Programs & Examples On #Cruisecontrol.rb

if statement checks for null but still throws a NullPointerException

The edit shows exactly the difference between code that works and code that doesn't.

This check always evaluates both of the conditions, throwing an exception if str is null:

 if (str == null | str.length() == 0) {

Whereas this (using || instead of |) is short-circuiting - if the first condition evaluates to true, the second is not evaluated.

See section 15.24 of the JLS for a description of ||, and section 15.22.2 for binary |. The intro to section 15.24 is the important bit though:

The conditional-or operator || operator is like | (§15.22.2), but evaluates its right-hand operand only if the value of its left-hand operand is false.

How do I scroll the UIScrollView when the keyboard appears?

I used this answer supplied by Sudheer Palchuri

In ViewDidLoad, register the notifications:

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(DetailsViewController.keyboardWillShow(_:)), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(DetailsViewController.keyboardWillHide(_:)), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

Add below observer methods which does the automatic scrolling when keyboard appears.

func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return true

func keyboardWillShow(notification:NSNotification){

var userInfo = notification.userInfo!
var keyboardFrame:CGRect = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue()
keyboardFrame = self.view.convertRect(keyboardFrame, fromView: nil)

var contentInset:UIEdgeInsets = self.scrollView.contentInset
contentInset.bottom = keyboardFrame.size.height
self.scrollView.contentInset = contentInset

func keyboardWillHide(notification:NSNotification){

var contentInset:UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero
self.scrollView.contentInset = contentInset

How to copy a java.util.List into another java.util.List

I was having the same problem ConcurrentAccessException and mysolution was to:

List<SomeBean> tempList = new ArrayList<>();

for (CartItem item : prodList) {
prodList = new ArrayList<>(tempList);

So it works only one operation at the time and avoids the Exeption...

How do I set a fixed background image for a PHP file?

Your question doesn't have anything to do with PHP... just CSS.

Your CSS is correct, but your browser won't typically be able to open what you have put in for a URL. At a minimum, you'll need a file: path. It would be best to reference the file by its relative path.

Copying files using rsync from remote server to local machine

If you have SSH access, you don't need to SSH first and then copy, just use Secure Copy (SCP) from the destination.

scp user@host:/path/file /localpath/file

Wild card characters are supported, so

scp user@host:/path/folder/* /localpath/folder

will copy all of the remote files in that folder.If copying more then one directory.

note -r will copy all sub-folders and content too.

VBA test if cell is in a range

Determine if a cell is within a range using VBA in Microsoft Excel:

From the linked site (maintaining credit to original submitter):

VBA macro tip contributed by Erlandsen Data Consulting offering Microsoft Excel Application development, template customization, support and training solutions

Function InRange(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Boolean
    ' returns True if Range1 is within Range2
    InRange = Not (Application.Intersect(Range1, Range2) Is Nothing)
End Function

Sub TestInRange()
    If InRange(ActiveCell, Range("A1:D100")) Then
        ' code to handle that the active cell is within the right range
        MsgBox "Active Cell In Range!"
        ' code to handle that the active cell is not within the right range
        MsgBox "Active Cell NOT In Range!"
    End If
End Sub

Java Minimum and Maximum values in Array

Yes you need to use a System.out.println. But you are getting the minimum and maximum everytime they input a value and don't keep track of the number of elements if they break early.


for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++ ) {
       int next = input.nextInt();
       // sentineil that will stop loop when 999 is entered
       if (next == 999)

       array[i] = next;
 int length = i;
 // get biggest number
 int large = getMaxValue(array, length);
 // get smallest number
 int small = getMinValue(array, length);

 // actually print
 System.out.println( "Max: " + large + " Min: " + small );

Then you will have to pass length into the methods to determine min and max and to print. If you don't do this, the rest of the fields will be 0 and can mess up the proper min and max values.

Replace Default Null Values Returned From Left Outer Join

In case of MySQL or SQLite the correct keyword is IFNULL (not ISNULL).

 SELECT iar.Description, 
      IFNULL(iai.Quantity,0) as Quantity, 
      IFNULL(iai.Quantity * rpl.RegularPrice,0) as 'Retail', 
    FROM InventoryAdjustmentReason iar
    LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryAdjustmentItem iai  on (iar.Id = iai.InventoryAdjustmentReasonId)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Item i on (i.Id = iai.ItemId)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportPriceLookup rpl on (rpl.SkuNumber = i.SkuNo)
WHERE iar.StoreUse = 'yes'

Changing text color onclick

   <p id="text" onclick="func()">
    Click on text to change
function func()

Get started with Latex on Linux

I would personally use a complete editing package such as:

  • TexWorks
  • TexStudio

Then I would install "MikTeX" as the compiling package, which allows you to generate a PDF from your document, using the pdfLaTeX compiler.

Android Call an method from another class

You should use the following code :

Class2 cls2 = new Class2();

In case you don't want to create a new instance to call the method, you can decalre the method as static and then you can just call Class2.UpdateEmployee().

import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder results in error compiled in Eclipse

This error is because of you are importing below two classes import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;. Maybe you are using encode and decode of that library like below.

new BASE64Encoder().encode(encVal);

Yeah instead of sun.misc.BASE64Encoder you can import java.util.Base64 class.Now change the previous encode method as below:


Now change the previous decode method as below

byte[] base64DecodedData = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64EncodedData);

Now everything is done , you can save your program and run. It will run without showing any error.

Android Google Maps v2 - set zoom level for myLocation

with location - in new GoogleMaps SDK:


Regex for empty string or white space

If one only cares about whitespace at the beginning and end of the string (but not in the middle), then another option is to use String.trim():

"    your string contents  ".trim();

// => "your string contents"

in python how do I convert a single digit number into a double digits string?

If you are an analyst and not a full stack guy, this might be more intuitive:

[(str('00000') + str(i))[-5:] for i in arange(100)]

breaking that down, you:

  • start by creating a list that repeats 0's or X's, in this case, 100 long, i.e., arange(100)

  • add the numbers you want to the string, in this case, numbers 0-99, i.e., 'i'

  • keep only the right hand 5 digits, i.e., '[-5:]' for subsetting

  • output is numbered list, all with 5 digits

How can I convert a timestamp from yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss:SSSZ format to MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.SSS format? From ISO8601 to UTC

Hope this Helps:

public String getSystemTimeInBelowFormat() {
    String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd 'T' HH:MM:SS.mmm-HH:SS").format(new Date());
    return timestamp;

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot

You can adjust the spacing around matplotlib figures using the subplots_adjust() function:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)

This will work for both the figure on screen and saved to a file, and it is the right function to call even if you don't have multiple plots on the one figure.

The numbers are fractions of the figure dimensions, and will need to be adjusted to allow for the figure labels.

Translating touch events from Javascript to jQuery

jQuery 'fixes up' events to account for browser differences. When it does so, you can always access the 'native' event with event.originalEvent (see the Special Properties subheading on this page).

Cocoa Touch: How To Change UIView's Border Color And Thickness?

Xcode 6 update

Since Xcode's newest version there is a better solution to this:

With @IBInspectable you can set Attributes directly from within the Attributes Inspector.

My Custom View @IBInspectable Attributes

This sets the User Defined Runtime Attributes for you:

enter image description here

There are two approaches to set this up:

Option 1 (with live updating in Storyboard)

  1. Create MyCustomView.
  2. This inherits from UIView.
  3. Set @IBDesignable (this makes the View update live).*
  4. Set your Runtime Attributes (border, etc.) with @IBInspectable
  5. Change your Views Class to MyCustomView
  6. Edit in Attributes Panel and see changes in Storyboard :)


class MyCustomView: UIView {
    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
            layer.masksToBounds = cornerRadius > 0
    @IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            layer.borderWidth = borderWidth
    @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? {
        didSet {
            layer.borderColor = borderColor?.CGColor

* @IBDesignable only works when set at the start of class MyCustomView

Option 2 (not working since Swift 1.2, see comments)

Extend your UIView Class:

extension UIView {
    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
            layer.masksToBounds = cornerRadius > 0
    @IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0 {
        didSet {
            layer.borderWidth = borderWidth
    @IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? {
        didSet {
            layer.borderColor = borderColor?.CGColor

This way, your default View always has those extra editable fields in Attributes Inspector. Another advantage is that you don't have to change the class to MycustomView every time. However, one drawback to this is that you will only see your changes when you run your app.

ActiveMQ connection refused

I encountered a similar problem when I was using the below to obtain connection factory ConnectionFactory factory = new

Its resolved when I changed it to the below

ConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://:61616");

The below then showed that my Q size was increasing.. http://:8161/admin/queues.jsp

SQL Server function to return minimum date (January 1, 1753)

The range for datetime will not change, as that would break backward compatibility. So you can hard code it.

close fancy box from function from within open 'fancybox'

Use this to close it instead:


Judging from the fancybox source code, that is how they handle closing it internally.

Add Favicon to Website

Simply put a file named favicon.ico in the webroot.

If you want to know more, please start reading:

Android SDK Manager Not Installing Components

In windows 8:

  • right click on windows button
  • List item
  • CDM as administrator
  • Press 'yes'
  • paste this $ C:\xxx\xxx\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\android.bat

RegEx - Match Numbers of Variable Length

You can specify how many times you want the previous item to match by using {min,max}.


Also, you can use \d for digits instead of [0-9] for most regex flavors:


You may also want to consider escaping the outer { and }, just to make it clear that they are not part of a repetition definition.

How to see the proxy settings on windows?

You can use a tool called: NETSH

To view your system proxy information via command line:

netsh.exe winhttp show proxy

Another way to view it is to open IE, then click on the "gear" icon, then Internet options -> Connections tab -> click on LAN settings

How can I add JAR files to the web-inf/lib folder in Eclipse?

Found a solution. This problem happens, when you import a project.

The solution is simple

  1. Right click -> Properties
  2. Project Facets -> Check Dyanmic Web Module and Java Version
  3. Apply Setting.

Now you should see the web app libraries showing your jars added.

Properties order in Margin

Just because @MartinCapodici 's comment is awesome I write here as an answer to give visibility.

All clockwise:

  • WPF start West (left->top->right->bottom)
  • Netscape (ie CSS) start North (top->right->bottom->left)

Number input type that takes only integers?

<input type="text" name="PhoneNumber" pattern="[0-9]{10}" title="Phone number">

Using this code, the input to the text field limits to enter only digits. Pattern is the new attribute available in HTML 5.

Pattern attribute doc

ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'

I have also been facing this error. None of the above methods work for me. Please follow this as it worked for me.

For Installing node-sass in Ubuntu 16 via npm :-

You can install with npm 5.2.0 Version

If you are using nvm :-

nvm install 8.2.1
nvm use 8.2.1
npm install node-sass

If you are using npm separately then upgrade or downgrade npm version to 5.2.0

npm install node-sass

Show current assembly instruction in GDB

There is a simple solution that consists in using stepi, which in turns moves forward by 1 asm instruction and shows the surrounding asm code.

Counting the occurrences / frequency of array elements

How about an ECMAScript2015 option.

const a = [5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 4];

const aCount = new Map([ Set(a)].map(
    x => [x, a.filter(y => y === x).length]
aCount.get(5)  // 3
aCount.get(2)  // 5
aCount.get(9)  // 1
aCount.get(4)  // 1

This example passes the input array to the Set constructor creating a collection of unique values. The spread syntax then expands these values into a new array so we can call map and translate this into a two-dimensional array of [value, count] pairs - i.e. the following structure:

Array [
   [5, 3],
   [2, 5],
   [9, 1],
   [4, 1]

The new array is then passed to the Map constructor resulting in an iterable object:

Map {
    5 => 3,
    2 => 5,
    9 => 1,
    4 => 1

The great thing about a Map object is that it preserves data-types - that is to say aCount.get(5) will return 3 but aCount.get("5") will return undefined. It also allows for any value / type to act as a key meaning this solution will also work with an array of objects.

function frequencies(/* {Array} */ a){_x000D_
    return new Map([ Set(a)].map(_x000D_
        x => [x, a.filter(y => y === x).length]_x000D_
let foo = { value: 'foo' },_x000D_
    bar = { value: 'bar' },_x000D_
    baz = { value: 'baz' };_x000D_
let aNumbers = [5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 4],_x000D_
    aObjects = [foo, bar, foo, foo, baz, bar];_x000D_
frequencies(aNumbers).forEach((val, key) => console.log(key + ': ' + val));_x000D_
frequencies(aObjects).forEach((val, key) => console.log(key.value + ': ' + val));

What is the maximum recursion depth in Python, and how to increase it?

