Programs & Examples On #Help viewer 1.0

angular 4: *ngIf with multiple conditions

You got a ninja ')'.

Try :

<div *ngIf="currentStatus !== 'open' || currentStatus !== 'reopen'">

How do I get the last day of a month?

To get last day of a month in a specific calendar - and in an extension method -:

public static int DaysInMonthBy(this DateTime src, Calendar calendar)
    var year = calendar.GetYear(src);                   // year of src in your calendar
    var month = calendar.GetMonth(src);                 // month of src in your calendar
    var lastDay = calendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month); // days in month means last day of that month in your calendar
    return lastDay;

How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

If the command that you are trying to execute fails, it would write the output onto the error stream and would then be printed out to the console.

To avoid it, you must redirect the error stream:

result=$(ls -l something_that_does_not_exist 2>&1)

How to start a background process in Python?

Note: This answer is less current than it was when posted in 2009. Using the subprocess module shown in other answers is now recommended in the docs

(Note that the subprocess module provides more powerful facilities for spawning new processes and retrieving their results; using that module is preferable to using these functions.)

If you want your process to start in the background you can either use system() and call it in the same way your shell script did, or you can spawn it:

import os
os.spawnl(os.P_DETACH, 'some_long_running_command')

(or, alternatively, you may try the less portable os.P_NOWAIT flag).

See the documentation here.

How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?

One can always go for analytical functions as well which will give you more control

select tmp.row from ( select row, rank() over(partition by id order by id desc ) as rnk from table) tmp where tmp.rnk=1

If you face issue with rank() function depending on the type of data then one can choose from row_number() or dense_rank() too.

Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

Checking Out Code

First go to an empty dir, use "git init" to make it a repository, then clone the remote repo into your own.

git clone [email protected]:/dir/to/repo

Wherever you initially clone from is where "git pull" will pull from by default.

wget command to download a file and save as a different filename

Using CentOS Linux I found that the easiest syntax would be:

wget "link" -O file.ext

where "link" is the web address you want to save and "file.ext" is the filename and extension of your choice.

Case Function Equivalent in Excel

If you don't have a SWITCH statement in your Excel version (pre-Excel-2016), here's a VBA implementation for it:

Public Function SWITCH(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim val As Variant
    Dim tmp As Variant

    If ((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) = 0) Or (((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) Mod 2 = 0)) Then
        Error 450       'Invalid arguments
        val = args(LBound(args))
        i = LBound(args) + 1
        tmp = args(UBound(args))

        While (i < UBound(args))
            If val = args(i) Then
                tmp = args(i + 1)
            End If
            i = i + 2
    End If

    SWITCH = tmp
End Function

It works exactly like expected, a drop-in replacement for example for Google Spreadsheet's SWITCH function.


=SWITCH(selector; [keyN; valueN;] ...  defaultvalue)


  • selector is any expression that is compared to keys
  • key1, key2, ... are expressions that are compared to the selector
  • value1, value2, ... are values that are selected if the selector equals to the corresponding key (only)
  • defaultvalue is used if no key matches the selector


=SWITCH("a";"?")                       returns "?"
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1";"?")               returns "1"
=SWITCH("x";"a";"1";"?")               returns "?"
=SWITCH("b";"a";"1";"b";TRUE;"?")      returns TRUE
=SWITCH(7;7;1;7;2;0)                   returns 2
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1")                   returns #VALUE!

To use it, open your Excel, go to Develpment tools tab, click Visual Basic, rightclick on ThisWorkbook, choose Insert, then Module, finally copy the code into the editor. You have to save as a macro-friendly Excel workbook (xlsm).

What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?

I run across this and at the beginning I found it really confusing to be honest and I think this confusion comes from using the word "CMD" because in fact what goes there acts as argument. So after digging a little bit I understood how it works. Basically:

ENTRYPOINT --> what you specify here would be the command to be executed when you container starts. If you omit this definition docker will use /bin/sh -c bash to run your container.

CMD --> these are the arguments appended to the ENTRYPOINT unless the user specifies some custom argument, i.e: docker run ubuntu <custom_cmd> in this case instead of appending what's specified on the image in the CMD section, docker will run ENTRYPOINT <custom_cmd>. In case ENTRYPOINT has not been specified, what goes here will be passed to /bin/sh -c acting in fact as the command to be executed when starting the container.

As everything it's better to explain what's going on by examples. So let's say I create a simple docker image by using the following specification Dockerfile:

From ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]

Then I build it by running the following:

docker build . -t testimg

This will create a container that everytime you run it sleeps. So If I run it as following:

docker run testimg

I'll get the following:

sleep: missing operand
Try 'sleep --help' for more information.

This happens because the entry point is the "sleep" command which needs an argument. So to fix this I'll just provide the amount to sleep:

docker run testimg 5

This will run correctly and as consequence the container will run, sleeps 5 seconds and exits. As we can see in this example docker just appended what goes after the image name to the entry point binary docker run testimg <my_cmd>. What happens if we want to pass a default value (default argument) to the entry point? in this case we just need to specify it in the CMD section, for example:

From ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
CMD ["10"]

In this case if the user doesn't pass any argument the container will use the default value (10) and pass it to entry point sleep.

Now let's use just CMD and omit ENTRYPOINT definition:

FROM ubuntu
CMD ["sleep", "5"]

If we rebuild and run this image it will basically sleeps for 5 seconds.

So in summary, you can use ENTRYPOINT in order to make your container acts as an executable. You can use CMD to provide default arguments to your entry point or to run a custom command when starting your container that can be overridden from outside by user.

How to ignore whitespace in a regular expression subject string?

You can stick optional whitespace characters \s* in between every other character in your regex. Although granted, it will get a bit lengthy.

/cats/ -> /c\s*a\s*t\s*s/

How to use an arraylist as a prepared statement parameter

You may want to use setArray method as mentioned in the javadoc below:, java.sql.Array)

Sample Code:

PreparedStatement pstmt = 
                conn.prepareStatement("select * from employee where id in (?)");
Array array = conn.createArrayOf("VARCHAR", new Object[]{"1", "2","3"});
pstmt.setArray(1, array);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?

Google cautions against using local copies of the analtics scripts. However if you are doing it, you will probably want to use local copies of the plugins & the debug script.

A second concern with agressive caching is that you will be getting hits from cached pages - which may have changed or have been removed from the site.

How do you append rows to a table using jQuery?


$("#myTable").append("<tr><%= escape_javascript( render :partial => name_of_partial ) %></tr>");

And in the partial, you should have:


Getting data from Yahoo Finance

As from the answer from BrianC use the YQL console. But after selecting the "Show Community Tables" go to the bottom of the tables list and expand yahoo where you find plenty of tables:

Stock Quotes:


Fundamental analysis:


Technical analysis:


General financial information:


2/Nov/2017: Yahoo finance has apparently killed this API, for more info and alternative resources see

Docker CE on RHEL - Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9

Error: Package: 2:container-selinux-2.74-1.el7.noarch (rhel-7-server-extras-rpms)

Requires: selinux-policy >= 3.13.1-216.el7

Installed: selinux-policy-3.13.1-192.el7_5.6.noarch (@rhel-7-server-rpms)

selinux-policy = 3.13.1-192.el7_5.6

there is dependency issue with the container-selinux version

to fix this error on rhel 7.x i have performed the below things

1) yum install

2) yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2

3) yum-config-manager --add-repo

4 ) yum install docker-ce

now start the docker service

How can I limit ngFor repeat to some number of items in Angular?


<table class="table border">
            <ng-container *ngFor="let column of columns; let i = index">
                <th>{{ column }}</th>
        <tr *ngFor="let row of groups;let i = index">
            <td >
                <span class="status" *ngFor="let item of row.Status | slice:0:2;let j = index">
                   </span><span *ngIf = "i < 2" class="dots" (mouseenter) ="onHover(i)" (mouseleave) ="onHover(-1)">.....</span> <span [hidden] ="test" *ngIf = "i == hoverIndex" class="hover-details"><span  *ngFor="let item of row.Status;let j = index">


<p *ngFor="let group of usersg"><input type="checkbox" [checked]="isChecked(" value="{{}}" />{{}}</p>

<p><select [(ngModel)]="">
   <option *ngFor="let role of usersr" value="{{}}">{{}}</option> 


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonserviceService } from './../utilities/services/commonservice.service';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: './home.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./home.component.css']
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {
  getListData: any;
 dataGroup: FormGroup;
 selectedGroups: string[];
    submitted = false;
    hoverIndex:number = -1;
 constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {

 this.hoverIndex = i;
     columns = ["name", "Items","status"];

public usersr = [{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "test1"

}, {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "test2",


  ngOnInit() {
      this.test = false;
        "id": 1,
        "name": "pencils",
        "items": "red pencil",
        "Status": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "green"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "red"
        }, {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "yellow"
        "loc": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "loc 1"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "loc 2"
        }, {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "loc 3"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "rubbers",
        "items": "big rubber",
        "Status": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "green"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "red"
        "loc": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "loc 2"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "loc 3"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "rubbers1",
        "items": "big rubber1",
        "Status": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "green"
        "loc": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "loc 2"
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "loc 3"


      this.dotsh = false;


this.usersg_checked = [{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "test1"

}, {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "test2",


 this.usersr_selected = {"id":1,"name":"test2"};;

this.selectedGroups = [];
this.dataGroup ={
            email: ['', Validators.required]

  isChecked(id) {
  return this.usersg_checked.some(item => === id);
 get f() { return this.dataGroup.controls; }
onCheckChange(event) {
  if ( {
} else {
 const index = this.selectedGroups.findIndex(item => item ===;
 if (index !== -1) {
  this.selectedGroups.splice(index, 1);

      this.submitted = true;

        // stop here if form is invalid
        if (this.dataGroup.invalid) {
      value['groups'] = this.selectedGroups;



    border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 4px;
    padding: 0px 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    position: absolute;

    border: 1px solid;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 164px;
    text-align: left;
    border-radius: 4px;

how to save and read array of array in NSUserdefaults in swift?

Swift 4.0


let arrayFruit = ["Apple","Banana","Orange","Grapes","Watermelon"]    

 //store in user default
 UserDefaults.standard.set(arrayFruit, forKey: "arrayFruit")


if let arr = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "arrayFruit") as? [String]{

Entity Framework 6 GUID as primary key: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Id', table 'FileStore'; column does not allow nulls

In addition to adding these attributes to your Id column:

public Guid Id { get; set; }

in your migration you should change your CreateTable to add the defaultValueSQL property to your column i.e.:

Id = c.Guid(nullable: false, identity: true, defaultValueSql: "newsequentialid()"),

This will prevent you from having to manually touch your database which, as you pointed out in the comments, is something you want to avoid with Code First.

Microsoft Excel ActiveX Controls Disabled?

Advice in KB and above didn't work for me. I discovered that if one Excel 2007 user (with or without the security update; not sure of exact circumstances that cause this) saves the file, the original error returns.

I discovered that the fastest way to repair the file again is to delete all the VBA code. Save. Then replace the VBA code (copy/paste). Save. Before attempting this, I delete the .EXD files first, because otherwise I get an error on open.

In my case, I cannot upgrade/update all users of my Excel file in various locations. Since the problem comes back after some users save the Excel file, I am going to have to replace the ActiveX control with something else.

Best ways to teach a beginner to program?

Something to consider ... not everyone is capable of programming:

Some people just cannot get past things like:

A = 1

B = 2

A = B

(these people will still think A = 1)

Jeff has talked about this too. In fact, my example is in the link (and explained, to boot).

Running a cron every 30 seconds

You can't. Cron has a 60 sec granularity.

* * * * * cd /srv/last_song/releases/20120308133159 && script/rails runner -e production '\''Song.insert_latest'\''
* * * * * sleep 30 && cd /srv/last_song/releases/20120308133159 && script/rails runner -e production '\''Song.insert_latest'\''

python ignore certificate validation urllib2

The easiest way:

python 2

import urllib2, ssl

request = urllib2.Request('')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())

python 3

from urllib.request import urlopen
import ssl

response = urlopen('', context=ssl._create_unverified_context())

What are the differences between NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard?

The easiest way to explain P v. NP and such without getting into technicalities is to compare "word problems" with "multiple choice problems".

When you are trying to solve a "word problem" you have to find the solution from scratch. When you are trying to solve a "multiple choice problems" you have a choice: either solve it as you would a "word problem", or try to plug in each of the answers given to you, and pick the candidate answer that fits.

It often happens that a "multiple choice problem" is much easier than the corresponding "word problem": substituting the candidate answers and checking whether they fit may require significantly less effort than finding the right answer from scratch.

Now, if we would agree the effort that takes polynomial time "easy" then the class P would consist of "easy word problems", and the class NP would consist of "easy multiple choice problems".

The essence of P v. NP is the question: "Are there any easy multiple choice problems that are not easy as word problems"? That is, are there problems for which it's easy to verify the validity of a given answer but finding that answer from scratch is difficult?

Now that we understand intuitively what NP is, we have to challenge our intuition. It turns out that there are "multiple choice problems" that, in some sense, are hardest of them all: if one would find a solution to one of those "hardest of them all" problems one would be able to find a solution to ALL NP problems! When Cook discovered this 40 years ago it came as a complete surprise. These "hardest of them all" problems are known as NP-hard. If you find a "word problem solution" to one of them you would automatically find a "word problem solution" to each and every "easy multiple choice problem"!

Finally, NP-complete problems are those that are simultaneously NP and NP-hard. Following our analogy, they are simultaneously "easy as multiple choice problems" and "the hardest of them all as word problems".

How to get the excel file name / path in VBA

   strScriptFullname = WScript.ScriptFullName 
   strScriptPath = Left(strScriptFullname, InStrRev(strScriptFullname,"\")) 

Java Synchronized list

Yes, it will work fine as you have synchronized the list . I would suggest you to use CopyOnWriteArrayList.

CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> cpList=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>(new ArrayList<String>());

    void remove(String item)
         do something; (doesn't work on the list)

String to date in Oracle with milliseconds

I don't think you can use fractional seconds with to_date or the DATE type in Oracle. I think you need to_timestamp which returns a TIMESTAMP type.

Count lines in large files

Let us assume:

  • Your file system is distributed
  • Your file system can easily fill the network connection to a single node
  • You access your files like normal files

then you really want to chop the files into parts, count parts in parallel on multiple nodes and sum up the results from there (this is basically @Chris White's idea).

Here is how you do that with GNU Parallel (version > 20161222). You need to list the nodes in ~/.parallel/my_cluster_hosts and you must have ssh access to all of them:

parwc() {
    # Usage:
    #   parwc -l file                                                                

    # Give one chunck per host                                                     
    chunks=$(cat ~/.parallel/my_cluster_hosts|wc -l)
    # Build commands that take a chunk each and do 'wc' on that                    
    # ("map")                                                                      
    parallel -j $chunks --block -1 --pipepart -a "$2" -vv --dryrun wc "$1" |
        # For each command                                                         
        #   log into a cluster host                                                
        #   cd to current working dir                                              
        #   execute the command                                                    
        parallel -j0 --slf my_cluster_hosts --wd . |
        # Sum up the number of lines                                               
        # ("reduce")                                                               
        perl -ne '$sum += $_; END { print $sum,"\n" }'

Use as:

parwc -l myfile
parwc -w myfile
parwc -c myfile

Create Directory When Writing To File In Node.js

With node-fs-extra you can do it easily.

Install it

npm install --save fs-extra

Then use the outputFile method. Its documentation says:

Almost the same as writeFile (i.e. it overwrites), except that if the parent directory does not exist, it's created.

You can use it in three ways:

Callback style

const fse = require('fs-extra');

fse.outputFile('tmp/test.txt', 'Hey there!', err => {
  if(err) {
  } else {
    console.log('The file was saved!');

Using Promises

If you use promises, and I hope so, this is the code:

fse.outputFile('tmp/test.txt', 'Hey there!')
   .then(() => {
       console.log('The file was saved!');
   .catch(err => {

Sync version

If you want a sync version, just use this code:

fse.outputFileSync('tmp/test.txt', 'Hey there!')

For a complete reference, check the outputFile documentation and all node-fs-extra supported methods.

Convert Swift string to array

In Swift 4, as String is a collection of Character, you need to use map

let array1 = Array("hello") // Array<Character>
let array2 = Array("hello").map({ "\($0)" }) // Array<String>
let array3 = "hello".map(String.init) // Array<String>

How to get the max of two values in MySQL?




Note: Whenever if any single value contains null at that time this function always returns null (Thanks to user @sanghavi7)

How to find whether or not a variable is empty in Bash?

I have also seen

if [ "x$variable" = "x" ]; then ...

which is obviously very robust and shell independent.

Also, there is a difference between "empty" and "unset". See How to tell if a string is not defined in a Bash shell script.

Replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with empty strings

Java's regular expressions don't require you to put a forward-slash (/) or any other delimiter around the regex, as opposed to other languages like Perl, for example.

How to format date string in java?

use SimpleDateFormat to first parse() String to Date and then format() Date to String

jQuery SVG, why can't I addClass?

Based on above answers I created the following API

 * .addClassSVG(className)
 * Adds the specified class(es) to each of the set of matched SVG elements.
$.fn.addClassSVG = function(className){
    $(this).attr('class', function(index, existingClassNames) {
        return ((existingClassNames !== undefined) ? (existingClassNames + ' ') : '') + className;
    return this;

 * .removeClassSVG(className)
 * Removes the specified class to each of the set of matched SVG elements.
$.fn.removeClassSVG = function(className){
    $(this).attr('class', function(index, existingClassNames) {
        var re = new RegExp('\\b' + className + '\\b', 'g');
        return existingClassNames.replace(re, '');
    return this;

How can I delete one element from an array by value

If you also want to make this deletion operation chainable, so you can delete some item and keep on chaining operations on the resulting array, use tap:

[2, 4, 6, 3, 8].tap { |ary| ary.delete(3) }.count #=> 4

How can you customize the numbers in an ordered list?

HTML5: Use the value attribute (no CSS needed)

Modern browsers will interpret the value attribute and will display it as you expect. See MDN documentation.

  <li value="3">This is item three.</li>_x000D_
  <li value="50">This is item fifty.</li>_x000D_
  <li value="100">This is item one hundred.</li>_x000D_

Also have a look at the <ol> article on MDN, especially the documentation for the start and attribute.

How to generate a unique hash code for string input in android...?

For me it worked

   public static long getUniqueLongFromString (String value){
       return  UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(value.getBytes()).getMostSignificantBits();

How to call a method daily, at specific time, in C#?

If you want an executable to run, use Windows Scheduled Tasks. I'm going to assume (perhaps erroneously) that you want a method to run in your current program.

Why not just have a thread running continuously storing the last date that the method was called?

Have it wake up every minute (for example) and, if the current time is greater than the specified time and the last date stored is not the current date, call the method then update the date.

CentOS: Enabling GD Support in PHP Installation

Put the command

yum install php-gd

and restart the server (httpd, nginx, etc)

service httpd restart

dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required

One of the fast ways to create a dict from equal-length tuples:

>>> t1 = (a,b,c,d)
>>> t2 = (1,2,3,4)
>>> dict(zip(t1, t2))
{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4, }

Get a filtered list of files in a directory

import glob

jpgFilenamesList = glob.glob('145592*.jpg')

See glob in python documenttion


That should be (see the docs):


How to select label for="XYZ" in CSS?

The selector would be label[for=email], so in CSS:

    /* ...definitions here... */

...or in JavaScript using the DOM:

var element = document.querySelector("label[for=email]");

...or in JavaScript using jQuery:

var element = $("label[for=email]");

It's an attribute selector. Note that some browsers (versions of IE < 8, for instance) may not support attribute selectors, but more recent ones do. To support older browsers like IE6 and IE7, you'd have to use a class (well, or some other structural way), sadly.

(I'm assuming that the template {t _your_email} will fill in a field with id="email". If not, use a class instead.)

Note that if the value of the attribute you're selecting doesn't fit the rules for a CSS identifier (for instance, if it has spaces or brackets in it, or starts with a digit, etc.), you need quotes around the value:

    /* ...definitions here... */

They can be single or double quotes.

Python TypeError must be str not int

Python comes with numerous ways of formatting strings:

New style .format(), which supports a rich formatting mini-language:

>>> temperature = 10
>>> print("the furnace is now {} degrees!".format(temperature))
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Old style % format specifier:

>>> print("the furnace is now %d degrees!" % temperature)
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

In Py 3.6 using the new f"" format strings:

>>> print(f"the furnace is now {temperature} degrees!")
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Or using print()s default separator:

>>> print("the furnace is now", temperature, "degrees!")
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

And least effectively, construct a new string by casting it to a str() and concatenating:

>>> print("the furnace is now " + str(temperature) + " degrees!")
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Or join()ing it:

>>> print(' '.join(["the furnace is now", str(temperature), "degrees!"]))
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Importing data from a JSON file into R

First install the RJSONIO and RCurl package:


Try below code using RJSONIO in console

json_file = getURL("")_x000D_
json_file2 = RJSONIO::fromJSON(json_file)_x000D_

Java: Get month Integer from Date


myUtilDate.toInstant()                          // Convert from legacy class to modern. `Instant` is a point on the timeline in UTC.
          .atZone(                              // Adjust from UTC to a particular time zone to determine date. Renders a `ZonedDateTime` object. 
              ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" )   // Better to specify desired/expected zone explicitly than rely implicitly on the JVM’s current default time zone.
          )                                     // Returns a `ZonedDateTime` object.
          .getMonthValue()                      // Extract a month number. Returns a `int` number.

java.time Details

The Answer by Ortomala Lokni for using java.time is correct. And you should be using java.time as it is a gigantic improvement over the old java.util.Date/.Calendar classes. See the Oracle Tutorial on java.time.

I'll add some code showing how to use java.time without regard to java.util.Date, for when you are starting out with fresh code.

Using java.time in a nutshell… An Instant is a moment on the timeline in UTC. Apply a time zone (ZoneId) to get a ZonedDateTime.

The Month class is a sophisticated enum to represent a month in general. That enum has handy methods such as getting a localized name. And rest assured that the month number in java.time is a sane one, 1-12, not the zero-based nonsense (0-11) found in java.util.Date/.Calendar.

To get the current date-time, time zone is crucial. At any moment the date is not the same around the world. Therefore the month is not the same around the world if near the ending/beginning of the month.

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );  // Or 'ZoneOffset.UTC'.
ZonedDateTime now = zoneId );
Month month = now.getMonth(); 
int monthNumber = month.getValue(); // Answer to the Question.
String monthName = month.getDisplayName( TextStyle.FULL , Locale.CANADA_FRENCH );

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Call to a member function on a non-object

I realized that I wasn't passing $objPage into page_properties(). It works fine now.

How does one represent the empty char?

You can use c[i]= '\0' or simply c[i] = (char) 0.

The null/empty char is simply a value of zero, but can also be represented as a character with an escaped zero.

Reload .profile in bash shell script (in unix)?

The bash script runs in a separate subshell. In order to make this work you will need to source this other script as well.

Pass Multiple Parameters to jQuery ajax call

    var valueOfTextBox=$("#result").val();
    var valueOfSelectedCheckbox=$("#radio:checked").val();

    url: 'result.php',
    type: 'POST',
    data: { forValue: valueOfTextBox, check : valueOfSelectedCheckbox } ,
    beforeSend: function() {

    success: function (response) {
    error: function () {
        alert("error occured");

What is the argument for printf that formats a long?

On most platforms, long and int are the same size (32 bits). Still, it does have its own format specifier:

long n;
unsigned long un;
printf("%ld", n); // signed
printf("%lu", un); // unsigned

For 64 bits, you'd want a long long:

long long n;
unsigned long long un;
printf("%lld", n); // signed
printf("%llu", un); // unsigned

Oh, and of course, it's different in Windows:

printf("%l64d", n); // signed
printf("%l64u", un); // unsigned

Frequently, when I'm printing 64-bit values, I find it helpful to print them in hex (usually with numbers that big, they are pointers or bit fields).

unsigned long long n;
printf("0x%016llX", n); // "0x" followed by "0-padded", "16 char wide", "long long", "HEX with 0-9A-F"

will print:


Btw, "long" doesn't mean that much anymore (on mainstream x64). "int" is the platform default int size, typically 32 bits. "long" is usually the same size. However, they have different portability semantics on older platforms (and modern embedded platforms!). "long long" is a 64-bit number and usually what people meant to use unless they really really knew what they were doing editing a piece of x-platform portable code. Even then, they probably would have used a macro instead to capture the semantic meaning of the type (eg uint64_t).

char c;       // 8 bits
short s;      // 16 bits
int i;        // 32 bits (on modern platforms)
long l;       // 32 bits
long long ll; // 64 bits 

Back in the day, "int" was 16 bits. You'd think it would now be 64 bits, but no, that would have caused insane portability issues. Of course, even this is a simplification of the arcane and history-rich truth. See wiki:Integer

Closing a Userform with Unload Me doesn't work

Unload Me only works when its called from userform self. If you want to close a form from another module code (or userform), you need to use the Unload function + userformtoclose name.

I hope its helps

How to `wget` a list of URLs in a text file?

Run it in parallel with

cat text_file.txt | parallel --gnu "wget {}"

How to open a web page from my application?

Here is my complete code how to open.

there are 2 options:

  1. open using default browser (behavior is like opened inside the browser window)

  2. open through default command options (behavior is like you use "RUN.EXE" command)

  3. open through 'explorer' (behavior is like you wrote url inside your folder window url)

[optional suggestion] 4. use iexplore process location to open the required url


internal static bool TryOpenUrl(string p_url)
        // try use default browser [registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command]
            string keyValue = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command", "", null) as string;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValue) == false)
                string browserPath = keyValue.Replace("%1", p_url);
                return true;
        catch { }

        // try open browser as default command
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(p_url); //browserPath, argUrl);
            return true;
        catch { }

        // try open through 'explorer.exe'
            string browserPath = GetWindowsPath("explorer.exe");
            string argUrl = "\"" + p_url + "\"";

            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(browserPath, argUrl);
            return true;
        catch { }

        // return false, all failed
        return false;

and the Helper function:

internal static string GetWindowsPath(string p_fileName)
        string path = null;
        string sysdir;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot");
                else if (i == 1)
                    path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir");
                else if (i == 2)
                    sysdir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System);
                    path = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(sysdir).FullName;

                if (path != null)
                    path = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, p_fileName);
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(path) == true)
                        return path;
            catch { }

        // not found
        return null;

Hope i helped.

What is the intended use-case for git stash?

Stash is just a convenience method. Since branches are so cheap and easy to manage in git, I personally almost always prefer creating a new temporary branch than stashing, but it's a matter of taste mostly.

The one place I do like stashing is if I discover I forgot something in my last commit and have already started working on the next one in the same branch:

# Assume the latest commit was already done
# start working on the next patch, and discovered I was missing something

# stash away the current mess I made
git stash save

# some changes in the working dir

# and now add them to the last commit:
git add -u
git commit --amend

# back to work!
git stash pop

How Exactly Does @param Work - Java

@param is a special format comment used by javadoc to generate documentation. it is used to denote a description of the parameter (or parameters) a method can receive. there's also @return and @see used to describe return values and related information, respectively:

has, among other things, this:

 * Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen. 
 * The url argument must specify an absolute {@link URL}. The name
 * argument is a specifier that is relative to the url argument. 
 * <p>
 * This method always returns immediately, whether or not the 
 * image exists. When this applet attempts to draw the image on
 * the screen, the data will be loaded. The graphics primitives 
 * that draw the image will incrementally paint on the screen. 
 * @param  url  an absolute URL giving the base location of the image
 * @param  name the location of the image, relative to the url argument
 * @return      the image at the specified URL
 * @see         Image
 public Image getImage(URL url, String name) {

How to call python script on excel vba?

