[python] ImportError: No module named PIL

I use this command in the shell to install PIL:

easy_install PIL

then I run python and type this: import PIL. But I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named PIL

I've never had such problem, what do you think?

This question is related to python python-imaging-library easy-install

The answer is

You will need to install Image and pillow with your python package. Rest assured, the command line will take care of everything for you.


python -m pip install image

pip(3) uninstall Pillow
pip(3) uninstall PIL
pip(3) install Pillow

Python 3.8 on Windows 10. A combination of the answers worked for me. See below for a standalone working example. The commented out lines should be executed in the command line.

import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# pip uninstall pillow
# pip uninstall PIL
# pip install image
from PIL import Image
url = "https://images.homedepot-static.com/productImages/007164ea-d47e-4f66-8d8c-fd9f621984a2/svn/architectural-mailboxes-house-letters-numbers-3585b-5-64_1000.jpg"
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
img = Image.open(response.raw)

I had the same issue while importing PIL and further importing the ImageTk and Image modules. I also tried installing PIL directly through pip. but not success could be achieved. As in between it has been suggested that PIL has been deprectaed, thus, tried to install pillow through pip only. pillow was successfully installed, further, the PIL package was made under the path : python27/Lib/site-packages/.

Now both Image and ImageTk could be imported.

if you use anaconda:

conda install pillow

This worked for me on Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt-get install python-imaging

I found this on Wikibooks after searching for about half an hour.

Sometimes I get this type of error running a Unitest in python. The solution is to uninstall and install the same package on your virtual environment.

Using this commands:

pip uninstall PIL


pip install  PIL 

If for any reason you get an error, add sudo at the beginning of the command and after hitting enter type your password.

I had the same issue and tried many of the solutions listed above.

I then remembered that I have multiple versions of Python installed AND I use the PyCharm IDE (which is where I was getting this error message), so the solution in my case was:

In PyCharm:

go to File>Settings>Project>Python Interpreter

click "+" (install)

locate Pillow from the list and install it

Hope this helps anyone who may be in a similar situation!

At first install Pillow with

pip install Pillow

or as follows

c:\Python35>python -m pip install Pillow

Then in python code you may call

from PIL import Image

"Pillow is a fork of PIL, the Python Imaging Library, which is no longer maintained. However, to maintain backwards compatibility, the old module name is used." From pillow installed, but "no module named pillow" - python2.7 - Windows 7 - python -m install pillow

In shell, run:

pip install Pillow

Attention: PIL is deprecated, and pillow is the successor.

On a different note, I can highly recommend the use of Pillow which is backwards compatible with PIL and is better maintained/will work on newer systems.

When that is installed you can do

import PIL 


from PIL import Image


On windows, try checking the path to the location of the PIL library. On my system, I noticed the path was

\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pil instead of \Python26\Lib\site-packages\PIL  

after renaming the pil folder to PIL, I was able to load the PIL module.

You are probably missing the python headers to build pil. If you're using ubuntu or the likes it'll be something like

apt-get install python-dev

use pil instead of PIL

from pil import Image

On Windows, you need to download it and install the .exe


I used conda-forge to install pillow version 5, and that seemed to work for me:

conda install --channel conda-forge pillow=5

the normal conda install pillow did NOT work for me.

you have to install Image and pillow with your python package.


python -m pip install image 

or run command prompt (in windows), then navigate to the scripts folder

cd C:\Python27\Scripts

then run below command

pip install image

I had the same problem and i fixed it by checking what version pip (pip3 --version) is, then realizing I'm typing python<uncorrect version> filename.py instead of python<correct version> filename.py

I used :

from pil import Image

instead of

from PIL import Image

and it worked for me fine

wish you bests

I used:

pip install Pillow 

and pip installed PIL in Lib\site-packages. When I moved PIL to Lib everything worked fine. I'm on Windows 10.

instead of PIL use Pillow it works

easy_install Pillow


pip install Pillow

On windows 10 I managed to get there with:

cd "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32" 
python -m pip install --upgrade pip     <-- upgrading from 10.something to 19.2.2.
pip3 uninstall pillow
pip3 uninstall PIL
pip3 install image

after which in python (python 3.7 in my case) this works fine...

import PIL
from PIL import image

I recently installed Leap. I Tried openshot and it didn't start. So came here and found a suggestion to start from the Terminal to see if there were any error.

The error I had was error missing mlt. So I installed the python-mlt module from Yast and imported it, tried to start but next openshot said missing pil.

I Followed the Pillow suggestion to install because Yast couldn't find any pil and imported pil. That went ok but did not start and showed Error missing goocanvas.

The I installed goocanvas with Yast, imported it in python, and Openshot fired up !!

With a lot of errors in the terminal like missing Vimeoclient and lots of attributeerrors. Well, will see if it is of any influence working with it.

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