Programs & Examples On #Database security

Create new user in MySQL and give it full access to one database

To create a user and grant all privileges on a database.

Log in to MySQL:

mysql -u root

Now create and grant

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbTest.* To 'user'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Anonymous user (for local testing only)

Alternately, if you just want to grant full unrestricted access to a database (e.g. on your local machine for a test instance, you can grant access to the anonymous user, like so:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbTest.* To ''@'hostname'

Be aware

This is fine for junk data in development. Don't do this with anything you care about.

What is the difference between Integrated Security = True and Integrated Security = SSPI?

Integrated Security = False : User ID and Password are specified in the connection. Integrated Security = true : the current Windows account credentials are used for authentication.

Integrated Security = SSPI : this is equivalant to true.

We can avoid the username and password attributes from the connection string and use the Integrated Security

You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=

Those who are not having web.config file. Output Type other than web application. update the project file (.csproj) with below give code.

It may cause due to adding/removing the .netframework in improper way or it may broke unexpected way.

    <Reference Include="netstandard" />

Output Type

  • Console application
  • Class Library

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

HTTP 1.1 is the latest version of Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the World Wide Web application protocol that runs on top of the Internet's TCP/IP suite of protocols. compare to HTTP 1.0 , HTTP 1.1 provides faster delivery of Web pages than the original HTTP and reduces Web traffic.

Web traffic Example: For example, if you are accessing a server. At the same time so many users are accessing the server for the data, Then there is a chance for hanging the Server. This is Web traffic.

How can you flush a write using a file descriptor?

Have you tried disabling buffering?

setvbuf(fd, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

Android - Dynamically Add Views into View

See the LayoutInflater class.

LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)findViewById(;
inflater.inflate(R.layout.the_child_view, parent);

Remove gutter space for a specific div only

For Bootstrap 3.0 or higher, see this answer

We're only looking at class .span1 here (one column on a 12 wide grid), but you can achieve what you want by removing the left margin from:

.row-fluid [class*="span"] { margin:0 } // line 571 of bootstrap responsive

Then changing .row-fluid .span1's width to equal to 100% divided by 12 columns (8.3333%).

.row-fluid .span1 { width: 8.33334% } // line 632 of bootstrap responsive

You may want to do this by adding an additional class that would allow you to leave the base grid system intact:

.row-fluid [class*="NoGutter"] { margin-left:0 }
.row-fluid .span1NoGutter { width: 8.33334% }

<div class="row-fluid show-grid">
    <div class="span1NoGutter">1</div>

You could repeat this pattern for all other columns, as well:

.row-fluid .span2NoGutter { width:16.66667%; margin-left:0 } // 100% / 6 col
.row-fluid .span4NoGutter { width:25%; margin-left:0 } // 100% / 4 col
.row-fluid .span3NoGutter { width:33.33333%; margin-left:0 } // 100% / 3 col
.row-fluid .span4NoGutter { width:25% }
.row-fluid [class*="NoGutter"] { margin-left:0 }

* EDIT (insisting on using the default grid)
If the default grid system is a requirement, it defaults to a width of 940px (the .container and .span12 classes, that is); thus, in simplest terms, you'd want to divide 940 by 12. That equates to 12 containers 78.33333px wide.

So line 339 of bootstrap.css could be edited like so:

.span1 { width:78.33333px; margin-left:0 }
.span1 { width:8.33334%; margin-left:0 }
// this should render at 78.333396px (78.333396 x 12 = 940.000752)

Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values?

Actually I think OZ_ may be somewhat correct.

If you have the route '/users/:userId' and navigate to '/users/' (note the trailing /), $routeParams in your controller should be an object containing userId: "" in 1.1.5. So no the paramater userId isn't completely ignored, but I think it's the best you're going to get.

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

While this is sort of a follow up to the previous answer, it adds a little (hopefully).

Mainly what I want to clarify is that usually we think of drawing things like draw a rectangle at 10, 3.

So if we think about that like this: move origin to 10, 3, then draw rectangle at 0, 0. Then all we have to do is add a rotate in between.

Another big point is the alignment of the text. It's easiest to draw the text at 0, 0, so using the correct alignment can allow us to do that without measuring the text width.

We should still move the text by an amount to get it centered vertically, and unfortunately canvas does not have great line height support, so that's a guess and check thing ( correct me if there is something better ).

I've created 3 examples that provide a point and a text with 3 alignments, to show what the actual point on the screen is where the font will go.

enter image description here

var font, lineHeight, x, y;

x = 100;
y = 100;
font = 20;
lineHeight = 15; // this is guess and check as far as I know
this.context.font = font + 'px Arial';

// Right Aligned;
this.context.translate(x, y);
this.context.rotate(-Math.PI / 4);

this.context.textAlign = 'right';
this.context.fillText('right', 0, lineHeight / 2);


this.context.fillStyle = 'red';
this.context.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);

// Center
this.context.fillStyle = 'black';
x = 150;
y = 100;;
this.context.translate(x, y);
this.context.rotate(-Math.PI / 4);

this.context.textAlign = 'center';
this.context.fillText('center', 0, lineHeight / 2);


this.context.fillStyle = 'red';
this.context.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);

// Left
this.context.fillStyle = 'black';
x = 200;
y = 100;;
this.context.translate(x, y);
this.context.rotate(-Math.PI / 4);

this.context.textAlign = 'left';
this.context.fillText('left', 0, lineHeight / 2);


this.context.fillStyle = 'red';
this.context.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);

The line this.context.fillText('right', 0, lineHeight / 2); is basically 0, 0, except we move slightly for the text to be centered near the point

How to manipulate arrays. Find the average. Beginner Java

-while(int i=0; i < data.length; i++) 
+for(int i=0; i < data.length; i++) 

PUT and POST getting 405 Method Not Allowed Error for Restful Web Services

I same thing happen with me, If your code is correct and then also give 405 error. this error due to some authorization problem. go to authorization menu and change to "Inherit auth from parent".

Authorization Type options menu Authorization Inherit auth from parent selected

Check if an array item is set in JS

The most effective way:

if (array.indexOf(element) > -1) {


Store an array in HashMap

Not sure of the exact question but is this what you are looking for?

public class TestRun
     public static void main(String [] args)
        Map<String, Integer[]> prices = new HashMap<String, Integer[]>();

        prices.put("milk", new Integer[] {1, 3, 2});
        prices.put("eggs", new Integer[] {1, 1, 2});

Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview

[Custom ListView with CheckBox]

If customlayout use checkbox, you must set checkbox focusable = false

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

  <TextView android:id="@+id/rowTextView" 
    android:textSize="16sp" >

  <CheckBox android:id="@+id/CheckBox01" 
    android:focusable="false">           // <---important


Readmore : A ListView with Checkboxes (Without Using ListActivity)

Java: method to get position of a match in a String?

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Occourence {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String key=null,str ="my name noorus my name noorus";        
    int i=0,tot=0;

    StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(str," ");
        key = st.nextToken();
            System.out.println("position of "+key+" "+"is "+(i-1));

    System.out.println("total words present in string "+tot);

Pandas: create two new columns in a dataframe with values calculated from a pre-existing column

I'd just use zip:

In [1]: from pandas import *

In [2]: def calculate(x):
   ...:     return x*2, x*3

In [3]: df = DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3], 'b': [2,3,4]})

In [4]: df
   a  b
0  1  2
1  2  3
2  3  4

In [5]: df["A1"], df["A2"] = zip(*df["a"].map(calculate))

In [6]: df
   a  b  A1  A2
0  1  2   2   3
1  2  3   4   6
2  3  4   6   9

Oracle SELECT TOP 10 records

you may use this query for selecting top records in oracle. Rakesh B

select * from User_info where id >= (select max(id)-10 from User_info);

Get characters after last / in url

$str = basename($url);

how to draw a rectangle in HTML or CSS?

Use <div id="rectangle" style="width:number px; height:number px; background-color:blue"></div>

This will create a blue rectangle.

Loop through all the resources in a .resx file

Using LINQ to SQL:

        .Where(_ => _.Name == "data")
        .Select(_ => $"{ _.Attributes().First(a => a.Name == "name").Value} - {_.Value}");

Assembly code vs Machine code vs Object code?

The source files of your programs are compiled into object files, and then the linker links those object files together, producing an executable file including your architecture's machine codes.

Both object file and executable file involves architecture's machine code in the form of printable and non-printable characters when it's opened by a text editor.

Nonetheless, the dichotomy between the files is that the object file(s) may contain unresolved external references (such as printf, for instance). So, it may need to be linked against other object files.. That is to say, the unresolved external references are needed to be resolved in order to get the decent runnable executable file by linking with other object files such as C/C++ runtime library's.

Use RSA private key to generate public key?

In most software that generates RSA private keys, including openssl's, the private key is represented as a PKCS#1 RSAPrivatekey object or some variant thereof:

A.1.2 RSA private key syntax

An RSA private key should be represented with the ASN.1 type

  RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
      version           Version,
      modulus           INTEGER,  -- n
      publicExponent    INTEGER,  -- e
      privateExponent   INTEGER,  -- d
      prime1            INTEGER,  -- p
      prime2            INTEGER,  -- q
      exponent1         INTEGER,  -- d mod (p-1)
      exponent2         INTEGER,  -- d mod (q-1)
      coefficient       INTEGER,  -- (inverse of q) mod p
      otherPrimeInfos   OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

As you can see, this format has a number of fields including the modulus and public exponent and thus is a strict superset of the information in an RSA public key.

How can I make a thumbnail <img> show a full size image when clicked?

Here is the Angular version of LightBox. Just Awesome :)

Note : I have put this answer hence No Js library has been mentioned under the Tags.


<ul ng-controller="GalleryCtrl">
  <li ng-repeat="image in images">
    <a ng-click="openLightboxModal($index)">
      <img ng-src="{{image.thumbUrl}}" class="img-thumbnail">

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?

Check file_get_contents PHP Manual return value. If the value is FALSE then it could not read the file. If the value is NULL then the function itself is disabled.

To learn more what might gone wrong with the file_get_contents operation you must enable error reporting and the display of errors to actually read them.

# Enable Error Reporting and Display:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

You can get more details about the why the call is failing by checking the INI values on your server. One value the directly effects the file_get_contents function is allow_url_fopen. You can do this by running the following code. You should note, that if it reports that fopen is not allowed, then you'll have to ask your provider to change this setting on your server in order for any code that require this function to work with URLs.

        <title>Test File</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="">

# Enable Error Reporting and Display:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$adr = 'Sydney+NSW';
echo $adr;
$url = "$adr&sensor=false";
echo '<p>'.$url.'</p>';

$jsonData = file_get_contents($url);

print '<p>', var_dump($jsonData), '</p>';

# Output information about allow_url_fopen:
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 1) {
    echo '<p style="color: #0A0;">fopen is allowed on this host.</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p style="color: #A00;">fopen is not allowed on this host.</p>';

# Decide what to do based on return value:
if ($jsonData === FALSE) {
    echo "Failed to open the URL ", htmlspecialchars($url);
} elseif ($jsonData === NULL) {
    echo "Function is disabled.";
} else {
   echo $jsonData;


If all of this fails, it might be due to the use of short open tags, <?. The example code in this answer has been therefore changed to make use of <?php to work correctly as this is guaranteed to work on in all version of PHP, no matter what configuration options are set. To do so for your own script, just replace <? or <?php.