ChDir "" was the solution for me. I use vba from WORD to launch a python3 script.

List of tables, db schema, dump etc using the Python sqlite3 API

Some might find my function useful if you just want to print out all of the tables and columns in your db.

In the loop, I query each TABLE with LIMIT 0 so it just returns the header info without all the data. You make an empty df out of it, and use the iterable df.columns to print each column name out.

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()

def table_info(c, conn):
    prints out all of the columns of every table in db
    c : cursor object
    conn : database connection object
    tables = c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
    for table_name in tables:
        table_name = table_name[0] # tables is a list of single item tuples
        table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from {} LIMIT 0".format(table_name), conn)
        for col in table.columns:
            print('\t-' + col)

table_info(c, conn)
Results will be:




Non-conformable arrays error in code

The problem is that omega in your case is matrix of dimensions 1 * 1. You should convert it to a vector if you wish to multiply t(X) %*% X by a scalar (that is omega)

In particular, you'll have to replace this line:

omega   = rgamma(1,a0,1) / L0


omega   = as.vector(rgamma(1,a0,1) / L0)

everywhere in your code. It happens in two places (once inside the loop and once outside). You can substitute as.vector(.) or c(t(.)). Both are equivalent.

Here's the modified code that should work:

gibbs = function(data, m01 = 0, m02 = 0, k01 = 0.1, k02 = 0.1, 
                     a0 = 0.1, L0 = 0.1, nburn = 0, ndraw = 5000) {
    m0      = c(m01, m02) 
    C0      = matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2) 
    C0[1,1] = 1 / k01 
    C0[1,2] = 0 
    C0[2,1] = 0 
    C0[2,2] = 1 / k02 
    beta    = mvrnorm(1,m0,C0) 
    omega   = as.vector(rgamma(1,a0,1) / L0)
    draws   = matrix(ncol = 3,nrow = ndraw) 
    it      = -nburn 

    while (it < ndraw) {
        it    = it + 1 
        C1    = solve(solve(C0) + omega * t(X) %*% X) 
        m1    = C1 %*% (solve(C0) %*% m0 + omega * t(X) %*% y)
        beta  = mvrnorm(1, m1, C1) 
        a1    = a0 + n / 2 
        L1    = L0 + t(y - X %*% beta) %*% (y - X %*% beta) / 2 
        omega = as.vector(rgamma(1, a1, 1) / L1)
        if (it > 0) { 
            draws[it,1] = beta[1]
            draws[it,2] = beta[2]
            draws[it,3] = omega

Git Pull is Not Possible, Unmerged Files

There is a solution even if you don't want to remove your local changes. Just fix the unmerged files (by git add or git remove). Then do git pull.

How to get a Char from an ASCII Character Code in c#

It is important to notice that in C# the char type is stored as Unicode UTF-16.

From ASCII equivalent integer to char

char c = (char)88;


char c = Convert.ToChar(88)

From char to ASCII equivalent integer

int asciiCode = (int)'A';

The literal must be ASCII equivalent. For example:

string str = "X?????????";

will print


Extended ASCII ranges from 0 to 255.

From default UTF-16 literal to char

Using the Symbol

char c = 'X';

Using the Unicode code

char c = '\u0058';

Using the Hexadecimal

char c = '\x0058';

Regex - Should hyphens be escaped?

Outside of character classes, it is conventional not to escape hyphens. If I saw an escaped hyphen outside of a character class, that would suggest to me that it was written by someone who was not very comfortable with regexes.

Inside character classes, I don't think one way is conventional over the other; in my experience, it usually seems to be to put either first or last, as in [-._:] or [._:-], to avoid the backslash; but I've also often seen it escaped instead, as in [._\-:], and I wouldn't call that unconventional.

What is the difference between "screen" and "only screen" in media queries?

The answer by @hybrid is quite informative, except it doesn't explain the purpose as mentioned by @ashitaka "What if you use the Mobile First approach? So, we have the mobile CSS first and then use min-width to target larger sites. We shouldn't use the only keyword in that context, right? "

Want to add in here that the purpose is simply to prevent non supporting browsers to use that Other device style as if it starts from "screen" without it will take it for a screen whereas if it starts from "only" style will be ignored.

Answering to ashitaka consider this example

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
  href="android.css" media="only screen and (max-width: 480px)" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
  href="desktop.css" media="screen and (min-width: 481px)" />

If we don't use "only" it will still work as desktop-style will also be used striking android styles but with unnecessary overhead. In this case, IF a browser is non-supporting it will fallback to the second Style-sheet ignoring the first.

Read String line by line

You can also use the split method of String:

String[] lines = myString.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));

This gives you all lines in a handy array.

I don't know about the performance of split. It uses regular expressions.

A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification

I try to explain the Bayes rule with an example.

What is the chance that a random person selected from the society is a smoker?

You may reply 10%, and let's assume that's right.

Now, what if I say that the random person is a man and is 15 years old?

You may say 15 or 20%, but why?.

In fact, we try to update our initial guess with new pieces of evidence ( P(smoker) vs. P(smoker | evidence) ). The Bayes rule is a way to relate these two probabilities.

P(smoker | evidence) = P(smoker)* p(evidence | smoker)/P(evidence)

Each evidence may increase or decrease this chance. For example, this fact that he is a man may increase the chance provided that this percentage (being a man) among non-smokers is lower.

In the other words, being a man must be an indicator of being a smoker rather than a non-smoker. Therefore, if an evidence is an indicator of something, it increases the chance.

But how do we know that this is an indicator?

For each feature, you can compare the commonness (probability) of that feature under the given conditions with its commonness alone. (P(f | x) vs. P(f)).

P(smoker | evidence) / P(smoker) = P(evidence | smoker)/P(evidence)

For example, if we know that 90% of smokers are men, it's not still enough to say whether being a man is an indicator of being smoker or not. For example if the probability of being a man in the society is also 90%, then knowing that someone is a man doesn't help us ((90% / 90%) = 1. But if men contribute to 40% of the society, but 90% of the smokers, then knowing that someone is a man increases the chance of being a smoker (90% / 40%) = 2.25, so it increases the initial guess (10%) by 2.25 resulting 22.5%.

However, if the probability of being a man was 95% in the society, then regardless of the fact that the percentage of men among smokers is high (90%)! the evidence that someone is a man decreases the chance of him being a smoker! (90% / 95%) = 0.95).

So we have:

P(smoker | f1, f2, f3,... ) = P(smoker) * contribution of f1* contribution of f2 *... 
(P(being a man | smoker)/P(being a man))*
(P(under 20 | smoker)/ P(under 20))

Note that in this formula we assumed that being a man and being under 20 are independent features so we multiplied them, it means that knowing that someone is under 20 has no effect on guessing that he is man or woman. But it may not be true, for example maybe most adolescence in a society are men...

To use this formula in a classifier

The classifier is given with some features (being a man and being under 20) and it must decide if he is an smoker or not (these are two classes). It uses the above formula to calculate the probability of each class under the evidence (features), and it assigns the class with the highest probability to the input. To provide the required probabilities (90%, 10%, 80%...) it uses the training set. For example, it counts the people in the training set that are smokers and find they contribute 10% of the sample. Then for smokers checks how many of them are men or women .... how many are above 20 or under 20....In the other words, it tries to build the probability distribution of the features for each class based on the training data.

Why are the Level.FINE logging messages not showing?

Loggers only log the message, i.e. they create the log records (or logging requests). They do not publish the messages to the destinations, which is taken care of by the Handlers. Setting the level of a logger, only causes it to create log records matching that level or higher.

You might be using a ConsoleHandler (I couldn't infer where your output is System.err or a file, but I would assume that it is the former), which defaults to publishing log records of the level Level.INFO. You will have to configure this handler, to publish log records of level Level.FINER and higher, for the desired outcome.

I would recommend reading the Java Logging Overview guide, in order to understand the underlying design. The guide covers the difference between the concept of a Logger and a Handler.

Editing the handler level

1. Using the Configuration file

The java.util.logging properties file (by default, this is the file in JRE_HOME/lib) can be modified to change the default level of the ConsoleHandler:

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINER

2. Creating handlers at runtime

This is not recommended, for it would result in overriding the global configuration. Using this throughout your code base will result in a possibly unmanageable logger configuration.

Handler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler();

What is causing ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table?

In postgresql all foreign keys must reference a unique key in the parent table, so in your bar table you must have a unique (name) index.

See also and specifically:

Finally, we should mention that a foreign key must reference columns that either are a primary key or form a unique constraint.

Emphasis mine.

Pip Install not installing into correct directory?

From the comments to the original question, it seems that you have multiple versions of python installed and that pip just goes to the wrong version.

First, to know which version of python you're using, just type which python. You should either see:

which python

if you're going to the right version of python, or:

which python

If you're going to the 'wrong' version. To make pip go to the right version, you first have to change the path:

 export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python:${PATH}

typing 'which python' would now get you to the right result. Next, install pip (if it's not already installed for this installation of python). Finally, use it. you should be fine now.

iOS - Dismiss keyboard when touching outside of UITextField

How about this: I know this is an old post. It might help someone :)

- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {  
    NSArray *subviews = [self.view subviews];
    for (id objects in subviews) {
        if ([objects isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
            UITextField *theTextField = objects;
            if ([objects isFirstResponder]) {
                [theTextField resignFirstResponder];

Truncate with condition

The short answer is no: MySQL does not allow you to add a WHERE clause to the TRUNCATE statement. Here's MySQL's documentation about the TRUNCATE statement.

But the good news is that you can (somewhat) work around this limitation.

Simple, safe, clean but slow solution using DELETE

First of all, if the table is small enough, simply use the DELETE statement (it had to be mentioned):

1. LOCK TABLE my_table WRITE;

The LOCK and UNLOCK statements are not compulsory, but they will speed things up and avoid potential deadlocks.

Unfortunately, this will be very slow if your table is large... and since you are considering using the TRUNCATE statement, I suppose it's because your table is large.

So here's one way to solve your problem using the TRUNCATE statement:

Simple, fast, but unsafe solution using TRUNCATE

1. CREATE TABLE my_table_backup AS
      SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_date>=DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
2. TRUNCATE my_table;
3. LOCK TABLE my_table WRITE, my_table_backup WRITE;
4. INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM my_table_backup;
6. DROP TABLE my_table_backup;

Unfortunately, this solution is a bit unsafe if other processes are inserting records in the table at the same time:

  • any record inserted between steps 1 and 2 will be lost
  • the TRUNCATE statement resets the AUTO-INCREMENT counter to zero. So any record inserted between steps 2 and 3 will have an ID that will be lower than older IDs and that might even conflict with IDs inserted at step 4 (note that the AUTO-INCREMENT counter will be back to it's proper value after step 4).

Unfortunately, it is not possible to lock the table and truncate it. But we can (somehow) work around that limitation using RENAME.

Half-simple, fast, safe but noisy solution using TRUNCATE

1. RENAME TABLE my_table TO my_table_work;
2. CREATE TABLE my_table_backup AS
     SELECT * FROM my_table_work WHERE my_date>DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
3. TRUNCATE my_table_work;
4. LOCK TABLE my_table_work WRITE, my_table_backup WRITE;
5. INSERT INTO my_table_work SELECT * FROM my_table_backup;
7. RENAME TABLE my_table_work TO my_table;
8. DROP TABLE my_table_backup;

This should be completely safe and quite fast. The only problem is that other processes will see table my_table disappear for a few seconds. This might lead to errors being displayed in logs everywhere. So it's a safe solution, but it's "noisy".

Disclaimer: I am not a MySQL expert, so these solutions might actually be crappy. The only guarantee I can offer is that they work fine for me. If some expert can comment on these solutions, I would be grateful.

TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable

This error happened to me @angular 7

You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.

The error is actually self-explanatory, it says somewhere in the observable I pass the invalid object. In my case, there was lots of API call but all the calls were failing because of wrong server configuration. I tried to use map, switchMap, or other rxjs operator but the operators are getting undefined objects.

So double-check your rxjs operator inputs.

Python: importing a sub-package or sub-module

You seem to be misunderstanding how import searches for modules. When you use an import statement it always searches the actual module path (and/or sys.modules); it doesn't make use of module objects in the local namespace that exist because of previous imports. When you do:

import package.subpackage.module
from package.subpackage import module
from module import attribute1

The second line looks for a package called package.subpackage and imports module from that package. This line has no effect on the third line. The third line just looks for a module called module and doesn't find one. It doesn't "re-use" the object called module that you got from the line above.

In other words from someModule import ... doesn't mean "from the module called someModule that I imported earlier..." it means "from the module named someModule that you find on sys.path...". There is no way to "incrementally" build up a module's path by importing the packages that lead to it. You always have to refer to the entire module name when importing.

It's not clear what you're trying to achieve. If you only want to import the particular object attribute1, just do from package.subpackage.module import attribute1 and be done with it. You need never worry about the long package.subpackage.module once you've imported the name you want from it.

If you do want to have access to the module to access other names later, then you can do from package.subpackage import module and, as you've seen you can then do module.attribute1 and so on as much as you like.

If you want both --- that is, if you want attribute1 directly accessible and you want module accessible, just do both of the above:

from package.subpackage import module
from package.subpackage.module import attribute1
attribute1 # works
module.someOtherAttribute # also works

If you don't like typing package.subpackage even twice, you can just manually create a local reference to attribute1:

from package.subpackage import module
attribute1 = module.attribute1
attribute1 # works
module.someOtherAttribute #also works

PostgreSQL - SQL state: 42601 syntax error

Your function would work like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prc_tst_bulk(sql text)
RETURNS TABLE (name text, rowcount integer) AS 

WITH v_tb_person AS (' || sql || $x$)
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE nome LIKE '%a%' GROUP BY name
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE gender = 1 GROUP BY name$x$;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM prc_tst_bulk($$SELECT a AS name, b AS nome, c AS gender FROM tbl$$)
  • You cannot mix plain and dynamic SQL the way you tried to do it. The whole statement is either all dynamic or all plain SQL. So I am building one dynamic statement to make this work. You may be interested in the chapter about executing dynamic commands in the manual.

