Programs & Examples On #Extensible

How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android?

Have you looked into using a HorizontalScrollView to wrap your list items? That will allow each of your list items to be horizontally scrollable (what you put in there is up to you, and can make them dynamic items similar to ListView). This will work well if you are only after a single row of items.

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?

Take a look at "using WCF Services with PHP". It explains the basics of what you need.

As a theory summary:

WCF or Windows Communication Foundation is a technology that allow to define services abstracted from the way - the underlying communication method - they'll be invoked.

The idea is that you define a contract about what the service does and what the service offers and also define another contract about which communication method is used to actually consume the service, be it TCP, HTTP or SOAP.

You have the first part of the article here, explaining how to create a very basic WCF Service.

More resources:

Using WCF with PHP5.

Aslo take a look to NuSOAP. If you now NuSphere this is a toolkit to let you connect from PHP to an WCF service.

What is the difference between XML and XSD?

XML has a much wider application than f.ex. HTML. It doesn't have an intrinsic, or default "application". So, while you might not really care that web pages are also governed by what's allowed, from the author's side, you'll probably want to precisely define what an XML document may and may not contain.

It's like designing a database.

The thing about XML technologies is that they are textual in nature. With XSD, it means you have a data structure definition framework that can be "plugged in" to text processing tools like PHP. So not only can you manipulate the data itself, but also very easily change and document the structure, and even auto-generate front-ends.

Viewed like this, XSD is the "glue" or "middleware" between data (XML) and data-processing tools.

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this

Try to invoke your code from the dispatcher:

      // your code

How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags

A hack that's going to work with pretty much every possible browser is to use open classes like this: <a class='data\_articleid\_5' href="link/for/non-js-users.html>;

This is not all that elegant to the purists, but it's universally supported, standard-compliant, and very easy to manipulate. It really seems like the best possible method. If you serialize, modify, copy your tags, or do pretty much anything else, data will stay attached, copied etc.

The only problem is that you cannot store non-serializable objects that way, and there might be limits if you put something really huge there.

A second way is to use fake attributes like: <a articleid='5' href="link/for/non-js-users.html">

This is more elegant, but breaks standard, and I'm not 100% sure about support. Many browsers support it fully, I think IE6 supports JS access for it but not CSS selectors (which doesn't really matter here), maybe some browsers will be completely confused, you need to check it.

Doing funny things like serializing and deserializing would be even more dangerous.

Using ids to pure JS hash mostly works, except when you try to copy your tags. If you have tag <a href="..." id="link0">, copy it via standard JS methods, and then try to modify data attached to just one copy, the other copy will be modified.

It's not a problem if you don't copy tags, or use read only data. If you copy tags and they're modified you'll need to handle that manually.

How to import a module given its name as string?

You can use exec:

exec("import myapp.commands.%s" % command)

How to multi-line "Replace in files..." in Notepad++

Actually it's way easier to use ToolBucket plugin for Notepad++ to multiline replace.

To activate it just go to N++ menu:

Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager > Check ToolBucket > Install.

Restart N++ and press ALT + SHIFT + F to multiline edit.

How to concatenate characters in java?

You need to tell the compiler you want to do String concatenation by starting the sequence with a string, even an empty one. Like so:

System.out.println("" + char1 + char2 + char3...);

What does `set -x` do?

-u: disabled by default. When activated, an error message is displayed when using an unconfigured variable.

-v: inactive by default. After activation, the original content of the information will be displayed (without variable resolution) before the information is output.

-x: inactive by default. If activated, the command content will be displayed before the command is run (after variable resolution, there is a ++ symbol).

Compare the following differences:

/ # set -v && echo $HOME
/ # set +v && echo $HOME
set +v && echo $HOME

/ # set -x && echo $HOME
+ echo /root
/ # set +x && echo $HOME
+ set +x

/ # set -u && echo $NOSET
/bin/sh: NOSET: parameter not set
/ # set +u && echo $NOSET

Force IE10 to run in IE10 Compatibility View?

While you should fix your site so it works without Compatibility View, try putting the X-UA-Compatible meta tag as the very first thing after the opening <head>, before the title

git push: permission denied (public key)

None of the above solutions worked for me. For context, I'm running ubuntu, and I had already gone through the ssh-key setup documentation. The fix for me was to run ssh-add in the terminal. This fixed the issue.


Declare and initialize a Dictionary in Typescript

I agree with thomaux that the initialization type checking error is a TypeScript bug. However, I still wanted to find a way to declare and initialize a Dictionary in a single statement with correct type checking. This implementation is longer, however it adds additional functionality such as a containsKey(key: string) and remove(key: string) method. I suspect that this could be simplified once generics are available in the 0.9 release.

First we declare the base Dictionary class and Interface. The interface is required for the indexer because classes cannot implement them.

interface IDictionary {
    add(key: string, value: any): void;
    remove(key: string): void;
    containsKey(key: string): bool;
    keys(): string[];
    values(): any[];

class Dictionary {

    _keys: string[] = new string[];
    _values: any[] = new any[];

    constructor(init: { key: string; value: any; }[]) {

        for (var x = 0; x < init.length; x++) {
            this[init[x].key] = init[x].value;

    add(key: string, value: any) {
        this[key] = value;

    remove(key: string) {
        var index = this._keys.indexOf(key, 0);
        this._keys.splice(index, 1);
        this._values.splice(index, 1);

        delete this[key];

    keys(): string[] {
        return this._keys;

    values(): any[] {
        return this._values;

    containsKey(key: string) {
        if (typeof this[key] === "undefined") {
            return false;

        return true;

    toLookup(): IDictionary {
        return this;

Now we declare the Person specific type and Dictionary/Dictionary interface. In the PersonDictionary note how we override values() and toLookup() to return the correct types.

interface IPerson {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;

interface IPersonDictionary extends IDictionary {
    [index: string]: IPerson;
    values(): IPerson[];

class PersonDictionary extends Dictionary {
    constructor(init: { key: string; value: IPerson; }[]) {

    values(): IPerson[]{
        return this._values;

    toLookup(): IPersonDictionary {
        return this;

And here is a simple initialization and usage example:

var persons = new PersonDictionary([
    { key: "p1", value: { firstName: "F1", lastName: "L2" } },
    { key: "p2", value: { firstName: "F2", lastName: "L2" } },
    { key: "p3", value: { firstName: "F3", lastName: "L3" } }

alert(persons["p1"].firstName + " " + persons["p1"].lastName);
// alert: F1 L2


if (!persons.containsKey("p2")) {
    alert("Key no longer exists");
    // alert: Key no longer exists

alert(persons.keys().join(", "));
// alert: p1, p3

Eclipse - Installing a new JRE (Java SE 8 1.8.0)

You can have many java versions in your system.

I think you should add the java 8 in yours JREs installed or edit.

Take a look my screen:

enter image description here

If you click in edit (check your java 8 path):

enter image description here

scp from remote host to local host

There must be a user in the AllowUsers section, in the config file /etc/ssh/ssh_config, in the remote machine. You might have to restart sshd after editing the config file.

And then you can copy for example the file "test.txt" from a remote host to the local host

scp [email protected]:test.txt /local/dir

@cool_cs you can user ~ symbol ~/Users/djorge/Desktop if it's your home dir.

In UNIX, absolute paths must start with '/'.

Is it possible to start activity through adb shell?

adb shell am broadcast -a

Mention xxx as the action that you mentioned in the manifest file.

Try reinstalling `node-sass` on node 0.12?

i had the same problem today at work.

npm rebuild node-sass

done the job for me

How do you print in Sublime Text 2

  1. Install the Package Control first and restart your editor. See: How to install plugins to Sublime Text 2 editor?
  2. Install Highlight plugin.
    1. Open the pallete, press ctrl+shift+p (Win, Linux) or cmd+shift+p (OS X).
    2. Type and confirm: Install Package
    3. Type and confirm: Highlight or Print

Also see related printing forum topic: Printing from sublime

How to convert char to integer in C?

In the old days, when we could assume that most computers used ASCII, we would just do

int i = c[0] - '0';

But in these days of Unicode, it's not a good idea. It was never a good idea if your code had to run on a non-ASCII computer.

Edit: Although it looks hackish, evidently it is guaranteed by the standard to work. Thanks @Earwicker.

SQL Query Multiple Columns Using Distinct on One Column Only

select * from 
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY tblFruit_FruitType ORDER BY tblFruit_FruitType DESC) as tt
from tblFruit
) a

round() for float in C++

These days it shouldn't be a problem to use a C++11 compiler which includes a C99/C++11 math library. But then the question becomes: which rounding function do you pick?

C99/C++11 round() is often not actually the rounding function you want. It uses a funky rounding mode that rounds away from 0 as a tie-break on half-way cases (+-xxx.5000). If you do specifically want that rounding mode, or you're targeting a C++ implementation where round() is faster than rint(), then use it (or emulate its behaviour with one of the other answers on this question which took it at face value and carefully reproduced that specific rounding behaviour.)

round()'s rounding is different from the IEEE754 default round to nearest mode with even as a tie-break. Nearest-even avoids statistical bias in the average magnitude of numbers, but does bias towards even numbers.

There are two math library rounding functions that use the current default rounding mode: std::nearbyint() and std::rint(), both added in C99/C++11, so they're available any time std::round() is. The only difference is that nearbyint never raises FE_INEXACT.

Prefer rint() for performance reasons: gcc and clang both inline it more easily, but gcc never inlines nearbyint() (even with -ffast-math)

gcc/clang for x86-64 and AArch64

I put some test functions on Matt Godbolt's Compiler Explorer, where you can see source + asm output (for multiple compilers). For more about reading compiler output, see this Q&A, and Matt's CppCon2017 talk: “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid”,

In FP code, it's usually a big win to inline small functions. Especially on non-Windows, where the standard calling convention has no call-preserved registers, so the compiler can't keep any FP values in XMM registers across a call. So even if you don't really know asm, you can still easily see whether it's just a tail-call to the library function or whether it inlined to one or two math instructions. Anything that inlines to one or two instructions is better than a function call (for this particular task on x86 or ARM).

On x86, anything that inlines to SSE4.1 roundsd can auto-vectorize with SSE4.1 roundpd (or AVX vroundpd). (FP->integer conversions are also available in packed SIMD form, except for FP->64-bit integer which requires AVX512.)

  • std::nearbyint():

    • x86 clang: inlines to a single insn with -msse4.1.
    • x86 gcc: inlines to a single insn only with -msse4.1 -ffast-math, and only on gcc 5.4 and earlier. Later gcc never inlines it (maybe they didn't realize that one of the immediate bits can suppress the inexact exception? That's what clang uses, but older gcc uses the same immediate as for rint when it does inline it)
    • AArch64 gcc6.3: inlines to a single insn by default.
  • std::rint:

    • x86 clang: inlines to a single insn with -msse4.1
    • x86 gcc7: inlines to a single insn with -msse4.1. (Without SSE4.1, inlines to several instructions)
    • x86 gcc6.x and earlier: inlines to a single insn with -ffast-math -msse4.1.
    • AArch64 gcc: inlines to a single insn by default
  • std::round:

    • x86 clang: doesn't inline
    • x86 gcc: inlines to multiple instructions with -ffast-math -msse4.1, requiring two vector constants.
    • AArch64 gcc: inlines to a single instruction (HW support for this rounding mode as well as IEEE default and most others.)
  • std::floor / std::ceil / std::trunc

    • x86 clang: inlines to a single insn with -msse4.1
    • x86 gcc7.x: inlines to a single insn with -msse4.1
    • x86 gcc6.x and earlier: inlines to a single insn with -ffast-math -msse4.1
    • AArch64 gcc: inlines by default to a single instruction

Rounding to int / long / long long:

You have two options here: use lrint (like rint but returns long, or long long for llrint), or use an FP->FP rounding function and then convert to an integer type the normal way (with truncation). Some compilers optimize one way better than the other.

long l = lrint(x);

int  i = (int)rint(x);

Note that int i = lrint(x) converts float or double -> long first, and then truncates the integer to int. This makes a difference for out-of-range integers: Undefined Behaviour in C++, but well-defined for the x86 FP -> int instructions (which the compiler will emit unless it sees the UB at compile time while doing constant propagation, then it's allowed to make code that breaks if it's ever executed).

On x86, an FP->integer conversion that overflows the integer produces INT_MIN or LLONG_MIN (a bit-pattern of 0x8000000 or the 64-bit equivalent, with just the sign-bit set). Intel calls this the "integer indefinite" value. (See the cvttsd2si manual entry, the SSE2 instruction that converts (with truncation) scalar double to signed integer. It's available with 32-bit or 64-bit integer destination (in 64-bit mode only). There's also a cvtsd2si (convert with current rounding mode), which is what we'd like the compiler to emit, but unfortunately gcc and clang won't do that without -ffast-math.

