I usually implement a service layer in between views and models. This acts like your project's API and gives you a good helicopter view of what is going on. I inherited this practice from a colleague of mine that uses this layering technique a lot with Java projects (JSF), e.g:
class Book:
author = models.ForeignKey(User)
title = models.CharField(max_length=125)
class Meta:
app_label = "library"
from library.models import Book
def get_books(limit=None, **filters):
""" simple service function for retrieving books can be widely extended """
return Book.objects.filter(**filters)[:limit] # list[:None] will return the entire list
from library.services import get_books
class BookListView(ListView):
""" simple view, e.g. implement a _build and _apply filters function """
queryset = get_books()
Mind you, I usually take models, views and services to module level and separate even further depending on the project's size