  • The aggregate function count() returns bigint, but you had rowcount defined as integer, so you need an explicit cast ::int to make this work

  • I use dollar quoting to avoid quoting hell.

However, is this supposed to be a honeypot for SQL injection attacks or are you seriously going to use it? For your very private and secure use, it might be ok-ish - though I wouldn't even trust myself with a function like that. If there is any possible access for untrusted users, such a function is a loaded footgun. It's impossible to make this secure.

Craig (a sworn enemy of SQL injection!) might get a light stroke, when he sees what you forged from his piece of code in the answer to your preceding question. :)

The query itself seems rather odd, btw. But that's beside the point here.

How to use ScrollView in Android?

To scroll data in text view you can use this to your text view. and add and for anything other layout you can just add scroll view on layout as people are saying above.

/** android:scrollable=true at textview in xml layout.

TextView txtScroll = (TextView) findViewById(;
        txtScroll.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod());


jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached)

I just had this problem myself, searched everywhere for a solution that didn't involve killing my cache or downloading a plugin.

I didn't see this thread immediately so I found something else instead which is an interesting fix and (I think) worthy of posting here:

    // stuff
}).attr('src', 'new_src');

I actually got this idea from the comments here:

I have no idea why it works but I have tested this on IE7 and where it broke before it now works.

Hope it helps,


The accepted answer actually explains why:

If the src is already set then the event is firing in the cache cased before you get the event handler bound.

Get PHP class property by string

Just as an addition: This way you can access properties with names that would be otherwise unusable

$x = new StdClass;

$prop = 'a b'; $x->$prop = 1; $x->{'x y'} = 2; var_dump($x);

object(stdClass)#1 (2) {
  ["a b"]=>
  ["x y"]=>
(not that you should, but in case you have to).
If you want to do even fancier stuff you should look into reflection

FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice

Here is another approach. Instead of propagating the first event of a quick succession of events and suppressing all that follow, now all are suppressed except from the last one. I think that the scenarios that can benefit from this approach are more common.

To make this happen we must use a sliding delay. Every incoming event cancels the timer that would fire the previous event, and restarts the timer. This opens the possibility that a never-ending series of events will delay the propagation forever. To keep things simple, there is no provision for this abnormal case in the extension methods below.

public static class FileSystemWatcherExtensions
    public static IDisposable OnAnyEvent(this FileSystemWatcher source,
        WatcherChangeTypes changeTypes, FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
        var cancellations = new Dictionary<string, CancellationTokenSource>(
        var locker = new object();
        if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Created))
            source.Created += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
        if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted))
            source.Deleted += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
        if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed))
            source.Changed += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
        if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed))
            source.Renamed += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
        return new Disposable(() =>
            source.Created -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
            source.Deleted -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
            source.Changed -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
            source.Renamed -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;

        async void FileSystemWatcher_Event(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
            var key = e.FullPath;
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            lock (locker)
                if (cancellations.TryGetValue(key, out var existing))
                cancellations[key] = cts;
                await Task.Delay(delay, cts.Token);
                // Omitting ConfigureAwait(false) is intentional here.
                // Continuing in the captured context is desirable.
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            lock (locker)
                if (cancellations.TryGetValue(key, out var existing)
                    && existing == cts)
            handler(sender, e);

    public static IDisposable OnAllEvents(this FileSystemWatcher source,
        FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
        => OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.All, handler, delay);

    public static IDisposable OnCreated(this FileSystemWatcher source,
        FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
        => OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Created, handler, delay);

    public static IDisposable OnDeleted(this FileSystemWatcher source,
        FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
        => OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted, handler, delay);

    public static IDisposable OnChanged(this FileSystemWatcher source,
        FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
        => OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, handler, delay);

    public static IDisposable OnRenamed(this FileSystemWatcher source,
        FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
        => OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed, handler, delay);

    private struct Disposable : IDisposable
        private readonly Action _action;
        internal Disposable(Action action) => _action = action;
        public void Dispose() => _action?.Invoke();

Usage example:

myWatcher.OnAnyEvent(WatcherChangeTypes.Created | WatcherChangeTypes.Changed,
    MyFileSystemWatcher_Event, 100);

This line combines the subscription to two events, the Created and the Changed. So it is roughly equivalent to these:

myWatcher.Created += MyFileSystemWatcher_Event;
myWatcher.Changed += MyFileSystemWatcher_Event;

The difference is that the two events are regarded as a single type of event, and in case of a quick succession of these events only the last one will be propagated. For example if a Created event is followed by two Changed events, and there is no time gap larger than 100 msec between these three events, only the second Changed event will be propagated by invoking the MyFileSystemWatcher_Event handler, and the previous ones will be discarded.

Error in <my code> : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

In general this error message means that you have tried to use indexing on a function. You can reproduce this error message with, for example

## Error in mean[1] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
## Error in mean[[1]] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
## Error in mean$a : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

The closure mentioned in the error message is (loosely) the function and the environment that stores the variables when the function is called.

In this specific case, as Joshua mentioned, you are trying to access the url function as a variable. If you define a variable named url, then the error goes away.

As a matter of good practise, you should usually avoid naming variables after base-R functions. (Calling variables data is a common source of this error.)

There are several related errors for trying to subset operators or keywords.

## Error in `+`[1] : object of type 'builtin' is not subsettable
## Error in `if`[1] : object of type 'special' is not subsettable

If you're running into this problem in shiny, the most likely cause is that you're trying to work with a reactive expression without calling it as a function using parentheses.

reactive_df <- reactive({
    data.frame(col1 = c(1,2,3),
               col2 = c(4,5,6))

While we often work with reactive expressions in shiny as if they were data frames, they are actually functions that return data frames (or other objects).

  col1 col2
1    1    4
2    2    5
3    3    6
[1] 1 2 3

But if we try to subset it without parentheses, then we're actually trying to index a function, and we get an error:

Error in reactive_df$col1 : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

Sum of values in an array using jQuery

In it becomes obvious that the jQuery devs have serious mental issues reg. functional programming inspired additions. Somehow it's good to have some fundamental things (like map) but not others (like reduce), unless it reduces jQuery's overall filesize. Go figure.

Helpfully, someone placed code to use the normal reduce function for jQuery arrays:

$.fn.reduce = [].reduce;

Now we can use a simple reduce function to create a summation:

//where X is a jQuery array
X.reduce(function(a,b){ return a + b; });
// (change "a" into parseFloat("a") if the first a is a string)

Lastly, as some older browsers hadn't yet implemented reduce, a polyfill can be taken from MDN (it's big but I guess it has the exact same behavior, which is desirable):

if ( 'function' !== typeof Array.prototype.reduce ) {
    Array.prototype.reduce = function( callback /*, initialValue*/ ) {
        'use strict';
        if ( null === this || 'undefined' === typeof this ) {
          throw new TypeError(
             'Array.prototype.reduce called on null or undefined' );
        if ( 'function' !== typeof callback ) {
          throw new TypeError( callback + ' is not a function' );
        var t = Object( this ), len = t.length >>> 0, k = 0, value;
        if ( arguments.length >= 2 ) {
          value = arguments[1];
        } else {
          while ( k < len && ! k in t ) k++; 
          if ( k >= len )
            throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');
          value = t[ k++ ];
        for ( ; k < len ; k++ ) {
          if ( k in t ) {
             value = callback( value, t[k], k, t );
        return value;

Mock MVC - Add Request Parameter to test

@ModelAttribute is a Spring mapping of request parameters to a particular object type. so your parameters might look like userClient.username and userClient.firstName, etc. as MockMvc imitates a request from a browser, you'll need to pass in the parameters that Spring would use from a form to actually build the UserClient object.

(i think of ModelAttribute is kind of helper to construct an object from a bunch of fields that are going to come in from a form, but you may want to do some reading to get a better definition)

sed: print only matching group

And for yet another option, I'd go with awk!

echo "foo bar <foo> bla 1 2 3.4" | awk '{ print $(NF-1), $NF; }'

This will split the input (I'm using STDIN here, but your input could easily be a file) on spaces, and then print out the last-but-one field, and then the last field. The $NF variables hold the number of fields found after exploding on spaces.

The benefit of this is that it doesn't matter if what precedes the last two fields changes, as long as you only ever want the last two it'll continue to work.

Retrieve Button value with jQuery

Inspired by postpostmodern I have made this, to make .val() work throughout my javascript code:

jQuery(function($) {

    if($.browser.msie) {
        // Fixes a know issue, that buttons value is overwritten with the text

        // Someone with more jQuery experience can probably tell me
        // how not to polute jQuery.fn here:
        jQuery.fn._orig_val = jQuery.fn.val

        jQuery.fn.val = function(value) {
            var elem = $(this);
            var html
            if(elem.attr('type') == 'button') {
                // if button, hide button text while getting val()
                html = elem.html()
            // Use original function
            var result = elem._orig_val(value);
            if(elem.attr('type') == 'button') {
            return result;

It does however, not solve the submit problem, solved by postpostmodern. Perhaps this could be included in postpostmodern's solution here:

How to move from one fragment to another fragment on click of an ImageView in Android?

purple.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        Fragment fragment = new tasks();
        FragmentManager fragmentManager = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
        FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
        fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment);

you write the above code...there we are replacing with our fragment. hope this helps you

How to programmatically turn off WiFi on Android device?

You need the following permissions in your manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>

Then you can use the following in your activity class:

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) this.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); 

Use the following to check if it's enabled or not

boolean wifiEnabled = wifiManager.isWifiEnabled()

You'll find a nice tutorial on the subject on this site.

How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format?

It will work.

long yourmilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd,yyyy HH:mm");    
Date resultdate = new Date(yourmilliseconds);

Comparing two collections for equality irrespective of the order of items in them

Create a Dictionary "dict" and then for each member in the first collection, do dict[member]++;

Then, loop over the second collection in the same way, but for each member do dict[member]--.

At the end, loop over all of the members in the dictionary:

    private bool SetEqual (List<int> left, List<int> right) {

        if (left.Count != right.Count)
            return false;

        Dictionary<int, int> dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();

        foreach (int member in left) {
            if (dict.ContainsKey(member) == false)
                dict[member] = 1;

        foreach (int member in right) {
            if (dict.ContainsKey(member) == false)
                return false;

        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in dict) {
            if (kvp.Value != 0)
                return false;

        return true;


Edit: As far as I can tell this is on the same order as the most efficient algorithm. This algorithm is O(N), assuming that the Dictionary uses O(1) lookups.

how to pass data in an hidden field from one jsp page to another?

To pass the value you must included the hidden value value="hiddenValue" in the <input> statement like so:

<input type="hidden" id="thisField" name="inputName" value="hiddenValue">

Then you recuperate the hidden form value in the same way that you recuperate the value of visible input fields, by accessing the parameter of the request object. Here is an example:

This code goes on the page where you want to hide the value.

<form action="anotherPage.jsp" method="GET">
    <input type="hidden" id="thisField" name="inputName" value="hiddenValue">
<input type="submit">   

Then on the 'anotherPage.jsp' page you recuperate the value by calling the getParameter(String name) method of the implicit request object, as so:

<% String hidden = request.getParameter("inputName"); %>
The Hidden Value is <%=hidden %>

The output of the above script will be:

The Hidden Value is hiddenValue 

XPath OR operator for different nodes

If you want to select only one of two nodes with union operator, you can use this solution: (//bookstore/book/title | //bookstore/city/zipcode/title)[1]

Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

I resolved all of my issues by adding this into

How to avoid "Permission denied" when using pip with virtualenv

While creating virtualenv if you use sudo the directory is created with root privileges.So when you try to install a package with non-sudo user you won't have permission to install into it. So always create virtualenv without sudo and install without sudo.

You can also copy packages installed on global python to virtualenv.

cp -r /lib/python/site-packages/* virtualenv/lib/python/site-packages/

What is the difference between spark.sql.shuffle.partitions and spark.default.parallelism?

From the answer here, spark.sql.shuffle.partitions configures the number of partitions that are used when shuffling data for joins or aggregations.

spark.default.parallelism is the default number of partitions in RDDs returned by transformations like join, reduceByKey, and parallelize when not set explicitly by the user. Note that spark.default.parallelism seems to only be working for raw RDD and is ignored when working with dataframes.

If the task you are performing is not a join or aggregation and you are working with dataframes then setting these will not have any effect. You could, however, set the number of partitions yourself by calling df.repartition(numOfPartitions) (don't forget to assign it to a new val) in your code.

To change the settings in your code you can simply do:

sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "300")
sqlContext.setConf("spark.default.parallelism", "300")

Alternatively, you can make the change when submitting the job to a cluster with spark-submit:

./bin/spark-submit --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=300 --conf spark.default.parallelism=300

FtpWebRequest Download File

    private static DataTable ReadFTP_CSV()
        String ftpserver = "ftp://servername/ImportData/xxxx.csv";
        FtpWebRequest reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(ftpserver));

        reqFTP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUserID, ftpPassword);
        FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)reqFTP.GetResponse();

        Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

        // use the stream to read file from FTP 
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(responseStream);
        DataTable dt_csvFile = new DataTable();

        #region Code
        //Add Code Here To Loop txt or CSV file

        return dt_csvFile;


I hope it can help you.

Save attachments to a folder and rename them

Your question has 2 tasks to be performed. First to extract the Email attachments to a folder and saving or renaming it with a specific name.