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?

Concurrent programming regards operations that appear to overlap and is primarily concerned with the complexity that arises due to non-deterministic control flow. The quantitative costs associated with concurrent programs are typically both throughput and latency. Concurrent programs are often IO bound but not always, e.g. concurrent garbage collectors are entirely on-CPU. The pedagogical example of a concurrent program is a web crawler. This program initiates requests for web pages and accepts the responses concurrently as the results of the downloads become available, accumulating a set of pages that have already been visited. Control flow is non-deterministic because the responses are not necessarily received in the same order each time the program is run. This characteristic can make it very hard to debug concurrent programs. Some applications are fundamentally concurrent, e.g. web servers must handle client connections concurrently. Erlang, F# asynchronous workflows and Scala's Akka library are perhaps the most promising approaches to highly concurrent programming.

Multicore programming is a special case of parallel programming. Parallel programming concerns operations that are overlapped for the specific goal of improving throughput. The difficulties of concurrent programming are evaded by making control flow deterministic. Typically, programs spawn sets of child tasks that run in parallel and the parent task only continues once every subtask has finished. This makes parallel programs much easier to debug than concurrent programs. The hard part of parallel programming is performance optimization with respect to issues such as granularity and communication. The latter is still an issue in the context of multicores because there is a considerable cost associated with transferring data from one cache to another. Dense matrix-matrix multiply is a pedagogical example of parallel programming and it can be solved efficiently by using Straasen's divide-and-conquer algorithm and attacking the sub-problems in parallel. Cilk is perhaps the most promising approach for high-performance parallel programming on multicores and it has been adopted in both Intel's Threaded Building Blocks and Microsoft's Task Parallel Library (in .NET 4).

How to get hostname from IP (Linux)?

Another simple way I found for using in LAN is

ssh [username@ip] uname -n

If you need to login command line will be

sshpass -p "[password]" ssh [username@ip] uname -n

Add an image in a WPF button

Try ContentTemplate:

<Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Width="20" Height="20"
        Template="{StaticResource SomeTemplate}">
            <Image Source="../Folder1/Img1.png" Width="20" />

'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Depending on how it's being used, it might be necessary and even handy.

// "||" has a greater precedence than "or"

// The result of the expression (false || true) is assigned to $e
// Acts like: ($e = (false || true))
$e = false || true;

// The constant false is assigned to $f and then true is ignored
// Acts like: (($f = false) or true)
$f = false or true;

But in most cases it seems like more of a developer taste thing, like every occurrence of this that I've seen in CodeIgniter framework like @Sarfraz has mentioned.

How do I delete an item or object from an array using ng-click?

if you have ID or any specific field in your item, you can use filter(). its act like Where().

<a class="btn" ng-click="remove(item)">Delete</a>

in controller:

$scope.remove = function(item) { 
  $scope.bdays = $scope.bdays.filter(function (element) {
                    return element.ID!=item.ID

How to add google-play-services.jar project dependency so my project will run and present map

Some of the solutions described here did not work for me. Others did, however they produced warnings on runtime and javadoc was still not linked. After some experimenting, I managed to solve this. The steps are:

  1. Install the Google Play Services as recommended on Android Developers.

  2. Set up your project as recommended on Android Developers.

  3. If you followed 1. and 2., you should see two projects in your workspace: your project and google-play-services_lib project. Copy the docs folder which contains the javadoc from <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/ to libs folder of your project.

  4. Copy google-play-services.jar from <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs to 'libs' folder of your project.

  5. In google-play-services_lib project, edit libs/ . The <path> in doc=<path> should point to the subfolder reference of the folder docs, which you created in step 3.

  6. In Eclipse, do Project > Clean. Done, javadoc is now linked.

Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used

Simple! Throw this at the like, bottom of your CSS file and this part of the CSS will be modified within a phone: -

/* ON A PHONE */
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { /* CSS HERE ONLY ON PHONE */ }

And voila!

How do I create a comma-separated list using a SQL query?

Using COALESCE to Build Comma-Delimited String in SQL Server


DECLARE @EmployeeList varchar(100)

SELECT @EmployeeList = COALESCE(@EmployeeList + ', ', '') + 
   CAST(Emp_UniqueID AS varchar(5))
FROM SalesCallsEmployees
WHERE SalCal_UniqueID = 1

SELECT @EmployeeList

How do I write a custom init for a UIView subclass in Swift?

Here is how I do it on iOS 9 in Swift -

import UIKit

class CustomView : UIView {

    init() {
        super.init(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds);

        //for debug validation
        self.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor();
        print("My Custom Init");


    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented"); }

Here is a full project with example:

Truncate Two decimal places without rounding

what about this?

Function TruncateDecimal2(MyValue As Decimal) As Decimal
            Return Math.Truncate(100 * MyValue) / 100
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return Math.Round(MyValue, 2)
        End Try
End Function

Group list by values

>>> xs = [["A",0], ["B",1], ["C",0], ["D",2], ["E",2]]
>>> xs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
>>> reduce(lambda l, x: (l.append([x]) if l[-1][0][1] != x[1] else l[-1].append(x)) or l, xs[1:], [[xs[0]]]) if xs else []
[[['A', 0], ['C', 0]], [['B', 1]], [['D', 2], ['E', 2]]]

Basically, if the list is sorted, it is possible to reduce by looking at the last group constructed by the previous steps - you can tell if you need to start a new group, or modify an existing group. The ... or l bit is a trick that enables us to use lambda in Python. (append returns None. It is always better to return something more useful than None, but, alas, such is Python.)

How do I append a node to an existing XML file in java

The following complete example will read an existing server.xml file from the current directory, append a new Server and re-write the file to server.xml. It does not work without an existing .xml file, so you will need to modify the code to handle that case.

import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;

public class AddXmlNode {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document document = documentBuilder.parse("server.xml");
        Element root = document.getDocumentElement();

        Collection<Server> servers = new ArrayList<Server>();
        servers.add(new Server());

        for (Server server : servers) {
            // server elements
            Element newServer = document.createElement("server");

            Element name = document.createElement("name");

            Element port = document.createElement("port");


        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);

        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult("server.xml");
        transformer.transform(source, result);

    public static class Server {
        public String getName() { return "foo"; }
        public Integer getPort() { return 12345; }

Example server.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

The main change to your code is not creating a new "root" element. The above example just uses the current root node from the existing server.xml and then just appends a new Server element and re-writes the file.

Default instance name of SQL Server Express

You're right, it's localhost\SQLEXPRESS (just no $) and yes, it's the same for both 2005 and 2008 express versions.

Triggering change detection manually in Angular

I was able to update it with markForCheck()

Import ChangeDetectorRef

import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

Inject and instantiate it

constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef) { 

Finally mark change detection to take place


Here's an example where markForCheck() works and detectChanges() don't.

EDIT: This example doesn't portray the problem anymore :( I believe it might be running a newer Angular version where it's fixed.

(Press STOP/RUN to run it again)

Android SDK manager won't open

Alright, I had the same problem, and none of these answers worked for me (I'm running Windows 8). I tried running tools/android.bat and noticed I got some errors there. I investigated further and it seems there is something wrong in the code that finds your Java path.

This is how you fix it:

  1. Open up tools/android.bat in your favorite text editor
  2. Search for this piece of code:

    set java_exe=
    call lib\find_java.bat
    if not defined java_exe goto :EOF
  3. Replace it with this:

    set java_exe=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\java.exe 

    where the path is the path to your Java exe.

  4. Run android.bat

(in my case I had to specify the path to java_exe in step 3 with no quotes to make it work.)

Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles

When i lived to this problem(red color codes but they work correctly) in my project;

As first, i made it that (File -> Indicate Cashes) --> (Invalidate and Restart).

As last, i resync my build.gradle file in my app. After problem was resolved.

Display PDF file inside my android application

Uri path = Uri.fromFile(file );
Intent pdfIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
pdfIntent.setDataAndType(path , "application/pdf");
try {
    startActivity(pdfIntent ); 
catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
            "No Application available to viewPDF",

What characters do I need to escape in XML documents?

Only < and & are required to be escaped if they are to be treated character data and not markup:

2.4 Character Data and Markup

Align contents inside a div

You can do it like this also:


    <div id="wrapper_1">
        <div id="container_1"></div>


body { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; }

#wrapper_1 { clear: left; float: left; position: relative; left: 50%; }

#container_1 { display: block; float: left; position: relative; right: 50%; }

As Artem Russakovskii mentioned also, read the original article by Mattew James Taylor for full description.

Embed HTML5 YouTube video without iframe?

Use the object tag:

<object data="" type="text/html" width="200" height="200">
  <a href="">access the page directly</a>


How do I prevent a parent's onclick event from firing when a child anchor is clicked?

Use stopPropagation method, see an example:

$("#clickable a").click(function(e) {

As said by jQuery Docs:

stopPropagation method prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.

Keep in mind that it does not prevent others listeners to handle this event(ex. more than one click handler for a button), if it is not the desired effect, you must use stopImmediatePropagation instead.

Getting Raw XML From SOAPMessage in Java

for just debugging purpose, use one line code -


LINQ to SQL Left Outer Join

I'd like to add one more thing. In LINQ to SQL if your DB is properly built and your tables are related through foreign key constraints, then you do not need to do a join at all.

Using LINQPad I created the following LINQ query:

//Querying from both the CustomerInfo table and OrderInfo table
from cust in CustomerInfo
where cust.CustomerID == 123456
select new {cust, cust.OrderInfo}

Which was translated to the (slightly truncated) query below

 -- Region Parameters
 DECLARE @p0 Int = 123456
-- EndRegion
SELECT [t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[AlternateCustomerID],  [t1].[OrderID], [t1].[OnlineOrderID], (
    FROM [OrderInfo] AS [t2]
    WHERE [t2].[CustomerID] = [t0].[CustomerID]
    ) AS [value]
FROM [CustomerInfo] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [OrderInfo] AS [t1] ON [t1].[CustomerID] = [t0].[CustomerID]
WHERE [t0].[CustomerID] = @p0
ORDER BY [t0].[CustomerID], [t1].[OrderID]

Notice the LEFT OUTER JOIN above.

How to make a section of an image a clickable link

The easiest way is to make the "button image" as a separate image. Then place it over the main image (using "style="position: absolute;". Assign the URL link to "button image". and smile :)

Internet Explorer 11- issue with security certificate error prompt

If you updated Internet Explorer and began having technical problems, you can use the Compatibility View feature to emulate a previous version of Internet Explorer.

