[javascript] Getting current date and time in JavaScript

I have a script that prints the current date and time in JavaScript, but the DATE is always wrong. Here is the code:

var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = "Last Sync: " + currentdate.getDay() + "/" + currentdate.getMonth() 
+ "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " 
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":" 
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds();

It should print 18/04/2012 15:07:33 and prints 3/3/2012 15:07:33

This question is related to javascript date time concatenation

The answer is

My well intended answer is to use this tiny bit of JS: https://github.com/rhroyston/clock-js

clock.now   --> 1462248501241
clock.time  --> 11:08 PM
clock.weekday   --> monday
clock.day   --> 2
clock.month --> may
clock.year  --> 2016
clock.since(1462245888784)  --> 44 minutes
clock.until(1462255888784)  --> 2 hours
clock.what.time(1462245888784)  --> 10:24 PM
clock.what.weekday(1461968554458)   --> friday
clock.what.day('14622458887 84')    --> 2
clock.what.month(1461968554458) --> april
clock.what.year('1461968554458')    --> 2016
clock.what.time()   --> 11:11 PM
clock.what.weekday('14619685abcd')  -->     clock.js error : expected unix timestamp as argument
clock.unit.seconds  --> 1000
clock.unit.minutes  --> 60000
clock.unit.hours    --> 3600000
clock.unit.days --> 86400000
clock.unit.weeks    --> 604800000
clock.unit.months   --> 2628002880
clock.unit.years    --> 31536000000

dt= new Date();
alert(dt.toISOString().substring(8,10) + "/" + 
dt.toISOString().substring(5,7)+ "/" + 
dt.toISOString().substring(0,4) + " " + 

<p id="DateTimeBox">Click The Button To Show Date And Time</p>_x000D_
<button onclick="ShowDate();"> Show Date </button>_x000D_
  function ShowDate() {_x000D_
    document.getElementById('DateTimeBox').innerHTML = Date();_x000D_

get current date and time

var now = new Date(); 
  var datetime = now.getFullYear()+'/'+(now.getMonth()+1)+'/'+now.getDate(); 
  datetime += ' '+now.getHours()+':'+now.getMinutes()+':'+now.getSeconds(); 

Just use:

var d = new Date();

var datetime = new Date().toLocaleString().slice(0,9) +" "+new Date(new Date()).toString().split(' ')[4];


I develop Steve answer to get exactly what OP need

new Date().toLocaleString().replace(',','')

console.log(new Date().toLocaleString().replace(',',''));

I have found the simplest way to get current date and time in JavaScript from here - How to get current Date and Time using JavaScript

var today = new Date();
var date = today.getFullYear()+'-'+(today.getMonth()+1)+'-'+today.getDate();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();
var CurrentDateTime = date+' '+time;

You need to use getDate() to get the date part. The getDay() function returns the day number (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1...), and the getMonth() returns a 0 based index, so you need to increment it by 1.

 var currentdate = new Date(); 

 var datetime = "Last Sync: " + currentdate.getDate() + "/"+  (parseInt(currentdate.getMonth())    + 1)
   + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ "  
   + currentdate.getHours() + ":"  
   + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); 

This little code is easy and works everywhere.

<p id="dnt"></p>
document.getElementById("dnt").innerHTML = Date();

there is room to design

Check this out may be it will work for you

<script language="JavaScript">
var dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday",

var montharray=new Array("January","February","March",

function getthedate(){
var mydate=new Date()
var year=mydate.getYear()
if (year < 1000)
var day=mydate.getDay()
var month=mydate.getMonth()
var daym=mydate.getDate()
if (daym<10)
var hours=mydate.getHours()
var minutes=mydate.getMinutes()
var seconds=mydate.getSeconds()
var dn="AM"
if (hours>=12)
if (hours>12){
if (hours==0)
if (minutes<=9)
if (seconds<=9)
//change font size here
var cdate="<small><font color='000000' face='Arial'><b>"+dayarray[day]+", 
    "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+" "+hours+":"
 +minutes+":"+seconds+" "+dn
if (document.all)
else if (document.getElementById)
 if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById)
  function goforit(){
  if (document.all||document.getElementById)


enter code here

 <span id="clock"></span>

function getTimeStamp() {
       var now = new Date();
       return ((now.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (now.getDate()) + '/' + now.getFullYear() + " " + now.getHours() + ':'
                     + ((now.getMinutes() < 10) ? ("0" + now.getMinutes()) : (now.getMinutes())) + ':' + ((now.getSeconds() < 10) ? ("0" + now
                     .getSeconds()) : (now.getSeconds())));

Basic JS (good to learn): we use the Date() function and do all that we need to show the date and day in our custom format.

var myDate = new Date();_x000D_
let daysList = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];_x000D_
let monthsList = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Aug', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];_x000D_
let date = myDate.getDate();_x000D_
let month = monthsList[myDate.getMonth()];_x000D_
let year = myDate.getFullYear();_x000D_
let day = daysList[myDate.getDay()];_x000D_
let today = `${date} ${month} ${year}, ${day}`;_x000D_
let amOrPm;_x000D_
let twelveHours = function (){_x000D_
    if(myDate.getHours() > 12)_x000D_
        amOrPm = 'PM';_x000D_
        let twentyFourHourTime = myDate.getHours();_x000D_
        let conversion = twentyFourHourTime - 12;_x000D_
        return `${conversion}`_x000D_
    }else {_x000D_
        amOrPm = 'AM';_x000D_
        return `${myDate.getHours()}`}_x000D_
let hours = twelveHours();_x000D_
let minutes = myDate.getMinutes();_x000D_
let currentTime = `${hours}:${minutes} ${amOrPm}`;_x000D_
console.log(today + ' ' + currentTime);

Node JS (quick & easy): Install the npm pagckage using (npm install date-and-time), then run the below.

let nodeDate = require('date-and-time');
let now = nodeDate.format(new Date(), 'DD-MMMM-YYYY, hh:mm:ss a');

Its simple and superb

 $(document).ready(function () { _x000D_
            var fpsOut = document.getElementById('myTime');_x000D_
            setInterval(function () {_x000D_
                var d = new Date(); _x000D_
                fpsOut.innerHTML = d;_x000D_
            }, 1000);_x000D_
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<div id="myTime"></div>

please find the below fiddler for the example


var currentdate = new Date();

    var datetime = "Last Sync: " + currentdate.getDate() + "/"+(currentdate.getMonth()+1) 
    + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " 
    + currentdate.getHours() + ":" 
    + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds();

Change .getDay() method to .GetDate() and add one to month, because it counts months from 0.

I think i am very late to share my answer, but i think it will be worth.

function __getCurrentDateTime(format){
    var dt=new Date(),x,date=[];
    if(x.indexOf('sss')!=-1){   x=x.replace(/(sss)/i,date['sss']);  }
    if(x.indexOf('ampm')!=-1){  x=x.replace(/(ampm)/i,date['ampm']);    }
    return x;

console.log(__getCurrentDateTime());  //returns in dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS
console.log(__getCurrentDateTime('dd-mm-yyyy'));    //return in 05-12-2016
console.log(__getCurrentDateTime('dd/mm*yyyy'));    //return in 05/12*2016
console.log(__getCurrentDateTime('hh:mimi:ss'));    //return in 13:05:30

console.log(__getCurrentDateTime('h:mi:ss ampm')); //return in 1:5:30 PM

function display_c(){   
    var refresh = 1000; // Refresh rate in milli seconds    
    mytime = setTimeout('display_ct()', refresh)    

function display_ct() {

    var strcount    
    var currentdate = new Date();

    document.getElementById('ct').innerHTML = currentdate.toDateString() + " " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds();

    tt = display_c();   

id = 'ct'     // Replace in Your id

onload = "display_ct();"     // Type inside a Body Tag

.getDay returns day of week. You need .getDate instead. .getMonth returns values from 0 to 11. You'll need to add 1 to the result to get "human" month number.

If someone is in search of function

function formatAMPM() {
  var date = new Date();
  var hours = date.getHours();
  var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  var seconds = date.getSeconds();
  var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
  hours = hours % 12;
  hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
  minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
  return strTime = date.getMonth() + '/' + date.getDay()+'/'+date.getFullYear()+' '+ hours + ':' + minutes +':'+ seconds + " " +ampm;

This should do the trick:

function dateToString(date) {
    var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    var day = date.getDate();
    var dateOfString = (("" + day).length < 2 ? "0" : "") + day + "/";
    dateOfString += (("" + month).length < 2 ? "0" : "") + month + "/";
    dateOfString += date.getFullYear();
    return dateOfString;

var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = "Last Sync: ";
datetime += dateToString(currentdate );
datetime += + currentdate.getHours() + ":"
            + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":"
            + currentdate.getSeconds();

This question is quite old and the answers are too. Instead of those monstrous functions, we now can use moment.js to get the current date, which actually makes it very easy. All that has to be done is including moment.js in our project and get a well formated date, for example, by:

moment().format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a");

I think that makes it way easier to handle dates in javascript.

