Programs & Examples On #Datastage

DataStage is the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) component of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server suite. It allows the user to integrate various data sources and targets in an enterprise environment as a GUI based client tool.

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?

Try this code in Swift or Objective-C


self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1


[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];

How do I remove all HTML tags from a string without knowing which tags are in it?

You can use the below code on your string and you will get the complete string without html part.

string title = "<b> Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=\"#228b22\">[Proj # 206010]</font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Reality Series, &nbsp;)".Replace("&nbsp;",string.Empty);            
        string s = Regex.Replace(title, "<.*?>", String.Empty);

unbound method f() must be called with fibo_ instance as first argument (got classobj instance instead)

fibo = f.fibo references the class itself. You probably wanted fibo = f.fibo() (note the parentheses) to make an instance of the class, after which fibo.f() should succeed correctly.

f.fibo.f() fails because you are essentially calling f(self, a=0) without supplying self; self is "bound" automatically when you have an instance of the class.

Remove Server Response Header IIS7

The solution proposed above in combination worked for me with following changes. Here I am posting my scenario and solution.

For me I wanted to remove the following headers:

  • Server
  • X-Powered-By
  • X-AspNet-Version
  • X-AspNetMvc-Version

I added these to my global.asax:

<%@ Application Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
    protected void Application_PreSendRequestHeaders()

The above event was not getting triggered, so for that I added following to web.config then it worked.

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

and for removing version header I also added following to web.config:

<httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false" />

Changes in web.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
        <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false" />

Hope it helps!

Python UTC datetime object's ISO format doesn't include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

pip install python-dateutil
>>> a = "2019-06-27T02:14:49.443814497Z"
>>> dateutil.parser.parse(a)
datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 27, 2, 14, 49, 443814, tzinfo=tzutc())

How to remove pip package after deleting it manually

I'm sure there's a better way to achieve this and I would like to read about it, but a workaround I can think of is this:

  1. Install the package on a different machine.
  2. Copy the rm'ed directory to the original machine (ssh, ftp, whatever).
  3. pip uninstall the package (should work again then).

But, yes, I'd also love to hear about a decent solution for this situation.

How to check if a std::string is set or not?

Use empty():

std::string s;

if (s.empty())
    // nothing in s

JavaScript, getting value of a td with id name

.innerText doesnt work in Firefox.

.innerHTML works in both the browsers.

Div with margin-left and width:100% overflowing on the right side

A div is a block element and by default 100% wide. You should just have to set the textarea width to 100%.

How to display list items on console window in C#

Console.WriteLine(string.Join<TYPE>("\n", someObjectList));

Eclipse "Server Locations" section disabled and need to change to use Tomcat installation

Make sure that there is no project Deploy in server. If so ,please right click on server ,select add and remove ,Then remove all project. After this you can double click on server and the option will be enabled for you.

How do I tidy up an HTML file's indentation in VI?

This is my solution that works nicely for opening "ugly" HTML in a nicely spaced way:

vim fileIn.html -c "set sw=2 | %s/>/>\r/ | execute 'normal gg=G' | set nohlsearch | g/^\\s*\$/d"
  • The sw command is because my default is 4, which is too high for HTML.
  • The next part adds a newline (Vim thinks it's a carriage return, sigh) after each element (>).
  • Then re-indent the entire file with =.
  • Then unhighlight > (since I have set hlsearch in my vimrc).
  • Then remove all empty/whitespace-only lines (see "Vim delete blank lines" for more, also this is double-escaped because it's in the shell).

You can even add | wq! fileOut.html to the end if you don't want to enter Vim at all, but just clean up the file.

Value of type 'T' cannot be converted to

You will also get this error if you have a generic declaration for both your class and your method. For example the code shown below gives this compile error.

public class Foo <T> {

    T var;

    public <T> void doSomething(Class <T> cls) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        this.var = cls.newInstance();


This code does compile (note T removed from method declaration):

public class Foo <T> {

    T var;

    public void doSomething(Class <T> cls) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        this.var = cls.newInstance();


Best way to include CSS? Why use @import?

Sometimes you have to use @import as opposed to inline . If you are working on a complex application that has 32 or more css files and you must support IE9 there is no choice. IE9 ignores any css file after the first 31 and this includes and inline css. However, each sheet can import 31 others.

Run bash script as daemon

A Daemon is just program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user...

[The below bash code is for Debian systems - Ubuntu, Linux Mint distros and so on]

The simple way:

The simple way would be to edit your /etc/rc.local file and then just have your script run from there (i.e. everytime you boot up the system):

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Add the following and save:

#For a BASH script
/bin/sh > /dev/null &

The better way to do this would be to create a Daemon via Upstart:

sudo nano /etc/init/TheNameOfYourDaemon.conf

add the following:

description "My Daemon Job"
author "Your Name"
start on runlevel [2345]    

pre-start script
  echo "[`date`] My Daemon Starting" >> /var/log/TheNameOfYourDaemonJobLog.log
end script

exec /bin/sh > /dev/null &

Save this.

Confirm that it looks ok:

init-checkconf /etc/init/TheNameOfYourDaemon.conf

Now reboot the machine:

sudo reboot

Now when you boot up your system, you can see the log file stating that your Daemon is running:

cat  /var/log/TheNameOfYourDaemonJobLog.log

• Now you may start/stop/restart/get the status of your Daemon via:

restart: this will stop, then start a service

sudo service TheNameOfYourDaemonrestart restart

start: this will start a service, if it's not running

sudo service TheNameOfYourDaemonstart start

stop: this will stop a service, if it's running

sudo service TheNameOfYourDaemonstop stop

status: this will display the status of a service

sudo service TheNameOfYourDaemonstatus status

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method

I was getting this error on a Spring Boot application where a @RestController ApplicationInfoResource had a nested class ApplicationInfo.

It seems the Spring Boot Dev Tools was using a different class loader.

The exception I was getting

2017-05-01 17:47:39.588 WARN 1516 --- [nio-8080-exec-9] .m.m.a.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved exception caused by Handler execution: org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class from class$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$59ce500c


I moved the nested class ApplicationInfo to a separate .java file and got rid of the problem.

C++ getters/setters coding style

Even though the name is immutable, you may still want to have the option of computing it rather than storing it in a field. (I realize this is unlikely for "name", but let's aim for the general case.) For that reason, even constant fields are best wrapped inside of getters:

class Foo {
        const std::string& getName() const {return name_;}
        const std::string& name_;

Note that if you were to change getName() to return a computed value, it couldn't return const ref. That's ok, because it won't require any changes to the callers (modulo recompilation.)

Add URL link in CSS Background Image?

Try wrapping the spans in an anchor tag and apply the background image to that.


<div class="header">
    <a href="/">
        <span class="header-title">My gray sea design</span><br />
        <span class="header-title-two">A beautiful design</span>


.header {
    border-bottom:1px solid #eaeaea;

.header a {
    display: block;
    background-image: url("./images/embouchure.jpg");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    color: #eaeaea;

Spring - download response as a file

I've wrestled with this myself, trying to make it work from the server. Couldn't. Instead...

  1. To clarify on @dnc253's answer, $ is a method for having an Angular application open a given URL in another window. (It's really just a testable angular proxy for the universal This is a great solution, preserves your history, and gets the file downloaded and possibly renders it in that fresh browser window if that's supported. But it often runs into popup blockers, which is a huge problem for reliability. Users often simply don't understand what's going on with them. So, if you don't mind immediately downloading the file with the current window, you can simply use the equally effective universal javascript method: location.href = "uriString", which works like a charm for me. Angular doesn't even realize anything has happened. I call it in a promise handler for once my POST/PUT operation has completed. If need be, have the POST/PUT return the URL to call, if you can't already infer it. You'll get the same behavior for the user as if it had downloaded in response to the PUT/POST. For example:

    $, payload).then(function(returnData){
        var uriString = parseReturn(returnData);
  2. You can, in fact, download something directly from an XHR request, but it requires full support for the HTML5 file API and is usually more trouble than it's worth unless you need to perform local transformations upon the file before you make it available to the user. (Sadly, I lack the time to provide details on that but there are other SO posts about using it.)

Dealing with float precision in Javascript

From this post: How to deal with floating point number precision in JavaScript?

You have a few options:

  • Use a special datatype for decimals, like decimal.js
  • Format your result to some fixed number of significant digits, like this: (Math.floor(y/x) * x).toFixed(2)
  • Convert all your numbers to integers

How to store a dataframe using Pandas

pyarrow compatibility across versions

Overall move has been to pyarrow/feather (deprecation warnings from pandas/msgpack). However I have a challenge with pyarrow with transient in specification Data serialized with pyarrow 0.15.1 cannot be deserialized with 0.16.0 ARROW-7961. I'm using serialization to use redis so have to use a binary encoding.

I've retested various options (using jupyter notebook)

import sys, pickle, zlib, warnings, io
class foocls:
    def pyarrow(out): return pa.serialize(out).to_buffer().to_pybytes()
    def msgpack(out): return out.to_msgpack()
    def pickle(out): return pickle.dumps(out)
    def feather(out): return out.to_feather(io.BytesIO())
    def parquet(out): return out.to_parquet(io.BytesIO())

for c in foocls.__dict__.values():
    sbreak = True
        print(c.__name__, "before serialization", sys.getsizeof(out))
        print(c.__name__, sys.getsizeof(c(out)))
        %timeit -n 50 c(out)
        print(c.__name__, "zlib", sys.getsizeof(zlib.compress(c(out))))
        %timeit -n 50 zlib.compress(c(out))
    except TypeError as e:
        if "not callable" in str(e): sbreak = False
        else: raise
    except (ValueError) as e: print(c.__name__, "ERROR", e)
        if sbreak: print("=+=" * 30)        

With following results for my data frame (in out jupyter variable)

pyarrow before serialization 533366
pyarrow 120805
1.03 ms ± 43.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
pyarrow zlib 20517
2.78 ms ± 81.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
msgpack before serialization 533366
msgpack 109039
1.74 ms ± 72.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
msgpack zlib 16639
3.05 ms ± 71.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
pickle before serialization 533366
pickle 142121
733 µs ± 38.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
pickle zlib 29477
3.81 ms ± 60.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 50 loops each)
feather ERROR feather does not support serializing a non-default index for the index; you can .reset_index() to make the index into column(s)
parquet ERROR Nested column branch had multiple children: struct<x: double, y: double>

feather and parquet do not work for my data frame. I'm going to continue using pyarrow. However I will supplement with pickle (no compression). When writing to cache store pyarrow and pickle serialised forms. When reading from cache fallback to pickle if pyarrow deserialisation fails.

Simple PHP form: Attachment to email (code golf)

I haven't tested the email part of this (my test box does not send email) but I think it will work.

if ($_POST) {
$s = md5(rand());
mail('[email protected]', 'attachment', "--$s

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"f\"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment

--$s--", "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$s\"");
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
<textarea name="m"></textarea><br>
<input type="file" name="f"/><br>
<input type="submit">

What's the difference between align-content and align-items?

The align-items property of flex-box aligns the items inside a flex container along the cross axis just like justify-content does along the main axis. (For the default flex-direction: row the cross axis corresponds to vertical and the main axis corresponds to horizontal. With flex-direction: column those two are interchanged respectively).

Here's an example of how align-items:center looks:

align-items: center

But align-content is for multi line flexible boxes. It has no effect when items are in a single line. It aligns the whole structure according to its value. Here's an example for align-content: space-around;: enter image description here

And here's how align-content: space-around; with align-items:center looks: enter image description here

Note the 3rd box and all other boxes in first line change to vertically centered in that line.

Here are some codepen links to play with:

Here's a super cool pen which shows and lets you play with almost everything in flexbox.

In Rails, how do you render JSON using a view?

Just add show.json.erb file with the contents

<%= @user.to_json %>

Sometimes it is useful when you need some extra helper methods that are not available in controller, i.e. image_path(@user.avatar) or something to generate additional properties in JSON:

<%= @user.attributes.merge(:avatar => image_path(@user.avatar)).to_json %>

Capturing count from an SQL query

You'll get converting errors with:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name";
Int32 count = (Int32) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

Use instead:

string stm = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE id="+id+";";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(stm, conn);
Int32 count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
if(count > 0){
    found = true; 
} else {
    found = false; 

How do I change the number of open files limit in Linux?

