Programs & Examples On #Ftps

An extension to the commonly used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocols.

curl: (35) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number

If anyone is getting this error using Nginx, try adding the following to your server config:

server {
    listen 443 ssl;

The issue stems from Nginx serving an HTTP server to a client expecting HTTPS on whatever port you're listening on. When you specify ssl in the listen directive, you clear this up on the server side.

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

curl: (35) SSL connect error

If you are using curl versions curl-7.19.7-46.el6.x86_64 or older. Please provide an option as -k1 (small K1).

Curl: Fix CURL (51) SSL error: no alternative certificate subject name matches

It usually happens when the certificate does not match with the host name.

The solution would be to contact the host and ask it to fix its certificate.
Otherwise you can turn off cURL's verification of the certificate, use the -k (or --insecure) option.
Please note that as the option said, it is insecure. You shouldn't use this option because it allows man-in-the-middle attacks and defeats the purpose of HTTPS.

More can be found in here:

PowerShell Connect to FTP server and get files

Invoke-WebRequest can download HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP links.

$source = ''
$target = 'C:\Users\someuser\Desktop\BlahFiles\somefile.txt'
$password = Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'mypassword' -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList myuserid, $password

# Download
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $source -OutFile $target -Credential $credential -UseBasicParsing

Since the cmdlet uses IE parsing you may need the -UseBasicParsing switch. Test to make sure.

phpinfo() is not working on my CentOS server

This happened to me as well. The fix was wrapping it in HTML tags. Then I saved the file as /var/www/html/info.php and ran http://localhost/info.php in the browser. That's it.


"com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" with working passwords

Try to add auth method explicitly as below, because sometimes it is required:

session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", "password");

cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

Windows users, add this to PHP.ini:

curl.cainfo = "C:/cacert.pem";

Path needs to be changed to your own and you can download cacert.pem from a google search

(yes I know its a CentOS question)

Secure FTP using Windows batch script

    ftps -a -z -e:on -pfxfile:"S-PID.p12" -pfxpwfile:"S-PID.p12.pwd" -user:<S-PID number> -s:script <RemoteServerName> 2121

S-PID.p12 => certificate file name ;
S-PID.p12.pwd => certificate password file name ; 
RemoteServerName =>  abcd123 ; 
2121 => port number ; 
ftps => command is part of ftps client software ; 

downloading all the files in a directory with cURL

What about something like this:

for /f %%f in ('curl -s -l -u user:pass') do curl -O -u user:pass

PHP fopen() Error: failed to open stream: Permission denied

[function.fopen]: failed to open stream

If you have access to your php.ini file, try enabling Fopen. Find the respective line and set it to be "on": & if in wp e.g localhost/wordpress/function.fopen in the php.ini :

allow_url_fopen = off
should bee this 
allow_url_fopen = On

And add this line below it:
allow_url_include = off
should bee this 
allow_url_include = on

Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed

Github has page dedicated to troubleshooting this error:

In my case it turned out that using a new version of git ( solved this problem.

Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?

Your Apache is probably not compiled with SSL support. Use cURL instead of file_get_contents anyway. Try this code, if it fails then I am right.

function curl_get_contents($url)
  $curl = curl_init($url);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
  $data = curl_exec($curl);
  return $data;

Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials

The way to solve your problem is to use a Win32 API called WNetUseConnection.
Use this function to connect to a UNC path with authentication, NOT to map a drive.

This will allow you to connect to a remote machine, even if it is not on the same domain, and even if it has a different username and password.

Once you have used WNetUseConnection you will be able to access the file via a UNC path as if you were on the same domain. The best way is probably through the administrative built in shares.
Example: \\computername\c$\program files\Folder\file.txt

Here is some sample C# code that uses WNetUseConnection.
Note, for the NetResource, you should pass null for the lpLocalName and lpProvider. The dwType should be RESOURCETYPE_DISK. The lpRemoteName should be \\ComputerName.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Threading;

namespace ExtremeMirror
    public class PinvokeWindowsNetworking
        #region Consts
        const int RESOURCE_CONNECTED = 0x00000001;
        const int RESOURCE_GLOBALNET = 0x00000002;
        const int RESOURCE_REMEMBERED = 0x00000003;

        const int RESOURCETYPE_ANY = 0x00000000;
        const int RESOURCETYPE_DISK = 0x00000001;
        const int RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = 0x00000002;

        const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC = 0x00000000;
        const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN = 0x00000001;
        const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER = 0x00000002;
        const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE = 0x00000003;
        const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_FILE = 0x00000004;
        const int RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GROUP = 0x00000005;

        const int RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE = 0x00000001;
        const int RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER = 0x00000002;

        const int CONNECT_INTERACTIVE = 0x00000008;
        const int CONNECT_PROMPT = 0x00000010;
        const int CONNECT_REDIRECT = 0x00000080;
        const int CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = 0x00000001;
        const int CONNECT_COMMANDLINE = 0x00000800;
        const int CONNECT_CMD_SAVECRED = 0x00001000;

        const int CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE = 0x00000100;

        #region Errors
        const int NO_ERROR = 0;

        const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5;
        const int ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85;
        const int ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = 1200;
        const int ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME = 67;
        const int ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER = 1204;
        const int ERROR_CANCELLED = 1223;
        const int ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR = 1208;
        const int ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS = 487;
        const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87;
        const int ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 1216;
        const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234;
        const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;
        const int ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH = 1203;
        const int ERROR_NO_NETWORK = 1222;

        const int ERROR_BAD_PROFILE = 1206;
        const int ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE = 1205;
        const int ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE = 2404;
        const int ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 2250;
        const int ERROR_OPEN_FILES  = 2401;

        private struct ErrorClass 
            public int num;
            public string message;
            public ErrorClass(int num, string message) 
                this.num = num;
                this.message = message;

        // Created with excel formula:
        // ="new ErrorClass("&A1&", """&PROPER(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,7,LEN(A1)-6), "_", " "))&"""), "
        private static ErrorClass[] ERROR_LIST = new ErrorClass[] {
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Error: Access Denied"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED, "Error: Already Assigned"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_BAD_DEVICE, "Error: Bad Device"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME, "Error: Bad Net Name"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER, "Error: Bad Provider"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_CANCELLED, "Error: Cancelled"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR, "Error: Extended Error"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS, "Error: Invalid Address"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Error: Invalid Parameter"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD, "Error: Invalid Password"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_MORE_DATA, "Error: More Data"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, "Error: No More Items"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH, "Error: No Net Or Bad Path"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_NO_NETWORK, "Error: No Network"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_BAD_PROFILE, "Error: Bad Profile"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE, "Error: Cannot Open Profile"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE, "Error: Device In Use"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR, "Error: Extended Error"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED, "Error: Not Connected"), 
            new ErrorClass(ERROR_OPEN_FILES, "Error: Open Files"), 

        private static string getErrorForNumber(int errNum) 
            foreach (ErrorClass er in ERROR_LIST) 
                if (er.num == errNum) return er.message;
            return "Error: Unknown, " + errNum;

        [DllImport("Mpr.dll")] private static extern int WNetUseConnection(
            IntPtr hwndOwner,
            NETRESOURCE lpNetResource,
            string lpPassword,
            string lpUserID,
            int dwFlags,
            string lpAccessName,
            string lpBufferSize,
            string lpResult

        [DllImport("Mpr.dll")] private static extern int WNetCancelConnection2(
            string lpName,
            int dwFlags,
            bool fForce

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private class NETRESOURCE
            public int dwScope = 0;
            public int dwType = 0;
            public int dwDisplayType = 0;
            public int dwUsage = 0;
            public string lpLocalName = "";
            public string lpRemoteName = "";
            public string lpComment = "";
            public string lpProvider = "";

        public static string connectToRemote(string remoteUNC, string username, string password) 
            return connectToRemote(remoteUNC, username, password, false);

        public static string connectToRemote(string remoteUNC, string username, string password, bool promptUser) 
            NETRESOURCE nr = new NETRESOURCE();
            nr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
            nr.lpRemoteName = remoteUNC;
            //          nr.lpLocalName = "F:";

            int ret;
            if (promptUser) 
                ret = WNetUseConnection(IntPtr.Zero, nr, "", "", CONNECT_INTERACTIVE | CONNECT_PROMPT, null, null, null);
                ret = WNetUseConnection(IntPtr.Zero, nr, password, username, 0, null, null, null);

            if (ret == NO_ERROR) return null;
            return getErrorForNumber(ret);

        public static string disconnectRemote(string remoteUNC) 
            int ret = WNetCancelConnection2(remoteUNC, CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, false);
            if (ret == NO_ERROR) return null;
            return getErrorForNumber(ret);

How to retrieve a file from a server via SFTP?

hierynomus/sshj has a complete implementation of SFTP version 3 (what OpenSSH implements)

Example code from

package net.schmizz.sshj.examples;

import net.schmizz.sshj.SSHClient;
import net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPClient;
import net.schmizz.sshj.xfer.FileSystemFile;


/** This example demonstrates uploading of a file over SFTP to the SSH server. */
public class SFTPUpload {

    public static void main(String[] args)
            throws IOException {
        final SSHClient ssh = new SSHClient();
        try {
            final String src = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "test_file";
            final SFTPClient sftp = ssh.newSFTPClient();
            try {
                sftp.put(new FileSystemFile(src), "/tmp");
            } finally {
        } finally {


Cocoa: What's the difference between the frame and the bounds?

Short Answer

frame = a view's location and size using the parent view's coordinate system

  • Important for: placing the view in the parent

bounds = a view's location and size using its own coordinate system

  • Important for: placing the view's content or subviews within itself

Detailed Answer

To help me remember frame, I think of a picture frame on a wall. The picture frame is like the border of a view. I can hang the picture anywhere I want on the wall. In the same way, I can put a view anywhere I want inside a parent view (also called a superview). The parent view is like the wall. The origin of the coordinate system in iOS is the top left. We can put our view at the origin of the superview by setting the view frame's x-y coordinates to (0, 0), which is like hanging our picture in the very top left corner of the wall. To move it right, increase x, to move it down increase y.

To help me remember bounds, I think of a basketball court where sometimes the basketball gets knocked out of bounds. You are dribbling the ball all over the basketball court, but you don't really care where the court itself is. It could be in a gym, or outside at a high school, or in front of your house. It doesn't matter. You just want to play basketball. In the same way, the coordinate system for a view's bounds only cares about the view itself. It doesn't know anything about where the view is located in the parent view. The bounds' origin (point (0, 0) by default) is the top left corner of the view. Any subviews that this view has are laid out in relation to this point. It is like taking the basketball to the front left corner of the court.

Now the confusion comes when you try to compare frame and bounds. It actually isn't as bad as it seems at first, though. Let's use some pictures to help us understand.

Frame vs Bounds

In the first picture on the left we have a view that is located at the top left of its parent view. The yellow rectangle represents the view's frame. On the right we see the view again but this time the parent view is not shown. That's because the bounds don't know about the parent view. The green rectangle represents the view's bounds. The red dot in both images represents the origin of the frame or bounds.

    origin = (0, 0)
    width = 80
    height = 130

    origin = (0, 0)
    width = 80
    height = 130

enter image description here

So the frame and bounds were exactly the same in that picture. Let's look at an example where they are different.

    origin = (40, 60)  // That is, x=40 and y=60
    width = 80
    height = 130

    origin = (0, 0)
    width = 80
    height = 130

enter image description here

So you can see that changing the x-y coordinates of the frame moves it in the parent view. But the content of the view itself still looks exactly the same. The bounds have no idea that anything is different.

Up to now the width and height of both the frame and the bounds have been exactly the same. That isn't always true, though. Look what happens if we rotate the view 20 degrees clockwise. (Rotation is done using transforms. See the the documentation and these view and layer examples for more information.)

    origin = (20, 52)  // These are just rough estimates.
    width = 118
    height = 187

    origin = (0, 0)
    width = 80
    height = 130

enter image description here

You can see that the bounds are still the same. They still don't know anything has happened! The frame values have all changed, though.

Now it is a little easier to see the difference between frame and bounds, isn't it? The article You Probably Don't Understand frames and bounds defines a view frame as

...the smallest bounding box of that view with respect to it’s parents coordinate system, including any transformations applied to that view.

It is important to note that if you transform a view, then the frame becomes undefined. So actually, the yellow frame that I drew around the rotated green bounds in the image above never actually exists. That means if you rotate, scale or do some other transformation then you shouldn't use the frame values any more. You can still use the bounds values, though. The Apple docs warn:

Important: If a view’s transform property does not contain the identity transform, the frame of that view is undefined and so are the results of its autoresizing behaviors.

Rather unfortunate about the autoresizing.... There is something you can do, though.

The Apple docs state:

When modifying the transform property of your view, all transformations are performed relative to the center point of the view.

So if you do need to move a view around in the parent after a transformation has been done, you can do it by changing the coordinates. Like frame, center uses the coordinate system of the parent view.

Ok, let's get rid of our rotation and focus on the bounds. So far the bounds origin has always stayed at (0, 0). It doesn't have to, though. What if our view has a large subview that is too big to display all at once? We'll make it a UIImageView with a large image. Here is our second picture from above again, but this time we can see what the whole content of our view's subview would look like.

    origin = (40, 60)
    width = 80
    height = 130

    origin = (0, 0)
    width = 80
    height = 130

enter image description here

Only the top left corner of the image can fit inside the view's bounds. Now look what happens if we change the bounds' origin coordinates.

    origin = (40, 60)
    width = 80
    height = 130

    origin = (280, 70)
    width = 80
    height = 130

enter image description here

The frame hasn't moved in the superview but the content inside the frame has changed because the origin of the bounds rectangle starts at a different part of the view. This is the whole idea behind a UIScrollView and it's subclasses (for example, a UITableView). See Understanding UIScrollView for more explanation.

When to use frame and when to use bounds

Since frame relates a view's location in its parent view, you use it when you are making outward changes, like changing its width or finding the distance between the view and the top of its parent view.

Use the bounds when you are making inward changes, like drawing things or arranging subviews within the view. Also use the bounds to get the size of the view if you have done some transfomation on it.

Articles for further research:

Apple docs

Related StackOverflow questions

Other resources

Practice yourself

In addition to reading the above articles, it helps me a lot to make a test app. You might want to try to do something similar. (I got the idea from this video course but unfortunately it isn't free.)

enter image description here

Here is the code for your reference:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var myView: UIView!

    // Labels
    @IBOutlet weak var frameX: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var frameY: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var frameWidth: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var frameHeight: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsX: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsY: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsWidth: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsHeight: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var centerX: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var centerY: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var rotation: UILabel!

    // Sliders
    @IBOutlet weak var frameXSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var frameYSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var frameWidthSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var frameHeightSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsXSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsYSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsWidthSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var boundsHeightSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var centerXSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var centerYSlider: UISlider!
    @IBOutlet weak var rotationSlider: UISlider!