For instructions, see the section below that corresponds with your version. To find your version number, click Help > About Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 11

To edit the Compatibility View list:

Open the desktop, and then tap or click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar.
Tap or click the Tools button (Image), and then tap or click Compatibility View settings.
To remove a website:
Click the website(s) where you would like to turn off Compatibility View, clicking Remove after each one.
To add a website:
Under Add this website, enter the website(s) where you would like to turn on Compatibility View, clicking Add after each one.

Optimum way to compare strings in JavaScript?

You can use the comparison operators to compare strings. A strcmp function could be defined like this:

function strcmp(a, b) {
    if (a.toString() < b.toString()) return -1;
    if (a.toString() > b.toString()) return 1;
    return 0;

Edit    Here’s a string comparison function that takes at most min { length(a), length(b) } comparisons to tell how two strings relate to each other:

function strcmp(a, b) {
    a = a.toString(), b = b.toString();
    for (var i=0,n=Math.max(a.length, b.length); i<n && a.charAt(i) === b.charAt(i); ++i);
    if (i === n) return 0;
    return a.charAt(i) > b.charAt(i) ? -1 : 1;

Horizontal line using HTML/CSS

This might be your problem:

height: .05em;

Chrome is a bit funky with decimals, so try a fixed-pixel height:

height: 2px;

The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document in a Silverlight application

I had the same issue and after googling I found two typical solutions for this:

  1. Make sure the Silverlight debugger is activated in the .Web project. Open up the project properties and select the Silverlight debugger under the "Web" tab.

  2. Restart Visual Studio and delete all bin and obj folders.

But none of these worked for me. Then someone mentioned far down a thread to try using IE as the browser instead. This made debugging and breakpoints work again!


Later I have struggled with IE9 not working, because it attaches to the wrong process. Instead of manually attaching to the correct IE process every time, I found a neat trick:

  • Right-click one of the generated pages in the .Web project (.html or .aspx)
  • Click "Browse with..."
  • Set IE as default browser (will only affect Visual Studio's choice of browser)

Now, Visual Studio will launch IE when running the .Web project and attach to the correct process. That should do it.

Bootstrap 3 - Responsive mp4-video

Simply add class="img-responsive" to the video tag. I'm doing this on a current project, and it works. It doesn't need to be wrapped in anything.

<video class="img-responsive" src="file.mp4" autoplay loop/>

How to count the number of occurrences of an element in a List

Put the elements of the arraylist in the hashMap to count the frequency.

Is there anyway to exclude artifacts inherited from a parent POM?

We can add the parent pom as a dependency with type pom and make exclusion on that. Because anyhow parent pom is downloaded. This worked for me


How to provide password to a command that prompts for one in bash?

You can use the -S flag to read from std input. Find below an example:

function shutd()
  echo "mySuperSecurePassword" | sudo -S shutdown -h now

Linq to Sql: Multiple left outer joins

Don't have access to VisualStudio (I'm on my Mac), but using the information from it looks like you may be able to do something like this:

var query = from o in dc.Orders
            join v in dc.Vendors on o.VendorId equals v.Id into ov
            from x in ov.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join s in dc.Status on o.StatusId equals s.Id into os
            from y in os.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new { o.OrderNumber, x.VendorName, y.StatusName }

How do I start my app on startup?

Listen for the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETE and do what you need to from there. There is a code snippet here.


Original link on answer is down, so based on the comments, here it is linked code, because no one would ever miss the code when the links are down.

In AndroidManifest.xml (application-part):

<receiver android:enabled="true" android:name=".BootUpReceiver"

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />


public class BootUpReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                Intent i = new Intent(context, MyActivity.class);  //MyActivity can be anything which you want to start on bootup...



Response.Redirect with POST instead of Get?

HttpWebRequest is used for this.

On postback, create a HttpWebRequest to your third party and post the form data, then once that is done, you can Response.Redirect wherever you want.

You get the added advantage that you don't have to name all of your server controls to make the 3rd parties form, you can do this translation when building the POST string.

string url = "3rd Party Url";

StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();

postData.Append("first_name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtFirstName.Text) + "&");
postData.Append("last_name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtLastName.Text));

//ETC for all Form Elements

// Now to Send Data.
StreamWriter writer = null;

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";                        
request.ContentLength = postData.ToString().Length;
    writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream());
    if (writer != null)


However, if you need the user to see the response page from this form, your only option is to utilize Server.Transfer, and that may or may not work.

How can I find out what version of git I'm running?

$ git --version
git version

git help and man git both hint at the available arguments you can pass to the command-line tool

What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls (and user-space functions) on i386 and x86-64

Linux kernel 5.0 source comments

I knew that x86 specifics are under arch/x86, and that syscall stuff goes under arch/x86/entry. So a quick git grep rdi in that directory leads me to arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:

 * 64-bit SYSCALL instruction entry. Up to 6 arguments in registers.
 * This is the only entry point used for 64-bit system calls.  The
 * hardware interface is reasonably well designed and the register to
 * argument mapping Linux uses fits well with the registers that are
 * available when SYSCALL is used.
 * SYSCALL instructions can be found inlined in libc implementations as
 * well as some other programs and libraries.  There are also a handful
 * of SYSCALL instructions in the vDSO used, for example, as a
 * clock_gettimeofday fallback.
 * 64-bit SYSCALL saves rip to rcx, clears rflags.RF, then saves rflags to r11,
 * then loads new ss, cs, and rip from previously programmed MSRs.
 * rflags gets masked by a value from another MSR (so CLD and CLAC
 * are not needed). SYSCALL does not save anything on the stack
 * and does not change rsp.
 * Registers on entry:
 * rax  system call number
 * rcx  return address
 * r11  saved rflags (note: r11 is callee-clobbered register in C ABI)
 * rdi  arg0
 * rsi  arg1
 * rdx  arg2
 * r10  arg3 (needs to be moved to rcx to conform to C ABI)
 * r8   arg4
 * r9   arg5
 * (note: r12-r15, rbp, rbx are callee-preserved in C ABI)
 * Only called from user space.
 * When user can change pt_regs->foo always force IRET. That is because
 * it deals with uncanonical addresses better. SYSRET has trouble
 * with them due to bugs in both AMD and Intel CPUs.

and for 32-bit at arch/x86/entry/entry_32.S:

 * 32-bit SYSENTER entry.
 * 32-bit system calls through the vDSO's __kernel_vsyscall enter here
 * if X86_FEATURE_SEP is available.  This is the preferred system call
 * entry on 32-bit systems.
 * The SYSENTER instruction, in principle, should *only* occur in the
 * vDSO.  In practice, a small number of Android devices were shipped
 * with a copy of Bionic that inlined a SYSENTER instruction.  This
 * never happened in any of Google's Bionic versions -- it only happened
 * in a narrow range of Intel-provided versions.
 * SYSENTER loads SS, ESP, CS, and EIP from previously programmed MSRs.
 * IF and VM in RFLAGS are cleared (IOW: interrupts are off).
 * SYSENTER does not save anything on the stack,
 * and does not save old EIP (!!!), ESP, or EFLAGS.
 * To avoid losing track of EFLAGS.VM (and thus potentially corrupting
 * user and/or vm86 state), we explicitly disable the SYSENTER
 * instruction in vm86 mode by reprogramming the MSRs.
 * Arguments:
 * eax  system call number
 * ebx  arg1
 * ecx  arg2
 * edx  arg3
 * esi  arg4
 * edi  arg5
 * ebp  user stack
 * 0(%ebp) arg6

glibc 2.29 Linux x86_64 system call implementation

Now let's cheat by looking at a major libc implementations and see what they are doing.

What could be better than looking into glibc that I'm using right now as I write this answer? :-)

glibc 2.29 defines x86_64 syscalls at sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/sysdep.h and that contains some interesting code, e.g.:

/* The Linux/x86-64 kernel expects the system call parameters in
   registers according to the following table:

    syscall number  rax
    arg 1       rdi
    arg 2       rsi
    arg 3       rdx
    arg 4       r10
    arg 5       r8
    arg 6       r9

    The Linux kernel uses and destroys internally these registers:
    return address from
    syscall     rcx
    eflags from syscall r11

    Normal function call, including calls to the system call stub
    functions in the libc, get the first six parameters passed in
    registers and the seventh parameter and later on the stack.  The
    register use is as follows:

     system call number in the DO_CALL macro
     arg 1      rdi
     arg 2      rsi
     arg 3      rdx
     arg 4      rcx
     arg 5      r8
     arg 6      r9

    We have to take care that the stack is aligned to 16 bytes.  When
    called the stack is not aligned since the return address has just
    been pushed.

    Syscalls of more than 6 arguments are not supported.  */


/* Registers clobbered by syscall.  */
# define REGISTERS_CLOBBERED_BY_SYSCALL "cc", "r11", "cx"

#undef internal_syscall6
#define internal_syscall6(number, err, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \
({                                  \
    unsigned long int resultvar;                    \
    TYPEFY (arg6, __arg6) = ARGIFY (arg6);              \
    TYPEFY (arg5, __arg5) = ARGIFY (arg5);              \
    TYPEFY (arg4, __arg4) = ARGIFY (arg4);              \
    TYPEFY (arg3, __arg3) = ARGIFY (arg3);              \
    TYPEFY (arg2, __arg2) = ARGIFY (arg2);              \
    TYPEFY (arg1, __arg1) = ARGIFY (arg1);              \
    register TYPEFY (arg6, _a6) asm ("r9") = __arg6;            \
    register TYPEFY (arg5, _a5) asm ("r8") = __arg5;            \
    register TYPEFY (arg4, _a4) asm ("r10") = __arg4;           \
    register TYPEFY (arg3, _a3) asm ("rdx") = __arg3;           \
    register TYPEFY (arg2, _a2) asm ("rsi") = __arg2;           \
    register TYPEFY (arg1, _a1) asm ("rdi") = __arg1;           \
    asm volatile (                          \
    "syscall\n\t"                           \
    : "=a" (resultvar)                          \
    : "0" (number), "r" (_a1), "r" (_a2), "r" (_a3), "r" (_a4),     \
      "r" (_a5), "r" (_a6)                      \
    : "memory", REGISTERS_CLOBBERED_BY_SYSCALL);            \
    (long int) resultvar;                       \

which I feel are pretty self explanatory. Note how this seems to have been designed to exactly match the calling convention of regular System V AMD64 ABI functions:

Quick reminder of the clobbers:

  • cc means flag registers. But Peter Cordes comments that this is unnecessary here.
  • memory means that a pointer may be passed in assembly and used to access memory

For an explicit minimal runnable example from scratch see this answer: How to invoke a system call via syscall or sysenter in inline assembly?

