Programs & Examples On #Grid system

Nested rows with bootstrap grid system?

Bootstrap Version 3.x

As always, read Bootstrap's great documentation:

3.x Docs:

Make sure the parent level row is inside of a .container element. Whenever you'd like to nest rows, just open up a new .row inside of your column.

Here's a simple layout to work from:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-6">
            <div class="big-box">image</div>
        <div class="col-xs-6">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-xs-6"><div class="mini-box">1</div></div>
                <div class="col-xs-6"><div class="mini-box">2</div></div>
                <div class="col-xs-6"><div class="mini-box">3</div></div>
                <div class="col-xs-6"><div class="mini-box">4</div></div>

Bootstrap Version 4.0

4.0 Docs:

Here's an updated version for 4.0, but you should really read the entire docs section on the grid so you understand how to leverage this powerful feature

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col big-box">

    <div class="col">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col mini-box">1</div>
        <div class="col mini-box">2</div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col mini-box">3</div>
        <div class="col mini-box">4</div>


Demo in Fiddle jsFiddle 3.x | jsFiddle 4.0

Which will look like this (with a little bit of added styling):


How to adjust gutter in Bootstrap 3 grid system?

To define a 3 column grid you could use the customizer or download the source set your less variables and recompile.

To learn more about the grid and the columns / gutter widths, please also read:

In you case with a container of 960px consider the medium grid (see also: This grid will have a max container width of 970px. When setting @grid-columns:3; and setting @grid-gutter-width:15px; in variables.less you will get:

15px | 1st column (298.33) | 15px | 2nd column (298.33) |15px | 3th column (298.33) | 15px

Material UI and Grid system

Here is example of grid system with material-ui which is similar to bootstrap:

<Grid container>
    <Grid item xs={12} sm={4} md={4} lg={4}>
    <Grid item xs={12} sm={4} md={4} lg={4}>

View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

As per documentation:

MySQL Docs

  • The SELECT statement cannot contain a subquery in the FROM clause.

Your workaround would be to create a view for each of your subqueries.

Then access those views from within your view view_credit_status

Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?

As many people mentioned it before, Java is always pass-by-value

Here is another example that will help you understand the difference (the classic swap example):

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Integer a = new Integer(2);
    Integer b = new Integer(3);
    System.out.println("Before: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
    System.out.println("After: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);

  public static swap(Integer iA, Integer iB) {
    Integer tmp = iA;
    iA = iB;
    iB = tmp;


Before: a = 2, b = 3
After: a = 2, b = 3

This happens because iA and iB are new local reference variables that have the same value of the passed references (they point to a and b respectively). So, trying to change the references of iA or iB will only change in the local scope and not outside of this method.

How can I convert radians to degrees with Python?

You can simply convert your radian result to degree by using

math.degrees and rounding appropriately to the required decimal places

for example

>>> round(math.degrees(math.asin(0.5)),2)

PHP display image BLOB from MySQL

Try Like this.

For Inserting into DB

$db = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","DbName"); //keep your db name
$image = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['images']['tmp_name']));
//you keep your column name setting for insertion. I keep image type Blob.
$query = "INSERT INTO products (id,image) VALUES('','$image')";  
$qry = mysqli_query($db, $query);

For Accessing image From Blob

$db = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","DbName"); //keep your db name
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = $id";
$sth = $db->query($sql);
echo '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.base64_encode( $result['image'] ).'"/>';

Hope It will help you.


Is Java's assertEquals method reliable?

Yes, it is used all the time for testing. It is very likely that the testing framework uses .equals() for comparisons such as these.

Below is a link explaining the "string equality mistake". Essentially, strings in Java are objects, and when you compare object equality, typically they are compared based on memory address, and not by content. Because of this, two strings won't occupy the same address, even if their content is identical, so they won't match correctly, even though they look the same when printed.

REST API Token-based Authentication

In the web a stateful protocol is based on having a temporary token that is exchanged between a browser and a server (via cookie header or URI rewriting) on every request. That token is usually created on the server end, and it is a piece of opaque data that has a certain time-to-live, and it has the sole purpose of identifying a specific web user agent. That is, the token is temporary, and becomes a STATE that the web server has to maintain on behalf of a client user agent during the duration of that conversation. Therefore, the communication using a token in this way is STATEFUL. And if the conversation between client and server is STATEFUL it is not RESTful.

The username/password (sent on the Authorization header) is usually persisted on the database with the intent of identifying a user. Sometimes the user could mean another application; however, the username/password is NEVER intended to identify a specific web client user agent. The conversation between a web agent and server based on using the username/password in the Authorization header (following the HTTP Basic Authorization) is STATELESS because the web server front-end is not creating or maintaining any STATE information whatsoever on behalf of a specific web client user agent. And based on my understanding of REST, the protocol states clearly that the conversation between clients and server should be STATELESS. Therefore, if we want to have a true RESTful service we should use username/password (Refer to RFC mentioned in my previous post) in the Authorization header for every single call, NOT a sension kind of token (e.g. Session tokens created in web servers, OAuth tokens created in authorization servers, and so on).

I understand that several called REST providers are using tokens like OAuth1 or OAuth2 accept-tokens to be be passed as "Authorization: Bearer " in HTTP headers. However, it appears to me that using those tokens for RESTful services would violate the true STATELESS meaning that REST embraces; because those tokens are temporary piece of data created/maintained on the server side to identify a specific web client user agent for the valid duration of a that web client/server conversation. Therefore, any service that is using those OAuth1/2 tokens should not be called REST if we want to stick to the TRUE meaning of a STATELESS protocol.


How to insert a row in an HTML table body in JavaScript

You're close. Just add the row to the tbody instead of table:


Just get a reference to tBody (myTbody) before use. Notice that you don't need to pass the last position in a table; it's automatically positioned at the end when omitting argument.

A live demo is at jsFiddle.

In JavaScript, why is "0" equal to false, but when tested by 'if' it is not false by itself?

This is because JavaScript uses type coercion in Boolean contexts and your code

if ("0") 

will be coerced to true in boolean contexts.

There are other truthy values in Javascript which will be coerced to true in boolean contexts, and thus execute the if block are:-

if (true)
if ({})
if ([])
if (42)
if ("0")
if ("false")
if (new Date())
if (-42)
if (12n)
if (3.14)
if (-3.14)
if (Infinity)
if (-Infinity)

Should a function have only one return statement?

If it's okay to write down just an opinion, that's mine:

I totally and absolutely disagree with the `Single return statement theory' and find it mostly speculative and even destructive regarding the code readability, logic and descriptive aspects.

That habit of having one-single-return is even poor for bare procedural programming not to mention more high-level abstractions (functional, combinatory etc.). And furthermore, I wish all the code written in that style to go through some special rewriting parser to make it have multiple return statements!

A function (if it's really a function/query according to `Query-Command separation' note - see Eiffel programming lang. for example) just MUST define as many return points as the control flow scenarios it has. It is much more clear and mathematically consistent; and it is the way to write functions (i.e. Queries)

But I would not be so militant for the mutation messages that your agent does receive - the procedure calls.

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

I got it mostly working without a custom msbuild script. Here are the relevant TeamCity build configuration settings:

Artifact paths:\MyProject\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp 
Type of runner: MSBuild (Runner for MSBuild files) 
Build file path: MyProject\MyProject.csproj 
Working directory: same as checkout directory 
MSBuild version: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 
MSBuild ToolsVersion: 4.0 
Run platform: x86 
Targets: Package 
Command line parameters to MSBuild.exe: /p:Configuration=Debug

This will compile, package (with web.config transformation), and save the output as artifacts. The only thing missing is copying the output to a specified location, but that could be done either in another TeamCity build configuration with an artifact dependency or with an msbuild script.


Here is an msbuild script that will compile, package (with web.config transformation), and copy the output to my staging server

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
        <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Release</Configuration>

    <Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="BuildPackage;CopyOutput" />

    <Target Name="BuildPackage">
        <MSBuild Projects="$(SolutionFile)" ContinueOnError="false" Targets="Rebuild" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)" />
        <MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)" ContinueOnError="false" Targets="Package" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)" />

    <Target Name="CopyOutput">
            <PackagedFiles Include="$(ProjectName)\obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\**\*.*"/>
        <Copy SourceFiles="@(PackagedFiles)" DestinationFiles="@(PackagedFiles->'\\build02\wwwroot\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')"/>

You can also remove the SolutionName and ProjectName properties from the PropertyGroup tag and pass them to msbuild.

msbuild build.xml /p:Configuration=Deploy;SolutionName=MySolution;ProjectName=MyProject

Update 2

Since this question still gets a good deal of traffic, I thought it was worth updating my answer with my current script that uses Web Deploy (also known as MSDeploy).

<Project xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0">
    <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Release</Configuration>
    <ProjectFile Condition=" '$(ProjectFile)' == '' ">$(ProjectName)\$(ProjectName).csproj</ProjectFile>
    <DeployServiceUrl Condition=" '$(DeployServiceUrl)' == '' ">http://staging-server/MSDeployAgentService</DeployServiceUrl>

  <Target Name="VerifyProperties">
    <!-- Verify that we have values for all required properties -->
    <Error Condition=" '$(ProjectName)' == '' " Text="ProjectName is required." />

  <Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="VerifyProperties">
    <!-- Deploy using windows authentication -->
    <MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)"
             ContinueOnError="false" />

In TeamCity, I have parameters named env.Configuration, env.ProjectName and env.DeployServiceUrl. The MSBuild runner has the build file path and the parameters are passed automagically (you don't have to specify them in Command line parameters).

You can also run it from the command line:

msbuild build.xml /p:Configuration=Staging;ProjectName=MyProject;DeployServiceUrl=http://staging-server/MSDeployAgentService

How do I check if PHP is connected to a database already?

before... (I mean somewhere in some other file you're not sure you've included)

$db = mysql_connect()


if (is_resource($db)) {
// connected
} else {
$db = mysql_connect();

Format LocalDateTime with Timezone in Java8

The prefix "Local" in JSR-310 (aka java.time-package in Java-8) does not indicate that there is a timezone information in internal state of that class (here: LocalDateTime). Despite the often misleading name such classes like LocalDateTime or LocalTime have NO timezone information or offset.

You tried to format such a temporal type (which does not contain any offset) with offset information (indicated by pattern symbol Z). So the formatter tries to access an unavailable information and has to throw the exception you observed.


Use a type which has such an offset or timezone information. In JSR-310 this is either OffsetDateTime (which contains an offset but not a timezone including DST-rules) or ZonedDateTime. You can watch out all supported fields of such a type by look-up on the method isSupported(TemporalField).. The field OffsetSeconds is supported in OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime, but not in LocalDateTime.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS Z");
String s =;

Manually install Gradle and use it in Android Studio

Assuming this is a windows system and we are using gradle-2.1-all [Applicable to any gradle version, just change the version as we need]

All the gradles can be found in

Check the <Your Project>\gradle\wrapper\ Make sure the distributionUrl is


This is enough as it will automatically download the gradle.

After doing the above stuff, if you have downloaded the zip, paste the in


It will save the extra downloading time.

PHP Undefined Index

I don't see php file, but that could be that -
replace in your php file:

$query_age = $_GET['query_age'];


$query_age = (isset($_GET['query_age']) ? $_GET['query_age'] : null);

Most probably, at first time you running your script without ?query_age=[something] and $_GET has no key like query_age.

How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?

An update on @Scott T.'s answer: the interface between Resource Server and Authorization Server for token validation was standardized in IETF RFC 7662 in October 2015, see: A sample validation call would look like:

POST /introspect HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer 23410913-abewfq.123483


and a sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "active": true,
  "client_id": "l238j323ds-23ij4",
  "username": "jdoe",
  "scope": "read write dolphin",
  "sub": "Z5O3upPC88QrAjx00dis",
  "aud": "",
  "iss": "",
  "exp": 1419356238,
  "iat": 1419350238,
  "extension_field": "twenty-seven"

Of course adoption by vendors and products will have to happen over time.

ASP.NET file download from server

Making changes as below and redeploying on server content type as

Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";

This worked for me.

Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.Name); 
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); 
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; 

Inner text shadow with CSS

Try this little gem of a variation:

text-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);

I usually take "there's no answer" as a challenge

How to get ERD diagram for an existing database?

The PGADMIN4, version 30, can plot the ERD. Just click on the database with the mouse right-button and then select ERD(beta).

How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?

If you are trying to compare two algorithms, do at least two benchmarks for each, alternating the order. i.e.:


I have found some noticeable differences (5-10% sometimes) in the runtime of the same algorithm in different passes..

Also, make sure that n is very large, so that the runtime of each loop is at the very least 10 seconds or so. The more iterations, the more significant figures in your benchmark time and the more reliable that data is.

How to center a subview of UIView

1. If you have autolayout enabled:

  • Hint: For centering a view on another view with autolayout you can use same code for any two views sharing at least one parent view.

