Programs & Examples On #Actor model

Spring Data: "delete by" is supported?

2 ways:-

1st one Custom Query

@Query("delete from User where firstName = :firstName")
void deleteUsersByFirstName(@Param("firstName") String firstName);

2nd one JPA Query by method

List<User> deleteByLastname(String lastname);

When you go with query by method (2nd way) it will first do a get call

select * from user where last_name = :firstName

Then it will load it in a List Then it will call delete id one by one

delete from user where id = 18
delete from user where id = 19

First fetch list of object, then for loop to delete id one by one

But, the 1st option (custom query),

It's just a single query It will delete wherever the value exists.

Go through this link too

How to use multiprocessing queue in Python?

I had a look at multiple answers across stack overflow and the web while trying to set-up a way of doing multiprocessing using queues for passing around large pandas dataframes. It seemed to me that every answer was re-iterating the same kind of solutions without any consideration of the multitude of edge cases one will definitely come across when setting up calculations like these. The problem is that there is many things at play at the same time. The number of tasks, the number of workers, the duration of each task and possible exceptions during task execution. All of these make synchronization tricky and most answers do not address how you can go about it. So this is my take after fiddling around for a few hours, hopefully this will be generic enough for most people to find it useful.

Some thoughts before any coding examples. Since queue.Empty or queue.qsize() or any other similar method is unreliable for flow control, any code of the like

while True:
        task = pending_queue.get_nowait()
    except queue.Empty:

is bogus. This will kill the worker even if milliseconds later another task turns up in the queue. The worker will not recover and after a while ALL the workers will disappear as they randomly find the queue momentarily empty. The end result will be that the main multiprocessing function (the one with the join() on the processes) will return without all the tasks having completed. Nice. Good luck debugging through that if you have thousands of tasks and a few are missing.

The other issue is the use of sentinel values. Many people have suggested adding a sentinel value in the queue to flag the end of the queue. But to flag it to whom exactly? If there is N workers, assuming N is the number of cores available give or take, then a single sentinel value will only flag the end of the queue to one worker. All the other workers will sit waiting for more work when there is none left. Typical examples I've seen are

while True:
    task = pending_queue.get()
    if task == SOME_SENTINEL_VALUE:

One worker will get the sentinel value while the rest will wait indefinitely. No post I came across mentioned that you need to submit the sentinel value to the queue AT LEAST as many times as you have workers so that ALL of them get it.

The other issue is the handling of exceptions during task execution. Again these should be caught and managed. Moreover, if you have a completed_tasks queue you should independently count in a deterministic way how many items are in the queue before you decide that the job is done. Again relying on queue sizes is bound to fail and returns unexpected results.

In the example below, the par_proc() function will receive a list of tasks including the functions with which these tasks should be executed alongside any named arguments and values.

import multiprocessing as mp
import dill as pickle
import queue
import time
import psutil


def do_work(tasks_pending, tasks_completed):
    # Get the current worker's name
    worker_name = mp.current_process().name

    while True:
            task = tasks_pending.get_nowait()
        except queue.Empty:
            print(worker_name + ' found an empty queue. Sleeping for a while before checking again...')
                if task == SENTINEL:
                    print(worker_name + ' no more work left to be done. Exiting...')

                print(worker_name + ' received some work... ')
                time_start = time.perf_counter()
                work_func = pickle.loads(task['func'])
                result = work_func(**task['task'])
                tasks_completed.put({work_func.__name__: result})
                time_end = time.perf_counter() - time_start
                print(worker_name + ' done in {} seconds'.format(round(time_end, 5)))
            except Exception as e:
                print(worker_name + ' task failed. ' + str(e))
                tasks_completed.put({work_func.__name__: None})

def par_proc(job_list, num_cpus=None):

    # Get the number of cores
    if not num_cpus:
        num_cpus = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)

    print('* Parallel processing')
    print('* Running on {} cores'.format(num_cpus))

    # Set-up the queues for sending and receiving data to/from the workers
    tasks_pending = mp.Queue()
    tasks_completed = mp.Queue()

    # Gather processes and results here
    processes = []
    results = []

    # Count tasks
    num_tasks = 0

    # Add the tasks to the queue
    for job in job_list:
        for task in job['tasks']:
            expanded_job = {}
            num_tasks = num_tasks + 1
            expanded_job.update({'func': pickle.dumps(job['func'])})
            expanded_job.update({'task': task})

    # Use as many workers as there are cores (usually chokes the system so better use less)
    num_workers = num_cpus

    # We need as many sentinels as there are worker processes so that ALL processes exit when there is no more
    # work left to be done.
    for c in range(num_workers):

    print('* Number of tasks: {}'.format(num_tasks))

    # Set-up and start the workers
    for c in range(num_workers):
        p = mp.Process(target=do_work, args=(tasks_pending, tasks_completed)) = 'worker' + str(c)

    # Gather the results
    completed_tasks_counter = 0
    while completed_tasks_counter < num_tasks:
        completed_tasks_counter = completed_tasks_counter + 1

    for p in processes:

    return results

And here is a test to run the above code against

def test_parallel_processing():
    def heavy_duty1(arg1, arg2, arg3):
        return arg1 + arg2 + arg3

    def heavy_duty2(arg1, arg2, arg3):
        return arg1 * arg2 * arg3

    task_list = [
        {'func': heavy_duty1, 'tasks': [{'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 2, 'arg3': 3}, {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 3, 'arg3': 5}]},
        {'func': heavy_duty2, 'tasks': [{'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 2, 'arg3': 3}, {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 3, 'arg3': 5}]},

    results = par_proc(task_list)

    job1 = sum([y for x in results if 'heavy_duty1' in x.keys() for y in list(x.values())])
    job2 = sum([y for x in results if 'heavy_duty2' in x.keys() for y in list(x.values())])

    assert job1 == 15
    assert job2 == 21

plus another one with some exceptions

def test_parallel_processing_exceptions():
    def heavy_duty1_raises(arg1, arg2, arg3):
        raise ValueError('Exception raised')
        return arg1 + arg2 + arg3

    def heavy_duty2(arg1, arg2, arg3):
        return arg1 * arg2 * arg3

    task_list = [
        {'func': heavy_duty1_raises, 'tasks': [{'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 2, 'arg3': 3}, {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 3, 'arg3': 5}]},
        {'func': heavy_duty2, 'tasks': [{'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 2, 'arg3': 3}, {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 3, 'arg3': 5}]},

    results = par_proc(task_list)

    job1 = sum([y for x in results if 'heavy_duty1' in x.keys() for y in list(x.values())])
    job2 = sum([y for x in results if 'heavy_duty2' in x.keys() for y in list(x.values())])

    assert not job1
    assert job2 == 21

Hope that is helpful.

JQuery .hasClass for multiple values in an if statement

You just had some messed up parentheses in your 2nd attempt.

var $html = $("html");

if ($html.hasClass('m320') || $html.hasClass('m768')) {

  // do stuff 


Getting new Twitter API consumer and secret keys

Simply go here: Make sure you have logged in with your Twitter account - then create - even if your just entering random (Test) Content - create your app - afterwards you will receive all the data you require :)

How to implement a simple scenario the OO way

The approach I would take is: when reading the chapters from the database, instead of a collection of chapters, use a collection of books. This will have your chapters organised into books and you'll be able to use information from both classes to present the information to the user (you can even present it in a hierarchical way easily when using this approach).

How to set back button text in Swift

GOTCHA: If you are having trouble with any of the many-starred suggestions, ensure that you are registering your UITableViewCells in viewDidLoad(), not from init()

Updating a JSON object using Javascript

    var jsonObj = [{'Id':'1','Username':'Ray','FatherName':'Thompson'},  

      if (v.Id == 3) {
        v.Username = "Thomas";
        return false;

alert("New Username: " + jsonObj[2].Username);


Server is already running in Rails


in Ubuntu/linux

 sudo rm /var/www/html/rails/WBPOCTEST/tmp/pids/


 pkill -9 ruby


lsof -wni tcp:3000

kill -9 pid

Console errors. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

Learn about CORS, try is work fine


Not show a message error and continue page white, u need see error is try

enjoin us ;-)

How to pass datetime from c# to sql correctly?

I had many issues involving C# and SqlServer. I ended up doing the following:

  1. On SQL Server I use the DateTime column type
  2. On c# I use the .ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") method

Also make sure that all your machines run on the same timezone.

Regarding the different result sets you get, your first example is "July First" while the second is "4th of July" ...

Also, the second example can be also interpreted as "April 7th", it depends on your server localization configuration (my solution doesn't suffer from this issue).

EDIT: hh was replaced with HH, as it doesn't seem to capture the correct hour on systems with AM/PM as opposed to systems with 24h clock. See the comments below.

How to fix 'Notice: Undefined index:' in PHP form action

short way, you can use Ternary Operators

$filename = !empty($_POST['filename'])?$_POST['filename']:'-';

How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python?

shape is a property of both numpy ndarray's and matrices.


will return a tuple (m, n), where m is the number of rows, and n is the number of columns.

In fact, the numpy matrix object is built on top of the ndarray object, one of numpy's two fundamental objects (along with a universal function object), so it inherits from ndarray

Build unsigned APK file with Android Studio

Yes, it is possible to create an unsigned .apk with Android Studio!

Highlight the Project in your package explorer or project column, and then File - Project Structure - Artifacts - + - Android Application - From module 'your app' and then you can change the location and some other options. I enable build on make, just for ease.

Border around each cell in a range

I have a set of 15 subroutines I add to every Coded Excel Workbook I create and this is one of them. The following routine clears the area and creates a border.

Sample Call:

Call BoxIt(Range("A1:z25"))


Sub BoxIt(aRng As Range)
On Error Resume Next

    With aRng

        'Clear existing
        .Borders.LineStyle = xlNone

        'Apply new borders
        .BorderAround xlContinuous, xlThick, 0
        With .Borders(xlInsideVertical)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .ColorIndex = 0
            .Weight = xlMedium
        End With
        With .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .ColorIndex = 0
            .Weight = xlMedium
        End With
    End With

End Sub

Get Row Index on Rowcommand event

If you have a built-in command of GridView like insert, update or delete, on row command you can use the following code to get the index:

int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

In a custom command, you can set the command argument to yourRow.RowIndex.ToString() and then get it back in the RowCommand event handler. Unless, of course, you need the command argument for another purpose.

Return different type of data from a method in java?

I just want to put my view

So you need to create a generic Return type and implemented by different types of concret return types. The Service class can create different types of objects concrete class and return as a generic type.

public interface GenericReturnType{
    public static RETURN_TYPE enum{
        MACHINE, PERSON;    
    public RETURN_TYPE getReturnType();

public class PersonReturnType implements GenericReturnType{


    public RETURN_TYPE getReturnType(){
        return PERSON;
    public String getAddress(){
        return something;

public class MachineReturnType implements GenericReturnType{


    public RETURN_TYPE getReturnType(){
        return MACHINE;
    public String getManufatureName(){
        return something;

public class TestService{
    public GenericReturnType getObject(// some input //){
        GenericReturnType obj ;
        if(// some code //){
            obj = new  PersonReturnType();
            // some code //
        if(// some code //){
            obj = new  MachineReturnType();
            // some code //
        return obj;

public class TestDriver{
    TestService service = new TestService();
    GenericReturnType genObj = TestService.getObject(// some input //);
    if(genObj.getReturnType() == RETURN_TYPE.MACHINE){
        // SOME CODE // 
    if(genObj.getReturnType() == RETURN_TYPE.PERSON){
        // SOME CODE // 

LaTeX table too wide. How to make it fit?

Use p{width} column specifier: e.g. \begin{tabular}{ l p{10cm} } will put column's content into 10cm-wide parbox, and the text will be properly broken to several lines, like in normal paragraph.

You can also use tabular* environment to specify width for the entire table.

Parsing Query String in node.js

require('url').parse('/status?name=ryan', {parseQueryString: true}).query


{ name: 'ryan' }


Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

Minimal solution that worked for me for current project

  • A create-react-app project
  • Ubuntu / *nix
  • 2020
  • Node 14.7

delete node_modules/browserslist directory in the project


npm run build

no longer generates that message

JFrame: How to disable window resizing?

You can use this.setResizable(false); or frameObject.setResizable(false);

Where is my .vimrc file?

on unix vim --version tells you the various locations of the vim config files :

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
     user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
 2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
      user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
       defaults file: "$VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/vim"

How can I format DateTime to web UTC format?

Try this:

DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(
    "Tue, 1 Jan 2008 00:00:00 UTC", 
    "ddd, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss UTC", 

Previously asked question

How to validate white spaces/empty spaces? [Angular 2]

If you are using reactive forms in Angular 2+, you can remove leading and trailing spaces with the help of (blur)


<input(blur)="trimLeadingAndTrailingSpaces(myForm.controls['firstName'])" formControlName="firstName" />


public trimLeadingAndTrailingSpaces(formControl: AbstractControl) {
    if (formControl && formControl.value && typeof formControl.value === 'string') {

Can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

I know this is old, but just thought I would add my solution just in case someone finds it useful.

