Programs & Examples On #Cview

Running CMD command in PowerShell

For those who may need this info:

I figured out that you can pretty much run a command that's in your PATH from a PS script, and it should work.

Sometimes you may have to pre-launch this command with cmd.exe /c


Calling git from a PS script

I had to repackage a git client wrapped in Chocolatey (for those who may not know, it's a kind of app-store for Windows) which massively uses PS scripts.

I found out that, once git is in the PATH, commands like

$ca_bundle = git config --get http.sslCAInfo

will store the location of git crt file in $ca_bundle variable.

Looking for an App

Another example that is a combination of the present SO post and this SO post is the use of where command

$java_exe = cmd.exe /c where java

will store the location of java.exe file in $java_exe variable.

Django ChoiceField

If your choices are not pre-decided or they are coming from some other source, you can generate them in your view and pass it to the form .


def my_view(request, interview_pk):
    interview = Interview.objects.get(pk=interview_pk)
    all_rounds = interview.round_set.order_by('created_at')
    all_round_names = [ for rnd in all_rounds]
    form = forms.AddRatingForRound(all_round_names)
    return render(request, 'add_rating.html', {'form': form, 'interview': interview, 'rounds': all_rounds})

class AddRatingForRound(forms.ModelForm):

    def __init__(self, round_list, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AddRatingForRound, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['name'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=tuple([(name, name) for name in round_list]))

    class Meta:
        model = models.RatingSheet
        fields = ('name', )


<form method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% if interview %}
         {{ interview }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if rounds %}
        {{ form.as_p }}
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    {% else %}
        <h3>No rounds found</h3>
    {% endif %}


MVC : The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'k' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'

I am also new to MVC and I received the same error and found that it is not passing proper routeValues in the Index view or whatever view is present to view the all data.

It was as below

            @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { /* id=item.PrimaryKey */ }) |
            @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { /* id=item.PrimaryKey */ }) |
            @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { /* id=item.PrimaryKey */ })

I changed it to the as show below and started to work properly.

            @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { EmployeeID=item.EmployeeID }) |
            @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { /* id=item.PrimaryKey */ }) |
            @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { /* id=item.PrimaryKey */ })

Basically this error can also come because of improper navigation also.

Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?

Well, Reflector itself is a .NET assembly so you can open Reflector.exe in Reflector to check out how it's built.

insert data from one table to another in mysql

It wont work like this.

When you try to insert the row using a query all values should be there in query.

With the above problem you want to insert magazine_subscription_id, subscription_name, magazine_id, status in select query you have magazine_subscription_id, subscription_name, magazine_id, status 1 it is not possible.

If you want to insert either you need to insert using query of direct values

LIKE operator in LINQ

In native LINQ you may use combination of Contains/StartsWith/EndsWith or RegExp.

In LINQ2SQL use method SqlMethods.Like()

    from i in db.myTable
    where SqlMethods.Like(i.field, "tra%ata")
    select i

add Assembly: System.Data.Linq (in System.Data.Linq.dll) to use this feature.

How do you use String.substringWithRange? (or, how do Ranges work in Swift?)

The short answer is that this is really hard in Swift right now. My hunch is that there is still a bunch of work for Apple to do on convenience methods for things like this.

String.substringWithRange() is expecting a Range<String.Index> parameter, and as far as I can tell there isn't a generator method for the String.Index type. You can get String.Index values back from aString.startIndex and aString.endIndex and call .succ() or .pred() on them, but that's madness.

How about an extension on the String class that takes good old Ints?

extension String {
    subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String {
        get {
            let subStart = advance(self.startIndex, r.startIndex, self.endIndex)
            let subEnd = advance(subStart, r.endIndex - r.startIndex, self.endIndex)
            return self.substringWithRange(Range(start: subStart, end: subEnd))
    func substring(from: Int) -> String {
        let end = countElements(self)
        return self[from..<end]
    func substring(from: Int, length: Int) -> String {
        let end = from + length
        return self[from..<end]

let mobyDick = "Call me Ishmael."
println(mobyDick[8...14])             // Ishmael

let dogString = "This 's name is Patch."
println(dogString[5..<6])               // 
println(dogString[5...5])              // 
println(dogString.substring(5))        // 's name is Patch.
println(dogString.substring(5, length: 1))   // 

Update: Swift beta 4 resolves the issues below!

As it stands [in beta 3 and earlier], even Swift-native strings have some issues with handling Unicode characters. The dog icon above worked, but the following doesn't:

let harderString = "1:1??"
for character in harderString {



Referencing another schema in Mongoose

Late reply, but adding that Mongoose also has the concept of Subdocuments

With this syntax, you should be able to reference your userSchema as a type in your postSchema like so:

var userSchema = new Schema({
    twittername: String,
    twitterID: Number,
    displayName: String,
    profilePic: String,

var postSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    postedBy: userSchema,
    dateCreated: Date,
    comments: [{body:"string", by: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId}],

Note the updated postedBy field with type userSchema.

This will embed the user object within the post, saving an extra lookup required by using a reference. Sometimes this could be preferable, other times the ref/populate route might be the way to go. Depends on what your application is doing.

How can I open an Excel file in Python?

You can use xlpython package that requires xlrd only. Find it here and its documentation here

How to concat string + i?

Let me add another solution:

>> N = 5;
>> f = cellstr(num2str((1:N)', 'f%d'))
f = 

If N is more than two digits long (>= 10), you will start getting extra spaces. Add a call to strtrim(f) to get rid of them.

As a bonus, there is an undocumented built-in function sprintfc which nicely returns a cell arrays of strings:

>> N = 10;
>> f = sprintfc('f%d', 1:N)
f = 
    'f1'    'f2'    'f3'    'f4'    'f5'    'f6'    'f7'    'f8'    'f9'    'f10'

Detecting the onload event of a window opened with

If the pop-up's document is from a different domain, this is simply not possible.

Update April 2015: I was wrong about this: if you own both domains, you can use window.postMessage and the message event in pretty much all browsers that are relevant today.

If not, there's still no way you'll be able to make this work cross-browser without some help from the document being loaded into the pop-up. You need to be able to detect a change in the pop-up that occurs once it has loaded, which could be a variable that JavaScript in the pop-up page sets when it handles its own load event, or if you have some control of it you could add a call to a function in the opener.

Entity framework linq query Include() multiple children entities

Might be it will help someone, 4 level and 2 child's on each level

Library.Include(a => a.Library.Select(b => b.Library.Select(c => c.Library)))
            .Include(g => g.Library.Select(h=>g.Book))
            .Include(j => j.Library.Select(k => k.Library.Select(l=>l.Book)))

'Field required a bean of type that could not be found.' error spring restful API using mongodb

I have same Issue, fixed by Adding @EnableMongoRepositories("in.topthree.util")

package in.topthree.core;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

import in.topthree.util.Student;

public class Run implements CommandLineRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    private Process pr;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        pr.saveDB(new Student("Testing", "FB"));


And my Repository is:

package in.topthree.util;


public interface StudentMongo extends MongoRepository<Student, Integer> {

    public Student findByUrl(String url);

Now Its Working

Return 0 if field is null in MySQL

You can try something like this


Attribute X is assumed to be empty if it is an empty String, so after that you can declare as a zero instead of last value. In another case, it would remain its original value.

Anyway, just to give another way to do that.


I am getting the error (...) javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: greetJndi not bound

This means that nothing is bound to the jndi name greetJndi, very likely because of a deployment problem given the incredibly low quality of this tutorial (check the server logs). I'll come back on this.

Is there any specific directory structure to deploy in JBoss?

The internal structure of the ejb-jar is supposed to be like this (using the poor naming conventions and the default package as in the mentioned link):

    +-- ejb-jar.xml
    +-- jboss.xml

But as already mentioned, this tutorial is full of mistakes:

  • there is an extra character (<enterprise-beans>] <-- HERE) in the ejb-jar.xml (!)
  • a space is missing after PUBLIC in the ejb-jar.xml and jboss.xml (!!)
  • the jboss.xml is incorrect, it should contain a session element instead of entity (!!!)

Here is a "fixed" version of the ejb-jar.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "">

And of the jboss.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE jboss PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 3.2//EN" "">

After doing these changes and repackaging the ejb-jar, I was able to successfully deploy it:

21:48:06,512 INFO  [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@5060868{vfszip:/home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/greet.jar/}
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer] installing bean: ejb/#greetBean,uid19981448
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer]   with dependencies:
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer]   and supplies:
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer]    jndi:greetJndi
21:48:06,624 INFO  [EjbModule] Deploying greetBean
21:48:06,661 WARN  [EjbModule] EJB configured to bypass security. Please verify if this is intended. Bean=greetBean Deployment=vfszip:/home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/greet.jar/
21:48:06,805 INFO  [ProxyFactory] Bound EJB Home 'greetBean' to jndi 'greetJndi'

That tutorial needs significant improvement; I'd advise from staying away from

How to represent a DateTime in Excel

You can do the following:

=Datevalue(text)+timevalue(text) .

Go into different types of date formats and choose:

dd-mm-yyyy mm:ss am/pm .

Trim specific character from a string

One line is enough:

var x = '|f|oo||';
var y = x.replace(/^\|+|\|+$/g, '');
document.write(x + '<br />' + y);

^\|+   beginning of the string, pipe, one or more times
|      or
\|+$   pipe, one or more times, end of the string

A general solution:

function trim (s, c) {
  if (c === "]") c = "\\]";
  if (c === "\\") c = "\\\\";
  return s.replace(new RegExp(
    "^[" + c + "]+|[" + c + "]+$", "g"
  ), "");

chars = ".|]\\";
for (c of chars) {
  s = c + "foo" + c + c + "oo" + c + c + c;
  console.log(s, "->", trim(s, c));

How to start MySQL with --skip-grant-tables?

I'm in windows 10, using WAMP64 server. Searched for my.cnf and my.ini. Found my.ini in C:\wamp64\bin\mariadb\mariadb10.2.14.

Following the instructions from the colleagues:

  1. Opened the quick start menu from Wampserver, selected 'Stop All Services'
  2. Opened my.ini in a text editor, searched for [mysqld]
  3. Added 'skip-grant-tables' at the end of the [mysqld] section (but within it)
  4. Save the file, leave the editor open
  5. In the Wampserver menu, select "Restart Services'. There will be a warning about the skip-grant-tables option
  6. In the Wampserver menu select MySQL to open the prompt
  7. It asked for a password, just press enter
  8. Paste the command ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'newpassword';
  9. It must report that the operation was successful (no tables affected)
  10. In the my.ini file, erase the 'skip-grant-tables' line, save the file
  11. In the WampServer menu, select once more Restart Service

Now you can enter with the new password. Thanks to all answers here.

How to find the installed pandas version


pip freeze

It works the same as above.

pip show pandas

Displays information about a specific package. For more information, check out pip help

What is a user agent stylesheet?

Some browsers use their own way to read .css files. So the right way to beat this: If you type the command line directly in the .html source code, this beats the .css file, in that way, you told the browser directly what to do and the browser is at position not to read the commands from the .css file. Remember that the commands writen in the .html file is stronger than the command in the .css.

What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?

The CertUtil is a pre-installed Windows utility, that can be used to generate hash checksums:

CertUtil -hashfile pathToFileToCheck [HashAlgorithm]

HashAlgorithm choices: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512

So for example, the following generates an MD5 checksum for the file C:\TEMP\MyDataFile.img:

CertUtil -hashfile C:\TEMP\MyDataFile.img MD5

To get output similar to *Nix systems you can add some PS magic:

$(CertUtil -hashfile C:\TEMP\MyDataFile.img MD5)[1] -replace " ",""

How do I ignore ampersands in a SQL script running from SQL Plus?

If you sometimes use substitution variables you might not want to turn define off. In these cases you could convert the ampersand from its numeric equivalent as in || Chr(38) || or append it as a single character as in || '&' ||.

how to re-format datetime string in php?

You can use date_parse_from_format() function ...

Check this will get clear idea

How to style CSS role

The shortest way to write a selector that accesses that specific div is to simply use

[role=main] {
  /* CSS goes here */

The previous answers are not wrong, but they rely on you using either a div or using the specific id. With this selector, you'll be able to have all kinds of crazy markup and it would still work and you avoid problems with specificity.

[role=main] {_x000D_
  background: rgba(48, 96, 144, 0.2);_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  margin: 5px;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
<div id="content" role="main">_x000D_
  <span role="main">Hello</span>_x000D_

How to add property to a class dynamically?

