Programs & Examples On #Xor drawing

RegisterStartupScript from code behind not working when Update Panel is used

You need to use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript for Ajax.

protected void ButtonPP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {     if (radioBtnACO.SelectedIndex < 0)     {         string csname1 = "PopupScript";          var cstext1 = new StringBuilder();         cstext1.Append("alert('Please Select Criteria!')");          ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), csname1,             cstext1.ToString(), true);     } } 

Not class selector in jQuery

You need the :not() selector:


or, alternatively, the .not() method:


Long press on UITableView

Here are clarified instruction combining Dawn Song's answer and Marmor's answer.

Drag a long Press Gesture Recognizer and drop it into your Table Cell. It will jump to the bottom of the list on the left.

enter image description here

Then connect the gesture recognizer the same way you would connect a button. enter image description here

Add the code from Marmor in the the action handler

- (IBAction)handleLongPress:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)sender {
if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {

    CGPoint p = [sender locationInView:self.tableView];

    NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint:p];
    if (indexPath == nil) {
        NSLog(@"long press on table view but not on a row");
    } else {
        UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
        if (cell.isHighlighted) {
            NSLog(@"long press on table view at section %d row %d", indexPath.section, indexPath.row);


omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

Here is example of using separated parallel and for here. In short it can be used for dynamic allocation of OpenMP thread-private arrays before executing for cycle in several threads. It is impossible to do the same initializing in parallel for case.

UPD: In the question example there is no difference between single pragma and two pragmas. But in practice you can make more thread aware behavior with separated parallel and for directives. Some code for example:

#pragma omp parallel
    double *data = (double*)malloc(...); // this data is thread private

    #pragma omp for
    for(1...100) // first parallelized cycle

    #pragma omp single 
    {} // make some single thread processing

    #pragma omp for // second parallelized cycle

    #pragma omp single 
    {} // make some single thread processing again

    free(data); // free thread private data

How to select count with Laravel's fluent query builder?

You can use an array in the select() to define more columns and you can use the DB::raw() there with aliasing it to followers. Should look like this:

$query = DB::table('category_issue')
    ->select(array('issues.*', DB::raw('COUNT(issue_subscriptions.issue_id) as followers')))
    ->where('category_id', '=', 1)
    ->join('issues', 'category_issue.issue_id', '=', '')
    ->left_join('issue_subscriptions', '', '=', 'issue_subscriptions.issue_id')
    ->order_by('followers', 'desc')

preferredStatusBarStyle isn't called

The NavigationController or TabBarController are the ones that need to provide the style. Here is how I solved:

What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?

window.location adds an item to your history in that you can (or should be able to) click "Back" and go back to the current page.

window.location.replace replaces the current history item so you can't go back to it.

See window.location:

assign(url): Load the document at the provided URL.

replace(url):Replace the current document with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session history, meaning the user won't be able to use the Back button to navigate to it.

Oh and generally speaking:

window.location.href = url;

is favoured over:

window.location = url;

plot is not defined

If you want to use a function form a package or module in python you have to import and reference them. For example normally you do the following to draw 5 points( [1,5],[2,4],[3,3],[4,2],[5,1]) in the space:

import matplotlib.pyplot

In your solution

from matplotlib import*

This imports the package matplotlib and "plot is not defined" means there is no plot function in matplotlib you can access directly, but instead if you import as

from matplotlib.pyplot import *

Now you can use any function in matplotlib.pyplot without referencing them with matplotlib.pyplot.

I would recommend you to name imports you have, in this case you can prevent disambiguation and future problems with the same function names. The last and clean version of above example looks like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Java Strings: "String s = new String("silly");"

I would just add that Java has Copy constructors...

Well, that's an ordinary constructor with an object of same type as argument.

How to unstage large number of files without deleting the content

If HEAD isn't set (i.e., you have no commits yet, but you don't want to just blow away .git because you've already set up other repo config you want to keep), you can also do

git rm -rf --cached .

to unstage everything. This is effectively the same as sehe's solution, but avoids mucking with Git internals.

How to use find command to find all files with extensions from list?

On Mac OS use

find -E packages  -regex ".*\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg)"

How do I load an HTML page in a <div> using JavaScript?

Fetch API

function load_home (e) {
    (e || window.event).preventDefault();

    fetch("" /*, options */)
    .then((response) => response.text())
    .then((html) => {
        document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = html;
    .catch((error) => {


function load_home (e) {
  (e || window.event).preventDefault();
  var con = document.getElementById('content')
  ,   xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

  xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) { 
    if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
      con.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
  }"GET", "", true);
  xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/html');

based on your constraints you should use ajax and make sure that your javascript is loaded before the markup that calls the load_home() function

Reference - davidwalsh

MDN - Using Fetch


How to add calendar events in Android?

you have to add flag:


or you will cause error with:

startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK

How to kill zombie process

A zombie is already dead, so you cannot kill it. To clean up a zombie, it must be waited on by its parent, so killing the parent should work to eliminate the zombie. (After the parent dies, the zombie will be inherited by pid 1, which will wait on it and clear its entry in the process table.) If your daemon is spawning children that become zombies, you have a bug. Your daemon should notice when its children die and wait on them to determine their exit status.

An example of how you might send a signal to every process that is the parent of a zombie (note that this is extremely crude and might kill processes that you do not intend. I do not recommend using this sort of sledge hammer):

# Don't do this.  Incredibly risky sledge hammer!
kill $(ps -A -ostat,ppid | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[$2]++ {print $2}')

How to change default language for SQL Server?

Please try below:

SET @Today = '12/5/2007';  

SELECT DATENAME(month, @Today) AS 'Month Name';  

SET LANGUAGE us_english;  
SELECT DATENAME(month, @Today) AS 'Month Name' ;  


Selenium and xpath: finding a div with a class/id and verifying text inside

For class and text xpath-

//div[contains(@class,'Caption') and (text(),'Model saved')]


For class and id xpath-

//div[contains(@class,'gwt-HTML') and @id="alertLabel"]

Android disable screen timeout while app is running

In a View, in my case a SurfaceView subclass, you can set the screen on always on. I wanted the screen to stay on while this view was still drawing stuff.

public class MyCoolSurfaceView extends SurfaceView { 
protected void onAttachedToWindow (){

protected void onDetachedFromWindow(){

How to go to each directory and execute a command?

for p in [0-9][0-9][0-9];do
        cd $p
        for f in [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*.txt;do
            ls $f; # Your operands

Grep and Python

The real problem is that the variable line always has a value. The test for "no matches found" is whether there is a match so the code "if line == None:" should be replaced with "else:"

composer laravel create project

My few cents. The forward-slash in the package name (laravel*/*laravel) is matter. If you put back-slash you will get package not found stability error.

T-SQL and the WHERE LIKE %Parameter% clause

The correct answer is, that, because the '%'-sign is part of your search expression, it should be part of your VALUE, so whereever you SET @LastName (be it from a programming language or from TSQL) you should set it to '%' + [userinput] + '%'

or, in your example:

DECLARE @LastName varchar(max)
SET @LastName = 'ning'
SELECT Employee WHERE LastName LIKE '%' + @LastName + '%'

Sort array of objects by single key with date value

You can use Array.sort.

Here's an example:

var arr = [{
    "updated_at": "2012-01-01T06:25:24Z",
    "foo": "bar"
    "updated_at": "2012-01-09T11:25:13Z",
    "foo": "bar"
    "updated_at": "2012-01-05T04:13:24Z",
    "foo": "bar"

arr.sort(function(a, b) {
  var keyA = new Date(a.updated_at),
    keyB = new Date(b.updated_at);
  // Compare the 2 dates
  if (keyA < keyB) return -1;
  if (keyA > keyB) return 1;
  return 0;


Ruby capitalize every word first letter

try this:

puts 'one TWO three foUR'' ')

#=> One Two Three Four


puts 'one TWO three foUR'*' '

How to get VM arguments from inside of Java application?

I haven't tried specifically getting the VM settings, but there is a wealth of information in the JMX utilities specifically the MXBean utilities. This would be where I would start. Hopefully you find something there to help you.

The sun website has a bunch on the technology:

MemoryStream - Cannot access a closed Stream

when it gets out from the using statement the Dispose method will be called automatically closing the stream

try the below:

using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
    var sw = new StreamWriter(ms);

        sw.WriteLine("data 2");
        ms.Position = 0;
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms))

event Action<> vs event EventHandler<>

On the most part, I'd say follow the pattern. I have deviated from it, but very rarely, and for specific reasons. In the case in point, the biggest issue I'd have is that I'd probably still use an Action<SomeObjectType>, allowing me to add extra properties later, and to use the occasional 2-way property (think Handled, or other feedback-events where the subscriber needs to to set a property on the event object). And once you've started down that line, you might as well use EventHandler<T> for some T.

How to convert NSNumber to NSString

or try NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [NSNumber intValue], nil];

How can I make my match non greedy in vim?

With \v (as suggested in several comments)


AngularJs ReferenceError: $http is not defined

Probably you haven't injected $http service to your controller. There are several ways of doing that.

Please read this reference about DI. Then it gets very simple:

function MyController($scope, $http) {
   // ... your code

How to get Spinner selected item value to string?

Since the latest language for Android Development is Kotlin. Here is, how we do it in Kotlin using Anonymous object.

spinnerName?.onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener{
    override fun onNothingSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>?) {
       println("Nothing Selected")

    override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>?, view: View?, position: Int, id: Long) {
       val selectedString = yourList[position]


gitignore all files of extension in directory

I have tried opening the .gitignore file in my vscode, windows 10. There you can see, some previously added ignore files (if any).

To create a new rule to ignore a file with (.js) extension, append the extension of the file like this:


This will ignore all .js files in your git repository.

To exclude certain type of file from a particular directory, you can add this:


This will ignore all .js files inside only /foo/ directory.

For a detailed learning you can visit: about git-ignore

Reading string by char till end of line C/C++

You want to use single quotes:


Double quotes (") are for strings, which are sequences of characters. Single quotes (') are for individual characters.

However, the end-of-line is represented by the newline character, which is '\n'.

Note that in both cases, the backslash is not part of the character, but just a way you represent special characters. Using backslashes you can represent various unprintable characters and also characters which would otherwise confuse the compiler.

Set value of textbox using JQuery

You are logging sup directly which is a string


Also you are using the wrong id

The template says #main_search but you are using #searchBar

I suppose you are trying this out

$(function() {
   var sup = $('#main_search').val('hi')
   console.log(sup);  // sup is a variable here

How do I verify that a string only contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes?

Here's something based on Jerub's "naive approach" (naive being his words, not mine!):

import string
ALLOWED = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_' + '-')

def check(mystring):
    return all(c in ALLOWED for c in mystring)

If ALLOWED was a string then I think c in ALLOWED would involve iterating over each character in the string until it found a match or reached the end. Which, to quote Joel Spolsky, is something of a Shlemiel the Painter algorithm.