If some of your services are balking into ulimits, it's sometimes easier to put appropriate commands into service's init-script. For example, when Apache is reporting

[alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

Try to put ulimit -s unlimited into /etc/init.d/httpd. This does not require a server reboot.

Laravel - Return json along with http status code

It's better to do it with helper functions rather than Facades. This solution will work well from Laravel 5.7 onwards

//import dependency
use Illuminate\Http\Response;

return \response()->json([
   'status' => '403',//sample entry
   'message' => 'ACCOUNT ACTION HAS BEEN DISABLED',//sample message
], Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);//Illuminate\Http\Response sets appropriate headers

How to Apply Mask to Image in OpenCV?

Here is some code to apply binary mask on a video frame sequence acquired from a webcam. comment and uncomment the "bitwise_not(Mon_mask,Mon_mask);"line and see the effect.

bests, Ahmed.

#include "cv.h"      // include it to used Main OpenCV functions.
#include "highgui.h" //include it to use GUI functions.

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int c;

int radius=100;
      CvPoint2D32f center;
    //IplImage* color_img;
      Mat image, image0,image1; 
        IplImage *tmp;
    CvCapture* cv_cap = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);

    while(1)  {
        tmp = cvQueryFrame(cv_cap); // get frame
          // IplImage to Mat
            Mat imgMat(tmp);
            image =tmp; 

    center.x = tmp->width/2;
    center.y = tmp->height/2;

         Mat Mon_mask(image.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(0,0,0));

        circle(Mon_mask, center, radius, Scalar(255,255,255), -1, 8, 0 ); //-1 means filled

        bitwise_not(Mon_mask,Mon_mask);// commenté ou pas = RP ou DMLA 

        if(tmp != 0)

           imshow("Glaucom", image); // show frame

     c = cvWaitKey(10); // wait 10 ms or for key stroke
    if(c == 27)
        break; // if ESC, break and quit
    /* clean up */
    cvReleaseCapture( &cv_cap );


How do I create a right click context menu in Java Swing?

You are probably manually calling setVisible(true) on the menu. That can cause some nasty buggy behavior in the menu.

The show(Component, int x, int x) method handles all of the things you need to happen, (Highlighting things on mouseover and closing the popup when necessary) where using setVisible(true) just shows the menu without adding any additional behavior.

To make a right click popup menu simply create a JPopupMenu.

class PopUpDemo extends JPopupMenu {
    JMenuItem anItem;
    public PopUpDemo() {
        anItem = new JMenuItem("Click Me!");

Then, all you need to do is add a custom MouseListener to the components you would like the menu to popup for.

class PopClickListener extends MouseAdapter {
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        if (e.isPopupTrigger())

    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
        if (e.isPopupTrigger())

    private void doPop(MouseEvent e) {
        PopUpDemo menu = new PopUpDemo();, e.getX(), e.getY());

// Then on your component(s)
component.addMouseListener(new PopClickListener());

Of course, the tutorials have a slightly more in-depth explanation.

Note: If you notice that the popup menu is appearing way off from where the user clicked, try using the e.getXOnScreen() and e.getYOnScreen() methods for the x and y coordinates.

Handling back button in Android Navigation Component

I tried Jurij Pitulja solution but I just wasn't able to find getOnBackPressedDispatcher or addOnBackPressedCallback also using Kiryl Tkach's solution wasn't able to find the current fragment, so here's mine:

interface OnBackPressedListener {
    fun onBackPressed(): Boolean

override fun onBackPressed() {
    val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(
    val currentFragment = navHostFragment?.childFragmentManager!!.fragments[0]
    if (currentFragment !is OnBackPressedListener || !(currentFragment as OnBackPressedListener).onBackPressed()) super.onBackPressed()

this way you can decide in fragment whether the activity should take control of back pressed or not.

Alternatively, you have BaseActivity for all your activities, you can implement like this

override fun onBackPressed() {
    val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(
    if (navHostFragment != null){
        val currentFragment = navHostFragment.childFragmentManager.fragments[0]
        if (currentFragment !is AuthContract.OnBackPressedListener ||
                !(currentFragment as AuthContract.OnBackPressedListener).onBackPressed()) super.onBackPressed()
    } else {

How to take keyboard input in JavaScript?

If you are doing this in a browser, you can capture keyboard events.

  • keydown
  • keypress
  • keyup

Can all be listened to on HTML nodes in most browsers.

Webkit also supports...

  • textInput

See for more details ..

Laravel use same form for create and edit


use View;

public function create()
    return View::make('user.manage', compact('user'));

public function edit($id)
    $user = User::find($id);
    return View::make('user.manage', compact('user'));


    {{ Form::model($user, ['route' => ['user.update', $user->id], 'method' => 'PUT']) }}
    {{ Form::open(['route' => '', 'method' => 'POST']) }}

// fields

{{ Form::close() }}

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date

This should work. I converted the date to unix time via strtotime.

  foreach ($originalArray as $key => $part) {
       $sort[$key] = strtotime($part['datetime']);
  array_multisort($sort, SORT_DESC, $originalArray);

One-liner version would be using multiple array methods:


Undefined behavior and sequence points

I am guessing there is a fundamental reason for the change, it isn't merely cosmetic to make the old interpretation clearer: that reason is concurrency. Unspecified order of elaboration is merely selection of one of several possible serial orderings, this is quite different to before and after orderings, because if there is no specified ordering, concurrent evaluation is possible: not so with the old rules. For example in:

f (a,b)

previously either a then b, or, b then a. Now, a and b can be evaluated with instructions interleaved or even on different cores.

Setting width to wrap_content for TextView through code

There is another way to achieve same result. In case you need to set only one parameter, for example 'height':

TextView textView = (TextView)findViewById(;
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = textView.getLayoutParams();
params.height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;

How to create SPF record for multiple IPs?

Try this:

v=spf1 ~all

How to make div background color transparent in CSS


To set background color:

/* Hexadecimal value with color and 100% transparency*/
background-color: #11ffee00;  /* Fully transparent */

/* Special keyword values */
background-color: transparent;

/* HSL value with color and 100% transparency*/
background-color: hsla(50, 33%, 25%, 1.00);  /* 100% transparent */

/* RGB value with color and 100% transparency*/
background-color: rgba(117, 190, 218, 1.0);  /* 100% transparent */

how do I get eclipse to use a different compiler version for Java?

Just to clarify, do you have JAVA_HOME set as a system variable or set in Eclipse classpath variables? I'm pretty sure (but not totally sure!) that the system variable is used by the command line compiler (and Ant), but that Eclipse modifies this accroding to the JDK used

Slide up/down effect with ng-show and ng-animate

update for Angular 1.2+ (v1.2.6 at the time of this post):

.stuff-to-show {
  position: relative;
  height: 100px;
  -webkit-transition: top linear 1.5s;
  transition: top linear 1.5s;
  top: 0;
} {
  top: -100px;
}, {
  display: block!important;


Changing the Status Bar Color for specific ViewControllers using Swift in iOS8

Swift 4 For specific ViewController without navigationViewController embedded just add this to your ViewController file.

override var preferredStatusBarStyle : UIStatusBarStyle {
    return .lightContent

How to Make Laravel Eloquent "IN" Query?


$data = Model::whereIn('field_name', [1, 2, 3])->get();

Use for Users Model

$usersList = Users::whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->get();

ASP.NET MVC - Attaching an entity of type 'MODELNAME' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value

Here what I did in the similar case.

That sitatuation means that same entity has already been existed in the context.So following can help

First check from ChangeTracker if the entity is in the context

var trackedEntries=GetContext().ChangeTracker.Entries<YourEntityType>().ToList();

var isAlreadyTracked =
                    trackedEntries.Any(trackedItem => trackedItem.Entity.Id ==myEntityToSave.Id);

If it exists

  if (isAlreadyTracked)
                myEntityToSave= trackedEntries.First(trackedItem => trackedItem.Entity.Id == myEntityToSave.Id).Entity;

//Attach or Modify depending on your needs

Git says remote ref does not exist when I delete remote branch

Given that the remote branch is remotes/origin/test you can use two ways:

git push origin --delete test


git branch -D -r origin/test

How to compare strings in Bash

I would probably use regexp matches if the input has only a few valid entries. E.g. only the "start" and "stop" are valid actions.

if [[ "${ACTION,,}" =~ ^(start|stop)$ ]]; then
  echo "valid action"

Note that I lowercase the variable $ACTION by using the double comma's. Also note that this won't work on too aged bash versions out there.


you need to convert to char first because converting to int adds those days to 1900-01-01

select CONVERT (datetime,convert(char(8),rnwl_efctv_dt ))

here are some examples

select CONVERT (datetime,5)

1900-01-06 00:00:00.000

select CONVERT (datetime,20100101)

blows up, because you can't add 20100101 days to go above the limit

convert to char first

declare @i int
select @i = 20100101
select CONVERT (datetime,convert(char(8),@i))

How do I get a value of a <span> using jQuery?

    $(document).ready(function () {

            $.each($(".classBalence").find("span"), function () {
            if ($(this).text() >1) {
                $(this).css("color", "green")

            if ($(this).text() < 1) {
                $(this).css("color", "red")
                $(this).css("font-weight", "bold")


How to Execute SQL Server Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

If you simply need to excute your stored procedure proc_name 'paramValue1' , 'paramValue2'... at the same time you are executing more than one query like one select query and stored procedure you have to add select * from tableName EXEC proc_name paramValue1 , paramValue2...

Getting data-* attribute for onclick event for an html element

Like this:


Working example:

How do I get the path of the assembly the code is in?

string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(DaoTests).Module.FullyQualifiedName);

How do you post data with a link

You cannot make POST HTTP Requests by <a href="some_script.php">some_script</a>

Just open your house.php, find in it where you have $house = $_POST['houseVar'] and change it to:

isset($_POST['houseVar']) ? $house = $_POST['houseVar'] : $house = $_GET['houseVar']

And in the streeview.php make links like that:

<a href="house.php?houseVar=$houseNum"></a>

Or something else. I just don't know your files and what inside it.


Be consistent and it doesn't matter which one. Also if for some reason you must interop with another program or tool using a certain DEBUG identifier it's easy to do

#define MYDEBUG
#endif //and vice-versa

How do I remove a substring from the end of a string in Python?

You can use split:

# 'abccomputer'

Clearing an HTML file upload field via JavaScript

Shorter version that works perfect for me that is as follow:

document.querySelector('#fileUpload').value = "";

Get row-index values of Pandas DataFrame as list?

To get the index values as a list/list of tuples for Index/MultiIndex do:

df.index.values.tolist()  # an ndarray method, you probably shouldn't depend on this


list(df.index.values)  # this will always work in pandas

Removing the textarea border in HTML

textarea {
border: 0;
overflow: auto; }

less CSS ^ you can't align the text to the bottom unfortunately.

Is there a way to create xxhdpi, xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi and ldpi drawables from a large scale image?

The easiest way is to use Resource Manager

enter image description here

Then you can select each density

enter image description here

And after importing you can see the 6 different versions of this image

enter image description here

Can I use an HTML input type "date" to collect only a year?

