[javascript] Relative Paths in Javascript in an external file

So I'm running this javascript, and everything works fine, except the paths to the background image. It works on my local ASP.NET Dev environment, but it does NOT work when deployed to a server in a virtual directory.

This is in an external .js file, folder structure is


then this is where the js file is included from


$("#toggle").click(function() {
    if (left.width() > 0) {
        AnimateNav(left, right, 0);
        $(this).css("background", "url('../Images/filters_expand.jpg')");
    else {
        AnimateNav(left, right, 170);
        $(this).css("background", "url('../Images/filters_collapse.jpg')");

I've tried using '/Images/filters_collapse.jpg' and that doesn't work either; however, it seems to work on the server if I use '../../Images/filters_collapse.jpg'.

Basically, I want have the same functionallity as the ASP.NET tilda -- ~.


Are paths in external .js files relative to the Page they are included in, or the actual location of the .js file?

This question is related to javascript html asp.net-mvc css path

The answer is

Please use the following syntax to enjoy the luxury of asp.net tilda ("~") in javascript

<script src=<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/MasterPages/assets/js/jquery.js")%>></script>

You need to add runat="server" and and to assign an ID for it, then specify the absolute path like this:

<script type="text/javascript" runat="server" id="myID" src="~/js/jquery.jqGrid.js"></script>]

From the codebehind, you can change the src programatically using the ID.

I used pekka's pattern. I think yet another pattern.

<script src="<% = Url.Content("~/Site/Scripts/myjsfile.js") %>?root=<% = Page.ResolveUrl("~/Site/images") %>">

and parsed querystring in myjsfile.js.

Plugins | jQuery Plugins

A proper solution is using a css class instead of writing src in js file. For example instead of using:

$(this).css("background", "url('../Images/filters_collapse.jpg')");



and in a css file that is loaded in the page write:

.xxx {

This works well in ASP.NET webforms.

Change the script to

<img src="' + imagePath + 'chevron-large-right-grey.gif" alt="'.....

I have a master page for each directory level and this is in the Page_Init event

  Dim vPath As String = ResolveUrl("~/Images/")
    Dim SB As New StringBuilder
    SB.Append("var imagePath = '" & vPath & "'; ")
    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me, Me.GetType(), "LoadImagePath", SB.ToString, True)

Now regardless of whether the application is run locally or deployed you get the correct full path


For the MVC4 app I am working on, I put a script element in _Layout.cshtml and created a global variable for the path required, like so:


    var templatesPath = "@Url.Content("~/Templates/")";

<div class="page">
    <div id="header">

       <span id="title">

    <div id="main">

    <div id="footer">

get the location of your javascript file during run time using jQuery by parsing the DOM for the 'src' attribute that referred it:

var jsFileLocation = $('script[src*=example]').attr('src');  // the js file path
jsFileLocation = jsFileLocation.replace('example.js', '');   // the js folder path

(assuming your javascript file is named 'example.js')

I found this to work for me.

    <script> document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src="' + window.location.protocol + "//" +     
    window.location.host + "/" + 'js/general.js?ver=2"%3E%3C/script%3E'))</script>

between script tags of course... (I'm not sure why the script tags didn't show up in this post)...

Good question.

  • When in a CSS file, URLs will be relative to the CSS file.

  • When writing properties using JavaScript, URLs should always be relative to the page (the main resource requested).

There is no tilde functionality built-in in JS that I know of. The usual way would be to define a JavaScript variable specifying the base path:

<script type="text/javascript">

  directory_root = "http://www.example.com/resources";


and to reference that root whenever you assign URLs dynamically.

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