[javascript] in angularjs how to access the element that triggered the event?

I use both Bootstrap and AngularJS in my web app. I'm having some difficulty getting the two to work together.

I have an element, which has the attribute data-provide="typeahead"

<input id="searchText" ng-model="searchText" type="text"
       class="input-medium search-query" placeholder="title"
       data-provide="typeahead" ng-change="updateTypeahead()" />

And I want to update the data-source attribute when the user inputs in the field. The function updateTypeahead is triggered correctly, but I don't have access to the element that triggered the event, unless I use $('#searchText'), which is the jQuery way, not the AngularJS way.

What is the best way to get AngularJS to work with old style JS module.

This question is related to javascript angularjs

The answer is


will not pass DOM element to the function updateTypeahead(this). Here this will refer to the scope. If you want to access the DOM element use updateTypeahead($event). In the callback function you can get the DOM element by event.target.

Please Note : ng-change function doesn't allow to pass $event as variable.

There is a solution using $element in the controller if you don't want to create another directive for this problem:

appControllers.controller('YourCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$element',
        function($scope, $timeout, $element) {

    $scope.updateTypeahead = function() {
       // ... some logic here
       $timeout(function() {
           // if you have unique id you can use $window instead of $element:
           // $window.document.getElementById('searchText').focus();

And this will work with ng-change:

<input id="searchText" type="text" class="search-query" ng-change="updateTypeahead()" ng-model="searchText" />

you can get easily like this first write event on element


and in your js file like below

$scope.myfunction= function (msg, $event) {
    var el = event.target

I have used it as well.

The general Angular way to get access to an element that triggered an event is to write a directive and bind() to the desired event:

app.directive('myChange', function() {
  return function(scope, element) {
    element.bind('change', function() {
      alert('change on ' + element);

or with DDO (as per @tpartee's comment below):

app.directive('myChange', function() {
  return { 
    link:  function link(scope, element) {
      element.bind('change', function() {
        alert('change on ' + element);

The above directive can be used as follows:

<input id="searchText" ng-model="searchText" type="text" my-change>


Type into the text field, then leave/blur. The change callback function will fire. Inside that callback function, you have access to element.

Some built-in directives support passing an $event object. E.g., ng-*click, ng-Mouse*. Note that ng-change does not support this event.

Although you can get the element via the $event object:

<button ng-click="clickit($event)">Hello</button>

$scope.clickit = function(e) {
    var elem = angular.element(e.srcElement);

this goes "deep against the Angular way" -- Misko.

To pass the source element in Angular 5 :

<input #myInput type="text" (change)="someFunction(myInput)">

if you wanna ng-model value, if you can write like this in the triggered event: $scope.searchText

I'm not sure which version you had, but this question was asked for long time ago. Currently with Angular 1.5, I can use the ng-keypress event and debounce function from Lodash to emulate similar behavior like ng-change, so I can capture the $event

<input type="text" ng-keypress="edit($event)" ng-model="myModel">

$scope.edit = _.debounce(function ($event) { console.log("$event", $event) }, 800)