[debugging] How do I view / replay a chrome network debugger har file saved with content?

I love the network debugger, that being said, what programs are out there that let me step forward and backward through multiple 'hars' so I can replay them? if the 'hars' are saved with content, can the replay handle that as well?

right now I just read through in textpad, but if I have to present any of my findings a nice 'har player' could greatly help non-technical folk.

This question is related to debugging google-chrome har

The answer is

Chrome now supports loading HAR files. Open Chrome, Press F12, Click on the Network Tab. Drag and drop the .har file DONE !

There are a couple of online, offline tools how to do this:

But the one that I liked the most, is a browser extension (tried it in chrome, hopefully it works in other browsers). After installation, it appears in your apps as HAR viewer. Then you can upload you HAR file and see something like this:

enter image description here

Hardiff.com is pretty useful tool. It allows you to compare one or more .har files.

Edit: Harhar is now open source. I have updated the URL below.

If you use an Avalanche load generator, you can use Harhar to replay a HAR file at very high load: https://acastaner.github.io/harhar/

This tool handles the "content" you use when you "Save as HAR with content."

Drag and drop is best solution. I am just showing another way to import by clicking the HAR import icon: enter image description here

Open chrome browser. right click anywhere on a page > inspect elements > go to network tab > drag and drop the .har file You should see the logs.

Chrome Dev Tool's "Network" tool now allows you to import HAR files by drag-and-dropping into the window.

  1. Open Chrome & click F12
  2. Click Network
  3. Drag and drop the har file in the chrome network tab.

enter image description here

If I am not late....

For Firefox, one can import the same har file from Network tab.Firefox Network tab with import HAR file

HAR import works seamlessly in Firefox: Open Web Developer -> Network Tab -> HAR -> Import ... (Top-right corner of web developer tool)

HAR Import Option

The Most Reliable way to replay har file is using a free tool like Fiddler, the tool is always free and can be downloaded quickly. The sites for the opening har file are all buggy and cannot open large files. Fiddler is available for all platforms.


Go to File Menu -> Import Sessions...

Open Fiddler

Select the "HTTPArchive" Option

Select the Http Archieve option

Browse to your HAR file

enter image description here

The HAR file will open and replay on the fiddler window.

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Examples related to har

How do I view / replay a chrome network debugger har file saved with content?