I wanted to compare the local naive datetime with an aware datetime from a timeserver. I basically created a new naive datetime object using the aware datetime object. It's a bit of a hack and doesn't look very pretty but gets the job done.

import ntplib
import datetime
from datetime import timezone

def utc_to_local(utc_dt):
    return utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None)    

    ntpt = ntplib.NTPClient()
    response = ntpt.request('')
    date = utc_to_local(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(response.tx_time))
    sysdate = comes the fudge...

    temp_date = datetime.datetime(int(str(date)[:4]),int(str(date)[5:7]),int(str(date)[8:10]),int(str(date)[11:13]),int(str(date)[14:16]),int(str(date)[17:19]))
    dt_delta = temp_date-sysdate
except Exception:
    print('Something went wrong :-(')

What is monkey patching?

What is monkey patching? Monkey patching is a technique used to dynamically update the behavior of a piece of code at run-time.

Why use monkey patching? It allows us to modify or extend the behavior of libraries, modules, classes or methods at runtime without actually modifying the source code

Conclusion Monkey patching is a cool technique and now we have learned how to do that in Python. However, as we discussed, it has its own drawbacks and should be used carefully.

For more info Please refer [1]:

Keep only date part when using pandas.to_datetime

Converting to datetime64[D]:


Though re-assigning that to a DataFrame col will revert it back to [ns].

If you wanted actual

dt = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.dates)
dates = np.array([*date_tuple) for date_tuple in zip(dt.year, dt.month,])

Difference between "enqueue" and "dequeue"

Some of the basic data structures in programming languages such as C and C++ are stacks and queues.

The stack data structure follows the "First In Last Out" policy (FILO) where the first element inserted or "pushed" into a stack is the last element that is removed or "popped" from the stack.

Similarly, a queue data structure follows a "First In First Out" policy (as in the case of a normal queue when we stand in line at the counter), where the first element is pushed into the queue or "Enqueued" and the same element when it has to be removed from the queue is "Dequeued".

This is quite similar to push and pop in a stack, but the terms enqueue and dequeue avoid confusion as to whether the data structure in use is a stack or a queue.

Class coders has a simple program to demonstrate the enqueue and dequeue process. You could check it out for reference.

Best way to check function arguments?

If you want to check **kwargs, *args as well as normal arguments in one go, you can use the locals() function as the first statement in your function definition to get a dictionary of the arguments.

Then use type() to examine the arguments, for example whilst iterating over the dict.

def myfunc(my, args, to, this, function, **kwargs):
    d = locals()
    assert(type(d.get('x')) == str)
    for x in d:
        if x != 'x':
            assert(type(d[x]) == x
    for x in ['a','b','c']:
        assert(x in d)

    whatever more...

How can I parse a YAML file in Python

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import yaml

def main(argv):

    with open(argv[0]) as stream:
            return 0
        except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
            return 1

if __name__ == "__main__":

Selecting a Linux I/O Scheduler

It's possible to use a udev rule to let the system decide on the scheduler based on some characteristics of the hw.
An example udev rule for SSDs and other non-rotational drives might look like

# set noop scheduler for non-rotating disks
ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="0", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="noop"

inside a new udev rules file (e.g., /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ssd-scheduler.rules). This answer is based on the debian wiki

To check whether ssd disks would use the rule, it's possible to check for the trigger attribute in advance:

for f in /sys/block/sd?/queue/rotational; do printf "$f "; cat $f; done

How do I declare an array of undefined or no initial size?

Try to implement dynamic data structure such as a linked list

How can I resolve the error "The security token included in the request is invalid" when running aws iam upload-server-certificate?

I had the same error but was caused by a different issue.

The credentials were changed on AWS but I was still using a cached MFA session token for the config profile.

There is a cache file for each profile under ~/.aws/cli/cache/ containing the session token.

Remove the cache file, reissue the command and enter a new MFA token and its good to go.

show validation error messages on submit in angularjs

I also had the same issue, I solved the problem by adding a ng-submit which sets the variable submitted to true.

<form name="form" ng-submit="submitted = true" novalidate>
    <span ng-if="submitted &&$">invalid email address</span> 
    <span ng-if="submitted &&$error.required">required</span>
    <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" required>

    <span ng-if="submitted &&$error.required">required</span>
    <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" required>

<button ng-click="form.$valid && save(user)">Save</button>

I like the idea of using $submitted, I think I've to upgrade Angular to 1.3 ;)

Pass all variables from one shell script to another?

You have basically two options:

  1. Make the variable an environment variable (export TESTVARIABLE) before executing the 2nd script.
  2. Source the 2nd script, i.e. . and it will run in the same shell. This would let you share more complex variables like arrays easily, but also means that the other script could modify variables in the source shell.


To use export to set an environment variable, you can either use an existing variable:

# ...
export A

This ought to work in both bash and sh. bash also allows it to be combined like so:

export A=10

This also works in my sh (which happens to be bash, you can use echo $SHELL to check). But I don't believe that that's guaranteed to work in all sh, so best to play it safe and separate them.

Any variable you export in this way will be visible in scripts you execute, for example:


export MESSAGE


echo "The message is: $MESSAGE"


$ ./
The message is: hello

The fact that these are both shell scripts is also just incidental. Environment variables can be passed to any process you execute, for example if we used python instead it might look like:


export MESSAGE


import os

print 'The message is:', os.environ['MESSAGE']


Instead we could source like this:



. ./


echo "The message is: $MESSAGE"


$ ./
The message is: hello

This more or less "imports" the contents of directly and executes it in the same shell. Notice that we didn't have to export the variable to access it. This implicitly shares all the variables you have, as well as allows the other script to add/delete/modify variables in the shell. Of course, in this model both your scripts should be the same language (sh or bash). To give an example how we could pass messages back and forth:



. ./

echo "[A] The message is: $MESSAGE"


echo "[B] The message is: $MESSAGE"



$ ./
[B] The message is: hello
[A] The message is: goodbye

This works equally well in bash. It also makes it easy to share more complex data which you could not express as an environment variable (at least without some heavy lifting on your part), like arrays or associative arrays.

PHP random string generator

To answer this question specifically, two problems:

  1. $randstring is not in scope when you echo it.
  2. The characters are not getting concatenated together in the loop.

Here's a code snippet with the corrections:

function generateRandomString($length = 10) {
    $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
    $charactersLength = strlen($characters);
    $randomString = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)];
    return $randomString;

Output the random string with the call below:

// Echo the random string.
// Optionally, you can give it a desired string length.
echo generateRandomString();

Please note that this generates predictable random strings. If you want to create secure tokens, see this answer.

Function to get yesterday's date in Javascript in format DD/MM/YYYY

The problem here seems to be that you're reassigning $today by assigning a string to it:

$today = $dd+'/'+$mm+'/'+$yyyy;

Strings don't have getDate.

Also, $today.getDate()-1 just gives you the day of the month minus one; it doesn't give you the full date of 'yesterday'. Try this:

$today = new Date();
$yesterday = new Date($today);
$yesterday.setDate($today.getDate() - 1); //setDate also supports negative values, which cause the month to rollover.

Then just apply the formatting code you wrote:

var $dd = $yesterday.getDate();
var $mm = $yesterday.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!

var $yyyy = $yesterday.getFullYear();
if($dd<10){$dd='0'+$dd} if($mm<10){$mm='0'+$mm} $yesterday = $dd+'/'+$mm+'/'+$yyyy;

Because of the last statement, $yesterday is now a String (not a Date) containing the formatted date.

CSS styling in Django forms

I was playing around with this solution to maintain consistency throughout the app:

def bootstrap_django_fields(field_klass, css_class):
    class Wrapper(field_klass):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        def widget_attrs(self, widget):
            attrs = super().widget_attrs(widget)
            if not widget.is_hidden:
                attrs["class"] = css_class
            return attrs

    return Wrapper

MyAppCharField = bootstrap_django_fields(forms.CharField, "form-control")

Then you don't have to define your css classes on a form by form basis, just use your custom form field.

It's also technically possible to redefine Django's forms classes on startup like so:

forms.CharField = bootstrap_django_fields(forms.CharField, "form-control")

Then you could set the styling globally even for apps not in your direct control. This seems pretty sketchy, so I am not sure if I can recommend this.

The opposite of Intersect()

You can use


Or you can use

var difference = new HashSet(a);

Get Unix timestamp with C++

I created a global define with more information:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>

#define __FILENAME__ (__builtin_strrchr(__FILE__, '/') ? __builtin_strrchr(__FILE__, '/') + 1 : __FILE__)    // only show filename and not it's path (less clutter)
#define INFO std::cout << std::put_time(std::localtime(&time_now), "%y-%m-%d %OH:%OM:%OS") << " [INFO] " << __FILENAME__ << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ") >> "
#define ERROR std::cout << std::put_time(std::localtime(&time_now), "%y-%m-%d %OH:%OM:%OS") << " [ERROR] " << __FILENAME__ << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ") >> "

static std::time_t time_now = std::time(nullptr);

Use it like this:

INFO << "Hello world" << std::endl;
ERROR << "Goodbye world" << std::endl;

Sample output:

16-06-23 21:33:19 [INFO] main.cpp(main:6) >> Hello world
16-06-23 21:33:19 [ERROR] main.cpp(main:7) >> Goodbye world

Put these lines in your header file. I find this very useful for debugging, etc.

Read Variable from Web.Config

Assuming the key is contained inside the <appSettings> node:


As for "writing" - put simply, dont.

The web.config is not designed for that, if you're going to be changing a value constantly, put it in a static helper class.

How to compute precision, recall, accuracy and f1-score for the multiclass case with scikit learn?

Posed question

Responding to the question 'what metric should be used for multi-class classification with imbalanced data': Macro-F1-measure. Macro Precision and Macro Recall can be also used, but they are not so easily interpretable as for binary classificaion, they are already incorporated into F-measure, and excess metrics complicate methods comparison, parameters tuning, and so on.

Micro averaging are sensitive to class imbalance: if your method, for example, works good for the most common labels and totally messes others, micro-averaged metrics show good results.

Weighting averaging isn't well suited for imbalanced data, because it weights by counts of labels. Moreover, it is too hardly interpretable and unpopular: for instance, there is no mention of such an averaging in the following very detailed survey I strongly recommend to look through:

Sokolova, Marina, and Guy Lapalme. "A systematic analysis of performance measures for classification tasks." Information Processing & Management 45.4 (2009): 427-437.

Application-specific question

However, returning to your task, I'd research 2 topics:

  1. metrics commonly used for your specific task - it lets (a) to compare your method with others and understand if you do something wrong, and (b) to not explore this by yourself and reuse someone else's findings;
  2. cost of different errors of your methods - for example, use-case of your application may rely on 4- and 5-star reviewes only - in this case, good metric should count only these 2 labels.

Commonly used metrics. As I can infer after looking through literature, there are 2 main evaluation metrics:

  1. Accuracy, which is used, e.g. in

Yu, April, and Daryl Chang. "Multiclass Sentiment Prediction using Yelp Business."

(link) - note that the authors work with almost the same distribution of ratings, see Figure 5.

Pang, Bo, and Lillian Lee. "Seeing stars: Exploiting class relationships for sentiment categorization with respect to rating scales." Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2005.


  1. MSE (or, less often, Mean Absolute Error - MAE) - see, for example,

Lee, Moontae, and R. Grafe. "Multiclass sentiment analysis with restaurant reviews." Final Projects from CS N 224 (2010).

(link) - they explore both accuracy and MSE, considering the latter to be better

Pappas, Nikolaos, Rue Marconi, and Andrei Popescu-Belis. "Explaining the Stars: Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis." Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods In Natural Language Processing. No. EPFL-CONF-200899. 2014.

(link) - they utilize scikit-learn for evaluation and baseline approaches and state that their code is available; however, I can't find it, so if you need it, write a letter to the authors, the work is pretty new and seems to be written in Python.

Cost of different errors. If you care more about avoiding gross blunders, e.g. assinging 1-star to 5-star review or something like that, look at MSE; if difference matters, but not so much, try MAE, since it doesn't square diff; otherwise stay with Accuracy.

About approaches, not metrics

Try regression approaches, e.g. SVR, since they generally outperforms Multiclass classifiers like SVC or OVA SVM.

How do I shrink my SQL Server Database?

"Therefore it's reasonable to assume much space should now be retrievable."