But testing for existence in a set should be more efficient, or at least less dependent on the number of allowed characters. Certainly this approach is a little bit faster on my machine. It's clear and I think it performs plenty well enough for most cases (on my slow machine I can validate tens of thousands of short-ish strings in a fraction of a second). I like it.

ACTUALLY on my machine a regexp works out several times faster, and is just as simple as this (arguably simpler). So that probably is the best way forward.

Remove shadow below actionbar

Solution for Kotlin (Android 3.3, Kotlin 1.3.20)

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    supportActionBar!!.elevation = 0f

remove all variables except functions

Here's a one-liner that removes all objects except for functions:

rm(list = setdiff(ls(), lsf.str()))

It uses setdiff to find the subset of objects in the global environment (as returned by ls()) that don't have mode function (as returned by lsf.str())

How can I use grep to show just filenames on Linux?

The standard option grep -l (that is a lowercase L) could do this.

From the Unix standard:

    (The letter ell.) Write only the names of files containing selected
    lines to standard output. Pathnames are written once per file searched.
    If the standard input is searched, a pathname of (standard input) will
    be written, in the POSIX locale. In other locales, standard input may be
    replaced by something more appropriate in those locales.

You also do not need -H in this case.

Get generic type of java.util.List

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

public class GenericTypeOfCollectionTest {
    public class FormBean {

    public class MyClazz {
        private List<FormBean> list = new ArrayList<FormBean>();

    public void testName() throws Exception {
        Field[] fields = MyClazz.class.getFields();
        for (Field field : fields) {
            //1. Check if field is of Collection Type
            if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                //2. Get Generic type of your field
                Class fieldGenericType = getFieldGenericType(field);
                //3. Compare with <FromBean>

    //Returns generic type of any field
    public Class getFieldGenericType(Field field) {
        if (ParameterizedType.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getGenericType().getClass())) {
            ParameterizedType genericType =
             (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType();
            return ((Class)
        //Returns dummy Boolean Class to compare with ValueObject & FormBean
        return new Boolean(false).getClass();

Gather multiple sets of columns

In case you are like me, and cannot work out how to use "regular expression with capturing groups" for extract, the following code replicates the extract(...) line in Hadleys' answer:

df %>% 
    gather(question_number, value, starts_with("Q3.")) %>%
    mutate(loop_number = str_sub(question_number,-2,-2), question_number = str_sub(question_number,1,4)) %>%
    select(id, time, loop_number, question_number, value) %>% 
    spread(key = question_number, value = value)

The problem here is that the initial gather forms a key column that is actually a combination of two keys. I chose to use mutate in my original solution in the comments to split this column into two columns with equivalent info, a loop_number column and a question_number column. spread can then be used to transform the long form data, which are key value pairs (question_number, value) to wide form data.

ASP.NET Custom Validator Client side & Server Side validation not firing

Also check that you are not using validation groups as that validation wouldnt fire if the validationgroup property was set and not explicitly called via

 Page.Validate({Insert validation group name here});

Razor If/Else conditional operator syntax

You need to put the entire ternary expression in parenthesis. Unfortunately that means you can't use "@:", but you could do something like this:

@(deletedView ? "Deleted" : "Created by")

Razor currently supports a subset of C# expressions without using @() and unfortunately, ternary operators are not part of that set.

Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

Into the Preferences > Setting - Default

You will have the next by default:

// Display file encoding in the status bar
    "show_encoding": false

You could change it or like cdesmetz said set your user settings.

Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';' in Entity,

The reason for your fatal error is DOMDocument does not have a __toString() method and thus can not be echo'ed.

You're probably looking for

echo $dom->saveHTML();

Clicking HTML 5 Video element to play, pause video, breaks play button

I had countless issues doing this but finally came up with a solution that works.

Basically the code below is adding a click handler to the video but ignoring all the clicks on the lower part (0.82 is arbitrary but seems to work on all sizes).


        // get click position 
        var clickY = (e.pageY - $(this).offset().top);
        var height = parseFloat( $(this).height() );

        // avoids interference with controls
        if(y > 0.82*height) return;

        // toggles play / pause
        this.paused ? : this.pause();


How to modify the nodejs request default timeout time?

Try this:

var options = {
    url:  'http://url',
    timeout: 120000

request(options, function(err, resp, body) {});

Refer to request's documentation for other options.

Round to at most 2 decimal places (only if necessary)

To not deal with many 0s, use this variant:

Math.round(num * 1e2) / 1e2

Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program

For VB6:

You need to declare your C functions as __stdcall, otherwise you get "invalid calling convention" type errors. About other your questions:

can I take arguments by pointer/reference from the VB front-end?

Yes, use ByRef/ByVal modifiers.

Can the DLL call a theoretical function in the front-end?

Yes, use AddressOf statement. You need to pass function pointer to dll before.

Or have a function take a "function pointer" (I don't even know if that's possible) from VB and call it?)

Yes, use AddressOf statement.

update (more questions appeared :)):

to load it into VB, do I just do the usual method (what I would do to load winsock.ocx or some other runtime, but find my DLL instead) or do I put an API call into a module?

You need to decaler API function in VB6 code, like next:

Private Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32" _
   (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, _
    ByVal nFolder As Long, _
    ByRef pidl As Long) As Long

Inserting records into a MySQL table using Java

no that cannot work(not with real data):

String sql = "INSERT INTO course " +
        "VALUES (course_code, course_desc, course_chair)";

change it to:

String sql = "INSERT INTO course (course_code, course_desc, course_chair)" +
        "VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

Create a PreparedStatment with that sql and insert the values with index:

PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
preparedStatement.setString(1, "Test");
preparedStatement.setString(2, "Test2");
preparedStatement.setString(3, "Test3");

How to create <input type=“text”/> dynamically

Using Javascript, all you need is document.createElement and setAttribute.

var input = document.createElement("input");
input.setAttribute('type', 'text');

Then you can use appendChild to append the created element to the desired parent element.

var parent = document.getElementById("parentDiv");

How to use Spring Boot with MySQL database and JPA?

When moving classes into specific packages like repository, controller, domain just the generic @SpringBootApplication is not enough.

You will have to specify the base package for component scan



@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "repository")

is also needed, so spring data will know where to look into for repository interfaces.

How can I remount my Android/system as read-write in a bash script using adb?

Otherwise... if




Then maybe you should call

setenforce 0 
mount -o rw,remount /system 
setenforce 1

Can I give the col-md-1.5 in bootstrap?

This question is quite old, but I have made it that way (in TYPO3).

Firstly, I have made a own accessible css-class which I can choose on every content element manually.

Then, I have made a outer three column element with 11 columns (1 - 9 - 1), finally, I have modified the column width of the first and third column with CSS to 12.499999995%.

TCPDF output without saving file

Use I for "inline" to send the PDF to the browser, opposed to F to save it as a file.

$pdf->Output('name.pdf', 'I');

Open file dialog box in JavaScript

Actually, you don't need all that stuff with opacity, visibility, <input> styling, etc. Just take a look:

<a href="#">Just click me.</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("a").click(function() {
        // creating input on-the-fly
        var input = $(document.createElement("input"));
        input.attr("type", "file");
        // add onchange handler if you wish to get the file :)
        input.trigger("click"); // opening dialog
        return false; // avoiding navigation

Demo on jsFiddle. Tested in Chrome 30.0 and Firefox 24.0. Didn't work in Opera 12.16, however.

Bootstrap radio button "checked" flag

A javascript fix to apply the 'active' class to all labels that are parents of checked inputs:


insert right after


Using getResources() in non-activity class

in your MainActivity :

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if(ResourcesHelper.resources == null){
             ResourcesHelper.resources = getResources();

ResourcesHelper :

public class ResourcesHelper {
    public static Resources resources;

then use it everywhere

String s = ResourcesHelper.resources.getString(R.string.app_name);

How do I create a view controller file after creating a new view controller?

Correct, when you drag a view controller object onto your storyboard in order to create a new scene, it doesn't automatically make the new class for you, too.

Having added a new view controller scene to your storyboard, you then have to:

  1. Create a UIViewController subclass. For example, go to your target's folder in the project navigator panel on the left and then control-click and choose "New File...". Choose a "Cocoa Touch Class":

    Cocoa Touch Class

    And then select a unique name for the new view controller subclass:

    UIViewController subclass

  2. Specify this new subclass as the base class for the scene you just added to the storyboard.

    enter image description here

  3. Now hook up any IBOutlet and IBAction references for this new scene with the new view controller subclass.

How do I check particular attributes exist or not in XML?

You can actually index directly into the Attributes collection (if you are using C# not VB):

foreach (XmlNode xNode in nodeListName)
  XmlNode parent = xNode.ParentNode;
  if (parent.Attributes != null
     && parent.Attributes["split"] != null)
     parentSplit = parent.Attributes["split"].Value;

Always show vertical scrollbar in <select>

I guess you cant, this maybe a limitation or not included in the IE browser. I have tried your jsfiddle with IE6-8 and all of it doesn't show the scrollbar and not sure with IE9. While in FF and chrome the scrollbar is shown. I also want to see how to do it in IE if possible.

If you really want to show the scrollbar, you can add a fake scrollbar. If you are familiar with some of the js library which use in RIA. Like in jquery/dojo some of the select is editable, because it is a combination of textbox + select or it can also be a textbox + div.

As an example, see it here a JavaScript that make select like editable.

Oracle timestamp data type

Quite simply the number is the precision of the timestamp, the fraction of a second held in the column:

SQL> create table t23
  2  (ts0 timestamp(0)
  3   , ts3 timestamp(3)
  4  , ts6 timestamp(6)
  5  )
  6  /

Table created.

SQL> insert into t23 values (systimestamp, systimestamp, systimestamp)
  2  /

1 row created.

SQL> select * from t23
  2  /

24-JAN-12 05.57.12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM


If we don't specify a precision then the timestamp defaults to six places.

SQL> alter table t23 add ts_def timestamp;

Table altered.

SQL> update t23      
  2  set ts_def = systimestamp
  3  /

1 row updated.

SQL> select * from t23
  2  /

24-JAN-12 05.57.12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM


Note that I'm running on Linux so my TIMESTAMP column actually gives me precision to six places i.e. microseconds. This would also be the case on most (all?) flavours of Unix. On Windows the limit is three places i.e. milliseconds. (Is this still true of the most modern flavours of Windows - citation needed).

As might be expected, the documentation covers this. Find out more.

"when you create timestamp(9) this gives you nanos right"

Only if the OS supports it. As you can see, my OEL appliance does not:

SQL> alter table t23 add ts_nano timestamp(9)
  2  /

Table altered.