Also beware that FP to/from unsigned int / long is less efficient on x86 (without AVX512). Conversion to 32-bit unsigned on a 64-bit machine is pretty cheap; just convert to 64-bit signed and truncate. But otherwise it's significantly slower.

  • x86 clang with/without -ffast-math -msse4.1: (int/long)rint inlines to roundsd / cvttsd2si. (missed optimization to cvtsd2si). lrint doesn't inline at all.

  • x86 gcc6.x and earlier without -ffast-math: neither way inlines

  • x86 gcc7 without -ffast-math: (int/long)rint rounds and converts separately (with 2 total instructions of SSE4.1 is enabled, otherwise with a bunch of code inlined for rint without roundsd). lrint doesn't inline.
  • x86 gcc with -ffast-math: all ways inline to cvtsd2si (optimal), no need for SSE4.1.

  • AArch64 gcc6.3 without -ffast-math: (int/long)rint inlines to 2 instructions. lrint doesn't inline

  • AArch64 gcc6.3 with -ffast-math: (int/long)rint compiles to a call to lrint. lrint doesn't inline. This may be a missed optimization unless the two instructions we get without -ffast-math are very slow.

How to convert a Binary String to a base 10 integer in Java

Now you want to do from binary string to Decimal but Afterword, You might be needed contrary method. It's down below.

public static String decimalToBinaryString(int value) {
    String str = "";
    while(value > 0) {
        if(value % 2 == 1) {
            str = "1"+str;
        } else {
            str = "0"+str;
        value /= 2;
    return str;

How to add property to a class dynamically?

I suppose I should expand this answer, now that I'm older and wiser and know what's going on. Better late than never.

You can add a property to a class dynamically. But that's the catch: you have to add it to the class.

>>> class Foo(object):
...     pass
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.a = 3
>>> Foo.b = property(lambda self: self.a + 1)
>>> foo.b

A property is actually a simple implementation of a thing called a descriptor. It's an object that provides custom handling for a given attribute, on a given class. Kinda like a way to factor a huge if tree out of __getattribute__.

When I ask for foo.b in the example above, Python sees that the b defined on the class implements the descriptor protocol—which just means it's an object with a __get__, __set__, or __delete__ method. The descriptor claims responsibility for handling that attribute, so Python calls Foo.b.__get__(foo, Foo), and the return value is passed back to you as the value of the attribute. In the case of property, each of these methods just calls the fget, fset, or fdel you passed to the property constructor.

Descriptors are really Python's way of exposing the plumbing of its entire OO implementation. In fact, there's another type of descriptor even more common than property.

>>> class Foo(object):
...     def bar(self):
...         pass
>>> Foo().bar
<bound method of <__main__.Foo object at 0x7f2a439d5dd0>>
>>> Foo().bar.__get__
<method-wrapper '__get__' of instancemethod object at 0x7f2a43a8a5a0>

The humble method is just another kind of descriptor. Its __get__ tacks on the calling instance as the first argument; in effect, it does this:

def __get__(self, instance, owner):
    return functools.partial(self.function, instance)

Anyway, I suspect this is why descriptors only work on classes: they're a formalization of the stuff that powers classes in the first place. They're even the exception to the rule: you can obviously assign descriptors to a class, and classes are themselves instances of type! In fact, trying to read still calls property.__get__; it's just idiomatic for descriptors to return themselves when accessed as class attributes.

I think it's pretty cool that virtually all of Python's OO system can be expressed in Python. :)

Oh, and I wrote a wordy blog post about descriptors a while back if you're interested.

How do I use installed packages in PyCharm?

Adding a Path

Go into File ? Settings ? Project Settings ? Project Interpreter.

Then press configure interpreter, and navigate to the "Paths" tab.

pycharm path tab

Press the + button in the Paths area. You can put the path to the module you'd like it to recognize.

But I don't know the path..

Open the python interpreter where you can import the module.

>> import gnuradio
>> gnuradio.__file__

Most commonly you'll have a folder structure like this:


You want to add foobarbaz to the path here.

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'

I know this question is old, but the solution to my application, was different to the already suggested answers. If anyone else like me still have this issue, and none of the above answers works, this might be the problem:

I used a Network Credentials object to parse a windows username+password to a third party SOAP webservice. I had set the username="domainname\username", password="password" and domain="domainname". Now this game me that strange Ntlm and not NTLM error. To solve the problems, make sure not to use the domain parameter on the NetworkCredentials object if the domain name is included in the username with the backslash. So either remove domain name from the username and parse in domain parameter, or leave out the domain parameter. This solved my issue.

How does one represent the empty char?

There is no such thing as the "empty character" ''.

If you need a space character, that can be represented as a space: c[i] = ' ' or as its ASCII octal equivalent: c[i] = '\040'. If you need a NUL character that's c[i] = '\0'.

How to kill/stop a long SQL query immediately?

If you cancel and see that run

 sp_who2 'active'

(Activity Monitor won't be available on old sql server 2000 FYI )

Spot the SPID you wish to kill e.g. 81

Kill 81

Run the sp_who2 'active' again and you will probably notice it is sleeping ... rolling back

To get the STATUS run again the KILL

Kill 81 

Then you will get a message like this

 SPID 81: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: 63%. Estimated time remaining: 992 seconds.

How to use Oracle ORDER BY and ROWNUM correctly?

An alternate I would suggest in this use case is to use the MAX(t_stamp) to get the latest row ... e.g.

select t.* from raceway_input_labo t
where t.t_stamp = (select max(t_stamp) from raceway_input_labo) 
limit 1

My coding pattern preference (perhaps) - reliable, generally performs at or better than trying to select the 1st row from a sorted list - also the intent is more explicitly readable.
Hope this helps ...


Laravel 5 Class 'form' not found

You can also try running the following commands in Terminal or Command:

  1. composer dump-auto or composer dump-auto -o
  2. php artisan cache:clear
  3. php artisan config:clear

The above worked for me.

Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device?

Though there are already quite a few answers, I thought my answer might help some who have exactly the same problem as mine. In my case, the problem is caused by the following permissions added per the suggestion of an ad network:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

The consequence of the above permissions is that the following features are added automatically:


The reason is that "Google Play attempts to discover an application's implied feature requirements by examining other elements declared in the manifest file, specifically, elements." Two of my testing devices do not have the above features, so the app became incompatible with them. Removing those permissions solved the problem immediately.

How to access form methods and controls from a class in C#?

You need to make the members in the for the form class either public or, if the service class is in the same assembly, internal. Windows controls' visibility can be controlled through their Modifiers properties.

Note that it's generally considered a bad practice to explicitly tie a service class to a UI class. Rather you should create good interfaces between the service class and the form class. That said, for learning or just generally messing around, the earth won't spin off its axis if you expose form members for service classes.


What is the difference between os.path.basename() and os.path.dirname()?

Both functions use the os.path.split(path) function to split the pathname path into a pair; (head, tail).

The os.path.dirname(path) function returns the head of the path.

E.g.: The dirname of '/foo/bar/item' is '/foo/bar'.

The os.path.basename(path) function returns the tail of the path.

E.g.: The basename of '/foo/bar/item' returns 'item'


SecurityException: Permission denied (missing INTERNET permission?)

Well it's a very confusing kind of bug. There could be many reasons:

  1. You are not mentioning the permissions in right place. Like right above application.
  2. You are not using small letters.
  3. In some case you also have to add Network state permission.
  4. One which was my case there are some blank lines in manifest lines. Like there might be a blank line between permission tag and application line. Remove them and you are done. Hope it will help

Going through a text file line by line in C

In addition to the other answers, on a recent C library (Posix 2008 compliant), you could use getline. See this answer (to a related question).

How to convert jsonString to JSONObject in Java

Codehaus Jackson - I have been this awesome API since 2012 for my RESTful webservice and JUnit tests. With their API, you can:

(1) Convert JSON String to Java bean

public static String beanToJSONString(Object myJavaBean) throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper jacksonObjMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    return jacksonObjMapper.writeValueAsString(myJavaBean);

(2) Convert JSON String to JSON object (JsonNode)

public static JsonNode stringToJSONObject(String jsonString) throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper jacksonObjMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    return jacksonObjMapper.readTree(jsonString);

String jsonString = "{\"phonetype\":\"N95\",\"cat\":\"WP\"}";   
JsonNode jsonNode = stringToJSONObject(jsonString);
Assert.assertEquals("Phonetype value not legit!", "N95", jsonNode.get("phonetype").getTextValue());
Assert.assertEquals("Cat value is tragic!", "WP", jsonNode.get("cat").getTextValue());

(3) Convert Java bean to JSON String

    public static Object JSONStringToBean(Class myBeanClass, String JSONString) throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper jacksonObjMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    return jacksonObjMapper.readValue(JSONString, beanClass);


  1. Codehaus Jackson

  2. JsonNode API - How to use, navigate, parse and evaluate values from a JsonNode object

  3. Tutorial - Simple tutorial how to use Jackson to convert JSON string to JsonNode

How to Load RSA Private Key From File

Two things. First, you must base64 decode the mykey.pem file yourself. Second, the openssl private key format is specified in PKCS#1 as the RSAPrivateKey ASN.1 structure. It is not compatible with java's PKCS8EncodedKeySpec, which is based on the SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 structure. If you are willing to use the bouncycastle library you can use a few classes in the bouncycastle provider and bouncycastle PKIX libraries to make quick work of this.


import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMParser;
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcaPEMKeyConverter;

// ...   

String keyPath = "mykey.pem";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(keyPath));
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
PEMParser pp = new PEMParser(br);
PEMKeyPair pemKeyPair = (PEMKeyPair) pp.readObject();
KeyPair kp = new JcaPEMKeyConverter().getKeyPair(pemKeyPair);
samlResponse.sign(Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA").toString(), kp.getPrivate(), certs);

removing bold styling from part of a header

<h1 style="font-weight: normal;"></h1>

try this?

Merge two array of objects based on a key

I was able to achieve this with a nested mapping of the two arrays and updating the initial array: => {
return => {
    if ( === mem.userId) { =;
        return mem;

django: TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

There is comma missing in your tuple.

insert the comma between the tuples as shown:

pack_size = (('1', '1'),('3', '3'),(b, b),(h, h),(d, d), (e, e),(r, r))

Do the same for all

In Python, what does dict.pop(a,b) mean?

>>> def func(a, *args, **kwargs):
...   print 'a %s, args %s, kwargs %s' % (a, args, kwargs)
>>> func('one', 'two', 'three', four='four', five='five')
a one, args ('two', 'three'), kwargs {'four': 'four', 'five': 'five'}

>>> def anotherfunct(beta, *args):
...   print 'beta %s, args %s' % (beta, args)
>>> def func(a, *args, **kwargs):
...   anotherfunct(a, *args)
>>> func('one', 'two', 'three', four='four', five='five')
beta one, args ('two', 'three')

How add spaces between Slick carousel item

With the help of pseudo classes removed margins from first and last child, and used adaptive height true in the script. Try this fiddle

One more Demo

        initialSlide: 3,
        infinite: false,
        adaptiveHeight: true

numpy max vs amax vs maximum

np.maximum not only compares elementwise but also compares array elementwise with single value

>>>np.maximum([23, 14, 16, 20, 25], 18)
array([23, 18, 18, 20, 25])

JSON for List of int

Assuming your ints are 0, 375, 668,5 and 6:

    "Id": "610",
    "Name": "15",
    "Description": "1.99",
    "ItemModList": [

I suggest that you change "Id": "610" to "Id": 610 since it is a integer/long and not a string. You can read more about the JSON format and examples here

Node.js heap out of memory

For angular project bundling, I've added the below line to my pakage.json file in the scripts section.

"build-prod": "node --max_old_space_size=5120 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --prod --base-href /"

Now, to bundle my code, I use npm run build-prod instead of ng build --requiredFlagsHere

hope this helps!

Java Multithreading concept and join() method

First rule of threading - "Threading is fun"...

I'm not able to understand the flow of execution of the program, And when ob1 is created then the constructor is called where t.start() is written but still run() method is not executed rather main() method continues execution. So why is this happening?

This is exactly what should happen. When you call Thread#start, the thread is created and schedule for execution, it might happen immediately (or close enough to it), it might not. It comes down to the thread scheduler.

