Programs & Examples On #Having clause


Having is only used with aggregation but where with non aggregation statements If you have where word put it before aggregation (group by)

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

When using aggregate functions to filter, you must use a HAVING statement.

FROM tblMoney
HAVING Sum(CASH) > 500

How to unpublish an app in Google Play Developer Console

TL;DR: (As of September 2020) Open the Play Console. Select an app. Select Release > Setup >Advanced settings. On the App Availability tab, select Unpublish.

Setup - Advanced settings Unpublish app dialog Verify app unpublished


When you unpublish an app, existing users can still use your app and receive app updates. Your app won’t be available for new users to find and download on Google Play.


  • You have accepted the latest Developer Distribution Agreement.
  • Your app has no errors that need to be addressed, such as failing to fill in the content rating questionnaire or provide details about your app's target audience and content.
  • Managed publishing is not active for the app you want to unpublish.

To unpublish your app:

Open the Play Console. Select an app. Select Release > Setup > Advanced settings. On the App Availability tab, select Unpublish.

How to Disable Managed publishing

Managed publishing overview Managed publishing toggle dialog

Adding a Time to a DateTime in C#


DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime combined = dateTime + 36.Hours();

Round a double to 2 decimal places

double value= 200.3456;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");      

How do you create a REST client for Java?

As I mentioned in this thread I tend to use Jersey which implements JAX-RS and comes with a nice REST client. The nice thing is if you implement your RESTful resources using JAX-RS then the Jersey client can reuse the entity providers such as for JAXB/XML/JSON/Atom and so forth - so you can reuse the same objects on the server side as you use on the client side unit test.

For example here is a unit test case from the Apache Camel project which looks up XML payloads from a RESTful resource (using the JAXB object Endpoints). The resource(uri) method is defined in this base class which just uses the Jersey client API.


    clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
    client = Client.create(clientConfig);

    resource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080");
    // lets get the XML as a String
    String text = resource("foo").accept("application/xml").get(String.class);        

BTW I hope that future version of JAX-RS add a nice client side API along the lines of the one in Jersey

How to show all rows by default in JQuery DataTable


    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

The option you should use is iDisplayLength:

  'iDisplayLength': 100

   "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "All"] ]

It will Load by default all entries.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

If you want to load by default 25 not all do this.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]

How to add default value for html <textarea>?

Also, this worked very well for me:

<textarea class="form-control" rows="3" name="msg" placeholder="Your message here." onfocus=''>
<?php if (isset($_POST['encode'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['msg']);} ?>

In this case, $_POST['encode'] came from this:

<input class="input_bottom btn btn-default" type="submit" name="encode" value="Encode">

The PHP code was inserted between the and tags.

Where does R store packages?

You do not want the '='

Use .libPaths("C:/R/library") in you file

And make sure you have correct " symbol (Shift-2)

Passing parameters to a Bash function

It takes two numbers from the user, feeds them to the function called add (in the very last line of the code), and add will sum them up and print them.


read -p "Enter the first  value: " x
read -p "Enter the second value: " y

    arg1=$1 # arg1 gets to be the first  assigned argument (note there are no spaces)
      arg2=$2 # arg2 gets to be the second assigned argument (note there are no spaces)

    echo $(($arg1 + $arg2))

add x y # Feeding the arguments

CodeIgniter: Create new helper?

Create a file with the name of your helper in /application/helpers and add it to the autoload config file/load it manually.

E.g. place a file called user_helper.php in /application/helpers with this content:

  function pre($var)
    echo '<pre>';
    if(is_array($var)) {
    } else {
    echo '</pre>';

Now you can either load the helper via $this->load->helper(‘user’); or add it to application/config/autoload.php config.

Switching users inside Docker image to a non-root user

You should not use su in a dockerfile, however you should use the USER instruction in the Dockerfile.

At each stage of the Dockerfile build, a new container is created so any change you make to the user will not persist on the next build stage.

For example:

RUN whoami
RUN su test
RUN whoami

This would never say the user would be test as a new container is spawned on the 2nd whoami. The output would be root on both (unless of course you run USER beforehand).

If however you do:

RUN whoami
USER test
RUN whoami

You should see root then test.

Alternatively you can run a command as a different user with sudo with something like

sudo -u test whoami

But it seems better to use the official supported instruction.

Get day of week using NSDate

This code is to find the whole current week. It is written in Swift 2.0 :

var i = 2
var weekday: [String] = []
var weekdate: [String] = []
var weekmonth: [String] = []

@IBAction func buttonaction(sender: AnyObject) {

    let currentDate = NSDate()
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM-dd-yyyy"
    let dayOfWeekStrings = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(currentDate)
    let weekdays = getDayOfWeek(dayOfWeekStrings)
    let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()

    while((weekdays - weekdays) + i < 9)
        let weekFirstDate = calendar.dateByAddingUnit(.Day, value: (-weekdays+i), toDate: NSDate(), options: [])

        let dayFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dayFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE"
        let dayOfWeekString = dayFormatter.stringFromDate(weekFirstDate!)

        let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd"
        let dateOfWeekString = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(weekFirstDate!)

        let monthFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        monthFormatter.dateFormat = "MMMM"
        let monthOfWeekString = monthFormatter.stringFromDate(weekFirstDate!)


    for(var j = 0; j<7 ; j++)
    let day = weekday[j]
    let date = weekdate[j]
    let month = weekmonth[j]
    var wholeweek = date + "-" + month + "(" + day + ")"


func getDayOfWeek(today:String)->Int {
    let formatter  = NSDateFormatter()
    formatter.dateFormat = "MMM-dd-yyyy"
    let todayDate = formatter.dateFromString(today)!
    let myCalendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)!
    let myComponents = myCalendar.components(.Weekday, fromDate: todayDate)
    let daynumber = myComponents.weekday
    return daynumber

The output will be like this:

14March(Monday) 15March(Tuesday) 16March(Wednesday) 17March(Thursday) 18March(Friday) 19March(Saturday) 20March(Sunday)

how can I display tooltip or item information on mouse over?

The title attribute works on most HTML tags and is widely supported by modern browsers.

Unknown SSL protocol error in connection

I get the same problem. With the last version of git and no proxy.

I fixed it:

  • sign in the GitHub
  • enter the interface: "Personal settings", then click "SSH Keys" please confirm whether you have put the '' that generated by the command
  • 'ssh-keygen -t rsa ' on windows into github --> GIT BASH
  • 'Add SSH key' and put the '' into it.

More info: create the key

copy the key

SyntaxError: missing ; before statement

Looks like you have an extra parenthesis.

The following portion is parsed as an assignment so the interpreter/compiler will look for a semi-colon or attempt to insert one if certain conditions are met.

foob_name = $this.attr('name').replace(/\[(\d+)\]/, function($0, $1) {
   return '[' + (+$1 + 1) + ']';

How to divide two columns?

Presumably, those columns are integer columns - which will be the reason as the result of the calculation will be of the same type.

e.g. if you do this:

SELECT 1 / 2

you will get 0, which is obviously not the real answer. So, convert the values to e.g. decimal and do the calculation based on that datatype instead.



gives 0.500000

Collapsing Sidebar with Bootstrap

Via Angular: using ng-class of Angular, we can hide and show the side bar.

<div class="container" style="width:100%" ng-app ng-controller="AppCtrl">
<div class="row">
    <div ng-class="showgraphSidebar ? 'col-xs-3' : 'hidden'" id="colPush" >
    <div ng-class="showgraphSidebar ? 'col-xs-9' : 'col-xs-12'"  id="colMain"  >
        <button  ng-click='toggle()' >Sidebar Toggle</a>


function AppCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.showgraphSidebar = false;
    $scope.toggle = function() {
        $scope.showgraphSidebar = !$scope.showgraphSidebar;

Difference between AutoPostBack=True and AutoPostBack=False?

There is one event which is default associate with any webcontrol. For example, in case of Button click event, in case of Check box CheckChangedEvent is there. So in case of AutoPostBack true these events are called by default and event handle at server side.

Unique on a dataframe with only selected columns

Ok, if it doesn't matter which value in the non-duplicated column you select, this should be pretty easy:

dat <- data.frame(id=c(1,1,3),id2=c(1,1,4),somevalue=c("x","y","z"))
> dat[!duplicated(dat[,c('id','id2')]),]
  id id2 somevalue
1  1   1         x
3  3   4         z

Inside the duplicated call, I'm simply passing only those columns from dat that I don't want duplicates of. This code will automatically always select the first of any ambiguous values. (In this case, x.)

Single vs double quotes in JSON

you can use ast.literal_eval()

>>> import ast
>>> s = "{'username':'dfdsfdsf'}"
>>> ast.literal_eval(s)
{'username': 'dfdsfdsf'}

linux execute command remotely

 ssh user@machine 'bash -s' <

or you can just

 ssh user@machine "remote command to run" 

figure of imshow() is too small

That's strange, it definitely works for me:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize = (20,2))
plt.imshow(random.rand(8, 90), interpolation='nearest')

I am using the "MacOSX" backend, btw.

bootstrap 4 responsive utilities visible / hidden xs sm lg not working

With Bootstrap 4 .hidden-* classes were completely removed (yes, they were replaced by hidden-*-* but those classes are also gone from v4 alphas).

Starting with v4-beta, you can combine .d-*-none and .d-*-block classes to achieve the same result.

visible-* was removed as well; instead of using explicit .visible-* classes, make the element visible by not hiding it (again, use combinations of .d-none .d-md-block). Here is the working example:

<div class="col d-none d-sm-block">
    <span class="vcard">
<div class="col d-none d-xl-block">
    <div class="d-none d-md-block">
    <div class="d-none d-sm-block">

class="hidden-xs" becomes class="d-none d-sm-block" (or d-none d-sm-inline-block) ...

<span class="d-none d-sm-inline">hidden-xs</span>

<span class="d-none d-sm-inline-block">hidden-xs</span>

An example of Bootstrap 4 responsive utilities:

<div class="d-none d-sm-block"> hidden-xs           
  <div class="d-none d-md-block"> visible-md and up (hidden-sm and down)
    <div class="d-none d-lg-block"> visible-lg and up  (hidden-md and down)
      <div class="d-none d-xl-block"> visible-xl </div>

<div class="d-sm-none"> eXtra Small <576px </div>
<div class="d-none d-sm-block d-md-none d-lg-none d-xl-none"> SMall =576px </div>
<div class="d-none d-md-block d-lg-none d-xl-none"> MeDium =768px </div>
<div class="d-none d-lg-block d-xl-none"> LarGe =992px </div>
<div class="d-none d-xl-block"> eXtra Large =1200px </div>

<div class="d-xl-none"> hidden-xl (visible-lg and down)         
  <div class="d-lg-none d-xl-none"> visible-md and down (hidden-lg and up)
    <div class="d-md-none d-lg-none d-xl-none"> visible-sm and down  (or hidden-md and up)
      <div class="d-sm-none"> visible-xs </div>


Get only filename from url in php without any variable values which exist in the url

Your URL:

$url = '';
$file_name = basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
echo $file_name;

output: learningphp.php

What is Python Whitespace and how does it work?

Whitespace is used to denote blocks. In other languages curly brackets ({ and }) are common. When you indent, it becomes a child of the previous line. In addition to the indentation, the parent also has a colon following it.


Off the top of my head, def, if, elif, else, try, except, finally, with, for, while, and class all start blocks. To end a block, you simple outdent, and you will have siblings. In the above im_a_child and im_another_child are siblings.

Git "error: The branch 'x' is not fully merged"

As Drew Taylor pointed out, branch deletion with -d only considers the current HEAD in determining if the branch is "fully merged". It will complain even if the branch is merged with some other branch. The error message could definitely be clearer in this regard... You can either checkout the merged branch before deleting, or just use git branch -D. The capital -D will override the check entirely.

Isn't the size of character in Java 2 bytes?

In ASCII text file each character is just one byte

How to connect to a remote Git repository?

To me it sounds like the simplest way to expose your git repository on the server (which seems to be a Windows machine) would be to share it as a network resource.

Right click the folder "MY_GIT_REPOSITORY" and select "Sharing". This will give you the ability to share your git repository as a network resource on your local network. Make sure you give the correct users the ability to write to that share (will be needed when you and your co-workers push to the repository).

The URL for the remote that you want to configure would probably end up looking something like file://\\\\189.14.666.666\MY_GIT_REPOSITORY

If you wish to use any other protocol (e.g. HTTP, SSH) you'll have to install additional server software that includes servers for these protocols. In lieu of these the file sharing method is probably the easiest in your case right now.

How to Set/Update State of StatefulWidget from other StatefulWidget in Flutter?