    // Slider actions
    @IBAction func frameXSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.frame.origin.x = CGFloat(frameXSlider.value)
    @IBAction func frameYSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.frame.origin.y = CGFloat(frameYSlider.value)
    @IBAction func frameWidthSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.frame.size.width = CGFloat(frameWidthSlider.value)
    @IBAction func frameHeightSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.frame.size.height = CGFloat(frameHeightSlider.value)
    @IBAction func boundsXSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.bounds.origin.x = CGFloat(boundsXSlider.value)
    @IBAction func boundsYSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.bounds.origin.y = CGFloat(boundsYSlider.value)
    @IBAction func boundsWidthSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.bounds.size.width = CGFloat(boundsWidthSlider.value)
    @IBAction func boundsHeightSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        myView.bounds.size.height = CGFloat(boundsHeightSlider.value)
    @IBAction func centerXSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) { = CGFloat(centerXSlider.value)
    @IBAction func centerYSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) { = CGFloat(centerYSlider.value)
    @IBAction func rotationSliderChanged(sender: AnyObject) {
        let rotation = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(rotationSlider.value))
        myView.transform = rotation

    private func updateLabels() {

        frameX.text = "frame x = \(Int(myView.frame.origin.x))"
        frameY.text = "frame y = \(Int(myView.frame.origin.y))"
        frameWidth.text = "frame width = \(Int(myView.frame.width))"
        frameHeight.text = "frame height = \(Int(myView.frame.height))"
        boundsX.text = "bounds x = \(Int(myView.bounds.origin.x))"
        boundsY.text = "bounds y = \(Int(myView.bounds.origin.y))"
        boundsWidth.text = "bounds width = \(Int(myView.bounds.width))"
        boundsHeight.text = "bounds height = \(Int(myView.bounds.height))"
        centerX.text = "center x = \(Int("
        centerY.text = "center y = \(Int("
        rotation.text = "rotation = \((rotationSlider.value))"



jQuery text() and newlines

If you store the jQuery object in a variable you can do this:

var obj = $("#example").text('this\n has\n newlines');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="example"></p>

If you prefer, you can also create a function to do this with a simple call, just like jQuery.text() does:

$.fn.multiline = function(text){_x000D_
    return this;_x000D_
// Now you can do this:_x000D_
$("#example").multiline('this\n has\n newlines');
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="example"></p>

Try-catch block in Jenkins pipeline script

You're using the declarative style of specifying your pipeline, so you must not use try/catch blocks (which are for Scripted Pipelines), but the post section. See:

Delete certain lines in a txt file via a batch file

Use the following:

type file.txt | findstr /v ERROR | findstr /v REFERENCE

This has the advantage of using standard tools in the Windows OS, rather than having to find and install sed/awk/perl and such.

See the following transcript for it in operation:

C:\>type file.txt
Good Line of data
bad line of C:\Directory\ERROR\myFile.dll
Another good line of data
bad line: REFERENCE
Good line

C:\>type file.txt | findstr /v ERROR | findstr /v REFERENCE
Good Line of data
Another good line of data
Good line

Css height in percent not working

You can achieve that by using positioning.


position: absolute;

to get the 100% height.

Convert a row of a data frame to vector

Note that you have to be careful if your row contains a factor. Here is an example:

df_1 = data.frame(V1 = factor(11:15),
                  V2 = 21:25)
df_1[1,] %>% as.numeric() # you expect 11 21 but it returns 
[1] 1 21

Here is another example (by default data.frame() converts characters to factors)

df_2 = data.frame(V1 = letters[1:5],
                  V2 = 1:5)
df_2[3,] %>% as.numeric() # you expect to obtain c 3 but it returns
[1] 3 3
df_2[3,] %>% as.character() # this won't work neither
[1] "3" "3"

To prevent this behavior, you need to take care of the factor, before extracting it:

df_1$V1 = df_1$V1 %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric()
df_2$V1 = df_2$V1 %>% as.character()
df_1[1,] %>% as.numeric()
[1] 11  21
df_2[3,] %>% as.character()
[1] "c" "3"

How to save MySQL query output to excel or .txt file?

From Save MySQL query results into a text or CSV file:

MySQL provides an easy mechanism for writing the results of a select statement into a text file on the server. Using extended options of the INTO OUTFILE nomenclature, it is possible to create a comma separated value (CSV) which can be imported into a spreadsheet application such as OpenOffice or Excel or any other application which accepts data in CSV format.

Given a query such as

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders

which returns three columns of data, the results can be placed into the file /tmp/orders.txt using the query:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.txt'

This will create a tab-separated file, each row on its own line. To alter this behavior, it is possible to add modifiers to the query:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.csv'

In this example, each field will be enclosed in double quotes, the fields will be separated by commas, and each row will be output on a new line separated by a newline (\n). Sample output of this command would look like:

"1","Tech-Recipes sock puppet","14.95" "2","Tech-Recipes chef's hat","18.95"

Keep in mind that the output file must not already exist and that the user MySQL is running as has write permissions to the directory MySQL is attempting to write the file to.


   SELECT Your_Column_Name
    FROM Your_Table_Name
    INTO OUTFILE 'Filename.csv'

Or you could try to grab the output via the client:

You could try executing the query from the your local client and redirect the output to a local file destination:

mysql -user -pass -e "select cols from table where cols not null" > /tmp/output

Hint: If you don't specify an absoulte path but use something like INTO OUTFILE 'output.csv' or INTO OUTFILE './output.csv', it will store the output file to the directory specified by show variables like 'datadir';.

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND loading json.js

This error means that file was not found. Either path is wrong or file is not present where you want it to be. Try to access it by entering source address in your browser to check if it really is there. Browse the directories on server to ensure the path is correct. You may even copy and paste the relative path to be certain it is alright.

Reasons for a 409/Conflict HTTP error when uploading a file to sharepoint using a .NET WebRequest?

I found 2 things worth mentioning while uploading files using webdav and http web request. First, for the provider I was using, I had to append the filename at the end of the provider url. Ihad to append the port number in the url. And I also set the Request method to PUT instead of POST.


string webdavUrl = "https://localhost:443/downloads/test.pdf";
request.Method = "PUT";

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2ef3, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002ef3

This issue happened in my project because of an ajax GET call with a long xml string as a parameter value. Solved by the following approach: Making it as ajax post call to Java Spring MVC controller class method like this.

    url: "controller_Method_Name.html?variable_name="+variable_value,
    type: "POST",
            "xmlMetaData": xmlMetaData // This variable contains a long xml string
    success: function(response)

Inside Spring MVC Controller class method:

  public void controller_Method_Name(@RequestParam("xmlMetaData") String metaDataXML, HttpServletRequest request)

SQL comment header examples

Here's what I currently use. The triple comment ( / * / * / * ) is for an integration that picks out header comments from the object definition.


    Name:           pr_ProcName
    Author:         Joe Smith
    Written:        6/15/16
    Purpose:        Short description about the proc.

    Edit History:   6/15/16 - Joe Smith
                        + Initial creation.
                    6/22/16 - Jaden Smith
                        + Change source to blahblah
                        + Optimized JOIN
                    6/30/16 - Joe Smith
                        + Reverted changes made by Jaden.


Perform debounce in React.js

for throttle or debounce the best way is to create a function creator so you can use it any where, for example:

  updateUserProfileField(fieldName) {
    const handler = throttle(value => {
      console.log(fieldName, value);
    }, 400);
    return evt => handler(;

and in your render method you can do:

<input onChange={this.updateUserProfileField("givenName").bind(this)}/>

the updateUserProfileField method will create a separated function each time you call it.

Note don't try to return the handler directly for example this will not work:

 updateUserProfileField(fieldName) {
    return evt => throttle(value => {
      console.log(fieldName, value);
    }, 400)(;

the reason why this will not work because this will generate a new throttle function each time the event called instead of using the same throttle function, so basically the throttle will be useless ;)

Also if you use debounce or throttle you don't need setTimeout or clearTimeout, this is actually why we use them :P

nullable object must have a value

Assign the members directly without the .Value part:

DateTimeExtended(DateTimeExtended myNewDT)
   this.MyDateTime = myNewDT.MyDateTime;
   this.otherdata = myNewDT.otherdata;

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Java

Before we try to solve the invalid character problem, the lack of curly braces around the if and else if statements is wreaking havoc on your program's logic. Change it to this:

if (personPlay.equals(computerPlay)) {
   System.out.println("It's a tie!");
else if (personPlay.equals("R")) {
   if (computerPlay.equals("S")) 
      System.out.println("Rock crushes scissors. You win!!");
   else if (computerPlay.equals("P")) 
        System.out.println("Paper eats rock. You lose!!");
else if (personPlay.equals("P")) {
   if (computerPlay.equals("S")) 
       System.out.println("Scissor cuts paper. You lose!!"); 
   else if (computerPlay.equals("R")) 
        System.out.println("Paper eats rock. You win!!");
else if (personPlay.equals("S")) {
     if (computerPlay.equals("P")) 
         System.out.println("Scissor cuts paper. You win!!"); 
     else if (computerPlay.equals("R")) 
        System.out.println("Rock breaks scissors. You lose!!");
     System.out.println("Invalid user input.");

Much clearer! It's now actually a piece of cake to catch the bad characters. You need to move the else statement to somewhere that will catch the errors before you attempt to process anything else. So change everything to:

if( /* insert your check for bad characters here */ ) { 
     System.out.println("Invalid user input.");
else if (personPlay.equals(computerPlay)) {
   System.out.println("It's a tie!");
else if (personPlay.equals("R")) {
   if (computerPlay.equals("S")) 
      System.out.println("Rock crushes scissors. You win!!");
   else if (computerPlay.equals("P")) 
        System.out.println("Paper eats rock. You lose!!");
else if (personPlay.equals("P")) {
   if (computerPlay.equals("S")) 
       System.out.println("Scissor cuts paper. You lose!!"); 
   else if (computerPlay.equals("R")) 
        System.out.println("Paper eats rock. You win!!");
else if (personPlay.equals("S")) {
     if (computerPlay.equals("P")) 
         System.out.println("Scissor cuts paper. You win!!"); 
     else if (computerPlay.equals("R")) 
        System.out.println("Rock breaks scissors. You lose!!");

How can I add (simple) tracing in C#?

DotNetCoders has a starter article on it: They talk about how to set up the switches in the configuration file and how to write the code, but it is pretty old (2002).

There's another article on CodeProject: A Treatise on Using Debug and Trace classes, including Exception Handling, but it's the same age.

CodeGuru has another article on custom TraceListeners: Implementing a Custom TraceListener

python JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not 'dict

json.loads take a string as input and returns a dictionary as output.

json.dumps take a dictionary as input and returns a string as output.

With json.loads({"('Hello',)": 6, "('Hi',)": 5}),

You are calling json.loads with a dictionary as input.

You can fix it as follows (though I'm not quite sure what's the point of that):

d1 = {"('Hello',)": 6, "('Hi',)": 5}
s1 = json.dumps(d1)
d2 = json.loads(s1)

How to resolve "local edit, incoming delete upon update" message

This issue often happens when we try to merge another branch changes from a wrong directory.


Branch2\Branch1_SubDir$ svn merge -rStart:End Branch1
   Merging at wrong location

A conflict that gets thrown on its execution is :

Tree conflict on 'Branch1_SubDir'
   > local missing or deleted or moved away, incoming dir edit upon merge

And when you select q to quit resolution, you get status as:

 M      .
!     C Branch1_SubDir
      >   local missing or deleted or moved away, incoming dir edit upon merge
!     C Branch1_AnotherSubDir
      >   local missing or deleted or moved away, incoming dir edit upon merge

which clearly means that the merge contains changes related to Branch1_SubDir and Branch1_AnotherSubDir, and these folders couldn't be found inside Branch1_SubDir(obviously a directory can't be inside itself).

How to avoid this issue at first place:

Branch2$ svn merge -rStart:End Branch1
Merging at root location

The simplest fix for this issue that worked for me :

svn revert -R .

How can I set a dynamic model name in AngularJS?

Or you can use

<select [(ngModel)]="Answers[''+question.Name+'']" ng-options="option for option in question.Options">

PostgreSQL: insert from another table

For referential integtity :

insert into  main_tbl (col1, ref1, ref2, createdby)
values ('col1_val',
        (select ref1 from ref1_tbl where lookup_val = 'lookup1'),
        (select ref2 from ref2_tbl where lookup_val = 'lookup2'),

How do I mount a host directory as a volume in docker compose

There are a few options

Short Syntax

Using the host : guest format you can do any of the following:

  # Just specify a path and let the Engine create a volume
  - /var/lib/mysql

  # Specify an absolute path mapping
  - /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql

  # Path on the host, relative to the Compose file
  - ./cache:/tmp/cache

  # User-relative path
  - ~/configs:/etc/configs/:ro

  # Named volume
  - datavolume:/var/lib/mysql

Long Syntax

As of docker-compose v3.2 you can use long syntax which allows the configuration of additional fields that can be expressed in the short form such as mount type (volume, bind or tmpfs) and read_only.

version: "3.2"
    image: nginx:alpine
      - "80:80"
      - type: volume
        source: mydata
        target: /data
          nocopy: true
      - type: bind
        source: ./static
        target: /opt/app/static



Check out for more info.

How to check if a Java 8 Stream is empty?

You must perform a terminal operation on the Stream in order for any of the filters to be applied. Therefore you can't know if it will be empty until you consume it.

Best you can do is terminate the Stream with a findAny() terminal operation, which will stop when it finds any element, but if there are none, it will have to iterate over all the input list to find that out.

This would only help you if the input list has many elements, and one of the first few passes the filters, since only a small subset of the list would have to be consumed before you know the Stream is not empty.

Of course you'll still have to create a new Stream in order to produce the output list.

How to sum digits of an integer in java?

Recursions are always faster than loops!

Shortest and best:

public static long sumDigits(long i) {
    return i == 0 ? 0 : i % 10 + sumDigits(i / 10);

How to generate a random string in Ruby

2 solutions for a random string consisting of 3 ranges:

(('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + (0..9).to_a).sample(8).join


One Character from each Range.

And if you need at least one character from each range, such as creating a random password that has one uppercase, one lowercase letter and one digit, you can do something like this:

( ('a'..'z').to_a.sample(8) + ('A'..'Z').to_a.sample(8) + (0..9).to_a.sample(8) ).shuffle.join 
#=> "Kc5zOGtM0H796QgPp8u2Sxo1"

How do you use window.postMessage across domains?

You should post a message from frame to parent, after loaded.

frame script:

$(document).ready(function() {
    window.parent.postMessage("I'm loaded", "*");

And listen it in parent:

function listenMessage(msg) {

if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener("message", listenMessage, false);
} else {
    window.attachEvent("onmessage", listenMessage);

Use this link for more info: Read timed out under Tomcat

Here are the basic instructions:-

  1. Locate the "server.xml" file in the "conf" folder beneath Tomcat's base directory (i.e. %CATALINA_HOME%/conf/server.xml).
  2. Open the file in an editor and search for <Connector.
  3. Locate the relevant connector that is timing out - this will typically be the HTTP connector, i.e. the one with protocol="HTTP/1.1".
  4. If a connectionTimeout value is set on the connector, it may need to be increased - e.g. from 20000 milliseconds (= 20 seconds) to 120000 milliseconds (= 2 minutes). If no connectionTimeout property value is set on the connector, the default is 60 seconds - if this is insufficient, the property may need to be added.
  5. Restart Tomcat

Android Activity without ActionBar

Considering everyone is posting older ways of hiding the ActionBar here is the proper way of implementing it within styles for AppCompat support library. Which I highly suggest moving toward if you haven't already.