SQL> update t23 set ts_nano = systimestamp(9)
  2  /

1 row updated.

SQL> select * from t23
  2  /

24-JAN-12 05.57.12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM
24-JAN-12 AM


(Those trailing zeroes could be a coincidence but they aren't.)

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

null and undefined are both are used to represent the absence of some value.

var a = null;

a is initialized and defined.


null is an object in JavaScript // [object Object]

var b;

b is undefined and uninitialized

undefined object properties are also undefined. For example "x" is not defined on object c and if you try to access c.x, it will return undefined.

Generally we assign null to variables not undefined.

What is the difference between const and readonly in C#?

Read Only : Value can be changed through Ctor at runtime. But not through member Function

Constant : By default static. Value cannot be changed from anywhere ( Ctor, Function, runtime etc no-where)

How to call a javaScript Function in jsp on page load without using <body onload="disableView()">

Either use window.onload this way

    window.onload = function() {
        // ...

or alternatively

    window.onload = functionName;

(yes, without the parentheses)

Or just put the script at the very bottom of page, right before </body>. At that point, all HTML DOM elements are ready to be accessed by document functions.



proper way to sudo over ssh

The best way is ssh -t user@server "sudo <scriptname>", for example ssh -t user@server "sudo reboot". It will prompt for password for user first and then root(since we are running the script or command with root privilege.

I hope it helped and cleared your doubt.

how to write value into cell with vba code without auto type conversion?

This is probably too late, but I had a similar problem with dates that I wanted entered into cells from a text variable. Inevitably, it converted my variable text value to a date. What I finally had to do was concatentate a ' to the string variable and then put it in the cell like this:

prvt_rng_WrkSht.Cells(prvt_rng_WrkSht.Rows.Count, cnst_int_Col_Start_Date).Formula = "'" & _ 
    param_cls_shift.Start_Date (string property of my class) 

Android - Start service on boot

Following should work. I have verified. May be your problem is somewhere else.


public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        if (Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED.equals(arg1.getAction())) {
            Log.d("TAG", "MyReceiver");
            Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(context, Test1Service.class);


public class Test1Service extends Service {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate() {
        Log.d("TAG", "Service created.");
    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        Log.d("TAG", "Service started.");
        return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
        super.onStart(intent, startId);
        Log.d("TAG", "Service started.");
    public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
        return null;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />

    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BATTERY_STATS" 
<!--        <activity android:name=".MyActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> 
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"></category> 
       </activity> -->
        <service android:name=".Test1Service" 
        <receiver android:name=".MyReceiver">  
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" /> 

AngularJS - convert dates in controller

i suggest in Javascript:

var item=1387843200000;
var date1=new Date(item);

and then date1 is a Date.

CSS: background-color only inside the margin

If your margin is set on the body, then setting the background color of the html tag should color the margin area

html { background-color: black; }
body { margin:50px; background-color: white; }

Or as dmackerman suggestions, set a margin of 0, but a border of the size you want the margin to be and set the border-color

Remove NA values from a vector

You can call max(vector, na.rm = TRUE). More generally, you can use the na.omit() function.

Output single character in C

Be careful of difference between 'c' and "c"

'c' is a char suitable for formatting with %c

"c" is a char* pointing to a memory block with a length of 2 (with the null terminator).

Error handling in AngularJS http get then construct

I could not really work with the above. So this might help someone.

    function(response) {
    function(response) {
    console.log('return code: ' + response.status);

See also the $http response parameter.

Subtract 1 day with PHP

Object oriented version

$dateObject = new DateTime( $date_raw );
print('Next Date ' . $dateObject->sub( new DateInterval('P1D') )->format('Y-m-d');

Angular 5, HTML, boolean on checkbox is checked

When you have a copy of an object the [checked] attribute might not work, in that case, you can use (change) in this way:

        <input type="checkbox" [checked]="item.selected" (change)="item.selected = !item.selected">

Java array reflection: isArray vs. instanceof

I recently ran into an issue upgrading a Groovy application from JDK 5 to JDK 6. Using isArray() failed in JDK6:

No signature of sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.GenericArrayTypeImpl.isArray() ...

Changing to instanceof Object[] fixed this.

Bootstrap Dropdown with Hover

Updated with a proper plugin

I have published a proper plugin for the dropdown hover functionality, in which you can even define what happens when clicking on the dropdown-toggle element:

Why I made it, when there are many solutions already?

I had issues with all the previously existing solutions. The simple CSS ones are not using the .open class on the .dropdown, so there will be no feedback on the dropdown toggle element when the dropdown is visible.

The js ones are interfering with clicking on .dropdown-toggle, so the dropdown shows up on hover, then hides it when clicking on an opened dropdown, and moving out the mouse will trigger the dropdown to show up again. Some of the js solutions are braking iOS compatibility, some plugins are not working on modern desktop browsers which are supporting the touch events.

That's why I made the Bootstrap Dropdown Hover plugin which prevents all these issues by using only the standard Bootstrap javascript API, without any hack.

Moment js get first and last day of current month

First and Last Date of current Month In the moment.js

console.log("current month first date");
    const firstdate = moment().startOf('month').format('DD-MM-YYYY');

console.log("current month last date");
    const lastdate=moment().endOf('month').format("DD-MM-YYYY"); 

How can I save multiple documents concurrently in Mongoose/Node.js?

Use insertMany function to insert many documents. This sends only one operation to the server and Mongoose validates all the documents before hitting the mongo server. By default Mongoose inserts item in the order they exist in the array. If you are ok with not maintaining any order then set ordered:false.

Important - Error handling:

When ordered:true validation and error handling happens in a group means if one fails everything will fail.

When ordered:false validation and error handling happens individually and operation will be continued. Error will be reported back in an array of errors.

Java Switch Statement - Is "or"/"and" possible?

The above are all excellent answers. I just wanted to add that when there are multiple characters to check against, an if-else might turn out better since you could instead write the following.

// switch on vowels, digits, punctuation, or consonants
char c; // assign some character to 'c'
if ("aeiouAEIOU".indexOf(c) != -1) {
  // handle vowel case
} else if ("!@#$%,.".indexOf(c) != -1) {
  // handle punctuation case
} else if ("0123456789".indexOf(c) != -1) {
  // handle digit case
} else {
  // handle consonant case, assuming other characters are not possible

Of course, if this gets any more complicated, I'd recommend a regex matcher.

PHP - cannot use a scalar as an array warning

A bit late, but to anyone who is wondering why they are getting the "Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array" message;

the reason is because somewhere you have first declared your variable with a normal integer or string and then later you are trying to turn it into an array.

hope that helps

TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable

Actually you can fix it with following steps -

  1. Do cls.__dict__
  2. This will give you dictionary format output which will contain {'isFilled':True} or {'isFilled':False} depending upon what you have set.
  3. Delete this entry - del cls.__dict__['isFilled']
  4. You will be able to call the method now.

In this case, we delete the entry which overrides the method as mentioned by BrenBarn.

What is a PDB file?

I had originally asked myself the question "Do I need a PDB file deployed to my customer's machine?", and after reading this post, decided to exclude the file.

Everything worked fine, until today, when I was trying to figure out why a message box containing an Exception.StackTrace was missing the file and line number information - necessary for troubleshooting the exception. I re-read this post and found the key nugget of information: that although the PDB is not necessary for the app to run, it is necessary for the file and line numbers to be present in the StackTrace string. I included the PDB file in the executable folder and now all is fine.

Add onclick event to newly added element in JavaScript


elemm.attr("onclick", "yourFunction(this)");


elemm.attr("onclick", "alert('Hi!')");

How can I determine whether a specific file is open in Windows?

Try Unlocker.

The Unlocker site has a nifty chart (scroll down after following the link) that shows a comparison to other tools. Obviously such comparisons are usually biased since they are typically written by the tool author, but the chart at least lists the alternatives so that you can try them for yourself.

How to manage startActivityForResult on Android?

If you want to update the user interface with activity result, you can't to use this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {} Doing this the UI won't refresh with new value. Instead, you can do this:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {

    global_lat = data.getDoubleExtra("LATITUDE", 0);
    global_lng = data.getDoubleExtra("LONGITUDE", 0);
    new_latlng = true;

protected void onResume() {

        PhysicalTagProperties.this.setLocation(global_lat, global_lng);

This seems silly but works pretty well.

Python: Assign Value if None Exists

You should initialize variables to None and then check it:

var1 = None
if var1 is None:
    var1 = 4

Which can be written in one line as:

var1 = 4 if var1 is None else var1

or using shortcut (but checking against None is recommended)

var1 = var1 or 4

alternatively if you will not have anything assigned to variable that variable name doesn't exist and hence using that later will raise NameError, and you can also use that knowledge to do something like this

except NameError:
    var1 = 4

but I would advise against that.

How to create user for a db in postgresql?

Create the user with a password :

CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ]

where option can be:

    | CONNECTION LIMIT connlimit
    | VALID UNTIL 'timestamp'
    | IN ROLE role_name [, ...]
    | IN GROUP role_name [, ...]
    | ROLE role_name [, ...]
    | ADMIN role_name [, ...]
    | USER role_name [, ...]
    | SYSID uid

Then grant the user rights on a specific database :

Example :

grant all privileges on database db_name to someuser;

Get Windows version in a batch file

It's much easier (and faster) to get this information by only parsing the output of ver:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "10.0" echo Windows 10
if "%version%" == "6.3" echo Windows 8.1
if "%version%" == "6.2" echo Windows 8.
if "%version%" == "6.1" echo Windows 7.
if "%version%" == "6.0" echo Windows Vista.
rem etc etc

This table on MSDN documents which version number corresponds to which Windows product version (this is where you get the 6.1 means Windows 7 information from).

The only drawback of this technique is that it cannot distinguish between the equivalent server and consumer versions of Windows.

Redirect from a view to another view

Purpose of view is displaying model. You should use controller to redirect request before creating model and passing it to view. Use Controller.RedirectToAction method for this.

jQuery Data vs Attr?

If you are passing data to a DOM element from the server, you should set the data on the element:

<a id="foo" data-foo="bar" href="#">foo!</a>

The data can then be accessed using .data() in jQuery:

console.log( $('#foo').data('foo') );
//outputs "bar"

However when you store data on a DOM node in jQuery using data, the variables are stored on the node object. This is to accommodate complex objects and references as storing the data on the node element as an attribute will only accommodate string values.