Apologies if I misunderstood the question, but are you sure it's the database and not the log files that are using up the space? Check to see what recovery model the database is in. Chances are it's in Full, which means the log file is never truncated. If you don't need a complete record of every transaction, you should be able to change to Simple, which will truncate the logs. You can shrink the database during the process. Assuming things go right, the process looks like:

  1. Backup the database!
  2. Change to Simple Recovery
  3. Shrink db (right-click db, choose all tasks > shrink db -> set to 10% free space)
  4. Verify that the space has been reclaimed, if not you might have to do a full backup

If that doesn't work (or you get a message saying "log file is full" when you try to switch recovery modes), try this:

  1. Backup
  2. Kill all connections to the db
  3. Detach db (right-click > Detach or right-click > All Tasks > Detach)
  4. Delete the log (ldf) file
  5. Reattach the db
  6. Change the recovery mode


Do not want scientific notation on plot axis

The R graphics package has the function axTicks that returns the tick locations of the ticks that the axis and plot functions would set automatically. The other answers given to this question define the tick locations manually which might not be convenient in some situations.

myTicks = axTicks(1)
axis(1, at = myTicks, labels = formatC(myTicks, format = 'd'))

A minimal example would be

plot(10^(0:10), 0:10, log = 'x', xaxt = 'n')
myTicks = axTicks(1)
axis(1, at = myTicks, labels = formatC(myTicks, format = 'd'))

There is also an log parameter in the axTicks function but in this situation it does not need to be set to get the proper logarithmic axis tick location.

Edit and Continue: "Changes are not allowed when..."

what worked for me was unchecking "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" under

Tools -> Options -> Debugging

TBN: checking or unchecking "Require source file to exactly match the original version" seems not influences the E&C

Hope this can help.

How to display gpg key details without importing it?

When I stumbled up on this answer I was looking for a way to get an output that is easy to parse. For me the option --with-colons did the trick:

$ gpg --with-colons file
sec::4096:1:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:YYYY-MM-DD::::Name (comment) email

Documentation can be found here.

How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

The loc parameter specifies in which corner of the bounding box the legend is placed. The default for loc is loc="best" which gives unpredictable results when the bbox_to_anchor argument is used.
Therefore, when specifying bbox_to_anchor, always specify loc as well.

The default for bbox_to_anchor is (0,0,1,1), which is a bounding box over the complete axes. If a different bounding box is specified, is is usually sufficient to use the first two values, which give (x0, y0) of the bounding box.

Below is an example where the bounding box is set to position (0.6,0.5) (green dot) and different loc parameters are tested. Because the legend extents outside the bounding box, the loc parameter may be interpreted as "which corner of the legend shall be placed at position given by the 2-tuple bbox_to_anchor argument".

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 6, 3
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3)
locs = ["upper left", "lower left", "center right"]
for l, ax in zip(locs, axes.flatten()):
    ax.plot([1,2,3],[2,3,1], "b-", label="blue")
    ax.plot([1,2,3],[1,2,1], "r-", label="red")
    ax.legend(loc=l, bbox_to_anchor=(0.6,0.5))
    ax.scatter((0.6),(0.5), s=81, c="limegreen", transform=ax.transAxes)


See especially this answer for a detailed explanation and the question What does a 4-element tuple argument for 'bbox_to_anchor' mean in matplotlib? .

If you want to specify the legend position in other coordinates than axes coordinates, you can do so by using the bbox_transform argument. If may make sense to use figure coordinates

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,0), loc="lower right",  bbox_transform=fig.transFigure)

It may not make too much sense to use data coordinates, but since you asked for it this would be done via bbox_transform=ax.transData.

Shorthand if/else statement Javascript

Appears you are having 'y' default to 1: An arrow function would be useful in 2020:

let x = (y = 1) => //insert operation with y here

Let 'x' be a function where 'y' is a parameter which would be assigned a default to '1' if it is some null or undefined value, then return some operation with y.

What is the Ruby <=> (spaceship) operator?

Perl was likely the first language to use it. Groovy is another language that supports it. Basically instead of returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the arguments are equal or unequal, the spaceship operator will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on the value of the left argument relative to the right argument.

a <=> b :=
  if a < b then return -1
  if a = b then return  0
  if a > b then return  1
  if a and b are not comparable then return nil

It's useful for sorting an array.

package R does not exist

If this error appeared after resolving merge conflicts, simple Build -> Clean project could help.

How to avoid precompiled headers

Right click project solution

Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers

  1. Click on "Precompiled Headers" change to "Not Using Precompiled Headers".

  2. Erase the "pch.h"/"stdafx.h" field in "Precompiled Header File" for the EOF error at the end of the build for the project.

  3. Then you can feel free to delete the pch./stdafx. files in your project

Printing prime numbers from 1 through 100

Using Sieve of Eratosthenes logic, I am able to achieve the same results with much faster speed.

My code demo VS accepted answer.

Comparing the count, my code takes significantly lesser iteration to finish the job. Checkout the results for different N values in the end.

Why this code performs better than already accepted ones:

- the even numbers are not checked even once throughout the process.

- both inner and outer loops are checking only within possible limits. No extraneous checks.


int N = 1000; //Print primes number from 1 to N
vector<bool> primes(N, true);
for(int i = 3; i*i < N; i += 2){    //Jump of 2
    for(int j = 3; j*i < N; j+=2){  //Again, jump of 2
        primes[j*i] = false;
if(N >= 2) cout << "2 ";
for(int i = 3; i < N; i+=2){        //Again, jump of 2
    if(primes[i] == true) cout << i << " "; 

For N = 1000, my code takes 1166 iterations, accepted answer takes 5287 (4.5 times slower)

For N = 10000, my code takes 14637 iterations, accepted answer takes 117526 (8 times slower)

For N = 100000, my code takes 175491 iterations, accepted answer takes 2745693 (15.6 times slower)

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

Im coming from react native but I think that this applies to this question as well. To specify.

Within the file android/app/build.gradle search for applicationId (within android, defaultConfig)

and ensure that that value is the same this


as the value within google-services.json.

Execute multiple command lines with the same process using .NET

A command-line process such cmd.exe or mysql.exe will usually read (and execute) whatever you (the user) type in (at the keyboard).

To mimic that, I think you want to use the RedirectStandardInput property:

Installing pip packages to $HOME folder

You can specify the -t option (--target) to specify the destination directory. See pip install --help for detailed information. This is the command you need:

pip install -t path_to_your_home package-name

for example, for installing say mxnet, in my $HOME directory, I type:

pip install -t /home/foivos/ mxnet

How to get number of rows using SqlDataReader in C#

to complete of Pit answer and for better perfromance : get all in one query and use NextResult method.

using (var sqlCon = new SqlConnection("Server=;Database=MyDb;User Id=Me;Password=glop;"))
    var com = sqlCon.CreateCommand();
    com.CommandText = "select * from BigTable;select @@ROWCOUNT;";
    using (var reader = com.ExecuteReader())
            //iterate code
        int totalRow = 0 ;
        reader.NextResult(); // 
            totalRow = (int)reader[0];

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is the world’s most popular and widely used open-source framework for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. It is a front end framework of HTML. Bootstrap helps in building responsive websites or web applications and a 12-column grid system that helps dynamically adjust the website to a suitable screen resolution. The current version of bootstrap is 4.3.1 and the bootstrap team has also officially announced Bootstrap 5 version and changes like removing jquery from bootstrap. Some of the crucial reasons why bootstrap framework is most preferable are

  • It is easy to use

  • Bootstrap has a big community support

  • Customizations can be done easily

  • It increases development speed

  • Responsiveness

    For more details, you can check the official website:


How to hide a TemplateField column in a GridView

protected void gvLogMessageDetail_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)  
      if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)   
            if (rdlForImportOrExport.SelectedIndex == 1)  
                e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = false;  
                e.Row.Cells[4].Visible = false;  
                e.Row.Cells[5].Visible = false;  
                e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = true;  
                e.Row.Cells[4].Visible = true;  
                e.Row.Cells[5].Visible = true;  
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) //skip header row  
                if (rdlForImportOrExport.SelectedIndex == 1)  
                    e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = false;  
                    e.Row.Cells[4].Visible = false;  
                    e.Row.Cells[5].Visible = false;  
                    e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = true;  
                    e.Row.Cells[4].Visible = true;  
                    e.Row.Cells[5].Visible = true;  
                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Expand", "<SCRIPT   LANGUAGE='javascript'>alert('There is binding problem in child grid.');</script>");  

What is the Difference Between Mercurial and Git?

There is a dynamic comparison chart over at the versioncontrolblog where you can compare several different version control systems.

Here is a comparison table between git, hg and bzr.

Emulate a 403 error page

Refresh the page after sending the 403:

header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">

How do I compare two strings in python?

If you want a really simple answer:

s_1 = "abc def ghi"
s_2 = "def ghi abc"
flag = 0
for i in s_1:
    if i not in s_2:
        flag = 1
if flag == 0:
    print("a == b")
    print("a != b")

Where's my invalid character (ORA-00911)

Of the top of my head, can you try to use the 'q' operator for the string literal

something like

insert all
  into domo_queries values (q'[select 
substr(to_char(max_data),1,4) as year,
substr(to_char(max_data),5,6) as month,
from dss_fin_user.acq_dashboard_src_load_success
where source = 'CHQ PeopleSoft FS']')
select * from dual;

Note that the single quotes of your predicate are not escaped, and the string sits between q'[...]'.

HTML5 Number Input - Always show 2 decimal places

This works to enforce a max of 2 decimal places without automatically rounding to 2 places if the user isn't finished typing.

function naturalRound(e) {

   let dec =".")
   let tooLong = > dec + 3
   let invalidNum = isNaN(parseFloat(

   if ((dec >= 0 && tooLong) || invalidNum) { =, -1)

Converting String Array to an Integer Array

You could read the entire input line from scanner, then split the line by , then you have a String[], parse each number into int[] with index one to one matching...(assuming valid input and no NumberFormatExceptions) like

String line = scanner.nextLine();
String[] numberStrs = line.split(",");
int[] numbers = new int[numberStrs.length];
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)
   // Note that this is assuming valid input
   // If you want to check then add a try/catch 
   // and another index for the numbers if to continue adding the others (see below)
   numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);

As YoYo's answer suggests, the above can be achieved more concisely in Java 8:

int[] numbers =",")).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();  

To handle invalid input

You will need to consider what you want need to do in this case, do you want to know that there was bad input at that element or just skip it.

If you don't need to know about invalid input but just want to continue parsing the array you could do the following:

int index = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)
        numbers[index] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
        //Do nothing or you could print error if you want
// Now there will be a number of 'invalid' elements 
// at the end which will need to be trimmed
numbers = Arrays.copyOf(numbers, index);

The reason we should trim the resulting array is that the invalid elements at the end of the int[] will be represented by a 0, these need to be removed in order to differentiate between a valid input value of 0.

Results in

Input: "2,5,6,bad,10"
Output: [2,3,6,10]

If you need to know about invalid input later you could do the following:

Integer[] numbers = new Integer[numberStrs.length];
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)        
        numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)   
        numbers[i] = null;

In this case bad input (not a valid integer) the element will be null.

Results in

Input: "2,5,6,bad,10"
Output: [2,3,6,null,10]

You could potentially improve performance by not catching the exception (see this question for more on this) and use a different method to check for valid integers.

SQL Server : How to test if a string has only digit characters

DECLARE @x int=1
declare @exit bit=1
WHILE @x<=len('123c') AND @exit=1
IF ascii(SUBSTRING('123c',@x,1)) BETWEEN 48 AND 57
set @x=@x+1
SET @exit=0
PRINT 'string is not all numeric  -:('

Using PropertyInfo to find out the property type

I just stumbled upon this great post. If you are just checking whether the data is of string type then maybe we can skip the loop and use this struct (in my humble opinion)

public static bool IsStringType(object data)
        return (data.GetType().GetProperties().Where(x => x.PropertyType == typeof(string)).FirstOrDefault() != null);

'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

When you want to run an executable file from the Command prompt, (cmd.exe), or a batch file, it will:

  • Search the current working directory for the executable file.
  • Search all locations specified in the %PATH% environment variable for the executable file.

If the file isn't found in either of those options you will need to either:

  1. Specify the location of your executable.
  2. Change the working directory to that which holds the executable.
  3. Add the location to %PATH% by apending it, (recommended only with extreme caution).

You can see which locations are specified in %PATH% from the Command prompt, Echo %Path%.

Because of your reported error we can assume that Mobile.exe is not in the current directory or in a location specified within the %Path% variable, so you need to use 1., 2. or 3..

Examples for 1.



"C:\directory path with spaces\My-App\Mobile.exe"

Alternatively you may try:

Start C:\directory_path_without_spaces\My-App\Mobile.exe


Start "" "C:\directory path with spaces\My-App\Mobile.exe"

Where "" is an empty title, (you can optionally add a string between those doublequotes).

Examples for 2.