OLD: Create a global instance of _MyHomePageState. Use this instance in _SubState as _myHomePageState.setState

NEW: No need to create global instance. Instead just pass the parent instance to the child widget


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(new MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: new ThemeData(
      home: new MyHomePage(),

EdgeInsets globalMargin =
    const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.0, vertical: 20.0);
TextStyle textStyle = const TextStyle(
  fontSize: 100.0,

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  int number = 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        title: new Text('SO Help'),
      body: new Column(
        children: <Widget>[
          new Text(
            style: textStyle,
          new GridView.count(
            crossAxisCount: 2,
            shrinkWrap: true,
            scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
            children: <Widget>[
              new InkResponse(
                child: new Container(
                    margin: globalMargin,
                    child: new Center(
                      child: new Text(
                        style: textStyle,
                onTap: () {
                  setState(() {
                    number = number + 1;
              new Sub(this),
      floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () {
          setState(() {});
        child: new Icon(Icons.update),

class Sub extends StatelessWidget {

  _MyHomePageState parent;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new InkResponse(
      child: new Container(
          margin: globalMargin,
          child: new Center(
            child: new Text(
              style: textStyle,
      onTap: () {
        this.parent.setState(() {
          this.parent.number --;

Just let me know if it works.

How do I delete an entity from symfony2

From what I understand, you struggle with what to put into your template.

I'll show an example:

    {% for guest in guests %}
    <li>{{ }} <a href="{{ path('your_delete_route_name',{'id':}) }}">[[DELETE]]</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

Now what happens is it iterates over every object within guests (you'll have to rename this if your object collection is named otherwise!), shows the name and places the correct link. The route name might be different.

Javascript event handler with parameters

I don't understand exactly what your code is trying to do, but you can make variables available in any event handler using the advantages of function closures:

function addClickHandler(elem, arg1, arg2) {
    elem.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
        // in the event handler function here, you can directly refer
        // to arg1 and arg2 from the parent function arguments
    }, false);

Depending upon your exact coding situation, you can pretty much always make some sort of closure preserve access to the variables for you.

From your comments, if what you're trying to accomplish is this:

element.addEventListener('click', func(event, this.elements[i]))

Then, you could do this with a self executing function (IIFE) that captures the arguments you want in a closure as it executes and returns the actual event handler function:

element.addEventListener('click', (function(passedInElement) {
    return function(e) {func(e, passedInElement); };
}) (this.elements[i]), false);

For more info on how an IIFE works, see these other references:

Javascript wrapping code inside anonymous function

Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) In JavaScript - Passing jQuery

What are good use cases for JavaScript self executing anonymous functions?

This last version is perhaps easier to see what it's doing like this:

// return our event handler while capturing an argument in the closure
function handleEvent(passedInElement) {
    return function(e) {
        func(e, passedInElement); 

element.addEventListener('click', handleEvent(this.elements[i]));

It is also possible to use .bind() to add arguments to a callback. Any arguments you pass to .bind() will be prepended to the arguments that the callback itself will have. So, you could do this:

elem.addEventListener('click', function(a1, a2, e) {
    // inside the event handler, you have access to both your arguments
    // and the event object that the event handler passes
}.bind(elem, arg1, arg2));

Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1

For the same error in wamp/phpmyadmin, I have edited my.ini, commented the original :


and added sql_mode = "".

How can I store the result of a system command in a Perl variable?

The easiest way is to use the `` feature in Perl. This will execute what is inside and return what was printed to stdout:

 my $pid = 5892;
 my $var = `top -H -p $pid -n 1 | grep myprocess | wc -l`;
 print "not = $var\n";

This should do it.

VarBinary vs Image SQL Server Data Type to Store Binary Data?

There is also the rather spiffy FileStream, introduced in SQL Server 2008.

Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer efficiently in C?

#include "math.h"
#include "stdio.h"
//  The bits arg represents the bit say:8,16,32...                                                                                                              
volatile long Hex_To_Int(long Hex,char bits)
    long Hex_2_Int;
    char byte;


    return Hex_2_Int;

void main (void)
    int Dec;   
    char Hex=0xFA;
    Dec= Hex_To_Int(Hex,8);  //convert an 8-bis hexadecimal value to a number in base 10
    printf("the number is %d",Dec);

Setting the character encoding in form submit for Internet Explorer

I am pretty sure it won't be possible with older versions of IE. Before the accept-charset attribute was devised, there was no way for form elements to specify which character encoding they accepted, and the best that browsers could do is assume the encoding of the page the form is in will do.

It is a bit sad that you need to know which encoding was used -- nowadays we would expect our web frameworks to take care of such details invisibly and expose the text data to the application as Unicode strings, already decoded...

jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work

No comma after the last property.

Semicolon after alert(date);

Case on datepicker (not datePicker)

Check your other uppercase / lowercase for the properties.

$(function() {
    $('.date-pick').datepicker( {
        onSelect: function(date) {
        selectWeek: true,
        inline: true,
        startDate: '01/01/2000',
        firstDay: 1

How to use `@ts-ignore` for a block

You can't.

As a workaround you can use a // @ts-nocheck comment at the top of a file to disable type-checking for that file:

So to disable checking for a block (function, class, etc.), you can move it into its own file, then use the comment/flag above. (This isn't as flexible as block-based disabling of course, but it's the best option available at the moment.)

When to use Interface and Model in TypeScript / Angular

I personally use interfaces for my models, There hoewver are 3 schools regarding this question, and choosing one is most often based on your requirements:

1- Interfaces:

interface is a virtual structure that only exists within the context of TypeScript. The TypeScript compiler uses interfaces solely for type-checking purposes. Once your code is transpiled to its target language, it will be stripped from its interfaces - JavaScript isn’t typed.

interface User {
 id: number;
 username: string;
// inheritance
interface UserDetails extends User {
 birthdate: Date;
 biography?: string;  // use the '?' annotation to mark this property as optionnal

Mapping server response to an interface is straight forward if you are using HttpClient from HttpClientModule if you are using Angular 4.3.x and above.

getUsers() :Observable<User[]> {
 return this.http.get<User[]>(url); // no need for '.map((res: Response) => res.json())' 

when to use interfaces:

  • You only need the definition for the server data without introducing additional overhead for the final output.
  • You only need to transmit data without any behaviors or logic (constructor initialization, methods)
  • You do not instantiate/create objects from your interface very often
    • Using simple object-literal notationlet instance: FooInterface = { ... };, you risk having semi-instances all over the place.
    • That doesn't enforce the constraints given by a class ( constructor or initialization logic, validation, encapsulation of private fields...Etc)
  • You need to define contracts/configurations for your systems (global configurations)

2- Classes:

A class defines the blueprints of an object. They express the logic, methods, and properties these objects will inherit.

class User {
 id: number;
 username: string;
 constructor(id :number, username: string)  { = id;
  this.username = username.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // trim whitespaces and new lines
// inheritance
class UserDetails extends User {
 birthdate: Date;
 biography?: string;  
 constructor(id :number, username: string, birthdate:Date, biography? :string )  {
  this.birthdate = ...;

when to use classes:

  • You instantiate your class and change the instances state over time.
  • Instances of your class will need methods to query or mutate its state
  • When you want to associate behaviors with data more closely;
  • You enforce constraints on the creation of your instaces.
  • If you only write a bunch of properties assignments in your class, you might consider using a type instead.

2- Types:

With the latest versions of typescript, interfaces and types becoming more similar. types do not express logic or state inside your application. It is best to use types when you want to describe some form of information. They can describe varying shapes of data, ranging from simple constructs like strings, arrays, and objects. Like interfaces, types are only virtual structures that don't transpile to any javascript, they just help the compiler making our life easier.

type User = {
 id: number;
 username: string;
// inheritance
type UserDetails = User & {
  birthDate :Date;

when to use types:

  • pass it around as concise function parameters
  • describe a class constructor parameters
  • document small or medium objects coming in or out from an API.
  • they don't carry state nor behavior

Roblox Admin Command Script

for i=1,#target do[i].Character:BreakJoints()

Is incorrect, if "target" contains "FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers" then the run code would be:

Which is completely incorrect.

c = game.Players:GetChildren()

Never use "Players:GetChildren()", it is not guaranteed to return only players.

Instead use:

c = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

if msg:lower()=="me" then
    table.insert(people, source)
    return people

Here you add the player's name in the list "people", where you in the other places adds the player object.

Fixed code:

local Admins = {"FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers"}

function Kill(Players)
    for i,Player in ipairs(Players) do
        if Player.Character then

function IsAdmin(Player)
    for i,AdminName in ipairs(Admins) do
        if Player.Name:lower() == AdminName:lower() then return true end
    return false

function GetPlayers(Player,Msg)
    local Targets = {}
    local Players = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

    if Msg:lower() == "me" then
        Targets = { Player }
    elseif Msg:lower() == "all" then
        Targets = Players
    elseif Msg:lower() == "others" then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr ~= Player then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr.Name:lower():sub(1,Msg:len()) == Msg then
    return Targets

    if IsAdmin(Player) then
            if Msg:lower():sub(1,6) == ":kill " then

How to increase font size in a plot in R?

For completeness, scaling text by 150% with cex = 1.5, here is a full solution:

cex <- 1.5
par(cex.lab=cex, cex.axis=cex, cex.main=cex)
par(cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1, cex.main=1)

I recommend wrapping things like this to reduce boilerplate, e.g.:

plot_cex <- function(x, y, cex=1.5, ...) {
  par(cex.lab=cex, cex.axis=cex, cex.main=cex)
  plot(x, y, ...)
  par(cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1, cex.main=1)

which you can then use like this:

plot_cex(x=1:5, y=rnorm(5), cex=1.3)

The ... are known as ellipses in R and are used to pass additional parameters on to functions. Hence, they are commonly used for plotting. So, the following works as expected:

plot_cex(x=1:5, y=rnorm(5), cex=1.5, ylim=c(-0.5,0.5))

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables

I know this is a pretty old question but this was my solution that helped with visualizing the table so you can create a class structure. This is also using the HTML Agility Pack

HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml(@"<html><body><p><table id=""foo""><tr><th>hello</th></tr><tr><td>world</td></tr></table></body></html>");
var table = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//table");
var tableRows = table.SelectNodes("tr");
var columns = tableRows[0].SelectNodes("th/text()");
for (int i = 1; i < tableRows.Count; i++)
    for (int e = 0; e < columns.Count; e++)
        var value = tableRows[i].SelectSingleNode($"td[{e + 1}]");
        Console.Write(columns[e].InnerText + ":" + value.InnerText);

EOFError: end of file reached issue with Net::HTTP

I ran into this recently and eventually found that this was caused by a network timeout from the endpoint we were hitting. Fortunately for us we were able to increase the timeout duration.

To verify this was our issue (and actually not an issue with net http), I made the same request with curl and confirmed that the request was being terminated.

How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio

Query history can be viewed using the system views:

  1. sys.dm_exec_query_stats
  2. sys.dm_exec_sql_text
  3. sys.dm_exec_query_plan

For example, using the following query:

select  top(100)
        total_worker_time/1000 as CPU,
        convert(money, (total_worker_time))/(execution_count*1000)as [AvgCPUTime],
        qs.total_elapsed_time/1000 as TotDuration,
        convert(money, (qs.total_elapsed_time))/(execution_count*1000)as [AvgDur],
        total_logical_reads as [Reads],
        total_logical_writes as [Writes],
        total_logical_reads+total_logical_writes as [AggIO],
        convert(money, (total_logical_reads+total_logical_writes)/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgIO],
        convert(money, total_physical_reads/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgIOPhysicalReads],
        convert(money, total_logical_reads/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgIOLogicalReads],
        convert(money, total_logical_writes/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgIOLogicalWrites],
        convert(money, total_rows/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgRows],
        convert(money, total_dop/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgDop],
        convert(money, total_grant_kb/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgGrantKb],
        convert(money, total_used_grant_kb/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgUsedGrantKb],
        convert(money, total_ideal_grant_kb/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgIdealGrantKb],
        convert(money, total_reserved_threads/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgReservedThreads],
        convert(money, total_used_threads/(execution_count + 0.0)) as [AvgUsedThreads],
            when sql_handle IS NULL then ' '
                    when qs.statement_end_offset =-1 then len(convert(nvarchar(MAX),st.text))*2      
                    else qs.statement_end_offset    
                end - qs.statement_start_offset)/2  ))
        end as query_text,
        db_name(st.dbid) as database_name,
        object_schema_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)+'.'+object_name(st.objectid, st.dbid) as [object_name],
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs with(readuncommitted)
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.[sql_handle]) as st
cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.[plan_handle]) as sp
WHERE st.[text] LIKE '%query%'