This is a little different than what OP wanted, but I rattled my brain until I got a working solution, so I'm putting here for the next guy/gal

I needed a way to specify dynamic setters and getters.

class X:
    def __init__(self, a=0, b=0, c=0):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

    def _make_properties(cls, field_name, inc):
        _inc = inc

        def _get_properties(self):
            if not hasattr(self, '_%s_inc' % field_name):
                setattr(self, '_%s_inc' % field_name, _inc)
                inc = _inc
                inc = getattr(self, '_%s_inc' % field_name)

            return getattr(self, field_name) + inc

        def _set_properties(self, value):
            setattr(self, '_%s_inc' % field_name, value)

        return property(_get_properties, _set_properties)

I know my fields ahead of time so im going to create my properties. NOTE: you cannot do this PER instance, these properties will exist on the class!!!

for inc, field in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']):
    setattr(X, '%s_summed' % field, X._make_properties(field, inc))

Let's test it all now..

x = X()
assert x.a == 0
assert x.b == 0
assert x.c == 0

assert x.a_summed == 0  # enumerate() set inc to 0 + 0 = 0
assert x.b_summed == 1  # enumerate() set inc to 1 + 0 = 1
assert x.c_summed == 2  # enumerate() set inc to 2 + 0 = 2

# we set the variables to something
x.a = 1
x.b = 2
x.c = 3

assert x.a_summed == 1  # enumerate() set inc to 0 + 1 = 1
assert x.b_summed == 3  # enumerate() set inc to 1 + 2 = 3
assert x.c_summed == 5  # enumerate() set inc to 2 + 3 = 5

# we're changing the inc now
x.a_summed = 1 
x.b_summed = 3 
x.c_summed = 5

assert x.a_summed == 2  # we set inc to 1 + the property was 1 = 2
assert x.b_summed == 5  # we set inc to 3 + the property was 2 = 5
assert x.c_summed == 8  # we set inc to 5 + the property was 3 = 8

Is it confusing? Yes, sorry I couldn't come up with any meaningful real world examples. Also, this is not for the light hearted.

PHP Get all subdirectories of a given directory

Non-recursively List Only Directories

The only question that direct asked this has been erroneously closed, so I have to put it here.

It also gives the ability to filter directories.

 * Copyright © 2020 Theodore R. Smith <>
 * License: MIT
 * @see
 * @param string $path
 * @param bool   $recursive Default: false
 * @param array  $filtered  Default: [., ..]
 * @return array
function getDirs($path, $recursive = false, array $filtered = [])
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("$path does not exist.");

    $filtered += ['.', '..'];

    $dirs = [];
    $d = dir($path);
    while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false) {
        if (is_dir("$path/$entry") && !in_array($entry, $filtered)) {
            $dirs[] = $entry;

            if ($recursive) {
                $newDirs = getDirs("$path/$entry");
                foreach ($newDirs as $newDir) {
                    $dirs[] = "$entry/$newDir";

    return $dirs;

Passing multiple values for same variable in stored procedure

You will need to do a couple of things to get this going, since your parameter is getting multiple values you need to create a Table Type and make your store procedure accept a parameter of that type.

Split Function Works Great when you are getting One String containing multiple values but when you are passing Multiple values you need to do something like this....


CREATE TYPE dbo.TYPENAME AS TABLE   (     arg int    )  GO 

Stored Procedure to Accept That Type Param

 CREATE PROCEDURE mainValues   @TableParam TYPENAME READONLY  AS     BEGIN     SET NOCOUNT ON;   --Temp table to store split values   declare @tmp_values table (   value nvarchar(255) not null);        --function splitting values     INSERT INTO @tmp_values (value)    SELECT arg FROM @TableParam      SELECT * FROM @tmp_values  --<-- For testing purpose END 


Declare a variable of that type and populate it with your values.

 DECLARE @Table TYPENAME     --<-- Variable of this TYPE   INSERT INTO @Table                --<-- Populating the variable   VALUES (331),(222),(876),(932)  EXECUTE mainValues @Table   --<-- Stored Procedure Executed  


╔═══════╗ ║ value ║ ╠═══════╣ ║   331 ║ ║   222 ║ ║   876 ║ ║   932 ║ ╚═══════╝ 

Laravel Eloquent - distinct() and count() not working properly together

Wouldn't this work?


See here for discussion..

How to use the read command in Bash?

To put my two cents here: on KSH, reading as is to a variable will work, because according to the IBM AIX documentation, KSH's read does affects the current shell environment:

The setting of shell variables by the read command affects the current shell execution environment.

This just resulted in me spending a good few minutes figuring out why a one-liner ending with read that I've used a zillion times before on AIX didn't work on Linux... it's because KSH does saves to the current environment and BASH doesn't!

jQuery append() vs appendChild()

appendChild is a pure javascript method where as append is a jQuery method.

check if a std::vector contains a certain object?

See question: How to find an item in a std::vector?

You'll also need to ensure you've implemented a suitable operator==() for your object, if the default one isn't sufficient for a "deep" equality test.

JQuery: detect change in input field

You can bind the 'input' event to the textbox. This would fire every time the input changes, so when you paste something (even with right click), delete and type anything.

$('#myTextbox').on('input', function() {
    // do something

If you use the change handler, this will only fire after the user deselects the input box, which may not be what you want.

There is an example of both here:

oracle - what statements need to be committed?

DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands need to be commited/rolled back. Here is a list of those commands.

Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used for managing data within schema objects. Some examples:

INSERT - insert data into a table
UPDATE - updates existing data within a table
DELETE - deletes records from a table, the space for the records remain
MERGE - UPSERT operation (insert or update)
CALL - call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram
EXPLAIN PLAN - explain access path to data
LOCK TABLE - control concurrency

Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell

Try invoking your command with Invoke-Expression:

Invoke-Expression $cmd1

Here is a working example on my machine:

$cmd = "& 'C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe' a -tzip c:\temp\ c:\temp\test.txt"
Invoke-Expression $cmd

iex is an alias for Invoke-Expression so you could do:

iex $cmd1

For a full list : Visit for more Powershell stuff.

Good Luck...

How to display multiple images in one figure correctly?

You could try the following:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def plot_figures(figures, nrows = 1, ncols=1):
    """Plot a dictionary of figures.

    figures : <title, figure> dictionary
    ncols : number of columns of subplots wanted in the display
    nrows : number of rows of subplots wanted in the figure

    fig, axeslist = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows)
    for ind,title in zip(range(len(figures)), figures):
        axeslist.ravel()[ind].imshow(figures[title], cmap=plt.jet())
    plt.tight_layout() # optional

# generation of a dictionary of (title, images)
number_of_im = 20
figures = {'im'+str(i): np.random.randint(10, size=(h,w)) for i in range(number_of_im)}

# plot of the images in a figure, with 5 rows and 4 columns
plot_figures(figures, 5, 4)

However, this is basically just copy and paste from here: Multiple figures in a single window for which reason this post should be considered to be a duplicate.

I hope this helps.

Linux/Unix command to determine if process is running?

Just a minor addition: if you add the -c flag to ps, you don't need to remove the line containing the grep process with grep -v afterwards. I.e.

ps acux | grep cron

is all the typing you'll need on a bsd-ish system (this includes MacOSX) You can leave the -u away if you need less information.

On a system where the genetics of the native ps command point back to SysV, you'd use

ps -e |grep cron


ps -el |grep cron 

for a listing containing more than just pid and process name. Of course you could select the specific fields to print out using the -o <field,field,...> option.

Android SeekBar setOnSeekBarChangeListener

onProgressChanged() should be called on every progress changed, not just on first and last touch (that why you have onStartTrackingTouch() and onStopTrackingTouch() methods).

Make sure that your SeekBar have more than 1 value, that is to say your MAX>=3.

In your onCreate:

 yourSeekBar=(SeekBar) findViewById(;
 yourSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new yourListener());

Your listener:

private class yourListener implements SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener {

        public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress,
                boolean fromUser) {
                            // Log the progress
            Log.d("DEBUG", "Progress is: "+progress);
                            //set textView's text

        public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {}

        public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {}


Please share some code and the Log results for furter help.

The Role Manager feature has not been enabled

Here is the code that you need to put in your Account Controller in MVC5 and later to get the list of roles of a user:

csharp public async Task<ActionResult> RoleAdd(string UserID) { return View(await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(UserID)).OrderBy(s => s).ToList()); }

There is no need to use Roles.GetRolesForUser() and enable the Role Manager Feature.

Counting repeated characters in a string in Python

Here is the solution..


for letter in my_str:
    if letter in history:



print my_list

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for Android

You have to ask for the permission at run time:

        && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},

And in the callback below you can access the storage without a problem.

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_PERMISSION) {
        if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // Permission granted.
        } else {
            // User refused to grant permission.

(How) can I count the items in an enum?

How about traits, in an STL fashion? For instance:

enum Foo

write an

std::numeric_limits<enum Foo>::max()

specialization (possibly constexpr if you use c++11). Then, in your test code provide any static assertions to maintain the constraints that std::numeric_limits::max() = last_item.

How do I create a unique ID in Java?

Here's my two cent's worth: I've previously implemented an IdFactory class that created IDs in the format [host name]-[application start time]-[current time]-[discriminator]. This largely guaranteed that IDs were unique across JVM instances whilst keeping the IDs readable (albeit quite long). Here's the code in case it's of any use:

public class IdFactoryImpl implements IdFactory {
  private final String hostName;
  private final long creationTimeMillis;
  private long lastTimeMillis;
  private long discriminator;

  public IdFactoryImpl() throws UnknownHostException {
    this.hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
    this.creationTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
    this.lastTimeMillis = creationTimeMillis;

  public synchronized Serializable createId() {
    String id;
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (now == lastTimeMillis) {
    } else {
      discriminator = 0;

    // creationTimeMillis used to prevent multiple instances of the JVM
    // running on the same host returning clashing IDs.
    // The only way a clash could occur is if the applications started at
    // exactly the same time.
    id = String.format("%s-%d-%d-%d", hostName, creationTimeMillis, now, discriminator);
    lastTimeMillis = now;

    return id;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
    IdFactory fact = new IdFactoryImpl();

    for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i) {

create array from mysql query php

You could also make life easier using a wrapper, e.g. with ADODb:

$myarray=$db->GetCol("SELECT type FROM cars ".
    "WHERE owner=? and selling=0", 

A good wrapper will do all your escaping for you too, making things easier to read.

Find the item with maximum occurrences in a list

from collections import Counter
most_common,num_most_common = Counter(L).most_common(1)[0] # 4, 6 times

For older Python versions (< 2.7), you can use this recipe to create the Counter class.

"query function not defined for Select2 undefined error"

I got the same error. I have been using select2-3.5.2

This was my code which had error


Below code fixed the issue.


How can I get a list of users from active directory?

Include the System.DirectoryServices.dll, then use the code below:

DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName);
string userNames="Users: ";

foreach (DirectoryEntry child in directoryEntry.Children)
    if (child.SchemaClassName == "User")
        userNames += child.Name + Environment.NewLine   ;         


Serializing an object as UTF-8 XML in .NET

I found this blog post which explains the problem very well, and defines a few different solutions:

(dead link removed)

I've settled for the idea that the best way to do it is to completely omit the XML declaration when in memory. It actually is UTF-16 at that point anyway, but the XML declaration doesn't seem meaningful until it has been written to a file with a particular encoding; and even then the declaration is not required. It doesn't seem to break deserialization, at least.

As @Jon Hanna mentions, this can be done with an XmlWriter created like this:

XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create (output, new XmlWriterSettings() { OmitXmlDeclaration = true });

How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project

The real problem is how Netbeans JARs its projects. The "Class-Path:" in the Manifest file is unnecessary when actually publishing your program for others to use. If you have an external Library added in Netbeans it acts as a package. I suggest you use a program like WINRAR to view the files within the jar and add your libraries as packages directly into the jar file.

How the inside of the jar file should look:


         Main-Class: mainClassFolder.Mainclass



Escape regex special characters in a Python string

Use re.escape

>>> import re
>>> re.escape(r'\ a.*$')
'\\\\\\ a\\.\\*\\$'
>>> print(re.escape(r'\ a.*$'))
\\\ a\.\*\$
>>> re.escape('')
>>> print(re.escape(''))

Repeating it here:


Return string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.

As of Python 3.7 re.escape() was changed to escape only characters which are meaningful to regex operations.

React: trigger onChange if input value is changing by state?

You need to trigger the onChange event manually. On text inputs onChange listens for input events.

So in you handleClick function you need to trigger event like

handleClick () {
    this.setState({value: 'another random text'})
    var event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });

Complete code

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
    value: 'random text'
  handleChange (e) {
    console.log('handle change called')
  handleClick () {
    this.setState({value: 'another random text'})
    var event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
  render () {
    return (
        <input readOnly value={this.state.value} onChange={(e) => {this.handleChange(e)}} ref={(input)=> this.myinput = input}/>
        <button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}>Change Input</button>

ReactDOM.render(<App />,  document.getElementById('app'))


Edit: As Suggested by @Samuel in the comments, a simpler way would be to call handleChange from handleClick if you don't need to the event object in handleChange like

handleClick () {
    this.setState({value: 'another random text'})

I hope this is what you need and it helps you.

