[plugins] How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

Before using plugin NOTE plugins are usually in notepad 32 bit , 32 bit plugin is not compatible with 64 bit and vice versa(Recommendation use Notepad++ 32 bit)

Using Import in Notepad++
I tried Import plugin : https://stackoverflow.com/a/54873143/3266623 However it didnt worked for me

Manual way
1. Download and extract .zip file having all .dll plugin files under the path
To download use following link or google the same http://docs.notepad-plus-plus.org/index.php/Plugin_Central
2. For placing inside plugins - Make sure to create a separated folder for each plugin

   + DSpellCheck
   + MIME Tools
   + Converter (etc.)

3. (if plugin contains ext_libs folder) Copy ext_libs to the root notepad folder,Usually contains few ddl files i.e.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++