If your search can be split to 2 searches you will get more hits. I could refer one page that explains how to save the attachment to a system folder <Link for the page to save attachments to a folder>.

Please post any page or code if you have found to save the attachment with specific name.

How to add comments into a Xaml file in WPF?

I assume those XAML namespace declarations are in the parent tag of your control? You can't put comments inside of another tag. Other than that, the syntax you're using is correct.

<UserControl xmlns="...">
    <!-- Here's a valid comment. Notice it's outside the <UserControl> tag's braces -->

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

You should be aware that you should avoid file I/O from within Linux kernel when possible. The main idea is to go "one level deeper" and call VFS level functions instead of the syscall handler directly:


#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/buffer_head.h>

Opening a file (similar to open):

struct file *file_open(const char *path, int flags, int rights) 
    struct file *filp = NULL;
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int err = 0;

    oldfs = get_fs();
    filp = filp_open(path, flags, rights);
    if (IS_ERR(filp)) {
        err = PTR_ERR(filp);
        return NULL;
    return filp;

Close a file (similar to close):

void file_close(struct file *file) 
    filp_close(file, NULL);

Reading data from a file (similar to pread):

int file_read(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_read(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Writing data to a file (similar to pwrite):

int file_write(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_write(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Syncing changes a file (similar to fsync):

int file_sync(struct file *file) 
    vfs_fsync(file, 0);
    return 0;

[Edit] Originally, I proposed using file_fsync, which is gone in newer kernel versions. Thanks to the poor guy suggesting the change, but whose change was rejected. The edit was rejected before I could review it.

SQL Error: ORA-00913: too many values

If you are having 112 columns in one single table and you would like to insert data from source table, you could do as

create table employees as select * from source_employees where employee_id=100;

Or from sqlplus do as

copy from source_schema/password insert employees using select * from 
source_employees where employee_id=100;

Error: vector does not name a type

You forgot to add std:: namespace prefix to vector class name.

How to push objects in AngularJS between ngRepeat arrays

change your method to:

$scope.toggleChecked = function (index) {
    $scope.items.splice(index, 1);

Working Demo

Floating elements within a div, floats outside of div. Why?

W3Schools recommendation:

put overflow: auto on parent element and it will "color" whole background including elements margins. Also floating elements will stay inside of border.

Class has no initializers Swift

My answer addresses the error in general and not the exact code of the OP. No answer mentioned this note so I just thought I add it.

The code below would also generate the same error:

class Actor {
    let agent : String? // BAD! // Its value is set to nil, and will always be nil and that's stupid so Xcode is saying not-accepted.  
    // Technically speaking you have a way around it, you can help the compiler and enforce your value as a constant. See Option3

Others mentioned that Either you create initializers or you make them optional types, using ! or ? which is correct. However if you have an optional member/property, that optional should be mutable ie var. If you make a let then it would never be able to get out of its nil state. That's bad!

So the correct way of writing it is:


class Actor {
    var agent : String? // It's defaulted to `nil`, but also has a chance so it later can be set to something different || GOOD!

Or you can write it as:


class Actor {
let agent : String? // It's value isn't set to nil, but has an initializer || GOOD!

init (agent: String?){
    self.agent = agent // it has a chance so its value can be set!

or default it to any value (including nil which is kinda stupid)


class Actor {
let agent : String? = nil // very useless, but doable.
let company: String? = "Universal" 

If you are curious as to why let (contrary to var) isn't initialized to nil then read here and here

How to get the full url in Express?

var full_address = req.protocol + "://" + + req.originalUrl;


var full_address = req.protocol + "://" + + req.baseUrl;

Creating object with dynamic keys

You can't define an object literal with a dynamic key. Do this :

var o = {};
o[key] = value;
return o;

There's no shortcut (edit: there's one now, with ES6, see the other answer).

Add CSS class to a div in code behind

<div runat="server"> is mapped to a HtmlGenericControl. Try using BtnventCss.Attributes.Add("class", "hom_but_a");

Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa

If you need to convert the instance of System.Xml.Linq.XDocument into the instance of the System.Xml.XmlDocument this extension method will help you to do not lose the XML declaration in the resulting XmlDocument instance:

using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.Linq;

    internal static class LinqHelper 
        public static XmlDocument ToXmlDocument(this XDocument xDocument) 
            var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); 
            using (var reader = xDocument.CreateReader()) 

            var xDeclaration = xDocument.Declaration; 
            if (xDeclaration != null) 
                var xmlDeclaration = xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration( 

                xmlDocument.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, xmlDocument.FirstChild); 

            return xmlDocument; 

Hope that helps!

pyplot axes labels for subplots

You can create a big subplot that covers the two subplots and then set the common labels.

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = range(1, 101)
y1 = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(len(x))]
y2 = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(len(x))]

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)    # The big subplot
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)

# Turn off axis lines and ticks of the big subplot
ax.tick_params(labelcolor='w', top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False)

ax1.loglog(x, y1)
ax2.loglog(x, y2)

# Set common labels
ax.set_xlabel('common xlabel')
ax.set_ylabel('common ylabel')

ax1.set_title('ax1 title')
ax2.set_title('ax2 title')

plt.savefig('common_labels.png', dpi=300)


Another way is using fig.text() to set the locations of the common labels directly.

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = range(1, 101)
y1 = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(len(x))]
y2 = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(len(x))]

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)

ax1.loglog(x, y1)
ax2.loglog(x, y2)

# Set common labels
fig.text(0.5, 0.04, 'common xlabel', ha='center', va='center')
fig.text(0.06, 0.5, 'common ylabel', ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical')

ax1.set_title('ax1 title')
ax2.set_title('ax2 title')

plt.savefig('common_labels_text.png', dpi=300)


How do I make a file:// hyperlink that works in both IE and Firefox?

Paste following link to directly under link button click event, otherwise use javascript to call code behind function

Protected Sub lnkOpen_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 
End Sub

How to create a hex dump of file containing only the hex characters without spaces in bash?

It seems to depend on the details of the version of od. On OSX, use this:

od -t x1 -An file |tr -d '\n '

(That's print as type hex bytes, with no address. And whitespace deleted afterwards, of course.)

Change bar plot colour in geom_bar with ggplot2 in r

If you want all the bars to get the same color (fill), you can easily add it inside geom_bar.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2, fill = "#FF6666")

enter image description here

Add fill = the_name_of_your_var inside aes to change the colors depending of the variable :

c4 = c("A", "B", "C")
df = cbind(df, c4)
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2)

enter image description here

Use scale_fill_manual() if you want to manually the change of colors.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2) + 
scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("A" = "black", "B" = "orange", "C" = "blue"))

enter image description here

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java

12 to 24 hour time conversion and can be reversed if change time formate in output and input SimpleDateFormat class parameter

Test Data Input:

String input = "07:05:45PM"; timeCoversion12to24(input);



 public static String timeCoversion12to24(String twelveHoursTime) throws ParseException {

        //Date/time pattern of input date (12 Hours format - hh used for 12 hours)
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ssaa");

        //Date/time pattern of desired output date (24 Hours format HH - Used for 24 hours)
        DateFormat outputformat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
        Date date = null;
        String output = null;

        //Returns Date object
        date = df.parse(twelveHoursTime);

        //old date format to new date format
        output = outputformat.format(date);

        return output;

HTML Button : Navigate to Other Page - Different Approaches

I use method 3 because it's the most understandable for others (whenever you see an <a> tag, you know it's a link) and when you are part of a team, you have to make simple things ;).

And finally I don't think it's useful and efficient to use JS simply to navigate to an other page.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference

Your app is crashing at:

welcomePlayer.setText("Welcome Back, " + String.valueOf(mPlayer.getName(this)) + " !");

because mPlayer=null.

You forgot to initialize Player mPlayer in your PlayGame Activity.

mPlayer = new Player(context,"");

How do I print out the contents of a vector?

template collection:

apply std::cout << and std::to_string

to std::vector, std::array and std::tuple

As printing a vector in cpp turned out to be surprisingly much work (at least compared to how basic this task is) and as one steps over the same problem again, when working with other container, here a more general solution ...

Template collection content

This template collection handles 3 container types: std::vector, std::array and std::tuple. It defines std::to_string() for those and makes it possible to directly print them out by std::cout << container;.

Further it defines the << operator for std::string << container. With this it gets possible to construct strings containig these container types in a compact way.


std::string s1 = "s1: " + std::to_string(arr) + "; " + std::to_string(vec) + "; " + std::to_string(tup);

we get to

std::string s2 = STR() << "s2: " << arr << "; " << vec << "; " << tup;


You can test this code interactively: here.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

namespace std
    // declations: needed for std::to_string(std::vector<std::tuple<int, float>>)
    std::string to_string(std::string str);
    std::string to_string(const char *str);
    template<typename T, size_t N>
    std::string to_string(std::array<T, N> const& arr);
    template<typename T>
    std::string to_string(std::vector<T> const& vec);
    template<typename... Args>
    std::string to_string(const std::tuple<Args...>& tup);
    std::string to_string(std::string str)
        return std::string(str);
    std::string to_string(const char *str)
        return std::string(str);

    template<typename T, size_t N>
    std::string to_string(std::array<T, N> const& arr)
        std::string s="{";
        for (std::size_t t = 0; t != N; ++t)
            s += std::to_string(arr[t]) + (t+1 < N ? ", ":"");
        return s + "}";

    template<typename T>
    std::string to_string(std::vector<T> const& vec)
        std::string s="[";
        for (std::size_t t = 0; t != vec.size(); ++t)
            s += std::to_string(vec[t]) + (t+1 < vec.size() ? ", ":"");
        return s + "]";
    // to_string(tuple)
    template<class Tuple, std::size_t N>
    struct TupleString
        static std::string str(const Tuple& tup)
            std::string out;
            out += TupleString<Tuple, N-1>::str(tup);
            out += ", ";
            out += std::to_string(std::get<N-1>(tup));
            return out;
    template<class Tuple>
    struct TupleString<Tuple, 1>
        static std::string str(const Tuple& tup)
            std::string out;
            out += std::to_string(std::get<0>(tup));
            return out;
    template<typename... Args>
    std::string to_string(const std::tuple<Args...>& tup)
        std::string out = "(";
        out += TupleString<decltype(tup), sizeof...(Args)>::str(tup);
        out += ")";
        return out;
} // namespace std

 * cout: cout << continer
template <typename T, std::size_t N> // cout << array
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &out, std::array<T, N> &con)
    out <<  std::to_string(con);
    return out;
template <typename T, typename A> // cout << vector
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &out, std::vector<T, A> &con)
    out <<  std::to_string(con);
    return out;
template<typename... Args> // cout << tuple
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &out, std::tuple<Args...> &con)
    out <<  std::to_string(con);
    return out;

 * Concatenate: string << continer
template <class C>
std::string operator <<(std::string str, C &con)
    std::string out = str;
    out += std::to_string(con);
    return out;
#define STR() std::string("")

int main()
    std::array<int, 3> arr {1, 2, 3};
    std::string sArr = std::to_string(arr);
    std::cout << "std::array" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest to_string: " << sArr << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest cout <<: " << arr << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest string <<: " << (std::string() << arr) << std::endl;
    std::vector<std::string> vec {"a", "b"};
    std::string sVec = std::to_string(vec);
    std::cout << "std::vector" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest to_string: " << sVec << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest cout <<: " << vec << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest string <<: " << (std::string() << vec) << std::endl;
    std::tuple<int, std::string> tup = std::make_tuple(5, "five");
    std::string sTup = std::to_string(tup);
    std::cout << "std::tuple" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest to_string: " << sTup << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest cout <<: " << tup << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest string <<: " << (std::string() << tup) << std::endl;
    std::vector<std::tuple<int, float>> vt {std::make_tuple(1, .1), std::make_tuple(2, .2)};
    std::string sVt = std::to_string(vt);
    std::cout << "std::vector<std::tuple>" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest to_string: " << sVt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest cout <<: " << vt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\ttest string <<: " << (std::string() << vt) << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::string s1 = "s1: " + std::to_string(arr) + "; " + std::to_string(vec) + "; " + std::to_string(tup);
    std::cout << s1 << std::endl;
    std::string s2 = STR() << "s2: " << arr << "; " << vec << "; " << tup;
    std::cout << s2 << std::endl;

    return 0;


    test to_string: {1, 2, 3}
    test cout <<: {1, 2, 3}
    test string <<: {1, 2, 3}
    test to_string: [a, b]
    test cout <<: [a, b]
    test string <<: [a, b]
    test to_string: (5, five)
    test cout <<: (5, five)
    test string <<: (5, five)
    test to_string: [(1, 0.100000), (2, 0.200000)]
    test cout <<: [(1, 0.100000), (2, 0.200000)]
    test string <<: [(1, 0.100000), (2, 0.200000)]

s1: {1, 2, 3}; [a, b]; (5, five)
s2: {1, 2, 3}; [a, b]; (5, five)

PHPExcel How to apply styles and set cell width and cell height to cell generated dynamically

Try this:


Java String remove all non numeric characters

String phoneNumberstr = "Tel: 00971-557890-999";
String numberRefined = phoneNumberstr.replaceAll("[^\\d-]", "");

result: 0097-557890-999

if you also do not need "-" in String you can do like this:

String phoneNumberstr = "Tel: 00971-55 7890 999";      
String numberRefined = phoneNumberstr.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");

result: 0097557890999

Display date in dd/mm/yyyy format in

I found this catered for dates in 21st Century that could be entered as dd/mm or dd/mm/yy. It is intended to print an attendance register and asks for the meeting date to start with.