Make some syscalls in assembly manually

Not very scientific, but fun:

  • x86_64.S

    .global _start
        /* write */
        mov $1, %rax    /* syscall number */
        mov $1, %rdi    /* stdout */
        mov $msg, %rsi  /* buffer */
        mov $len, %rdx  /* len */
        /* exit */
        mov $60, %rax   /* syscall number */
        mov $0, %rdi    /* exit status */
        .ascii "hello\n"
    len = . - msg

    GitHub upstream.

Make system calls from C

Here's an example with register constraints: How to invoke a system call via syscall or sysenter in inline assembly?


I've shown a minimal runnable userland example at: TODO grep kernel code here, should be easy.

Error:Unable to locate adb within SDK in Android Studio

I struggled with this for a while. Tried to install/uninstall various packages under the SDK Manager without success. I even deleted Android Studio and reinstall it, it did not help.

I am running Android Studio 3.3 on OS X 10.14.2. At the end I tried the following:

rm -rf Library/Android/sdk

This removed the whole sdk folder. You should run this command on your home directory in terminal. (it is the default location when you open it)

I then started Android Studio and it could not find the sdk. So it prompted me to download it. I downloaded a fresh SDK and everything was working normally.

It might be an overkill but it worked.

Get the time of a datetime using T-SQL?

Just to add that from SQL Server 2008, there is a TIME datatype so from then on you can do:


Might be useful for those that use SQL 2008+ and find this question.

Using BeautifulSoup to extract text without tags

Just loop through all the <strong> tags and use next_sibling to get what you want. Like this:

for strong_tag in soup.find_all('strong'):
    print(strong_tag.text, strong_tag.next_sibling)


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html = '''
  <strong class="offender">YOB:</strong> 1987<br />
  <strong class="offender">RACE:</strong> WHITE<br />
  <strong class="offender">GENDER:</strong> FEMALE<br />
  <strong class="offender">HEIGHT:</strong> 5'05''<br />
  <strong class="offender">WEIGHT:</strong> 118<br />
  <strong class="offender">EYE COLOR:</strong> GREEN<br />
  <strong class="offender">HAIR COLOR:</strong> BROWN<br />

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for strong_tag in soup.find_all('strong'):
    print(strong_tag.text, strong_tag.next_sibling)

This gives you:

YOB:  1987
HEIGHT:  5'05''
WEIGHT:  118

Git copy changes from one branch to another

If you are using tortoise git.

please follow the below steps.

  1. Checkout BranchB
  2. Open project folder, go to TortoiseGit --> Pull
  3. In pull screen, Change the remote branch "BranchA" and click ok.
  4. Then right click again, go to TortoiseGit --> Push.

Now your changes moved from BranchA to BranchB

Use of True, False, and None as return values in Python functions

Concerning whether to raise an exception or return None: it depends on the use case. Either can be Pythonic.

Look at Python's dict class for example. x[y] hooks into dict.__getitem__, and it raises a KeyError if key is not present. But the dict.get method returns the second argument (which is defaulted to None) if key is not present. They are both useful.

The most important thing to consider is to document that behaviour in the docstring, and make sure that your get_attr() method does what it says it does.

To address your other questions, use these conventions:

if foo:
    # For testing truthiness

if not foo:
    # For testing falsiness

if foo is None:
    # Testing .. Noneliness ?

if foo is not None:
    # Check explicitly avoids common bugs caused by empty sequences being false

Functions that return True or False should probably have a name that makes this obvious to improve code readability:

def is_running_on_windows():
    return == 'nt'

In Python 3 you can "type-hint" that:

>>> def is_running_on_windows() -> bool:
...     return == 'nt'
>>> is_running_on_windows.__annotations__
{'return': bool}

What does $1 mean in Perl?

These are called "match variables". As previously mentioned they contain the text from your last regular expression match.

More information is in Essential Perl. (Ctrl + F for 'Match Variables' to find the corresponding section.)

Beautiful way to remove GET-variables with PHP?

Inspired by the comment of @MitMaro, I wrote a small benchmark to test the speed of solutions of @Gumbo, @Matt Bridges and @justin the proposal in the question:

function teststrtok($number_of_tests){
    for($i = 0; $i < $number_of_tests; $i++){
      $str = "";
      $str = strtok($str,'?');
function testexplode($number_of_tests){
    for($i = 0; $i < $number_of_tests; $i++){
      $str = "";
      $str = explode('?', $str);
function testregexp($number_of_tests){
    for($i = 0; $i < $number_of_tests; $i++){
      $str = "";
      preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', $str);
function teststrpos($number_of_tests){
    for($i = 0; $i < $number_of_tests; $i++){
      $str = "";
      $qPos = strpos($str, "?");
      $url_without_query_string = substr($str, 0, $qPos);

$number_of_runs = 10;
for($runs = 0; $runs < $number_of_runs; $runs++){

  $number_of_tests = 40000;
  $functions = array("strtok", "explode", "regexp", "strpos");
  foreach($functions as $func){
    $starttime = microtime(true);
    call_user_func("test".$func, $number_of_tests);
    echo $func.": ". sprintf("%0.2f",microtime(true) - $starttime).";";
  echo "<br />";
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;
strtok: 0.12;explode: 0.19;regexp: 0.31;strpos: 0.18;

Result: @justin's strtok is the fastest.

Note: tested on a local Debian Lenny system with Apache2 and PHP5.

Python IndentationError unindent does not match any outer indentation level

You are mixing tabs and spaces. Don't do that. Specifically, the __init__ function body is indented with tabs while your on_data method is not.

Here is a screenshot of your code in my text editor; I set the tab stop to 8 spaces (which is what Python uses) and selected the text, which causes the editor to display tabs with continuous horizontal lines:

highlighted code with tabs shown as lines

You have your editor set to expanding tabs to every fourth column instead, so the methods appear to line up.

Run your code with:

python -tt

and fix all errors that finds. Then configure your editor to use spaces only for indentation; a good editor will insert 4 spaces every time you use the TAB key.

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default - Android Log

This occurs to the api 28 and above, because doesn't accept http anymore, you need to change if you want to accept http or localhost requests.

  1. Create an XML file Create XML file

  2. Add the following code on the new XML file you created Add base-config

  3. Add this on AndroidManifest.xml Add this code line

Iterating through a range of dates in Python

This might be more clear:

from datetime import date, timedelta

start_date = date(2019, 1, 1)
end_date = date(2020, 1, 1)
delta = timedelta(days=1)
while start_date <= end_date:
    print (start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
    start_date += delta

Invalid attempt to read when no data is present

I would check to see if the SqlDataReader has rows returned first:

SqlDataReader dr = cmd10.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)

How to declare empty list and then add string in scala?

As mentioned in an above answer, the Scala List is an immutable collection. You can create an empty list with .empty[A]. Then you can use a method :+ , +: or :: in order to add element to the list.

scala> val strList = List.empty[String]
strList: List[String] = List()

scala> strList:+ "Text"
res3: List[String] = List(Text)

scala> val mapList = List.empty[Map[String, Any]]
mapList: List[Map[String,Any]] = List()

scala> mapList :+ Map("1" -> "ok")
res4: List[Map[String,Any]] = List(Map(1 -> ok))

Does VBScript have a substring() function?

Yes, Mid.

Dim sub_str
sub_str = Mid(source_str, 10, 5)

The first parameter is the source string, the second is the start index, and the third is the length.

@bobobobo: Note that VBScript strings are 1-based, not 0-based. Passing 0 as an argument to Mid results in "invalid procedure call or argument Mid".

Is there a "null coalescing" operator in JavaScript?

Nobody has mentioned in here the potential for NaN, which--to me--is also a null-ish value. So, I thought I'd add my two-cents.

For the given code:

var a,
    b = null,
    c = parseInt('Not a number'),
    d = 0,
    e = '',
    f = 1

If you were to use the || operator, you get the first non-false value:

var result = a || b || c || d || e || f; // result === 1

If you use the typical coalesce method, as posted here, you will get c, which has the value: NaN

var result = coalesce(a,b,c,d,e,f); // result.toString() === 'NaN'

Neither of these seem right to me. In my own little world of coalesce logic, which may differ from your world, I consider undefined, null, and NaN as all being "null-ish". So, I would expect to get back d (zero) from the coalesce method.

If anyone's brain works like mine, and you want to exclude NaN, then this method will accomplish that:

function coalesce() {
    var i, undefined, arg;

    for( i=0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
        arg = arguments[i];
        if( arg !== null && arg !== undefined
            && (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg.toString() !== 'NaN') ) {
            return arg;
    return null;

For those who want the code as short as possible, and don't mind a little lack of clarity, you can also use this as suggested by @impinball. This takes advantage of the fact that NaN is never equal to NaN. You can read up more on that here: Why is NaN not equal to NaN?

function coalesce() {
    var i, arg;

    for( i=0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
        arg = arguments[i];
        if( arg != null && arg === arg ) { //arg === arg is false for NaN
            return arg;
    return null;

How do I conditionally add attributes to React components?

Apparently, for certain attributes, React is intelligent enough to omit the attribute if the value you pass to it is not truthy. For example:

const InputComponent = function() {
    const required = true;
    const disabled = false;

    return (
        <input type="text" disabled={disabled} required={required} />

will result in:

<input type="text" required>

Update: if anyone is curious as to how/why this happens, you can find details in ReactDOM's source code, specifically at lines 30 and 167 of the DOMProperty.js file.

Increase permgen space

On Debian-like distributions you set that in /etc/default/tomcat[67]


Yes, it is. You can write :

INSERT INTO courses (name, location, gid) 
SELECT name, location, 'whatever you want' 
FROM courses 
WHERE cid = $ci

or you can get values from another join of the select ...

How to map and remove nil values in Ruby

You could use compact:

[1, nil, 3, nil, nil].compact
=> [1, 3] 

I'd like to remind people that if you're getting an array containing nils as the output of a map block, and that block tries to conditionally return values, then you've got code smell and need to rethink your logic.

For instance, if you're doing something that does this:

[1,2,3].map{ |i|
  if i % 2 == 0
# => [nil, 2, nil]

Then don't. Instead, prior to the map, reject the stuff you don't want or select what you do want:

[1,2,3].select{ |i| i % 2 == 0 }.map{ |i|
# => [2]

I consider using compact to clean up a mess as a last-ditch effort to get rid of things we didn't handle correctly, usually because we didn't know what was coming at us. We should always know what sort of data is being thrown around in our program; Unexpected/unknown data is bad. Anytime I see nils in an array I'm working on, I dig into why they exist, and see if I can improve the code generating the array, rather than allow Ruby to waste time and memory generating nils then sifting through the array to remove them later.

'Just my $%0.2f.' % [2.to_f/100]

Using the grep and cut delimiter command (in bash shell scripting UNIX) - and kind of "reversing" it?

You don't need to change the delimiter to display the right part of the string with cut.