First of all disable child views autoresizing

UIView *view1, *view2;
[childview setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
  1. If you are UIView+Autolayout or Purelayout:

    [view1 autoAlignAxis:ALAxisHorizontal toSameAxisOfView:view2];
    [view1 autoAlignAxis:ALAxisVertical toSameAxisOfView:view2];
  2. If you are using only UIKit level autolayout methods:

    [view1 addConstraints:({
        @[ [NSLayoutConstraint
           multiplier:1.f constant:0.f],
            multiplier:1.f constant:0.f] ];

2. Without autolayout:

I prefer:

UIView *parentView, *childView;
[childView setFrame:({
    CGRect frame = childView.frame;

    frame.origin.x = (parentView.frame.size.width - frame.size.width) / 2.0;
    frame.origin.y = (parentView.frame.size.height - frame.size.height) / 2.0;


Android Studio: Can't start Git

For the one using mac who installed Xcode7, you have to start Xcode and accept the license agreement for the android studio error to go away.

Using Application context everywhere?

I would use Application Context to get a System Service in the constructor. This eases testing & benefits from composition

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    private final NotificationManager notificationManager;

    public MyActivity() {

    public MyActivity(NotificationManager notificationManager) {
       this.notificationManager = notificationManager;

    // onCreate etc


Test class would then use the overloaded constructor.

Android would use the default constructor.

Programmatically retrieve SQL Server stored procedure source that is identical to the source returned by the SQL Server Management Studio gui?

To alter a stored procedure, here's the C# code:

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("your connection string");
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
string sql = File.ReadAllText(YUOR_SP_SCRIPT_FILENAME);
cmd.CommandText = sql;   
cmd.Connection = con;

Things to note:

  1. Make sure the USER in the connection string have the right to alter SP
  2. Remove all the GO,SET ANSI_NULLS XX,SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER statements from the script file. (If you don't, the SqlCommand will throw an error).

HTML: can I display button text in multiple lines?

Yes, you can have it on multiple lines using the white-space css property :)

input[type="submit"] {_x000D_
    white-space: normal;_x000D_
    width: 100px;_x000D_
<input type="submit" value="Some long text that won't fit." />

add this to your element

 white-space: normal;
 width: 100px;

javascript find and remove object in array based on key value

sift is a powerful collection filter for operations like this and much more advanced ones. It works client side in the browser or server side in node.js.

var collection = [
    {"id":"88","name":"Lets go testing"},
    {"id":"99","name":"Have fun boys and girls"},
    {"id":"108","name":"You are awesome!"}
var sifted = sift({id: {$not: 88}}, collection);

It supports filters like $in, $nin, $exists, $gte, $gt, $lte, $lt, $eq, $ne, $mod, $all, $and, $or, $nor, $not, $size, $type, and $regex, and strives to be API-compatible with MongoDB collection filtering.

How to get date, month, year in jQuery UI datepicker?

what about that simple way)

$(document).ready ->
 $('#datepicker').datepicker( dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',  onSelect: (dateStr) ->
    alert dateStr # yy-mm-dd
    alert $("#datepicker").val(); # yy-mm-dd

How to upload files to server using Putty (ssh)

Use WinSCP for file transfer over SSH, putty is only for SSH commands.

tmux status bar configuration

The man page has very detailed descriptions of all of the various options (the status bar is highly configurable). Your best bet is to read through man tmux and pay particular attention to those options that begin with status-.

So, for example, status-bg red would set the background colour of the bar.

The three components of the bar, the left and right sections and the window-list in the middle, can all be configured to suit your preferences. status-left and status-right, in addition to having their own variables (like #S to list the session name) can also call custom scripts to display, for example, system information like load average or battery time.

The option to rename windows or panes based on what is currently running in them is automatic-rename. You can set, or disable it globally with:

setw -g automatic-rename [on | off]

The most straightforward way to become comfortable with building your own status bar is to start with a vanilla one and then add changes incrementally, reloading the config as you go.1

You might also want to have a look around on github or bitbucket for other people's conf files to provide some inspiration. You can see mine here2.

1 You can automate this by including this line in your .tmux.conf:

bind R source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "Config reloaded..."

You can then test your new functionality with Ctrlb,Shiftr. tmux will print a helpful error message—including a line number of the offending snippet—if you misconfigure an option.

2 Note: I call a different status bar depending on whether I am in X or the console - I find this quite useful.

Storing Data in MySQL as JSON

MySQL 5.7 Now supports a native JSON data type similar to MongoDB and other schemaless document data stores:

JSON support

Beginning with MySQL 5.7.8, MySQL supports a native JSON type. JSON values are not stored as strings, instead using an internal binary format that permits quick read access to document elements. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are automatically validated whenever they are inserted or updated, with an invalid document producing an error. JSON documents are normalized on creation, and can be compared using most comparison operators such as =, <, <=, >, >=, <>, !=, and <=>; for information about supported operators as well as precedence and other rules that MySQL follows when comparing JSON values, see Comparison and Ordering of JSON Values.

MySQL 5.7.8 also introduces a number of functions for working with JSON values. These functions include those listed here:

  1. Functions that create JSON values: JSON_ARRAY(), JSON_MERGE(), and JSON_OBJECT(). See Section 12.16.2, “Functions That Create JSON Values”.
  2. Functions that search JSON values: JSON_CONTAINS(), JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(), JSON_EXTRACT(), JSON_KEYS(), and JSON_SEARCH(). See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”.
  3. Functions that modify JSON values: JSON_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(), JSON_INSERT(), JSON_QUOTE(), JSON_REMOVE(), JSON_REPLACE(), JSON_SET(), and JSON_UNQUOTE(). See Section 12.16.4, “Functions That Modify JSON Values”.
  4. Functions that provide information about JSON values: JSON_DEPTH(), JSON_LENGTH(), JSON_TYPE(), and JSON_VALID(). See Section 12.16.5, “Functions That Return JSON Value Attributes”.

In MySQL 5.7.9 and later, you can use column->path as shorthand for JSON_EXTRACT(column, path). This works as an alias for a column wherever a column identifier can occur in an SQL statement, including WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses. This includes SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE TABLE, and other SQL statements. The left hand side must be a JSON column identifier (and not an alias). The right hand side is a quoted JSON path expression which is evaluated against the JSON document returned as the column value.

See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”, for more information about -> and JSON_EXTRACT(). For information about JSON path support in MySQL 5.7, see Searching and Modifying JSON Values. See also Secondary Indexes and Virtual Generated Columns.

More info:

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel, despite setting ServerCertificateValidationCallback

If you are using a new domain name, and you have done all the above and you are still getting the same error, check to see if you clear the DNS cache on your PC. Clear your DNS for more details.

Windows® 8

To clear your DNS cache if you use Windows 8, perform the following steps:

On your keyboard, press Win+X to open the WinX Menu.

Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.

Run the following command:

ipconfig /flushdns

If the command succeeds, the system returns the following message:

Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

Windows® 7

To clear your DNS cache if you use Windows 7, perform the following steps:

Click Start.

Enter cmd in the Start menu search text box.

Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.

Run the following command:

ipconfig /flushdns

If the command succeeds, the system returns the following message: Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

How to keep the local file or the remote file during merge using Git and the command line?

For the line-end thingie, refer to man git-merge:


Be sure to add autocrlf = false and/or safecrlf = false to the windows clone (.git/config)

Using git mergetool

If you configure a mergetool like this:

git config mergetool.cp.cmd '/bin/cp -v "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"'
git config mergetool.cp.trustExitCode true

Then a simple

git mergetool --tool=cp
git mergetool --tool=cp -- paths/to/files.txt
git mergetool --tool=cp -y -- paths/to/files.txt # without prompting

Will do the job

Using simple git commands

In other cases, I assume

git checkout HEAD -- path/to/myfile.txt

should do the trick

Edit to do the reverse (because you screwed up):

git checkout remote/branch_to_merge -- path/to/myfile.txt

Why is __dirname not defined in node REPL?

If you got node __dirname not defined with node --experimental-modules, you can do :

const __dirname = path.dirname(import.meta.url)
                      .replace(/^file:\/\/\//, '') // can be usefull

Because othe example, work only with current/pwd directory not other directory.

Truncate Two decimal places without rounding

Here is my implementation of TRUNC function

private static object Tranc(List<Expression.Expression> p)
    var target = (decimal)p[0].Evaluate();

    // check if formula contains only one argument
    var digits = p.Count > 1
        ? (decimal) p[1].Evaluate()
        : 0;

    return Math.Truncate((double)target * Math.Pow(10, (int)digits)) / Math.Pow(10, (int)digits);

How to enable CORS in Core WebAPI

try adding = true; before the Ajax call

It could also be that the data your sending to the API is wonky,

try adding the following JSON function

        var JSON = JSON || {};

    // implement JSON.stringify serialization
    JSON.stringify = JSON.stringify || function (obj) {

        var t = typeof (obj);
        if (t != "object" || obj === null) {

            // simple data type
            if (t == "string") obj = '"' + obj + '"';
            return String(obj);

        else {

            // recurse array or object
            var n, v, json = [], arr = (obj && obj.constructor == Array);

            for (n in obj) {
                v = obj[n]; t = typeof (v);

                if (t == "string") v = '"' + v + '"';
                else if (t == "object" && v !== null) v = JSON.stringify(v);

                json.push((arr ? "" : '"' + n + '":') + String(v));

            return (arr ? "[" : "{") + String(json) + (arr ? "]" : "}");

    // implement JSON.parse de-serialization
    JSON.parse = JSON.parse || function (str) {
        if (str === "") str = '""';
        eval("var p=" + str + ";");
        return p;

then in your data: object change it to

    data: JSON.stringify({
        username: username,
        password: password

Converting a string to an integer on Android

Best way to convert your string into int is :

 EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(;
 String hello = et.getText().toString();
 int converted=Integer.parseInt(hello);

How do I verify/check/test/validate my SSH passphrase?

ssh-keygen -y

ssh-keygen -y will prompt you for the passphrase (if there is one).

    If you input the correct passphrase, it will show you the associated public key.
    If you input the wrong passphrase, it will display load failed.
    If the key has no passphrase, it will not prompt you for a passphrase and will immediately show you the associated public key.


Create a new public/private key pair, with or without a passphrase:

$ ssh-keygen -f /tmp/my_key

Now see if you can access the key pair:

$ ssh-keygen -y -f /tmp/my_key

Following is an extended example, showing output.

Create a new public/private key pair, with or without a passphrase:

$ ssh-keygen -f /tmp/my_key
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /tmp/my_key.
Your public key has been saved in /tmp/
The key fingerprint is:
de:24:1b:64:06:43:ca:76:ba:81:e5:f2:59:3b:81:fe [email protected]
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|     .+          |
|   . . o         |
|    = . +        |
|   = + +         |
|  o = o S .      |
|   + = + *       |
|    = o o .      |
|     . .         |
|      E          |

Attempt to access the key pair by inputting the correct passphrase. Note that the public key will be shown and the exit status ($?) will be 0 to indicate success:

$ ssh-keygen -y -f /tmp/my_key
Enter passphrase:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBJhVYDYxXOvcQw0iJTPY64anbwSyzI58hht6xCGJ2gzGUJDIsr1NDQsclka6s0J9TNhUEBBzKvh9nTAYibXwwhIqBwJ6UwWIfA3HY13WS161CUpuKv2A/PrfK0wLFBDBlwP6WjwJNfi4NwxA21GUS/Vcm/SuMwaFid9bM2Ap4wZIahx2fxyJhmHugGUFF9qYI4yRJchaVj7TxEmquCXgVf4RVWnOSs9/MTH8YvH+wHP4WmUzsDI+uaF1SpCyQ1DpazzPWAQPgZv9R8ihOrItLXC1W6TPJkt1CLr/YFpz6vapdola8cRw6g/jTYms00Yxf2hn0/o8ORpQ9qBpcAjJN
$ echo $?

Attempt to access the key pair by inputting an incorrect passphrase. Note that the "load failed" error message will be displayed (message may differ depending on OS) and the exit status ($?) will be 1 to indicate an error:

$ ssh-keygen -y -f /tmp/my_key
Enter passphrase:
load failed
$ echo $?

Attempt to access a key pair that has no passphrase. Note that there is no prompt for the passphrase, the public key will be displayed, and the exit status ($?) will be 0 to indicate success:

$ ssh-keygen -y -f /tmp/my_key_with_no_passphrase
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLinxx9T4HE6Brw2CvFacvFrYcOSoQUmwL4Cld4enpg8vEiN8DB2ygrhFtKVo0qMAiGWyqz9gXweXhdmAIsVXqhOJIQvD8FqddA/SMgqM++2M7GxgH68N+0V+ih7EUqf8Hb2PIeubhkQJQGzB3FjYkvRLZqE/oC1Q5nL4B1L1zDQYPSnQKneaRNG/NGIaoVwsy6gcCZeqKHywsXBOHLF4F5nf/JKqfS6ojStvzajf0eyQcUMDVhdxTN/hIfEN/HdYbOxHtwDoerv+9f6h2OUxZny1vRNivZxTa+9Qzcet4tkZWibgLmqRyFeTcWh+nOJn7K3puFB2kKoJ10q31Tq19
$ echo $?