This comes down to how the thread execution is scheduled and what else is going on in the system. Typically, each thread will be given a small amount of time to execute before it is put back to "sleep" and another thread is allowed to execute (obviously in multiple processor environments, more than one thread can be running at time, but let's try and keep it simple ;))

Threads may also yield execution, allow other threads in the system to have chance to execute.

You could try

NewThread(String threadname) {
    name = threadname;
    t = new Thread(this, name);
    System.out.println("New thread: " + t);
    t.start(); // Start the thread
    // Yield here

And it might make a difference to the way the threads run...equally, you could sleep for a small period of time, but this could cause your thread to be overlooked for execution for a period of cycles (sometimes you want this, sometimes you don't)...

join() method is used to wait until the thread on which it is called does not terminates, but here in output we see alternate outputs of the thread why??

The way you've stated the question is wrong...join will wait for the Thread it is called on to die before returning. For example, if you depending on the result of a Thread, you could use join to know when the Thread has ended before trying to retrieve it's result.

Equally, you could poll the thread, but this will eat CPU cycles that could be better used by the Thread instead...

How can I simulate an anchor click via jquery?

this approach works on firefox, chrome and IE. hope it helps someone:

var comp = document.getElementById('yourCompId');
try { //in firefox;
} catch(ex) {}
try { // in chrome
    if(document.createEvent) {
        var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
        e.initEvent( 'click', true, true );
} catch(ex) {}
try { // in IE
    if(document.createEventObject) {
         var evObj = document.createEventObject();
         comp.fireEvent("onclick", evObj);
} catch(ex) {}

How to do parallel programming in Python?

CPython uses the Global Interpreter Lock which makes parallel programing a bit more interesting than C++

This topic has several useful examples and descriptions of the challenge:

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?

How to add manifest permission to an application?

If you are using the Eclipse ADT plugin for your development, open AndroidManifest.xml in the Android Manifest Editor (should be the default action for opening AndroidManifest.xml from the project files list).

Afterwards, select the Permissions tab along the bottom of the editor (Manifest - Application - Permissions - Instrumentation - AndroidManifest.xml), then click Add... a Uses Permission and select the desired permission from the dropdown on the right, or just copy-paste in the necessary one (such as the android.permission.INTERNET permission you required).

How do I install and use curl on Windows?

Note also that installing Git for Windows from also installs Curl. You can then run Curl from Git for Windows' BASH terminal (not the default Windows CMD terminal).

How to convert list data into json in java

You can use the following method which uses Jackson library

public static <T> List<T> convertToList(String jsonString, Class<T> target) {
    if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonString)) return List.of();

        return new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonString, new ObjectMapper().getTypeFactory().
                constructCollectionType(List.class, target));
    } catch ( JsonProcessingException | JSONException e) {
        return List.of();

Spring Boot - Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE

From the Spring manual.

Spring Boot can auto-configure embedded H2, HSQL, and Derby databases. You don’t need to provide any connection URLs, simply include a build dependency to the embedded database that you want to use.

For example, typical POM dependencies would be:


For me leaving out the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency and just using the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency worked like a charm, as long as I had h2 (or hsqldb) included as dependencies.

How to print current date on python3?

Please try the below lines in order to get the current date.

import datetime

now =

print (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

2020-02-26 21:15:32

Refer :

Do I need to convert .CER to .CRT for Apache SSL certificates? If so, how?

The .cer and .crt file should be interchangable as far as importing them into a keystore.

Take a look at the contents of the .cer file. Erase anything before the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- line and after the -----END CERTIFICATE----- line. You'll be left with the BEGIN/END lines with a bunch of Base64-encoded stuff between them.


Then just import it into your keyfile using keytool.

keytool -import -alias myalias -keystore my.keystore -trustcacerts -file mycert.cer

CSS align one item right with flexbox

For a terse, pure flexbox option, group the left-aligned items and the right-aligned items:

<div class="wrap">

and use space-between:

.wrap {
  display: flex;
  background: #ccc;
  justify-content: space-between;

This way you can group multiple items to the right(or just one).

Pad a number with leading zeros in JavaScript

Funny, I recently had to do this.

function padDigits(number, digits) {
    return Array(Math.max(digits - String(number).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + number;

Use like:

padDigits(9, 4);  // "0009"
padDigits(10, 4); // "0010"
padDigits(15000, 4); // "15000"

Not beautiful, but effective.

How to I say Is Not Null in VBA

you can do like follows. Remember, IsNull is a function which returns TRUE if the parameter passed to it is null, and false otherwise.

Not IsNull(Fields!W_O_Count.Value)

How to make a local variable (inside a function) global

Here are two methods to achieve the same thing:

Using parameters and return (recommended)

def other_function(parameter):
    return parameter + 5

def main_function():
    x = 10
    x = other_function(x)

When you run main_function, you'll get the following output

>>> 10
>>> 15

Using globals (never do this)

x = 0   # The initial value of x, with global scope

def other_function():
    global x
    x = x + 5

def main_function():
    print(x)    # Just printing - no need to declare global yet
    global x   # So we can change the global x
    x = 10

Now you will get:

>>> 0    # Initial global value
>>> 10   # Now we've set it to 10 in `main_function()`
>>> 15   # Now we've added 5 in `other_function()`

jQuery: set selected value of dropdown list?


Old answer, correct method nowadays is to use jQuery's .prop(). IE, element.prop("selected", true)


Use this instead:

$("#routetype option[value='quietest']").attr("selected", "selected");


The simplest way to comma-delimit a list?


String join(List<Object> collection, String delimiter){
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    int size = collection.size();
    for (Object value : collection) {
        size --;
        if(size > 0){

    return stringBuilder.toString();


Given the array of [1,2,3]

join(myArray, ",") // 1,2,3

Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.Splitfn", or the name is ambiguous

A general answer

select * from [dbo].[SplitString]('1,2',',') -- Will work 


select [dbo].[SplitString]('1,2',',')  -- will not work and throws this error

How to set IntelliJ IDEA Project SDK

For a new project select the home directory of the jdk

eg C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_99 or C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_99

For an existing project.

1) You need to have a jdk installed on the system.

for instance in


2) go to project structure under File menu ctrl+alt+shift+S

3) SDKs is located under Platform Settings. Select it.

4) click the green + up the top of the window.

5) select JDK (I have to use keyboard to select it do not know why).

select the home directory for your jdk installation.

should be good to go.

Javascript event handler with parameters

Something you can try is using the bind method, I think this achieves what you were asking for. If nothing else, it's still very useful.

function doClick(elem, func) {
  var diffElem = document.getElementById('some_element'); //could be the same or different element than the element in the doClick argument
  diffElem.addEventListener('click', func.bind(diffElem, elem))

function clickEvent(elem, evt) {
  // 'this' and elem can be the same thing if the first parameter 
  // of the bind method is the element the event is being attached to from the argument passed to doClick

var elem = document.getElementById('elem_to_do_stuff_with');
doClick(elem, clickEvent);

Time complexity of accessing a Python dict

It would be easier to make suggestions if you provided example code and data.

Accessing the dictionary is unlikely to be a problem as that operation is O(1) on average, and O(N) amortized worst case. It's possible that the built-in hashing functions are experiencing collisions for your data. If you're having problems with has the built-in hashing function, you can provide your own.

Python's dictionary implementation reduces the average complexity of dictionary lookups to O(1) by requiring that key objects provide a "hash" function. Such a hash function takes the information in a key object and uses it to produce an integer, called a hash value. This hash value is then used to determine which "bucket" this (key, value) pair should be placed into.

You can overwrite the __hash__ method in your class to implement a custom hash function like this:

def __hash__(self):    
    return hash(str(self))

Depending on what your data actually looks like, you might be able to come up with a faster hash function that has fewer collisions than the standard function. However, this is unlikely. See the Python Wiki page on Dictionary Keys for more information.

What's the difference of $host and $http_host in Nginx

$host is a variable of the Core module.


This variable is equal to line Host in the header of request or name of the server processing the request if the Host header is not available.

This variable may have a different value from $http_host in such cases: 1) when the Host input header is absent or has an empty value, $host equals to the value of server_name directive; 2)when the value of Host contains port number, $host doesn't include that port number. $host's value is always lowercase since 0.8.17.

$http_host is also a variable of the same module but you won't find it with that name because it is defined generically as $http_HEADER (ref).


The value of the HTTP request header HEADER when converted to lowercase and with 'dashes' converted to 'underscores', e.g. $http_user_agent, $http_referer...;


  • $http_host equals always the HTTP_HOST request header.
  • $host equals $http_host, lowercase and without the port number (if present), except when HTTP_HOST is absent or is an empty value. In that case, $host equals the value of the server_name directive of the server which processed the request.

How to match, but not capture, part of a regex?

By far the simplest (works for python) is '123-(apple|banana)-?456'.

How do you use math.random to generate random ints?

you are importing java.util package. That's why its giving error. there is a random() in java.util package too. Please remove the import statement importing java.util package. then your program will use random() method for java.lang by default and then your program will work. remember to cast it i.e

int x = (int)(Math.random()*100);

How can I wait for a thread to finish with .NET?

If using from .NET 4 this sample can help you:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Task task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => doStuff());
        Task task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => doStuff());
        Task task3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => doStuff());
        Task.WaitAll(task1, task2, task3);
        Console.WriteLine("All threads complete");

    static void doStuff()
        // Do stuff here

From: Create multiple threads and wait all of them to complete

Place API key in Headers or URL

passing api key in parameters makes it difficult for clients to keep their APIkeys secret, they tend to leak keys on a regular basis. A better approach is to pass it in header of request can set user-key header in your code . For testing your request Url you can use Postman app in google chrome by setting user-key header to your api-key.

npm install error - MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe"

I managed to get it working by following Option 2 on the Windows installation instructions on the following page:

I had to close the current command line interface and reopen it after doing the installation on another one logged in as Administrator.

process.start() arguments

Try fully qualifying the filenames in the arguments - I notice you're specifying the path in the FileName part, so it's possible that the process is being started elsewhere, then not finding the arguments and causing an error.

If that works, then setting the WorkingDirectory property on the StartInfo may be of use.

Actually, according to the link

The WorkingDirectory property must be set if UserName and Password are provided. If the property is not set, the default working directory is %SYSTEMROOT%\system32.

$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] gives server IP rather than visitor IP

$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] gives the IP address from which the request was sent to the web server. This is typically the visitor's address, but in your case, it sounds like there is some kind of proxy sitting right before the web server that intercepts the requests, hence to the web server it appears as though the requests are originating from there.

ActionBarActivity cannot resolve a symbol

Follow the steps mentioned for using support ActionBar in Android Studio(0.4.2) :

Download the Android Support Repository from Android SDK Manager, SDK Manager icon will be available on Android Studio tool bar (or Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager).

enter image description here

After download you will find your Support repository here


Open your main module's build.gradle file and add following dependency for using action bar in lower API level

dependencies {
    compile ''

Sync your project with gradle using the tiny Gradle icon available in toolbar (or Tools -> Android -> Sync Project With Gradle Files).

There is some issue going on with Android Studio 0.4.2 so check this as well if you face any issue while importing classes in code.

Import Google Play Services library in Android Studio

If Required follow the steps as well :

  • Exit Android Studio
  • Delete all the .iml files and files inside .idea folder from your project
  • Relaunch Android Studio and wait till the project synced completely with gradle. If it shows an error in Event Log with import option click on Import Project.

This is bug in Android Studio 0.4.2 and fixed for Android Studio 0.4.3 release.

'Incomplete final line' warning when trying to read a .csv file into R

Use readLines() (with warn = FALSE) to read the file into a character vector first.

After that use the text = option to read the vector into a data frame with read.table()

    pheasant <- read.table( 
        text = readLines(file.choose(), warn = FALSE), 
        header = TRUE,  
        sep = "," 

How to sort a data frame by date

In case you want to sort dates with descending order the minus sign doesn't work with Dates.

out <- DF[rev(order(as.Date(DF$end))),]

However you can have the same effect with a general purpose function: rev(). Therefore, you mix rev and order like:

#init data
DF <- data.frame(ID=c('ID3', 'ID2','ID1'), end=c('4/1/09 12:00', '6/1/10 14:20', '1/1/11 11:10')
#change order
out <- DF[rev(order(as.Date(DF$end))),]

Hope it helped.

Loop structure inside gnuplot?

Take a look also to the do { ... } command since gnuplot 4.6 as it is very powerful:

do for [t=0:50] {
  outfile = sprintf('animation/bessel%03.0f.png',t)
  set output outfile
  splot u*sin(v),u*cos(v),bessel(u,t/50.0) w pm3d ls 1

How do I make a file:// hyperlink that works in both IE and Firefox?