 <!--This yearpicker development from Zlatko Borojevic_x000D_
 html elemnts can generate with java function_x000D_
    and then declare as custom type for easy use in all html documents _x000D_
 For this version for implementacion in your document can use:_x000D_
 1. Save this code for example: "yearonly.html"_x000D_
 2. creaate one div with id="yearonly"_x000D_
 3. Include year picker with function: $("#yearonly").load("yearonly.html"); _x000D_
 <div id="yearonly"></div>_x000D_
 $("#yearonly").load("yearonly.html"); _x000D_
 <!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
 <meta name="viewport" content="text-align:center; width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">_x000D_
 .ydiv {_x000D_
 border:solid 1px;_x000D_
 .ybutton {_x000D_
    border: none;_x000D_
 .yhr {_x000D_
 .ytext {_x000D_
 <!-- input text for display result of yearpicker -->_x000D_
 <input type = "text" id="yeardate"><button style="width:21px;height:21px"onclick="enabledisable()">V</button></p>_x000D_
 <!-- yearpicker panel for change only year-->_x000D_
 <div class="ydiv" id = "yearpicker">_x000D_
 <button class="ybutton" style="font-weight:bold;"onclick="changedecade('back')"><</button>_x000D_
 <input class ="ytext" id="dec"  type="text" value ="2018" >_x000D_
 <button class="ybutton" style="font-weight:bold;" onclick="changedecade('next')">></button>_x000D_
    <!-- subpanel with one year 0-9 -->_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 0;setyear()">0</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 1;setyear()">1</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 2;setyear()">2</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 3;setyear()">3</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 4;setyear()">4</button><br>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 5;setyear()">5</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 6;setyear()">6</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 7;setyear()">7</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 8;setyear()">8</button>_x000D_
 <button  class="ybutton"  onclick="yearone = 9;setyear()">9</button>_x000D_
    <!-- end year panel -->_x000D_
 var date = new Date();_x000D_
 var year = date.getFullYear(); //get current year_x000D_
 //document.getElementById("yeardate").value = year;// can rem if filing text from database_x000D_
 var yearone = 0;_x000D_
 function changedecade(val1){ //change decade for year_x000D_
 var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("dec").value.substring(0,3)+"0");_x000D_
 if (val1 == "next"){_x000D_
 document.getElementById('dec').value = x + 10;_x000D_
 document.getElementById('dec').value = x - 10;_x000D_
 function setyear(){ //set full year as sum decade and one year in decade_x000D_
 var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("dec").value.substring(0,3)+"0");_x000D_
    var y = parseFloat(yearone);_x000D_
 var suma = x + y;_x000D_
    var d = new Date();_x000D_
 var year = d.getFullYear();_x000D_
 document.getElementById("dec").value = year;_x000D_
 document.getElementById("yeardate").value = year;_x000D_
 document.getElementById("yearpicker").style.display = "none";_x000D_
 yearone = 0;_x000D_
 function enabledisable(){ //enable/disable year panel_x000D_
 if (document.getElementById("yearpicker").style.display == "block"){_x000D_
 document.getElementById("yearpicker").style.display = "none";}else{_x000D_
 document.getElementById("yearpicker").style.display = "block";_x000D_

Python convert set to string and vice versa

Try like this,

>>> s = set([1,2,3])
>>> s = list(s)
>>> s
[1, 2, 3]

>>> str = ', '.join(str(e) for e in s)
>>> str = 'set(%s)' % str
>>> str
'set(1, 2, 3)'

Proper use of const for defining functions in JavaScript

There are some very important benefits to the use of const and some would say it should be used wherever possible because of how deliberate and indicative it is.

It is, as far as I can tell, the most indicative and predictable declaration of variables in JavaScript, and one of the most useful, BECAUSE of how constrained it is. Why? Because it eliminates some possibilities available to var and let declarations.

What can you infer when you read a const? You know all of the following just by reading the const declaration statement, AND without scanning for other references to that variable:

  • the value is bound to that variable (although its underlying object is not deeply immutable)
  • it can’t be accessed outside of its immediately containing block
  • the binding is never accessed before declaration, because of Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) rules.

The following quote is from an article arguing the benefits of let and const. It also more directly answers your question about the keyword's constraints/limits:

Constraints such as those offered by let and const are a powerful way of making code easier to understand. Try to accrue as many of these constraints as possible in the code you write. The more declarative constraints that limit what a piece of code could mean, the easier and faster it is for humans to read, parse, and understand a piece of code in the future.

Granted, there’s more rules to a const declaration than to a var declaration: block-scoped, TDZ, assign at declaration, no reassignment. Whereas var statements only signal function scoping. Rule-counting, however, doesn’t offer a lot of insight. It is better to weigh these rules in terms of complexity: does the rule add or subtract complexity? In the case of const, block scoping means a narrower scope than function scoping, TDZ means that we don’t need to scan the scope backwards from the declaration in order to spot usage before declaration, and assignment rules mean that the binding will always preserve the same reference.

The more constrained statements are, the simpler a piece of code becomes. As we add constraints to what a statement might mean, code becomes less unpredictable. This is one of the biggest reasons why statically typed programs are generally easier to read than dynamically typed ones. Static typing places a big constraint on the program writer, but it also places a big constraint on how the program can be interpreted, making its code easier to understand.

With these arguments in mind, it is recommended that you use const where possible, as it’s the statement that gives us the least possibilities to think about.


how to hide <li> bullets in navigation menu and footer links BUT show them for listing items

You can also define a class for the bullets you want to show, so in the CSS:

ul {list-style:none; list-style-type:none; list-style-image:none;}

And in the HTML you just define which lists to show:

<ul style="list-style:disc;">

Or you alternatively define a CSS class:

.show-list {list-style:disc;}

Then apply it to the list you want to show:

<ul class="show-list">

All other lists won't show the bullets...

Print PHP Call Stack

Walltearer's solution is excellent, particularly if enclosed in a 'pre' tag:

<?php debug_print_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); ?>

- which sets out the calls on separate lines, neatly numbered

Automatically pass $event with ng-click?

I wouldn't recommend doing this, but you can override the ngClick directive to do what you are looking for. That's not saying, you should.

With the original implementation in mind:

compile: function($element, attr) {
  var fn = $parse(attr[directiveName]);
  return function(scope, element, attr) {
    element.on(lowercase(name), function(event) {
      scope.$apply(function() {
        fn(scope, {$event:event});

We can do this to override it:

// Go into your config block and inject $provide.
app.config(function ($provide) {

  // Decorate the ngClick directive.
  $provide.decorator('ngClickDirective', function ($delegate) {

    // Grab the actual directive from the returned $delegate array.
    var directive = $delegate[0];

    // Stow away the original compile function of the ngClick directive.
    var origCompile = directive.compile;

    // Overwrite the original compile function.
    directive.compile = function (el, attrs) {

      // Apply the original compile function. 
      origCompile.apply(this, arguments);

      // Return a new link function with our custom behaviour.
      return function (scope, el, attrs) {

        // Get the name of the passed in function. 
        var fn = attrs.ngClick;

        el.on('click', function (event) {
          scope.$apply(function () {

            // If no property on scope matches the passed in fn, return. 
            if (!scope[fn]) {

            // Throw an error if we misused the new ngClick directive.
            if (typeof scope[fn] !== 'function') {
              throw new Error('Property ' + fn + ' is not a function on ' + scope);

            // Call the passed in function with the event.
            scope[fn].call(null, event);


    return $delegate;

Then you'd pass in your functions like this:

<div ng-click="func"></div>

as opposed to:

<div ng-click="func()"></div>


Like I said, I would not recommend doing this but it's a proof of concept showing you that, yes - you can in fact overwrite/extend/augment the builtin angular behaviour to fit your needs. Without having to dig all that deep into the original implementation.

Do please use it with care, if you were to decide on going down this path (it's a lot of fun though).

Recursively find all files newer than a given time

Maybe someone can use it. Find all files which were modified within a certain time frame recursively, just run:

find . -type f -newermt "2013-06-01" \! -newermt "2013-06-20"

multiple classes on single element html

It's a good practice if you need them. It's also a good practice is they make sense, so future coders can understand what you're doing.

But generally, no it's not a good practice to attach 10 class names to an object because most likely whatever you're using them for, you could accomplish the same thing with far fewer classes. Probably just 1 or 2.

To qualify that statement, javascript plugins and scripts may append far more classnames to do whatever it is they're going to do. Modernizr for example appends anywhere from 5 - 25 classes to your body tag, and there's a very good reason for it. jQuery UI appends lots of classnames when you use one of the widgets in that library.

Adding <script> to WordPress in <head> element

Elaborating on the previous answer, you can gather all the required snippets before outputting the header, and only then use an action hook to inject all you need on the head.

In your functions.php file, add

$inject_required_scripts = array();

 * Call this function before calling get_header() to request custom js code to be injected on head.
 * @param code the javascript code to be injected.
function require_script($code) {
  global $inject_required_scripts;
  $inject_required_scripts[] = $code; // store code snippet for later injection

function inject_required_scripts() {
  global $inject_required_scripts;
  foreach($inject_required_scripts as $script)
    // inject all code snippets, if any
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">'.$script.'</script>';
add_action('wp_head', 'inject_required_scripts');

And then in your page or template, use it like

/* Template Name: coolstuff */


  jQuery(function(){jQuery('p,span,a').html('Internet is cool')});


I made it for javascript because it's the most common use, but it can be easily adapted to any tag in the head, and either with inline code or by passing a href/src to an external URL.

Using arrays or std::vectors in C++, what's the performance gap?

Vectors are arrays under the hood. The performance is the same.

One place where you can run into a performance issue, is not sizing the vector correctly to begin with.

As a vector fills, it will resize itself, and that can imply, a new array allocation, followed by n copy constructors, followed by about n destructor calls, followed by an array delete.

If your construct/destruct is expensive, you are much better off making the vector the correct size to begin with.

There is a simple way to demonstrate this. Create a simple class that shows when it is constructed/destroyed/copied/assigned. Create a vector of these things, and start pushing them on the back end of the vector. When the vector fills, there will be a cascade of activity as the vector resizes. Then try it again with the vector sized to the expected number of elements. You will see the difference.

How can I scale an image in a CSS sprite

Use transform: scale(...); and add matching margin: -...px to compensate free space from scaling. (you can use * {outline: 1px solid}to see element boundaries).

SimpleDateFormat parse loses timezone

OP's solution to his problem, as he says, has dubious output. That code still shows confusion about representations of time. To clear up this confusion, and make code that won't lead to wrong times, consider this extension of what he did:

public static void _testDateFormatting() {
    SimpleDateFormat sdfGMT1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");
    SimpleDateFormat sdfGMT2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z");

    SimpleDateFormat sdfLocal1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");
    SimpleDateFormat sdfLocal2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z");

    try {
        Date d = new Date();
        String s1 = d.toString();
        String s2 = sdfLocal1.format(d);
        // Store s3 or s4 in database.
        String s3 = sdfGMT1.format(d);
        String s4 = sdfGMT2.format(d);
        // Retrieve s3 or s4 from database, using LOCAL sdf.
        String s5 = sdfLocal1.parse(s3).toString();
        //EXCEPTION String s6 = sdfLocal2.parse(s3).toString();
        String s7 = sdfLocal1.parse(s4).toString();
        String s8 = sdfLocal2.parse(s4).toString();
        // Retrieve s3 from database, using GMT sdf.
        // Note that this is the SAME sdf that created s3.
        Date d2 = sdfGMT1.parse(s3);
        String s9 = d2.toString();
        String s10 = sdfGMT1.format(d2);
        String s11 = sdfLocal2.format(d2);
    } catch (Exception e) {

examining values in a debugger:

s1  "Mon Sep 07 06:11:53 EDT 2015" (id=831698113128)    
s2  "2015.09.07 06:11:53" (id=831698114048) 
s3  "2015.09.07 10:11:53" (id=831698114968) 
s4  "2015.09.07 10:11:53 GMT+00:00" (id=831698116112)   
s5  "Mon Sep 07 10:11:53 EDT 2015" (id=831698116944)    
s6  -- omitted, gave parse exception    
s7  "Mon Sep 07 10:11:53 EDT 2015" (id=831698118680)    
s8  "Mon Sep 07 06:11:53 EDT 2015" (id=831698119584)    
s9  "Mon Sep 07 06:11:53 EDT 2015" (id=831698120392)    
s10 "2015.09.07 10:11:53" (id=831698121312) 
s11 "2015.09.07 06:11:53 EDT" (id=831698122256) 

sdf2 and sdfLocal2 include time zone, so we can see what is really going on. s1 & s2 are at 06:11:53 in zone EDT. s3 & s4 are at 10:11:53 in zone GMT -- equivalent to the original EDT time. Imagine we save s3 or s4 in a data base, where we are using GMT for consistency, so we can have times from anywhere in the world, without storing different time zones.

s5 parses the GMT time, but treats it as a local time. So it says "10:11:53" -- the GMT time -- but thinks it is 10:11:53 in local time. Not good.

s7 parses the GMT time, but ignores the GMT in the string, so still treats it as a local time.

s8 works, because now we include GMT in the string, and the local zone parser uses it to convert from one time zone to another.

