Programs & Examples On #Number formatting

Number formatting is the process of converting a numeric value into a string suitable for display. Things to take into account are the decimal/thousands separator, digit grouping, the shape of the numbers, how a percentage or currency is displayed, and so on.

How can I format a String number to have commas and round?

you can also use below solution -

public static String getRoundOffValue(double value){

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##,##,##,##,##,##,##0.00");
        return df.format(value);

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal in JavaScript

AFAIK comment 57807 is wrong and should be something like: var hex = Number(d).toString(16); instead of var hex = parseInt(d, 16);

function decimalToHex(d, padding) {
    var hex = Number(d).toString(16);
    padding = typeof (padding) === "undefined" || padding === null ? padding = 2 : padding;

    while (hex.length < padding) {
        hex = "0" + hex;

    return hex;

Show a number to two decimal places


$padded = sprintf('%0.2f', $unpadded); // 520 -> 520.00

How do I format a number in Java?

Round numbers, yes. This is the main example source.

 * Copyright (c) 1995 - 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 *   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *   - Neither the name of Sun Microsystems nor the names of its
 *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *     from this software without specific prior written permission.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class DecimalFormatDemo {

    static public void customFormat(String pattern, double value ) {
        DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
        String output = myFormatter.format(value);
        System.out.println(value + "  " + pattern + "  " + output);

    static public void localizedFormat(String pattern, double value,                                       Locale loc ) {
        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(loc);
        DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat)nf;
        String output = df.format(value);
        System.out.println(pattern + "  " + output + "  " + loc.toString());

    static public void main(String[] args) {

        customFormat("###,###.###", 123456.789);
        customFormat("###.##", 123456.789);
        customFormat("000000.000", 123.78);
        customFormat("$###,###.###", 12345.67);
        customFormat("\u00a5###,###.###", 12345.67);

        Locale currentLocale = new Locale("en", "US");

        DecimalFormatSymbols unusualSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(currentLocale);
        String strange = "#,##0.###";
        DecimalFormat weirdFormatter = new DecimalFormat(strange, unusualSymbols);
        String bizarre = weirdFormatter.format(12345.678);

        Locale[] locales = {
            new Locale("en", "US"),
            new Locale("de", "DE"),
            new Locale("fr", "FR")

        for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
            localizedFormat("###,###.###", 123456.789, locales[i]);

SSRS custom number format

Have you tried with the custom format "#,##0.##" ?

JQuery Number Formatting

module.exports = function number_format (number, decimals, decPoint, thousandsSep) { // eslint-disable-enter code hereline camelcase
  //  discuss at:
  // original by: Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (
  // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  // improved by: davook
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Brett Zamir (
  // improved by: Theriault (
  // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
  // bugfixed by: Michael White (
  // bugfixed by: Benjamin Lupton
  // bugfixed by: Allan Jensen (
  // bugfixed by: Howard Yeend
  // bugfixed by: Diogo Resende
  // bugfixed by: Rival
  // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (
  //  revised by: Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (
  //  revised by: Luke Smith (
  //    input by: Kheang Hok Chin (
  //    input by: Jay Klehr
  //    input by: Amir Habibi (
  //    input by: Amirouche
  //   example 1: number_format(1234.56)
  //   returns 1: '1,235'
  //   example 2: number_format(1234.56, 2, ',', ' ')
  //   returns 2: '1 234,56'
  //   example 3: number_format(1234.5678, 2, '.', '')
  //   returns 3: '1234.57'
  //   example 4: number_format(67, 2, ',', '.')
  //   returns 4: '67,00'
  //   example 5: number_format(1000)
  //   returns 5: '1,000'
  //   example 6: number_format(67.311, 2)
  //   returns 6: '67.31'
  //   example 7: number_format(1000.55, 1)
  //   returns 7: '1,000.6'
  //   example 8: number_format(67000, 5, ',', '.')
  //   returns 8: '67.000,00000'
  //   example 9: number_format(0.9, 0)
  //   returns 9: '1'
  //  example 10: number_format('1.20', 2)
  //  returns 10: '1.20'
  //  example 11: number_format('1.20', 4)
  //  returns 11: '1.2000'
  //  example 12: number_format('1.2000', 3)
  //  returns 12: '1.200'
  //  example 13: number_format('1 000,50', 2, '.', ' ')
  //  returns 13: '100 050.00'
  //  example 14: number_format(1e-8, 8, '.', '')
  //  returns 14: '0.00000001'

  number = (number + '').replace(/[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, '')
  var n = !isFinite(+number) ? 0 : +number
  var prec = !isFinite(+decimals) ? 0 : Math.abs(decimals)
  var sep = (typeof thousandsSep === 'undefined') ? ',' : thousandsSep
  var dec = (typeof decPoint === 'undefined') ? '.' : decPoint
  var s = ''

  var toFixedFix = function (n, prec) {
    if (('' + n).indexOf('e') === -1) {
      return +(Math.round(n + 'e+' + prec) + 'e-' + prec)
    } else {
      var arr = ('' + n).split('e')
      var sig = ''
      if (+arr[1] + prec > 0) {
        sig = '+'
      return (+(Math.round(+arr[0] + 'e' + sig + (+arr[1] + prec)) + 'e-' + prec)).toFixed(prec)

  // @todo: for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;
  s = (prec ? toFixedFix(n, prec).toString() : '' + Math.round(n)).split('.')
  if (s[0].length > 3) {
    s[0] = s[0].replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep)
  if ((s[1] || '').length < prec) {
    s[1] = s[1] || ''
    s[1] += new Array(prec - s[1].length + 1).join('0')

  return s.join(dec)

How can I parse a string with a comma thousand separator to a number?

It's baffling that they included a toLocaleString but not a parse method. At least toLocaleString without arguments is well supported in IE6+.

For a i18n solution, I came up with this:

First detect the user's locale decimal separator:

var decimalSeparator = 1.1;
decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator.toLocaleString().substring(1, 2);

Then normalize the number if there's more than one decimal separator in the String:

var pattern = "([" + decimalSeparator + "])(?=.*\\1)";separator
var formatted = valor.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "g"), "");

Finally, remove anything that is not a number or a decimal separator:

formatted = formatted.replace(new RegExp("[^0-9" + decimalSeparator + "]", "g"), '');
return Number(formatted.replace(decimalSeparator, "."));

Why is my toFixed() function not working?

document.getElementById("EDTVALOR").addEventListener("change", function() {
  this.value = this.value.replace(",", ".");
  this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
  if (this.value < 0) {
    this.value = 0;
  this.value = this.value.replace(".", ",");
  this.value = this.value.replace("NaN", "0");

How to output numbers with leading zeros in JavaScript?


function pad(a, b){
  return(1e15 + a + '').slice(-b);

With comments:

function pad(
  a, // the number to convert 
  b // number of resulting characters
  return (
    1e15 + a + // combine with large number
    "" // convert to string
  ).slice(-b) // cut leading "1"

java : convert float to String and String to float

Using Java’s Float class.

float f = Float.parseFloat("25");
String s = Float.toString(25.0f);

To compare it's always better to convert the string to float and compare as two floats. This is because for one float number there are multiple string representations, which are different when compared as strings (e.g. "25" != "25.0" != "25.00" etc.)

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

enter image description here

I also found that JQuery plugin that is easy to include in your Angular App (also with bower :D ) and which check all possible country codes with their respective masks : intl-tel-input

You can then use the validationScript option in order to check the validity of the input's value.

Suppress Scientific Notation in Numpy When Creating Array From Nested List

You could write a function that converts a scientific notation to regular, something like

def sc2std(x):
    s = str(x)
    if 'e' in s:
        num,ex = s.split('e')
        if '-' in num:
            negprefix = '-'
            negprefix = ''
        num = num.replace('-','')
        if '.' in num:
            dotlocation = num.index('.')
            dotlocation = len(num)
        newdotlocation = dotlocation + int(ex)
        num = num.replace('.','')
        if (newdotlocation < 1):
            return negprefix+'0.'+'0'*(-newdotlocation)+num
        if (newdotlocation > len(num)):
            return negprefix+ num + '0'*(newdotlocation - len(num))+'.0'
        return negprefix + num[:newdotlocation] + '.' + num[newdotlocation:]
        return s

Excel CSV - Number cell format

You can simply format your range as Text.

Also here is a nice article on the number formats and how you can program them.

Format number to always show 2 decimal places

You are not giving us the whole picture.

javascript:alert(parseFloat(1).toFixed(2)) shows 1.00 in my browsers when I paste it int0 the location bar. However if you do something to it afterwards, it will revert.

var num = 2

shows 1 and not 1.00

Format / Suppress Scientific Notation from Python Pandas Aggregation Results

Here is another way of doing it, similar to Dan Allan's answer but without the lambda function:

>>> pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format
>>> Series(np.random.randn(3))
0    0.41
1    0.99
2    0.10


>>> pd.set_option('display.float_format', '{:.2f}'.format)

Display a decimal in scientific notation

I prefer Python 3.x way.

cal = 123.4567
print(f"result {cal:.4E}")

4 indicates how many digits are shown shown in the floating part.

cal = 123.4567
totalDigitInFloatingPArt = 4
print(f"result {cal:.{totalDigitInFloatingPArt}E} ")

How to print number with commas as thousands separators?

Here is the locale grouping code after removing irrelevant parts and cleaning it up a little:

(The following only works for integers)

def group(number):
    s = '%d' % number
    groups = []
    while s and s[-1].isdigit():
        s = s[:-3]
    return s + ','.join(reversed(groups))

>>> group(-23432432434.34)

There are already some good answers in here. I just want to add this for future reference. In python 2.7 there is going to be a format specifier for thousands separator. According to python docs it works like this

>>> '{:20,.2f}'.format(f)

In python3.1 you can do the same thing like this:

>>> format(1234567, ',d')

Formatting numbers (decimal places, thousands separators, etc) with CSS

If it helps...

I use the PHP function number_format() and the Narrow No-break Space (&#8239;). It is often used as an unambiguous thousands separator.

echo number_format(200000, 0, "", "&#8239;");

Because IE8 has some problems to render the Narrow No-break Space, I changed it for a SPAN

echo "<span class='number'>".number_format(200000, 0, "", "<span></span>")."</span>";
.number SPAN{
    padding: 0 1px; 

What is ToString("N0") format?

You can find the list of formats here (in the Double.ToString()-MSDN-Article) as comments in the example section.

JavaScript Chart.js - Custom data formatting to display on tooltip

In Chart.Js 2.8.0, the configuration for custom tooltips can be found here: (Thanks to @prokaktus)

If you want to e.g. show some values with a prefix or postfix (In the example, the script adds a unit of kWh to the values in the chart), you could do this like:

options: {
  rotation: 1 * Math.PI,
  circumference: 1 * Math.PI,
  tooltips: {
    callbacks: {
      label: function(tooltipItem, data) {

        var label = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItem.index] || '';

        if (label) {
          label += ' kWh';

        return label;

An example fiddle is here, too:

How do format a phone number as a String in Java?

I'd have thought you need to use a MessageFormat rather than DecimalFormat. That should be more flexible.

Format an Integer using Java String Format

Use %03d in the format specifier for the integer. The 0 means that the number will be zero-filled if it is less than three (in this case) digits.

See the Formatter docs for other modifiers.

Add comma to numbers every three digits

2016 Answer:

Javascript has this function, so no need for Jquery.


Formula to convert date to number

If you change the format of the cells to General then this will show the date value of a cell as behind the scenes Excel saves a date as the number of days since 01/01/1900

Screenprint 1

Screenprint 2

If your date is text and you need to convert it then DATEVALUE will do this:

Datevalue function

Finding absolute value of a number without using Math.abs()

-num will equal to num for Integer.MIN_VALUE as

 Integer.MIN_VALUE =  Integer.MIN_VALUE * -1

What is the default Precision and Scale for a Number in Oracle?

The NUMBER type can be specified in different styles:

                Resulting  Resulting  Precision
Specification   Precision  Scale      Check      Comment
NUMBER          NULL       NULL       NO         'maximum range and precision',
                                                 values are stored 'as given'
NUMBER(P, S)    P          S          YES        Error code: ORA-01438
NUMBER(P)       P          0          YES        Error code: ORA-01438
NUMBER(*, S)    38         S          NO

Where the precision is the total number of digits and scale is the number of digits right or left (negative scale) of the decimal point.

Oracle specifies ORA-01438 as

value larger than specified precision allowed for this column

As noted in the table, this integrity check is only active if the precision is explicitly specified. Otherwise Oracle silently rounds the inserted or updated value using some unspecified method.

How to print formatted BigDecimal values?

public static String currencyFormat(BigDecimal n) {
    return NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(n);

It will use your JVM’s current default Locale to choose your currency symbol. Or you can specify a Locale.


For more info, see NumberFormat class.

How to add leading zeros?

For a general solution that works regardless of how many digits are in data$anim, use the sprintf function. It works like this:

sprintf("%04d", 1)
# [1] "0001"
sprintf("%04d", 104)
# [1] "0104"
sprintf("%010d", 104)
# [1] "0000000104"

In your case, you probably want: data$anim <- sprintf("%06d", data$anim)

How to set thousands separator in Java?

For decimals:

DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
symbols.setGroupingSeparator(' ');
DecimalFormat dfDecimal = new DecimalFormat("###########0.00###");

format a number with commas and decimals in C# ( MVC3)

Your question is not very clear but this should achieve what you are trying to do:

decimal numericValue = 3494309432324.00m;
string formatted = numericValue.ToString("#,##0.00");

Then formatted will contain: 3,494,309,432,324.00

tSQL - Conversion from varchar to numeric works for all but integer

Try this

declare @v varchar(20)
set @v = 'Number'
select case when isnumeric(@v) = 1 then @v
else @v end


declare @v varchar(20)
set @v = '7082.7758172'
select case when isnumeric(@v) = 1 then @v
else convert(numeric(18,0),@v) end

In jQuery, what's the best way of formatting a number to 2 decimal places?

