[vb.net] Linq to Sql: Multiple left outer joins

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to use more than one left outer join using LINQ to SQL. I understand how to use one left outer join. I'm using VB.NET. Below is my SQL syntax.


    Orders o
    v.Id = o.VendorId
    s.Id = o.StatusId
    o.OrderNumber >= 100000 AND
    o.OrderNumber <= 200000

This question is related to vb.net linq linq-to-sql tsql left-join

The answer is

Don't have access to VisualStudio (I'm on my Mac), but using the information from http://bhaidar.net/cs/archive/2007/08/01/left-outer-join-in-linq-to-sql.aspx it looks like you may be able to do something like this:

var query = from o in dc.Orders
            join v in dc.Vendors on o.VendorId equals v.Id into ov
            from x in ov.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join s in dc.Status on o.StatusId equals s.Id into os
            from y in os.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new { o.OrderNumber, x.VendorName, y.StatusName }

In VB.NET using Function,

Dim query = From order In dc.Orders
            From vendor In 
            dc.Vendors.Where(Function(v) v.Id = order.VendorId).DefaultIfEmpty()
            From status In 
            dc.Status.Where(Function(s) s.Id = order.StatusId).DefaultIfEmpty()
            Select Order = order, Vendor = vendor, Status = status 

I figured out how to use multiple left outer joins in VB.NET using LINQ to SQL:

Dim db As New ContractDataContext()

Dim query = From o In db.Orders _
            Group Join v In db.Vendors _
            On v.VendorNumber Equals o.VendorNumber _
            Into ov = Group _
            From x In ov.DefaultIfEmpty() _
            Group Join s In db.Status _
            On s.Id Equals o.StatusId Into os = Group _
            From y In os.DefaultIfEmpty() _
            Where o.OrderNumber >= 100000 And o.OrderNumber <= 200000 _
            Select Vendor_Name = x.Name, _
                   Order_Number = o.OrderNumber, _
                   Status_Name = y.StatusName

I think you should be able to follow the method used in this post. It looks really ugly, but I would think you could do it twice and get the result you want.

I wonder if this is actually a case where you'd be better off using DataContext.ExecuteCommand(...) instead of converting to linq.

In VB.NET using Function,

Dim query = From order In dc.Orders
            From vendor In 
            dc.Vendors.Where(Function(v) v.Id = order.VendorId).DefaultIfEmpty()
            From status In 
            dc.Status.Where(Function(s) s.Id = order.StatusId).DefaultIfEmpty()
            Select Order = order, Vendor = vendor, Status = status 

Don't have access to VisualStudio (I'm on my Mac), but using the information from http://bhaidar.net/cs/archive/2007/08/01/left-outer-join-in-linq-to-sql.aspx it looks like you may be able to do something like this:

var query = from o in dc.Orders
            join v in dc.Vendors on o.VendorId equals v.Id into ov
            from x in ov.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join s in dc.Status on o.StatusId equals s.Id into os
            from y in os.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new { o.OrderNumber, x.VendorName, y.StatusName }

I am using this linq query for my application. if this match your requirement you can refer this. here i have joined(Left outer join) with 3 tables.

 Dim result = (From csL In contractEntity.CSLogin.Where(Function(cs) cs.Login = login AndAlso cs.Password = password).DefaultIfEmpty
                   From usrT In contractEntity.UserType.Where(Function(uTyp) uTyp.UserTypeID = csL.UserTyp).DefaultIfEmpty ' <== makes join left join
                   From kunD In contractEntity.EmployeeMaster.Where(Function(kunDat) kunDat.CSLoginID = csL.CSLoginID).DefaultIfEmpty
                   Select New With {
                  .CSLoginID = csL.CSLoginID,
                  .UserType = csL.UserTyp}).ToList()

I think you should be able to follow the method used in this post. It looks really ugly, but I would think you could do it twice and get the result you want.

I wonder if this is actually a case where you'd be better off using DataContext.ExecuteCommand(...) instead of converting to linq.

I figured out how to use multiple left outer joins in VB.NET using LINQ to SQL:

Dim db As New ContractDataContext()

Dim query = From o In db.Orders _
            Group Join v In db.Vendors _
            On v.VendorNumber Equals o.VendorNumber _
            Into ov = Group _
            From x In ov.DefaultIfEmpty() _
            Group Join s In db.Status _
            On s.Id Equals o.StatusId Into os = Group _
            From y In os.DefaultIfEmpty() _
            Where o.OrderNumber >= 100000 And o.OrderNumber <= 200000 _
            Select Vendor_Name = x.Name, _
                   Order_Number = o.OrderNumber, _
                   Status_Name = y.StatusName

I think you should be able to follow the method used in this post. It looks really ugly, but I would think you could do it twice and get the result you want.

I wonder if this is actually a case where you'd be better off using DataContext.ExecuteCommand(...) instead of converting to linq.

I am using this linq query for my application. if this match your requirement you can refer this. here i have joined(Left outer join) with 3 tables.

 Dim result = (From csL In contractEntity.CSLogin.Where(Function(cs) cs.Login = login AndAlso cs.Password = password).DefaultIfEmpty
                   From usrT In contractEntity.UserType.Where(Function(uTyp) uTyp.UserTypeID = csL.UserTyp).DefaultIfEmpty ' <== makes join left join
                   From kunD In contractEntity.EmployeeMaster.Where(Function(kunDat) kunDat.CSLoginID = csL.CSLoginID).DefaultIfEmpty
                   Select New With {
                  .CSLoginID = csL.CSLoginID,
                  .UserType = csL.UserTyp}).ToList()

I figured out how to use multiple left outer joins in VB.NET using LINQ to SQL:

Dim db As New ContractDataContext()

Dim query = From o In db.Orders _
            Group Join v In db.Vendors _
            On v.VendorNumber Equals o.VendorNumber _
            Into ov = Group _
            From x In ov.DefaultIfEmpty() _
            Group Join s In db.Status _
            On s.Id Equals o.StatusId Into os = Group _
            From y In os.DefaultIfEmpty() _
            Where o.OrderNumber >= 100000 And o.OrderNumber <= 200000 _
            Select Vendor_Name = x.Name, _
                   Order_Number = o.OrderNumber, _
                   Status_Name = y.StatusName

Don't have access to VisualStudio (I'm on my Mac), but using the information from http://bhaidar.net/cs/archive/2007/08/01/left-outer-join-in-linq-to-sql.aspx it looks like you may be able to do something like this:

var query = from o in dc.Orders
            join v in dc.Vendors on o.VendorId equals v.Id into ov
            from x in ov.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join s in dc.Status on o.StatusId equals s.Id into os
            from y in os.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new { o.OrderNumber, x.VendorName, y.StatusName }

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