Now suppose you don't want to store the zone, you want to be able to parse s3, but display it as a local time. The answer is to parse using the same time zone it was stored in -- so use the same sdf as it was created in, sdfGMT1. s9, s10, & s11 are all representations of the original time. They are all "correct". That is, d2 == d1. Then it is only a question of how you want to DISPLAY it. If you want to display what is stored in DB -- GMT time -- then you need to format it using a GMT sdf. Ths is s10.

So here is the final solution, if you don't want to explicitly store with " GMT" in the string, and want to display in GMT format:

public static void _testDateFormatting() {
    SimpleDateFormat sdfGMT1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");

    try {
        Date d = new Date();
        String s3 = sdfGMT1.format(d);
        // Store s3 in DB.
        // ...
        // Retrieve s3 from database, using GMT sdf.
        Date d2 = sdfGMT1.parse(s3);
        String s10 = sdfGMT1.format(d2);
    } catch (Exception e) {

Loading inline content using FancyBox

The way I figured this out was going through the example index.html/style.css that comes packaged with the Fancybox installation.

If you view the code that is used for the demo website and basically copy/paste, you'll be fine.

To get an inline Fancybox working, you will need to have this code present in your index.html file:

    <link href="./fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <script>!window.jQuery && document.write('<script src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js"><\/script>');</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

            'titlePosition'     : 'inside',
            'transitionIn'      : 'none',
            'transitionOut'     : 'none'


    <a id="various1" href="#inline1" title="Put a title here">Name of Link Here</a>
    <div style="display: none;">
        <div id="inline1" style="width:400px;height:100px;overflow:auto;">
                   Write whatever text you want right here!!


Remember to be precise about what folders your script files are placed in and where you are pointing to in the Head tag; they must correspond.

What is an attribute in Java?

An attribute is another term for a field. It's typically a public constant or a public variable that can be accessed directly. In this particular case, the array in Java is actually an object and you are accessing the public constant value that represents the length of the array.

C# Remove object from list of objects

You can use a while loop to delete item/items matching ChunkID. Here is my suggestion:

public void DeleteChunk(int ChunkID)
   int i = 0;
   while (i < ChunkList.Count) 
      Chunk currentChunk = ChunkList[i];
      if (currentChunk.UniqueID == ChunkID) {
      else {

How to set a timeout on a http.request() in Node?

The Rob Evans anwser works correctly for me but when I use request.abort(), it occurs to throw a socket hang up error which stays unhandled.

I had to add an error handler for the request object :

var options = { ... }
var req = http.request(options, function(res) {
  // Usual stuff: on(data), on(end), chunks, etc...

req.on('socket', function (socket) {
    socket.on('timeout', function() {

req.on('error', function(err) {
    if (err.code === "ECONNRESET") {
        console.log("Timeout occurs");
        //specific error treatment
    //other error treatment


Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1

run Android SDK Manager as administrator. that solved my problem

sudo android

How to generate a GUID in Oracle?

you can use function bellow in order to generate your UUID

create or replace FUNCTION RANDOM_GUID

    RNG    NUMBER;
    CCS    VARCHAR2 (128);
    XSTR   VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
    CCS := '0123456789' || 'ABCDEF';
    RNG := 15;

    FOR I IN 1 .. 32 LOOP
      XSTR := XSTR || SUBSTR (CCS, N, 1);

    RETURN SUBSTR(XSTR, 1, 4) || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 5, 4)        || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 9, 4)        || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 13,4)        || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 17,4)        || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 21,4)        || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 24,4)        || '-' ||
        SUBSTR(XSTR, 28,4);

Example of GUID genedrated by the function above:

Extract the last substring from a cell

RIGHT return whatever number of characters in the second parameter from the right of the first parameter. So, you want the total length of your column A - subtract the index. which is therefore:

=RIGHT(A2, LEN(A2)-FIND(" ", A2, 1))

And you should consider using TRIM(A2) everywhere it appears...

Get epoch for a specific date using Javascript

Number(new Date(2010, 6, 26))

Works the same way as things above. If you need seconds don't forget to / 1000

Converting newline formatting from Mac to Windows

  1. Install dos2unix with homebrew
  2. Run find ./ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \; to recursively convert all line-endings within current folder

How can I determine the type of an HTML element in JavaScript?

Sometimes you want

// HTMLDivElement

// HTMLAnchorElement

// HTMLUnknownElement

Can I apply a CSS style to an element name?

You can use the attribute selector,

input[name="goButton"] {_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
<input name="goButton">

Be aware that it isn't supported in IE6.

Update: In 2016 you can pretty much use them as you want, since IE6 is dead.

Perform a Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test

You failed to specify the exact columns (data) to test for normality. Use this instead


Call PHP function from jQuery?

AJAX does the magic:


    $.ajax({ url: 'script.php?argument=value&foo=bar' });


How to find tags with only certain attributes - BeautifulSoup

find using an attribute in any tag

<th class="team" data-sort="team">Team</th>    
soup.find_all(attrs={"class": "team"}) 

<th data-sort="team">Team</th>  
soup.find_all(attrs={"data-sort": "team"}) 

Find the min/max element of an array in JavaScript

Here is one more example. Calculate the Max/Min value from an array with lodash.

let array = [100, 0, 50];_x000D_
var func = _.over(Math.max, Math.min);_x000D_
var [max, min] = func(...array);_x000D_
// => [100, 0]_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

No, actually, if you are thinking class and struct mean classes and structs, you're wrong. class means any reference type (e.g. includes interfaces too) and struct means any value type (e.g. struct, enum).

React ignores 'for' attribute of the label element

The for attribute is called htmlFor for consistency with the DOM property API. If you're using the development build of React, you should have seen a warning in your console about this.

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect inside batch

set myPATH="C:\Users\DEB\Downloads\"
cd %myPATH%
  • The single quotes do not indicate a string, they make it starts: 'C:\ instead of C:\ so

  • %name% is the usual syntax for expanding a variable, the !name! syntax needs to be enabled using the command setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION first, or by running the command prompt with CMD /V:ON.

  • Don't use PATH as your name, it is a system name that contains all the locations of executable programs. If you overwrite it, random bits of your script will stop working. If you intend to change it, you need to do set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\DEB\Downloads\ to keep the current PATH content, and add something to the end.

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) after Installation

For the 5.7 version, I had the same problem and a simple fix did the trick. As Installed the workbench 5.7 there was another "software" of sorts called the "MySQL Installer Community". I ran this and ran the "Reconfigure" for the MySQL server. It took about a minute and the problem was no longer there.

Hope it works!.(Keep in mind i was using the 5.7 version)

Calling async method synchronously

I need to call this method from a synchronously method.

It's possible with GenerateCodeAsync().Result or GenerateCodeAsync().Wait(), as the other answer suggests. This would block the current thread until GenerateCodeAsync has completed.

However, your question is tagged with , and you also left the comment:

I was hoping for a simpler solution, thinking that handled this much easier than writing so many lines of code

My point is, you should not be blocking on an asynchronous method in ASP.NET. This will reduce the scalability of your web app, and may create a deadlock (when an await continuation inside GenerateCodeAsync is posted to AspNetSynchronizationContext). Using Task.Run(...).Result to offload something to a pool thread and then block will hurt the scalability even more, as it incurs +1 more thread to process a given HTTP request.

ASP.NET has built-in support for asynchronous methods, either through asynchronous controllers (in ASP.NET MVC and Web API) or directly via AsyncManager and PageAsyncTask in classic ASP.NET. You should use it. For more details, check this answer.

Numpy, multiply array with scalar

You can multiply numpy arrays by scalars and it just works.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.array([1, 2, 3]) * 2
array([2, 4, 6])
>>> np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) * 2
array([[ 2,  4,  6],
       [ 8, 10, 12]])

This is also a very fast and efficient operation. With your example:

>>> a_1 = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> a_2 = np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
>>> b = 2.0
>>> a_1 * b
array([2., 4., 6.])
>>> a_2 * b
array([[2., 4.],
       [6., 8.]])

Convert dictionary to bytes and back again python?

If you need to convert the dictionary to binary, you need to convert it to a string (JSON) as described in the previous answer, then you can convert it to binary.

For example:

my_dict = {'key' : [1,2,3]}

import json
def dict_to_binary(the_dict):
    str = json.dumps(the_dict)
    binary = ' '.join(format(ord(letter), 'b') for letter in str)
    return binary

def binary_to_dict(the_binary):
    jsn = ''.join(chr(int(x, 2)) for x in the_binary.split())
    d = json.loads(jsn)  
    return d

bin = dict_to_binary(my_dict)
print bin

dct = binary_to_dict(bin)
print dct

will give the output

1111011 100010 1101011 100010 111010 100000 1011011 110001 101100 100000 110010 101100 100000 110011 1011101 1111101

{u'key': [1, 2, 3]}

Aren't promises just callbacks?

No promises are just wrapper on callbacks

example You can use javascript native promises with node js

my cloud 9 code link :

* Created by dixit-lab on 20/6/16.

var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');   //Simplified HTTP request client.

var app = express();

function promisify(url) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    request.get(url, function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
    else {

//get all the albums of a user who have posted post 100
app.get('/listAlbums', function (req, res) {
//get the post with post id 100
promisify('').then(function (result) {
var obj = JSON.parse(result);
return promisify('' + obj.userId + '/albums')
.catch(function (e) {
.then(function (result) {


var server = app.listen(8081, function () {

var host = server.address().address
var port = server.address().port

console.log("Example app listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)


//run webservice on browser : http://localhost:8081/listAlbums

Span inside anchor or anchor inside span or doesn't matter?

It can matter if for instance you are using some sort icon font. I had this just now with:

<span class="fa fa-print fa-3x"><a href="some_link"></a></span>

Normally I would put the span inside the A but the styling wasn't taking effect until swapped it round.

Preventing scroll bars from being hidden for MacOS trackpad users in WebKit/Blink

For a one-page web application where I add scrollable sections dynamically, I trigger OSX's scrollbars by programmatically scrolling one pixel down and back up:

// Plain JS:
var el = document.getElementById('scrollable-section');
el.scrollTop = 1;
el.scrollTop = 0;

// jQuery:

This triggers the visual cue fading in and out.

how to remove json object key and value.?

Here is one more example. (check the reference)

const myObject = {_x000D_
  "employeeid": "160915848",_x000D_
  "firstName": "tet",_x000D_
  "lastName": "test",_x000D_
  "email": "[email protected]",_x000D_
  "country": "Brasil",_x000D_
  "currentIndustry": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",_x000D_
  "otherIndustry": "aaaaaaaaaaaaa",_x000D_
  "currentOrganization": "test",_x000D_
  "salary": "1234567"_x000D_
const {otherIndustry, ...otherIndustry2} = myObject;_x000D_
.as-console-wrapper {_x000D_
  max-height: 100% !important;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_

How to get min, seconds and milliseconds from in python?

Another similar solution:

>>> "%s:%s.%s" % (a.hour, a.minute, a.microsecond)

Yes, I know I didn't get the string formatting perfect.

What is the difference between float and double?

Here is what the standard C99 (ISO-IEC 9899 6.2.5 §10) or C++2003 (ISO-IEC 14882-2003 3.1.9 §8) standards say:

There are three floating point types: float, double, and long double. The type double provides at least as much precision as float, and the type long double provides at least as much precision as double. The set of values of the type float is a subset of the set of values of the type double; the set of values of the type double is a subset of the set of values of the type long double.

The C++ standard adds:

The value representation of floating-point types is implementation-defined.