Maybe something like this, where you could select more than one element if you'd like?


Java Currency Number format

I think this is simple and clear for printing a currency:

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.##"); // or pattern "###,###.##$"

output: $12,345.68

And one of possible solutions for the question:

public static void twoDecimalsOrOmit(double d) {
    System.out.println(new DecimalFormat(d%1 == 0 ? "###.##" : "###.00").format(d));

twoDecimalsOrOmit((double) 100);




Show only two digit after decimal

Here i will demonstrate you that how to make your decimal number short. Here i am going to make it short upto 4 value after decimal.

  double value = 12.3457652133
  value =Double.parseDouble(new DecimalFormat("##.####").format(value));

C# convert int to string with padding zeros?

public static string ToLeadZeros(this int strNum, int num)
    var str = strNum.ToString();
    return str.PadLeft(str.Length + num, '0');

// var i = 1;
// string num = i.ToLeadZeros(5);

How to format a floating number to fixed width in Python

You can also left pad with zeros. For example if you want number to have 9 characters length, left padded with zeros use:


Thus, if number = 4.656, the output is: 00004.656

For your example the output will look like this:

numbers  = [23.2300, 0.1233, 1.0000, 4.2230, 9887.2000]
for x in numbers: 



One example where this may be useful is when you want to properly list filenames in alphabetical order. I noticed in some linux systems, the number is: 1,10,11,..2,20,21,...

Thus if you want to enforce the necessary numeric order in filenames, you need to left pad with the appropriate number of zeros.

Write a number with two decimal places SQL Server

Generally you can define the precision of a number in SQL by defining it with parameters. For most cases this will be NUMERIC(10,2) or Decimal(10,2) - will define a column as a Number with 10 total digits with a precision of 2 (decimal places).

Edited for clarity

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?

Here's a simple recursive solution that works for any number of digits.

function numToNDigitStr(num, n)
    if(num >=  Math.pow(10, n - 1)) { return num; }
    return "0" + numToNDigitStr(num, n-1);

Using String Format to show decimal up to 2 places or simple integer

something like this will work too:

String.Format("{0:P}", decimal.Parse(Resellers.Fee)).Replace(".00", "")

Convert string to decimal number with 2 decimal places in Java

Float.parseFloat() is the problem as it returns a new float.

Returns a new float initialized to the value represented by the specified String, as performed by the valueOf method of class Float.

You are formatting just for the purpose of display . It doesn't mean the float will be represented by the same format internally .

You can use java.lang.BigDecimal.

I am not sure why are you using parseFloat() twice. If you want to display the float in a certain format then just format it and display it.

Float litersOfPetrol=Float.parseFloat(stringLitersOfPetrol);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
System.out.println("liters of petrol before putting in editor"+df.format(litersOfPetrol));

How to format a number 0..9 to display with 2 digits (it's NOT a date)

If you need to print the number you can use printf

System.out.printf("%02d", num);

You can use

String.format("%02d", num);


(num < 10 ? "0" : "") + num;



What are the ways to sum matrix elements in MATLAB?

Another answer for the first question is to use one for loop and perform linear indexing into the array using the function NUMEL to get the total number of elements:

total = 0;
for i = 1:numel(A)
  total = total+A(i);

Leave only two decimal places after the dot

string.Format is your friend.

String.Format("{0:0.00}", 123.4567);      // "123.46"

Database development mistakes made by application developers

Not understanding how a DBMS works under the hood.

You cannot properly drive a stick without understanding how a clutch works. And you cannot understand how to use a Database without understanding that you are really just writing to a file on your hard disk.


  1. Do you know what a Clustered Index is? Did you think about it when you designed your schema?

  2. Do you know how to use indexes properly? How to reuse an index? Do you know what a Covering Index is?

  3. So great, you have indexes. How big is 1 row in your index? How big will the index be when you have a lot of data? Will that fit easily into memory? If it won't it's useless as an index.

  4. Have you ever used EXPLAIN in MySQL? Great. Now be honest with yourself: Did you understand even half of what you saw? No, you probably didn't. Fix that.

  5. Do you understand the Query Cache? Do you know what makes a query un-cachable?

  6. Are you using MyISAM? If you NEED full text search, MyISAM's is crap anyway. Use Sphinx. Then switch to Inno.

How to get exact browser name and version?

Use get_browser() function.

It can give you output like this:

    [browser_name_regex] => ^mozilla/5\.0 (windows; .; windows nt 5\.1; .*rv:.*) gecko/.* firefox/0\.9.*$
    [browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; ?; Windows NT 5.1; *rv:*) Gecko/* Firefox/0.9*
    [parent] => Firefox 0.9
    [platform] => WinXP
    [browser] => Firefox
    [version] => 0.9
    [majorver] => 0
    [minorver] => 9

Initialize a long in Java

You need to add uppercase L at the end like so

long i = 12345678910L;

Same goes true for float with 3.0f

Which should answer both of your questions

mysql datetime comparison

I know its pretty old but I just encounter the problem and there is what I saw in the SQL doc :

[For best results when using BETWEEN with date or time values,] use CAST() to explicitly convert the values to the desired data type. Examples: If you compare a DATETIME to two DATE values, convert the DATE values to DATETIME values. If you use a string constant such as '2001-1-1' in a comparison to a DATE, cast the string to a DATE.

I assume it's better to use STR_TO_DATE since they took the time to make a function just for that and also the fact that i found this in the BETWEEN doc...

Node.js – events js 72 throw er unhandled 'error' event

I had the same problem. I closed terminal and restarted node. This worked for me.

What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times?


#pragma once

at the top of header files, so if they're included more than once in a translation unit, the text of the header will only get included and parsed once.

What is

If you downloaded package that has "" in root folder, you can install it by running

python install

If you are developing a project and are wondering what this file is useful for, check Python documentation on writing the Setup Script

How to get the current date/time in Java

Java 8 or above and

How do I get Month and Date of JavaScript in 2 digit format?

Not an answer but here is how I get the date format I require in a variable

function setDateZero(date){
  return date < 10 ? '0' + date : date;

var curr_date =;
var curr_month = + 1;
var curr_year =;
var thisDate = curr_year+"-"+setDateZero(curr_month)+"-"+setDateZero(curr_date);

Hope this helps!

how to get right offset of an element? - jQuery

Getting the anchor point of a div/table (left) = $("#whatever").offset().left; - ok!

Getting the anchor point of a div/table (right) you can use the code below.


How do you replace double quotes with a blank space in Java?

You can do it like this:

string tmp = "Hello 'World'";
tmp.replace("'", "");

But that will just replace single quotes. To replace double quotes, you must first escape them, like so:

string tmp = "Hello, \"World\"";
tmp.replace("\"", "");

You can replace it with a space, or just leave it empty (I believe you wanted it to be left blank, but your question title implies otherwise.

Simple way to convert datarow array to datatable

Incase anyone needs it in VB.NET:

Dim dataRow as DataRow
Dim yourNewDataTable as new datatable
For Each dataRow In yourArray

How to calculate age (in years) based on Date of Birth and getDate()

The answer marked as correct is nearer to accuracy but, it fails in following scenario - where Year of birth is Leap year and day are after February month

declare @ReportStartDate datetime = CONVERT(datetime, '1/1/2014'),
@DateofBirth datetime = CONVERT(datetime, '2/29/1948')

FLOOR(DATEDIFF(HOUR,@DateofBirth,@ReportStartDate )/8766)


FLOOR(DATEDIFF(HOUR,@DateofBirth,@ReportStartDate )/8765.82) -- Divisor is more accurate than 8766

-- Following solution is giving me more accurate results.

FLOOR(DATEDIFF(YEAR,@DateofBirth,@ReportStartDate) - (CASE WHEN DATEADD(YY,DATEDIFF(YEAR,@DateofBirth,@ReportStartDate),@DateofBirth) > @ReportStartDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ))

It worked in almost all scenarios, considering leap year, date as 29 feb, etc.

Please correct me if this formula have any loophole.

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed (Access is denied)

I had also the ADT Bundle that had the HTTP as update url. Changing it to HTTPS solved the problem for me.

keycloak Invalid parameter: redirect_uri

I faced the Invalid parameter: redirect_uri problem problem while following spring boot and keycloak example available at when adding the client from the keycloak server we have to provide the redirect URI for that client so that keycloak server can perform the redirection. When I faced the same error multiple times, I followed copying correct URL from keycloak server console and provided in the valid Redirect URIs space and it worked fine!

Read a zipped file as a pandas DataFrame

It seems you don't even have to specify the compression any more. The following snippet loads the data from into df.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')

(Of course you will need to specify separator, header, etc. if they are different from the defaults.)

Return a value if no rows are found in Microsoft tSQL

This Might be one way.

SELECT TOP 1 [Column Name] FROM (SELECT [Column Name] FROM [table]
    WHERE [conditions]
    SELECT 0 )A ORDER BY [Column Name] DESC

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

I took aberke's solution and modified it to suit my taste.

  • It produces a single input element
  • It optionally accepts extensions
  • For US numbers it skips the leading country code
  • Standard naming conventions
  • Uses class from using code; doesn't make up a class
  • Allows use of any other attributes allowed on an input element

My Code Pen

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);_x000D_
  function exampleController($scope) {_x000D_
    $scope.user = { profile: {HomePhone: '(719) 465-0001 x1234'}};_x000D_
    $scope.homePhonePrompt = "Home Phone";_x000D_
    Intended use:_x000D_
    <phone-number placeholder='prompt' model='someModel.phonenumber' />_x000D_
    Where: _x000D_
      someModel.phonenumber: {String} value which to bind formatted or unformatted phone number_x000D_
    prompt: {String} text to keep in placeholder when no numeric input entered_x000D_
  function ($filter) {_x000D_
    function link(scope, element, attributes) {_x000D_
      // scope.inputValue is the value of input element used in template_x000D_
      scope.inputValue = scope.phoneNumberModel;_x000D_
      scope.$watch('inputValue', function (value, oldValue) {_x000D_
        value = String(value);_x000D_
        var number = value.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');_x000D_
        scope.inputValue = $filter('phoneNumber')(number, scope.allowExtension);_x000D_
        scope.phoneNumberModel = scope.inputValue;_x000D_
    return {_x000D_
      link: link,_x000D_
      restrict: 'E',_x000D_
      replace: true,_x000D_
      scope: {_x000D_
        phoneNumberPlaceholder: '@placeholder',_x000D_
        phoneNumberModel: '=model',_x000D_
        allowExtension: '=extension'_x000D_
      template: '<input ng-model="inputValue" type="tel" placeholder="{{phoneNumberPlaceholder}}" />'_x000D_
/* _x000D_
    Format phonenumber as: (aaa) ppp-nnnnxeeeee_x000D_
    or as close as possible if phonenumber length is not 10_x000D_
    does not allow country code or extensions > 5 characters long_x000D_
.filter('phoneNumber', _x000D_
  function() {_x000D_
    return function(number, allowExtension) {_x000D_
      /* _x000D_
      @param {Number | String} number - Number that will be formatted as telephone number_x000D_
      Returns formatted number: (###) ###-#### x #####_x000D_
      if number.length < 4: ###_x000D_
      else if number.length < 7: (###) ###_x000D_
      removes country codes_x000D_
      if (!number) {_x000D_
        return '';_x000D_
      number = String(number);_x000D_
      number = number.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');_x000D_
      // Will return formattedNumber. _x000D_
      // If phonenumber isn't longer than an area code, just show number_x000D_
      var formattedNumber = number;_x000D_
      // if the first character is '1', strip it out _x000D_
      var c = (number[0] == '1') ? '1 ' : '';_x000D_
      number = number[0] == '1' ? number.slice(1) : number;_x000D_
      // (###) ###-#### as (areaCode) prefix-endxextension_x000D_
      var areaCode = number.substring(0, 3);_x000D_
      var prefix = number.substring(3, 6);_x000D_
      var end = number.substring(6, 10);_x000D_
      var extension = number.substring(10, 15);_x000D_
      if (prefix) {_x000D_
        //formattedNumber = (c + "(" + area + ") " + front);_x000D_
        formattedNumber = ("(" + areaCode + ") " + prefix);_x000D_
      if (end) {_x000D_
        formattedNumber += ("-" + end);_x000D_
      if (allowExtension && extension) {_x000D_
        formattedNumber += ("x" + extension);_x000D_
      return formattedNumber;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="exampleController">_x000D_
  <p>Phone Number Value: {{ user.profile.HomePhone || 'null' }}</p>_x000D_
  <p>Formatted Phone Number: {{ user.profile.HomePhone | phoneNumber }}</p>_x000D_
        <phone-number id="homePhone"_x000D_
                      class="form-control" _x000D_
                      placeholder="Home Phone" _x000D_
                      ng-required="!(user.profile.HomePhone.length || user.profile.BusinessPhone.length || user.profile.MobilePhone.length)" />_x000D_

Find and replace with sed in directory and sub directories

grep -e apple your_site_root/**/*.* -s -l | xargs sed -i "" "s|apple|orage|"

Force browser to download image files on click

You can directly download this file using anchor tag without much code.
Copy the snippet and paste in your text-editor and try it...!

     <img src="" width="200" height="200">_x000D_
      <a href="#" download=""> Download Image </a>_x000D_

How to reload current page without losing any form data?

You have to submit data and reload page (server side render form with data), just reloading will not preserve data. It is just your browser might be caching form data on manual refresh (not same across browsers).

ArrayList vs List<> in C#

To add to the above points. Using ArrayList in 64bit operating system takes 2x memory than using in the 32bit operating system. Meanwhile, generic list List<T> will use much low memory than the ArrayList.

for example if we use a ArrayList of 19MB in 32-bit it would take 39MB in the 64-bit. But if you have a generic list List<int> of 8MB in 32-bit it would take only 8.1MB in 64-bit, which is a whooping 481% difference when compared to ArrayList.