Paste following link to directly under link button click event, otherwise use javascript to call code behind function

Protected Sub lnkOpen_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 
End Sub

"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" - Beginner Backbone.js Application

I have occurred the same error look following example-

async.waterfall([function(waterCB) {
}, function(**inputArray**, waterCB) {
}], function(waterErr, waterResult) {

In the above waterfall function, I am accepting inputArray parameter in waterfall 2nd function. But this inputArray not passed in waterfall 1st function in waterCB.

Cheak your function parameters Below are a correct example.

async.waterfall([function(waterCB) {
    waterCB(null, **inputArray**);
}, function(**inputArray**, waterCB) {
}], function(waterErr, waterResult) {


Adding a leading zero to some values in column in MySQL


select lpad(column, 8, 0) from table;

Edited in response to question from mylesg, in comments below:

ok, seems to make the change on the query- but how do I make it stick (change it) permanently in the table? I tried an UPDATE instead of SELECT

I'm assuming that you used a query similar to:

UPDATE table SET columnName=lpad(nums,8,0);

If that was successful, but the table's values are still without leading-zeroes, then I'd suggest you probably set the column as a numeric type? If that's the case then you'd need to alter the table so that the column is of a text/varchar() type in order to preserve the leading zeroes:


ALTER TABLE `table` CHANGE `numberColumn` `numberColumn` CHAR(8);

Second, run the update:

UPDATE table SET `numberColumn`=LPAD(`numberColum`, 8, '0');

This should, then, preserve the leading-zeroes; the down-side is that the column is no longer strictly of a numeric type; so you may have to enforce more strict validation (depending on your use-case) to ensure that non-numerals aren't entered into that column.


Function to return only alpha-numeric characters from string?

Warning: Note that English is not restricted to just A-Z.

Try this to remove everything except a-z, A-Z and 0-9:

$result = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $s);

If your definition of alphanumeric includes letters in foreign languages and obsolete scripts then you will need to use the Unicode character classes.

Try this to leave only A-Z:

$result = preg_replace("/[^A-Z]+/", "", $s);

The reason for the warning is that words like résumé contains the letter é that won't be matched by this. If you want to match a specific list of letters adjust the regular expression to include those letters. If you want to match all letters, use the appropriate character classes as mentioned in the comments.

Writing string to a file on a new line every time

Unless write to binary files, use print. Below example good for formatting csv files:

def write_row(file_, *columns):
    print(*columns, sep='\t', end='\n', file=file_)


PHI = 45
with open('file.csv', 'a+') as f:
    write_row(f, 'header', 'phi:', PHI, 'serie no. 2')
    write_row(f)  # newline
    write_row(f, data[0], data[1])


Detect end of ScrollView

I wanted to show/hide a FAB with an offset before the very bottom of the scrollview. This is the solution I came up with (Kotlin):

scrollview.viewTreeObserver.addOnScrollChangedListener {
    if (scrollview.scrollY < scrollview.getChildAt(0).bottom - scrollview.height - offset) {
        // fab.hide()
    } else {

Body of Http.DELETE request in Angular2

If you use Angular 6 we can put body in http.request method.

Reference from github

You can try this, for me it works.

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {

    private http: HttpClient
  ) {
    http.request('delete', url, {body: body}).subscribe();

How to perform a for loop on each character in a string in Bash?

The C style loop in @chepner's answer is in the shell function update_terminal_cwd, and the grep -o . solution is clever, but I was surprised not to see a solution using seq. Here's mine:

read word
for i in $(seq 1 ${#word}); do
  echo "${word:i-1:1}"

MySQL - Meaning of "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE KEY" and "KEY" when used together while creating a table

MySQL unique and primary keys serve to identify rows. There can be only one Primary key in a table but one or more unique keys. Key is just index.

for more details you can check

to convert mysql to mssql try this and see

Open application after clicking on Notification

Here's example using NotificationCompact.Builder class which is the recent version to build notification.

private void startNotification() {
    Log.i("NextActivity", "startNotification");

 // Sets an ID for the notification
      int mNotificationId = 001;

    // Build Notification , setOngoing keeps the notification always in status bar
    NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder =
            new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                    .setContentTitle("Stop LDB")
                    .setContentText("Click to stop LDB")

    // Create pending intent, mention the Activity which needs to be 
    //triggered when user clicks on notification(StopScript.class in this case)

    PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
            new Intent(this, StopScript.class), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);


    // Gets an instance of the NotificationManager service
   NotificationManager mNotificationManager =
            (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

    // Builds the notification and issues it.


How to clone a Date object?

var orig = new Date();
var copy = new Date(+orig);

console.log(orig, copy);

org.json.simple.JSONArray cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONObject

The first element of the sites array is an array, as you can see indenting the JSON:


Therefore you need to treat its value accordingly; probably you could do something like:

JSONObject site = (JSONObject)(((JSONArray)jsonSites.get(i)).get(0));

With jQuery, how do I capitalize the first letter of a text field while the user is still editing that field?

    var txt = $(this).val();

    // Regex taken from php.js (
    $(this).val(txt.replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g, function($1){ return $1.toUpperCase( ); }));

Grant Select on a view not base table when base table is in a different database

I tried this in one of my databases.

To get it to work, the user had to be added to the database housing the actual data. No rights were needed, just access.

Have you considered keeping the view in the database it references? Re usability and all if its benefits could follow.

how to set radio option checked onload with jQuery

If you want it to be truly dynamic and select the radio that corresponds to the incoming data, this works. It's using the gender value of the data passed in or uses default.

if(data['gender'] == ''){
 $('input:radio[name="gender"][value="Male"]').prop('checked', true);
  $('input:radio[name="gender"][value="' + data['gender'] +'"]').prop('checked', true);

Label word wrapping

Change your maximum size,

label1.MaximumSize = new Size(100, 0);

And set your autosize to true.

label1.AutoSize = true;

That's it!

gradle build fails on lint task

In Android Studio v1.2, it tells you how to fix it:

enter image description here

Plotting multiple curves same graph and same scale

My solution is to use ggplot2. It takes care of these types of things automatically. The biggest thing is to arrange the data appropriately.

y1 <- c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500)
y2 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
df <- data.frame(x=rep(x,2), y=c(y1, y2), class=c(rep("y1", 5), rep("y2", 5)))

Then use ggplot2 to plot it

ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y, color=class)) + geom_point()

This is saying plot the data in df, and separate the points by class.

The plot generated isenter image description here

Why is my toFixed() function not working?

Your conversion data is response[25] and follow the below steps.

var i = parseFloat(response[25]).toFixed(2)

jQuery Show-Hide DIV based on Checkbox Value

You might consider using the :checked selector, provided by jQuery. Something like this:

$('.pChk').click(function() {
    if( $('.pChk:checked').length > 0 ) {
    } else {

How can I specify a local gem in my Gemfile?

If you want the branch too:

gem 'foo', path: "point/to/your/path", branch: "branch-name"

MySQL - How to parse a string value to DATETIME format inside an INSERT statement?

Use MySQL's STR_TO_DATE() function to parse the string that you're attempting to insert:

INSERT INTO tblInquiry (fldInquiryReceivedDateTime) VALUES
  (STR_TO_DATE('5/15/2012 8:06:26 AM', '%c/%e/%Y %r'))

Finding first and last index of some value in a list in Python

As a small helper function:

def rindex(mylist, myvalue):
    return len(mylist) - mylist[::-1].index(myvalue) - 1

No space left on device

You can execute the following commands

lsof / |grep deleted

kill the process id's, which free up the disk space.

Two values from one input in python?

You have to use the split() method which splits the input into two different inputs. Whatever you pass into the split is looked for and the input is split from there. In most cases its the white space.

For example, You give the input 23 24 25. You expect 3 different inputs like

num1 = 23
num2 = 24
num3 = 25

So in Python, You can do

num1,num2,num3 = input().split(" ")

Show spinner GIF during an $http request in AngularJS?

Simple way without interceptors or jQuery

This is a simple way to show a spinner that does not require a third-party library, intercepters, or jQuery.

In the controller, set and reset a flag.

function starting() {
    vm.starting = true;
      .then(function onSuccess(response) { =;
    }).catch(function onReject(errorResponse) {
    }).finally(function() {
        vm.starting = false;

In the HTML, use the flag:

<div ng-show="vm.starting">
    <img ng-src="spinnerURL" />

<div ng-hide="vm.starting">

The vm.starting flag is set true when the XHR starts and cleared when the XHR completes.

How to correct indentation in IntelliJ

Code ? Reformat Code... (default Ctrl + Alt + L) for the whole file or Code ? Auto-Indent Lines (default Ctrl + Alt + I) for the current line or selection.

You can customise the settings for how code is auto-formatted under File ? Settings ? Editor ? Code Style.

To ensure comments are also indented to the same level as the code, you can simply do as follows:

UI screenshot (example for JavaScript)

What tools do you use to test your public REST API?

I am using Fiddler - this is a great tool and allows you to quickly hack on previous http request amending headers / content etc.

Apart from that I am using scipts written in Python (using httplib) , as this is one of the easiest way to create integration test.

Could not autowire field:RestTemplate in Spring boot application

If a TestRestTemplate is a valid option in your unit test, this documentation might be relevant

Short answer: if using


then @Autowired will work. If using


then create a TestRestTemplate like this

private TestRestTemplate template = new TestRestTemplate();

Vagrant error : Failed to mount folders in Linux guest

I arrived at this page whilst looking for the same error message. For me the cause was different: I had ran a yum update on the system that installed a new kernel. The guest additions where out of date so it couldn't load them.

I rebuilt them with

sudo /etc/init.d/vboxadd setup 

And a vagrant reload later my guest was up and running again.

I'm just adding it here in case someone else gets here the same way I did.

Edit (Per KCD's comment):
It is possible that you get an error saying:

The headers for the current running kernel were not found

This can be resolved by installing kernel-devel (yum install kernel-devel)

how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs

create a class with the following CSS and add it to your tags with onclick events:


The entity type <type> is not part of the model for the current context

Delete the .edmx file and add it again. Especially, if you have upgraded the Entity Framework.

How to force garbage collection in Java?

Another options is to not create new objects.

Object pooling is away to reduce the need GC in Java.

Object pooling is generally not going to be faster than Object creation (esp for lightweight objects) but it is faster than Garbage Collection. If you created 10,000 objects and each object was 16 bytes. That's 160,000 bytes GC has to reclaim. On the other hand, if you don't need all 10,000 at the same time, you can create a pool to recycle/reuse the objects which eliminates the need to construct new objects and eliminates the need to GC old objects.

Something like this (untested). And if you want it to be thread safe you can swap out the LinkedList for a ConcurrentLinkedQueue.

public abstract class Pool<T> {
    private int mApproximateSize;
    private LinkedList<T> mPool = new LinkedList<>();

    public Pool(int approximateSize) {
        mApproximateSize = approximateSize;

    public T attain() {
        T item = mPool.poll();
        if (item == null) {
            item = newInstance();
        return item;

    public void release(T item) {
        int approxSize = mPool.size(); // not guaranteed accurate
        if (approxSize < mApproximateSize) {
        } else if (approxSize > mApproximateSize) {

    public abstract T newInstance();

    public abstract void recycle(T item);

    public void decommission(T item) { }


How to subtract one month using moment.js?

For substracting in moment.js:

moment().subtract(1, 'months').format('MMM YYYY');


Before version 2.8.0, the moment#subtract(String, Number) syntax was also supported. It has been deprecated in favor of moment#subtract(Number, String).

  moment().subtract('seconds', 1); // Deprecated in 2.8.0
  moment().subtract(1, 'seconds');

As of 2.12.0 when decimal values are passed for days and months, they are rounded to the nearest integer. Weeks, quarters, and years are converted to days or months, and then rounded to the nearest integer.

  moment().subtract(1.5, 'months') == moment().subtract(2, 'months')
  moment().subtract(.7, 'years') == moment().subtract(8, 'months') //.7*12 = 8.4, rounded to 8

How to install pandas from pip on windows cmd?

In my opinion, the issue is because the environment variable is not set up to recognize pip as a valid command.

In general, the pip in Python is at this location:

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\Scripts > pip

So all we need to do is go to Computer Name> Right Click > Advanced System Settings > Select Env Variable then under system variables > reach to Path> Edit path and add the Path by separating this path by putting a semicolon after the last path already was in the Env Variable.

Now run Python shell, and this should work.

Why does "return list.sort()" return None, not the list?

To understand why it does not return the list:

sort() doesn't return any value while the sort() method just sorts the elements of a given list in a specific order - ascending or descending without returning any value.