Current running queries can be seen using the following script:

select ES.[session_id]
      ,DateDiff(second, ER.[start_time], GetDate()) as [date_diffSec]
      , COALESCE(
                    CAST(NULLIF(ER.[total_elapsed_time] / 1000, 0) as BIGINT)
                   ,CASE WHEN (ES.[status] <> 'running' and isnull(ER.[status], '')  <> 'running') 
                            THEN  DATEDIFF(ss,0,getdate() - nullif(ES.[last_request_end_time], '1900-01-01T00:00:00.000'))
                ) as [total_time, sec]
      , CAST(NULLIF((CAST(ER.[total_elapsed_time] as BIGINT) - CAST(ER.[wait_time] AS BIGINT)) / 1000, 0 ) as bigint) as [work_time, sec]
      , CASE WHEN (ER.[status] <> 'running' AND ISNULL(ER.[status],'') <> 'running') 
                THEN  DATEDIFF(ss,0,getdate() - nullif(ES.[last_request_end_time], '1900-01-01T00:00:00.000'))
        END as [sleep_time, sec] --????? ??? ? ???
      , NULLIF( CAST((ER.[logical_reads] + ER.[writes]) * 8 / 1024 as numeric(38,2)), 0) as [IO, MB]
      , CASE  ER.transaction_isolation_level
        WHEN 0 THEN 'Unspecified'
        WHEN 1 THEN 'ReadUncommited'
        WHEN 2 THEN 'ReadCommited'
        WHEN 3 THEN 'Repetable'
        WHEN 4 THEN 'Serializable'
        WHEN 5 THEN 'Snapshot'
        END as [transaction_isolation_level_desc]
      ,ES.[status] as [status_session]
      ,DB_Name(coalesce(ER.[database_id], ES.[database_id])) as [DBName]
      , SUBSTRING(
                    (select top(1) [text] from sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ER.[sql_handle]))
                  , ER.[statement_start_offset]/2+1
                  , (
                        CASE WHEN ((ER.[statement_start_offset]<0) OR (ER.[statement_end_offset]<0))
                                THEN DATALENGTH ((select top(1) [text] from sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ER.[sql_handle])))
                             ELSE ER.[statement_end_offset]
                        - ER.[statement_start_offset]
                    )/2 +1
                 ) as [CURRENT_REQUEST]
      ,(select top(1) [text] from sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ER.[sql_handle])) as [TSQL]
      ,(select top(1) [objectid] from sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ER.[sql_handle])) as [objectid]
      ,(select top(1) [query_plan] from sys.dm_exec_query_plan(ER.[plan_handle])) as [QueryPlan]
      ,NULL as [event_info]--(select top(1) [event_info] from sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(ES.[session_id], ER.[request_id])) as [event_info]
      ,cast(ER.[wait_time]/1000 as decimal(18,3)) as [wait_timeSec]
      ,NULL as [dop]--ER.[dop]
      ,coalesce(ER.[database_id], ES.[database_id]) as [database_id]
from sys.dm_exec_requests ER with(readuncommitted)
right join sys.dm_exec_sessions ES with(readuncommitted)
on ES.session_id = ER.session_id 
left join sys.dm_exec_connections EC  with(readuncommitted)
on EC.session_id = ES.session_id
where ER.[status] in ('suspended', 'running', 'runnable')
or exists (select top(1) 1 from sys.dm_exec_requests as ER0 where ER0.[blocking_session_id]=ES.[session_id])

This request displays all active requests and all those requests that explicitly block active requests.

All these and other useful scripts are implemented as representations in the SRV database, which is distributed freely. For example, the first script came from the view [inf].[vBigQuery], and the second came from view [inf].[vRequests].

There are also various third-party solutions for query history. I use Query Manager from Dbeaver: enter image description here and Query Execution History from SQL Tools, which is embedded in SSMS: enter image description here

Download data url file

Your problem essentially boils down to "not all browsers will support this".

You could try a workaround and serve the unzipped files from a Flash object, but then you'd lose the JS-only purity (anyway, I'm not sure whether you currently can "drag files into browser" without some sort of Flash workaround - is that a HTML5 feature maybe?)

Getting a browser's name client-side

EDIT: Since the answer is not valid with newer versions of jquery As jQuery.browser is deprecated in ver 1.9, So Use Jquery Migrate Plugin for that matter.

Original Answer


jQuery.browser and jQuery.browser.version

is your way to go...

Include PHP file into HTML file

Create a .htaccess file in directory and add this code to .htaccess file

AddHandler x-httpd-php .html .htm


AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm

It will force Apache server to parse HTML or HTM files as PHP Script

Can I serve multiple clients using just Flask as standalone? accepts additional keyword arguments (**options) that it forwards to werkzeug.serving.run_simple - two of those arguments are threaded (a boolean) and processes (which you can set to a number greater than one to have werkzeug spawn more than one process to handle requests).

threaded defaults to True as of Flask 1.0, so for the latest versions of Flask, the default development server will be able to serve multiple clients simultaneously by default. For older versions of Flask, you can explicitly pass threaded=True to enable this behaviour.

For example, you can do

if __name__ == '__main__':

to handle multiple clients using threads in a way compatible with old Flask versions, or

if __name__ == '__main__':, processes=3)

to tell Werkzeug to spawn three processes to handle incoming requests, or just

if __name__ == '__main__':

to handle multiple clients using threads if you know that you will be using Flask 1.0 or later.

That being said, Werkzeug's serving.run_simple wraps the standard library's wsgiref package - and that package contains a reference implementation of WSGI, not a production-ready web server. If you are going to use Flask in production (assuming that "production" is not a low-traffic internal application with no more than 10 concurrent users) make sure to stand it up behind a real web server (see the section of Flask's docs entitled Deployment Options for some suggested methods).

global variable for all controller and views

If you are worried about repeated database access, make sure that you have some kind of caching built into your method so that database calls are only made once per page request.

Something like (simplified example):

class Settings {

    static protected $all;

    static public function cachedAll() {
        if (empty(self::$all)) {
           self::$all = self::all();
        return self::$all;

Then you would access Settings::cachedAll() instead of all() and this would only make one database call per page request. Subsequent calls will use the already-retrieved contents cached in the class variable.

The above example is super simple, and uses an in-memory cache so it only lasts for the single request. If you wanted to, you could use Laravel's caching (using Redis or Memcached) to persist your settings across multiple requests. You can read more about the very simple caching options here:

For example you could add a method to your Settings model that looks like:

static public function getSettings() {
    $settings = Cache::remember('settings', 60, function() {
        return Settings::all();
    return $settings;

This would only make a database call every 60 minutes otherwise it would return the cached value whenever you call Settings::getSettings().

Detect if device is iOS

Slightly update the first answer using a more functional approach.

    const isIOS = [
      'iPad Simulator',
      'iPhone Simulator',
      'iPod Simulator',
    ].indexOf(navigator.platform) !== -1;

Is it necessary to write HEAD, BODY and HTML tags?

It's valid to omit them in HTML4:

7.3 The HTML element
start tag: optional, End tag: optional

7.4.1 The HEAD element
start tag: optional, End tag: optional

In HTML5, there are no "required" or "optional" elements exactly, as HTML5 syntax is more loosely defined. For example, title:

The title element is a required child in most situations, but when a higher-level protocol provides title information, e.g. in the Subject line of an e-mail when HTML is used as an e-mail authoring format, the title element can be omitted.

It's not valid to omit them in true XHTML5, though that is almost never used (versus XHTML-acting-like-HTML5).

However, from a practical standpoint you often want browsers to run in "standards mode," for predictability in rendering HTML and CSS. Providing a DOCTYPE and a more structured HTML tree will guarantee more predictable cross-browser results.

Simple way to find if two different lists contain exactly the same elements?

Sample code:

public static '<'T'>' boolean isListDifferent(List'<'T'>' previousList,
        List'<'T'>' newList) {

    int sizePrevoisList = -1;
    int sizeNewList = -1;

    if (previousList != null && !previousList.isEmpty()) {
        sizePrevoisList = previousList.size();
    if (newList != null && !newList.isEmpty()) {
        sizeNewList = newList.size();

    if ((sizePrevoisList == -1) && (sizeNewList == -1)) {
        return false;

    if (sizeNewList != sizePrevoisList) {
        return true;

    List n_prevois = new ArrayList(previousList);
    List n_new = new ArrayList(newList);

    try {
    } catch (ClassCastException exp) {
        return true;

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeNewList; i++) {
        Object obj_prevois = n_prevois.get(i);
        Object obj_new = n_new.get(i);
        if (obj_new.equals(obj_prevois)) {
            // Object are same
        } else {
            return true;

    return false;

CSS-moving text from left to right

I am not sure if this is the correct solution but I have achieved this by redefining .marquee class just after animation CSS.

Check below:

    border:1px solid red;

animation:myfirst 5s;
-moz-animation:myfirst 5s; /* Firefox */

@-moz-keyframes myfirst /* Firefox */{
0%   {background:red; left:0px; top:0px;}
100% {background:red; left:100%; top:0px}
left:700px; top:0px

<!-- HTMl COde -->

<p><b>Note:</b> This example does not work in Internet Explorer and Opera.</p>
<div id="marquee-wrapper">
<div class="marquee"></div>

How to convert answer into two decimal point

Call me lazy but:

 lblTellBMI.Text = "Your BMI is: " & Math.Round(sngBMI, 2)

I.e.: Label lblTellBMI will display Your BMI is: and then append the value from a Single type variable (sngBMI) as 2 decimal points, simply by using the Math.Round method.

The Math.Round method rounds a value to the nearest integer or to the specified number of fractional digits.


CSS-Only Scrollable Table with fixed headers

Another implementation but without any overflow on tbody and dynamic columns. Requires JavaScript though. A container div is used to house the column headings. When the table is scrolled past the view port, a fixed header appears at the top. If table is scrolled horizontally, the fixed header scrolls as well.

Column headings are created using span elements with display: inline-block and a negative margin is used to scroll header horizontally. Also optimized using RequestAnimationFrame to avoid any jank.

function rAF(scrollLeft) {
  var offsetLeft = 0 - scrollLeft;
  $('.hdr__inner span:first-child').css('margin-left', offsetLeft);

Solving SharePoint Server 2010 - 503. The service is unavailable, After installation

I had trouble finding the applicationhost.config file. It was in c:\windows\System32\inetsrv\ (Server2008) or the c:\windows\System32\inetsrv\config\ (Server2008r2).

After I changed that setting, I also had to change the way IIS loads the aspnet_filter.dll. Open the IIS Manager, go under "Sites", "SharePoint - 80", in the "IIS" grouping, under the "ISAPI Filters", make sure that all of the "Executable" paths point to ...Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v#.#.####\aspnet_filter.dll. Some of mine were pointed to the \Framework\ (not 64).

You also need to restart the WWW service to reload the new settings.

How to get a list of current open windows/process with Java?

You can easily retrieve the list of running processes using jProcesses

List<ProcessInfo> processesList = JProcesses.getProcessList();

for (final ProcessInfo processInfo : processesList) {
    System.out.println("Process PID: " + processInfo.getPid());
    System.out.println("Process Name: " + processInfo.getName());
    System.out.println("Process Used Time: " + processInfo.getTime());
    System.out.println("Full command: " + processInfo.getCommand());

SQL Server 2008 Row Insert and Update timestamps


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    [UpdateTS] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL


PS I think a smalldatetime is good enough. You may decide differently.

Can you not do this at the "moment of impact" ?

In Sql Server, this is common:

Update dbo.MyTable 

ColA = @SomeValue , 

Sql Server has a "timestamp" datatype.

But it may not be what you think.

Here is a reference:

Here is a little RowVersion (synonym for timestamp) example:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL


INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Maybe a complete working example:

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Names]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL



CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgKeepUpdateDateInSync_ByeByeBye ON dbo.Names


Update dbo.Names Set UpdateTS = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from dbo.Names myAlias , inserted triggerInsertedTable where 
triggerInsertedTable.Name = myAlias.Name



INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name , UpdateTS = '03/03/2003' /* notice that even though I set it to 2003, the trigger takes over */

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Matching on the "Name" value is probably not wise.

Try this more mainstream example with a SurrogateKey

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Names]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    SurrogateKey int not null Primary Key Identity (1001,1),
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL



CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgKeepUpdateDateInSync_ByeByeBye ON dbo.Names


   UPDATE dbo.Names
    From  dbo.Names myAlias
    WHERE exists ( select null from inserted triggerInsertedTable where myAlias.SurrogateKey = triggerInsertedTable.SurrogateKey)



INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name , UpdateTS = '03/03/2003' /* notice that even though I set it to 2003, the trigger takes over */

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

How do I change data-type of pandas data frame to string with a defined format?

I'm unable to reproduce your problem but have you tried converting it to an integer first?

image_name_data['id'] = image_name_data['id'].astype(int).astype('str')

Then, regarding your more general question you could use map (as in this answer). In your case:

image_name_data['id'] = image_name_data['id'].map('{:.0f}'.format)

Unable to import a module that is definitely installed

I have been banging my head against my monitor on this until a young-hip intern told me the secret is to "python install" inside the module directory.

For some reason, running the setup from there makes it just work.

To be clear, if your module's name is "foo":

[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:49) git]# ls -l
total 1
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root  118 Jun 21 15:22 foo
[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:51) git]# cd foo
[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:53) foo]# ls -l
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   93 Jun 21 15:23 foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  416 May 31 12:26
[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:54) foo]# python install

If you try to run from any other directory by calling out its path, you end up with a borked install.


python /root/foo/ install


cd /root/foo
python install

AngularJS/javascript converting a date String to date object

I know this is in the above answers, but my point is that I think all you need is

new Date(collectionDate);

if your goal is to convert a date string into a date (as per the OP "How do I convert it to a date object?").

Create list of object from another using Java 8 Streams

What you are possibly looking for is map(). You can "convert" the objects in a stream to another by mapping this way:

 .map(userMeal -> new UserMealExceed(...))

Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS

You can't return two (or multiple) columns in your subquery to do the comparison in the WHERE A_ID IN (subquery) clause - which column is it supposed to compare A_ID to? Your subquery must only return the one column needed for the comparison to the column on the other side of the IN. So the query needs to be of the form:

SELECT * From ThisTable WHERE ThisColumn IN (SELECT ThatColumn FROM ThatTable)

You also want to add sorting so you can select just from the top rows, but you don't need to return the COUNT as a column in order to do your sort; sorting in the ORDER clause is independent of the columns returned by the query.