What is the best way to compare 2 folder trees on windows?

Like the OP, I was looking for a Windows folder diff tool, in particular one that could handle very large trees (100s of Gigabytes of data). Thanks Lieven Keersmaekers for the pointer to BeyondCompare, which I found to be VERY fast (roughly 10-100 times faster) than my previous old school tool windiff.

BTW, BeyondCompare does have a command line mode in addition to the GUI.

Cannot find firefox binary in PATH. Make sure firefox is installed. OS appears to be: VISTA

I got this error message while running tests in Visual Studio: Firefox simply wouldn't load and I got OP's error message.

I manually opened Firefox and found out that it needed to update itself (it did so before loading). Once finished I reran the test suite and Firefox showed up nicely, the tests were properly ran. If you get this error all of a sudden please try this answer before updating anything on your machine.

Image height and width not working?

You have a class on your CSS that is overwriting your width and height, the class reads as such:

.postItem img {
    height: auto;
    width: 450px;

Remove that and your width/height properties on the img tag should work.

.mp4 file not playing in chrome

This started out as an attempt to cast video from my pc to a tv (with subtitles) eventually using Chromecast. And I ended up in this "does not play mp4" situation. However I seemed to have proved that Chrome will play (exactly the same) mp4 as long as it isn't wrapped in html(5) So here is what I have constructed. I have made a webpage under localhost and in there is a default.htm which contains:-

<!DOCTYPE html>
<video  controls >
 <source src="sample.mp4" type="video/mp4">
 <track kind="subtitles" src="sample.vtt" label="gcsubs" srclang="eng">

the video and subtitle files are stored in the same folder as default.htm

I have the very latest version of Chrome (just updated this morning)

When I type the appropriate localhost... into my Chrome browser a black square appears with a "GO" arrow and an elapsed time bar, a mute button and an icon which says "CC". If I hit the go arrow, nothing happens (it doesn't change to "pause", the elapsed time doesn't move, and the timer sticks at 0:00. There are no error messages - nothing!

(note that if I input localhost.. to IE11 the video plays!!!!

In Chrome if I enter the disc address of sample.mp4 (i.e. C:\webstore\sample.mp4 then Chrome will play the video fine?.

This last bit is probably a working solution for Chromecast except that I cannot see any subtitles. I really want a solution with working subtitles. I just don't understand what is different in Chrome between the two methods of playing mp4

Deny direct access to all .php files except index.php

Are you sure, you want to do that? Even css and js files and images and ...?

OK, first check if mod_access in installed to apache, then add the following to your .htaccess:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

<Files /index.php>
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all

The first directive forbids access to any files except from localhost, because of Order Deny,Allow, Allow gets applied later, the second directive only affects index.php.

Caveat: No space after the comma in the Order line.

To allow access to files matching *.css or *.js use this directive:

<FilesMatch ".*\.(css|js)$">
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all

You cannot use directives for <Location> or <Directory> inside .htaccess files, though.

Your option would be to use <FilesMatch ".*\.php$"> around the first allow,deny group and then explicitely allow access to index.php.

Update for Apache 2.4: This answer is correct for Apache 2.2. In Apache 2.4 the access control paradigm has changed, and the correct syntax is to use Require all denied.

Error : No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon')

This happens when you have previously changed your icon or the ic_launcher; and when that ic_launcher no longer exists in your base folder.

Try adding a png image and giving the same name and then copy it to your drawable folder.Now re build the project.

How to install Boost on Ubuntu

You can install boost on ubuntu by using the following commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

non static method cannot be referenced from a static context

You're trying to invoke an instance method on the class it self.

You should do:

    Random rand = new Random();
    int a = 0 ; 
    while (!done) { 
        int a = rand.nextInt(10) ; 


As I told you here

Assigning variables with dynamic names in Java

Try this way:

    HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap();

    for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) {
        hashMap.put("n" + i, 5);

Java Enum Methods - return opposite direction enum

Yes we do it all the time. You return a static instance rather than a new Object

 static Direction getOppositeDirection(Direction d){
       Direction result = null;
       if (d != null){
           int newCode = -d.getCode();
           for (Direction direction : Direction.values()){
               if (d.getCode() == newCode){
                   result = direction;
       return result;

Summing radio input values

Your javascript is executed before the HTML is generated, so it doesn't "see" the ungenerated INPUT elements. For jQuery, you would either stick the Javascript at the end of the HTML or wrap it like this:

<script type="text/javascript">   $(function() { //jQuery trick to say after all the HTML is parsed.     $("input[type=radio]").click(function() {       var total = 0;       $("input[type=radio]:checked").each(function() {         total += parseFloat($(this).val());       });        $("#totalSum").val(total);     });   }); </script> 

EDIT: This code works for me

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body>   <strong>Choose a base package:</strong>   <input id="item_0" type="radio" name="pkg" value="1942" />Base Package 1 - $1942   <input id="item_1" type="radio" name="pkg" value="2313" />Base Package 2 - $2313   <input id="item_2" type="radio" name="pkg" value="2829" />Base Package 3 - $2829   <strong>Choose an add on:</strong>   <input id="item_10" type="radio" name="ext" value="0" />No add-on - +$0   <input id="item_12" type="radio" name="ext" value="2146" />Add-on 1 - (+$2146)   <input id="item_13" type="radio" name="ext" value="2455" />Add-on 2 - (+$2455)   <input id="item_14" type="radio" name="ext" value="2764" />Add-on 3 - (+$2764)   <input id="item_15" type="radio" name="ext" value="3073" />Add-on 4 - (+$3073)   <input id="item_16" type="radio" name="ext" value="3382" />Add-on 5 - (+$3382)   <input id="item_17" type="radio" name="ext" value="3691" />Add-on 6 - (+$3691)   <strong>Your total is:</strong>   <input id="totalSum" type="text" name="totalSum" readonly="readonly" size="5" value="" />   <script src=""></script>   <script type="text/javascript">       $("input[type=radio]").click(function() {         var total = 0;         $("input[type=radio]:checked").each(function() {           total += parseFloat($(this).val());         });          $("#totalSum").val(total);       });     </script> </body> </html> 

How do I close a tkinter window?

import Tkinter as tk

def quit(root):

root = tk.Tk()
tk.Button(root, text="Quit", command=lambda root=root:quit(root)).pack()

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

See also: Which C I/O library should be used in C++ code?

struct Item
   std::string     artist;
   std::string     c;
   integer         price;  // in cents (as floating point is not acurate)
   std::string     Genre;
   integer         disc;
   integer         sale;
   integer         tax;

std::cout << "Sales Report for September 15, 2010\n"
          << "Artist  Title   Price   Genre   Disc    Sale    Tax Cash\n";
FOREACH(Item loop,data)
          , loop.artist
          , loop.title
          , loop.price / 100.0
          , loop.Genre
          , loop.disc , "%"
          , / 100.0
          , / 100.0);

   // or

    std::cout << std::setw(8) << loop.artist
              << std::setw(8) << loop.title
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << loop.price / 100.0
              << std::setw(8) << loop.Genre
              << std::setw(7) << loop.disc << std::setw(1) << "%"
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << / 100.0
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << / 100.0
              << "\n";

    // or

    std::cout << boost::format("%8s%8s%8.2f%7s%1s%8.2f%8.2f\n")
              % loop.artist
              % loop.title
              % loop.price / 100.0
              % loop.Genre
              % loop.disc % "%"
              % / 100.0
              % / 100.0;

Loading inline content using FancyBox

Just something I found for Wordpress users,

As obvious as it sounds, If your div is returning some AJAX content based on say a header that would commonly link out to a new post page, some tutorials will say to return false since you're returning the post data on the same page and the return would prevent the page from moving. However if you return false, you also prevent Fancybox2 from doing it's thing as well. I spent hours trying to figure that stupid simple thing out.

So for these kind of links, just make sure that the href property is the hashed (#) div you wish to select, and in your javascript, make sure that you do not return false since you no longer will need to.

Simple I know ^_^

How can I specify a local gem in my Gemfile?

In order to use local gem repository in a Rails project, follow the steps below:

  1. Check if your gem folder is a git repository (the command is executed in the gem folder)

    git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree
  2. Getting repository path (the command is executed in the gem folder)

    git rev-parse --show-toplevel
  3. Setting up a local override for the rails application

    bundle config local.GEM_NAME /path/to/local/git/repository

    where GEM_NAME is the name of your gem and /path/to/local/git/repository is the output of the command in point 2

  4. In your application Gemfile add the following line:

    gem 'GEM_NAME', :github => 'GEM_NAME/GEM_NAME', :branch => 'master'
  5. Running bundle install should give something like this:

    Using GEM_NAME (0.0.1) from git:// (at /path/to/local/git/repository) 

    where GEM_NAME is the name of your gem and /path/to/local/git/repository from point 2

  6. Finally, run bundle list, not gem list and you should see something like this:

    GEM_NAME (0.0.1 5a68b88)

    where GEM_NAME is the name of your gem

A few important cases I am observing using:

Rails 4.0.2  
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-linux] 
Ubuntu 13.10  
RubyMine 6.0.3
  • It seems RubyMine is not showing local gems as an external library. More information about the bug can be found here and here
  • When I am changing something in the local gem, in order to be loaded in the rails application I should stop/start the rails server
  • If I am changing the version of the gem, stopping/starting the Rails server gives me an error. In order to fix it, I am specifying the gem version in the rails application Gemfile like this:

    gem 'GEM_NAME', '0.0.2', :github => 'GEM_NAME/GEM_NAME', :branch => 'master'

Basic example of using .ajax() with JSONP?

JSONP is really a simply trick to overcome XMLHttpRequest same domain policy. (As you know one cannot send AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request to a different domain.)

So - instead of using XMLHttpRequest we have to use script HTMLl tags, the ones you usually use to load JS files, in order for JS to get data from another domain. Sounds weird?

Thing is - turns out script tags can be used in a fashion similar to XMLHttpRequest! Check this out:

script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "";

You will end up with a script segment that looks like this after it loads the data:

{['some string 1', 'some data', 'whatever data']}

However this is a bit inconvenient, because we have to fetch this array from script tag. So JSONP creators decided that this will work better (and it is):

script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "";

Notice my_callback function over there? So - when JSONP server receives your request and finds callback parameter - instead of returning plain JS array it'll return this:

my_callback({['some string 1', 'some data', 'whatever data']});

See where the profit is: now we get automatic callback (my_callback) that'll be triggered once we get the data. That's all there is to know about JSONP: it's a callback and script tags.

These are simple examples of JSONP usage, these are not production ready scripts.

RAW JavaScript demonstration (simple Twitter feed using JSONP):

        <div id = 'twitterFeed'></div>
        function myCallback(dataWeGotViaJsonp){
            var text = '';
            var len = dataWeGotViaJsonp.length;
            for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
                twitterEntry = dataWeGotViaJsonp[i];
                text += '<p><img src = "' + twitterEntry.user.profile_image_url_https +'"/>' + twitterEntry['text'] + '</p>'
            document.getElementById('twitterFeed').innerHTML = text;
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Basic jQuery example (simple Twitter feed using JSONP):

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
                    url: '',
                    dataType: 'jsonp',
                    success: function(dataWeGotViaJsonp){
                        var text = '';
                        var len = dataWeGotViaJsonp.length;
                        for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
                            twitterEntry = dataWeGotViaJsonp[i];
                            text += '<p><img src = "' + twitterEntry.user.profile_image_url_https +'"/>' + twitterEntry['text'] + '</p>'
        <div id = 'twitterFeed'></div>

JSONP stands for JSON with Padding. (very poorly named technique as it really has nothing to do with what most people would think of as “padding”.)

How to undo a SQL Server UPDATE query?

If you can catch this in time and you don't have the ability to ROLLBACK or use the transaction log, you can take a backup immediately and use a tool like Redgate's SQL Data Compare to generate a script to "restore" the affected data. This worked like a charm for me. :)

Conditional Formatting (IF not empty)

This worked for me:


I wanted a box around NOT Blank cells in an entire worksheet. Use the $A1 if you want the WHOLE ROW formatted based on the A1, B1, etc result.


How do I view the list of functions a Linux shared library is exporting?

On a MAC, you need to use nm *.o | c++filt, as there is no -C option in nm.

What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals?

Here is a simple one-line solution

((int) ((value + 0.005f) * 100)) / 100f

no default constructor exists for class

Because you have this:

Blowfish(BlowfishAlgorithm algorithm);

It's not a default constructor. The default constructor is one which takes no parameters. i.e.


