This is assuming a Conda Environment. At a high level, what worked for me was simply configuring my Conda path in Spyder. Here is how I did it:
First, determine the path your env exists at
Create your environment
In the Anaconda navigator, click to "environments" and then hit the play button on the environment you want to open.
Click "Open with Python," you should get an interactive Python shell
Type "import numpy" (choose any package)
Type "numpy" and take a look at the path that looks like this:
C:\\Users\My Name\\.conda\\envs\\pytorch-three\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\
The important part is the path all the way down to site-packages
For Spyder to be able to read your packages, do the following within Spyder.
Open Spyder from anywhere
Click "tools" and "preferences"
In your Python Interpreter click "Use the following Python interpreter"
From the path above, navigate to your environment and select the Python executable. For me it was here: C:\\Users\My Name\\.conda\\envs\\pytorch-three\\python.exe
Finally, add the C:\\Users\\My Name\\.conda\\envs\\pytorch-three\\libs\\site-libs
folder to the path (which will exist in your environment). This is easily done through the little Python icon with the tooltip of "add to path"
I personally didn't need to restart my IDE, but you may need to.