Try something like this:

select count(distinct dNum) 
from myDB.dbo.AQ 
where A_ID in
    FROM myDB.dbo.AQ 
    WHERE M > 1 and B = 0

Writing a string to a cell in excel

I've had a few cranberry-vodkas tonight so I might be missing something...Is setting the range necessary? Why not use:

Activeworkbook.Sheets("Game").Range("A1").value = "Subtotal"

Does this fail as well?

Looks like you tried something similar:

'Worksheets("Game").Range("A1") = "Asdf"

However, Worksheets is a collection, so you can't reference "Game". I think you need to use the Sheets object instead.

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Add this style to your span:

top: 10px;


Difference between uint32 and uint32_t

uint32_t is standard, uint32 is not. That is, if you include <inttypes.h> or <stdint.h>, you will get a definition of uint32_t. uint32 is a typedef in some local code base, but you should not expect it to exist unless you define it yourself. And defining it yourself is a bad idea.

How to add new column to an dataframe (to the front not end)?

If you want to do it in a tidyverse manner, try add_column from tibble, which allows you to specifiy where to place the new column with .before or .after parameter:


df <- data.frame(b = c(1, 1, 1), c = c(2, 2, 2), d = c(3, 3, 3))
add_column(df, a = 0, .before = 1)

#   a b c d
# 1 0 1 2 3
# 2 0 1 2 3
# 3 0 1 2 3

Activate tabpage of TabControl

There are two properties in a TabControl control that manages which tab page is selected.

SelectedIndex which offer the possibility to select it by index (an integer starting from 0 to the number of tabs you have minus one).

SelectedTab which offer the possibility to selected the tab object itself to select.

Setting either of these property will change the currently displayed tab.

Alternatively you can also use the Select method. It comes in three flavour, one where you pass the index of the tab, another the TabPage object itself and the last one a string representing the tab's name.

Using variables inside strings

In C# 6 you can use string interpolation:

string name = "John";
string result = $"Hello {name}";

The syntax highlighting for this in Visual Studio makes it highly readable and all of the tokens are checked.

How to establish a connection pool in JDBC?

Don't reinvent the wheel.

Try one of the readily available 3rd party components:

  • Apache DBCP - This one is used internally by Tomcat, and by yours truly.
  • c3p0

Apache DBCP comes with different example on how to setup a pooling javax.sql.DataSource. Here is one sample that can help you get started.

HttpWebRequest using Basic authentication

If you can use the WebClient class, using basic authentication becomes simple:

var client = new WebClient {Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user_name", "password")};
var response = client.DownloadString("");

What is the difference between the HashMap and Map objects in Java?

Map is interface and Hashmap is a class that implements Map Interface /storage/emulated/0/New file.txt: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

Implement runtime permission for running your app on Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23) or later.

or you can manually enable the storage permission-

goto settings>apps> "your_app_name" >click on it >then click permissions> then enable the storage. Thats it.

But i suggest go the for first one which is, Implement runtime permissions in your code.

How to extract Month from date in R

For some time now, you can also only rely on the data.table package and its IDate class plus associated functions. (Check ?as.IDate()). So, no need to additionally install lubridate.


some_date <- c("01/02/1979", "03/04/1980")
month(as.IDate(some_date, '%d/%m/%Y')) # all data.table functions

How to add multiple classes to a ReactJS Component?

I use classnames when there is a fair amount of logic required for deciding the classes to (not) use. An overly simple example:

    var liClasses = classNames({
      'main-class': true,
      'activeClass': self.state.focused === index

    return (<li className={liClasses}>{}</li>);

That said, if you don't want to include a dependency then there are better answers below.

Get value of input field inside an iframe

<iframe id="upload_target" name="upload_target">
    <textarea rows="20" cols="100" name="result" id="result" ></textarea>
    <input type="text" id="txt1" />

You can Get value by JQuery


work on only same domain link

What is the difference between `throw new Error` and `throw someObject`?

The difference between 'throw new Error' and 'throw someObject' in javascript is that throw new Error wraps the error passed to it in the following format -

{ name: 'Error', message: 'String you pass in the constructor' }

The throw someObject will throw the object as is and will not allow any further code execution from the try block, ie same as throw new Error.

Here is a good explanation about The Error object and throwing your own errors

The Error Object

Just what we can extract from it in an event of an error? The Error object in all browsers support the following two properties:

  • name: The name of the error, or more specifically, the name of the constructor function the error belongs to.

  • message: A description of the error, with this description varying depending on the browser.

Six possible values can be returned by the name property, which as mentioned correspond to the names of the error's constructors. They are:

Error Name          Description

EvalError           An error in the eval() function has occurred.

RangeError          Out of range number value has occurred.

ReferenceError      An illegal reference has occurred.

SyntaxError         A syntax error within code inside the eval() function has occurred.
                    All other syntax errors are not caught by try/catch/finally, and will
                    trigger the default browser error message associated with the error. 
                    To catch actual syntax errors, you may use the onerror event.

TypeError           An error in the expected variable type has occurred.

URIError            An error when encoding or decoding the URI has occurred 
                   (ie: when calling encodeURI()).

Throwing your own errors (exceptions)

Instead of waiting for one of the 6 types of errors to occur before control is automatically transferred from the try block to the catch block, you can also explicitly throw your own exceptions to force that to happen on demand. This is great for creating your own definitions of what an error is and when control should be transferred to catch.


You can make SQL server to select last N rows using this SQL:

select * from tbl_name order by id desc limit N;

Adding Counter in shell script

Try this:

while true; do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
  elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then
       echo "Counter limit reached, exit script."
       exit 1
       let counter++
       echo "Sleeping for another half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800


  • break - if files are present, it will break and allow the script to process the files.
  • [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]] - if the counter variable is greater than 20, the script will exit.
  • let counter++ - increments the counter by 1 at each pass.

WebAPI Multiple Put/Post parameters

If attribute routing is being used, you can use the [FromUri] and [FromBody] attributes.


public HttpResponseMessage AddProduct([FromUri()] int id,  [FromBody()] Product product)
  // Add product

How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

In woocommerce,

Get regular price :

$price = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_regular_price', true);
// $price will return regular price

Get sale price:

$sale = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_sale_price', true);
// $sale will return sale price

How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

npm install vs. update - what's the difference?

npm update: install and update with latest node modules which are in package.json

npm install: install node modules which are defined in package.json(without update)

Android lollipop change navigation bar color

You can also modify your theme using theme Editor by clicking :

Tools -> Android -> Theme Editor

Then, you don't even need to put some extra content in your .xml or .class files.

HashSet vs. List performance

Depends on what you're hashing. If your keys are integers you probably don't need very many items before the HashSet is faster. If you're keying it on a string then it will be slower, and depends on the input string.

Surely you could whip up a benchmark pretty easily?

How to add a button dynamically using jquery

To add dynamic button on the fly;

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <script src=""></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        function newButtonClickListener() {
                alert("Hello World");
         function test() {
            var r = $('<input/>').attr({
                         type: "button",
                         id: "field",
                         value: "New Button",
                         onclick: "newButtonClickListener()"

     <button onclick="test()">Insert after</button><br/> 

Demo link

How to use ng-repeat for dictionaries in AngularJs?

In Angular 7, the following simple example would work (assuming dictionary is in a variable called d):


keys: string[] = [];  // declaration of class member 'keys'
// component code ...

this.keys = Object.keys(d);

my.component.html: (will display list of key:value pairs)

<ul *ngFor="let key of keys">
    {{key}}: {{d[key]}}

Compare object instances for equality by their attributes

You override the rich comparison operators in your object.

class MyClass:
 def __lt__(self, other):
      # return comparison
 def __le__(self, other):
      # return comparison
 def __eq__(self, other):
      # return comparison
 def __ne__(self, other):
      # return comparison
 def __gt__(self, other):
      # return comparison
 def __ge__(self, other):
      # return comparison

Like this:

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._id == other._id

What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

, table2.*
INNER JOIN table2 ON table2.SomeFkId = table1.SomeId

That gets you a result set where child rows in table2 cause duplication by returning the table1 results for each child row in table2. O/R mappers should differentiate table1 instances based on a unique key field, then use all the table2 columns to populate child instances.

SELECT table1.*

SELECT table2.* WHERE SomeFkId = #

The N+1 is where the first query populates the primary object and the second query populates all the child objects for each of the unique primary objects returned.


class House
    int Id { get; set; }
    string Address { get; set; }
    Person[] Inhabitants { get; set; }

class Person
    string Name { get; set; }
    int HouseId { get; set; }

and tables with a similar structure. A single query for the address "22 Valley St" may return:

Id Address      Name HouseId
1  22 Valley St Dave 1
1  22 Valley St John 1
1  22 Valley St Mike 1

The O/RM should fill an instance of Home with ID=1, Address="22 Valley St" and then populate the Inhabitants array with People instances for Dave, John, and Mike with just one query.

A N+1 query for the same address used above would result in:

Id Address
1  22 Valley St

with a separate query like

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE HouseId = 1

and resulting in a separate data set like

Name    HouseId
Dave    1
John    1
Mike    1

and the final result being the same as above with the single query.

The advantages to single select is that you get all the data up front which may be what you ultimately desire. The advantages to N+1 is query complexity is reduced and you can use lazy loading where the child result sets are only loaded upon first request.

How to know if .keyup() is a character key (jQuery)

I never liked the key code validation. My approach was to see if the input have text (any character), confirming that the user is entering text and no other characters

$('#input').on('keyup', function() {_x000D_
    var words = $(this).val();_x000D_
    // if input is empty, remove the word count data and return_x000D_
    if(!words.length) {_x000D_
        return true;_x000D_
    // if word count data equals the count of the input, return_x000D_
    if(typeof $(this).data('wcount') !== "undefined" && ($(this).data('wcount') == words.length)){_x000D_
        return true;_x000D_
    // update or initialize the word count data_x000D_
    $(this).data('wcount', words.length);_x000D_
    console.log('user tiped ' + words);_x000D_
    // do you stuff..._x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <input type="text" name="input" id="input">_x000D_

cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable

  • the object which implements Comparable is Fegan.

The method compareTo you are overidding in it should have a Fegan object as a parameter whereas you are casting it to a FoodItems. Your compareTo implementation should describe how a Fegan compare to another Fegan.

  • To actually do your sorting, you might want to make your FoodItems implement Comparable aswell and copy paste your actual compareTo logic in it.

How to compare values which may both be null in T-SQL

NULLIF(TARGET.relation_id, SOURCE.app_relation_id) IS NULL Simple solution

Calculate the execution time of a method

 using System.Diagnostics;
 class Program
    static void Test1()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Test1 " + i);
  static void Main(string[] args)

        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
        Console.WriteLine("Time Taken-->{0}",sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

Error "can't use subversion command line client : svn" when opening android project checked out from svn

Android Studio cannot find the svn command because it's not on PATH, and it doesn't know where svn is installed.

One way to fix is to edit the PATH environment variable: add the directory that contains svn.exe. You will need to restart Android Studio to make it re-read the PATH variable.

Another way is to set the absolute path of svn.exe in the Use command client box in the settings screen that you included in your post.


According to this other post, TortoiseSVN doesn't include the command line tools by default. But you can re-run the installer and enable it. That will add svn.exe to PATH, and Android Studio will correctly pick it up.

Converting file size in bytes to human-readable string

My answer might be late, but I guess it will help someone.

Metric prefix:

 * Format file size in metric prefix
 * @param fileSize
 * @returns {string}
const formatFileSizeMetric = (fileSize) => {
  let size = Math.abs(fileSize);

  if (Number.isNaN(size)) {
    return 'Invalid file size';

  if (size === 0) {
    return '0 bytes';

  const units = ['bytes', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
  let quotient = Math.floor(Math.log10(size) / 3);
  quotient = quotient < units.length ? quotient : units.length - 1;
  size /= (1000 ** quotient);

  return `${+size.toFixed(2)} ${units[quotient]}`;

Binary prefix:

 * Format file size in binary prefix
 * @param fileSize
 * @returns {string}
const formatFileSizeBinary = (fileSize) => {
  let size = Math.abs(fileSize);

  if (Number.isNaN(size)) {
    return 'Invalid file size';

  if (size === 0) {
    return '0 bytes';

  const units = ['bytes', 'kiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'];
  let quotient = Math.floor(Math.log2(size) / 10);
  quotient = quotient < units.length ? quotient : units.length - 1;
  size /= (1024 ** quotient);

  return `${+size.toFixed(2)} ${units[quotient]}`;


// Metrics prefix
formatFileSizeMetric(0)      // 0 bytes
formatFileSizeMetric(-1)     // 1 bytes
formatFileSizeMetric(100)    // 100 bytes
formatFileSizeMetric(1000)   // 1 kB
formatFileSizeMetric(10**5)  // 10 kB
formatFileSizeMetric(10**6)  // 1 MB
formatFileSizeMetric(10**9)  // 1GB
formatFileSizeMetric(10**12) // 1 TB
formatFileSizeMetric(10**15) // 1000 TB

// Binary prefix
formatFileSizeBinary(0)     // 0 bytes
formatFileSizeBinary(-1)    // 1 bytes
formatFileSizeBinary(1024)  // 1 kiB
formatFileSizeBinary(2048)  // 2 kiB
formatFileSizeBinary(2**20) // 1 MiB
formatFileSizeBinary(2**30) // 1 GiB
formatFileSizeBinary(2**40) // 1 TiB
formatFileSizeBinary(2**50) // 1024 TiB

What replaces cellpadding, cellspacing, valign, and align in HTML5 tables?