As @alex suggested, you could use a generator function to do this sequentially instead of recursively.

Here's the equivalent of the code in your question:

def fib(n):
    def fibseq(n):
        """ Iteratively return the first n Fibonacci numbers, starting from 0. """
        a, b = 0, 1
        for _ in xrange(n):
            yield a
            a, b = b, a + b

    return sum(v for v in fibseq(n))

print format(fib(100000), ',d')  # -> no recursion depth error

How to rollback or commit a transaction in SQL Server

The good news is a transaction in SQL Server can span multiple batches (each exec is treated as a separate batch.)

You can wrap your EXEC statements in a BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT but you'll need to go a step further and rollback if any errors occur.

Ideally you'd want something like this:

        exec( @sqlHeader)

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

The BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT I believe you are already familiar with. The BEGIN TRY and BEGIN CATCH blocks are basically there to catch and handle any errors that occur. If any of your EXEC statements raise an error, the code execution will jump to the CATCH block.

Your existing SQL building code should be outside the transaction (above) as you always want to keep your transactions as short as possible.

Why does my Eclipse keep not responding?

Open your workspace\.metadata\.log file. That will tell you usually what is going wrong.

Vue.js toggle class on click

This answer relevant for Vue.js version 2

  class="initial " 
  v-bind:class="{ active: isActive }"
  <span class="wkday">M</span>

The rest of the answer by Douglas is still applicable (setting up the new Vue instance with isActive: false, etc).

Relevant docs: and

How can I tell gcc not to inline a function?

A portable way to do this is to call the function through a pointer:

void (*foo_ptr)() = foo;

Though this produces different instructions to branch, which may not be your goal. Which brings up a good point: what is your goal here?

What is the best (and safest) way to merge a Git branch into master?

This is a very practical question, but all the answers above are not practical.


git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge test
git push origin master

This approach has two issues:

  1. It's unsafe, because we don't know if there are any conflicts between test branch and master branch.

  2. It would "squeeze" all test commits into one merge commit on master; that is to say on master branch, we can't see the all change logs of test branch.

So, when we suspect there would some conflicts, we can have following git operations:

git checkout test
git pull 
git checkout master
git pull
git merge --no-ff --no-commit test

Test merge before commit, avoid a fast-forward commit by --no-ff,

If conflict is encountered, we can run git status to check details about the conflicts and try to solve

git status

Once we solve the conflicts, or if there is no conflict, we commit and push them

git commit -m 'merge test branch'
git push

But this way will lose the changes history logged in test branch, and it would make master branch to be hard for other developers to understand the history of the project.

So the best method is we have to use rebase instead of merge (suppose, when in this time, we have solved the branch conflicts).

Following is one simple sample, for advanced operations, please refer to

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout test
git pull
git rebase -i master
git checkout master
git merge test

Yep, when you have uppers done, all the Test branch's commits will be moved onto the head of Master branch. The major benefit of rebasing is that you get a linear and much cleaner project history.

The only thing you need to avoid is: never use rebase on public branch, like master branch.

Never do operations like the following:

git checkout master
git rebase -i test

Details for


Hex-encoded String to Byte Array

Java SE 6 or Java EE 5 provides a method to do this now so there is no need for extra libraries.

The method is DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary

In this case it can be used as follows:

String str = "9B7D2C34A366BF890C730641E6CECF6F";
byte[] bytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(str);

The class also provides type conversions for many other formats that are generally used in XML.

CSS3 Continuous Rotate Animation (Just like a loading sundial)

Your code seems correct. I would presume it is something to do with the fact you are using a .png and the way the browser redraws the object upon rotation is inefficient, causing the hang (what browser are you testing under?)

If possible replace the .png with something native.


Chrome gives me no pauses using this method.

How do I install PyCrypto on Windows?

After years and years, python finally agreed for a binary disribution called wheel which allows to install even binary extensions on Windows without having a compiler with simple pip install packagename. There is a list of popular packages with their status. Pycrypto is not there yet, but lxml, PySide and Scrapy for example.

Edited Nov 2015: pip uninstall pycrypto & pip install pycryptodome. It is a pycrypto fork with new features and it supports wheel. It replaces pycrypto, so existing code will continue to work (see

Build a simple HTTP server in C

I have written my own that you can use. This one works has sqlite, is thread safe and is in C++ for UNIX.

You should be able to pick it apart and use the C compatible code.

How to expand/collapse a diff sections in Vimdiff?

Aside from the ones you mention, I only use frequently when diffing the following:

  • :diffupdate :diffu -> recalculate the diff, useful when after making several changes vim's isn't showing minimal changes anymore. Note that it only works if the files have been modified inside vimdiff. Otherwise, use:
    • :e to reload the files if they have been modified outside of vimdiff.
  • :set noscrollbind -> temporarily disable simultaneous scrolling on both buffers, reenable by :set scrollbind and scrolling.

Most of what you asked for is folding: vim user manual's chapter on folding. Outside of diffs I sometime use:

  • zo -> open fold.
  • zc -> close fold.

But you'll probably be better served by:

  • zr -> reducing folding level.
  • zm -> one more folding level, please.

or even:

  • zR -> Reduce completely the folding, I said!.
  • zM -> fold Most!.

The other thing you asked for, use n lines of folding, can be found at the vim reference manual section on options, via the section on diff:

  • set diffopt=<TAB>, then update or add context:n.

You should also take a look at the user manual section on diff.

Run a Docker image as a container

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED            
jamesmedice/marketplace   latest              e78c49b5f380        2 days ago          
jamesmedice/marketplace   v1.0.0              *e78c49b5f380*        2 days ago          

$ docker run -p 6001:8585 *e78c49b5f380*

Generator expressions vs. list comprehensions

Use list comprehensions when the result needs to be iterated over multiple times, or where speed is paramount. Use generator expressions where the range is large or infinite.

See Generator expressions and list comprehensions for more info.

Rank function in MySQL

select id,first_name,gender,age,
rank() over(partition by gender order by age) rank_g
from person

CREATE TABLE person (id int, first_name varchar(20), age int, gender char(1));

INSERT INTO person VALUES (1, 'Bob', 25, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (2, 'Jane', 20, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (3, 'Jack', 30, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (4, 'Bill', 32, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (5, 'Nick', 22, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (6, 'Kathy', 18, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (7, 'Steve', 36, 'M');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (8, 'Anne', 25, 'F');
INSERT INTO person VALUES (9,'AKSH',32,'M');

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency injection is one possible solution to what could generally be termed the "Dependency Obfuscation" requirement. Dependency Obfuscation is a method of taking the 'obvious' nature out of the process of providing a dependency to a class that requires it and therefore obfuscating, in some way, the provision of said dependency to said class. This is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, by obfuscating the manner by which a dependency is provided to a class then something outside the class is responsible for creating the dependency which means, in various scenarios, a different implementation of the dependency can be supplied to the class without making any changes to the class. This is great for switching between production and testing modes (eg., using a 'mock' service dependency).

Unfortunately the bad part is that some people have assumed you need a specialized framework to do dependency obfuscation and that you are somehow a 'lesser' programmer if you choose not to use a particular framework to do it. Another, extremely disturbing myth, believed by many, is that dependency injection is the only way of achieving dependency obfuscation. This is demonstrably and historically and obviously 100% wrong but you will have trouble convincing some people that there are alternatives to dependency injection for your dependency obfuscation requirements.

Programmers have understood the dependency obfuscation requirement for years and many alternative solutions have evolved both before and after dependency injection was conceived. There are Factory patterns but there are also many options using ThreadLocal where no injection to a particular instance is needed - the dependency is effectively injected into the thread which has the benefit of making the object available (via convenience static getter methods) to any class that requires it without having to add annotations to the classes that require it and set up intricate XML 'glue' to make it happen. When your dependencies are required for persistence (JPA/JDO or whatever) it allows you to achieve 'tranaparent persistence' much easier and with domain model and business model classes made up purely of POJOs (i.e. no framework specific/locked in annotations).

Using variables inside a bash heredoc

As a late corolloary to the earlier answers here, you probably end up in situations where you want some but not all variables to be interpolated. You can solve that by using backslashes to escape dollar signs and backticks; or you can put the static text in a variable.

Name='Rich Ba$tard'
cat <<____HERE
$Name, you can win a lot of $dough this week!
Notice that \`backticks' need escaping if you want
literal text, not `pwd`, just like in variables like
\$HOME (current value: $HOME)


Note that any of the quoting mechanisms -- \____HERE or "____HERE" or '____HERE' -- will disable all variable interpolation, and turn the here-document into a piece of literal text.

A common task is to combine local variables with script which should be evaluated by a different shell, programming language, or remote host.

ssh -t remote <<:
    echo "$local is the value from the host which ran the ssh command"
    # Prevent here doc from expanding locally; remote won't see backslash
    # Same here
    echo "\$remote is the value from the host we ssh:ed to"

HTML Best Practices: Should I use &rsquo; or the special keyboard shortcut?

One risk of using the keyboard shortcut is that it requires using a non-ASCII encoding. That might be fine, but if your source is loaded by different editors in different locales, you might hit trouble somewhere along the line.

It might be safer to use either &#8217; or &rsquo; (which are equivalent) as both are ASCII.

Looping each row in datagridview

I used the solution below to export all datagrid values to a text file, rather than using the column names you can use the column index instead.

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in xxxCsvDG.Rows)
    File.AppendAllText(csvLocation, row.Cells[0].Value + "," + row.Cells[1].Value + "," + row.Cells[2].Value + "," + row.Cells[3].Value + Environment.NewLine);

Good Free Alternative To MS Access

Much in line with Aurelio's answer, I now work in Ruby on Rails on some applications that I might formerly have done in MS Access. The back end database for a Rails App. is usually, MySql (works well enough and is available on most shared Web hosting) or PostgreSQL (the better choice when possible).

Stop UIWebView from "bouncing" vertically?

Here's two newer potential solutions. Apparently, you can use jqtouch or pastrykit to disable scrolling. However, I haven't got these to work. You might be more competent.

turning off vertical scrolling

digging into pastrykit

Format number as percent in MS SQL Server

Using FORMAT function in new versions of SQL Server is much simpler and allows much more control:

FORMAT(yournumber, '#,##0.0%')

Benefit of this is you can control additional things like thousand separators and you don't get that space between the number and '%'.

Upload Image using POST form data in Python-requests

From wechat api doc:

curl -F [email protected] ""

Translate the command above to python:

import requests
url = ''
files = {'media': open('test.jpg', 'rb')}, files=files)

How to generate Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram of a database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

Diagrams are back as of the June 11 2019 release

Download latest

as stated:

Yes, we’ve heard the feedback; Database Diagrams is back.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.1 is now generally available

?? Latest Version Does Not Included It ??

Sadly, the last version of SSMS to have database diagrams as a feature was version v17.9.

Since that version, the newer preview versions starting at v18.* have, in their words "...feature has been deprecated".

Hope is not lost though, for one can still download and use v17.9 to use database diagrams which as an aside for this question is technically not a ER diagramming tool.

As of this writing it is unclear if the release version of 18 will have the feature, I hope so because it is a feature I use extensively.

Python - Get path of root project structure

I struggled with this problem too until I came to this solution. This is the cleanest solution in my opinion.

In your add "packages"


In your

import pkg_resources
import os

resource_package = pkg_resources.get_distribution(
config_path = os.path.join(resource_package,'configuration.conf')

jQuery counter to count up to a target number

I ended up creating my own plugin. Here it is in case this helps anyone:

(function($) {
    $.fn.countTo = function(options) {
        // merge the default plugin settings with the custom options
        options = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, options || {});
        // how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update
        var loops = Math.ceil(options.speed / options.refreshInterval),
            increment = ( - options.from) / loops;
        return $(this).each(function() {
            var _this = this,
                loopCount = 0,
                value = options.from,
                interval = setInterval(updateTimer, options.refreshInterval);
            function updateTimer() {
                value += increment;
                if (typeof(options.onUpdate) == 'function') {
          , value);
                if (loopCount >= loops) {
                    value =;
                    if (typeof(options.onComplete) == 'function') {
              , value);
    $.fn.countTo.defaults = {
        from: 0,  // the number the element should start at
        to: 100,  // the number the element should end at
        speed: 1000,  // how long it should take to count between the target numbers
        refreshInterval: 100,  // how often the element should be updated
        decimals: 0,  // the number of decimal places to show
        onUpdate: null,  // callback method for every time the element is updated,
        onComplete: null,  // callback method for when the element finishes updating

Here's some sample code of how to use it:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
    jQuery(function($) {
            from: 50,
            to: 2500,
            speed: 1000,
            refreshInterval: 50,
            onComplete: function(value) {

<span class="timer"></span>

View the demo on JSFiddle:

Return back to MainActivity from another activity

why don't you call finish();

when you want to return to MainActivity

   btnReturn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

How to get the CPU Usage in C#?