So problem is with answer = newList.sort() where answer is none.

Instead you can just do return newList.sort().

The syntax of the sort() method is:

list.sort(key=..., reverse=...)

Alternatively, you can also use Python's in-built function sorted() for the same purpose.

sorted(list, key=..., reverse=...)

Note: The simplest difference between sort() and sorted() is: sort() doesn't return any value while, sorted() returns an iterable list.

So in your case answer = sorted(newList).

Initializing an Array of Structs in C#

Are you using C# 3.0? You can use object initializers like so:

static MyStruct[] myArray = 
            new MyStruct[]{
                new MyStruct() { id = 1, label = "1" },
                new MyStruct() { id = 2, label = "2" },
                new MyStruct() { id = 3, label = "3" }

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

The answers here do an excellent job in defining both monoids and monads, however, they still don't seem to answer the question:

And on a less important note, is this true and if so could you give an explanation (hopefully one that can be understood by someone who doesn't have much Haskell experience)?

The crux of the matter that is missing here, is the different notion of "monoid", the so-called categorification more precisely -- the one of monoid in a monoidal category. Sadly Mac Lane's book itself makes it very confusing:

All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.

Main confusion

Why is this confusing? Because it does not define what is "monoid in the category of endofunctors" of X. Instead, this sentence suggests taking a monoid inside the set of all endofunctors together with the functor composition as binary operation and the identity functor as a monoidal unit. Which works perfectly fine and turns into a monoid any subset of endofunctors that contains the identity functor and is closed under functor composition.

Yet this is not the correct interpretation, which the book fails to make clear at that stage. A Monad f is a fixed endofunctor, not a subset of endofunctors closed under composition. A common construction is to use f to generate a monoid by taking the set of all k-fold compositions f^k = f(f(...)) of f with itself, including k=0 that corresponds to the identity f^0 = id. And now the set S of all these powers for all k>=0 is indeed a monoid "with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor".

And yet:

  • This monoid S can be defined for any functor f or even literally for any self-map of X. It is the monoid generated by f.
  • The monoidal structure of S given by the functor composition and the identity functor has nothing do with f being or not being a monad.

And to make things more confusing, the definition of "monoid in monoidal category" comes later in the book as you can see from the table of contents. And yet understanding this notion is absolutely critical to understanding the connection with monads.

(Strict) monoidal categories

Going to Chapter VII on Monoids (which comes later than Chapter VI on Monads), we find the definition of the so-called strict monoidal category as triple (B, *, e), where B is a category, *: B x B-> B a bifunctor (functor with respect to each component with other component fixed) and e is a unit object in B, satisfying the associativity and unit laws:

(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
a * e = e * a = a

for any objects a,b,c of B, and the same identities for any morphisms a,b,c with e replaced by id_e, the identity morphism of e. It is now instructive to observe that in our case of interest, where B is the category of endofunctors of X with natural transformations as morphisms, * the functor composition and e the identity functor, all these laws are satisfied, as can be directly verified.

What comes after in the book is the definition of the "relaxed" monoidal category, where the laws only hold modulo some fixed natural transformations satisfying so-called coherence relations, which is however not important for our cases of the endofunctor categories.

Monoids in monoidal categories

Finally, in section 3 "Monoids" of Chapter VII, the actual definition is given:

A monoid c in a monoidal category (B, *, e) is an object of B with two arrows (morphisms)

mu: c * c -> c
nu: e -> c

making 3 diagrams commutative. Recall that in our case, these are morphisms in the category of endofunctors, which are natural transformations corresponding to precisely join and return for a monad. The connection becomes even clearer when we make the composition * more explicit, replacing c * c by c^2, where c is our monad.

Finally, notice that the 3 commutative diagrams (in the definition of a monoid in monoidal category) are written for general (non-strict) monoidal categories, while in our case all natural transformations arising as part of the monoidal category are actually identities. That will make the diagrams exactly the same as the ones in the definition of a monad, making the correspondence complete.


In summary, any monad is by definition an endofunctor, hence an object in the category of endofunctors, where the monadic join and return operators satisfy the definition of a monoid in that particular (strict) monoidal category. Vice versa, any monoid in the monoidal category of endofunctors is by definition a triple (c, mu, nu) consisting of an object and two arrows, e.g. natural transformations in our case, satisfying the same laws as a monad.

Finally, note the key difference between the (classical) monoids and the more general monoids in monoidal categories. The two arrows mu and nu above are not anymore a binary operation and a unit in a set. Instead, you have one fixed endofunctor c. The functor composition * and the identity functor alone do not provide the complete structure needed for the monad, despite that confusing remark in the book.

Another approach would be to compare with the standard monoid C of all self-maps of a set A, where the binary operation is the composition, that can be seen to map the standard cartesian product C x C into C. Passing to the categorified monoid, we are replacing the cartesian product x with the functor composition *, and the binary operation gets replaced with the natural transformation mu from c * c to c, that is a collection of the join operators

join: c(c(T))->c(T)

for every object T (type in programming). And the identity elements in classical monoids, which can be identified with images of maps from a fixed one-point-set, get replaced with the collection of the return operators

return: T->c(T) 

But now there are no more cartesian products, so no pairs of elements and thus no binary operations.

C++ Returning reference to local variable

A good thing to remember are these simple rules, and they apply to both parameters and return types...

  • Value - makes a copy of the item in question.
  • Pointer - refers to the address of the item in question.
  • Reference - is literally the item in question.

There is a time and place for each, so make sure you get to know them. Local variables, as you've shown here, are just that, limited to the time they are locally alive in the function scope. In your example having a return type of int* and returning &i would have been equally incorrect. You would be better off in that case doing this...

void func1(int& oValue)
    oValue = 1;

Doing so would directly change the value of your passed in parameter. Whereas this code...

void func1(int oValue)
    oValue = 1;

would not. It would just change the value of oValue local to the function call. The reason for this is because you'd actually be changing just a "local" copy of oValue, and not oValue itself.

How do I convert strings in a Pandas data frame to a 'date' data type?

 #   Column          Non-Null Count   Dtype         
---  ------          --------------   -----         
 0   startDay        110526 non-null  object
 1   endDay          110526 non-null  object

import pandas as pd

df['startDay'] = pd.to_datetime(df.startDay)

df['endDay'] = pd.to_datetime(df.endDay)

 #   Column          Non-Null Count   Dtype         
---  ------          --------------   -----         
 0   startDay        110526 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   endDay          110526 non-null  datetime64[ns]

How do I schedule a task to run at periodic intervals?

Use timer.scheduleAtFixedRate

public void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task,
                                long delay,
                                long period)

Schedules the specified task for repeated fixed-rate execution, beginning after the specified delay. Subsequent executions take place at approximately regular intervals, separated by the specified period.
In fixed-rate execution, each execution is scheduled relative to the scheduled execution time of the initial execution. If an execution is delayed for any reason (such as garbage collection or other background activity), two or more executions will occur in rapid succession to "catch up." In the long run, the frequency of execution will be exactly the reciprocal of the specified period (assuming the system clock underlying Object.wait(long) is accurate).

Fixed-rate execution is appropriate for recurring activities that are sensitive to absolute time, such as ringing a chime every hour on the hour, or running scheduled maintenance every day at a particular time. It is also appropriate for recurring activities where the total time to perform a fixed number of executions is important, such as a countdown timer that ticks once every second for ten seconds. Finally, fixed-rate execution is appropriate for scheduling multiple repeating timer tasks that must remain synchronized with respect to one another.


  • task - task to be scheduled.
  • delay - delay in milliseconds before task is to be executed.
  • period - time in milliseconds between successive task executions.


  • IllegalArgumentException - if delay is negative, or delay + System.currentTimeMillis() is negative.
  • IllegalStateException - if task was already scheduled or cancelled, timer was cancelled, or timer thread terminated.

How to customize message box

You can't restyle the default MessageBox as that's dependant on the current Windows OS theme, however you can easily create your own MessageBox. Just add a new form (i.e. MyNewMessageBox) to your project with these settings:

FormBorderStyle    FixedToolWindow
ShowInTaskBar      False
StartPosition      CenterScreen

To show it use myNewMessageBoxInstance.ShowDialog();. And add a label and buttons to your form, such as OK and Cancel and set their DialogResults appropriately, i.e. add a button to MyNewMessageBox and call it btnOK. Set the DialogResult property in the property window to DialogResult.OK. When that button is pressed it would return the OK result:

MyNewMessageBox myNewMessageBoxInstance = new MyNewMessageBox();
DialogResult result = myNewMessageBoxInstance.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
    // etc

It would be advisable to add your own Show method that takes the text and other options you require:

public DialogResult Show(string text, Color foreColour)
     lblText.Text = text;
     lblText.ForeColor = foreColour;
     return this.ShowDialog();

Filling a List with all enum values in Java

Try this:

... = new ArrayList<Something>(EnumSet.allOf(Something.class));

as ArrayList has a constructor with Collection<? extends E>. But use this method only if you really want to use EnumSet.

All enums have access to the method values(). It returns an array of all enum values:

... = Arrays.asList(Something.values());

How to convert an address to a latitude/longitude?

Try with this code, i work like this with addresses:

It is link in which with GET method you will send request and get lat and lng. ADDRES&sensor=false

For exemple: Main St, Bergenfield, NJ 07621&sensor=false

1. Create your GET method.

 public static String GET(String url) throws Exception {//GET Method
        String result = null;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        try {
            HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);

        Log.v("ExecuteGET: ", httpGet.getRequestLine().toString());

        HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httpGet);
        inputStream = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent();
        if (inputStream != null) {
            result = convertInputStreamToString(inputStream);
            Log.v("Result: ", "result\n" + result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return result;

2. Create method for send request

    public static String getLatLng(String accessToken) throws Exception{
        String query=StaticString.gLobalGoogleUrl+"json?address="+URLEncoder.encode(accessToken)+"&sensor=false";
        Log.v("GETGoogleGeocoder", query+"");
        return GET(query);


3. Call method getLatLng

String result=getLatLng("W Main St, Bergenfield, NJ 07621");

4. Parse JSONObject

Now result is JSONObject with information about address and lan,lng. Parse JSONObject (result) with gson(). After that use lat,lng.

If you have question about code , ask.

onSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState ()

From the documentation Restore activity UI state using saved instance state it is stated as:

Instead of restoring the state during onCreate() you may choose to implement onRestoreInstanceState(), which the system calls after the onStart() method. The system calls onRestoreInstanceState() only if there is a saved state to restore, so you do not need to check whether the Bundle is null:

enter image description here

enter image description here

IMO, this is more clear way than checking this at onCreate, and better fits with single responsiblity principle.

How do you detect the clearing of a "search" HTML5 input?

I know this is an old question, but I was looking for the similar thing. Determine when the 'X' was clicked to clear the search box. None of the answers here helped me at all. One was close but also affected when the user hit the 'enter' button, it would fire the same result as clicking the 'X'.

I found this answer on another post and it works perfect for me and only fires when the user clears the search box.

$("input").bind("mouseup", function(e){
   var $input = $(this),
   oldValue = $input.val();

   if (oldValue == "") return;

   // When this event is fired after clicking on the clear button
   // the value is not cleared yet. We have to wait for it.
     var newValue = $input.val();

      if (newValue == ""){
         // capture the clear
    }, 1);

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0' doesn't match value '2' in main.obj

I had the same problem today (VS2010), I built Release | Win32, then tried to build Debug | Win32, and got this message.

I tried cleaning Debug | Win32 but the error still persisted. I then cleaned Release | Win32, then cleaned Debug | Win32, and then it built fine.

GlobalConfiguration.Configure() not present after Web API 2 and .NET 4.5.1 migration

If the issue remain after uninstalling and installing Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost then also add followings in web.config for globalconfiguration to work

        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

cast a List to a Collection

List<T> already implements Collection<T> - why would you need to create a new one?

Collection<T> collection = myList;

The error message is absolutely right - you can't directly instantiate an interface. If you want to create a copy of the existing list, you could use something like:

Collection<T> collection = new ArrayList<T>(myList);

Phonegap Cordova installation Windows

I have found this Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio Documentation for CTP1.1 Last updated: May 29, 2014 .

Some of the content from the documentation as follows.