Source: ArrayList’s vs. generic List for primitive types and 64-bits

Can you overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC?

You can use the attribute if you want your code to do overloading.


But, you'll have to use a different action name for the same http method (as others have said). So it's just semantics at that point. Would you rather have the name in your code or your attribute?

Phil has an article related to this:

cleanup php session files

My best guess would be that you are on a shared server and the session files are mixed along all users so you can't, nor you should, delete them. What you can do, if you are worried about scaling and/or your users session privacy, is to move sessions to the database.

Start writing that Cookie to the database and you've got a long way towards scaling you app across multiple servers when time is due.

Apart from that I would not worry much with the 145.000 files.

delete all record from table in mysql

It’s because you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column.

The quick fix is to add SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES=0; before your query :



close the safe update mode. Edit -> Preferences -> SQL Editor -> SQL Editor remove Forbid UPDATE and DELETE statements without a WHERE clause (safe updates) .

BTW you can use TRUNCATE TABLE tablename; to delete all the records .

DD/MM/YYYY Date format in Moment.js

You can use this


However, this returns a date string in the specified format for today, not a moment date object. Doing the following will make it a moment date object in the format you want.

var someDateString = moment().format("DD/MM/YYYY");
var someDate = moment(someDateString, "DD/MM/YYYY");

How to get an object's properties in JavaScript / jQuery?

Get FireBug for Mozilla Firefox.

use console.log(obj);

How to use a variable of one method in another method?

You can't. Variables defined inside a method are local to that method.

If you want to share variables between methods, then you'll need to specify them as member variables of the class. Alternatively, you can pass them from one method to another as arguments (this isn't always applicable).

Looks like you're using instance methods instead of static ones.

If you don't want to create an object, you should declare all your methods static, so something like

private static void methodName(Argument args...)

If you want a variable to be accessible by all these methods, you should initialise it outside the methods and to limit its scope, declare it private.

private static int[][] array = new int[3][5];

Global variables are usually looked down upon (especially for situations like your one) because in a large-scale program they can wreak havoc, so making it private will prevent some problems at the least.

Also, I'll say the usual: You should try to keep your code a bit tidy. Use descriptive class, method and variable names and keep your code neat (with proper indentation, linebreaks etc.) and consistent.

Here's a final (shortened) example of what your code should be like:

public class Test3 {
    //Use this array in your methods
    private static int[][] scores = new int[3][5];

    /* Rather than just "Scores" name it so people know what
     * to expect
    private static void createScores() {
    //Other methods...

    /* Since you're now using static methods, you don't 
     * have to initialise an object and call its methods.
    public static void main(String[] args){
        MD();   //Don't know what these do
        sumD(); //so I'll leave them.

Ideally, since you're using an array, you would create the array in the main method and pass it as an argument across each method, but explaining how that works is probably a whole new question on its own so I'll leave it at that.

How can I make a weak protocol reference in 'pure' Swift (without @objc)

Apple uses "NSObjectProtocol" instead of "class".

public protocol UIScrollViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {

This also works for me and removed the errors I was seeing when trying to implement my own delegate pattern.

How to clamp an integer to some range?

This one seems more pythonic to me:

>>> def clip(val, min_, max_):
...     return min_ if val < min_ else max_ if val > max_ else val

A few tests:

>>> clip(5, 2, 7)
>>> clip(1, 2, 7)
>>> clip(8, 2, 7)

Capturing console output from a .NET application (C#)

Added process.StartInfo.**CreateNoWindow** = true; and timeout.

private static void CaptureConsoleAppOutput(string exeName, string arguments, int timeoutMilliseconds, out int exitCode, out string output)
    using (Process process = new Process())
        process.StartInfo.FileName = exeName;
        process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
        process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

        output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

        bool exited = process.WaitForExit(timeoutMilliseconds);
        if (exited)
            exitCode = process.ExitCode;
            exitCode = -1;

Javascript-Setting background image of a DIV via a function and function parameter

You need to concatenate your string.

document.getElementById(tabName).style.backgroundImage = 'url(buttons/' + imagePrefix + '.png)';

The way you had it, it's just making 1 long string and not actually interpreting imagePrefix.

I would even suggest creating the string separate:

function ChangeBackgroungImageOfTab(tabName, imagePrefix)
    var urlString = 'url(buttons/' + imagePrefix + '.png)';
    document.getElementById(tabName).style.backgroundImage =  urlString;

As mentioned by David Thomas below, you can ditch the double quotes in your string. Here is a little article to get a better idea of how strings and quotes/double quotes are related:

How to install 2 Anacondas (Python 2 and 3) on Mac OS

This may be helpful if you have more than one python versions installed and dont know how to tell your ide's to use a specific version.

  1. Install anaconda. Latest version can be found here
  2. Open the navigator by typing anaconda-navigator in terminal
  3. Open environments. Click on create and then choose your python version in that.
  4. Now new environment will be created for your python version and you can install the IDE's(which are listed there) just by clicking install in that.
  5. Launch the IDE in your environment so that that IDE will use the specified version for that environment.

Hope it helps!!

How can I undo a mysql statement that I just executed?

You can stop a query which is being processed by this

Find the Id of the query process by => show processlist;

Then => kill id;

Change background position with jQuery

rebellion's answer above won't actually work, because to CSS, 'background-position' is actually shorthand for 'background-position-x' and 'background-position-y' so the correct version of his code would be:

    $('#submenu li').hover(function(){
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-x', newValueX);
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-y', newValue);
    }, function(){
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-x', oldValueX);
        $('#carousel').css('background-position-y', oldValueY);

It took about 4 hours of banging my head against it to come to that aggravating realization.

Apache Name Virtual Host with SSL

The VirtualHost would look like this:

NameVirtualHost IP_Address:443

<VirtualHost IP_Address:443>
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.crt    # Where "ca" is the name of the Certificate
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.key
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html
    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ common

Select NOT IN multiple columns

I'm not sure whether you think about:

select * from friend f
where not exists (
    select 1 from likes l where f.id1 = and f.id2 = l.id2

it works only if id1 is related with id1 and id2 with id2 not both.

How to add jQuery code into HTML Page

for latest Jquery. Simply:

<script src=""></script>

Check an integer value is Null in c#

Because int is a ValueType then you can use the following code:

if(Age == default(int) || Age == null)


if(Age.HasValue && Age != 0) or if (!Age.HasValue || Age == 0)

How do I get the key at a specific index from a Dictionary in Swift?

SWIFT 3. Example for the first element

let wordByLanguage = ["English": 5, "Spanish": 4, "Polish": 3, "Arabic": 2]

if let firstLang = wordByLanguage.first?.key {
    print(firstLang)  // English

Indexes of all occurrences of character in a string

I had this problem as well, until I came up with this method.

public static int[] indexesOf(String s, String flag) {
    int flagLen = flag.length();
    String current = s;
    int[] res = new int[s.length()];
    int count = 0;
    int base = 0;
    while(current.contains(flag)) {
        int index = current.indexOf(flag);
        res[count] = index + base;
        base += index + flagLen;
        current = current.substring(current.indexOf(flag) + flagLen, current.length());
        ++ count;
    return Arrays.copyOf(res, count);

This method can be used to find indexes of any flag of any length in a string, for example:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] indexes = indexesOf("Hello, yellow jello", "ll");

        // Prints [2, 9, 16]

    public static int[] indexesOf(String s, String flag) {
        int flagLen = flag.length();
        String current = s;
        int[] res = new int[s.length()];
        int count = 0;
        int base = 0;
        while(current.contains(flag)) {
            int index = current.indexOf(flag);
            res[count] = index + base;
            base += index + flagLen;
            current = current.substring(current.indexOf(flag) + flagLen, current.length());
            ++ count;
        return Arrays.copyOf(res, count);

How can I reorder a list?

You can do it like this

mylist = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
myorder = [3, 2, 0, 1, 4]
mylist = [mylist[i] for i in myorder]
print(mylist)         # prints: ['d', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e']

How to add style from code behind?

If no file available for download, I needed to disable the asp:linkButton, change it to grey and eliminate the underline on the hover. This worked:

.disabled {
    color: grey;
    text-decoration: none !important;

LinkButton button = item.FindControl("lnkFileDownload") as LinkButton;
button.Enabled = false;
button.CssClass = "disabled";

Bootstrap 4 - Glyphicons migration?

If needing only glyphicon classes in CSS:

@font-face{font-family:'Glyphicons Halflings';src:url('');src:url('') format('embedded-opentype'),url('') format('woff'),url('') format('truetype'),url('') format('svg');}.glyphicon{position:relative;top:1px;display:inline-block;font-family:'Glyphicons Halflings';font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;line-height:1;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;}_x000D_

How do I handle a click anywhere in the page, even when a certain element stops the propagation?

this is the key (vs See example.

document.body.addEventListener("click", function (evt) {_x000D_
    //note can be a nested element, not the body element, resulting in misfires_x000D_
    alert("body clicked");_x000D_
<h4>This is a heading.</h4>_x000D_
<p>this is a paragraph.</p>

Open file with associated application

Just write

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"file path");



And shell will run associated program reading it from the registry, like usual double click does.

How to return a specific status code and no contents from Controller?

If anyone wants to do this with a IHttpActionResult may be in a Web API project, Below might be helpful.

// GET: api/Default/
public IHttpActionResult Get()
    //return Ok();//200
    //return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Accepted);//202
    //return BadRequest();//400
    //return InternalServerError();//500
    //return Unauthorized();//401
    return Ok();

In Matplotlib, what does the argument mean in fig.add_subplot(111)?

My solution is

fig = plt.figure()
fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)   #top and bottom left
fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)   #top right
fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)   #bottom right

2x2 grid with 1 and 3 merge

How to register multiple implementations of the same interface in Asp.Net Core?

Extending the solution of @rnrneverdies. Instead of ToString(), following options can also be used- 1) With common property implementation, 2) A service of services suggested by @Craig Brunetti.

public interface IService { }
public class ServiceA : IService
    public override string ToString()
        return "A";

public class ServiceB : IService
    public override string ToString()
        return "B";


/// <summary>
/// extension method that compares with ToString value of an object and returns an object if found
/// </summary>
public static class ServiceProviderServiceExtensions
    public static T GetService<T>(this IServiceProvider provider, string identifier)
        var services = provider.GetServices<T>();
        var service = services.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ToString() == identifier);
        return service;

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    //Initials configurations....

    services.AddSingleton<IService, ServiceA>();
    services.AddSingleton<IService, ServiceB>();
    services.AddSingleton<IService, ServiceC>();

    var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
    var a = sp.GetService<IService>("A"); //returns instance of ServiceA
    var b = sp.GetService<IService>("B"); //returns instance of ServiceB

    //Remaining configurations....

XPath using starts-with function



Note: Unless your host language can't handle element instance as result, do not use text nodes specially in mixed content data model. Do not start expressions with // operator when the schema is well known.

Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)

I've been searching high and low for an end-to-end example of a complete maven-based ear-packaged application and finally stumbled upon this. The instructions say to select option 2 when running through the CLI but for your purposes, use option 1.

What is <scope> under <dependency> in pom.xml for?

.pom dependency scope can contain:

  • compile - available at Compile-time and Run-time
  • provided - available at Compile-time. (this dependency should be provided by outer container like OS...)
  • runtime - available at Run-time
  • test - test compilation and run time
  • system - is similar to provided but exposes <systemPath>path/some.jar</systemPath> to point on .jar
  • import - is available from Maven v2.0.9 for <type>pom</type> and it should be replaced by effective dependency from this file <dependencyManagement/>

Questions every good Database/SQL developer should be able to answer

Give an example where denomralization is preferable.

(I like this one because people come rampaging out of college looking to put everything into 3rd normal form)

jQuery counting elements by class - what is the best way to implement this?



let num = document.getElementsByClassName('myclass').length;_x000D_
console.log('Total "myclass" elements: '+num);
.myclass { color: red }
<span class="myclass" >1</span>_x000D_
<span class="myclass">3</span>_x000D_
<span class="myclass">4</span>

What is the string concatenation operator in Oracle?

It is ||, for example:

select 'Mr ' || ename from emp;

The only "interesting" feature I can think of is that 'x' || null returns 'x', not null as you might perhaps expect.

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

If you use find from GNU fileutils:

size=$( find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name filename -printf '%s' )

Unfortunately, other implementations of find usually don't support -maxdepth, nor -printf. This is the case for e.g. Solaris and macOS find.

CSS3 Spin Animation

The only answer which gives the correct 359deg:

@keyframes spin {
  from { transform: rotate(0deg); }
  to { transform: rotate(359deg); }

&.active {
  animation: spin 1s linear infinite;

Here's a useful gradient so you can prove it is spinning (if its a circle):

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000 0%,#ffffff 100%);

What does %w(array) mean?

Excerpted from the documentation for Percent Strings at

Besides %(...) which creates a String, the % may create other types of object. As with strings, an uppercase letter allows interpolation and escaped characters while a lowercase letter disables them.

These are the types of percent strings in ruby:
%w: Array of Strings

JetBrains / IntelliJ keyboard shortcut to collapse all methods

The above suggestion of Ctrl+Shift+- code folds all code blocks recursively. I only wanted to fold the methods for my classes.

Code > Folding > Expand all to level > 1

I managed to achieve this by using the menu option Code > Folding > Expand all to level > 1.

I re-assigned it to Ctrl+NumPad-1 which gives me a quick way to collapse my classes down to their methods.

This works at the 'block level' of the file and assumes that you have classes defined at the top level of your file, which works for code such as PHP but not for JavaScript (nested closures etc.)

How to write multiple line string using Bash with variables?

Below mechanism helps in redirecting multiple lines to file. Keep complete string under " so that we can redirect values of the variable.

echo "line 1, ${kernel}
line 2," > a.txt
echo 'line 2, ${kernel}
line 2,' > b.txt

Content of a.txt is

line 1, 2.6.39
line 2,

Content of b.txt is

line 2, ${kernel}
line 2,

How do I call paint event?