After spending some time reading over a couple different threads that seemed pretty complicated I came up with this. I needed it for an 8 core machine where I wanted to monitor SQL server. For the code below then I passed in "sqlservr" as appName.

private static void RunTest(string appName)
    bool done = false;
    PerformanceCounter total_cpu = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor Time", "_Total");
    PerformanceCounter process_cpu = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor Time", appName);
    while (!done)
        float t = total_cpu.NextValue();
        float p = process_cpu.NextValue();
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("_Total = {0}  App = {1} {2}%\n", t, p, p / t * 100));

It seems to correctly measure the % of CPU being used by SQL on my 8 core server.

Toolbar overlapping below status bar

Use android:fitsSystemWindows="true" in the root view of your layout (LinearLayout in your case). And android:fitsSystemWindows is an

internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar. If true, adjusts the padding of this view to leave space for the system windows. Will only take effect if this view is in a non-embedded activity.

Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type.

This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol fitsSystemWindows.

Cannot get a text value from a numeric cell “Poi”

If you are processing in rows with cellIterator....then this worked for me ....

  DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();   
        cell =;
        String val = "";            
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                val = String.valueOf(formatter.formatCellValue(cell));
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                val = formatter.formatCellValue(cell);

How to hide status bar in Android

You can hide by using styles.xml


<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
<style name="HiddenTitleTheme" parent="AppTheme">
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>

just call this in your manifest like this android:theme="@style/HiddenTitleTheme"

Convert ASCII TO UTF-8 Encoding

"ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, so..." - so UTF-8 is a set? :)

In other words: any string build with code points from x00 to x7F has indistinguishable representations (byte sequences) in ASCII and UTF-8. Converting such string is pointless.

Escaping a forward slash in a regular expression

If you are using C#, you do not need to escape it.

Launch a shell command with in a python script, wait for the termination and return to the script

use spawn

import os
os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'cp', 'cp', 'index.html', '/dev/null')

How to get my project path?

Your program has no knowledge of where your VS project is, so see get path for my .exe and go ../.. to get your project's path.

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

You could use the xpath :

//div[@class="measure-tab" and .//span[contains(., "someText")]]

Input :

<div class="measure-tab">
  <td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab">

Output :

    Element='<div class="measure-tab">

Detect end of ScrollView

I went through the solutions on the internet. Mostly solutions didn't work in the project I'm working on. Following solutions work fine for me.

Using onScrollChangeListener (works on API 23):

   if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        scrollView.setOnScrollChangeListener(new View.OnScrollChangeListener() {
            public void onScrollChange(View v, int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY) {

                int bottom =   (scrollView.getChildAt(scrollView.getChildCount() - 1)).getHeight()-scrollView.getHeight()-scrollY;

                    //top detected
                    //bottom detected

using scrollChangeListener on TreeObserver

 scrollView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnScrollChangedListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnScrollChangedListener() {
        public void onScrollChanged() {
            int bottom =   (scrollView.getChildAt(scrollView.getChildCount() - 1)).getHeight()-scrollView.getHeight()-scrollView.getScrollY();

                //top detected
            if(bottom==0) {
                //bottom detected

Hope this solution helps :)

MongoDB not equal to

From the Mongo docs:

The $not operator only affects other operators and cannot check fields and documents independently. So, use the $not operator for logical disjunctions and the $ne operator to test the contents of fields directly.

Since you are testing the field directly $ne is the right operator to use here.


A situation where you would like to use $not is:

db.inventory.find( { price: { $not: { $gt: 1.99 } } } )

That would select all documents where:

  • The price field value is less than or equal to 1.99 or the price
  • Field does not exist

Remove or uninstall library previously added : cocoapods

Remove pod name from Podfile then Open Terminal, set project folder path and Run pod update command.

NOTE: pod update will update all the libraries to the latest version and will also remove those libraries whose name have been removed from podfile.

Xcode - ld: library not found for -lPods

If anyone came here to resolve an error with react-native-fbsdk after installing it using Cocoapods, keep in mind that you have to remove all the other .a files in your Projects build phases and only keep the .a from cocoapods called libPods-WhateverAppName.a.

Only that remains here

This is usually caused from running rnpm link and the way rnpm works.

After I removed the facebook core .a file from my build phases my project was up and running once again.

How to kill a while loop with a keystroke?

There is a solution that requires no non-standard modules and is 100% transportable

import thread

def input_thread(a_list):

def do_stuff():
    a_list = []
    thread.start_new_thread(input_thread, (a_list,))
    while not a_list:

Gradle - Error Could not find method implementation() for arguments []

For me I put my dependencies in the wrong spot.

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    //Don't put dependencies here.

dependencies {
 //Put them here

Converting timestamp to time ago in PHP e.g 1 day ago, 2 days ago...

# This function prints the difference between two php datetime objects
# in a more human readable form
# inputs should be like strtotime($date)
function humanizeDateDiffference($now,$otherDate=null,$offset=null){
    if($otherDate != null){
        $offset = $now - $otherDate;
    if($offset != null){
        $deltaS = $offset%60;
        $offset /= 60;
        $deltaM = $offset%60;
        $offset /= 60;
        $deltaH = $offset%24;
        $offset /= 24;
        $deltaD = ($offset > 1)?ceil($offset):$offset;      
    } else{
        throw new Exception("Must supply otherdate or offset (from now)");
    if($deltaD > 1){
        if($deltaD > 365){
            $years = ceil($deltaD/365);
            if($years ==1){
                return "last year"; 
            } else{
                return "<br>$years years ago";
        if($deltaD > 6){
            return date('d-M',strtotime("$deltaD days ago"));
        return "$deltaD days ago";
    if($deltaD == 1){
        return "Yesterday";
    if($deltaH == 1){
        return "last hour";
    if($deltaM == 1){
        return "last minute";
    if($deltaH > 0){
        return $deltaH." hours ago";
    if($deltaM > 0){
        return $deltaM." minutes ago";
        return "few seconds ago";

pandas: find percentile stats of a given column

You can even give multiple columns with null values and get multiple quantile values (I use 95 percentile for outlier treatment)

my_df[['field_A','field_B']].dropna().quantile([0.0, .5, .90, .95])

Removing whitespace from strings in Java

You should use

s.replaceAll("\\s+", "");

instead of:

s.replaceAll("\\s", "");

This way, it will work with more than one spaces between each string. The + sign in the above regex means "one or more \s"

--\s = Anything that is a space character (including space, tab characters etc). Why do we need s+ here?

How to comment out a block of code in Python

Another editor-based solution: text "rectangles" in Emacs.

Highlight the code you want to comment out, then C-x-r-t #

To un-comment the code: highlight, then C-x-r-k

I use this all-day, every day. (Assigned to hot-keys, of course.)

This and powerful regex search/replace is the reason I tolerate Emacs's other "eccentricities".

Equivalent to AssemblyInfo in dotnet core/csproj

You can always add your own AssemblyInfo.cs, which comes in handy for InternalsVisibleToAttribute, CLSCompliantAttribute and others that are not automatically generated.

Adding AssemblyInfo.cs to a Project

  1. In Solution Explorer, right click on <project name> > Add > New Folder.

Add New Folder

  1. Name the folder "Properties".

Name folder Properties

  1. Right click on the "Properties" folder, and click Add > New Item....

Add New Item

  1. Select "Class" and name it "AssemblyInfo.cs".

Name file AssemblyInfo.cs

Suppressing Auto-Generated Attributes

If you want to move your attributes back to AssemblyInfo.cs instead of having them auto-generated, you can suppress them in MSBuild as natemcmaster pointed out in his answer.

jQuery UI Accordion Expand/Collapse All

As discussed in the jQuery UI forums, you should not use accordions for this.

If you want something that looks and acts like an accordion, that is fine. Use their classes to style them, and implement whatever functionality you need. Then adding a button to open or close them all is pretty straightforward. Example


By using the jquery-ui classes, we keep our accordions looking just like the "real" accordions.

<div id="accordion" class="ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset">
    <h3 class="accordion-header ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-corner-all">
        <span class="ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e"></span>
        Section 1
    <div class="ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">
        Content 1

Roll your own accordions

Mostly we just want accordion headers to toggle the state of the following sibling, which is it's content area. We have also added two custom events "show" and "hide" which we will hook into later.

var headers = $('#accordion .accordion-header');
var contentAreas = $('#accordion .ui-accordion-content ').hide();
var expandLink = $('.accordion-expand-all'); {
    var panel = $(this).next();
    var isOpen =':visible');

    // open or close as necessary
    panel[isOpen? 'slideUp': 'slideDown']()
        // trigger the correct custom event
        .trigger(isOpen? 'hide': 'show');

    // stop the link from causing a pagescroll
    return false;

Expand/Collapse All

We use a boolean isAllOpen flag to mark when the button has been changed, this could just as easily have been a class, or a state variable on a larger plugin framework.{
    var isAllOpen = $(this).data('isAllOpen');

    contentAreas[isAllOpen? 'hide': 'show']()
        .trigger(isAllOpen? 'hide': 'show');

Swap the button when "all open"

Thanks to our custom "show" and "hide" events, we have something to listen for when panels are changing. The only special case is "are they all open", if yes the button should be a "Collapse all", if not it should be "Expand all".

    // whenever we open a panel, check to see if they're all open
    // if all open, swap the button to collapser
    show: function(){
        var isAllOpen = !':hidden');   
            expandLink.text('Collapse All')
                .data('isAllOpen', true);
    // whenever we close a panel, check to see if they're all open
    // if not all open, swap the button to expander
    hide: function(){
        var isAllOpen = !':hidden');
            expandLink.text('Expand all')
            .data('isAllOpen', false);

Edit for comment: Maintaining "1 panel open only" unless you hit the "Expand all" button is actually much easier. Example

Invert colors of an image in CSS or JavaScript

For inversion from 0 to 1 and back you can use this library InvertImages, which provides support for IE 10. I also tested with IE 11 and it should work.

Graphviz: How to go from .dot to a graph?

For window user, Please run complete command to convert *.dot file to png:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe" -Tpng > sampletest.png.....

I have found a bug in solgraph that it is utilizing older version of solidity-parser that does not seem to be intelligent enough to capture new enhancement done for solidity programming language itself e.g. emit keyword for Event

Java: notify() vs. notifyAll() all over again

There are three states for a thread.

  1. WAIT - The thread is not using any CPU cycle
  2. BLOCKED - The thread is blocked trying to acquire a monitor. It might still be using the CPU cycles
  3. RUNNING - The thread is running.

Now, when a notify() is called, JVM picks one thread and move them to the BLOCKED state and hence to the RUNNING state as there is no competition for the monitor object.

When a notifyAll() is called, JVM picks all the threads and move all of them to BLOCKED state. All these threads will get the lock of the object on a priority basis. Thread which is able to acquire the monitor first will be able to go to the RUNNING state first and so on.

Python Remove last 3 characters of a string

It doesn't work as you expect because strip is character based. You need to do this instead:

foo = foo.replace(' ', '')[:-3].upper()

How do I find Waldo with Mathematica?

I don't know Mathematica . . . too bad. But I like the answer above, for the most part.

Still there is a major flaw in relying on the stripes alone to glean the answer (I personally don't have a problem with one manual adjustment). There is an example (listed by Brett Champion, here) presented which shows that they, at times, break up the shirt pattern. So then it becomes a more complex pattern.

I would try an approach of shape id and colors, along with spacial relations. Much like face recognition, you could look for geometric patterns at certain ratios from each other. The caveat is that usually one or more of those shapes is occluded.

Get a white balance on the image, and red a red balance from the image. I believe Waldo is always the same value/hue, but the image may be from a scan, or a bad copy. Then always refer to an array of the colors that Waldo actually is: red, white, dark brown, blue, peach, {shoe color}.

There is a shirt pattern, and also the pants, glasses, hair, face, shoes and hat that define Waldo. Also, relative to other people in the image, Waldo is on the skinny side.

So, find random people to obtain an the height of people in this pic. Measure the average height of a bunch of things at random points in the image (a simple outline will produce quite a few individual people). If each thing is not within some standard deviation from each other, they are ignored for now. Compare the average of heights to the image's height. If the ratio is too great (e.g., 1:2, 1:4, or similarly close), then try again. Run it 10(?) of times to make sure that the samples are all pretty close together, excluding any average that is outside some standard deviation. Possible in Mathematica?