Note that the order of arguments is important. -y must come before -f input_keyfile, else you will get the error Too many arguments..

How to make Sonar ignore some classes for codeCoverage metric?

For jacoco: use this properties:


Excel VBA Code: Compile Error in x64 Version ('PtrSafe' attribute required)

I think all you need to do for your function is just add PtrSafe: i.e. the first line of your first function should look like this:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function swe_azalt Lib "swedll32.dll" ......

What is the difference between a static and const variable?

static is a storage specifier.
const is a type qualifier.

Read CSV with Scanner() does not read a newline but reads the next token, delimited by whitespace (by default, if useDelimiter() was not used to change the delimiter pattern). To read a line use Scanner.nextLine().

Once you read a single line you can use String.split(",") to separate the line into fields. This enables identification of lines that do not consist of the required number of fields. Using useDelimiter(","); would ignore the line-based structure of the file (each line consists of a list of fields separated by a comma). For example:

while (inputStream.hasNextLine())
    String line = inputStream.nextLine();
    String[] fields = line.split(",");
    if (fields.length >= 4) // At least one address specified.
        for (String field: fields) System.out.print(field + "|");
        System.err.println("Invalid record: " + line);

As already mentioned, using a CSV library is recommended. For one, this (and useDelimiter(",") solution) will not correctly handle quoted identifiers containing , characters.

Multiple input in JOptionPane.showInputDialog

Yes. You know that you can put any Object into the Object parameter of most JOptionPane.showXXX methods, and often that Object happens to be a JPanel.

In your situation, perhaps you could use a JPanel that has several JTextFields in it:

import javax.swing.*;

public class JOptionPaneMultiInput {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      JTextField xField = new JTextField(5);
      JTextField yField = new JTextField(5);

      JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
      myPanel.add(new JLabel("x:"));
      myPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(15)); // a spacer
      myPanel.add(new JLabel("y:"));

      int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, myPanel, 
               "Please Enter X and Y Values", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
      if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
         System.out.println("x value: " + xField.getText());
         System.out.println("y value: " + yField.getText());

#ifdef in C#

bool bypassCheck=TRUE_OR_FALSE;//i will decide depending on what i am debugging
bool bypassCheck = false; //NEVER bypass it

Make sure you have the checkbox to define DEBUG checked in your build properties.

foreach for JSON array , syntax

You can do something like

for(var k in result) {
   console.log(k, result[k]);

which loops over all the keys in the returned json and prints the values. However, if you have a nested structure, you will need to use

typeof result[k] === "object"

to determine if you have to loop over the nested objects. Most APIs I have used, the developers know the structure of what is being returned, so this is unnecessary. However, I suppose it's possible that this expectation is not good for all cases.

How to check if a string contains a substring in Bash

My .bash_profile file and how I used grep:

If the PATH environment variable includes my two bin directories, don't append them,

# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc


if ! echo "$PATH" | grep -q "home"; then
    export PATH=$PATH:${U}

Datatables: Cannot read property 'mData' of undefined

I am getting a similar error. The problem is that the header line is not correct. When I did the following header line, the problem I was having was resolved.

<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" style="width:100%">
                <th colspan="6">Common Title</th>
                <th>Start date</th>
                <td>Tiger Nixon</td>
                <td>System Architect</td>

Why am I getting a "401 Unauthorized" error in Maven?

If you were like me, running maven compile deploy from eclipse's maven run configuration, the issue could be related to eclipse's own embedded maven as described in

The workaround is to run mvn compile deploy from CLI such as bash, or to NOT use embedded maven in the eclipse's maven run configuration, and add an external maven (mine is in /usr/share/mvn), and voila, it'll say BUILD SUCCESS.

Best way to check that element is not present using Selenium WebDriver with java

    WebElement element = driver.findElement(locator);


The assertion will pass if the element is not present, otherwise it will fail.

How to make a vertical SeekBar in Android?

Wrap it inside a FrameLayout so that there is no Size issue.


                    android:rotation="270" />

gnuplot : plotting data from multiple input files in a single graph


This is another way to get multiple plots at once:


Android textview usage as label and value

You should implement a Custom List View, such that you define a Layout once and draw it for every row in the list view.

how to insert date and time in oracle?

Try this:

...(to_date('2011/04/22 08:30:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));

How to gracefully handle the SIGKILL signal in Java

It is impossible for any program, in any language, to handle a SIGKILL. This is so it is always possible to terminate a program, even if the program is buggy or malicious. But SIGKILL is not the only means for terminating a program. The other is to use a SIGTERM. Programs can handle that signal. The program should handle the signal by doing a controlled, but rapid, shutdown. When a computer shuts down, the final stage of the shutdown process sends every remaining process a SIGTERM, gives those processes a few seconds grace, then sends them a SIGKILL.

The way to handle this for anything other than kill -9 would be to register a shutdown hook. If you can use (SIGTERM) kill -15 the shutdown hook will work. (SIGINT) kill -2 DOES cause the program to gracefully exit and run the shutdown hooks.

Registers a new virtual-machine shutdown hook.

The Java virtual machine shuts down in response to two kinds of events:

  • The program exits normally, when the last non-daemon thread exits or when the exit (equivalently, System.exit) method is invoked, or
  • The virtual machine is terminated in response to a user interrupt, such as typing ^C, or a system-wide event, such as user logoff or system shutdown.

I tried the following test program on OSX 10.6.3 and on kill -9 it did NOT run the shutdown hook, as expected. On a kill -15 it DOES run the shutdown hook every time.

public class TestShutdownHook
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread()
            public void run()
                System.out.println("Shutdown hook ran!");

        while (true)

There isn't any way to really gracefully handle a kill -9 in any program.

In rare circumstances the virtual machine may abort, that is, stop running without shutting down cleanly. This occurs when the virtual machine is terminated externally, for example with the SIGKILL signal on Unix or the TerminateProcess call on Microsoft Windows.

The only real option to handle a kill -9 is to have another watcher program watch for your main program to go away or use a wrapper script. You could do with this with a shell script that polled the ps command looking for your program in the list and act accordingly when it disappeared.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

java TestShutdownHook
# notify your other app that you quit
echo "TestShutdownHook quit"

Can't push to remote branch, cannot be resolved to branch

For my case, I used to have branch folder (or whatever it is called) with capital letters, then I create a new one with difference casing (lowercase) but git actually create the branch with capital.

I have created a branch like feature-ABC/branch1 before and pushed it. Then I create a branch feature-abc/branch2 (notice the lower-case ABC), and try to push it to remote using git push --set-upstream origin feature-abc/branch2 and get the 'cannot be resolved to branch' error. So I git branch and see that it actually created feature-ABC/branch2 instead of feature-abc/branch1 for me. I checkout again with git checkout feature-ABC/feature2 and push it using the uppercase (feature-ABC/feature2) to solve it.

*ngIf else if in template

Another alternative is to nest conditions

<ng-container *ngIf="foo === 1;else second"></ng-container>
<ng-template #second>
    <ng-container *ngIf="foo === 2;else third"></ng-container>
<ng-template #third></ng-template>

Android ImageView setImageResource in code

One easy way to map that country name that you have to an int to be used in the setImageResource method is:

int id = getResources().getIdentifier(lowerCountryCode, "drawable", getPackageName());

But you should really try to use different folders resources for the countries that you want to support.

Is there a way to get colored text in GitHubflavored Markdown?

You cannot include style directives in GFM.

The most complete documentation/example is "Markdown Cheatsheet", and it illustrates that this element <style> is missing.

If you manage to include your text in one of the GFM elements, then you can play with a github.css stylesheet in order to colors that way, meaning to color using inline CSS style directives, referring to said css stylesheet.

if (select count(column) from table) > 0 then


The oracle tag was not on the question when this answer was offered, and apparently it doesn't work with oracle, but it does work with at least postgres and mysql

No, just use the value directly:

  if (select count(*) from table) > 0 then
     update table
  end if;

Note there is no need for an "else".


You can simply do it all within the update statement (ie no if construct):

update table
set ...
where ...
and exists (select 'x' from table where ...)

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host under Git bash

I solved it this way.

ssh -vvv <username> to see github IP.

Then opened browser and opened github via IP to find it was an issue with firewall.

Is it possible to run JavaFX applications on iOS, Android or Windows Phone 8?

Desktop: first-class support

Oracle JavaFX from Java SE supports only OS X (macOS), GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. On these platforms, JavaFX applications are typically run on JVM from Java SE or OpenJDK.

Android: should work

There is also a JavaFXPorts project, which is an open-source project sponsored by a third-party. It aims to port JavaFX library to Android and iOS.

On Android, this library can be used like any other Java library; the JVM bytecode is compiled to Dalvik bytecode. It's what people mean by saying that "Android runs Java".

iOS: status not clear

On iOS, situation is a bit more complex, as neither Java SE nor OpenJDK supports Apple mobile devices. Till recently, the only sensible option was to use RoboVM ahead-of-time Java compiler for iOS. Unfortunately, on 15 April 2015, RoboVM project was shut down.

One possible alternative is Intel's Multi-OS Engine. Till recently, it was a proprietary technology, but on 11 August 2016 it was open-sourced. Although it can be possible to compile an iOS JavaFX app using JavaFXPorts' JavaFX implementation, there is no evidence for that so far. As you can see, the situation is dynamically changing, and this answer will be hopefully updated when new information is available.

Windows Phone: no support

With Windows Phone it's simple: there is no JavaFX support of any kind.

submit form on click event using jquery

it's because the name of the submit button is named "submit", change it to anything but "submit", try "submitme" and retry it. It should then work.

PHP: check if any posted vars are empty - form: all fields required

foreach($_POST as $key=>$value)

        echo "$key input required of value ";


How to remove index.php from URLs?

I tried everything on the post but nothing had worked. I then changed the .htaccess snippet that ErJab put up to read:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ 'folder_name'/index.php/$1 [L]

The above line fixed it for me. where *folder_name* is the magento root folder.

Hope this helps!

Spring: how do I inject an HttpServletRequest into a request-scoped bean?

Request-scoped beans can be autowired with the request object.

private @Autowired HttpServletRequest request;

How does the compilation/linking process work?

The compilation of a C++ program involves three steps:

  1. Preprocessing: the preprocessor takes a C++ source code file and deals with the #includes, #defines and other preprocessor directives. The output of this step is a "pure" C++ file without pre-processor directives.

  2. Compilation: the compiler takes the pre-processor's output and produces an object file from it.

  3. Linking: the linker takes the object files produced by the compiler and produces either a library or an executable file.


The preprocessor handles the preprocessor directives, like #include and #define. It is agnostic of the syntax of C++, which is why it must be used with care.

It works on one C++ source file at a time by replacing #include directives with the content of the respective files (which is usually just declarations), doing replacement of macros (#define), and selecting different portions of text depending of #if, #ifdef and #ifndef directives.

The preprocessor works on a stream of preprocessing tokens. Macro substitution is defined as replacing tokens with other tokens (the operator ## enables merging two tokens when it makes sense).

After all this, the preprocessor produces a single output that is a stream of tokens resulting from the transformations described above. It also adds some special markers that tell the compiler where each line came from so that it can use those to produce sensible error messages.

Some errors can be produced at this stage with clever use of the #if and #error directives.


The compilation step is performed on each output of the preprocessor. The compiler parses the pure C++ source code (now without any preprocessor directives) and converts it into assembly code. Then invokes underlying back-end(assembler in toolchain) that assembles that code into machine code producing actual binary file in some format(ELF, COFF, a.out, ...). This object file contains the compiled code (in binary form) of the symbols defined in the input. Symbols in object files are referred to by name.

Object files can refer to symbols that are not defined. This is the case when you use a declaration, and don't provide a definition for it. The compiler doesn't mind this, and will happily produce the object file as long as the source code is well-formed.

Compilers usually let you stop compilation at this point. This is very useful because with it you can compile each source code file separately. The advantage this provides is that you don't need to recompile everything if you only change a single file.

The produced object files can be put in special archives called static libraries, for easier reusing later on.

It's at this stage that "regular" compiler errors, like syntax errors or failed overload resolution errors, are reported.


The linker is what produces the final compilation output from the object files the compiler produced. This output can be either a shared (or dynamic) library (and while the name is similar, they haven't got much in common with static libraries mentioned earlier) or an executable.

It links all the object files by replacing the references to undefined symbols with the correct addresses. Each of these symbols can be defined in other object files or in libraries. If they are defined in libraries other than the standard library, you need to tell the linker about them.

At this stage the most common errors are missing definitions or duplicate definitions. The former means that either the definitions don't exist (i.e. they are not written), or that the object files or libraries where they reside were not given to the linker. The latter is obvious: the same symbol was defined in two different object files or libraries.

Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms

Unfortunately C# still doesn't offer this capability in the built in libs. The best solution at present is to create a custom class with a method that pops up a small form. If you're working in Visual Studio you can do this by clicking on Project >Add class

Add Class

Visual C# items >code >class Add Class 2

Name the class PopUpBox (you can rename it later if you like) and paste in the following code:

using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace yourNameSpaceHere
    public class PopUpBox
        private static Form prompt { get; set; }

        public static string GetUserInput(string instructions, string caption)
            string sUserInput = "";
            prompt = new Form() //create a new form at run time
                Width = 500, Height = 150, FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog, Text = caption,
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, TopMost = true
            //create a label for the form which will have instructions for user input
            Label lblTitle = new Label() { Left = 50, Top = 20, Text = instructions, Dock = DockStyle.Top, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter };
            TextBox txtTextInput = new TextBox() { Left = 50, Top = 50, Width = 400 };

            ////////////////////////////OK button
            Button btnOK = new Button() { Text = "OK", Left = 250, Width = 100, Top = 70, DialogResult = DialogResult.OK };
            btnOK.Click += (sender, e) => 
                sUserInput = txtTextInput.Text;
            prompt.AcceptButton = btnOK;

            //////////////////////////Cancel button
            Button btnCancel = new Button() { Text = "Cancel", Left = 350, Width = 100, Top = 70, DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel };
            btnCancel.Click += (sender, e) => 
                sUserInput = "cancel";
            prompt.CancelButton = btnCancel;

            return sUserInput;

        public void Dispose()

You will need to change the namespace to whatever you're using. The method returns a string, so here's an example of how to implement it in your calling method:

bool boolTryAgain = false;

    string sTextFromUser = PopUpBox.GetUserInput("Enter your text below:", "Dialog box title");
    if (sTextFromUser == "")
        DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("You did not enter anything. Try again?", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
        if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
            boolTryAgain = true; //will reopen the dialog for user to input text again
        else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
            MessageBox.Show("operation cancelled");
            boolTryAgain = false;
        }//end if
        if (sTextFromUser == "cancel")
            MessageBox.Show("operation cancelled");
            MessageBox.Show("Here is the text you entered: '" + sTextFromUser + "'");
            //do something here with the user input

} while (boolTryAgain == true);

This method checks the returned string for a text value, empty string, or "cancel" (the getUserInput method returns "cancel" if the cancel button is clicked) and acts accordingly. If the user didn't enter anything and clicked OK it will tell the user and ask them if they want to cancel or re-enter their text.

Post notes: In my own implementation I found that all of the other answers were missing 1 or more of the following:

  • A cancel button
  • The ability to contain symbols in the string sent to the method
  • How to access the method and handle the returned value.

Thus, I have posted my own solution. I hope someone finds it useful. Credit to Bas and Gideon + commenters for your contributions, you helped me to come up with a workable solution!

Breaking/exit nested for in

Unfortunately, there's no exit two levels of for statement, but there are a few workarounds to do what you want:

  • Goto. In general, using goto is considered to be bad practice (and rightfully so), but using goto solely for a forward jump out of structured control statements is usually considered to be OK, especially if the alternative is to have more complicated code.

    For Each item In itemList
        For Each item1 In itemList1
            If item1.Text = "bla bla bla" Then
                Goto end_of_for
            End If
  • Dummy outer block

        For Each item In itemList
            For Each item1 In itemList1
                If item1.Text = "bla bla bla" Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
    Loop While False


        For Each item In itemlist
            For Each item1 In itemlist1
                If item1 = "bla bla bla" Then
                    Exit Try
                End If
    End Try
  • Separate function: Put the loops inside a separate function, which can be exited with return. This might require you to pass a lot of parameters, though, depending on how many local variables you use inside the loop. An alternative would be to put the block into a multi-line lambda, since this will create a closure over the local variables.

  • Boolean variable: This might make your code a bit less readable, depending on how many layers of nested loops you have:

    Dim done = False
    For Each item In itemList
        For Each item1 In itemList1
            If item1.Text = "bla bla bla" Then
                done = True
                Exit For
            End If
        If done Then Exit For

onMeasure custom view explanation

actually, your answer is not complete as the values also depend on the wrapping container. In case of relative or linear layouts, the values behave like this:

  • EXACTLY match_parent is EXACTLY + size of the parent
  • AT_MOST wrap_content results in an AT_MOST MeasureSpec
  • UNSPECIFIED never triggered

In case of an horizontal scroll view, your code will work.

Android emulator-5554 offline

Did you try deleting and recreating your AVD? You can manually delete the AVD files by going to the directory they're stored in (in your user's /.android/avd subdirectory).

Dynamic tabs with user-click chosen components


Angular 5 StackBlitz example


ngComponentOutlet was added to 4.0.0-beta.3


There is a NgComponentOutlet work in progress that does something similar


Plunker example RC.7

// Helper component to add dynamic components
  selector: 'dcl-wrapper',
  template: `<div #target></div>`
export class DclWrapper {
  @ViewChild('target', {read: ViewContainerRef}) target: ViewContainerRef;
  @Input() type: Type<Component>;
  cmpRef: ComponentRef<Component>;
  private isViewInitialized:boolean = false;

  constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, private compiler: Compiler) {}

  updateComponent() {
    if(!this.isViewInitialized) {
    if(this.cmpRef) {
      // when the `type` input changes we destroy a previously 
      // created component before creating the new one

    let factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(this.type);
    this.cmpRef =
    // to access the created instance use
    // this.compRef.instance.someProperty = 'someValue';
    // this.compRef.instance.someOutput.subscribe(val => doSomething());

  ngOnChanges() {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.isViewInitialized = true;

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if(this.cmpRef) {

Usage example

// Use dcl-wrapper component
  selector: 'my-tabs',
  template: `
  <div *ngFor="let tab of tabs">
    <dcl-wrapper [type]="tab"></dcl-wrapper>
export class Tabs {
  @Input() tabs;
  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
  <h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
  <my-tabs [tabs]="types"></my-tabs>
export class App {
  // The list of components to create tabs from
  types = [C3, C1, C2, C3, C3, C1, C1];
  imports: [ BrowserModule ],
  declarations: [ App, DclWrapper, Tabs, C1, C2, C3],
  entryComponents: [C1, C2, C3],
  bootstrap: [ App ]
export class AppModule {}


older versions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This changed again in Angular2 RC.5

I will update the example below but it's the last day before vacation.

This Plunker example demonstrates how to dynamically create components in RC.5

Update - use ViewContainerRef.createComponent()

Because DynamicComponentLoader is deprecated, the approach needs to be update again.

  selector: 'dcl-wrapper',
  template: `<div #target></div>`
export class DclWrapper {
  @ViewChild('target', {read: ViewContainerRef}) target;
  @Input() type;
  private isViewInitialized:boolean = false;

  constructor(private resolver: ComponentResolver) {}

  updateComponent() {
    if(!this.isViewInitialized) {
    if(this.cmpRef) {
   this.resolver.resolveComponent(this.type).then((factory:ComponentFactory<any>) => {
      this.cmpRef =
      // to access the created instance use
      // this.compRef.instance.someProperty = 'someValue';
      // this.compRef.instance.someOutput.subscribe(val => doSomething());

  ngOnChanges() {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.isViewInitialized = true;

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if(this.cmpRef) {

Plunker example RC.4
Plunker example beta.17

Update - use loadNextToLocation

export class DclWrapper {
  @ViewChild('target', {read: ViewContainerRef}) target;
  @Input() type;
  private isViewInitialized:boolean = false;

  constructor(private dcl:DynamicComponentLoader) {}

  updateComponent() {
    // should be executed every time `type` changes but not before `ngAfterViewInit()` was called 
    // to have `target` initialized
    if(!this.isViewInitialized) {
    if(this.cmpRef) {
    this.dcl.loadNextToLocation(this.type, => {
      this.cmpRef = cmpRef;

  ngOnChanges() {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.isViewInitialized = true;

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if(this.cmpRef) {

Plunker example beta.17


Not entirely sure from your question what your requirements are but I think this should do what you want.

The Tabs component gets an array of types passed and it creates "tabs" for each item in the array.

  selector: 'dcl-wrapper',
  template: `<div #target></div>`
export class DclWrapper {
  constructor(private elRef:ElementRef, private dcl:DynamicComponentLoader) {}
  @Input() type;

  ngOnChanges() {
    if(this.cmpRef) {
    this.dcl.loadIntoLocation(this.type, this.elRef, 'target').then((cmpRef) => {
      this.cmpRef = cmpRef;

  selector: 'c1',
  template: `<h2>c1</h2>`

export class C1 {

  selector: 'c2',
  template: `<h2>c2</h2>`

export class C2 {

  selector: 'c3',
  template: `<h2>c3</h2>`

export class C3 {

  selector: 'my-tabs',
  directives: [DclWrapper],
  template: `
  <div *ngFor="let tab of tabs">
    <dcl-wrapper [type]="tab"></dcl-wrapper>
export class Tabs {
  @Input() tabs;

  selector: 'my-app',
  directives: [Tabs]
  template: `
  <h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
  <my-tabs [tabs]="types"></my-tabs>
export class App {
  types = [C3, C1, C2, C3, C3, C1, C1];

Plunker example beta.15 (not based on your Plunker)

There is also a way to pass data along that can be passed to the dynamically created component like (someData would need to be passed like type)

    this.dcl.loadIntoLocation(this.type, this.elRef, 'target').then((cmpRef) => {
  cmpRef.instance.someProperty = someData;
  this.cmpRef = cmpRef;

There is also some support to use dependency injection with shared services.

For more details see

Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

It is OK, but at the same time can cause some browsers to become slow.

My advice is use <a href="#"></a>

If you're using JQuery remember to also use:

    // Click code here...

(HTML) Download a PDF file instead of opening them in browser when clicked

If you are using HTML5 (and i guess now a days everyone uses that), there is an attribute called download.

ex. <a href="somepathto.pdf" download="filename">

here filename is optional, but if provided, it will take this name for downloaded file.

How to program a fractal?

The mandelbrot set is generated by repeatedly evaluating a function until it overflows (some defined limit), then checking how long it took you to overflow.


MAX_COUNT = 64 // if we haven't escaped to infinity after 64 iterations, 
               // then we're inside the mandelbrot set!!!

foreach (x-pixel)
  foreach (y-pixel)
    calculate x,y as mathematical coordinates from your pixel coordinates
    value = (x, y)
    count = 0
    while value.absolutevalue < 1 billion and count < MAX_COUNT
        value = value * value + (x, y)
        count = count + 1

    // the following should really be one statement, but I split it for clarity
    if count == MAX_COUNT 
        pixel_at (x-pixel, y-pixel) = BLACK
        pixel_at (x-pixel, y-pixel) = colors[count] // some color map. 


value is a complex number. a complex number (a+bi) is squared to give (aa-b*b+2*abi). You'll have to use a complex type, or include that calculation in your loop.

Simple parse JSON from URL on Android and display in listview

try as:

 // your get json request to server.. 
 HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
 HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

 if(entity != null){
    JSONObject respObject = new JSONObject(EntityUtils.toString(entity));
    String active = respObject.getString("active");   
    String name = respObject.getString("name");  
    String tab1_text = respObject.getString("tab1_text");  
       //Do something here...

see this example for Getting and parsing json response from server :

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP

For general check if there was a POST action use:

if (!empty($_POST))

EDIT: As stated in the comments, this method won't work for in some cases (e.g. with check boxes and button without a name). You really should use:


How do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

create table myTable 
    Column1 int not null,
    Column2 int not null

    ADD  PRIMARY KEY (Column1,Column2)

setting textColor in TextView in layout/main.xml main layout file not referencing colors.xml file. (It wants a #RRGGBB instead of @color/text_color)

After experimenting on that case: android:textColor="@colors/text_color" is wrong since @color is not filename dependant. You can name your resource file foobar.xml, it doesn't matter but if you have defined some colors in it you can access them using @color/some_color.


file location: res/values/colors.xml The filename is arbitrary. The element's name will be used as the resource ID. (Source)

Plotting a 2D heatmap with Matplotlib

For a 2d numpy array, simply use imshow() may help you:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def heatmap2d(arr: np.ndarray):
    plt.imshow(arr, cmap='viridis')

test_array = np.arange(100 * 100).reshape(100, 100)

The heatmap of the example code

This code produces a continuous heatmap.

You can choose another built-in colormap from here.

What are projection and selection?

Projections and Selections are two unary operations in Relational Algebra and has practical applications in RDBMS (relational database management systems).

In practical sense, yes Projection means selecting specific columns (attributes) from a table and Selection means filtering rows (tuples). Also, for a conventional table, Projection and Selection can be termed as vertical and horizontal slicing or filtering.

Wikipedia provides more formal definitions of these with examples and they can be good for further reading on relational algebra:

Add characters to a string in Javascript

var text ="";
for (var member in list) {
        text += list[member];

How to reset the use/password of jenkins on windows?

I created a new user with "admin" and new password on the installation steps. But after sometime, i wanted to sign in again and that password was showing incorrect, so i used the initial password again to login.