Most efficient method to groupby on an array of objects

Array.prototype.groupBy = function(keyFunction) {
    var groups = {};
    this.forEach(function(el) {
        var key = keyFunction(el);
        if (key in groups == false) {
            groups[key] = [];
    return Object.keys(groups).map(function(key) {
        return {
            key: key,
            values: groups[key]

Why should I use IHttpActionResult instead of HttpResponseMessage?

You can still use HttpResponseMessage. That capability will not go away. I felt the same way as you and argued extensively with the team that there was no need for an additional abstraction. There were a few arguments thrown around to try and justify its existence but nothing that convinced me that it was worthwhile.

That is, until I saw this sample from Brad Wilson. If you construct IHttpActionResult classes in a way that can be chained, you gain the ability to create a "action-level" response pipeline for generating the HttpResponseMessage. Under the covers, this is how ActionFilters are implemented however, the ordering of those ActionFilters is not obvious when reading the action method which is one reason I'm not a fan of action filters.

However, by creating an IHttpActionResult that can be explicitly chained in your action method you can compose all kinds of different behaviour to generate your response.

Scikit-learn train_test_split with indices

Scikit learn plays really well with Pandas, so I suggest you use it. Here's an example:

In [1]: 
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
data = np.reshape(np.random.randn(20),(10,2)) # 10 training examples
labels = np.random.randint(2, size=10) # 10 labels

In [2]: # Giving columns in X a name
X = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Column_1', 'Column_2'])
y = pd.Series(labels)

In [3]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, 

In [4]: X_test

     Column_1    Column_2
2   -1.39       -1.86
8    0.48       -0.81
4   -0.10       -1.83

In [5]: y_test

2    1
8    1
4    1
dtype: int32

You can directly call any scikit functions on DataFrame/Series and it will work.

Let's say you wanted to do a LogisticRegression, here's how you could retrieve the coefficients in a nice way:

In [6]: 
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

model = LogisticRegression()
model =, y_train)

# Retrieve coefficients: index is the feature name (['Column_1', 'Column_2'] here)
df_coefs = pd.DataFrame(model.coef_[0], index=X.columns, columns = ['Coefficient'])
Column_1    0.076987
Column_2    -0.352463

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

The C99 and C++03 standards are available in book form from Wiley:

Plus, as already mentioned, the working draft for future standards is often available from the committee websites:

The C-201x draft is available as N1336, and the C++0x draft as N3225.

Add zero-padding to a string

"1".PadLeft(4, '0');

Omitting the first line from any Linux command output

Pipe it to awk:

awk '{if(NR>1)print}'

or sed

sed -n '1!p'

How to align an image dead center with bootstrap

I created this and added to Site.css.

.img-responsive-center {
    display: block;
    height: auto;
    max-width: 100%;

How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

Here are the steps that worked for me:

  1. Download the plugin and extract the plugin dll file.
  2. Place the plugin.dll file under plugin folder of notepad++ installation. For me it was : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins
  3. Go to Notepad++ then : Settings -> Import -> Import plugin (import the plugin).
  4. Notepad++ will show the restart message / Sometimes it may not show it.
  5. Restart the notepad++.
  6. Should see new plugin under the Plugins menu. ALL DONE!!

Button inside of anchor link works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer?

just insert this jquery code to your HTML's head section:

<!--[if lt IE 9 ]>
            $('a > button').click(function(){
                window.location.href = $(this).parent().attr('href');

how to read xml file from url using php

file_get_contents() usually has permission issues. To avoid them, use:

function get_xml_from_url($url){
    $ch = curl_init();

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/');

    $xmlstr = curl_exec($ch);

    return $xmlstr;


$xmlstr = get_xml_from_url('');
$xmlobj = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
$xmlobj = (array)$xmlobj;//optional

Create a new txt file using VB.NET

Here is a single line that will create (or overwrite) the file:

File.Create("C:\my files\2010\SomeFileName.txt").Dispose()

Note: calling Dispose() ensures that the reference to the file is closed.

Chosen Jquery Plugin - getting selected values


What is the difference between decodeURIComponent and decodeURI?


Converts the input into a URL-encoded string


URL-encodes the input, but assumes a full URL is given, so returns a valid URL by not encoding the protocol (e.g. http://) and host name (e.g.

decodeURIComponent() and decodeURI() are the opposite of the above

Cannot install Aptana Studio 3.6 on Windows

I'm using Win 8.1, and have installed Aptana easily, and use for PHP programming without any issues. And just experimented with Ruble enhancement to the UI. All seems to work just fine.

How can I count the occurrences of a string within a file?

The number of string occurrences (not lines) can be obtained using grep with -o option and wc (word count):

$ echo "echo 1234 echo" | grep -o echo
$ echo "echo 1234 echo" | grep -o echo | wc -l

So the full solution for your problem would look like this:

$ grep -o "echo" FILE | wc -l

hash keys / values as array

The second answer (at the time of writing) gives :

var values = { return myHash[v]; });

But I prefer using jQuery's own $.map :

var values = $.map(myHash, function(v) { return v; });

Since jQuery takes care of cross-browser compatibility. Plus it's shorter :)

At any rate, I always try to be as functional as possible. One-liners are nicers than loops.

How to set editable true/false EditText in Android programmatically?

How to do it programatically :

To enable EditText use:


To disable EditText use:


How do I fix MSB3073 error in my post-build event?

I solved it by doing the following:

In Visual studio I went in Project -> Project Dependencies

I selected the XXX.Test solution and told it that it also depends on the XXX solution to make the post-build events in the XXX.Test solution not generate this error (exit with code 4).

How to Use -confirm in PowerShell

A slightly prettier function based on Ansgar Wiechers's answer. Whether it's actually more useful is a matter of debate.

function Read-Choice(
   [Parameter()][string]$Question='Are you sure you want to proceed?'
) {
    $defaultIndex = $Choices.IndexOf($DefaultChoice)
    if ($defaultIndex -lt 0) {
        throw "$DefaultChoice not found in choices"

    $choiceObj = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]

    foreach($c in $Choices) {
        $choiceObj.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList $c))

    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Message, $Question, $choiceObj, $defaultIndex)
    return $Choices[$decision]

Example usage:

PS> $r = Read-Choice 'DANGER!!!!!!' '&apple','&blah','&car' '&blah'

Are you sure you want to proceed?
[A] apple  [B] blah  [C] car  [?] Help (default is "B"): c
PS> switch($r) { '&car' { Write-host 'caaaaars!!!!' } '&blah' { Write-Host "It's a blah day" } '&apple' { Write-Host "I'd like to eat some apples!" } }

Check if a string contains a substring in SQL Server 2005, using a stored procedure

CHARINDEX() searches for a substring within a larger string, and returns the position of the match, or 0 if no match is found

if CHARINDEX('ME',@mainString) > 0
    --do something

Edit or from daniels answer, if you're wanting to find a word (and not subcomponents of words), your CHARINDEX call would look like:

CHARINDEX(' ME ',' ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@mainString,',',' '),'.',' ') + ' ')

(Add more recursive REPLACE() calls for any other punctuation that may occur)

CLEAR SCREEN - Oracle SQL Developer shortcut?

Use cl scr on the Sql* command line tool to clear all the matter on the screen.

CodeIgniter Disallowed Key Characters

In most of the cases when you have a existing software and you are trying to deploy in a new enviroment this kind of error should be caused by the PHP property


Check if you have enabled in your new enviroment. In other words PHP couldn't read the tags in your code.

Coding Conventions - Naming Enums

In our codebase; we typically declare enums in the class that they belong to.

So for your Fruit example, We would have a Fruit class, and inside that an Enum called Fruits.

Referencing it in the code looks like this: Fruit.Fruits.Apple, Fruit.Fruits.Pear, etc.

Constants follow along the same line, where they either get defined in the class to which they're relevant (so something like Fruit.ORANGE_BUSHEL_SIZE); or if they apply system-wide (i.e. an equivalent "null value" for ints) in a class named "ConstantManager" (or equivalent; like ConstantManager.NULL_INT). (side note; all our constants are in upper case)

As always, your coding standards probably differ from mine; so YMMV.

gnuplot plotting multiple line graphs

Whatever your separator is in your ls.dat, you can specify it to gnuplot:

set datafile separator "\t"

Regular expression to limit number of characters to 10

You can use curly braces to control the number of occurrences. For example, this means 0 to 10:


The options are:

  • {3} Exactly 3 occurrences;
  • {6,} At least 6 occurrences;
  • {2,5} 2 to 5 occurrences.

See the regular expression reference.

Your expression had a + after the closing curly brace, hence the error.

Visual c++ can't open include file 'iostream'

Some things that you should check:

  • Check the include folder in your version of VS (in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio xx.x\VC\include" check for the file which you are including, iostream, make sure it's there).

  • Check your projects Include Directories in <Project Name> > Properties > Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories > Include Directories - (it should look like this: $(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include;$(WindowsSdkDir)include;$(FrameworkSDKDir)\include;)

  • Make sure that you selected the correct project for this code (File > New > Project > Visual C++ > Win32 Console Application)

  • Make sure that you don't have <iostream.h> anywhere in your code files, VS doesn't support that (in the same project, check your other code files, .cpp and .h files for <iostream.h> and remove it).

  • Make sure that you don't have more than one main() function in your project code files (in the same project, check your other code files, .cpp and .h files for the main() function and remove it or replace it with another name).

Some things you could try building with:

  • Exclude using namespace std; from your main() function and put it after the include directive.
  • Use std::cout without using namespace std;.

How to specify HTTP error code?

Old question, but still coming up on Google. In the current version of Express (3.4.0), you can alter res.statusCode before calling next(err):

res.statusCode = 404;
next(new Error('File not found'));

Writing a new line to file in PHP (line feed)

You can also use file_put_contents():

file_put_contents('ids.txt', implode("\n", $gemList) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);

How to have jQuery restrict file types on upload?

function validateFileExtensions(){
        var validFileExtensions = ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"];
        var fileErrors = new Array();

        $( "input:file").each(function(){
            var file = $(this).value;
            var ext = file.split('.').pop();
            if( $.inArray( ext, validFileExtensions ) == -1) {

        if( fileErrors.length > 0 ){
            var errorContainer = $("#validation-errors");
            for(var i=0; i < fileErrors.length; i++){
                errorContainer.append('<label for="title" class="error">* File:'+ file +' do not have a valid format!</label>');
            return false;
        return true;

How to automatically update your docker containers, if base-images are updated

A 'docker way' would be to use docker hub automated builds. The Repository Links feature will rebuild your container when an upstream container is rebuilt, and the Webhooks feature will send you a notification.

It looks like the webhooks are limited to HTTP POST calls. You'd need to set up a service to catch them, or maybe use one of the POST to email services out there.

I haven't looked into it, but the new Docker Universal Control Plane might have a feature for detecting updated containers and re-deploying.

Python spacing and aligning strings

Try %*s and %-*s and prefix each string with the column width:

>>> print "Location: %-*s  Revision: %s" % (20,"10-10-10-10","1")
Location: 10-10-10-10           Revision: 1
>>> print "District: %-*s  Date: %s" % (20,"Tower","May 16, 2012")
District: Tower                 Date: May 16, 2012

What are the differences between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio?

Visual Studio Code is integrated with a command prompt / terminal, hence it will be handy when there is switching between IDE and terminal / command prompt required, for example: connecting to Linux.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python

This is a job for numpy.

And here's a tutorial demonstrating how pincipal component analysis can be done using numpy's built-in modules like mean,cov,double,cumsum,dot,linalg,array,rank.

Notice that scipy also has a long explanation here -

with the scikit-learn library having more code examples -

Printing the correct number of decimal points with cout

setprecision(n) applies to the entire number, not the fractional part. You need to use the fixed-point format to make it apply to the fractional part: setiosflags(ios::fixed)

Enable vertical scrolling on textarea

You can try adding:

    height: 100px;
    max-height: 100px;  

What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

From RFC 4918 (and also documented at

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

ImportError: No module named requests

On Windows Open Command Line

pip3 install requests

Get the current first responder without using a private API

The solution from romeo is cool, but I noticed that the code needs one more loop. I was working with tableViewController. I edited the script and then I checked. Everything worked perfect.

I recommed to try this:

- (void)findFirstResponder
    NSArray *subviews = [self.tableView subviews];
    for (id subv in subviews )
        for (id cell in [subv subviews] ) {
            if ([cell isKindOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]])
                UITableViewCell *aCell = cell;
                NSArray *cellContentViews = [[aCell contentView] subviews];
                for (id textField in cellContentViews)
                    if ([textField isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
                        UITextField *theTextField = textField;
                        if ([theTextField isFirstResponder]) {
                            NSLog(@"current textField: %@", theTextField);
                            NSLog(@"current textFields's superview: %@", [theTextField superview]);

How to make System.out.println() shorter

Java is a verbose language.