I would suggest having a look at the excellent What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic that covers the IEEE floating-point standard in depth. You'll learn about the representation details and you'll realize there is a tradeoff between magnitude and precision. The precision of the floating point representation increases as the magnitude decreases, hence floating point numbers between -1 and 1 are those with the most precision.

sql query with multiple where statements

Can we see the structure of your table? If I am understanding this, then the assumption made by the query is that a record can be only meta_key - 'lat' or meta_key = 'long' not both because each row only has one meta_key column and can only contain 1 corresponding value, not 2. That would explain why you don't get results when you connect the with an AND; it's impossible.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in simple words is -> you have 10 students in your class (int array size 10) and you want to view the value of the 11th student (a student who does not exist)

if you make this int i[3] then i takes values i[0] i[1] i[2]

for your problem try this code structure

double[] array = new double[50];

    for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {


    for (int j = 25; j < 50; j++) {


Show Youtube video source into HTML5 video tag?

Step 1: add &html5=True to your favorite youtube url

Step 2: Find <video/> tag in source

Step 3: Add controls="controls" to video tag: <video controls="controls"..../>


<video controls="controls" class="video-stream" x-webkit-airplay="allow" data-youtube-id="N9oxmRT2YWw" src=";itag=43&amp;ipbits=0&amp;signature=D2BCBE2F115E68C5FF97673F1D797F3C3E3BFB99.59252109C7D2B995A8D51A461FF9A6264879948E&amp;sver=3&amp;ratebypass=yes&amp;expire=1300417200&amp;key=yt1&amp;ip=;id=37da319914f6616c"></video>

Note there seems to some expire stuff. I don't know how long the src string will work.

Still testing myself.

Edit (July 28, 2011): Note that this video src is specific to the browser you use to retrieve the page source. I think Youtube generates this HTML dynamically (at least currently) so in testing if I copy in Firefox this works in Firefox, but not Chrome, for example.

Git error: "Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists"

My case: I use Windows and I have more than 1 user account. I was receiving the same error and the fix was to start the git bash with administrator rights.

Alternative to itoa() for converting integer to string C++?

I use these templates

template <typename T> string toStr(T tmp)
    ostringstream out;
    out << tmp;
    return out.str();

template <typename T> T strTo(string tmp)
    T output;
    istringstream in(tmp);
    in >> output;
    return output;

SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

You can't have a non-keyword argument after a keyword argument.

Make sure you re-arrange your function arguments like so:

def a(len1,til,hgt=len1,col=0):
    system('mode con cols='+len1,'lines='+hgt)


Error: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: llvm

I uninstalled the NDK since I didn't need it . Go to SDK manager on Android studio ( Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager ) . If NDK is installed . Just uncheck the box and click OK . The installed components will be deleted .

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

You could put all of your code under one namespace like this:

var namespace = {};

namespace.someClassObj = {};

delete namespace.someClassObj;

Using the delete keyword will delete the reference to the property, but on the low level the JavaScript garbage collector (GC) will get more information about which objects to be reclaimed.

You could also use Chrome Developer Tools to get a memory profile of your app, and which objects in your app are needing to be scaled down.

How to access parent Iframe from JavaScript

Once id of iframe is set, you can access iframe from inner document as shown below.

var iframe = parent.document.getElementById(;

Works well in IE, Chrome and FF.

How can I make a div not larger than its contents?

I think using

display: inline-block;

would work, however I'm not sure about the browser compatibility.

Another solution would be to wrap your div in another div (if you want to maintain the block behavior):


    <div class="yourdiv">


    display: inline;

"Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server" error

I had this problem some days ago and all of above items could not help me. I have ESET Smart Security 5.0 on my SONY VAIO laptop which works in interactive mode! Finally I found the problem, ESET was blocking VS2012! In the past, ESET had asked me to allow the VS2012 to communicate with Microsoft, I had chosen "Deny Access" and ESET had mad a rule for denying VS2012. I omitted this rule from "ESET rules zone" and my issue was solved!

How to set table name in dynamic SQL query?

Building on a previous answer by @user1172173 that addressed SQL Injection vulnerabilities, see below:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spQ_SomeColumnByCustomerId](
@CustomerId int,
@SchemaName varchar(20),
@TableName nvarchar(200)) AS
SET Nocount ON
DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS NVARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @Table_ObjectId int;
DECLARE @Schema_ObjectId int;
DECLARE @Schema_Table_SecuredFromSqlInjection NVARCHAR(125)

SET @Table_ObjectId = OBJECT_ID(@TableName)
SET @Schema_ObjectId = SCHEMA_ID(@SchemaName)
SET @Schema_Table_SecuredFromSqlInjection = SCHEMA_NAME(@Schema_ObjectId) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(@Table_ObjectId)

SET @SQLQuery = N'SELECT TOP 1 ' + @Schema_Table_SecuredFromSqlInjection + '.SomeColumn 
FROM dbo.Customer 
INNER JOIN ' + @Schema_Table_SecuredFromSqlInjection + ' 
ON dbo.Customer.Customerid = ' + @Schema_Table_SecuredFromSqlInjection + '.CustomerId 
WHERE dbo.Customer.CustomerID = @CustomerIdParam 
ORDER BY ' + @Schema_Table_SecuredFromSqlInjection + '.SomeColumn DESC' 
SET @ParameterDefinition =  N'@CustomerIdParam INT'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLQuery, @ParameterDefinition, @CustomerIdParam = @CustomerId; RETURN

jQuery: get the file name selected from <input type="file" />

I had used following which worked correctly.

$('#fileAttached').attr('value', $('#attachment').val())

Map enum in JPA with fixed values?

This is now possible with JPA 2.1:

@Column(name = "RIGHT")
private Right right;

Further details:

How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link?

if you need to limit download rate, use this code !!

$local_file = '';
$download_file = '';

// set the download rate limit (=> 20,5 kb/s)
$download_rate = 20.5;
if(file_exists($local_file) && is_file($local_file))
header('Cache-control: private');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($local_file));
header('Content-Disposition: filename='.$download_file);

$file = fopen($local_file, "r");
    // send the current file part to the browser
    print fread($file, round($download_rate * 1024));
    // flush the content to the browser
    // sleep one second
else {
die('Error: The file '.$local_file.' does not exist!');


For more information click here

How to create a user in Django?

Bulk user creation with set_password

I you are creating several test users, bulk_create is much faster, but we can't use create_user with it.

set_password is another way to generate the hashed passwords:

def users_iterator():
    for i in range(nusers):
        is_superuser = (i == 0)
        user = User(
            first_name='First' + str(i),
            last_name='Last' + str(i),
            username='user' + str(i),
        yield user

class Command(BaseCommand):
    def handle(self, **options):

Question specific about password hashing: How to use Bcrypt to encrypt passwords in Django

Tested in Django 1.9.

Extract names of objects from list

You can just use:

> names(LIST)
[1] "A" "B"

Obviously the names of the first element is just

> names(LIST)[1]
[1] "A"

How to simplify a null-safe compareTo() implementation?

You could design your class to be immutable (Effective Java 2nd Ed. has a great section on this, Item 15: Minimize mutability) and make sure upon construction that no nulls are possible (and use the null object pattern if needed). Then you can skip all those checks and safely assume the values are not null.

What is a constant reference? (not a reference to a constant)

What is a constant reference (not a reference to a constant)
A Constant Reference is actually a Reference to a Constant.

A constant reference/ Reference to a constant is denoted by:

int const &i = j; //or Alternatively
const int &i = j;
i = 1;            //Compilation Error

It basically means, you cannot modify the value of type object to which the Reference Refers.
For Example:
Trying to modify value(assign 1) of variable j through const reference, i will results in error:

assignment of read-only reference ‘i’

icr=y;          // Can change the object it is pointing to so it's not like a const pointer...

Doesn't change the reference, it assigns the value of the type to which the reference refers. References cannot be made to refer any other variable than the one they are bound to at Initialization.

First statement assigns the value y to i
Second statement assigns the value 99 to i

How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?


Now we need to use Custom Targets


            .into(new CustomTarget<Bitmap>() {
                public void onResourceReady(@NonNull Bitmap resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Bitmap> transition) {


                public void onLoadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {

How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?

The above all answer are correct but outdated

because in new version of Glide implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.8.0'

You will find below error in code

  • The .asBitmap() is not available in glide:4.8.0

enter image description here

  • SimpleTarget<Bitmap> is deprecated

enter image description here

Here is solution

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.ImageView;

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DiskCacheStrategy;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.Request;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    ImageView imageView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        imageView = findViewById(;

                .apply(new RequestOptions().diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.NONE))
                .into(new Target<Drawable>() {
                    public void onLoadStarted(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {


                    public void onLoadFailed(@Nullable Drawable errorDrawable) {


                    public void onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> transition) {

                        Bitmap bitmap = drawableToBitmap(resource);
                        // now you can use bitmap as per your requirement

                    public void onLoadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {


                    public void getSize(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) {


                    public void removeCallback(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) {


                    public void setRequest(@Nullable Request request) {


                    public Request getRequest() {
                        return null;

                    public void onStart() {


                    public void onStop() {


                    public void onDestroy() {



    public static Bitmap drawableToBitmap(Drawable drawable) {

        if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
            return ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();

        int width = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
        width = width > 0 ? width : 1;
        int height = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
        height = height > 0 ? height : 1;

        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
        drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());

        return bitmap;

Postgresql - select something where date = "01/01/11"

I think you want to cast your dt to a date and fix the format of your date literal:

FROM table
WHERE dt::date = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

Or the standard version:

FROM table
WHERE CAST(dt AS DATE) = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

The extract function doesn't understand "date" and it returns a number.

Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

It depends, if your function only consists of the switch statement, then I think that its fine. However, if you want to perform any other operations within that function, its probably not a great idea. You also may have to consider your requirements right now versus in the future. If you want to change your function from option one to option two, more refactoring will be needed.

However, given that within if/else statements it is best practice to do the following:

var foo = "bar";

if(foo == "bar") {
    return 0;
else {
    return 100;

Based on this, the argument could be made that option one is better practice.

In short, there's no clear answer, so as long as your code adheres to a consistent, readable, maintainable standard - that is to say don't mix and match options one and two throughout your application, that is the best practice you should be following.

How to set Linux environment variables with Ansible

For persistently setting environment variables, you can use one of the existing roles over at Ansible Galaxy. I recommend weareinteractive.environment.

Using ansible-galaxy:

$ ansible-galaxy install weareinteractive.environment

Using requirements.yml:

- src: franklinkim.environment

Then in your playbook:

- hosts: all
  sudo: yes
    - role: franklinkim.environment
        NODE_ENV: staging
        DATABASE_NAME: staging

Best way to clear a PHP array's values

The question is not really answered by the posts. Keeping the keys and clearing the values is the focus of the question.

foreach($resultMasterCleaned['header'] as $ekey => $eval) {
    $resultMasterCleaned[$key][$eval] = "";                 

As in the case of a two dimensional array holding CSV values and to blank out a particular row. Looping through seems the only way.

What is the difference between json.dumps and json.load?

json loads -> returns an object from a string representing a json object.

json dumps -> returns a string representing a json object from an object.

load and dump -> read/write from/to file instead of string

How to change the DataTable Column Name?

 dtTempColumn.Columns["EXCELCOLUMNS"].ColumnName = "COLUMN_NAME";                        

How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript

I fixed my problem by using encodeURIComponent() instead of escape().

This might be the fix for you if the problem happens when sending your string in a URL.

Try this with the phrase ("hi & % ‘")

escape() returns


Notice the %u2018 isn't very url friendly and can break the rest of the query string.

encodeURI() returns


Notice the ampersand is still there.

encodeURIComponent() returns


Finally, all of our characters are properly encoded.

How to install PHP mbstring on CentOS 6.2

*Make sure you update your linux box first

yum update

In case someone still has this problem, this is a valid solution:

centos-release : rpm -q centos-release

Centos 6.*

rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm

Centos 5.*

rpm -ivh epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh remi-release-5*.rpm

Then just do this to update:

yum --enablerepo=remi upgrade php-mbstring

Or this to install:

yum --enablerepo=remi install php-mbstring

VHDL - How should I create a clock in a testbench?

