you to scope/tier your joins and probably opens up a host of other evil, arcane things.

Now, while a nested join cannot refer any higher in the join hierarchy than its immediate parent, joins above it or outside of its branch can refer to it... which is precisely what this ugly little guy is doing:

from Table1 as t1
join Table2 as t2
    join Table3 as t3
    on t2.Key = t3.Key                   -- join #1
    and t2.Key2 = t3.Key2 
on t1.DifferentKey = t3.DifferentKey     -- join #2  

This looks a little confusing because join #2 is joining t1 to t2 without specifically referencing t2... however, it references t2 indirectly via t3 -as t3 is joined to t2 in join #1. While that may work, you may find the following a bit more (visually) linear and appealing:

from Table1 as t1
    join Table3 as t3
        join Table2 as t2
        on t2.Key = t3.Key                   -- join #1
        and t2.Key2 = t3.Key2   
    on t1.DifferentKey = t3.DifferentKey     -- join #2

Personally, I've found that nesting in this fashion keeps my statements tidy by outlining each tier of the relationship hierarchy. As a side note, you don't need to specify inner. join is implicitly inner unless explicitly marked otherwise.

MessageBox Buttons?

An updated version of the correct answer for .NET 4.5 would be.

if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Confirm", MessageBoxImage.Question) 
    == MessageBoxResult.Yes)  
// If yes
// If no

Additionally, if you wanted to bind the button to a command in a view model you could use the following. This is compatible with MvvmLite:

public RelayCommand ShowPopUpCommand
   return _showPopUpCommand ??
      (_showPopUpCommand = new RelayCommand(
         () =>
                // Put if statement here

How to remove the querystring and get only the url?

You'll need at least PHP Version 5.4 to implement this solution without exploding into a variable on one line and concatenating on the next, but an easy one liner would be:

$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].explode('?', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 2)[0];

Server Variables:
Array Dereferencing:

How can I fill out a Python string with spaces?

Just remove the 0 and it will add space instead:

>>> print  "'%6d'"%4

C++ obtaining milliseconds time on Linux -- clock() doesn't seem to work properly

clock() doesn't return milliseconds or seconds on linux. Usually clock() returns microseconds on a linux system. The proper way to interpret the value returned by clock() is to divide it by CLOCKS_PER_SEC to figure out how much time has passed.

Swift add icon/image in UITextField

Swift 5

@IBOutlet weak var paswd: UITextField! {
      paswd.setLeftView(image: UIImage.init(named: "password")!)
      paswd.tintColor = .darkGray
      paswd.isSecureTextEntry = true

I have created extension

extension UITextField {
  func setLeftView(image: UIImage) {
    let iconView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 25, height: 25)) // set your Own size
    iconView.image = image
    let iconContainerView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 35, height: 45))
    leftView = iconContainerView
    leftViewMode = .always
    self.tintColor = .lightGray


enter image description here

How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome?

Just do this:

var $div = $('div');
var a = 0;

setInterval(function() {
    $div.stop(true,true).css("left", a);
}, 1000 / 30);

Inactive browser tabs buffer some of the setInterval or setTimeout functions.

stop(true,true) will stop all buffered events and execute immediatly only the last animation.

The window.setTimeout() method now clamps to send no more than one timeout per second in inactive tabs. In addition, it now clamps nested timeouts to the smallest value allowed by the HTML5 specification: 4 ms (instead of the 10 ms it used to clamp to).

org.hibernate.StaleStateException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1

* Thrown when a version number or timestamp check failed, indicating that the
* Session contained stale data (when using long transactions with versioning). 
* Also occurs if we try delete or update a row that does not exist.

if ( expectedRowCount > rowCount ) {
   throw new StaleStateException(           
  "Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [" + batchPosition +"]; actual row count: " + rowCount +"; expected: " + expectedRowCount);

<property name="show_sql">true</property> This should show you the SQL that is executed and causes the problem.

*The StaleStateException would be thrown only after we successfully deleted one object, and then tried to delete another. The reason for this is, while persisting the objects across sessions, objects must first be deleted from the Session before deleted. Otherwise, subsequent deletes will cause the StaleStateException to be thrown.


*The problem was that a table must have only one field that is primary key (I had a composite key and this is not a good idea, except for the many to many relation). I have solved using a new id table field auto incremental.

*It can be fix by using Hibernate session.update() -- you need to have the table/view's primary key equal your corresponding bean property (eg. id).


Add items in array angular 4

Push object into your array. Try this:

export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
    name: string;
    empoloyeeID : number;
    empList: Array<{name: string, empoloyeeID: number}> = []; 
    constructor() {}
    ngOnInit() {}
        this.empList.push({ name:, empoloyeeID: this.empoloyeeID }); = "";
        this.empoloyeeID = 0;

How to get the browser viewport dimensions?

If you are using React, then with latest version of react hooks, you could use this.

// Usage
function App() {
   const size = useWindowSize();

   return (
       {size.width}px / {size.height}px

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

I'm using Scala and I've got this message where I've mistakenly shared a Mock between two Objects. So, be sure that your tests are independent of each other. The parallel test execution obviously creates some flaky situations since the objects in Scala are singleton compositions.

Invalid length for a Base-64 char array

I'm not Reputable enough to upvote or comment yet, but LukeH's answer was spot on for me.

As AES encryption is the standard to use now, it produces a base64 string (at least all the encrypt/decrypt implementations I've seen). This string has a length in multiples of 4 (string.length % 4 = 0)

The strings I was getting contained + and = on the beginning or end, and when you just concatenate that into a URL's querystring, it will look right (for instance, in an email you generate), but when the the link is followed and the .NET page recieves it and puts it into this.Page.Request.QueryString, those special characters will be gone and your string length will not be in a multiple of 4.

As the are special characters at the FRONT of the string (ex: +), as well as = at the end, you can't just add some = to make up the difference as you are altering the cypher text in a way that doesn't match what was actually in the original querystring.

So, wrapping the cypher text with HttpUtility.URLEncode (not HtmlEncode) transforms the non-alphanumeric characters in a way that ensures .NET parses them back into their original state when it is intepreted into the querystring collection.

The good thing is, we only need to do the URLEncode when generating the querystring for the URL. On the incoming side, it's automatically translated back into the original string value.

Here's some example code

string cryptostring = MyAESEncrypt(MySecretString);
string URL = WebFunctions.ToAbsoluteUrl("~/ResetPassword.aspx?RPC=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(cryptostring));

What are the parameters for the number Pipe - Angular 2

From the DOCS

Formats a number as text. Group sizing and separator and other locale-specific configurations are based on the active locale.


number_expression | number[:digitInfo[:locale]]

where expression is a number:

digitInfo is a string which has a following format:

  • minIntegerDigits is the minimum number of integer digits to use.Defaults to 1
  • minFractionDigits is the minimum number of digits
  • after fraction. Defaults to 0. maxFractionDigits is the maximum number of digits after fraction. Defaults to 3.
  • locale is a string defining the locale to use (uses the current LOCALE_ID by default)


Difference between chr(13) and chr(10)

Chr(10) is the Line Feed character and Chr(13) is the Carriage Return character.