Simply removing the ActionBar

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">

If you are using the appcompat support libraries, this is the easiest and recommended way of hiding the ActionBar to make full screen or start implementing to toolbar within your layouts.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <!-- Your Toolbar Color-->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>

    <!-- colorPrimaryDark is used for the status bar -->
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primary_dark</item>

    <!-- colorAccent is used as the default value for colorControlActivated,
     which is used to tint widgets -->
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/accent</item>

    <!-- You can also set colorControlNormal, colorControlActivated
     colorControlHighlight, and colorSwitchThumbNormal. -->

Then to change your toolbar color

    android:background=”?attr/primary” />

Last note: Your Activity class should extend AppCompatActivity

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

<!--Activity Items -->


Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap

// at class level;
public static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);    //

/// <summary> 
/// Converts a <see cref="System.Drawing.Bitmap"/> into a WPF <see cref="BitmapSource"/>. 
/// </summary> 
/// <remarks>Uses GDI to do the conversion. Hence the call to the marshalled DeleteObject. 
/// </remarks> 
/// <param name="source">The source bitmap.</param> 
/// <returns>A BitmapSource</returns> 
public static System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource ToBitmapSource(this System.Drawing.Bitmap source)
    var hBitmap = source.GetHbitmap();
    var result = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(hBitmap, IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty, System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());


    return result;

Plotting multiple lines, in different colors, with pandas dataframe

You can use this code to get your desire output

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame({'color': ['red','red','red','blue','blue','blue'], 'x': [0,1,2,3,4,5],'y': [0,1,2,9,16,25]})
print df

  color  x   y
0   red  0   0
1   red  1   1
2   red  2   2
3  blue  3   9
4  blue  4  16
5  blue  5  25

To plot graph

a = df.iloc[[i for i in xrange(0,len(df)) if df['x'][i]==df['y'][i]]].plot(x='x',y='y',color = 'red')
df.iloc[[i for i in xrange(0,len(df)) if df['y'][i]== df['x'][i]**2]].plot(x='x',y='y',color = 'blue',ax=a)

Output The output result will look like this

Sample settings.xml

A standard Maven settings.xml file is as follows:

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







To access a proxy, you can find detailed information on the official Maven page here:

Maven-Settings - Settings

I hope it helps for someone.

How to strip HTML tags from string in JavaScript?

var html = "<p>Hello, <b>World</b>";
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
alert(div.innerText); // Hello, World

That pretty much the best way of doing it, you're letting the browser do what it does best -- parse HTML.

Edit: As noted in the comments below, this is not the most cross-browser solution. The most cross-browser solution would be to recursively go through all the children of the element and concatenate all text nodes that you find. However, if you're using jQuery, it already does it for you:

alert($("<p>Hello, <b>World</b></p>").text());

Check out the text method.

Run PowerShell scripts on remote PC

The accepted answer didn't work for me but the following did:

>PsExec.exe \\<SERVER FQDN> -u <DOMAIN\USER> -p <PASSWORD> /accepteula cmd 
    /c "powershell -noninteractive -command gci c:\"

Example from here

How do I connect to mongodb with node.js (and authenticate)?

With the link provided by @mattdlockyer as reference, this worked for me:

var mongo = require('mongodb');
var server = new mongo.Server(host, port, options);
db = new mongo.Db(mydb, server, {fsync:true});, db) {
    if(!err) {
        console.log("Connected to database");
        db.authenticate(user, password, function(err, res) {
            if(!err) {
            } else {
                console.log("Error in authentication.");
    } else {
        console.log("Error in open().");

exports.testMongo = function(req, res){
    db.collection( mycollection, function(err, collection) {
        collection.find().toArray(function(err, items) {

How can I express that two values are not equal to eachother?

if (!secondaryPassword.equals(initialPassword)) 

How do I create a constant in Python?

Here's a trick if you want constants and don't care their values:

Just define empty classes.


class RED: 
class BLUE: 

What is the difference between user and kernel modes in operating systems?

These are two different modes in which your computer can operate. Prior to this, when computers were like a big room, if something crashes – it halts the whole computer. So computer architects decide to change it. Modern microprocessors implement in hardware at least 2 different states.

User mode:

  • mode where all user programs execute. It does not have access to RAM and hardware. The reason for this is because if all programs ran in kernel mode, they would be able to overwrite each other’s memory. If it needs to access any of these features – it makes a call to the underlying API. Each process started by windows except of system process runs in user mode.

Kernel mode:

  • mode where all kernel programs execute (different drivers). It has access to every resource and underlying hardware. Any CPU instruction can be executed and every memory address can be accessed. This mode is reserved for drivers which operate on the lowest level

How the switch occurs.

The switch from user mode to kernel mode is not done automatically by CPU. CPU is interrupted by interrupts (timers, keyboard, I/O). When interrupt occurs, CPU stops executing the current running program, switch to kernel mode, executes interrupt handler. This handler saves the state of CPU, performs its operations, restore the state and returns to user mode.

How to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: with primitive types in Cocoa?

Here is what I used to call something I couldn't change using NSInvocation:

SEL theSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"setOrientation:animated:");
NSInvocation *anInvocation = [NSInvocation
            [MPMoviePlayerController instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:theSelector]];

[anInvocation setSelector:theSelector];
[anInvocation setTarget:theMovie];
UIInterfaceOrientation val = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
BOOL anim = NO;
[anInvocation setArgument:&val atIndex:2];
[anInvocation setArgument:&anim atIndex:3];

[anInvocation performSelector:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil afterDelay:1];

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

1) Your existing web.config: you have declared rewrite map .. but have not created any rules that will use it. RewriteMap on its' own does absolutely nothing.

2) Below is how you can do it (it does not utilise rewrite maps -- rules only, which is fine for small amount of rewrites/redirects):

This rule will do SINGLE EXACT rewrite (internal redirect) /page to /page.html. URL in browser will remain unchanged.

            <rule name="SpecificRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/page.html" />

This rule #2 will do the same as above, but will do 301 redirect (Permanent Redirect) where URL will change in browser.

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" />

Rule #3 will attempt to execute such rewrite for ANY URL if there are such file with .html extension (i.e. for /page it will check if /page.html exists, and if it does then rewrite occurs):

            <rule name="DynamicRewrite" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="(.*)" />
                    <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html" matchType="IsFile" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:1}.html" />

How to send Basic Auth with axios

The solution given by luschn and pillravi works fine unless you receive a Strict-Transport-Security header in the response.

Adding withCredentials: true will solve that issue., {
    withCredentials: true,
    headers: {
      "Accept": "application/json",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    auth: {
      username: "USERNAME",
      password: "PASSWORD"
  }}).then(function(response) {
  }).catch(function(error) {
    console.log('Error on Authentication');

Difference between -XX:+UseParallelGC and -XX:+UseParNewGC

After a lot of searching, the best explanation I've found is from Java Performance Tuning website in Question of the month: 1.4.1 Garbage collection algorithms, January 29th, 2003

Young generation garbage collection algorithms

The (original) copying collector (Enabled by default). When this collector kicks in, all application threads are stopped, and the copying collection proceeds using one thread (which means only one CPU even if on a multi-CPU machine). This is known as a stop-the-world collection, because basically the JVM pauses everything else until the collection is completed.

The parallel copying collector (Enabled using -XX:+UseParNewGC). Like the original copying collector, this is a stop-the-world collector. However this collector parallelizes the copying collection over multiple threads, which is more efficient than the original single-thread copying collector for multi-CPU machines (though not for single-CPU machines). This algorithm potentially speeds up young generation collection by a factor equal to the number of CPUs available, when compared to the original singly-threaded copying collector.

The parallel scavenge collector (Enabled using -XX:UseParallelGC). This is like the previous parallel copying collector, but the algorithm is tuned for gigabyte heaps (over 10GB) on multi-CPU machines. This collection algorithm is designed to maximize throughput while minimizing pauses. It has an optional adaptive tuning policy which will automatically resize heap spaces. If you use this collector, you can only use the the original mark-sweep collector in the old generation (i.e. the newer old generation concurrent collector cannot work with this young generation collector).

From this information, it seems the main difference (apart from CMS cooperation) is that UseParallelGC supports ergonomics while UseParNewGC doesn't.

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed (Access is denied)

On Windows 7, the Program Files directory is protected so apps can't automatically write there. The simplest solution I've heard is just to install Eclipse into a user-writable location instead. For example, C:\Java\Eclipse

You should be able to just move your entire eclipse directory, there's no registry entries or anything else that ties Eclipse to the place where you extracted it.

[Edit] Have you checked that the directory it is complaining about i actually writable? Other than that, I really don't have any ideas. I haven't worked on Windows in several years and never with Win7. My only other suggestion is to just download the latest Eclipse, install it to a new location (do NOT intall it over top of your existing Eclipse), and point it to your existing workspace.

Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root

The MySQL daemon should not be executed as the system user root which (normally) do not has any restrictions.

According to your cli, I suppose you wanted to execute the initscript instead:

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

Another way would be to use the mysqladmin tool (note, root is the MySQL root user here, not the system root user):

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin --port=8889 -u root shutdown

Using gradle to find dependency tree

If you want all the dependencies in a single file at the end within two steps. Add this to your build.gradle.kts in the root of your project:

project.rootProject.allprojects {

    this.task("allDependencies", DependencyReportTask::class) {


Then apply:

./gradlew allDependencies | grep '\-\-\-' | grep -Po '\w+.*$' | awk -F ' ' '{ print $1 }' | sort | grep -v '\{' | grep -v '\[' | uniq | grep '.\+:.\+:.\+'

This will give you all the dependencies in your project and sub-projects along with all the 3rd party dependencies.

If you want to get this done in a programmatic way, then you'll need a custom renderer of the dependencies - you can start by extending the AsciiDependencyReportRenderer that prints an ascii graph of the dependencies by default.

How to turn off word wrapping in HTML?

If you want a HTML only solution, we can just use the pre tag. It defines "preformatted text" which means that it does not format word-wrapping. Here is a quick example to explain:

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    padding: 20px;
    background: #adf;
pre {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    padding: 20px;
    font: inherit;
    background: #fda;
<div>Look at this, this text is very neat, isn't it? But it's not quite what we want, though, is it? This text shouldn't be here! It should be all the way over there! What can we do?</div>
<pre>The pre tag has come to the rescue! Yay! However, we apologise in advance for any horizontal scrollbars that may be caused. If you need support, please raise a support ticket.</pre>

Finding an elements XPath using IE Developer tool

You can find/debug XPath/CSS locators in the IE as well as in different browsers with the tool called SWD Page Recorder

The only restrictions/limitations:

  1. The browser should be started from the tool
  2. Internet Explorer Driver Server - IEDriverServer.exe - should be downloaded separately and placed near SwdPageRecorder.exe

Error: "The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock..." after installing RestKit with cocoapods

Completely nothing worked out for me from these answers. Had to create the project again by running cordova platform add ios. What I've noticed, even freshly generated project with (in my case) Firebase pods caused the error message over and over again. In my opinion looks like a bug for some (Firebase, RestKit) pods in Xcode or CocoaPods. To have the pods included I could simply edit my config.xml and run cordova platform add iOS, which did everything for me automatically. Not sure if it will work in all scenarios though.

Edit: I had a Podfile from previous iOS/Xcode, but the newest as of today have # DO NOT MODIFY -- auto-generated by Apache Cordova in the Podfile. This turned on a light in my head to try the approach. Looks a bit trivial, but works and my Firebase features worked out.

What's the difference between __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FUNCTION__, __func__?

For those, who wonder how it goes in VS.

MSVC 2015 Update 1, cl.exe version 19.00.24215.1:

#include <iostream>

template<typename X, typename Y>
struct A
  template<typename Z>
  static void f()
    std::cout << "from A::f():" << std::endl
      << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl
      << __func__ << std::endl
      << __FUNCSIG__ << std::endl;

void main()
  std::cout << "from main():" << std::endl
    << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl
    << __func__ << std::endl
    << __FUNCSIG__ << std::endl << std::endl;

  A<int, float>::f<bool>();


from main():
int __cdecl main(void)

from A::f():
void __cdecl A<int,float>::f<bool>(void)

Using of __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ triggers undeclared identifier error, as expected.

React Native: How to select the next TextInput after pressing the "next" keyboard button?

Thought I would share my solution using a function component... 'this' not needed!

React 16.12.0 and React Native 0.61.5

Here is an example of my component:

import React, { useRef } from 'react'

const MyFormComponent = () => {

  const ref_input2 = useRef();
  const ref_input3 = useRef();

  return (
        onSubmitEditing={() => ref_input2.current.focus()}
        onSubmitEditing={() => ref_input3.current.focus()}

Save Javascript objects in sessionStorage

This is a dynamic solution which works with all value types including objects :

class Session extends Map {
  set(id, value) {
    if (typeof value === 'object') value = JSON.stringify(value);
    sessionStorage.setItem(id, value);

  get(id) {
    const value = sessionStorage.getItem(id);
    try {
      return JSON.parse(value);
    } catch (e) {
      return value;

Then :

const session = new Session();

session.set('name', {first: 'Ahmed', last : 'Toumi'});

How to embed a video into GitHub

Update Feb. 2021, as noted by Abhishek Singh in the comments, and Nat Friedman on Twitter:

You can now – finally! – drop images and videos (mp4, gif) onto the Markdown file editor on GitHub.

image and video

Paste works too, if you're into that kind of thing.
It's worked in issues and PRs for a while; what's new here is support in markdown files.

GitHub Enterprise Server tends to lag by a couple of months, but it will get there in a future release.

Kyle Daigle (Senior Director of Special Projects at GitHub) adds:

Currently, the file is stored as an asset outside the repository (sort of like an image uploaded to an image).
(Uploads to githubusercontent and stores it there. Then makes a link in the markdown to that uploaded image.)

The team is interested in exploring adding the image to the repo too... would you want something like that?

Sven-Michael Stübe comments:

I usually add the images to my repo. Especially if you host your blog as github page w/ a custom domain.

But I think this feature would also add a lot of complexity. It's not a big pain to add the image manually. For PRs+Comments the drag&drop is more essential

Kyle answers:

For the blog case (which is what made us think about image upload to the repo) you're totally right.
This type of drag and drop is helpful when adding an image to a README or other in-repo documentation though (when you don't want to upload to the repo).

That feature has come a long way since its initial proposal... back in 2012(!)

