[python] Is there any way to kill a Thread?

If you are explicitly calling time.sleep() as part of your thread (say polling some external service), an improvement upon Phillipe's method is to use the timeout in the event's wait() method wherever you sleep()

For example:

import threading

class KillableThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, sleep_interval=1):
        self._kill = threading.Event()
        self._interval = sleep_interval

    def run(self):
        while True:
            print("Do Something")

            # If no kill signal is set, sleep for the interval,
            # If kill signal comes in while sleeping, immediately
            #  wake up and handle
            is_killed = self._kill.wait(self._interval)
            if is_killed:

        print("Killing Thread")

    def kill(self):

Then to run it

t = KillableThread(sleep_interval=5)
# Every 5 seconds it prints:
#: Do Something
#: Killing Thread

The advantage of using wait() instead of sleep()ing and regularly checking the event is that you can program in longer intervals of sleep, the thread is stopped almost immediately (when you would otherwise be sleep()ing) and in my opinion, the code for handling exit is significantly simpler.

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