Sub Print_Register()

Dim MeetingDate, Answer

    MeetingDate = DateValue(InputBox("Enter the date of the meeting." & Chr(13) & _
    "Note Format" & Chr(13) & "Format DD/MM/YY or DD/MM", "Meeting Date", , 10000, 10000))
    If MeetingDate = "" Then GoTo TheEnd
    If MeetingDate < 36526 Then MeetingDate = MeetingDate + 36526
    Range("Current_Meeting_Date") = MeetingDate
    Answer = MsgBox("Date OK?", 3)
    If Answer = 2 Then GoTo TheEnd
    If Answer = 7 Then GoTo GetDate
    ExecuteExcel4Macro "PRINT(1,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE)"
End Sub

Python: instance has no attribute

Your class doesn't have a __init__(), so by the time it's instantiated, the attribute atoms is not present. You'd have to do C.setdata('something') so C.atoms becomes available.

>>> C = Residues()
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#84>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: Residues instance has no attribute 'atoms'

>>> C.setdata('something')
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')   # now it works

Unlike in languages like Java, where you know at compile time what attributes/member variables an object will have, in Python you can dynamically add attributes at runtime. This also implies instances of the same class can have different attributes.

To ensure you'll always have (unless you mess with it down the line, then it's your own fault) an atoms list you could add a constructor:

def __init__(self):
    self.atoms = []

ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined in SELECT *

You can also see this error when selecting for a union where corresponding columns can be null.

select * from (select D.dept_no, D.nullable_comment
                  from dept D
               select R.dept_no, NULL
                 from redundant_dept R

This apparently confuses the parser, a solution is to assign a column alias to the always null column.

select * from (select D.dept_no, D.comment
                  from dept D
               select R.dept_no, NULL "nullable_comment"
                 from redundant_dept R

The alias does not have to be the same as the corresponding column, but the column heading in the result is driven by the first query from among the union members, so it's probably a good practice.

"unrecognized import path" with go get

I installed Go with brew on OSX 10.11, and found I had to set GOROOT to:


(Of course replace the version in this path with go version you have)

Brew uses symlinks, which were fooling the gotool. So follow the links home.

Equivalent of waitForVisible/waitForElementPresent in Selenium WebDriver tests using Java?

For individual element the code below could be used:

private boolean isElementPresent(By by) {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            return false;
for (int second = 0;; second++) {
            if (second >= 60){
            try {
                if (isElementPresent("someid"))){
            catch (Exception e) {


How to assign colors to categorical variables in ggplot2 that have stable mapping?

I am in the same situation pointed out by malcook in his comment: unfortunately the answer by Thierry does not work with ggplot2 version

dataset <- data.frame(category = rep(LETTERS[1:5], 100),
    x = rnorm(500, mean = rep(1:5, 100)),
    y = rnorm(500, mean = rep(1:5, 100)))
dataset$fCategory <- factor(dataset$category)
subdata <- subset(dataset, category %in% c("A", "D", "E"))

ggplot(dataset, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fCategory)) + geom_point()
ggplot(subdata, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fCategory)) + geom_point()

Here it is the first figure:

ggplot A-E, mixed colors

and the second figure:

ggplot ADE, mixed colors

As we can see the colors do not stay fixed, for example E switches from magenta to blu.

As suggested by malcook in his comment and by hadley in his comment the code which uses limits works properly:

ggplot(subdata, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fCategory)) +       
    geom_point() + 
        limits = levels(dataset$fCategory))

gives the following figure, which is correct:

correct ggplot

This is the output from sessionInfo():

R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] methods   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  base     

other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_0.9.3.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-4   dichromat_2.0-0    digest_0.6.4       grid_3.0.2        
 [5] gtable_0.1.2       labeling_0.2       MASS_7.3-29        munsell_0.4.2     
 [9] plyr_1.8           proto_0.3-10       RColorBrewer_1.0-5 reshape2_1.2.2    
[13] scales_0.2.3       stringr_0.6.2 

How to find where javaw.exe is installed?

To find "javaw.exe" in windows I would use (using batch)

for /f tokens^=2^ delims^=^" %%i in ('reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\jarfile\shell\open\command /ve') do set JAVAW_PATH=%%i

It should work in Windows XP and Seven, for JRE 1.6 and 1.7. Should catch the latest installed version.

What are the differences between Deferred, Promise and Future in JavaScript?

In light of apparent dislike for how I've attempted to answer the OP's question. The literal answer is, a promise is something shared w/ other objects, while a deferred should be kept private. Primarily, a deferred (which generally extends Promise) can resolve itself, while a promise might not be able to do so.

If you're interested in the minutiae, then examine Promises/A+.

So far as I'm aware, the overarching purpose is to improve clarity and loosen coupling through a standardized interface. See suggested reading from @jfriend00:

Rather than directly passing callbacks to functions, something which can lead to tightly coupled interfaces, using promises allows one to separate concerns for code that is synchronous or asynchronous.

Personally, I've found deferred especially useful when dealing with e.g. templates that are populated by asynchronous requests, loading scripts that have networks of dependencies, and providing user feedback to form data in a non-blocking manner.

Indeed, compare the pure callback form of doing something after loading CodeMirror in JS mode asynchronously (apologies, I've not used jQuery in a while):

/* assume getScript has signature like: function (path, callback, context) 
   and listens to onload && onreadystatechange */
$(function () {
   getScript('path/to/CodeMirror', getJSMode);

   // onreadystate is not reliable for callback args.
   function getJSMode() {

   function ourAwesomeScript() {
       console.log("CodeMirror is awesome, but I'm too impatient.");

To the promises formulated version (again, apologies, I'm not up to date on jQuery):

/* Assume getScript returns a promise object */
$(function () {
   ).then(function () {
       console.log("CodeMirror is awesome, but I'm too impatient.");

Apologies for the semi-pseudo code, but I hope it makes the core idea somewhat clear. Basically, by returning a standardized promise, you can pass the promise around, thus allowing for more clear grouping.

An array of List in c#


List<int>[] a = new List<int>[100];

Calculating distance between two geographic locations

I wanted to implement myself this, i ended up reading the Wikipedia page on Great-circle distance formula, because no code was readable enough for me to use as basis.

C# example

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the distance between two locations using the Great Circle Distance algorithm
    /// <see cref=""/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="first"></param>
    /// <param name="second"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static double DistanceBetween(GeoLocation first, GeoLocation second)
        double longitudeDifferenceInRadians = Math.Abs(ToRadians(first.Longitude) - ToRadians(second.Longitude));

        double centralAngleBetweenLocationsInRadians = Math.Acos(
            Math.Sin(ToRadians(first.Latitude)) * Math.Sin(ToRadians(second.Latitude)) +
            Math.Cos(ToRadians(first.Latitude)) * Math.Cos(ToRadians(second.Latitude)) *

        const double earthRadiusInMeters = 6357 * 1000;

        return earthRadiusInMeters * centralAngleBetweenLocationsInRadians;

    private static double ToRadians(double degrees)
        return degrees * Math.PI / 180;

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013

After making no changes to a production server we began receiving this error. After trying several different things and thinking that perhaps there were DNS issues, restarting IIS fixed the issue (restarting only the site did not fix the issue). It likely won't work for everyone but if we tried that first it would have saved a lot of time.

How to have an automatic timestamp in SQLite?

You can create TIMESTAMP field in table on the SQLite, see this:

CREATE TABLE my_table (
    name VARCHAR(64),

INSERT INTO my_table(name, sqltime) VALUES('test1', '2010-05-28T15:36:56.200');
INSERT INTO my_table(name, sqltime) VALUES('test2', '2010-08-28T13:40:02.200');
INSERT INTO my_table(name) VALUES('test3');

This is the result:

SELECT * FROM my_table;

enter image description here

Build Error - missing required architecture i386 in file

I fixed it in a different way.The reason why i was getting this error was that i added security.framework twice in my project.I was not able to see security framework in xcode ,i opened the project in finder and found this framework which i deleted and problem solved.

How to replace values at specific indexes of a python list?

You can solve it using dictionary

to_modify = [5,4,3,2,1,0]
indexes = [0,1,3,5]
replacements = [0,0,0,0]

dic = {}
for i in range(len(indexes)):

for index, item in enumerate(to_modify):
    for i in indexes:

The output will be

{0: 0, 1: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0}
[0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0]

How to remove all callbacks from a Handler?

If you don't have the Runnable references, on the first callback, get the obj of the message, and use removeCallbacksAndMessages() to remove all related callbacks.

String comparison technique used by Python

Strings are compared lexicographically using the numeric equivalents (the result of the built-in function ord()) of their characters. Unicode and 8-bit strings are fully interoperable in this behavior.

How to use Typescript with native ES6 Promises

The current lib.d.ts doesn't have promises in it defined so you need a extra definition file for it that is why you are getting compilation errors.

You could for example use (like @elclanrs says) use the es6-promise package with the definition file from DefinitelyTyped: es6-promise definition

You can then use it like this:

var p = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { 
    resolve('a string'); 

edit You can use it without a definition when targeting ES6 (with the TypeScript compiler) - Note you still require the Promise to exists in the runtime ofcourse (so it won't work in old browsers :)) Add/Edit the following to your tsconfig.json :

"compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES6"

edit 2 When TypeScript 2.0 will come out things will change a bit (though above still works) but definition files can be installed directly with npm like below:

npm install --save @types/es6-promise - source

edit3 Updating answer with more info for using the types.

Create a package.json file with only { } as the content (if you don't have a package.json already. Call npm install --save @types/es6-promise and tsc --init. The first npm install command will change your package.json to include the es6-promise as a dependency. tsc --init will create a tsconfig.json file for you.

You can now use the promise in your typescript file var x: Promise<any>;. Execute tsc -p . to compile your project. You should have no errors.

Setting state on componentDidMount()

It is not an anti-pattern to call setState in componentDidMount. In fact, ReactJS provides an example of this in their documentation:

You should populate data with AJAX calls in the componentDidMount lifecycle method. This is so you can use setState to update your component when the data is retrieved.

Example From Doc

componentDidMount() {
      .then(res => res.json())
        (result) => {
            isLoaded: true,
            items: result.items
        // Note: it's important to handle errors here
        // instead of a catch() block so that we don't swallow
        // exceptions from actual bugs in components.
        (error) => {
            isLoaded: true,

Redirecting to a new page after successful login

You could also provide a link to the page after login and have it auto redirect using javascript after 10 seconds.

Jinja2 template variable if None Object set a default value

You can simply add "default none" to your variable as the form below mentioned:

{{ your_var | default('NONE', boolean=true) }}

Regex Explanation ^.*$

  • ^ matches position just before the first character of the string
  • $ matches position just after the last character of the string
  • . matches a single character. Does not matter what character it is, except newline
  • * matches preceding match zero or more times

So, ^.*$ means - match, from beginning to end, any character that appears zero or more times. Basically, that means - match everything from start to end of the string. This regex pattern is not very useful.

Let's take a regex pattern that may be a bit useful. Let's say I have two strings The bat of Matt Jones and Matthew's last name is Jones. The pattern ^Matt.*Jones$ will match Matthew's last name is Jones. Why? The pattern says - the string should start with Matt and end with Jones and there can be zero or more characters (any characters) in between them.

Feel free to use an online tool like to test out regex patterns and strings.

How to print jquery object/array

I was having similar problem and

var dataObj = JSON.parse(data);

console.log(dataObj[0].category); //will return Damskie
console.log(dataObj[1].category); //will return Meskie

This solved my problem. Thanks Selvakumar Arumugam

File count from a folder

You can use the Directory.GetFiles method

Also see Directory.GetFiles Method (String, String, SearchOption)

You can specify the search option in this overload.

TopDirectoryOnly: Includes only the current directory in a search.

AllDirectories: Includes the current directory and all the subdirectories in a search operation. This option includes reparse points like mounted drives and symbolic links in the search.

// searches the current directory and sub directory
int fCount = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length;
// searches the current directory
int fCount = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length;

Java 8 NullPointerException in Collectors.toMap

If the value is a String, then this might work: map.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> Optional.ofNullable(e.getValue()).orElse("")))

How do I open a new fragment from another fragment?

Use this,

AppCompatActivity activity = (AppCompatActivity) view.getContext();
Fragment myFragment = new MyFragment();
activity.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, myFragment).addToBackStack(null).commit();

How to pass dictionary items as function arguments in python?

If you want to use them like that, define the function with the variable names as normal:

def my_function(school, standard, city, name):
    schoolName  = school
    cityName = city
    standardName = standard
    studentName = name

Now you can use ** when you call the function:

data = {'school':'DAV', 'standard': '7', 'name': 'abc', 'city': 'delhi'}


and it will work as you want.

P.S. Don't use reserved words such as class.(e.g., use klass instead)

Declare and Initialize String Array in VBA

The problem here is that the length of your array is undefined, and this confuses VBA if the array is explicitly defined as a string. Variants, however, seem to be able to resize as needed (because they hog a bunch of memory, and people generally avoid them for a bunch of reasons).

The following code works just fine, but it's a bit manual compared to some of the other languages out there:

Dim SomeArray(3) As String

SomeArray(0) = "Zero"
SomeArray(1) = "One"
SomeArray(2) = "Two"
SomeArray(3) = "Three"

I can’t find the Android keytool

keytool comes with the Java SDK. You should find it in the directory that contains javac, etc.

@UniqueConstraint annotation in Java

To ensure a field value is unique you can write

String username;

The @UniqueConstraint annotation is for annotating multiple unique keys at the table level, which is why you get an error when applying it to a field.