The Invalidate() Method will cause a repaint.


Is there a cross-browser onload event when clicking the back button?

I thought this would be for "onunload", not page load, since aren't we talking about firing an event when hitting "Back"? $document.ready() is for events desired on page load, no matter how you get to that page (i.e. redirect, opening the browser to the URL directly, etc.), not when clicking "Back", unless you're talking about what to fire on the previous page when it loads again. And I'm not sure the page isn't getting cached as I've found that Javascripts still are, even when $document.ready() is included in them. We've had to hit Ctrl+F5 when editing our scripts that have this event whenever we revise them and we want test the results in our pages.

$(window).unload(function(){ alert('do unload stuff here'); }); 

is what you'd want for an onunload event when hitting "Back" and unloading the current page, and would also fire when a user closes the browser window. This sounded more like what was desired, even if I'm outnumbered with the $document.ready() responses. Basically the difference is between an event firing on the current page while it's closing or on the one that loads when clicking "Back" as it's loading. Tested in IE 7 fine, can't speak for the other browsers as they aren't allowed where we are. But this might be another option.

How can I trigger a JavaScript event click


function triggerEvent(el, type){
    var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
    e.initEvent(type, false, true);

Usage example:

var el = document.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
triggerEvent(el, 'mousedown');


Dynamically Add Variable Name Value Pairs to JSON Object

From what the other answers have proposed, I believe this might help:

var object = ips[ipId];
var name = "Joe";
var anothername = "Fred";
var value = "Thingy";
var anothervalue = "Fingy";
object[name] = value;
object[anothername] = anothervalue;

However, this is not tested, just an assumption based on the constant repetition of:

object["string"] = value;
//object = {string: value}

What does 'const static' mean in C and C++?

It's a small space optimization.

When you say

const int foo = 42;

You're not defining a constant, but creating a read-only variable. The compiler is smart enough to use 42 whenever it sees foo, but it will also allocate space in the initialized data area for it. This is done because, as defined, foo has external linkage. Another compilation unit can say:

extern const int foo;

To get access to its value. That's not a good practice since that compilation unit has no idea what the value of foo is. It just knows it's a const int and has to reload the value from memory whenever it is used.

Now, by declaring that it is static:

static const int foo = 42;

The compiler can do its usual optimization, but it can also say "hey, nobody outside this compilation unit can see foo and I know it's always 42 so there is no need to allocate any space for it."

I should also note that in C++, the preferred way to prevent names from escaping the current compilation unit is to use an anonymous namespace:

namespace {
    const int foo = 42; // same as static definition above

Center the content inside a column in Bootstrap 4

<div class="container">
    <div class="row justify-content-center">
        <div class="col-3 text-center">
            Center text goes here

I have used justify-content-center class instead of mx-auto as in this answer.

check at

How to check if another instance of the application is running

It's not sure what you mean with 'the program', but if you want to limit your application to one instance then you can use a Mutex to make sure that your application isn't already running.

static void Main()
    Mutex mutex = new System.Threading.Mutex(false, "MyUniqueMutexName");
        if (mutex.WaitOne(0, false))
            // Run the application
            Application.Run(new MainForm());
            MessageBox.Show("An instance of the application is already running.");
        if (mutex != null)
            mutex = null;

Can you create nested WITH clauses for Common Table Expressions?

I was trying to measure the time between events with the exception of what one entry that has multiple processes between the start and end. I needed this in the context of other single line processes.

I used a select with an inner join as my select statement within the Nth cte. The second cte I needed to extract the start date on X and end date on Y and used 1 as an id value to left join to put them on a single line.

Works for me, hope this helps.

    select ps.Process as ProcessEvent
        , ps.ProcessStartDate 
        , ps.ProcessEndDate 
        -- select strt.*
    from dbo.tbl_some_table ps 
    inner join (select max(ProcessStatusId) ProcessStatusId 
                    from dbo.tbl_some_table 
                where Process = 'some_extract_tbl' 
                and convert(varchar(10), ProcessStartDate, 112) < '29991231'
                ) strt on strt.ProcessStatusId = ps.ProcessStatusID
    select 'Sample' as ProcessEvent, 
     x.ProcessStartDate, y.ProcessEndDate  from (
    select 1 as Id, ps.Process as ProcessEvent
        , ps.ProcessStartDate 
        , ps.ProcessEndDate
        -- select strt.*
    from dbo.tbl_some_table ps 
    inner join (select max(ProcessStatusId) ProcessStatusId 
                    from dbo.tbl_some_table 
                where Process = 'XX Prcss' 
                and convert(varchar(10), ProcessStartDate, 112) < '29991231'
                ) strt on strt.ProcessStatusId = ps.ProcessStatusID
    ) x
    left join (
        select 1 as Id, ps.Process as ProcessEvent
            , ps.ProcessStartDate 
            , ps.ProcessEndDate
            -- select strt.*
        from dbo.tbl_some_table ps 
        inner join (select max(ProcessStatusId) ProcessStatusId
                    from dbo.tbl_some_table 
                    where Process = 'YY Prcss Cmpltd' 
                    and convert(varchar(10), ProcessEndDate, 112) < '29991231'
                    ) enddt on enddt.ProcessStatusId = ps.ProcessStatusID
            ) y on y.Id = x.Id 

.... other ctes

How to extract one column of a csv file

You can't do it without a full CSV parser.

javascript functions to show and hide divs

    function show() { 
        if(document.getElementById('benefits').style.display=='none') { 
        return false;
    function hide() { 
        if(document.getElementById('benefits').style.display=='block') { 
        return false;

 <div id="opener"><a href="#1" name="1" onclick="return show();">click here</a></div> 
    <div id="benefits" style="display:none;">some input in here plus the close button 
           <div id="upbutton"><a onclick="return hide();">click here</a></div> 

Why can't I set text to an Android TextView?

Or you can do this way :


Extract a substring from a string in Ruby using a regular expression

You can use a regular expression for that pretty easily…

Allowing spaces around the word (but not keeping them):

str.match(/< ?([^>]+) ?>\Z/)[1]

Or without the spaces allowed:


Read a HTML file into a string variable in memory

Use File.ReadAllText passing file location as an argument.

However, if your real goal is to parse html then I would recommend using Html Agility Pack.

How to pad a string to a fixed length with spaces in Python?

I know this is a bit of an old question, but I've ended up making my own little class for it.

Might be useful to someone so I'll stick it up. I used a class variable, which is inherently persistent, to ensure sufficient whitespace was added to clear any old lines. See below:

class consolePrinter():
Class to write to the console

Objective is to make it easy to write to console, with user able to 
overwrite previous line (or not)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------    
#Class variables
stringLen = 0    
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------    
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeline(stringIn, overwriteFlag=False):
    import sys
    #Get length of stringIn and update stringLen if needed
    if len(stringIn) > consolePrinter.stringLen:
        consolePrinter.stringLen = len(stringIn)+1
    ctrlString = "{:<"+str(consolePrinter.stringLen)+"}"
    if overwriteFlag:
        sys.stdout.write("\r" + ctrlString.format(stringIn))
        sys.stdout.write("\n" + stringIn)

Which then is called via:

consolePrinter.writeline("text here", True) 

If you want to overwrite the previous line, or

consolePrinter.writeline("text here",False)

if you don't.

Note, for it to work right, all messages pushed to the console would need to be through consolePrinter.writeline.

Log all requests from the python-requests module

When trying to get the Python logging system (import logging) to emit low level debug log messages, it suprised me to discover that given:

requests --> urllib3 --> http.client.HTTPConnection

that only urllib3 actually uses the Python logging system:

  • requests no
  • http.client.HTTPConnection no
  • urllib3 yes

Sure, you can extract debug messages from HTTPConnection by setting:

HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

but these outputs are merely emitted via the print statement. To prove this, simply grep the Python 3.7 source code and view the print statements yourself (thanks @Yohann):

curl |grep -A1 debuglevel` 

Presumably redirecting stdout in some way might work to shoe-horn stdout into the logging system and potentially capture to e.g. a log file.

Choose the 'urllib3' logger not 'requests.packages.urllib3'

To capture urllib3 debug information through the Python 3 logging system, contrary to much advice on the internet, and as @MikeSmith points out, you won’t have much luck intercepting:

log = logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3')

instead you need to:

log = logging.getLogger('urllib3')

Debugging urllib3 to a log file

Here is some code which logs urllib3 workings to a log file using the Python logging system:

import requests
import logging
from http.client import HTTPConnection  # py3

# log = logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3')  # useless
log = logging.getLogger('urllib3')  # works

log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # needed
fh = logging.FileHandler("requests.log")


the result:

Starting new HTTP connection (1): "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3168

Enabling the HTTPConnection.debuglevel print() statements

If you set HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

from http.client import HTTPConnection  # py3
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

you'll get the print statement output of additional juicy low level info:

send: b'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: python- 
requests/2.22.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin 
header: Content-Encoding header: Content-Type header: Date header: ...

Remember this output uses print and not the Python logging system, and thus cannot be captured using a traditional logging stream or file handler (though it may be possible to capture output to a file by redirecting stdout).

Combine the two above - maximise all possible logging to console

To maximise all possible logging, you must settle for console/stdout output with this:

import requests
import logging
from http.client import HTTPConnection  # py3

log = logging.getLogger('urllib3')

# logging from urllib3 to console
ch = logging.StreamHandler()

# print statements from `http.client.HTTPConnection` to console/stdout
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1


giving the full range of output:

Starting new HTTP connection (1):
send: b'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.22.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3168
header: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin 
header: Content-Encoding header: ...

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

Try the following, note that when user refreshes the page, the value is "Male" again, data should be stored on database.

<p id="pTest">Male</p>


I need to get all the cookies from the browser

You cannot. By design, for security purpose, you can access only the cookies set by your site. StackOverflow can't see the cookies set by UserVoice nor those set by Amazon.

Android: How to change CheckBox size?

Here is a better solution which does not clip and/or blur the drawable, but only works if the checkbox doesn't have text itself (but you can still have text, it's just more complicated, see at the end).

    android:layout_width="160dp"    <!-- This is the size you want -->

The result:

What the previous solution with scaleX and scaleY looked like:

You can have a text checkbox by adding a TextView beside it and adding a click listener on the parent layout, then triggering the checkbox programmatically.

How to get the number of columns in a matrix?

When want to get row size with size() function, below code can be used:


Another usage for it:

[height, width] = size(A)

So, you can get 2 dimension of your matrix.

Converting byte array to string in javascript

Simply apply your byte array to String.fromCharCode. For example

String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [102, 111, 111]) equals 'foo'.

Caveat: works for arrays shorter than 65535. MDN docs here.

click command in selenium webdriver does not work

There's nothing wrong with either version of your code. Whatever is causing this, that's not it.

Have you triple checked your locator? Your element definitely has name=submit not id=submit?

Join/Where with LINQ and Lambda

I find that if you're familiar with SQL syntax, using the LINQ query syntax is much clearer, more natural, and makes it easier to spot errors:

var id = 1;
var query =
   from post in database.Posts
   join meta in database.Post_Metas on post.ID equals meta.Post_ID
   where post.ID == id
   select new { Post = post, Meta = meta };

If you're really stuck on using lambdas though, your syntax is quite a bit off. Here's the same query, using the LINQ extension methods:

var id = 1;
var query = database.Posts    // your starting point - table in the "from" statement
   .Join(database.Post_Metas, // the source table of the inner join
      post => post.ID,        // Select the primary key (the first part of the "on" clause in an sql "join" statement)
      meta => meta.Post_ID,   // Select the foreign key (the second part of the "on" clause)
      (post, meta) => new { Post = post, Meta = meta }) // selection
   .Where(postAndMeta => postAndMeta.Post.ID == id);    // where statement

Java associative-array

Java doesn't have associative arrays, the closest thing you can get is the Map interface

Here's a sample from that page.

import java.util.*;

public class Freq {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, Integer> m = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        // Initialize frequency table from command line
        for (String a : args) {
            Integer freq = m.get(a);
            m.put(a, (freq == null) ? 1 : freq + 1);

        System.out.println(m.size() + " distinct words:");

If run with:

java Freq if it is to be it is up to me to delegate

You'll get:

8 distinct words:
{to=3, delegate=1, be=1, it=2, up=1, if=1, me=1, is=2}

AngularJS does not send hidden field value

Below Code will work for this IFF it in the same order as its mentionened make sure you order is type then name, ng-model ng-init, value. thats It.

Eclipse C++ : "Program "g++" not found in PATH"

First Install MinGW or other C/C++ compiler as it's required by Eclipse C++.

Use as unbelievably the's version has malware attached.

Back to Eclipse.

Now in all those path settings that the Eclipse Help manual talks about INSTEAD of typing the path, Select Variables and


and do so for all instances which would ask for the compiler's path.

First would be to click Preferences of the whatever project and C/C++ General then Paths and Symbols and add the

**MINGW_HOME** to those paths of for the compiler.

Next simply add the home directory to the Build Variables under the C++/C Build

Build Variables Screen Capture

How to parse XML using vba

You can use a XPath Query:

Dim objDom As Object        '// DOMDocument
Dim xmlStr As String, _
    xPath As String

xmlStr = _
    "<PointN xsi:type='typens:PointN' " & _
    "xmlns:xsi='' " & _
    "xmlns:xs=''> " & _
    "    <X>24.365</X> " & _
    "    <Y>78.63</Y> " & _

Set objDom = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")     '// Using MSXML 3.0

'/* Load XML */
objDom.LoadXML xmlStr

' * XPath Query
' */        

'/* Get X */
xPath = "/PointN/X"
Debug.Print objDom.SelectSingleNode(xPath).text

'/* Get Y */
xPath = "/PointN/Y"
Debug.Print objDom.SelectSingleNode(xPath).text

Installing a plain plugin jar in Eclipse 3.5

go to Help -> Install New Software... -> Add -> Archive.... Done.