Update Dec. 2020: see "Video upload public beta ", which embeds video (embedding only, not link/reference)

2010: The "Github Flavored Markdown" doesn't support this kind of feature for any page:

An old support thread "Embed YouTube videos in markdown files" stated:

With, yes, everywhere else, no.

(Note: as detailed in "Github Top-Level Project Page", is the new domain for user and organization pages since April 2013.
The page GitHub publication is presented here)

This could be a feature request like the syntax highlighting was.

For instance: "HTML5 video in markdown" (August 2010):

Is there any way to implement a HTML5 video into the README.markdown file?

Not currently but we might be expanding what you can do with the READMEs in the future.

In the meantime, you can do this with GitHub Pages and our Wikis.

Benjamin Oakes confirms in the comments (May 2012):

I sent in a support request. The response was that embedding videos is not supported.

How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript?

Thanks @Vincent Robert, I ended up using your basic example, though it's actually newBegin + oldEnd - oldBegin. Here's the simplified end solution:

    // don't update end date if there's already an end date but not an old start date
    if (!oldEnd || oldBegin) {
        var selectedDateSpan = 1800000; // 30 minutes
        if (oldEnd) {
            selectedDateSpan = oldEnd - oldBegin;

       newEnd = new Date(newBegin.getTime() + selectedDateSpan));

How Do I Convert an Integer to a String in Excel VBA?

If the string you're pulling in happens to be a hex number such as E01, then Excel will translate it as 0 even if you use the CStr function, and even if you first deposit it in a String variable type. One way around the issue is to append ' to the beginning of the value.

For example, when pulling values out of a Word table, and bringing them to Excel:

strWr = "'" & WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(iRow, iCol).Range.Text)

"The semaphore timeout period has expired" error for USB connection

I had a similar problem which I solved by changing the Port Settings in the port driver (located in Ports in device manager) to fit the device I was using.

For me it was that wrong Bits per second value was set.

How do I use the Tensorboard callback of Keras?

Create the Tensorboard callback:

from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
from datetime import datetime
logDir = "./Graph/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + "/"
tb = TensorBoard(log_dir=logDir, histogram_freq=2, write_graph=True, write_images=True, write_grads=True)

Pass the Tensorboard callback to the fit call:

history =, y_train, epochs=200, callbacks=[tb])

When running the model, if you get a Keras error of

"You must feed a value for placeholder tensor"

try reseting the Keras session before the model creation by doing:

import keras.backend as K

How to print the value of a Tensor object in TensorFlow?

Reiterating what others said, its not possible to check the values without running the graph.

A simple snippet for anyone looking for an easy example to print values is as below. The code can be executed without any modification in ipython notebook

import tensorflow as tf

#define a variable to hold normal random values 
normal_rv = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([2,3],stddev = 0.1))

#initialize the variable
init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()

#run the graph
with tf.Session() as sess: #execute init_op
    #print the random values that we sample
    print (


[[-0.16702934  0.07173464 -0.04512421]
 [-0.02265321  0.06509651 -0.01419079]]

Error when trying to inject a service into an angular component "EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters for component", why?

When using barrel imports - consider importing injectables first as a rule of thumb.

S3 - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header

Usually, all you need to do is to "Add CORS Configuration" in your bucket properties.


The <CORSConfiguration> comes with some default values. That's all I needed to solve your problem. Just click "Save" and try again to see if it worked. If it doesn't, you could also try the code below (from alxrb answer) which seems to have worked for most of the people.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">

For further info, you can read this article on Editing Bucket Permission.

How do you wait for input on the same Console.WriteLine() line?

As Matt has said, use Console.Write. I would also recommend explicitly flushing the output, however - I believe WriteLine does this automatically, but I'd seen oddities when just using Console.Write and then waiting. So Matt's code becomes:

Console.Write("What is your name? ");
var name = Console.ReadLine();

Uploading images using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose

It will become easy to store files after converting in string you just have to convert string in image in your frontend

convert image in to base64 string using this code in your api and also don't forgot to delete file from upload folder

"img": new Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(req.file.path)).toString("base64")

to delete the file

       let resultHandler = function (err) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("unlink failed", err);
            } else {
                console.log("file deleted");

        fs.unlink(req.file.path, resultHandler);

at your routes import multer

 `multer const multer = require('multer');
  const upload = multer({ dest: __dirname + '/uploads/images' });`
  Add upload.single('img') in your request'/fellows-details', authorize([Role.ADMIN, Role.USER]), 
        upload.single('img'), usersController.fellowsdetails);


If you want save images in localstorage and want save path in database you can try following approach

you have to install first the fs-extra which will create folder. I am creating separate folders by id's if you want to remove it you can remove it. and to save path of image where it is uploaded add this code in your api or controller you are using to save image and and add it in database with other data

    let Id =;
    let path = `tmp/daily_gasoline_report/${Id}`;

create separate folder for multer like multerHelper.js

 const multer = require('multer');
 let fs = require('fs-extra');

 let storage = multer.diskStorage({
 destination: function (req, file, cb) {
    let Id =;
    let path = `tmp/daily_gasoline_report/${Id}`;
    cb(null, path);
 filename: function (req, file, cb) {
    // console.log(file);

  let extArray = file.mimetype.split("/");
  let extension = extArray[extArray.length - 1];
  cb(null, file.fieldname + '-' + + "." + extension);

let upload = multer({ storage: storage });

let createUserImage = upload.array('images', 100);

let multerHelper = {

   module.exports = multerHelper;

In your routes import multerhelper file

   const multerHelper = require("../helpers/multer_helper"); createUserImage , function(req, res, next) {
      //Here accessing the body datas.

How to copy a row from one SQL Server table to another

Jarrett's answer creates a new table.

Scott's answer inserts into an existing table with the same structure.

You can also insert into a table with different structure:

(columnX, columnY)
SELECT column1, column2 FROM Table1
WHERE [Conditions]

Create a folder and sub folder in Excel VBA

Here's short sub without error handling that creates subdirectories:

Public Function CreateSubDirs(ByVal vstrPath As String)
   Dim marrPath() As String
   Dim mint As Integer

   marrPath = Split(vstrPath, "\")
   vstrPath = marrPath(0) & "\"

   For mint = 1 To UBound(marrPath) 'walk down directory tree until not exists
      If (Dir(vstrPath, vbDirectory) = "") Then Exit For
      vstrPath = vstrPath & marrPath(mint) & "\"
   Next mint

   MkDir vstrPath

   For mint = mint To UBound(marrPath) 'create directories
      vstrPath = vstrPath & marrPath(mint) & "\"
      MkDir vstrPath
   Next mint
End Function

What is getattr() exactly and how do I use it?

Objects in Python can have attributes -- data attributes and functions to work with those (methods). Actually, every object has built-in attributes.

For example you have an object person, that has several attributes: name, gender, etc.

You access these attributes (be it methods or data objects) usually writing:, person.gender, person.the_method(), etc.

But what if you don't know the attribute's name at the time you write the program? For example you have attribute's name stored in a variable called attr_name.


attr_name = 'gender'

then, instead of writing

gender = person.gender

you can write

gender = getattr(person, attr_name)

Some practice:

Python 3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:11)

>>> class Person():
...     name = 'Victor'
...     def say(self, what):
...         print(, what)
>>> getattr(Person, 'name')
>>> attr_name = 'name'
>>> person = Person()
>>> getattr(person, attr_name)
>>> getattr(person, 'say')('Hello')
Victor Hello

getattr will raise AttributeError if attribute with the given name does not exist in the object:

>>> getattr(person, 'age')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'age'

But you can pass a default value as the third argument, which will be returned if such attribute does not exist:

>>> getattr(person, 'age', 0)

You can use getattr along with dir to iterate over all attribute names and get their values:

>>> dir(1000)
['__abs__', '__add__', ..., '__trunc__', '__xor__', 'bit_length', 'conjugate', 'denominator', 'from_bytes', 'imag', 'numerator', 'real', 'to_bytes']

>>> obj = 1000
>>> for attr_name in dir(obj):
...     attr_value = getattr(obj, attr_name)
...     print(attr_name, attr_value, callable(attr_value))
__abs__ <method-wrapper '__abs__' of int object at 0x7f4e927c2f90> True
bit_length <built-in method bit_length of int object at 0x7f4e927c2f90> True

>>> getattr(1000, 'bit_length')()

A practical use for this would be to find all methods whose names start with test and call them.

Similar to getattr there is setattr which allows you to set an attribute of an object having its name:

>>> setattr(person, 'name', 'Andrew')
>>>  # accessing instance attribute
>>>  # accessing class attribute

Val and Var in Kotlin

val - Immutable(once initialized can't be reassigned)

var - Mutable(can able to change value)


in Kotlin - val n = 20 & var n = 20

In Java - final int n = 20; & int n = 20;

random.seed(): What does it do?

In this case, random is actually pseudo-random. Given a seed, it will generate numbers with an equal distribution. But with the same seed, it will generate the same number sequence every time. If you want it to change, you'll have to change your seed. A lot of people like to generate a seed based on the current time or something.

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib

If you don't have Homebrew or don't know what is it

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update && brew upgrade
brew uninstall openssl; brew uninstall openssl; brew install

Or if you already have Homebrew installed

brew update && brew upgrade
brew uninstall openssl; brew uninstall openssl; brew install

This works for me on Mac 10.15

How can I add to a List's first position?

Use List.Insert(0, ...). But are you sure a LinkedList isn't a better fit? Each time you insert an item into an array at a position other than the array end, all existing items will have to be copied to make space for the new one.

Disable native datepicker in Google Chrome

To hide the arrow:

    display: none;

And to hide the prompt:

    visibility: hidden !important;

How to restore PostgreSQL dump file into Postgres databases?

You didn't mention how your backup was made, so the generic answer is: Usually with the psql tool.

Depending on what pg_dump was instructed to dump, the SQL file can have different sets of SQL commands. For example, if you instruct pg_dump to dump a database using --clean and --schema-only, you can't expect to be able to restore the database from that dump as there will be no SQL commands for COPYing (or INSERTing if --inserts is used ) the actual data in the tables. A dump like that will contain only DDL SQL commands, and will be able to recreate the schema but not the actual data.

A typical SQL dump is restored with psql:

psql (connection options here) database  < yourbackup.sql

or alternatively from a psql session,

psql (connection options here) database
database=# \i /path/to/yourbackup.sql

In the case of backups made with pg_dump -Fc ("custom format"), which is not a plain SQL file but a compressed file, you need to use the pg_restore tool.

If you're working on a unix-like, try this:

man psql
man pg_dump
man pg_restore

otherwise, take a look at the html docs. Good luck!

How to insert a data table into SQL Server database table?

    //best way to deal with this is sqlbulkcopy 
    //but if you dont like it you can do it like this
    //read current sql table in an adapter
    //add rows of datatable , I have mentioned a simple way of it
    //and finally updating changes

    Dim cnn As New SqlConnection("connection string")        
    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select * from  sql_server_table", cnn)
    Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)       
    Dim ds As New DataSet()
    da.Fill(ds, "sql_server_table")
    Dim cb As New SqlCommandBuilder(da)        

    //for each datatable row
    ds.Tables("sql_server_table").Rows.Add(COl1, COl2)

    da.Update(ds, "sql_server_table")

IntelliJ does not show project folders

When importing your project/module be sure to check these two boxes:

enter image description here

When adding a Javascript library, Chrome complains about a missing source map, why?

In my case I had to remove React Dev Tools from Chrome to stop seeing the strange errors during development of React app using a local Express server with a create-react-app client (which uses Webpack). In the interest of community I did a sanity check and quit everything - server/client server/Chrome - and then I opened Chrome and reinstalled React Dev Tools... Started things back up and am seeing this funky address and error again: Error seems to be from React Dev Tools extension in my case

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

Let me offer another solution. If you have just installed Git or thereabouts, and you want to enable SSH, follow the well-writen directions.

Everything through to Step 5.6 where you might encounter a slight snag. If an SSH agent is already be running you could get the following error message when you restart bash

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

If you do, use the following command to see if more than one ssh-agent process is running

ps aux | grep ssh

If you see more than one ssh-agent service, you will need to kill all of these processes. Use the kill command as follows (the PID will be unique on your computer)

kill <PID>


kill 1074

After you have removed all of the ssh-agent processes, run the px aux | grep ssh command again to be sure they are gone, then restart Bash.

Voila, you should now get something like this:

Initializing new SSH agent...
Enter passphrase for /c/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa:

Now you can continue on Step 5.7 and beyond.

What are the differences between a superkey and a candidate key?

Super key is the combination of fields by which the row is uniquely identified and the candidate key is the minimal super key.

PHP CSV string to array

You can convert CSV string to Array with this function.

    function csv2array(
        $delimiter = ",",
        $skip_empty_lines = true,
        $trim_fields = true,
        $FirstLineTitle = false
    ) {
        $arr = array_map(
            function ( $line ) use ( &$result, &$FirstLine, $delimiter, $trim_fields, $FirstLineTitle ) {
                if ($FirstLineTitle && !$FirstLine) {
                    $FirstLine = explode( $delimiter, $result[0] );
                $lineResult = array_map(
                    function ( $field ) {
                        return str_replace( '!!Q!!', '"', utf8_decode( urldecode( $field ) ) );
                    $trim_fields ? array_map( 'trim', explode( $delimiter, $line ) ) : explode( $delimiter, $line )
                return $FirstLineTitle ? array_combine( $FirstLine, $lineResult ) : $lineResult;
            ($result = preg_split(
                $skip_empty_lines ? ( $trim_fields ? '/( *\R)+/s' : '/\R+/s' ) : '/\R/s',
                    function ( $field ) {
                        return urlencode( utf8_encode( $field[1] ) );
                    $enc = preg_replace( '/(?<!")""/', '!!Q!!', $csv_string )
        return $FirstLineTitle ? array_splice($arr, 1) : $arr;

Set up an HTTP proxy to insert a header

If you have ruby on your system, how about a small Ruby Proxy using Sinatra (make sure to install the Sinatra Gem). This should be easier than setting up apache. The code can be found here.

Android: where are downloaded files saved?

In my experience all the files which i have downloaded from internet,gmail are stored in


on ics


You can access it using


Media query to detect if device is touchscreen

This solution will work until CSS4 is globally supported by all browsers. When that day comes just use CSS4. but until then, this works for current browsers.


export const isMobile = {
  android: () => navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i),
  blackberry: () => navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i),
  ios: () => navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i),
  opera: () => navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i),
  windows: () => navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i),
  any: () => ( || isMobile.blackberry() || 
  isMobile.ios() || isMobile.opera() ||


old way:

isMobile.any() ? document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className += 'is-touch' : null;

newer way:

isMobile.any() ? document.body.classList.add('is-touch') : null;

The above code will add the "is-touch" class to the body tag if the device has a touch screen. Now any location in your web application where you would have css for :hover you can call body:not(.is-touch) the_rest_of_my_css:hover

for example:



body:not(.is-touch) button:hover

This solution avoids using modernizer as the modernizer lib is a very big library. If all you're trying to do is detect touch screens, This will be best when the size of the final compiled source is a requirement.