My favoured technique:

signal clk : std_logic := '0'; -- make sure you initialise!
clk <= not clk after half_period;

I usually extend this with a finished signal to allow me to stop the clock:

clk <= not clk after half_period when finished /= '1' else '0';

Gotcha alert: Care needs to be taken if you calculate half_period from another constant by dividing by 2. The simulator has a "time resolution" setting, which often defaults to nanoseconds... In which case, 5 ns / 2 comes out to be 2 ns so you end up with a period of 4ns! Set the simulator to picoseconds and all will be well (until you need fractions of a picosecond to represent your clock time anyway!)

go to link on button click - jquery

You need to specify the domain:

 $('.button1').click(function() {
   window.location = '' +;

Offset a background image from the right using CSS

The most appropriate answer is the new four-value syntax for background-position, but until all browsers support it your best approach is a combination of earlier responses in the following order:

background: url(image.png) no-repeat 97% center; /* default, Android, Sf < 6 */
background-position: -webkit-calc(100% - 10px) center; /* Sf 6 */
background-position: right 10px center; /* Cr 25+, FF 13+, IE 9+, Op 10.5+ */

Remove blank attributes from an Object in Javascript

If you prefer the pure/functional approach

const stripUndef = obj => 
   .reduce((p, c) => ({ ...p, ...(x[c] === undefined ? { } : { [c]: x[c] })}), {});

Comparing Java enum members: == or equals()?

One of the Sonar rules is Enum values should be compared with "==". The reasons are as follows:

Testing equality of an enum value with equals() is perfectly valid because an enum is an Object and every Java developer knows == should not be used to compare the content of an Object. At the same time, using == on enums:

  • provides the same expected comparison (content) as equals()

  • is more null-safe than equals()

  • provides compile-time (static) checking rather than runtime checking

For these reasons, use of == should be preferred to equals().

Last but not least, the == on enums is arguably more readable (less verbose) than equals().

How to check how many letters are in a string in java?

If you are counting letters, the above solution will fail for some unicode symbols. For example for these 5 characters sample.length() will return 6 instead of 5:

String sample = "\u760c\u0444\u03b3\u03b5\ud800\udf45"; // ???e

The codePointCount function was introduced in Java 1.5 and I understand gives better results for glyphs etc

sample.codePointCount(0, sample.length()) // returns 5

Get JSF managed bean by name in any Servlet related class

Have you tried an approach like on this link? I'm not sure if createValueBinding() is still available but code like this should be accessible from a plain old Servlet. This does require to bean to already exist.

 FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();  
 Application app = context.getApplication();
 // May be deprecated
 ValueBinding binding = app.createValueBinding("#{" + expr + "}"); 
 Object value = binding.getValue(context);

Apache POI error loading XSSFWorkbook class

Add commons-collections4-x.x.jar file in your build path and try it again. It will work.

You can download it from

Is quitting an application frowned upon?


I think that you just don't see the Android app the right way. You can do something almost like what you want easily:

  • Do the app activities save/restore state like it is encouraged in the developer livecycle documentation.

  • If some login is needed at the restore stage (no login/session information available) then do it.

  • Eventually add a button/menu/timeout in which case you will do a finish() without saving the login and other session info, making implicitly the end of app session: so if the app is started/brought to front again it will start a new session.

That way you don't really care if the app is really removed from memory or not.

If you really want to remove it from memory (this is discouraged, and BTW for what purpose?) you can kill it conditionally at the end of onDestroy() with java.lang.System.exit(0) (or perhaps restartPackage(..)?). Of course do it only in the case where you want to "really end the app", because the onDestroy() is part of the normal lifecycle of activities and not an app end at all.

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

Scott Hanselman put together a great summary page with all of the various SQL downloads here

For offline installers, see this answer

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement <package>

I got this error while installing awscli on Windows 10 in anaconda (python 3.7). While troubleshooting, I went to the answer and then to Finally found that I need to install the libraries PyOpenSSL, cryptography, enum34, idna and ipaddress. After installing these (using simply pip install command), I was able to install awscli.

How to remove a web site from google analytics

You can also do in this way : select your profile then go to admin => in admin second column "Property" select the site you want to remove => go to third column "view settings" clic => on the right bottom you ll see delete the view => confirm and it s done , have a nice day all

Relative Paths in Javascript in an external file

For the MVC4 app I am working on, I put a script element in _Layout.cshtml and created a global variable for the path required, like so:


    var templatesPath = "@Url.Content("~/Templates/")";

<div class="page">
    <div id="header">

       <span id="title">

    <div id="main">

    <div id="footer">

How do operator.itemgetter() and sort() work?

Looks like you're a little bit confused about all that stuff.

operator is a built-in module providing a set of convenient operators. In two words operator.itemgetter(n) constructs a callable that assumes an iterable object (e.g. list, tuple, set) as input, and fetches the n-th element out of it.

So, you can't use key=a[x][1] there, because python has no idea what x is. Instead, you could use a lambda function (elem is just a variable name, no magic there):

a.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[1])

Or just an ordinary function:

def get_second_elem(iterable):
    return iterable[1]


So, here's an important note: in python functions are first-class citizens, so you can pass them to other functions as a parameter.

Other questions:

  1. Yes, you can reverse sort, just add reverse=True: a.sort(key=..., reverse=True)
  2. To sort by more than one column you can use itemgetter with multiple indices: operator.itemgetter(1,2), or with lambda: lambda elem: (elem[1], elem[2]). This way, iterables are constructed on the fly for each item in list, which are than compared against each other in lexicographic(?) order (first elements compared, if equal - second elements compared, etc)
  3. You can fetch value at [3,2] using a[2,1] (indices are zero-based). Using operator... It's possible, but not as clean as just indexing.

Refer to the documentation for details:

  1. operator.itemgetter explained
  2. Sorting list by custom key in Python

Java - Check if JTextField is empty or not

you can use isEmpty() or isBlank() methods regarding what you need.

Returns true if, and only if, length() is 0.;

Returns true if the string is empty or contains only white space codepoints, otherwise false;

What's the difference between event.stopPropagation and event.preventDefault?

event.preventDefault(); Stops the default action of an element from happening.

event.stopPropagation(); Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.

For example, if there is a link with a click method attached inside of a DIV or FORM that also has a click method attached, it will prevent the DIV or FORM click method from firing.

How to convert answer into two decimal point

If you have a Decimal or similar numeric type, you can use:

Math.Round(myNumber, 2)

EDIT: So, in your case, it would be:

Public Class Form1
  Private Sub btncalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btncalc.Click
    txtA.Text = Math.Round((Val(txtD.Text) / Val(txtC.Text) * Val(txtF.Text) / Val(txtE.Text)), 2)
    txtB.Text = Math.Round((Val(txtA.Text) * 1000 / Val(txtG.Text)), 2)
  End Sub
End Class

On duplicate key ignore?

Would suggest NOT using INSERT IGNORE as it ignores ALL errors (ie its a sloppy global ignore). Instead, since in your example tag is the unique key, use:

INSERT INTO table_tags (tag) VALUES ('tag_a'),('tab_b'),('tag_c') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE tag=tag;

on duplicate key produces:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

How to get TimeZone from android mobile?

Simplest Solution With Simple Date Format: SimpleDateFormat("ZZZZZ"):

 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"),
        Date currentLocalTime = calendar.getTime();

        DateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("ZZZZZ",Locale.getDefault());
        String localTime = date.format(currentLocalTime);
        System.out.println(localTime+ "  TimeZone   " );

==> Output is : +05:30

How to repeat last command in python interpreter shell?

You didn't specify which environment. Assuming you are using IDLE.

From IDLE documentation: Command history:

Alt-p retrieves previous command matching what you have typed.
Alt-n retrieves next.
      (These are Control-p, Control-n on the Mac)
Return while cursor is on a previous command retrieves that command.
Expand word is also useful to reduce typing.

Install dependencies globally and locally using package.json

You could use a separate file, like npm_globals.txt, instead of package.json. This file would contain each module on a new line like this,

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Then in the command line run,

< npm_globals.txt xargs npm install -g

Check that they installed properly with,

npm list -g --depth=0

As for whether you should do this or not, I think it all depends on use case. For most projects, this isn't necessary; and having your project's package.json encapsulate these tools and dependencies together is much preferred.

But nowadays I find that I'm always installing create-react-app and other CLI's globally when I jump on a new machine. It's nice to have an easy way to install a global tool and its dependencies when versioning doesn't matter much.

And nowadays, I'm using npx, an npm package runner, instead of installing packages globally.

iPhone - Get Position of UIView within entire UIWindow

Swift 5+:

let globalPoint = aView.superview?.convert(aView.frame.origin, to: nil)

Ignore invalid self-signed ssl certificate in node.js with https.request?

Add the following environment variable:


e.g. with export:


(with great thanks to Juanra)

Request redirect to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f since MVC 3 install on server

Updated answer for MVC 4, heavily borrowed from this page and ASP.NET MVC issue with configuration of forms authentication section (and answered on both pages)

   <add key="PreserveLoginUrl" value="true" />


<authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="43200" /> <!--43,200 in minutes - 30 days-->

How to make link not change color after visited?

In order to avoid duplicate code, I recommend you to define the color once, for both states:

a, a:visited{
     color: /* some color */;

This, indeeed, will mantain your <a> color (whatever this color is) even when the link has been visited.

Notice that, if the color of the element inside of the <a> is being inherited (e.g. the color is set in the body), you could do the following trick:

a, a:visited {
    color: inherit;

How many bits or bytes are there in a character?

There are 8 bits in a byte (normally speaking in Windows).

However, if you are dealing with characters, it will depend on the charset/encoding. Unicode character can be 2 or 4 bytes, so that would be 16 or 32 bits, whereas Windows-1252 sometimes incorrectly called ANSI is only 1 bytes so 8 bits.

In Asian version of Windows and some others, the entire system runs in double-byte, so a character is 16 bits.


Per Matteo's comment, all contemporary versions of Windows use 16-bits internally per character.

C# int to byte[]

The other way is to use BinaryPrimitives like so

byte[] intBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(123); int actual = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32LittleEndian(intBytes);

How to convert SecureString to System.String?

If you use a StringBuilder instead of a string, you can overwrite the actual value in memory when you are done. That way the password won't hang around in memory until garbage collection picks it up.

// overwrite with reasonably random characters
StringBuilder.Append(New Guid().ToString());

How to automatically close cmd window after batch file execution?

You could try the somewhat dangerous: taskkill /IM cmd.exe ..dangerous bcz that will kill the cmd that is open and any cmd's opened before it.

Or add a verification to confirm that you had the right cmd.exe and then kill it via PID, such as this:

set loc=%time%%random%
for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%A in ('tasklist /v ^| findstr /i "%loc%"') do (taskkill /PID %%A) 

Substitute (pslist &&A) or (tasklist /FI "PID eq %%A") for the (taskkill /PID %%A) if you want to check it first (and maybe have pstools installed).

Import-Module : The specified module 'activedirectory' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory

The ActiveDirectory module for powershell can be installed by adding the RSAT-AD-Powershell feature.

In an elevated powershell window:

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell


Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName ActiveDirectory-Powershell -Online -All

Job for mysqld.service failed See "systemctl status mysqld.service"

Had the same problem. Solved as given below. Use command :

sudo tail -f /var/log/messages|grep -i mysql

to check if SELinux policy is causing the issue. If so, first check if SELinux policy is enabled using command #sestatus. If it shows enabled, then disable it. To disable:

  1. # vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
  2. change 'SELINUX=enforcing' to 'SELINUX=disabled'
  3. restart linux
  4. check with sestatus and it should show "disabled"

Uninstall and reinstall mysql. It should be working.

Regex to match 2 digits, optional decimal, two digits


tested in

matches with numbers with 2 decimals or just one, or numbers without decimals.

You can change the number or decimals you want by changing the number 2

Java code for getting current time

Not really sure about what you meant, but you probably just need

Date d = new Date();

What does ENABLE_BITCODE do in xcode 7?

Since the exact question is "what does enable bitcode do", I'd like to give a few thin technical details I've figured out thus far. Most of this is practically impossible to figure out with 100% certainty until Apple releases the source code for this compiler

First, Apple's bitcode does not appear to be the same thing as LLVM bytecode. At least, I've not been able to figure out any resemblance between them. It appears to have a proprietary header (always starts with "xar!") and probably some link-time reference magic that prevents data duplications. If you write out a hardcoded string, this string will only be put into the data once, rather than twice as would be expected if it was normal LLVM bytecode.