CD /D C:\directory_path_without_spaces\My-App


CD /D "C:\directory path with spaces\My-App"

You could also use the /D option with Start to change the working directory for the executable to be run by the start command

Start /D C:\directory_path_without_spaces\My-App Mobile.exe


Start "" /D "C:\directory path with spaces\My-App" Mobile.exe

CSS: how do I create a gap between rows in a table?

the padding in the TD works if you want the space to have the same background color as the td

in my case, requirement was for white space between header row and whatever was above it

by applying this styling to a single cell, i was able to get the desired separation. It was not necessary to add it to all cells... Arguably not the MOST elegant, but possibly more elegant than separator rows.

<td colspan="10"> 
    <div class="HeaderRow" 
            <%# Eval("VendorName")%>

Can't choose class as main class in IntelliJ

Select the folder containing the package tree of these classes, right-click and choose "Mark Directory as -> Source Root"

Spring: @Component versus @Bean

@Component and @Bean do two quite different things, and shouldn't be confused.

@Component (and @Service and @Repository) are used to auto-detect and auto-configure beans using classpath scanning. There's an implicit one-to-one mapping between the annotated class and the bean (i.e. one bean per class). Control of wiring is quite limited with this approach, since it's purely declarative.

@Bean is used to explicitly declare a single bean, rather than letting Spring do it automatically as above. It decouples the declaration of the bean from the class definition, and lets you create and configure beans exactly how you choose.

To answer your question...

would it have been possible to re-use the @Component annotation instead of introducing @Bean annotation?

Sure, probably; but they chose not to, since the two are quite different. Spring's already confusing enough without muddying the waters further.

window.print() not working in IE

add checking condition for onload

if (newWinObj.onload) {
    newWinObj.onload = function() {
else {

copy from one database to another using oracle sql developer - connection failed

The copy command is a SQL*Plus command (not a SQL Developer command). If you have your tnsname entries setup for SID1 and SID2 (e.g. try a tnsping), you should be able to execute your command.

Another assumption is that table1 has the same columns as the message_table (and the columns have only the following data types: CHAR, DATE, LONG, NUMBER or VARCHAR2). Also, with an insert command, you would need to be concerned about primary keys (e.g. that you are not inserting duplicate records).

I tried a variation of your command as follows in SQL*Plus (with no errors):

copy from scott/tiger@db1 to scott/tiger@db2 create new_emp using select * from emp;

After I executed the above statement, I also truncate the new_emp table and executed this command:

copy from scott/tiger@db1 to scott/tiger@db2 insert new_emp using select * from emp;

With SQL Developer, you could do the following to perform a similar approach to copying objects:

  1. On the tool bar, select Tools>Database copy.

  2. Identify source and destination connections with the copy options you would like. enter image description here

  3. For object type, select table(s). enter image description here

  4. Specify the specific table(s) (e.g. table1). enter image description here

The copy command approach is old and its features are not being updated with the release of new data types. There are a number of more current approaches to this like Oracle's data pump (even for tables).

How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text?

To go with thelost's Apache Commons answer: using guava-libraries (Google's general-purpose Java utility library which I would argue should now be on the classpath of any non-trivial Java project), this would use CharMatcher:'0').trimLeadingFrom(inputString);

The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

All answers posted so far are giving the right solutions, however no one answer was able to properly explain the underlying cause of the concrete problem.

Facelets is a XML based view technology which uses XHTML+XML to generate HTML output. XML has five special characters which has special treatment by the XML parser:

  • < the start of a tag.
  • > the end of a tag.
  • " the start and end of an attribute value.
  • ' the alternative start and end of an attribute value.
  • & the start of an entity (which ends with ;).

In case of & which is not followed by # (e.g. &#160;, &#xA0;, etc), the XML parser is implicitly looking for one of the five predefined entity names lt, gt, amp, quot and apos, or any manually defined entity name. However, in your particular case, you was using & as a JavaScript operator, not as an XML entity. This totally explains the XML parsing error you got:

The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

In essence, you're writing JavaScript code in the wrong place, a XML document instead of a JS file, so you should be escaping all XML special characters accordingly. The & must be escaped as &amp;.

So, in your particular case, the

if (Modernizr.canvas && Modernizr.localstorage && 

must become

if (Modernizr.canvas &amp;&amp; Modernizr.localstorage &amp;&amp;

to make it XML-valid.

However, this makes the JavaScript code harder to read and maintain. As stated in Mozilla Developer Network's excellent document Writing JavaScript for XHTML, you should be placing the JavaScript code in a character data (CDATA) block. Thus, in JSF terms, that would be:

        // ...

The XML parser will interpret the block's contents as "plain vanilla" character data and not as XML and hence interpret the XML special characters "as-is".

But, much better is to just put the JS code in its own JS file which you include by <script src>, or in JSF terms, the <h:outputScript>.

<h:outputScript name="onload.js" target="body" />

(note the target="body"; this way JSF will automatically render the <script> at the very end of <body>, regardless of where <h:outputScript> itself is located, hereby achieving the same effect as with window.onload and $(document).ready(); so you don't need to use those anymore in that script)

This way you don't need to worry about XML-special characters in your JS code. As an additional bonus, this gives you the opportunity to let the browser cache the JS file so that total response size is smaller.

See also:

How to Use Multiple Columns in Partition By And Ensure No Duplicate Row is Returned

Try this, It worked for me

                ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [Code],[Name],[CategoryCode] ORDER BY ID DESC) rownumber
            FROM MasterTable
          ) a
        WHERE rownumber = 1 

Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 1.8 -> [Help 1]

You have set your %JAVA_HOME to jdk 1.7, but you are trying to compile using 1.8. Install jdk 1.8 and make sure your %JAVA_HOME points to that or drop the target release to 1.7.

invalid target release: 1.8

The target release refers to the jdk version.

How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?


select replace_foreign_key('user_rates_posts', 'post_id', 'ON DELETE CASCADE');


    replace_foreign_key(f_table VARCHAR, f_column VARCHAR, new_options VARCHAR) 
AS $$
DECLARE constraint_name varchar;
DECLARE reftable varchar;
DECLARE refcolumn varchar;

SELECT tc.constraint_name, ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name 
    information_schema.table_constraints AS tc 
    JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
      ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
    JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu
      ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
   AND tc.table_name= f_table AND kcu.column_name= f_column
INTO constraint_name, reftable, refcolumn;

EXECUTE 'alter table ' || f_table || ' drop constraint ' || constraint_name || 
', ADD CONSTRAINT ' || constraint_name || ' FOREIGN KEY (' || f_column || ') ' ||
' REFERENCES ' || reftable || '(' || refcolumn || ') ' || new_options || ';';

RETURN 'Constraint replaced: ' || constraint_name || ' (' || f_table || '.' || f_column ||
 ' -> ' || reftable || '.' || refcolumn || '); New options: ' || new_options;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Be aware: this function won't copy attributes of initial foreign key. It only takes foreign table name / column name, drops current key and replaces with new one.

$(this).serialize() -- How to add a value?

We can do like:

data = $form.serialize() + "&foo=bar";

For example:

var userData = localStorage.getItem("userFormSerializeData");
var userId = localStorage.getItem("userId");

    type: "POST",
    url: postUrl,
    data: $(form).serialize() + "&" + userData + "&userId=" + userId,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (response) {
        //do something

Http post and get request in angular 6

For reading full response in Angular you should add the observe option:

{ observe: 'response' }
    return this.http.get(`${environment.serverUrl}/api/posts/${postId}/comments/?page=${page}&size=${size}`, { observe: 'response' });

Use basic authentication with jQuery and Ajax

The examples above are a bit confusing, and this is probably the best way:

  headers: {
    'Authorization': "Basic " + btoa(USERNAME + ":" + PASSWORD)

I took the above from a combination of Rico and Yossi's answer.

The btoa function Base64 encodes a string.

How to reload .bash_profile from the command line?

Simply type source ~/.bash_profile

Alternatively, if you like saving keystrokes you can type . ~/.bash_profile

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

Richie's answer is close. It depends upon the language. Here is a good solution for java:

int smallest =  Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int array[]; // Assume it is filled.
int array_length = array.length;
for (int i = array_length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (array[i] < smallest) {
        smallest = array[i];

I go through the array in reverse order, because comparing "i" to "array_length" in the loop comparison requires a fetch and a comparison (two operations), whereas comparing "i" to "0" is a single JVM bytecode operation. If the work being done in the loop is negligible, then the loop comparison consumes a sizable fraction of the time.

Of course, others pointed out that encapsulating the array and controlling inserts will help. If getting the minimum was ALL you needed, keeping the list in sorted order is not necessary. Just keep an instance variable that holds the smallest inserted so far, and compare it to each value as it is added to the array. (Of course, this fails if you remove elements. In that case, if you remove the current lowest value, you need to do a scan of the entire array to find the new lowest value.)

How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android

You can have 5 imageview with defalut image as star that is empty and fill the rating bar with half or full image base on rating.

 public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
     LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
     View grid=inflater.inflate(R.layout.griditem, parent, false);
     imgoff =(ImageView)grid.findViewById(;
     tv.setPadding(0, 2, 0, 0);
    Float rate=rateFArr[position];

   if(rate==5 || rate==4.5)
    if(rate==4 || rate==3.5)
    if(rate==3 || rate==2.5)
    if(rate==2 || rate==1.5)
    if(rate==1 || rate==0.5)


    // rb=(RatingBar)findViewById(;
        return grid;

SQL Query To Obtain Value that Occurs more than once

The answers mentioned here is quite elegant but upon testing, I realize it only returns the last name. What if you want to return the entire record itself ? Do this (For Mysql)

FROM `beneficiary`
WHERE `lastname`
IN (

  SELECT `lastname`
  FROM `beneficiary`
  GROUP BY `lastname`
  HAVING COUNT( `lastname` ) >1

SQL Error: ORA-00942 table or view does not exist

Case sensitive Tables (table names created with double-quotes) can throw this same error as well. See this answer for more information.

Simply wrap the table in double quotes:

INSERT INTO "customer" (c_id,name,surname) VALUES ('1','Micheal','Jackson')

HTML - Arabic Support

As mentioned above, by default text editors will not use UTF-8 as the standard encoding for documents. However most editors will allow you to change that in the settings. Even for each specific document.

Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?

Here is the fix :

for a sample data like :

financeRef.pageCount = [{listCount:10,listName:modelStrings.COMMON_TEN_PAGE},    

The select option should be like this:-

<select ng-model="financeRef.financeLimit" ng-change="financeRef.updateRecords(1)" 
class="perPageCount" ng-show="financeRef.showTable" ng-init="financeRef.financeLimit=10"
ng-options="value.listCount as value.listName for  value in financeRef.pageCount"

The point being when we write value.listCount as value.listName, it automatically populates the text in value.listName but the value of the selected option is value.listCount although the values my show normal 0,1,2 .. and so on !!!

In my case, the financeRef.financeLimit is actually grabbing the value.listCount and I can do my manipulation in the controller dynamically.

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:java (default-cli)

I had a similar problem with 'org.codehaus.mojo'-'jaxws-maven-plugin': could not resolve dependencies. Fortunately, I was able to do a Project > Clean in Eclipse, which resolved the issue.

Find specific string in a text file with VBS script

I'd recommend using a regular expressions instead of string operations for this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

filename = "C:\VBS\filediprova.txt"

newtext = vbLf & "<tr><td><a href=""..."">Beginning_of_DD_TC5</a></td></tr>"

Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "(\n.*?Test Case \d)"
re.Global  = False
re.IgnoreCase = True

text = f.OpenTextFile(filename).ReadAll
f.OpenTextFile(filename, 2).Write re.Replace(text, newText & "$1")

The regular expression will match a line feed (\n) followed by a line containing the string Test Case followed by a number (\d), and the replacement will prepend that with the text you want to insert (variable newtext). Setting re.Global = False makes the replacement stop after the first match.

If the line breaks in your text file are encoded as CR-LF (carriage return + line feed) you'll have to change \n into \r\n and vbLf into vbCrLf.

If you have to modify several text files, you could do it in a loop like this:

For Each f In fso.GetFolder("C:\VBS").Files
  If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) = "txt" Then
    text = f.OpenAsTextStream.ReadAll
    f.OpenAsTextStream(2).Write re.Replace(text, newText & "$1")
  End If

How to check if another instance of my shell script is running

I have found that using backticks to capture command output into a variable, adversly, yeilds one too many ps aux results, e.g. for a single running instance of

ps aux | grep -w "" | grep -v grep | wc -l

returns "1". However,

count=`ps aux | grep -w "" | grep -v grep | wc -l`
echo $count

returns "2"

Seems like using the backtick construction somehow temporarily creates another process. Could be the reason why the topicstarter could not make this work. Just need to decrement the $count var.

