You could write a function that converts a scientific notation to regular, something like
def sc2std(x):
s = str(x)
if 'e' in s:
num,ex = s.split('e')
if '-' in num:
negprefix = '-'
negprefix = ''
num = num.replace('-','')
if '.' in num:
dotlocation = num.index('.')
dotlocation = len(num)
newdotlocation = dotlocation + int(ex)
num = num.replace('.','')
if (newdotlocation < 1):
return negprefix+'0.'+'0'*(-newdotlocation)+num
if (newdotlocation > len(num)):
return negprefix+ num + '0'*(newdotlocation - len(num))+'.0'
return negprefix + num[:newdotlocation] + '.' + num[newdotlocation:]
return s