Second, bitcode is not really shipped in the binary archive as a separate architecture as might be expected. It is not shipped in the same way as say x86 and ARM are put into one binary (FAT archive). Instead, they use a special section in the architecture specific MachO binary named "__LLVM" which is shipped with every architecture supported (ie, duplicated). I assume this is a short coming with their compiler system and may be fixed in the future to avoid the duplication.

C code (compiled with clang -fembed-bitcode hi.c -S -emit-llvm):

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("hi there!");
    return 0;

LLVM IR output:

; ModuleID = '/var/folders/rd/sv6v2_f50nzbrn4f64gnd4gh0000gq/T/hi-a8c16c.bc'
target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0"

@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [10 x i8] c"hi there!\00", align 1
@llvm.embedded.module = appending constant [1600 x i8] c"\DE\C0\17\0B\00\00\00\00\14\00\00\00$\06\00\00\07\00\00\01BC\C0\DE!\0C\00\00\86\01\00\00\0B\82 \00\02\00\00\00\12\00\00\00\07\81#\91A\C8\04I\06\1029\92\01\84\0C%\05\08\19\1E\04\8Bb\80\10E\02B\92\0BB\84\102\148\08\18I\0A2D$H\0A\90!#\C4R\80\0C\19!r$\07\C8\08\11b\A8\A0\A8@\C6\F0\01\00\00\00Q\18\00\00\C7\00\00\00\1Bp$\F8\FF\FF\FF\FF\01\90\00\0D\08\03\82\1D\CAa\1E\E6\A1\0D\E0A\1E\CAa\1C\D2a\1E\CA\A1\0D\CC\01\1E\DA!\1C\C8\010\87p`\87y(\07\80p\87wh\03s\90\87ph\87rh\03xx\87tp\07z(\07yh\83r`\87th\07\80\1E\E4\A1\1E\CA\01\18\DC\E1\1D\DA\C0\1C\E4!\1C\DA\A1\1C\DA\00\1E\DE!\1D\DC\81\1E\CAA\1E\DA\A0\1C\D8!\1D\DA\A1\0D\DC\E1\1D\DC\A1\0D\D8\A1\1C\C2\C1\1C\00\C2\1D\DE\A1\0D\D2\C1\1D\CCa\1E\DA\C0\1C\E0\A1\0D\DA!\1C\E8\01\1D\00s\08\07v\98\87r\00\08wx\876p\87pp\87yh\03s\80\876h\87p\A0\07t\00\CC!\1C\D8a\1E\CA\01 \E6\81\1E\C2a\1C\D6\A1\0D\E0A\1E\DE\81\1E\CAa\1C\E8\E1\1D\E4\A1\0D\C4\A1\1E\CC\C1\1C\CAA\1E\DA`\1E\D2A\1F\CA\01\C0\03\80\A0\87p\90\87s(\07zh\83q\80\87z\00\C6\E1\1D\E4\A1\1C\E4\00 \E8!\1C\E4\E1\1C\CA\81\1E\DA\C0\1C\CA!\1C\E8\A1\1E\E4\A1\1C\E6\01X\83y\98\87y(\879`\835\18\07|\88\03;`\835\98\87y(\076X\83y\98\87r\90\036X\83y\98\87r\98\03\80\A8\07w\98\87p0\87rh\03s\80\876h\87p\A0\07t\00\CC!\1C\D8a\1E\CA\01 \EAa\1E\CA\A1\0D\E6\E1\1D\CC\81\1E\DA\C0\1C\D8\E1\1D\C2\81\1E\00s\08\07v\98\87r\006\C8\88\F0\FF\FF\FF\FF\03\C1\0E\E50\0F\F3\D0\06\F0 \0F\E50\0E\E90\0F\E5\D0\06\E6\00\0F\ED\10\0E\E4\00\98C8\B0\C3<\94\03@\B8\C3;\B4\819\C8C8\B4C9\B4\01<\BCC:\B8\03=\94\83<\B4A9\B0C:\B4\03@\0F\F2P\0F\E5\00\0C\EE\F0\0Em`\0E\F2\10\0E\EDP\0Em\00\0F\EF\90\0E\EE@\0F\E5 \0FmP\0E\EC\90\0E\ED\D0\06\EE\F0\0E\EE\D0\06\ECP\0E\E1`\0E\00\E1\0E\EF\D0\06\E9\E0\0E\E60\0Fm`\0E\F0\D0\06\ED\10\0E\F4\80\0E\809\84\03;\CCC9\00\84;\BCC\1B\B8C8\B8\C3<\B4\819\C0C\1B\B4C8\D0\03:\00\E6\10\0E\EC0\0F\E5\00\10\F3@\0F\E10\0E\EB\D0\06\F0 \0F\EF@\0F\E50\0E\F4\F0\0E\F2\D0\06\E2P\0F\E6`\0E\E5 \0Fm0\0F\E9\A0\0F\E5\00\E0\01@\D0C8\C8\C39\94\03=\B4\C18\C0C=\00\E3\F0\0E\F2P\0Er\00\10\F4\10\0E\F2p\0E\E5@\0Fm`\0E\E5\10\0E\F4P\0F\F2P\0E\F3\00\AC\C1<\CC\C3<\94\C3\1C\B0\C1\1A\8C\03>\C4\81\1D\B0\C1\1A\CC\C3<\94\03\1B\AC\C1<\CCC9\C8\01\1B\AC\C1<\CCC9\CC\01@\D4\83;\CCC8\98C9\B4\819\C0C\1B\B4C8\D0\03:\00\E6\10\0E\EC0\0F\E5\00\10\F50\0F\E5\D0\06\F3\F0\0E\E6@\0Fm`\0E\EC\F0\0E\E1@\0F\809\84\03;\CCC9\00\00I\18\00\00\02\00\00\00\13\82`B \00\00\00\89 \00\00\0D\00\00\002\22\08\09 d\85\04\13\22\A4\84\04\13\22\E3\84\A1\90\14\12L\88\8C\0B\84\84L\100s\04H*\00\C5\1C\01\18\94`\88\08\AA0F7\10@3\02\00\134|\C0\03;\F8\05;\A0\836\08\07x\80\07v(\876h\87p\18\87w\98\07|\88\038p\838\80\037\80\83\0DeP\0Em\D0\0Ez\F0\0Em\90\0Ev@\07z`\07t\D0\06\E6\80\07p\A0\07q \07x\D0\06\EE\80\07z\10\07v\A0\07s \07z`\07t\D0\06\B3\10\07r\80\07:\0FDH #EB\80\1D\8C\10\18I\00\00@\00\00\C0\10\A7\00\00 \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\868\08\10\00\02\00\00\00\00\00\00\90\05\02\00\00\08\00\00\002\1E\98\0C\19\11L\90\8C\09&G\C6\04C\9A\22(\01\0AM\D0i\10\1D]\96\97C\00\00\00y\18\00\00\1C\00\00\00\1A\03L\90F\02\134A\18\08&PIC Level\13\84a\D80\04\C2\C05\08\82\83c+\03ab\B2j\02\B1+\93\9BK{s\03\B9q\81q\81\01A\19c\0Bs;k\B9\81\81q\81q\A9\99q\99I\D9\10\14\8D\D8\D8\EC\DA\5C\DA\DE\C8\EA\D8\CA\5C\CC\D8\C2\CE\E6\A6\04C\1566\BB6\974\B227\BA)A\01\00y\18\00\002\00\00\003\08\80\1C\C4\E1\1Cf\14\01=\88C8\84\C3\8CB\80\07yx\07s\98q\0C\E6\00\0F\ED\10\0E\F4\80\0E3\0CB\1E\C2\C1\1D\CE\A1\1Cf0\05=\88C8\84\83\1B\CC\03=\C8C=\8C\03=\CCx\8Ctp\07{\08\07yH\87pp\07zp\03vx\87p \87\19\CC\11\0E\EC\90\0E\E10\0Fn0\0F\E3\F0\0E\F0P\0E3\10\C4\1D\DE!\1C\D8!\1D\C2a\1Ef0\89;\BC\83;\D0C9\B4\03<\BC\83<\84\03;\CC\F0\14v`\07{h\077h\87rh\077\80\87p\90\87p`\07v(\07v\F8\05vx\87w\80\87_\08\87q\18\87r\98\87y\98\81,\EE\F0\0E\EE\E0\0E\F5\C0\0E\EC\00q \00\00\05\00\00\00&`<\11\D2L\85\05\10\0C\804\06@\F8\D2\14\01\00\00a \00\00\0B\00\00\00\13\04A,\10\00\00\00\03\00\00\004#\00dC\19\020\18\83\01\003\11\CA@\0C\83\11\C1\00\00#\06\04\00\1CB\12\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00", section "__LLVM,__bitcode"
@llvm.cmdline = appending constant [67 x i8] c"-triple\00x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0\00-emit-llvm\00-disable-llvm-optzns\00", section "__LLVM,__cmdline"

; Function Attrs: nounwind ssp uwtable
define i32 @main() #0 {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4
  store i32 0, i32* %1
  %2 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0))
  ret i32 0

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) #1

attributes #0 = { nounwind ssp uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}

!0 = !{i32 1, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!1 = !{!"Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.53.3)"}

The data array that is in the IR also changes depending on the optimization and other code generation settings of clang. It's completely unknown to me what format or anything that this is in.


Following the hint on Twitter, I decided to revisit this and to confirm it. I followed this blog post and used his bitcode extractor tool to get the Apple Archive binary out of the MachO executable. And after extracting the Apple Archive with the xar utility, I got this (converted to text with llvm-dis of course)

; ModuleID = '1'
target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0"

@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [10 x i8] c"hi there!\00", align 1

; Function Attrs: nounwind ssp uwtable
define i32 @main() #0 {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4
  store i32 0, i32* %1
  %2 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8], [10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0))
  ret i32 0

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) #1

attributes #0 = { nounwind ssp uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}

!0 = !{i32 1, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!1 = !{!"Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76)"}

The only notable difference really between the non-bitcode IR and the bitcode IR is that filenames have been stripped to just 1, 2, etc for each architecture.

I also confirmed that the bitcode embedded in a binary is generated after optimizations. If you compile with -O3 and extract out the bitcode, it'll be different than if you compile with -O0.

And just to get extra credit, I also confirmed that Apple does not ship bitcode to devices when you download an iOS 9 app. They include a number of other strange sections that I don't recognized like __LINKEDIT, but they do not include __LLVM.__bundle, and thus do not appear to include bitcode in the final binary that runs on a device. Oddly enough, Apple still ships fat binaries with separate 32/64bit code to iOS 8 devices though.

Click in OK button inside an Alert (Selenium IDE)

Try Selenium 2.0b1. It has different core than the first version. It should support popup dialogs according to documentation:

Popup Dialogs

Starting with Selenium 2.0 beta 1, there is built in support for handling popup dialog boxes. After you’ve triggered and action that would open a popup, you can access the alert with the following:


Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();



This will return the currently open alert object. With this object you can now accept, dismiss, read it’s contents or even type into a prompt. This interface works equally well on alerts, confirms, prompts. Refer to the JavaDocs for more information.

Get top first record from duplicate records having no unique identity

YOur best bet is to fix the datbase design and add the identioty column to the table. Why do you havea table without one in the first place? Especially one with duplicate records! Clearly the database itself needs redesigning.

And why do you have to have this in a view, why isn't your solution with the temp table a valid solution? Views are not usually a really good thing to do to a perfectly nice database.

Regex to check if valid URL that ends in .jpg, .png, or .gif

(http(s?):)([/|.|\w|\s|-])*\.(?:jpg|gif|png) worked really well for me.

This will match URLs in the following forms:

Check this regular expression against the URLs here:

What does ||= (or-equals) mean in Ruby?

This ruby-lang syntax. The correct answer is to check the ruby-lang documentation. All other explanations obfuscate.


"ruby-lang docs Abbreviated Assignment".