This release supports building apps for the following device targets:

Android 4+ (4.4 providing the optimal developer experience) iOS 6 & 7 Windows 8.0 (Store) Windows Phone 8.0

Requirements: Windows 8.1

Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 - Professional, Ultimate, or Premium with the following optional features installed:

Tools for Maintaining Store apps for Windows 8 Windows Phone 8.0 SDK

Additional system requirements vary by device platform:

The Android emulator works best with PCs capable of installing the Intel HAXM driver

Windows Phone 8 requires a Hyper-V capable PC to run the emulator Building for iOS and using the iOS Simulator requires a Mac capable of running Xcode 5.1

Third Party Dependencies :

Joyent Node.js – Enables Visual Studio to integrate with the Apache Cordova Command Line Interface (CLI) and Apache Ripple™ Emulator Git CLI – Required only if you need to manually add git URIs for plugins

Google Chrome – Required to run the Apache Ripple emulator for iOS and Android

Apache Ant 1.8.0+ – Required as a dependency for the Android build process

Oracle Java JDK 7 – Required as a dependency for the Android build process

Android SDK – Required as a dependency for the Android build process and Ripple

SQLLite for Windows Runtime – required to add SQL connectivity to Windows apps (for the WebSQL Polyfill plugin)

Apple iTunes – Required for deploying an app to an iOS device connected to your Windows PC

enter image description here

CSS Circular Cropping of Rectangle Image

insert the image and then backhand all you need is:

img {
  border-radius: 50%;

** the image code will be here automatically**

ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore

As mentioned in the comments, you need to install the python-qt4 package - no need to recompile it yourself.

sudo apt-get install python-qt4

Using Server.MapPath() inside a static field in ASP.NET MVC

Try HostingEnvironment.MapPath, which is static.

See this SO question for confirmation that HostingEnvironment.MapPath returns the same value as Server.MapPath: What is the difference between Server.MapPath and HostingEnvironment.MapPath?

Where is the correct location to put in an Eclipse project?

The safest way IMO is to point at the file in your run/debug config

! Be aware: when using the eclipse launch configurations the specification of the file: protocol is mandatory.

In this way the logger will not catch any that come before in the classpath nor the default one in the JDK.

Also, consider actually use the log4j.xml which has a richer expression syntax and will allow more things (log4j.xml tahe precedence over

jQuery: how to change title of document during .ready()?

Do not use $('title').text('hi'), because IE doesn't support it.

It is better to use document.title = 'new title';

Regular expression to match any character being repeated more than 10 times


matches = that is repeated 10 or more times.

How to output to the console and file?

Probably the shortest solution:

def printLog(*args, **kwargs):
    print(*args, **kwargs)
    with open('output.out','a') as file:
        print(*args, **kwargs, file=file)

printLog('hello world')

Writes 'hello world' to sys.stdout and to output.out and works exactly the same way as print().

Note: Please do not specify the file argument for the printLog function. Calls like printLog('test',file='output2.out') are not supported.

Call and receive output from Python script in Java?

You can include the Jython library in your Java Project. You can download the source code from the Jython project itself.

Jython does offers support for JSR-223 which basically lets you run a Python script from Java.

You can use a ScriptContext to configure where you want to send your output of the execution.

For instance, let's suppose you have the following Python script in a file named

for i in range(1,10):

So, you can run it from Java as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException, IOException {

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); //ouput will be stored here

    ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
    ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext();

    context.setWriter(writer); //configures output redirection
    ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("python");
    engine.eval(new FileReader(""), context);

And the output will be:


As long as your Python script is compatible with Python 2.5 you will not have any problems running this with Jython.

jQuery Validation using the class instead of the name value

Here's the solution using jQuery:

    $().ready(function () {
        $(".checkBox").each(function (item) {
            $(this).rules("add", {
                required: true,

initialize a numpy array

To initialize a numpy array with a specific matrix:

import numpy as np

mat = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
                [1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]])

print mat.shape
print mat


(5, 5)
[[1 1 0 0 0]
 [0 1 0 0 1]
 [1 0 0 1 1]
 [0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 0 1 0 1]]

How to change XML Attribute

Mike; Everytime I need to modify an XML document I work it this way:

//Here is the variable with which you assign a new value to the attribute
string newValue = string.Empty;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Root/Node/Element");
node.Attributes[0].Value = newValue;


//xmlFile is the path of your file to be modified

I hope you find it useful

Checking Value of Radio Button Group via JavaScript?

If you wrap your form elements in a form tag with a name attribute you can easily get the value using document.formName.radioGroupName.value.

<form name="myForm">
    <input type="radio" id="genderm" name="gender" value="male" />
    <label for="genderm">Male</label>
    <input type="radio" id="genderf" name="gender" value="female" />
    <label for="genderf">Female</label>

    var selected = document.forms.myForm.gender.value;

How to write DataFrame to postgres table?

For Python 2.7 and Pandas 0.24.2 and using Psycopg2

Psycopg2 Connection Module

def dbConnect (db_parm, username_parm, host_parm, pw_parm):
    # Parse in connection information
    credentials = {'host': host_parm, 'database': db_parm, 'user': username_parm, 'password': pw_parm}
    conn = psycopg2.connect(**credentials)
    conn.autocommit = True  # auto-commit each entry to the database
    conn.cursor_factory = RealDictCursor
    cur = conn.cursor()
    print ("Connected Successfully to DB: " + str(db_parm) + "@" + str(host_parm))
    return conn, cur

Connect to the database

conn, cur = dbConnect(databaseName, dbUser, dbHost, dbPwd)

Assuming dataframe to be present already as df

output = io.BytesIO() # For Python3 use StringIO
df.to_csv(output, sep='\t', header=True, index=False) # Required for rewinding the String object
copy_query = "COPY mem_info FROM STDOUT csv DELIMITER '\t' NULL ''  ESCAPE '\\' HEADER "  # Replace your table name in place of mem_info
cur.copy_expert(copy_query, output)

How to compare LocalDate instances Java 8

Using equals() LocalDate does override equals:

int compareTo0(LocalDate otherDate) {
    int cmp = (year - otherDate.year);
    if (cmp == 0) {
        cmp = (month - otherDate.month);
        if (cmp == 0) {
            cmp = (day -;
    return cmp;

If you are not happy with the result of equals(), you are good using the predefined methods of LocalDate.

Notice that all of those method are using the compareTo0() method and just check the cmp value. if you are still getting weird result (which you shouldn't), please attach an example of input and output

What does if [ $? -eq 0 ] mean for shell scripts?

$? is the exit status of the most recently-executed command; by convention, 0 means success and anything else indicates failure. That line is testing whether the grep command succeeded.

The grep manpage states:

The exit status is 0 if selected lines are found, and 1 if not found. If an error occurred the exit status is 2. (Note: POSIX error handling code should check for '2' or greater.)

So in this case it's checking whether any ERROR lines were found.

Object Library Not Registered When Adding Windows Common Controls 6.0

...and on my 64 bit W7 machine, with VB6 installed... in DOS, as Admin, this worked to solve an OCX problem I was having with a VB6 App:

cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64
regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx
regtlib msdatsrc.tlb

YES! This solution solved the problem I had using MSCAL.OCX (The Microsoft Calendar Control) in VB6.

Thank you guys! :-)

How can one pull the (private) data of one's own Android app?

Newer versions of Android Studio include the Device File Explorer which I've found to be a handy GUI method of downloading files from my development Nexus 7.

You Must make sure you have enabled USB Debugging on the device

  1. Click View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer or click the Device File Explorer button in the tool window bar to open the Device File Explorer.
  2. Select a device from the drop down list.
  3. Interact with the device content in the file explorer window. Right-click on a file or directory to create a new file or directory, save the selected file or directory to your machine, upload, delete, or synchronize. Double-click a file to open it in Android Studio.

    Android Studio saves files you open this way in a temporary directory outside of your project. If you make modifications to a file you opened using the Device File Explorer, and would like to save your changes back to the device, you must manually upload the modified version of the file to the device.

file explorer

Full Documentation

C++ float array initialization

No, it sets all members/elements that haven't been explicitly set to their default-initialisation value, which is zero for numeric types.

sys.stdin.readline() reads without prompt, returning 'nothing in between'

If you need just one character and you don't want to keep things in the buffer, you can simply read a whole line and drop everything that isn't needed.




This will read a line, remove spaces and newlines and just keep the first character.

How do I do word Stemming or Lemmatization?

Do a search foR Lucene, im not sure if theres a PHP port but i do know Lucene is available for many platforms. Lucene is an OSS (from Apache) indexing and search library. Naturally it and community extras might have something interesting to look at. At the very least you can learn how its done in one language so you can translate the "idea" into PHP

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages

Compile is the process of creating an executable program from code written in a compiled programming language. Compiling allows the computer to run and understand the program without the need of the programming software used to create it. When a program is compiled it is often compiled for a specific platform (e.g. IBM platform) that works with IBM compatible computers, but not other platforms (e.g. Apple platform). The first compiler was developed by Grace Hopper while working on the Harvard Mark I computer. Today, most high-level languages will include their own compiler or have toolkits available that can be used to compile the program. A good example of a compiler used with Java is Eclipse and an example of a compiler used with C and C++ is the gcc command. Depending on how big the program is it should take a few seconds or minutes to compile and if no errors are encountered while being compiled an executable file is created.check this information

How to kill a child process by the parent process?

In the parent process, fork()'s return value is the process ID of the child process. Stuff that value away somewhere for when you need to terminate the child process. fork() returns zero(0) in the child process.

When you need to terminate the child process, use the kill(2) function with the process ID returned by fork(), and the signal you wish to deliver (e.g. SIGTERM).

Remember to call wait() on the child process to prevent any lingering zombies.

nginx - nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)

I have the same issue, but I see that port 80 listened by Nginx:

tcp        0      0        *                   LISTEN      9730/nginx 

But when I try to restart it, I have the error:

    service nginx restart
Stopping nginx:                                            [FAILED]
Starting nginx: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] still could not bind()

My issue was in the config file, I am set PID file, and seems system cant catch it properly:

user nginx;
worker_processes 1;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
pid /run/;

When I removed it, it worked.

Getting Integer value from a String using javascript/jquery

For parseInt to work, your string should have only numerical data. Something like this:

 str1 = "123.00";
 str2 = "50.00";
 total = parseInt(str1)+parseInt(str2);

Can you split the string before you start processing them for a total?

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

u can even try this


CREATE  FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_Split](@text varchar(8000), @delimiter varchar(20))
  position int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,
  value varchar(8000)  

DECLARE @index int
SET @index = -1

WHILE (LEN(@text) > 0)
    SET @index = CHARINDEX(@delimiter , @text) 
    IF (@index = 0) AND (LEN(@text) > 0) 
        INSERT INTO @Strings VALUES (@text)
    IF (@index > 1) 
        INSERT INTO @Strings VALUES (LEFT(@text, @index - 1))  
        SET @text = RIGHT(@text, (LEN(@text) - @index)) 
      SET @text = RIGHT(@text, (LEN(@text) - @index))


select * from my_table inner join (select value from fn_split('M510', 'M615', 'M515', 'M612',','))
as split_table on my_table.column_name like '%'+split_table.value+'%';

JPA or JDBC, how are they different?

In layman's terms:

  • JDBC is a standard for Database Access
  • JPA is a standard for ORM

JDBC is a standard for connecting to a DB directly and running SQL against it - e.g SELECT * FROM USERS, etc. Data sets can be returned which you can handle in your app, and you can do all the usual things like INSERT, DELETE, run stored procedures, etc. It is one of the underlying technologies behind most Java database access (including JPA providers).

One of the issues with traditional JDBC apps is that you can often have some crappy code where lots of mapping between data sets and objects occur, logic is mixed in with SQL, etc.

JPA is a standard for Object Relational Mapping. This is a technology which allows you to map between objects in code and database tables. This can "hide" the SQL from the developer so that all they deal with are Java classes, and the provider allows you to save them and load them magically. Mostly, XML mapping files or annotations on getters and setters can be used to tell the JPA provider which fields on your object map to which fields in the DB. The most famous JPA provider is Hibernate, so it's a good place to start for concrete examples.

Other examples include OpenJPA, toplink, etc.

Under the hood, Hibernate and most other providers for JPA write SQL and use JDBC to read and write from and to the DB.

How to rename JSON key

Try this:

let jsonArr = [
        "email":"[email protected]",
        "name":"Name 1"
        "email":"[email protected]",
        "name":"Name 2"

let idModified =
    obj => {
        return {
            "id" : obj._id,

What is the best way to iterate over multiple lists at once?

The usual way is to use zip():

for x, y in zip(a, b):
    # x is from a, y is from b

This will stop when the shorter of the two iterables a and b is exhausted. Also worth noting: itertools.izip() (Python 2 only) and itertools.izip_longest() (itertools.zip_longest() in Python 3).

What is char ** in C?

well, char * means a pointer point to char, it is different from char array.

char amessage[] = "this is an array";  /* define an array*/
char *pmessage = "this is a pointer"; /* define a pointer*/

And, char ** means a pointer point to a char pointer.