This should solve your problem:

td {
    /* <>
     * left, right, center, justify, inherit
    text-align: center;
    /* <>
     * baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle,
     * bottom, text-bottom, length, or a value in percentage
    vertical-align: top;

JWT refresh token flow

Assuming that this is about OAuth 2.0 since it is about JWTs and refresh tokens...:

  1. just like an access token, in principle a refresh token can be anything including all of the options you describe; a JWT could be used when the Authorization Server wants to be stateless or wants to enforce some sort of "proof-of-possession" semantics on to the client presenting it; note that a refresh token differs from an access token in that it is not presented to a Resource Server but only to the Authorization Server that issued it in the first place, so the self-contained validation optimization for JWTs-as-access-tokens does not hold for refresh tokens

  2. that depends on the security/access of the database; if the database can be accessed by other parties/servers/applications/users, then yes (but your mileage may vary with where and how you store the encryption key...)

  3. an Authorization Server may issue both access tokens and refresh tokens at the same time, depending on the grant that is used by the client to obtain them; the spec contains the details and options on each of the standardized grants

SELECT DISTINCT on one column

Here is a version, basically the same as a couple of the other answers, but that you can copy paste into your SQL server Management Studio to test, (and without generating any unwanted tables), thanks to some inline values.

WITH [TestData]([ID],[SKU],[PRODUCT]) AS
    SELECT *
    FROM (
        (1,   'FOO-23',  'Orange'),
        (2,   'BAR-23',  'Orange'),
        (3,   'FOO-24',  'Apple'),
        (4,   'FOO-25',  'Orange')
    AS [TestData]([ID],[SKU],[PRODUCT])

    FROM [TestData] 


1   FOO-23  Orange
3   FOO-24  Apple

I have ignored the following ...


as its only part of the authors faulty code and not part of the question. It's unlikely to be helpful to people looking here.

How do I install Python 3 on an AWS EC2 instance?

EC2 (on the Amazon Linux AMI) currently supports python3.4 and python3.5.

sudo yum install python35
sudo yum install python35-pip

how to change the dist-folder path in angular-cli after 'ng build'

Caution: Angular 6 and above!

For readers with an angular.json (not angular-cli.json) the key correct key is outputPath. I guess the angular configuration changed to angular.json in Angular 6, so if you are using version 6 or above you most likely have a angular.json file.

To change the output path you have to change outputPath und the build options.

example angular.json

    "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
    "version": 1,
    "projects": {
        "angular-app": {
            "projectType": "application",
            "architect": {
                "build": {
                    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
                    "options": {
                        "outputPath": "dist/angular-app",
                        "index": "src/index.html",
                        "main": "src/main.ts",

I could not find any official docs on this (not included in as I would have expected), maybe someone can link an official resource on this.

How to remove border from specific PrimeFaces p:panelGrid?

If you find a line in between the columns then use the below code,

.panelNoBorder, .panelNoBorder tr, .panelNoBorder td{
border: hidden;
border-color: white;

I checked this with Primefaces 5.1

     <title>Login Page</title>    
     <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="common.css"/>

<p:panelGrid id="loginPanel" columns="3" styleClass="panelNoBorder">
<p:outputLabel value="Username"/> <p:inputText id="loginTextUsername"/>
<p:outputLabel value="Password"/> <p:password id="loginPassword"/>
<p:commandButton id="loginButtonLogin" value="Login"/> <p:commandButton id="loginButtonClear" value="Clear"/>

Rails and PostgreSQL: Role postgres does not exist

I ended up here after attempting to follow Ryan Bate's tutorial on deploying to AWS EC2 with rubber. Here is what happened for me: We created a new app using "

rails new blog -d postgresql

Obviosuly this creates a new app with pg as the database, but the database was not made yet. With sqlite, you just run rake db:migrate, however with pg you need to create the pg database first. Ryan did not do this step. The command is rake db:create:all, then we can run rake db:migrate

The second part is changing the database.yml file. The default for the username when the file is generated is 'appname'. However, chances are your role for postgresql admin is something different (at least it was for me). I changed it to my name (see above advice about creating a role name) and I was good to go.

Hope this helps.

How to write a shell script that runs some commands as superuser and some commands not as superuser, without having to babysit it?

If you use this, check man sudo too:


sudo echo "Hi, I'm root"

sudo -u nobody echo "I'm nobody"

sudo -u 1000 touch /test_user

cURL equivalent in Node.js?

You can use request npm module . Super simple to use. Request is designed to be the simplest way possible to make http calls. It supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.

var request = require('request');
request('', function (error, response, body) {
  console.log('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred
  console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode); // Print the response status code if a response was received
  console.log('body:', body); // Print the HTML for the Google homepage.

How to get a list column names and datatypes of a table in PostgreSQL?

To make this topic 'more complete'.

I required the column names and data types on a SELECT statement (not a table).

If you want to do this on a SELECT statement instead of an actual existing table, you can do the following:

-- your select statement here!
FROM foo
-- end your select statement

select column_name, data_type 
from information_schema.columns 
where table_name = 'abc';

Short explanation, it makes a (temp) table of your select statement, which you can 'call' upon via the query provided by (among others) @a_horse_with_no_name and @selva.

Hope this helps.

Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly that could not be resolved

As stated in dotnet CLI issue 6583 the issue should be solved with dotnet nuget locals --clear all command.

IIS7 Settings File Locations

It sounds like you're looking for applicationHost.config, which is located in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config.

Yes, it's an XML file, and yes, editing the file by hand will affect the IIS config after a restart. You can think of IIS Manager as a GUI front-end for editing applicationHost.config and web.config.

Open URL in same window and in same tab

You need to use the name attribute:"","_self")

Edit: Url should be prepended with protocol. Without it tries to open relative url. Tested in Chrome 59, Firefox 54 and IE 11.

How to remove all subviews of a view in Swift?

Swift 3

If you add a tag to your view you can remove a specific view.

for v in (view?.subviews)!
    if v.tag == 321

Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

This is NOT possible

The Simulator does not run ARM code, ONLY x86 code. Unless you have the raw source code from Apple, you won't see the App Store on the Simulator.

The app you write you will be able to test in the Simulator by running it directly from Xcode even if you don't have a developer account. To test your app on an actual device, you will need to be apart of the Apple Developer program.

Convert date yyyyMMdd to system.datetime format

string time = "19851231";
DateTime theTime= DateTime.ParseExact(time,

How to hide soft keyboard on android after clicking outside EditText?

hey guys i have simple solution for this problem and this solution can be used for simple registration or login form. my solution is same as i implemented in ios setontouch listener to Main view

activity_main.xml add ID to your main relative layout android:id="@+id/mainlayout"

and add this code to your activity

  RelativeLayout mainLayout = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(;
  mainLayout.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                 Log.d("Json Response", "Touch outside");
                  InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager)  MainActivity.this.getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
                    inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(MainActivity.this.getCurrentFocus().getWindowToken(), 0);
                return false;

Populate nested array in mongoose

I found this question through another question which was KeystoneJS specific but was marked as duplicate. If anyone here might be looking for a Keystone answer, this is how I did my deep populate query in Keystone.

Mongoose two level population using KeystoneJs [duplicate]

exports.getStoreWithId = function (req, res) {
            path: 'productTags productCategories',
            populate: {
                path: 'tags',
        .exec(function (err, item) {
            if (err) return res.apiError('database error', err);
            // possibly more than one
                store: item,

What is the default text size on Android?

Looks like someone else found it: What are the default font characteristics in Android ?

There someone discovered the default text size, for TextViews (which use TextAppearance.Small) it's 14sp.

How do you change video src using jQuery?

This is working on Flowplayer 6.0.2.

         sources: [
            { type: "video/mp4",  src: variable }

where variable is a javascript/jquery variable value, The video tag should be something this

<div class="flowplayer">
      <source type="video/mp4" src="" class="videomp4">

Hope it helps anyone.

static function in C

pmg's answer is very convincing. If you would like to know how static declarations work at object level then this below info could be interesting to you. I reused the same program written by pmg and compiler it into a .so(shared object) file

Following contents are after dumping the .so file into something human readable

0000000000000675 f1: address of f1 function

000000000000068c f2: address of f2(staticc) function

note the difference in the function address , it means something . For a function that's declared with different address , it can very well signify that f2 lives very far away or in a different segment of the object file.

Linkers use something called PLT(Procedure linkage table) and GOT(Global offsets table) to understand symbols that they have access to link to .

For now think that GOT and PLT magically bind all the addresses and a dynamic section holds information of all these functions that are visible by linker.

After dumping the dynamic section of the .so file we get a bunch of entries but only interested in f1 and f2 function.

The dynamic section holds entry only for f1 function at address 0000000000000675 and not for f2 !

Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name

 9: 0000000000000675    23 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 f1

And thats it !. From this its clear that the linker will be unsuccessful in finding the f2 function since its not in the dynamic section of the .so file.

Concatenating strings in C, which method is more efficient?

For readability, I'd go with

char * s = malloc(snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s %s", first, second) + 1);
sprintf(s, "%s %s", first, second);

If your platform supports GNU extensions, you could also use asprintf():

char * s = NULL;
asprintf(&s, "%s %s", first, second);

If you're stuck with the MS C Runtime, you have to use _scprintf() to determine the length of the resulting string:

char * s = malloc(_scprintf("%s %s", first, second) + 1);
sprintf(s, "%s %s", first, second);

The following will most likely be the fastest solution:

size_t len1 = strlen(first);
size_t len2 = strlen(second);

char * s = malloc(len1 + len2 + 2);
memcpy(s, first, len1);
s[len1] = ' ';
memcpy(s + len1 + 1, second, len2 + 1); // includes terminating null

Convert a python dict to a string and back

The json module is a good solution here. It has the advantages over pickle that it only produces plain text output, and is cross-platform and cross-version.

import json

How to pipe list of files returned by find command to cat to view all the files

Are you trying to find text in files? You can simply use grep for that...

grep searchterm *

Convert `List<string>` to comma-separated string

static void Main(string[] args)
   List<string> listStrings = new List<string>(){ "C#", "Asp.Net", "SQL Server", "PHP", "Angular"};
   string CommaSeparateString = GenerateCommaSeparateStringFromList(listStrings);

private static string GenerateCommaSeparateStringFromList(List<string> listStrings)
   return String.Join(",", listStrings);  

Convert a list of string to comma separated string C#.

Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine

More on OS X: sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) is available only versions >= 10.5, not 10.4.

An alternative is the HW_AVAILCPU/sysctl() BSD code which is available on versions >= 10.2.

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

You should first pull the changes from the develop branch and only then merge them to your branch:

git checkout develop 
git pull 
git checkout branch-x
git rebase develop

Or, when on branch-x:

git fetch && git rebase origin/develop

I have an alias that saves me a lot of time. Add to your ~/.gitconfig:

    fr = "!f() { git fetch && git rebase origin/"$1"; }; f"

Now, all that you have to do is:

git fr develop

How do I include inline JavaScript in Haml?

I'm using fileupload-jquery in haml. The original js is below:

<!-- The template to display files available for download -->_x000D_
<script id="template-download" type="text/x-tmpl">_x000D_
  {% for (var i=0, file; file=o.files[i]; i++) { %}_x000D_
    <tr class="template-download fade">_x000D_
      {% if (file.error) { %}_x000D_
        <td class="name"><span>{}</span></td>_x000D_
        <td class="size"><span>{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span></td>_x000D_
        <td class="error" colspan="2"><span class="label label-important">{%=locale.fileupload.error%}</span> {%=locale.fileupload.errors[file.error] || file.error%}</td>_x000D_
        {% } else { %}_x000D_
        <td class="preview">{% if (file.thumbnail_url) { %}_x000D_
          <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{}" rel="gallery" download="{}"><img src="{%=file.thumbnail_url%}"></a>_x000D_
          {% } %}</td>_x000D_
        <td class="name">_x000D_
          <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{}" rel="{%=file.thumbnail_url&&'gallery'%}" download="{}">{}</a>_x000D_
        <td class="size"><span>{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span></td>_x000D_
        <td colspan="2"></td>_x000D_
        {% } %}_x000D_
      <td class="delete">_x000D_
        <button class="btn btn-danger" data-type="{%=file.delete_type%}" data-url="{%=file.delete_url%}">_x000D_
          <i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i>_x000D_
        <input type="checkbox" name="delete" value="1">_x000D_
    {% } %}_x000D_

At first I used the :cdata to convert (from html2haml), it doesn't work properly (Delete button can't remove relevant component in callback).