Continuing my example from above:
$('#foo').data('foo', 'baz');

console.log( $('#foo').attr('data-foo') );
//outputs "bar" as the attribute was never changed

console.log( $('#foo').data('foo') );
//outputs "baz" as the value has been updated on the object

Also, the naming convention for data attributes has a bit of a hidden "gotcha":

<a id="bar" data-foo-bar-baz="fizz-buzz" href="#">fizz buzz!</a>
console.log( $('#bar').data('fooBarBaz') );
//outputs "fizz-buzz" as hyphens are automatically camelCase'd

The hyphenated key will still work:

<a id="bar" data-foo-bar-baz="fizz-buzz" href="#">fizz buzz!</a>
console.log( $('#bar').data('foo-bar-baz') );
//still outputs "fizz-buzz"

However the object returned by .data() will not have the hyphenated key set:

$('#bar').data().fooBarBaz; //works
$('#bar').data()['fooBarBaz']; //works
$('#bar').data()['foo-bar-baz']; //does not work

It's for this reason I suggest avoiding the hyphenated key in javascript.

For HTML, keep using the hyphenated form. HTML attributes are supposed to get ASCII-lowercased automatically, so <div data-foobar></div>, <DIV DATA-FOOBAR></DIV>, and <dIv DaTa-FoObAr></DiV> are supposed to be treated as identical, but for the best compatibility the lower case form should be preferred.

The .data() method will also perform some basic auto-casting if the value matches a recognized pattern:

<a id="foo"
$('#foo').data('str');  //`"bar"`
$('#foo').data('bool'); //`true`
$('#foo').data('num');  //`15`
$('#foo').data('json'); //`{fizz:['buzz']}`

This auto-casting ability is very convenient for instantiating widgets & plugins:

$('.widget').each(function () {

If you absolutely must have the original value as a string, then you'll need to use .attr():

<a id="foo" href="#" data-color="ABC123"></a>
<a id="bar" href="#" data-color="654321"></a>
$('#foo').data('color').length; //6
$('#bar').data('color').length; //undefined, length isn't a property of numbers

$('#foo').attr('data-color').length; //6
$('#bar').attr('data-color').length; //6

This was a contrived example. For storing color values, I used to use numeric hex notation (i.e. 0xABC123), but it's worth noting that hex was parsed incorrectly in jQuery versions before 1.7.2, and is no longer parsed into a Number as of jQuery 1.8 rc 1.

jQuery 1.8 rc 1 changed the behavior of auto-casting. Before, any format that was a valid representation of a Number would be cast to Number. Now, values that are numeric are only auto-cast if their representation stays the same. This is best illustrated with an example.

<a id="foo"
                              // pre 1.8    post 1.8
$('#foo').data('int');        //    1000        1000
$('#foo').data('decimal');    //    1000   "1000.00"
$('#foo').data('scientific'); //    1000       "1e3"
$('#foo').data('hex');        //    1000     "0x03e8"

If you plan on using alternative numeric syntaxes to access numeric values, be sure to cast the value to a Number first, such as with a unary + operator.

JS (cont.):
+$('#foo').data('hex'); // 1000

JavaScript window resize event

Solution for 2018+:

You should use ResizeObserver. It is a browser-native solution that has a much better performance than to use the resize event. In addition, it not only supports the event on the document but also on arbitrary elements.

var ro = new ResizeObserver( entries => {
  for (let entry of entries) {
    const cr = entry.contentRect;
    console.log(`Element size: ${cr.width}px x ${cr.height}px`);
    console.log(`Element padding: ${}px ; ${cr.left}px`);

// Observe one or multiple elements

Currently, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Edge support it. For other (and older) browsers you have to use a polyfill.

How do I convert a numpy array to (and display) an image?

import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing.image import array_to_img
img = np.zeros([525,525,3], np.uint8)

Redirect website after certain amount of time

Use this simple javascript code to redirect page to another page using specific interval of time...

Please add this code into your web site page, which is you want to redirect :

<script type="text/javascript">
   },3000); /* 1000 = 1 second*/

Convert String to Carbon

Try this

$date = Carbon::parse(date_format($youttimestring,'d/m/Y H:i:s'));
echo $date;

How do I read configuration settings from Symfony2 config.yml?

While the solution of moving the contact_email to parameters.yml is easy, as proposed in other answers, that can easily clutter your parameters file if you deal with many bundles or if you deal with nested blocks of configuration.

  • First, I'll answer strictly the question.
  • Later, I'll give an approach for getting those configs from services without ever passing via a common space as parameters.

FIRST APPROACH: Separated config block, getting it as a parameter

With an extension (more on extensions here) you can keep this easily "separated" into different blocks in the config.yml and then inject that as a parameter gettable from the controller.

Inside your Extension class inside the DependencyInjection directory write this:

class MyNiceProjectExtension extends Extension
    public function load( array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container )
        // The next 2 lines are pretty common to all Extension templates.
        $configuration = new Configuration();
        $processedConfig = $this->processConfiguration( $configuration, $configs );

        // This is the KEY TO YOUR ANSWER
        $container->setParameter( 'my_nice_project.contact_email', $processedConfig[ 'contact_email' ] );

        // Other stuff like loading services.yml

Then in your config.yml, config_dev.yml and so you can set

    contact_email: [email protected]

To be able to process that config.yml inside your MyNiceBundleExtension you'll also need a Configuration class in the same namespace:

class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
    public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
        $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
        $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root( 'my_nice_project' );

        $rootNode->children()->scalarNode( 'contact_email' )->end();

        return $treeBuilder;

Then you can get the config from your controller, as you desired in your original question, but keeping the parameters.yml clean, and setting it in the config.yml in separated sections:

$recipient = $this->container->getParameter( 'my_nice_project.contact_email' );

SECOND APPROACH: Separated config block, injecting the config into a service

For readers looking for something similar but for getting the config from a service, there is even a nicer way that never clutters the "paramaters" common space and does even not need the container to be passed to the service (passing the whole container is practice to avoid).

This trick above still "injects" into the parameters space your config.

Nevertheless, after loading your definition of the service, you could add a method-call like for example setConfig() that injects that block only to the service.

For example, in the Extension class:

class MyNiceProjectExtension extends Extension
    public function load( array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container )
        $configuration = new Configuration();
        $processedConfig = $this->processConfiguration( $configuration, $configs );

        // Do not add a paramater now, just continue reading the services.
        $loader = new YamlFileLoader( $container, new FileLocator( __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config' ) );
        $loader->load( 'services.yml' );

        // Once the services definition are read, get your service and add a method call to setConfig()
        $sillyServiceDefintion = $container->getDefinition( 'my.niceproject.sillymanager' );
        $sillyServiceDefintion->addMethodCall( 'setConfig', array( $processedConfig[ 'contact_email' ] ) );

Then in your services.yml you define your service as usual, without any absolute change:

        class: My\NiceProjectBundle\Model\SillyManager
        arguments: []

And then in your SillyManager class, just add the method:

class SillyManager
    private $contact_email;

    public function setConfig( $newConfigContactEmail )
        $this->contact_email = $newConfigContactEmail;

Note that this also works for arrays instead of scalar values! Imagine that you configure a rabbit queue and need host, user and password:

        user: guest
        password: guest

Of course you need to change your Tree, but then you can do:

$sillyServiceDefintion->addMethodCall( 'setConfig', array( $processedConfig[ 'amqp' ] ) );

and then in the service do:

class SillyManager
    private $host;
    private $user;
    private $password;

    public function setConfig( $config )
        $this->host = $config[ 'host' ];
        $this->user = $config[ 'user' ];
        $this->password = $config[ 'password' ];

Hope this helps!

Oracle "Partition By" Keyword


 7839         10          4
 5555         10          4
 7934         10          4
 7782         10          4 --- 4 records in table for dept 10
 7902         20          4
 7566         20          4
 7876         20          4
 7369         20          4 --- 4 records in table for dept 20
 7900         30          6
 7844         30          6
 7654         30          6
 7521         30          6
 7499         30          6
 7698         30          6 --- 6 records in table for dept 30

Here we are getting count for respective deptno. As for deptno 10 we have 4 records in table emp similar results for deptno 20 and 30 also.

link_to method and click event in Rails

just use

=link_to "link", "javascript:function()"

How to launch Safari and open URL from iOS app

Because this answer is deprecated since iOS 10.0, a better answer would be:

if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

y en Objective-c

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:@"url string" options:@{} completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
        if (success) {
            NSLog(@"Opened url");

Write to Windows Application Event Log

Yes, there is a way to write to the event log you are looking for. You don't need to create a new source, just simply use the existent one, which often has the same name as the EventLog's name and also, in some cases like the event log Application, can be accessible without administrative privileges*.

*Other cases, where you cannot access it directly, are the Security EventLog, for example, which is only accessed by the operating system.

I used this code to write directly to the event log Application:

using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) 
    eventLog.Source = "Application"; 
    eventLog.WriteEntry("Log message example", EventLogEntryType.Information, 101, 1); 

As you can see, the EventLog source is the same as the EventLog's name. The reason of this can be found in Event Sources @ Windows Dev Center (I bolded the part which refers to source name):

Each log in the Eventlog key contains subkeys called event sources. The event source is the name of the software that logs the event. It is often the name of the application or the name of a subcomponent of the application if the application is large. You can add a maximum of 16,384 event sources to the registry.

Can you do a partial checkout with Subversion?

Subversion 1.5 introduces sparse checkouts which may be something you might find useful. From the documentation:

... sparse directories (or shallow checkouts) ... allows you to easily check out a working copy—or a portion of a working copy—more shallowly than full recursion, with the freedom to bring in previously ignored files and subdirectories at a later time.

Center a position:fixed element

To fix the position use this :

div {
    position: fixed;
    left: 68%;
    transform: translateX(-8%);

How to fix "Headers already sent" error in PHP


(copied from: source)


1) there should not be any output (i.e. echo.. or HTML codes) before the header(.......); command.

2) remove any white-space(or newline) before <?php and after ?> tags.

3) GOLDEN RULE! - check if that php file (and also, if you include other files) have UTF8 without BOM encoding (and not just UTF-8). That is problem in many cases (because UTF8 encoded file has something special character in the start of php file, which your text-editor doesnt show)!!!!!!!!!!!

4) After header(...); you must use exit;

5) always use 301 or 302 reference:

header("location:",  true,  301 );  exit;

6) Turn on error reporting, and find the error. Your error may be caused by a function that is not working. When you turn on error reporting, you should always fix top-most error first. For example, it might be "Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings." - then farther on down you may see "headers not sent" error. After fixing top-most (1st) error, re-load your page. If you still have errors, then again fix the top-most error.

7) If none of above helps, use JAVSCRIPT redirection(however, strongly non-recommended method), may be the last chance in custom cases...:

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>'';</script>"; exit;

Return multiple values from a SQL Server function

Another option would be to use a procedure with output parameters - Using a Stored Procedure with Output Parameters

Hibernate Error: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

Otherwise than what wbdarby said, it even can happen when an object is fetched by giving the identifier of the object to a HQL. In the case of trying to modify the object fields and save it back into DB(modification could be insert, delete or update) over the same session, this error will appear. Try clearing the hibernate session before saving your modified object or create a brand new session.

