[php] How to fix "Headers already sent" error in PHP

When running my script, I am getting several errors like this:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /some/file.php:12) in /some/file.php on line 23

The lines mentioned in the error messages contain header() and setcookie() calls.

What could be the reason for this? And how to fix it?

This question is related to php header

The answer is

Another bad practice can invoke this problem which is not stated yet.

See this code snippet:

include('a_important_file.php'); //really really really bad practise
header("Location:A location");

Things are okay,right?

What if "a_important_file.php" is this:

//some php code 
//another line of php code
//no line above is generating any output

 ----------This is the end of the an_important_file-------------------

This will not work? Why?Because already a new line is generated.

Now,though this is not a common scenario what if you are using a MVC framework which loads a lots of file before handover things to your controller? This is not an uncommon scenario. Be prepare for this.

From PSR-2 2.2 :

  • All PHP files MUST use the Unix LF (linefeed) line ending.
  • All PHP files MUST end with a single blank line.
  • The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only php

Believe me , following thse standards can save you a hell lot of hours from your life :)


(copied from: source)


1) there should not be any output (i.e. echo.. or HTML codes) before the header(.......); command.

2) remove any white-space(or newline) before <?php and after ?> tags.

3) GOLDEN RULE! - check if that php file (and also, if you include other files) have UTF8 without BOM encoding (and not just UTF-8). That is problem in many cases (because UTF8 encoded file has something special character in the start of php file, which your text-editor doesnt show)!!!!!!!!!!!

4) After header(...); you must use exit;

5) always use 301 or 302 reference:

header("location: http://example.com",  true,  301 );  exit;

6) Turn on error reporting, and find the error. Your error may be caused by a function that is not working. When you turn on error reporting, you should always fix top-most error first. For example, it might be "Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings." - then farther on down you may see "headers not sent" error. After fixing top-most (1st) error, re-load your page. If you still have errors, then again fix the top-most error.

7) If none of above helps, use JAVSCRIPT redirection(however, strongly non-recommended method), may be the last chance in custom cases...:

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.top.location='http://website.com/';</script>"; exit;

Sometimes when the dev process has both WIN work stations and LINUX systems (hosting) and in the code you do not see any output before the related line, it could be the formatting of the file and the lack of Unix LF (linefeed) line ending.

What we usually do in order to quickly fix this, is rename the file and on the LINUX system create a new file instead of the renamed one, and then copy the content into that. Many times this solve the issue as some of the files that were created in WIN once moved to the hosting cause this issue.

This fix is an easy fix for sites we manage by FTP and sometimes can save our new team members some time.

This error message gets triggered when anything is sent before you send HTTP headers (with setcookie or header). Common reasons for outputting something before the HTTP headers are:

  • Accidental whitespace, often at the beginning or end of files, like this:

    // Note the space before "<?php"

       To avoid this, simply leave out the closing ?> - it's not required anyways.

  • Byte order marks at the beginning of a php file. Examine your php files with a hex editor to find out whether that's the case. They should start with the bytes 3F 3C. You can safely remove the BOM EF BB BF from the start of files.
  • Explicit output, such as calls to echo, printf, readfile, passthru, code before <? etc.
  • A warning outputted by php, if the display_errors php.ini property is set. Instead of crashing on a programmer mistake, php silently fixes the error and emits a warning. While you can modify the display_errors or error_reporting configurations, you should rather fix the problem.
    Common reasons are accesses to undefined elements of an array (such as $_POST['input'] without using empty or isset to test whether the input is set), or using an undefined constant instead of a string literal (as in $_POST[input], note the missing quotes).

Turning on output buffering should make the problem go away; all output after the call to ob_start is buffered in memory until you release the buffer, e.g. with ob_end_flush.

However, while output buffering avoids the issues, you should really determine why your application outputs an HTTP body before the HTTP header. That'd be like taking a phone call and discussing your day and the weather before telling the caller that he's got the wrong number.

Instead of the below line



echo("<script>location.href = '".ADMIN_URL."/index.php?msg=$msg';</script>");


?><script><?php echo("location.href = '".ADMIN_URL."/index.php?msg=$msg';");?></script><?php

It'll definitely solve your problem. I faced the same problem but I solved through writing header location in the above way.

A simple tip: A simple space (or invisible special char) in your script, right before the very first <?php tag, can cause this ! Especially when you are working in a team and somebody is using a "weak" IDE or has messed around in the files with strange text editors.

I have seen these things ;)

I got this error many times before, and I am certain all PHP programmer got this error at least once before.

Possible Solution 1

This error may have been caused by the blank spaces before the start of the file or after the end of the file.These blank spaces should not be here.


   echo "your code here";


Check all files associated with file that causes this error.

Note: Sometimes EDITOR(IDE) like gedit (a default linux editor) add one blank line on save file. This should not happen. If you are using Linux. you can use VI editor to remove space/lines after ?> at the end of the page.

Possible Solution 2: If this is not your case, then use ob_start to output buffering:


  // code 


This will turn output buffering on and your headers will be created after the page is buffered.

It is because of this line:

printf ("Hi %s,</br />", $name);

You should not print/echo anything before sending the headers.

Generally this error arise when we send header after echoing or printing. If this error arise on a specific page then make sure that page is not echoing anything before calling to start_session().

Example of Unpredictable Error:

 <?php //a white-space before <?php also send for output and arise error

//your page content

One more example:

includes 'functions.php';
?> <!-- This new line will also arise error -->

//your page content

Conclusion: Do not output any character before calling session_start() or header() functions not even a white-space or new-line

You do

printf ("Hi %s,</br />", $name);

before setting the cookies, which isn't allowed. You can't send any output before the headers, not even a blank line.