Ruby-lang docs

Replace all elements of Python NumPy Array that are greater than some value

I think you can achieve this the quickest by using the where function:

For example looking for items greater than 0.2 in a numpy array and replacing those with 0:

import numpy as np

nums = np.random.rand(4,3)

print np.where(nums > 0.2, 0, nums)

Turn off iPhone/Safari input element rounding

I had the same problem but only for the submit button. Needed to remove the inner shadow and rounded corners -

input[type="submit"] { -webkit-appearance:none; -webkit-border-radius:0; }

Are static class variables possible in Python?

Personally I would use a classmethod whenever I needed a static method. Mainly because I get the class as an argument.

class myObj(object):
   def myMethod(cls)
   myMethod = classmethod(myMethod) 

or use a decorator

class myObj(object):
   def myMethod(cls)

For static properties.. Its time you look up some python definition.. variable can always change. There are two types of them mutable and immutable.. Also, there are class attributes and instance attributes.. Nothing really like static attributes in the sense of java & c++

Why use static method in pythonic sense, if it has no relation whatever to the class! If I were you, I'd either use classmethod or define the method independent from the class.

Algorithm/Data Structure Design Interview Questions

I like to go over a code the person actually wrote and have them explain it to me.

How to get Exception Error Code in C#

Building on Preet Sangha's solution, the following should safely cover the scenario where you're working with a large solution with the potential for several Inner Exceptions.

     object result = processClass.InvokeMethod("Create", methodArgs);
 catch (Exception e)
     // Here I was hoping to get an error code.
     if (ExceptionContainsErrorCode(e, 10004))
         // Execute desired actions


private bool ExceptionContainsErrorCode(Exception e, int ErrorCode)
    Win32Exception winEx = e as Win32Exception;
    if (winEx != null && ErrorCode == winEx.ErrorCode) 
        return true;

    if (e.InnerException != null) 
        return ExceptionContainsErrorCode(e.InnerException, ErrorCode);

    return false;

This code has been unit tested.

I won't harp too much on the need for coming to appreciate and implement good practice when it comes to Exception Handling by managing each expected Exception Type within their own blocks.

delete a column with awk or sed

If you're open to a Perl solution...

perl -ane 'print "$F[0] $F[1]\n"' file

These command-line options are used:

  • -n loop around every line of the input file, do not automatically print every line

  • -a autosplit mode – split input lines into the @F array. Defaults to splitting on whitespace

  • -e execute the following perl code

AngularJS Dropdown required validation

You need to add a name attribute to your dropdown list, then you need to add a required attribute, and then you can reference the error using myForm.[input name].$error.required:


        <form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl" ng-submit="save(myForm)" novalidate>
        <input type="text" name="txtServiceName" ng-model="ServiceName" required>
<span ng-show="myForm.txtServiceName.$error.required">Enter Service Name</span>
          <select name="service_id" class="Sitedropdown" style="width: 220px;"          
                  ng-options="service.ServiceID as service.ServiceName for service in services"
            <option value="">Select Service</option> 
          <span ng-show="myForm.service_id.$error.required">Select service</span>



        function Ctrl($scope) {
          $ = [
            {ServiceID: 1, ServiceName: 'Service1'},
            {ServiceID: 2, ServiceName: 'Service2'},
            {ServiceID: 3, ServiceName: 'Service3'}

    $ = function(myForm) {
    console.log('Selected Value: '+ myForm.service_id.$modelValue);
    alert('Data Saved! without validate');

Here's a working plunker.

sys.path different in Jupyter and Python - how to import own modules in Jupyter?

The verified solution doesn't work for me, since my notebook is not in my sys.path. This works however;

import os,sys
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.getcwd()  , '..'))

How can I remove a button or make it invisible in Android?

button.setVisibility(button.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);

Makes it visible if invisible and invisible if visible

How can I search for a multiline pattern in a file?

Here is the example using GNU grep:

grep -Pzo '_name.*\n.*_description'

-z/--null-data Treat input and output data as sequences of lines.

See also here

iOS 9 not opening Instagram app with URL SCHEME

When I tried to call Facebook from my own app today, I found that there is no a LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key I can add to the Info.plist (Xcode Version 8.2.1 (8C1002)). I opened the Info.plist with Sublime Text and manually added it into the file, then it worked. Just to let you know that if you cannot find the key, simply add it yourself.

Disable text input history

<input type="text" autocomplete="off" />

How to provide a mysql database connection in single file in nodejs

From the node.js documentation, "To have a module execute code multiple times, export a function, and call that function", you could use node.js module.export and have a single file to manage the db connections.You can find more at Node.js documentation. Let's say db.js file be like:

    const mysql = require('mysql');

    var connection;

    module.exports = {

    dbConnection: function () {

        connection = mysql.createConnection({
            host: "",
            user: "Your_user",
            password: "Your_password",
            database: 'Your_bd'
        return connection;


Then, the file where you are going to use the connection could be like useDb.js:

const dbConnection = require('./db');

var connection;

function callDb() {

    try {

        connection = dbConnectionManager.dbConnection();

        connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function (error, results, fields) {
            if (!error) {

                let response = "The solution is: " + results[0].solution;

            } else {

    } catch (err) {

Getting list of pixel values from PIL

Or if you want to count white or black pixels

This is also a solution:

from PIL import Image
import operator

img ="your_file.png").convert('1')
black, white = img.getcolors()

print black[0]
print white[0]

Find if a textbox is disabled or not using jquery

.prop('disabled') will return a Boolean:

var isDisabled = $('textbox').prop('disabled');

Here's the fiddle:

javascript regular expression to check for IP addresses

Below Solution doesn't accept Padding Zeros

Here is the cleanest way to validate an IP Address, Let's break it down:

Fact: a valid IP Address is has 4 octets, each octets can be a number between 0 - 255

Breakdown of Regex that matches any value between 0 - 255

  • 25[0-5] matches 250 - 255
  • 2[0-4][0-9] matches 200 - 249
  • 1[0-9][0-9] matches 100 - 199
  • [1-9][0-9]? matches 1 - 99
  • 0 matches 0
const octet = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)';

Notes: When using new RegExp you should use \\. instead of \. since string will get escaped twice.

function isValidIP(str) {
  const octet = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)';
  const regex = new RegExp(`^${octet}\\.${octet}\\.${octet}\\.${octet}$`);
  return regex.test(str);

SQL statement to get column type

For Apache Derby as shown in this answer:

select columndatatype from sys.syscolumns
  where referenceid = (
    select tableid from sys.systables
    where tablename = 'YOUR_TABEL_NAME'
    and columnname= 'YOUR_COLUMN_NAME')

What should be in my .gitignore for an Android Studio project?

Github maintains useful gitignore items for various kinds of projects. Here is the list of useful gitignore items for android projects.

# Built application files

# Files for the ART/Dalvik VM

# Java class files

# Generated files

# Gradle files

# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)

# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse

# Log Files

# Android Studio Navigation editor temp files

# Android Studio captures folder

# Intellij

# Keystore files

# External native build folder generated in Android Studio 2.2 and later

# Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase)

# Freeline

Android Gitignore in github

The entity type <type> is not part of the model for the current context

I was facing the same issue with EntityFrameworkCore trying to update a range of values.

This approach did not work

  _context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
   await _context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

After adding UpdateRange method and removing attach and entry everything work

  await _context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

Adding a column to a data.frame

I believe that using "cbind" is the simplest way to add a column to a data frame in R. Below an example:

    myDf = data.frame(index=seq(1,10,1), Val=seq(1,10,1))
    newCol= seq(2,20,2)
    myDf = cbind(myDf,newCol)

How to create a session using JavaScript?

I think you misunderstood the concept of session, session is a server side per-user-data-store which allows you to save user data on the server side.

thus, you have 2 options, resort to use cookies, which will give the illusion of session(but not quite the same), you can access cookies very simply by document.cookie .

but, if you want your server be aware of the session, you need to use some sort of server request probably the best way is to use AJAX to do this.

I would recommend you to re-read the definition of sessions.

How to convert Excel values into buckets?

Maybe this could help you:


Just replace the values and the text to small, medium and large.

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

You may want to double check the authorized_keys file permissions:

$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Newer SSH server versions are very picky on this respect.

Oracle Date datatype, transformed to 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TMZ' through SQL

to convert a TimestampTZ in oracle, you do

TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2012-10-09 1:10:21 CST','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR') 
  at time zone 'region'

see here:

and here for regions:


SQL> select a, sys_extract_utc(a), a at time zone '-05:00' from (select TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2013-04-09 1:10:21 CST','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR') a from dual);

09-APR-13 CST
09-APR-13 -05:00

SQL> select a, sys_extract_utc(a), a at time zone '-05:00' from (select TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2013-03-09 1:10:21 CST','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR') a from dual);

09-MAR-13 CST
09-MAR-13 -05:00

SQL> select a, sys_extract_utc(a), a at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles' from (select TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2013-04-09 1:10:21 CST','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR') a from dual);

09-APR-13 CST

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

There's really no easy way to mix fluid and fixed widths with Bootstrap 3. It's meant to be like this, as the grid system is designed to be a fluid, responsive thing. You could try hacking something up, but it would go against what the Responsive Grid system is trying to do, the intent of which is to make that layout flow across different device types.

If you need to stick with this layout, I'd consider laying out your page with custom CSS and not using the grid.

Show ProgressDialog Android

While creating the object for the progressbar check the following.

This fails:

dialog = new ProgressDialog(getApplicationContext());

While adding the activities context works..

dialog = new ProgressDialog(MainActivity.this);

How to use su command over adb shell?

The su command does not execute anything, it just raise your privileges.

Try adb shell su -c YOUR_COMMAND.

Best way to check if MySQL results returned in PHP?

Usually I use the === (triple equals) and __LINE__ , __CLASS__ to locate the error in my code:

$query=mysql_query('SELECT champ FROM table')
or die("SQL Error line  ".__LINE__ ." class ".__CLASS__." : ".mysql_error());



Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony 2

I'll post what worked for me, thanks to @xavi-montero.

Put your CSS in your bundle's Resource/public/css directory, and your images in say Resource/public/img.

Change assetic paths to the form 'bundles/mybundle/css/*.css', in your layout.

In config.yml, add rule css_rewrite to assetic:

            apply_to: "\.css$"

Now install assets and compile with assetic:

$ rm -r app/cache/* # just in case
$ php app/console assets:install --symlink
$ php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod

This is good enough for the development box, and --symlink is useful, so you don't have to reinstall your assets (for example, you add a new image) when you enter through app_dev.php.

For the production server, I just removed the '--symlink' option (in my deployment script), and added this command at the end:

$ rm -r web/bundles/*/css web/bundles/*/js # all this is already compiled, we don't need the originals

All is done. With this, you can use paths like this in your .css files: ../img/picture.jpeg

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are not working

This answer is for anyone using Nancy (NancyFx).

I have an ASP.NET-hosted NancyFX app, and I obtained Boostrap via NuGet.

My glyphicons were not working, but it turned out not to be an issue of bad font files, incorrect CSS relative directory paths, or any of the other things mentioned in the other answers.

The problem was that I was missing a convention, telling Nancy where to look for content. Once I realized that, the solution was simply to add the following overload to my bootstrapper file:

protected override void ConfigureConventions(NancyConventions nancyConventions)

How to search a list of tuples in Python

Supposing the list may be long and the numbers may repeat, consider using the SortedList type from the Python sortedcontainers module. The SortedList type will automatically maintain the tuples in order by number and allow for fast searching.

For example:

from sortedcontainers import SortedList
sl = SortedList([(1,"juca"),(22,"james"),(53,"xuxa"),(44,"delicia")])

# Get the index of 53:

index = sl.bisect((53,))

# With the index, get the tuple:

tup = sl[index]

This will work a lot faster than the list comprehension suggestion by doing a binary search. The dictionary suggestion will be faster still but won't work if there could be duplicate numbers with different strings.

If there are duplicate numbers with different strings then you need to take one more step:

end = sl.bisect((53 + 1,))

results = sl[index:end]

By bisecting for 54, we will find the end index for our slice. This will be significantly faster on long lists as compared with the accepted answer.