The initial password can be found in the below location:-

C:\Program Files(x86)\Jenkins\secrets\initialAdminPassword

try this method

Converting an object to a string

Keeping it simple with console, you can just use a comma instead of a +. The + will try to convert the object into a string, whereas the comma will display it separately in the console.


var o = {a:1, b:2};
console.log('Item: ' + o);
console.log('Item: ', o);   // :)


Object { a=1, b=2}           // useful
Item: [object Object]        // not useful
Item:  Object {a: 1, b: 2}   // Best of both worlds! :)


Find file in directory from command line

Yes, bash has filename completion mechanisms. I don't use them myself (too lazy to learn, and I don't find it necessary often enough to make it urgent), but the basic mechanism is to type the first few characters, and then a tab; this will extend the name as far as it can (perhaps not at all) as long as the name is unambiguous. There are a boatload of Emacs-style commands related to completion in the good ol' man page.

CSS Grid Layout not working in IE11 even with prefixes

Michael has given a very comprehensive answer, but I'd like to point out a few things which you can still do to be able to use grids in IE in a nearly painless way.

The repeat functionality is supported

You can still use the repeat functionality, it's just hiding behind a different syntax. Instead of writing repeat(4, 1fr), you have to write (1fr)[4]. That's it. See this series of articles for the current state of affairs:

Supporting grid-gap

Grid gaps are supported in all browsers except IE. So you can use the @supports at-rule to set the grid-gaps conditionally for all new browsers:


.grid {
  display: grid;
.item {
  margin-right: 1rem;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
@supports (grid-gap: 1rem) {
  .grid {
    grid-gap: 1rem;
  .item {
    margin-right: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;

It's a little verbose, but on the plus side, you don't have to give up grids altogether just to support IE.

Use Autoprefixer

I can't stress this enough - half the pain of grids is solved just be using autoprefixer in your build step. Write your CSS in a standards-complaint way, and just let autoprefixer do it's job transforming all older spec properties automatically. When you decide you don't want to support IE, just change one line in the browserlist config and you'll have removed all IE-specific code from your built files.

What is is Python's answer to a multi-platform installer and make file.

If you’re familiar with command line installations, then make && make install translates to python build && python install.

Some packages are pure Python, and are only byte compiled. Others may contain native code, which will require a native compiler (like gcc or cl) and a Python interfacing module (like swig or pyrex).

Connection refused to MongoDB errno 111

I also had the same issue.Make a directory in dbpath.In my case there wasn't a directory in /data/db .So i created one.Now its working.Make sure to give permission to that directory.

JavaScript null check

An “undefined variable” is different from the value undefined.

An undefined variable:

var a;
alert(b); // ReferenceError: b is not defined

A variable with the value undefined:

var a;
alert(a); // Alerts “undefined”

When a function takes an argument, that argument is always declared even if its value is undefined, and so there won’t be any error. You are right about != null followed by !== undefined being useless, though.

Use sudo with password as parameter

One option is to use the -A flag to sudo. This runs a program to ask for the password. Rather than ask, you could have a script that just spits out the password so the program can continue.

How do I load a file from resource folder?

Import the following:

import java.util.ArrayList;

The following method returns a file in an ArrayList of Strings:

public ArrayList<String> loadFile(String filename){

  ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();


    ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    InputStream inputStream = classloader.getResourceAsStream(filename);
    InputStreamReader streamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(streamReader);
    for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) {

  }catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){
    // process errors
  }catch(IOException ioe){
    // process errors
  return lines;

How to protect Excel workbook using VBA?

To lock whole workbook from opening, Thisworkbook.password option can be used in VBA.

If you want to Protect Worksheets, then you have to first Lock the cells with option Thisworkbook.sheets.cells.locked = True and then use the option Thisworkbook.sheets.protect password:="pwd".

Primarily search for these keywords: Thisworkbook.password or Thisworkbook.Sheets.Cells.Locked

How to get current PHP page name

You can use basename() and $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to get current page file name

echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); /* Returns The Current PHP File Name */

How do I open port 22 in OS X 10.6.7

I think your port is probably open, but you don't have anything that listens on it.

The Apple Mac OS X operating system has SSH installed by default but the SSH daemon is not enabled. This means you can’t login remotely or do remote copies until you enable it.

To enable it, go to ‘System Preferences’. Under ‘Internet & Networking’ there is a ‘Sharing’ icon. Run that. In the list that appears, check the ‘Remote Login’ option. In OS X Yosemite and up, there is no longer an 'Internet & Networking' menu; it was moved to Accounts. The Sharing menu now has its own icon on the main System Preferences menu. (thx @AstroCB)

This starts the SSH daemon immediately and you can remotely login using your username. The ‘Sharing’ window shows at the bottom the name and IP address to use. You can also find this out using ‘whoami’ and ‘ifconfig’ from the Terminal application.

These instructions are copied from Enable SSH in Mac OS X, but I wanted to make sure they won't go away and to provide quick access.

Get year, month or day from numpy datetime64

There should be an easier way to do this, but, depending on what you're trying to do, the best route might be to convert to a regular Python datetime object:

datetime64Obj = np.datetime64('2002-07-04T02:55:41-0700')
print datetime64Obj.astype(object).year
# 2002
print datetime64Obj.astype(object).day
# 4

Based on comments below, this seems to only work in Python 2.7.x and Python 3.6+

What is the fastest/most efficient way to find the highest set bit (msb) in an integer in C?

I had a need for a routine to do this and before searching the web (and finding this page) I came up with my own solution basedon a binary search. Although I'm sure someone has done this before! It runs in constant time and can be faster than the "obvious" solution posted, although I'm not making any great claims, just posting it for interest.

int highest_bit(unsigned int a) {
  static const unsigned int maskv[] = { 0xffff, 0xff, 0xf, 0x3, 0x1 };
  const unsigned int *mask = maskv;
  int l, h;

  if (a == 0) return -1;

  l = 0;
  h = 32;

  do {
    int m = l + (h - l) / 2;

    if ((a >> m) != 0) l = m;
    else if ((a & (*mask << l)) != 0) h = m;

  } while (l < h - 1);

  return l;

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

Congratulations, you've hit my favorite pet peeve with JDBC: Date class handling.

Basically databases usually support at least three forms of datetime fields which are date, time and timestamp. Each of these have a corresponding class in JDBC and each of them extend java.util.Date. Quick semantics of each of these three are the following:

  • java.sql.Date corresponds to SQL DATE which means it stores years, months and days while hour, minute, second and millisecond are ignored. Additionally sql.Date isn't tied to timezones.
  • java.sql.Time corresponds to SQL TIME and as should be obvious, only contains information about hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
  • java.sql.Timestamp corresponds to SQL TIMESTAMP which is exact date to the nanosecond (note that util.Date only supports milliseconds!) with customizable precision.

One of the most common bugs when using JDBC drivers in relation to these three types is that the types are handled incorrectly. This means that sql.Date is timezone specific, sql.Time contains current year, month and day et cetera et cetera.

Finally: Which one to use?

Depends on the SQL type of the field, really. PreparedStatement has setters for all three values, #setDate() being the one for sql.Date, #setTime() for sql.Time and #setTimestamp() for sql.Timestamp.

Do note that if you use ps.setObject(fieldIndex, utilDateObject); you can actually give a normal util.Date to most JDBC drivers which will happily devour it as if it was of the correct type but when you request the data afterwards, you may notice that you're actually missing stuff.

I'm really saying that none of the Dates should be used at all.

What I am saying that save the milliseconds/nanoseconds as plain longs and convert them to whatever objects you are using (obligatory joda-time plug). One hacky way which can be done is to store the date component as one long and time component as another, for example right now would be 20100221 and 154536123. These magic numbers can be used in SQL queries and will be portable from database to another and will let you avoid this part of JDBC/Java Date API:s entirely.

Git Diff with Beyond Compare

For git version with BC2.exe.

The config below finally works on my machine.

[difftool "bc2"] cmd = \"c:/program files/beyond compare 2/bc2.exe\" ${LOCAL} ${REMOTE}

Select first and last row from grouped data

Another approach with lapply and a dplyr statement. We can apply an arbitrary number of whatever summary functions to the same statement:

lapply(c(first, last), 
       function(x) df %>% group_by(id) %>% summarize_all(funs(x))) %>% 

You could for example be interested in rows with the max stopSequence value as well and do:

lapply(c(first, last, max("stopSequence")), 
       function(x) df %>% group_by(id) %>% summarize_all(funs(x))) %>%

Java: String - add character n-times

To have an idea of the speed penalty, I have tested two versions, one with Array.fill and one with StringBuilder.

public static String repeat(char what, int howmany) {
    char[] chars = new char[howmany];
    Arrays.fill(chars, what);
    return new String(chars);


public static String repeatSB(char what, int howmany) {
    StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(howmany);
    for (int i = 0; i < howmany; i++)
    return out.toString();


public static void main(String... args) {
    String res;
    long time;

    for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
        res = repeat(' ', 100000);
        res = repeatSB(' ', 100000);
    time = System.nanoTime();
    res = repeat(' ', 100000);
    time = System.nanoTime() - time;
    System.out.println("elapsed repeat: " + time);

    time = System.nanoTime();
    res = repeatSB(' ', 100000);
    time = System.nanoTime() - time;
    System.out.println("elapsed repeatSB: " + time);

(note the loop in main function is to kick in JIT)

The results are as follows:

elapsed repeat: 65899
elapsed repeatSB: 305171

It is a huge difference

Remove duplicates from a List<T> in C#

If you're using .Net 3+, you can use Linq.

List<T> withDupes = LoadSomeData();
List<T> noDupes = withDupes.Distinct().ToList();

Detecting endianness programmatically in a C++ program

I don't like the method based on type punning - it will often be warned against by compiler. That's exactly what unions are for !

bool is_big_endian(void)
    union {
        uint32_t i;
        char c[4];
    } bint = {0x01020304};

    return bint.c[0] == 1; 

The principle is equivalent to the type case as suggested by others, but this is clearer - and according to C99, is guaranteed to be correct. gcc prefers this compared to the direct pointer cast.

This is also much better than fixing the endianness at compile time - for OS which support multi-architecture (fat binary on Mac os x for example), this will work for both ppc/i386, whereas it is very easy to mess things up otherwise.

How to secure phpMyAdmin

The simplest approach would be to edit the webserver, most likely an Apache2 installation, configuration and give phpmyadmin a different name.

A second approach would be to limit the IP addresses from where phpmyadmin may be accessed (e.g. only local lan or localhost).

"echo -n" prints "-n"

There are multiple versions of the echo command, with different behaviors. Apparently the shell used for your script uses a version that doesn't recognize -n.

The printf command has much more consistent behavior. echo is fine for simple things like echo hello, but I suggest using printf for anything more complicated.

What system are you on, and what shell does your script use?

Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)

If you are seeing this error in Android Studio 4.1 with Gradle 6.5 then you should move back to

classpath ''

For some reason

classpath ''

does not work correctly.

Is there a JavaScript strcmp()?

How about:

String.prototype.strcmp = function(s) {
    if (this < s) return -1;
    if (this > s) return 1;
    return 0;

Then, to compare s1 with 2:


How to get the number of columns from a JDBC ResultSet?

PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement("select * from stud");

ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();

ResultSetMetaData rsmd=rs.getMetaData();

System.out.println("columns: "+rsmd.getColumnCount());  
System.out.println("Column Name of 1st column: "+rsmd.getColumnName(1));  
System.out.println("Column Type Name of 1st column: "+rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1)); 

/exclude in xcopy just for a file type

In my case I had to start a list of exclude extensions from the second line because xcopy ignored the first line.

Browse files and subfolders in Python

from tkinter import *
import os

root = Tk()
file = filedialog.askdirectory()
changed_dir = os.listdir(file)

Jquery/Ajax call with timer

If you want to set something on a timer, you can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval methods:

setTimeout ( expression, timeout );
setInterval ( expression, interval );

Where expression is a function and timeout and interval are integers in milliseconds. setTimeout runs the timer once and runs the expression once whereas setInterval will run the expression every time the interval passes.

So in your case it would work something like this:

setInterval(function() {
    //call $.ajax here
}, 5000); //5 seconds

As far as the Ajax goes, see jQuery's ajax() method. If you run an interval, there is nothing stopping you from calling the same ajax() from other places in your code.

If what you want is for an interval to run every 30 seconds until a user initiates a form submission...and then create a new interval after that, that is also possible:

setInterval() returns an integer which is the ID of the interval.

var id = setInterval(function() {
    //call $.ajax here
}, 30000); // 30 seconds

If you store that ID in a variable, you can then call clearInterval(id) which will stop the progression.

Then you can reinstantiate the setInterval() call after you've completed your ajax form submission.

How can I select records ONLY from yesterday?

This comment is for readers who have found this entry but are using mysql instead of oracle! on mysql you can do the following: Today

WHERE date(tran_date) = CURRENT_DATE()


FROM yourtable 

Xcode 8 shows error that provisioning profile doesn't include signing certificate

I had the same issue and reason was penny. Wrong profile and certificate was selected in build settings. I only had did this before few days. So, you do not need to enable "automatic" inside xcode. Check profiles inside your build settings before doing it.

Redirect all output to file using Bash on Linux?