Select values from XML field in SQL Server 2008

This may answer your question:

select cast(xmlField as xml) xmlField into tmp from (
select '<person><firstName>Jon</firstName><lastName>Johnson</lastName></person>' xmlField
union select '<person><firstName>Kathy</firstName><lastName>Carter</lastName></person>'
union select '<person><firstName>Bob</firstName><lastName>Burns</lastName></person>'
) tb

    xmlField.value('(person/firstName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName
    ,xmlField.value('(person/lastName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM tmp

drop table tmp

convert array into DataFrame in Python

You can add parameter columns or use dict with key which is converted to column name:

e = np.random.normal(size=10)  
dataframe=pd.DataFrame(e, columns=['a']) 
print (dataframe)
0 -1.085631
1  0.997345
2  0.282978
3 -1.506295
4 -0.578600
5  1.651437
6 -2.426679
7 -0.428913
8  1.265936
9 -0.866740

print (e_dataframe)
0 -1.085631
1  0.997345
2  0.282978
3 -1.506295
4 -0.578600
5  1.651437
6 -2.426679
7 -0.428913
8  1.265936
9 -0.866740

How to query for today's date and 7 days before data?

Try this way:

select * from tab
where DateCol between DateAdd(DD,-7,GETDATE() ) and GETDATE() 

What is the difference between Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current()?

To clarify the problem with @@Identity:

For instance, if you insert a table and that table has triggers doing inserts, @@Identity will return the id from the insert in the trigger (a log_id or something), while scope_identity() will return the id from the insert in the original table.

So if you don't have any triggers, scope_identity() and @@identity will return the same value. If you have triggers, you need to think about what value you'd like.

ORACLE: Updating multiple columns at once

I guess the issue here is that you are updating INV_DISCOUNT and the INV_TOTAL uses the INV_DISCOUNT. so that is the issue here. You can use returning clause of update statement to use the new INV_DISCOUNT and use it to update INV_TOTAL.

this is a generic example let me know if this explains the point i mentioned

    empName VARCHAR2(50);
    empSalary NUMBER(7,2);      
    UPDATE emp
    SET sal = sal + 1000
    WHERE empno = 7499
    RETURNING ename, sal
    INTO empName, empSalary;

    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Name of Employee: ' || empName);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('New Salary: ' || empSalary);

What are all the user accounts for IIS/ASP.NET and how do they differ?

This is a very good question and sadly many developers don't ask enough questions about IIS/ASP.NET security in the context of being a web developer and setting up IIS. So here goes....

To cover the identities listed:


This is analogous to the old IIS6 IIS_WPG group. It's a built-in group with it's security configured such that any member of this group can act as an application pool identity.


This account is analogous to the old IUSR_<MACHINE_NAME> local account that was the default anonymous user for IIS5 and IIS6 websites (i.e. the one configured via the Directory Security tab of a site's properties).

For more information about IIS_IUSRS and IUSR see:

Understanding Built-In User and Group Accounts in IIS 7


If an application pool is configured to run using the Application Pool Identity feature then a "synthesised" account called IIS AppPool\<pool name> will be created on the fly to used as the pool identity. In this case there will be a synthesised account called IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool created for the life time of the pool. If you delete the pool then this account will no longer exist. When applying permissions to files and folders these must be added using IIS AppPool\<pool name>. You also won't see these pool accounts in your computers User Manager. See the following for more information:

Application Pool Identities

ASP.NET v4.0: -

This will be the Application Pool Identity for the ASP.NET v4.0 Application Pool. See DefaultAppPool above.


The NETWORK SERVICE account is a built-in identity introduced on Windows 2003. NETWORK SERVICE is a low privileged account under which you can run your application pools and websites. A website running in a Windows 2003 pool can still impersonate the site's anonymous account (IUSR_ or whatever you configured as the anonymous identity).

In ASP.NET prior to Windows 2008 you could have ASP.NET execute requests under the Application Pool account (usually NETWORK SERVICE). Alternatively you could configure ASP.NET to impersonate the site's anonymous account via the <identity impersonate="true" /> setting in web.config file locally (if that setting is locked then it would need to be done by an admin in the machine.config file).

Setting <identity impersonate="true"> is common in shared hosting environments where shared application pools are used (in conjunction with partial trust settings to prevent unwinding of the impersonated account).

In IIS7.x/ASP.NET impersonation control is now configured via the Authentication configuration feature of a site. So you can configure to run as the pool identity, IUSR or a specific custom anonymous account.


The LOCAL SERVICE account is a built-in account used by the service control manager. It has a minimum set of privileges on the local computer. It has a fairly limited scope of use:

LocalService Account


You didn't ask about this one but I'm adding for completeness. This is a local built-in account. It has fairly extensive privileges and trust. You should never configure a website or application pool to run under this identity.

LocalSystem Account

In Practice:

In practice the preferred approach to securing a website (if the site gets its own application pool - which is the default for a new site in IIS7's MMC) is to run under Application Pool Identity. This means setting the site's Identity in its Application Pool's Advanced Settings to Application Pool Identity:

enter image description here

In the website you should then configure the Authentication feature:

enter image description here

Right click and edit the Anonymous Authentication entry:

enter image description here

Ensure that "Application pool identity" is selected:

enter image description here

When you come to apply file and folder permissions you grant the Application Pool identity whatever rights are required. For example if you are granting the application pool identity for the ASP.NET v4.0 pool permissions then you can either do this via Explorer:

enter image description here

Click the "Check Names" button:

enter image description here

Or you can do this using the ICACLS.EXE utility:

icacls c:\wwwroot\mysite /grant "IIS AppPool\ASP.NET v4.0":(CI)(OI)(M)

...or...if you site's application pool is called BobsCatPicBlogthen:

icacls c:\wwwroot\mysite /grant "IIS AppPool\BobsCatPicBlog":(CI)(OI)(M)

I hope this helps clear things up.


I just bumped into this excellent answer from 2009 which contains a bunch of useful information, well worth a read:

The difference between the 'Local System' account and the 'Network Service' account?

How do I shut down a python simpleHTTPserver?

kill -9 `ps -ef |grep SimpleHTTPServer |grep $MYPORT |awk '{print $2}'`

That is it!

Explain command line :

  • ps -ef : list all process.

  • grep SimpleHTTPServer : filter process which belong to "SimpleHTTPServer"

  • grep $MYPORT : filter again process belong to "SimpleHTTPServer" where port is MYPORT (.i.e: MYPORT=8888)

  • awk '{print $2}' : print second column of result which is the PID (Process ID)

  • kill -9 <PID> : Force Kill process with the appropriate PID.

How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device?

Here's an alternate solution that actually adds your certificate to the built in list of default certificates: Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS

However, it will only work for your application. There's no way to programmatically do it for all applications on a user's device, since that would be a security risk.

How to scan multiple paths using the @ComponentScan annotation?

Another way of doing this is using the basePackages field; which is a field inside ComponentScan annotation.


If you look into the ComponentScan annotation .class from the jar file you will see a basePackages field that takes in an array of Strings

public @interface ComponentScan {
String[] basePackages() default {};

Or you can mention the classes explicitly. Which takes in array of classes

Class<?>[]  basePackageClasses

Convert R vector to string vector of 1 element

Use the collapse argument to paste:

paste(a,collapse=" ")
[1] "aa bb cc"

jQuery: count number of rows in a table

I got the following:


Using headers with the Python requests library's get method

According to the API, the headers can all be passed in using requests.get:

import requests
r=requests.get("", headers={"content-type":"text"})

Inline <style> tags vs. inline css properties

Whenever is possible is preferable to use class .myclass{} and identifier #myclass{}, so use a dedicated css file or tag <style></style> within an html. Inline style is good to change css option dynamically with javascript.

Reading inputStream using BufferedReader.readLine() is too slow

I have a longer test to try. This takes an average of 160 ns to read each line as add it to a List (Which is likely to be what you intended as dropping the newlines is not very useful.

public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    final int runs = 5 * 1000 * 1000;

    final ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0);
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                Socket serverConn = ss.accept();
                String line = "Hello World!\n";
                BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(serverConn.getOutputStream()));
                for (int count = 0; count < runs; count++)
            } catch (IOException e) {

    Socket conn = new Socket("localhost", ss.getLocalPort());

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
    String line;

    List<String> responseData = new ArrayList<String>();
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
    System.out.println("Average time to read a line was " + time / runs + " ns.");


Average time to read a line was 158 ns.

If you want to build a StringBuilder, keeping newlines I would suggets the following approach.

Reader r = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream());
String line;

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] chars = new char[4*1024];
int len;
while((len =>=0) {
    sb.append(chars, 0, len);

Still prints

Average time to read a line was 159 ns.

In both cases, the speed is limited by the sender not the receiver. By optimising the sender, I got this timing down to 105 ns per line.

NameError: global name 'unicode' is not defined - in Python 3

Python 3 renamed the unicode type to str, the old str type has been replaced by bytes.

if isinstance(unicode_or_str, str):
    text = unicode_or_str
    decoded = False
    text = unicode_or_str.decode(encoding)
    decoded = True

You may want to read the Python 3 porting HOWTO for more such details. There is also Lennart Regebro's Porting to Python 3: An in-depth guide, free online.

Last but not least, you could just try to use the 2to3 tool to see how that translates the code for you.

How do I convert from int to String?

It's not only the optimization1. I don't like

"" + i

because it does not express what I really want to do 2.

I don't want to append an integer to an (empty) string. I want to convert an integer to string:


Or, not my prefered, but still better than concatenation, get a string representation of an object (integer):


1. For code that is called very often, like in loops, optimization sure is also a point for not using concatenation.

2. this is not valid for use of real concatenation like in System.out.println("Index: " + i); or String id = "ID" + i;

JavaScript .replace only replaces first Match

The same, if you need "generic" regex from string :

const textTitle = "this is a test";_x000D_
const regEx = new RegExp(' ', "g");_x000D_
const result = textTitle.replace(regEx , '%20');_x000D_
console.log(result); // "this%20is%20a%20test" will be a result_x000D_

React.js: Identifying different inputs with one onChange handler

I will provide really simple solution to the problem. Suppose we have two inputs username and password,but we want our handle to be easy and generic ,so we can reuse it and don't write boilerplate code.

I.Our form:

                    <input type="text" name = "username" onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.username}/>
                    <input type="text" name = "password" onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.password}/>
                    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

II.Our constructor ,which we want to save our username and password ,so we can access them easily:

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        username: '',
        password: ''

    this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this);
    this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);

III.The interesting and "generic" handle with only one onChange event is based on this:

onChange(event) {
    let inputName =;
    let value =;



Let me explain:

1.When a change is detected the onChange(event) is called

2.Then we get the name parameter of the field and its value:

let inputName =; ex: username

let value =; ex: itsgosho

3.Based on the name parameter we get our value from the state in the constructor and update it with the value:

this.state['username'] = 'itsgosho'

4.The key to note here is that the name of the field must match with our parameter in the state

Hope I helped someone somehow :)

drag drop files into standard html file input

Awesome work by @BjarkeCK. I made some modifications to his work, to use it as method in jquery:

$.fn.dropZone = function() {
  var buttonId = "clickHere";
  var mouseOverClass = "mouse-over";

  var dropZone = this[0];
  var $dropZone = $(dropZone);
  var ooleft = $dropZone.offset().left;
  var ooright = $dropZone.outerWidth() + ooleft;
  var ootop = $dropZone.offset().top;
  var oobottom = $dropZone.outerHeight() + ootop;
  var inputFile = $dropZone.find("input[type='file']");
  dropZone.addEventListener("dragleave", function() {
  dropZone.addEventListener("dragover", function(e) {
    var x = e.pageX;
    var y = e.pageY;

    if (!(x < ooleft || x > ooright || y < ootop || y > oobottom)) {
        top: y - 15,
        left: x - 100
    } else {
        top: -400,
        left: -400

  }, true);
  dropZone.addEventListener("drop", function(e) {
  }, true);


Working Fiddle

Exclude Blank and NA in R

Don't know exactly what kind of dataset you have, so I provide general answer.

x <- c(1,2,NA,3,4,5)
y <- c(1,2,3,NA,6,8) <- data.frame(x, y)
   x  y
1  1  1
2  2  2
3 NA  3
4  3 NA
5  4  6
6  5  8
# Exclude rows with NA values[complete.cases(,]
  x y
1 1 1
2 2 2
5 4 6
6 5 8

What is the equivalent of the C++ Pair<L,R> in Java?

Good News JavaFX has a key value Pair.

just add javafx as a dependency and import javafx.util.Pair;

and use simply as in c++ .

Pair <Key, Value> 


Pair <Integer, Integer> pr = new Pair<Integer, Integer>()

pr.get(key);// will return corresponding value

Create request with POST, which response codes 200 or 201 and content

In a few words:

  • 200 when an object is created and returned
  • 201 when an object is created but only its reference is returned (such as an ID or a link)

Mysql SELECT CASE WHEN something then return field

You are mixing the 2 different CASE syntaxes inappropriately.

Use this style (Searched)

  WHEN u.nnmu ='0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN u.nnmu ='1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

Or this style (Simple)

  CASE u.nnmu 
  WHEN '0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN '1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

Not This (Simple but with boolean search predicates)

  CASE u.nnmu 
  WHEN u.nnmu ='0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN u.nnmu ='1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

In MySQL this will end up testing whether u.nnmu is equal to the value of the boolean expression u.nnmu ='0' itself. Regardless of whether u.nnmu is 1 or 0 the result of the case expression itself will be 1

For example if nmu = '0' then (nnmu ='0') evaluates as true (1) and (nnmu ='1') evaluates as false (0). Substituting these into the case expression gives

  WHEN 1 THEN '0'
  WHEN 0 THEN '1'
 END as mesto_utovara

if nmu = '1' then (nnmu ='0') evaluates as false (0) and (nnmu ='1') evaluates as true (1). Substituting these into the case expression gives

  WHEN 0 THEN '0'
  WHEN 1 THEN '1'
 END as mesto_utovara

Listing files in a directory matching a pattern in Java

The following code will create a list of files based on the accept method of the FileNameFilter.