Center Triangle at Bottom of Div

Check this:

    width: 90%;
    height: 200px;
    margin: auto;
    background-color: #e15915;

    width: 0px;
    height: 0px;
    border-style: solid;
    margin: auto;
    border-width: 90px 58px 0 58px;
    border-color: #e15915 transparent transparent transparent;
    line-height: 0px;
    _border-color: #e15915 #000000 #000000 #000000;
    _filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='#000000')

How can I use a JavaScript variable as a PHP variable?

PHP is run server-side. JavaScript is run client-side in the browser of the user requesting the page. By the time the JavaScript is executed, there is no access to PHP on the server whatsoever. Please read this article with details about client-side vs server-side coding.

What happens in a nutshell is this:

  • You click a link in your browser on your computer under your desk
  • The browser creates an HTTP request and sends it to a server on the Internet
  • The server checks if he can handle the request
  • If the request is for a PHP page, the PHP interpreter is started
  • The PHP interpreter will run all PHP code in the page you requested
  • The PHP interpreter will NOT run any JS code, because it has no clue about it
  • The server will send the page assembled by the interpreter back to your browser
  • Your browser will render the page and show it to you
  • JavaScript is executed on your computer

In your case, PHP will write the JS code into the page, so it can be executed when the page is rendered in your browser. By that time, the PHP part in your JS snippet does no longer exist. It was executed on the server already. It created a variable $result that contained a SQL query string. You didn't use it, so when the page is send back to your browser, it's gone. Have a look at the sourcecode when the page is rendered in your browser. You will see that there is nothing at the position you put the PHP code.

The only way to do what you are looking to do is either:

  • do a redirect to a PHP script or
  • do an AJAX call to a PHP script

with the values you want to be insert into the database.

When should I use a table variable vs temporary table in sql server?

Your question shows you have succumbed to some of the common misconceptions surrounding table variables and temporary tables.

I have written quite an extensive answer on the DBA site looking at the differences between the two object types. This also addresses your question about disk vs memory (I didn't see any significant difference in behaviour between the two).

Regarding the question in the title though as to when to use a table variable vs a local temporary table you don't always have a choice. In functions, for example, it is only possible to use a table variable and if you need to write to the table in a child scope then only a #temp table will do (table-valued parameters allow readonly access).

Where you do have a choice some suggestions are below (though the most reliable method is to simply test both with your specific workload).

  1. If you need an index that cannot be created on a table variable then you will of course need a #temporary table. The details of this are version dependant however. For SQL Server 2012 and below the only indexes that could be created on table variables were those implicitly created through a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. SQL Server 2014 introduced inline index syntax for a subset of the options available in CREATE INDEX. This has been extended since to allow filtered index conditions. Indexes with INCLUDE-d columns or columnstore indexes are still not possible to create on table variables however.

  2. If you will be repeatedly adding and deleting large numbers of rows from the table then use a #temporary table. That supports TRUNCATE (which is more efficient than DELETE for large tables) and additionally subsequent inserts following a TRUNCATE can have better performance than those following a DELETE as illustrated here.

  3. If you will be deleting or updating a large number of rows then the temp table may well perform much better than a table variable - if it is able to use rowset sharing (see "Effects of rowset sharing" below for an example).
  4. If the optimal plan using the table will vary dependent on data then use a #temporary table. That supports creation of statistics which allows the plan to be dynamically recompiled according to the data (though for cached temporary tables in stored procedures the recompilation behaviour needs to be understood separately).
  5. If the optimal plan for the query using the table is unlikely to ever change then you may consider a table variable to skip the overhead of statistics creation and recompiles (would possibly require hints to fix the plan you want).
  6. If the source for the data inserted to the table is from a potentially expensive SELECT statement then consider that using a table variable will block the possibility of this using a parallel plan.
  7. If you need the data in the table to survive a rollback of an outer user transaction then use a table variable. A possible use case for this might be logging the progress of different steps in a long SQL batch.
  8. When using a #temp table within a user transaction locks can be held longer than for table variables (potentially until the end of transaction vs end of statement dependent on the type of lock and isolation level) and also it can prevent truncation of the tempdb transaction log until the user transaction ends. So this might favour the use of table variables.
  9. Within stored routines, both table variables and temporary tables can be cached. The metadata maintenance for cached table variables is less than that for #temporary tables. Bob Ward points out in his tempdb presentation that this can cause additional contention on system tables under conditions of high concurrency. Additionally, when dealing with small quantities of data this can make a measurable difference to performance.

Effects of rowset sharing



output inserted.* into #T
FROM master..spt_values v1, master..spt_values v2


/*CPU time = 7016 ms,  elapsed time = 7860 ms.*/

/*CPU time = 6234 ms,  elapsed time = 7236 ms.*/

/* CPU time = 828 ms,  elapsed time = 1120 ms.*/

/*CPU time = 672 ms,  elapsed time = 980 ms.*/


What are .NET Assemblies?

As assembly is the smallest unit of versioning security, deployment and reusability of code in Microsoft.Net.

It contains:

- Assembly Identity
- Manifest
- Metadata
- MSIL Code
- Security Information
- Assembly Header

Reading rows from a CSV file in Python

Use the csv module:

import csv

with open("test.csv", "r") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter="\t")
    for i, line in enumerate(reader):
        print 'line[{}] = {}'.format(i, line)


line[0] = ['Year:', 'Dec:', 'Jan:']
line[1] = ['1', '50', '60']
line[2] = ['2', '25', '50']
line[3] = ['3', '30', '30']
line[4] = ['4', '40', '20']
line[5] = ['5', '10', '10']

Store select query's output in one array in postgres

I had exactly the same problem. Just one more working modification of the solution given by Denis (the type must be specified):

SELECT column_name::text
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name='aean'

Moving from one activity to another Activity in Android

When you have to go from one page to another page in android changes made in 2 files

Intent intentSignUP = new Intent(this,SignUpActivity.class);

add activity in androidManifest file also like

 <activity android:name=".SignUpActivity"></activity>

Change SQLite database mode to read-write

If using Android.

Make sure you have added the permission to write to your EXTERNAL_STORAGE to your AndroidManifest.xml.

Add this line to your AndroidManifest.xml file above and outside your <application> tag.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

This will allow your application to write to the sdcard. This will help if your EXTERNAL_STORAGE is where you have stored your database on the device.

Split a string by another string in C#

The previous answers are all correct. I go one step further and make C# work for me by defining an extension method on String:

public static class Extensions
    public static string[] Split(this string toSplit, string splitOn) {
        return toSplit.Split(new string[] { splitOn }, StringSplitOptions.None);

That way I can call it on any string in the simple way I naively expected the first time I tried to accomplish this:

"a big long string with stuff to split on".Split("g str");

SELECT max(x) is returning null; how can I make it return 0?


SELECT coalesce(MAX(X), 0) AS MaxX
FROM tbl

How to pass a datetime parameter?

This is a solution and a model for possible solutions. Use Moment.js in your client to format dates, convert to unix time.


Setup your route parameters to be long.

public async Task<object[]> Get(long? startDate)
    DateTime? sDate = new DateTime();

        if (startDate != null)
            sDate = new DateTime().FromUnixTime(startDate.Value); 
            sDate = null;
         ... your code here!

Create an extension method for Unix time. Unix DateTime Method

Why use #define instead of a variable

I got in trouble at work one time. I was accused of using "magic numbers" in array declarations.

Like this:

int Marylyn[256], Ann[1024];

The company policy was to avoid these magic numbers because, it was explained to me, that these numbers were not portable; that they impeded easy maintenance. I argued that when I am reading the code, I want to know exactly how big the array is. I lost the argument and so, on a Friday afternoon I replaced the offending "magic numbers" with #defines, like this:

 #define TWO_FIFTY_SIX 256
 #define TEN_TWENTY_FOUR 1024


On the following Monday afternoon I was called in and accused of having passive defiant tendencies.

Get an object's class name at runtime

My solution was not to rely on the class name. works in theory. But if you're using TypeScript in something like Ionic, as soon as you go to production it's going to go up in flames because Ionic's production mode minifies the Javascript code. So the classes get named things like "a" and "e."

What I ended up doing was having a typeName class in all my objects that the constructor assigns the class name to. So:

export class Person {
id: number;
name: string;
typeName: string;

constructor() {
typeName = "Person";

Yes that wasn't what was asked, really. But using the on something that might potentially get minified down the road is just begging for a headache.

Postgresql - select something where date = "01/01/11"

I think you want to cast your dt to a date and fix the format of your date literal:

FROM table
WHERE dt::date = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

Or the standard version:

FROM table
WHERE CAST(dt AS DATE) = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

The extract function doesn't understand "date" and it returns a number.

WhatsApp API (java/python)

This is the developers page of the Open WhatsApp official page:

You can find a lot of information there about Yowsup.

Or, you can just go the the library's link (which I copied from the Open WhatsApp page anyway):


Get button click inside UITableViewCell

Its Work For me.

 - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
     UIButton *Btn_Play = (UIButton *)[cell viewWithTag:101];
     [Btn_Play addTarget:self action:@selector(ButtonClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
-(void)ButtonClicked:(UIButton*)sender {
     CGPoint buttonPosition = [sender convertPoint:CGPointZero toView:self.Tbl_Name];
     NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.Tbl_Name indexPathForRowAtPoint:buttonPosition];

What are enums and why are they useful?

Use enums for TYPE SAFETY, this is a language feature so you will usually get:

  • Compiler support (immediately see type issues)
  • Tool support in IDEs (auto-completion in switch case, missing cases, force default, ...)
  • In some cases enum performance is also great (EnumSet, typesafe alternative to traditional int-based "bit flags.")

Enums can have methods, constructors, you can even use enums inside enums and combine enums with interfaces.

Think of enums as types to replace a well defined set of int constants (which Java 'inherited' from C/C++) and in some cases to replace bit flags.

The book Effective Java 2nd Edition has a whole chapter about them and goes into more details. Also see this Stack Overflow post.

Java "user.dir" property - what exactly does it mean?

user.dir is the "User working directory" according to the Java Tutorial, System Properties

Dynamically create checkbox with JQuery from text input

One of the elements to consider as you design your interface is on what event (when A takes place, B happens...) does the new checkbox end up being added?

Let's say there is a button next to the text box. When the button is clicked the value of the textbox is turned into a new checkbox. Our markup could resemble the following...

<div id="checkboxes">
    <input type="checkbox" /> Some label<br />
    <input type="checkbox" /> Some other label<br />

<input type="text" id="newCheckText" /> <button id="addCheckbox">Add Checkbox</button>

Based on this markup your jquery could bind to the click event of the button and manipulate the DOM.

$('#addCheckbox').click(function() {
    var text = $('#newCheckText').val();
    $('#checkboxes').append('<input type="checkbox" /> ' + text + '<br />');

How do I convert a string to a double in Python?

The decimal operator might be more in line with what you are looking for:

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> x = "234243.434"
>>> print Decimal(x)

How do I create a sequence in MySQL?

By creating the increment table you should be aware not to delete inserted rows. reason for this is to avoid storing large dumb data in db with ID-s in it. Otherwise in case of mysql restart it would get max existing row and continue increment from that point as mention in documentation

To switch from vertical split to horizontal split fast in Vim

Ctrl-w followed by H, J, K or L (capital) will move the current window to the far left, bottom, top or right respectively like normal cursor navigation.

The lower case equivalents move focus instead of moving the window. Is there a way to auto indent / format <html>

You can install an indentator package.

Click on File > Extension Manager....

Look for the search field and type: Indentator > Install

Once Indentator is installed, you can use Ctrl + Alt + I

C++ wait for user input

a do while loop would be a nice way to wait for the user input. Like this:

int main() 

   cout << '\n' << "Press a key to continue...";
 } while (cin.get() != '\n');

 return 0;

You can also use the function system('PAUSE') but I think this is a bit slower and platform dependent

Replace all particular values in a data frame

Since PikkuKatja and glallen asked for a more general solution and I cannot comment yet, I'll write an answer. You can combine statements as in:

> df[df=="" | df==12] <- NA
> df
     A    B
1  <NA> <NA>
2  xyz  <NA>
3  jkl  100

For factors, zxzak's code already yields factors:

> df <- data.frame(list(A=c("","xyz","jkl"), B=c(12,"",100)))
> str(df)
'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ A: Factor w/ 3 levels "","jkl","xyz": 1 3 2
 $ B: Factor w/ 3 levels "","100","12": 3 1 2

If in trouble, I'd suggest to temporarily drop the factors.

df[] <- lapply(df, as.character)

How to determine if string contains specific substring within the first X characters

Use IndexOf is easier and high performance.

int index = Value1.IndexOf("abc");
bool found = index >= 0 && index < x;

Angular2 equivalent of $document.ready()

the accepted answer is not correct, and it makes no sens to accept it considering the question

ngAfterViewInit will trigger when the DOM is ready

whine ngOnInit will trigger when the page component is only starting to be created

C# : Out of Memory exception

3 years old topic, but I found another working solution. If you're sure you have enough free memory, running 64 bit OS and still getting exceptions, go to Project properties -> Build tab and be sure to set x64 as a Platform target.

enter image description here

Convert from enum ordinal to enum type

Safety first (with Kotlin):

// Default to null

// Default to a value
EnumName.values().getOrElse(ordinal) { EnumName.MyValue }

Android Get Current timestamp?