This is your Waldo size. Walso is skinny, so you are looking for something 5:1 or 6:1 (or whatever) ht:wd. However, this is not sufficient. If Waldo is partially hidden, the height could change. So, you are looking for a block of red-white that ~2:1. But there has to be more indicators.

  1. Waldo has glasses. Search for two circles 0.5:1 above the red-white.
  2. Blue pants. Any amount of blue at the same width within any distance between the end of the red-white and the distance to his feet. Note that he wears his shirt short, so the feet are not too close.
  3. The hat. Red-white any distance up to twice the top of his head. Note that it must have dark hair below, and probably glasses.
  4. Long sleeves. red-white at some angle from the main red-white.
  5. Dark hair.
  6. Shoe color. I don't know the color.

Any of those could apply. These are also negative checks against similar people in the pic -- e.g., #2 negates wearing a red-white apron (too close to shoes), #5 eliminates light colored hair. Also, shape is only one indicator for each of these tests . . . color alone within the specified distance can give good results.

This will narrow down the areas to process.

Storing these results will produce a set of areas that should have Waldo in it. Exclude all other areas (e.g., for each area, select a circle twice as big as the average person size), and then run the process that @Heike laid out with removing all but red, and so on.

Any thoughts on how to code this?


Thoughts on how to code this . . . exclude all areas but Waldo red, skeletonize the red areas, and prune them down to a single point. Do the same for Waldo hair brown, Waldo pants blue, Waldo shoe color. For Waldo skin color, exclude, then find the outline.

Next, exclude non-red, dilate (a lot) all the red areas, then skeletonize and prune. This part will give a list of possible Waldo center points. This will be the marker to compare all other Waldo color sections to.

From here, using the skeletonized red areas (not the dilated ones), count the lines in each area. If there is the correct number (four, right?), this is certainly a possible area. If not, I guess just exclude it (as being a Waldo center . . . it may still be his hat).

Then check if there is a face shape above, a hair point above, pants point below, shoe points below, and so on.

No code yet -- still reading the docs.

Reactive forms - disabled attribute

disabling of mat form fields is exempted if you are using form validation,so do make sure that your form field does not have any validations like(validators.required),this worked for me. for ex:

editUserPhone: new FormControl({value:' ',disabled:true})

this makes the phone numbers of user to be non editable.

estimating of testing effort as a percentage of development time

Some years ago, in a safety critical field, I have heard something like one day for unit testing ten lines of code.

I have also observed 50% of effort for development and 50% for testing (not only unit testing).

How to add external library in IntelliJ IDEA?

I've used this process to attach a 3rd party Jar to an Android project in IDEA.

  • Copy the Jar to your libs/ directory
  • Open Project Settings (Ctrl Alt Shift S)
  • Under the Project Settings panel on the left, choose Modules
  • On the larger right pane, choose the Dependencies tab
  • Press the Add... button on the far right of the screen (if you have a smaller screen like me, you may have to drag resize to the right in order to see it)
  • From the dropdown of Add options, choose "Library". A "Choose Libraries" dialog will appear.
  • Press "New Library..."
  • Choose a suitable title for the library
  • Press "Attach Classes..."
  • Choose the Jar from your libs/ directory, and press OK to dismiss

The library should now be recognised.

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

If you are experiencing the OP's problem where your cookies have been set using JavaScript - for example:

document.cookie = "my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value; expires=Thu, 11 Jun 2070 11:11:11 UTC; path=/";

you could instead use:

document.cookie = "my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value; expires=Thu, 11 Jun 2070 11:11:11 UTC; path=/; SameSite=None; Secure";

It worked for me. More info here.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to Activity

In Fragment use isAdded() It will return true if the fragment is currently attached to Activity.

If you want to check inside the Activity

 Fragment fragment = new MyFragment();
      { // your code here}
       //do something

Hope it will help someone

create unique id with javascript

    const generateUniqueId = () => 'id_' + + String(Math.random()).substr(2);

    // if u want to check for collision
    const arr = [];
    const checkForCollision = () => {
      for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
        const el = generateUniqueId();
        if (arr.indexOf(el) > -1) {
          alert('COLLISION FOUND');

Return the most recent record from ElasticSearch index

You can use sort on date field and size=1 parameter. Does it help?

'Class' does not contain a definition for 'Method'

If you are using a class from another project, the project needs to re-build and create re-the dll. Make sure "Build" is checked for that project on Build -> Configuration Manager in Visual Studio. So the reference project will re-build and update the dll.

Read file content from S3 bucket with boto3

boto3 offers a resource model that makes tasks like iterating through objects easier. Unfortunately, StreamingBody doesn't provide readline or readlines.

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('test-bucket')
# Iterates through all the objects, doing the pagination for you. Each obj
# is an ObjectSummary, so it doesn't contain the body. You'll need to call
# get to get the whole body.
for obj in bucket.objects.all():
    key = obj.key
    body = obj.get()['Body'].read()

Undo a merge by pull request?

Look at your commit graph (with gitk or a similar program). You will see commits from the pull request, and you will see your own commits, and a merge commit (if it was not a fast-forward merge). You just have to find the last of your own commits before the merge, and reset the branch to this commit.

(If you have the branch's reflog, it should be even easier to find the commit before the merge.)

(Edit after more information in comments:)

Okay, lets look at the graph:

screenshot 1

I assume the last (rightmost) commit was your wrong merge by pull request, which merged the blue line seen here. Your last good commit would be the one before on the black line, here marked in red:

enter image description here

Reset to this commit, and you should be fine.

This means, in your local working copy do this (after making sure you have no more uncommitted stuff, for example by git stash):

git checkout master
git reset --hard 7a62674ba3df0853c63539175197a16122a739ef

Now confirm that you are really on the commit I marked there, and you will see none of the pulled stuff in its ancestry.

git push -f origin master

(if your github remote is named origin - else change the name).

Now everything should look right on github, too. The commits will still be in your repository, but not reachable by any branch, thus should not do any harm there. (And they will be still on RogerPaladin's repository, of course.)

(There might be a Github specific web-only way of doing the same thing, but I'm not too familiar with Github and its pull request managing system.)

Note that if anyone else already might have pulled your master with the wrong commit, they then have the same problem as you currently have, and can't really contribute back. before resetting to your new master version.

If it is likely that this happened, or you simply want to avoid any problems, use the git revert command instead of git reset, to revert the changes with a new commit, instead of setting back to an older one. (Some people think you should never do reset with published branches.) See other answers to this question on how to do this.

For the future:

If you want only some of the commits of RogerPaladin's branch, consider using cherry-pick instead of merge. Or communicate to RogerPaladin to move them to a separate branch and send a new pull request.

Change a web.config programmatically with C# (.NET)

Configuration config = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
ConnectionStringsSection section = config.GetSection("connectionStrings") as ConnectionStringsSection;

Dialog to pick image from gallery or from camera

If you want to get the image from gallery or capture the image and set it to the imageview in portrait mode then following code will help you..

In onCreate()

imageViewRound.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

    private void selectImage() {
    Constants.iscamera = true;
    final CharSequence[] items = { "Take Photo", "Choose from Library",
            "Cancel" };

     TextView title = new TextView(context);
     title.setText("Add Photo!");
        title.setPadding(10, 15, 15, 10);

    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(


    // builder.setTitle("Add Photo!");
    builder.setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) {
            if (items[item].equals("Take Photo")) {
                // Intent intent = new
                // Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

                Intent intent = new Intent(
                 * File photo = new
                 * File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
                 * "Pic.jpg"); intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT,
                 * Uri.fromFile(photo)); imageUri = Uri.fromFile(photo);
                // startActivityForResult(intent,TAKE_PICTURE);

                Intent intents = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

                fileUri = getOutputMediaFileUri(MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE);

                intents.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri);

                // start the image capture Intent
                startActivityForResult(intents, TAKE_PICTURE);

            } else if (items[item].equals("Choose from Library")) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(
                        Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Picture"),
            } else if (items[item].equals("Cancel")) {

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    switch (requestCode) {
        Bitmap bitmap = null;
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            if (data != null) {

                try {
                    Uri selectedImage = data.getData();
                    String[] filePath = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
                    Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(
                            selectedImage, filePath, null, null, null);
                    int columnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(filePath[0]);
                    String picturePath = c.getString(columnIndex);
                    // Bitmap thumbnail =
                    // (BitmapFactory.decodeFile(picturePath));
                    Bitmap thumbnail = decodeSampledBitmapFromResource(
                            picturePath, 500, 500);

                    // rotated
                    Bitmap thumbnail_r = imageOreintationValidator(
                            thumbnail, picturePath);
                    IsImageSet = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    case TAKE_PICTURE:
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {





private void previewCapturedImage() {
    try {
        // hide video preview


        // bimatp factory
        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();

        // downsizing image as it throws OutOfMemory Exception for larger
        // images
        options.inSampleSize = 8;

        final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(fileUri.getPath(),

        Bitmap resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 500, 500,

        // rotated
        Bitmap thumbnail_r = imageOreintationValidator(resizedBitmap,

        IsImageSet = true;
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "done", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {

    // for roted image......
private Bitmap imageOreintationValidator(Bitmap bitmap, String path) {

    ExifInterface ei;
    try {
        ei = new ExifInterface(path);
        int orientation = ei.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION,
        switch (orientation) {
        case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
            bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 90);
        case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
            bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 180);
        case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
            bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 270);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return bitmap;

private Bitmap rotateImage(Bitmap source, float angle) {

    Bitmap bitmap = null;
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    try {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getWidth(),
                source.getHeight(), matrix, true);
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError err) {
        Date d = new Date();
        CharSequence s = DateFormat
                .format("MM-dd-yy-hh-mm-ss", d.getTime());
        String fullPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
                + "/RYB_pic/" + s.toString() + ".jpg";
        if ((fullPath != null) && (new File(fullPath).exists())) {
            new File(fullPath).delete();
        bitmap = null;
    return bitmap;

public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource(String pathToFile,
        int reqWidth, int reqHeight) {

    // First decode with inJustDecodeBounds=true to check dimensions
    final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
    BitmapFactory.decodeFile(pathToFile, options);

    // Calculate inSampleSize
    options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, reqWidth,

    Log.e("inSampleSize", "inSampleSize______________in storage"
            + options.inSampleSize);
    // Decode bitmap with inSampleSize set
    options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
    return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(pathToFile, options);

public static int calculateInSampleSize(BitmapFactory.Options options,
        int reqWidth, int reqHeight) {
    // Raw height and width of image
    final int height = options.outHeight;
    final int width = options.outWidth;
    int inSampleSize = 1;

    if (height > reqHeight || width > reqWidth) {

        // Calculate ratios of height and width to requested height and
        // width
        final int heightRatio = Math.round((float) height
                / (float) reqHeight);
        final int widthRatio = Math.round((float) width / (float) reqWidth);

        // Choose the smallest ratio as inSampleSize value, this will
        // guarantee
        // a final image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the
        // requested height and width.
        inSampleSize = heightRatio < widthRatio ? heightRatio : widthRatio;


    return inSampleSize;

public String getPath(Uri uri) {
    String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
    Cursor cursor = managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null);
    int column_index = cursor
    return cursor.getString(column_index);

private static File getOutputMediaFile(int type) {

    // External sdcard location
    File mediaStorageDir = new File(

    // Create the storage directory if it does not exist
    if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) {
        if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) {
            Log.d(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_NAME, "Oops! Failed create "
                    + IMAGE_DIRECTORY_NAME + " directory");
            return null;

    // Create a media file name
    String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss",
            Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date());
    File mediaFile;
    if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) {
        mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator
                + "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg");
    } else {
        return null;

    return mediaFile;

public Uri getOutputMediaFileUri(int type) {
    return Uri.fromFile(getOutputMediaFile(type));

Hope This will help you....!!!

If targetSdkVersion is higher than 24, then FileProvider is used to grant access.

Create an xml file(Path: res\xml) provider_paths.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="">
    <external-path name="external_files" path="."/>

Add a Provider in AndroidManifest.xml


and replace

return Uri.fromFile(getOutputMediaFile(type));


               return FileProvider.getUriForFile(this,  BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".provider", getOutputMediaFile(type));

What's the name for hyphen-separated case?

It's also sometimes known as caterpillar-case

Can not get a simple bootstrap modal to work

I run into this issue too. I was including bootstrap.js AND bootstrap-modal.js. If you already have bootstrap.js, you don't need to include popover.