List<File> list = Arrays.asList(dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter(){
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            return name.endsWith(".exe"); // or something else

How to scale Docker containers in production

While we're big fans of Deis ( and are actively deploying to it, there are other Heroku like PaaS style deployment solutions out there, including:

Longshoreman from the Wayfinder folks:

Decker from the CloudCredo folks, using CloudFoundry:

As for straight up orchestration, NewRelic's opensource Centurion project seems quite promising:

Default value in an mvc view model

What will you have? You'll probably end up with a default search and a search that you load from somewhere. Default search requires a default constructor, so make one like Dismissile has already suggested.

If you load the search criteria from elsewhere, then you should probably have some mapping logic.

How to create a hex dump of file containing only the hex characters without spaces in bash?

It seems to depend on the details of the version of od. On OSX, use this:

od -t x1 -An file |tr -d '\n '

(That's print as type hex bytes, with no address. And whitespace deleted afterwards, of course.)

An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

My windows firewall was blocking port 8080 so i changed it to 5000 and it worked!

"Object doesn't support this property or method" error in IE11

I face the similar issue and surprisingly meta tag didn't work this time. Turns out the company I currently cooperate with has this enterprise mode setting which has priority over meta tag.

We can't change the setting cause policy issue. Luckily I don't really need any fancy features but basic usage of jQuery so my final solution is to switch its version to 1.12 for better compatibility.

ref: jQuery - Browser support

What is the default access specifier in Java?

The default visibility (no keyword) is package which means that it will be available to every class that is located in the same package.

Interesting side note is that protected doesn't limit visibility to the subclasses but also to the other classes in the same package

Best XML parser for Java

I think you should not consider any specific parser implementation. Java API for XML Processing lets you use any conforming parser implementation in a standard way. The code should be much more portable, and when you realise that a specific parser has grown too old, you can replace it with another without changing a line of your code (if you do it correctly).

Basically there are three ways of handling XML in a standard way:

  • SAX This is the simplest API. You read the XML by defining a Handler class that receives the data inside elements/attributes when the XML gets processed in a serial way. It is faster and simpler if you only plan to read some attributes/elements and/or write some values back (your case).
  • DOM This method creates an object tree which lets you modify/access it randomly so it is better for complex XML manipulation and handling.
  • StAX This is in the middle of the path between SAX and DOM. You just write code to pull the data from the parser you are interested in when it is processed.

Forget about proprietary APIs such as JDOM or Apache ones (i.e. Apache Xerces XMLSerializer) because will tie you to a specific implementation that can evolve in time or lose backwards compatibility, which will make you change your code in the future when you want to upgrade to a new version of JDOM or whatever parser you use. If you stick to Java standard API (using factories and interfaces) your code will be much more modular and maintainable.

There is no need to say that all (I haven't checked all, but I'm almost sure) of the parsers proposed comply with a JAXP implementation so technically you can use all, no matter which.

Java Error: "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running"

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Double click on Java
  3. Open the Security tab
  4. Select Medium
  5. Click on Apply
  6. Restart your web browser

That's it!

enter image description here

Null pointer Exception on .setOnClickListener

android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(android.view.View$OnClickListener)' on a null object reference

Because Submit button is inside login_modal so you need to use loginDialog view to access button:

Submit = (Button)loginDialog.findViewById(;

Word count from a txt file program

for word in
    if word not in wordcount:
        wordcount[word] = 1
        wordcount[word] += 1

for k,v in wordcount.items():
    print k,v

What does the 'b' character do in front of a string literal?

The answer to the question is that, it does:


and in order to decode it(remove the b, because sometimes you don't need it)



Spring get current ApplicationContext

If you're implementing a class that's not instantiated by Spring, like a JsonDeserializer you can use:

WebApplicationContext context = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();
MyClass myBean = context.getBean(MyClass.class);

Android set bitmap to Imageview

Please try this:

byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(person_object.getPhoto(),Base64.NO_WRAP);
InputStream inputStream  = new ByteArrayInputStream(decodedString);
Bitmap bitmap  = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);

Safe Area of Xcode 9

Safe Area is a layout guide (Safe Area Layout Guide).
The layout guide representing the portion of your view that is unobscured by bars and other content. In iOS 11+, Apple is deprecating the top and bottom layout guides and replacing them with a single safe area layout guide.

When the view is visible onscreen, this guide reflects the portion of the view that is not covered by other content. The safe area of a view reflects the area covered by navigation bars, tab bars, toolbars, and other ancestors that obscure a view controller's view. (In tvOS, the safe area incorporates the screen's bezel, as defined by the overscanCompensationInsets property of UIScreen.) It also covers any additional space defined by the view controller's additionalSafeAreaInsets property. If the view is not currently installed in a view hierarchy, or is not yet visible onscreen, the layout guide always matches the edges of the view.

For the view controller's root view, the safe area in this property represents the entire portion of the view controller's content that is obscured, and any additional insets that you specified. For other views in the view hierarchy, the safe area reflects only the portion of that view that is obscured. For example, if a view is entirely within the safe area of its view controller's root view, the edge insets in this property are 0.

According to Apple, Xcode 9 - Release note
Interface Builder uses UIView.safeAreaLayoutGuide as a replacement for the deprecated Top and Bottom layout guides in UIViewController. To use the new safe area, select Safe Area Layout Guides in the File inspector for the view controller, and then add constraints between your content and the new safe area anchors. This prevents your content from being obscured by top and bottom bars, and by the overscan region on tvOS. Constraints to the safe area are converted to Top and Bottom when deploying to earlier versions of iOS.

enter image description here

Here is simple reference as a comparison (to make similar visual effect) between existing (Top & Bottom) Layout Guide and Safe Area Layout Guide.

Safe Area Layout: enter image description here


enter image description here

How to work with Safe Area Layout?

Follow these steps to find solution:

  • Enable 'Safe Area Layout', if not enabled.
  • Remove 'all constraint' if they shows connection with with Super view and re-attach all with safe layout anchor. OR Double click on a constraint and edit connection from super view to SafeArea anchor

Here is sample snapshot, how to enable safe area layout and edit constraint.

enter image description here

Here is result of above changes

enter image description here

Layout Design with SafeArea
When designing for iPhone X, you must ensure that layouts fill the screen and aren't obscured by the device's rounded corners, sensor housing, or the indicator for accessing the Home screen.

enter image description here

Most apps that use standard, system-provided UI elements like navigation bars, tables, and collections automatically adapt to the device's new form factor. Background materials extend to the edges of the display and UI elements are appropriately inset and positioned.

enter image description here

For apps with custom layouts, supporting iPhone X should also be relatively easy, especially if your app uses Auto Layout and adheres to safe area and margin layout guides.

enter image description here

Here is sample code (Ref from: Safe Area Layout Guide):
If you create your constraints in code use the safeAreaLayoutGuide property of UIView to get the relevant layout anchors. Let’s recreate the above Interface Builder example in code to see how it looks:

Assuming we have the green view as a property in our view controller:

private let greenView = UIView()

We might have a function to set up the views and constraints called from viewDidLoad:

private func setupView() {
  greenView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
  greenView.backgroundColor = .green

Create the leading and trailing margin constraints as always using the layoutMarginsGuide of the root view:

 let margins = view.layoutMarginsGuide
      greenView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margins.leadingAnchor),
      greenView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margins.trailingAnchor)

Now unless you are targeting iOS 11 only you will need to wrap the safe area layout guide constraints with #available and fall back to top and bottom layout guides for earlier iOS versions:

if #available(iOS 11, *) {
  let guide = view.safeAreaLayoutGuide
   greenView.topAnchor.constraintEqualToSystemSpacingBelow(guide.topAnchor, multiplier: 1.0),
   guide.bottomAnchor.constraintEqualToSystemSpacingBelow(greenView.bottomAnchor, multiplier: 1.0)

} else {
   let standardSpacing: CGFloat = 8.0
   greenView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: standardSpacing),
   bottomLayoutGuide.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: greenView.bottomAnchor, constant: standardSpacing)


enter image description here

Following UIView extension, make it easy for you to work with SafeAreaLayout programatically.

extension UIView {

  // Top Anchor
  var safeAreaTopAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor {
    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
      return self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor
    } else {
      return self.topAnchor

  // Bottom Anchor
  var safeAreaBottomAnchor: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor {
    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
      return self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor
    } else {
      return self.bottomAnchor

  // Left Anchor
  var safeAreaLeftAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor {
    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
      return self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leftAnchor
    } else {
      return self.leftAnchor

  // Right Anchor
  var safeAreaRightAnchor: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor {
    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
      return self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.rightAnchor
    } else {
      return self.rightAnchor


Here is sample code in Objective-C:

Here is Apple Developer Official Documentation for Safe Area Layout Guide

Safe Area is required to handle user interface design for iPhone-X. Here is basic guideline for How to design user interface for iPhone-X using Safe Area Layout

How to access command line arguments of the caller inside a function?

My reading of the Bash Reference Manual says this stuff is captured in BASH_ARGV, although it talks about "the stack" a lot.


function argv {
    for a in ${BASH_ARGV[*]} ; do
      echo -n "$a "

function f {
    echo f $1 $2 $3
    echo -n f ; argv

function g {
    echo g $1 $2 $3
    echo -n g; argv

f boo bar baz
g goo gar gaz

Save in

$ ./ arg0 arg1 arg2
f boo bar baz
farg2 arg1 arg0 
g goo gar gaz
garg2 arg1 arg0 
farg2 arg1 arg0 

How does "cat << EOF" work in bash?

This is called heredoc format to provide a string into stdin. See for more details.

From man bash:

Here Documents

This type of redirection instructs the shell to read input from the current source until a line containing only word (with no trailing blanks) is seen.

All of the lines read up to that point are then used as the standard input for a command.

The format of here-documents is:


No parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, or pathname expansion is performed on word. If any characters in word are quoted, the delimiter is the result of quote removal on word, and the lines in the here-document are not expanded. If word is unquoted, all lines of the here-document are subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion. In the latter case, the character sequence \<newline> is ignored, and \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, and `.

If the redirection operator is <<-, then all leading tab characters are stripped from input lines and the line containing delimiter. This allows here-documents within shell scripts to be indented in a natural fashion.

How to resolve this System.IO.FileNotFoundException

I hate to point out the obvious, but System.IO.FileNotFoundException means the program did not find the file you specified. So what you need to do is check what file your code is looking for in production.

To see what file your program is looking for in production (look at the FileName property of the exception), try these techniques:

Then look at the file system on the machine and see if the file exists. Most likely the case is that it doesn't exist.

Installing pip packages to $HOME folder

I would use virtualenv at your HOME directory.

$ sudo easy_install -U virtualenv
$ cd ~
$ virtualenv .
$ bin/pip ...

You could then also alter ~/.(login|profile|bash_profile), whichever is right for your shell to add ~/bin to your PATH and then that pip|python|easy_install would be the one used by default.

Close/kill the session when the browser or tab is closed

For browser close you can put below code into your web.config :

    <sessionState mode="InProc"></sessionState>

It will destroy your session when browser is closed, but it will not work for tab close.

What is "Signal 15 received"

This indicates the linux has delivered a SIGTERM to your process. This is usually at the request of some other process (via kill()) but could also be sent by your process to itself (using raise()). This signal requests an orderly shutdown of your process.

If you need a quick cheatsheet of signal numbers, open a bash shell and:

$ kill -l
63) SIGRTMAX-1  64) SIGRTMAX    

You can determine the sender by using an appropriate signal handler like:

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void sigterm_handler(int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *_unused)
  fprintf(stderr, "Received SIGTERM from process with pid = %u\n",

int main (void)
  struct sigaction action = {
    .sa_handler = NULL,
    .sa_sigaction = sigterm_handler,
    .sa_mask = 0,
    .sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO,
    .sa_restorer = NULL

  sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);

  return 0;

Notice that the signal handler also includes a call to exit(). It's also possible for your program to continue to execute by ignoring the signal, but this isn't recommended in general (if it's a user doing it there's a good chance it will be followed by a SIGKILL if your process doesn't exit, and you lost your opportunity to do any cleanup then).

Is there a JSON equivalent of XQuery/XPath?

Json Pointer seem's to be getting growing support too.

Programmatically trigger "select file" dialog box

This worked for me:


SQL: Select columns with NULL values only

This should give you a list of all columns in the table "Person" that has only NULL-values. You will get the results as multiple result-sets, which are either empty or contains the name of a single column. You need to replace "Person" in two places to use it with another table.

OPEN crs
DECLARE @name sysname
    EXEC('SELECT ''' + @name + ''' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Person WHERE ' + @name + ' IS NOT NULL)')
    FETCH NEXT FROM crs INTO @name

SQL select max(date) and corresponding value

You can use a subquery. The subquery will get the Max(CompletedDate). You then take this value and join on your table again to retrieve the note associate with that date:

select ET1.TrainingID,
from HR_EmployeeTrainings ET1
inner join
  select Max(CompletedDate) CompletedDate, TrainingID
  from HR_EmployeeTrainings
  --where AvantiRecID IS NULL OR AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID
  group by TrainingID
) ET2
  on ET1.TrainingID = ET2.TrainingID
  and ET1.CompletedDate = ET2.CompletedDate
where ET1.AvantiRecID IS NULL OR ET1.AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID

How to give a pattern for new line in grep?

just found

grep $'\r'

It's using $'\r' for c-style escape in Bash.

in this article

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?

I think this is best way to do it.


Its pretty much what everyone suggest, but uses blocks, which is a nice touch!

Bootstrap 3 select input form inline

Another different answer to an old question. However, I found a implementation made specifically for bootstrap which might prove useful here. Hope this helps anybody who is looking...


How to check if a subclass is an instance of a class at runtime?