You can look some books about details about pointer and array.

How do I see if Wi-Fi is connected on Android?

ConnectivityManager manager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
boolean is3g = manager.getNetworkInfo(
boolean isWifi = manager.getNetworkInfo(

Log.v("", is3g + " ConnectivityManager Test " + isWifi);
if (!is3g && !isWifi) {
        "Please make sure, your network connection is ON ",
else {
    // Put your function() to go further;

Chosen Jquery Plugin - getting selected values


Sending POST data without form

Send your data with SESSION rather than post.

$_SESSION['foo'] = "bar";

On the page where you recieve the request, if you absolutely need POST data (some weird logic), you can do this somwhere at the beginning:

$_POST['foo'] = $_SESSION['foo'];

The post data will be valid just the same as if it was sent with POST.

Then destroy the session (or just unset the fields if you need the session for other purposes).

It is important to destroy a session or unset the fields, because unlike POST, SESSION will remain valid until you explicitely destroy it or until the end of browser session. If you don't do it, you can observe some strange results. For example: you use sesson for filtering some data. The user switches the filter on and gets filtered data. After a while, he returns to the page and expects the filter to be reset, but it's not: he still sees filtered data.

CSS3 equivalent to jQuery slideUp and slideDown?

You could do something like this:

#youritem {
    animation-name: fadeIn;

#youritem .fade.out {
    animation-name: fadeOut;

@keyframes fadeIn {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: translateY(startYposition);
    100% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(endYposition);

@keyframes fadeOut {
    0% {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(startYposition);
    100% {
        opacity: 0;
        transform: translateY(endYposition);

Example - Slide and Fade:

This slides and animates the opacity - not based on height of the container, but on the top/coordinate. View example

Example - Auto-height/No Javascript: Here is a live sample, not needing height - dealing with automatic height and no javascript.
View example

CSS: How to position two elements on top of each other, without specifying a height?

Here's another solution using display: flex instead of position: absolute or display: grid.

  display: flex;_x000D_
.layer1 {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.5);  // red_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  margin-left: -100%;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.5);  // blue_x000D_
<div class="container_row">_x000D_
    <div class="layer1">_x000D_
        <span>Lorem ipsum...</span>_x000D_
    <div class="layer2">_x000D_
        More lorem ipsum..._x000D_
<div class="container_row">_x000D_
    ...same HTML as above. This one should never overlap the .container_row above._x000D_

How do you handle multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC Framework?

this is the best way that i have found:

Here is the code:

    /// <summary>
    /// ActionMethodSelector to enable submit buttons to execute specific action methods.
    /// </summary>
    public class AcceptParameterAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the value to use to inject the index into
        /// </summary>
       public string TargetArgument { get; set; }

       /// <summary>
       /// Gets or sets the value to use in submit button to identify which method to select. This must be unique in each controller.
       /// </summary>
       public string Action { get; set; }

       /// <summary>
       /// Gets or sets the regular expression to match the action.
       /// </summary>
       public string ActionRegex { get; set; }

       /// <summary>
       /// Determines whether the action method selection is valid for the specified controller context.
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="controllerContext">The controller context.</param>
       /// <param name="methodInfo">Information about the action method.</param>
       /// <returns>true if the action method selection is valid for the specified controller context; otherwise, false.</returns>
       public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext, MethodInfo methodInfo)

           if (controllerContext == null)
               throw new ArgumentNullException("controllerContext");

           Func<NameValueCollection> formGetter;
           Func<NameValueCollection> queryStringGetter;

           ValidationUtility.GetUnvalidatedCollections(HttpContext.Current, out formGetter, out queryStringGetter);

           var form = formGetter();
           var queryString = queryStringGetter();

           var req = form.AllKeys.Any() ? form : queryString;

           if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ActionRegex))
               foreach (var key in req.AllKeys.Where(k => k.StartsWith(Action, true, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture)))
                   if (key.Contains(":"))
                       if (key.Split(':').Count() == this.ActionRegex.Split(':').Count())
                           bool match = false;
                           for (int i = 0; i < key.Split(':').Count(); i++)
                               if (Regex.IsMatch(key.Split(':')[0], this.ActionRegex.Split(':')[0]))
                                   match = true;
                                   match = false;

                           if (match)
                               return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[key]);
                       if (Regex.IsMatch(key, this.Action + this.ActionRegex))
                           return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[key]);

               return false;
               return req.AllKeys.Contains(this.Action);

Enjoy a code-smell-less multi submit button future.

thank you

Iterating through all nodes in XML file

To iterate through all elements

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("input.xml");
foreach (XElement element in xdoc.Descendants())

Why does 2 mod 4 = 2?

Modulo (mod, %) is the Remainder operator.

2%2 = 0 (2/2 = 1 remainder 0)
1%2 = 1 (1/2 = 0 remainder 1)
4%2 = 0 (4/2 = 2 remainder 0)
5%2 = 1 (5/2 = 2 remainder 1)

Unicode characters in URLs

Depending on your URL scheme, you can make the UTF-8 encoded part "not important". For example, if you look at Stack Overflow URLs, they're of the following form:

However, the server doesn't actually care if you get the part after the identifier wrong, so this also works:

So if you had a layout like this, then you could potentially use UTF-8 in the part after the identifier and it wouldn't really matter if it got garbled. Of course this probably only works in somewhat specialised circumstances...

Selecting the first "n" items with jQuery

You probably want to read up on slice. Your code will look something like this:


shell script. how to extract string using regular expressions

Using bash regular expressions:

if [[ $name =~ $re ]]; then echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi

Edit - OP asked for explanation of syntax. Regular expression syntax is a large topic which I can't explain in full here, but I will attempt to explain enough to understand the example.


This is the regular expression stored in a bash variable, re - i.e. what you want your input string to match, and hopefully extract a substring. Breaking it down:

  • http:// is just a string - the input string must contain this substring for the regular expression to match
  • [] Normally square brackets are used say "match any character within the brackets". So c[ao]t would match both "cat" and "cot". The ^ character within the [] modifies this to say "match any character except those within the square brackets. So in this case [^/] will match any character apart from "/".
  • The square bracket expression will only match one character. Adding a + to the end of it says "match 1 or more of the preceding sub-expression". So [^/]+ matches 1 or more of the set of all characters, excluding "/".
  • Putting () parentheses around a subexpression says that you want to save whatever matched that subexpression for later processing. If the language you are using supports this, it will provide some mechanism to retrieve these submatches. For bash, it is the BASH_REMATCH array.
  • Finally we do an exact match on "/" to make sure we match all the way to end of the fully qualified domain name and the following "/"

Next, we have to test the input string against the regular expression to see if it matches. We can use a bash conditional to do that:

if [[ $name =~ $re ]]; then
    echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}

In bash, the [[ ]] specify an extended conditional test, and may contain the =~ bash regular expression operator. In this case we test whether the input string $name matches the regular expression $re. If it does match, then due to the construction of the regular expression, we are guaranteed that we will have a submatch (from the parentheses ()), and we can access it using the BASH_REMATCH array:

  • Element 0 of this array ${BASH_REMATCH[0]} will be the entire string matched by the regular expression, i.e. "".
  • Subsequent elements of this array will be subsequent results of submatches. Note you can have multiple submatch () within a regular expression - The BASH_REMATCH elements will correspond to these in order. So in this case ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} will contain "", which I think is the string you want.

Note that the contents of the BASH_REMATCH array only apply to the last time the regular expression =~ operator was used. So if you go on to do more regular expression matches, you must save the contents you need from this array each time.

This may seem like a lengthy description, but I have really glossed over several of the intricacies of regular expressions. They can be quite powerful, and I believe with decent performance, but the regular expression syntax is complex. Also regular expression implementations vary, so different languages will support different features and may have subtle differences in syntax. In particular escaping of characters within a regular expression can be a thorny issue, especially when those characters would have an otherwise different meaning in the given language.

Note that instead of setting the $re variable on a separate line and referring to this variable in the condition, you can put the regular expression directly into the condition. However in bash 3.2, the rules were changed regarding whether quotes around such literal regular expressions are required or not. Putting the regular expression in a separate variable is a straightforward way around this, so that the condition works as expected in all bash versions that support the =~ match operator.

Objective-C Static Class Level variables

On your .m file, you can declare a variable as static:

static ClassName *variableName = nil;

Then you can initialize it on your +(void)initialize method.

Please note that this is a plain C static variable and is not static in the sense Java or C# consider it, but will yield similar results.

Failed to load ApplicationContext for JUnit test of Spring controller

Solved by adding the following dependency into pom.xml file :


Docker-Compose persistent data MySQL

Actually this is the path and you should mention a valid path for this to work. If your data directory is in current directory then instead of my-data you should mention ./my-data, otherwise it will give you that error in mysql and mariadb also.


How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

You can use regular expression like this:

import re


Python equivalent of a given wget command

Here's the code adopted from the torchvision library:

import urllib

def download_url(url, root, filename=None):
    """Download a file from a url and place it in root.
        url (str): URL to download file from
        root (str): Directory to place downloaded file in
        filename (str, optional): Name to save the file under. If None, use the basename of the URL

    root = os.path.expanduser(root)
    if not filename:
        filename = os.path.basename(url)
    fpath = os.path.join(root, filename)

    os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)

        print('Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + fpath)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fpath)
    except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError) as e:
        if url[:5] == 'https':
            url = url.replace('https:', 'http:')
            print('Failed download. Trying https -> http instead.'
                    ' Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + fpath)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fpath)

If you are ok to take dependency on torchvision library then you also also simply do:

from torchvision.datasets.utils import download_url
download_url('', '~/my_folder`)

Directly export a query to CSV using SQL Developer

You can use the spool command (SQL*Plus documentation, but one of many such commands SQL Developer also supports) to write results straight to disk. Each spool can change the file that's being written to, so you can have several queries writing to different files just by putting spool commands between them:

spool "\path\to\spool1.txt"

select /*csv*/ * from employees;

spool "\path\to\spool2.txt"

select /*csv*/ * from locations;

spool off;

You'd need to run this as a script (F5, or the second button on the command bar above the SQL Worksheet). You might also want to explore some of the formatting options and the set command, though some of those do not translate to SQL Developer.

Since you mentioned CSV in the title I've included a SQL Developer-specific hint that does that formatting for you.

A downside though is that SQL Developer includes the query in the spool file, which you can avoid by having the commands and queries in a script file that you then run as a script.

Does Typescript support the ?. operator? (And, what's it called?)

It's finally here!

Here are a few examples:

// properties

// indexing

// check if a function is defined before invoking

But it doesn't work exactly the same as your assumption.

Instead of evaluating


to this little code snippet we are all used to writing

foo ? : null

it actually evaluates to

(foo === null || foo === undefined) ?
    undefined :

which works for all the falsey values like an empty string, 0 or false.

I just don't have an explanation as to why they don't compile it to foo == null

Why is it not advisable to have the database and web server on the same machine?

  1. Security. Your web server lives in a DMZ, accessible to the public internet and taking untrusted input from anonymous users. If your web server gets compromised, and you've followed least privilege rules in connecting to your DB, the maximum exposure is what your app can do through the database API. If you have a business tier in between, you have one more step between your attacker and your data. If, on the other hand, your database is on the same server, the attacker now has root access to your data and server.
  2. Scalability. Keeping your web server stateless allows you to scale your web servers horizontally pretty much effortlessly. It is very difficult to horizontally scale a database server.
  3. Performance. 2 boxes = 2 times the CPU, 2 times the RAM, and 2 times the spindles for disk access.

All that being said, I can certainly see reasonable cases that none of those points really matter.

Find current directory and file's directory

If you're searching for the location of the currently executed script, you can use sys.argv[0] to get the full path.

