[html] How can I convert an HTML table to CSV?

Assuming that you've designed an HTML page containing a table, I would recommend this solution. Worked like charm for me:

$(document).ready(() => {
  $("#buttonExport").click(e => {
    // Getting values of current time for generating the file name
    const dateTime = new Date();
    const day      = dateTime.getDate();
    const month    = dateTime.getMonth() + 1;
    const year     = dateTime.getFullYear();
    const hour     = dateTime.getHours();
    const minute   = dateTime.getMinutes();
    const postfix  = `${day}.${month}.${year}_${hour}.${minute}`;

    // Creating a temporary HTML link element (they support setting file names)
    const downloadElement = document.createElement('a');

    // Getting data from our `div` that contains the HTML table
    const dataType  = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel';
    const tableDiv  = document.getElementById('divData');
    const tableHTML = tableDiv.outerHTML.replace(/ /g, '%20');

    // Setting the download source
    downloadElement.href = `${dataType},${tableHTML}`;

    // Setting the file name
    downloadElement.download = `exported_table_${postfix}.xls`;

    // Trigger the download

    // Just in case, prevent default behaviour

Courtesy: http://www.kubilayerdogan.net/?p=218

You can edit the file format to .csv here:

downloadElement.download = `exported_table_${postfix}.csv`;

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