What does "wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" mean in Ruby?

If you change from using a lambda with one argument to a function with one argument, you will get this error.

For example:

You had:

foobar = lambda do |baz|
  puts baz

and you changed the definition to

def foobar(baz)
  puts baz

And you left your invocation as:

And then you got the message

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

when you really meant:


While loop in batch

A while loop can be simulated in cmd.exe with:

    if %countfiles% leq 21 (
        rem change countfile here
        goto :still_more_files

For example, the following script:

    @echo off
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set /a "x = 0"

    if %x% leq 5 (
        echo %x%
        set /a "x = x + 1"
        goto :more_to_process




For your particular case, I would start with the following. Your initial description was a little confusing. I'm assuming you want to delete files in that directory until there's 20 or less:

    @echo off
    set backupdir=c:\test

    for /f %%x in ('dir %backupdir% /b ^| find /v /c "::"') do set num=%%x
    if %num% gtr 20 (
        cscript /nologo c:\deletefile.vbs %backupdir%
        goto :more_files_to_process

How to remove all subviews of a view in Swift?

Swift 3

If you add a tag to your view you can remove a specific view.

for v in (view?.subviews)!
    if v.tag == 321

How to remove title bar from the android activity?

Try this:


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    catch (NullPointerException e){}


Getting the parent of a directory in Bash

Clearly the parent directory is given by simply appending the dot-dot filename:

/home/smith/Desktop/Test/..     # unresolved path

But you must want the resolved path (an absolute path without any dot-dot path components):

/home/smith/Desktop             # resolved path

The problem with the top answers that use dirname, is that they don't work when you enter a path with dot-dots:

$ dir=~/Library/../Desktop/../..
$ parentdir="$(dirname "$dir")"
$ echo $parentdir
/Users/username/Library/../Desktop/..   # not fully resolved

This is more powerful:

parentdir=$(builtin cd $dir; pwd)

You can feed it /home/smith/Desktop/Test/.., but also more complex paths like:

$ dir=~/Library/../Desktop/../..
$ parentdir=$(builtin cd $dir; pwd)
$ echo $parentdir
/Users                                  # the fully resolved path!

NOTE: use of builtin ensures no user defined function variant of cd is called, but rather the default utility form which has no output.

How to close off a Git Branch?

Yes, just delete the branch by running git push origin :branchname. To fix a new issue later, branch off from master again.

Python 3 - ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

1. First should understand the error meaning

Error not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) means:

a 2 part tuple, but assign to 3 values

and I have written demo code to show for you:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Function: Showing how to understand ValueError 'not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)'
# Author: Crifan Li
# Update: 20191212

def notEnoughUnpack():
    """Showing how to understand python error `not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)`"""
    # a dict, which single key's value is two part tuple
    valueIsTwoPartTupleDict = {
        "name1": ("lastname1", "email1"),
        "name2": ("lastname2", "email2"),

    # Test case 1: got value from key
    gotLastname, gotEmail = valueIsTwoPartTupleDict["name1"] # OK
    print("gotLastname=%s, gotEmail=%s" % (gotLastname, gotEmail))
    # gotLastname, gotEmail, gotOtherSomeValue = valueIsTwoPartTupleDict["name1"] # -> ValueError not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

    # Test case 2: got from dict.items()
    for eachKey, eachValues in valueIsTwoPartTupleDict.items():
        print("eachKey=%s, eachValues=%s" % (eachKey, eachValues))
    # same as following:
    # Background knowledge: each of dict.items() return (key, values)
    # here above eachValues is a tuple of two parts
    for eachKey, (eachValuePart1, eachValuePart2) in valueIsTwoPartTupleDict.items():
        print("eachKey=%s, eachValuePart1=%s, eachValuePart2=%s" % (eachKey, eachValuePart1, eachValuePart2))
    # but following:
    for eachKey, (eachValuePart1, eachValuePart2, eachValuePart3) in valueIsTwoPartTupleDict.items(): # will -> ValueError not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

if __name__ == "__main__":

using VSCode debug effect:

notEnoughUnpack CrifanLi

2. For your code

for name, email, lastname in unpaidMembers.items():

but error ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

means each item(a tuple value) in unpaidMembers, only have 1 parts:email, which corresponding above code

    unpaidMembers[name] = email

so should change code to:

for name, email in unpaidMembers.items():

to avoid error.

But obviously you expect extra lastname, so should change your above code to

    unpaidMembers[name] = (email, lastname)

and better change to better syntax:

for name, (email, lastname) in unpaidMembers.items():

then everything is OK and clear.

How to extract URL parameters from a URL with Ruby or Rails?

I found myself needing the same thing for a recent project. Building on Levi's solution, here's a cleaner and faster method:

Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query 'param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3'
# => {"param1"=>"value1", "param2"=>"value2", "param3"=>"value3"}

How can I disable selected attribute from select2() dropdown Jquery?

As of Select2 4.1, they've removed support for .enable

$("select").prop("disabled", true); // instead of $("select").enable(false);


Maven Could not resolve dependencies, artifacts could not be resolved

My EAR project had 2 modules *.ear and *.war and I got this dependency error on *.war project when trying mvn eclipse:eclipse. Resolved it by fixing utf-8 encoding issue in the *.war project. mvn -X or -e options weren't of help here.

How do I detect if I am in release or debug mode?

Make sure that you are importing the correct BuildConfig class And yes, you will have no problems using:

if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
   //It's not a release version.

Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! with dynamic sortby predicate

For starters ignore all answers with tell you to use $watch. Angular works off of a listener already. I guarantee you that you are complicating things by merely thinking in this direction.

Ignore all answers that tell you to user $timeout. You cannot know how long the page will take to load, therefore this is not the best solution.

You only need to know when the page is done rendering.

<div ng-app='myApp'>
<div ng-controller="testctrl">
      <tr ng-repeat="item in items track by $index;" ng-init="end($index);">

var app = angular.module('myApp', ["testctrl"]);
var controllers = angular.module("testctrl", []);
 controllers.controller("testctrl", function($scope) {

  $scope.items = [{"number":"one"},{"number":"two"},{"number":"three"}];

  $scope.end = function(index){
  if(index == $scope.items.length -1
        && typeof $scope.endThis == 'undefined'){

            ///  DO STUFF HERE
      $ = index + 1;
      $scop.endThis  = true;

Track the ng-repeat by $index and when the length of array equals the index stop the loop and do your logic.


What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors?

Just to add to the other examples, there are inner(nested) classes that appear with the $ sign. For example:

public class Test {

    private static void privateMethod() {
        throw new RuntimeException();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            @Override public void run() {

Will result in this stack trace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException
        at Test.privateMethod(
        at Test.access$000(
        at Test$
        at Test.main(

Iterating over every two elements in a list

A simple solution.

l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

for i in range(0, len(l), 2):
    print str(l[i]), '+', str(l[i + 1]), '=', str(l[i] + l[i + 1])

Can you Run Xcode in Linux?

I really wanted to comment, not answer. But just to be precise, OSX is not based on BSD, it is an evolution of NeXTStep. The NeXTStep OS utilizes the Mach kernel developed by CMU. It was originally designed as a MicroKernel, but due to performance constraints, they eventually decided they needed to include the Unix portion of the API into the kernel itself and so a BSD-compatible "server" (originally intended to process requests for BSD-compatible kernel messages) was moved into the kernel, making it a Monolithic kernel. It may be BSD compatible in the programming API, but it is NOT BSD.

The rest of the OS involved ObjectiveC (under arrangements between Stepstone and Richard Stallman of GNU/GCC) with a GUI based on a technology called "Display Postscript" ... sort of like an X Server, but with postscript commands. OS X changed Display Postscript to Display PDF, and increased the general hardware requirements 1000 fold (NeXT could run in 8-16MB, now you need GB).

Due to the close marriage of GCC and Objective C and NeXT, your best bet at running XCode natively under Linux would be to do a port (if you can get ahold of the source - good luck) utilizing the GNUStep libraries. Originally designed for NextStep and then OpenStep compatibility, I've heard they are now more-or-less Cocoa compatible, but I've not played with any of it in almost 2 decades. Of course that only gets you as far as ObjC, not Swift, and I don't know if Apple is going to OpenSource it.

Using jQuery to test if an input has focus

Have you thought about using mouseOver and mouseOut to simulate this. Also look into mouseEnter and mouseLeave

How can I find out what version of git I'm running?

$ git --version
git version

git help and man git both hint at the available arguments you can pass to the command-line tool

How to use a filter in a controller?

There are three possible ways to do this.

Let's assume you have the following simple filter, which converts a string to uppercase, with a parameter for the first character only.

app.filter('uppercase', function() {
    return function(string, firstCharOnly) {
        return (!firstCharOnly)
            ? string.toUpperCase()
            : string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

Directly through $filter

app.controller('MyController', function($filter) {

    // HELLO
    var text = $filter('uppercase')('hello');

    // Hello
    var text = $filter('uppercase')('hello', true);


Note: this gives you access to all your filters.

Assign $filter to a variable

This option allows you to use the $filter like a function.

app.controller('MyController', function($filter) {

    var uppercaseFilter = $filter('uppercase');

    // HELLO
    var text = uppercaseFilter('hello');

    // Hello
    var text = uppercaseFilter('hello', true);


Load only a specific Filter

You can load only a specific filter by appending the filter name with Filter.

app.controller('MyController', function(uppercaseFilter) {

    // HELLO
    var text = uppercaseFilter('hello');

    // Hello
    var text = uppercaseFilter('hello', true);


Which one you use comes to personal preference, but I recommend using the third, because it's the most readable option.

SQL join: selecting the last records in a one-to-many relationship

Without getting into the code first, the logic/algorithm goes below:

  1. Go to the transaction table with multiple records for the same client.

  2. Select records of clientID and the latestDate of client's activity using group by clientID and max(transactionDate)

       select clientID, max(transactionDate) as latestDate 
       from transaction 
       group by clientID
  3. inner join the transaction table with the outcome from Step 2, then you will have the full records of the transaction table with only each client's latest record.

       select * from 
       transaction t 
       inner join (
         select clientID, max(transactionDate) as latestDate
         from transaction 
         group by clientID) d 
       on t.clientID = d.clientID and t.transactionDate = d.latestDate) 
  4. You can use the result from step 3 to join any table you want to get different results.

Root password inside a Docker container

You can use the USER root command in your Dockerfile.

How to get the current working directory in Java?

None of the answers posted here worked for me. Here is what did work:


Edit: The final version in my code:

URL myURL = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); myURI = null;
try {
    myURI = myURL.toURI();
} catch (URISyntaxException e1) 
return java.nio.file.Paths.get(myURI).toFile().toString()

Best design for a changelog / auditing database table?

What we have in our table:-

Primary Key
Event type (e.g. "UPDATED", "APPROVED")
Description ("Frisbar was added to blong")
User Id
User Id of second authoriser
Generic Id
Table Name

The generic id points at a row in the table that was updated and the table name is the name of that table as a string. Not a good DB design, but very usable. All our tables have a single surrogate key column so this works well.

Convert Enum to String

Simple: enum names into a List:

List<String> NameList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(YourEnumName)).Cast<string>().ToList()

YouTube embedded video: set different thumbnail

There's a nice workaround for this in the sitepoint forums:

<div onclick="'block';'none'">
   <img src="my_thumbnail.png" style="cursor:pointer" />
<div style="display:none">
    <!-- Embed code here -->

Note: To prevent having to click twice to make the video play, use autoplay=1 in the video embed code. It will start playing when the second div is displayed.

How to use conditional breakpoint in Eclipse?

1. Create a class

public class Test {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     String s[] = {"app","amm","abb","akk","all"};

 public static void doForAllTabs(String[] tablist){
     for(int i = 0; i<tablist.length;i++){

2. Right click on left side of System.out.println(tablist[i]); in Eclipse --> select Toggle Breakpoint

3. Right click on toggle point --> select Breakpoint properties

4. Check the Conditional Check Box --> write tablist[i].equalsIgnoreCase("amm") in text field --> Click on OK

5. Right click on class --> Debug As --> Java Application

python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a series

Series.apply(func, convert_dtype=True, args=(), **kwds)

args : tuple

x = my_series.apply(my_function, args = (arg1,))

Windows path in Python

Yes, \ in Python string literals denotes the start of an escape sequence. In your path you have a valid two-character escape sequence \a, which is collapsed into one character that is ASCII Bell:

>>> '\a'
>>> len('\a')
>>> 'C:\meshes\as'
>>> print('C:\meshes\as')

Other common escape sequences include \t (tab), \n (line feed), \r (carriage return):

>>> list('C:\test')
['C', ':', '\t', 'e', 's', 't']
>>> list('C:\nest')
['C', ':', '\n', 'e', 's', 't']
>>> list('C:\rest')
['C', ':', '\r', 'e', 's', 't']

As you can see, in all these examples the backslash and the next character in the literal were grouped together to form a single character in the final string. The full list of Python's escape sequences is here.

There are a variety of ways to deal with that:

  1. Python will not process escape sequences in string literals prefixed with r or R:

    >>> r'C:\meshes\as'
    >>> print(r'C:\meshes\as')
  2. Python on Windows should handle forward slashes, too.

  3. You could use os.path.join ...

    >>> import os
    >>> os.path.join('C:', os.sep, 'meshes', 'as')
  4. ... or the newer pathlib module

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> Path('C:', '/', 'meshes', 'as')

How to pass model attributes from one Spring MVC controller to another controller?

By using @ModelAttribute we can pass the model from one controller to another controller

[ Input to the first Controller][1]

[]: from jsp page first controller binds the form data with the @ModelAttribute to the User Bean

public class FirstController {
    public ModelAndView forwardModel(@ModelAttribute("user") User u) {
        ModelAndView m = new ModelAndView("forward:/catchUser");
        m.addObject("usr", u);
        return m;

public class SecondController {
    public ModelAndView catchModel(@ModelAttribute("user")  User u) {
        System.out.println(u); //retrive the data passed by the first contoller
        ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("userDetails");
        return mv;

How to get query parameters from URL in Angular 5?

This is the cleanest solution for me

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

export class MyComponent {
    private route: ActivatedRoute
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    const firstParam: string = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('firstParamKey');
    const secondParam: string = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('secondParamKey');

eslint: error Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

In my case, it was unable to find the .eslintrc file so I copied from node_modules/.bin to root.

How to Use Order By for Multiple Columns in Laravel 4?

Here's another dodge that I came up with for my base repository class where I needed to order by an arbitrary number of columns:

public function findAll(array $where = [], array $with = [], array $orderBy = [], int $limit = 10)
    $result = $this->model->with($with);
    $dataSet = $result->where($where)
        // Conditionally use $orderBy if not empty
        ->when(!empty($orderBy), function ($query) use ($orderBy) {
            // Break $orderBy into pairs
            $pairs = array_chunk($orderBy, 2);
            // Iterate over the pairs
            foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
                // Use the 'splat' to turn the pair into two arguments

    return $dataSet;

Now, you can make your call like this:

$allUsers = $userRepository->findAll([], [], ['name', 'DESC', 'email', 'ASC'], 100);

Access files stored on Amazon S3 through web browser

I found this related question: Directory Listing in S3 Static Website

As it turns out, if you enable public read for the whole bucket, S3 can serve directory listings. Problem is they are in XML instead of HTML, so not very user-friendly.