I needed to figure this out for a slate in after effects. Here's what I came up with after taking elements from a few different sources -- Formatting is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM

D = new Date(Date(00));
M = D.getMonth()+1;
H = D.getHours();
Mi = D.getMinutes();

N = "AM"
if (H >= 12)
N = "PM"
if (H > 12)
H = H-12

amtOfZeroes = 2;
isNeg = false;

if (M < 0)
M = Math.abs(M);
isNeg = true;
Mo = Math.round(M) + "";
while(Mo.length < amtOfZeroes)

Mo = "0" + Mo; 
if (isNeg)
Mo = "-" + Mo;

if (H < 0)
H = Math.abs(H);
isNeg = true;
Ho = Math.round(H) + "";
while(Ho.length < amtOfZeroes)
Ho = "0" + Ho; 
if (isNeg)
Ho = "-" + Ho;

if (Mi < 0)
Mi = Math.abs(Mi);
isNeg = true;
Min = Math.round(Mi) + "";
while(Min.length < amtOfZeroes)
Min = "0" + Min; 
if (isNeg)
Min = "-" + Min;

T = Ho + ":" + (Min)

Mo + "/" + D.getDate() + "/" + D.getFullYear() + "  " + T + " " + N

For this true mysql style use this function below: 2019/02/28 15:33:12

  • If you click the 'Run code snippet' button below
  • It will show your an simple realtime digital clock example
  • The demo will appear below the code snippet.

function getDateTime() {_x000D_
        var now     = new Date(); _x000D_
        var year    = now.getFullYear();_x000D_
        var month   = now.getMonth()+1; _x000D_
        var day     = now.getDate();_x000D_
        var hour    = now.getHours();_x000D_
        var minute  = now.getMinutes();_x000D_
        var second  = now.getSeconds(); _x000D_
        if(month.toString().length == 1) {_x000D_
             month = '0'+month;_x000D_
        if(day.toString().length == 1) {_x000D_
             day = '0'+day;_x000D_
        }   _x000D_
        if(hour.toString().length == 1) {_x000D_
             hour = '0'+hour;_x000D_
        if(minute.toString().length == 1) {_x000D_
             minute = '0'+minute;_x000D_
        if(second.toString().length == 1) {_x000D_
             second = '0'+second;_x000D_
        }   _x000D_
        var dateTime = year+'/'+month+'/'+day+' '+hour+':'+minute+':'+second;   _x000D_
         return dateTime;_x000D_
    // example usage: realtime clock_x000D_
        currentTime = getDateTime();_x000D_
        document.getElementById("digital-clock").innerHTML = currentTime;_x000D_
    }, 1000);
<div id="digital-clock"></div>

function UniqueDateTime(format='',language='en-US'){
    //returns a meaningful unique number based on current time, and milliseconds, making it virtually unique
    //e.g : 20170428-115833-547
    //allows personal formatting like more usual :YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, or YYYYMMDD_HH:mm:SS
    var dt = new Date();
    var modele="YYYYMMDD-HHmmSS-mss";
    if (format!==''){
    modele=modele.replace("MM",(dt.getMonth()+1).toLocaleString(language, {minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping:false}));
    modele=modele.replace("DD",dt.getDate().toLocaleString(language, {minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping:false}));
    modele=modele.replace("HH",dt.getHours().toLocaleString(language, {minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping:false}));
    modele=modele.replace("mm",dt.getMinutes().toLocaleString(language, {minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping:false}));
    modele=modele.replace("SS",dt.getSeconds().toLocaleString(language, {minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping:false}));
    modele=modele.replace("mss",dt.getMilliseconds().toLocaleString(language, {minimumIntegerDigits: 3, useGrouping:false}));
    return modele;

Here is my work around clock full format with day, date, year and time

function startTime()
    var today=new Date();
    //                   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10    11  12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33
    var suffixes = ['','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th','th','st','nd','rd'];

    var weekday = new Array(7);
    weekday[0] = "Sunday";
    weekday[1] = "Monday";
    weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
    weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
    weekday[4] = "Thursday";
    weekday[5] = "Friday";
    weekday[6] = "Saturday";

    var month = new Array(12);
    month[0] = "January";
    month[1] = "February";
    month[2] = "March";
    month[3] = "April";
    month[4] = "May";
    month[5] = "June";
    month[6] = "July";
    month[7] = "August";
    month[8] = "September";
    month[9] = "October";
    month[10] = "November";
    month[11] = "December";

    document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML=(weekday[today.getDay()] + ',' + " " + today.getDate()+'<sup>'+suffixes[today.getDate()]+'</sup>' + ' of' + " " + month[today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getFullYear() + ' Time Now ' + today.toLocaleTimeString());
sup {
        vertical-align: super;
        font-size: smaller;
<body onload="startTime()">
<div id="txt"></div>

getDay() gets the day of the week. 3 is Wednesday. You want getDate(), that will return 18.

Also getMonth() starts at 0, you need to add 1 to get 4 (April).

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/4zVxp/

To get time and date you should use

    new Date().toLocaleString();

>> "09/08/2014, 2:35:56 AM"

To get only the date you should use

    new Date().toLocaleDateString();

>> "09/08/2014"

To get only the time you should use

    new Date().toLocaleTimeString();

>> "2:35:56 AM"

Or if you just want the time in the format hh:mm without AM/PM for US English

    new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false, 
                                             hour: "numeric", 
                                             minute: "numeric"});
>> "02:35"

or for British English

    new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour: "numeric", 
                                             minute: "numeric"});

>> "02:35"

Read more here.

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Examples related to time

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Examples related to concatenation

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