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in helpers.php 233

If you came across this error while using the command line its because you must be using php 7 to execute whatever it is you are trying to execute. What happened is that the code is trying to use an operator thats only available in php7+ and is causing a syntax error.

If you already have php 7+ on your computer try pointing the command line to the higher version of php you want to use.

export PATH=/usr/local/[php-7-folder]/bin/:$PATH

Here is the exact location that worked based off of my setup for reference:

export PATH=/usr/local/php5-7.1.4-20170506-100436/bin/:$PATH

The operator thats actually caused the break is the "null coalesce operator" you can read more about it here:

php7 New Operators

Creating a folder if it does not exists - "Item already exists"

I was not even concentrating, here is how to do it

$DOCDIR = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")
if(!(Test-Path -Path $TARGETDIR )){
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGETDIR

bootstrap multiselect get selected values

more efficient, due to less DOM lookups:

    // ...
    onChange: function() {
        var selected = this.$select.val();
        // ...

Command to open file with git

while you are working in some whatever project and you want to make a minor change you can use git default editor, however you'd probably need a little script that parse the file generated by command below

git config -l

then the variable code.editor holds the value /Applications/ -n -w

which you can open using os.system()

How to run a Powershell script from the command line and pass a directory as a parameter

Using the flag -Command you can execute your entire powershell line as if it was a command in the PowerShell prompt:

powershell -Command "& '<PATH_TO_PS1_FILE>' '<ARG_1>' '<ARG_2>' ... '<ARG_N>'"

This solved my issue with running PowerShell commands in Visual Studio Post-Build and Pre-Build events.

How to install Java SDK on CentOS?

On centos 7, I just do

sudo yum install java-sdk

I assume you have most common repo already. Centos just finds the correct SDK with the -devel sufix.

Bitwise operation and usage

To flip bits (i.e. 1's complement/invert) you can do the following:

Since value ExORed with all 1s results into inversion, for a given bit width you can use ExOR to invert them.

In Binary
a=1010 --> this is 0xA or decimal 10
c = 1111 ^ a = 0101 --> this is 0xF or decimal 15
In Python
c = a ^ b --> 0101
print(bin(c)) # gives '0b101'

How to call any method asynchronously in c#

public partial class MainForm : Form
    Image img;
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void LoadImageAsynchronously(string url)
        This is a classic example of how make a synchronous code snippet work asynchronously.
        A class implements a method synchronously like the WebClient's DownloadData(…) function for example
            (1) First wrap the method call in an Anonymous delegate.
            (2) Use BeginInvoke(…) and send the wrapped anonymous delegate object as the last parameter along with a callback function name as the first parameter.
            (3) In the callback method retrieve the ar's AsyncState as a Type (typecast) of the anonymous delegate. Along with this object comes EndInvoke(…) as free Gift
            (4) Use EndInvoke(…) to retrieve the synchronous call’s return value in our case it will be the WebClient's DownloadData(…)’s return value.
            Func<Image> load_image_Async = delegate()
                WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                Bitmap bmpLocal = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData(url)));
                return bmpLocal;

            Action<IAsyncResult> load_Image_call_back = delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
                Func<Image> ss = (Func<Image>)ar.AsyncState;
                Bitmap myBmp = (Bitmap)ss.EndInvoke(ar);

                if (img != null) img.Dispose();
                if (myBmp != null)
                    img = myBmp;
                //timer.Enabled = true;
            //load_image_Async.BeginInvoke(callback_load_Image, load_image_Async);             
            load_image_Async.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(load_Image_call_back), load_image_Async);             
        catch (Exception ex)

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        if (img != null)
            Graphics grfx = e.Graphics;
            grfx.DrawImage(img,new Point(0,0));

Change table header color using bootstrap

there's a bootstrap function to change the color of table header called thead-dark for dark background of table header and thead-light for light background of table header. Your code will look like this after using this function.

<table class="table">
    <tr class="thead-danger">
        <!-- here I used dark table headre -->
            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model =>
            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.checkBox1)

Execute curl command within a Python script

Rephrasing one of the answers in this post, instead of using cmd.split(). Try to use:

import shlex

args = shlex.split(cmd)

Then feed args to subprocess.Popen.

Check this doc for more info:

Git: "Corrupt loose object"

I encountered this once my system crashed. What I did is this:

(Please note your corrupt commits are lost, but changes are retained. You might have to recreate those commits at the end of this procedure)

  • Backup your code.
  • Go to your working directory and delete the .git folder.
  • Now clone the remote in another location and copy the .git folder in it.
  • Paste it in your working directory.
  • Commit as you wanted.

How to change line width in IntelliJ (from 120 character)

It seems like Jetbrains made some renaming and moved settings around so the accepted answer is no longer 100% valid anymore.

Intellij 2018.3:

hard wrap - idea will automatically wrap the line as you type, this is not what the OP was asking for

visual guide - just a vertical line indicating a characters limit, default is 120

If you just want to change the visual guide from the default 120 to lets say 80 in my example:

enter image description here

Also you can change the color or the visual guide by clicking on the Foreground:

enter image description here

Lastly, you can also set the visual guide for all file types (unless specified) here:

enter image description here

SELECT data from another schema in oracle

Depending on the schema/account you are using to connect to the database, I would suspect you are missing a grant to the account you are using to connect to the database.

Connect as PCT account in the database, then grant the account you are using select access for the table.

grant select on pi_int to Account_used_to_connect

How to open a new tab in GNOME Terminal from command line?

A bit more elaborate version (to use from another window):



TERM_PID=$(echo `ps -C gnome-terminal -o pid= | head -1`) # get first gnome-terminal's PID
WID=$(wmctrl -lp | awk -v pid=$TERM_PID '$3==pid{print $1;exit;}') # get window id

xdotool windowfocus $WID
xdotool key alt+t # my key map
xdotool sleep $DELAY # it may take a while to start new shell :(
xdotool type --delay 1 --clearmodifiers "$@"
xdotool key Return

wmctrl -i -a $WID # go to that window (WID is numeric)

# vim:ai
# EOF #

What is the function __construct used for?

I think this is important to the understanding of the purpose of the constructor.
Even after reading the responses here it took me a few minutes to realise and here is the reason.
I have gotten into a habit of explicitly coding everything that is initiated or occurs. In other words this would be my cat class and how I would call it.


class cat {
    function speak() {
        return "meow";  


mycat = new cat;
$speak = cat->speak();
echo $speak;

Where in @Logan Serman's given "class cat" examples it is assumed that every time you create a new object of class "cat" you want the cat to "meow" rather than waiting for you to call the function to make it meow.

In this way my mind was thinking explicitly where the constructor method uses implicity and this made it hard to understand at first.

How to create a pivot query in sql server without aggregate function

Check this out as well: using xml path and pivot


| ACCOUNT | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 |
|   Asset |  205 |  142 |  421 |
|  Equity |  365 |  214 |  163 |
|  Profit |  524 |  421 |  325 |

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(c.period) 
            FROM demo c
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT account, ' + @cols + ' from 
                select account
                    , value
                    , period
                from demo
           ) x
                for period in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


How to git commit a single file/directory

you try if You are in Master branch git commit -m "Commit message" -- filename.ext

Syntax error "syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end (SyntaxError)"

It seems that you have a bunch of describes that never have ends keywords, starting with describe "when email format is invalid" do until describe "when email address is already taken" do

Put an end on those guys and you're probably done =)

Is there any way to kill a Thread?

You can execute your command in a process and then kill it using the process id. I needed to sync between two thread one of which doesn’t return by itself.

processIds = []

def executeRecord(command):

    process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    #Command that doesn't return by itself"utf-8")

def recordThread(command, timeOut):

    thread = Thread(target=executeRecord, args=(command,))

    os.kill(processIds.pop(), signal.SIGINT)


Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

Conditional Formatting using Excel VBA code

This will get you to an answer for your simple case, but can you expand on how you'll know which columns will need to be compared (B and C in this case) and what the initial range (A1:D5 in this case) will be? Then I can try to provide a more complete answer.

Sub setCondFormat()
    With Range("B3:H63")
        .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
        With .FormatConditions(.FormatConditions.Count)
            With .Interior
                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                .Color = 5287936
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Note: this is tested in Excel 2010.

Edit: Updated code based on comments.

How to correctly write async method?

You are calling DoDownloadAsync() but you don't wait it. So your program going to the next line. But there is another problem, Async methods should return Task or Task<T>, if you return nothing and you want your method will be run asyncronously you should define your method like this:

private static async Task DoDownloadAsync()     {         WebClient w = new WebClient();          string txt = await w.DownloadStringTaskAsync("");         Debug.WriteLine(txt);     } 

And in Main method you can't await for DoDownloadAsync, because you can't use await keyword in non-async function, and you can't make Main async. So consider this:

var result = DoDownloadAsync();  Debug.WriteLine("DoDownload done"); result.Wait(); 

How to reset sequence in postgres and fill id column with new data?

The best way to reset a sequence to start back with number 1 is to execute the following:

ALTER SEQUENCE <tablename>_<id>_seq RESTART WITH 1

So, for example for the users table it would be:


Save text file UTF-8 encoded with VBA

The traditional way to transform a string to a UTF-8 string is as follows:

StrConv("hello world",vbFromUnicode)

So put simply:

Dim fnum As Integer
fnum = FreeFile
Open "myfile.txt" For Output As fnum
Print #fnum, StrConv("special characters: äöüß", vbFromUnicode)
Close fnum

No special COM objects required

Generate an HTML Response in a Java Servlet

Apart of directly writing HTML on the PrintWriter obtained from the response (which is the standard way of outputting HTML from a Servlet), you can also include an HTML fragment contained in an external file by using a RequestDispatcher:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
       HttpServletResponse response)
       throws IOException, ServletException {
   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
   out.println("HTML from an external file:");     
          .include(request, response); 

Center an element in Bootstrap 4 Navbar

I had a similar problem; the anchor text in my Bootstrap4 navbar wasn't centered. Simply added text-center in the anchor's class.

How should I remove all the leading spaces from a string? - swift

Swift 3

You can simply use this method to remove all normal spaces in a string (doesn't consider all types of whitespace):

let myString = " Hello World ! "
let formattedString = myString.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")

The result will be:


Best way to find os name and version in Unix/Linux platform

With and Linux::Distribution, the cleanest solution for an old problem :


perl -e '
    use Linux::Distribution qw(distribution_name distribution_version);

    my $linux = Linux::Distribution->new;
    if(my $distro = $linux->distribution_name()) {
          my $version = $linux->distribution_version();
          print "you are running $distro";
          print " version $version" if $version;
          print "\n";
    } else {
          print "distribution unknown\n";

Is it possible to change the radio button icon in an android radio button group

Here's probably a quick approach,

enter image description here

With two icons shown above, you shall have a RadioGroup something like this

enter image description here

  • change the RadioGroup's orientation to horizontal
  • for each RadioButton's Properties, try giving the icon for Button under CompoundButton,
  • adjust the Padding and size,
  • and set the Background attribute when checked.

How can I change the value of the elements in a vector?

You might want to consider using some algorithms instead:

// read in the data:

sum = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
average = sum / v.size();

You can modify the values with std::transform, though until we get lambda expressions (C++0x) it may be more trouble than it's worth:

class difference { 
    double base;
    difference(double b) : base(b) {}
    double operator()(double v) { return v-base; }

std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v.begin(), difference(average));

Can I connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication from Java EE webapp?

Unless you have some really compelling reason not to, I suggest ditching the MS JDBC driver.

Instead, use the jtds jdbc driver. Read the README.SSO file in the jtds distribution on how to configure for single-sign-on (native authentication) and where to put the native DLL to ensure it can be loaded by the JVM.

How do you log content of a JSON object in Node.js?