There are three ways you could go for generating listings:

  • Generate index.html files for each directory on your own computer, upload them to s3, and update them whenever you add new files to a directory. Very low-tech. Since you're saying you're uploading build files straight from Travis, this may not be that practical since it would require doing extra work there.

  • Use a client-side S3 browser tool.

  • Use a server-side browser tool.

    • s3browser (PHP)
    • s3index Scala. Going by the existence of a Procfile, it may be readily deployable to Heroku. Not sure since I don't have any experience with Scala.

How to get all properties values of a JavaScript Object (without knowing the keys)?

You can loop through the keys:

foo = {one:1, two:2, three:3};
for (key in foo){
    console.log("foo["+ key +"]="+ foo[key]);

will output:


Double Iteration in List Comprehension

This memory technic helps me a lot:


And now you can think about Return + Outer-loop as the only Right Order

Knowing above, the order in list comprehensive even for 3 loops seem easy:

c=[111, 222, 333]
b=[11, 22, 33]
a=[1, 2, 3]

    (i, j, k)                            # <RETURNED_VALUE> 
    for i in a for j in b for k in c     # in order: loop1, loop2, loop3
    if i < 2 and j < 20 and k < 200      # <OPTIONAL_IF>
[(1, 11, 111)]

because the above is just a:

for i in a:                         # outer loop1 GOES SECOND
  for j in b:                       # inner loop2 GOES THIRD
    for k in c:                     # inner loop3 GOES FOURTH
      if i < 2 and j < 20 and k < 200:
        print((i, j, k))            # returned value GOES FIRST

for iterating one nested list/structure, technic is the same: for a from the question:

a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
[i2    for i1 in a      for i2 in i1]
which return [1, 2, 3, 4]

for one another nested level

a = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], [[10]]]
[i3    for i1 in a      for i2 in i1     for i3 in i2]
which return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

and so on

Select records from today, this week, this month php mysql

Well, this solution will help you select only current month, current week and only today

SELECT * FROM games WHERE games.published_gm = 1 AND YEAR(addedon_gm) = YEAR(NOW()) AND MONTH(addedon_gm) = MONTH(NOW()) AND DAY(addedon_gm) = DAY(NOW()) ORDER BY addedon_gm DESC;

For Weekly added posts:


For Monthly added posts:

MONTH(addedon_gm) = MONTH(NOW())

For Yearly added posts:

YEAR(addedon_gm) = YEAR(NOW())

you'll get the accurate results where show only the games added today, otherwise you may display: "No New Games Found For Today". Using ShowIF recordset is empty transaction.

Get first element in PHP stdObject

Update PHP 7.4

Curly brace access syntax is deprecated since PHP 7.4

Update 2019

Moving on to the best practices of OOPS, @MrTrick's answer must be marked as correct, although my answer provides a hacked solution its not the best method.

Simply iterate its using {}



This way your object is not destroyed and you can easily iterate through object.

For PHP 5.6 and below use this


Both array() and the stdClass objects can be accessed using the current() key() next() prev() reset() end() functions.

So, if your object looks like

object(stdClass)#19 (3) {
  object(stdClass)#20 (22) {
    string(1) "123"

Then you can just do;

$id = reset($obj)->id; //Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

If you need the key for some reason, you can do;

reset($obj); //Ensure that we're at the first element
$key = key($obj);

Hope that works for you. :-) No errors, even in super-strict mode, on PHP 5.4

2022 Update:
After PHP 7.4, using current(), end(), etc functions on objects is deprecated.

In newer versions of PHP, use the ArrayIterator class:

$objIterator = new ArrayIterator($obj);

$id = $objIterator->current()->id; // Gets the 'id' attr of the first entry in the object

$key = $objIterator->key(); // and gets the key

Setting dropdownlist selecteditem programmatically

Safety check to only select if an item is matched.

//try to find item in list.  
ListItem oItem = DDL.Items.FindByValue("PassedValue"));
//if exists, select it.
if (oItem != null) oItem.Selected = true;

Error: cannot open display: localhost:0.0 - trying to open Firefox from CentOS 6.2 64bit and display on Win7

So, it turns out that X11 wasn't actually installed on the centOS. There didn't seem to be any indication anywhere of it not being installed. I did the following command and now firefox opens:

yum groupinstall 'X Window System' 

Hope this answer will help others that are confused :)

How to Alter a table for Identity Specification is identity SQL Server

You cannot "convert" an existing column into an IDENTITY column - you will have to create a new column as INT IDENTITY:

ALTER TABLE ProductInProduct 


OK, so there is a way of converting an existing column to IDENTITY. If you absolutely need this - check out this response by Martin Smith with all the gory details.

Python to print out status bar and percentage

Here you can use following code as a function:

def drawProgressBar(percent, barLen = 20):
    progress = ""
    for i in range(barLen):
        if i < int(barLen * percent):
            progress += "="
            progress += " "
    sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.2f%%" % (progress, percent * 100))

With use of .format:

def drawProgressBar(percent, barLen = 20):
    # percent float from 0 to 1. 
    sys.stdout.write("[{:<{}}] {:.0f}%".format("=" * int(barLen * percent), barLen, percent * 100))

How do I install imagemagick with homebrew?

brew install imagemagick

Don't forget to install also gs which is a dependency if you want to convert pdf to images for example :

brew install ghostscript

Selecting between two dates within a DateTime field - SQL Server

select * 
from blah 
where DatetimeField between '22/02/2009 09:00:00.000' and '23/05/2009 10:30:00.000'

Depending on the country setting for the login, the month/day may need to be swapped around.

The name does not exist in the namespace error in XAML

As another person posted this can be caused by saving the project on a network share. I found that if I switched from using a network path to a mapped network drive everything worked fine.

from: "\\SERVER\Programming\SolutionFolder"

to: "Z:\Programming\SolutionFolder" (exact mapping optional)

Not equal string

It should be this:

if (myString!="-1")
//Do things

Your equals and exclamation are the wrong way round.

Google Play error "Error while retrieving information from server [DF-DFERH-01]"

Tested on a Huawei P20:

  1. Uninstall (or disable) Play Store.
  2. Reinstall Google Play: (Source)

    1. Download the latest version of Google Play Store from APK Mirror.
    2. Install the app simply by opening the APK file.
  3. Restart device.

Note: before finding this solution, I followed the instructions from some of the other answers here: removed my Google account from my device and added it again, cleared data and cache from various google play apps. This may or may not be necessary; feedback is welcome.

How to select all rows which have same value in some column

SELECT * FROM employees e1, employees e2 
WHERE e1.phoneNumber = e2.phoneNumber 
AND !=;

Update : for better performance and faster query its good to add e1 before *

SELECT e1.* FROM employees e1, employees e2 
WHERE e1.phoneNumber = e2.phoneNumber 
AND !=;

How do I get the classes of all columns in a data frame?

Hello was looking for the same, and it could be also


Difference between add(), replace(), and addToBackStack()

Here is a picture that shows the difference between add() and replace()

enter image description here

So add() method keeps on adding fragments on top of the previous fragment in FragmentContainer.

While replace() methods clears all the previous Fragment from Containers and then add it in FragmentContainer.

What is addToBackStack

addtoBackStack method can be used with add() and replace methods. It serves a different purpose in Fragment API.

What is the purpose?

Fragment API unlike Activity API does not come with Back Button navigation by default. If you want to go back to the previous Fragment then the we use addToBackStack() method in Fragment. Let's understand both

Case 1:

            .add(, fragment, "TAG")

enter image description here

Case 2:

            .add(, fragment, "TAG")

enter image description here

Check if element at position [x] exists in the list

if (list.Count > desiredIndex && list[desiredIndex] != null)
    // logic

Nested Recycler view height doesn't wrap its content

@user2302510 solution works not as good as you may expected. Full workaround for both orientations and dynamically data changes is:

public class MyLinearLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager {

    public MyLinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout)    {
        super(context, orientation, reverseLayout);

    private int[] mMeasuredDimension = new int[2];

    public void onMeasure(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
                          int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {
        final int widthMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(widthSpec);
        final int heightMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(heightSpec);
        final int widthSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(widthSpec);
        final int heightSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(heightSpec);
        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) {
            measureScrapChild(recycler, i,
                    View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),
                    View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),

            if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
                width = width + mMeasuredDimension[0];
                if (i == 0) {
                    height = mMeasuredDimension[1];
            } else {
                height = height + mMeasuredDimension[1];
                if (i == 0) {
                    width = mMeasuredDimension[0];
        switch (widthMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
                width = widthSize;
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:

        switch (heightMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
                height = heightSize;
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:

        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    private void measureScrapChild(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int position, int widthSpec,
                                   int heightSpec, int[] measuredDimension) {
        View view = recycler.getViewForPosition(position);
        if (view != null) {
            RecyclerView.LayoutParams p = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
            int childWidthSpec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(widthSpec,
                    getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), p.width);
            int childHeightSpec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(heightSpec,
                    getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(), p.height);
            view.measure(childWidthSpec, childHeightSpec);
            measuredDimension[0] = view.getMeasuredWidth() + p.leftMargin + p.rightMargin;
            measuredDimension[1] = view.getMeasuredHeight() + p.bottomMargin + p.topMargin;

CSS Select box arrow style

Try to replace the

padding: 2px 30px 2px 2px;


padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

It should work.

How to save an activity state using save instance state?

Now Android provides ViewModels for saving state, you should try to use that instead of saveInstanceState.

How to query first 10 rows and next time query other 10 rows from table

You can use postgresql Cursors

DECLARE C CURSOR FOR where * FROM msgtable where cdate='18/07/2012';

Then use


to fetch 10 rows.

Finnish with


to close the cursor.

But if you need to make a query in different processes, LIMIT and OFFSET as suggested by @Praveen Kumar is better

How to build and fill pandas dataframe from for loop?

The simplest answer is what Paul H said:

d = []
for p in game.players.passing():
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating':  p.passer_rating()


But if you really want to "build and fill a dataframe from a loop", (which, btw, I wouldn't recommend), here's how you'd do it.

d = pd.DataFrame()

for p in game.players.passing():
    temp = pd.DataFrame(
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating': p.passer_rating()

    d = pd.concat([d, temp])

How to write and save html file in python?

print('<tr><td>%04d</td>' % (i+1), file=Html_file)

Replace multiple characters in one replace call

yourstring = '#Please send_an_information_pack_to_the_following_address:';

replace '#' with '' and replace '_' with a space

var newstring1 = yourstring.split('#').join('');
var newstring2 = newstring1.split('_').join(' ');

newstring2 is your result

Can a java file have more than one class?

Varies... One such example would be an anonymous classes (you'll encounter those alot when using event listeners and such).

Google Maps: Auto close open InfoWindows?

//assuming you have a map called 'map'
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

var latlng1 = new google.maps.LatLng(0,0);
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({position:latlng1, map:map});
google.maps.event.addListener(marker1, 'click',
        infowindow.close();//hide the infowindow
        infowindow.setContent('Marker #1');//update the content for this marker, marker1);//"move" the info window to the clicked marker and open it
var latlng2 = new google.maps.LatLng(10,10);
var marker2 = new google.maps.Marker({position:latlng2, map:map});
google.maps.event.addListener(marker2, 'click',
        infowindow.close();//hide the infowindow
        infowindow.setContent('Marker #2');//update the content for this marker, marker2);//"move" the info window to the clicked marker and open it

This will "move" the info window around to each clicked marker, in effect closing itself, then reopening (and panning to fit the viewport) in its new location. It changes its contents before opening to give the desired effect. Works for n markers.

Change the column label? e.g.: change column "A" to column "Name"

I would like to present another answer to this as the currently accepted answer doesn't work for me (I use LibreOffice). This solution should work in Excel, LibreOffice and OpenOffice:

First, insert a new row at the beginning of the sheet. Within that row, define the names you need: new row

Then, in the menu bar, go to View -> Freeze Cells -> Freeze First Row. It'll look like this now: new top row

Now whenever you scroll down in the document, the first row will be "pinned" to the top: new behaviour

The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

You can do a couple of things to troubleshoot this issue. First, use Windows file search to search your hard drive for your assembly (.dll). Once you have a list of results, do View->Choose Details... and then check "File Version". This will display the version number in the list of results, so you can see where the old version might be coming from.

Also, like Lars said, check your GAC to see what version is listed there. This Microsoft article states that assemblies found in the GAC are not copied locally during a build, so you might need to remove the old version before doing a rebuild all. (See my answer to this question for notes on creating a batch file to do this for you)

If you still can't figure out where the old version is coming from, you can use the fuslogvw.exe application that ships with Visual Studio to get more information about the binding failures. Microsoft has information about this tool here. Note that you'll have to enable logging by setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion\EnableLog registry key to 1.

How to remove all white spaces from a given text file

$ man tr
    tr - translate or delete characters

    tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]

   Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard 
   input, writing to standard output.

In order to wipe all whitespace including newlines you can try:

cat file.txt | tr -d " \t\n\r" 

You can also use the character classes defined by tr (credits to htompkins comment):

cat file.txt | tr -d "[:space:]"

For example, in order to wipe just horizontal white space:

cat file.txt | tr -d "[:blank:]"

Converting unix time into date-time via excel



...and the format of the cell should be date.

If it doesn't work for you

  • If you get a number you forgot to format the output cell as a date.
  • If you get ##### you probably don't have a real Unix time. Check your timestamps in Try to divide your input by 10, 100, 1000 or 10000**
  • You work with timestamps outside Excel's (very extended) limits.
  • You didn't replace A1 with the cell containing the timestamp ;-p


Unix system represent a point in time as a number. Specifically the number of seconds* since a zero-time called the Unix epoch which is 1/1/1970 00:00 UTC/GMT. This number of seconds is called "Unix timestamp" or "Unix time" or "POSIX time" or just "timestamp" and sometimes (confusingly) "Unix epoch".

In the case of Excel they chose a different zero-time and step (because who wouldn't like variety in technical details?). So Excel counts days since 24 hours before 1/1/0000 UTC/GMT. So 25569 corresponds to 1/1/1970 00:00 UTC/GMT and 25570 to 2/1/1970 00:00.

Now please note that we have 86400 seconds per day (24 hours x60 minutes each x60 seconds) and you can understand what this formula does: A1/86400 converts seconds to days and +25569 adjusts for the offset between what is time-zero for Unix and what is time-zero for Excel.

By the way DATE(1970,1,1) will helpfully return 25569 for you in case you forget all this so a more "self-documenting" way to write our formula is:

=A1/(24*60*60) + DATE(1970,1,1)

P.S.: All these were already present in other answers and comments just not laid out as I like them and I don't feel it's OK to edit the hell out of another answer.