If you are only 3 days in, and this is already bothering you, maybe you'd be better off learning a different language like Scala:

scala> println("Hello World")
Hello World

In a loose sense, this would qualify as using a "library" to enable shorter expressions ;)

What throws an IOException in Java?

Java documentation is helpful to know the root cause of a particular IOException.

Just have a look at the direct known sub-interfaces of IOException from the documentation page:

ChangedCharSetException, CharacterCodingException, CharConversionException, ClosedChannelException, EOFException, FileLockInterruptionException, FileNotFoundException, FilerException, FileSystemException, HttpRetryException, IIOException, InterruptedByTimeoutException, InterruptedIOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException, JMXProviderException, JMXServerErrorException, MalformedURLException, ObjectStreamException, ProtocolException, RemoteException, SaslException, SocketException, SSLException, SyncFailedException, UnknownHostException, UnknownServiceException, UnsupportedDataTypeException, UnsupportedEncodingException, UserPrincipalNotFoundException, UTFDataFormatException, ZipException

Most of these exceptions are self-explanatory.

A few IOExceptions with root causes:

EOFException: Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input. This exception is mainly used by data input streams to signal the end of the stream.

SocketException: Thrown to indicate that there is an error creating or accessing a Socket.

RemoteException: A RemoteException is the common superclass for a number of communication-related exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call. Each method of a remote interface, an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote, must list RemoteException in its throws clause.

UnknownHostException: Thrown to indicate that the IP address of a host could not be determined (you may not be connected to Internet).

MalformedURLException: Thrown to indicate that a malformed URL has occurred. Either no legal protocol could be found in a specification string or the string could not be parsed.

How does JPA orphanRemoval=true differ from the ON DELETE CASCADE DML clause

@GaryK answer is absolutely great, I've spent an hour looking for an explanation orphanRemoval = true vs CascadeType.REMOVE and it helped me understand.

Summing up: orphanRemoval = true works identical as CascadeType.REMOVE ONLY IF we deleting object (entityManager.delete(object)) and we want the childs objects to be removed as well.

In completely different sitiuation, when we fetching some data like List<Child> childs = object.getChilds() and then remove a child (entityManager.remove(childs.get(0)) using orphanRemoval=true will cause that entity corresponding to childs.get(0) will be deleted from database.

How to convert string to integer in C#

Do something like:

var result = Int32.Parse(str);

How do I convert seconds to hours, minutes and seconds?

This is my quick trick:

from humanfriendly import format_timespan
secondsPassed = 1302
# '21 minutes and 42 seconds'

For more info Visit:

It says that TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null

I got the same error. In my case I had multiple div with same id in a page. I renamed the another id of the div used and fixed the issue.

So confirm whether the element:

  • exists with id
  • doesn't have duplicate with id
  • confirm whether the script is called

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

In the shell, you can't execute more than one statement at a time:

>>> x = 5
y = 6
SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

You need to execute them one by one:

>>> x = 5
>>> y = 6

When you see multiple statements are being declared, that means you're seeing a script, which will be executed later. But in the interactive interpreter, you can't do more than one statement at a time.

Accessing a value in a tuple that is in a list

OR you can use pandas:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> L = [(1,2),(2,3),(4,5),(3,4),(6,7),(6,7),(3,8)]
>>> df=pd.DataFrame(L)
>>> df[1]
0    2
1    3
2    5
3    4
4    7
5    7
6    8
Name: 1, dtype: int64
>>> df[1].tolist()
[2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 7, 8]

Or numpy:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> L = [(1,2),(2,3),(4,5),(3,4),(6,7),(6,7),(3,8)]
>>> arr=np.array(L)
>>> arr.T[1]
array([2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 7, 8])
>>> arr.T[1].tolist()
[2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 7, 8]

'No JUnit tests found' in Eclipse

Any solution didn't work for me until I change the name of the my test method. When name of test method starts with "test" is OK. I am new in android programing and it was for me big surprise.

Excel error HRESULT: 0x800A03EC while trying to get range with cell's name

I found a possible solution here:


If you automate Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft Visual C# .NET, or Microsoft Visual C++, you may receive the following errors when calling certain methods because the machine has the locale set to something other than US English (locale ID or LCID 1033):

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC


Old format or invalid type library


To get around this error you can set CurrentCulture to en-US when executing code related to Excel and reset back to your originale by using these 2 functions.

//declare a variable to hold the CurrentCulture
System.Globalization.CultureInfo oldCI;
//get the old CurrenCulture and set the new, en-US
void SetNewCurrentCulture()
  oldCI = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
  System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
//reset Current Culture back to the originale
void ResetCurrentCulture()
  System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = oldCI;


Another solution that could work, create a 1033 directory under Microsoft Office\Office11 (or your corresponding office-version), copy excel.exe to the 1033 directory, and rename it to xllex.dll.

Although you might solve the problem using one off these solutions, when you call the Excel object model in locales other than US English, the Excel object model can act differently and your code can fail in ways you may not have thought of. For example, you might have code that sets the value of a range to a date:

yourRange.Value2 = "10/10/09"

Depending on the locale this code can act differently resulting in Excel putting into the range any of the following values:

October 10, 2009 September 10, 2009 October 9, 2010

case statement in where clause - SQL Server

You don't need case in the where statement, just use parentheses and or:

Select * From Times
WHERE StartDate <= @Date AND EndDate >= @Date
    (@day = 'Monday' AND Monday = 1)
    OR (@day = 'Tuesday' AND Tuesday = 1)
    OR Wednesday = 1

Additionally, your syntax is wrong for a case. It doesn't append things to the string--it returns a single value. You'd want something like this, if you were actually going to use a case statement (which you shouldn't):

Select * From Times
WHERE (StartDate <= @Date) AND (EndDate >= @Date)
AND 1 = CASE WHEN @day = 'Monday' THEN Monday
             WHEN @day = 'Tuesday' THEN Tuesday
             ELSE Wednesday

And just for an extra umph, you can use the between operator for your date:

where @Date between StartDate and EndDate

Making your final query:

    @Date between StartDate and EndDate
    and (
        (@day = 'Monday' and Monday = 1)
        or (@day = 'Tuesday' and Tuesday = 1)
        or Wednesday = 1

How do I cancel a build that is in progress in Visual Studio?

Go to Visual Studio Build Menu -> cancel build , easy :)

Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity

If you want to get an index about the similarity of the two pictures, I suggest you from the metrics the SSIM index. It is more consistent with the human eye. Here is an article about it: Structural Similarity Index

It is implemented in OpenCV too, and it can be accelerated with GPU: OpenCV SSIM with GPU

What is the difference between background, backgroundTint, backgroundTintMode attributes in android layout xml?

I tested various combinations of android:background, android:backgroundTint and android:backgroundTintMode.

android:backgroundTint applies the color filter to the resource of android:background when used together with android:backgroundTintMode.

Here are the results:

Tint Check

Here's the code if you want to experiment further:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:text="Background" />

        android:text="Background tint" />

        android:text="Both together" />

        android:text="With tint mode" />
        android:text="Without any" />

Is it possible to change the package name of an Android app on Google Play?

If you are referring to, no I understand you can't it would be considered a new app

How can I make a weak protocol reference in 'pure' Swift (without @objc)

AnyObject is the official way to use a weak reference in Swift.

class MyClass {
    weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?

protocol MyClassDelegate: AnyObject {

From Apple:

To prevent strong reference cycles, delegates should be declared as weak references. For more information about weak references, see Strong Reference Cycles Between Class Instances. Marking the protocol as class-only will later allow you to declare that the delegate must use a weak reference. You mark a protocol as being class-only by inheriting from AnyObject, as discussed in Class-Only Protocols.

Use jQuery to change a second select list based on the first select list option

$("#select1").change(function() {_x000D_
  if ($(this).data('options') === undefined) {_x000D_
    /*Taking an array of all options-2 and kind of embedding it on the select1*/_x000D_
    $(this).data('options', $('#select2 option').clone());_x000D_
  var id = $(this).val();_x000D_
  var options = $(this).data('options').filter('[value=' + id + ']');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select name="select1" id="select1">_x000D_
  <option value="1">Fruit</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Animal</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">Bird</option>_x000D_
  <option value="4">Car</option>_x000D_
<select name="select2" id="select2">_x000D_
  <option value="1">Banana</option>_x000D_
  <option value="1">Apple</option>_x000D_
  <option value="1">Orange</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Wolf</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Fox</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Bear</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">Eagle</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">Hawk</option>_x000D_
  <option value="4">BWM<option>_x000D_

Using jQuery data() to store data

I guess hiding elements doesn't work cross-browser(2012), I have'nt tested it myself.

How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor?

By default, Visual Studio Code auto-detects the indentation of the current open file. If you want to switch this feature off and make all indentation, for example, two spaces, you'd do the following in your User Settings or Workspace settings.

    "editor.tabSize": 2,

    "editor.detectIndentation": false

Query to convert from datetime to date mysql

Use the DATE function:

SELECT DATE(orders.date_purchased) AS date

How can I save a base64-encoded image to disk?


I found this interesting link how to solve your problem in PHP. I think you forgot to replace space by +as shown in the link.

I took this circle from as sample which looks like:

Next I put it through which returned me:


saved this string to base64 which I read from in my code.

var fs      = require('fs'),
data        = fs.readFileSync('base64', 'utf8'),

base64Data  =   data.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/, "");
base64Data  +=  base64Data.replace('+', ' ');
binaryData  =   new Buffer(base64Data, 'base64').toString('binary');

fs.writeFile("out.png", binaryData, "binary", function (err) {
    console.log(err); // writes out file without error, but it's not a valid image

I get a circle back, but the funny thing is that the filesize has changed :)...


When you read back image I think you need to setup headers

Take for example imagepng from PHP page:

$im = imagecreatefrompng("test.png");

header('Content-Type: image/png');


I think the second line header('Content-Type: image/png');, is important else your image will not be displayed in browser, but just a bunch of binary data is shown to browser.

In Express you would simply just use something like below. I am going to display your gravatar which is located at and is a jpeg file when you curl --head I only request headers because else curl will display a bunch of binary stuff(Google Chrome immediately goes to download) to console:

curl --head ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 12:11:25 GMT
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Connection: keep-alive
Last-Modified: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 11:54:22 GMT
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="cabf735ce7b8b4471ef46ea54f71832d.jpeg"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 1258
X-Varnish: 2356636561 2352219240
Via: 1.1 varnish
Expires: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 12:16:25 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=300
Source-Age: 1482

$ mkdir -p ~/tmp/6922728
$ cd ~/tmp/6922728/
$ touch app.js


var app = require('express').createServer();

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

app.get('/binary', function (req, res) {


$ wget ""
$ node app.js

jQuery-UI datepicker default date

Try passing in a Date object instead. I can't see why it doesn't work in the format you have entered:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {               
    $("#birthdate" ).datepicker({
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,
        yearRange: '1920:2010',
        dateFormat : 'dd-mm-yy',
        defaultDate: new Date(1985, 00, 01)

Specify either an actual date via a Date object or as a string in the current dateFormat, or a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null for today.

setImmediate vs. nextTick

In simple terms, process.NextTick() would executed at next tick of event loop. However, the setImmediate, basically has a separate phase which ensures that the callback registered under setImmediate() will be called only after the IO callback and polling phase.

Please refer to this link for nice explanation:

simplified event loop events

SSIS Convert Between Unicode and Non-Unicode Error

I have been having the same issue and tried everything written here but it was still giving me the same error. Turned out to be NULL value in the column which I was trying to convert.

Removing the NULL value solved my issue.

Cheers, Ahmed

Get mouse wheel events in jQuery?

If using mentioned jquery mousewheel plugin, then what about to use the 2nd argument of event handler function - delta:

$('#my-element').on('mousewheel', function(event, delta) {
    if(delta > 0) {
    console.log('scroll up');
    else {
    console.log('scroll down');

HttpClient not supporting PostAsJsonAsync method C#

If you're playing around in Blazor and get the error, you need to add the package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.HttpClient.

Combine Regexp?

Doesn't contain @: /(^[^@]*$)/

Combining works if the intended result of combination is that any of them matching results in the whole regexp matching.

Matplotlib connect scatterplot points with line - Python

For red lines an points

plt.plot(dates, values, '.r-') 

or for x markers and blue lines

plt.plot(dates, values, 'xb-')

Submit form using AJAX and jQuery

There is a nice form plugin that allows you to send an HTML form asynchroniously.