You probably won't notice a difference if you use only one or the other, but you might find yourself in a situation where the output doesn't show properly with only one or the other. So it's safer to include both.

Historically, Line Feed would move down a line but not return to column 1:


Similarly Carriage Return would return to column 1 but not move down a line:


Paste this into a text editor and then choose to "show all characters", and you'll see both characters present at the end of each line. Better safe than sorry.

Remove end of line characters from Java string

Have you tried using the replaceAll method to replace any occurence of \n or \r with the empty String?

Why is using onClick() in HTML a bad practice?

It's not good for several reasons:

  • it mixes code and markup
  • code written this way goes through eval
  • and runs in the global scope

The simplest thing would be to add a name attribute to your <a> element, then you could do:

document.myelement.onclick = function() {
    window.popup('/map/', 300, 300, 'map');
    return false;

although modern best practise would be to use an id instead of a name, and use addEventListener() instead of using onclick since that allows you to bind multiple functions to a single event.

gcc/g++: "No such file or directory"

Your compiler just tried to compile the file named Upon hitting line number line, the compiler finds:

#include "bar"


#include <bar>

The compiler then tries to find that file. For this, it uses a set of directories to look into, but within this set, there is no file bar. For an explanation of the difference between the versions of the include statement look here.

How to tell the compiler where to find it

g++ has an option -I. It lets you add include search paths to the command line. Imagine that your file bar is in a folder named frobnicate, relative to (assume you are compiling from the directory where is located):

g++ -Ifrobnicate

You can add more include-paths; each you give is relative to the current directory. Microsoft's compiler has a correlating option /I that works in the same way, or in Visual Studio, the folders can be set in the Property Pages of the Project, under Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories.

Now imagine you have multiple version of bar in different folders, given:

// A/bar
std::string which() { return "A/bar"; }

// B/bar
std::string which() { return "B/bar"; }

// C/bar
std::string which() { return "C/bar"; }

#include "bar"
#include <iostream>

int main () {
    std::cout << which() << std::endl;

The priority with #include "bar" is leftmost:

$ g++ -IA -IB -IC
$ ./a.out

As you see, when the compiler started looking through A/, B/ and C/, it stopped at the first or leftmost hit.

This is true of both forms, include <> and incude "".

Difference between #include <bar> and #include "bar"

Usually, the #include <xxx> makes it look into system folders first, the #include "xxx" makes it look into the current or custom folders first.


Imagine you have the following files in your project folder:



#include "list"

For this, your compiler will #include the file list in your project folder, because it currently compiles and there is that file list in the current folder.

But with

#include <list>

and then g++, your compiler will look into the system folders first, and because <list> is a standard header, it will #include the file named list that comes with your C++ platform as part of the standard library.

This is all a bit simplified, but should give you the basic idea.

Details on <>/""-priorities and -I

According to the gcc-documentation, the priority for include <> is, on a "normal Unix system", as follows:


For C++ programs, it will also look in /usr/include/c++/version, first. In the above, target is the canonical name of the system GCC was configured to compile code for; [...].

The documentation also states:

You can add to this list with the -Idir command line option. All the directories named by -I are searched, in left-to-right order, before the default directories. The only exception is when dir is already searched by default. In this case, the option is ignored and the search order for system directories remains unchanged.

To continue our #include<list> / #include"list" example (same code):

g++ -I.


int main () { std::list<int> l; }

and indeed, the -I. prioritizes the folder . over the system includes and we get a compiler error.

How to join two JavaScript Objects, without using JQUERY

There are couple of different solutions to achieve this:

1 - Native javascript for-in loop:

const result = {};
let key;

for (key in obj1) {
    result[key] = obj1[key];

for (key in obj2) {
    result[key] = obj2[key];

2 - Object.keys():

const result = {};

  .forEach(key => result[key] = obj1[key]);

  .forEach(key => result[key] = obj2[key]);

3 - Object.assign():
(Browser compatibility: Chrome: 45, Firefox (Gecko): 34, Internet Explorer: No support, Edge: (Yes), Opera: 32, Safari: 9)

const result = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2);

4 - Spread Operator:
Standardised from ECMAScript 2015 (6th Edition, ECMA-262):

Defined in several sections of the specification: Array Initializer, Argument Lists

Using this new syntax you could join/merge different objects into one object like this:

const result = {

5 - jQuery.extend(target, obj1, obj2):

Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object.

const target = {};

$.extend(target, obj1, obj2);

6 - jQuery.extend(true, target, obj1, obj2):

Run a deep merge of the contents of two or more objects together into the target. Passing false for the first argument is not supported.

const target = {};

$.extend(true, target, obj1, obj2);

7 - Lodash _.assignIn(object, [sources]): also named as _.extend:

const result = {};

_.assignIn(result, obj1, obj2);

8 - Lodash _.merge(object, [sources]):

const result = _.merge(obj1, obj2);

There are a couple of important differences between lodash's merge function and Object.assign:

1- Although they both receive any number of objects but lodash's merge apply a deep merge of those objects but Object.assign only merges the first level. For instance:

  x: {
    y: { key1: 'value1' },
}, {
  x: {
    y: { key2: 'value2' },
}), {
  x: {
    y: {
      key1: 'value1',
      key2: 'value2',
}); // true


const result = Object.assign({
  x: {
    y: { key1: 'value1' },
}, {
  x: {
    y: { key2: 'value2' },
_.isEqual(result, {
  x: {
    y: {
      key1: 'value1',
      key2: 'value2',
}); // false
// AND
_.isEqual(result, {
  x: {
    y: {
      key2: 'value2',
}); // true

2- Another difference has to do with how Object.assign and _.merge interpret the undefined value:

_.isEqual(_.merge({x: 1}, {x: undefined}), { x: 1 }) // false


_.isEqual(Object.assign({x: 1}, {x: undefined}), { x: undefined })// true

Update 1:

When using for in loop in JavaScript, we should be aware of our environment specially the possible prototype changes in the JavaScript types. For instance some of the older JavaScript libraries add new stuff to Array.prototype or even Object.prototype. To safeguard your iterations over from the added stuff we could use object.hasOwnProperty(key) to mke sure the key is actually part of the object you are iterating over.

Update 2:

I updated my answer and added the solution number 4, which is a new JavaScript feature but not completely standardized yet. I am using it with Babeljs which is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.

Update 3:
I added the difference between Object.assign and _.merge.