*: that's almost correct because you should not count leap seconds

**: E.g. in the case of this question the number was number of milliseconds since the the Unix epoch.

Concatenate multiple result rows of one column into one, group by another column

You can use array_agg function for that:

SELECT "Movie",
array_to_string(array_agg(distinct "Actor"),',') AS Actor
FROM Table1
GROUP BY "Movie";


A 1,2,3
B 4

See this SQLFiddle

For more See 9.18. Aggregate Functions

SQL: IF clause within WHERE clause

The following example executes a query as part of the Boolean expression and then executes slightly different statement blocks based on the result of the Boolean expression. Each statement block starts with BEGIN and completes with END.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
DECLARE @AvgWeight decimal(8,2), @BikeCount int
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Production.Product WHERE Name LIKE 'Touring-3000%' ) > 5
   SET @BikeCount = 
        (SELECT COUNT(*) 
         FROM Production.Product 
         WHERE Name LIKE 'Touring-3000%');
   SET @AvgWeight = 
        (SELECT AVG(Weight) 
         FROM Production.Product 
         WHERE Name LIKE 'Touring-3000%');
   PRINT 'There are ' + CAST(@BikeCount AS varchar(3)) + ' Touring-3000 bikes.'
   PRINT 'The average weight of the top 5 Touring-3000 bikes is ' + CAST(@AvgWeight AS varchar(8)) + '.';
SET @AvgWeight = 
        (SELECT AVG(Weight)
         FROM Production.Product 
         WHERE Name LIKE 'Touring-3000%' );
   PRINT 'Average weight of the Touring-3000 bikes is ' + CAST(@AvgWeight AS varchar(8)) + '.' ;

Using nested IF...ELSE statements The following example shows how an IF … ELSE statement can be nested inside another. Set the @Number variable to 5, 50, and 500 to test each statement.

DECLARE @Number int
SET @Number = 50
IF @Number > 100
   PRINT 'The number is large.'
      IF @Number < 10
      PRINT 'The number is small'
      PRINT 'The number is medium'
   END ;

Could not load type from assembly error

If this is a Windows app, try checking for a duplicate in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Something is overriding your bin / debug version.

If this is a web app, you may need to delete on server and re-upload. If you are publishing you may want to check the Delete all existing files prior to publish check box. Depending on Visual Studio version it should be located in Publish > Settings > File Publish Options Delete all existing files prior to publish

The entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query

You can solve this by using Data Transfer Objects (DTO's).

These are a bit like viewmodels where you put in the properties you need and you can map them manually in your controller or by using third-party solutions like AutoMapper.

With DTO's you can :

  • Make data serialisable (Json)
  • Get rid of circular references
  • Reduce networktraffic by leaving properties you don't need (viewmodelwise)
  • Use objectflattening

I've been learning this in school this year and it's a very useful tool.

How to catch SQLServer timeout exceptions


You can read also that Thomas Weingartner wrote:

Timeout: SqlException.Number == -2 (This is an ADO.NET error code)
General Network Error: SqlException.Number == 11
Deadlock: SqlException.Number == 1205 (This is an SQL Server error code)


We handle the "General Network Error" as a timeout exception too. It only occurs under rare circumstances e.g. when your update/insert/delete query will raise a long running trigger.

How do I convert a pandas Series or index to a Numpy array?

I converted the pandas dataframe to list and then used the basic list.index(). Something like this:

dd = list(zone[0]) #Where zone[0] is some specific column of the table
idx = dd.index(filename[i])

You have you index value as idx.

ReactJS - How to use comments?

Besides the other answers, it's also possible to use single line comments just before and after the JSX begines or ends. Here is a complete summary:


  // this is a valid comment
  // this is also a valid comment
  /* this is also valid */

If we were to use comments inside the JSX rendering logic:

    {/* <h1>Valid comment</h1> */}

When declaring props single line comments can be used:

    className="content" /* valid comment */
    onClick={() => {}} // valid comment


When using single line or multiline comments inside the JSX without wrapping them in { }, the comment will be rendered to the UI:

    // invalid comment, renders in the UI

How to easily get network path to the file you are working on?

You may use this formula to get the path of the file:


Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery

This question's answer was posted so long ago and I stumbled upon it via a Google search. HTML5 provides the HTMLInputElement API that includes the setRangeText() method, which replaces a range of text in an <input> or <textarea> element with a new string:


The above would replace the selection made inside element with abc. You can also specify which part of the input value to replace:

element.setRangeText('abc', 3, 5);

The above would replace the 4th till 6th characters of the input value with abc. You can also specify how the selection should be set after the text has been replaced by providing one of the following strings as the 4th parameter:

  • 'preserve' attempts to preserve the selection. This is the default.
  • 'select' selects the newly inserted text.
  • 'start' moves the selection to just before the inserted text.
  • 'end' moves the selection to just after the inserted text.

Browser compatibility

The MDN page for setRangeText doesn't provide browser compatibility data, but I guess it'd be the same as HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange(), which is basically all modern browsers, IE 9 and above, Edge 12 and above.

shell script to remove a file if it already exist

Something like this would work


if [ -fe FILE ]
    rm FILE

-f checks if it's a regular file

-e checks if the file exist

Introduction to if for more information

EDIT : -e used with -f is redundant, fo using -f alone should work too

Any way to limit border length?

With CSS properties, we can only control the thickness of border; not length.

However we can mimic border effect and control its width and height as we want with some other ways.

With CSS (Linear Gradient):

We can use linear-gradient() to create a background image(s) and control its size and position with CSS so that it looks like a border. As we can apply multiple background images to an element, we can use this feature to create multiple border like images and apply on different sides of element. We can also cover the remaining available area with some solid color, gradient or background image.

Required HTML:

All we need is one element only (possibly having some class).

<div class="box"></div>


  1. Create background image(s) with linear-gradient().
  2. Use background-size to adjust the width / height of above created image(s) so that it looks like a border.
  3. Use background-position to adjust position (like left, right, left bottom etc.) of the above created border(s).

Necessary CSS:

.box {
  background-image: linear-gradient(purple, purple),
                    // Above css will create background image that looks like a border.
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);
                    // This will create background image for the container.

  background-repeat: no-repeat;

  /* First sizing pair (4px 50%) will define the size of the border i.e border
     will be of having 4px width and 50% height. */
  /* 2nd pair will define the size of stretched background image. */
  background-size: 4px 50%, calc(100% - 4px) 100%;

  /* Similar to size, first pair will define the position of the border
     and 2nd one for the container background */
  background-position: left bottom, 4px 0;


With linear-gradient() we can create borders of solid color as well as having gradients. Below are some examples of border created with this method.

Example with border applied on one side only:

.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.box {_x000D_
  background-image: linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
  background-size: 4px 50%, calc(100% - 4px) 100%;_x000D_
  background-position: left bottom, 4px 0;_x000D_
  height: 160px;_x000D_
  width: 160px;_x000D_
  margin: 20px;_x000D_
.gradient-border {_x000D_
  background-image: linear-gradient(red, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="box"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="box gradient-border"></div>_x000D_

Example with border applied on two sides:

.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.box {_x000D_
  background-image: linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
  background-size: 4px 50%, 4px 50%, calc(100% - 8px) 100%;_x000D_
  background-position: left bottom, right top, 4px 0;_x000D_
  height: 160px;_x000D_
  width: 160px;_x000D_
  margin: 20px;_x000D_
.gradient-border {_x000D_
  background-image: linear-gradient(red, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(purple, red),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="box"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="box gradient-border"></div>_x000D_

Example with border applied on all sides:

.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.box {_x000D_
  background-image: linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(purple, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
  background-size: 4px 50%, 50% 4px, 4px 50%, 50% 4px, calc(100% - 8px) calc(100% - 8px);_x000D_
  background-position: left bottom, left bottom, right top, right top, 4px 4px;_x000D_
  height: 160px;_x000D_
  width: 160px;_x000D_
  margin: 20px;_x000D_
.gradient-border {_x000D_
  background-image: linear-gradient(red, purple),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(to right, purple, red),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(to bottom, purple, red),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(to left, purple, red),_x000D_
                    linear-gradient(steelblue, steelblue);_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="box"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="box gradient-border"></div>_x000D_


Output Image showing half length borders

Is there a css cross-browser value for "width: -moz-fit-content;"?

In similar case I used: white-space: nowrap;

NPM doesn't install module dependencies

I think that I also faced this problem, and the best solution I found was to look at my console and figure out the error that was being thrown. So, I read it carefully and found that the problem was that I didn't specify my repo, description, and valid name in my package.json. I added those pieces of information and everything was okay.

Create local maven repository

Yes you can! For a simple repository that only publish/retrieve artifacts, you can use nginx.

  1. Make sure nginx has http dav module enabled, it should, but nonetheless verify it.

  2. Configure nginx http dav module:

    In Windows: d:\servers\nginx\nginx.conf

    location / {
        # maven repository
        dav_methods  PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE;
        create_full_put_path  on;
        dav_access  user:rw group:rw all:r;

    In Linux (Ubuntu): /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

    location / {
            # First attempt to serve request as file, then
            # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
            # try_files $uri $uri/ =404;  # IMPORTANT comment this
            dav_methods  PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE;
            create_full_put_path  on;
            dav_access  user:rw group:rw all:r;

    Don't forget to give permissions to the directory where the repo will be located:

    sudo chmod +777 /var/www/html/repository

  3. In your project's pom.xml add the respective configuration:

    Retrieve artifacts:


    Publish artifacts:

  4. To publish artifacts use mvn deploy. To retrieve artifacts, maven will do it automatically.

And there you have it a simple maven repo.

Spark DataFrame groupBy and sort in the descending order (pyspark)

In pyspark 2.4.4

1) group_by_dataframe.count().filter("`count` >= 10").orderBy('count', ascending=False)

2) from pyspark.sql.functions import desc
   group_by_dataframe.count().filter("`count` >= 10").orderBy('count').sort(desc('count'))

No need to import in 1) and 1) is short & easy to read,
So I prefer 1) over 2)

Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?

If your purpose is the isolation, I think Docker is what you want.

Vagrant is a virtual machine manager. It allows you to script the virtual machine configuration as well as the provisioning. However, it is still a virtual machine depending on VirtualBox (or others) with a huge overhead. It requires you to have a hard drive file that can be huge, it takes a lot of ram, and performance may be not very good.

Docker on the other hand uses kernel cgroup and namespacing via LXC. It means that you are using the same kernel as the host and the same file system. You can use Dockerfile with the docker build command in order to handle the provisioning and configuration of your container. You have an example at on how to make your Dockerfile; it is very intuitive.

The only reason you could want to use Vagrant is if you need to do BSD, Windows or other non-Linux development on your Ubuntu box. Otherwise, go for Docker.

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

From the documentation:

It is necessary to keep in mind that the browsers do not know how to correctly show this error.

I suspect this is what's happening, if you inspect the HTTP to-and-fro using tools such as Firebug or Live HTTP Headers (both Firefox extensions) you'll be able to see what's really going on.

How can I find my Apple Developer Team id and Team Agent Apple ID?

You can find your team id here:

This will get you to your Membership Details, just scroll down to Team ID

Convert text into number in MySQL query

You can use SUBSTRING and CONVERT:

SELECT stuff
FROM table
WHERE conditions

Where name_column is the column with the "name-" values. The SUBSTRING removes everything up before the sixth character (i.e. the "name-" prefix) and then the CONVERT converts the left over to a real integer.

UPDATE: Given the changing circumstances in the comments (i.e. the prefix can be anything), you'll have to throw a LOCATE in the mix:

ORDER BY CONVERT(SUBSTRING(name_column, LOCATE('-', name_column) + 1), SIGNED INTEGER);

This of course assumes that the non-numeric prefix doesn't have any hyphens in it but the relevant comment says that:

name can be any sequence of letters

so that should be a safe assumption.

PHP: How to check if image file exists?

Well, file_exists does not say if a file exists, it says if a path exists. ???????

So, to check if it is a file then you should use is_file together with file_exists to know if there is really a file behind the path, otherwise file_exists will return true for any existing path.

Here is the function i use :

function fileExists($filePath)
      return is_file($filePath) && file_exists($filePath);

Resolve Javascript Promise outside function scope

Bit late to the party here, but another way to do it would be to use a Deferred object. You essentially have the same amount of boilerplate, but it's handy if you want to pass them around and possibly resolve outside of their definition.

Naive Implementation:

class Deferred {
  constructor() {
    this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
      this.reject = reject
      this.resolve = resolve

function asyncAction() {
  var dfd = new Deferred()

  setTimeout(()=> {
  }, 500)

  return dfd.promise

asyncAction().then(result => {
  console.log(result) // 42

ES5 Version:

function Deferred() {
  var self = this;
  this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    self.reject = reject
    self.resolve = resolve

function asyncAction() {
  var dfd = new Deferred()

  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 500)

  return dfd.promise

asyncAction().then(function(result) {
  console.log(result) // 42

Extract XML Value in bash script

XMLStarlet or another XPath engine is the correct tool for this job.

For instance, with data.xml containing the following:

    <title>15:54:57 - George:</title>
    <description>Diane DeConn? You saw Diane DeConn!</description> 
    <title>15:55:17 - Jerry:</title> 
    <description>Something huh?</description>
</root> can extract only the first title with the following:

xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//title[1]' -v . -n <data.xml

Trying to use sed for this job is troublesome. For instance, the regex-based approaches won't work if the title has attributes; won't handle CDATA sections; won't correctly recognize namespace mappings; can't determine whether a portion of the XML documented is commented out; won't unescape attribute references (such as changing Brewster &amp; Jobs to Brewster & Jobs), and so forth.

If two cells match, return value from third

All you have to do is write an IF condition in the column d like this:

=IF(A1=C1;B1;" ")

After that just apply this formula to all rows above that one.

Windows could not start the Apache2 on Local Computer - problem

Always double check httpd.conf to see if document root is correctly pointing to an existing folder

#if you have c:\your-main-folder\www\
DocumentRoot "c:/your-main-folder/www/" 

#if you have c:\your-main-folder\www\sub-folder\
DocumentRoot "c:/your-main-folder/www/sub-folder/" 

DocumentRoot points to a folder that must exist in your drive.

What is the difference between min SDK version/target SDK version vs. compile SDK version?

The min sdk version is the minimum version of the Android operating system required to run your application.

The target sdk version is the version of Android that your app was created to run on.

The compile sdk version is the the version of Android that the build tools uses to compile and build the application in order to release, run, or debug.

Usually the compile sdk version and the target sdk version are the same.

Create SQL script that create database and tables

Not sure why SSMS doesn’t take into account execution order but it just doesn’t. This is not an issue for small databases but what if your database has 200 objects? In that case order of execution does matter because it’s not really easy to go through all of these.

For unordered scripts generated by SSMS you can go following

a) Execute script (some objects will be inserted some wont, there will be some errors)

b) Remove all objects from the script that have been added to database

c) Go back to a) until everything is eventually executed

Alternative option is to use third party tool such as ApexSQL Script or any other tools already mentioned in this thread (SSMS toolpack, Red Gate and others).