Hope i helped ;-)

MySQL Data Source not appearing in Visual Studio

I found this on the MySQL support page for the Visual Studio connectors.

It appears that they do not support the MySQL to Visual Studio EXPRESS editions.

So to answer your question, yes you may need the ultimate version or professional edition - just not Express to be able to use MySQL with VS.,546265,564533#msg-564533enter image description here

How to remove \xa0 from string in Python?

Try this code

import re
re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+','','paste your string here').decode('utf-8','ignore').strip()

Check if element is visible on screen

--- Shameless plug ---
I have added this function to a library I created vanillajs-browser-helpers:

Well BenM stated, you need to detect the height of the viewport + the scroll position to match up with your top position. The function you are using is ok and does the job, though its a bit more complex than it needs to be.

If you don't use jQuery then the script would be something like this:

function posY(elm) {
    var test = elm, top = 0;

    while(!!test && test.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "body") {
        top += test.offsetTop;
        test = test.offsetParent;

    return top;

function viewPortHeight() {
    var de = document.documentElement;

    { return window.innerHeight; }
    else if( de && !isNaN(de.clientHeight) )
    { return de.clientHeight; }
    return 0;

function scrollY() {
    if( window.pageYOffset ) { return window.pageYOffset; }
    return Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);

function checkvisible( elm ) {
    var vpH = viewPortHeight(), // Viewport Height
        st = scrollY(), // Scroll Top
        y = posY(elm);
    return (y > (vpH + st));

Using jQuery is a lot easier:

function checkVisible( elm, evalType ) {
    evalType = evalType || "visible";

    var vpH = $(window).height(), // Viewport Height
        st = $(window).scrollTop(), // Scroll Top
        y = $(elm).offset().top,
        elementHeight = $(elm).height();

    if (evalType === "visible") return ((y < (vpH + st)) && (y > (st - elementHeight)));
    if (evalType === "above") return ((y < (vpH + st)));

This even offers a second parameter. With "visible" (or no second parameter) it strictly checks whether an element is on screen. If it is set to "above" it will return true when the element in question is on or above the screen.

See in action:

I hope this answers your question.


This is a lot shorter and should do it as well:

function checkVisible(elm) {
  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  return !(rect.bottom < 0 || - viewHeight >= 0);

with a fiddle to prove it:

And a version with threshold and mode included:

function checkVisible(elm, threshold, mode) {
  threshold = threshold || 0;
  mode = mode || 'visible';

  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  var above = rect.bottom - threshold < 0;
  var below = - viewHeight + threshold >= 0;

  return mode === 'above' ? above : (mode === 'below' ? below : !above && !below);

and with a fiddle to prove it:

cursor.fetchall() vs list(cursor) in Python

cursor.fetchall() and list(cursor) are essentially the same. The different option is to not retrieve a list, and instead just loop over the bare cursor object:

for result in cursor:

This can be more efficient if the result set is large, as it doesn't have to fetch the entire result set and keep it all in memory; it can just incrementally get each item (or batch them in smaller batches).

How to resolve "Could not find schema information for the element/attribute <xxx>"?

Have you tried copying the schema file to the XML Schema Caching folder for VS? You can find the location of that folder by looking at VS Tools/Options/Test Editor/XML/Miscellaneous. Unfortunately, i don't know where's the schema file for the MS Enterprise Library 4.0.

Update: After installing MS Enterprise Library, it seems there's no .xsd file. However, there's a tool for editing the configuration - EntLibConfig.exe, which you can use to edit the configuration files. Also, if you add the proper config sections to your config file, VS should be able to parse the config file properly. (EntLibConfig will add these for you, or you can add them yourself). Here's an example for the loggingConfiguration section:

    <section name="loggingConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Configuration.LoggingSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />

You also need to add a reference to the appropriate assembly in your project.

Select Top and Last rows in a table (SQL server)

To get the bottom 1000 you will want to order it by a column in descending order, and still take the top 1000.

FROM [SomeTable]

If you care for it to be in the same order as before you can use a common table expression for that:

    SELECT TOP 1000 *
    FROM [SomeTable]
    ORDER BY MySortColumn DESC

ORDER BY MySortColumn

Ruby sleep or delay less than a second?

Pass float to sleep, like sleep 0.1

Remove Project from Android Studio

You must close the project, hover over the project in the welcome screen, then press the delete button.

Firefox 'Cross-Origin Request Blocked' despite headers

I came across this question having found requests in Firefox were being blocked with the message:

Reason: CORS request did not succeed

After pulling my hair out I found out that a newly installed Firefox extension, Privacy Badger, was blocking the requests.

If you come to this question after scratching your head, try checking to see what extensions you have installed to see if any of them are blocking requests.

See Reason: CORS request did not succeed on MDN for details.

How can I format the output of a bash command in neat columns


xargs -n2  printf "%-20s%s\n"

or even

xargs printf "%-20s%s\n"

if input is not very large.

How do I check for vowels in JavaScript?

  //function to find vowel
const vowel = (str)=>{
  //these are vowels we want to check for
  const check = ['a','e','i','o','u'];
  //keep track of vowels
  var count = 0;
  for(let char of str.toLowerCase())
    //check if each character in string is in vowel array
    if(check.includes(char)) count++;
  return count;

console.log(vowel("hello there"));

Using RegEx in SQL Server

Regular Expressions In SQL Server Databases Implementation Use

Regular Expression - Description
. Match any one character
* Match any character
+ Match at least one instance of the expression before
^ Start at beginning of line
$ Search at end of line
< Match only if word starts at this point
> Match only if word stops at this point
\n Match a line break
[] Match any character within the brackets
[^...] Matches any character not listed after the ^
[ABQ]% The string must begin with either the letters A, B, or Q and can be of any length
[AB][CD]% The string must have a length of two or more and which must begin with A or B and have C or D as the second character
[A-Z]% The string can be of any length and must begin with any letter from A to Z
[A-Z0-9]% The string can be of any length and must start with any letter from A to Z or numeral from 0 to 9
[^A-C]% The string can be of any length but cannot begin with the letters A to C
%[A-Z] The string can be of any length and must end with any of the letters from A to Z
%[%$#@]% The string can be of any length and must contain at least one of the special characters enclosed in the bracket

How to retrieve records for last 30 minutes in MS SQL?

DATEADD only returned Function does not exist on MySQL 5.5.53 (I know it's old)

Instead, I found DatePlayed > DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 30 minute) to produce the desired result

Less aggressive compilation with CSS3 calc

There is several escaping options with same result:

body { width: ~"calc(100% - 250px - 1.5em)"; }
body { width: calc(~"100% - 250px - 1.5em"); }
body { width: calc(100% ~"-" 250px ~"-" 1.5em); }

How can I count the occurrences of a string within a file?

if you just want the number of occurences then you can do this, $ grep -c "string_to_count" file_name

Calling one Activity from another in Android

I have implemented this way and it works.It is much easier than all that is reported.

We have two activities : one is the main and another is the secondary.

In secondary activity, which is where we want to end the main activity , define the following variable:

public static Activity ACTIVIDAD;

And then the following method:

public static void enlaceActividadPrincipal(Activity actividad) 

Then, in your main activity from the onCreate method , you make the call:


Now, you're in control. Now, from your secondary activity, you can complete the main activity. Finish calling the function, like this:


How to insert a timestamp in Oracle?

One can simply use

VALUES (TIMESTAMP '2019-02-15 13:22:11.871+02:00');

This way you won't have to worry about date format string, just use default timestamp format.

Works with Oracle 11, have no idea if it does for earlier Oracle versions.

What is base 64 encoding used for?

It's used for converting arbitrary binary data to ASCII text.

For example, e-mail attachments are sent this way.

C# HttpClient 4.5 multipart/form-data upload

This is an example of how to post string and file stream with HTTPClient using MultipartFormDataContent. The Content-Disposition and Content-Type need to be specified for each HTTPContent:

Here's my example. Hope it helps:

private static void Upload()
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "CBS Brightcove API Service");

        using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent())
            var path = @"C:\B2BAssetRoot\files\596086\596086.1.mp4";

            string assetName = Path.GetFileName(path);

            var request = new HTTPBrightCoveRequest()
                    Method = "create_video",
                    Parameters = new Params()
                            CreateMultipleRenditions = "true",
                            EncodeTo = EncodeTo.Mp4.ToString().ToUpper(),
                            Token = "x8sLalfXacgn-4CzhTBm7uaCxVAPjvKqTf1oXpwLVYYoCkejZUsYtg..",
                            Video = new Video()
                                    Name = assetName,
                                    ReferenceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                    ShortDescription = assetName

            //Content-Disposition: form-data; name="json"
            var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request));
            stringContent.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"json\"");
            content.Add(stringContent, "json");

            FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path);

            var streamContent = new StreamContent(fs);
            streamContent.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
            //Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="C:\B2BAssetRoot\files\596090\596090.1.mp4";
            streamContent.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" + Path.GetFileName(path) + "\"");
            content.Add(streamContent, "file", Path.GetFileName(path));

            //content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");

            Task<HttpResponseMessage> message = client.PostAsync("", content);

            var input = message.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Alter column, add default constraint

I confirm like the comment from JohnH, never use column types in the your object names! It's confusing. And use brackets if possible.

Try this:

ADD  DEFAULT (getutcdate()) FOR [Date]; 

The difference between the Runnable and Callable interfaces in Java

See explanation here.

The Callable interface is similar to Runnable, in that both are designed for classes whose instances are potentially executed by another thread. A Runnable, however, does not return a result and cannot throw a checked exception.

Is it possible to Turn page programmatically in UIPageViewController?

- (void)moveToPage {

    NSUInteger pageIndex = ((ContentViewController *) [self.pageViewController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0]).pageIndex;


    ContentViewController *viewController = [self viewControllerAtIndex:pageIndex];

if (viewController == nil) {
    [self.pageViewController setViewControllers:@[viewController] direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:YES completion:nil];


//now call this method

[self moveToPage];

I hope it works :)

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in

This answer helped me The reason of crush — index 0 wasn't set. Simple $array = $array + array(null) did the trick. Or you should check whether array element on index 0 is set via isset($array[0]). The second variant is the best approach for me.

Is there a way to check which CSS styles are being used or not used on a web page?

Install the CSS Usage add-on for Firebug and run it on that page. It will tell you which styles are being used and not used by that page.

How to group pandas DataFrame entries by date in a non-unique column

This might be easier to explain with a sample dataset.