You can get Current timestamp in Android by trying below code


and timeStamp to time format

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
String dateString = formatter.format(new Date(Long.parseLong(time.getText().toString())));

typecast string to integer - Postgres

you can use this query

SUM(NULLIF(conversion_units, '')::numeric)

Flutter plugin not installed error;. When running flutter doctor

I solved this problem by uninstalling flutter from the Plugins. After restarting Android Studio, I opened the plugins, and then it shows that my Dart plugin is not compatible with my Android Studio (v3.6). I updated Dart, restart android studio, then reinstall Flutter again. After that, I have to set the SDK path for the Flutter and voila everything works now :D

concat yesterdays date with a specific time

where date_dt = to_date(to_char(sysdate-1, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ' 19:16:08', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 

should work.

Convert a date format in epoch

This code shows how to use a java.text.SimpleDateFormat to parse a java.util.Date from a String:

String str = "Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC";
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS zzz");
Date date = df.parse(str);
long epoch = date.getTime();
System.out.println(epoch); // 1055545912454

Date.getTime() returns the epoch time in milliseconds.

Maven error :Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?

I was facing the same issue in eclipse maven project, all i did was
right click on the project
maven --> update project
or just press ALT+ F5

LINQ: Select where object does not contain items from list

dump this into a more specific collection of just the ids you don't want

var notTheseBarIds = filterBars.Select(fb => fb.BarId);

then try this:

fooSelect = (from f in fooBunch
             where !notTheseBarIds.Contains(f.BarId)
             select f).ToList();

or this:

fooSelect = fooBunch.Where(f => !notTheseBarIds.Contains(f.BarId)).ToList();

Adding a newline into a string in C#

You can add a new line character after the @ symbol like so:

string newString = oldString.Replace("@", "@\n");  

You can also use the NewLine property in the Environment Class (I think it is Environment).

Ternary operator ?: vs if...else

It is not faster. There is one difference when you can initialize a constant variable depending on some expression:

const int x = (a<b) ? b : a;

You can't do the same with if-else.


The error means that your are trying to look up JNDI name, that is not attached to any EJB component - the component with that name does not exist.

As far as dir structure is concerned: you have to create a JAR file with EJB components. As I understand you want to play with EJB 2.X components (at least the linked example suggests that) so the structure of the JAR file should be:

/com/mypackage/MyEJB.class /com/mypackage/MyEJBInterface.class /com/mypackage/etc... etc... java classes /META-INF/ejb-jar.xml /META-INF/jboss.xml

The JAR file is more or less ZIP file with file extension changed from ZIP to JAR.

BTW. If you use JBoss 5, you can work with EJB 3.0, which are much more easier to configure. The simplest component is

public class MyEJB implements MyEJBInterface{
   public void bussinesMethod(){


No ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml is needed, just EJB JAR with MyEJB and MyEJBInterface compiled classes.

Now in your client code you need to lookup "MyComponentName".

Eclipse - debugger doesn't stop at breakpoint

To remove the breakpoints:

  1. Debug your class as a junit test
  2. When your debugger stops, click the "breakpoints" tab next to "variables" and "expressions"
  3. At the top right of the breakpoint tab, click the button with two 'X'
  4. Stop the test, replace your breakpoint and run the debugger again

What is the difference between JOIN and UNION?

1. The SQL Joins clause is used to combine records from two or more tables in a database. A JOIN is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values common to each.

2. The SQL UNION operator combines the result of two or more SELECT statements. Each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The columns must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be in the same order.

for example: table 1 customers/table 2 orders

inner join:














Reset Excel to default borders

you just need to change the line color and you can apply it without problem

enter image description here

How to Maximize a firefox browser window using Selenium WebDriver with node.js

The statement :: driver.manage().window.maximize(); Works perfectly, but the window maximizes only after loading the page on browser, it does not maximizes at the time of initializing the browser.

here : (driver) is called object of Firefox driver, it may be any thing depending on the initializing of Firefox object by you only.

Create a batch file to copy and rename file

Make a bat file with the following in it:

copy /y C:\temp\log1k.txt C:\temp\log1k_copied.txt

However, I think there are issues if there are spaces in your directory names. Notice this was copied to the same directory, but that doesn't matter. If you want to see how it runs, make another bat file that calls the first and outputs to a log:

C:\temp\test.bat > C:\temp\test.log

(assuming the first bat file was called test.bat and was located in that directory)

String is immutable. What exactly is the meaning?

Only the reference is changing. First a was referencing to the string "a", and later you changed it to "ty". The string "a" remains the same.

How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android?

You must add an ObjectSerialization class to your program the following may work


    public class ObjectSerializer {

public static String serialize(Serializable obj) throws IOException {
    if (obj == null) return "";
    try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream serialObj = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ObjectOutputStream objStream = new ObjectOutputStream(serialObj);
        return encodeBytes(serialObj.toByteArray());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

public static Object deserialize(String str) throws IOException {
    if (str == null || str.length() == 0) return null;
    try {
        ByteArrayInputStream serialObj = new ByteArrayInputStream(decodeBytes(str));
        ObjectInputStream objStream = new ObjectInputStream(serialObj);
        return objStream.readObject();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

public static String encodeBytes(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();

    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        strBuf.append((char) (((bytes[i] >> 4) & 0xF) + ((int) 'a')));
        strBuf.append((char) (((bytes[i]) & 0xF) + ((int) 'a')));

    return strBuf.toString();

public static byte[] decodeBytes(String str) {
    byte[] bytes = new byte[str.length() / 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i+=2) {
        char c = str.charAt(i);
        bytes[i/2] = (byte) ((c - 'a') << 4);
        c = str.charAt(i+1);
        bytes[i/2] += (c - 'a');
    return bytes;


if you are using to store an array with SharedPreferences than use following:-

SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = this.getSharedPreferences(getPackageName(),MODE_PRIVATE);

To Serialize:-


To Deserialize:-

newarray = (CAST_IT_TO_PROPER_TYPE) ObjectSerializer.deSerialize(sharedPreferences.getString(name),null);

Java 11 package javax.xml.bind does not exist

According to the release-notes, Java 11 removed the Java EE modules:

java.xml.bind (JAXB) - REMOVED
  • Java 8 - OK
  • Java 9 - DEPRECATED
  • Java 10 - DEPRECATED
  • Java 11 - REMOVED

See JEP 320 for more info.

You can fix the issue by using alternate versions of the Java EE technologies. Simply add Maven dependencies that contain the classes you need:


Jakarta EE 8 update (Mar 2020)

Instead of using old JAXB modules you can fix the issue by using Jakarta XML Binding from Jakarta EE 8:


Jakarta EE 9 update (Nov 2020)

Use latest release of Eclipse Implementation of JAXB 3.0.0:


Note: Jakarta EE 9 adopts new API package namespace jakarta.xml.bind.*, so update import statements:

javax.xml.bind -> jakarta.xml.bind

Simple calculations for working with lat/lon and km distance?

The approximate conversions are:

  • Latitude: 1 deg = 110.574 km
  • Longitude: 1 deg = 111.320*cos(latitude) km

This doesn't fully correct for the Earth's polar flattening - for that you'd probably want a more complicated formula using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid (the model used for GPS). But the error is probably negligible for your purposes.


Caution: Be aware that latlong coordinates are expressed in degrees, while the cos function in most (all?) languages typically accepts radians, therefore a degree to radians conversion is needed.

ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

You have to use the isomorphic-fetch module to your Node project because of Node does not contain Fetch API yet. for fixing this problem run below command:

npm install --save isomorphic-fetch es6-promise

After installation use below code in your project:

import "isomorphic-fetch"

Hope this answer helps you.

Changing element style attribute dynamically using JavaScript


would also do the job.

What does Ruby have that Python doesn't, and vice versa?

Python Example

Functions are first-class variables in Python. You can declare a function, pass it around as an object, and overwrite it:

def func(): print "hello"
def another_func(f): f()

def func2(): print "goodbye"
func = func2

This is a fundamental feature of modern scripting languages. JavaScript and Lua do this, too. Ruby doesn't treat functions this way; naming a function calls it.

Of course, there are ways to do these things in Ruby, but they're not first-class operations. For example, you can wrap a function with to treat it as a variable--but then it's no longer a function; it's an object with a "call" method.

Ruby's functions aren't first-class objects

Ruby functions aren't first-class objects. Functions must be wrapped in an object to pass them around; the resulting object can't be treated like a function. Functions can't be assigned in a first-class manner; instead, a function in its container object must be called to modify them.

def func; p "Hello" end
def another_func(f); method(f)[] end
another_func(:func)      # => "Hello"

def func2; print "Goodbye!"
self.class.send(:define_method, :func, method(:func2))
func                     # => "Goodbye!"

method(:func).owner      # => Object
func                     # => "Goodbye!"
self.func                # => "Goodbye!"    

iptables LOG and DROP in one rule

Although already over a year old, I stumbled across this question a couple of times on other Google search and I believe I can improve on the previous answer for the benefit of others.

Short answer is you cannot combine both action in one line, but you can create a chain that does what you want and then call it in a one liner.

Let's create a chain to log and accept:

iptables -N LOG_ACCEPT

And let's populate its rules:

iptables -A LOG_ACCEPT -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT:ACCEPT:" --log-level 6
iptables -A LOG_ACCEPT -j ACCEPT

Now let's create a chain to log and drop:

iptables -N LOG_DROP

And let's populate its rules:

iptables -A LOG_DROP -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT:DROP: " --log-level 6
iptables -A LOG_DROP -j DROP

Now you can do all actions in one go by jumping (-j) to you custom chains instead of the default LOG / ACCEPT / REJECT / DROP:

iptables -A <your_chain_here> <your_conditions_here> -j LOG_ACCEPT
iptables -A <your_chain_here> <your_conditions_here> -j LOG_DROP

How do I format a date with Dart?

handling yearly quarters, from string to DateTime, I didn't find proper solution so made this:

    List<String> dateAsList = 'Q1 2001'.split(' ');
    DateTime dateTime =;
    String quarter = dateAsList[0];
    int year = int.parse(dateAsList[1]);
    switch(quarter) {
      case "Q1": dateTime = DateTime(year, 1);
      case "Q2": dateTime = DateTime(year, 4);
      case "Q3": dateTime = DateTime(year, 7);
      case "Q4": dateTime = DateTime(year, 10);

How do I set default value of select box in angularjs

After searching and trying multiple non working options to get my select default option working. I find a clean solution at:

<select class="ajg-stereo-fader-input-name ajg-select-left"  ng-options=" for option in selectOptions" ng-model="inputLeft"></select>
<select class="ajg-stereo-fader-input-name ajg-select-right" ng-options=" for option in selectOptions" ng-model="inputRight"></select>

 scope.inputLeft =  scope.selectOptions[0];
 scope.inputRight = scope.selectOptions[1];

Finding height in Binary Search Tree

Here's a concise and hopefully correct way to express it:

  private int findHeight(TreeNode<T> aNode){
    if(aNode == null || (aNode.left == null && aNode.right == null))
      return 0;
    return Math.max(findHeight(aNode.left), findHeight(aNode.right)) + 1;

If the current node is null, there's no tree. If both children are, there's a single layer, which means 0 height. This uses the definition of height (mentioned by Stephen) as # of layers - 1

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

This answer is written to show just how trivial it is to bypass poorly written PHP user-validation code, how (and using what) these attacks work and how to replace the old MySQL functions with a secure prepared statement - and basically, why StackOverflow users (probably with a lot of rep) are barking at new users asking questions to improve their code.

First off, please feel free to create this test mysql database (I have called mine prep):

mysql> create table users(
    -> id int(2) primary key auto_increment,
    -> userid tinytext,
    -> pass tinytext);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> insert into users values(null, 'Fluffeh', 'mypass');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql> create user 'prepared'@'localhost' identified by 'example';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on prep.* to 'prepared'@'localhost' with grant option;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

With that done, we can move to our PHP code.