<script id='template-download' type='text/x-tmpl'>_x000D_
          {% for (var i=0, file; file=o.files[i]; i++) { %}_x000D_
          <tr class="template-download fade">_x000D_
          {% if (file.error) { %}_x000D_
          <td class="name"><span>{}</span></td>_x000D_
          <td class="size"><span>{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span></td>_x000D_
          <td class="error" colspan="2"><span class="label label-important">{%=locale.fileupload.error%}</span> {%=locale.fileupload.errors[file.error] || file.error%}</td>_x000D_
          {% } else { %}_x000D_
          <td class="preview">{% if (file.thumbnail_url) { %}_x000D_
          <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{}" rel="gallery" download="{}"><img src="{%=file.thumbnail_url%}"></a>_x000D_
          {% } %}</td>_x000D_
          <td class="name">_x000D_
          <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{}" rel="{%=file.thumbnail_url&&'gallery'%}" download="{}">{}</a>_x000D_
          <td class="size"><span>{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span></td>_x000D_
          <td colspan="2"></td>_x000D_
          {% } %}_x000D_
          <td class="delete">_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-danger" data-type="{%=file.delete_type%}" data-url="{%=file.delete_url%}">_x000D_
          <i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i>_x000D_
          <input type="checkbox" name="delete" value="1">_x000D_
          {% } %}_x000D_

So I use :plain filter:

%script#template-download{:type => "text/x-tmpl"}_x000D_
    {% for (var i=0, file; file=o.files[i]; i++) { %}_x000D_
    <tr class="template-download fade">_x000D_
    {% if (file.error) { %}_x000D_
    <td class="name"><span>{}</span></td>_x000D_
    <td class="size"><span>{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span></td>_x000D_
    <td class="error" colspan="2"><span class="label label-important">{%=locale.fileupload.error%}</span> {%=locale.fileupload.errors[file.error] || file.error%}</td>_x000D_
    {% } else { %}_x000D_
    <td class="preview">{% if (file.thumbnail_url) { %}_x000D_
    <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{}" rel="gallery" download="{}"><img src="{%=file.thumbnail_url%}"></a>_x000D_
    {% } %}</td>_x000D_
    <td class="name">_x000D_
    <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{}" rel="{%=file.thumbnail_url&&'gallery'%}" download="{}">{}</a>_x000D_
    <td class="size"><span>{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span></td>_x000D_
    <td colspan="2"></td>_x000D_
    {% } %}_x000D_
    <td class="delete">_x000D_
    <button class="btn btn-danger" data-type="{%=file.delete_type%}" data-url="{%=file.delete_url%}">_x000D_
    <i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i>_x000D_
    <input type="checkbox" name="delete" value="1">_x000D_
    {% } %}

The converted result is exactly the same as the original.

So :plain filter in this senario fits my need.

:plain Does not parse the filtered text. This is useful for large blocks of text without HTML tags, when you don’t want lines starting with . or - to be parsed.

For more detail, please refer to

Simplest way to restart service on a remote computer

look at sysinternals for a variety of tools to help you achieve that goal. psService for example would restart a service on a remote machine.

How to make the webpack dev server run on port 80 and on to make it publicly accessible?

For me, this code worked. Just add it on your package.json file :

"scripts": {
    "dev-server": "encore dev-server",
    "dev": "webpack-dev-server --progress --colors",
    "watch": "encore dev --watch",
    "build": "encore production --progress"

And run the script "build" by running npm run build

Load a UIView from nib in Swift

You can do this via storyboard, just add proper constraints for view. You can do this easily by subclassing any view from your own let's say BaseView:



 @class BaseView
 @discussion Base View for getting view from xibFile
 @availability ios7 and later
@interface BaseView : UIView



#import "BaseView.h"

@implementation BaseView

#pragma mark - Public

- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
    self = [super initWithCoder:coder];
    if (self) {
        [self prepareView];
    return self;

#pragma mark - LifeCycle

- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        [self prepareView];
    return self;

#pragma mark - Private

- (void)prepareView
    NSArray *nibsArray = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:NSStringFromClass([self class]) owner:self options:nil];
    UIView *view = [nibsArray firstObject];

    view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
    [self addSubview:view];
    [self addConstraintsForView:view];

#pragma mark - Add constraints

- (void)addConstraintsForView:(UIView *)view
    [self addConstraints:@[[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view
                                                           toItem:self attribute:NSLayoutAttributeBottom
                           [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view
                                                           toItem:self attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTop
                           [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view
                                                           toItem:self attribute:NSLayoutAttributeLeft
                           [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view
                                                           toItem:self attribute:NSLayoutAttributeRight


Swift 4

import UIKit

class BaseView : UIView {

    // MARK: - LifeCycle

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)


    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)


    internal class func xibName() -> String {
        return String(describing: self)

    // MARK: - Private
    fileprivate func prepareView() {
        let nameForXib = BaseView.xibName()
        let nibs = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed(nameForXib, owner: self, options: nil)
        if let view = nibs?.first as? UIView {
            view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
            view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            addSubviewWithConstraints(view, offset: false)


public extension UIView {
    // MARK: - UIView+Extensions

    public func addSubviewWithConstraints(_ subview:UIView, offset:Bool = true) {
        subview.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        let views = [
            "subview" : subview

        var constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: offset ? "H:|-[subview]-|" : "H:|[subview]|", options: [.alignAllLeading, .alignAllTrailing], metrics: nil, views: views)
        constraints.append(contentsOf: NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: offset ? "V:|-[subview]-|" : "V:|[subview]|", options: [.alignAllTop, .alignAllBottom], metrics: nil, views: views))

I provide 2 variants how to add constraints - common one and within visual format language - select any you want :)

Also, by default assumed that xib name has same name as implementation class name. If no - just change xibName parameter.

If you subclass your view from BaseView - you can easily put any view and specify class in IB.

JQuery to load Javascript file dynamically

Yes, use getScript instead of document.write - it will even allow for a callback once the file loads.

You might want to check if TinyMCE is defined, though, before including it (for subsequent calls to 'Add Comment') so the code might look something like this:

$('#add_comment').click(function() {
    if(typeof TinyMCE == "undefined") {
        $.getScript('tinymce.js', function() {

Assuming you only have to call init on it once, that is. If not, you can figure it out from here :)

Changing datagridview cell color dynamically

Thanks it working

here i am done with this by qty field is zero means it shown that cells are in red color

        int count = 0;

        foreach (DataGridViewRow row in ItemDg.Rows)
            int qtyEntered = Convert.ToInt16(row.Cells[1].Value);
            if (qtyEntered <= 0)
                ItemDg[0, count].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;//to color the row
                ItemDg[1, count].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;

                ItemDg[0, count].ReadOnly = true;//qty should not be enter for 0 inventory                       
            ItemDg[0, count].Value = "0";//assign a default value to quantity enter


How to Load Ajax in Wordpress

Firstly, you should read this page thoroughly

Secondly, ajax_script is not defined so you should change to: url: ajaxurl. I don't see your function1() in the above code but you might already define it in other file.

And finally, learn how to debug ajax call using Firebug, network and console tab will be your friends. On the PHP side, print_r() or var_dump() will be your friends.

Angularjs $q.all

The issue seems to be that you are adding the deffered.promise when deffered is itself the promise you should be adding:

Try changing to promises.push(deffered); so you don't add the unwrapped promise to the array.

 UploadService.uploadQuestion = function(questions){

            var promises = [];

            for(var i = 0 ; i < questions.length ; i++){

                var deffered  = $q.defer();
                var question  = questions[i]; 


                    url   : 'upload/question',
                    method: 'POST',
                    data  : question


            return $q.all(promises);

What's the difference between ng-model and ng-bind

ng-bind has one-way data binding ($scope --> view). It has a shortcut {{ val }} which displays the scope value $scope.val inserted into html where val is a variable name.

ng-model is intended to be put inside of form elements and has two-way data binding ($scope --> view and view --> $scope) e.g. <input ng-model="val"/>.

HTTP Get with 204 No Content: Is that normal

I use GET/204 with a RESTful collection that is a positional array of known fixed length but with holes.

GET /items
    200: ["a", "b", null]

GET /items/0
    200: "a"

GET /items/1
    200: "b"

GET /items/2

GET /items/3
    404: Not Found

How do I read the first line of a file using cat?

cat alone may not be possible, but if you don't want to use head this works:

 cat <file> | awk 'NR == 1'

Convert PDF to PNG using ImageMagick

when you set the density to 96, doesn't it look good?

when i tried it i saw that saving as jpg resulted with better quality, but larger file size

DateTime2 vs DateTime in SQL Server

I concurr with @marc_s and @Adam_Poward -- DateTime2 is the preferred method moving forward. It has a wider range of dates, higher precision, and uses equal or less storage (depending on precision).

One thing the discussion missed, however...
@Marc_s states: Both types map to System.DateTime in .NET - no difference there. This is correct, however, the inverse is not true...and it matters when doing date range searches (e.g. "find me all records modified on 5/5/2010").

.NET's version of Datetime has similar range and precision to DateTime2. When mapping a .net Datetime down to the old SQL DateTime an implicit rounding occurs. The old SQL DateTime is accurate to 3 milliseconds. This means that 11:59:59.997 is as close as you can get to the end of the day. Anything higher is rounded up to the following day.

Try this :

declare @d1 datetime   = '5/5/2010 23:59:59.999'
declare @d2 datetime2  = '5/5/2010 23:59:59.999'
declare @d3 datetime   = '5/5/2010 23:59:59.997'
select @d1 as 'IAmMay6BecauseOfRounding', @d2 'May5', @d3 'StillMay5Because2msEarlier'

Avoiding this implicit rounding is a significant reason to move to DateTime2. Implicit rounding of dates clearly causes confusion:

Favorite Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts


Save all changed files. saved me quite a few times.

How to get status code from webclient?

You should be able to use the "client.ResponseHeaders[..]" call, see this link for examples of getting stuff back from the response

Linux: is there a read or recv from socket with timeout?

You can use the setsockopt function to set a timeout on receive operations:


Sets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time an input function waits until it completes. It accepts a timeval structure with the number of seconds and microseconds specifying the limit on how long to wait for an input operation to complete. If a receive operation has blocked for this much time without receiving additional data, it shall return with a partial count or errno set to [EAGAIN] or [EWOULDBLOCK] if no data is received. The default for this option is zero, which indicates that a receive operation shall not time out. This option takes a timeval structure. Note that not all implementations allow this option to be set.

struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = timeout_in_seconds;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);

DWORD timeout = timeout_in_seconds * 1000;
setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeout, sizeof timeout);

// MAC OS X (identical to Linux)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = timeout_in_seconds;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);

Reportedly on Windows this should be done before calling bind. I have verified by experiment that it can be done either before or after bind on Linux and OS X.

Web Reference vs. Service Reference

Add Web Reference is the old-style, deprecated ASP.NET webservices (ASMX) technology (using only the XmlSerializer for your stuff) - if you do this, you get an ASMX client for an ASMX web service. You can do this in just about any project (Web App, Web Site, Console App, Winforms - you name it).

Add Service Reference is the new way of doing it, adding a WCF service reference, which gives you a much more advanced, much more flexible service model than just plain old ASMX stuff.

Since you're not ready to move to WCF, you can also still add the old-style web reference, if you really must: when you do a "Add Service Reference", on the dialog that comes up, click on the [Advanced] button in the button left corner:

alt text

and on the next dialog that comes up, pick the [Add Web Reference] button at the bottom.

jQuery: count number of rows in a table

I found this to work really well if you want to count rows without counting the th and any rows from tables inside of tables:

var rowCount = $("#tableData > tbody").children().length;

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

On OS X, you need to take into account existing window decorations. They add 22 pixels to the height. So on a JFrame, you need to tell the program this:

frame.setSize(width, height + 22);

How to convert UTF-8 byte[] to string?

A Linq one-liner for converting a byte array byteArrFilename read from a file to a pure ascii C-style zero-terminated string would be this: Handy for reading things like file index tables in old archive formats.

String filename = new String(byteArrFilename.TakeWhile(x => x != 0)
                              .Select(x => x < 128 ? (Char)x : '?').ToArray());

I use '?' as default char for anything not pure ascii here, but that can be changed, of course. If you want to be sure you can detect it, just use '\0' instead, since the TakeWhile at the start ensures that a string built this way cannot possibly contain '\0' values from the input source.

Convert DataTable to List<T>

There are Linq extension methods for DataTable.

Add reference to: System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll

Then include the namespace: using System.Data.DataSetExtensions

Finally you can use Linq extensions on DataSet and DataTables:

var matches = myDataSet.Tables.First().Where(dr=>dr.Field<int>("id") == 1);

On .Net 2.0 you can still add generic method:

public static List<T> ConvertRowsToList<T>( DataTable input, Convert<DataRow, T> conversion) {
    List<T> retval = new List<T>()
    foreach(DataRow dr in input.Rows)
        retval.Add( conversion(dr) );

    return retval;

Is there any simple way to convert .xls file to .csv file? (Excel)

Checkout the .SaveAs() method in Excel object.

wbWorkbook.SaveAs("c:\yourdesiredFilename.csv", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSV)

Or following:

public static void SaveAs()
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass();
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wbWorkbook = app.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Sheets wsSheet = wbWorkbook.Worksheets;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet CurSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)wsSheet[1];

    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range thisCell = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)CurSheet.Cells[1, 1];

    thisCell.Value2 = "This is a test.";

    wbWorkbook.SaveAs(@"c:\one.xls", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
    wbWorkbook.SaveAs(@"c:\two.csv", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSVWindows, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

    wbWorkbook.Close(false, "", true);

Open Jquery modal dialog on click event

Try adding this line before your dialog line.