The -f switch of the cut command is the n-TH element separated by your delimiter : :, so you can just type :

 grep puddle2_1557936 | cut -d ":" -f2

Another solutions (adapt it a bit) if you want fun :

Using :

grep -oP 'puddle2_1557936:\K.*' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                                        

or still with look around

grep -oP '(?<=puddle2_1557936:).*' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                                    

or with :

perl -lne '/puddle2_1557936:(.*)/ and print $1' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'                                                      

or using (thanks to glenn jackman)

ruby -F: -ane '/puddle2_1557936/ and puts $F[1]' <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or with :

awk -F'puddle2_1557936:' '{print $2}'  <<< 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or with :

python -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1].split("puddle2_1557936:")[1])' 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or using only :

IFS=: read _ a <<< "puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2"
echo "$a"

or using in a :

var x = 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2'

or using in a :

php -r 'preg_match("/puddle2_1557936:(.*)/", $argv[1], $m); echo "$m[1]\n";' 'puddle2_1557936:/home/rogers.williams/folderz/puddle2' 

What should a Multipart HTTP request with multiple files look like?

Well, note that the request contains binary data, so I'm not posting the request as such - instead, I've converted every non-printable-ascii character into a dot (".").

POST /cgi-bin/qtest HTTP/1.1
Host: aram
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://aram/~martind/banner.htm
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=2a8ae6ad-f4ad-4d9a-a92c-6d217011fe0f
Content-Length: 514

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="datafile1"; filename="r.gif"
Content-Type: image/gif

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="datafile2"; filename="g.gif"
Content-Type: image/gif

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="datafile3"; filename="b.gif"
Content-Type: image/gif


Note that every line (including the last one) is terminated by a \r\n sequence.

Session timeout in ASP.NET

I don't know about web.config or IIS. But I believe that from C# code you can do it like

Session.Timeout = 60; // 60 is number of minutes

Sample settings.xml

A standard Maven settings.xml file is as follows:

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







To access a proxy, you can find detailed information on the official Maven page here:

Maven-Settings - Settings

I hope it helps for someone.

Replace all 0 values to NA

An alternative way without the [<- function:

A sample data frame dat (shamelessly copied from @Chase's answer):


  x y
1 0 2
2 1 2
3 1 1
4 2 1
5 0 0

Zeroes can be replaced with NA by the<- function: <- !dat


   x  y
1 NA  2
2  1  2
3  1  1
4  2  1

How to add pandas data to an existing csv file?

Initially starting with a pyspark dataframes - I got type conversion errors (when converting to pandas df's and then appending to csv) given the schema/column types in my pyspark dataframes

Solved the problem by forcing all columns in each df to be of type string and then appending this to csv as follows:

with open('testAppend.csv', 'a') as f:
    df2.toPandas().astype(str).to_csv(f, header=False)

How to clear Tkinter Canvas?

Yes, I believe you are creating thousands of objects. If you're looking for an easy way to delete a bunch of them at once, use canvas tags described here. This lets you perform the same operation (such as deletion) on a large number of objects.

List files recursively in Linux CLI with path relative to the current directory

That does the trick:

ls -R1 $PWD | while read l; do case $l in *:) d=${l%:};; "") d=;; *) echo "$d/$l";; esac; done | grep -i ".txt"

But it does that by "sinning" with the parsing of ls, though, which is considered bad form by the GNU and Ghostscript communities.

CSS Div stretch 100% page height

I had a similar problem and the solution was to do this:


I wanted a page-centered div with height 100% of page height, so my total solution was:

    width: XXXpx; /*otherwise div defaults to page width*/
    margin: 0 auto; /*horizontally centers div*/

You might need to make a parent element (or simply 'body') have position: relative;

Set up Python simpleHTTPserver on Windows

From Stack Overflow question What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer":

The following works for me:

python -m http.server [<portNo>]

Because I am using Python 3 the module SimpleHTTPServer has been replaced by http.server, at least in Windows.

How to get the parents of a Python class?

If you want all the ancestors rather than just the immediate ones, use inspect.getmro:

import inspect
print inspect.getmro(cls)

Usefully, this gives you all ancestor classes in the "method resolution order" -- i.e. the order in which the ancestors will be checked when resolving a method (or, actually, any other attribute -- methods and other attributes live in the same namespace in Python, after all;-).

How to declare an array of strings in C++?

You can use the begin and end functions from the Boost range library to easily find the ends of a primitive array, and unlike the macro solution, this will give a compile error instead of broken behaviour if you accidentally apply it to a pointer.

const char* array[] = { "cat", "dog", "horse" };
vector<string> vec(begin(array), end(array));

How to declare global variables in Android?

What about ensuring the collection of native memory with such global structures?

Activities have an onPause/onDestroy() method that's called upon destruction, but the Application class has no equivalents. What mechanism are recommended to ensure that global structures (especially those containing references to native memory) are garbage collected appropriately when the application is either killed or the task stack is put in the background?

How to set input type date's default value to today?

This is very much simple by applying following code, Using PHP

<input type="date" value="<?= date('Y-m-d', time()); ?>" />

Date function will return current date, by taking date in time().

Add onClick event to document.createElement("th")

var newTH = document.createElement('th');
newTH.onclick = function() {
      //Your code here

Passing Variable through JavaScript from one html page to another page

Your best option here, is to use the Query String to 'send' the value.

how to get query string value using javascript

  • So page 1 redirects to page2.html?someValue=ABC
  • Page 2 can then read the query string and specifically the key 'someValue'

If this is anything more than a learning exercise you may want to consider the security implications of this though.

Global variables wont help you here as once the page is re-loaded they are destroyed.

Cannot authenticate into mongo, "auth fails"

You can also try this :-

mongo localhost:27017/admin -u admin -p SECRETPASSWORD

Found it in this post

Here obviously the localhost can be some other host and the /admin can be some other database on which authentication has been applied

Cannot obtain value of local or argument as it is not available at this instruction pointer, possibly because it has been optimized away

For web applications there is another issue which is important and it is selecting correct configuration during application publish process.

You may build your app in debug mode, but it might happen you publish it in release mode which omptimzes code by default but IDE may mislead you since it shows debug mode while published code is in release mode. You can see details in below snapshot: enter image description here

Import Excel to Datagridview

I used the following code, it's working!

using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

private void btopen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();  //create openfileDialog Object
     openFileDialog1.Filter = "XML Files (*.xml; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlsm; *.xlsb) |*.xml; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlsm; *.xlsb";//open file format define Excel Files(.xls)|*.xls| Excel Files(.xlsx)|*.xlsx| 
     openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 3;

     openFileDialog1.Multiselect = false;        //not allow multiline selection at the file selection level
     openFileDialog1.Title = "Open Text File-R13";   //define the name of openfileDialog
     openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = @"Desktop"; //define the initial directory

     if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)        //executing when file open
       string pathName = openFileDialog1.FileName;
       fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName);
       DataTable tbContainer = new DataTable();
       string strConn = string.Empty;
       string sheetName = fileName;

       FileInfo file = new FileInfo(pathName);
       if (!file.Exists) { throw new Exception("Error, file doesn't exists!"); }
       string extension = file.Extension;
       switch (extension)
          case ".xls":
                   strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pathName + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;'";
          case ".xlsx":
                   strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + pathName + ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;'";
                   strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pathName + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;'";
         OleDbConnection cnnxls = new OleDbConnection(strConn);
         OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter(string.Format("select * from [{0}$]", sheetName), cnnxls);

         dtGrid.DataSource = tbContainer;

     catch (Exception)

How to make a Qt Widget grow with the window size?

I found it was impossible to assign a layout to the centralwidget until I had added at least one child beneath it. Then I could highlight the tiny icon with the red 'disabled' mark and then click on a layout in the Designer toolbar at top.

Composer Warning: openssl extension is missing. How to enable in WAMP

you need to edit the "c:\Program Files\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13\php.ini" file search for: ;extension=php_openssl.dll

remove the semicolon at the beginning

note: if saving the file doesn't work then you need to edit it as administrator. (on win7) go to start menu, search for notepad, right-click on notepad, click "Run As Administrator"

in the composer installation windows just click back then next (or close it and start again) and it should work

Hidden Features of Java

You can override a method and have the superclass constructor call it (this may come as a surprise to C++ programmers.)


jQuery Form Validation before Ajax submit

Form native JavaScript checkValidity function is more then enough to trigger the HTML5 validation

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#urlSubmit').click(function() {
        if($('#urlForm')[0].checkValidity()) {
            alert("form submitting");

React JSX: selecting "selected" on selected <select> option

Use defaultValue to preselect the values for Select.

<Select defaultValue={[{ value: category.published, label: 'Publish' }]} options={statusOptions} onChange={handleStatusChange} />

clientHeight/clientWidth returning different values on different browsers

It may be caused by IE's box model bug. To fix this, you can use the Box Model Hack.

CodeIgniter - How to return Json response from controller

For CodeIgniter 4, you can use the built-in API Response Trait

Here's sample code for reference:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;

class Home extends BaseController
    use ResponseTrait;

    public function index()
        $data = [
            'data' => 'value1',
            'data2' => 'value2',

        return $this->respond($data);

Remove local git tags that are no longer on the remote repository

I know I'm late to the party, but now there's a quick answer to this:

git fetch --prune --prune-tags # or just git fetch -p -P

Yes, it's now an option to fetch.

If you don't want to fetch, and just prune:

git remote prune origin

Normalize numpy array columns in python

If I understand correctly, what you want to do is divide by the maximum value in each column. You can do this easily using broadcasting.

Starting with your example array:

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1000,  10,   0.5],
              [ 765,   5,  0.35],
              [ 800,   7,  0.09]])

x_normed = x / x.max(axis=0)

# [[ 1.     1.     1.   ]
#  [ 0.765  0.5    0.7  ]
#  [ 0.8    0.7    0.18 ]]

x.max(0) takes the maximum over the 0th dimension (i.e. rows). This gives you a vector of size (ncols,) containing the maximum value in each column. You can then divide x by this vector in order to normalize your values such that the maximum value in each column will be scaled to 1.

If x contains negative values you would need to subtract the minimum first:

x_normed = (x - x.min(0)) / x.ptp(0)

Here, x.ptp(0) returns the "peak-to-peak" (i.e. the range, max - min) along axis 0. This normalization also guarantees that the minimum value in each column will be 0.

How to resolve "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)" error on TortoiseGit?

for me I simply had to add configure my git username and email with the following commands:

git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Your Name"

ASP.NET page life cycle explanation

This acronym might help you to remember the ASP.NET life cycle stages which I wrote about in the below blog post.


  1. Request
  2. Start
  3. Initialization
  4. Load
  5. Validation
  6. Post back handling
  7. Rendering
  8. Unload

From my blog: Understand ASP.NET Page life cycle and remember stages in easy way
18 May 2014

Undo git pull, how to bring repos to old state

it works first use: git reflog

find your SHA of your previus state and make (HEAD@{1} is an example)

git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

How can I add a background thread to flask?

First, you should use any WebSocket or polling mechanics to notify the frontend part about changes that happened. I use Flask-SocketIO wrapper, and very happy with async messaging for my tiny apps.

Nest, you can do all logic which you need in a separate thread(s), and notify the frontend via SocketIO object (Flask holds continuous open connection with every frontend client).

As an example, I just implemented page reload on backend file modifications:

<!doctype html>
    sio = io()

class App(Web, Module):

    def __init__(self, V):
        ## flask module instance
        self.flask = flask
        ## wrapped application instance = flask.Flask(self.value)['SECRET_KEY'] = config.SECRET_KEY
        ## `flask-socketio`
        self.sio = SocketIO(

    ## inotify reload files after change via `sio(reload)``
    def watchfiles(self):
        from watchdog.observers import Observer
        from import FileSystemEventHandler
        class Handler(FileSystemEventHandler):
            def __init__(self,sio):
                self.sio = sio
            def on_modified(self, event):
                self.sio.emit('reload',[event.src_path,event.event_type,event.is_directory]) = Observer(),path='static',recursive=True),path='templates',recursive=True)

MySql export schema without data

you can also extract an individual table with the --no-data option

mysqldump -u user -h localhost --no-data -p database tablename > table.sql

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

Yeah URL encoding is going to encode that string so that it would be passed properly in a url to a final destination. For example you could not have UrlEncoding the parameter would fix that parameter value.

So i have two choices for you:

  1. Do you have access to the path separate from the domain? If so you may be able to simply UrlEncode the path. However, if this is not the case then option 2 may be for you.

  2. Get commons-httpclient-3.1. This has a class URIUtil:

    System.out.println(URIUtil.encodePath(" y", "ISO-8859-1"));

This will output exactly what you are looking for, as it will only encode the path part of the URI.

FYI, you'll need commons-codec and commons-logging for this method to work at runtime.

Adding to an ArrayList Java

thanks for the help, I've solved my problem :) Here is the code if anyone else needs it :D

import java.util.*;

public class HelloWorld {

public static void main(String[] Args) {

Map<Integer,List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>();
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    int First = list.get(1);
    int Second = list.get(2);

    if (First < Second) {

        System.out.println("One or more of your items have been restocked. The current stock is: " + First);

        Random rn = new Random();
int answer = rn.nextInt(99) + 1;

System.out.println("You are buying " + answer + " New stock");

First = First + answer;
list.set(1, First);
System.out.println("There are now " + First + " in stock");

How to ignore deprecation warnings in Python

For python 3, just write below codes to ignore all warnings.

from warnings import filterwarnings

Deleting all files in a directory with Python

In Python 3.5, os.scandir is better if you need to check for file attributes or type - see os.DirEntry for properties of the object that's returned by the function.

import os 

for file in os.scandir(path):

This also doesn't require changing directories since each DirEntry already includes the full path to the file.

RunAs A different user when debugging in Visual Studio

cmd.exe is located in different locations in different versions of Windows. To avoid needing the location of cmd.exe, you can use the command moogs wrote without calling "cmd.exe /C".

Here's an example that worked for me:

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Change directory to where your application's .exe file is located.
  3. Execute the following command: runas /user:domain\username Application.exe

So the final step will look something like this in Command Prompt:

C:\Projects\MyProject\bin\Debug>runas /user:domain\username Application.exe

Note: the domain name was required in my situation.

LIMIT 10..20 in SQL Server

How about this?


FROM sys.databases
ORDER BY database_id DESC

It gives you the last 10 rows of the first 20 rows. One drawback is that the order is reversed, but, at least it's easy to remember.

Enable CORS in fetch api

Browser have cross domain security at client side which verify that server allowed to fetch data from your domain. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin not available in response header, browser disallow to use response in your JavaScript code and throw exception at network level. You need to configure cors at your server side.

You can fetch request using mode: 'cors'. In this situation browser will not throw execption for cross domain, but browser will not give response in your javascript function.

So in both condition you need to configure cors in your server or you need to use custom proxy server.

Failed to resolve:

Error:(30, 13) Failed to resolve:

If you ever get this error and you are using Android studio 2.2 that comes with firebase component integrated in it which has libraries version 9.6.0 by default and you are adding the latest dependencies like 9.6.1 . You might need to downgrade to

Or check the library version of your pre-installed firebase and make sure it is of the same version with the new library you are trying to add or added to your project.

How to make matrices in Python?

The answer to your question depends on what your learning goals are. If you are trying to get matrices to "click" so you can use them later, I would suggest looking at a Numpy array instead of a list of lists. This will let you slice out rows and columns and subsets easily. Just try to get a column from a list of lists and you will be frustrated.

Using a list of lists as a matrix...

Let's take your list of lists for example:

L = [list("ABCDE") for i in range(5)]

It is easy to get sub-elements for any row:

>>> L[1][0:3]
['A', 'B', 'C']

Or an entire row:

>>> L[1][:]
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

But try to flip that around to get the same elements in column format, and it won't work...

>>> L[0:3][1]
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

>>> L[:][1]
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

You would have to use something like list comprehension to get all the 1th elements....

>>> [x[1] for x in L]
['B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B']

Enter matrices

If you use an array instead, you will get the slicing and indexing that you expect from MATLAB or R, (or most other languages, for that matter):

>>> import numpy as np
>>> Y = np.array(list("ABCDE"*5)).reshape(5,5)
>>> print Y
[['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E']
 ['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E']
 ['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E']
 ['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E']
 ['A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E']]
>>> print Y.transpose()
[['A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A']
 ['B' 'B' 'B' 'B' 'B']
 ['C' 'C' 'C' 'C' 'C']
 ['D' 'D' 'D' 'D' 'D']
 ['E' 'E' 'E' 'E' 'E']]

Grab row 1 (as with lists):

>>> Y[1,:]
array(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 

Grab column 1 (new!):

>>> Y[:,1]
array(['B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'], 

So now to generate your printed matrix:

for mycol in Y.transpose():
    print " ".join(mycol)


How to zip a whole folder using PHP

This is a working example of making ZIPs in PHP:

$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name
$zip->open($zip_name,  ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
  echo $path = "uploadpdf/".$file;
  $zip->addFromString(basename($path),  file_get_contents($path));---This is main function  
   echo"file does not exist";

Android Intent Cannot resolve constructor

this work for me

    ncharacters.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            Intent openncharacter = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),ncharacters.class);

How to export data from Excel spreadsheet to Sql Server 2008 table

In SQL Server 2016 the wizard is a separate app. (Important: Excel wizard is only available in the 32-bit version of the wizard!). Use the MSDN page for instructions:

On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point toMicrosoft SQL Server , and then click Import and Export Data.
In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), right-click the SSIS Packages folder, and then click SSIS Import and Export Wizard.
In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), on the Project menu, click SSIS Import and Export Wizard.
In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the Database Engine server type, expand Databases, right-click a database, point to Tasks, and then click Import Data or Export data.
In a command prompt window, run DTSWizard.exe, located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn.

After that it should be pretty much the same (possibly with minor variations in the UI) as in @marc_s's answer.

Disable Enable Trigger SQL server for a table

As Mark mentioned, the previous statement should be ended in semi-colon. So you can use:

; DISABLE TRIGGER dbo.tr_name ON dbo.table_name

Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET?

Well, you might look at System.Threading.Semaphore class. Other than that - no, you have to make this yourself. AFAIK there is no such built-in collection.

Python function attributes - uses and abuses

Function attributes can be used to write light-weight closures that wrap code and associated data together:

#!/usr/bin/env python

SW_MARK  = 1
SW_BASE  = 2

def stopwatch():
   import time

   def _sw( action = SW_DELTA ):

      if action == SW_DELTA:
         return time.time() - _sw._time

      elif action == SW_MARK:
         _sw._time = time.time()
         return _sw._time

      elif action == SW_BASE:
         return _sw._time

         raise NotImplementedError

   _sw._time = time.time() # time of creation

   return _sw

# test code
import os
os.system("sleep 1")
print sw() # defaults to "SW_DELTA"
sw( SW_MARK )
os.system("sleep 2")
print sw()
print sw2()




How do I get the position selected in a RecyclerView?

I solved this way

class MyOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {
        public void onClick(View v) {

            int itemPosition = mRecyclerView.getChildAdapterPosition(v);

            myResult = results.get(itemPosition);


And in the adapter

        public MyAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent,
                                                       int viewType) {            
            View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.list_wifi, parent, false);
            v.setOnClickListener(new MyOnClickListener());
            ViewHolder vh = new ViewHolder(v);
            return vh;

jQuery table sort

By far, the easiest one I've used is:

Amazingly simple...just make sure if you go the DOM replacement route (IE, building a table and letting DataTables reformat it) then make sure to format your table with <thead> and <tbody> or it won't work. That's about the only gotcha.

There's also support for AJAX, etc. As with all really good pieces of code, it's also VERY easy to turn it all off. You'd be suprised what you might use, though. I started with a "bare" DataTable that only sorted one field and then realized that some of the features were really relevant to what I'm doing. Clients LOVE the new features.

Bonus points to DataTables for full ThemeRoller support....

I've also had ok luck with tablesorter, but it's not nearly as easy, not quite as well documented, and has only ok features.

Select the first row by group

now, for dplyr, adding a distinct counter.

df %>%
    group_by(aa, bb) %>%
    summarise(first=head(value,1), count=n_distinct(value))

You create groups, them summarise within groups.

If data is numeric, you can use:
first(value) [there is also last(value)] in place of head(value, 1)



> df
Source: local data frame [16 x 3]

   aa bb value
1   1  1   GUT
2   1  1   PER
3   1  2   SUT
4   1  2   GUT
5   1  3   SUT
6   1  3   GUT
7   1  3   PER
8   2  1   221
9   2  1   224
10  2  1   239
11  2  2   217
12  2  2   221
13  2  2   224
14  3  1   GUT
15  3  1   HUL
16  3  1   GUT

> library(dplyr)
> df %>%
>   group_by(aa, bb) %>%
>   summarise(first=head(value,1), count=n_distinct(value))

Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
Groups: aa

  aa bb first count
1  1  1   GUT     2
2  1  2   SUT     2
3  1  3   SUT     3
4  2  1   221     3
5  2  2   217     3
6  3  1   GUT     2

CSS vertical alignment text inside li

There are no perfect answers provided here except Asaf's answer which doesn't provide any code nor any example, so I would like to contribute mine...

Inorder to make vertical-align: middle; work, you need to use display: table; for your ul element and display: table-cell; for li elements and than you can use vertical-align: middle; for li elements.

You don't need to provide any explicit margins, paddings to make your text vertically middle.


    display: table;
    height: 270px; 
    border:1px solid #ccc; 

ul.catBlock li {
    list-style: none;
    display: table-cell; 
    text-align: center; 
    vertical-align: middle;

ul.catBlock li a { 
    display: block;

How to view files in binary from bash?

xxd does both binary and hexadecimal.


xxd -b file


xxd file

WCF gives an unsecured or incorrectly secured fault error

In my case, when I changed the wshttpbinding protocol from https to http it started working.