I've never actually used this, but try view.getClass().getGenericSuperclass()

How to count the number of occurrences of an element in a List

I didn't want to make this case more difficult and made it with two iterators I have a HashMap with LastName -> FirstName. And my method should delete items with dulicate FirstName.

public static void removeTheFirstNameDuplicates(HashMap<String, String> map)

    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = map.entrySet().iterator();
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter2 = map.entrySet().iterator();
        Map.Entry<String, String> pair =;
        String name = pair.getValue();
        int i = 0;


            Map.Entry<String, String> nextPair =;
            if (nextPair.getValue().equals(name))

        if (i > 1)



Usages of doThrow() doAnswer() doNothing() and doReturn() in mockito

To add a bit to accepted answer ...

If you get an UnfinishedStubbingException, be sure to set the method to be stubbed after the when closure, which is different than when you write Mockito.when

Mockito.doNothing().when(mock).method()    //method is declared after 'when' closes

Mockito.when(mock.method()).thenReturn(something)   //method is declared inside 'when'

Init array of structs in Go

It looks like you are trying to use (almost) straight up C code here. Go has a few differences.

  • First off, you can't initialize arrays and slices as const. The term const has a different meaning in Go, as it does in C. The list should be defined as var instead.
  • Secondly, as a style rule, Go prefers basenameOpts as opposed to basename_opts.
  • There is no char type in Go. You probably want byte (or rune if you intend to allow unicode codepoints).
  • The declaration of the list must have the assignment operator in this case. E.g.: var x = foo.
  • Go's parser requires that each element in a list declaration ends with a comma. This includes the last element. The reason for this is because Go automatically inserts semi-colons where needed. And this requires somewhat stricter syntax in order to work.

For example:

type opt struct {
    shortnm      byte
    longnm, help string
    needArg      bool

var basenameOpts = []opt { 
    opt {
        shortnm: 'a', 
        longnm: "multiple", 
        needArg: false, 
        help: "Usage for a",
    opt {
        shortnm: 'b', 
        longnm: "b-option", 
        needArg: false, 
        help: "Usage for b",

An alternative is to declare the list with its type and then use an init function to fill it up. This is mostly useful if you intend to use values returned by functions in the data structure. init functions are run when the program is being initialized and are guaranteed to finish before main is executed. You can have multiple init functions in a package, or even in the same source file.

    type opt struct {
        shortnm      byte
        longnm, help string
        needArg      bool

    var basenameOpts []opt

    func init() { 
        basenameOpts = []opt{
            opt {
                shortnm: 'a', 
                longnm: "multiple", 
                needArg: false, 
                help: "Usage for a",
            opt {
                shortnm: 'b', 
                longnm: "b-option", 
                needArg: false, 
               help: "Usage for b",

Since you are new to Go, I strongly recommend reading through the language specification. It is pretty short and very clearly written. It will clear a lot of these little idiosyncrasies up for you.

How can getContentResolver() be called in Android?

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContentResolver;

context = (Context)this;
ContentResolver result = (ContentResolver)context.getContentResolver();

PHP 7 RC3: How to install missing MySQL PDO

For thoses running Linux with apache2 you need to install php-mysql

apt-get install php-mysql

or if you are running ubuntu 16.04 or higher just running the following command will be enought, no need to edit your php.ini file

apt-get install php7.2-mysql

If you are running ubuntu 15.10 or below:

Edit your php.ini file, it's located at /etc/php/[version]/apache2/php.ini and search for pdo_mysql you might found something like this


Change it to this

Save the file and restart apache

service apache2 restart

Check that it's available in your phpinfo()

java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

query to find sql that opened.

SELECT s.machine, oc.user_name, oc.sql_text, count(1) 
FROM v$open_cursor oc, v$session s
WHERE oc.sid = s.sid
GROUP BY user_name, sql_text, machine
ORDER BY count(1) DESC

How to disable javax.swing.JButton in java?

The code is very long so I can't paste all the code.

There could be any number of reasons why your code doesn't work. Maybe you declared the button variables twice so you aren't actually changing enabling/disabling the button like you think you are. Maybe you are blocking the EDT.

You need to create a SSCCE to post on the forum.

So its up to you to isolate the problem. Start with a simple frame thas two buttons and see if your code works. Once you get that working, then try starting a Thread that simply sleeps for 10 seconds to see if it still works.

Learn how the basice work first before writing a 200 line program.

Learn how to do some basic debugging, we are not mind readers. We can't guess what silly mistake you are doing based on your verbal description of the problem.

module.exports vs. export default in Node.js and ES6

Felix Kling did a great comparison on those two, for anyone wondering how to do an export default alongside named exports with module.exports in nodejs

module.exports = new DAO()
module.exports.initDAO = initDAO // append other functions as named export

// now you have
let DAO = require('_/helpers/DAO');
// DAO by default is exported class or function

How to restore default perspective settings in Eclipse IDE

The solution that worked for me. Delete this folder:


Git is not working after macOS Update (xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)

if you get Software Update server issue: enter image description here

use with sudo:

sudo xcode-select --install

add maven repository to build.gradle


apply plugin: ''

You should add this:

  repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

@Benjamin explained the reason.

If you have a maven with authentication you can use:

repositories {
            maven {
               credentials {
                   username xxx
                   password xxx
               url    'http://mymaven/xxxx/repositories/releases/'

It is important the order.

int value under 10 convert to string two digit number

This blog post is a great little cheat-sheet to keep handy when trying to format strings to a variety of formats.

link to trojan removed


The link was removed because Google temporarily warned that the site (or related site) may have been spreading malicious software. It is now off the list an no longer reported as problematic. Google "SteveX String Formatting" you'll find the search result and you can visit it at your discretion.

Could not load file or assembly ... The parameter is incorrect

In my case i wanted to compile a COM visible DLL. The problem was that an older version of this DLL was located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE

Thus Visual Studio loaded this version instead of the newly compiled one, as it tried to register it.

Exit from app when click button in android phonegap?

@Pradip Kharbuja

In Cordova-2.6.0.js (l. 4032) :

exitApp:function() {
  console.log("Device.exitApp() is deprecated. Use App.exitApp().");

Calculate average in java

I'm going to show you 2 ways. If you don't need a lot of stats in your project simply implement following.

public double average(ArrayList<Double> x) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (double aX : x) sum += aX;
    return (sum / x.size());

If you plan on doing a lot of stats might as well not reinvent the wheel. So why not check out

You'll fall into true luv!

Get last 5 characters in a string

Dim a As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.right("I will be going to school in 2011!", 5)
MsgBox("the value is:" & a)

How can I generate Javadoc comments in Eclipse?

Shift-Alt-J is a useful keyboard shortcut in Eclipse for creating Javadoc comment templates.

Invoking the shortcut on a class, method or field declaration will create a Javadoc template:

public int doAction(int i) {
    return i;

Pressing Shift-Alt-J on the method declaration gives:

 * @param i
 * @return
public int doAction(int i) {
    return i;

Selenium -- How to wait until page is completely loaded

It seems that you need to wait for the page to be reloaded before clicking on the "Add" button. In this case you could wait for the "Add Item" element to become stale before clicking on the reloaded element:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
By addItem = By.xpath("//input[.='Add Item']");

// get the "Add Item" element
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(addItem));

//trigger the reaload of the page

// wait the element "Add Item" to become stale

// click on "Add Item" once the page is reloaded

How can I add a hint text to WPF textbox?

You can do in a very simple way. The idea is to place a Label in the same place as your textbox. Your Label will be visible if textbox has no text and hasn't the focus.

 <Label Name="PalceHolder"  HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" Height="40" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="239" FontStyle="Italic"  Foreground="BurlyWood">PlaceHolder Text Here
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type Label}">
      <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden"/>
            <Condition Binding ="{Binding ElementName=PalceHolder, Path=Text.Length}" Value="0"/>
            <Condition Binding ="{Binding ElementName=PalceHolder, Path=IsFocused}" Value="False"/>
          <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
<TextBox  Background="Transparent" Name="TextBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" Height="40"TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding InputText,Mode=TwoWay}" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="239" />

Bonus:If you want to have default value for your textBox, be sure after to set it when submitting data (for example:"InputText"="PlaceHolder Text Here" if empty).

Unable to establish SSL connection upon wget on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

you must be using old version of wget i had same issue. i was using wget to solve this issue there are 2 way: Update wget or use curl

curl -LO ''

Remove privileges from MySQL database

As a side note, the reason revoke usage on *.* from 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'; does not work is quite simple : There is no grant called USAGE.

The actual named grants are in the MySQL Documentation

The grant USAGE is a logical grant. How? 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost' has an entry in mysql.user where user='phpmyadmin' and host='localhost'. Any row in mysql.user semantically means USAGE. Running DROP USER 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost'; should work just fine. Under the hood, it's really doing this:

DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='phpmyadmin' and host='localhost';
DELETE FROM mysql.db   WHERE user='phpmyadmin' and host='localhost';

Therefore, the removal of a row from mysql.user constitutes running REVOKE USAGE, even though REVOKE USAGE cannot literally be executed.

Efficient way to do batch INSERTS with JDBC

In my code I have no direct access to the 'preparedStatement' so I cannot use batch, I just pass it the query and a list of parameters. The trick however is to create a variable length insert statement, and a LinkedList of parameters. The effect is the same as the top example, with variable parameter input length.See below (error checking omitted). Assuming 'myTable' has 3 updatable fields: f1, f2 and f3

String []args={"A","B","C", "X","Y","Z" }; // etc, input list of triplets
final String QUERY="INSERT INTO [myTable] (f1,f2,f3) values ";
LinkedList params=new LinkedList();
String comma="";
StringBuilder q=QUERY;
for(int nl=0; nl< args.length; nl+=3 ) { // args is a list of triplets values
int nr=insertIntoDB(q, params);

in my DBInterface class I have:

int insertIntoDB(String query, LinkedList <String>params) {
    preparedUPDStmt = connectionSQL.prepareStatement(query);
    int n=1;
    for(String x:params) {
        preparedUPDStmt.setString(n++, x);
    int updates=preparedUPDStmt.executeUpdate();
    return updates;

jQuery text() and newlines

You can use html instead of text and replace each occurrence of \n with <br>. You will have to correctly escape your text though.

x = x.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
     .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
     .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
     .replace(/\n/g, '<br>');

How to send email from SQL Server?

To send mail through SQL Server we need to set up DB mail profile we can either use T-SQl or SQL Database mail option in sql server to create profile. After below code is used to send mail through query or stored procedure.

Use below link to create DB mail profile

--Sending Test Mail_x000D_
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail_x000D_
@profile_name = 'TestProfile', _x000D_
@recipients = 'To Email Here', _x000D_
@copy_recipients ='CC Email Here',             --For CC Email if exists_x000D_
@blind_copy_recipients= 'BCC Email Here',      --For BCC Email if exists_x000D_
@subject = 'Mail Subject Here', _x000D_
@body = 'Mail Body Here',_x000D_
@importance ='HIGH',_x000D_
@file_attachments='C:\Test.pdf';               --For Attachments if exists

How to convert an entire MySQL database characterset and collation to UTF-8?

To change the character set encoding to UTF-8 for the database itself, type the following command at the mysql> prompt. Replace DBNAME with the database name:


Creating a byte array from a stream

Create a helper class and reference it anywhere you wish to use it.

public static class StreamHelpers
    public static byte[] ReadFully(this Stream input)
        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            return ms.ToArray();

Java reverse an int value without using array

It's good that you wrote out your original code. I have another way to code this concept of reversing an integer. I'm only going to allow up to 10 digits. However, I am going to make the assumption that the user will not enter a zero.

if((inputNum <= 999999999)&&(inputNum > 0 ))
   System.out.print("Your number reversed is: ");

      endInt = inputNum % 10; //to get the last digit of the number
      inputNum /= 10;
   While(inputNum != 0);

   System.out.println("You used an incorrect number of integers.\n");

System.out.println("Program end");

XML Parser for C

Two examples with expat and libxml2. The second one is, IMHO, much easier to use since it creates a tree in memory, a data structure which is easy to work with. expat, on the other hand, does not build anything (you have to do it yourself), it just allows you to call handlers at specific events during the parsing. But expat may be faster (I didn't measure).

With expat, reading a XML file and displaying the elements indented:

   A simple test program to parse XML documents with expat
   <>. It just displays the element

   On Debian, compile with:

   gcc -Wall -o expat-test -lexpat expat-test.c  

   Inspired from <> 

#include <expat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Keep track of the current level in the XML tree */
int             Depth;

#define MAXCHARS 1000000

start(void *data, const char *el, const char **attr)
    int             i;

    for (i = 0; i < Depth; i++)
        printf("  ");

    printf("%s", el);

    for (i = 0; attr[i]; i += 2) {
        printf(" %s='%s'", attr[i], attr[i + 1]);

}               /* End of start handler */

end(void *data, const char *el)
}               /* End of end handler */

main(int argc, char **argv)

    char           *filename;
    FILE           *f;
    size_t          size;
    char           *xmltext;
    XML_Parser      parser;

    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]);
        return (1);
    filename = argv[1];
    parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
    if (parser == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Parser not created\n");
        return (1);
    /* Tell expat to use functions start() and end() each times it encounters
     * the start or end of an element. */
    XML_SetElementHandler(parser, start, end);
    f = fopen(filename, "r");
    xmltext = malloc(MAXCHARS);
    /* Slurp the XML file in the buffer xmltext */
    size = fread(xmltext, sizeof(char), MAXCHARS, f);
    if (XML_Parse(parser, xmltext, strlen(xmltext), XML_TRUE) ==
            "Cannot parse %s, file may be too large or not well-formed XML\n",
        return (1);
    fprintf(stdout, "Successfully parsed %i characters in file %s\n", size,
    return (0);

With libxml2, a program which displays the name of the root element and the names of its children:

   Simple test with libxml2 <>. It displays the name
   of the root element and the names of all its children (not
   descendents, just children).