$(document).ready(function() { 



to submit the form immediately

How to convert InputStream to FileInputStream

Long story short: Don't use FileInputStream as a parameter or variable type. Use the abstract base class, in this case InputStream instead.

"Missing return statement" within if / for / while

That is illegal syntax. It is not an optional thing for you to return a variable. You MUST return a variable of the type you specify in your method.

public String myMethod()
       return x;

You are effectively saying, I promise any class can use this method(public) and I promise it will always return a String(String).

Then you are saying IF my condition is true I will return x. Well that is too bad, there is no IF in your promise. You promised that myMethod will ALWAYS return a String. Even if your condition is ALWAYS true the compiler has to assume that there is a possibility of it being false. Therefore you always need to put a return at the end of your non-void method outside of any conditions JUST IN CASE all of your conditions fail.

public String myMethod()
       return x;
  return ""; //or whatever the default behavior will be if all of your conditions fail to return.

Changing upload_max_filesize on PHP

I've faced the same problem , but I found out that not all the configuration settings could be set using ini_set() function , check this Where a configuration setting may be set

Changing factor levels with dplyr mutate

With the forcats package from the tidyverse this is easy, too.

mutate(dat, x = fct_recode(x, "B" = "A"))

HTML code for an apostrophe

Firstly, it would appear that &apos; should be avoided - The curse of &apos;

Secondly, if there is ever any chance that you're going to generate markup to be returned via AJAX calls, you should avoid the entity names (As not all of the HTML entities are valid in XML) and use the &#XXXX; syntax instead.

Failure to do so may result in the markup being considered as invalid XML.

The entity that is most likely to be affected by this is &nbsp;, which should be replaced by &#160;

PHPmailer sending HTML CODE

just you need to pass true as an argument to IsHTML() function.

Conversion from List<T> to array T[]

List<int> list = new List<int>();
int[] intList = list.ToArray();

is it your solution?

Why is there an unexplainable gap between these inline-block div elements?

Found a solution not involving Flex, because Flex doesn't work in older Browsers. Example:

.container {
    margin:0 auto;

.cols {
    margin:0 auto;

.cols:last-child {

XmlSerializer giving FileNotFoundException at constructor

Your type may reference other assemblies which cannot be found neither in the GAC nor in your local bin folder ==> ...

"or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified"

Can you give an example of the type you want to serialize?

Note: Ensure that your type implements Serializable.

Override default Spring-Boot settings in Junit Test

Spring Boot automatically loads src/test/resources/, if following annotations are used


So, rename to to utilize auto configuration.

If you only need to load the properties file (into the Environment) you can also use the following, as explained here

@ContextConfiguration(initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class) 

[Update: Overriding certain properties for testing]

  1. Add src/main/resources/
  2. Annotate test class with @ActiveProfiles("test").

This loads and then properties into application context for the test case, as per rules defined here.

Demo -

How to compare a local git branch with its remote branch?


git config alias.udiff 'diff @{u}'

Diffing HEAD with HEAD@{upstream}

git fetch  # Do this if you want to compare with the network state of upstream; if the current local state is enough, you can skip this
git udiff

Diffing with an Arbitrary Remote Branch

This answers the question in your heading ("its remote"); if you want to diff against "a remote" (that isn't configured as the upstream for the branch), you need to target it directly. You can see all remote branches with the following:

git branch -r

You can see all configured remotes with the following:

git remote show

You can see the branch/tracking configuration for a single remote (e.g. origin) as follows:

git remote show origin

Once you determine the appropriate origin branch, just do a normal diff :)


How to create an object property from a variable value in JavaScript?

ES6 introduces computed property names, which allow you to do

var myObj = {[a]: b};

Note browser support is currently negligible.

Android: remove notification from notification bar

this will help:

NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)

this should remove all notifications made by the app

and if you create a notification by calling


inside a may have to call


first,then cancel the notification.

Pass a local file in to URL in Java

new File(path).toURI().toURL();

How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?

I used to just use this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function focusFieldOne() {

  <body onLoad="focusFieldOne();">
    <form name="FormName">
      Field <input type="text" name="FieldName">

That said, you can just use the autofocus attribute in HTML 5.

Please note: I wanted to update this old thread showing the example asked plus the newer, easier update for those still reading this. ;)

How do I push amended commit to the remote Git repository?

If you know nobody has pulled your un-amended commit, use the --force-with-lease option of git push.

In TortoiseGit, you can do the same thing under "Push..." options "Force: May discard" and checking "known changes".

Force (May discard known changes) allows the remote repository to accept a safer non-fast-forward push. This can cause the remote repository to lose commits; use it with care. This can prevent from losing unknown changes from other people on the remote. It checks if the server branch points to the same commit as the remote-tracking branch (known changes). If yes, a force push will be performed. Otherwise it will be rejected. Since git does not have remote-tracking tags, tags cannot be overwritten using this option.

How do I fix "Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function" warning?

The warning indicates that you're not returning something at the end of your map arrow function in every case.

A better approach to what you're trying to accomplish is first using a .filter and then a .map, like this:

  .filter(commentReply => commentReply.replyTo ===
  .map((commentReply, idx) => <CommentItem key={idx} className="SubComment"/>);

How to delete a row from GridView?

The default answer is to remove the item from whatever collection you're using as the GridView's DataSource.

If that option is undesirable then I recommend that you use the GridView's RowDataBound event to selectively set the row's (e.Row) Visible property to false.

What's the best way to determine the location of the current PowerShell script?

Using pieces from all of these answers and the comments, I put this together for anyone who sees this question in the future. It covers all of the situations listed in the other answers

    # If using ISE
    if ($psISE) {
        $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath
    # If Using PowerShell 3 or greater
    } elseif($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 3) {
        $ScriptPath = $PSScriptRoot
    # If using PowerShell 2 or lower
    } else {
        $ScriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

Communication between multiple docker-compose projects

Just a small adittion to @johnharris85's great answer, when you are running a docker compose file, a "default" network is created so you can just add it to the other compose file as an external network:

# front/docker-compose.yml 
version: '2' 


# api/docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
      - front_default
    external: true

For me this approach was more suited because I did not own the first docker-compose file and wanted to communicate with it.

jQuery AJAX form using mail() PHP script sends email, but POST data from HTML form is undefined

You code should be:

   <section id="right">
      <label for="form_msg">Message</label>
      <textarea name="form_msg" id="#msg_text"></textarea>
      <input id="submit" class="button" name="submit" type="submit" value="Send">


var data = {
    name: $("#form_name").val(),
    email: $("#form_email").val(),
    message: $("#msg_text").val()
    type: "POST",
    url: "email.php",
    data: data,
    success: function(){

The PHP:

    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $message = $_POST['text'];

//send email
    mail("[email protected]","My Subject:",$email,$message);

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

This is what I've been using for development:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<allow-access-from domain="*" />

This is a very liberal approach, but is fine for my application.

As others have pointed out below, beware the risks of this.

What is the "right" JSON date format?

There is only one correct answer to this and most systems get it wrong. Number of milliseconds since epoch, aka a 64 bit integer. Time Zone is a UI concern and has no business in the app layer or db layer. Why does your db care what time zone something is, when you know it's going to store it as a 64 bit integer then do the transformation calculations.

Strip out the extraneous bits and just treat dates as numbers up to the UI. You can use simple arithmetic operators to do queries and logic.

Why powershell does not run Angular commands?

Remove ng.ps1 from the directory C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\npm\ then try clearing the npm cache at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\

Using .NET, how can you find the mime type of a file based on the file signature not the extension

This class use previous answers to try in 3 different ways: harcoded based on extension, FindMimeFromData API and using registry.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace YourNamespace
    public static class MimeTypeParser
        [DllImport(@"urlmon.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        private extern static System.UInt32 FindMimeFromData(
                System.UInt32 pBC,
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] System.String pwzUrl,
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pBuffer,
                System.UInt32 cbSize,
                [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] System.String pwzMimeProposed,
                System.UInt32 dwMimeFlags,
                out System.UInt32 ppwzMimeOut,
                System.UInt32 dwReserverd

        public static string GetMimeType(string sFilePath)
            string sMimeType = GetMimeTypeFromList(sFilePath);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sMimeType))
                sMimeType = GetMimeTypeFromFile(sFilePath);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sMimeType))
                    sMimeType = GetMimeTypeFromRegistry(sFilePath);

            return sMimeType;

        public static string GetMimeTypeFromList(string sFileNameOrPath)
            string sMimeType = null;
            string sExtensionWithoutDot = Path.GetExtension(sFileNameOrPath).Substring(1).ToLower();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sExtensionWithoutDot) && spDicMIMETypes.ContainsKey(sExtensionWithoutDot))
                sMimeType = spDicMIMETypes[sExtensionWithoutDot];

            return sMimeType;

        public static string GetMimeTypeFromRegistry(string sFileNameOrPath)
            string sMimeType = null;
            string sExtension = Path.GetExtension(sFileNameOrPath).ToLower();
            RegistryKey pKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(sExtension);

            if (pKey != null && pKey.GetValue("Content Type") != null)
                sMimeType = pKey.GetValue("Content Type").ToString();

            return sMimeType;

        public static string GetMimeTypeFromFile(string sFilePath)
            string sMimeType = null;

            if (File.Exists(sFilePath))
                byte[] abytBuffer = new byte[256];

                using (FileStream pFileStream = new FileStream(sFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                    if (pFileStream.Length >= 256)
                        pFileStream.Read(abytBuffer, 0, 256);
                        pFileStream.Read(abytBuffer, 0, (int)pFileStream.Length);

                    UInt32 unMimeType;

                    FindMimeFromData(0, null, abytBuffer, 256, null, 0, out unMimeType, 0);

                    IntPtr pMimeType = new IntPtr(unMimeType);
                    string sMimeTypeFromFile = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pMimeType);


                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sMimeTypeFromFile) && sMimeTypeFromFile != "text/plain" && sMimeTypeFromFile != "application/octet-stream")
                        sMimeType = sMimeTypeFromFile;
                catch {}

            return sMimeType;