Though not POSIX, bash 4 has the &> operator:

command &> alloutput.txt

Rotating x axis labels in R for barplot

use optional parameter las=2 .

barplot(mytable,main="Car makes",ylab="Freqency",xlab="make",las=2)

enter image description here

Encoding an image file with base64

The first answer will print a string with prefix b'. That means your string will be like this b'your_string' To solve this issue please add the following line of code.

encoded_string= base64.b64encode(

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

If you're willing to adopt the practice of always using curly braces in your if statements,

Your macro would simply be missing the last semicolon:

#define MACRO(X,Y)                       \
cout << "1st arg is:" << (X) << endl;    \
cout << "2nd arg is:" << (Y) << endl;    \
cout << "Sum is:" << ((X)+(Y)) << endl

Example 1: (compiles)

if (x > y) {
    MACRO(x, y);

Example 2: (compiles)

if (x > y) {
    MACRO(x, y);
} else {
    MACRO(y - x, x - y);

Example 3: (doesn't compile)

MACRO(x, y)

Why can't I use switch statement on a String?

Switch statements with String cases have been implemented in Java SE 7, at least 16 years after they were first requested. A clear reason for the delay was not provided, but it likely had to do with performance.

Implementation in JDK 7

The feature has now been implemented in javac with a "de-sugaring" process; a clean, high-level syntax using String constants in case declarations is expanded at compile-time into more complex code following a pattern. The resulting code uses JVM instructions that have always existed.

A switch with String cases is translated into two switches during compilation. The first maps each string to a unique integer—its position in the original switch. This is done by first switching on the hash code of the label. The corresponding case is an if statement that tests string equality; if there are collisions on the hash, the test is a cascading if-else-if. The second switch mirrors that in the original source code, but substitutes the case labels with their corresponding positions. This two-step process makes it easy to preserve the flow control of the original switch.

Switches in the JVM

For more technical depth on switch, you can refer to the JVM Specification, where the compilation of switch statements is described. In a nutshell, there are two different JVM instructions that can be used for a switch, depending on the sparsity of the constants used by the cases. Both depend on using integer constants for each case to execute efficiently.

If the constants are dense, they are used as an index (after subtracting the lowest value) into a table of instruction pointers—the tableswitch instruction.

If the constants are sparse, a binary search for the correct case is performed—the lookupswitch instruction.

In de-sugaring a switch on String objects, both instructions are likely to be used. The lookupswitch is suitable for the first switch on hash codes to find the original position of the case. The resulting ordinal is a natural fit for a tableswitch.

Both instructions require the integer constants assigned to each case to be sorted at compile time. At runtime, while the O(1) performance of tableswitch generally appears better than the O(log(n)) performance of lookupswitch, it requires some analysis to determine whether the table is dense enough to justify the space–time tradeoff. Bill Venners wrote a great article that covers this in more detail, along with an under-the-hood look at other Java flow control instructions.

Before JDK 7

Prior to JDK 7, enum could approximate a String-based switch. This uses the static valueOf method generated by the compiler on every enum type. For example:

Pill p = Pill.valueOf(str);
switch(p) {
  case RED:  pop();  break;
  case BLUE: push(); break;

How to split a comma-separated value to columns


Value  ColOne
1      Cleo, Smith

The following should work if there aren't too many columns

ALTER TABLE mytable ADD ColTwo nvarchar(256);
UPDATE mytable SET ColTwo = LEFT(ColOne, Charindex(',', ColOne) - 1);
--'Cleo' = LEFT('Cleo, Smith', Charindex(',', 'Cleo, Smith') - 1)
UPDATE mytable SET ColTwo = REPLACE(ColOne, ColTwo + ',', '');
--' Smith' = REPLACE('Cleo, Smith', 'Cleo' + ',')
UPDATE mytable SET ColOne = REPLACE(ColOne, ',' + ColTwo, ''), ColTwo = LTRIM(ColTwo);
--'Cleo' = REPLACE('Cleo, Smith', ',' + ' Smith', '') 


Value  ColOne ColTwo
1      Cleo   Smith

How to make a edittext box in a dialog

Try below code:


 final EditText input = new EditText(context);


Convert String to double in Java

String double_string = "100.215";
Double double = Double.parseDouble(double_string);

how to create 100% vertical line in css

Use an absolutely positioned pseudo element:

ul:after {
  content: '';
  width: 0;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  border: 1px solid black;
  top: 0;
  left: 100px;


Determine whether a Access checkbox is checked or not

Checkboxes are a control type designed for one purpose: to ensure valid entry of Boolean values.

In Access, there are two types:

  1. 2-state -- can be checked or unchecked, but not Null. Values are True (checked) or False (unchecked). In Access and VBA, the value of True is -1 and the value of False is 0. For portability with environments that use 1 for True, you can always test for False or Not False, since False is the value 0 for all environments I know of.

  2. 3-state -- like the 2-state, but can be Null. Clicking it cycles through True/False/Null. This is for binding to an integer field that allows Nulls. It is of no use with a Boolean field, since it can never be Null.

Minor quibble with the answers:

There is almost never a need to use the .Value property of an Access control, as it's the default property. These two are equivalent:


The only gotcha here is that it's important to be careful that you don't create implicit references when testing the value of a checkbox. Instead of this:

  If Me!MyCheckBox Then

...write one of these options:

  If (Me!MyCheckBox) Then  ' forces evaluation of the control

  If Me!MyCheckBox = True Then

  If (Me!MyCheckBox = True) Then

  If (Me!MyCheckBox = Not False) Then

Likewise, when writing subroutines or functions that get values from a Boolean control, always declare your Boolean parameters as ByVal unless you actually want to manipulate the control. In that case, your parameter's data type should be an Access control and not a Boolean value. Anything else runs the risk of implicit references.

Last of all, if you set the value of a checkbox in code, you can actually set it to any number, not just 0 and -1, but any number other than 0 is treated as True (because it's Not False). While you might use that kind of thing in an HTML form, it's not proper UI design for an Access app, as there's no way for the user to be able to see what value is actually be stored in the control, which defeats the purpose of choosing it for editing your data.

The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)

When I ran into this error, I spent hours trying to find a solution.

My issue was that when I went to save the file I had accidentally hit the key stroke "G" in the web.config. I had a straggler Character just sittings outside, so the web.config did not know how to interpret the improperly formatted data.

Hope this helps.

How can I debug a .BAT script?

Or.... Call your main .bat file from another .bat file and output the result to a result file i.e.

runner.bat > mainresults.txt

Where runner.bat calls the main .bat file

You should see all the actions performed in the main .bat file now

How do I put a clear button inside my HTML text input box like the iPhone does?

Firefox doesn't seem to support the clear search field functionality... I found this pure CSS solution that works nicely: Textbox with a clear button completely in CSS | Codepen | 2013. The magic happens at

.search-box:not(:valid) ~ .close-icon {
    display: none;

body {
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
    font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Verdana;

h2 {
    color: green;
    text-align: center;
.redfamily {
    color: red; 
.search-box,.close-icon,.search-wrapper {
    position: relative;
    padding: 10px;
.search-wrapper {
    width: 500px;
    margin: auto;
.search-box {
    width: 80%;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
  outline: 0;
  border-radius: 15px;
.search-box:focus {
    box-shadow: 0 0 15px 5px #b0e0ee;
    border: 2px solid #bebede;
.close-icon {
    border:1px solid transparent;
    background-color: transparent;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;
  outline: 0;
  cursor: pointer;
.close-icon:after {
    content: "X";
    display: block;
    width: 15px;
    height: 15px;
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #FA9595;
    right: 35px;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 2px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    text-align: center;
    color: white;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 12px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 2px #E50F0F;
    cursor: pointer;
.search-box:not(:valid) ~ .close-icon {
    display: none;
    Textbox with a clear button completely in CSS <br> <span class="redfamily">< 0 lines of JavaScript ></span>
<div class="search-wrapper">
    <input type="text" name="focus" required class="search-box" placeholder="Enter search term" />
        <button class="close-icon" type="reset"></button>

I needed more functionality and added this jQuery in my code:

$('.close-icon').click(function(){ /* my code */ });

Set Locale programmatically

Call this method on BaseActivity -> onCreate() and BaseFragment -> OnCreateView()

Tested on API 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29...uptodate version

fun Context.updateLang() {
    val resources = resources
    val config = Configuration(resources.configuration)
    config.setLocale(PreferenceManager(this).getAppLanguage()) // language from preference
    val dm = resources.displayMetrics
    resources.updateConfiguration(config, dm)

How can I time a code segment for testing performance with Pythons timeit?

Here is an example of how to time a function using timeit:

import timeit

def time_this(n):
    return [str(i) for i in range(n)]

timeit.timeit(lambda: time_this(n=5000), number=1000)

This will return the time in seconds it took to execute the time_this() function 1000 times.

Android ViewPager with bottom dots

No need for that much code.

You can do all this stuff without coding so much by using only viewpager with tablayout.

Your main Layout:




Hook up your UI elements inactivity or fragment as follows:

Java Code:

mImageViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(;
tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(mImageViewPager, true);

That's it, you are good to go.

You will need to create the following xml resource file in the drawable folder.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <solid android:color="@color/colorAccent"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <shape xmlns:android=""
            <solid android:color="@android:color/darker_gray"/>


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_indicator_selected"

    <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_indicator_default"/>

Feeling as lazy as I am? Well, all the above code is converted into a library! Usage Add the following in your gradle: implementation 'com.chabbal:slidingdotsplash:1.0.2' Add the following to your Activity or Fragment layout.


Create an integer array in strings.xml e.g.

<integer-array name="img_id_arr">

Done! Extra in order to listen page changes use addOnPageChangeListener(listener); Github link.

How do you set a default value for a MySQL Datetime column?

For all who use the TIMESTAMP column as a solution i want to second the following limitation from the manual:

"The TIMESTAMP data type has a range of '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC. It has varying properties, depending on the MySQL version and the SQL mode the server is running in. These properties are described later in this section. "

So this will obviously break your software in about 28 years.

I believe the only solution on the database side is to use triggers like mentioned in other answers.

How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

I konow it's history question now. But for other googlers: you could write something like this. But this requires change in base class what makes it useless with external libraries.

class A
  void protoX() { Console.WriteLine("x"); }
  virtual void X() { protoX(); }

class B : A
  override void X() { Console.WriteLine("y"); }

class Program
  static void Main()
    A b = new B();
    // Call A.X somehow, not B.X...


Visual Studio 2017 - Git failed with a fatal error

I was getting similar issues. In Visual Studio 2017, with Rebase option I solved my issue.

I am having only a master branch. I rebase from master to origin/master (means to the same branch) and clicked Rebase. Before doing Rebase, the status was, I was committed my changes however not able to push/sync as my local branch base and Git code base was not synchronised state.

Simulating ENTER keypress in bash script

You could make use of expect (man expect comes with examples).

Multiple inputs on one line

Yes, you can.


Because these functions are operator overloading functions, the usual way in which they are called is:

   strm >> variable;

Where strm is the identifier of a istream object and variable is an object of any type supported as right parameter. It is also possible to call a succession of extraction operations as:

   strm >> variable1 >> variable2 >> variable3; //...

which is the same as performing successive extractions from the same object strm.

Just replace strm with cin.

Printing with sed or awk a line following a matching pattern

awk Version:

awk '/regexp/ { getline; print $0; }' filetosearch

How do I find out what type each object is in a ArrayList<Object>?

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * @author potter
public class storeAny {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        ArrayList<Object> anyTy=new ArrayList<Object>();
        anyTy.add(new Integer(1));
        anyTy.add(new String("Jesus"));
        anyTy.add(new Double(12.88));
        anyTy.add(new Double(12.89));
        anyTy.add(new Double(12.84));
        anyTy.add(new Double(12.82));

        for (Object o : anyTy) {
            if(o instanceof String){
            } else if(o instanceof Integer) {
            } else if(o instanceof Double) {

How to programmatically log out from Facebook SDK 3.0 without using Facebook login/logout button?

Since Facebook's Android SDK v4.0 you need to execute the following:


This is not sufficient. This will simply clear cached access token and profile so that AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() and Profile.getCurrentProfile() will now become null.

To completely logout you need to revoke permissions and then call LoginManager.getInstance().logOut();. To revoke permission execute following graph API -

    GraphRequest delPermRequest = new GraphRequest(AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), "/{user-id}/permissions/", null, HttpMethod.DELETE, new GraphRequest.Callback() {
        public void onCompleted(GraphResponse graphResponse) {
                FacebookRequestError error =graphResponse.getError();
                    Log.e(TAG, error.toString());
                }else {
    Log.d(TAG,"Executing revoke permissions with graph path" + delPermRequest.getGraphPath());

CustomErrors mode="Off"

If you're still getting that page, it's likely that it's blowing up before getting past the Web.Config

Make sure that ASP.Net has permissions it needs to things like the .Net Framework folders, the IIS Metabase, etc. Do you have any way of checking that ASP.Net is installed correctly and associated in IIS correctly?

Edit: After Greg's comment it occured to me I assumed that what you posted was your entire very minimal web.config, is there more to it? If so can you post the entire web.config?