How to save .xlsx data to file as a blob

I've found a solution worked for me:

const handleDownload = async () => {
   const req = await axios({
     method: "get",
     url: `/companies/${}/data`,
     responseType: "blob",
   var blob = new Blob([], {
     type: req.headers["content-type"],
   const link = document.createElement("a");
   link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `report_${new Date().getTime()}.xlsx`;;

I just point a responseType: "blob"

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


System.Data.SQLite is an ADO.NET adapter for SQLite.

System.Data.SQLite was started by Robert Simpson. Robert still has commit privileges on this repository but is no longer an active contributor. Development and maintenance work is now mostly performed by the SQLite Development Team. The SQLite team is committed to supporting System.Data.SQLite long-term.

"System.Data.SQLite is the original SQLite database engine and a complete ADO.NET 2.0 provider all rolled into a single mixed mode assembly. It is a complete drop-in replacement for the original sqlite3.dll (you can even rename it to sqlite3.dll). Unlike normal mixed assemblies, it has no linker dependency on the .NET runtime so it can be distributed independently of .NET."

It even supports Mono.

<select> HTML element with height

You can also "center" the text with:

vertical-align: middle;

Add/remove class with jquery based on vertical scroll?

For Android mobile $(window).scroll(function() and $(document).scroll(function() may or may not work. So instead use the following.

jQuery(document.body).scroll(function() {
        var scroll = jQuery(document.body).scrollTop();

        if (scroll >= 300) {
        } else {

This code worked for me. Hope it will help you.

Converting Select results into Insert script - SQL Server

SSMS Toolpack (which is FREE as in beer) has a variety of great features - including generating INSERT statements from tables.

Update: for SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (and newer), SSMS Toolpack is no longer free, but requires a modest licensing fee.

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

here, my solution is different from the above. i haven't figured out how this problem happen, but i fixed it. a little unexpectedly.

now comes way:

$ git push origin  use_local_cache_v1_x000D_
Everything up-to-date_x000D_
$ git status_x000D_
On branch test_x000D_
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/use_local_cache_v1' by 4 commits._x000D_
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)_x000D_
$ git push_x000D_
fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match_x000D_
the name of your current branch.  To push to the upstream branch_x000D_
on the remote, use_x000D_
    git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache_v1_x000D_
To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use_x000D_
    git push origin test_x000D_
$ git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache_v1    _x000D_
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)_x000D_

the command that works for me is

$git push origin HEAD:use_local_cache

(hope you guys get out of this trouble as soon as possible)

Laravel Controller Subfolder routing

php artisan make:controller admin/CategoryController

Here admin is sub directory under app/Http/Controllers and CategoryController is controller you want to create inside directory

Correct owner/group/permissions for Apache 2 site files/folders under Mac OS X?

Open up terminal first and then go to directory of web server

cd /Library/WebServer/Documents

and then type this and what you will do is you will give read and write permission

sudo chmod -R o+w /Library/WebServer/Documents

This will surely work!

How to import component into another root component in Angular 2

You should declare it with declarations array(meta property) of @NgModule as shown below (RC5 and later),

import {CoursesComponent} from './courses.component';

  imports:      [ BrowserModule],
  declarations: [ AppComponent,CoursesComponent],  //<----here
  providers:    [],      
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]

Java program to find the largest & smallest number in n numbers without using arrays

Try this...This simple

import java.util.Scanner;

class numbers
   public static void main(String args[])
      int x, y, z;
      System.out.println("Enter three integers ");
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;

      x = in.nextInt();
      y = in.nextInt();
      z = in.nextInt();

      if ( x > y && x > z )
         System.out.println("First number is largest.");
      else if ( y > x && y > z )
         System.out.println("Second number is largest.");
      else if ( z > x && z > y )
         System.out.println("Third number is largest.");
         System.out.println("Entered numbers are not distinct");

Visual Studio Code open tab in new window

This is a very highly upvoted issue request in Github for Floating Windows.

Until they support it, you can try the following workarounds:

1. Duplicate Workspace in New Window [1]

The Duplicate Workspace in new Window Command was added in v1.24 (May 2018) to sort of address this.

  1. Open up Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S
  2. Map workbench.action.duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow to Ctrl + Shift + N or whatever you'd like

Duplicate Workspace in New Window

2. Open Active File in New Window [2]

Rather than manually open a new window and dragging the file, you can do it all with a single command.

  1. Open Active File in New Window Ctrl + K, O

Open Active File in New Window

3. New Window with Same File [3]

As AllenBooTung also pointed out, you can open/drag any file in a separate blank instance.

  1. Open New Window Ctrl + Shift + N
  2. Drag tab into new window

4. Open Workspace and Folder Simultaneously [4]

VS Code will not allow you to open the same folder in two different instances, but you can use Workspaces to open the same directory of files in a side by side instance.

  1. Open Folder Ctrl + K,Ctrl + O
  2. Save Current Project As a Workspace
  3. Open Folder Ctrl + K,Ctrl + O

For any workaround, also consider setting setting up auto save so the documents are kept in sync by updating the files.autoSave setting to afterDelay, onFocusChange, or onWindowChange


matplotlib.pyplot will not forget previous plots - how can I flush/refresh?

I would rather use plt.clf() after every to just clear the current figure instead of closing and reopening it, keeping the window size and giving you a better performance and much better memory usage.

Similarly, you could do plt.cla() to just clear the current axes.

To clear a specific axes, useful when you have multiple axes within one figure, you could do for example:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)

axes[0, 1].clear()

How to convert an ASCII character into an int in C

What about:

int a_as_int = (int)'a';

Determine the line of code that causes a segmentation fault?

GCC can't do that but GDB (a debugger) sure can. Compile you program using the -g switch, like this:

gcc program.c -g

Then use gdb:

$ gdb ./a.out
(gdb) run
<segfault happens here>
(gdb) backtrace
<offending code is shown here>

Here is a nice tutorial to get you started with GDB.

Where the segfault occurs is generally only a clue as to where "the mistake which causes" it is in the code. The given location is not necessarily where the problem resides.

How do I populate a JComboBox with an ArrayList?

DefaultComboBoxModel dml= new DefaultComboBoxModel();
for (int i = 0; i < <ArrayList>.size(); i++) {


Understandable code.Edit<> with type as required.

Running vbscript from batch file

Just try this code:

start "" "C:\Users\DiPesh\Desktop\vbscript\welcome.vbs"

and save as .bat, it works for me

MySQL direct INSERT INTO with WHERE clause

INSERT syntax cannot have WHERE but you can use UPDATE.

The syntax is as follows:

UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...

WHERE condition;

how to convert `content://media/external/images/media/Y` to `file:///storage/sdcard0/Pictures/X.jpg` in android?

If you just want the bitmap, This too works

InputStream inputStream = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);
if( inputStream != null ) inputStream.close();

sample uri : content://media/external/images/media/12345

How to plot a function curve in R

I did some searching on the web, and this are some ways that I found:

The easiest way is using curve without predefined function

curve(x^2, from=1, to=50, , xlab="x", ylab="y")

enter image description here

You can also use curve when you have a predfined function

eq = function(x){x*x}
curve(eq, from=1, to=50, xlab="x", ylab="y")

enter image description here

If you want to use ggplot,

eq = function(x){x*x}
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(1, 50)), aes(x=x)) + 

enter image description here

What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?

window.location adds an item to your history in that you can (or should be able to) click "Back" and go back to the current page.

window.location.replace replaces the current history item so you can't go back to it.

See window.location:

assign(url): Load the document at the provided URL.

replace(url):Replace the current document with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session history, meaning the user won't be able to use the Back button to navigate to it.

Oh and generally speaking:

window.location.href = url;

is favoured over:

window.location = url;

How to NodeJS require inside TypeScript file?

Use typings to access node functions from TypeScript:

typings install env~node --global

If you don't have typings install it:

npm install typings --global

REST URI convention - Singular or plural name of resource while creating it

I prefer using singular form for both simplicity and consistency.

For example, considering the following url:


I will treat customer as customer collection, but for simplicity, the collection part is removed.

Another example:


In this case, equipments is not the correct plural form. So treating it as a equipment collection and removing collection for simplicity makes it consistent with the customer case.

Another git process seems to be running in this repository

Deleting my commit message worked for me.


It then said.

fatal: cannot lock ref 'HEAD': Unable to create '.git/refs/heads/[your-branch-name].lock': File exists.

Do notice that your branch name might be different than mine. You can delete this lock file by doing;

rm .git/refs/heads/[your-branch-name].lock

Hope this helps someone.

HTML.HiddenFor value set

The @ symbol when specifying HtmlAttributes is used when the "thing" you are trying to set is a keyword c#. So for instance the word class, you cannot specify class, you must use @class.

Passing html values into javascript functions

Simply put id attribute in your input text field -

<input type="text" maxlength="3" name="value" id="value" />

How to properly URL encode a string in PHP?

Based on what type of RFC standard encoding you want to perform or if you need to customize your encoding you might want to create your own class.

 * UrlEncoder make it easy to encode your URL
class UrlEncoder{
    public const STANDARD_RFC1738 = 1;
    public const STANDARD_RFC3986 = 2;
    public const STANDARD_CUSTOM_RFC3986_ISH = 3;
    // add more here

    static function encode($string, $rfc){
        switch ($rfc) {
            case self::STANDARD_RFC1738:
                return  urlencode($string);
            case self::STANDARD_RFC3986:
                return rawurlencode($string);
            case self::STANDARD_CUSTOM_RFC3986_ISH:
                // Add your custom encoding
                $entities = ['%21', '%2A', '%27', '%28', '%29', '%3B', '%3A', '%40', '%26', '%3D', '%2B', '%24', '%2C', '%2F', '%3F', '%25', '%23', '%5B', '%5D'];
                $replacements = ['!', '*', "'", "(", ")", ";", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ",", "/", "?", "%", "#", "[", "]"];
                return str_replace($entities, $replacements, urlencode($string));
                throw new Exception("Invalid RFC encoder - See class const for reference");

Use example:

$dataString = " is **great**!&id=123&css=#kolo&[email protected])";

$dataStringUrlEncodedRFC1738 = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_RFC1738);
$dataStringUrlEncodedRFC3986 = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_RFC3986);
$dataStringUrlEncodedCutom = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_CUSTOM_RFC3986_ISH);

Will output:

string(126) ""
string(130) ""
string(86)  "**great**!&id=123&css=#kolo&[email protected])"

* Find out more about RFC standards: and urlencode vs rawurlencode?

How can I increment a char?

For me i made the fallowing as a test.


def test(string_1):
   i = 0
   p = ""
   x = len(string_1)
   while i < x:
    y = (string_1)[i]
    s = chr(ord(y) + 1)



How can I implement the Iterable interface?