Create Sample Data

Let's assume we have a single column of Timestamps, date and another column we would like to perform an aggregation on, a.

df = pd.DataFrame({'date':pd.DatetimeIndex(['2012-1-1', '2012-6-1', '2015-1-1', '2015-2-1', '2015-3-1']),
                   'a':[9,5,1,2,3]}, columns=['date', 'a'])


        date  a
0 2012-01-01  9
1 2012-06-01  5
2 2015-01-01  1
3 2015-02-01  2
4 2015-03-01  3

There are several ways to group by year

  • Use the dt accessor with year property
  • Put date in index and use anonymous function to access year
  • Use resample method
  • Convert to pandas Period

.dt accessor with year property

When you have a column (and not an index) of pandas Timestamps, you can access many more extra properties and methods with the dt accessor. For instance:


0    2012
1    2012
2    2015
3    2015
4    2015
Name: date, dtype: int64

We can use this to form our groups and calculate some aggregations on a particular column:

df.groupby(df['date'].dt.year)['a'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])

      sum  mean  max
2012   14     7    9
2015    6     2    3

put date in index and use anonymous function to access year

If you set the date column as the index, it becomes a DateTimeIndex with the same properties and methods as the dt accessor gives normal columns

df1 = df.set_index('date')

Int64Index([2012, 2012, 2015, 2015, 2015], dtype='int64', name='date')

Interestingly, when using the groupby method, you can pass it a function. This function will be implicitly passed the DataFrame's index. So, we can get the same result from above with the following:

df1.groupby(lambda x: x.year)['a'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])

      sum  mean  max
2012   14     7    9
2015    6     2    3

Use the resample method

If your date column is not in the index, you must specify the column with the on parameter. You also need to specify the offset alias as a string.

df.resample('AS', on='date')['a'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])

             sum  mean  max
2012-01-01  14.0   7.0  9.0
2013-01-01   NaN   NaN  NaN
2014-01-01   NaN   NaN  NaN
2015-01-01   6.0   2.0  3.0

Convert to pandas Period

You can also convert the date column to a pandas Period object. We must pass in the offset alias as a string to determine the length of the Period.


0   2012
1   2012
2   2015
3   2015
4   2015
Name: date, dtype: object

We can then use this as a group

df.groupby(df['date'].dt.to_period('Y'))['a'].agg(['sum', 'mean', 'max'])

      sum  mean  max
2012   14     7    9
2015    6     2    3

JQuery select2 set default value from an option in list?

For ajax select2 multiple select dropdown i did like this;

  //preset element values
  //topics is an array of format [{"id":"","text":""}, .....]
                2,location.origin+"/api for gettings topics/",
                "Pick a topic", true, 5);                      
        // ajaxtopicDropdown is dry fucntion to get topics for diffrent element and url

How to find files recursively by file type and copy them to a directory while in ssh?

Something like this should work.

ssh [email protected] 'find -type f -name "*.pdf" -exec cp {} ./pdfsfolder \;'

multiprocessing: How do I share a dict among multiple processes?

A general answer involves using a Manager object. Adapted from the docs:

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager

def f(d):
    d[1] += '1'
    d['2'] += 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    manager = Manager()

    d = manager.dict()
    d[1] = '1'
    d['2'] = 2

    p1 = Process(target=f, args=(d,))
    p2 = Process(target=f, args=(d,))

    print d


$ python 
{1: '111', '2': 6}

Table Height 100% inside Div element

You need to have a height in the div <div style="overflow:hidden"> else it doesnt know what 100% is.

How do I convert from int to Long in Java?

As soon as there is only method Long.valueOf(long), cast from int to long will be done implicitly in case of using Long.valueOf(intValue).

The more clear way to do this is


How to hide status bar in Android

This is the official documentation about hiding the Status Bar on Android 4.0 and lower and on Android 4.1 and higher

Please, take a look at it:

How to update the constant height constraint of a UIView programmatically?

First connect the Height constraint in to our viewcontroller for creating IBOutlet like the below code shown

@IBOutlet weak var select_dateHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!

then put the below code in view did load or inside any actions

self.select_dateHeight.constant = 0 // we can change the height value

if it is inside a button click

@IBAction func Feedback_button(_ sender: Any) {
 self.select_dateHeight.constant = 0


Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

This worked very well for me.


Visual Studio popup: "the operation could not be completed"

For me it was because I'd added an entry to bind the site in IISExpress to a specific IP address, and my IP address had changed. I got a clue from the event log.

Hope this helps someone!

PySpark 2.0 The size or shape of a DataFrame

Use df.count() to get the number of rows.

Detecting locked tables (locked by LOCK TABLE)

You could also get all relevant details from performance_schema:

FROM performance_schema.table_handles 


This works similar as

show open tables WHERE In_use > 0

How to embed images in html email

You have to encode your email as multipart mime and then you can attach emails as attachments basically. You reference them by cid in the email.

Alternatively you could not attach them to the email and use URLs directly but most mail programs will block this as spammers use the trick to detect the liveness of email addresses.

You don't say what language but here is one example.

How to fix this Error: #include <gl/glut.h> "Cannot open source file gl/glut.h"

Try to change #include <gl/glut.h> to #include "gl/glut.h" in Visual Studio 2013.

What is the difference between an Instance and an Object?

Regarding the difference between an object and an instance, I do not think there is any consensus.

It looks to me like people change it pretty much interchangeably, in papers, blog posts, books or conversations.

As for me, the way I see it is, an object is a generic and alive entity in the memory, specified by the language it is used in. Just like the Object class in Java. We do not much care its type, or anything else associated with it, whether it is managed by a container or not.

An instance is an object but associated with a type, as in this method accepts Foo instances, or you can not put Animal instances in an instance of a List of Vehicles.

objects for example have locks associated with them, not instances, whereas instances have methods. objects are garbage collected, not instances.

But as I said, this is only how I see it, and I do not think there is any organisation we can refer to for a standard definition between them and everyone will pretty much have their slightly different understanding / definitions (of course within limits).

Iterating over Numpy matrix rows to apply a function each?

Here's my take if you want to try using multiprocesses to process each row of numpy array,

from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np

def my_function(x):
    pass     # do something and return something

if __name__ == '__main__':    
    X = np.arange(6).reshape((3,2))
    pool = Pool(processes = 4)
    results =, map(lambda x: x, X))
    pool.join() take in a function and an iterable.
I used 'map' function to create an iterator over each rows of the array.
Maybe there's a better to create the iterable though.

How to compress an image via Javascript in the browser?

I had an issue with the downscaleImage() function posted above by @daniel-allen-langdon in that the image.width and image.height properties are not available immediately because the image load is asynchronous.

Please see updated TypeScript example below that takes this into account, uses async functions, and resizes the image based on the longest dimension rather than just the width

function getImage(dataUrl: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement> 
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const image = new Image();
        image.src = dataUrl;
        image.onload = () => {
        image.onerror = (el: any, err: ErrorEvent) => {

export async function downscaleImage(
        dataUrl: string,  
        imageType: string,  // e.g. 'image/jpeg'
        resolution: number,  // max width/height in pixels
        quality: number   // e.g. 0.9 = 90% quality
    ): Promise<string> {

    // Create a temporary image so that we can compute the height of the image.
    const image = await getImage(dataUrl);
    const oldWidth = image.naturalWidth;
    const oldHeight = image.naturalHeight;
    console.log('dims', oldWidth, oldHeight);

    const longestDimension = oldWidth > oldHeight ? 'width' : 'height';
    const currentRes = longestDimension == 'width' ? oldWidth : oldHeight;
    console.log('longest dim', longestDimension, currentRes);

    if (currentRes > resolution) {
        console.log('need to resize...');

        // Calculate new dimensions
        const newSize = longestDimension == 'width'
            ? Math.floor(oldHeight / oldWidth * resolution)
            : Math.floor(oldWidth / oldHeight * resolution);
        const newWidth = longestDimension == 'width' ? resolution : newSize;
        const newHeight = longestDimension == 'height' ? resolution : newSize;
        console.log('new width / height', newWidth, newHeight);

        // Create a temporary canvas to draw the downscaled image on.
        const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = newWidth;
        canvas.height = newHeight;

        // Draw the downscaled image on the canvas and return the new data URL.
        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')!;
        ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
        const newDataUrl = canvas.toDataURL(imageType, quality);
        return newDataUrl;
    else {
        return dataUrl;


Default password of mysql in ubuntu server 16.04

Although this is an old question, there are several of us still struggle to find an answer. At least I did. Please don't follow all the lengthy solutions. You could simply login to your mysql as root without providing any password (provided it is a fresh installation or you haven't changed the password since your installation) by adding sudo before your mysql command. $sudo mysql -uroot -p mysql> This is because mysql changed the security model in one of the latest versions.

Hope this helps

How to tell if a string contains a certain character in JavaScript?

Demonstration: The include() method finds the “contains” character in whole string, it will return a true.

var string = "This is a and this tutorial contains javascript include() method examples."_x000D_
//The output of this_x000D_

Specify the from user when sending email using the mail command

You can specify any extra header you may need with -a

$mail -s "Some random subject" -a "From: [email protected]" [email protected]

What does the clearfix class do in css?

clearfix is the same as overflow:hidden. Both clear floated children of the parent, but clearfix will not cut off the element which overflow to it's parent. It also works in IE8 & above.

There is no need to define "." in content & .clearfix. Just write like this:

.clr:after {
    clear: both;
    content: "";
    display: block;


<div class="parent clr"></div>

Read these links for more,

What methods of ‘clearfix’ can I use?

pip installs packages successfully, but executables not found from command line

In addition to adding python's bin directory to $PATH variable, I also had to change the owner of that directory, to make it work. No idea why I wasn't the owner already.

chown -R ~/Library/Python/

How do I get rid of an element's offset using CSS?

Setting the top and left properties to negative values might not be a good workaround if your problem is simply that you're in quirks mode. This can happen if the page is missing a <!DOCTYPE> declaration, causing it to be rendered in quirks mode in IE8. In IE8 Developer Tools, make sure that "Quirks Mode" is not selected under "Document Mode". If it is selected, you may need to add the appropriate <!DOCTYPE> declaration.

Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators

Would it be cheating to use the / operator "behind the scenes" by using eval and string concatenation?

For example, in Javacript, you can do

function div3 (n) {
    var div = String.fromCharCode(47);
    return eval([n, div, 3].join(""));

Where is git.exe located?

If you are using Git For Windows then it is located at

C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core

It is nice to have in mind that Git For Windows offers Git CMD, a command prompt with the PATH already set. Git CMD is available as a shortcut in

Start Menu > Programs > Git

among other options.

What's the purpose of git-mv?