What is the C# version of's InputDialog?

There is no such thing: I recommend to write it for yourself and use it whenever you need.

What is the correct target for the JAVA_HOME environment variable for a Linux OpenJDK Debian-based distribution?

Please see what the update-alternatives command does (it has a nice man...).

Shortly - what happens when you have java-sun-1.4 and java-opensouce-1.0 ... which one takes "java"? It debian "/usr/bin/java" is symbolic link and "/usr/bin/java-sun-1.4" is an alternative to "/usr/bin/java"

Edit: As Richard said, update-alternatives is not enough. You actually need to use update-java-alternatives. More info at:

SSIS how to set connection string dynamically from a config file

These answers are right, but old and works for Depoloyement Package Model. What I Actually needed is to change the server name, database name of a connection manager and i found this very helpful:

Better for people using SQL Server 2012-2014-2016 ... with Deployment Project Model

Entity Framework select distinct name

In order to avoid ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT error, the best should be

var results = (
    from ta in DBContext.TestAddresses
    select ta.Name
.OrderBy( x => 1);

YouTube URL in Video Tag

Try this solution for the perfectly working

new YouTubeToHtml5();

Flex-box: Align last row to grid

One technique would be inserting a number of extra elements (as many as the max number of elements you ever expect to have in a row) that are given zero height. Space is still divided, but superfluous rows collapse to nothing:

body {_x000D_
  padding: 5%;_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  background-color: yellow;_x000D_
ul {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-wrap: wrap;_x000D_
  margin: 0 -4px -4px 0;_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
  flex: 1 0 200px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  border-right: 4px solid black;_x000D_
  border-bottom: 4px solid black;_x000D_
  background-color: deeppink;_x000D_
li:empty {_x000D_
  height: 0;_x000D_
  border: none;_x000D_
:after {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_

In the future, this may become achievable through using multiple ::after(n).

ES6 class variable alternatives

[Long thread, not sure if its already listed as an option...].
A simple alternative for contsants only, would be defining the const outside of class. This will be accessible only from the module itself, unless accompanied with a getter.
This way prototype isn't littered and you get the const.

// will be accessible only from the module itself
const MY_CONST = 'string'; 
class MyClass {

    // optional, if external access is desired
    static get MY_CONST(){return MY_CONST;}

    // access example
    static someMethod(){

Why do we need boxing and unboxing in C#?

Boxing and Unboxing are specifically used to treat value-type objects as reference-type; moving their actual value to the managed heap and accessing their value by reference.

Without boxing and unboxing you could never pass value-types by reference; and that means you could not pass value-types as instances of Object.

How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException

Everyone explained pretty well on it. Let me answer when should this class be used.

When Should You Use NoSuchElementException?

Java includes a few different ways to iterate through elements in a collection. The first of these classes, Enumeration, was introduced in JDK1.0 and is generally considered deprecated in favor of newer iteration classes, like Iterator and ListIterator.

As with most programming languages, the Iterator class includes a hasNext() method that returns a boolean indicating if the iteration has anymore elements. If hasNext() returns true, then the next() method will return the next element in the iteration. Unlike Enumeration, Iterator also has a remove() method, which removes the last element that was obtained via next().

While Iterator is generalized for use with all collections in the Java Collections Framework, ListIterator is more specialized and only works with List-based collections, like ArrayList, LinkedList, and so forth. However, ListIterator adds even more functionality by allowing iteration to traverse in both directions via hasPrevious() and previous() methods.

Insert php variable in a href

Try using printf function or the concatination operator

When do I need a fb:app_id or fb:admins?

Including the fb:app_id tag in your HTML HEAD will allow the Facebook scraper to associate the Open Graph entity for that URL with an application. This will allow any admins of that app to view Insights about that URL and any social plugins connected with it.

The fb:admins tag is similar, but allows you to just specify each user ID that you would like to give the permission to do the above.

You can include either of these tags or both, depending on how many people you want to admin the Insights, etc. A single as fb:admins is pretty much a minimum requirement. The rest of the Open Graph tags will still be picked up when people share and like your URL, however it may cause problems in the future, so please include one of the above.

fb:admins is specified like this:
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID,USER_ID2,USER_ID3"/>

and fb:app_id like this:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="APPID"/>

Constructor overloading in Java - best practice

I think the best practice is to have single primary constructor to which the overloaded constructors refer to by calling this() with the relevant parameter defaults. The reason for this is that it makes it much clearer what is the constructed state of the object is - really you can think of the primary constructor as the only real constructor, the others just delegate to it

One example of this might be JTable - the primary constructor takes a TableModel (plus column and selection models) and the other constructors call this primary constructor.

For subclasses where the superclass already has overloaded constructors, I would tend to assume that it is reasonable to treat any of the parent class's constructors as primary and think it is perfectly legitimate not to have a single primary constructor. For example,when extending Exception, I often provide 3 constructors, one taking just a String message, one taking a Throwable cause and the other taking both. Each of these constructors calls super directly.

How to hide collapsible Bootstrap 4 navbar on click

I am using ANGULAR and since it gave me problems the routerLink just add the data-toggle and target in the li tag.... or use jquery like "ZimSystem"

<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">_x000D_
      <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">_x000D_
        <li class="nav-item" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="">_x000D_
          <a class="nav-link" routerLink="/inicio" routerLinkActive="active" >Inicio</a>_x000D_

Sending Arguments To Background Worker?

Even though this is an already answered question, I'd leave another option that IMO is a lot easier to read:

BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += (obj, e) => WorkerDoWork(value, text);

And on the handler method:

private void WorkerDoWork(int value, string text) {

Understanding MongoDB BSON Document size limit

Perhaps storing a blog post -> comments relation in a non-relational database is not really the best design.

You should probably store comments in a separate collection to blog posts anyway.


See comments below for further discussion.

How do I override nested NPM dependency versions?

The only solution that worked for me (node 12.x, npm 6.x) was using npm-force-resolutions developed by @Rogerio Chaves.

First, install it by:

npm install npm-force-resolutions --save-dev

You can add --ignore-scripts if some broken transitive dependency scripts are blocking you from installing anything.

Then in package.json define what dependency should be overridden (you must set exact version number):

"resolutions": {
  "your-dependency-name": "1.23.4"

and in "scripts" section add new preinstall entry:

"preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions",

Now, npm install will apply changes and force your-dependency-name to be at version 1.23.4 for all dependencies.

When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems?

The 2 main reason why you might want to prefer Mongo are

  • Flexibility in schema design (JSON type document store).
  • Scalability - Just add up nodes and it can scale horizontally quite well.

It is suitable for big data applications. RDBMS is not good for big data.

File.Move Does Not Work - File Already Exists

1) With C# on .Net Core 3.0 and beyond, there is now a third boolean parameter:


In .NET Core 3.0 and later versions, you can call Move(String, String, Boolean) setting the parameter overwrite to true, which will replace the file if it exists.

2) For all other versions of .Net, is the best answer. Copy with Overwrite, then delete the source file. This is better because it makes it an atomic operation. (I have attempted to update the MS Docs with this)

Programmatically register a broadcast receiver

for LocalBroadcastManager

   Intent intent = new Intent("any.action.string");

and register in onResume

                    ActivityName.this).registerReceiver(chatCountBroadcastReceiver, filter);

and Unregister it onStop


and recieve it ..

mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Log.e("mBroadcastReceiver", "onReceive");

where IntentFilter is

 new IntentFilter("any.action.string")

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding

I have tried to read a local json/text file using $.ajax and the encoding didn't work at first.. I got it working by saving the json file as UTF-8 encoding. This can be done simply by windows notepad.. use "save as", and then below the file name you can set the encoding to UTF-8.

good luck!

Remove first 4 characters of a string with PHP

$num = "+918883967576";

$str = substr($num, 3);

echo $str;


Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

How to dynamic new Anonymous Class?

You can create an ExpandoObject like this:

IDictionary<string,object> expando = new ExpandoObject();
expando["Name"] = value;

And after casting it to dynamic, those values will look like properties:

dynamic d = expando;

However, they are not actual properties and cannot be accessed using Reflection. So the following statement will return a null:


Convert int to char in java

look at the following program for complete conversion concept

class typetest{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        byte a=1,b=2;
        char c=1,d='b';
        short e=3,f=4;
        int g=5,h=6;
        float i;
        double k=10.34,l=12.45;
        System.out.println("value of char variable c="+c);
        // if we assign an integer value in char cariable it's possible as above
        // but it's not possible to assign int value from an int variable in char variable 
        // (d=g assignment gives error as incompatible type conversion)
        System.out.println("char to int conversion is possible");
        System.out.println("int to double conversion is possible");
        System.out.println("int to float is possible and value of i = "+i);
        System.out.println("float to double is possible");

hope ,it will help at least something

How to expand a list to function arguments in Python

Try the following:


This can be found in the Python docs as Unpacking Argument Lists.

Jquery find nearest matching element

var otherInput = $(this).closest('.row').find('.inputQty');

That goes up to a row level, then back down to .inputQty.

How do I use arrays in cURL POST requests

You are just creating your array incorrectly. You could use http_build_query:

$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

So, the entire code that you could use would be:

//extract data from the post

//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

//close connection

How to get host name with port from a http or https request

If your server is running behind a proxy server, make sure your proxy header is set:

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;

Then to get the right scheme & url you can use springframework's classes:

public String getUrl(HttpServletRequest request) {
    HttpRequest httpRequest = new ServletServerHttpRequest(request);
    UriComponents uriComponents = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpRequest(httpRequest).build();

    String scheme = uriComponents.getScheme();             // http / https
    String serverName = request.getServerName();     //
    int serverPort = request.getServerPort();        // 80
    String contextPath = request.getContextPath();   // /app

    // Reconstruct original requesting URL
    StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();

    if (serverPort != 80 && serverPort != 443) {
    return url.toString();

How to determine programmatically the current active profile using Spring boot

It doesn't matter is your app Boot or just raw Spring. There is just enough to inject org.springframework.core.env.Environment to your bean.

private Environment environment;


In what cases will HTTP_REFERER be empty

HTTP_REFERER - sent by the browser, stating the last page the browser viewed!

If you trusting [HTTP_REFERER] for any reason that is important, you should not, since it can be faked easily:

  1. Some browsers limit access to not allow HTTP_REFERER to be passed
  2. Type a address in the address bar will not pass the HTTP_REFERER
  3. open a new browser window will not pass the HTTP_REFERER, because HTTP_REFERER = NULL
  4. has some browser addon that blocks it for privacy reasons. Some firewalls and AVs do to.

Try this firefox extension, you'll be able to set any headers you want:

@Master of Celebration:


extensions: refspoof, refontrol, modify headers, no-referer

Completely disable: the option is available in about:config under "network.http.sendRefererHeader" and you want to set this to 0 to disable referer passing.

Google chrome / Chromium:

extensions: noref, spoofy, external noreferrer

Completely disable: Chnage ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences or ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences and set this:

   "enable_referrers": false,

Or simply add --no-referrers to shortcut or in cli:

google-chrome --no-referrers


Completely disable: Settings > Preferences > Advanced > Network, and uncheck "Send referrer information"

Spoofing web service:

Standalone filtering proxy (spoof any header):


Spoofing http_referer when using wget


Spoofing http_referer when using curl

-e, --referer

Spoofing http_referer wth telnet

telnet 80 (press return)
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 (press return)
Referer: (press return)
(press return again)

convert HTML ( having Javascript ) to PDF using JavaScript

Using the browser's Print... menu item, you can utilize a PDF Printer Driver, like PDFCreator. This way any JavaScript included in the page is processed by the browser when the page is rendered.

PDFCreator is a free tool to create PDF files from nearly any Windows application.

  • Create PDFs from any program that is able to print

"Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt." when running "grunt" command

I had the same issue today on windows 32 bit,with node 0.10.25, and grunt 0.4.5.

I followed dongho's answer, with just few extra steps. here are the steps I used to solve the error:

1) create your package.json

$ npm init

2) install grunt for this project, this will be installed under node_modules/. --save-dev will add this module to devDependency in your package.json

$ npm install grunt --save-dev

3) then create gruntfile.js , with a sample code like this:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

    jshint: {
      files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js'],
      options: {
        globals: {
          jQuery: true
    watch: {
      files: ['<%= jshint.files %>'],
      tasks: ['jshint']


  grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint']);


here, src/**/*.js and test/**/*.js should be the paths to actual JS files you are using in your project

4) run npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev

5) run npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev

6) run $ grunt

Note: when you require common package like concat, uglify etc, you need to add those modules via npm install, just the way we installed jshint and watch in step 4 & 5

How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago?

I have provide two methods for doing so for minutes as well as for years and hours if you want to see more examples:

import datetime
print( - datetime.timedelta(minutes = 15))
print( + datetime.timedelta(minutes = -15))
print(datetime.timedelta(hours = 5))
print( + datetime.timedelta(days = 3))
print( + datetime.timedelta(days = -9))
print( - datetime.timedelta(days = 9))

I get the following results:

2016-06-03 16:04:03.706615
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706622
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706642
2016-06-06 16:04:03.706665
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706676
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706687

A default document is not configured for the requested URL, and directory browsing is not enabled on the server

In my case, I had to install the Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb package.