Lets assume the following script is the verification process for an admin on a website (simplified but working if you copy and use it for testing):



    $link=mysql_connect('localhost', 'prepared', 'example');
    mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

    $sql="select id, userid, pass from users where userid='$user' and pass='$pass'";
    //echo $sql."<br><br>";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "My id is ".$row['id']." and my username is ".$row['userid']." and lastly, my password is ".$row['pass']."<br>";
        // We have correctly matched the Username and Password
        // Lets give this person full access
        echo "The check passed. We have a verified admin!<br>";
        echo "You could not be verified. Please try again...<br>";


<form name="exploited" method='post'>
    User: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
    Pass: <input type='text' name='pass'><br>
    <input type='submit'>

Seems legit enough at first glance.

The user has to enter a login and password, right?

Brilliant, not enter in the following:

user: bob
pass: somePass

and submit it.

The output is as follows:

You could not be verified. Please try again...

Super! Working as expected, now lets try the actual username and password:

user: Fluffeh
pass: mypass

Amazing! Hi-fives all round, the code correctly verified an admin. It's perfect!

Well, not really. Lets say the user is a clever little person. Lets say the person is me.

Enter in the following:

user: bob
pass: n' or 1=1 or 'm=m

And the output is:

The check passed. We have a verified admin!

Congrats, you just allowed me to enter your super-protected admins only section with me entering a false username and a false password. Seriously, if you don't believe me, create the database with the code I provided, and run this PHP code - which at glance REALLY does seem to verify the username and password rather nicely.


So, lets have a look at what went wrong, and why I just got into your super-admin-only-bat-cave. I took a guess and assumed that you weren't being careful with your inputs and simply passed them to the database directly. I constructed the input in a way tht would CHANGE the query that you were actually running. So, what was it supposed to be, and what did it end up being?

select id, userid, pass from users where userid='$user' and pass='$pass'

That's the query, but when we replace the variables with the actual inputs that we used, we get the following:

select id, userid, pass from users where userid='bob' and pass='n' or 1=1 or 'm=m'

See how I constructed my "password" so that it would first close the single quote around the password, then introduce a completely new comparison? Then just for safety, I added another "string" so that the single quote would get closed as expected in the code we originally had.

However, this isn't about folks yelling at you now, this is about showing you how to make your code more secure.

Okay, so what went wrong, and how can we fix it?

This is a classic SQL injection attack. One of the simplest for that matter. On the scale of attack vectors, this is a toddler attacking a tank - and winning.

So, how do we protect your sacred admin section and make it nice and secure? The first thing to do will be to stop using those really old and deprecated mysql_* functions. I know, you followed a tutorial you found online and it works, but it's old, it's outdated and in the space of a few minutes, I have just broken past it without so much as breaking a sweat.

Now, you have the better options of using mysqli_ or PDO. I am personally a big fan of PDO, so I will be using PDO in the rest of this answer. There are pro's and con's, but personally I find that the pro's far outweigh the con's. It's portable across multiple database engines - whether you are using MySQL or Oracle or just about bloody anything - just by changing the connection string, it has all the fancy features we want to use and it is nice and clean. I like clean.

Now, lets have a look at that code again, this time written using a PDO object:



    $pdo=new PDO ('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prep', 'prepared', 'example');
    $sql="select id, userid, pass from users where userid=:user and pass=:password";
    $myPDO = $pdo->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
    if($myPDO->execute(array(':user' => $user, ':password' => $pass)))
            echo "My id is ".$row['id']." and my username is ".$row['userid']." and lastly, my password is ".$row['pass']."<br>";
            // We have correctly matched the Username and Password
            // Lets give this person full access

        echo "The check passed. We have a verified admin!<br>";
        echo "You could not be verified. Please try again...<br>";


<form name="exploited" method='post'>
    User: <input type='text' name='user'><br>
    Pass: <input type='text' name='pass'><br>
    <input type='submit'>

The major differences are that there are no more mysql_* functions. It's all done via a PDO object, secondly, it is using a prepared statement. Now, what's a prepred statement you ask? It's a way to tell the database ahead of running a query, what the query is that we are going to run. In this case, we tell the database: "Hi, I am going to run a select statement wanting id, userid and pass from the table users where the userid is a variable and the pass is also a variable.".

Then, in the execute statement, we pass the database an array with all the variables that it now expects.

The results are fantastic. Lets try those username and password combinations from before again:

user: bob
pass: somePass

User wasn't verified. Awesome.

How about:

user: Fluffeh
pass: mypass

Oh, I just got a little excited, it worked: The check passed. We have a verified admin!

Now, lets try the data that a clever chap would enter to try to get past our little verification system:

user: bob
pass: n' or 1=1 or 'm=m

This time, we get the following:

You could not be verified. Please try again...

This is why you are being yelled at when posting questions - it's because people can see that your code can be bypassed wihout even trying. Please, do use this question and answer to improve your code, to make it more secure and to use functions that are current.

Lastly, this isn't to say that this is PERFECT code. There are many more things that you could do to improve it, use hashed passwords for example, ensure that when you store sensetive information in the database, you don't store it in plain text, have multiple levels of verification - but really, if you just change your old injection prone code to this, you will be WELL along the way to writing good code - and the fact that you have gotten this far and are still reading gives me a sense of hope that you will not only implement this type of code when writing your websites and applications, but that you might go out and research those other things I just mentioned - and more. Write the best code you can, not the most basic code that barely functions.

Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important?

Consider using "hello".concat( "world!" ) for small number of strings in concatenation. It could be even better for performance than other approaches.

If you have more than 3 strings, than consider using StringBuilder, or just String, depending on compiler that you use.

How to sum the values of a JavaScript object?

If you're using lodash you can do something like

_.sum(_.values({ 'a': 1 , 'b': 2 , 'c':3 })) 

PHP7 : install ext-dom issue

simply run

sudo apt install php-xml

its worked for me

Select the first row by group

(1) SQLite has a built in rowid pseudo-column so this works:

sqldf("select min(rowid) rowid, id, string 
               from test 
               group by id")


  rowid id string
1     1  1      A
2     3  2      B
3     5  3      C
4     7  4      D
5     9  5      E

(2) Also sqldf itself has a row.names= argument:

sqldf("select min(cast(row_names as real)) row_names, id, string 
              from test 
              group by id", row.names = TRUE)


  id string
1  1      A
3  2      B
5  3      C
7  4      D
9  5      E

(3) A third alternative which mixes the elements of the above two might be even better:

sqldf("select min(rowid) row_names, id, string 
               from test 
               group by id", row.names = TRUE)


  id string
1  1      A
3  2      B
5  3      C
7  4      D
9  5      E

Note that all three of these rely on a SQLite extension to SQL where the use of min or max is guaranteed to result in the other columns being chosen from the same row. (In other SQL-based databases that may not be guaranteed.)

Mailto: Body formatting

From the first result on Google:

mailto:[email protected]_t?subject=Header&body=This%20is...%20the%20first%20line%0D%0AThis%20is%20the%20second

Docker is installed but Docker Compose is not ? why?

I suggest using the official pkg on Mac. I guess docker-compose is no longer included with docker by default:

How to update a plot in matplotlib?

I have released a package called python-drawnow that provides functionality to let a figure update, typically called within a for loop, similar to Matlab's drawnow.

An example usage:

from pylab import figure, plot, ion, linspace, arange, sin, pi
def draw_fig():
    # can be arbitrarily complex; just to draw a figure
    #figure() # don't call!
    plot(t, x)
    #show() # don't call!

N = 1e3
figure() # call here instead!
ion()    # enable interactivity
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, num=N)
for i in arange(100):
    x = sin(2 * pi * i**2 * t / 100.0)

This package works with any matplotlib figure and provides options to wait after each figure update or drop into the debugger.

Java Timer vs ExecutorService?

According to Java Concurrency in Practice:

  • Timer can be sensitive to changes in the system clock, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor isn't.
  • Timer has only one execution thread, so long-running task can delay other tasks. ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor can be configured with any number of threads. Furthermore, you have full control over created threads, if you want (by providing ThreadFactory).
  • Runtime exceptions thrown in TimerTask kill that one thread, thus making Timer dead :-( ... i.e. scheduled tasks will not run anymore. ScheduledThreadExecutor not only catches runtime exceptions, but it lets you handle them if you want (by overriding afterExecute method from ThreadPoolExecutor). Task which threw exception will be canceled, but other tasks will continue to run.

If you can use ScheduledThreadExecutor instead of Timer, do so.

One more thing... while ScheduledThreadExecutor isn't available in Java 1.4 library, there is a Backport of JSR 166 (java.util.concurrent) to Java 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, which has the ScheduledThreadExecutor class.

How to put scroll bar only for modal-body?

#scroll-wrap {
    max-height: 50vh;
    overflow-y: auto;

Using max-height with vh as the unit on the modal-body or a wrapper div inside of the modal-body. This will resize the height of modal-body or the wrapping div(in this example) automatically when a user resize the window.

vh is length unit representing 1% of the viewport size for viewport height.

Browser compatibility chart for vh unit.


how to print json data in console.log

To output an object to the console, you have to stringify the object first:


What is the attribute property="og:title" inside meta tag?

The property in meta tags allows you to specify values to property fields which come from a property library. The property library (RDFa format) is specified in the head tag.

For example, to use that code you would have to have something like this in your <head tag. <head xmlns:og=""> and inside the there would be a specification for title (og:title).

The tag from your example was almost definitely from the Open Graph Protocol, the purpose is to specify structured information about your website for the use of Facebook (and possibly other search engines).

(WAMP/XAMP) send Mail using SMTP localhost

Here's the steps to achieve this:

  • Download the through this link

    • Now, extract the folder and put it to C:/wamp/. Make sure that these four files are present: sendmail.exe, libeay32.dll, ssleay32.ddl and sendmail.ini.
    • Open sendmail.ini and set the configuration as follows:


    • smtp_port=465
    • smtp_ssl=ssl
    • default_domain=localhost
    • error_logfile=error.log
    • debug_logfile=debug.log
    • auth_username=[your_gmail_account_username]
    • auth_password=[your_gmail_account_password]
    • pop3_server=
    • pop3_username=
    • pop3_password=
    • force_sender=
    • force_recipient=
    • hostname=localhost

    • Access your email account. Click the Gear Tool > Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > IMAP access. Click "Enable IMAP", then save your changes.

    • Run your WAMP Server. Enable ssl_module under Apache Module.

    • Next, enable php_openssl and php_sockets under PHP.

    • Open php.ini and configure it as the codes below. Basically, you just have to set the sendmail_path.

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
;smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = [email protected]
; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
sendmail_path = "C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t -i"
  • Restart Wamp Server

I hope this will work for you..

Remove all special characters, punctuation and spaces from string

import re

strs = "how much for the maple syrup? $20.99? That's ricidulous!!!"
print strs
nstr = re.sub(r'[?|$|.|!]',r'',strs)
print nstr
nestr = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]',r'',nstr)
print nestr

you can add more special character and that will be replaced by '' means nothing i.e they will be removed.

Separation of business logic and data access in django

Django is designed to be easely used to deliver web pages. If you are not confortable with this perhaps you should use another solution.

I'm writting the root or common operations on the model (to have the same interface) and the others on the controller of the model. If I need an operation from other model I import its controller.

This approach it's enough for me and the complexity of my applications.

Hedde's response is an example that shows the flexibility of django and python itself.

Very interesting question anyway!

How can I convert an HTML table to CSV?

Just to add to these answers (as i've recently been attempting a similar thing) - if Google spreadsheets is your spreadsheeting program of choice. Simply do these two things.

1. Strip everything out of your html file around the Table opening/closing tags and resave it as another html file.

2. Import that html file directly into google spreadsheets and you'll have your information beautifully imported (Top tip: if you used inline styles in your table, they will be imported as well!)

Saved me loads of time and figuring out different conversions.

Can I stop 100% Width Text Boxes from extending beyond their containers?

What you could do is to remove the default "extras" on the input:

input.wide {display:block; width:100%;padding:0;border-width:0}

This will keep the input inside its container. Now if you do want the borders, wrap the input in a div, with the borders set on the div (that way you can remove the display:block from the input too). Something like:

<div style="border:1px solid gray;">
 <input type="text" class="wide" />

Edit: Another option is to, instead of removing the style from the input, compensate for it in the wrapped div:

input.wide {width:100%;}

<div style="padding-right:4px;padding-left:1px;margin-right:2px">
  <input type="text" class="wide" />

This will give you somewhat different results in different browsers, but they will not overlap the container. The values in the div depend on how large the border is on the input and how much space you want between the input and the border.

jquery: get id from class selector

Be careful if you use fat arrow functions as you will get undefined for Wasted 10 minutes today wondering what the hell was going on

cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable

  • the object which implements Comparable is Fegan.

The method compareTo you are overidding in it should have a Fegan object as a parameter whereas you are casting it to a FoodItems. Your compareTo implementation should describe how a Fegan compare to another Fegan.

  • To actually do your sorting, you might want to make your FoodItems implement Comparable aswell and copy paste your actual compareTo logic in it.

How to change the default background color white to something else in twitter bootstrap

The colors changed due to the order of CSS files.