This will for most of the objects for outputting in nodejs console

var util = require('util')_x000D_
function print (data){_x000D_
print({name : "Your name" ,age : "Your age"})

Calculate time difference in Windows batch file

Aacini's latest code showcases an awesome variable substitution method.
It's a shame it's not Regional format proof - it fails on so many levels.
Here's a short fix that keeps the substitution+math method intact:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "startTime=%time: =0%" & rem AveYo: fix single digit hour

set /P "=Any process here..."

set "endTime=%time: =0%" & rem AveYo: fix single digit hour

rem Aveyo: Regional format fix with just one aditional line
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%endTime%") do set "COLON=%%i" & set "DOT=%%k" 

rem Get elapsed time:
set "end=!endTime:%DOT%=%%100)*100+1!" & set "start=!startTime:%DOT%=%%100)*100+1!"
set /A "elap=((((10!end:%COLON%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)-((((10!start:%COLON%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)"

rem Aveyo: Fix 24 hours 
set /A "elap=!elap:-=8640000-!"

rem Convert elapsed time to HH:MM:SS:CC format:
set /A "cc=elap%%100+100,elap/=100,ss=elap%%60+100,elap/=60,mm=elap%%60+100,hh=elap/60+100"

echo Start:    %startTime%
echo End:      %endTime%
echo Elapsed:  %hh:~1%%COLON%%mm:~1%%COLON%%ss:~1%%DOT%%cc:~1% & rem AveYo: display as regional


"Lean and Mean" TIMER with Regional format, 24h and mixed input support
Adapting Aacini's substitution method body, no IF's, just one FOR (my regional fix)

1: File timer.bat placed somewhere in %PATH% or the current dir

@echo off & rem :AveYo: compact timer function with Regional format, 24-hours and mixed input support
if not defined timer_set (if not "%~1"=="" (call set "timer_set=%~1") else set "timer_set=%TIME: =0%") & goto :eof
(if not "%~1"=="" (call set "timer_end=%~1") else set "timer_end=%TIME: =0%") & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%timer_end%%timer_set%") do (set CE=%%i&set DE=%%k&set CS=%%l&set DS=%%n)
set "TE=!timer_end:%DE%=%%100)*100+1!"     & set "TS=!timer_set:%DS%=%%100)*100+1!"
set/A "T=((((10!TE:%CE%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)-((((10!TS:%CS%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)" & set/A "T=!T:-=8640000-!"
set/A "cc=T%%100+100,T/=100,ss=T%%60+100,T/=60,mm=T%%60+100,hh=T/60+100"
set "value=!hh:~1!%CE%!mm:~1!%CE%!ss:~1!%DE%!cc:~1!" & if "%~2"=="" echo/!value!
endlocal & set "timer_end=%value%" & set "timer_set=" & goto :eof

timer & echo start_cmds & timeout /t 3 & echo end_cmds & timer
timer & timer "23:23:23,00"
timer "23:23:23,00" & timer
timer "13.23.23,00" & timer "03:03:03.00"
timer & timer "0:00:00.00" no & cmd /v:on /c echo until midnight=!timer_end!
Input can now be mixed, for those unlikely, but possible time format changes during execution

2: Function :timer bundled with the batch script (sample usage below):

@echo off
set "TIMER=call :timer" & rem short macro
call :timer
timeout /t 3 >nul & rem Any process here..
call :timer
%TIMER% & timeout /t 1 & %TIMER% 
set "start=22:04:04.58"
set "end=04.22.44,22"
echo %start% ~ start & echo %end% ~ end
call :timer "%start%"
call :timer "%end%"
%TIMER% & %TIMER% "00:00:00.00" no 
echo UNTIL MIDNIGHT: %timer_end%
exit /b

:: to test it, copy-paste both above and below code sections

rem :AveYo: compact timer function with Regional format, 24-hours and mixed input support 
:timer Usage " call :timer [input - optional] [no - optional]" :i Result printed on second call, saved to timer_end 
if not defined timer_set (if not "%~1"=="" (call set "timer_set=%~1") else set "timer_set=%TIME: =0%") & goto :eof
(if not "%~1"=="" (call set "timer_end=%~1") else set "timer_end=%TIME: =0%") & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=0123456789" %%i in ("%timer_end%%timer_set%") do (set CE=%%i&set DE=%%k&set CS=%%l&set DS=%%n)
set "TE=!timer_end:%DE%=%%100)*100+1!"     & set "TS=!timer_set:%DS%=%%100)*100+1!"
set/A "T=((((10!TE:%CE%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)-((((10!TS:%CS%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)" & set/A "T=!T:-=8640000-!"
set/A "cc=T%%100+100,T/=100,ss=T%%60+100,T/=60,mm=T%%60+100,hh=T/60+100"
set "value=!hh:~1!%CE%!mm:~1!%CE%!ss:~1!%DE%!cc:~1!" & if "%~2"=="" echo/!value!
endlocal & set "timer_end=%value%" & set "timer_set=" & goto :eof

VBA: Conditional - Is Nothing

In my sample code, I was setting my object to nothing, and I couldn't get the "not" part of the if statement to work with the object. I tried if My_Object is not nothing and also if not My_Object is nothing. It may be just a syntax thing I can't figure out but I didn't have time to mess around, so I did a little workaround like this:

if My_Object is Nothing Then
    'do nothing
    'Do something
End if

Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview

You can use model class and use setTag() getTag() methods to keep track which items from listview are checked and which not.

More reference for this : listview with checkbox in android

Source code for model

public class Model {

    private boolean isSelected;
    private String animal;

    public String getAnimal() {
        return animal;

    public void setAnimal(String animal) {
        this.animal = animal;

    public boolean getSelected() {
        return isSelected;

    public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
        isSelected = selected;

put this in your custom adapter

 holder.checkBox.setTag(R.integer.btnplusview, convertView);
        holder.checkBox.setTag( position);
        holder.checkBox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

                View tempview = (View) holder.checkBox.getTag(R.integer.btnplusview);
                TextView tv = (TextView) tempview.findViewById(; 
                Integer pos = (Integer)  holder.checkBox.getTag();
                Toast.makeText(context, "Checkbox "+pos+" clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                }else {


whole code for customAdapter is

public class CustomAdapter  extends BaseAdapter {

    private Context context;
    public static ArrayList<Model> modelArrayList;

    public CustomAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<Model> modelArrayList) {

        this.context = context;
        this.modelArrayList = modelArrayList;


    public int getViewTypeCount() {
        return getCount();
    public int getItemViewType(int position) {

        return position;

    public int getCount() {
        return modelArrayList.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return modelArrayList.get(position);

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return 0;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        final ViewHolder holder;

        if (convertView == null) {
            holder = new ViewHolder(); LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.lv_item, null, true);

            holder.checkBox = (CheckBox) convertView.findViewById(;
            holder.tvAnimal = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;

        }else {
            // the getTag returns the viewHolder object set as a tag to the view
            holder = (ViewHolder)convertView.getTag();

        holder.checkBox.setText("Checkbox "+position);


        holder.checkBox.setTag(R.integer.btnplusview, convertView);
        holder.checkBox.setTag( position);
        holder.checkBox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

                View tempview = (View) holder.checkBox.getTag(R.integer.btnplusview);
                TextView tv = (TextView) tempview.findViewById(; 
                Integer pos = (Integer)  holder.checkBox.getTag();
                Toast.makeText(context, "Checkbox "+pos+" clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                }else {


        return convertView;

    private class ViewHolder {

        protected CheckBox checkBox;
        private TextView tvAnimal;



installing urllib in Python3.6

urllib is a standard library, you do not have to install it. Simply import urllib

How to solve "Kernel panic - not syncing - Attempted to kill init" -- without erasing any user data

I just came across this problem when I replaced a failing disk. I had copied over the system files to the new disk, and was good about replacing the old disk's UUID entry with the new disk's UUID in fstab.

However I had not replaced the UUID in the grub.conf (sometimes menu.lst) file in /boot/grub. So check your grub.conf file, and if the "kernel" line has something like

kernel ... root=UUID=906eaa97-f66a-4d39-a39d-5091c7095987 

it likely has the old disk's UUID. Replace it with the new disk's UUID and run grub-install (if you're in a live CD rescue you may need to chroot or specify the grub directory).

What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

Smoke testing

Suppose a new build of an app is ready from the development phase.

We check if we are able to open the app without a crash. We login to the app. We check if the user is redirected to the proper URL and that the environment is stable. If the main aim of the app is to provide a "purchase" functionality to the user, check if the user's ID is redirected to the buying page.

After the smoke testing we confirm the build is in a testable form and is ready to go through sanity testing.

Sanity testing

In this phase, we check the basic functionalities, like

  1. login with valid credentials,
  2. login with invalid credentials,
  3. user's info are properly displayed after logging in,
  4. making a purchase order with a certain user's id,
  5. the "thank you" page is displayed after the purchase

Stack Memory vs Heap Memory

It's a language abstraction - some languages have both, some one, some neither.

In the case of C++, the code is not run in either the stack or the heap. You can test what happens if you run out of heap memory by repeatingly calling new to allocate memory in a loop without calling delete to free it it. But make a system backup before doing this.

How to create separate AngularJS controller files?

Using the angular.module API with an array at the end will tell angular to create a new module:


// It is like saying "create a new module"
angular.module('myApp.controllers', []); // Notice the empty array at the end here

Using it without the array is actually a getter function. So to seperate your controllers, you can do:


// It is just like saying "get this module and create a controller"
angular.module('myApp.controllers').controller('Ctrlr1', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {}]);


angular.module('myApp.controllers').controller('Ctrlr2', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {}]);

During your javascript imports, just make sure myApp.js is after AngularJS but before any controllers / services / etc...otherwise angular won't be able to initialize your controllers.

Use querystring variables in MVC controller

public ActionResult SomeAction(string start, string end)

The framework will map the query string parameters to the method parameters.

How do I install cURL on Windows?

You're probably mistaking what PHP.ini you need to edit. first, add a PHPinfo(); to a info.php, and run it from your browser.

Write down the PHP ini directory path you see in the variables list now! You will probably notice that it's different from your PHP-CLI ini file.

Enable the extension

You're done :-)

Setting the correct encoding when piping stdout in Python

You may want to try changing the environment variable "PYTHONIOENCODING" to "utf_8". I have written a page on my ordeal with this problem.

Tl;dr of the blog post:

import sys, locale, os
print(chr(246), chr(9786), chr(9787))

gives you

ö ? ?

What's the difference between 'r+' and 'a+' when open file in python?

If you have used them in C, then they are almost same as were in C.

From the manpage of fopen() function : -

  • r+ : - Open for reading and writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file.

  • a+ : - Open for reading and writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file. Subse- quent writes to the file will always end up at the then current end of file, irrespective of any intervening fseek(3) or similar.

Ansible Ignore errors in tasks and fail at end of the playbook if any tasks had errors

Fail module works great! Thanks.

I had to define my fact before checking it, otherwise I'd get an undefined variable error.

And I had issues when doing setting the fact with quotes and without spaces.

This worked:

set_fact: flag="failed"

This threw errors:

set_fact: flag = failed 

SQL Server 2008 Row Insert and Update timestamps


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    [UpdateTS] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL


PS I think a smalldatetime is good enough. You may decide differently.

Can you not do this at the "moment of impact" ?

In Sql Server, this is common:

Update dbo.MyTable 

ColA = @SomeValue , 

Sql Server has a "timestamp" datatype.

But it may not be what you think.

Here is a reference:

Here is a little RowVersion (synonym for timestamp) example:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL


INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Maybe a complete working example:

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Names]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL



CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgKeepUpdateDateInSync_ByeByeBye ON dbo.Names


Update dbo.Names Set UpdateTS = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from dbo.Names myAlias , inserted triggerInsertedTable where 
triggerInsertedTable.Name = myAlias.Name



INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name , UpdateTS = '03/03/2003' /* notice that even though I set it to 2003, the trigger takes over */

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Matching on the "Name" value is probably not wise.

Try this more mainstream example with a SurrogateKey

DROP TABLE [dbo].[Names]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Names]
    SurrogateKey int not null Primary Key Identity (1001,1),
    [Name] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,
    RowVers rowversion ,
    [UpdateTS] [datetime] NOT NULL



CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trgKeepUpdateDateInSync_ByeByeBye ON dbo.Names


   UPDATE dbo.Names
    From  dbo.Names myAlias
    WHERE exists ( select null from inserted triggerInsertedTable where myAlias.SurrogateKey = triggerInsertedTable.SurrogateKey)



INSERT INTO dbo.Names (Name,UpdateTS)

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

Update dbo.Names Set Name = Name , UpdateTS = '03/03/2003' /* notice that even though I set it to 2003, the trigger takes over */

select *  ,  ConvertedRowVers = CONVERT(bigint,RowVers) from [dbo].[Names]

VB.NET - If string contains "value1" or "value2"

If strMyString.Contains("Something") or strMyString.Contains("Something2") Then

End if

The error indicates that the compiler thinks you want to do a bitwise OR on a Boolean and a string. Which of course won't work.

How to pad zeroes to a string?

