[c#] How to do a LIKE query with linq?

How can i perform an LIKE query within Linq?

I have the following query i would like to execute.

var results = from c in db.costumers
              where c.FullName LIKE "%"+FirstName+"%,"+LastName
              select c;

This question is related to c# linq-to-sql

The answer is

 where c.FullName.Contains("string")

Try like this

var results = db.costumers.Where(X=>X.FullName.Contains(FirstName)&&(X=>X.FullName.EndsWith(LastName))

var StudentList = dbContext.Students.SqlQuery("Select * from Students where Email like '%gmail%'").ToList<Student>();

User can use this of like query in Linq and fill the student model.

You can use contains:

string[] example = { "sample1", "sample2" };
var result = (from c in example where c.Contains("2") select c);
// returns only sample2

2019 is here:

Requires EF6

using System.Data.Entity;
string searchStr ="bla bla bla";
var result = _dbContext.SomeTable.Where(x=> DbFunctions.Like(x.NameAr, string.Format("%{0}%", searchStr ))).FirstOrDefault();

Try using string.Contains () combined with EndsWith.

var results = from c in db.Customers
              where c.FullName.Contains (FirstName) && c.FullName.EndsWith (LastName)
              select c;

String [] obj = (from c in db.Contacts
                           where c.FirstName.StartsWith(prefixText)
                           select c.FirstName).ToArray();
            return obj;

StartsWith() and EndsWith() can help you a lot here. If you want to find data in between the field, then Contains() can be used.