Place the custom CSS under the bootstrap CSS.

How to disable postback on an asp Button (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button)

Consider this.

<script type="text/javascript">
function BeginRequest(sender, e) {
    e.get_postBackElement().disabled = true;


JQuery Find #ID, RemoveClass and AddClass


$("#testID #testID2").removeClass("test2").addClass("test3");

Because you have assigned an id to img too, you can simply do this too:


And finally, you can do this too:

$("#testID img").removeClass("test2").addClass("test3");

Convert String to Uri

You can use the parse static method from Uri


Uri myUri = Uri.parse("")

Javascript string/integer comparisons

Always remember when we compare two strings. the comparison happens on chacracter basis. so '2' > '12' is true because the comparison will happen as '2' > '1' and in alphabetical way '2' is always greater than '1' as unicode. SO it will comeout true. I hope this helps.

Caused by: Cannot recover key

Check if password you are using is correct one by running below command

keytool -keypasswd -new temp123 -keystore awsdemo-keystore.jks -storepass temp123 -alias movie-service -keypass changeit

If you are getting below error then your password is wrong

keytool error: Cannot recover key

Set opacity of background image without affecting child elements

You can use CSS linear-gradient() with rgba().

div {_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,.5), rgba(255,255,255,.5)), url("");_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  background: black;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
<div><span>Hello world.</span></div>

Kotlin's List missing "add", "remove", Map missing "put", etc?

Apparently, the default List of Kotlin is immutable. To have a List that could change, one should use MutableList as below

class TempClass {
    var myList: MutableList<Int>? = null
    fun doSomething() {
        myList = ArrayList<Int>()

Updated Nonetheless, it is not recommended to use MutableList unless for a list that you really want to change. Refers to for how Read-only collection provides better coding.

C++ pass an array by reference If the type of a parameter includes a type of the form “pointer to array of unknown bound of T” or “reference to array of unknown bound of T,” the program is ill-formed

Get Element value with minidom with Python

you can use something like this.It worked out for me

doc = parse('C:\\eve.xml')
my_node_list = doc.getElementsByTagName("name")
my_n_node = my_node_list[0]
my_child = my_n_node.firstChild
my_text = 
print my_text

How do I create a master branch in a bare Git repository?

You don't need to use a second repository - you can do commands like git checkout and git commit on a bare repository, if only you supply a dummy work directory using the --work-tree option.

Prepare a dummy directory:

$ rm -rf /tmp/empty_directory
$ mkdir  /tmp/empty_directory

Create the master branch without a parent (works even on a completely empty repo):

$ cd your-bare-repository.git

$ git checkout --work-tree=/tmp/empty_directory --orphan master
Switched to a new branch 'master'                  <--- abort if "master" already exists

Create a commit (it can be a message-only, without adding any files, because what you need is simply having at least one commit):

$ git commit -m "Initial commit" --allow-empty --work-tree=/tmp/empty_directory 

$ git branch
* master

Clean up the directory, it is still empty.

$ rmdir  /tmp/empty_directory

Tested on git 1.9.1. (Specifically for OP, the posh-git is just a PowerShell wrapper for standard git.)

How to set the background image of a html 5 canvas to .png image

As shown in this example, you can apply a background to a canvas element through CSS and this background will not be considered part the image, e.g. when fetching the contents through toDataURL().

Here are the contents of the example, for Stack Overflow posterity:

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Canvas Background through CSS</title>
  <style type="text/css" media="screen">
    canvas, img { display:block; margin:1em auto; border:1px solid black; }
    canvas { background:url(lotsalasers.jpg) }
<canvas width="800" height="300"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  var can = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
  var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
  ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00';
  ctx.lineWidth   = 6;
  ctx.lineJoin    = 'round';
  var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
  img.src = can.toDataURL();

Can I apply multiple background colors with CSS3?

Yes its possible! and you can use as many colors and images as you desire, here is the right way:

/* Its, very important to set the background repeat to: no-repeat */_x000D_
background-repeat:no-repeat; _x000D_
background-image:  _x000D_
/* 1) An image              */ url(, _x000D_
/* 2) Gradient              */ linear-gradient(to right, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255)), _x000D_
/* 3) Color(using gradient) */ linear-gradient(to right, RGB(110, 175, 233), RGB(110, 175, 233));_x000D_
/* 1) Image position        */ 0 0, _x000D_
/* 2) Gradient position     */ 0 100px,_x000D_
/* 3) Color position        */ 0 130px;_x000D_
background-size:  _x000D_
/* 1) Image size            */ 640px 100px,_x000D_
/* 2) Gradient size         */ 100% 30px, _x000D_
/* 3) Color size            */ 100% 30px;_x000D_

git diff between two different files

I believe using --no-index is what you're looking for:

git diff [<options>] --no-index [--] <path> <path>

as mentioned in the git manual:

This form is to compare the given two paths on the filesystem. You can omit the --no-index option when running the command in a working tree controlled by Git and at least one of the paths points outside the working tree, or when running the command outside a working tree controlled by Git.

Why does an onclick property set with setAttribute fail to work in IE?

There is a LARGE collection of attributes you can't set in IE using .setAttribute() which includes every inline event handler.

See here for details:

List<String> to ArrayList<String> conversion issue

Cast works where the actual instance of the list is an ArrayList. If it is, say, a Vector (which is another extension of List) it will throw a ClassCastException.

The error when changing the definition of your HashMap is due to the elements later being processed, and that process expects a method that is defined only in ArrayList. The exception tells you that it did not found the method it was looking for.

Create a new ArrayList with the contents of the old one.

new ArrayList<String>(myList);

Phone number validation Android

I got best solution for international phone number validation and selecting country code below library is justified me Best library for all custom UI and functionality CountryCodePickerProject

HTTP client timeout and server timeout

According to, the pref network.http.connection-retry-timeout controls the amount of time in ms (Milliseconds !) to wait for success on the initial connection before beginning the second one. Setting it to 0 disables the parallel connection.

VBA error 1004 - select method of range class failed

You can't select a range without having first selected the sheet it is in. Try to select the sheet first and see if you still get the problem:


How to split a string after specific character in SQL Server and update this value to specific column

Maybe something like this:

First some test data:

DECLARE @tbl TABLE(Column1 VARCHAR(100))

SELECT '1/2'

Then like this:

    @tbl AS tbl


DECIMAL has two parts: Precision and Scale. So part of your query will look like this:

CAST((COUNT(*) * 1.5) AS DECIMAL(8,2))

Precision represents the number of significant digits that are stored for values.
Scale represents the number of digits that can be stored following the decimal point.

Find empty or NaN entry in Pandas Dataframe

you also do something good:

text_empty = df['column name'].str.len() > -1


The results will be the rows which are empty & it's index number.

How to add/update an attribute to an HTML element using JavaScript?

What do you want to do with the attribute? Is it an html attribute or something of your own?

Most of the time you can simply address it as a property: want to set a title on an element? element.title = "foo" will do it.

For your own custom JS attributes the DOM is naturally extensible (aka expando=true), the simple upshot of which is that you can do element.myCustomFlag = foo and subsequently read it without issue.

Javascript format date / time

You can do that:

function formatAMPM(date) { // This is to display 12 hour format like you asked
  var hours = date.getHours();
  var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
  hours = hours % 12;
  hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
  minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
  var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;
  return strTime;

var myDate = new Date();
var displayDate = myDate.getMonth()+ '/' +myDate.getDate()+ '/' +myDate.getFullYear()+ ' ' +formatAMPM(myDate);


Get Image Height and Width as integer values?

Try like this:

list($width, $height) = getimagesize('path_to_image');

Make sure that:

  1. You specify the correct image path there
  2. The image has read access
  3. Chmod image dir to 755

Also try to prefix path with $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], this helps sometimes when you are not able to read files.

How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file

my way is to write an actual batch (saying "foo.bat") to finish the job; then create another "start.bat":

@echo off
cmd /k foo.bat

I find this is extremely useful when I set up one-time environment variables.

What does 'useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy' do in the .NET 4 config?

Here's an explanation I wrote recently to help with the void of information on this attribute.,guid,ecc34c3c-be44-4422-86b7-900900e451f9.aspx (Internet Archive Wayback Machine link)

To quote the most relevant bits:

[Installing .NET] v4 is “non-impactful”. It should not change the behavior of existing components when installed.

The useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy attribute basically lets you say, “I have some dependencies on the legacy shim APIs. Please make them work the way they used to with respect to the chosen runtime.”

Why don’t we make this the default behavior? You might argue that this behavior is more compatible, and makes porting code from previous versions much easier. If you’ll recall, this can’t be the default behavior because it would make installation of v4 impactful, which can break existing apps installed on your machine.

The full post explains this in more detail. At RTM, the MSDN docs on this should be better.

'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository

If this error pops up, its because there is no remote named Heroku. When you do a Heroku create, if the git remote doesn’t already exist, we automatically create one (assuming you are in a git repo). To view your remotes type in:

git remote -v”. # For an app called ‘appname’ you will see the following:

$ git remote -v
heroku [email protected]:appname.git (fetch)
heroku [email protected]:appname.git (push)

If you see a remote for your app, you can just “git push master” and replace with the actual remote name.

If it’s missing, you can add the remote with the following command:

git remote add heroku [email protected]:appname.git

If you’ve already added a remote called Heroku, you may get an error like this:

fatal: remote heroku already exists.

so, then remove the existing remote and add it again with the above command:

git remote rm heroku

Hope this helps…

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap

All three represent mapping from unique keys to values, and therefore implement the Map interface.

  1. HashMap is a map based on hashing of the keys. It supports O(1) get/put operations. Keys must have consistent implementations of hashCode() and equals() for this to work.

  2. LinkedHashMap is very similar to HashMap, but it adds awareness to the order at which items are added (or accessed), so the iteration order is the same as insertion order (or access order, depending on construction parameters).

  3. TreeMap is a tree based mapping. Its put/get operations take O(log n) time. It requires items to have some comparison mechanism, either with Comparable or Comparator. The iteration order is determined by this mechanism.

How to use makefiles in Visual Studio?

A UNIX guy probably told you that. :)

You can use makefiles in VS, but when you do it bypasses all the built-in functionality in MSVC's IDE. Makefiles are basically the reinterpret_cast of the builder. IMO the simplest thing is just to use Solutions.

Understanding the map function

map creates a new list by applying a function to every element of the source:

xs = [1, 2, 3]

# all of those are equivalent — the output is [2, 4, 6]
# 1. map
ys = map(lambda x: x * 2, xs)
# 2. list comprehension
ys = [x * 2 for x in xs]
# 3. explicit loop
ys = []
for x in xs:
    ys.append(x * 2)

n-ary map is equivalent to zipping input iterables together and then applying the transformation function on every element of that intermediate zipped list. It's not a Cartesian product:

xs = [1, 2, 3]
ys = [2, 4, 6]

def f(x, y):
    return (x * 2, y // 2)

# output: [(2, 1), (4, 2), (6, 3)]
# 1. map
zs = map(f, xs, ys)
# 2. list comp
zs = [f(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]
# 3. explicit loop
zs = []
for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
    zs.append(f(x, y))

I've used zip here, but map behaviour actually differs slightly when iterables aren't the same size — as noted in its documentation, it extends iterables to contain None.

Merge (Concat) Multiple JSONObjects in Java

In some cases you need a deep merge, i.e., merge the contents of fields with identical names (just like when copying folders in Windows). This function may be helpful:

 * Merge "source" into "target". If fields have equal name, merge them recursively.
 * @return the merged object (target).
public static JSONObject deepMerge(JSONObject source, JSONObject target) throws JSONException {
    for (String key: JSONObject.getNames(source)) {
            Object value = source.get(key);
            if (!target.has(key)) {
                // new value for "key":
                target.put(key, value);
            } else {
                // existing value for "key" - recursively deep merge:
                if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
                    JSONObject valueJson = (JSONObject)value;
                    deepMerge(valueJson, target.getJSONObject(key));
                } else {
                    target.put(key, value);
    return target;

 * demo program
public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject a = new JSONObject("{offer: {issue1: value1}, accept: true}");
    JSONObject b = new JSONObject("{offer: {issue2: value2}, reject: false}");
    System.out.println(a+ " + " + b+" = "+JsonUtils.deepMerge(a,b));
    // prints:
    // {"accept":true,"offer":{"issue1":"value1"}} + {"reject":false,"offer":{"issue2":"value2"}} = {"reject":false,"accept":true,"offer":{"issue1":"value1","issue2":"value2"}}

Git: Remove committed file after push

  1. Get the hash code of last commit.

    • git log
  2. Revert the commit
    • git revert <hash_code_from_git_log>
  3. Push the changes
    • git push

check out in the GHR. you might get what ever you need, hope you this is useful