Maybe git mv has changed since these answers were posted, so I will update briefly. In my view, git mv is not accurately described as short hand for:

 # not accurate: #
 mv oldname newname
 git add newname
 git rm oldname

I use git mv frequently for two reasons that have not been described in previous answers:

  1. Moving large directory structures, where I have mixed content of both tracked and untracked files. Both tracked and untracked files will move, and retain their tracking/untracking status

  2. Moving files and directories that are large, I have always assumed that git mv will reduce the size of the repository DB history size. This is because moving/renaming a file is indexation/reference delta. I have not verified this assumption, but it seems logical.

How to read a file line-by-line into a list?

This is more explicit than necessary, but does what you want.

with open("file.txt") as file_in:
    lines = []
    for line in file_in:

How to specify a multi-line shell variable?

read does not export the variable (which is a good thing most of the time). Here's an alternative which can be exported in one command, can preserve or discard linefeeds, and allows mixing of quoting-styles as needed. Works for bash and zsh.

oneLine=$(printf %s \
    a   \
    " b "   \
    $'\tc\t'    \
    'd '    \
multiLine=$(printf '%s\n' \
    a   \
    " b "   \
    $'\tc\t'    \
    'd '    \

I admit the need for quoting makes this ugly for SQL, but it answers the (more generally expressed) question in the title.

I use it like this

export LS_COLORS=$(printf %s    \
    ':*rc=36:*.ini=36:*.inf=36:*.cfg=36:*~=33:*.bak=33:*$=33'   \

in a file sourced from both my .bashrc and .zshrc.

How to parse json string in Android?

Use JSON classes for parsing e.g

JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(Your_Sring_data);
JSONObject uniObject = mainObject.getJSONObject("university");
String  uniName = uniObject.getString("name");
String uniURL = uniObject.getString("url");

JSONObject oneObject = mainObject.getJSONObject("1");
String id = oneObject.getString("id");

How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

A nasty way is to do it with reflection. Something like this worked for me.

public static <T extends Cloneable> List<T> deepCloneList(List<T> original) {
    if (original == null || original.size() < 1) {
        return new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        int originalSize = original.size();
        Method cloneMethod = original.get(0).getClass().getDeclaredMethod("clone");
        List<T> clonedList = new ArrayList<>();

        // noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
        for (int i = 0; i < originalSize; i++) {
            // noinspection unchecked
            clonedList.add((T) cloneMethod.invoke(original.get(i)));
        return clonedList;
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        System.err.println("Couldn't clone list due to " + e.getMessage());
        return new ArrayList<>();

HTML - Display image after selecting filename

This can be done using HTML5, but will only work in browsers that support it. Here's an example.

Bear in mind you'll need an alternative method for browsers that don't support this. I've had a lot of success with this plugin, which takes a lot of the work out of your hands.

How to unzip a file in Powershell?

In PowerShell v5.1 this is slightly different compared to v5. According to MS documentation, it has to have a -Path parameter to specify the archive file path.

Expand-Archive -Path Draft.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference

Or else, this can be an actual path:

Expand-Archive -Path c:\Download\Draft.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference

Expand-Archive Doc

How do you use math.random to generate random ints?

You can also use this way for getting random number between 1 and 100 as:

SecureRandom src=new SecureRandom();
int random=1 + src.nextInt(100);

If Radio Button is selected, perform validation on Checkboxes

Full validation example with javascript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Radio button: full validation example with javascript</title>
            function send() {
                var genders = document.getElementsByName("gender");
                if (genders[0].checked == true) {
                    alert("Your gender is male");
                } else if (genders[1].checked == true) {
                    alert("Your gender is female");
                } else {
                    // no checked
                    var msg = '<span style="color:red;">You must select your gender!</span><br /><br />';
                    document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = msg;
                    return false;
                return true;

            function reset_msg() {
                document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = '';
        <form action="" method="POST">
            <br />
            <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m" onclick="reset_msg();" />Male
            <br />
            <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" onclick="reset_msg();" />Female
            <br />
            <div id="msg"></div>
            <input type="submit" value="send>>" onclick="return send();" />



Print empty line?

Python's print function adds a newline character to its input. If you give it no input it will just print a newline character


Will print an empty line. If you want to have an extra line after some text you're printing, you can a newline to your text

my_str = "hello world"
print(my_str + "\n")

If you're doing this a lot, you can also tell print to add 2 newlines instead of just one by changing the end= parameter (by default end="\n")

print("hello world", end="\n\n")

But you probably don't need this last method, the two before are much clearer.

How to change border color of textarea on :focus

so simple :

 outline-color : blue !important;

the whole CSS for my react-boostrap button is:

.custom-btn {
    background: #2f5bff;
    border: 2px solid #78e4ff;
    border-radius: 3px;
    padding: 50px 70px;
    outline-color : blue !important;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    user-select: auto;
    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
    -moz-border-radius: 3px;

How to force a checkbox and text on the same line?

Try this CSS:

label {
  display: inline-block;

PHP: How to get referrer URL?

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you the referrer page's URL if there exists any. If users use a bookmark or directly visit your site by manually typing in the URL, http_referer will be empty. Also if the users are posting to your page programatically (CURL) then they're not obliged to set the http_referer as well. You're missing all _, is that a typo?

SQL, Postgres OIDs, What are they and why are they useful?

OIDs basically give you a built-in id for every row, contained in a system column (as opposed to a user-space column). That's handy for tables where you don't have a primary key, have duplicate rows, etc. For example, if you have a table with two identical rows, and you want to delete the oldest of the two, you could do that using the oid column.

OIDs are implemented using 4-byte unsigned integers. They are not unique–OID counter will wrap around at 2³²-1. OID are also used to identify data types (see /usr/include/postgresql/server/catalog/pg_type_d.h).

In my experience, the feature is generally unused in most postgres-backed applications (probably in part because they're non-standard), and their use is essentially deprecated:

In PostgreSQL 8.1 default_with_oids is off by default; in prior versions of PostgreSQL, it was on by default.

The use of OIDs in user tables is considered deprecated, so most installations should leave this variable disabled. Applications that require OIDs for a particular table should specify WITH OIDS when creating the table. This variable can be enabled for compatibility with old applications that do not follow this behavior.

ImportError: No module named PIL

I used :

from pil import Image

instead of

from PIL import Image

and it worked for me fine

wish you bests

WPF Datagrid set selected row

You don't need to iterate through the DataGrid rows, you can achieve your goal with a more simple solution. In order to match your row you can iterate through you collection that was bound to your DataGrid.ItemsSource property then assign this item to you DataGrid.SelectedItem property programmatically, alternatively you can add it to your DataGrid.SelectedItems collection if you want to allow the user to select more than one row. See the code below:

<Window x:Class="ProgGridSelection.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Loaded="OnWindowLoaded">
    <DataGrid Name="empDataGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Height="200"/>
    <TextBox Name="empNameTextBox"/>
    <Button Content="Click" Click="OnSelectionButtonClick" />

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public class Employee
        public string Code { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    private ObservableCollection<Employee> _empCollection;

    public MainWindow()

    private void OnWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Generate test data
        _empCollection =
            new ObservableCollection<Employee>
                    new Employee {Code = "E001", Name = "Mohammed A. Fadil"},
                    new Employee {Code = "E013", Name = "Ahmed Yousif"},
                    new Employee {Code = "E431", Name = "Jasmin Kamal"},

        /* Set the Window.DataContext, alternatively you can set your
         * DataGrid DataContext property to the employees collection.
         * on the other hand, you you have to bind your DataGrid
         * DataContext property to the DataContext (see the XAML code)
        DataContext = _empCollection;

    private void OnSelectionButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /* select the employee that his name matches the
         * name on the TextBox
        var emp = (from i in _empCollection
                   where i.Name == empNameTextBox.Text.Trim()
                   select i).FirstOrDefault();

        /* Now, to set the selected item on the DataGrid you just need
         * assign the matched employee to your DataGrid SeletedItem
         * property, alternatively you can add it to your DataGrid
         * SelectedItems collection if you want to allow the user
         * to select more than one row, e.g.:
         *    empDataGrid.SelectedItems.Add(emp);
        if (emp != null)
            empDataGrid.SelectedItem = emp;

What is a clean, Pythonic way to have multiple constructors in Python?

Why do you think your solution is "clunky"? Personally I would prefer one constructor with default values over multiple overloaded constructors in situations like yours (Python does not support method overloading anyway):

def __init__(self, num_holes=None):
    if num_holes is None:
        # Construct a gouda
        # custom cheese
    # common initialization

For really complex cases with lots of different constructors, it might be cleaner to use different factory functions instead:

def create_gouda(cls):
    c = Cheese()
    # ...
    return c

def create_cheddar(cls):
    # ...

In your cheese example you might want to use a Gouda subclass of Cheese though...

How to give environmental variable path for file appender in configuration file in log4j

I got this working.

  1. In my I specified


  1. in eclipse - JVM arguments


input checkbox true or checked or yes

Only checked and checked="checked" are valid. Your other options depend on error recovery in browsers.

checked="yes" and checked="true" are particularly bad as they imply that checked="no" and checked="false" will set the default state to be unchecked … which they will not.

How to check Spark Version

You can get the spark version by using the following command:

spark-submit --version

spark-shell --version

spark-sql --version

You can visit the below site to know the spark-version used in CDH 5.7.0

Retrieve the commit log for a specific line in a file?

I don't believe there's anything built-in for this. It's made tricky by the fact that it's rare for a single line to change several times without the rest of the file changing substantially too, so you'll tend to end up with the line numbers changing a lot.

If you're lucky enough that the line always has some identifying characteristic, e.g. an assignment to a variable whose name never changed, you could use the regex choice for git blame -L. For example:

git blame -L '/variable_name *= */',+1

But this only finds the first match for that regex, so if you don't have a good way of matching the line, it's not too helpful.

You could hack something up, I suppose. I don't have time to write out code just now, but... something along these lines. Run git blame -n -L $n,$n $file. The first field is the previous commit touched, and the second field is the line number in that commit, since it could've changed. Grab those, and run git blame -n $n,$n $commit^ $file, i.e. the same thing starting from the commit before the last time the file was changed.

(Note that this will fail you if the last commit that changed the line was a merge commit. The primary way this could happen if the line was changed as part of a merge conflict resolution.)

Edit: I happened across this mailing list post from March 2011 today, which mentions that tig and git gui have a feature that will help you do this. It looks like the feature has been considered, but not finished, for git itself.

Go build: "Cannot find package" (even though GOPATH is set)

In the recent go versions from 1.14 onwards, we have to do go mod vendor before building or running, since by default go appends -mod=vendor to the go commands. So after doing go mod vendor, if we try to build, we won't face this issue.

OS X Terminal UTF-8 issues

Go to Terminal -> Preferences -> Advanced (Tab) go down to International and select Unicode (UTF-8) as Character Encoding.

And tick Set locale environment variables on startup.