All of these will take care of the dependencies for you and save you even more time.

How to scroll to bottom in a ScrollView on activity startup

 scrollView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

Calling pylab.savefig without display in ipython

We don't need to plt.ioff() or (if we use %matplotlib inline). You can test above code without plt.ioff(). plt.close() has the essential role. Try this one:

%matplotlib inline
import pylab as plt

# It doesn't matter you add line below. You can even replace it by 'plt.ion()', but you will see no changes.
## plt.ioff()

# Create a new figure, plot into it, then close it so it never gets displayed
fig = plt.figure()

# Create a new figure, plot into it, then don't close it so it does get displayed
fig2 = plt.figure()

If you run this code in iPython, it will display a second plot, and if you add plt.close(fig2) to the end of it, you will see nothing.

In conclusion, if you close figure by plt.close(fig), it won't be displayed.

How to Import 1GB .sql file to WAMP/phpmyadmin

Before importing just make sure you have max_allowed_pack value set some thing large else you will get an error: Error 2006 MySQL server gone away.

Then try the command: mysql -u root -p database_name < file.sql

POST: sending a post request in a url itself

In windows this command does not work for me..I have tried the following command and it works..using this command I created session in couchdb sync gate way for the specific user...

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{ \"name\": \"abc\",\"password\": \"abc123\" }" http://localhost:4984/todo/_session

Where does Java's String constant pool live, the heap or the stack?

To the great answers that already included here I want to add something that missing in my perspective - an illustration.

As you already JVM divides the allocated memory to a Java program into two parts. one is stack and another one is heap. Stack is used for execution purpose and heap is used for storage purpose. In that heap memory, JVM allocates some memory specially meant for string literals. This part of the heap memory is called string constants pool.

So for example, if you init the following objects:

String s1 = "abc"; 
String s2 = "123";
String obj1 = new String("abc");
String obj2 = new String("def");
String obj3 = new String("456);

String literals s1 and s2 will go to string constant pool, objects obj1, obj2, obj3 to the heap. All of them, will be referenced from the Stack.

Also, please note that "abc" will appear in heap and in string constant pool. Why is String s1 = "abc" and String obj1 = new String("abc") will be created this way? It's because String obj1 = new String("abc") explicitly creates a new and referentially distinct instance of a String object and String s1 = "abc" may reuse an instance from the string constant pool if one is available. For a more elaborate explanation:

enter image description here

css divide width 100% to 3 column

How about using the CSS3 flex model:

HTML Code:

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="c1">c1</div>
    <div id="c2">c2</div>
    <div id="c3">c3</div>

CSS Code:





#wrapper div{
    border:thin solid #777;


Function to convert column number to letter?

This is a function based on @DamienFennelly's answer above. If you give me a thumbs up, give him a thumbs up too! :P

Function outColLetterFromNumber(iCol as Integer) as String
    sAddr = Cells(1, iCol).Address
    aSplit = Split(sAddr, "$")
    outColLetterFromNumber = aSplit(1)
End Function

Run JavaScript in Visual Studio Code

There is a much easier way to run JavaScript, no configuration needed:

  1. Install the Code Runner Extension
  2. Open the JavaScript code file in Text Editor, then use shortcut Control+Alt+N (or ^ Control+? Option+N on macOS), or press F1 and then select/type Run Code, the code will run and the output will be shown in the Output Window.

Besides, you could select part of the JavaScript code and run the code snippet. The extension also works with unsaved files, so you can just create a file, change it to Javascript and write code fast (for when you just need to try something quick). Very convenient!

Auto populate columns in one sheet from another sheet

I have used in Google Sheets



  1. ={sheet1!A:A}
  2. ={sheet2!A4:A20}

No Persistence provider for EntityManager named

I had the same problem, I removed "@ManagedBean" from my bean class now working.

Deploying Maven project throws invalid LOC header (bad signature)

If you are using CentOS linux system the Maven local repositary will be:


You can remove .m2 and build your maven project in dev tool will fix the issue.

How to install SQL Server 2005 Express in Windows 8

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 4 on Windows Server 2012 R2

Those steps are based on previous howto from

  1. download SQLEXPR.EXE
  2. run SQLEXPR.EXE
  3. copy c:\generated_installation_dir to inst.bak
  4. quit install
  5. run inst.bak/setuip/sqlncli_x64.msi
  6. run SQLEXPR.EXE
  7. enjoy!

This works with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 4

Compare two DataFrames and output their differences side-by-side

Highlighting the difference between two DataFrames

It is possible to use the DataFrame style property to highlight the background color of the cells where there is a difference.

Using the example data from the original question

The first step is to concatenate the DataFrames horizontally with the concat function and distinguish each frame with the keys parameter:

df_all = pd.concat([df.set_index('id'), df2.set_index('id')], 
                   axis='columns', keys=['First', 'Second'])

enter image description here

It's probably easier to swap the column levels and put the same column names next to each other:

df_final = df_all.swaplevel(axis='columns')[df.columns[1:]]

enter image description here

Now, its much easier to spot the differences in the frames. But, we can go further and use the style property to highlight the cells that are different. We define a custom function to do this which you can see in this part of the documentation.

def highlight_diff(data, color='yellow'):
    attr = 'background-color: {}'.format(color)
    other = data.xs('First', axis='columns', level=-1)
    return pd.DataFrame(np.where(, level=0), attr, ''),
                        index=data.index, columns=data.columns), axis=None)

enter image description here

This will highlight cells that both have missing values. You can either fill them or provide extra logic so that they don't get highlighted.

Do I really need to encode '&' as '&amp;'?

Yes, you should try to serve valid code if possible.

Most browsers will silently correct this error, but there is a problem with relying on the error handling in the browsers. There is no standard for how to handle incorrect code, so it's up to each browser vendor to try to figure out what to do with each error, and the results may vary.

Some examples where browsers are likely to react differently is if you put elements inside a table but outside the table cells, or if you nest links inside each other.

For your specific example it's not likely to cause any problems, but error correction in the browser might for example cause the browser to change from standards compliant mode into quirks mode, which could make your layout break down completely.

So, you should correct errors like this in the code, if not for anything else so to keep the error list in the validator short, so that you can spot more serious problems.

Running Composer returns: "Could not open input file: composer.phar"

I had the same problem on Windows and used a different solution. I used the Composer_Setup.exe installation file supplied by the composer website and it does a global install.

After installing, make sure your PATH variable points to the directory where composer.phar is stored. This is usually C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin (ProgramData might be a hidden directory). It goes without saying, but also be sure that the PHP executable is also in your PATH variable.

You can then simply call

composer install

instead of

php composer.phar install

Python argparse: default value or specified value

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--example', nargs='?', const=1, type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()

% --example
% --example 2

  • nargs='?' means 0-or-1 arguments
  • const=1 sets the default when there are 0 arguments
  • type=int converts the argument to int

If you want to set example to 1 even if no --example is specified, then include default=1. That is, with

parser.add_argument('--example', nargs='?', const=1, type=int, default=1)



Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

Old but still valid question, so heres what I created based on the info provided by others here.

create function fnLastIndexOf(@text varChar(max),@char varchar(1))
returns int
return len(@text) - charindex(@char, reverse(@text)) -1

How to compile without warnings being treated as errors?

Remove -Werror from your Make or CMake files, as suggested in this post

How to add a delay for a 2 or 3 seconds

For 2.3 seconds you should do:


How can I convert a .jar to an .exe?

JSmooth .exe wrapper

JSmooth is a Java Executable Wrapper. It creates native Windows launchers (standard .exe) for your Java applications. It makes java deployment much smoother and user-friendly, as it is able to find any installed Java VM by itself. When no VM is available, the wrapper can automatically download and install a suitable JVM, or simply display a message or redirect the user to a website.

JSmooth provides a variety of wrappers for your java application, each of them having their own behavior: Choose your flavor!


JarToExe 1.8 Jar2Exe is a tool to convert jar files into exe files. Following are the main features as describe on their website:

Can generate “Console”, “Windows GUI”, “Windows Service” three types of .exe files.

Generated .exe files can add program icons and version information. Generated .exe files can encrypt and protect java programs, no temporary files will be generated when the program runs.

Generated .exe files provide system tray icon support. Generated .exe files provide record system event log support. Generated windows service .exe files are able to install/uninstall itself, and support service pause/continue.


Package your Java application as a jar, and Executor will turn the jar into a Windows .exe file, indistinguishable from a native application. Simply double-clicking the .exe file will invoke the Java Runtime Environment and launch your application.

How to set an environment variable only for the duration of the script?

Just put

export HOME=/blah/whatever

at the point in the script where you want the change to happen. Since each process has its own set of environment variables, this definition will automatically cease to have any significance when the script terminates (and with it the instance of bash that has a changed environment).

Angular 4 - get input value

I think you were planning to use Angular template reference variable based on your html template.

 // in html
 <input #nameInput type="text" class="form-control" placeholder=''/>

 // in add-player.ts file
 import { OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

 export class AddPlayerComponent implements OnInit {
   @ViewChild('nameInput') nameInput: ElementRef;

   constructor() { }

   ngOnInit() { }

   addPlayer() {
     // you can access the input value via the following syntax.
     console.log('player name: ', this.nameInput.nativeElement.value);

gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If checkout master was the last thing you did, then the reflog entry HEAD@{1} will contain your commits (otherwise use git reflog or git log -p to find them). Use git merge HEAD@{1} to fast forward them into master.


As noted in the comments, Git Ready has a great article on this.

git reflog and git reflog --all will give you the commit hashes of the mis-placed commits.

Git Ready: Reflog, Your Safety Net


What is the proper way to format a multi-line dict in Python?

From my experience with tutorials, and other things number 2 always seems preferred, but it's a personal preference choice more than anything else.

How to query a MS-Access Table from MS-Excel (2010) using VBA

Option Explicit

Const ConnectionStrngAccessPW As String = _"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=C:\Users\BARON\Desktop\Test_DB-PW.accdb;
Jet OLEDB:Database Password=123pass;"

Const ConnectionStrngAccess As String = _"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=C:\Users\BARON\Desktop\Test_DB.accdb;
Persist Security Info=False;"


Sub ModifyingExistingDataOnAccessDB()

    Dim TableConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim TableData As ADODB.Recordset

    Set TableConn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set TableData = New ADODB.Recordset

    TableConn.ConnectionString = ConnectionStrngAccess


On Error GoTo CloseConnection

    With TableData
        .ActiveConnection = TableConn
        '.Source = "SELECT Emp_Age FROM Roster WHERE Emp_Age > 40;"
        .Source = "Roster"
        .LockType = adLockOptimistic
        .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
        On Error GoTo CloseRecordset

            Do Until .EOF
                If .Fields("Emp_Age").Value > 40 Then
                    .Fields("Emp_Age").Value = 40
                End If

        MsgBox "Update Complete"
    End With



    Set TableConn = Nothing
    Set TableData = Nothing

End Sub

Sub AddingDataToAccessDB()

    Dim TableConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim TableData As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim r As Range

    Set TableConn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set TableData = New ADODB.Recordset

    TableConn.ConnectionString = ConnectionStrngAccess


On Error GoTo CloseConnection

    With TableData
        .ActiveConnection = TableConn
        .Source = "Roster"
        .LockType = adLockOptimistic
        .CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
        On Error GoTo CloseRecordset

        For Each r In Range("B3", Range("B3").End(xlDown))

            MsgBox "Adding " & r.Offset(0, 1)
            .Fields("Emp_ID").Value = r.Offset(0, 0).Value
            .Fields("Emp_Name").Value = r.Offset(0, 1).Value
            .Fields("Emp_DOB").Value = r.Offset(0, 2).Value
            .Fields("Emp_SOD").Value = r.Offset(0, 3).Value
            .Fields("Emp_EOD").Value = r.Offset(0, 4).Value
            .Fields("Emp_Age").Value = r.Offset(0, 5).Value
            .Fields("Emp_Gender").Value = r.Offset(0, 6).Value

        Next r

        MsgBox "Update Complete"
    End With



    Set TableConn = Nothing
    Set TableData = Nothing

End Sub

How to set up datasource with Spring for HikariCP?

This last error is caused by the library SLF4J not being found. HikariCP has two dependencies: slf4j and javassist. BTW, HikariDataSource does have a default constructor and does not need HikariConfig, see this link. So that was never the problem.

.NET Format a string with fixed spaces

/// <summary>
/// Returns a string With count chars Left or Right value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="val"></param>
/// <param name="count"></param>
/// <param name="space"></param>
/// <param name="right"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
 public static string Formating(object val, int count, char space = ' ', bool right = false)
    var value = val.ToString();
    for (int i = 0; i < count - value.Length; i++) value = right ? value + space : space + value;
    return value;

SQL Inner join more than two tables

try this method given below, modify to suit your need.

  (monthly_pay_register INNER JOIN deduction_logs 
  monthly_pay_register.employee_info_employee_no = deduction_logs.employee_no)
  employment_status ON deduction_logs.employee_no = employment_status.employee_no

C default arguments

Yes you can do somthing simulair, here you have to know the different argument lists you can get but you have the same function to handle then all.

typedef enum { my_input_set1 = 0, my_input_set2, my_input_set3} INPUT_SET;

typedef struct{
    INPUT_SET type;
    char* text;
} input_set1;

typedef struct{
    INPUT_SET type;
    char* text;
    int var;
} input_set2;

typedef struct{
    INPUT_SET type;
    int text;
} input_set3;

typedef union
    INPUT_SET type;
    input_set1 set1;
    input_set2 set2;
    input_set3 set3;

void my_func(MY_INPUT input)
        case my_input_set1:
        case my_input_set2:
        case my_input_set3:
        // unknown input

What is the difference between HTTP and REST?

HTTP is an application protocol. REST is a set of rules, that when followed, enable you to build a distributed application that has a specific set of desirable constraints.

If you are looking for the most significant constraints of REST that distinguish a RESTful application from just any HTTP application, I would say the "self-description" constraint and the hypermedia constraint (aka Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)) are the most important.

The self-description constraint requires a RESTful request to be completely self descriptive in the users intent. This allows intermediaries (proxies and caches) to act on the message safely.

The HATEOAS constraint is about turning your application into a web of links where the client's current state is based on its place in that web. It is a tricky concept and requires more time to explain than I have right now.

How to make Google Fonts work in IE?

It's all about trying all those answers, for me, nothing works except the next solution: Google font suggested

@import '';

But, I'm using here foreign language fonts, and it didn't work on IE11 only. I found out this solution that worked:

@import '';

Hope that save someone precious time

How to write to file in Ruby?

For those of us that learn by example...

Write text to a file like this:

IO.write('/tmp/msg.txt', 'hi')


Read it back like this'/tmp/msg.txt')

Frequently, I want to read a file into my clipboard ***


And other times, I want to write what's in my clipboard to a file ***

IO.write('/tmp/msg.txt', Clipboard.paste)

*** Assumes you have the clipboard gem installed