$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );

This method worked for me. It seems that the "close" command messes up the dialog opening again with only the .dialog() .

Using your code as an example, it would go in like this (note that you may need to add more to your code for it to make sense):

    <script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#dialog_link').click(function() {
$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );        
        return false;
   <div id="dialog" title="Dialog Title" style="display:none"> Some text</div>  
   <p id="dialog_link">Open Dialog</p>  

RecyclerView expand/collapse items

For this, just needed simple lines not complicated

in your onBindViewHolder method add below code

final boolean isExpanded = position==mExpandedPosition;
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        mExpandedPosition = isExpanded ? -1:position;

mExpandedPosition is an int global variable initialized to -1

For those who want only one item expanded and others get collapsed. Use this

first declare a global variable with previousExpandedPosition = -1


    final boolean isExpanded = position==mExpandedPosition;

    if (isExpanded)
       previousExpandedPosition = position;

    holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            mExpandedPosition = isExpanded ? -1:position;

Done!!!. Simple and humble .. :)

How to include layout inside layout?

Note that if you include android:id... into the <include /> tag, it will override whatever id was defined inside the included layout. For example:

   layout="@layout/yourlayout" />


       android:id="@+id/button1" />

Then you would reference this included layout in code as follows:

View includedLayout = findViewById(;
Button insideTheIncludedLayout = (Button)includedLayout.findViewById(;

jQuery map vs. each

i understood it by this:

function fun1() {
    return this + 1;
function fun2(el) {
    return el + 1;

var item = [5,4,3,2,1];

var newitem1 = $.each(item, fun1);
var newitem2 = $.map(item, fun2);

console.log(newitem1); // [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] 
console.log(newitem2); // [6, 5, 4, 3, 2] 

so, "each" function returns the original array while "map" function returns a new array

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment


What is Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is a process or a development practice of automated build and automated test i.e. A developer is required to commit his code multiple times into a shared repository where each integration is verified by automated build and test.

If the build fails/success it is notified to a developer and then he can take relevant actions.

What is Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery is the practise where we keep our code deployable at any point which has passed all the test and has all the required configuration to push the code to production but hasn’t been deployed yet.

What is Continuous Deployment With the help of CI we have created s build for our application and is ready to push to production. In this step our build is ready and with CD we can deploy our application directly to QA environment and if everything goes well we can deploy the same build to production.

So basically, Continuous deployment is one step further than continuous delivery. With this practice, every change which passes all stages of your production pipeline is released to your customers.

Continuous Deployment is a combination of Configuration Management and Containerization.

Configuration Management: CM is all about maintaining the configuration of server which will be compatible to application requirement.

Containerization: Containerization is a set of tolls which will maintain consistency across the environment.

Img source:

Img source:

Fastest way to check if a value exists in a list

It sounds like your application might gain advantage from the use of a Bloom Filter data structure.

In short, a bloom filter look-up can tell you very quickly if a value is DEFINITELY NOT present in a set. Otherwise, you can do a slower look-up to get the index of a value that POSSIBLY MIGHT BE in the list. So if your application tends to get the "not found" result much more often then the "found" result, you might see a speed up by adding a Bloom Filter.

For details, Wikipedia provides a good overview of how Bloom Filters work, and a web search for "python bloom filter library" will provide at least a couple useful implementations.

UTF-8 byte[] to String

Look at the constructor for String

String str = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

And if you're feeling lazy, you can use the Apache Commons IO library to convert the InputStream to a String directly:

String str = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

How to use range-based for() loop with std::map?

If copy assignment operator of foo and bar is cheap (eg. int, char, pointer etc), you can do the following:

foo f; bar b;
  cout << "Foo is " << f << " Bar is " << b;

Set date input field's max date to today

In lieu of Javascript, a shorter PHP-based solution could be:

 <input type="date" name="date1" max=
         echo date('Y-m-d');

Twitter bootstrap scrollable table

Table elements don't appear to support this directly. Place the table in a div and set the height of the div and set overflow: auto.

Check difference in seconds between two times

I use this to avoid negative interval.

var seconds = (date1< date2)? (date2- date1).TotalSeconds: (date1 - date2).TotalSeconds;

AngularJS : ng-model binding not updating when changed with jQuery

Just use:


instead of:


Java system properties and environment variables

Simple http post example in Objective-C?

Here i'm adding sample code for http post print response and parsing as JSON if possible, it will handle everything async so your GUI will be refreshing just fine and will not freeze at all - which is important to notice.

NSString *theBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"parameter=%@",YOUR_VAR_HERE];
NSData *bodyData = [theBody dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES];
NSString *serverURL = @"";
NSString *downloadUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/your-friendly-url-here/json",serverURL];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: downloadUrl]];
[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[request setHTTPBody:bodyData];
NSLog(@"Trying to call ws %@",downloadUrl);
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Download Error:%@",error.description);
    if (data) {

        NSString *returnString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

        NSDictionary *json_response = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data

        if ( json_response ) {
            if ( [json_response isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]] ) {
                // do dictionary things
                for ( NSString *key in [json_response allKeys] ) {
                    NSLog(@"%@: %@", key, json_response[key]);
            else if ( [json_response isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ) {
        else {
            NSLog(@"Error serializing JSON: %@", error);
            NSLog(@"RAW RESPONSE: %@",data);
            NSString *returnString2 = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

Hope this helps!

No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?

In my case it was solved by doing this:

Go to your 'Runtime Configuration' and configure your JRE to an JDK.

Select the right JDK for your Runtime

Select default JRE

I copied answer just in case it is deleted for some reason, but the source is here

Getting coordinates of marker in Google Maps API

One more alternative options

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {
    zoom: 1,
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(35.137879, -82.836914),
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

var myMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(47.651968, 9.478485),
    draggable: true

google.maps.event.addListener(myMarker, 'dragend', function (evt) {
    document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Marker dropped: Current Lat: ' + + ' Current Lng: ' + evt.latLng.lng().toFixed(3) + '</p>';

google.maps.event.addListener(myMarker, 'dragstart', function (evt) {
    document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = '<p>Currently dragging marker...</p>';


and html file

        <div id='map_canvas'></div>
        <div id="current">Nothing yet...</div>

printf \t option

A tab is a tab. How many spaces it consumes is a display issue, and depends on the settings of your shell.

If you want to control the width of your data, then you could use the width sub-specifiers in the printf format string. Eg. :

printf("%5d", 2);

It's not a complete solution (if the value is longer than 5 characters, it will not be truncated), but might be ok for your needs.

If you want complete control, you'll probably have to implement it yourself.

How to display full (non-truncated) dataframe information in html when converting from pandas dataframe to html?

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)  

id (second argument) can fully show the columns.

Add to integers in a list

Here is an example where the things to add come from a dictionary

>>> L = [0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> things_to_add = ({'idx':1, 'amount': 1}, {'idx': 2, 'amount': 1})
>>> for item in things_to_add:
...     L[item['idx']] += item['amount']
>>> L
[0, 1, 1, 0]

Here is an example adding elements from another list

>>> L = [0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> things_to_add = [0, 1, 1, 0]
>>> for idx, amount in enumerate(things_to_add):
...     L[idx] += amount
>>> L
[0, 1, 1, 0]

You could also achieve the above with a list comprehension and zip

L[:] = [sum(i) for i in zip(L, things_to_add)]

Here is an example adding from a list of tuples

>>> things_to_add = [(1, 1), (2, 1)]
>>> for idx, amount in things_to_add:
...     L[idx] += amount
>>> L
[0, 1, 1, 0]

Check, using jQuery, if an element is 'display:none' or block on click

There are two methods in jQuery to check for visibility:




You can also execute commands based on visibility in the selector;




How to pass a file path which is in assets folder to File(String path)?

AFAIK, you can't create a File from an assets file because these are stored in the apk, that means there is no path to an assets folder.

But, you can try to create that File using a buffer and the AssetManager (it provides access to an application's raw asset files).

Try to do something like:

AssetManager am = getAssets();
InputStream inputStream ="myfoldername/myfilename");
File file = createFileFromInputStream(inputStream);

private File createFileFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream) {

      File f = new File(my_file_name);
      OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(f);
      byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
      int length = 0;

      while(( > 0) {


      return f;
   }catch (IOException e) {
         //Logging exception

   return null;

Let me know about your progress.

How can I check if a JSON is empty in NodeJS?

My solution:

let isEmpty = (val) => {
    let typeOfVal = typeof val;
        case 'object':
            return (val.length == 0) || !Object.keys(val).length;
        case 'string':
            let str = val.trim();
            return str == '' || str == undefined;
        case 'number':
            return val == '';
            return val == '' || val == undefined;
console.log(isEmpty([1,2,4,5])); // false
console.log(isEmpty({id: 1, name: "Trung",age: 29})); // false
console.log(isEmpty('TrunvNV')); // false
console.log(isEmpty(8)); // false
console.log(isEmpty('')); // true
console.log(isEmpty('   ')); // true
console.log(isEmpty([])); // true
console.log(isEmpty({})); // true

Could not load type 'XXX.Global'

Removing Language="c#" in global.asax file resolved the issue for me.

Is a view faster than a simple query?

The purpose of a view is to use the query over and over again. To that end, SQL Server, Oracle, etc. will typically provide a "cached" or "compiled" version of your view, thus improving its performance. In general, this should perform better than a "simple" query, though if the query is truly very simple, the benefits may be negligible.

Now, if you're doing a complex query, create the view.

How to test a variable is null in python

Testing for name pointing to None and name existing are two semantically different operations.

To check if val is None:

if val is None:
    pass  # val exists and is None

To check if name exists:

except NameError:
    pass  # val does not exist at all

Mockito - difference between doReturn() and when()

The latter alternative is used for methods on mocks that return void.

Please have a look, for example, here: How to make mock to void methods with mockito

Disable elastic scrolling in Safari

I had solved it on iPad. Try, if it works also on OSX.

body, html { position: fixed; }

Works only if you have content smaller then screen or you are using some layout framework (Angular Material in my case).

In Angular Material it is great, that you will disable over-scroll effect of whole page, but inner sections <md-content> can be still scrollable.

How to get Time from DateTime format in SQL?

SQL Server 2008+ has a "time" datatype

    ..., CAST(MyDateTimeCol AS time)

For older versions, without varchar conversions

    ..., DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, MyDateTimeCol, 0), MyDateTimeCol)

How to calculate rolling / moving average using NumPy / SciPy?

NumPy's lack of a particular domain-specific function is perhaps due to the Core Team's discipline and fidelity to NumPy's prime directive: provide an N-dimensional array type, as well as functions for creating, and indexing those arrays. Like many foundational objectives, this one is not small, and NumPy does it brilliantly.

The (much) larger SciPy contains a much larger collection of domain-specific libraries (called subpackages by SciPy devs)--for instance, numerical optimization (optimize), signal processsing (signal), and integral calculus (integrate).

My guess is that the function you are after is in at least one of the SciPy subpackages (scipy.signal perhaps); however, i would look first in the collection of SciPy scikits, identify the relevant scikit(s) and look for the function of interest there.

Scikits are independently developed packages based on NumPy/SciPy and directed to a particular technical discipline (e.g., scikits-image, scikits-learn, etc.) Several of these were (in particular, the awesome OpenOpt for numerical optimization) were highly regarded, mature projects long before choosing to reside under the relatively new scikits rubric. The Scikits homepage liked to above lists about 30 such scikits, though at least several of those are no longer under active development.

Following this advice would lead you to scikits-timeseries; however, that package is no longer under active development; In effect, Pandas has become, AFAIK, the de facto NumPy-based time series library.

Pandas has several functions that can be used to calculate a moving average; the simplest of these is probably rolling_mean, which you use like so:

>>> # the recommended syntax to import pandas
>>> import pandas as PD
>>> import numpy as NP

>>> # prepare some fake data:
>>> # the date-time indices:
>>> t = PD.date_range('1/1/2010', '12/31/2012', freq='D')

>>> # the data:
>>> x = NP.arange(0, t.shape[0])

>>> # combine the data & index into a Pandas 'Series' object
>>> D = PD.Series(x, t)

Now, just call the function rolling_mean passing in the Series object and a window size, which in my example below is 10 days.

>>> d_mva = PD.rolling_mean(D, 10)

>>> # d_mva is the same size as the original Series
>>> d_mva.shape

>>> # though obviously the first w values are NaN where w is the window size
>>> d_mva[:3]
    2010-01-01         NaN
    2010-01-02         NaN
    2010-01-03         NaN

verify that it worked--e.g., compared values 10 - 15 in the original series versus the new Series smoothed with rolling mean

>>> D[10:15]
     2010-01-11    2.041076
     2010-01-12    2.041076
     2010-01-13    2.720585
     2010-01-14    2.720585
     2010-01-15    3.656987
     Freq: D

>>> d_mva[10:20]
      2010-01-11    3.131125
      2010-01-12    3.035232
      2010-01-13    2.923144
      2010-01-14    2.811055
      2010-01-15    2.785824
      Freq: D

The function rolling_mean, along with about a dozen or so other function are informally grouped in the Pandas documentation under the rubric moving window functions; a second, related group of functions in Pandas is referred to as exponentially-weighted functions (e.g., ewma, which calculates exponentially moving weighted average). The fact that this second group is not included in the first (moving window functions) is perhaps because the exponentially-weighted transforms don't rely on a fixed-length window

How to list running screen sessions?