        private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> spDicMIMETypes = new Dictionary<string, string>
            {"ai", "application/postscript"},
            {"aif", "audio/x-aiff"},
            {"aifc", "audio/x-aiff"},
            {"aiff", "audio/x-aiff"},
            {"asc", "text/plain"},
            {"atom", "application/atom+xml"},
            {"au", "audio/basic"},
            {"avi", "video/x-msvideo"},
            {"bcpio", "application/x-bcpio"},
            {"bin", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"bmp", "image/bmp"},
            {"cdf", "application/x-netcdf"},
            {"cgm", "image/cgm"},
            {"class", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"cpio", "application/x-cpio"},
            {"cpt", "application/mac-compactpro"},
            {"csh", "application/x-csh"},
            {"css", "text/css"},
            {"dcr", "application/x-director"},
            {"dif", "video/x-dv"},
            {"dir", "application/x-director"},
            {"djv", "image/vnd.djvu"},
            {"djvu", "image/vnd.djvu"},
            {"dll", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"dmg", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"dms", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"doc", "application/msword"},
            {"dotx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
            {"dtd", "application/xml-dtd"},
            {"dv", "video/x-dv"},
            {"dvi", "application/x-dvi"},
            {"dxr", "application/x-director"},
            {"eps", "application/postscript"},
            {"etx", "text/x-setext"},
            {"exe", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"ez", "application/andrew-inset"},
            {"gif", "image/gif"},
            {"gram", "application/srgs"},
            {"grxml", "application/srgs+xml"},
            {"gtar", "application/x-gtar"},
            {"hdf", "application/x-hdf"},
            {"hqx", "application/mac-binhex40"},
            {"htc", "text/x-component"},
            {"htm", "text/html"},
            {"html", "text/html"},
            {"ice", "x-conference/x-cooltalk"},
            {"ico", "image/x-icon"},
            {"ics", "text/calendar"},
            {"ief", "image/ief"},
            {"ifb", "text/calendar"},
            {"iges", "model/iges"},
            {"igs", "model/iges"},
            {"jnlp", "application/x-java-jnlp-file"},
            {"jp2", "image/jp2"},
            {"jpe", "image/jpeg"},
            {"jpeg", "image/jpeg"},
            {"jpg", "image/jpeg"},
            {"js", "application/x-javascript"},
            {"kar", "audio/midi"},
            {"latex", "application/x-latex"},
            {"lha", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"lzh", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"m3u", "audio/x-mpegurl"},
            {"m4a", "audio/mp4a-latm"},
            {"m4b", "audio/mp4a-latm"},
            {"m4p", "audio/mp4a-latm"},
            {"m4u", "video/vnd.mpegurl"},
            {"m4v", "video/x-m4v"},
            {"mac", "image/x-macpaint"},
            {"man", "application/x-troff-man"},
            {"mathml", "application/mathml+xml"},
            {"me", "application/x-troff-me"},
            {"mesh", "model/mesh"},
            {"mid", "audio/midi"},
            {"midi", "audio/midi"},
            {"mif", "application/vnd.mif"},
            {"mov", "video/quicktime"},
            {"movie", "video/x-sgi-movie"},
            {"mp2", "audio/mpeg"},
            {"mp3", "audio/mpeg"},
            {"mp4", "video/mp4"},
            {"mpe", "video/mpeg"},
            {"mpeg", "video/mpeg"},
            {"mpg", "video/mpeg"},
            {"mpga", "audio/mpeg"},
            {"ms", "application/x-troff-ms"},
            {"msh", "model/mesh"},
            {"mxu", "video/vnd.mpegurl"},
            {"nc", "application/x-netcdf"},
            {"oda", "application/oda"},
            {"ogg", "application/ogg"},
            {"pbm", "image/x-portable-bitmap"},
            {"pct", "image/pict"},
            {"pdb", "chemical/x-pdb"},
            {"pdf", "application/pdf"},
            {"pgm", "image/x-portable-graymap"},
            {"pgn", "application/x-chess-pgn"},
            {"pic", "image/pict"},
            {"pict", "image/pict"},
            {"png", "image/png"}, 
            {"pnm", "image/x-portable-anymap"},
            {"pnt", "image/x-macpaint"},
            {"pntg", "image/x-macpaint"},
            {"ppm", "image/x-portable-pixmap"},
            {"ppt", "application/"},
            {"ps", "application/postscript"},
            {"qt", "video/quicktime"},
            {"qti", "image/x-quicktime"},
            {"qtif", "image/x-quicktime"},
            {"ra", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
            {"ram", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
            {"ras", "image/x-cmu-raster"},
            {"rdf", "application/rdf+xml"},
            {"rgb", "image/x-rgb"},
            {"rm", "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"},
            {"roff", "application/x-troff"},
            {"rtf", "text/rtf"},
            {"rtx", "text/richtext"},
            {"sgm", "text/sgml"},
            {"sgml", "text/sgml"},
            {"sh", "application/x-sh"},
            {"shar", "application/x-shar"},
            {"silo", "model/mesh"},
            {"sit", "application/x-stuffit"},
            {"skd", "application/x-koan"},
            {"skm", "application/x-koan"},
            {"skp", "application/x-koan"},
            {"skt", "application/x-koan"},
            {"smi", "application/smil"},
            {"smil", "application/smil"},
            {"snd", "audio/basic"},
            {"so", "application/octet-stream"},
            {"spl", "application/x-futuresplash"},
            {"src", "application/x-wais-source"},
            {"sv4cpio", "application/x-sv4cpio"},
            {"sv4crc", "application/x-sv4crc"},
            {"svg", "image/svg+xml"},
            {"swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash"},
            {"t", "application/x-troff"},
            {"tar", "application/x-tar"},
            {"tcl", "application/x-tcl"},
            {"tex", "application/x-tex"},
            {"texi", "application/x-texinfo"},
            {"texinfo", "application/x-texinfo"},
            {"tif", "image/tiff"},
            {"tiff", "image/tiff"},
            {"tr", "application/x-troff"},
            {"tsv", "text/tab-separated-values"},
            {"txt", "text/plain"},
            {"ustar", "application/x-ustar"},
            {"vcd", "application/x-cdlink"},
            {"vrml", "model/vrml"},
            {"vxml", "application/voicexml+xml"},
            {"wav", "audio/x-wav"},
            {"wbmp", "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"},
            {"wbmxl", "application/vnd.wap.wbxml"},
            {"wml", "text/vnd.wap.wml"},
            {"wmlc", "application/vnd.wap.wmlc"},
            {"wmls", "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript"},
            {"wmlsc", "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc"},
            {"wrl", "model/vrml"},
            {"xbm", "image/x-xbitmap"},
            {"xht", "application/xhtml+xml"},
            {"xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml"},
            {"xls", "application/"},                                                
            {"xml", "application/xml"},
            {"xpm", "image/x-xpixmap"},
            {"xsl", "application/xml"},
            {"xslt", "application/xslt+xml"},
            {"xul", "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"},
            {"xwd", "image/x-xwindowdump"},
            {"xyz", "chemical/x-xyz"},
            {"zip", "application/zip"}

'System.Net.Http.HttpContent' does not contain a definition for 'ReadAsAsync' and no extension method

or if you have VS 2012 you can goto the package manager console and type Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client

This would download the latest version of the package

How can I schedule a daily backup with SQL Server Express?

The folks at MSSQLTips have some very helpful articles, the one most relevant for this is "Automating SQL Server 2005 Express Backups and Deletion of Older Backup Files"

The basic approach is to set up two tasks using the Windows Task Scheduler. One task runs a TSQL script that generates separate backup files for all MSSQL databases (except TEMPDB) with the database name and a date/time stamp in the file name into a specified directory. The second task runs a VBScript script that goes through that directory and deletes all files with a .BAK extension that are more than 3 days old.

Both scripts require minor editing for your environment (paths, how long to keep those database dumps) but are very close to drop-in-and-run.

Note that there are possible security implications if you're sloppy with these or with directory permissions, since they are plain text files that will need to run with some level of privilege. Don't be sloppy.

git push >> fatal: no configured push destination

I have faced this error, Previous I had push in root directory, and now I have push another directory, so I could be remove this error and run below commands.

git add .
git commit -m "some comments"
git push --set-upstream origin master

How to display the string html contents into webbrowser control?

Try this:

webBrowser1.DocumentText =
    "<html><body>Please enter your name:<br/>" +
    "<input type='text' name='userName'/><br/>" +
    "<a href=''>continue</a>" +

How do I view / replay a chrome network debugger har file saved with content?

There are a couple of online, offline tools how to do this:

But the one that I liked the most, is a browser extension (tried it in chrome, hopefully it works in other browsers). After installation, it appears in your apps as HAR viewer. Then you can upload you HAR file and see something like this:

enter image description here

Sass nth-child nesting

You're trying to do &(2), &(4) which won't work

#romtest {
  .detailed {
    th {
      &:nth-child(2) {//your styles here}
      &:nth-child(4) {//your styles here}
      &:nth-child(6) {//your styles here}

Changing the Status Bar Color for specific ViewControllers using Swift in iOS8

As of Oct 2020, Swift 5, Xcode 12

If you want to set it to all view controllers in the app. and if your app has a navigation controller.

You can do it in the plist file as follow: plist file changes

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity

Bitmap photo = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data"); gets a thumbnail from camera. There is an article about how to store a picture in external storage from camera. useful link

How can I find out if an .EXE has Command-Line Options?

This is what I get from console on Windows 10:

C:\>find /?
Searches for a text string in a file or files.

FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] [/OFF[LINE]] "string" [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]

  /V         Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string.
  /C         Displays only the count of lines containing the string.
  /N         Displays line numbers with the displayed lines.
  /I         Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string.
  /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
  "string"   Specifies the text string to find.
             Specifies a file or files to search.

If a path is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt
or piped from another command.

Proper way to catch exception from JSON.parse

We can check error & 404 statusCode, and use try {} catch (err) {}.

You can try this :

const req = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
req.onreadystatechange = function() {_x000D_
    if (req.status == 404) {_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
    if (!(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200))_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
    const json = (function(raw) {_x000D_
        try {_x000D_
            return JSON.parse(raw);_x000D_
        } catch (err) {_x000D_
            return false;_x000D_
    if (!json)_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
    document.body.innerHTML = "Your city : " + + "<br>Your isp : " +;_x000D_
};_x000D_"GET", "", true);_x000D_

Read more :

Change the location of the ~ directory in a Windows install of Git Bash

I don't understand, why you don't want to set the $HOME environment variable since that solves exactly what you're asking for.

cd ~ doesn't mean change to the root directory, but change to the user's home directory, which is set by the $HOME environment variable.

Quick'n'dirty solution

Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\profile and set $HOME variable to whatever you want (add it if it's not there). A good place could be for example right after a condition commented by # Set up USER's home directory. It must be in the MinGW format, for example:


Save it, open Git Bash and execute cd ~. You should be in a directory /c/my/custom/home now.

Everything that accesses the user's profile should go into this directory instead of your Windows' profile on a network drive.

Note: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\profile is shared by all users, so if the machine is used by multiple users, it's a good idea to set the $HOME dynamically:


Cleaner solution

Set the environment variable HOME in Windows to whatever directory you want. In this case, you have to set it in Windows path format (with backslashes, e.g. c:\my\custom\home), Git Bash will load it and convert it to its format.

If you want to change the home directory for all users on your machine, set it as a system environment variable, where you can use for example %USERNAME% variable so every user will have his own home directory, for example:


If you want to change the home directory just for yourself, set it as a user environment variable, so other users won't be affected. In this case, you can simply hard-code the whole path:


How do I create a folder in a GitHub repository?

Simple Steps:

Step 1: Click on Create new File

Click "Create new file" under the "Add file" dropdown

Step 2: Enter the folder name that you want, then press /

Enter folder name inside text field

Step 3: Enter a sample file name. You must enter some text.

Enter sample file name

Step 4: Click Commit new file to create the folder

Click "Commit new file"

Step 5: Your folder is created!

Folder appears inside repository home page

Using jQuery to center a DIV on the screen

What I have here is a "center" method that ensures the element you are attempting to center is not only of "fixed" or "absolute" positioning, but it also ensures that the element you are centering is smaller than its parent, this centers and element relative to is parent, if the elements parent is smaller than the element itself, it will pillage up the DOM to the next parent, and center it relative to that.

$ = function () {
        /// <summary>Centers a Fixed or Absolute positioned element relative to its parent</summary>

        var element = $(this),
            elementPos = element.css('position'),
            elementParent = $(element.parent()),
            elementWidth = element.outerWidth(),
            parentWidth = elementParent.width();

        if (parentWidth <= elementWidth) {
            elementParent = $(elementParent.parent());
            parentWidth = elementParent.width();

        if (elementPos === "absolute" || elementPos === "fixed") {
            element.css('right', (parentWidth / 2) - elementWidth / 2 + 'px');

enum Values to NSString (iOS)

Here is a plug-and-play solution that you can extend with a simple copy and paste of your EXISTING definitions.

I hope you all find it useful, as I have found useful so many other StackOverflow solutions.

- (NSString*) enumItemNameForPrefix:(NSString*)enumPrefix item:(int)enumItem {
NSString* enumList = nil;
if ([enumPrefix isEqualToString:@"[Add Your Enum Name Here"]) {
    // Instructions:
    // 1) leave all code as is (it's good reference and won't conflict)
    // 2) add your own enums below as follows:
    //    2.1) duplicate the LAST else block below and add as many enums as you like
    //    2.2) Copy then Paste your list, including carraige returns
    //    2.3) add a back slash at the end of each line to concatenate the broken string
    // 3) your are done.
else if ([enumPrefix isEqualToString:@"ExampleNonExplicitType"]) {
    enumList = @" \
    ExampleNonExplicitTypeNEItemName1, \
    ExampleNonExplicitTypeNEItemName2, \
    ExampleNonExplicitTypeNEItemName3 \
else if ([enumPrefix isEqualToString:@"ExampleExplicitAssignsType"]) {
    enumList = @" \
    ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName1 = 1, \
    ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName2 = 2, \
    ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName3 = 4 \
else if ([enumPrefix isEqualToString:@"[Duplicate and Add Your Enum Name Here #1"]) {
    // Instructions:
    // 1) duplicate this else block and add as many enums as you like
    // 2) Paste your list, including carraige returns
    // 3) add a back slash at the end of each line to continue/concatenate the broken string
    enumList = @" \
    [Replace only this line: Paste your Enum Definition List Here] \

// parse it
int implicitIndex = 0;
NSString* itemKey = nil;
NSString* itemValue = nil;
NSArray* enumArray = [enumList componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSMutableDictionary* enumDict = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:enumArray.count] autorelease];

for (NSString* itemPair in enumArray) {
    NSArray* itemPairArray = [itemPair componentsSeparatedByString:@"="];
    itemValue = [[itemPairArray objectAtIndex:0] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
    itemKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", implicitIndex];
    if (itemPairArray.count > 1)
        itemKey = [[itemPairArray lastObject] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
    [enumDict setValue:itemValue forKey:itemKey];

// return value with or without prefix
NSString* withPrefix = [enumDict valueForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", enumItem]];
NSString* withoutPrefix = [withPrefix stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:enumPrefix withString:@""];
NSString* outValue = (0 ? withPrefix : withoutPrefix);
if (0) NSLog(@"enum:%@ item:%d retVal:%@ dict:%@", enumPrefix, enumItem, outValue, enumDict);
return outValue;