Git commit with no commit message

When working on an important code update, if you really need an intermediate safepoint you might just do:

git commit -am'.'

or shorter:

git commit -am.

callback to handle completion of pipe

I found an a bit different solution of my problem regarding this context. Thought worth sharing.

Most of the example create readStreams from file. But in my case readStream has to be created from JSON string coming from a message pool.

var jsonStream = through2.obj(function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
                    this.push(JSON.stringify(chunk, null, 4) + '\n');
// message.value --> value/text to write in write.txt 
var writeStream = sftp.createWriteStream("/path/to/write/write.txt");

//"close" event didn't work for me!
writeStream.on( 'close', function () {
    console.log( "- done!" );

//"finish" event didn't work for me either!
writeStream.on( 'close', function () {
    console.log( "- done!"

// finally this worked for me!
jsonStream.on('data', function(data) {
    var toString =;
    console.log('type of data:', toString);
    console.log( "- file transferred" );

jsonStream.pipe( writeStream );

What does a question mark represent in SQL queries?

It normally represents a parameter to be supplied by client.

Nginx not picking up site in sites-enabled?

Changing from:

include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; 


include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.*; 

fixed my issue

Regex to replace everything except numbers and a decimal point

Check the link Regular Expression Demo

use the below reg exp

[a-z] + [^0-9\s.]+|.(?!\d)

How do I get the current absolute URL in Ruby on Rails?


works in rails 2.3.4 tested and do not know about other versions.

OSError - Errno 13 Permission denied

supplementing @falsetru's answer : run id in the terminal to get your user_id and group_id

Go the directory/partition where you are facing the challenge. Open terminal, type id then press enter. This will show you your user_id and group_id

then type

chown -R user-id:group-id .

Replace user-id and group-id

. at the end indicates current partition / repository

// chown -R 1001:1001 . (that was my case)

git: patch does not apply

git apply --reject --whitespace=fix mychanges.patch worked for me.


The --reject option will instruct git to not fail if it cannot determine how to apply a patch, but instead to apply indivdual hunks it can apply and create reject files (.rej) for hunks it cannot apply. Wiggle can "apply [these] rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs".

Additionally, --whitespace=fix will warn about whitespace errors and try to fix them, rather than refusing to apply an otherwise applicable hunk.

Both options together make the application of a patch more robust against failure, but they require additional attention with respect to the result.

For the whole documentation, see

How to get JS variable to retain value after page refresh?

In addition to cookies and localStorage, there's at least one other place you can store "semi-persistent" client data: Any string value you assign to will stay there until the window is closed.

To test it out, just open the console and type = "foo", then refresh the page and type; it should respond with foo.

This is a bit of a hack, but if you don't want cookies filled with unnecessary data being sent to the server with every request, and if you can't use localStorage for whatever reason (legacy clients), it may be an option to consider. has another interesting property: it's visible to windows served from other domains; it's not subject to the same-origin policy like nearly every other property of window. So, in addition to storing "semi-persistent" data there while the user navigates or refreshes the page, you can also use it for CORS-free cross-domain communication.

Note that can only store strings, but with the wide availability of JSON, this shouldn't be much of an issue even for complex data.

Why is using "" for array iteration a bad idea?

There are three reasons why you shouldn't use to iterate over array elements:

  • will loop over all own and inherited properties of the array object which aren't DontEnum; that means if someone adds properties to the specific array object (there are valid reasons for this - I've done so myself) or changed Array.prototype (which is considered bad practice in code which is supposed to work well with other scripts), these properties will be iterated over as well; inherited properties can be excluded by checking hasOwnProperty(), but that won't help you with properties set in the array object itself

  • isn't guaranteed to preserve element ordering

  • it's slow because you have to walk all properties of the array object and its whole prototype chain and will still only get the property's name, ie to get the value, an additional lookup will be required

Restoring database from .mdf and .ldf files of SQL Server 2008

this is what i did

first execute create database x. x is the name of your old database eg the name of the mdf.

Then open sql sever configration and stop the sql sever.

There after browse to the location of your new created database it should be under program file, in my case is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQL\MSSQL\DATA

and repleace the new created mdf and Idf with the old files/database.

then simply restart the sql server and walla :)

How to instantiate a javascript class in another js file?

If you are using javascript in HTML, you should include file1.js and file2.js inside your html:

<script src="path_to/file1.js"></script>
<script src="path_to/file2.js"></script>

Note, file1 should come first before file2.

Get ALL User Friends Using Facebook Graph API - Android

In v2.0 of the Graph API, calling /me/friends returns the person's friends who also use the app.

In addition, in v2.0, you must request the user_friends permission from each user. user_friends is no longer included by default in every login. Each user must grant the user_friends permission in order to appear in the response to /me/friends. See the Facebook upgrade guide for more detailed information, or review the summary below.

The /me/friendlists endpoint and user_friendlists permission are not what you're after. This endpoint does not return the users friends - its lets you access the lists a person has made to organize their friends. It does not return the friends in each of these lists. This API and permission is useful to allow you to render a custom privacy selector when giving people the opportunity to publish back to Facebook.

If you want to access a list of non-app-using friends, there are two options:

  1. If you want to let your people tag their friends in stories that they publish to Facebook using your App, you can use the /me/taggable_friends API. Use of this endpoint requires review by Facebook and should only be used for the case where you're rendering a list of friends in order to let the user tag them in a post.

  2. If your App is a Game AND your Game supports Facebook Canvas, you can use the /me/invitable_friends endpoint in order to render a custom invite dialog, then pass the tokens returned by this API to the standard Requests Dialog.

In other cases, apps are no longer able to retrieve the full list of a user's friends (only those friends who have specifically authorized your app using the user_friends permission).

For apps wanting allow people to invite friends to use an app, you can still use the Send Dialog on Web or the new Message Dialog on iOS and Android.

Reading from file using read() function

fgets would work for you. here is very good documentation on this :-

If you don't want to use fgets, following method will work for you :-

int readline(FILE *f, char *buffer, size_t len)
   char c; 
   int i;

   memset(buffer, 0, len);

   for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      int c = fgetc(f); 

      if (!feof(f)) 
         if (c == '\r')
            buffer[i] = 0;
         else if (c == '\n')
            buffer[i] = 0;

            return i+1;
            buffer[i] = c; 
         //fprintf(stderr, "read_line(): recv returned %d\n", c);
         return -1; 

   return -1; 

Titlecase all entries into a form_for text field

You don't want to take care of normalizing your data in a view - what if the user changes the data that gets submitted? Instead you could take care of it in the model using the before_save (or the before_validation) callback. Here's an example of the relevant code for a model like yours:

class Place < ActiveRecord::Base   before_save do |place| = =   end end 

You can also check out the Ruby on Rails guide for more info.

To answer you question more directly, something like this would work:

<%= f.text_field :city, :value => ( ? : '') %>   

This just means if exists, display the titlecase version of it, and if it doesn't display a blank string.

How to get Node.JS Express to listen only on localhost?

You are having this problem because you are attempting to console log app.address() before the connection has been made. You just have to be sure to console log after the connection is made, i.e. in a callback or after an event signaling that the connection has been made.

Fortunately, the 'listening' event is emitted by the server after the connection is made so just do this:

var express = require('express');
var http = require('http');

var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.send("Hello World!");

server.listen(3000, 'localhost');
server.on('listening', function() {
    console.log('Express server started on port %s at %s', server.address().port, server.address().address);

This works just fine in nodejs v0.6+ and Express v3.0+.

How to convert BigDecimal to Double in Java?

You can convert BigDecimal to double using .doubleValue(). But believe me, don't use it if you have currency manipulations. It should always be performed on BigDecimal objects directly. Precision loss in these calculations are big time problems in currency related calculations.

How do I pass a class as a parameter in Java?


void callClass(Class classObject)
   //do something with class

A Class is also a Java object, so you can refer to it by using its type.

Read more about it from official documentation.

ASP.NET MVC: What is the purpose of @section?

It lets you define a @Section of code in your template that you can then include in other files. For example, a sidebar defined in the template, could be referenced in another included view.

//This could be used to render a @Section defined as @Section SideBar { ...
@RenderSection("SideBar", required: false);

Hope this helps.

Reading from a text file and storing in a String

These are the necersary imports:


And this is a method that will allow you to read from a File by passing it the filename as a parameter like this: readFile("yourFile.txt");

String readFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
    try {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String line = br.readLine();

        while (line != null) {
            line = br.readLine();
        return sb.toString();
    } finally {

Convert an image to grayscale

None of the examples above create 8-bit (8bpp) bitmap images. Some software, such as image processing, only supports 8bpp. Unfortunately the MS .NET libraries do not have a solution. The PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed format looks promising but after a lot of attempts I couldn't get it working.

To create a true 8-bit bitmap file you need to create the proper headers. Ultimately I found the Grayscale library solution for creating 8-bit bitmap (BMP) files. The code is very simple:

Image image = Image.FromFile("c:/path/to/image.jpg");
GrayBMP_File.CreateGrayBitmapFile(image, "c:/path/to/8bpp/image.bmp");

The code for this project is far from pretty but it works, with one little simple-to-fix problem. The author hard-coded the image resolution to 10x10. Image processing programs do not like this. The fix is open GrayBMP_File.cs (yeah, funky file naming, I know) and replace lines 50 and 51 with the code below. The example sets the resolution to 200x200 but you should change it to the proper number.

int resX = 200;
int resY = 200;
// horizontal resolution
Copy_to_Index(DIB_header, BitConverter.GetBytes(resX * 100), 24);
// vertical resolution 
Copy_to_Index(DIB_header, BitConverter.GetBytes(resY * 100), 28);

Excel formula is only showing the formula rather than the value within the cell in Office 2010

Make sure the format of the cell is set to 'general' not 'text' (right click on cell and choose format cell)

Formula should look something like this:


How can I remove a key and its value from an associative array?

Consider this array:

$arr = array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2", "key3" => "value3", "key4" => "value4");
  • To remove an element using the array key:

    // To unset an element from array using Key:
    // output: array(3) { ["key1"]=> string(6) "value1" ["key3"]=> string(6) "value3" ["key4"]=> string(6) "value4" }
  • To remove element by value:

    // remove an element by value:
    $arr = array_diff($arr, ["value1"]);
    // output: array(2) { ["key3"]=> string(6) "value3" ["key4"]=> string(6) "value4" } 

read more about array_diff:

  • To remove an element by using index:

    array_splice($arr, 1, 1);
    // array(1) { ["key3"]=> string(6) "value3" } 

read more about array_splice:

Is it possible to ping a server from Javascript?

just replace



$ip = $_SERVER[''];
exec("ping -n 4 $ip 2>&1", $output, $retval);
if ($retval != 0) { 
  echo "no!"; 
  echo "yes!"; 