I'm not really sure of your question, but if all you really want is list currently opened screen session, try:

screen -ls

How can I get the latest JRE / JDK as a zip file rather than EXE or MSI installer?

mkdir c:\JDK
cd c:\JDK
git clone


git clone

ASP.NET MVC Razor render without encoding

@(new HtmlString(myString))


Standard SQL syntax is

DROP TABLE table_name;

IF EXISTS is not standard; different platforms might support it with different syntax, or not support it at all. In PostgreSQL, the syntax is


The first one will throw an error if the table doesn't exist, or if other database objects depend on it. Most often, the other database objects will be foreign key references, but there may be others, too. (Views, for example.) The second will not throw an error if the table doesn't exist, but it will still throw an error if other database objects depend on it.

To drop a table, and all the other objects that depend on it, use one of these.


Use CASCADE with great care.

How do you access the element HTML from within an Angular attribute directive?

This is because the content of

<p myHighlight>Highlight me!</p>

has not been rendered when the constructor of the HighlightDirective is called so there is no content yet.

If you implement the AfterContentInit hook you will get the element and its content.

import { Directive, ElementRef, AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core';

@Directive({ selector: '[myHighlight]' })

export class HighlightDirective {

    constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
        // = 'yellow';

        //you can get to the element content here 

Visual Studio Error: (407: Proxy Authentication Required)

While running Visual Studio 2012 behind a proxy, I received the following error message when checking for extension updates in the Visual Studio Gallery:

The remote server returned an unexpected response: (417) Expectation failed

A look around Google finally revealed a solution here:

Visual Studio 2012 Proxy Settings

Basically, he's saying the fix is to edit your devenv.exe.config file and change this:

   <ipv6 enabled="true"/> 

to this:

   <ipv6 enabled="true"/>      
   <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false"/> 

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

In my case it is because the server is giving http error occasionally. So basically once in a while my script gets the response like this rahter than the expected response:

<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>
<p>The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.<hr/>Powered by Tengine</body>

Clearly this is not in json format and trying to call .json() will yield JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

You can print the exact response that causes this error to better debug. For example if you are using requests and then simply print the .text field (before you call .json()) would do.

PostgreSQL column 'foo' does not exist

We ran into this issue when we created the table using phppgadmin client. With phppgadmin we did not specify any double quotes in column name and still we ran into same issue.

It we create column with caMel case then phpPGAdmin implicitly adds double quotes around the column name. If you create column with all lower case then you will not run into this issue.

You can alter the column in phppgadmin and change the column name to all lower case this issue will go away.

CSV file written with Python has blank lines between each row

I'm writing this answer w.r.t. to python 3, as I've initially got the same problem.

I was supposed to get data from arduino using PySerial, and write them in a .csv file. Each reading in my case ended with '\r\n', so newline was always separating each line.

In my case, newline='' option didn't work. Because it showed some error like :

with open('op.csv', 'a',newline=' ') as csv_file:

ValueError: illegal newline value: ''

So it seemed that they don't accept omission of newline here.

Seeing one of the answers here only, I mentioned line terminator in the writer object, like,

writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=' ',lineterminator='\r')

and that worked for me for skipping the extra newlines.

move column in pandas dataframe

Simple solution:

old_cols = df.columns.values 
new_cols= ['a', 'y', 'b', 'x']
df = df.reindex(columns=new_cols)

With android studio no jvm found, JAVA_HOME has been set

Though, the question is asked long back, I see this same issue recently after installing Android Studio 2.1.0v, and JDK 7.80 on my PC Windows 10, 32 bit OS. I got this error.

No JVM installation found. Please install a 32 bit JDK. If you already have a JDK installed define a JAVA_HOME variable in Computer > System Properties > System Settings > Environment Variables.

I tried different ways to fix this nothing worked. But As per System Requirements in this Android developer website link.

Its solved after installing JDK 8(jdk-8u101-windows-i586.exe) JDK download site link.

Hope it helps somebody.

Angularjs $http.get().then and binding to a list

Try using the success() call back

$http.get('/Documents/DocumentsList/' + caseId).success(function (result) {
    $scope.Documents = result;

But now since Documents is an array and not a promise, remove the ()

<li ng-repeat="document in Documents" ng-class="IsFiltered(document.Filtered)"> <span>
           <input type="checkbox" name="docChecked" id="doc_{{document.Id}}" ng-model="document.Filtered" />


How can I do an OrderBy with a dynamic string parameter?

You don't need an external library for this. The below code works for LINQ to SQL/entities.

    /// <summary>
    /// Sorts the elements of a sequence according to a key and the sort order.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of <paramref name="query" />.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="query">A sequence of values to order.</param>
    /// <param name="key">Name of the property of <see cref="TSource"/> by which to sort the elements.</param>
    /// <param name="ascending">True for ascending order, false for descending order.</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable`1" /> whose elements are sorted according to a key and sort order.</returns>
    public static IQueryable<TSource> OrderBy<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> query, string key, bool ascending = true)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
            return query;

        var lambda = (dynamic)CreateExpression(typeof(TSource), key);

        return ascending 
            ? Queryable.OrderBy(query, lambda) 
            : Queryable.OrderByDescending(query, lambda);

    private static LambdaExpression CreateExpression(Type type, string propertyName)
        var param = Expression.Parameter(type, "x");

        Expression body = param;
        foreach (var member in propertyName.Split('.'))
            body = Expression.PropertyOrField(body, member);

        return Expression.Lambda(body, param);

(CreateExpression copied from

Convert to/from DateTime and Time in Ruby

As an update to the state of the Ruby ecosystem, Date, DateTime and Time now have methods to convert between the various classes. Using Ruby 1.9.2+:

[1] pry(main)> ts = 'Jan 1, 2000 12:01:01'
=> "Jan 1, 2000 12:01:01"
[2] pry(main)> require 'time'
=> true
[3] pry(main)> require 'date'
=> true
[4] pry(main)> ds = Date.parse(ts)
=> #<Date: 2000-01-01 (4903089/2,0,2299161)>
[5] pry(main)> ds.to_date
=> #<Date: 2000-01-01 (4903089/2,0,2299161)>
[6] pry(main)> ds.to_datetime
=> #<DateTime: 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 (4903089/2,0,2299161)>
[7] pry(main)> ds.to_time
=> 2000-01-01 00:00:00 -0700
[8] pry(main)> ds.to_time.class
=> Time
[9] pry(main)> ds.to_datetime.class
=> DateTime
[10] pry(main)> ts = Time.parse(ts)
=> 2000-01-01 12:01:01 -0700
[11] pry(main)> ts.class
=> Time
[12] pry(main)> ts.to_date
=> #<Date: 2000-01-01 (4903089/2,0,2299161)>
[13] pry(main)> ts.to_date.class
=> Date
[14] pry(main)> ts.to_datetime
=> #<DateTime: 2000-01-01T12:01:01-07:00 (211813513261/86400,-7/24,2299161)>
[15] pry(main)> ts.to_datetime.class
=> DateTime

How to set user environment variables in Windows Server 2008 R2 as a normal user?

OK I found it. Arg, an exercise in frustration. They left the old window menu traversal path for changing environment variables in there, but limited access to administrators only. As a normal user, if you want to change it, you need to go through a different set of options to arrive at the same frigging window.

Control Panel -> User Accounts -> User Accounts -> Change my environment variables.

What is /var/www/html?

In the most shared hosts you can't set it.

On a VPS or dedicated server, you can set it, but everything has its price.

On shared hosts, in general you receive a Linux account, something such as /home/(your username)/, and the equivalent of /var/www/html turns to /home/(your username)/public_html/ (or something similar, such as /home/(your username)/www)

If you're accessing your account via FTP, you automatically has accessing the your */home/(your username)/ folder, just find the www or public_html and put your site in it.

If you're using absolute path in the code, bad news, you need to refactor it to use relative paths in the code, at least in a shared host.

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

From the documentation:

It is necessary to keep in mind that the browsers do not know how to correctly show this error.

I suspect this is what's happening, if you inspect the HTTP to-and-fro using tools such as Firebug or Live HTTP Headers (both Firefox extensions) you'll be able to see what's really going on.

Postgresql : syntax error at or near "-"

I have reproduced the issue in my system,

postgres=# alter user my-sys with password 'pass11';
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "-"
LINE 1: alter user my-sys with password 'pass11';

Here is the issue,

psql is asking for input and you have given again the alter query see postgres-#That's why it's giving error at alter

postgres-# alter user "my-sys" with password 'pass11';
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "alter"
LINE 2: alter user "my-sys" with password 'pass11';

Solution is as simple as the error,

postgres=# alter user "my-sys" with password 'pass11';

How to save a spark DataFrame as csv on disk?

Apache Spark does not support native CSV output on disk.

You have four available solutions though:

  1. You can convert your Dataframe into an RDD :

    def convertToReadableString(r : Row) = ???{ convertToReadableString }.saveAsTextFile(filepath)

    This will create a folder filepath. Under the file path, you'll find partitions files (e.g part-000*)

    What I usually do if I want to append all the partitions into a big CSV is

    cat filePath/part* > mycsvfile.csv

    Some will use coalesce(1,false) to create one partition from the RDD. It's usually a bad practice, since it may overwhelm the driver by pulling all the data you are collecting to it.

    Note that df.rdd will return an RDD[Row].

  2. With Spark <2, you can use databricks spark-csv library:

    • Spark 1.4+:

    • Spark 1.3:,"com.databricks.spark.csv")
  3. With Spark 2.x the spark-csv package is not needed as it's included in Spark.

  4. You can convert to local Pandas data frame and use to_csv method (PySpark only).

Note: Solutions 1, 2 and 3 will result in CSV format files (part-*) generated by the underlying Hadoop API that Spark calls when you invoke save. You will have one part- file per partition.

How to add form validation pattern in Angular 2?

Now, you don't need to use FormBuilder and all this complicated valiation angular stuff. I put more details from this (Angular 2.0.8 - 3march2016):

Example from repo :

<input [ngControl]="fullName" pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*">

I test it and it works :) - here is my code:

<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(room)" #roomForm='ngForm'  >

Alternative approach (UPDATE June 2017)

Validation is ONLY on server side. If something is wrong then server return error code e.g HTTP 400 and following json object in response body (as example):

this.err = { 
    "capacity" : "too_small"
    "filed_name" : "error_name", 
    "field2_name" : "other_error_name",

In html template I use separate tag (div/span/small etc.)

<input [(ngModel)]='room.capacity' ...>
<small *ngIf="err.capacity" ...>{{ translate(err.capacity) }}</small>

If in 'capacity' is error then tag with msg translation will be visible. This approach have following advantages:

  • it is very simple
  • avoid backend validation code duplication on frontend (for regexp validation this can either prevent or complicate ReDoS attacks)
  • control on way the error is shown (e.g. <small> tag)
  • backend return error_name which is easy to translate to proper language in frontend

Of course sometimes I make exception if validation is needed on frontend side (e.g. retypePassword field on registration is never send to server).

Disabling enter key for form

The solution is so simple:

Replace type "Submit" with button

<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="this.form.submit()" />

List an Array of Strings in alphabetical order

Arrays.sort(stringArray); This sorts the string array based on the Unicode characters values. All strings that contain uppercase characters at the beginning of the string will be at the top of the sorted list alphabetically followed by all strings with lowercase characters. Hence if the array contains strings beginning with both uppercase characters and lowercase characters, the sorted array would not return a case insensitive order alphabetical list

String[] strArray = { "Carol", "bob", "Alice" };

Output is : Alice, Carol, bob,

If you require the Strings to be sorted without regards to case, you'll need a second argument, a Comparator, for Arrays.sort(). Such a comparator has already been written for us and can be accessed as a static on the String class named CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.

String[] strArray = { "Carol", "bob", "Alice" };
Arrays.sort(stringArray, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(strArray ));

Output is : Alice, bob, Carol

Set initial focus in an Android application

I just add this line of code into onCreate():


Problem solved.

Global Variable from a different file Python

from file2 import * is making copies. You want to do this:

import file2
print file2.SomeClass()

Monitor the Graphics card usage

If you develop in Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 versions, you can use their GPU Usage tool:

Screenshot from MSDN: enter image description here

Moreover, it seems you can diagnose any application with it, not only Visual Studio Projects:

In addition to Visual Studio projects you can also collect GPU usage data on any loose .exe applications that you have sitting around. Just open the executable as a solution in Visual Studio and then start up a diagnostics session and you can target it with GPU usage. This way if you are using some type of engine or alternative development environment you can still collect data on it as long as you end up with an executable.


AddRange to a Collection

Remember that each Add will check the capacity of the collection and resize it whenever necessary (slower). With AddRange, the collection will be set the capacity and then added the items (faster). This extension method will be extremely slow, but will work.