Here are the example declarations:

typedef enum _type1 {
} ExampleNonExplicitType;

typedef enum _type2 {
ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName1 = 1, 
ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName2 = 2, 
ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName3 = 4
} ExampleExplicitAssignsType;

Here is an example call:

NSLog(@"EXAMPLE:  type1:%@  type2:%@ ", [self enumItemNameForPrefix:@"ExampleNonExplicitType" item:ExampleNonExplicitTypeNEItemName2], [self enumItemNameForPrefix:@"ExampleExplicitAssignsType" item:ExampleExplicitAssignsTypeEAItemName3]);

Enjoy! ;-)

Passing a variable to a powershell script via command line

Make this in your test.ps1, at the first line


Write-Host $a

Then you can call it with

./Test.ps1 "Here is your text"

Found here (English)

How to add an object to an array

/* array literal */
var aData = [];

/* object constructur */
function Person(firstname, lastname) {
  this.firstname = firstname;
  this.lastname = lastname;
  this.fullname = function() {
    return (this.firstname + " " + this.lastname);

/* store object into array */
aData[aData.length] = new Person("Java", "Script"); // aData[0]

aData.push(new Person("Jhon", "Doe"));
aData.push(new Person("Anna", "Smith"));
aData.push(new Person("Black", "Pearl"));

aData[aData.length] = new Person("stack", "overflow"); // aData[4]

/* loop array */
for (var i in aData) {

/* convert array of object into string json */
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(aData);

Push object into array

Convert String array to ArrayList

new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( new String[]{"abc", "def"} ) );

Validating email addresses using jQuery and regex


function isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress) {
    var pattern = /^([a-z\d!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+(\.[a-z\d!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+)*|"((([ \t]*\r\n)?[ \t]+)?([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))*(([ \t]*\r\n)?[ \t]+)?")@(([a-z\d\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]|[a-z\d\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF][a-z\d\-._~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]*[a-z\d\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])\.)+([a-z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]|[a-z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF][a-z\d\-._~\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]*[a-z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])\.?$/i;
    return pattern.test(emailAddress);

if( !isValidEmailAddress( emailaddress ) ) { /* do stuff here */ }

How to filter rows containing a string pattern from a Pandas dataframe

In [3]: df[df['ids'].str.contains("ball")]
     ids  vals
0  aball     1
1  bball     2
3  fball     4

Angular 2 - innerHTML styling

We pull in content frequently from our CMS as [innerHTML]="content.title". We place the necessary classes in the application's root styles.scss file rather than in the component's scss file. Our CMS purposely strips out in-line styles so we must have prepared classes that the author can use in their content. Remember using {{content.title}} in the template will not render html from the content.

How to allow only integers in a textbox?

User below regular expression validator.

    <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidatorNumeric" runat="server" ControlToValidate="yourControl ID" ErrorMessage="Registraion ID Should be a Numeric" ValidationExpression="^\d+$"  ></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

blur vs focusout -- any real differences?

The documentation for focusout says (emphasis mine):

The focusout event is sent to an element when it, or any element inside of it, loses focus. This is distinct from the blur event in that it supports detecting the loss of focus on descendant elements (in other words, it supports event bubbling).

The same distinction exists between the focusin and focus events.

What are Unwind segues for and how do you use them?

Unwind segues are used to "go back" to some view controller from which, through a number of segues, you got to the "current" view controller.

Imagine you have something a MyNavController with A as its root view controller. Now you use a push segue to B. Now the navigation controller has A and B in its viewControllers array, and B is visible. Now you present C modally.

With unwind segues, you could now unwind "back" from C to B (i.e. dismissing the modally presented view controller), basically "undoing" the modal segue. You could even unwind all the way back to the root view controller A, undoing both the modal segue and the push segue.

Unwind segues make it easy to backtrack. For example, before iOS 6, the best practice for dismissing presented view controllers was to set the presenting view controller as the presented view controller’s delegate, then call your custom delegate method, which then dismisses the presentedViewController. Sound cumbersome and complicated? It was. That’s why unwind segues are nice.

Laravel Check If Related Model Exists

A Relation object passes unknown method calls through to an Eloquent query Builder, which is set up to only select the related objects. That Builder in turn passes unknown method calls through to its underlying query Builder.

This means you can use the exists() or count() methods directly from a relation object:

$model->relation()->exists(); // bool: true if there is at least one row
$model->relation()->count(); // int: number of related rows

Note the parentheses after relation: ->relation() is a function call (getting the relation object), as opposed to ->relation which a magic property getter set up for you by Laravel (getting the related object/objects).

Using the count method on the relation object (that is, using the parentheses) will be much faster than doing $model->relation->count() or count($model->relation) (unless the relation has already been eager-loaded) since it runs a count query rather than pulling all of the data for any related objects from the database, just to count them. Likewise, using exists doesn't need to pull model data either.

Both exists() and count() work on all relation types I've tried, so at least belongsTo, hasOne, hasMany, and belongsToMany.

UIImageView - How to get the file name of the image assigned?

Yes you can compare with the help of data like below code

UITableViewCell *cell = (UITableViewCell*)[self.view viewWithTag:indexPath.row + 100];

UIImage *secondImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"boxhover.png"];

NSData *imgData1 = UIImagePNGRepresentation(cell.imageView.image);
NSData *imgData2 = UIImagePNGRepresentation(secondImage);

BOOL isCompare =  [imgData1 isEqual:imgData2];
    //contain same image
    cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"box.png"];
    //does not contain same image
    cell.imageView.image = secondImage;

Showing loading animation in center of page while making a call to Action method in ASP .NET MVC

Another solution that it is similar to those already exposed here is this one. Just before the closing body tag place this html:

<div id="resultLoading" style="display: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: 10000; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; margin: auto;">
    <div style="width: 340px; height: 200px; text-align: center; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; margin: auto; z-index: 10; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
        <div class="uil-default-css">
            <img src="/images/loading-animation1.gif" style="max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" />
        <div class="loader-text" style="display: block; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 300;">&nbsp;</div>
    <div style="background: rgb(0, 0, 0); opacity: 0.6; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></div>

Finally, replace .loader-text element's content on the fly on every navigation event and turn on the #resultloading div, note that it is initially hidden.

var showLoader = function (text) {

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    jQuery(window).on("beforeunload ", function () {
        showLoader('Loading, please wait...');

This can be applied to any html based project with jQuery where you don't know which pages of your administration area will take too long to finish loading.

The gif image is 176x176px but you can use any transparent gif animation, please take into account that the image size is not important as it will be maxed to 150x150px.

Also, the function showLoader can be called on an element's click to perform an action that will further redirect the page, that is why it is provided ad an individual function. i hope this can also help anyone.

Getting value from JQUERY datepicker

see tag input example :

<div class="input-group date" data-target-input="nearest">
                        <input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker-input form-control-sm" data-target="#dt_expdate" id="dt_expdate" />
                        <div class="input-group-append" data-target="#dt_expdate" data-toggle="datetimepicker">
                            <div class="input-group-text form-control-sm"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div>

acess to get & assign value from


get value:

var date= $("#dt_expdate").val();

assign value:


View tabular file such as CSV from command line

Ofri's answer gives you everything you asked for. But.. if you don't want to remember the command you can add this to your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent):

local file="$1"
sed "s/,/\t/g" "$file" | less -S

This is exactly the same as Ofri's answer except I have wrapped it in a shell function and am using the less -S option to stop the wrapping of lines (makes less behaves more like a office/oocalc).

Open a new shell (or type source ~/.bashrc in your current shell) and run the command using:

csview <filename>

pypi UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'

I'm on a Mac with python 2.7.11. I have been toying with creating extremely simple and straightforward projects, where my only requirement is that I can run python install, and have use the setup command, ideally from distutils. There are literally no other imports or code aside from the kwargs to setup() other than what I note here.

I get the error when the imports for my file are:

from distutils.core import setup

When I use this, I get warnings such as

/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.11/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'entry_points' warnings.warn(msg)

If I change the imports (and nothing else) to the following:

from distutils.core import setup
import setuptools  # noqa

The warnings go away.

Note that I am not using setuptools, just importing it changes the behavior such that it no longer emits the warnings. For me, this is the cause of a truly baffling difference where some projects I'm using give those warnings, and some others do not.

Clearly, some form of monkey-patching is going on, and it is affected by whether or not that import is done. This probably isn't the situation for everyone researching this problem, but for the narrow environment in which I'm working, this is the answer I was looking for.

This is consistent with the other (community) comment, which says that distutils should monkeypatch setuptools, and that they had the problem when installing Ansible. Ansible appears to have tried to allow installs without having setuptools in the past, and then went back on that.

A lot of stuff is up in the air... but if you're looking for a simple answer for a simple project, you should probably just import setuptools.

Python 3 - Encode/Decode vs Bytes/Str

Neither is better than the other, they do exactly the same thing. However, using .encode() and .decode() is the more common way to do it. It is also compatible with Python 2.

Shadow Effect for a Text in Android?

TextView textv = (TextView) findViewById(;
textv.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK);

Asp.NET Web API - 405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed - how to set handler mappings

I had this problem and I solved the following:

  1. open IIS
  2. Select the Backend Site

    enter image description here

  3. in features view: open Handler Mapping

enter image description here

  1. in the Handler Mapping window, Find WebDAV

enter image description here

  1. in Edit Module Mapping, open Request Restrictions

enter image description here

  1. enter image description here

How to set entire application in portrait mode only?

For Xamarin Users:

If you extends all your activities to a BaseActivity Just add:

this.RequestedOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;

This will resolve the problem. If you want any particular activity to be in landscape override this in OnActivityCreated. As:

this.Activity.RequestedOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape;

Create array of regex matches

From the Official Regex Java Trails:

        Pattern pattern = 
        Pattern.compile(console.readLine("%nEnter your regex: "));

        Matcher matcher = 
        pattern.matcher(console.readLine("Enter input string to search: "));

        boolean found = false;
        while (matcher.find()) {
            console.format("I found the text \"%s\" starting at " +
               "index %d and ending at index %d.%n",
      , matcher.start(), matcher.end());
            found = true;

Use find and insert the resulting group at your array / List / whatever.

jQuery creating objects

I actually found a better way using the jQuery approach

var box = {

 color: 'red'



var myBox = box.init({
 color: blue

How to know the size of the string in bytes?

You can use encoding like ASCII to get a character per byte by using the System.Text.Encoding class.

or try this


Getting Integer value from a String using javascript/jquery

just do this , you need to remove char other than "numeric" and "." form your string will do work for you

yourString = yourString.replace ( /[^\d.]/g, '' );

your final code will be

  str1 = "test123.00".replace ( /[^\d.]/g, '' );
  str2 = "yes50.00".replace ( /[^\d.]/g, '' );
  total = parseInt(str1, 10) + parseInt(str2, 10);


IIS AppPoolIdentity and file system write access permissions

The ApplicationPoolIdentity is assigned membership of the Users group as well as the IIS_IUSRS group. On first glance this may look somewhat worrying, however the Users group has somewhat limited NTFS rights.

For example, if you try and create a folder in the C:\Windows folder then you'll find that you can't. The ApplicationPoolIdentity still needs to be able to read files from the windows system folders (otherwise how else would the worker process be able to dynamically load essential DLL's).

With regard to your observations about being able to write to your c:\dump folder. If you take a look at the permissions in the Advanced Security Settings, you'll see the following:

enter image description here

See that Special permission being inherited from c:\:

enter image description here

That's the reason your site's ApplicationPoolIdentity can read and write to that folder. That right is being inherited from the c:\ drive.

In a shared environment where you possibly have several hundred sites, each with their own application pool and Application Pool Identity, you would store the site folders in a folder or volume that has had the Users group removed and the permissions set such that only Administrators and the SYSTEM account have access (with inheritance).

You would then individually assign the requisite permissions each IIS AppPool\[name] requires on it's site root folder.

You should also ensure that any folders you create where you store potentially sensitive files or data have the Users group removed. You should also make sure that any applications that you install don't store sensitive data in their c:\program files\[app name] folders and that they use the user profile folders instead.

So yes, on first glance it looks like the ApplicationPoolIdentity has more rights than it should, but it actually has no more rights than it's group membership dictates.

An ApplicationPoolIdentity's group membership can be examined using the SysInternals Process Explorer tool. Find the worker process that is running with the Application Pool Identity you're interested in (you will have to add the User Name column to the list of columns to display:

enter image description here

For example, I have a pool here named 900300 which has an Application Pool Identity of IIS APPPOOL\900300. Right clicking on properties for the process and selecting the Security tab we see:

enter image description here

As we can see IIS APPPOOL\900300 is a member of the Users group.