References (JPA TopLink):

Using jQuery To Get Size of Viewport

function showViewPortSize(display) {
    if (display) {
        var height = window.innerHeight;
        var width = window.innerWidth;
            .prepend('<div id="viewportsize" style="z-index:9999;position:fixed;bottom:0px;left:0px;color:#fff;background:#000;padding:10px">Height: ' + height + '<br>Width: ' + width + '</div>');
            .resize(function() {
                height = window.innerHeight;
                width = window.innerWidth;
                    .html('Height: ' + height + '<br>Width: ' + width);
    .ready(function() {

How to create multidimensional array

Hope the following code suits your requirement

var row= 20;
var column= 10;
var f = new Array();

for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
 f[i]=new Array();
 for (j=0;j<column;j++) {

Send email from localhost running XAMMP in PHP using GMAIL mail server

Here's the link that gives me the answer:

[Install] the "fake sendmail for windows". If you are not using XAMPP you can download it here:

[Modify] the php.ini file to use it (commented out the other lines):

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
; SMTP =
; smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
; sendmail_from = <e-mail username>

; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
sendmail_path = "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

(ignore the "Unix only" bit, since we actually are using sendmail)

You then have to configure the "sendmail.ini" file in the directory where sendmail was installed:

force_sender=<e-mail username>

To access a Gmail account protected by 2-factor verification, you will need to create an application-specific password. (source)

How to reshape data from long to wide format

With the devel version of tidyr ‘’, there is pivot_wider and pivot_longer which is generalized to do the reshaping (long -> wide, wide -> long, respectively) from 1 to multiple columns. Using the OP's data

-single column long -> wide

dat1 %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = numbers, values_from = value)
# A tibble: 2 x 5
#  name          `1`    `2`    `3`    `4`
#  <fct>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#1 firstName   0.341 -0.703 -0.380 -0.746
#2 secondName -0.898 -0.335 -0.501 -0.175

-> created another column for showing the functionality

dat1 %>% 
    mutate(value2 = value * 2) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = numbers, values_from = c("value", "value2"))
# A tibble: 2 x 9
#  name       value_1 value_2 value_3 value_4 value2_1 value2_2 value2_3 value2_4
#  <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#1 firstName    0.341  -0.703  -0.380  -0.746    0.682   -1.41    -0.759   -1.49 
#2 secondName  -0.898  -0.335  -0.501  -0.175   -1.80    -0.670   -1.00    -0.349

Execute jQuery function after another function completes

Deferred promises are a nice way to chain together function execution neatly and easily. Whether AJAX or normal functions, they offer greater flexibility than callbacks, and I've found easier to grasp.

function Typer()
var dfd = $.Deferred();
    var srcText = 'EXAMPLE ';
    var i = 0;
    var result = srcText[i];



  var timer=    setInterval(function() {
                    if(i == srcText.length) {

    // clearInterval(this);



                        result += srcText[i].replace("\n", "<br />");
                        $("#message").html( result);
              return dfd.promise();

I've modified the play function so it returns a promise when the audio finishes playing, which might be useful to some. The third function fires when sound finishes playing.

   function playBGM()
      var playsound = $.Deferred();
      $("#bgm").on("ended", function() {
        return playsound.promise();

    function thirdFunction() {
        alert('third function');

Now call the whole thing with the following: (be sure to use Jquery 1.9.1 or above as I found that 1.7.2 executes all the functions at once, rather than waiting for each to resolve.)


Before today, I had no luck using deferred promises in this way, and finally have grasped it. Precisely timed, chained interface events occurring exactly when we want them to, including async events, has never been easy. For me at least, I now have it under control thanks largely to others asking questions here.

The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800704CD

I too got this same error on my image handler that I wrote. I got it like 30 times a day on site with heavy traffic, managed to reproduce it also. You get this when a user cancels the request (closes the page or his internet connection is interrupted for example), in my case in the following row:

myContext.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

I can’t think of any way to prevent it but maybe you can properly handle this. Ex:

            myContext.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        }catch (HttpException ex)
            if (ex.Message.StartsWith("The remote host closed the connection."))
                ;//do nothing
                //handle other errors
        catch (Exception e)
            //handle other errors
        {//close streams etc..

How to initialize array to 0 in C?

If you'd like to initialize the array to values other than 0, with gcc you can do:

int array[1024] = { [ 0 ... 1023 ] = -1 };

This is a GNU extension of C99 Designated Initializers. In older GCC, you may need to use -std=gnu99 to compile your code.

Does bootstrap have builtin padding and margin classes?

Bootstrap 4 has a new notation for margin and padding classes. Refer to Bootstrap 4.0 Documentation - Spacing.

From the documentation:


Spacing utilities that apply to all breakpoints, from xs to xl, have no breakpoint abbreviation in them. This is because those classes are applied from min-width: 0 and up, and thus are not bound by a media query. The remaining breakpoints, however, do include a breakpoint abbreviation.

The classes are named using the format {property}{sides}-{size} for xs and {property}{sides}-{breakpoint}-{size} for sm, md, lg, and xl.


.mt-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; }

.p-3 { padding: $spacer !important; }

remove None value from a list without removing the 0 value

A list comprehension is likely the cleanest way:

>>> L = [0, 23, 234, 89, None, 0, 35, 9
>>> [x for x in L if x is not None]
[0, 23, 234, 89, 0, 35, 9]

There is also a functional programming approach but it is more involved:

>>> from operator import is_not
>>> from functools import partial
>>> L = [0, 23, 234, 89, None, 0, 35, 9]
>>> list(filter(partial(is_not, None), L))
[0, 23, 234, 89, 0, 35, 9]

How to insert table values from one database to another database?

INTO    remotedblink.remotedatabase.remoteschema.remotetable
FROM    mytable

There is no such thing as "the end of the table" in relational databases.

Turning Sonar off for certain code

Use //NOSONAR on the line you get warning if it is something you cannot help your code with. It works!

How can I find last row that contains data in a specific column?

Function LastRow(rng As Range) As Long
    Dim iRowN As Long
    Dim iRowI As Long
    Dim iColN As Integer
    Dim iColI As Integer
    iRowN = 0
    iColN = rng.Columns.count
    For iColI = 1 To iColN
        iRowI = rng.Columns(iColI).Offset(65536 - rng.Row, 0).End(xlUp).Row
        If iRowI > iRowN Then iRowN = iRowI
    LastRow = iRowN
End Function 

Batch script to delete files

You need to escape the % with another...

del "D:\TEST\TEST 100%%\Archive*.TXT"

Pick images of root folder from sub-folder

when you upload your files to the server be careful ,some tomes your images will not appear on the web page and a crashed icon will appear that means your file path is not properly arranged or coded when you have the the following file structure the code should be like this File structure: ->web(main folder) ->images(subfolder)->logo.png(image in the sub folder)the code for the above is below follow this standard

 <img src="../images/logo.jpg" alt="image1" width="50px" height="50px">

if you uploaded your files to the web server by neglecting the file structure with out creating the folder web if you directly upload the files then your images will be broken you can't see images,then change the code as following

 <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="image1" width="50px" height="50px">

thank you->vamshi krishnan

How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?

SELECT FLOOR(12345.7344);

Read more here.

Calling filter returns <filter object at ... >

It's an iterator returned by the filter function.

If you want a list, just do

list(filter(f, range(2, 25)))

Nonetheless, you can just iterate over this object with a for loop.

for e in filter(f, range(2, 25)):

How to check whether a int is not null or empty?

public class Demo {
    private static int i;
    private static Integer j;
    private static int k = -1;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(i+" "+j+" "+k);

OutPut: 0 null -1

saving a file (from stream) to disk using c#

I have to quote Jon (the master of c#) Skeet:

Well, the easiest way would be to open a file stream and then use:

byte[] data = memoryStream.ToArray(); fileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

That's relatively inefficient though, as it involves copying the buffer. It's fine for small streams, but for huge amounts of data you should consider using:

fileStream.Write(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, memoryStream.Position);

How can I avoid running ActiveRecord callbacks?

# for rails 3
  if !ActiveRecord::Base.private_method_defined? :update_without_callbacks
    def update_without_callbacks
      attributes_with_values = arel_attributes_values(false, false, attribute_names)
      return false if attributes_with_values.empty?

In c# is there a method to find the max of 3 numbers?

Let's assume that You have a List<int> intList = new List<int>{1,2,3} if You want to get a max value You could do

int maxValue = intList.Max();

How to implode array with key and value without foreach in PHP

Here is a simple example, using class:

$input = array(
    'element1'  => 'value1',
    'element2'  => 'value2',
    'element3' =>  'value3'

echo FlatData::flatArray($input,', ', '=');

class FlatData

    public static function flatArray(array $input = array(), $separator_elements = ', ', $separator = ': ')
        $output = implode($separator_elements, array_map(
            function ($v, $k, $s) {
                return sprintf("%s{$s}%s", $k, $v);
            array_fill(0, count($input), $separator)
      return $output;


Connect to docker container as user other than root

Execute command as www-data user: docker exec -t --user www-data container bash -c "ls -la"

How to fix Error: laravel.log could not be opened?

Never set a directory to 777. you should change directory ownership. so set your current user that you are logged in with as owner and the webserver user (www-data, apache, ...) as the group. You can try this:

sudo chown -R $USER:www-data storage
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data bootstrap/cache

then to set directory permission try this:

chmod -R 775 storage
chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache


Webserver user and group depend on your webserver and your OS. to figure out what's your web server user and group use the following commands. for nginx use:

ps aux|grep nginx|grep -v grep

for apache use:

ps aux | egrep '(apache|httpd)'

Undo working copy modifications of one file in Git?

I have Done through git bash:

(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

  1. Git status. [So we have seen one file wad modified.]
  2. git checkout -- index.html [i have changed in index.html file :
  3. git status [now those changes was removed]

enter image description here

How to have PHP display errors? (I've added ini_set and error_reporting, but just gives 500 on errors)

To people using Codeigniter (i'm on C3):

The index.php file overwrite php.ini configuration, so on index.php file, line 68:

case 'development':
        ini_set('display_errors', 1);

You can change this option to set what you need. Here's the complete list:

6143    E_ALL
2048    E_STRICT

Hope it helps.

How do I clone a single branch in Git?

If you want a shallow clone, you can do this with:

git clone -b mybranch --depth=1 localname

--depth=1 implies --single-branch.

How to debug (only) JavaScript in Visual Studio?

The debugger should automatically attach to the browser with Visual Studio 2012. You can use the debugger keyword to halt at a certain point in the application or use the breakpoints directly inside VS.

You can also detatch the default debugger in Visual Studio and use the Developer Tools which come pre loaded with Internet Explorer or FireBug etc.

To do this goto Visual Studio -> Debug -> Detatch All and then click Start debugging in Internet Explorer. You can then set breakpoints at this level. enter image description here

How to convert a hex string to hex number

Use format string

intNum = 123
print "0x%x"%(intNum)

or hex function.

intNum = 123
print hex(intNum)

Using a RegEx to match IP addresses in Python

Using regex to validate IP address is a bad idea - this will pass 999.999.999.999 as valid. Try this approach using socket instead - much better validation and just as easy, if not easier to do.

import socket

def valid_ip(address):
        return True
        return False

print valid_ip('')
print valid_ip('999.10.20.30')
print valid_ip('gibberish')

If you really want to use parse-the-host approach instead, this code will do it exactly:

def valid_ip(address):
        host_bytes = address.split('.')
        valid = [int(b) for b in host_bytes]
        valid = [b for b in valid if b >= 0 and b<=255]
        return len(host_bytes) == 4 and len(valid) == 4
        return False

Why do we check up to the square root of a prime number to determine if it is prime?

Let's say we have a number "a", which is not prime [not prime/composite number means - a number which can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself. For example, 6 can be divided evenly by 2, or by 3, as well as by 1 or 6].

6 = 1 × 6 or 6 = 2 × 3

So now if "a" is not prime then it can be divided by two other numbers and let's say those numbers are "b" and "c". Which means


Now if "b" or "c" , any of them is greater than square root of "a "than multiplication of "b" & "c" will be greater than "a".

So, "b" or "c" is always <= square root of "a" to prove the equation "a=b*c".

Because of the above reason, when we test if a number is prime or not, we only check until square root of that number.

How to turn off caching on Firefox?

In firefox 45, disk cache options can be set by changing the value of: browser.cache.disk.enable

The value can be set on the "about:config" page.

On I found the following description for "browser.cache.disk.enable":

True (default): Use disk cache, up to capacity specified in browser.cache.disk.capacity False: Disable disk cache (same effect as setting browser.cache.disk.capacity to 0)

URL to compose a message in Gmail (with full Gmail interface and specified to, bcc, subject, etc.)

When you click on compose email in Gmail notice that the url changes from to Now when you enter say a email id [email protected] , the value for compose changes now the url became

So this is working fine with my html hyperlink until the account is signed in, but if the account is not signed in it would take me the login page and when I enter the credentials somehow this compose value is lost and this does not work.

Difference between JSON.stringify and JSON.parse

The real confusion here is not about parse vs stringify, it's about the data type of the data parameter of the success callback.

data can be either the raw response, i.e a string, or it can be an JavaScript object, as per the documentation:


Type: Function( Anything data, String textStatus, jqXHR jqXHR ) A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed three arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to the dataType parameter or the dataFilter callback function, if specified;<..>

And the dataType defaults to a setting of 'intelligent guess'

dataType (default: Intelligent Guess (xml, json, script, or html))

Type: String The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none is specified, jQuery will try to infer it based on the MIME type of the response (an XML MIME type will yield XML, in 1.4 JSON will yield a JavaScript object, in 1.4 script will execute the script, and anything else will be returned as a string).

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

Don't forget to write the permissions without extra spaces in the manifest. In my case i had:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE " />

But look, at the end, there's an extra space. Just write it the right way

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

And it's working now

Most efficient way to get table row count

if you directly get get max number by writing select query then there may chance that your query will give wrong value. e.g. if your table has 5 records so your increment id will be 6 and if I delete record no 5 the your table has 4 records with max id is 4 in this case you will get 5 as next increment id. insted to that you can get info from mysql defination itself. by writing following code in php

$tablename      = "tablename";
$next_increment     = 0;
$qShowStatus        = "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$tablename'";
$qShowStatusResult  = mysql_query($qShowStatus) or die ( "Query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br/>" . $qShowStatus );

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qShowStatusResult);
$next_increment = $row['Auto_increment'];

echo "next increment number: [$next_increment]";

How to get numbers after decimal point?