Preprocessor check if multiple defines are not defined

FWIW, @SergeyL's answer is great, but here is a slight variant for testing. Note the change in logical or to logical and.

main.c has a main wrapper like this:

#if !defined(TEST_SPI) && !defined(TEST_SERIAL) && !defined(TEST_USB)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // the true main() routine.

spi.c, serial.c and usb.c have main wrappers for their respective test code like this:

#ifdef TEST_USB
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // the  main() routine for testing the usb code.

config.h Which is included by all the c files has an entry like this:

// Uncomment below to test the serial
//#define TEST_SERIAL

// Uncomment below to test the spi code
//#define TEST_SPI

// Uncomment below to test the usb code
#define TEST_USB

Convert pandas DataFrame into list of lists

EDIT: as_matrix is deprecated since version 0.23.0

You can use the built in values or to_numpy (recommended option) method on the dataframe:

In [8]:

array([[  0.9,   7. ,   5.2, ...,  13.3,  13.5,   8.9],
   [  0.9,   7. ,   5.2, ...,  13.3,  13.5,   8.9],
   [  0.8,   6.1,   5.4, ...,  15.9,  14.4,   8.6],
   [  0.2,   1.3,   2.3, ...,  16.1,  16.1,  10.8],
   [  0.2,   1.3,   2.4, ...,  16.5,  15.9,  11.4],
   [  0.2,   1.3,   2.4, ...,  16.5,  15.9,  11.4]])

If you explicitly want lists and not a numpy array add .tolist():


HTML.ActionLink method

what about this

<%=Html.ActionLink("Get Involved", 
                           id = "GetInvolved" 
                   new { 
                           @class = "menuitem", 
                           id = "menu_getinvolved" 

Using the passwd command from within a shell script

I stumbled upon the same problem and for some reason the --stdin option was not available on the version of passwd I was using (shipped in Ubuntu 14.04).

If any of you happen to experience the same issue, you can work it around as I did, by using the chpasswd command like this:

echo "<user>:<password>" | chpasswd

How to debug apk signed for release?

In case of you decided the debug your apk which is already in market but not assigned to be debuggable and you do not want to publish it again. So follow the below steps;

  1. Decompile the Apk with ApkTool(eg. apktool d <APK_PATH>)
  2. Open the AndroidManifest.xml from decompiled files
  3. Set android:debuggable="true" in application tag
  4. Compile the modified source with ApkTool (eg. apktool b <MODIFIED_PATH>)
  5. Debuggable apk ready(which unsigned means cannot publish store). You can debug as you wish.

Why powershell does not run Angular commands?

I solved my problem by running below command

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

How to have jQuery restrict file types on upload?

For the front-end it is pretty convenient to put 'accept' attribute if you are using a file field.


<input id="file" type="file" name="file" size="30" 

A couple of important notes:

Htaccess: add/remove trailing slash from URL

Right below the RewriteEngine On line, add:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R] # <- for test, for prod use [L,R=301]

to enforce a no-trailing-slash policy.

To enforce a trailing-slash policy:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*[^/])$ /$1/ [L,R] # <- for test, for prod use [L,R=301]

EDIT: commented the R=301 parts because, as explained in a comment:

Be careful with that R=301! Having it there makes many browsers cache the .htaccess-file indefinitely: It somehow becomes irreversible if you can't clear the browser-cache on all machines that opened it. When testing, better go with simple R or R=302

After you've completed your tests, you can use R=301.

PDF Blob - Pop up window not showing content

I use AngularJS v1.3.4


<button ng-click="downloadPdf()" class="btn btn-primary">download PDF</button>

JS controller:

'use strict';
    .controller('MathController', function ($scope, MathServicePDF) {
        $scope.downloadPdf = function () {
            var fileName = "test.pdf";
            var a = document.createElement("a");
            MathServicePDF.downloadPdf().then(function (result) {
                var file = new Blob([], {type: 'application/pdf'});
                var fileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(file);
                a.href = fileURL;
       = fileName;

JS services:

    .factory('MathServicePDF', function ($http) {
        return {
            downloadPdf: function () {
            return $http.get('api/downloadPDF', { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).then(function (response) {
                return response;

Java REST Web Services - Spring MVC:

@RequestMapping(value = "/downloadPDF", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/pdf")
    public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getPDF() {
        FileInputStream fileStream;
        try {
            fileStream = new FileInputStream(new File("C:\\xxxxx\\xxxxxx\\test.pdf"));
            byte[] contents = IOUtils.toByteArray(fileStream);
            HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            String filename = "test.pdf";
            headers.setContentDispositionFormData(filename, filename);
            ResponseEntity<byte[]> response = new ResponseEntity<byte[]>(contents, headers, HttpStatus.OK);
            return response;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

How to write LDAP query to test if user is member of a group?

You must set your query base to the DN of the user in question, then set your filter to the DN of the group you're wondering if they're a member of. To see if jdoe is a member of the office group then your query will look something like this:

ldapsearch -x -D "ldap_user" -w "user_passwd" -b "cn=jdoe,dc=example,dc=local" -h ldap_host '(memberof=cn=officegroup,dc=example,dc=local)'

If you want to see ALL the groups he's a member of, just request only the 'memberof' attribute in your search, like this:

ldapsearch -x -D "ldap_user" -w "user_passwd" -b "cn=jdoe,dc=example,dc=local" -h ldap_host **memberof**

How to allow http content within an iframe on a https site

add <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests"> in head


browser compatibility:

Upgrade version of Pandas

According to an article on Medium, this will work:

install --upgrade pandas==1.0.0rc0

Java: how to represent graphs?

Why not keep things simple and use an adjacency matrix or an adjacency list?

pandas dataframe convert column type to string or categorical

You need astype:

df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode.astype(str)
#df.zipcode = df.zipcode.astype(str)

For converting to categorical:

df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode.astype('category')
#df.zipcode = df.zipcode.astype('category')

Another solution is Categorical:

df['zipcode'] = pd.Categorical(df.zipcode)

Sample with data:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'zipcode': {17384: 98125, 2680: 98107, 722: 98005, 18754: 98109, 14554: 98155}, 'bathrooms': {17384: 1.5, 2680: 0.75, 722: 3.25, 18754: 1.0, 14554: 2.5}, 'sqft_lot': {17384: 1650, 2680: 3700, 722: 51836, 18754: 2640, 14554: 9603}, 'bedrooms': {17384: 2, 2680: 2, 722: 4, 18754: 2, 14554: 4}, 'sqft_living': {17384: 1430, 2680: 1440, 722: 4670, 18754: 1130, 14554: 3180}, 'floors': {17384: 3.0, 2680: 1.0, 722: 2.0, 18754: 1.0, 14554: 2.0}})
print (df)
       bathrooms  bedrooms  floors  sqft_living  sqft_lot  zipcode
722         3.25         4     2.0         4670     51836    98005
2680        0.75         2     1.0         1440      3700    98107
14554       2.50         4     2.0         3180      9603    98155
17384       1.50         2     3.0         1430      1650    98125
18754       1.00         2     1.0         1130      2640    98109

print (df.dtypes)
bathrooms      float64
bedrooms         int64
floors         float64
sqft_living      int64
sqft_lot         int64
zipcode          int64
dtype: object

df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode.astype('category')

print (df)
       bathrooms  bedrooms  floors  sqft_living  sqft_lot zipcode
722         3.25         4     2.0         4670     51836   98005
2680        0.75         2     1.0         1440      3700   98107
14554       2.50         4     2.0         3180      9603   98155
17384       1.50         2     3.0         1430      1650   98125
18754       1.00         2     1.0         1130      2640   98109

print (df.dtypes)
bathrooms       float64
bedrooms          int64
floors          float64
sqft_living       int64
sqft_lot          int64
zipcode        category
dtype: object

Ruby function to remove all white spaces?

You can try this:

"ab c d efg hi "

in order to get this:

["ab, "c", "d", "efg", "hi"]

or if you want a single string, just use:

"ab c d efg hi ".split.join

Javascript add method to object

you need to add it to Foo's prototype:

function Foo(){} = function(){}
var x = new Foo()

Python - How to concatenate to a string in a for loop?

endstring = ''
for s in list:
    endstring += s

Changing git commit message after push (given that no one pulled from remote)

This works for me pretty fine,

git checkout origin/branchname

if you're already in branch then it's better to do pull or rebase

git pull


git -c core.quotepath=false fetch origin --progress --prune

Later you can simply use

git commit --amend -m "Your message here"

or if you like to open text-editor then use

git commit --amend

I will prefer using text-editor if you have many comments. You can set your preferred text-editor with command

git config --global core.editor your_preffered_editor_here

Anyway, when your are done changing the commit message, save it and exit

and then run

git push --force

And you're done

How to convert an int to a hex string?

(int_variable).to_bytes(bytes_length, byteorder='big'|'little').hex()

For example:

>>> (434).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big').hex()
>>> (434).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little').hex()
'b2010000' validation to make sure textbox has integer values

Double click your button and use the following code :-

protected void button_click(object sender,EventArgs e)
 int parsedValue;
 if(int.TryParse(!txt.Text,out parsedValue))
 Label.Text = "Please specify a number only !!"; //Will put a text in a label so make     
  //you have a label
    // do what you want to  

ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index | Pandas DataFrame.unique()

The error comes up when you are trying to assign a list of numpy array of different length to a data frame, and it can be reproduced as follows:

A data frame of four rows:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3,4]})

Now trying to assign a list/array of two elements to it:

df['B'] = [3,4]   # or df['B'] = np.array([3,4])

Both errors out:

ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index

Because the data frame has four rows but the list and array has only two elements.

Work around Solution (use with caution): convert the list/array to a pandas Series, and then when you do assignment, missing index in the Series will be filled with NaN:

df['B'] = pd.Series([3,4])

#   A     B
#0  1   3.0
#1  2   4.0
#2  3   NaN          # NaN because the value at index 2 and 3 doesn't exist in the Series
#3  4   NaN

For your specific problem, if you don't care about the index or the correspondence of values between columns, you can reset index for each column after dropping the duplicates:

df.apply(lambda col: col.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True))

#   A     B
#0  1   1.0
#1  2   5.0
#2  7   9.0
#3  8   NaN

How to check empty object in angular 2 template using *ngIf

Above answers are okay. But I have found a really nice option to use following in the view:


probably duplicated question Angular2 - error if don't check if {{object.field}} exists

sudo echo "something" >> /etc/privilegedFile doesn't work

The issue is that it's your shell that handles redirection; it's trying to open the file with your permissions not those of the process you're running under sudo.

Use something like this, perhaps:

sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedFile"

How to use LDFLAGS in makefile

Seems like the order of the linking flags was not an issue in older versions of gcc. Eg gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16) comes with Centos-6.7 happy with linker option before inputfile; but gcc with ubuntu 16.04 gcc (Ubuntu 5.3.1-14ubuntu2.1) 5.3.1 20160413 does not allow.

Its not the gcc version alone, I has got something to with the distros

How do I use a pipe to redirect the output of one command to the input of another?

Not sure if you are coding these programs, but this is a simple example of how you'd do it.


#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char * argv[] ) {
    printf("%s", argv[1]); 
    return 0;


#include <cstdio>
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char * argv[] ) {
    char input[200];
    string s(input)
    smatch m;
    string reg_exp(argv[1]);
    regex e(reg_exp);
    while (regex_search (s,m,e)) {
      for (auto x:m) cout << x << " ";
      cout << endl;
      s = m.suffix().str();
    return 0;

Compile both then run program1.exe "this subject has a submarine as a subsequence" | rgx.exe "\b(sub)([^ ]*)"

The | operator simply redirects the output of program1's printf operation from the stdout stream to the stdin stream whereby it's sitting there waiting for rgx.exe to pick up.

How to round the corners of a button

First set width=100 and Height=100 of button

Objective C Solution

YourBtn1.layer.borderColor=[uicolor blackColor].CGColor;

Swift 4 Solution

YourBtn1.layer.cornerRadius = YourBtn1.Frame.size.width/2
YourBtn1.layer.borderColor =
YourBtn1.layer.borderWidth = 1.0

How to declare a local variable in Razor?

I think the variable should be in the same block:

@{bool isUserConnected = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CreatorFullName);
    if (isUserConnected)
    { // meaning that the viewing user has not been saved
            <div> click to join us </div>
            <a id="login" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline; ">join</a>

How To Get The Current Year Using Vba


Year(): Returns the year portion of the date argument.
Date: Current date only.

Explanation of both of these functions from here.

Multiple lines of input in <input type="text" />

You need to use a textarea to get multiline handling.

<textarea name="Text1" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea>

How to replace url parameter with javascript/jquery?

Wouldn't this be a better solution?

var text = 'http://localhost/mysite/includes/phpThumb.php?src=';
var newSrc = '';
var newText = text.replace(/(src=).*?(&)/,'$1' + newSrc + '$2');


added some clarity in code and kept 'src' in the resulting link

$1 represents first part within the () (i.e) src= and $2 represents the second part within the () (i.e) &, so this indicates you are going to change the value between src and &. More clear, it should be like this:

src='changed value'& // this is to be replaced with your original url

ADD-ON for replacing all the ocurrences:

If you have several parameters with the same name, you can append to the regex global flag, like this text.replace(/(src=).*?(&)/g,'$1' + newSrc + '$2'); and that will replaces all the values for those params that shares the same name.