Iterable is a generic interface. A problem you might be having (you haven't actually said what problem you're having, if any) is that if you use a generic interface/class without specifying the type argument(s) you can erase the types of unrelated generic types within the class. An example of this is in Non-generic reference to generic class results in non-generic return types.

So I would at least change it to:

public class ProfileCollection implements Iterable<Profile> { 
    private ArrayList<Profile> m_Profiles;

    public Iterator<Profile> iterator() {        
        Iterator<Profile> iprof = m_Profiles.iterator();
        return iprof; 


    public Profile GetActiveProfile() {
        return (Profile)m_Profiles.get(m_ActiveProfile);

and this should work:

for (Profile profile : m_PC) {
    // do stuff

Without the type argument on Iterable, the iterator may be reduced to being type Object so only this will work:

for (Object profile : m_PC) {
    // do stuff

This is a pretty obscure corner case of Java generics.

If not, please provide some more info about what's going on.

Count unique values in a column in Excel

You can add a new formula for unique record count


Now you can use a pivot table and get a SUM of unique record count. This solution works best if you have two or more rows where the same value exist, but you want the pivot table to report an unique count.

How to clamp an integer to some range?

See numpy.clip:

index = numpy.clip(index, 0, len(my_list) - 1)

How Should I Set Default Python Version In Windows?

This work for me.

If you want to use the python 3.6 you must move the python3.6 on the top of the list.

The same applies to the python2.7 If you want to have the 2.7 as default then make sure you move the python2.7 on the very top on the list.

step 1

enter image description here

step 2

enter image description here

step 3

enter image description here

then close any cmd command prompt and opened again, it should work as expected.

python --version

>>> Python 3.6

Choosing the best concurrency list in Java

Any Java collection can be made to be Thread-safe like so:

List newList = Collections.synchronizedList(oldList);

Or to create a brand new thread-safe list:

List newList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());

How to check if a variable is null or empty string or all whitespace in JavaScript?

You can use if(addr && (addr = $.trim(addr)))

This has the advantage of actually removing any outer whitespace from addr instead of just ignoring it when performing the check.


HTTP Status 504

You can't. The problem is not that your app is impatient and timing out; the problem is that an intermediate proxy is impatient and timing out. "The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI." ( It most likely indicates that the origin server is having some sort of issue, so it's not responding quickly to the forwarded request.

Possible solutions, none of which are likely to make you happy:

  • Increase timeout value of the proxy (if it's under your control)
  • Make your request to a different server (if there's another server with the same data)
  • Make your request differently (if possible) such that you are requesting less data at a time
  • Try again once the server is not having issues

AngularJS ng-class if-else expression

You can try this method:

</p><br /><br />
<p>ng-class="{test: obj.value1 == 'someothervalue' || obj.value2 == 'somethingelse'}<br /><br /><br />

ng-class="{test: obj.value1 == 'someothervalue' || obj.value2 == 'somethingelse'}

You can get complete details from here.

Oracle SQL Developer: Unable to find a JVM

Version 1.5 is very, very old.

In the latest builds, we support 32 and 64 bit JDKs. In version 4.0, we find the JDK for you on Windows. If the software can't find it, it prompts for that path.

That path would look something like this C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_45

You can read more about this here.

javascript window.location in new tab'', '_blank');

The second parameter is what makes it open in a new window. Don't forget to read Jakob Nielsen's informative article :)

Adding days to a date in Python

using timedeltas you can do:

import datetime

print("today :",today)

# One day different .
print("one day :",five_day)
#output - 1 day , 00:00:00

# five day extend .

# five day extend .
#output - 
today : 2019-05-29
one day : 5 days, 0:00:00
fitfthday 2019-06-03

How to run a cron job on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday?

The rule would be:

0 19 * * 1,3,5

I suggest that you use for having a very convenient GUI to create your rules in the future :)

Branch from a previous commit using Git

To do this on

  1. Go to your project.
  2. Click on the "Commits".
  3. Click on the <> ("Browse the repository at this point in the history") on the commit you want to branch from.
  4. Click on the "tree: xxxxxx" up in the upper left. Just below the language statistics bar, you'll get the option to "Find or Create Branch" (just type in a new branch name there) Branch from previous commit

pip install returning invalid syntax


pip3 install bs4

If you have python2 installed you typically have to make sure you are using the correct version of pip.

Android Studio: Where is the Compiler Error Output Window?

I am building on what Jorge recommended. Goto File->Settings->compiler.

Here you will see a field to add compiler options where you plug in --stacktrace

Getting current date and time in JavaScript

This little code is easy and works everywhere.

<p id="dnt"></p>
document.getElementById("dnt").innerHTML = Date();

there is room to design

Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

You are trying to compare strings inside an arithmetic command (((...))). Use [[ instead.

if [[ $username == "$username1" && $password == "$password1" ]] ||
   [[ $username == "$username2" && $password == "$password2" ]]; then

Note that I've reduced this to two separate tests joined by ||, with the && moved inside the tests. This is because the shell operators && and || have equal precedence and are simply evaluated from left to right. As a result, it's not generally true that a && b || c && d is equivalent to the intended ( a && b ) || ( c && d ).

Check play state of AVPlayer

player.timeControlStatus == AVPlayer.TimeControlStatus.playing

Java generics - get class?

Short answer: You can't.

Long answer:

Due to the way generics is implemented in Java, the generic type T is not kept at runtime. Still, you can use a private data member:

public class Foo<T> 
    private Class<T> type;

    public Foo(Class<T> type) { this.type = type; } 

Usage example:

Foo<Integer> test = new Foo<Integer>(Integer.class);

How to create a collapsing tree table in html/css/js?

HTML 5 allows summary tag, details element. That can be used to view or hide (collapse/expand) a section. Link

Debugging PHP Mail() and/or PHPMailer

It looks like the class.phpmailer.php file is corrupt. I would download the latest version and try again.

I've always used phpMailer's SMTP feature:

$mail->Host = "localhost";

And if you need debug info:

$mail->SMTPDebug  = 2; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
                       // 1 = errors and messages
                       // 2 = messages only

How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript?

var str = "hello world";
var arr = [...str];
arr[0] = "H";
str = arr.join("");

Convert the values in a column into row names in an existing data frame

As of 2016 you can also use the tidyverse.

samp %>% remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames(var="names")

How do I create a Java string from the contents of a file?

If you're looking for an alternative that doesn't involve a third-party library (e.g. Commons I/O), you can use the Scanner class:

private String readFile(String pathname) throws IOException {

    File file = new File(pathname);
    StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder((int)file.length());        

    try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file)) {
        while(scanner.hasNextLine()) {
            fileContents.append(scanner.nextLine() + System.lineSeparator());
        return fileContents.toString();

fetch from origin with deleted remote branches?

You need to do the following

git fetch -p

This will update the local database of remote branches.

What does the M stand for in C# Decimal literal notation?

M refers to the first non-ambiguous character in "decimal". If you don't add it the number will be treated as a double.

D is double.

CFLAGS, CCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS - what exactly do these variables control?

According to the GNU make manual:

CFLAGS: Extra flags to give to the C compiler.
CXXFLAGS: Extra flags to give to the C++ compiler.
CPPFLAGS: Extra flags to give to the C preprocessor and programs that use it (the C and Fortran compilers).

note: PP stands for PreProcessor (and not Plus Plus), i.e.

CPP: Program for running the C preprocessor, with results to standard output; default ‘$(CC) -E’.

These variables are used by the implicit rules of make

Compiling C programs
n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form
‘$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c’.

Compiling C++ programs
n.o is made automatically from, n.cpp, or n.C with a recipe of the form
We encourage you to use the suffix ‘.cc’ for C++ source files instead of ‘.C’.


jQuery UI Alert Dialog as a replacement for alert()

Building on eidylon's answer, here's a version that will not show the title bar if TitleMsg is empty:

function jqAlert(outputMsg, titleMsg, onCloseCallback) {
    if (!outputMsg) return;

    var div=$('<div></div>');
        title: titleMsg,
        resizable: false,
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
            "OK": function () {
        close: onCloseCallback
    if (!titleMsg) div.siblings('.ui-dialog-titlebar').hide();

see jsfiddle

WAMP Server doesn't load localhost

I faced a similar problem. I tried everything with ports, hosts and config files.But nothing helped.

I checked apache error logs. They showed the following error

(OS 10038)An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.  : AH00332: winnt_accept: getsockname error on listening socket, is IPv6 available?

Finally this is what solved my problem.

1) Goto command prompt and run it in administrative mode. In windows 7 you can do it by typing cmd in run and then pressing ctrl+shift+enter

2) run the following command: netsh winsock reset

3) Restart the system

C# Iterate through Class properties

I tried what Samuel Slade has suggested. Didn't work for me. The PropertyInfo list was coming as empty. So, I tried the following and it worked for me.

    Type type = typeof(Record);
    FieldInfo[] properties = type.GetFields();
    foreach (FieldInfo property in properties) {

How to pause for specific amount of time? (Excel/VBA)

Wait and Sleep functions lock Excel and you can't do anything else until the delay finishes. On the other hand Loop delays doesn't give you an exact time to wait.

So, I've made this workaround joining a little bit of both concepts. It loops until the time is the time you want.

Private Sub Waste10Sec()
   target = (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
       DoEvents 'keeps excel running other stuff
   Loop Until Now >= target
End Sub

You just need to call Waste10Sec where you need the delay

How do I define a method in Razor?

You can also just use the @{ } block to create functions:

    async Task<string> MyAsyncString(string input)
        return Task.FromResult(input);

Then later in your razor page:

   <div>@(await MyAsyncString("weee").ConfigureAwait(false))</div>

Get top 1 row of each group

This is the most vanilla TSQL I can come up with

    SELECT * FROM DocumentStatusLogs D1 JOIN
        DocumentID,MAX(DateCreated) AS MaxDate
      GROUP BY
    ) D2

Remove empty strings from array while keeping record Without Loop?

arr = arr.filter(v => v);

as returned v is implicity converted to truthy

How can I give access to a private GitHub repository?

If you are the owner it is simple:

  • Go to your repo and click the Settings button.
  • In the left menu click Collaborators
  • Then Add their name.

Then collaborator should visit this example repo link

Source: Github Docs.

List distinct values in a vector in R

another way would be to use dplyr package:

x = c(1,1,2,3,4,4,4)

What is the difference between print and puts?

puts adds a new line to the end of each argument if there is not one already.

print does not add a new line.

For example:

puts [[1,2,3], [4,5,nil]] Would return:


Whereas print [[1,2,3], [4,5,nil]] would return:

[[1,2,3], [4,5,nil]]
Notice how puts does not output the nil value whereas print does.

Printing all global variables/local variables?

In addition, since info locals does not display the arguments to the function you're in, use

(gdb) info args

For example:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    argc = 6*7;    //Break here.
    return 0;

argc and argv won't be shown by info locals. The message will be "No locals."

Reference: info locals command.