[ios] preferredStatusBarStyle isn't called

As for iOS 13.4 the preferredStatusBarStyle method in UINavigationController category will not be called, swizzling seems to be the only option without the need of using a subclass.


Category header:

@interface UINavigationController (StatusBarStyle)
+ (void)setUseLightStatusBarStyle;


#import "UINavigationController+StatusBarStyle.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>

@implementation UINavigationController (StatusBarStyle)

void (^swizzle)(Class, SEL, SEL) = ^(Class c, SEL orig, SEL new){
    Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(c, orig);
    Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(c, new);
    if(class_addMethod(c, orig, method_getImplementation(newMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(newMethod)))
        class_replaceMethod(c, new, method_getImplementation(origMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod));
        method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);

+ (void)setUseLightStatusBarStyle {
    swizzle(self.class, @selector(preferredStatusBarStyle), @selector(_light_preferredStatusBarStyle));

- (UIStatusBarStyle)_light_preferredStatusBarStyle {
    return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;

Usage in AppDelegate.h:

#import "UINavigationController+StatusBarStyle.h"

[UINavigationController setUseLightStatusBarStyle];

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