This is only if you want toget the first decimal

print(int(float(input()) * 10) % 10)

Or you can try this

num = float(input())
b = num - int(num) 
c = b * 10

Allowing Untrusted SSL Certificates with HttpClient

I don't have an answer, but I do have an alternative.

If you use Fiddler2 to monitor traffic AND enable HTTPS Decryption, your development environment will not complain. This will not work on WinRT devices, such as Microsoft Surface, because you cannot install standard apps on them. But your development Win8 computer will be fine.

To enable HTTPS encryption in Fiddler2, go to Tools > Fiddler Options > HTTPS (Tab) > Check "Decrypt HTTPS Traffic".

I'm going to keep my eye on this thread hoping for someone to have an elegant solution.

Change project name on Android Studio


This answer is better.

OLD ANSWER: 1. Right click your

ackage name and Refactor -> Rename...

enter image description here

  1. When asked if you want to Rename directory or Rename package, choose Rename package

enter image description here

  1. Now in Finder, manually rename your root folder (the parent folder of your /app folder)

enter image description here

  1. Reopen project in Android Studio with new folder name

  2. Cmd + Shift + f for any instances of your old name in Android Studio, and change all of them to the new name.

  3. Change the applicationId in your build.gradle


  • You might need to update a .gitignore file if it was at the root of your project. Note that when swapping branches after doing this, you'll potentially see a bunch of files showing up in working changes, but don't worry they should go away after you merge in your renamed branch with updated .gitignore. Don't manually remove these as it can cause issues in Android Studio.
  • Delete your old root folder in Finder

How should I remove all the leading spaces from a string? - swift

To remove leading and trailing whitespaces:

let trimmedString = string.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())

Swift 3 / Swift 4:

let trimmedString = string.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)

Java double.MAX_VALUE?

Double.MAX_VALUE is the maximum value a double can represent (somewhere around 1.7*10^308).

This should end in some calculation problems, if you try to subtract the maximum possible value of a data type.

Even though when you are dealing with money you should never use floating point values especially while rounding this can cause problems (you will either have to much or less money in your system then).

PHPExcel how to set cell value dynamically

I don't have much experience working with php but from a logic standpoint this is what I would do.

  1. Loop through your result set from MySQL
  2. In Excel you should already know what A,B,C should be because those are the columns and you know how many columns you are returning.
  3. The row number can just be incremented with each time through the loop.

Below is some pseudocode illustrating this technique:

    for (int i = 0; i < MySQLResults.count; i++){
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . (string)(i + 1), MySQLResults[i].name); 
        // Add 1 to i because Excel Rows start at 1, not 0, so row will always be one off
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . (string)(i + 1), MySQLResults[i].number);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C' . (string)(i + 1), MySQLResults[i].email);

Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table

I was getting from a conflict with join table defined in an association class ( with additional custom fields ) annotation and a join table defined in a many-to-many annotation.

The mapping definitions in two entities with a direct many-to-many relationship appeared to result in the automatic creation of the join table using the 'joinTable' annotation. However the join table was already defined by an annotation in its underlying entity class and I wanted it to use this association entity class's own field definitions so as to extend the join table with additional custom fields.

The explanation and solution is that identified by FMaz008 above. In my situation, it was thanks to this post in the forum 'Doctrine Annotation Question'. This post draws attention to the Doctrine documentation regarding ManyToMany Uni-directional relationships. Look at the note regarding the approach of using an 'association entity class' thus replacing the many-to-many annotation mapping directly between two main entity classes with a one-to-many annotation in the main entity classes and two 'many-to-one' annotations in the associative entity class. There is an example provided in this forum post Association models with extra fields:

public class Person {

  /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="AssignedItems", mappedBy="person") */
  private $assignedItems;


public class Items {

    /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="AssignedItems", mappedBy="item") */
    private $assignedPeople;

public class AssignedItems {

    /** @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Person")
    * @JoinColumn(name="person_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $person;

    /** @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Item")
    * @JoinColumn(name="item_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $item;


How to pretty-print a numpy.array without scientific notation and with given precision?

Years later, another one is below. But for everyday use I just

np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=140,
    formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.3g" % x ))  # float arrays %.3g

''' printf( "... %.3g ... %.1f  ...", arg, arg ... ) for numpy arrays too

    printf( """ x: %.3g   A: %.1f   s: %s   B: %s """,
                   x,        A,        "str",  B )

If `x` and `A` are numbers, this is like `"format" % (x, A, "str", B)` in python.
If they're numpy arrays, each element is printed in its own format:
    `x`: e.g. [ 1.23 1.23e-6 ... ]  3 digits
    `A`: [ [ 1 digit after the decimal point ... ] ... ]
with the current `np.set_printoptions()`. For example, with
    np.set_printoptions( threshold=100, edgeitems=3, suppress=True )
only the edges of big `x` and `A` are printed.
`B` is printed as `str(B)`, for any `B` -- a number, a list, a numpy object ...

`printf()` tries to handle too few or too many arguments sensibly,
but this is iffy and subject to change.

How it works:
numpy has a function `np.array2string( A, "%.3g" )` (simplifying a bit).
`printf()` splits the format string, and for format / arg pairs
    format: % d e f g
    arg: try `np.asanyarray()`
-->  %s  np.array2string( arg, format )
Other formats and non-ndarray args are left alone, formatted as usual.


`printf( ... end= file= )` are passed on to the python `print()` function.

Only formats `% [optional width . precision] d e f g` are implemented,
not `%(varname)format` .

%d truncates floats, e.g. 0.9 and -0.9 to 0; %.0f rounds, 0.9 to 1 .
%g is the same as %.6g, 6 digits.
%% is a single "%" character.

The function `sprintf()` returns a long string. For example,
    title = sprintf( "%s  m %g  n %g  X %.3g",
                    __file__, m, n, X )
    print( title )
    pl.title( title )

Module globals:
_fmt = "%.3g"  # default for extra args
_squeeze = np.squeeze  # (n,1) (1,n) -> (n,) print in 1 line not n

See also:


from __future__ import division, print_function
import re
import numpy as np

__version__ = "2014-02-03 feb denis"

_splitformat = re.compile( r'''(
    (?<! %% )  # not %%
    -? [ \d . ]*  # optional width.precision
    )''', re.X )
    # ... %3.0f  ... %g  ... %-10s ...
    # -> ['...' '%3.0f' '...' '%g' '...' '%-10s' '...']
    # odd len, first or last may be ""

_fmt = "%.3g"  # default for extra args
_squeeze = np.squeeze  # (n,1) (1,n) -> (n,) print in 1 line not n

def printf( format, *args, **kwargs ):
    print( sprintf( format, *args ), **kwargs )  # end= file=

printf.__doc__ = __doc__

def sprintf( format, *args ):
    """ sprintf( "text %.3g text %4.1f ... %s ... ", numpy arrays or ... )
        %[defg] array -> np.array2string( formatter= )
    args = list(args)
    if not isinstance( format, basestring ):
        args = [format] + args
        format = ""

    tf = _splitformat.split( format )  # [ text %e text %f ... ]
    nfmt = len(tf) // 2
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs < nfmt:
        args += (nfmt - nargs) * ["?arg?"]
    elif nargs > nfmt:
        tf += (nargs - nfmt) * [_fmt, " "]  # default _fmt

    for j, arg in enumerate( args ):
        fmt = tf[ 2*j + 1 ]
        if arg is None \
        or isinstance( arg, basestring ) \
        or (hasattr( arg, "__iter__" ) and len(arg) == 0):
            tf[ 2*j + 1 ] = "%s"  # %f -> %s, not error
        args[j], isarray = _tonumpyarray(arg)
        if isarray  and fmt[-1] in "defgEFG":
            tf[ 2*j + 1 ] = "%s"
            fmtfunc = (lambda x: fmt % x)
            formatter = dict( float_kind=fmtfunc, int=fmtfunc )
            args[j] = np.array2string( args[j], formatter=formatter )
        return "".join(tf) % tuple(args)
    except TypeError:  # shouldn't happen
        print( "error: tf %s  types %s" % (tf, map( type, args )))

def _tonumpyarray( a ):
    """ a, isarray = _tonumpyarray( a )
        ->  scalar, False
            np.asanyarray(a), float or int
            a, False
    a = getattr( a, "value", a )  # cvxpy
    if np.isscalar(a):
        return a, False
    if hasattr( a, "__iter__" )  and len(a) == 0:
        return a, False
        # map .value ?
        a = np.asanyarray( a )
    except ValueError:
        return a, False
    if hasattr( a, "dtype" )  and a.dtype.kind in "fi":  # complex ?
        if callable( _squeeze ):
            a = _squeeze( a )  # np.squeeze
        return a, True
        return a, False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

    n = 5
    seed = 0
        # run n= ...  in sh or ipython
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        exec( arg )
    np.set_printoptions( 1, threshold=4, edgeitems=2, linewidth=80, suppress=True )

    A = np.random.exponential( size=(n,n) ) ** 10
    x = A[0]

    printf( "x: %.3g  \nA: %.1f  \ns: %s  \nB: %s ",
                x,         A,         "str",   A )
    printf( "x %%d: %d", x )
    printf( "x %%.0f: %.0f", x )
    printf( "x %%.1e: %.1e", x )
    printf( "x %%g: %g", x )
    printf( "x %%s uses np printoptions: %s", x )

    printf( "x with default _fmt: ", x )
    printf( "no args" )
    printf( "too few args: %g %g", x )
    printf( x )
    printf( x, x )
    printf( None )
    printf( "[]:", [] )
    printf( "[3]:", [3] )
    printf( np.array( [] ))
    printf( [[]] )  # squeeze

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) - how many loops are being performed?

I'm assuming mysql_fetch_array() perfroms a loop, so I'm interested in if using a while() in conjunction with it, if it saves a nested loop.

No. mysql_fetch_array just returns the next row of the result and advances the internal pointer. It doesn't loop. (Internally it may or may not use some loop somewhere, but that's irrelevant.)

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

This does the following:

  1. mysql_fetch_array retrieves and returns the next row
  2. the row is assigned to $row
  3. the expression is evaluated and if it evaluates to true, the contents of the loop are executed
  4. the procedure begins anew
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
foreach($row as $r) {

This does the following:

  1. mysql_fetch_array retrieves and returns the next row
  2. the row is assigned to $row
  3. foreach loops over the contents of the array and executes the contents of the loop as many times as there are items in the array

In both cases mysql_fetch_array does exactly the same thing. You have only as many loops as you write. Both constructs do not do the same thing though. The second will only act on one row of the result, while the first will loop over all rows.

What exactly is nullptr?

Well, other languages have reserved words that are instances of types. Python, for instance:

>>> None = 5
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: assignment to None
>>> type(None)
<type 'NoneType'>

This is actually a fairly close comparison because None is typically used for something that hasn't been intialized, but at the same time comparisons such as None == 0 are false.

On the other hand, in plain C, NULL == 0 would return true IIRC because NULL is just a macro returning 0, which is always an invalid address (AFAIK).

How to hide a column (GridView) but still access its value?

You can do it programmatically:

grid0.Columns[0].Visible = true;
grid0.DataSource = dt;
grid0.Columns[0].Visible = false;

In this way you set the column to visible before databinding, so the column is generated. The you set the column to not visible, so it is not displayed.

How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

The preferred method is to use the react router IndexRoutes component

You use it like this (taken from the react router docs linked above):

<Route path="/" component={App}>
    <IndexRedirect to="/welcome" />
    <Route path="welcome" component={Welcome} />
    <Route path="about" component={About} />

VBA Copy Sheet to End of Workbook (with Hidden Worksheets)

When you want to copy a sheet named "mySheet" and use .Copy After:=, Excel first names the copied sheet exactly the same and simply adds ' (2)' so that its final name is "mySheet (2)".

Hidden or Not, doesn't matter. It rocks with 2 lines of code, adding the copied sheet at the end of the Workbook!!!


Sheets("mySheet").Copy After:=Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.count)
Sheets("mySheet (2)").name = "TheNameYouWant"

Simple no!

How do I check whether an array contains a string in TypeScript?

Also note that "in" keyword does not work on arrays. It works on objects only.

propName in myObject

Array inclusion test is


jquery - return value using ajax result on success

Hi try async:false in your ajax call..

How to set css style to button?

You could just style the input element in your css file. That is then independent of ASP.NET.

<form action="">
    Name: <input type="text" class="input" />
    Password: <input type="password" class="input" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" />
.input {
    border: 1px solid #006;
    background: #ffc;
.button {
    border: 1px solid #006;
    background: #9cf;

With the CssClass you can assign the "input" class to it.

Java to Jackson JSON serialization: Money fields

You can use @JsonFormat annotation with shape as STRING on your BigDecimal variables. Refer below:

 import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;

  class YourObjectClass {

      private BigDecimal yourVariable;


Groovy: How to check if a string contains any element of an array?

def valid = pointAddress.findAll { a ->
    validPointTypes.any { a.contains(it) }

Should do it

Check if a Class Object is subclass of another Class Object in Java

A recursive method to check if a Class<?> is a sub class of another Class<?>...

Improved version of @To Kra's answer:

protected boolean isSubclassOf(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> superClass) {
    if (superClass.equals(Object.class)) {
        // Every class is an Object.
        return true;
    if (clazz.equals(superClass)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
        // every class is Object, but superClass is below Object
        if (clazz.equals(Object.class)) {
            // we've reached the top of the hierarchy, but superClass couldn't be found.
            return false;
        // try the next level up the hierarchy.
        return isSubclassOf(clazz, superClass);

How to set the locale inside a Debian/Ubuntu Docker container?

Just add


into your Dockerfile. (You may need to make sure the locales package is installed.) Nothing else is needed for the basic operation. Meanwhile, outside of Ubuntu, locale-gen doesn’t accept any arguments, that’s why none of the ‘fixes’ using it work e.g. on Debian. Ubuntu have patched locale-gen to accept a list of locales to generate but the patch at the moment has not been accepted in Debian of anywhere else.