When using Python >= 3.6, the cleanest way is to use f-strings with string formatting:

>>> s = f"{1:08}"  # inline with int
>>> s
>>> s = f"{'1':0>8}"  # inline with str
>>> s
>>> n = 1
>>> s = f"{n:08}"  # int variable
>>> s
>>> c = "1"
>>> s = f"{c:0>8}"  # str variable
>>> s

I would prefer formatting with an int, since only then the sign is handled correctly:

>>> f"{-1:08}"

>>> f"{1:+08}"

>>> f"{'-1':0>8}"

How to enable loglevel debug on Apache2 server

Do note that on newer Apache versions the RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel have been removed, and in fact will now trigger an error when trying to start Apache (at least on my XAMPP installation with Apache 2.4.2):

AH00526: Syntax error on line xx of path/to/config/file.conf: Invalid command 'RewriteLog', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration`

Instead, you're now supposed to use the general LogLevel directive, with a level of trace1 up to trace8. 'debug' didn't display any rewrite messages in the log for me.

Example: LogLevel warn rewrite:trace3

For the official documentation, see here.

Of course this also means that now your rewrite logs will be written in the general error log file and you'll have to sort them out yourself.

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?

Definitions provided by Chris, Sergdev and Llyod are correct. I prefer a simpler definition though, just to keep my life simple: A smart pointer is simply a class that overloads the -> and * operators. Which means that your object semantically looks like a pointer but you can make it do way cooler things, including reference counting, automatic destruction etc. shared_ptr and auto_ptr are sufficient in most cases, but come along with their own set of small idiosyncrasies.

Converting a String to DateTime



DateTime.Parse(String value)
DateTime.Parse(String value, IFormatProvider provider)
DateTime.Parse(String value, IFormatProvider provider, DateTypeStyles styles)


string value = "1 January 2019";
CultureInfo provider = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
DateTime.Parse(value, provider, DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault););
  • Value: string representation of date and time.
  • Provider: object which provides culture specific info.
  • Styles: formatting options that customize string parsing for some date and time parsing methods. For instance, AllowWhiteSpaces is a value which helps to ignore all spaces present in string while it parse.

It's also worth remembering DateTime is an object that is stored as number internally in the framework, Format only applies to it when you convert it back to string.

  • Parsing converting a string to the internal number type.

  • Formatting converting the internal numeric value to a readable string.

I recently had an issue where I was trying to convert a DateTime to pass to Linq what I hadn't realised at the time was format is irrelevant when passing DateTime to a Linq Query.

DateTime SearchDate = DateTime.Parse(searchDate);
applicationsUsages = applicationsUsages.Where(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.dateApplicationSelected) == SearchDate.Date);

Full DateTime Documentation

Target class controller does not exist - Laravel 8

Happened to me when I passing null to the middleware function

Route::middleware(null)->group(function () {
    Route::get('/some-path', [SomeController::class, 'search']);

Passing [] for no middleware works or probably just remove the middleware call if not using middleware :D

Python error when trying to access list by index - "List indices must be integers, not str"

player['score'] is your problem. player is apparently a list which means that there is no 'score' element. Instead you would do something like:

name, score = player[0], player[1]
return name + ' ' + str(score)

Of course, you would have to know the list indices (those are the 0 and 1 in my example).

Something like player['score'] is allowed in python, but player would have to be a dict.

You can read more about both lists and dicts in the python documentation.

How to add an image in Tkinter?

There is no "Syntax Error" in the code above - it either ocurred in some other line (the above is not all of your code, as there are no imports, neither the declaration of your path variable) or you got some other error type.

The example above worked fine for me, testing on the interactive interpreter.

How to delete an array element based on key?

this looks like PHP to me. I'll delete if it's some other language.

Simply unset($arr[1]);

How to create a simple proxy in C#?

If you are just looking to intercept the traffic, you could use the fiddler core to create a proxy...

run fiddler first with the UI to see what it does, it is a proxy that allows you to debug the http/https traffic. It is written in c# and has a core which you can build into your own applications.

Keep in mind FiddlerCore is not free for commercial applications.

java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;

It works for me after getting rid of "::1" in /etc/hosts.

Powershell Error "The term 'Get-SPWeb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function..."

Instead of Windows PowerShell, find the item in the Start Menu called SharePoint 2013 Management Shell:

enter image description here

Group by month and year in MySQL

I prefer

    MONTHNAME(t.summaryDateTime) as month, YEAR(t.summaryDateTime) as year
    trading_summary t 

How does facebook, gmail send the real time notification?

The way Facebook does this is pretty interesting.

A common method of doing such notifications is to poll a script on the server (using AJAX) on a given interval (perhaps every few seconds), to check if something has happened. However, this can be pretty network intensive, and you often make pointless requests, because nothing has happened.

The way Facebook does it is using the comet approach, rather than polling on an interval, as soon as one poll completes, it issues another one. However, each request to the script on the server has an extremely long timeout, and the server only responds to the request once something has happened. You can see this happening if you bring up Firebug's Console tab while on Facebook, with requests to a script possibly taking minutes. It is quite ingenious really, since this method cuts down immediately on both the number of requests, and how often you have to send them. You effectively now have an event framework that allows the server to 'fire' events.

Behind this, in terms of the actual content returned from those polls, it's a JSON response, with what appears to be a list of events, and info about them. It's minified though, so is a bit hard to read.

In terms of the actual technology, AJAX is the way to go here, because you can control request timeouts, and many other things. I'd recommend (Stack overflow cliche here) using jQuery to do the AJAX, it'll take a lot of the cross-compability problems away. In terms of PHP, you could simply poll an event log database table in your PHP script, and only return to the client when something happens? There are, I expect, many ways of implementing this.


Server Side:

There appear to be a few implementations of comet libraries in PHP, but to be honest, it really is very simple, something perhaps like the following pseudocode:

while(!has_event_happened()) {

echo json_encode(get_events());
  • The has_event_happened function would just check if anything had happened in an events table or something, and then the get_events function would return a list of the new rows in the table? Depends on the context of the problem really.

  • Don't forget to change your PHP max execution time, otherwise it will timeout early!

Client Side:

Take a look at the jQuery plugin for doing Comet interaction:

That said, the plugin seems to add a fair bit of complexity, it really is very simple on the client, perhaps (with jQuery) something like:

function doPoll() {
   $.get("events.php", {}, function(result) {
      $.each(, function(event) { //iterate over the events
          //do something with your event
      //this effectively causes the poll to run again as
      //soon as the response comes back
   }, 'json'); 

$(document).ready(function() {
       timeout: 1000*60//set a global AJAX timeout of a minute
    doPoll(); // do the first poll

The whole thing depends a lot on how your existing architecture is put together.

How to get input textfield values when enter key is pressed in react js?

Use onKeyDown event, and inside that check the key code of the key pressed by user. Key code of Enter key is 13, check the code and put the logic there.

Check this example:

class CartridgeShell extends React.Component {_x000D_
   constructor(props) {_x000D_
      this.state = {value:''}_x000D_
      this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);_x000D_
      this.keyPress = this.keyPress.bind(this);_x000D_
   } _x000D_
   handleChange(e) {_x000D_
      this.setState({ value: });_x000D_
      if(e.keyCode == 13){_x000D_
         // put the login here_x000D_
         <input value={this.state.value} onKeyDown={this.keyPress} onChange={this.handleChange} fullWidth={true} />_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<CartridgeShell/>, document.getElementById('app'))
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id = 'app' />

Note: Replace the input element by Material-Ui TextField and define the other properties also.

File upload from <input type="file">

just try (onclick)="this.value = null"

in your html page add onclick method to remove previous value so user can select same file again.

Trimming text strings in SQL Server 2008

SQL Server does not have a TRIM function, but rather it has two. One each for specifically trimming spaces from the "front" of a string (LTRIM) and one for trimming spaces from the "end" of a string (RTRIM).

Something like the following will update every record in your table, trimming all extraneous space (either at the front or the end) of a varchar/nvarchar field:

   [YourFieldName] = LTRIM(RTRIM([YourFieldName]))

(Strangely, SSIS (Sql Server Integration Services) does have a single TRIM function!)

Best way to iterate through a Perl array

IMO, implementation #1 is typical and being short and idiomatic for Perl trumps the others for that alone. A benchmark of the three choices might offer you insight into speed, at least.

IE11 prevents ActiveX from running

Try this tag on the pages that use the ActiveX control:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE10">

Note: this has to be the very first element in the <head> section.

Ruby - ignore "exit" in code

One hackish way to define an exit method in context:

class Bar; def exit; end; end 

This works because exit in the initializer will be resolved as self.exit1. In addition, this approach allows using the object after it has been created, as in: b =

But really, one shouldn't be doing this: don't have exit (or even puts) there to begin with.

(And why is there an "infinite" loop and/or user input in an intiailizer? This entire problem is primarily the result of poorly structured code.)

1 Remember Kernel#exit is only a method. Since Kernel is included in every Object, then it's merely the case that exit normally resolves to Object#exit. However, this can be changed by introducing an overridden method as shown - nothing fancy.

Closing pyplot windows

Please use

Creating an R dataframe row-by-row

You can grow them row by row by appending or using rbind().

That does not mean you should. Dynamically growing structures is one of the least efficient ways to code in R.

If you can, allocate your entire data.frame up front:

N <- 1e4  # total number of rows to preallocate--possibly an overestimate

DF <- data.frame(num=rep(NA, N), txt=rep("", N),  # as many cols as you need
                 stringsAsFactors=FALSE)          # you don't know levels yet

and then during your operations insert row at a time

DF[i, ] <- list(1.4, "foo")

That should work for arbitrary data.frame and be much more efficient. If you overshot N you can always shrink empty rows out at the end.

git error: failed to push some refs to remote

Well if none of the above answers are working and if you have messed up something with ssh-add lately. Try

ssh-add -D

In c, in bool, true == 1 and false == 0?

More accurately anything that is not 0 is true.

So 1 is true, but so is 2, 3 ... etc.

Inserting HTML elements with JavaScript

As others said the convenient jQuery prepend functionality can be emulated:

var html = '<div>Hello prepended</div>';
document.body.innerHTML = html + document.body.innerHTML;

While some say it is better not to "mess" with innerHTML, it is reliable in many use cases, if you know this:

If a <div>, <span>, or <noembed> node has a child text node that includes the characters (&), (<), or (>), innerHTML returns these characters as &amp, &lt and &gt respectively. Use Node.textContent to get a correct copy of these text nodes' contents.


var html = '<div>Hello prepended</div>';
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html)

insertAdjacentHTML is probably a good alternative:

What is the difference between call and apply?

call() It’s a predefined method in javascript. This method invokes a method (function) by specifying the owner object.

  function sayHello(){
  return "Hello " +;
var obj = {name: "Sandy"};;
// Returns "Hello Sandy"

Call accepts argument

function saySomething(message){
  return + " is " + message;
var person4 = {name:  "John"};, "awesome");
// Returns "John is awesome"    

apply() The apply method is similar to the call() method. The only difference is that, call() method takes arguments separately whereas, apply() method takes arguments as an array.


function saySomething(message){
  return + " is " + message;
var person4 = {name:  "John"};
saySomething.apply(person4, ["awesome"]);

How to Troubleshoot Intermittent SQL Timeout Errors

We experienced this with SQL Server 2012 / SP3, when running a query via an SqlCommand object from within a C# application. The Command was a simple invocation of a stored procedure having one table parameter; we were passing a list of about 300 integers. The procedure in turn called three user-defined functions and passed the table as a parameter to each of them. The CommandTimeout was set to 90 seconds.

When running precisely the same stored proc with the same argument from within SQL Server Management Studio, the query ran in 15 seconds. But when running it from our application using the above setup, the SqlCommand timed out. The same SqlCommand (with different but comparable data) had been running successfully for weeks, but now it failed with any table argument containing more than 20 or so integers. We did a trace and discovered that when run from the SqlCommand object, the database spent the entire 90 seconds acquiring locks, and would invoke the procedure only at about the moment of the timeout. We changed the CommandTimeout time, and no matter time what we selected the stored proc would be invoked only at the very end of that period. So we surmise that SQL Server was indefinitely acquiring the same locks over and over, and that only the timeout of the Command object caused SQL Server to stop its infinite loop and begin executing the query, by which time it was too late to succeed. A simulation of this same process on a similar server using similar data exhibited no such problem. Our solution was to reboot the entire database server, after which the problem disappeared.

So it appears that there is some problem in SQL Server wherein some resource gets cumulatively consumed and never released. Eventually when connecting via an SqlConnection and running an SqlCommand involving a table parameter, SQL Server goes into an infinite loop acquiring locks. The loop is terminated by the timeout of the SqlCommand object. The solution is to reboot, apparently restoring (temporary?) sanity to SQL Server.

Remove all occurrences of a value from a list?

You can use slice assignment if the original list must be modified, while still using an efficient list comprehension (or generator expression).