How To Set Text In An EditText

String text = "Example";
EditText edtText = (EditText) findViewById(;

Check it out EditText accept only String values if necessary convert it to string.

If int, double, long value, do:


Convert List to Pandas Dataframe Column


['Thanks You',
 'Its fine no problem',
 'Are you sure']

code block:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(lst)


0   Thanks You
1   Its fine no problem
2   Are you sure

It is not recommended to remove the column names of the panda dataframe. but if you still want your data frame without header(as per the format you posted in the question) you can do this:

df = pd.DataFrame(lst)    
df.columns = ['']

Output will be like this:

0   Thanks You
1   Its fine no problem
2   Are you sure


df = pd.DataFrame(lst).to_string(header=False)

But the output will be a list instead of a dataframe:

0           Thanks You
1  Its fine no problem
2         Are you sure

Hope this helps!!

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?

For those guys who are tying to find the DatePickerDoneClick function... here is the simple code to dismiss the Action Sheet. Obviously aac should be an ivar (the one which goes in your implmentation .h file)

- (void)DatePickerDoneClick:(id)sender{
    [aac dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:0 animated:YES];

C++ Passing Pointer to Function (Howto) + C++ Pointer Manipulation

If you want to pass a pointer-to-int into your function,

Declaration of function (if you need it):

void Fun(int *ptr);

Definition of function:

void Fun(int *ptr) {
    int *other_pointer = ptr;  // other_pointer points to the same thing as ptr
    *other_ptr = 3;            // manipulate the thing they both point to

Use of function:

int main() {
    int x = 2;
    printf("%d\n", x);
    printf("%d\n", x);

Note as a general rule, that variables called Ptr or Pointer should never have type int, which is what you have then in your code. A pointer-to-int has type int *.

If I have a second pointer (int *oof), then:

bar = oof means: bar points to the oof pointer

It means "make bar point to the same thing oof points to".

bar = *oof means: bar points to the value that oof points to, but not to the oof pointer itself

That doesn't mean anything, it's invalid. bar is a pointer *oof is an int. You can't assign one to the other.

*bar = *oof means: change the value that bar points to to the value that oof points to


&bar = &oof means: change the memory address that bar points to be the same as the memory address that oof points to

Nope, that's invalid again. &bar is a pointer to the bar variable, but it is what's called an "rvalue", or "temporary", and it cannot be assigned to. It's like the result of an arithmetic calculation. You can't write x + 1 = 5.

It might help you to think of pointers as addresses. bar = oof means "make bar, which is an address, equal to oof, which is also an address". bar = &foo means "make bar, which is an address, equal to the address of foo". If bar = *oof meant anything, it would mean "make bar, which is an address, equal to *oof, which is an int". You can't.

Then, & is the address-of operator. It means "the address of the operand", so &foo is the address of foo (i.e, a pointer to foo). * is the dereference operator. It means "the thing at the address given by the operand". So having done bar = &foo, *bar is foo.

XPath:: Get following Sibling

You should be looking for the second tr that has the td that equals ' Color Digest ', then you need to look at either the following sibling of the first td in the tr, or the second td.

Try the following:

//tr[td='Color Digest'][2]/td/following-sibling::td[1]


//tr[td='Color Digest'][2]/td[2]

Getting a slice of keys from a map

I made a sketchy benchmark on the three methods described in other responses.

Obviously pre-allocating the slice before pulling the keys is faster than appending, but surprisingly, the reflect.ValueOf(m).MapKeys() method is significantly slower than the latter:

? go run scratch.go
filling 100000000 slots
done in 56.630774791s
running prealloc
took: 9.989049786s
running append
took: 18.948676741s
running reflect
took: 25.50070649s

Here's the code: (running it in the playground aborts claiming that it takes too long, so, well, run it locally.)

How to resolve 'npm should be run outside of the node repl, in your normal shell'

enter image description here

Just open Node.js commmand promt as run as administrator

jQuery object equality

If you still don't know, you can get back the original object by:

alert($("#deviceTypeRoot")[0] == $("#deviceTypeRoot")[0]); //True
alert($("#deviceTypeRoot")[0] === $("#deviceTypeRoot")[0]);//True

because $("#deviceTypeRoot") also returns an array of objects which the selector has selected.

Detect click outside React component

Here is my approach (demo -

I've created special component called WatchClickOutside and it can be used like (I assume JSX syntax):

<WatchClickOutside onClickOutside={this.handleClose}>

Here is code of WatchClickOutside component:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class WatchClickOutside extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);

  componentWillMount() {
    document.body.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // remember to remove all events to avoid memory leaks
    document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick);

  handleClick(event) {
    const {container} = this.refs; // get container that we'll wait to be clicked outside
    const {onClickOutside} = this.props; // get click outside callback
    const {target} = event; // get direct click event target

    // if there is no proper callback - no point of checking
    if (typeof onClickOutside !== 'function') {

    // if target is container - container was not clicked outside
    // if container contains clicked target - click was not outside of it
    if (target !== container && !container.contains(target)) {
      onClickOutside(event); // clicked outside - fire callback

  render() {
    return (
      <div ref="container">

How do I create test and train samples from one dataframe with pandas?

This is what I wrote when I needed to split a DataFrame. I considered using Andy's approach above, but didn't like that I could not control the size of the data sets exactly (i.e., it would be sometimes 79, sometimes 81, etc.).

def make_sets(data_df, test_portion):
    import random as rnd

    tot_ix = range(len(data_df))
    test_ix = sort(rnd.sample(tot_ix, int(test_portion * len(data_df))))
    train_ix = list(set(tot_ix) ^ set(test_ix))

    test_df = data_df.ix[test_ix]
    train_df = data_df.ix[train_ix]

    return train_df, test_df

train_df, test_df = make_sets(data_df, 0.2)

ValueError: could not convert string to float: id

This error is pretty verbose:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: id

Somewhere in your text file, a line has the word id in it, which can't really be converted to a number.

Your test code works because the word id isn't present in line 2.

If you want to catch that line, try this code. I cleaned your code up a tad:


import os, sys
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np

for index, line in enumerate(open('data2.txt', 'r').readlines()):
    w = line.split(' ')
    l1 = w[1:8]
    l2 = w[8:15]

        list1 = map(float, l1)
        list2 = map(float, l2)
    except ValueError:
        print 'Line {i} is corrupt!'.format(i = index)'

    result = stats.ttest_ind(list1, list2)
    print result[1]

Python 3: EOF when reading a line (Sublime Text 2 is angry)

    value = raw_input()
    do_stuff(value) # next line was found 
except (EOFError):
   break #end of file reached

This seems to be proper usage of raw_input when dealing with the end of the stream of input from piped input. [Refer this post][1]

How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?

What is the line? You can just have arguments on the next line without any problems:

a = dostuff(blahblah1, blahblah2, blahblah3, blahblah4, blahblah5, 
            blahblah6, blahblah7)

Otherwise you can do something like this:

if (a == True and
    b == False):

or with explicit line break:

if a == True and \
   b == False:

Check the style guide for more information.

Using parentheses, your example can be written over multiple lines:

a = ('1' + '2' + '3' +
    '4' + '5')

The same effect can be obtained using explicit line break:

a = '1' + '2' + '3' + \
    '4' + '5'

Note that the style guide says that using the implicit continuation with parentheses is preferred, but in this particular case just adding parentheses around your expression is probably the wrong way to go.

Create a unique number with javascript time

Since milliseconds are not updated every millisecond in node, following is an answer. This generates a unique human readable ticket number. I am new to programming and nodejs. Please correct me if I am wrong.

function get2Digit(value) {
if (value.length == 1) return "0" + "" + value;
else return value;


function get3Digit(value) {
if (value.length == 1) return "00" + "" + value;
else return value;


function generateID() {
    var d = new Date();
    var year = d.getFullYear();
    var month = get2Digit(d.getMonth() + 1);
    var date = get2Digit(d.getDate());
    var hours = get2Digit(d.getHours());
    var minutes = get2Digit(d.getMinutes());
    var seconds = get2Digit(d.getSeconds());
    var millSeconds = get2Digit(d.getMilliseconds());
    var dateValue = year + "" + month + "" + date;
    var uniqueID = hours + "" + minutes + "" + seconds + "" + millSeconds;

    if (lastUniqueID == "false" || lastUniqueID < uniqueID) lastUniqueID = uniqueID;
    else lastUniqueID = Number(lastUniqueID) + 1;
    return dateValue + "" + lastUniqueID;

Find and replace - Add carriage return OR Newline

If you want to avoid the hassle of escaping the special characters in your search and replacement string when using regular expressions, do the following steps:

  1. Search for your original string, and replace it with "UniqueString42", with regular expressions off.
  2. Search for "UniqueString42" and replace it with "UniqueString42\nUniqueString1337", with regular expressions on
  3. Search for "UniqueString42" and replace it with the first line of your replacement (often your original string), with regular expressions off.
  4. Search for "UniqueString42" and replace it with the second line of your replacement, with regular expressions off.

Note that even if you want to manually pich matches for the first search and replace, you can safely use "replace all" for the three last steps.


For example, if you want to replace this:

public IFoo SomeField { get { return this.SomeField; } }

with that:

public IFoo Foo { get { return this.MyFoo; } }
public IBar Bar { get { return this.MyBar; } }

You would do the following substitutions:

  1. public IFoo SomeField { get { return this.SomeField; } } ? XOXOXOXO (regex off).
  3. XOXOXOXO ? public IFoo Foo { get { return this.MyFoo; } } (regex off).
  4. HUHUHUHU ? public IFoo Bar { get { return this.MyBar; } } (regex off).

How to update record using Entity Framework Core?

To update an entity with Entity Framework Core, this is the logical process:

  1. Create instance for DbContext class
  2. Retrieve entity by key
  3. Make changes on entity's properties
  4. Save changes

Update() method in DbContext:

Begins tracking the given entity in the Modified state such that it will be updated in the database when SaveChanges() is called.

Update method doesn't save changes in database; instead, it sets states for entries in DbContext instance.

So, We can invoke Update() method before to save changes in database.

I'll assume some object definitions to answer your question:

  1. Database name is Store

  2. Table name is Product

Product class definition:

public class Product
    public int? ProductID { get; set; }
    public string ProductName { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public decimal? UnitPrice { get; set; }

DbContext class definition:

public class StoreDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Your Connection String");

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<Order>(entity =>
            // Set key for entity
            entity.HasKey(p => p.ProductID);

Logic to update entity:

using (var context = new StoreDbContext())
        // Retrieve entity by id
        // Answer for question #1
        var entity = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(item => item.ProductID == id);
        // Validate entity is not null
        if (entity != null)
            // Answer for question #2

            // Make changes on entity
            entity.UnitPrice = 49.99m;
            entity.Description = "Collector's edition";
            /* If the entry is being tracked, then invoking update API is not needed. 
              The API only needs to be invoked if the entry was not tracked. 
            // context.Products.Update(entity);
            // Save changes in database

OR operator in switch-case?

You cannot use || operators in between 2 case. But you can use multiple case values without using a break between them. The program will then jump to the respective case and then it will look for code to execute until it finds a "break". As a result these cases will share the same code.

    case 0: 
    case 1: 
        // do stuff for if case 0 || case 1 
    // other cases 

CSS fill remaining width

Use calc!,css,output


<div class="left">
  100 px wide!
  </div><!-- Notice there isn't a space between the divs! *see edit for alternative* --><div class="right">
    Fills width!


.left {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 100px;

  background: red;
  color: white;
.right {
  display: inline-block;
  width: calc(100% - 100px);

  background: blue;
  color: white;

Update: As an alternative to not having a space between the divs you can set font-size: 0 on the outer element.

How to disable Compatibility View in IE

All you need is to force disable C.M. in IE - Just paste This code (in IE9 and under c.m. will be disabled):

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE" />


How to insert DECIMAL into MySQL database

MySql decimal types are a little bit more complicated than just left-of and right-of the decimal point.

The first argument is precision, which is the number of total digits. The second argument is scale which is the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Thus, (4,2) can be anything from -99.99 to 99.99.

As for why you're getting 99.99 instead of the desired 3.80, the value you're inserting must be interpreted as larger than 99.99, so the max value is used. Maybe you could post the code that you are using to insert or update the table.


Corrected a misunderstanding of the usage of scale and precision, per

Finding blocking/locking queries in MS SQL (mssql)

Use the script: sp_blocker_pss08 or SQL Trace/Profiler and the Blocked Process Report event class. mvc3 return raw html to view

Give a try to return bootstrap alert message, this worked for me

return Content("<div class='alert alert-success'><a class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>
&times;</a><strong style='width:12px'>Thanks!</strong> updated successfully</div>");

Note: Don't forget to add bootstrap css and js in your view page

hope helps someone.

Is it possible to insert multiple rows at a time in an SQLite database?


As BrianCampbell points out here, SQLite 3.7.11 and above now supports the simpler syntax of the original post. However, the approach shown is still appropriate if you want maximum compatibility across legacy databases.

original answer

If I had privileges, I would bump river's reply: You can insert multiple rows in SQLite, you just need different syntax. To make it perfectly clear, the OPs MySQL example:

INSERT INTO 'tablename' ('column1', 'column2') VALUES
  ('data1', 'data2'),
  ('data1', 'data2'),
  ('data1', 'data2'),
  ('data1', 'data2');

This can be recast into SQLite as:

     INSERT INTO 'tablename'
          SELECT 'data1' AS 'column1', 'data2' AS 'column2'
UNION ALL SELECT 'data1', 'data2'
UNION ALL SELECT 'data1', 'data2'
UNION ALL SELECT 'data1', 'data2'

a note on performance

I originally used this technique to efficiently load large datasets from Ruby on Rails. However, as Jaime Cook points out, it's not clear this is any faster wrapping individual INSERTs within a single transaction:

INSERT INTO 'tablename' table VALUES ('data1', 'data2');
INSERT INTO 'tablename' table VALUES ('data3', 'data4');

If efficiency is your goal, you should try this first.

a note on UNION vs UNION ALL

As several people commented, if you use UNION ALL (as shown above), all rows will be inserted, so in this case, you'd get four rows of data1, data2. If you omit the ALL, then duplicate rows will be eliminated (and the operation will presumably be a bit slower). We're using UNION ALL since it more closely matches the semantics of the original post.

in closing

P.S.: Please +1 river's reply, as it presented the solution first.

How to embed a PDF viewer in a page?

I would really opt for FlowPaper, especially their new Elements mode that can be found here :

It flattens the PDFs significantly at the same time as keeping text sharp which means that it will load much faster on mobile devices

What is the precise meaning of "ours" and "theirs" in git?

I suspect you're confused here because it's fundamentally confusing. To make things worse, the whole ours/theirs stuff switches roles (becomes backwards) when you are doing a rebase.

Ultimately, during a git merge, the "ours" branch refers to the branch you're merging into:

git checkout merge-into-ours

and the "theirs" branch refers to the (single) branch you're merging:

git merge from-theirs

and here "ours" and "theirs" makes some sense, as even though "theirs" is probably yours anyway, "theirs" is not the one you were on when you ran git merge.

While using the actual branch name might be pretty cool, it falls apart in more complex cases. For instance, instead of the above, you might do:

git checkout ours
git merge 1234567

where you're merging by raw commit-ID. Worse, you can even do this:

git checkout 7777777    # detach HEAD
git merge 1234567       # do a test merge

in which case there are no branch names involved!

I think it's little help here, but in fact, in gitrevisions syntax, you can refer to an individual path in the index by number, during a conflicted merge

git show :1:README
git show :2:README
git show :3:README

Stage #1 is the common ancestor of the files, stage #2 is the target-branch version, and stage #3 is the version you are merging from.

The reason the "ours" and "theirs" notions get swapped around during rebase is that rebase works by doing a series of cherry-picks, into an anonymous branch (detached HEAD mode). The target branch is the anonymous branch, and the merge-from branch is your original (pre-rebase) branch: so "--ours" means the anonymous one rebase is building while "--theirs" means "our branch being rebased".

As for the gitattributes entry: it could have an effect: "ours" really means "use stage #2" internally. But as you note, it's not actually in place at the time, so it should not have an effect here ... well, not unless you copy it into the work tree before you start.

Also, by the way, this applies to all uses of ours and theirs, but some are on a whole file level (-s ours for a merge strategy; git checkout --ours during a merge conflict) and some are on a piece-by-piece basis (-X ours or -X theirs during a -s recursive merge). Which probably does not help with any of the confusion.

I've never come up with a better name for these, though. And: see VonC's answer to another question, where git mergetool introduces yet more names for these, calling them "local" and "remote"!

How to Use Multiple Columns in Partition By And Ensure No Duplicate Row is Returned

I'd create a cte and do an inner join. It's not efficient but it's convenient

with table as (

select *

from table t
join select(
max(Row_Num) as Row_Num
from table 
group by date, status, title) t2  
on t2.Row_Num = t.Row_Num and t2
and =
and t2.title = t.title

calculating execution time in c++

This looks like Dijstra's algorithm. In any case, the time taken to run will depend on N. If it takes more than 3 seconds there isn't any way I can see of speeding it up, as all the calculations that it is doing need to be done.

Depending on what problem you're trying to solve, there might be a faster algorithm.

Use PPK file in Mac Terminal to connect to remote connection over SSH

You can ssh directly from the Terminal on Mac, but you need to use a .PEM key rather than the putty .PPK key. You can use PuttyGen on Windows to convert from .PEM to .PPK, I'm not sure about the other way around though.

You can also convert the key using putty for Mac via port or brew:

sudo port install putty


brew install putty

This will also install puttygen. To get puttygen to output a .PEM file:

puttygen privatekey.ppk -O private-openssh -o privatekey.pem

Once you have the key, open a terminal window and:

ssh -i privatekey.pem [email protected]

The private key must have tight security settings otherwise SSH complains. Make sure only the user can read the key.

chmod go-rw privatekey.pem

How do you pass view parameters when navigating from an action in JSF2?

Just add the seen attribute to redirect tag as below:

<redirect include-view-params="true">

How to prevent XSS with HTML/PHP?

One of the most important steps is to sanitize any user input before it is processed and/or rendered back to the browser. PHP has some "filter" functions that can be used.

The form that XSS attacks usually have is to insert a link to some off-site javascript that contains malicious intent for the user. Read more about it here.

You'll also want to test your site - I can recommend the Firefox add-on XSS Me.

IF statement: how to leave cell blank if condition is false ("" does not work)

You could try this.

=IF(A1=1,B1,TRIM(" "))

If you put this formula in cell C1, then you could test if this cell is blank in another cells


You should see TRUE. I've tried on Microsoft Excel 2013. Hope this helps.

Does Python have a ternary conditional operator?

Yes, it was added in version 2.5. The expression syntax is:

a if condition else b

First condition is evaluated, then exactly one of either a or b is evaluated and returned based on the Boolean value of condition. If condition evaluates to True, then a is evaluated and returned but b is ignored, or else when b is evaluated and returned but a is ignored.

This allows short-circuiting because when condition is true only a is evaluated and b is not evaluated at all, but when condition is false only b is evaluated and a is not evaluated at all.

For example:

>>> 'true' if True else 'false'
>>> 'true' if False else 'false'

Note that conditionals are an expression, not a statement. This means you can't use assignment statements or pass or other statements within a conditional expression:

>>> pass if False else x = 3
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    pass if False else x = 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You can, however, use conditional expressions to assign a variable like so:

x = a if True else b

Think of the conditional expression as switching between two values. It is very useful when you're in a 'one value or another' situation, it but doesn't do much else.

If you need to use statements, you have to use a normal if statement instead of a conditional expression.

Keep in mind that it's frowned upon by some Pythonistas for several reasons:

  • The order of the arguments is different from those of the classic condition ? a : b ternary operator from many other languages (such as C, C++, Go, Perl, Ruby, Java, Javascript, etc.), which may lead to bugs when people unfamiliar with Python's "surprising" behaviour use it (they may reverse the argument order).
  • Some find it "unwieldy", since it goes contrary to the normal flow of thought (thinking of the condition first and then the effects).
  • Stylistic reasons. (Although the 'inline if' can be really useful, and make your script more concise, it really does complicate your code)

If you're having trouble remembering the order, then remember that when read aloud, you (almost) say what you mean. For example, x = 4 if b > 8 else 9 is read aloud as x will be 4 if b is greater than 8 otherwise 9.

Official documentation:

Tomcat 8 throwing - org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource

This isn’t a solution in the sense that it doesn’t resolve the conditions which cause the message to appear in the logs, but the message can be suppressed by appending the following to conf/

org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.level = SEVERE

This filters out the “Unable to add the resource” logs, which are at level WARNING.

In my view a WARNING is not necessarily an error that needs to be addressed, but rather can be ignored if desired.

React: "this" is undefined inside a component function

You should notice that this depends on how function is invoked ie: when a function is called as a method of an object, its this is set to the object the method is called on.

this is accessible in JSX context as your component object, so you can call your desired method inline as this method.

If you just pass reference to function/method, it seems that react will invoke it as independent function.

onClick={this.onToggleLoop} // Here you just passing reference, React will invoke it as independent function and this will be undefined

onClick={()=>this.onToggleLoop()} // Here you invoking your desired function as method of this, and this in that function will be set to object from that function is called ie: your component object

Get single listView SelectedItem

This works for single as well as multi selection list:

foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.SelectedItems)
    int index = ListViewItem.Index;
    //index is now zero based index of selected item

How can I move all the files from one folder to another using the command line?

use move then move <file or folder> <destination directory>

Sqlite primary key on multiple columns

Since version 3.8.2 of SQLite, an alternative to explicit NOT NULL specifications is the "WITHOUT ROWID" specification: [1]

NOT NULL is enforced on every column of the PRIMARY KEY
in a WITHOUT ROWID table.

"WITHOUT ROWID" tables have potential efficiency advantages, so a less verbose alternative to consider is:

  PRIMARY KEY (c1, c2)

For example, at the sqlite3 prompt: sqlite> insert into t values(1,null,3); Error: NOT NULL constraint failed: t.c2

slideToggle JQuery right to left

include Jquery and Jquery UI plugins and try this


"Error: Main method not found in class MyClass, please define the main method as..."

Generally, it means the program you are trying to run does not have a "main" method. If you are going to execute a Java program, the class being executed must have a main method:

For example, in the file

public class Foo {
    public static void main(final String args[]) {

This program should compile and run no problem - if main was called something else, or was not static, it would generate the error you experienced.

Every executable program, regardless of language, needs an entry point, to tell the interpreter, operating system or machine where to start execution. In Java's case, this is the static method main, which is passed the parameter args[] containing the command line arguments. This method is equivalent to int main(int argc, char** argv) in C language.

How do I translate an ISO 8601 datetime string into a Python datetime object?

aniso8601 should handle this. It also understands timezones, Python 2 and Python 3, and it has a reasonable coverage of the rest of ISO 8601, should you ever need it.

import aniso8601

How to link HTML5 form action to Controller ActionResult method in ASP.NET MVC 4

Here I'm basically wrapping a button in a link. The advantage is that you can post to different action methods in the same form.

<a href="Controller/ActionMethod">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

Adding parameters:

<a href="Controller/ActionMethod?userName=ted">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

Adding parameters from a non-enumerated Model:

<a href="Controller/[email protected]">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

You can do the same for an enumerated Model too. You would just have to reference a single entity first. Happy Coding!

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

The user-agent should be specified as a field in the header.

Here is a list of HTTP header fields, and you'd probably be interested in request-specific fields, which includes User-Agent.

If you're using requests v2.13 and newer

The simplest way to do what you want is to create a dictionary and specify your headers directly, like so:

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',
    'From': '[email protected]'  # This is another valid field

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

If you're using requests v2.12.x and older

Older versions of requests clobbered default headers, so you'd want to do the following to preserve default headers and then add your own to them.

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

# Get a copy of the default headers that requests would use
headers = requests.utils.default_headers()

# Update the headers with your custom ones
# You don't have to worry about case-sensitivity with
# the dictionary keys, because default_headers uses a custom
# CaseInsensitiveDict implementation within requests' source code.
        'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

How can I list all collections in the MongoDB shell?

The following commands on mongoshell are common.

show databases
show collections


show dbs
use mydb

Sometimes it's useful to see all collections as well as the indexes on the collections which are part of the overall namespace:

Here's how you would do that:

db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collection) {
    indexes = db[collection].getIndexes();
    print("Indexes for " + collection + ":");

Between the three commands and this snippet, you should be well covered!

How to create an Observable from static data similar to http one in Angular?

Things seem to have changed since Angular 2.0.0

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subscriber } from 'rxjs/Subscriber';
// ...
public fetchModel(uuid: string = undefined): Observable<string> {
  if(!uuid) {
    return new Observable<TestModel>((subscriber: Subscriber<TestModel>) => TestModel())).map(o => JSON.stringify(o));
  else {
    return this.http.get("http://localhost:8080/myapp/api/model/" + uuid)
            .map(res => res.text());

The .next() function will be called on your subscriber.

Coerce multiple columns to factors at once

It appears that the use of SAPPLY on a data.frame to convert variables to factors at once does not work as it produces a matrix/ array. My approach is to use LAPPLY instead, as follows.

## let us create a data.frame here

class <- c("7", "6", "5", "3")

cash <- c(100, 200, 300, 150)

height <- c(170, 180, 150, 165)

people <- data.frame(class, cash, height)

class(people) ## This is a dataframe 

## We now apply lapply to the data.frame as follows.

bb <- lapply(people, as.factor) %>% data.frame() 

## The lapply part returns a list which we coerce back to a data.frame

class(bb) ## A data.frame

##Now let us check the classes of the variables 



class(bb$cash) ## as expected, are all factors. 

Excel Calculate the date difference from today from a cell of "7/6/2012 10:26:42"

Why don't you just make it easy and simple. If I need to know the number of days between today and say, March 10th, 2015, I can just enter the simple formula.

Lets say the static date is March 10th, 2015, and is in cell O5.

The formula to determine the number of days between today and O5 would be, =O5-Today()

Nothing fancy or DATEDIF stuff. Obviously, the cell where you type this formula in must have a data type of 'number'. Just type your date in normally in the reference cell, in this case O5.

How do I select an element that has a certain class?

h2.myClass is only valid for h2 elements which got the class myClass directly assigned.

Your want to note it like this:

.myClass h2

Which selects all children of myClass which have the tagname h2

Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?

Boost is a good suggestion. But if you would like to roll your own, it's not so hard.

Basically you just need a way to build up a graph of objects and then output them to some structured storage format (JSON, XML, YAML, whatever). Building up the graph is as simple as utilizing a marking recursive decent object algorithm and then outputting all the marked objects.

I wrote an article describing a rudimentary (but still powerful) serialization system. You may find it interesting: Using SQLite as an On-disk File Format, Part 2.

npm WARN package.json: No repository field

use npm install -g angular-cli instead of
npm install -g@nagular/cli to install Angular

How to properly override clone method?

Do you absolutely have to use clone? Most people agree that Java's clone is broken.

Josh Bloch on Design - Copy Constructor versus Cloning

If you've read the item about cloning in my book, especially if you read between the lines, you will know that I think clone is deeply broken. [...] It's a shame that Cloneable is broken, but it happens.

You may read more discussion on the topic in his book Effective Java 2nd Edition, Item 11: Override clone judiciously. He recommends instead to use a copy constructor or copy factory.

He went on to write pages of pages on how, if you feel you must, you should implement clone. But he closed with this:

Is all this complexities really necessary? Rarely. If you extend a class that implements Cloneable, you have little choice but to implement a well-behaved clone method. Otherwise, you are better off providing alternative means of object copying, or simply not providing the capability.

The emphasis was his, not mine.

Since you made it clear that you have little choice but to implement clone, here's what you can do in this case: make sure that MyObject extends java.lang.Object implements java.lang.Cloneable. If that's the case, then you can guarantee that you will NEVER catch a CloneNotSupportedException. Throwing AssertionError as some have suggested seems reasonable, but you can also add a comment that explains why the catch block will never be entered in this particular case.

Alternatively, as others have also suggested, you can perhaps implement clone without calling super.clone.

CSS: transition opacity on mouse-out?

I managed to find a solution using css/jQuery that I'm comfortable with. The original issue: I had to force the visibility to be shown while animating as I have elements hanging outside the area. Doing so, made large blocks of text now hang outside the content area during animation as well.

The solution was to start the main text elements with an opacity of 0 and use addClass to inject and transition to an opacity of 1. Then removeClass when clicked on again.

I'm sure there's an all jQquery way to do this. I'm just not the guy to do it. :)

So in it's most basic form...


Thanks for the help everyone.

How to convert int to char with leading zeros?

Not very elegant, but I add a set value with the same number of leading zeroes I desire to the numeric I want to convert, and use RIGHT function.


SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(7),1000000 + @number2),6)

Result: '000867'

What are all the common ways to read a file in Ruby?

if the file is small (slurping):


if the file is big (streaming):

File.foreach("filename.txt") { |line| puts line }

How to create PDFs in an Android app?

U can also use PoDoFo library. The main goal is that it published under LGPL. Since it is written in C++ you should cross-compile it using NDK and write C-side and Java wrapper. Some of third-party libraries can be used from OpenCV project. Also in OpenCV project U can find android.toolchain.cmake file, which will help you with generating Makefile.

Laravel - Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server

It was solved for me with the Laravel default public/.htaccess file adding an extra line:

The /public/.htaccess file remains as follows:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
        Options -MultiViews

    RewriteEngine On
    DirectoryIndex index.php # This line does the trick

    # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

    # Handle Front Controller...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

    # Handle Authorization Header
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

How do I fix this "TypeError: 'str' object is not callable" error?

this part :

"Your new price is: $"(float(price)

asks python to call this string:

"Your new price is: $"

just like you would a function: function( some_args) which will ALWAYS trigger the error:

TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

Difference between `npm start` & `node app.js`, when starting app?

The documentation has been updated. My answer has substantial changes vs the accepted answer: I wanted to reflect documentation is up-to-date, and accepted answer has a few broken links.

Also, I didn't understand when the accepted answer said "it defaults to node server.js". I think the documentation clarifies the default behavior:


Start a package


npm start [-- <args>]


This runs an arbitrary command specified in the package's "start" property of its "scripts" object. If no "start" property is specified on the "scripts" object, it will run node server.js.

In summary, running npm start could do one of two things:

  1. npm start {command_name}: Run an arbitrary command (i.e. if such command is specified in the start property of package.json's scripts object)
  2. npm start: Else if no start property exists (or no command_name is passed): Run node server.js, (which may not be appropriate, for example the OP doesn't have server.js; the OP runs nodeapp.js )
  3. I said I would list only 2 items, but are other possibilities (i.e. error cases). For example, if there is no package.json in the directory where you run npm start, you may see an error: npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.\package.json'

Get parent directory of running script

Fugly, but this will do it:

substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])))

Multiple try codes in one block

Lets say each code is a function and its already written then the following can be used to iter through your coding list and exit the for-loop when a function is executed without error using the "break".

def a(): code a
def b(): code b
def c(): code c
def d(): code d

for func in [a, b, c, d]:  # change list order to change execution order.
   except Exception as err:
       print (err)

I used "Exception " here so you can see any error printed. Turn-off the print if you know what to expect and you're not caring (e.g. in case the code returns two or three list items (i,j = msg.split('.')).

How to disable the parent form when a child form is active?

Are you calling ShowDialog() or just Show() on your child form from the parent form?

ShowDialog will "block" the user from interacting with the form which is passed as a parameter to ShowDialog.

Within the parent you might call something like:

MyChildForm childForm = new MyChildForm();


where this is the parent form.

if block inside echo statement?

Use a ternary operator:

echo '<option value="'.$value.'"'.($value=='United States' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$value.'</option>';

And while you're at it, you could use printf to make your code more readable/manageable:

printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',
    $value == 'United States' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''

General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value

Use database column nullble() in Laravel. You can choose the default value or nullable value in database.

How do you use the "WITH" clause in MySQL?

'Common Table Expression' feature is not available in MySQL, so you have to go to make a view or temporary table to solve, here I have used a temporary table.

The stored procedure mentioned here will solve your need. If I want to get all my team members and their associated members, this stored procedure will help:

user_id   |   team_id
admin     |   NULL
ramu      |   admin
suresh    |   admin
kumar     |   ramu
mahesh    |   ramu
randiv    |   suresh


DROP PROCEDURE `user_hier`//
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `user_hier`(in team_id varchar(50))
declare count int;
declare tmp_team_id varchar(50);
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE res_hier(user_id varchar(50),team_id varchar(50))engine=memory;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_hier(user_id varchar(50),team_id varchar(50))engine=memory;
set tmp_team_id = team_id;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count FROM user_table WHERE user_table.team_id=tmp_team_id;
WHILE count>0 DO
insert into res_hier select user_table.user_id,user_table.team_id from user_table where user_table.team_id=tmp_team_id;
insert into tmp_hier select user_table.user_id,user_table.team_id from user_table where user_table.team_id=tmp_team_id;
select user_id into tmp_team_id from tmp_hier limit 0,1;
select count(*) into count from tmp_hier;
delete from tmp_hier where user_id=tmp_team_id;
end while;
select * from res_hier;
drop temporary table if exists res_hier;
drop temporary table if exists tmp_hier;

This can be called using:

mysql>call user_hier ('admin')//

Run C++ in command prompt - Windows

This is what I used on MAC.

Use your preferred compiler.

Compile with gcc.

gcc -lstdc++ filename.cpp -o outputName

Or Compile with clang.

clang++ filename.cpp -o outputName

After done compiling. You can run it with.


How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

Init method in Spring Controller (annotation version)

There are several ways to intercept the initialization process in Spring. If you have to initialize all beans and autowire/inject them there are at least two ways that I know of that will ensure this. I have only testet the second one but I belive both work the same.

If you are using @Bean you can reference by initMethod, like this.

public class BeanConfiguration {

  public BeanA beanA() {
    return new BeanA();

public class BeanA {

  // method to be initialized after context is ready
  public void init() {


If you are using @Component you can annotate with @EventListener like this.

public class BeanB {

  public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {

In my case I have a legacy system where I am now taking use of IoC/DI where Spring Boot is the choosen framework. The old system brings many circular dependencies to the table and I therefore must use setter-dependency a lot. That gave me some headaches since I could not trust @PostConstruct since autowiring/injection by setter was not yet done. The order is constructor, @PostConstruct then autowired setters. I solved it with @EventListener annotation which wil run last and at the "same" time for all beans. The example shows implementation of InitializingBean aswell.

I have two classes (@Component) with dependency to each other. The classes looks the same for the purpose of this example displaying only one of them.

public class BeanA implements InitializingBean {
  private BeanB beanB;

  public BeanA() {

  private void postConstruct() {

  public void setBeanB(BeanB beanB) {
    log.debug("@Autowired beanB");
    this.beanB = beanB;

  public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {

  public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {

This is the log output showing the order of the calls when the container starts.

2018-11-30 18:29:30.504 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanA                   : Created...
2018-11-30 18:29:30.509 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanB                   : Created...
2018-11-30 18:29:30.517 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanB                   : @Autowired beanA
2018-11-30 18:29:30.518 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanB                   : @PostConstruct
2018-11-30 18:29:30.518 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanB                   : afterPropertiesSet()
2018-11-30 18:29:30.518 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanA                   : @Autowired beanB
2018-11-30 18:29:30.518 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanA                   : @PostConstruct
2018-11-30 18:29:30.518 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanA                   : afterPropertiesSet()
2018-11-30 18:29:30.607 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanA                   : @EventListener
2018-11-30 18:29:30.607 DEBUG 3624 --- [           main] com.example.demo.BeanB                   : @EventListener

As you can see @EventListener is run last after everything is ready and configured.

Missing Compliance in Status when I add built for internal testing in Test Flight.How to solve?

In your Info.plist, Right click in the properties table, click Add Row, add key name App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption with Type Boolean and set value NO.

enter image description here

Best programming based games

I think the original game was called Core Wars (this Wikipedia article contains a lot of interesting links); there still seem to be programs and competitions around, for example at I never had the time to look into these games, but they seem like great fun.

How do I pass command-line arguments to a WinForms application?

You can grab the command line of any .Net application by accessing the Environment.CommandLine property. It will have the command line as a single string but parsing out the data you are looking for shouldn't be terribly difficult.

Having an empty Main method will not affect this property or the ability of another program to add a command line parameter.

Codeigniter unset session

Instead of use set_userdata you should use set_flashdata.

According to CI user guide:

CodeIgniter supports "flashdata", or session data that will only be available for the next server request, and are then automatically cleared. These can be very useful, and are typically used for informational or status messages (for example: "record 2 deleted").

Python strip() multiple characters?

Because strip() only strips trailing and leading characters, based on what you provided. I suggest:

>>> import re
>>> name = "Barack (of Washington)"
>>> name = re.sub('[\(\)\{\}<>]', '', name)
>>> print(name)
Barack of Washington

Excel add one hour

This may help you as well. This is a conditional statement that will fill the cell with a default date if it is empty but will subtract one hour if it is a valid date/time and put it into the cell.


You can also substitute TIME with DATE to add or subtract a date or time.

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


Processing Symbol Files in Xcode

In my case symbolicating was take forever. I force restart my phone with both of on/off and home button. Now quickly finished symbolicating and I am starting run my app via xcode.

$rootScope.$broadcast vs. $scope.$emit

@Eddie has given a perfect answer of the question asked. But I would like to draw attention to using an more efficient approach of Pub/Sub.

As this answer suggests,

The $broadcast/$on approach is not terribly efficient as it broadcasts to all the scopes(Either in one direction or both direction of Scope hierarchy). While the Pub/Sub approach is much more direct. Only subscribers get the events, so it isn't going to every scope in the system to make it work.

you can use angular-PubSub angular module. once you add PubSub module to your app dependency, you can use PubSub service to subscribe and unsubscribe events/topics.

Easy to subscribe:

// Subscribe to event
var sub = PubSub.subscribe('event-name', function(topic, data){

Easy to publish

PubSub.publish('event-name', {
    prop1: value1,
    prop2: value2

To unsubscribe, use PubSub.unsubscribe(sub); OR PubSub.unsubscribe('event-name');.

NOTE Don't forget to unsubscribe to avoid memory leaks.

How can I dynamically switch web service addresses in .NET without a recompile?

open solition explorer

right click the webservice change URL Behavior to Dynamic

click the 'show all files' icon in solution explorer

in the web reference edit the Reference.cs file

change constructer

public Service1() {
        this.Url = "URL"; // etc. string  variable this.Url = ConfigClass.myURL

Centering image and text in R Markdown for a PDF report

There is now a much better solution, a lot more elegant, based on fenced div, which have been implemented in pandoc, as explained here:

::: {.center data-latex=""}
Some text here...

All you need to do is to change your css file accordingly. The following chunk for instance does the job:

```{cat, engine.opts = list(file = "style.css")}
.center {
  text-align: center;

(Obviously, you can also directly type the content of the chunk into your .css file...).
The tex file includes the proper centering commands.
The crucial advantage of this method is that it allows writing markdown code inside the block.
In my previous answer, r ctrFmt("Centered **text** in html and pdf!") does not bold for the word "text", but it would if inside a fenced div.

For images, etc... the lua filter is available here

How do I paste multi-line bash codes into terminal and run it all at once?

Add parenthesis around the lines. Example:

$ (
sudo apt-get update
dokku apps
dokku ps:stop APP # repeat to shut down each running app
sudo apt-get install -qq -y dokku herokuish sshcommand plugn
dokku ps:rebuildall # rebuilds all applications