[ruby] Cannot install Aptana Studio 3.6 on Windows

I'd like to use Aptana Studio for Rails development under Windows. I currently have different dev tools & ide's up and running (like git/ruby/jdk) and I'd like to install Aptana Studio as well but I can't. After downloading and running installer, it starts properly and after I choose destination dir, it starts downloading prequisities. I have several problems with it:

  1. After a while, it tries to install node.js (well, I am not sure why, but let it be) and sometimes it installs it ok, but sometimes it just fails with no error, telling me only that aptana couldn't install prequisities.
  2. If by a chance node.js is installed, it tries to install msysgit (again, I don't know why, because I have git installed and added to PATH). When installing msysgit is done, all i get is info that "installing msysgit failed" and all I can do is click finish in installer which is telling me that prequisities couldn't be installed.

I am using Win7 x64, ruby 1.9.3p-545, msysgit 1.8.4, jdk 1.7. Does anyone had simmilar problem and succesfully installed this ide?

This question is related to ruby installation aptana aptana3

The answer is

You have to use portable git not installer.Extract the folder to Program Files and rename the folder name from PortableGit to Git.

I had the same problem. I solved by installing NodeJS from this link: http://go.aptana.com/installer_nodejs_windows and Git latest version from https://git-scm.com/downloads.

Finally I was able to run the Aptana installer with no problems.

It seems having msysgit (Git for Windows) installed is causing the problem.

In most cases you'll have a pretty recent version of Git for Windows installed. Cited from https://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/:

There was a security issue in Git, see here. Git for Windows < 1.9.5 is affected - so you should update, TortoiseGit itself is not affected (using the default configuration; only if libgit2 is manually enabled for checkout/fetching). TortoiseGit includes all fixes.

But it seems Aptana Studio Installer won't accept any pre-installed version of Git for Windows!

What you need to do:

  1. Uninstall Git for Windows.
  2. Install Aptana Studio.
    Apanta Studio 3.6.1 will install Git for Windows 1.8.4-preview20130916.
  3. Download latest version of Git for Windows from http://msysgit.github.io/.
  4. Install latest version of Git for Windows.
    The outdated Git for Windows 1.8.4-preview20130916 will be updated to recent version.

That's it !!!

I had a problem installing Aptana 3.6.1 on my windows machine. It always shows "fail to locate node.js installer missing windows msi" No matter how many times I tried to.

Here is how I solved the problem:

  1. Install Git: This link is for windows and will automatically have the file ready to dowload https://git-scm.com/download/win

  2. Instead of installing the latest version, I chose a little earlier version (also 3) but it's 3.2.2 instead of 3.61 (the current one on the Aptana page) : http://www.filehorse.com/download-aptana/11489/

I had this issue and it was because of limited internet connection to source. You can use a proxy (VPN) but the better solution is download manually NodeJs from the source https://nodejs.org/download/ and Git, too.

after installation manually, aptana will check if they installed or not.

Most of us will run into this problem. This can be solved by installing NodeJS from http://go.aptana.com/installer_nodejs_windows. My Aptana installation installed the GIT automatically but if you still find trouble then I would suggest to install the GIT latest version yourself and rerun the Aptana installation.

Had the same error initially. so.. pre-installed git and node.js and later installed Aptana, which installed perfectly. Rajeeva.

I'm using Win 8.1, and have installed Aptana easily, and use for PHP programming without any issues. And just experimented with Ruble enhancement to the UI. All seems to work just fine.

I have some issue, the fix is:

  1. Uninstall any nodejs version.
  2. Install https://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.36/x64/node-v0.10.36-x64.msi.
  3. Install Aptana.
  4. Code...


Simply, create the folder you want to extract Aptana Studio to, and then use this command:

Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_3.6.1.exe /extract:"folder"

Install NODE.JS on windows before installing aptana

Try the following link http://blueashes.com/2011/web-development/install-nodejs-on-windows/

If your issue is related to a failed Windows install, and you are receiving a message related to installer _jsnode_windows.msi CRC error:

Aptana Studio (Aptana Studio 3, build: currently requires Nodejs 0.5.XX-0.11.xx

Even though the current release of nodejs seems to be 5.X.X . Apparently there will be a new release in Nov 2015 that corrects this defect.

Pre-installing x0.10.36-x64 allowed me to proceed with a successful install. If version numbers can be believed, this seems to be an ancient release of nodejs, but hey - I saw a very impressive demo of Aptana Studio and really wanted to install it. :-)

I also pre-installed GIT for windows, but I'm not sure if that was necessary or not.

Right click the installer and choose "Run as administrator". I suspect it needs administrator account to download and install Node JS during installation.

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Cannot install Aptana Studio 3.6 on Windows