[algorithm] How to prove that a problem is NP complete?

I have problem with scheduling. I need to prove that the problem is NP complete. What can be the methods to prove it NP complete?

This question is related to algorithm

The answer is

In order to prove that a problem L is NP-complete, we need to do the following steps:

  1. Prove your problem L belongs to NP (that is that given a solution you can verify it in polynomial time)
  2. Select a known NP-complete problem L'
  3. Describe an algorithm f that transforms L' into L
  4. Prove that your algorithm is correct (formally: x ? L' if and only if f(x) ? L )
  5. Prove that algo f runs in polynomial time

You need to reduce an NP-Complete problem to the problem you have. If the reduction can be done in polynomial time then you have proven that your problem is NP-complete, if the problem is already in NP, because:

It is not easier than the NP-complete problem, since it can be reduced to it in polynomial time which makes the problem NP-Hard.

See the end of http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/161/960312.html for more.

First, you show that it lies in NP at all.

Then you find another problem that you already know is NP complete and show how you polynomially reduce NP Hard problem to your problem.

  1. Get familiar to a subset of NP Complete problems
  2. Prove NP Hardness : Reduce an arbitrary instance of an NP complete problem to an instance of your problem. This is the biggest piece of a pie and where the familiarity with NP Complete problems pays. The reduction will be more or less difficult depending on the NP Complete problem you choose.
  3. Prove that your problem is in NP : design an algorithm which can verify in polynomial time whether an instance is a solution.