I was getting the same message as you did, but then noticed I couldn't even hit a breakpoint in Startup.cs which then let me to this SO thread.

Appending a list to a list of lists in R

The purrr package has a lot of handy functions for working on lists. The flatten command can clean up unwanted nesting.

resultsa <- list(1,2,3,4,5)
resultsb <- list(6,7,8,9,10)
resultsc <- list(11,12,13,14,15)

nested_outlist <- list(resultsa, resultsb, resultsc)
outlist <- purrr::flatten(nested_outlist)

Setting values on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

This warning comes because your dataframe x is a copy of a slice. This is not easy to know why, but it has something to do with how you have come to the current state of it.

You can either create a proper dataframe out of x by doing

x = x.copy()

This will remove the warning, but it is not the proper way

You should be using the DataFrame.loc method, as the warning suggests, like this:

x.loc[:,'Mass32s'] = pandas.rolling_mean(x.Mass32, 5).shift(-2)

How to convert string to XML using C#

string test = "<body><head>test header</head></body>";

XmlDocument xmltest = new XmlDocument();

XmlNodeList elemlist = xmltest.GetElementsByTagName("head");

string result = elemlist[0].InnerXml; 

//result -> "test header"

What is the best way to give a C# auto-property an initial value?

private string name;
public string Name 
        if(name == null)
            name = "Default Name";
        return name;
        name = value;

how to change color of TextinputLayout's label and edittext underline android

<style name="EditScreenTextInputLayoutStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/actionBar_background</item>
    <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/actionBar_background</item>
    <item name="colorControlHighlight">@color/actionBar_background</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/actionBar_background</item>
    <item name="android:textColorHint">@color/actionBar_background</item>

apply this style to TextInputLayout

Swift add icon/image in UITextField

To create padding, I like to place the image inside of a container view. You can remove the background color once you are happy with the icon placement.

enter image description here

let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 8.0, y: 8.0, width: 24.0, height: 24.0))
let image = UIImage(named: "my_icon")
imageView.image = image
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
imageView.backgroundColor =

let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32, height: 40))
view.backgroundColor = .green
textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.always
textField.leftView = view

Have log4net use application config file for configuration data

Add a line to your app.config in the configSections element

 <section name="log4net" 
   type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net, Version=, 
         Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821" />

Then later add the log4Net section, but delegate to the actual log4Net config file elsewhere...

<log4net configSource="Config\Log4Net.config" />

In your application code, when you create the log, write

private static ILog GetLog(string logName)
    ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(logName);
    return log;

How to implement a ConfigurationSection with a ConfigurationElementCollection

An easier alternative for those who would prefer not to write all that configuration boilerplate manually...

1) Install Nerdle.AutoConfig from NuGet

2) Define your ServiceConfig type (either a concrete class or just an interface, either will do)

public interface IServiceConfiguration
    int Port { get; }
    ReportType ReportType { get; }

3) You'll need a type to hold the collection, e.g.

public interface IServiceCollectionConfiguration
    IEnumerable<IServiceConfiguration> Services { get; } 

4) Add the config section like so (note camelCase naming)

  <section name="serviceCollection" type="Nerdle.AutoConfig.Section, Nerdle.AutoConfig"/>

    <service port="6996" reportType="File" />
    <service port="7001" reportType="Other" />

5) Map with AutoConfig

var services = AutoConfig.Map<IServiceCollectionConfiguration>();

Access to the requested object is only available from the local network phpmyadmin

Not need to change all config in file /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf. The only thing you need to change is the Require local It's kinda obvious what Require local means so just change to Require all granted Require all granted


from Require local to Require all granted

How to check if an array is empty?

you may use yourArray.length to findout number of elements in an array.

Make sure yourArray is not null before doing yourArray.length, otherwise you will end up with NullPointerException.

Flask Python Buttons

Apply (different) name attribute to both buttons like

<button name="one">

and catch them in

Waiting on a list of Future

maybe this would help (nothing would replaced with raw thread, yeah!) I suggest run each Future guy with a separated thread (they goes parallel), then when ever one of the got error, it just signal the manager(Handler class).

class Handler{
private Thread thisThread;
private boolean failed=false;
private Thread[] trds;
public void waitFor(){
  List<Future<Object>> futures = getFutures();
  trds=new Thread[futures.size()];
  for (int i = 0; i < trds.length; i++) {
    RunTask rt=new RunTask(futures.get(i), this);
    trds[i]=new Thread(rt);
  synchronized (this) {
    for(Thread tx:trds){
  for(Thread tx:trds){
    try {tx.join();
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      System.out.println("Job failed!");break;
  }if(!failed){System.out.println("Job Done");}

private List<Future<Object>> getFutures() {
  return null;

public synchronized void cancelOther(){if(failed){return;}
  for(Thread tx:trds){
    tx.stop();//Deprecated but works here like a boss
class RunTask implements Runnable{
private Future f;private Handler h;
public RunTask(Future f,Handler h){this.f=f;this.h=h;}
public void run(){
f.get();//beware about state of working, the stop() method throws ThreadDeath Error at any thread state (unless it blocked by some operation)
}catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Error, stopping other guys...");h.cancelOther();}
catch(Throwable t){System.out.println("Oops, some other guy has stopped working...");}

I have to say the above code would error(didn't check), but I hope I could explain the solution. please have a try.

How to merge specific files from Git branches

The solution I found that caused me the least headaches:

git checkout <b1>
git checkout -b dummy
git merge <b2>
git checkout <b1>
git checkout dummy <path to file>

After doing that the file in path to file in b2 is what it would be after a full merge with b1.

jquery $(this).id return Undefined

$(this) and this aren't the same. The first represents a jQuery object wrapped around your element. The second is just your element. The id property exists on the element, but not the jQuery object. As such, you have a few options:

  1. Access the property on the element directly:

  2. Access it from the jQuery object:


  3. Pull the object out of jQuery:

    $(this).get(0).id; // Or $(this)[0].id

  4. Get the id from the event object:

    When events are raised, for instance a click event, they carry important information and references around with them. In your code above, you have a click event. This event object has a reference to two items: currentTarget and target.

    Using target, you can get the id of the element that raised the event. currentTarget would simply tell you which element the event is currently bubbling through. These are not always the same.

    $("#button").on("click", function(e){ console.log( ) });

Of all of these, the best option is to just access it directly from this itself, unless you're engaged in a series of nested events, then it might be best to use the event object of each nested event (give them all unique names) to reference elements in higher or lower scopes.

Adb install failure: INSTALL_CANCELED_BY_USER

This is my case (using react-native) I press Ctr+C to interrupt while installing and after that this error occured. - solution:

cd android
./gradlew clean

Laravel is there a way to add values to a request array

you can use laravel helper and request() magic method ...


Raising a number to a power in Java

Your calculation is likely the culprit. Try using:

bmi = weight / Math.pow(height / 100.0, 2.0);

Because both height and 100 are integers, you were likely getting the wrong answer when dividing. However, 100.0 is a double. I suggest you make weight a double as well. Also, the ^ operator is not for powers. Use the Math.pow() method instead.

IntelliJ IDEA shows errors when using Spring's @Autowired annotation

I had the same problem with IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.4 I solved it by removing the Spring facet (File->Project Structure) and leaving it to just show "Detection".

Find files containing a given text

find . -type f -name '*php' -o -name '*js' -o -name '*html' |\
xargs grep -liE 'document\.cookie|setcookie'

Python time measure function

Timeit has two big flaws: it doesn't return the return value of the function, and it uses eval, which requires passing in extra setup code for imports. This solves both problems simply and elegantly:

def timed(f):
  start = time.time()
  ret = f()
  elapsed = time.time() - start
  return ret, elapsed

timed(lambda:'select count(*) from source.apachelog'))
(<sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x7fd6c20fc690>, 4.07547402381897)

Cannot install Aptana Studio 3.6 on Windows

Had the same error initially. so.. pre-installed git and node.js and later installed Aptana, which installed perfectly. Rajeeva.

VBA Excel Provide current Date in Text box

You were close. Add this code in the UserForm_Initialize() event handler:

tbxDate.Value = Date

Nested Recycler view height doesn't wrap its content

Here I have found a solution:

It is in no way my solution. I have just copied it from there, but I hope it will help someone as much as it helped me when implementing horizontal RecyclerView and wrap_content height (should work also for vertical one and wrap_content width)

The solution is to extend the LayoutManager and override its onMeasure method as @yigit suggested.

Here is the code in case the link dies:

public static class MyLinearLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager {

    public MyLinearLayoutManager(Context context) {

    private int[] mMeasuredDimension = new int[2];

    public void onMeasure(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
                          int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {
        final int widthMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(widthSpec);
        final int heightMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(heightSpec);
        final int widthSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(widthSpec);
        final int heightSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(heightSpec);

        measureScrapChild(recycler, 0,
                View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),
                View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),

        int width = mMeasuredDimension[0];
        int height = mMeasuredDimension[1];

        switch (widthMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
                width = widthSize;
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:

        switch (heightMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
                height = heightSize;
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:

        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    private void measureScrapChild(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int position, int widthSpec,
                                   int heightSpec, int[] measuredDimension) {
        View view = recycler.getViewForPosition(position);
        if (view != null) {
            RecyclerView.LayoutParams p = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
            int childWidthSpec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(widthSpec,
                    getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), p.width);
            int childHeightSpec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(heightSpec,
                    getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(), p.height);
            view.measure(childWidthSpec, childHeightSpec);
            measuredDimension[0] = view.getMeasuredWidth();
            measuredDimension[1] = view.getMeasuredHeight();

JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail

Make sure that you're using the latest version of JSch. I had this exact same problem when using JSch 0.1.31 and trying to connect to a RedHat 5 server. Updating to the latest version solved the problem.

Iptables setting multiple multiports in one rule



enable_boxi_poorten() {
boxi_ports="427 5666 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6400 6410 8080 9321 15191 16447 17284 17723 17736 21306 25146 26632 27657 27683 28925 41583 45637 47648 49633 52551 53166 56392 56599 56911 59115 59898 60163 63512 6352 25834"

case "$1" in
         for port in $boxi_ports; do $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s $LOC_SUB --dport $port -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten";done
     # multiports gaat maar tot 15 maximaal :((
     # daarom maar for loop maken
     # $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s $LOC_SUB -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports $MULTIPORTS -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten"
     echo "${GREEN}Allowing $SRV for local hosts.....${NORMAL}"
     for port in $boxi_ports; do $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten";done
     echo "${RED}Allowing $SRV for all hosts.....${NORMAL}"
     for port in $boxi_ports; do $IPT -A tcp_inbound -p TCP -s $LOC_SUB --dport $port -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "boxi specifieke poorten";done
     echo "${GREEN}Allowing $SRV for local hosts.....${NORMAL}"


JavaScript object: access variable property by name as string

You don't need a function for it - simply use the bracket notation:

var side = columns['right'];

This is equal to dot notation, var side = columns.right;, except the fact that right could also come from a variable, function return value, etc., when using bracket notation.

If you NEED a function for it, here it is:

function read_prop(obj, prop) {
    return obj[prop];

To answer some of the comments below that aren't directly related to the original question, nested objects can be referenced through multiple brackets. If you have a nested object like so:

var foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: {x: 999, y:998, z: 997}};

you can access property x of c as follows:

var cx = foo['c']['x']

If a property is undefined, an attempt to reference it will return undefined (not null or false):

foo['c']['q'] === null
// returns false

foo['c']['q'] === false
// returns false

foo['c']['q'] === undefined
// returns true

How to redirect to logon page when session State time out is completed in mvc

There is a generic solution:

Lets say you have a controller named Admin where you put content for authorized users.

Then, you can override the Initialize or OnAuthorization methods of Admin controller and write redirect to login page logic on session timeout in these methods as described:

protected override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext filterContext)
        //lets say you set session value to a positive integer
        AdminLoginType = Convert.ToInt32(filterContext.HttpContext.Session["AdminLoginType"]);
        if (AdminLoginType == 0)


How to get HTTP response code for a URL in Java?

URL url = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
int statusCode = http.getResponseCode();

Javascript document.getElementById("id").value returning null instead of empty string when the element is an empty text box

Please check this fiddle and let me know if you get an alert of null value. I have copied your code there and added a couple of alerts. Just like others, I also dont see a null being returned, I get an empty string. Which browser are you using?

How do I partially update an object in MongoDB so the new object will overlay / merge with the existing one

    // where clause DBObject
    DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(id));

    // modifications to be applied
    DBObject update = new BasicDBObject();

    // set new values
    update.put("$set", new BasicDBObject("param2","value2"));

   // update the document
    collection.update(query, update, true, false); //3rd param->upsertFlag, 4th param->updateMultiFlag

If you have multiple fields to be updated

        Document doc = new Document();
        update.put("$set", doc);