   On Debian, compiles with:
   gcc -Wall -o read-xml2 $(xml2-config --cflags) $(xml2-config --libs) \


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
    xmlDoc         *document;
    xmlNode        *root, *first_child, *node;
    char           *filename;

    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s filename.xml\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;
    filename = argv[1];

    document = xmlReadFile(filename, NULL, 0);
    root = xmlDocGetRootElement(document);
    fprintf(stdout, "Root is <%s> (%i)\n", root->name, root->type);
    first_child = root->children;
    for (node = first_child; node; node = node->next) {
        fprintf(stdout, "\t Child is <%s> (%i)\n", node->name, node->type);
    fprintf(stdout, "...\n");
    return 0;

Capture characters from standard input without waiting for enter to be pressed

The closest thing to portable is to use the ncurses library to put the terminal into "cbreak mode". The API is gigantic; the routines you'll want most are

  • initscr and endwin
  • cbreak and nocbreak
  • getch

Good luck!

Javascript to sort contents of select element

This will do the trick. Just pass it your select element a la: document.getElementById('lstALL') when you need your list sorted.

function sortSelect(selElem) {
    var tmpAry = new Array();
    for (var i=0;i<selElem.options.length;i++) {
        tmpAry[i] = new Array();
        tmpAry[i][0] = selElem.options[i].text;
        tmpAry[i][1] = selElem.options[i].value;
    while (selElem.options.length > 0) {
        selElem.options[0] = null;
    for (var i=0;i<tmpAry.length;i++) {
        var op = new Option(tmpAry[i][0], tmpAry[i][1]);
        selElem.options[i] = op;

Capturing multiple line output into a Bash variable

In addition to the answer given by @l0b0 I just had the situation where I needed to both keep any trailing newlines output by the script and check the script's return code. And the problem with l0b0's answer is that the 'echo x' was resetting $? back to zero... so I managed to come up with this very cunning solution:

RESULTX="$(./myscript; echo x$?)"

Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

This answer meets the requirements of the OP. specifically it allows the needle to be more than a single character and it does not generate an error when needle is not found in haystack. It seemed to me that most (all?) of the other answers did not handle those edge cases. Beyond that I added the "Starting Position" argument provided by the native MS SQL server CharIndex function. I tried to exactly mirror the specification for CharIndex except to process right to left instead of left to right. eg I return null if either needle or haystack is null and I return zero if needle is not found in haystack. One thing that I could not get around is that with the built in function the third parameter is optional. With SQL Server user defined functions, all parameters must be provided in the call unless the function is called using "EXEC" . While the third parameter must be included in the parameter list, you can provide the keyword "default" as a placeholder for it without having to give it a value (see examples below). Since it is easier to remove the third parameter from this function if not desired than it would be to add it if needed I have included it here as a starting point.

create function dbo.lastCharIndex(
 @needle as varchar(max),
 @haystack as varchar(max),
 @offset as bigint=1
) returns bigint as begin
 declare @position as bigint
 if @needle is null or @haystack is null return null
 set @position=charindex(reverse(@needle),reverse(@haystack),@offset)
 if @position=0 return 0
 return (len(@haystack)-(@position+len(@needle)-1))+1

select dbo.lastCharIndex('xyz','SQL SERVER 2000 USES ANSI SQL',default) -- returns 0
select dbo.lastCharIndex('SQL','SQL SERVER 2000 USES ANSI SQL',default) -- returns 27
select dbo.lastCharIndex('SQL','SQL SERVER 2000 USES ANSI SQL',1) -- returns 27
select dbo.lastCharIndex('SQL','SQL SERVER 2000 USES ANSI SQL',11) -- returns 1

Quick way to create a list of values in C#?

If you want to create a typed list with values, here's the syntax.

Assuming a class of Student like

public class Student {
   public int StudentID { get; set; }
   public string StudentName { get; set; }

You can make a list like this:

IList<Student> studentList = new List<Student>() { 
                new Student(){ StudentID=1, StudentName="Bill"},
                new Student(){ StudentID=2, StudentName="Steve"},
                new Student(){ StudentID=3, StudentName="Ram"},
                new Student(){ StudentID=1, StudentName="Moin"}

What's the difference between getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getCanonicalPath() in Java?

I find I rarely have need to use getCanonicalPath() but, if given a File with a filename that is in DOS 8.3 format on Windows, such as the System property returns, then this method will return the "full" filename.

How to sort in mongoose?

with the current version of mongoose (1.6.0) if you only want to sort by one column, you have to drop the array and pass the object directly to the sort() function:

Content.find().sort('created', 'descending').execFind( ... );

took me some time, to get this right :(

How to use document.getElementByName and getElementByTag?

getElementById returns either a reference to an element with an id matching the argument, or null if no such element exists in the document.

getElementsByName() (note the plural Elements) returns a (possibly empty) HTMLCollection of the elements with a name matching the argument. Note that IE treats the name and id attributes and properties as the same thing, so getElementsByName will return elements with matching id also.

getElementsByTagName is similar but returns a NodeList. It's all there in the relevant specifications.

How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

It is very simple two way data binding in vanilla javascript....

<input type="text" id="inp" onkeyup="document.getElementById('name').innerHTML=document.getElementById('inp').value;">

<div id="name">


The network path was not found

Possibly also check the sessionState tag in Web.config

Believe it or not, some projects I've worked on will set a connection string here as well.

Setting this config to:

<sessionState mode="InProc" />

Fixed this issue in my case after checking all other connection strings were correct.

Convert ArrayList<String> to String[] array

What is happening is that stock_list.toArray() is creating an Object[] rather than a String[] and hence the typecast is failing1.

The correct code would be:

  String [] stockArr = stockList.toArray(new String[stockList.size()]);

or even

  String [] stockArr = stockList.toArray(new String[0]);

For more details, refer to the javadocs for the two overloads of List.toArray.

The latter version uses the zero-length array to determine the type of the result array. (Surprisingly, it is faster to do this than to preallocate ... at least, for recent Java releases. See for details.)

From a technical perspective, the reason for this API behavior / design is that an implementation of the List<T>.toArray() method has no information of what the <T> is at runtime. All it knows is that the raw element type is Object. By contrast, in the other case, the array parameter gives the base type of the array. (If the supplied array is big enough to hold the list elements, it is used. Otherwise a new array of the same type and a larger size is allocated and returned as the result.)

1 - In Java, an Object[] is not assignment compatible with a String[]. If it was, then you could do this:

    Object[] objects = new Object[]{new Cat("fluffy")};
    Dog[] dogs = (Dog[]) objects;
    Dog d = dogs[0];     // Huh???

This is clearly nonsense, and that is why array types are not generally assignment compatible.

How to remove commits from a pull request

This is what helped me:

  1. Create a new branch with the existing one. Let's call the existing one branch_old and new as branch_new.

  2. Reset branch_new to a stable state, when you did not have any problem commit at all. For example, to put it at your local master's level do the following:

    git reset —hard master git push —force origin

  3. cherry-pick the commits from branch_old into branch_new

  4. git push

How do I combine 2 javascript variables into a string

ES6 introduce template strings for concatenation. Template Strings use back-ticks (``) rather than the single or double quotes we're used to with regular strings. A template string could thus be written as follows:

// Simple string substitution
let name = "Brendan";
console.log(`Yo, ${name}!`);

// => "Yo, Brendan!"

var a = 10;
var b = 10;
console.log(`JavaScript first appeared ${a+b} years ago. Crazy!`);

//=> JavaScript first appeared 20 years ago. Crazy!

Check if a String contains a special character

You can use the following code to detect special character from string.

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class DetectSpecial{ 
public int getSpecialCharacterCount(String s) {
     if (s == null || s.trim().isEmpty()) {
         System.out.println("Incorrect format of string");
         return 0;
     Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]");
     Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
    // boolean b = m.matches();
     boolean b = m.find();
     if (b)
        System.out.println("There is a special character in my string ");
         System.out.println("There is no special char.");
     return 0;

In Angular, how to add Validator to FormControl after control is created?

You simply pass the FormControl an array of validators.

Here's an example showing how you can add validators to an existing FormControl:

this.form.controls["firstName"].setValidators([Validators.minLength(1), Validators.maxLength(30)]);

Note, this will reset any existing validators you added when you created the FormControl.

Include .so library in apk in android studio

To include native libraries you need:

  1. create "jar" file with special structure containing ".so" files;
  2. include that file in dependencies list.

To create jar file, use the following snippet:

task nativeLibsToJar(type: Zip, description: 'create a jar archive of the native libs') {
    destinationDir file("$buildDir/native-libs")
    baseName 'native-libs'
    extension 'jar'
    from fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '**/*.so')
    into 'lib/'

tasks.withType(Compile) {
    compileTask -> compileTask.dependsOn(nativeLibsToJar)

To include resulting file, paste the following line into "dependencies" section in "build.gradle" file:

compile fileTree(dir: "$buildDir/native-libs", include: 'native-libs.jar')

Output data from all columns in a dataframe in pandas

I know this is an old question, but I have just had a similar problem and I think what I did would work for you too.

I used the to_csv() method and wrote to stdout:

import sys


This should dump the whole dataframe whether it's nicely-printable or not, and you can use the to_csv parameters to configure column separators, whether the index is printed, etc.

Edit: It is now possible to use None as the target for .to_csv() with similar effect, which is arguably a lot nicer:


How to use regex with find command?

The -regex find expression matches the whole name, including the relative path from the current directory. For find . this always starts with ./, then any directories.

Also, these are emacs regular expressions, which have other escaping rules than the usual egrep regular expressions.

If these are all directly in the current directory, then

find . -regex '\./[a-f0-9\-]\{36\}\.jpg'

should work. (I'm not really sure - I can't get the counted repetition to work here.) You can switch to egrep expressions by -regextype posix-egrep:

find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex '\./[a-f0-9\-]{36}\.jpg'

(Note that everything said here is for GNU find, I don't know anything about the BSD one which is also the default on Mac.)

How to shutdown my Jenkins safely?

You can kill Jenkins safely. It will catch SIGTERM and SIGINT and perform an orderly shutdown. However, if Jenkins was in the middle of building something, it will abort the builds and they will show up gray in the status display.

If you want to avoid this, you must put Jenkins into shutdown mode to prevent it from starting new builds and wait until currently running builds are done before killing Jenkins.

You can also use the Jenkins command line interface and tell Jenkins to safe-shutdown, which does the same. You can find more info on Jenkins cli at http://YOURJENKINS/cli

What is the difference between <html lang="en"> and <html lang="en-US">?

XML Schema requires that the xml namespace be declared and imported before using xml:lang (and other xml namespace values) RELAX NG predeclares the xml namespace, as in XML, so no additional declaration is needed.

Checking the equality of two slices

You should use reflect.DeepEqual()

DeepEqual is a recursive relaxation of Go's == operator.

DeepEqual reports whether x and y are “deeply equal,” defined as follows. Two values of identical type are deeply equal if one of the following cases applies. Values of distinct types are never deeply equal.

Array values are deeply equal when their corresponding elements are deeply equal.

Struct values are deeply equal if their corresponding fields, both exported and unexported, are deeply equal.

Func values are deeply equal if both are nil; otherwise they are not deeply equal.

Interface values are deeply equal if they hold deeply equal concrete values.

Map values are deeply equal if they are the same map object or if they have the same length and their corresponding keys (matched using Go equality) map to deeply equal values.

Pointer values are deeply equal if they are equal using Go's == operator or if they point to deeply equal values.

Slice values are deeply equal when all of the following are true: they are both nil or both non-nil, they have the same length, and either they point to the same initial entry of the same underlying array (that is, &x[0] == &y[0]) or their corresponding elements (up to length) are deeply equal. Note that a non-nil empty slice and a nil slice (for example, []byte{} and []byte(nil)) are not deeply equal.

Other values - numbers, bools, strings, and channels - are deeply equal if they are equal using Go's == operator.

How to delete the first row of a dataframe in R?

While I agree with the most voted answer, here is another way to keep all rows except the first:

dat <- tail(dat, -1)

This can also be accomplished using Hadley Wickham's dplyr package.

dat <- dat %>% slice(-1)

'console' is undefined error for Internet Explorer

Encountered similar problem running console.log in child windows in IE9, created by function.

It seems that in this case console is defined only in parent window and is undefined in child windows until you refresh them. Same applies to children of child windows.

I deal with this issue by wrapping log in next function (below is fragment of module)

getConsole: function()
        if (typeof console !== 'undefined') return console;

        var searchDepthMax = 5,
            searchDepth = 0,
            context = window.opener;

        while (!!context && searchDepth < searchDepthMax)
            if (typeof context.console !== 'undefined') return context.console;

            context = context.opener;

        return null;
    log: function(message){
        var _console = this.getConsole();
        if (!!_console) _console.log(message);

How to disable submit button once it has been clicked?

You need to disable the button in the onsubmit event of the <form>:

<form action='/' method='POST' onsubmit='disableButton()'>
    <input name='txt' type='text' required />
    <button id='btn' type='submit'>Post</button>

    function disableButton() {
        var btn = document.getElementById('btn');
        btn.disabled = true;
        btn.innerText = 'Posting...'

Note: this way if you have a form element which has the required attribute will work.

Equivalent of typedef in C#

No, there's no true equivalent of typedef. You can use 'using' directives within one file, e.g.

using CustomerList = System.Collections.Generic.List<Customer>;

but that will only impact that source file. In C and C++, my experience is that typedef is usually used within .h files which are included widely - so a single typedef can be used over a whole project. That ability does not exist in C#, because there's no #include functionality in C# that would allow you to include the using directives from one file in another.

Fortunately, the example you give does have a fix - implicit method group conversion. You can change your event subscription line to just:

gcInt.MyEvent += gcInt_MyEvent;


apache mod_rewrite is not working or not enabled

Please try

sudo a2enmod rewrite

or use correct apache restart command

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart