Programs & Examples On #Coldfusion 7

For issues relating to using ColdFusion, version 7.

Add primary key to existing table

If you add primary key constraint


for example:


Is there a better jQuery solution to this.form.submit();?

Similar to Matthew's answer, I just found that you can do the following:


Wrong: The problem with using the parent functionality is that the field needs to be immediately within the form to work (not inside tds, labels, etc).

I stand corrected: parents (with an s) also works. Thxs Paolo for pointing that out.

Rollback to an old Git commit in a public repo

Here is an example to do that

    cd /yourprojects/project-acme 

    git checkout efc11170c78 .

MySQL - UPDATE multiple rows with different values in one query

MySQL allows a more readable way to combine multiple updates into a single query. This seems to better fit the scenario you describe, is much easier to read, and avoids those difficult-to-untangle multiple conditions.

INSERT INTO table_users (cod_user, date, user_rol, cod_office)
('622057', '12082014', 'student', '17389551'),
('2913659', '12082014', 'assistant','17389551'),
('6160230', '12082014', 'admin', '17389551')
 cod_user=VALUES(cod_user), date=VALUES(date)

This assumes that the user_rol, cod_office combination is a primary key. If only one of these is the primary key, then add the other field to the UPDATE list. If neither of them is a primary key (that seems unlikely) then this approach will always create new records - probably not what is wanted.

However, this approach makes prepared statements easier to build and more concise.

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute

You're returning a tuple. Index it.

print obj[0] + " is a benefit of functions!"
print obj[1] + " is a benefit of functions!"
print obj[2] + " is a benefit of functions!"

Loop through childNodes

The variable children is a NodeList instance and NodeLists are not true Array and therefore they do not inherit the forEach method.

Also some browsers actually support it nodeList.forEach


You can use slice from Array to convert the NodeList into a proper Array.

var array =;

You could also simply use call to invoke forEach and pass it the NodeList as context.

[], function(child) {});


You can use the from method to convert your NodeList into an Array.

var array = Array.from(children);

Or you can also use the spread syntax ... like so

let array = [ ...children ];

A hack that can be used is NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach and you can then use forEach with any NodeList without having to convert them each time.

NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach
var children = element.childNodes;

See A comprehensive dive into NodeLists, Arrays, converting NodeLists and understanding the DOM for a good explanation and other ways to do it.

Can I export a variable to the environment from a bash script without sourcing it?

Another workaround that, depends on the case, it could be useful: creating another bash that inherites the exported variable. It is a particular case of @Keith Thompson answer, will all of those drawbacks.


# !/bin/bash


echo $VAR

SSIS package creating Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Login timeout expired" error

I had a similar error..This might be due to two reasons. a) If you have used variables, re-evaluate the expressions in which variables are used and make sure the expression is evaluated without errors. b) If you are deleting the excel sheet and creating excel sheet on the fly in your package.

Binary numbers in Python

I think you're confused about what binary is. Binary and decimal are just different representations of a number - e.g. 101 base 2 and 5 base 10 are the same number. The operations add, subtract, and compare operate on numbers - 101 base 2 == 5 base 10 and addition is the same logical operation no matter what base you're working in.

How to check if number is divisible by a certain number?

n % x == 0

Means that n can be divided by x. So... for instance, in your case:

boolean isDivisibleBy20 = number % 20 == 0;

Also, if you want to check whether a number is even or odd (whether it is divisible by 2 or not), you can use a bitwise operator:

boolean even = (number & 1) == 0;
boolean odd  = (number & 1) != 0;

npm - EPERM: operation not permitted on Windows

I had an outdated version of npm. I ran a series of commands to resolve this issue:

npm cache clean --force


npm install -g npm@latest --force

Then (once again):

npm cache clean --force

And finally was able to run this (installing Angular project) without the errors I was seeing regarding EPERM:

ng new myProject

phpMyAdmin access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

You need to modify the config-db.php and set your password to the password you gave to the user root, or else if he has no password leave as this ''.

Remote branch is not showing up in "git branch -r"

Unfortunately, git branch -a and git branch -r do not show you all remote branches, if you haven't executed a "git fetch".

git remote show origin works consistently all the time. Also git show-ref shows all references in the Git repository. However, it works just like the git branch command.

How do I kill background processes / jobs when my shell script exits?

jobs -p does not work in all shells if called in a sub-shell, possibly unless its output is redirected into a file but not a pipe. (I assume it was originally intended for interactive use only.)

What about the following:

trap 'while kill %% 2>/dev/null; do jobs > /dev/null; done' INT TERM EXIT [...]

The call to "jobs" is needed with Debian's dash shell, which fails to update the current job ("%%") if it is missing.

I'm getting favicon.ico error

I was getting the same fav icon error - 404 (Not Found). I used the following element in the <head> element of my index.html file and it fixed the error:

<link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=">

Setting the number of map tasks and reduce tasks

In the newer version of Hadoop, there are much more granular and mapreduce.job.running.reduce.limit which allows you to set the mapper and reducer count irrespective of hdfs file split size. This is helpful if you are under constraint to not take up large resources in the cluster.


PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt

I also got the following error when I run a command with PHP, I did the solution like that:

  1. From the desktop, right-click the Computer icon.
  2. Choose Properties from the context menu.
  3. Click the Advanced system settings link.
  4. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
  5. In the Edit System Variable window, Add C:\xampp\php to your PATH Environment Variable.

Very important note: restart command prompt

Simulate low network connectivity for Android

Or on an actual device you can go to Settings -> Mobile Networks -> Preferred network types and chose the slowest available... Of course this is very limited, but for some test- purposes it might be enough.

Using request.setAttribute in a JSP page

No. Unfortunately the Request object is only available until the page finishes loading - once it's complete, you'll lose all values in it unless they've been stored somewhere.

If you want to persist attributes through requests you need to either:

  1. Have a hidden input in your form, such as <input type="hidden" name="myhiddenvalue" value="<%= request.getParameter("value") %>" />. This will then be available in the servlet as a request parameter.
  2. Put it in the session (see request.getSession() - in a JSP this is available as simply session)

I recommend using the Session as it's easier to manage.

Date vs DateTime

The Date type is just an alias of the DateTime type used by VB.NET (like int becomes Integer). Both of these types have a Date property that returns you the object with the time part set to 00:00:00.

Decorators with parameters?

This is a template for a function decorator that does not require () if no parameters are to be given:

import functools

def decorator(x_or_func=None, *decorator_args, **decorator_kws):
    def _decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kws):
            if 'x_or_func' not in locals() \
                    or callable(x_or_func) \
                    or x_or_func is None:
                x = ...  # <-- default `x` value
                x = x_or_func
            return func(*args, **kws)

        return wrapper

    return _decorator(x_or_func) if callable(x_or_func) else _decorator

an example of this is given below:

def multiplying(factor_or_func=None):
    def _decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if 'factor_or_func' not in locals() \
                    or callable(factor_or_func) \
                    or factor_or_func is None:
                factor = 1
                factor = factor_or_func
            return factor * func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return _decorator(factor_or_func) if callable(factor_or_func) else _decorator

def summing(x): return sum(x)

# 45

def summing(x): return sum(x)

# 45

def summing(x): return sum(x)

# 450

Working with TIFFs (import, export) in Python using numpy

I use matplotlib for reading TIFF files:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I = plt.imread(tiff_file)

and I will be of type ndarray.

According to the documentation though it is actually PIL that works behind the scenes when handling TIFFs as matplotlib only reads PNGs natively, but this has been working fine for me.

There's also a plt.imsave function for saving.

What is an 'undeclared identifier' error and how do I fix it?

It happened to me when the auto formatter in a visual studio project sorted my includes after which the pre compiled header was not the first include anymore.

In other words. If you have any of these:

#include "pch.h"


#include <stdio.h>


#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"

Put it at the start of your file.

If your clang formatter is sorting the files automatically, try putting an enter after the pre compiled header. If it is on IBS_Preserve it will sort each #include block separately.

#include "pch.h"  // must be first

#include "bar.h"  // next block
#include "baz.h"
#include "foo.h"

More info at Compiler Error C2065

Detect the Internet connection is offline?

I was looking for a client-side solution to detect if the internet was down or my server was down. The other solutions I found always seemed to be dependent on a 3rd party script file or image, which to me didn't seem like it would stand the test of time. An external hosted script or image could change in the future and cause the detection code to fail.

I've found a way to detect it by looking for an xhrStatus with a 404 code. In addition, I use JSONP to bypass the CORS restriction. A status code other than 404 shows the internet connection isn't working.

    url:      '' + new Date().getTime() + '.html',
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    timeout:  5000,

    error: function(xhr) {
        if (xhr.status == 404) {
            //internet connection working
        else {
            //internet is down (xhr.status == 0)

Collapse all methods in Visual Studio Code

To collapse methods in the Visual Studio Code editor:

  1. Right-click anywhere in document and select "format document" option.
  2. Then hover next to number lines and you will see the (-) sign for collapsing method.

NB.: As per the Visual Studio Code documentation, a folding region starts when a line has a smaller indent than one or more following lines, and ends when there is a line with the same or smaller indent.

Generate war file from tomcat webapp folder

Create the war file in a different directory to where the content is otherwise the jar command might try to zip up the file it is creating.


set -euo pipefail


# Clean last war build
if [ -e ${war} ]; then
    echo "Removing old war ${war}"
    rm -rf ${war}

# Build war
if [ -d ${src} ]; then
    echo "Found source at ${src}"
    cd ${src}
    jar -cvf ../${war} *
    cd ..

# Show war details
ls -la ${war}

html5: display video inside canvas

You need to update currentTime video element and then draw the frame in canvas. Don't init play() event on the video.

You can also use for ex. this plugin

Combine Date and Time columns using python pandas


<TICKER>,<PER>,<DATE>,<TIME>,<OPEN>,<HIGH>,<LOW>,<CLOSE>,<VOL> SPFB.RTS,1,20190103,100100,106580.0000000,107260.0000000,106570.0000000,107230.0000000,3726


data.columns = ['ticker', 'per', 'date', 'time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vol']    
data.datetime = pd.to_datetime( + ' ' + data.time.astype(str), format='%Y%m%d %H%M%S')

In reactJS, how to copy text to clipboard?

For those people who are trying to select from the DIV instead of the text field, here is the code. The code is self-explanatory but comment here if you want more information:

     import React from 'react';

    //set ref to your div
          setRef = (ref) => {
            // debugger; //eslint-disable-line
            this.dialogRef = ref;

          createMarkeup = content => ({
            __html: content,

    //following function select and copy data to the clipboard from the selected Div. 
   //Please note that it is only tested in chrome but compatibility for other browsers can be easily done

          copyDataToClipboard = () => {
            try {
              const range = document.createRange();
              const selection = window.getSelection();
              this.showNotification('Macro copied successfully.', 'info');
            } catch (err) {
              // console.log(err); //eslint-disable-line
              //alert('Macro copy failed.');

              render() {
                    return (
                          ref={(el) => {
                            this.dialogRef = el;
                          // className={classes.paper}

C# Listbox Item Double Click Event


Add an event handler for the Control.DoubleClick event for your ListBox, and in that event handler open up a MessageBox displaying the selected item.


 private void ListBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ListBox1.SelectedItem != null)

Where ListBox1 is the name of your ListBox.

Note that you would assign the event handler like this:

ListBox1.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(ListBox1_DoubleClick);

Pretty much the same as above, but you'd use the MouseDoubleClick event instead:

ListBox1.MouseDoubleClick += new RoutedEventHandler(ListBox1_MouseDoubleClick);

And the event handler:

 private void ListBox1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (ListBox1.SelectedItem != null)

Edit: Sisya's answer checks to see if the double-click occurred over an item, which would need to be incorporated into this code to fix the issue mentioned in the comments (MessageBox shown if ListBox is double-clicked while an item is selected, but not clicked over an item).

Hope this helps!

How do I get a substring of a string in Python?

Well, I got a situation where I needed to translate a PHP script to Python, and it had many usages of substr(string, beginning, LENGTH).
If I chose Python's string[beginning:end] I'd have to calculate a lot of end indexes, so the easier way was to use string[beginning:][:length], it saved me a lot of trouble.

How to silence output in a Bash script?

If you are still struggling to find an answer, specially if you produced a file for the output, and you prefer a clear alternative: echo "hi" | grep "use this hack to hide the oputut :) "

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation

As others have said, you should do both. Here's why:

Client Side

You want to validate input on the client side first because you can give better feedback to the average user. For example, if they enter an invalid email address and move to the next field, you can show an error message immediately. That way the user can correct every field before they submit the form.

If you only validate on the server, they have to submit the form, get an error message, and try to hunt down the problem.

(This pain can be eased by having the server re-render the form with the user's original input filled in, but client-side validation is still faster.)

Server Side

You want to validate on the server side because you can protect against the malicious user, who can easily bypass your JavaScript and submit dangerous input to the server.

It is very dangerous to trust your UI. Not only can they abuse your UI, but they may not be using your UI at all, or even a browser. What if the user manually edits the URL, or runs their own Javascript, or tweaks their HTTP requests with another tool? What if they send custom HTTP requests from curl or from a script, for example?

(This is not theoretical; eg, I worked on a travel search engine that re-submitted the user's search to many partner airlines, bus companies, etc, by sending POST requests as if the user had filled each company's search form, then gathered and sorted all the results. Those companies' form JS was never executed, and it was crucial for us that they provide error messages in the returned HTML. Of course, an API would have been nice, but this was what we had to do.)

Not allowing for that is not only naive from a security standpoint, but also non-standard: a client should be allowed to send HTTP by whatever means they wish, and you should respond correctly. That includes validation.

Server side validation is also important for compatibility - not all users, even if they're using a browser, will have JavaScript enabled.

Addendum - December 2016

There are some validations that can't even be properly done in server-side application code, and are utterly impossible in client-side code, because they depend on the current state of the database. For example, "nobody else has registered that username", or "the blog post you're commenting on still exists", or "no existing reservation overlaps the dates you requested", or "your account balance still has enough to cover that purchase." Only the database can reliably validate data which depends on related data. Developers regularly screw this up, but PostgreSQL provides some good solutions.

css absolute position won't work with margin-left:auto margin-right: auto

When you are defining styles for division which is positioned absolutely, they specifying margins are useless. Because they are no longer inside the regular DOM tree.

You can use float to do the trick.

.divtagABS {
    float: left;
    margin-left: auto;  

Getting the index of the returned max or min item using max()/min() on a list

Dont have high enough rep to comment on existing answer.

But for answer

This works for integers, but does not work for array of floats (at least in python 3.6) It will raise TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not float

Android Text over image

For this you can use only one TextView with android:drawableLeft/Right/Top/Bottom to position a Image to the TextView. Furthermore you can use some padding between the TextView and the drawable with android:drawablePadding=""

Use it like this:


    android:text="Look at the drawable below"/>

With this you don't need an extra ImageView. It's also possible to use two drawables on more than one side of the TextView.

The only problem you will face by using this, is that the drawable can't be scaled the way of an ImageView.

Imply bit with constant 1 or 0 in SQL Server

Unfortunately, no. You will have to cast each value individually.

Convert Rtf to HTML

I am not aware of any libraries to do this (but I am sure there are many that can) but if you can already create HTML from the crystal report why not use XSLT to clean up the markup?

Statistics: combinations in Python

Here's another alternative. This one was originally written in C++, so it can be backported to C++ for a finite-precision integer (e.g. __int64). The advantage is (1) it involves only integer operations, and (2) it avoids bloating the integer value by doing successive pairs of multiplication and division. I've tested the result with Nas Banov's Pascal triangle, it gets the correct answer:

def choose(n,r):
  """Computes n! / (r! (n-r)!) exactly. Returns a python long int."""
  assert n >= 0
  assert 0 <= r <= n

  c = 1L
  denom = 1
  for (num,denom) in zip(xrange(n,n-r,-1), xrange(1,r+1,1)):
    c = (c * num) // denom
  return c

Rationale: To minimize the # of multiplications and divisions, we rewrite the expression as

    n!      n(n-1)...(n-r+1)
--------- = ----------------
 r!(n-r)!          r!

To avoid multiplication overflow as much as possible, we will evaluate in the following STRICT order, from left to right:

n / 1 * (n-1) / 2 * (n-2) / 3 * ... * (n-r+1) / r

We can show that integer arithmatic operated in this order is exact (i.e. no roundoff error).

Using Python 3 in virtualenv

Install prerequisites.

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip virtualenvwrapper

Create a Python3 based virtual environment. Optionally enable --system-site-packages flag.

mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 <venv-name>

Set into the virtual environment.

workon <venv-name>

Install other requirements using pip package manager.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install <package_name>

When working on multiple python projects simultaneously it is usually recommended to install common packages like pdbpp globally and then reuse them in virtualenvs.

Using this technique saves a lot of time spent on fetching packages and installing them, apart from consuming minimal disk space and network bandwidth.

sudo -H pip3 -v install pdbpp
mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) --system-site-packages <venv-name>

Django specific instructions

If there are a lot of system wide python packages then it is recommended to not use --system-site-packages flag especially during development since I have noticed that it slows down Django startup a lot. I presume Django environment initialisation is manually scanning and appending all site packages from the system path which might be the reason. Even python shell becomes very slow.

Having said that experiment which option works better. Might be safe to just skip --system-site-packages flag for Django projects.

If conditions in a Makefile, inside a target

You can simply use shell commands. If you want to suppress echoing the output, use the "@" sign. For example:

    @if [ "test" = "test" ]; then\
        echo "Hello world";\

Note that the closing ";" and "\" are necessary.

Converting a string to int in Groovy

Use the toInteger() method to convert a String to an Integer, e.g.

int value = "99".toInteger()

An alternative, which avoids using a deprecated method (see below) is

int value = "66" as Integer

If you need to check whether the String can be converted before performing the conversion, use

String number = "66"

if (number.isInteger()) {
  int value = number as Integer

Deprecation Update

In recent versions of Groovy one of the toInteger() methods has been deprecated. The following is taken from org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods in Groovy 2.4.4

 * Parse a CharSequence into an Integer
 * @param self a CharSequence
 * @return an Integer
 * @since 1.8.2
public static Integer toInteger(CharSequence self) {
    return Integer.valueOf(self.toString().trim());

 * @deprecated Use the CharSequence version
 * @see #toInteger(CharSequence)
public static Integer toInteger(String self) {
    return toInteger((CharSequence) self);

You can force the non-deprecated version of the method to be called using something awful like:

int num = ((CharSequence) "66").toInteger()

Personally, I much prefer:

int num = 66 as Integer

Sending images using Http Post

The loopj library can be used straight-forward for this purpose:

SyncHttpClient client = new SyncHttpClient();
RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
params.put("text", "some string");
params.put("image", new File(imagePath));"", params, new TextHttpResponseHandler() {
  public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString, Throwable throwable) {
    // error handling

  public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString) {
    // success

Address validation using Google Maps API

Google basis (free) does not provide address verification (Geocoding) as there is no UK postcode license.

This means postcode searches are very in-accurate. The proximity search is very poor, even for town searches, often not recognising locations.

This is why Google have a premier and a enterprise solution which still is more expensive and not as good as business mapping specialists like bIng and Via Michelin who also have API's.

As a free lance developer, so serious business would use Google as the system is weak and really provides a watered down solution.

How to create a new file in unix?

The command is lowercase: touch filename.

Keep in mind that touch will only create a new file if it does not exist! Here's some docs for good measure:

If you always want an empty file, one way to do so would be to use:

echo "" > filename

How do I upgrade the Python installation in Windows 10?

Installing/Upgrading Python Using the Chocolatey Windows Package Manager

Let's say you have Python 2.7.16:

    C:\Windows\system32>python --version
    python2 2.7.16

...and you want to upgrade to the (now current) 3.x.y version. There is a simple way to install a parallel installation of Python 3.x.y using a Windows package management tool.

Now that modern Windows has package management, just like Debian Linux distributions have apt-get, and RedHat has dnf: we can put it to work for us! It's called Chocolatey.

What's Chocolatey?

Chocolatey is a scriptable, command line tool that is based on .NET 4.0 and the nuget package manager baked into Visual Studio.

If you want to learn about Chocolatey and why to use it, which some here reading this might find particularly useful, go to

Installing Chocolatey

To get the Chocolatey Package Manager, you follow a process that is described at,

I'll summarize it for you here. There are basically two options: using the cmd prompt, or using the PowerShell prompt.

CMD Prompt Chocolatey Installation

Launch an administrative command prompt. On Windows 10, to do this:

  • Windows+R
  • Type cmd
  • Press ctrl+shift+Enter

If you don't have administrator rights on the system, go to the Chocolatey website. You may not be completely out of luck and can perform a limited local install, but I won't cover that here.

  • Copy the string below into your command prompt and type Enter:
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

Chocolatey will be downloaded and installed for you as below:

Getting latest version of the Chocolatey package for download.
Getting Chocolatey from
Downloading 7-Zip commandline tool prior to extraction.
Extracting C:\Users\blahblahblah\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall\ to C:\Users\blahblahblah\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\chocInstall...
Installing chocolatey on this machine
Creating ChocolateyInstall as an environment variable (targeting 'Machine')
  Setting ChocolateyInstall to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey'
WARNING: It's very likely you will need to close and reopen your shell
  before you can use choco.
Restricting write permissions to Administrators
We are setting up the Chocolatey package repository.
The packages themselves go to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib'
  (i.e. C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yourPackageName).
A shim file for the command line goes to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin'
  and points to an executable in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yourPackageName'.

Creating Chocolatey folders if they do not already exist.

WARNING: You can safely ignore errors related to missing log files when
  upgrading from a version of Chocolatey less than 0.9.9.
  'Batch file could not be found' is also safe to ignore.
  'The system cannot find the file specified' - also safe.
chocolatey.nupkg file not installed in lib.
 Attempting to locate it from bootstrapper.
PATH environment variable does not have C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin in it. Adding...
WARNING: Not setting tab completion: Profile file does not exist at 'C:\Users\blahblahblah\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1'.
Chocolatey (choco.exe) is now ready.
You can call choco from anywhere, command line or powershell by typing choco.
Run choco /? for a list of functions.
You may need to shut down and restart powershell and/or consoles
 first prior to using choco.
Ensuring chocolatey commands are on the path
Ensuring chocolatey.nupkg is in the lib folder

Either Exit the CMD prompt or type the following command to reload the environment variables:


PowerShell Chocolatey Installation

If you prefer PowerShell to the cmd prompt, you can do this directly from there, however you will have to tell PowerShell to run with a proper script execution policy to get it to work. On Windows 10, the simplest way I have found to do this is to type the following into the Cortana search bar next to the Windows button:


Next, right click on the 'Best Match' choice in the menu that pops up and select 'Run as Administrator'

Now that you're in PowerShell, hopefully running with Administrator privileges, execute the following to install Chocolatey:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

PowerShell will download Chocolatey for you and launch the installation. It only takes a few moments. It looks exactly like the CMD installation, save perhaps some fancy colored text.

Either Exit PowerShell or type the following command to reload the environment variables:


Upgrading Python

The choco command is the same whether you use PowerShell or the cmd prompt. Launch your favorite using the instructions as above. I'll use the administrator cmd prompt:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>choco upgrade python -y

Essentially, chocolatey will tell you "Hey, Python isn't installed" since you're coming from 2.7.x and it treats the 2.7 version as completely separate. It is only going to give you the most current version, 3.x.y (as of this writing, 3.7.2, but that will change in a few months):

Chocolatey v0.10.11
Upgrading the following packages:
By upgrading you accept licenses for the packages.
python is not installed. Installing...

python3 v3.x.y [Approved]
python3 package files upgrade completed. Performing other installation steps.
Installing 64-bit python3...
python3 has been installed.
Installed to: 'C:\Python37' 
  python3 can be automatically uninstalled.
Environment Vars (like PATH) have changed. Close/reopen your shell to
 see the changes (or in powershell/cmd.exe just type `refreshenv`).
 The upgrade of python3 was successful.
  Software installed as 'exe', install location is likely default.

python v3.x.y [Approved]
python package files upgrade completed. Performing other installation steps.
 The upgrade of python was successful.
  Software install location not explicitly set, could be in package or
  default install location if installer.

Chocolatey upgraded 2/2 packages.
 See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).

Either exit out of the cmd/Powershell prompt and re-enter it, or use refreshenv then type py --version

Refreshing environment variables from registry for cmd.exe. Please wait...Finished..

C:\Windows\system32>py --version
Python 3.7.2

Note that the most recent Python install will now take over when you type Python at the command line. You can run either version by using the following commands:

py -2
Python 2.7.16 (v2.7.16:413a49145e, Mar  4 2019, 01:37:19) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()

C:\>py -3
Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

From here I suggest you use the Python pip utility to install whatever packages you need. For example, let's say you wanted to install Flask. The commands below first upgrade pip, then install Flask

C:\>py -3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Collecting pip
  Downloading (1.4MB)
    100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 1.4MB 1.6MB/s
Installing collected packages: pip
  Found existing installation: pip 18.1
    Uninstalling pip-18.1:
      Successfully uninstalled pip-18.1
Successfully installed pip-19.0.3

c:\>py -3 -m pip install Flask

...will do the trick. Happy Pythoning!

Table Height 100% inside Div element

Had a similar problem. My solution was to give the inner table a fixed height of 1px and set the height of the td in the inner table to 100%. Against all odds, it works fine, tested in IE, Chrome and FF!

How can I catch a ctrl-c event?

signal isn't the most reliable way as it differs in implementations. I would recommend using sigaction. Tom's code would now look like this :

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void my_handler(int s){
           printf("Caught signal %d\n",s);


int main(int argc,char** argv)

   struct sigaction sigIntHandler;

   sigIntHandler.sa_handler = my_handler;
   sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;

   sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);


   return 0;    

pandas loc vs. iloc vs. at vs. iat?

There are two primary ways that pandas makes selections from a DataFrame.

  • By Label
  • By Integer Location

The documentation uses the term position for referring to integer location. I do not like this terminology as I feel it is confusing. Integer location is more descriptive and is exactly what .iloc stands for. The key word here is INTEGER - you must use integers when selecting by integer location.

Before showing the summary let's all make sure that ...

.ix is deprecated and ambiguous and should never be used

There are three primary indexers for pandas. We have the indexing operator itself (the brackets []), .loc, and .iloc. Let's summarize them:

  • [] - Primarily selects subsets of columns, but can select rows as well. Cannot simultaneously select rows and columns.
  • .loc - selects subsets of rows and columns by label only
  • .iloc - selects subsets of rows and columns by integer location only

I almost never use .at or .iat as they add no additional functionality and with just a small performance increase. I would discourage their use unless you have a very time-sensitive application. Regardless, we have their summary:

  • .at selects a single scalar value in the DataFrame by label only
  • .iat selects a single scalar value in the DataFrame by integer location only

In addition to selection by label and integer location, boolean selection also known as boolean indexing exists.

Examples explaining .loc, .iloc, boolean selection and .at and .iat are shown below

We will first focus on the differences between .loc and .iloc. Before we talk about the differences, it is important to understand that DataFrames have labels that help identify each column and each row. Let's take a look at a sample DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame({'age':[30, 2, 12, 4, 32, 33, 69],
                   'color':['blue', 'green', 'red', 'white', 'gray', 'black', 'red'],
                   'food':['Steak', 'Lamb', 'Mango', 'Apple', 'Cheese', 'Melon', 'Beans'],
                   'height':[165, 70, 120, 80, 180, 172, 150],
                   'score':[4.6, 8.3, 9.0, 3.3, 1.8, 9.5, 2.2],
                   'state':['NY', 'TX', 'FL', 'AL', 'AK', 'TX', 'TX']
                  index=['Jane', 'Nick', 'Aaron', 'Penelope', 'Dean', 'Christina', 'Cornelia'])

enter image description here

All the words in bold are the labels. The labels, age, color, food, height, score and state are used for the columns. The other labels, Jane, Nick, Aaron, Penelope, Dean, Christina, Cornelia are used as labels for the rows. Collectively, these row labels are known as the index.

The primary ways to select particular rows in a DataFrame are with the .loc and .iloc indexers. Each of these indexers can also be used to simultaneously select columns but it is easier to just focus on rows for now. Also, each of the indexers use a set of brackets that immediately follow their name to make their selections.

.loc selects data only by labels

We will first talk about the .loc indexer which only selects data by the index or column labels. In our sample DataFrame, we have provided meaningful names as values for the index. Many DataFrames will not have any meaningful names and will instead, default to just the integers from 0 to n-1, where n is the length(number of rows) of the DataFrame.

There are many different inputs you can use for .loc three out of them are

  • A string
  • A list of strings
  • Slice notation using strings as the start and stop values

Selecting a single row with .loc with a string

To select a single row of data, place the index label inside of the brackets following .loc.


This returns the row of data as a Series

age           4
color     white
food      Apple
height       80
score       3.3
state        AL
Name: Penelope, dtype: object

Selecting multiple rows with .loc with a list of strings

df.loc[['Cornelia', 'Jane', 'Dean']]

This returns a DataFrame with the rows in the order specified in the list:

enter image description here

Selecting multiple rows with .loc with slice notation

Slice notation is defined by a start, stop and step values. When slicing by label, pandas includes the stop value in the return. The following slices from Aaron to Dean, inclusive. Its step size is not explicitly defined but defaulted to 1.


enter image description here

Complex slices can be taken in the same manner as Python lists.

.iloc selects data only by integer location

Let's now turn to .iloc. Every row and column of data in a DataFrame has an integer location that defines it. This is in addition to the label that is visually displayed in the output. The integer location is simply the number of rows/columns from the top/left beginning at 0.

There are many different inputs you can use for .iloc three out of them are

  • An integer
  • A list of integers
  • Slice notation using integers as the start and stop values

Selecting a single row with .iloc with an integer


This returns the 5th row (integer location 4) as a Series

age           32
color       gray
food      Cheese
height       180
score        1.8
state         AK
Name: Dean, dtype: object

Selecting multiple rows with .iloc with a list of integers

df.iloc[[2, -2]]

This returns a DataFrame of the third and second to last rows:

enter image description here

Selecting multiple rows with .iloc with slice notation


enter image description here

Simultaneous selection of rows and columns with .loc and .iloc

One excellent ability of both .loc/.iloc is their ability to select both rows and columns simultaneously. In the examples above, all the columns were returned from each selection. We can choose columns with the same types of inputs as we do for rows. We simply need to separate the row and column selection with a comma.

For example, we can select rows Jane, and Dean with just the columns height, score and state like this:

df.loc[['Jane', 'Dean'], 'height':]

enter image description here

This uses a list of labels for the rows and slice notation for the columns

We can naturally do similar operations with .iloc using only integers.

df.iloc[[1,4], 2]
Nick      Lamb
Dean    Cheese
Name: food, dtype: object

Simultaneous selection with labels and integer location

.ix was used to make selections simultaneously with labels and integer location which was useful but confusing and ambiguous at times and thankfully it has been deprecated. In the event that you need to make a selection with a mix of labels and integer locations, you will have to make both your selections labels or integer locations.

For instance, if we want to select rows Nick and Cornelia along with columns 2 and 4, we could use .loc by converting the integers to labels with the following:

col_names = df.columns[[2, 4]]
df.loc[['Nick', 'Cornelia'], col_names] 

Or alternatively, convert the index labels to integers with the get_loc index method.

labels = ['Nick', 'Cornelia']
index_ints = [df.index.get_loc(label) for label in labels]
df.iloc[index_ints, [2, 4]]

Boolean Selection

The .loc indexer can also do boolean selection. For instance, if we are interested in finding all the rows where age is above 30 and return just the food and score columns we can do the following:

df.loc[df['age'] > 30, ['food', 'score']] 

You can replicate this with .iloc but you cannot pass it a boolean series. You must convert the boolean Series into a numpy array like this:

df.iloc[(df['age'] > 30).values, [2, 4]] 

Selecting all rows

It is possible to use .loc/.iloc for just column selection. You can select all the rows by using a colon like this:

df.loc[:, 'color':'score':2]

enter image description here

The indexing operator, [], can slice can select rows and columns too but not simultaneously.

Most people are familiar with the primary purpose of the DataFrame indexing operator, which is to select columns. A string selects a single column as a Series and a list of strings selects multiple columns as a DataFrame.


Jane          Steak
Nick           Lamb
Aaron         Mango
Penelope      Apple
Dean         Cheese
Christina     Melon
Cornelia      Beans
Name: food, dtype: object

Using a list selects multiple columns

df[['food', 'score']]

enter image description here

What people are less familiar with, is that, when slice notation is used, then selection happens by row labels or by integer location. This is very confusing and something that I almost never use but it does work.

df['Penelope':'Christina'] # slice rows by label

enter image description here

df[2:6:2] # slice rows by integer location

enter image description here

The explicitness of .loc/.iloc for selecting rows is highly preferred. The indexing operator alone is unable to select rows and columns simultaneously.

df[3:5, 'color']
TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'

Selection by .at and .iat

Selection with .at is nearly identical to .loc but it only selects a single 'cell' in your DataFrame. We usually refer to this cell as a scalar value. To use .at, pass it both a row and column label separated by a comma.['Christina', 'color']

Selection with .iat is nearly identical to .iloc but it only selects a single scalar value. You must pass it an integer for both the row and column locations

df.iat[2, 5]

CSS:Defining Styles for input elements inside a div


divContainer input[type="text"] {

CSS2 add a class "text" to the text inputs then in your css


Java Generics With a Class & an Interface - Together

You can't do it with "anonymous" type parameters (ie, wildcards that use ?), but you can do it with "named" type parameters. Simply declare the type parameter at method or class level.

import java.util.List;
interface A{}
interface B{}
public class Test<E extends B & A, T extends List<E>> {
    T t;

How to remove a field completely from a MongoDB document?

Try this: If your collection was 'example'

db.example.update({}, {$unset: {words:1}}, false, true);

Refer this:


The above link no longer covers '$unset'ing. Be sure to add {multi: true} if you want to remove this field from all of the documents in the collection; otherwise, it will only remove it from the first document it finds that matches. See this for updated documentation:


db.example.update({}, {$unset: {words:1}} , {multi: true});

Asynchronously load images with jQuery

If you just want to set the source of the image you can use this.


How do I (or can I) SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns?


is roughly equivalent to:

SELECT a,b,c FROM t GROUP BY a,b,c

It's a good idea to get used to the GROUP BY syntax, as it's more powerful.

For your query, I'd do it like this:

UPDATE sales
SET status='ACTIVE'
    SELECT id
    FROM sales S
        SELECT saleprice, saledate
        FROM sales
        GROUP BY saleprice, saledate
        HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 
    ) T
    ON S.saleprice=T.saleprice AND s.saledate=T.saledate

Basic authentication for REST API using spring restTemplate

There are multiple ways to add the basic HTTP authentication to the RestTemplate.

1. For a single request

try {
    // request url
    String url = "";

    // create auth credentials
    String authStr = "username:password";
    String base64Creds = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(authStr.getBytes());

    // create headers
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + base64Creds);

    // create request
    HttpEntity request = new HttpEntity(headers);

    // make a request
    ResponseEntity<String> response = new RestTemplate().exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, request, String.class);

    // get JSON response
    String json = response.getBody();

} catch (Exception ex) {

If you are using Spring 5.1 or higher, it is no longer required to manually set the authorization header. Use headers.setBasicAuth() method instead:

// create headers
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setBasicAuth("username", "password");

2. For a group of requests

public class RestService {

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public RestService(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
        this.restTemplate = restTemplateBuilder
                .basicAuthentication("username", "password")

   // use `restTemplate` instance here

3. For each and every request

RestOperations restTemplateBuilder(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
    return restTemplateBuilder.basicAuthentication("username", "password").build();

I hope it helps!

Error in Eclipse: "The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved"

  1. Go to Project > Properties > Java Compiler > Building
  2. Look under Build Path Problems
  3. Un-check "Abort build when build path error occurs"
    It won't solve all your errors but at least it will let you run your program :)

Querying Datatable with where condition

Something like this...

var res = from row in myDTable.AsEnumerable()
where row.Field<int>("EmpID") == 5 &&
(row.Field<string>("EmpName") != "abc" ||
row.Field<string>("EmpName") != "xyz")
select row;

See also LINQ query on a DataTable

How do I supply an initial value to a text field?

TextEdittingController _controller = new TextEdittingController(text: "your Text");


  void initState() {
    _Controller.text = "Your Text";

Volatile vs Static in Java

Difference Between Static and Volatile :

Static Variable: If two Threads(suppose t1 and t2) are accessing the same object and updating a variable which is declared as static then it means t1 and t2 can make their own local copy of the same object(including static variables) in their respective cache, so update made by t1 to the static variable in its local cache wont reflect in the static variable for t2 cache .

Static variables are used in the context of Object where update made by one object would reflect in all the other objects of the same class but not in the context of Thread where update of one thread to the static variable will reflect the changes immediately to all the threads (in their local cache).

Volatile variable: If two Threads(suppose t1 and t2) are accessing the same object and updating a variable which is declared as volatile then it means t1 and t2 can make their own local cache of the Object except the variable which is declared as a volatile . So the volatile variable will have only one main copy which will be updated by different threads and update made by one thread to the volatile variable will immediately reflect to the other Thread.

Check if a column contains text using SQL

Try this:


With this you get the rows where STUDENTID contains text

Simplest SOAP example

This is the simplest JavaScript SOAP Client I can create.

    <title>SOAP JavaScript Client Test</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function soap() {
            var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  'POST', '', true);

            // build SOAP request
            var sr =
                '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
                '<soapenv:Envelope ' + 
                    'xmlns:xsi="" ' +
                    'xmlns:api="" ' +
                    'xmlns:xsd="" ' +
                    'xmlns:soapenv="">' +
                    '<soapenv:Body>' +
                        '<api:some_api_call soapenv:encodingStyle="">' +
                            '<username xsi:type="xsd:string">login_username</username>' +
                            '<password xsi:type="xsd:string">password</password>' +
                        '</api:some_api_call>' +
                    '</soapenv:Body>' +

            xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
                    if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
                        // alert('done. use firebug/console to see network response');
            // Send the POST request
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
            // send request
            // ...
    <form name="Demo" action="" method="post">
            <input type="button" value="Soap" onclick="soap();" />
</html> <!-- typo -->

How to validate an email address in PHP

After reading the answers here, this is what I ended up with:

public static function isValidEmail(string $email) : bool
    if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        return false;

    //Get host name from email and check if it is valid
    $email_host = array_slice(explode("@", $email), -1)[0];

    // Check if valid IP (v4 or v6). If it is we can't do a DNS lookup
    if (!filter_var($email_host,FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, [
    ])) {
        //Add a dot to the end of the host name to make a fully qualified domain name
        // and get last array element because an escaped @ is allowed in the local part (RFC 5322)
        // Then convert to ascii (
        $email_host = idn_to_ascii($email_host.'.');

        //Check for MX pointers in DNS (if there are no MX pointers the domain cannot receive emails)
        if (!checkdnsrr($email_host, "MX")) {
            return false;

    return true;

How to create empty data frame with column names specified in R?

Just create a data.frame with 0 length variables


nodata <- data.frame(x= numeric(0), y= integer(0), z = character(0))

## 'data.frame':    0 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ x: num 
##  $ y: int 
##  $ z: Factor w/ 0 levels: 

or to create a data.frame with 5 columns named a,b,c,d,e

nodata <-,numeric(0), simplify = F), letters[1:5]))

how to get current datetime in SQL?

SYSDATETIME() 2007-04-30 13:10:02.0474381
SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()2007-04-30 13:10:02.0474381 -07:00
SYSUTCDATETIME() 2007-04-30 20:10:02.0474381
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 2007-04-30 13:10:02.047 +
GETDATE() 2007-04-30 13:10:02.047 
GETUTCDATE() 2007-04-30 20:10:02.047

I guess NOW() doesn't work sometime and gives error 'NOW' is not a recognized built-in function name.

Hope it helps!!! Thank You.

How to get the index of an element in an IEnumerable?

This can get really cool with an extension (functioning as a proxy), for example:

// vs. 
collection.Select((item, index) => item);

Which will automagically assign indexes to the collection accessible via this Index property.


public interface IIndexable
    int Index { get; set; }

Custom extension (probably most useful for working with EF and DbContext):

public static class EnumerableXtensions
    public static IEnumerable<TModel> SelectWithIndex<TModel>(
        this IEnumerable<TModel> collection) where TModel : class, IIndexable
        return collection.Select((item, index) =>
            item.Index = index;
            return item;

public class SomeModelDTO : IIndexable
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

    public int Index { get; set; }

// In a method
var items = from a in db.SomeTable
            where a.Id == someValue
            select new SomeModelDTO
                Id = a.Id,
                Name = a.Name,
                Price = a.Price

return items.SelectWithIndex()
            .OrderBy(m => m.Name)

Node.js check if path is file or directory

Depending on your needs, you can probably rely on node's path module.

You may not be able to hit the filesystem (e.g. the file hasn't been created yet) and tbh you probably want to avoid hitting the filesystem unless you really need the extra validation. If you can make the assumption that what you are checking for follows .<extname> format, just look at the name.

Obviously if you are looking for a file without an extname you will need to hit the filesystem to be sure. But keep it simple until you need more complicated.

const path = require('path');

function isFile(pathItem) {
  return !!path.extname(pathItem);

SQL Server reports 'Invalid column name', but the column is present and the query works through management studio

Just had the exact same problem. I renamed some aliased columns in a temporary table which is further used by another part of the same code. For some reason, this was not captured by SQL Server Management Studio and it complained about invalid column names.

What I simply did is create a new query, copy paste the SQL code from the old query to this new query and run it again. This seemed to refresh the environment correctly.

Best way to write to the console in PowerShell

Default behaviour of PowerShell is just to dump everything that falls out of a pipeline without being picked up by another pipeline element or being assigned to a variable (or redirected) into Out-Host. What Out-Host does is obviously host-dependent.

Just letting things fall out of the pipeline is not a substitute for Write-Host which exists for the sole reason of outputting text in the host application.

If you want output, then use the Write-* cmdlets. If you want return values from a function, then just dump the objects there without any cmdlet.

RegEx for valid international mobile phone number


The Regular Expression ^\+[1-9]{1}[0-9]{7,11}$ fails for "+290 8000" and similar valid numbers that are shorter than 8 digits.

The longest numbers could be something like 3 digit country code, 3 digit area code, 8 digit subscriber number, making 14 digits.

Sending HTML email using Python

Here is a Gmail implementation of the accepted answer:

import smtplib

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

# me == my email address
# you == recipient's email address
me = "[email protected]"
you = "[email protected]"

# Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = "Link"
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you

# Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).
text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\n"
html = """\
       How are you?<br>
       Here is the <a href="">link</a> you wanted.

# Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html')

# Attach parts into message container.
# According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case
# the HTML message, is best and preferred.
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)



mail.login('userName', 'password')
mail.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string())

How to install MySQLi on MacOS

MySQLi is part of PHP. There should be a php-mysqli type package available, or you can take the PHP source and recompile that mysqli enabled. You may already have it installed, but it's done as a module and is disabled. Check your php.ini for or similar. it may be commented out, or the .so file is present in your extensions directory but not linked to PHP via that extension= directive.

Passing vector by reference

If you define your function to take argument of std::vector<int>& arr and integer value, then you can use push_back inside that function:

void do_something(int el, std::vector<int>& arr)


std::vector<int> arr;
do_something(1, arr); 

LINQ to SQL - Left Outer Join with multiple join conditions

You need to introduce your join condition before calling DefaultIfEmpty(). I would just use extension method syntax:

from p in context.Periods
join f in context.Facts on equals f.periodid into fg
from fgi in fg.Where(f => f.otherid == 17).DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.companyid == 100
select f.value

Or you could use a subquery:

from p in context.Periods
join f in context.Facts on equals f.periodid into fg
from fgi in (from f in fg
             where f.otherid == 17
             select f).DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.companyid == 100
select f.value

ActiveXObject in Firefox or Chrome (not IE!)

ActiveX is supported by Chrome.

Chrome check parameters defined in : control panel/Internet option/Security.

Nevertheless,if it's possible to define four different area with IE, Chrome only check "Internet" area.

JS Client-Side Exif Orientation: Rotate and Mirror JPEG Images


width = img.width;
height = img.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

Then you can use these transformations to turn the image to orientation 1

From orientation:

  1. ctx.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
  2. ctx.transform(-1, 0, 0, 1, width, 0);
  3. ctx.transform(-1, 0, 0, -1, width, height);
  4. ctx.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, height);
  5. ctx.transform(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
  6. ctx.transform(0, 1, -1, 0, height, 0);
  7. ctx.transform(0, -1, -1, 0, height, width);
  8. ctx.transform(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, width);

Before drawing the image on ctx

Excel how to find values in 1 column exist in the range of values in another

Use the formula by tigeravatar:

=COUNTIF($B$2:$B$5,A2)>0 – tigeravatar Aug 28 '13 at 14:50

as conditional formatting. Highlight column A. Choose conditional formatting by forumula. Enter the formula (above) - this finds values in col B that are also in A. Choose a format (I like to use FILL and a bold color).

To find all of those values, highlight col A. Data > Filter and choose Filter by color.

How to embed a Facebook page's feed into my website

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that Facebook deprecated the Activity Feed plugin. Additionally there does not seem to be any substitute plugin for activity anymore.

Here is the link:

How to add hamburger menu in bootstrap

CSS only (no icon sets) Codepen

.nav-link #navBars {_x000D_
margin-top: -3px;_x000D_
padding: 8px 15px 3px;_x000D_
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.125);_x000D_
border-radius: .25rem;_x000D_
.nav-link #navBars input {_x000D_
display: none;_x000D_
.nav-link #navBars span {_x000D_
position: relative;_x000D_
z-index: 1;_x000D_
display: block;_x000D_
margin-bottom: 6px;_x000D_
width: 24px;_x000D_
height: 2px;_x000D_
background-color: rgba(125, 125, 126, 1);_x000D_
border-radius: .25rem;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">_x000D_
   <!-- <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">_x000D_
      <img src="" width="30" height="30" class="d-inline-block align-top" alt="">_x000D_
      </a> -->_x000D_
   <!-- -->_x000D_
   <a class="nav-link" href="#">_x000D_
      <div id="navBars">_x000D_
         <input type="checkbox" /><span></span>_x000D_
   <!-- /26317679 -->_x000D_
   <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNav">_x000D_
      <ul class="navbar-nav">_x000D_
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Vue.JS: How to call function after page loaded?

Vue watch() life-cycle hook, can be used


<div id="demo">{{ fullName }}</div>


var vm = new Vue({
  el: '#demo',
  data: {
    firstName: 'Foo',
    lastName: 'Bar',
    fullName: 'Foo Bar'
  watch: {
    firstName: function (val) {
      this.fullName = val + ' ' + this.lastName
    lastName: function (val) {
      this.fullName = this.firstName + ' ' + val

Disable Laravel's Eloquent timestamps

In case you want to remove timestamps from existing model, as mentioned before, place this in your Model:

public $timestamps = false;

Also create a migration with following code in the up() method and run it:

Schema::table('your_model_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

You can use $table->timestamps() in your down() method to allow rolling back.

Create hive table using "as select" or "like" and also specify delimiter

Let's say we have an external table called employee

hive> SHOW CREATE TABLE employee;
  id string,
  fname string,
  lname string, 
  salary double)
  1. To create a person table like employee

    CREATE TABLE person LIKE employee;

  2. To create a person external table like employee

    CREATE TABLE person LIKE employee LOCATION 'maprfs:/user/hadoop/data/person';

  3. then use DESC person; to see the newly created table schema.

How can I stop "property does not exist on type JQuery" syntax errors when using Typescript?

You could cast it to <any> or extend the jquery typing to add your own method.


//Or add your own custom methods (Assuming this is added by yourself as a part of custom plugin)

interface JQuery {

What is this date format? 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z

@John-Skeet gave me the clue to fix my own issue around this. As a younger programmer this small issue is easy to miss and hard to diagnose. So Im sharing it in the hopes it will help someone.

My issue was that I wanted to parse the following string contraining a time stamp from a JSON I have no influence over and put it in more useful variables. But I kept getting errors.

So given the following (pay attention to the string parameter inside ofPattern();

String str = "20190927T182730.000Z"

LocalDateTime fin;
fin = LocalDateTime.parse( str, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSZ") );


Exception in thread "main" java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text 
'20190927T182730.000Z' could not be parsed at index 19

The problem? The Z at the end of the Pattern needs to be wrapped in 'Z' just like the 'T' is. Change "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSZ" to "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS'Z'" and it works.

Removing the Z from the pattern alltogether also led to errors.

Frankly, I'd expect a Java class to have anticipated this.

how to convert a string date into datetime format in python?

The particular format for strptime:

datetime.datetime.strptime(string_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
#>>> datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, 20, 30, 55, 782000)

Using LIKE operator with stored procedure parameters

I was working on same. Check below statement. Worked for me!!

SELECT * FROM [Schema].[Table] WHERE [Column] LIKE '%' + @Parameter + '%'

How to handle authentication popup with Selenium WebDriver using Java

Popular solution is to append username and password in URL, like, http://username:[email protected]. However, if your username or password contains special character, then it may fail. So when you create the URL, make sure you encode those special characters.

String username = URLEncoder.encode(user, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
String password = URLEncoder.encode(pass, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
String url = “http://“ + username + “:” + password + “”;

How to set lifetime of session

Prior to PHP 7, the session_start() function did not directly accept any configuration options. Now you can do it this way

// This sends a persistent cookie that lasts a day.
    'cookie_lifetime' => 86400,


Batch files - number of command line arguments

The function :getargc below may be what you're looking for.

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
call :getargc argc %*
echo Count is %argc%
echo Args are %*
goto :eof

    set getargc_v0=%1
    set /a "%getargc_v0% = 0"
    if not x%2x==xx (
        set /a "%getargc_v0% = %getargc_v0% + 1"
        goto :getargc_l0
    set getargc_v0=
    goto :eof

It basically iterates once over the list (which is local to the function so the shifts won't affect the list back in the main program), counting them until it runs out.

It also uses a nifty trick, passing the name of the return variable to be set by the function.

The main program just illustrates how to call it and echos the arguments afterwards to ensure that they're untouched:

C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 3 4 5
    Count is 5
    Args are 1 2 3 4 5
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    Count is 11
    Args are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1
    Count is 1
    Args are 1
C:\Here> xx.cmd
    Count is 0
    Args are
C:\Here> xx.cmd 1 2 "3 4 5"
    Count is 3
    Args are 1 2 "3 4 5"

how to insert value into DataGridView Cell?

You can use this function if you want to add the data into database, with a button. I hope it will help.

// dgvBill is name of DataGridView

string StrQuery;
    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectingString))
        using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand())
            comm.Connection = conn;
            for (int i = 0; i < dgvBill.Rows.Count; i++) 
                StrQuery = @"INSERT INTO tblBillDetails (IdBill, productID, quantity, price,  total) VALUES ('" + IdBillVar+ "','" + dgvBill.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "', '" + dgvBill.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "', '" + dgvBill.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "', '" + dgvBill.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value + "');";
                comm.CommandText = StrQuery;
 catch (Exception err)
     MessageBox.Show(err.Message  , "Error !");

How to create User/Database in script for Docker Postgres

You can now put .sql files inside the init directory:

From the docs

If you would like to do additional initialization in an image derived from this one, add one or more *.sql or *.sh scripts under /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d (creating the directory if necessary). After the entrypoint calls initdb to create the default postgres user and database, it will run any *.sql files and source any *.sh scripts found in that directory to do further initialization before starting the service.

So copying your .sql file in will work.

getSupportActionBar() The method getSupportActionBar() is undefined for the type TaskActivity. Why?

If you are extending from an AppCompatActivity and are trying to get the ActionBar from the Fragment, you can do this:

ActionBar mActionBar = ((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()).getSupportActionBar();

Python Pandas merge only certain columns

You could merge the sub-DataFrame (with just those columns):

df2[list('xab')]  # df2 but only with columns x, a, and b


How to perform Unwind segue programmatically?

Swift 4.2, Xcode 10+

For those wondering how to do this with VCs not set up via the storyboard (those coming to this question from searching "programmatically" + "unwind segue").

Given that you cannot set up an unwind segue programatically, the simplest solely programmatic solution is to call:

navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)

which will pop all view controllers on the stack back to your root view controller.

To pop just the topmost view controller from the navigation stack, use:

navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

How to redirect the output of print to a TXT file

A slightly hackier way (that is different than the answers above, which are all valid) would be to just direct the output into a file via console.

So imagine you had

if True:
    print "hello world"
    print "goodbye world"

You can do

python >> text.log

and then text.log will get all of the output.

This is handy if you already have a bunch of print statements and don't want to individually change them to print to a specific file. Just do it at the upper level and direct all prints to a file (only drawback is that you can only print to a single destination).

Reverse / invert a dictionary mapping

We can also reverse a dictionary with duplicate keys using defaultdict:

from collections import Counter, defaultdict

def invert_dict(d):
    d_inv = defaultdict(list)
    for k, v in d.items():
    return d_inv

text = 'aaa bbb ccc ddd aaa bbb ccc aaa' 
c = Counter(text.split()) # Counter({'aaa': 3, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc': 2, 'ddd': 1})
dict(invert_dict(c)) # {1: ['ddd'], 2: ['bbb', 'ccc'], 3: ['aaa']}  

See here:

This technique is simpler and faster than an equivalent technique using dict.setdefault().

Is it possible to overwrite a function in PHP

You cannot redeclare any functions in PHP. You can, however, override them. Check out overriding functions as well as renaming functions in order to save the function you're overriding if you want.

So, keep in mind that when you override a function, you lose it. You may want to consider keeping it, but in a different name. Just saying.

Also, if these are functions in classes that you're wanting to override, you would just need to create a subclass and redeclare the function in your class without having to do rename_function and override_function.


rename_function('mysql_connect', 'original_mysql_connect' );
override_function('mysql_connect', '$a,$b', 'echo "DOING MY FUNCTION INSTEAD"; return $a * $b;');

Script to get the HTTP status code of a list of urls?

This relies on widely available wget, present almost everywhere, even on Alpine Linux.

wget --server-response --spider --quiet "${url}" 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{print $2}'

The explanations are as follow :


Turn off Wget's output.

Source - wget man pages


[ ... ] it will not download the pages, just check that they are there. [ ... ]

Source - wget man pages


Print the headers sent by HTTP servers and responses sent by FTP servers.

Source - wget man pages

What they don't say about --server-response is that those headers output are printed to standard error (sterr), thus the need to redirect to stdin.

The output sent to standard input, we can pipe it to awk to extract the HTTP status code. That code is :

  • the second ($2) non-blank group of characters: {$2}
  • on the very first line of the header: NR==1

And because we want to print it... {print $2}.

wget --server-response --spider --quiet "${url}" 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{print $2}'

TimePicker Dialog from clicking EditText

You have not put the last argument in the TimePickerDialog.

public TimePickerDialog(Context context, OnTimeSetListener listener, int hourOfDay, int minute,
            boolean is24HourView) {
        this(context, 0, listener, hourOfDay, minute, is24HourView);

this is the code of the TimePickerclass. it requires a boolean argument is24HourView

Change background color of selected item on a ListView

Define variable

private ListView mListView;

Initialize variable

mListView = (ListView)findViewById(;

OnItemClickListener of listview

   mListView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adpterView, View view, int position,
                long id) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mListView.getChildCount(); i++) {
                if(position == i ){

Build and run the project - Done

How to change a <select> value from JavaScript

 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        function selectFunction() {
             var printStr = document.getElementById("select").options[0].value
            document.getElementById("select").selectedIndex = 0;

Angular ng-click with call to a controller function not working

You should probably use the ngHref directive along with the ngClick:

 <a ng-href='#here' ng-click='go()' >click me</a>

Here is an example:

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <p>Hello {{name}}!</p>
    <a ng-href='#here' ng-click='go()' >click me</a>
    <div style='height:1000px'>

      <a id='here'></a>


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $ = 'World';

  $scope.go = function() {

    $scope.msg = 'clicked';

I don't know if this will work with the library you are using but it will at least let you link and use the ngClick function.

** Update **

Here is a demo of the set and get working fine with a service.

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, sharedProperties) {
  $ = 'World';

  $scope.go = function(item) {


  $scope.getItem = function() {

    $scope.msg = sharedProperties.getListName();

app.service('sharedProperties', function () {
    var list_name = '';

    return {

        getListName: function() {
            return list_name;
        setListName: function(name) {
            list_name = name;


* Edit *

Please review which talks about how to use lungo and angular. Also note that if your page is completely reloading when browsing to another link, you will need to persist your shared properties into localstorage and/or a cookie.

Declaring static constants in ES6 classes?

It is also possible to use Object.freeze on you class(es6)/constructor function(es5) object to make it immutable:

class MyConstants {}
MyConstants.staticValue = 3;
MyConstants.staticMethod = function() {
  return 4;
// after the freeze, any attempts of altering the MyConstants class will have no result
// (either trying to alter, add or delete a property)
MyConstants.staticValue === 3; // true
MyConstants.staticValue = 55; // will have no effect
MyConstants.staticValue === 3; // true

MyConstants.otherStaticValue = "other" // will have no effect
MyConstants.otherStaticValue === undefined // true

delete MyConstants.staticMethod // false
typeof(MyConstants.staticMethod) === "function" // true

Trying to alter the class will give you a soft-fail (won't throw any errors, it will simply have no effect).

javascript push multidimensional array

Use []:

cookie_value_add.push([productID,itemColorTitle, itemColorPath]);


arrayToPush.push([value1, value2, ..., valueN]);

Is it possible to declare a variable in Gradle usable in Java?

Example using system properties, set in build.gradle, read from Java application (following up from question in comments):

Basically, using the test task in build.gradle, with test task method systemProperty setting a system property that's passed at runtime:

apply plugin: 'java'
group = 'example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {
    // mavenLocal()
    // maven { url 'http://localhost/nexus/content/groups/public'; }

dependencies {
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.8.2'
    compile 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2'

test { '==test=='
  systemProperty 'MY-VAR1', 'VALUE-TEST'

And here's the rest of the sample code (which you could probably infer, but is included here anyway): it gets a system property MY-VAR1, expected at run-time to be set to VALUE-TEST:

package example;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class HelloWorld {
  static final Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld.class);
  public static void main(String args[]) {"entering main...");
    final String val = System.getProperty("MY-VAR1", "UNSET (MAIN)");
    System.out.println("(main.out) hello, world: " + val);"main.log) MY-VAR1=" + val);

Testcase: if MY-VAR is unset, the test should fail:

package example;
public class HelloWorldTest {
    static final Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorldTest.class);
    @Test public void testEnv() {
        HelloWorld.main(new String[]{});
        final String val = System.getProperty("MY-VAR1", "UNSET (TEST)");
        System.out.println("(test.out) var1=" + val);"(test.log) MY-VAR1=" + val);
        assertEquals("env MY-VAR1 set.", "VALUE-TEST", val);

Run (note: test is passing):

$ gradle cleanTest test
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE


I've found that the tricky part is actually getting the output from gradle... So, logging is configured here (slf4j+logback), and the log file shows the results (alternatively, run gradle --info cleanTest test; there are also properties that get stdout to the console, but, you know, why):

$ cat app.log
INFO Test worker example.HelloWorld - entering main...
INFO Test worker example.HelloWorld - main.log) MY-VAR1=VALUE-TEST
INFO Test worker example.HelloWorldTest - (test.log) MY-VAR1=VALUE-TEST

If you comment out "systemProperty..." (which, btw, only works in a test task), then:

example.HelloWorldTest > testEnv FAILED
    org.junit.ComparisonFailure at

For completeness, here is the logback config (src/test/resources/logback-test.xml):

    <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
        <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
            <pattern>%d %p %t %c - %m%n</pattern>
 <root level="info">
     <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>


  • build.gradle
  • src/main/java/example/
  • src/test/java/example/
  • src/test/resources/logback-test.xml

What are the safe characters for making URLs?

To quote section 2.3 of RFC 3986:

Characters that are allowed in a URI, but do not have a reserved purpose, are called unreserved. These include uppercase and lowercase letters, decimal digits, hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde.

  ALPHA  DIGIT  "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

Note that RFC 3986 lists fewer reserved punctuation marks than the older RFC 2396.

How to compare data between two table in different databases using Sql Server 2008?

select * 
from (
      select 'T1' T, *
      from DB1.dbo.Table
      select 'T2' T, *
      from DB2.dbo.Table
     ) as T
union all
select * 
from (
      select 'T2' T, *
      from DB2.dbo.Table
      select 'T1' T, *
      from DB1.dbo.Table
     ) as T
ORDER BY 2,3,4, ..., 1  -- make T1 and T2 to be close in output 2,3,4 are UNIQUE KEY SEGMENTS

Test code:

declare @T1 table (ID int)
declare @T2 table (ID int)

insert into @T1 values(1),(2)
insert into @T2 values(2),(3)

select * 
from (
      select *
      from @T1
      select *
      from @T2
     ) as T
union all
select * 
from (
      select *
      from @T2
      select *
      from @T1
     ) as T



Note: It can take long time to compare big table, when developing "tuned" solution or refactorig, which will give same result as REFERERCE - it may be wise to chekc simple parameters first: like

select count(t.*) from (
   select count(*) c0, SUM(BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)%1000000) c1 FROM T_REF_TABLE 
   -- select 12345 c0, -214365454 c1 -- constant values FROM T_REF_TABLE 
   select count(*) , SUM(BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)%1000000) FROM T_WORK_COPY 
) t

When this is empty, you have probably things under controll, and may be you can modify when you fail you will see "constant values FROM T_REF" to isert to save even more time for next check!!!

How do I insert datetime value into a SQLite database?

Read This: 1.2 Date and Time Datatype best data type to store date and time is:

TEXT best format is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Then read this page; this is best explain about date and time in SQLite. I hope this help you

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

The Base64.Encoder.encodeToString method automatically uses the ISO-8859-1 character set.

For an encryption utility I am writing, I took the input string of cipher text and Base64 encoded it for transmission, then reversed the process. Relevant parts shown below. NOTE: My file.encoding property is set to ISO-8859-1 upon invocation of the JVM so that may also have a bearing.

static String getBase64EncodedCipherText(String cipherText) {
    byte[] cText = cipherText.getBytes();
    // return an ISO-8859-1 encoded String
    return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cText);

static String getBase64DecodedCipherText(String encodedCipherText) throws IOException {
    return new String((Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedCipherText)));

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        String cText = getRawCipherText(null, "Hello World of Encryption...");

        System.out.println("Text to encrypt/encode: Hello World of Encryption...");
        // This output is a simple sanity check to display that the text
        // has indeed been converted to a cipher text which 
        // is unreadable by all but the most intelligent of programmers.
        // It is absolutely inhuman of me to do such a thing, but I am a
        // rebel and cannot be trusted in any way.  Please look away.
        System.out.println("RAW CIPHER TEXT: " + cText);
        cText = getBase64EncodedCipherText(cText);
        System.out.println("BASE64 ENCODED: " + cText);
        // There he goes again!!
        System.out.println("BASE64 DECODED:  " + getBase64DecodedCipherText(cText));
        System.out.println("DECODED CIPHER TEXT: " + decodeRawCipherText(null, getBase64DecodedCipherText(cText)));
    } catch (Exception e) {


The output looks like:

Text to encrypt/encode: Hello World of Encryption...
RAW CIPHER TEXT: q$;?C?l??<8??U???X[7l
BASE64 ENCODED: HnEPJDuhQ+qDbInUCzw4gx0VDqtVwef+WFs3bA==
BASE64 DECODED:  q$;?C?l??<8??U???X[7l``
DECODED CIPHER TEXT: Hello World of Encryption...

401 Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials

I faced similar issue.

The folder was shared and Authenticated Users permission was provided, which solved my issue.

Install msi with msiexec in a Specific Directory

If you've used Advanced Installer to build your .msi you will want to use APPDIR=

Setting up a git remote origin

Using SSH

git remote add origin ssh://login@IP/path/to/repository

Using HTTP

git remote add origin http://IP/path/to/repository

However having a simple git pull as a deployment process is usually a bad idea and should be avoided in favor of a real deployment script.

How to display 3 buttons on the same line in css

You need to float all the buttons to left and make sure its width to fit within outer container.





    <button type="submit" class="btn" onClick="return false;" >Save</button>
    <button type="submit" class="btn" onClick="return false;">Publish</button>
    <button class="btn">Back</button>

'IF' in 'SELECT' statement - choose output value based on column values

    when report_type = 'P' 
    then amount 
    when report_type = 'N' 
    then -amount 
    else null 
from table

How to listen to the window scroll event in a VueJS component?

I know this is an old question, but I found a better solution with Vue.js 2.0+ Custom Directives: I needed to bind the scroll event too, then I implemented this.

First of, using @vue/cli, add the custom directive to src/main.js (before the Vue.js instance) or wherever you initiate it:

Vue.directive('scroll', {
  inserted: function(el, binding) {
    let f = function(evt) {
      if (binding.value(evt, el)) {
        window.removeEventListener('scroll', f);
    window.addEventListener('scroll', f);

Then, add the custom v-scroll directive to the element and/or the component you want to bind on. Of course you have to insert a dedicated method: I used handleScroll in my example.

<my-component v-scroll="handleScroll"></my-component>

Last, add your method to the component.

methods: {
  handleScroll: function() {
    // your logic here

You don’t have to care about the Vue.js lifecycle anymore here, because the custom directive itself does.

How to cast or convert an unsigned int to int in C?

IMHO this question is an evergreen. As stated in various answers, the assignment of an unsigned value that is not in the range [0,INT_MAX] is implementation defined and might even raise a signal. If the unsigned value is considered to be a two's complement representation of a signed number, the probably most portable way is IMHO the way shown in the following code snippet:

#include <limits.h>
unsigned int u;
int i;

if (u <= (unsigned int)INT_MAX)
  i = (int)u; /*(1)*/
else if (u >= (unsigned int)INT_MIN)
  i = -(int)~u - 1; /*(2)*/
  i = INT_MIN; /*(3)*/
  • Branch (1) is obvious and cannot invoke overflow or traps, since it is value-preserving.

  • Branch (2) goes through some pains to avoid signed integer overflow by taking the one's complement of the value by bit-wise NOT, casts it to 'int' (which cannot overflow now), negates the value and subtracts one, which can also not overflow here.

  • Branch (3) provides the poison we have to take on one's complement or sign/magnitude targets, because the signed integer representation range is smaller than the two's complement representation range.

This is likely to boil down to a simple move on a two's complement target; at least I've observed such with GCC and CLANG. Also branch (3) is unreachable on such a target -- if one wants to limit the execution to two's complement targets, the code could be condensed to

#include <limits.h>
unsigned int u;
int i;

if (u <= (unsigned int)INT_MAX)
  i = (int)u; /*(1)*/
  i = -(int)~u - 1; /*(2)*/

The recipe works with any signed/unsigned type pair, and the code is best put into a macro or inline function so the compiler/optimizer can sort it out. (In which case rewriting the recipe with a ternary operator is helpful. But it's less readable and therefore not a good way to explain the strategy.)

And yes, some of the casts to 'unsigned int' are redundant, but

  • they might help the casual reader

  • some compilers issue warnings on signed/unsigned compares, because the implicit cast causes some non-intuitive behavior by language design

Send POST data on redirect with JavaScript/jQuery?

Generic function to post any JavaScript object to the given URL.

function postAndRedirect(url, postData)
    var postFormStr = "<form method='POST' action='" + url + "'>\n";

    for (var key in postData)
        if (postData.hasOwnProperty(key))
            postFormStr += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + postData[key] + "'></input>";

    postFormStr += "</form>";

    var formElement = $(postFormStr);


Fix GitLab error: "you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project"?

there's no problem - everything works as expected.

In GitLab some branches can be protected. By default only Maintainer/Owner users can commit to protected branches (see permissions docs). master branch is protected by default - it forces developers to issue merge requests to be validated by project maintainers before integrating them into main code.

You can turn on and off protection on selected branches in Project Settings (where exactly depends on GitLab version - see instructions below).

On the same settings page you can also allow developers to push into the protected branches. With this setting on, protection will be limited to rejecting operations requiring git push --force (rebase etc.)

Since GitLab 9.3

Go to project: "Settings" ? "Repository" ? "Expand" on "Protected branches"

enter image description here

I'm not really sure when this change was introduced, screenshots are from 10.3 version.

Now you can select who is allowed to merge or push into selected branches (for example: you can turn off pushes to master at all, forcing all changes to branch to be made via Merge Requests). Or you can click "Unprotect" to completely remove protection from branch.

Since GitLab 9.0

Similarly to GitLab 9.3, but no need to click "Expand" - everything is already expanded:

Go to project: "Settings" ? "Repository" ? scroll down to "Protected branches".

enter image description here

Pre GitLab 9.0

Project: "Settings" ? "Protected branches" (if you are at least 'Master' of given project).

Settings ? Protected branches

Then click on "Unprotect" or "Developers can push":

enter image description here

Pull request vs Merge request

They are the same feature

Merge or pull requests are created in a git management application and ask an assigned person to merge two branches. Tools such as GitHub and Bitbucket choose the name pull request since the first manual action would be to pull the feature branch. Tools such as GitLab and Gitorious choose the name merge request since that is the final action that is requested of the assignee. In this article we’ll refer to them as merge requests.


Cannot GET / Nodejs Error

I think you're missing your routes, you need to define at least one route for example '/' to index.


app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.render('index', {});

Compute mean and standard deviation by group for multiple variables in a data.frame

The updated dplyr solution, as for 2020

1: summarise_each_() is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0. and 2: funs() is deprecated as of dplyr 0.8.0.

ag.dplyr <- DF %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarise(across(.cols = everything(),list(mean = mean, sd = sd)))

MAMP mysql server won't start. No mysql processes are running

I looked at the MAMP site. Go into MAMP/db/mysql56 and rename both the log files (I just changed the number at the end). Voila, restarted MAMP and all was well.

Log File names:

  1. ib_logfile0
  2. ib_logfile1

LIKE operator in LINQ

In native LINQ you may use combination of Contains/StartsWith/EndsWith or RegExp.

In LINQ2SQL use method SqlMethods.Like()

    from i in db.myTable
    where SqlMethods.Like(i.field, "tra%ata")
    select i

add Assembly: System.Data.Linq (in System.Data.Linq.dll) to use this feature.

Is it possible to append to innerHTML without destroying descendants' event listeners?

I created my markup to insert as a string since it's less code and easier to read than working with the fancy dom stuff.

Then I made it innerHTML of a temporary element just so I could take the one and only child of that element and attach to the body.

var html = '<div>';
html += 'Hello div!';
html += '</div>';

var tempElement = document.createElement('div');
tempElement.innerHTML = html;

how to re-format datetime string in php?

You can use date_parse_from_format() function ...

Check this will get clear idea

How to make "if not true condition"?


if ! grep -q sysa /etc/passwd ; then

grep returns true if it finds the search target, and false if it doesn't.

So NOT false == true.

if evaluation in shells are designed to be very flexible, and many times doesn't require chains of commands (as you have written).

Also, looking at your code as is, your use of the $( ... ) form of cmd-substitution is to be commended, but think about what is coming out of the process. Try echo $(cat /etc/passwd | grep "sysa") to see what I mean. You can take that further by using the -c (count) option to grep and then do if ! [ $(grep -c "sysa" /etc/passwd) -eq 0 ] ; then which works but is rather old school.

BUT, you could use the newest shell features (arithmetic evaluation) like

if ! (( $(grep -c "sysa" /etc/passwd) == 0 )) ; then ...`

which also gives you the benefit of using the c-lang based comparison operators, ==,<,>,>=,<=,% and maybe a few others.

In this case, per a comment by Orwellophile, the arithmetic evaluation can be pared down even further, like

if ! (( $(grep -c "sysa" /etc/passwd) )) ; then ....


if (( ! $(grep -c "sysa" /etc/passwd) )) ; then ....

Finally, there is an award called the Useless Use of Cat (UUOC). :-) Some people will jump up and down and cry gothca! I'll just say that grep can take a file name on its cmd-line, so why invoke extra processes and pipe constructions when you don't have to? ;-)

I hope this helps.

How to convert List to Json in Java

download java-json.jar from Java2s then use the JSONArray constructor

List myList = new ArrayList<>();    
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(myList);

How do I add target="_blank" to a link within a specified div?


// Very old browsers
// var linkList = document.getElementById('link_other').getElementsByTagName('a');

// New browsers (IE8+)
var linkList = document.querySelectorAll('#link_other a');

for(var i in linkList){
 linkList[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');

How to get the path of src/test/resources directory in JUnit?

I have a Maven3 project using JUnit 4.12 and Java8. In order to get the path of a file called myxml.xml under src/test/resources, I do this from within the test case:

public void testApp()
    File inputXmlFile = new File(this.getClass().getResource("/myxml.xml").getFile());

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with IntelliJ IDE. Reference here.

REST API - Bulk Create or Update in single request

I think that you could use a POST or PATCH method to handle this since they typically design for this.

  • Using a POST method is typically used to add an element when used on list resource but you can also support several actions for this method. See this answer: How to Update a REST Resource Collection. You can also support different representation formats for the input (if they correspond to an array or a single elements).

    In the case, it's not necessary to define your format to describe the update.

  • Using a PATCH method is also suitable since corresponding requests correspond to a partial update. According to RFC5789 (

    Several applications extending the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) require a feature to do partial resource modification. The existing HTTP PUT method only allows a complete replacement of a document. This proposal adds a new HTTP method, PATCH, to modify an existing HTTP resource.

    In the case, you have to define your format to describe the partial update.

I think that in this case, POST and PATCH are quite similar since you don't really need to describe the operation to do for each element. I would say that it depends on the format of the representation to send.

The case of PUT is a bit less clear. In fact, when using a method PUT, you should provide the whole list. As a matter of fact, the provided representation in the request will be in replacement of the list resource one.

You can have two options regarding the resource paths.

  • Using the resource path for doc list

In this case, you need to explicitely provide the link of docs with a binder in the representation you provide in the request.

Here is a sample route for this /docs.

The content of such approach could be for method POST:

    { "doc_number": 1, "binder": 4, (other fields in the case of creation) },
    { "doc_number": 2, "binder": 4, (other fields in the case of creation) },
    { "doc_number": 3, "binder": 5, (other fields in the case of creation) },
  • Using sub resource path of binder element

In addition you could also consider to leverage sub routes to describe the link between docs and binders. The hints regarding the association between a doc and a binder doesn't have now to be specified within the request content.

Here is a sample route for this /binder/{binderId}/docs. In this case, sending a list of docs with a method POST or PATCH will attach docs to the binder with identifier binderId after having created the doc if it doesn't exist.

The content of such approach could be for method POST:

    { "doc_number": 1, (other fields in the case of creation) },
    { "doc_number": 2, (other fields in the case of creation) },
    { "doc_number": 3, (other fields in the case of creation) },

Regarding the response, it's up to you to define the level of response and the errors to return. I see two levels: the status level (global level) and the payload level (thinner level). It's also up to you to define if all the inserts / updates corresponding to your request must be atomic or not.

  • Atomic

In this case, you can leverage the HTTP status. If everything goes well, you get a status 200. If not, another status like 400 if the provided data aren't correct (for example binder id not valid) or something else.

  • Non atomic

In this case, a status 200 will be returned and it's up to the response representation to describe what was done and where errors eventually occur. ElasticSearch has an endpoint in its REST API for bulk update. This could give you some ideas at this level:

  • Asynchronous

You can also implement an asynchronous processing to handle the provided data. In this case, the HTTP status returns will be 202. The client needs to pull an additional resource to see what happens.

Before finishing, I also would want to notice that the OData specification addresses the issue regarding relations between entities with the feature named navigation links. Perhaps could you have a look at this ;-)

The following link can also help you:

Hope it helps you, Thierry

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied

In my case, the issue was new sites had an implicit deny of all IP addresses unless an explicit allow was created. To fix: Under the site in Features View: Under the IIS Section > IP Address and Domain Restrictions > Edit Feature Settings > Set 'Access for unspecified clients:' to 'Allow'

How to check if array is not empty?

if self.table:
    print 'It is not empty'

Is fine too

Java integer list

Let's use some java 8 feature:

IntStream.iterate(10, x -> x + 10).limit(5)

If you need to store the numbers you can collect them into a collection eg:

List numbers = IntStream.iterate(10, x -> x + 10).limit(5)

And some delay added:

IntStream.iterate(10, x -> x + 10).limit(5)
  .forEach(x -> {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // Do something with the exception

How to calculate time elapsed in bash script?

Following on from Daniel Kamil Kozar's answer, to show hours/minutes/seconds:

echo "Duration: $(($DIFF / 3600 )) hours $((($DIFF % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($DIFF % 60)) seconds"

So the full script would be:

date1=$(date +"%s")
date2=$(date +"%s")
echo "Duration: $(($DIFF / 3600 )) hours $((($DIFF % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($DIFF % 60)) seconds"

How to copy a dictionary and only edit the copy

On python 3.5+ there is an easier way to achieve a shallow copy by using the ** unpackaging operator. Defined by Pep 448.

>>>dict1 = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
>>>dict2 = {**dict1}
{'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
>>>dict2["key2"] = "WHY?!"
{'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
{'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'WHY?!'}

** unpackages the dictionary into a new dictionary that is then assigned to dict2.

We can also confirm that each dictionary has a distinct id.



If a deep copy is needed then copy.deepcopy() is still the way to go.

COUNT / GROUP BY with active record?

Although it is a late answer, I would say this will help you...

$query = $this->db
              ->select('user_id, count(user_id) AS num_of_time')
              ->order_by('num_of_time', 'desc')
              ->get('tablename', 10);

How to position a div in the middle of the screen when the page is bigger than the screen

For this you would have to detect screen size. That is not possible with CSS or HTML; you need JavaScript. Here is the Mozilla Developer Center entry on window properties

Detect the available height and position accordingly.


Set Query as below at first line


"find: paths must precede expression:" How do I specify a recursive search that also finds files in the current directory?

What's happening is that the shell is expanding "*test.c" into a list of files. Try escaping the asterisk as:

find . -name \*test.c

How can I format bytes a cell in Excel as KB, MB, GB etc?

Slight change to make it work on my region, Europe (. as thousands separator, comma as decimal separator):

[<1000000]#.##0,00" KB";[<1000000000]#.##0,00.." MB";#.##0,00..." GB"

Still same issue on data conversion (1000 != 1024) but it does the job for me.

How to debug a referenced dll (having pdb)

I had the *.pdb files in the same folder and used the options from Arindam, but it still didn't work. Turns out I needed to enable Enable native code debugging which can be found under Project properties > Debug.

Pandas sort by group aggregate and column

Here's a more concise approach...

df['a_bsum'] = df.groupby('A')['B'].transform(sum)
df.sort(['a_bsum','C'], ascending=[True, False]).drop('a_bsum', axis=1)

The first line adds a column to the data frame with the groupwise sum. The second line performs the sort and then removes the extra column.


    A       B           C
5   baz     -2.301539   True
2   baz     -0.528172   False
1   bar     -0.611756   True
4   bar      0.865408   False
3   foo     -1.072969   True
0   foo      1.624345   False

NOTE: sort is deprecated, use sort_values instead

Capture iframe load complete event

There is another consistent way (only for IE9+) in vanilla JavaScript for this:

const iframe = document.getElementById('iframe');
const handleLoad = () => console.log('loaded');

iframe.addEventListener('load', handleLoad, true)

And if you're interested in Observables this does the trick:

return Observable.fromEventPattern(
  handler => iframe.addEventListener('load', handler, true),
  handler => iframe.removeEventListener('load', handler)

Get a list of URLs from a site

The best on I have found is which uses Java, and has no limit on pages, and even lets you export results as a raw URL list.

It also uses sessions, so if you are using a CMS, make sure you are logged out before you run the crawl.

How to draw lines in Java

I built a whole class of methods to draw points, lines, rectangles, circles, etc. I designed it to treat the window as a piece of graph paper where the origin doesn't have to be at the top left and the y values increase as you go up. Here's how I draw lines:

public static void drawLine (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
    ((Graphics2D)g).draw(new Line2D.Double(x0+x1*scale, y0-y1*scale, x0+x2*scale, y0-y2*scale));

In the example above, (x0, y0) represents the origin in screen coordinates and scale is a scaling factor. The input parameters are to be supplied as graph coordinates, not screen coordinates. There is no repaint() being called. You can save that til you've drawn all the lines you need.

It occurs to me that someone might not want to think in terms of graph paper:

    ((Graphics2D)g).draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2));

Notice the use of Graphics2D. This allows us to draw a Line2D object using doubles instead of ints. Besides other shapes, my class has support for 3D perspective drawing and several convenience methods (like drawing a circle centered at a certain point given a radius.) If anyone is interested, I would be happy to share more of this class.

Add space between <li> elements

#access a {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;
    color: #eee;
    display: block;
    line-height: 3.333em;
    padding: 0 10px 0 20px;
    text-decoration: none;

I see that you had used line-height but you gave it to <a> tag instead of <ul> Try this:

#access ul {line-height:3.333em;}

You wouldn't need to play with margins then.

Run JavaScript code on window close or page refresh?

The event is called beforeunload, so you can assign a function to window.onbeforeunload.

React JS - Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

More generally, you can also convert the new data into an array and use something like concat:

var newData =[data]);  
this.setState({data: newData})

This pattern is actually used in Facebook's ToDo demo app (see the section "An Application") at

Clearing a string buffer/builder after loop

StringBuffer sb = new SringBuffer();
// do something wiht it
sb = new StringBuffer();

i think this code is faster.

Need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema

SELECT as Table_Name, as Trigger_Name,trig.is_disabled  
FROM [sys].[triggers] as trig inner join sys.tables as tbl on 
trig.parent_id = tbl.object_id 

Creating a random string with A-Z and 0-9 in Java

Here you can use my method for generating Random String

protected String getSaltString() {
        StringBuilder salt = new StringBuilder();
        Random rnd = new Random();
        while (salt.length() < 18) { // length of the random string.
            int index = (int) (rnd.nextFloat() * SALTCHARS.length());
        String saltStr = salt.toString();
        return saltStr;


The above method from my bag using to generate a salt string for login purpose.

Getting input values from text box

You will notice you have no value attr in the input tags.
Also, although not shown, make sure the Javascript is run after the html is in place.

Starting of Tomcat failed from Netbeans

It affects at least NetBeans versions 7.4 through 8.0.2. It was first reported from version 8.0 and fixed in NetBeans 8.1. It would have had the problem for any tomcat version (confirmed for versions 7.0.56 through 8.0.28).

Specifics are described as Netbeans bug #248182.

This problem is also related to postings mentioning the following error output:

'*' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

For a tomcat installed from the zip file, I fixed it by changing the catalina.bat file in the tomcat bin directory.

Find the bellow configuration in your catalina.bat file.



And change it as in below by removing the double quotes:



Now save your changes, and start your tomcat from within NetBeans.

jQuery DatePicker with today as maxDate

$( ".selector" ).datepicker( "option", "maxDate", '+0m +0w' );

How can I cast int to enum?

I need two instructions:

YourEnum possibleEnum = (YourEnum)value; // There isn't any guarantee that it is part of the enum
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(YourEnum), possibleEnum))
    // Value exists in YourEnum

What is the non-jQuery equivalent of '$(document).ready()'?

According to a nice replacement that still works with IE8 is

function ready(fn) {_x000D_
  if (document.readyState != 'loading') {_x000D_
  } else if (document.addEventListener) {_x000D_
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function() {_x000D_
      if (document.readyState != 'loading')_x000D_
// test_x000D_
window.ready(function() {_x000D_
    alert('it works');_x000D_

improvements: Personally I would also check if the type of fn is a function. And as @elliottregan suggested remove the event listener after use.

The reason I answer this question late is because I was searching for this answer but could not find it here. And I think this is the best solution.

Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table

The code provided by this answer is right, but incomplete, I've tested it. There are missing properties in "UserEmail" class:

    public UserTest UserTest { get; set; }
    public EmailTest EmailTest { get; set; }

I post the code I've tested if someone is interested. Regards

using System.Data.Entity;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

#region example2
public class UserTest
    public int UserTestID { get; set; }
    public string UserTestname { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }

    public ICollection<UserTestEmailTest> UserTestEmailTests { get; set; }

    public static void DoSomeTest(ApplicationDbContext context)

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            var user = context.UserTest.Add(new UserTest() { UserTestname = "Test" + i });
            var address = context.EmailTest.Add(new EmailTest() { Address = "address@" + i });

        foreach (var user in context.UserTest.Include(t => t.UserTestEmailTests))
            foreach (var address in context.EmailTest)
                user.UserTestEmailTests.Add(new UserTestEmailTest() { UserTest = user, EmailTest = address, n1 = user.UserTestID, n2 = address.EmailTestID });

public class EmailTest
    public int EmailTestID { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }

    public ICollection<UserTestEmailTest> UserTestEmailTests { get; set; }

public class UserTestEmailTest
    public int UserTestID { get; set; }
    public UserTest UserTest { get; set; }
    public int EmailTestID { get; set; }
    public EmailTest EmailTest { get; set; }
    public int n1 { get; set; }
    public int n2 { get; set; }

    //Call this code from ApplicationDbContext.ConfigureMapping
    //and add this lines as well:
    //public System.Data.Entity.DbSet<yournamespace.UserTest> UserTest { get; set; }
    //public System.Data.Entity.DbSet<yournamespace.EmailTest> EmailTest { get; set; }
    internal static void RelateFluent(System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder builder)
        // Primary keys
        builder.Entity<UserTest>().HasKey(q => q.UserTestID);
        builder.Entity<EmailTest>().HasKey(q => q.EmailTestID);

        builder.Entity<UserTestEmailTest>().HasKey(q =>

        // Relationships
            .HasRequired(t => t.EmailTest)
            .WithMany(t => t.UserTestEmailTests)
            .HasForeignKey(t => t.EmailTestID);

            .HasRequired(t => t.UserTest)
            .WithMany(t => t.UserTestEmailTests)
            .HasForeignKey(t => t.UserTestID);

How should I pass multiple parameters to an ASP.Net Web API GET?

I think the easiest way is to simply use AttributeRouting.

It's obvious within your controller, why would you want this in your Global WebApiConfig file?


    public string Get(int paramOne, int paramTwo)
        return "The [Route] with multiple params worked";

The {} names need to match your parameters.

Simple as that, now you have a separate GET that handles multiple params in this instance.


What is the exact contents you are passing into $html_brand?

If it is has an invalid URL syntax, you will very likely get the HTTP code 0.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php on line 1610


  1. locate the file [XAMPP Installation Directory]\php\php.ini (e.g. C:\xampp\php\php.ini)
  2. open php.ini in Notepad or any Text editor
  3. locate the line containing max_execution_time and
  4. increase the value from 30 to some larger number (e.g. set: max_execution_time = 90)
  5. then restart Apache web server from the XAMPP control panel

If there will still be the same error after that, try to increase the value for the max_execution_time further more.

How do I prompt for Yes/No/Cancel input in a Linux shell script?

read -e -p "Enter your choice: " choice

The -e option enables the user to edit the input using arrow keys.

If you want to use a suggestion as input:

read -e -i "yes" -p "Enter your choice: " choice

-i option prints a suggestive input.

How to check if a string starts with one of several prefixes?

When you say you tried to use OR, how exactly did you try and use it? In your case, what you will need to do would be something like so:

String newStr4 = strr.split("2012")[0];
if(newStr4.startsWith("Mon") || newStr4.startsWith("Tues")...)

CodeIgniter: 404 Page Not Found on Live Server

I was stuck with this approx a day i just rename filename "Filename" with capital letter and rename the controller class "Classname". and it solved the problem.

**class Myclass extends CI_Controller{}
save file: Myclass.php**


$config['base_url'] = '';

How do I check if a number is positive or negative in C#?

    public static bool IsPositive<T>(T value)
        where T : struct, IComparable<T>
        return value.CompareTo(default(T)) > 0;

Status bar and navigation bar appear over my view's bounds in iOS 7

Swift Solution:

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
    self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None

vertical align middle in <div>

How about adding line-height ?

  font:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
  line-height: 45px;

Fiddle, line-height

Or padding on #abc. This is the result with padding


Add in your css :

#abc img{
   vertical-align: middle;

The result. Hope this what you looking for.

How to enable TLS 1.2 support in an Android application (running on Android 4.1 JB)

@Inherently Curious - thanks for posting this. You are almost there - you have to add two more params to SSLContext.init() method.

TrustManager[] trustManagers = new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerManipulator() };
sc.init(null, trustManagers, new SecureRandom());

it will start working. Again thank you very much for posting this. I solved this/my issue with your code.

Getting the application's directory from a WPF application

Here is another:


Java time-based map/cache with expiring keys

Apache Commons has decorator for Map to expire entries: PassiveExpiringMap It's more simple than caches from Guava.

P.S. be careful, it's not synchronized.

Laravel Check If Related Model Exists

Not sure if this has changed in Laravel 5, but the accepted answer using count($data->$relation) didn't work for me, as the very act of accessing the relation property caused it to be loaded.

In the end, a straightforward isset($data->$relation) did the trick for me.

How to set the style -webkit-transform dynamically using JavaScript?

Try using = "rotate(60deg)"

How to make a class JSON serializable

This is a small library that serializes an object with all its children to JSON and also parses it back:

Javascript: Call a function after specific time period

ECMAScript 6 introduced arrow functions so now the setTimeout() or setInterval() don't have to look like this:

setTimeout(function() { FetchData(); }, 1000)

Instead, you can use annonymous arrow function which looks cleaner, and less confusing:

setTimeout(() => {FetchData();}, 1000)

Angular 4 default radio button checked by default

You can use [(ngModel)], but you'll need to update your value to [value] otherwise the value is evaluating as a string. It would look like this:

<label>This rule is true if:</label>
<label class="form-check-inline">
    <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="mode" [value]="true" [(ngModel)]="rule.mode">
<label class="form-check-inline">
    <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="mode" [value]="false" [(ngModel)]="rule.mode">

If rule.mode is true, then that radio is selected. If it's false, then the other.

The difference really comes down to the value. value="true" really evaluates to the string 'true', whereas [value]="true" evaluates to the boolean true.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

I had the same issue with WebSphere 6.1. As Ceki pointed out, there were tons of jars that WebSphere was using and one of them was pointing to an older version of slf4j.

The No-Op fallback happens only with slf4j -1.6+ so anything older than that will throw an exception and halts your deployment.

There is a documentation in SLf4J site which resolves this. I followed that and added slf4j-simple-1.6.1.jar to my application along with slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar which I already had.

If you use Maven, add the following dependencies, with ${slf4j.version} being the latest version of slf4j


This solved my issue. Hope it helps others who have this issue.

How do you tell if caps lock is on using JavaScript?

This code detects caps lock no matter the case or if the shift key is pressed:

$('#password').keypress(function(e) { 
    var s = String.fromCharCode( e.which );
    if ( (s.toUpperCase() === s && !e.shiftKey) || 
             (s.toLowerCase() === s && e.shiftKey) ) {
        alert('caps is on');

downloading all the files in a directory with cURL

What about something like this:

for /f %%f in ('curl -s -l -u user:pass') do curl -O -u user:pass

Concatenate two JSON objects

Just try this, using underscore

var json1 = [{ value1: '1', value2: '2' },{ value1: '3', value2: '4' }];
var json2 = [{ value3: 'a', value4: 'b' },{ value3: 'c', value4: 'd' }];
var resultArray = [];
json1.forEach(function(obj, index){
  resultArray.push(_.extend(obj,  json2[index]));

console.log("Result Array", resultArray);


Java RegEx meta character (.) and ordinary dot?

Solutions proposed by the other members don't work for me.

But I found this :

to escape a dot in java regexp write [.]

adding multiple event listeners to one element

Semi-related, but this is for initializing one unique event listener specific per element.

You can use the slider to show the values in realtime, or check the console. On the <input> element I have a attr tag called data-whatever, so you can customize that data if you want to.

sliders = document.querySelectorAll("input");_x000D_
sliders.forEach(item=> {_x000D_
  item.addEventListener('input', (e) => {_x000D_
    console.log(`${item.getAttribute("data-whatever")} is this value: ${}`);_x000D_
    item.nextElementSibling.textContent =;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  padding-right: 30px;_x000D_
  margin-left: 5px;_x000D_
* {_x000D_
  font-size: 12px_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <input type="range" min="1" data-whatever="size" max="800" value="50" id="sliderSize">_x000D_
  <input type="range" min="1" data-whatever="OriginY" max="800" value="50" id="sliderOriginY">_x000D_
  <input type="range" min="1" data-whatever="OriginX" max="800" value="50" id="sliderOriginX">_x000D_

How to colorize diff on the command line?

Coloured, word-level diff ouput

Here's what you can do with the the below script and diff-highlight:

Coloured diff screenshot

#!/bin/sh -eu

# Use diff-highlight to show word-level differences

diff -U3 --minimal "$@" |
  sed 's/^-/\x1b[1;31m-/;s/^+/\x1b[1;32m+/;s/^@/\x1b[1;34m@/;s/$/\x1b[0m/' |

(Credit to @retracile's answer for the sed highlighting)

Constructor of an abstract class in C#

an abstract class can have member variables that needs to be initialized,so they can be initialized in the abstract class constructor and this constructor is called when derived class object is initialized.

Icons missing in jQuery UI

I have put the images in a convenient zip file:

As the readme.txt file in the zip file reads: Place the "images" folder in the same folder where your "jquery-ui.css" file is located.

I hope this helps :)

How to count down in for loop?

In python, when you have an iterable, usually you iterate without an index:

letters = 'abcdef' # or a list, tupple or other iterable
for l in letters:

If you need to traverse the iterable in reverse order, you would do:

for l in letters[::-1]:

When for any reason you need the index, you can use enumerate:

for i, l in enumerate(letters, start=1): #start is 0 by default

You can enumerate in reverse order too...

for i, l in enumerate(letters[::-1])


Usually when we traverse an iterable we do it to apply the same procedure or function to each element. In these cases, it is better to use map:

If we need to capitilize each letter:

map(str.upper, letters)

Or get the Unicode code of each letter:

map(ord, letters)

PHP Change Array Keys

change array key name "group" to "children".

echo json_encode($data);

function array_change_key_name( $orig, $new, &$array ) {
    foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
        $res[ $k === $orig ? $new : $k ] = ( (is_array($v)||is_object($v)) ? array_change_key_name( $orig, $new, $v ) : $v );
    return $res;

echo '<br>=====change "group" to "children"=====<br>';
$new = array_change_key_name("group" ,"children" , $data);
echo json_encode($new);


{"benchmark":[{"idText":"USGCB-Windows-7","title":"USGCB: Guidance for Securing Microsoft Windows 7 Systems for IT Professional","profile":[{"idText":"united_states_government_configuration_baseline_version_1.2.0.0","title":"United States Government Configuration Baseline","group":[{"idText":"security_components_overview","title":"Windows 7 Security Components Overview","group":[{"idText":"new_features","title":"New Features in Windows 7"}]},{"idText":"usgcb_security_settings","title":"USGCB Security Settings","group":[{"idText":"account_policies_group","title":"Account Policies group"}]}]}]}]}

=====change "group" to "children"=====

{"benchmark":[{"idText":"USGCB-Windows-7","title":"USGCB: Guidance for Securing Microsoft Windows 7 Systems for IT Professional","profile":[{"idText":"united_states_government_configuration_baseline_version_1.2.0.0","title":"United States Government Configuration Baseline","children":[{"idText":"security_components_overview","title":"Windows 7 Security Components Overview","children":[{"idText":"new_features","title":"New Features in Windows 7"}]},{"idText":"usgcb_security_settings","title":"USGCB Security Settings","children":[{"idText":"account_policies_group","title":"Account Policies group"}]}]}]}]}

javascript createElement(), style problem

yourElement.setAttribute("style", "background-color:red; font-size:2em;");

Or you could write the element as pure HTML and use .innerHTML = [raw html code]... that's very ugly though.

In answer to your first question, first you use var myElement = createElement(...);, then you do document.body.appendChild(myElement);.

Is a Python dictionary an example of a hash table?

Yes. Internally it is implemented as open hashing based on a primitive polynomial over Z/2 (source).

Last executed queries for a specific database

This works for me to find queries on any database in the instance. I'm sysadmin on the instance (check your privileges):

SELECT deqs.last_execution_time AS [Time], dest.text AS [Query], dest.*
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest
WHERE dest.dbid = DB_ID('msdb')
ORDER BY deqs.last_execution_time DESC

This is the same answer that Aaron Bertrand provided but it wasn't placed in an answer.

C++ error: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime' and 'clock_settime'

Add -lrt to the end of g++ command line. This links in the "Real Time" shared library.

A free tool to check C/C++ source code against a set of coding standards?

I'm currently working on a project with another project to write just such a tool. I looked at other static code analysis tools and decided that I could do better.

Unfortunately, the project is not yet ready to be used without fairly intimate knowledge of the code (read: it's buggy as all hell). However, we're moving fairly quickly, and hope to have a beta release within the next 8 weeks.

The project is open source - you can visit the project page, and if you want to get involved, we'd love some more external input.

I won't bore you with the details - you can visit the project page for that, but I will say one thing: Most static code analysis tools are aimed at checking your code for mistakes, and not very concerned with checking for coding guidelines. We have taken a more flexible approach that allows us to write plugiins to check for both "house rules" as well as possible bugs.

If you want any more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Angular - POST uploaded file

In my project , I use the XMLHttpRequest to send multipart/form-data. I think it will fit you to.

and the uploader code

let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '', true);
xhr.withCredentials = true;

Here is example :

Python Sets vs Lists

I was interested in the results when checking, with CPython, if a value is one of a small number of literals. set wins in Python 3 vs tuple, list and or:

from timeit import timeit

def in_test1():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i in (314, 628):

def in_test2():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i in [314, 628]:

def in_test3():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i in {314, 628}:

def in_test4():
  for i in range(1000):
    if i == 314 or i == 628:

print(timeit("in_test1()", setup="from __main__ import in_test1", number=100000))
print(timeit("in_test2()", setup="from __main__ import in_test2", number=100000))
print(timeit("in_test3()", setup="from __main__ import in_test3", number=100000))
print(timeit("in_test4()", setup="from __main__ import in_test4", number=100000))



For 3 to 5 literals, set still wins by a wide margin, and or becomes the slowest.

In Python 2, set is always the slowest. or is the fastest for 2 to 3 literals, and tuple and list are faster with 4 or more literals. I couldn't distinguish the speed of tuple vs list.

When the values to test were cached in a global variable out of the function, rather than creating the literal within the loop, set won every time, even in Python 2.

These results apply to 64-bit CPython on a Core i7.

Disable sorting for a particular column in jQuery DataTables

This is what you're looking for:

$('#example').dataTable( {
      "aoColumnDefs": [
          { 'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [ 1 ] }

CSS to make table 100% of max-width

max-width is definitely not well supported. If you're going to use it, use it in a media query in your style tag. ios, android, and windows phone default mail all support them. (gmail and outlook mobile don't)

Look at the starbucks example at the bottom

How can I turn a List of Lists into a List in Java 8?

An expansion on Eran's answer that was the top answer, if you have a bunch of layers of lists, you can keep flatmapping them.

This also comes with a handy way of filtering as you go down the layers if needed as well.

So for example:

List<List<List<List<List<List<Object>>>>>> multiLayeredList = ...

List<Object> objectList = multiLayeredList
    .flatmap(someList1 -> someList1
    .flatmap(someList2 -> someList2
    .flatmap(someList3 -> someList3

This is would be similar in SQL to having SELECT statements within SELECT statements.

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

The parent function needs the virtual keyword, and the child function needs the override keyword in front of the function definition.

JavaFX FXML controller - constructor vs initialize method

In a few words: The constructor is called first, then any @FXML annotated fields are populated, then initialize() is called.

This means the constructor does not have access to @FXML fields referring to components defined in the .fxml file, while initialize() does have access to them.

Quoting from the Introduction to FXML:

[...] the controller can define an initialize() method, which will be called once on an implementing controller when the contents of its associated document have been completely loaded [...] This allows the implementing class to perform any necessary post-processing on the content.

How to analyze a JMeter summary report?

The JMeter docs say the following:

The summary report creates a table row for each differently named request in your test. This is similar to the Aggregate Report , except that it uses less memory. The thoughput is calculated from the point of view of the sampler target (e.g. the remote server in the case of HTTP samples). JMeter takes into account the total time over which the requests have been generated. If other samplers and timers are in the same thread, these will increase the total time, and therefore reduce the throughput value. So two identical samplers with different names will have half the throughput of two samplers with the same name. It is important to choose the sampler labels correctly to get the best results from the Report.

  • Label - The label of the sample. If "Include group name in label?" is selected, then the name of the thread group is added as a prefix. This allows identical labels from different thread groups to be collated separately if required.
  • # Samples - The number of samples with the same label
  • Average - The average elapsed time of a set of results
  • Min - The lowest elapsed time for the samples with the same label
  • Max - The longest elapsed time for the samples with the same label
  • Std. Dev. - the Standard Deviation of the sample elapsed time
  • Error % - Percent of requests with errors
  • Throughput - the Throughput is measured in requests per second/minute/hour. The time unit is chosen so that the displayed rate is at least 1.0. When the throughput is saved to a CSV file, it is expressed in requests/second, i.e. 30.0 requests/minute is saved as 0.5.
  • Kb/sec - The throughput measured in Kilobytes per second
  • Avg. Bytes - average size of the sample response in bytes. (in JMeter 2.2 it wrongly showed the value in kB)

Times are in milliseconds.

How to stop BackgroundWorker correctly

CancelAsync doesn't actually abort your thread or anything like that. It sends a message to the worker thread that work should be cancelled via BackgroundWorker.CancellationPending. Your DoWork delegate that is being run in the background must periodically check this property and handle the cancellation itself.

The tricky part is that your DoWork delegate is probably blocking, meaning that the work you do on your DataSource must complete before you can do anything else (like check for CancellationPending). You may need to move your actual work to yet another async delegate (or maybe better yet, submit the work to the ThreadPool), and have your main worker thread poll until this inner worker thread triggers a wait state, OR it detects CancellationPending.