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3]
>>> x[:] = (value for value in x if value != 2)
>>> x
[1, 3, 4, 3]

how to pass data in an hidden field from one jsp page to another?

The code from Alex works great. Just note that when you use request.getParameter you must use a request dispatcher

//Pass results back to the client
RequestDispatcher dispatcher =   getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("TestPages/ServiceServlet.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

in angularjs how to access the element that triggered the event?

if you wanna ng-model value, if you can write like this in the triggered event: $scope.searchText

Java - remove last known item from ArrayList

clients.get will return a ClientThread and not a String, and it will bomb with an IndexOutOfBoundsException if it would compile as Java is zero based for indexing.

Similarly I think you should call remove on the clients list.

ClientThread hey = clients.get(clients.size()-1);
System.out.println(hey + " has logged out.");
System.out.println("CONNECTED PLAYERS: " + clients.size());

I would use the stack functions of a LinkedList in this case though.

ClientThread hey = clients.removeLast()

while installing vc_redist.x64.exe, getting error "Failed to configure per-machine MSU package."

Posting answer to my own question as I found it here and was hidden in bottom somewhere -

This is because the OS failed to install the required update Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu.

However, you can install it by extracting that update to a folder (e.g. XXXX), and execute following cmdlet. You can find the Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu at below.

C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\469A82B09E217DDCF849181A586DF1C97C0C5C85\packages\Patch\amd64\Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu

copy this file to a folder you like, and

Create a folder XXXX in that and execute following commands from Admin command propmt

wusa.exe Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu /extract:XXXX

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:XXXX\

vc_redist.x64.exe /repair

(last command need not be run. Just execute vc_redist.x64.exe once again)

this worked for me.

How to schedule a periodic task in Java?

Do something every one second

Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
    public void run() {
}, 0, 1000);

Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

Use event.key and modern JS!

No number codes anymore. You can use "Enter", "ArrowLeft", "r", or any key name directly, making your code far more readable.

NOTE: The old alternatives (.keyCode and .which) are Deprecated.

document.addEventListener("keypress", function onEvent(event) {
    if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") {
        // Move Left
    else if (event.key === "Enter") {
        // Open Menu...

Mozilla Docs

Supported Browsers

Spring Boot: Is it possible to use external files in arbitrary directories with a fat jar?

I know it is a pointed question, and the op wanted to load different properties file.

My answer is, doing custom hacks like this is a terrible idea.

If you are using spring-boot with a cloud provider such as cloud foundry, please do yourself a favor and use cloud config services

It loads and merges default/dev/project-default/project-dev specific properties like magic

Again, Spring boot already gives you enough ways to do this right

Please do not re-invent the wheel.

Two arrays in foreach loop

I solved a problem like yours by this way:

foreach(array_keys($idarr) as $i) {
 echo "Student ID: ".$idarr[$i]."<br />";
 echo "Present: ".$presentarr[$i]."<br />";
 echo "Reason: ".$reasonarr[$i]."<br />";
 echo "Mark: ".$markarr[$i]."<br />";

The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Standard 2.0 error in Visual Studio 2017 update 15.3

I had same problem, and have the latest ver Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 Version 15.7.3

I just downloaded the latest SDK 2.1 and no more targeting issue.

Info: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 Version 15.7.3 VisualStudio.15.Release/15.7.3+27703.2026 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.03056

Installed Version: Community

C# Tools 2.8.3-beta6-62923-07. Commit Hash: 7aafab561e449da50712e16c9e81742b8e7a2969 C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Common Azure Tools 1.10 Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

NuGet Package Manager 4.6.0 NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

ProjectServicesPackage Extension 1.0 ProjectServicesPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

ResourcePackage Extension 1.0 ResourcePackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

Visual Basic Tools 2.8.3-beta6-62923-07. Commit Hash: 7aafab561e449da50712e16c9e81742b8e7a2969 Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package 1.0 Interop layer for hosting Visual Studio Code debug adapters in Visual Studio

Visual Studio Tools for Unity Visual Studio Tools for Unity

push_back vs emplace_back

emplace_back conforming implementation will forward arguments to the vector<Object>::value_typeconstructor when added to the vector. I recall Visual Studio didn't support variadic templates, but with variadic templates will be supported in Visual Studio 2013 RC, so I guess a conforming signature will be added.

With emplace_back, if you forward the arguments directly to vector<Object>::value_type constructor, you don't need a type to be movable or copyable for emplace_back function, strictly speaking. In the vector<NonCopyableNonMovableObject> case, this is not useful, since vector<Object>::value_type needs a copyable or movable type to grow.

But note that this could be useful for std::map<Key, NonCopyableNonMovableObject>, since once you allocate an entry in the map, it doesn't need to be moved or copied ever anymore, unlike with vector, meaning that you can use std::map effectively with a mapped type that is neither copyable nor movable.

IF function with 3 conditions

You can do it this way:

=IF(E9>21,"Text 1",IF(AND(E9>=5,E9<=21),"Test 2","Text 3"))

Note I assume you meant >= and <= here since your description skipped the values 5 and 21, but you can adjust these inequalities as needed.

Or you can do it this way:

=IF(E9>21,"Text 1",IF(E9<5,"Text 3","Text 2"))

How do I configure php to enable pdo and include mysqli on CentOS?

You might just have to install the packages.

yum install php-pdo php-mysqli

After they're installed, restart Apache.

httpd restart


apachectl restart

Android read text raw resource file

Here is a simple method to read the text file from the raw folder:

public static String readTextFile(Context context,@RawRes int id){
    InputStream inputStream = context.getResources().openRawResource(id);
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
    int size;
    try {
        while ((size = != -1) {
            outputStream.write(buffer, 0, size);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return outputStream.toString();

How can I hide a checkbox in html?

if you want your check box to keep its height and width but only be invisible:

    visibility: hidden;

if you want your check box to be invisible without any with and height:

    display: none;

Creating a textarea with auto-resize

I have tested script in common browsers, and it failed in Chrome and Safari. It is because of constantly updatable scrollHeight variable.

I have applied DisgruntledGoat script using jQuery and added chrome fix

function fitToContent(/* JQuery */text, /* Number */maxHeight) {
    var adjustedHeight = text.height();
    var relative_error = parseInt(text.attr('relative_error'));
    if (!maxHeight || maxHeight > adjustedHeight) {
        adjustedHeight = Math.max(text[0].scrollHeight, adjustedHeight);
        if (maxHeight)
            adjustedHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, adjustedHeight);
        if ((adjustedHeight - relative_error) > text.height()) {
            text.css('height', (adjustedHeight - relative_error) + "px");
            // chrome fix
            if (text[0].scrollHeight != adjustedHeight) {
                var relative = text[0].scrollHeight - adjustedHeight;
                if (relative_error != relative) {
                    text.attr('relative_error', relative + relative_error);

function autoResizeText(/* Number */maxHeight) {
    var resize = function() {
        fitToContent($(this), maxHeight);
    $("textarea").attr('relative_error', 0);

Automatically create an Enum based on values in a database lookup table?

Enums must be specified at compile time, you can't dynamically add enums during run-time - and why would you, there would be no use/reference to them in the code?

From Professional C# 2008:

The real power of enums in C# is that behind the scenes they are instantiated as structs derived from the base class, System.Enum . This means it is possible to call methods against them to perform some useful tasks. Note that because of the way the .NET Framework is implemented there is no performance loss associated with treating the enums syntactically as structs. In practice, once your code is compiled, enums will exist as primitive types, just like int and float .

So, I'm not sure you can use Enums the way you want to.

How to open Android Device Monitor in latest Android Studio 3.1

You still can run it from File explorer on Windows 10 with the proper path. You just need to go to C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\lib\monitor-x86_64 and double click the file monitor.

If you want to use in the cmd just the 'monitor' command you have to add this folder (in my case with android studio 3.4.1 and win10) to your Environment variables. So, press the start button and then type Edit the system environment variabes click it and System properties window should open. Then go to

Environment variables => System variables => path

press the Edit button for path and add the new value


click 'Ok', 'Ok' and 'Ok' and restart the cmd window if you had it opened and type 'monitor' and it should open the monitor as well.

Hope it helps!

PD: This answer was based on this answer from Tiago Martins Peres

PHP - Redirect and send data via POST

A workaround wich works perfectly :

In the source page,, start opening a session and assign as many values as you might want. Then do the relocation with "header" :

<!DOCTYPE html>
           $_SESSION['val1'] = val1;
           $_SESSION['valn'] = valn;
           header('Location: http//Page-to-redirect-to');

And then, in the targe page :

<!DOCTYPE html>
            if (isset($_SESSION['val1']) && ... && isset($_SESSION['valn'])) {
                YOUR CODE HERE based on $_SESSION['val1']...$_SESSION['valn'] values

No need of Javascript nor JQuery.. Good luck !

Flash CS4 refuses to let go

Do you have several swf-files? If your class is imported in one of the swf's, other swf's will also use the same version of the class. One old import with * in one swf will do it. Recompile everything and see if it works.

What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?

See this article on (Ed: The article has been updated since originally linked)

self is being used to maintain a reference to the original this even as the context is changing. It's a technique often used in event handlers (especially in closures).

Edit: Note that using self is now discouraged as window.self exists and has the potential to cause errors if you are not careful.

What you call the variable doesn't particularly matter. var that = this; is fine, but there's nothing magic about the name.

Functions declared inside a context (e.g. callbacks, closures) will have access to the variables/function declared in the same scope or above.

For example, a simple event callback:

function MyConstructor(options) {_x000D_
  let that = this;_x000D_
  this.someprop = options.someprop || 'defaultprop';_x000D_
  document.addEventListener('click', (event) => {_x000D_
new MyConstructor({_x000D_
  someprop: "Hello World"_x000D_

Tokenizing strings in C

You can simplify the code by introducing an extra variable.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char str[100], *s = str, *t = NULL;

    strcpy(str, "a space delimited string");
    while ((t = strtok(s, " ")) != NULL) {
        s = NULL;
        printf(":%s:\n", t);
    return 0;

Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP

All relative URLs in the HTML page generated by the JSP file are relative to the current request URL (the URL as you see in the browser address bar) and not to the location of the JSP file in the server side as you seem to expect. It's namely the webbrowser who has to download those resources individually by URL, not the webserver who has to include them from disk somehow.

Apart from changing the relative URLs to make them relative to the URL of the servlet instead of the location of the JSP file, another way to fix this problem is to make them relative to the domain root (i.e. start with a /). This way you don't need to worry about changing the relative paths once again when you change the URL of the servlet.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/context/css/default.css" />
    <script src="/context/js/default.js"></script>
    <img src="/context/img/logo.png" />
    <a href="/context/page.jsp">link</a>
    <form action="/context/servlet"><input type="submit" /></form>

However, you would probably like not to hardcode the context path. Very reasonable. You can obtain the context path in EL by ${pageContext.request.contextPath}.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/default.css" />
    <script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/js/default.js"></script>
    <img src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/img/logo.png" />
    <a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/page.jsp">link</a>
    <form action="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/servlet"><input type="submit" /></form>

(which can easily be shortened by <c:set var="root" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}" /> and used as ${root} elsewhere)

Or, if you don't fear unreadable XML and broken XML syntax highlighting, use JSTL <c:url>:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/css/default.css" />" />
    <script src="<c:url value="/js/default.js" />"></script>
    <img src="<c:url value="/img/logo.png" />" />
    <a href="<c:url value="/page.jsp" />">link</a>
    <form action="<c:url value="/servlet" />"><input type="submit" /></form>

Either way, this is in turn pretty cumbersome if you have a lot of relative URLs. For that you can use the <base> tag. All relative URL's will instantly become relative to it. It has however to start with the scheme (http://, https://, etc). There's no neat way to obtain the base context path in plain EL, so we need a little help of JSTL here.

<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %>
<c:set var="req" value="${pageContext.request}" />
<c:set var="uri" value="${req.requestURI}" />
<c:set var="url">${req.requestURL}</c:set>
    <base href="${fn:substring(url, 0, fn:length(url) - fn:length(uri))}${req.contextPath}/" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/default.css" />
    <script src="js/default.js"></script>
    <img src="img/logo.png" />
    <a href="page.jsp">link</a>
    <form action="servlet"><input type="submit" /></form>

This has in turn (again) some caveats. Anchors (the #identifier URL's) will become relative to the base path as well! You would like to make it relative to the request URL (URI) instead. So, change like

<a href="#identifier">jump</a>


<a href="${uri}#identifier">jump</a>

Each way has its own pros and cons. It's up to you which to choose. At least, you should now understand how this problem is caused and how to solve it :)

See also: