Programs & Examples On #Xmlhttprequest

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX. The XHR API is a legacy API. It has been superseded by the Fetch API.

How to check if the request is an AJAX request with PHP

From PHP 7 with null coalescing operator it will be shorter:

$is_ajax = 'xmlhttprequest' == strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ?? '' );

What does it mean when an HTTP request returns status code 0?

Many of the answers here are wrong. It seems people figure out what was causing status==0 in their particular case and then generalize that as the answer.

Practically speaking, status==0 for a failed XmlHttpRequest should be considered an undefined error.

The actual W3C spec defines the conditions for which zero is returned here:

As you can see from the spec (fetch or XmlHttpRequest) this code could be the result of an error that happened even before the server is contacted.

Some of the common situations that produce this status code are reflected in the other answers but it could be any or none of these problems:

  1. Illegal cross origin request (see CORS)
  2. Firewall block or filtering
  3. The request itself was cancelled in code
  4. An installed browser extension is mucking things up

What would be helpful would be for browsers to provide detailed error reporting for more of these status==0 scenarios. Indeed, sometimes status==0 will accompany a helpful console message, but in others there is no other information.

jQuery has deprecated synchronous XMLHTTPRequest

The accepted answer is correct, but I found another cause if you're developing under ASP.NET with Visual Studio 2013 or higher and are sure you didn't make any synchronous ajax requests or define any scripts in the wrong place.

The solution is to disable the "Browser Link" feature by unchecking "Enable Browser Link" in the VS toolbar dropdown indicated by the little refresh icon pointing clockwise. As soon as you do this and reload the page, the warnings should stop!

Disable Browser Link

This should only happen while debugging locally, but it's still nice to know the cause of the warnings.

Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

if you're under apache, just add an .htaccess file to your directory with this content:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods: *

Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?

AWS Lambda/API Gateway

For information on how to configure multiple origins on Serverless AWS Lambda and API Gateway - albeit a rather large solution for something one would feel should be quite straightforward - see here:

It is currently not possible to configure multiple origins in API Gateway, see here:, but the recommendation (in the answer above) is:

  • inspect the Origin header sent by the browser
  • check it against a whitelist of origins
  • if it matches, return the incoming Origin as the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, else return a placeholder (default origin).

The simple solution is obviously enabling ALL (*) like so:

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: {
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
            "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" : true // Required for cookies, authorization headers with HTTPS
        body: JSON.stringify([{

But it might be better to do this on the API Gateway side (see 2nd link above).

How can I send the "&" (ampersand) character via AJAX?

You can use encodeURIComponent().

It will escape all the characters that cannot occur verbatim in URLs:

var wysiwyg_clean = encodeURIComponent(wysiwyg);

In this example, the ampersand character & will be replaced by the escape sequence %26, which is valid in URLs.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '...' is therefore not allowed access

The workaround is to use a reverse proxy running on your 'source' host and forwarding to your target server, such as Fiddler:

Link here:

Or an Apache Reverse proxy...

Deadly CORS when http://localhost is the origin

The real problem is that if we set -Allow- for all request (OPTIONS & POST), Chrome will cancel it. The following code works for me with POST to LocalHost with Chrome

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {
    //header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: {$_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']}");
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');    
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS"); 
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS");         


AngularJS: No "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header is present on the requested resource

CORS is Cross Origin Resource Sharing, you get this error if you are trying to access from one domain to another domain.

Try using JSONP. In your case, JSONP should work fine because it only uses the GET method.

Try something like this:

var url = "";
    method: 'JSONP',
    url: url
success(function(status) {
    //your code when success
error(function(status) {
    //your code when fails

XMLHttpRequest Origin null is not allowed Access-Control-Allow-Origin for file:/// to file:/// (Serverless)

You can try putting 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'*' in response.writeHead(, {[here]}).

Does an HTTP Status code of 0 have any meaning?

Know it's an old post. But these issues still exist.

Here are some of my findings on the subject, grossly explained.

"Status" 0 means one of 3 things, as per the XMLHttpRequest spec:

  • dns name resolution failed (that's for instance when network plug is pulled out)

  • server did not answer (a.k.a. unreachable or unresponding)

  • request was aborted because of a CORS issue (abortion is performed by the user-agent and follows a failing OPTIONS pre-flight).

If you want to go further, dive deep into the inners of XMLHttpRequest. I suggest reading the ready-state update sequence ([0,1,2,3,4] is the normal sequence, [0,1,4] corresponds to status 0, [0,1,2,4] means no content sent which may be an error or not). You may also want to attach listeners to the xhr (onreadystatechange, onabort, onerror, ontimeout) to figure out details.

From the spec (XHR Living spec):

const unsigned short UNSENT = 0;
const unsigned short OPENED = 1;
const unsigned short HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2;
const unsigned short LOADING = 3;
const unsigned short DONE = 4;

POST data in JSON format

Not sure if you want jQuery.

var form;

form.onsubmit = function (e) {
  // stop the regular form submission

  // collect the form data while iterating over the inputs
  var data = {};
  for (var i = 0, ii = form.length; i < ii; ++i) {
    var input = form[i];
    if ( {
      data[] = input.value;

  // construct an HTTP request
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, form.action, true);
  xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');

  // send the collected data as JSON

  xhr.onloadend = function () {
    // done

What is difference between Axios and Fetch?

With fetch, we need to deal with two promises. With axios, we can directly access the JSON result inside the response object data property.

Cross-Origin Request Headers(CORS) with PHP headers

Many description internet-wide don't mention that specifying Access-Control-Allow-Origin is not enough. Here is a complete example that works for me:

        header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
        header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS');
        header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: token, Content-Type');
        header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 1728000');
        header('Content-Length: 0');
        header('Content-Type: text/plain');

    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    header('Content-Type: application/json');

    $ret = [
        'result' => 'OK',
    print json_encode($ret);

XMLHttpRequest module not defined/found

XMLHttpRequest is a built-in object in web browsers.

It is not distributed with Node; you have to install it separately,

  1. Install it with npm,

    npm install xmlhttprequest
  2. Now you can require it in your code.

    var XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest;
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

That said, the http module is the built-in tool for making HTTP requests from Node.

Axios is a library for making HTTP requests which is available for Node and browsers that is very popular these days.

Why am I getting an OPTIONS request instead of a GET request?

It's looking like Firefox and Opera (tested on mac as well) don't like the cross domainness of this (but Safari is fine with it).

You might have to call a local server side code to curl the remote page.

HTML5 Pre-resize images before uploading

Resizing images in a canvas element is generally bad idea since it uses the cheapest box interpolation. The resulting image noticeable degrades in quality. I'd recommend using which can perform Lanczos transformation instead. The demo page above shows difference between canvas and Lanczos approaches.

It also uses web workers for resizing images in parallel. There is also WEBGL implementation.

There are some online image resizers that use pica for doing the job, like

Ajax - 500 Internal Server Error

Uncomment the following line : [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]

Service will start working fine.

[WebService(Namespace = "")]

 [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]

To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.


public class WebService : System.Web.Services.WebService 

Empty responseText from XMLHttpRequest

Is part of your domain? If not, you are being blocked by the same origin policy.

You may want to check out the following Stack Overflow post for a few possible workarounds:

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Origin null is the local file system, so that suggests that you're loading the HTML page that does the load call via a file:/// URL (e.g., just double-clicking it in a local file browser or similar). Different browsers take different approaches to applying the Same Origin Policy to local files.

My guess is that you're seeing this using Chrome. Chrome's rules for applying the SOP to local files are very tight, it disallows even loading files from the same directory as the document. So does Opera. Some other browsers, such as Firefox, allow limited access to local files. But basically, using ajax with local resources isn't going to work cross-browser.

If you're just testing something locally that you'll really be deploying to the web, rather than use local files, install a simple web server and test via http:// URLs instead. That gives you a much more accurate security picture.

Uploading multiple files using formData()

I found this work for me!

var fd = new FormData();
$.each($('.modal-banner [type=file]'), function(index, file) {
  fd.append('item[]', $('input[type=file]')[index].files[0]);

  type: 'POST',
  url: 'your/path/', 
  data: fd,
  dataType: 'json',
  contentType: false,
  processData: false,
  cache: false,
  success: function (response) {
  error: function(err){
}).done(function() {
  // do something....
return false;

Edit and replay XHR chrome/firefox etc?

There are a few ways to do this, as mentioned above, but in my experience the best way to manipulate an XHR request and resend is to use chrome dev tools to copy the request as cURL request (right click on the request in the network tab) and to simply import into the Postman app (giant import button in the top left).

loading json data from local file into React JS

My JSON file name: terrifcalculatordata.json

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Vigo",
      "picture": "./static/images/vigo.png",
      "charges": "PKR 100 per excess km"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Mercedes",
      "picture": "./static/images/Marcedes.jpg",
      "charges": "PKR 200 per excess km"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Lexus",
        "picture": "./static/images/Lexus.jpg",
        "charges": "PKR 150 per excess km"

First , import on top:

import calculatorData from "../static/data/terrifcalculatordata.json";

then after return:

  {, index) => {
        return (
            <div key={index}>

enabling cross-origin resource sharing on IIS7

I found the information found at to be very helpful in setting up HTTP OPTIONS for a WCF service in IIS 7.

I added the following to my web.config and then moved the OPTIONSVerbHandler in the IIS 7 'hander mappings' list to the top of the list. I also gave the OPTIONSVerbHander read access by double clicking the hander in the handler mappings section then on 'Request Restrictions' and then clicking on the access tab.

Unfortunately I quickly found that IE doesn't seem to support adding headers to their XDomainRequest object (setting the Content-Type to text/xml and adding a SOAPAction header).

Just wanted to share this as I spent the better part of a day looking for how to handle it.

            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET,POST,OPTIONS" />
            <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type, soapaction" />

AngularJS Error: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome-extension, https

This error is happening because you are just opening html documents directly from the browser. To fix this you will need to serve your code from a webserver and access it on localhost. If you have Apache setup, use it to serve your files. Some IDE's have built in web servers, like JetBrains IDE's, Eclipse...

If you have Node.Js setup then you can use http-server. Just run npm install http-server -g and you will be able to use it in terminal like http-server C:\location\to\app.

Send POST data using XMLHttpRequest

var util = {
    getAttribute: function (dom, attr) {
        if (dom.getAttribute !== undefined) {
            return dom.getAttribute(attr);
        } else if (dom[attr] !== undefined) {
            return dom[attr];
        } else {
            return null;
    addEvent: function (obj, evtName, func) {
        //Primero revisar attributos si existe o no.
        if (obj.addEventListener) {
            obj.addEventListener(evtName, func, false);

        } else if (obj.attachEvent) {
            obj.attachEvent(evtName, func);
        } else {
            if (this.getAttribute("on" + evtName) !== undefined) {
                obj["on" + evtName] = func;
            } else {
                obj[evtName] = func;


    removeEvent: function (obj, evtName, func) {
        if (obj.removeEventListener) {
            obj.removeEventListener(evtName, func, false);
        } else if (obj.detachEvent) {
            obj.detachEvent(evtName, func);
        } else {
            if (this.getAttribute("on" + evtName) !== undefined) {
                obj["on" + evtName] = null;
            } else {
                obj[evtName] = null;

    getAjaxObject: function () {
        var xhttp = null;
        if ("XMLHttpRequest" in window) {
            xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } else {
            // code for IE6, IE5
            xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        return xhttp;



var xhr = util.getAjaxObject();

var isUpload = (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload));

if (isUpload) {
    util.addEvent(xhr, "progress", xhrEvt.onProgress());
    util.addEvent(xhr, "loadstart", xhrEvt.onLoadStart);
    util.addEvent(xhr, "abort", xhrEvt.onAbort);

util.addEvent(xhr, "readystatechange", xhrEvt.ajaxOnReadyState);

var xhrEvt = {
    onProgress: function (e) {
        if (e.lengthComputable) {
            //Loaded bytes.
            var cLoaded = e.loaded;
    onLoadStart: function () {
    onAbort: function () {
    onReadyState: function () {
        var state = xhr.readyState;
        var httpStatus = xhr.status;

        if (state === 4 && httpStatus === 200) {
            //Completed success.
            var data = xhr.responseText;

//CONTINUE YOUR CODE HERE.'POST', 'mypage.php', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

if ('FormData' in window) {
    var formData = new FormData();
    formData.append("user", "aaaaa");
    formData.append("pass", "bbbbb");


} else {


What is the cleanest way to get the progress of JQuery ajax request?

I was searching for a similar solution and found this one use full.

var es;

function startTask() {
    es = new EventSource('yourphpfile.php');

//a message is received
es.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
    var result = JSON.parse( );


    if(e.lastEventId == 'CLOSE') {
        var pBar = document.getElementById('progressor');
        pBar.value = pBar.max; //max out the progress bar
    else {

        console.log(response); //your progress bar action

es.addEventListener('error', function(e) {


and your server outputs

header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
// recommended to prevent caching of event data.
header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); 

function send_message($id, $message, $progress) {
    $d = array('message' => $message , 'progress' => $progress); //prepare json

    echo "id: $id" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "data: " . json_encode($d) . PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;


 for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    send_message($i, 'on iteration ' . $i . ' of 10' , $i*10); 


send_message('CLOSE', 'Process complete');

SCRIPT5: Access is denied in IE9 on xmlhttprequest

This example illustrate how to use AJAX to pull resourcess from any website. it works across browsers. i have tested it on IE8-IE10, safari, chrome, firefox, opera.

if (window.XDomainRequest) xmlhttp = new XDomainRequest();
else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET", "", false);

hostipInfo = xmlhttp.responseText.split("\n");
var IP = false;
for (i = 0; hostipInfo.length >= i; i++) {
    if (hostipInfo[i]) {

        ipAddress = hostipInfo[i].split(":");
        if (ipAddress[0] == "IP") {
            IP = ipAddress[1];
return IP;

A CORS POST request works from plain JavaScript, but why not with jQuery?

You are sending "params" in js: request.send(params);

but "data" in jquery". Is data defined?: data:data,

Also, you have an error in the URL:

$.ajax( {url:url,
         success:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {alert("success");},
         error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {alert("failure");}

You are mixing the syntax with the one for $.post

Update: I was googling around based on monsur answer, and I found that you need to add Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type (below is the full paragraph)

How CORS Works

CORS works very similarly to Flash's crossdomain.xml file. Basically, the browser will send a cross-domain request to a service, setting the HTTP header Origin to the requesting server. The service includes a few headers like Access-Control-Allow-Origin to indicate whether such a request is allowed.

For the BOSH connection managers, it is enough to specify that all origins are allowed, by setting the value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin to *. The Content-Type header must also be white-listed in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

Finally, for certain types of requests, including BOSH connection manager requests, the permissions check will be pre-flighted. The browser will do an OPTIONS request and expect to get back some HTTP headers that indicate which origins are allowed, which methods are allowed, and how long this authorization will last. For example, here is what the Punjab and ejabberd patches I did return for OPTIONS:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type 
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400

How to enable CORS in AngularJs

        var result=[];
        var app = angular.module('app', []);
        app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
             var url="";// your request url    
             var request={};// your request parameters
             var headers = {
             // 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ":" + password),
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': true,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"
             $, request, {
                 .then(function Success(response) {
                      $scope.Data = result;              
                  function Error(response) {
                       $scope.Data = result;
                    console.log(response.statusText + " " + response.status)

And also add following code in your WebApiConfig file            
        var cors = new EnableCorsAttribute("*", "*", "*");

JavaScript - XMLHttpRequest, Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors

I think you've missed the point of access control.

A quick recap on why CORS exists: Since JS code from a website can execute XHR, that site could potentially send requests to other sites, masquerading as you and exploiting the trust those sites have in you(e.g. if you have logged in, a malicious site could attempt to extract information or execute actions you never wanted) - this is called a CSRF attack. To prevent that, web browsers have very stringent limitations on what XHR you can send - you are generally limited to just your domain, and so on.

Now, sometimes it's useful for a site to allow other sites to contact it - sites that provide APIs or services, like the one you're trying to access, would be prime candidates. CORS was developed to allow site A(e.g. to say "I trust site B, so you can send XHR from it to me". This is specified by site A sending "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headers in its responses.

In your specific case, it seems that doesn't bother to use CORS. Your best bet is to contact the site owner and find out why, if you want to use with a browser script. Alternatively, you could try using an extension(those should have higher XHR privileges).

How do I get the HTTP status code with jQuery?

The third argument is the XMLHttpRequest object, so you can do whatever you want.

  url  : '',
  type : 'post',
  data : 'a=b'
}).done(function(data, statusText, xhr){
  var status = xhr.status;                //200
  var head = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); //Detail header info

Get HTML code using JavaScript with a URL

You can use fetch to do that:

    .then(function (response) {
        switch (response.status) {
            // status "OK"
            case 200:
                return response.text();
            // status "Not Found"
            case 404:
                throw response;
    .then(function (template) {
    .catch(function (response) {
        // "Not Found"

Asynchronous with arrow function version:

(async () => {
    var response = await fetch('some_url');
    switch (response.status) {
        // status "OK"
        case 200:
            var template = await response.text();

        // status "Not Found"
        case 404:
            console.log('Not Found');

Firefox setting to enable cross domain Ajax request

For modern browsers, you may try the following approach:

In short, you need to add the following into the SERVER response header (the following allows access from foo.example):

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://foo.example
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-PINGOTHER
Access-Control-Max-Age: 1728000

Note that the X-PINGOTHER is the custom header that is inserted by JavaScript, and should differ from site to site.

If you want any site access your server in Ajax, use * instead.


When I first answered the question by 2009, I actually hit the same problem, and I worked around it using the server side config.

There was no plugin on FF or Chrome by then.

However, now we do have alternatives using the browser side plugin, please check the answer of tsds

How can I upload files asynchronously?

Using HTML5 and JavaScript, uploading async is quite easy, I create the uploading logic along with your html, this is not fully working as it needs the api, but demonstrate how it works, if you have the endpoint called /upload from root of your website, this code should work for you:

const asyncFileUpload = () => {
  const fileInput = document.getElementById("file");
  const file = fileInput.files[0];
  const uri = "/upload";
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.upload.onprogress = e => {
    const percentage = e.loaded /;
  xhr.onreadystatechange = e => {
    if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
      console.log("file uploaded");
  };"POST", uri, true);
  <input type="file" id="file" name="file" size="10" />
  <input onclick="asyncFileUpload()" id="upload" type="button" value="Upload" />

Also some further information about XMLHttpReques:

The XMLHttpRequest Object

All modern browsers support the XMLHttpRequest object. The XMLHttpRequest object can be used to exchange data with a web server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.

Create an XMLHttpRequest Object

All modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE7+, Edge, Safari, Opera) have a built-in XMLHttpRequest object.

Syntax for creating an XMLHttpRequest object:

variable = new XMLHttpRequest();

Access Across Domains

For security reasons, modern browsers do not allow access across domains.

This means that both the web page and the XML file it tries to load, must be located on the same server.

The examples on W3Schools all open XML files located on the W3Schools domain.

If you want to use the example above on one of your own web pages, the XML files you load must be located on your own server.

For more details, you can continue reading here...

“Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin” error for request made by application running from a file:// URL

I also got the same error in Chrome (I didn't test other browers). It was due to the fact that I was navigating on instead of A bit strange, but I could solve the problem by adding the following lines to .htaccess. It redirects to and the problem was solved. I am a lazy web visitor so I almost never type the www but apparently in some cases it is required.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

XMLHttpRequest (Ajax) Error

So there might be a few things wrong here.

First start by reading how to use because there's a third optional parameter for specifying whether to make an asynchronous request, defaulting to true. That means you're making an asynchronous request and need to specify a callback function before you do the send(). Here's an example from MDN:

var oXHR = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);

oXHR.onreadystatechange = function (oEvent) {
    if (oXHR.readyState === 4) {
        if (oXHR.status === 200) {
        } else {
           console.log("Error", oXHR.statusText);


Second, since you're getting a 101 error, you might use the wrong URL. So make sure that the URL you're making the request with is correct. Also, make sure that your server is capable of serving your quiz.xml file.

You'll probably have to debug by simplifying/narrowing down where the problem is. So I'd start by making an easy synchronous request so you don't have to worry about the callback function. So here's another example from MDN for making a synchronous request:

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'file:///home/user/file.json', false); 

if (request.status == 0)

Also, if you're just starting out with Javascript, you could refer to MDN for Javascript API documentation/examples/tutorials.

Upload File With Ajax XmlHttpRequest

  1. There is no such thing as xhr.file = file;; the file object is not supposed to be attached this way.
  2. xhr.send(file) doesn't send the file. You have to use the FormData object to wrap the file into a multipart/form-data post data object:

    var formData = new FormData();
    formData.append("thefile", file);

After that, the file can be access in $_FILES['thefile'] (if you are using PHP).

Remember, MDC and Mozilla Hack demos are your best friends.

EDIT: The (2) above was incorrect. It does send the file, but it would send it as raw post data. That means you would have to parse it yourself on the server (and it's often not possible, depend on server configuration). Read how to get raw post data in PHP here.

How many concurrent AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) requests are allowed in popular browsers?

I just checked with and with IE9 and Chrome 24 you can have 6 concurrent connections to a single domain, and up to 17 to multiple ones.

Sending a JSON to server and retrieving a JSON in return, without JQuery

Using new api fetch:

const dataToSend = JSON.stringify({"email": "[email protected]", "password": "101010"});
let dataReceived = ""; 
fetch("", {
    credentials: "same-origin",
    mode: "same-origin",
    method: "post",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    body: dataToSend
    .then(resp => {
        if (resp.status === 200) {
            return resp.json()
        } else {
            console.log("Status: " + resp.status)
            return Promise.reject("server")
    .then(dataJson => {
        dataReceived = JSON.parse(dataJson)
    .catch(err => {
        if (err === "server") return

console.log(`Received: ${dataReceived}`)                
_x000D_ You need to handle when server sends other status rather than 200(ok), you should reject that result because if you were to left it in blank, it will try to parse the json but there isn't, so it will throw an error

How to get the response of XMLHttpRequest?

You can get it by XMLHttpRequest.responseText in XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange when XMLHttpRequest.readyState equals to XMLHttpRequest.DONE.

Here's an example (not compatible with IE6/7).

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
}'GET', '', true);

For better crossbrowser compatibility, not only with IE6/7, but also to cover some browser-specific memory leaks or bugs, and also for less verbosity with firing ajaxical requests, you could use jQuery.

$.get('', function(responseText) {

Note that you've to take the Same origin policy for JavaScript into account when not running at localhost. You may want to consider to create a proxy script at your domain.

jQuery posting valid json in request body

An actual JSON request would look like this:

data: '{"command":"on"}',

Where you're sending an actual JSON string. For a more general solution, use JSON.stringify() to serialize an object to JSON, like this:

data: JSON.stringify({ "command": "on" }),

To support older browsers that don't have the JSON object, use json2.js which will add it in.

What's currently happening is since you have processData: false, it's basically sending this: ({"command":"on"}).toString() which is [object Object]...what you see in your request.

How to read a local text file?

function readTextFile(file) {
    var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest(); // XMLHttpRequest (often abbreviated as XHR) is a browser object accessible in JavaScript that provides data in XML, JSON, but also HTML format, or even a simple text using HTTP requests."GET", file, false); // open with method GET the file with the link file ,  false (synchronous)
    rawFile.onreadystatechange = function ()
        if(rawFile.readyState === 4) // readyState = 4: request finished and response is ready
            if(rawFile.status === 200) // status 200: "OK"
                var allText = rawFile.responseText; //  Returns the response data as a string
                console.log(allText); // display text on the console
    rawFile.send(null); //Sends the request to the server Used for GET requests with param null

readTextFile("text.txt"); //<= Call function ===== don't need "file:///..." just the path 

- read file text from javascript
- Console log text from file using javascript
- Google chrome and mozilla firefox

in my case i have this structure of files : enter image description here

the console.log result :
enter image description here

How to add header data in XMLHttpRequest when using formdata?

Check to see if the key-value pair is actually showing up in the request:

In Chrome, found somewhere like: F12: Developer Tools > Network Tab > Whatever request you have sent > "view source" under Response Headers

Depending on your testing workflow, if whatever pair you added isn't there, you may just need to clear your browser cache. To verify that your browser is using your most up-to-date code, you can check the page's sources, in Chrome this is found somewhere like: F12: Developer Tools > Sources Tab > YourJavascriptSrc.js and check your code.

But as other answers have said:

xhttp.setRequestHeader(key, value);

should add a key-value pair to your request header, just make sure to place it after your open() and before your send()

jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue

You may well want to use JSON-P instead (see below). First a quick explanation.

The header you've mentioned is from the Cross Origin Resource Sharing standard. Beware that it is not supported by some browsers people actually use, and on other browsers (Microsoft's, sigh) it requires using a special object (XDomainRequest) rather than the standard XMLHttpRequest that jQuery uses. It also requires that you change server-side resources to explicitly allow the other origin (

To get the JSON data you're requesting, you basically have three options:

  1. If possible, you can be maximally-compatible by correcting the location of the files you're loading so they have the same origin as the document you're loading them into. (I assume you must be loading them via Ajax, hence the Same Origin Policy issue showing up.)

  2. Use JSON-P, which isn't subject to the SOP. jQuery has built-in support for it in its ajax call (just set dataType to "jsonp" and jQuery will do all the client-side work). This requires server side changes, but not very big ones; basically whatever you have that's generating the JSON response just looks for a query string parameter called "callback" and wraps the JSON in JavaScript code that would call that function. E.g., if your current JSON response is:

    {"weather": "Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day."}

    Your script would look for the "callback" query string parameter (let's say that the parameter's value is "jsop123") and wraps that JSON in the syntax for a JavaScript function call:

    jsonp123({"weather": "Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day."});

    That's it. JSON-P is very broadly compatible (because it works via JavaScript script tags). JSON-P is only for GET, though, not POST (again because it works via script tags).

  3. Use CORS (the mechanism related to the header you quoted). Details in the specification linked above, but basically:

    A. The browser will send your server a "preflight" message using the OPTIONS HTTP verb (method). It will contain the various headers it would send with the GET or POST as well as the headers "Origin", "Access-Control-Request-Method" (e.g., GET or POST), and "Access-Control-Request-Headers" (the headers it wants to send).

    B. Your PHP decides, based on that information, whether the request is okay and if so responds with the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", and "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" headers with the values it will allow. You don't send any body (page) with that response.

    C. The browser will look at your response and see whether it's allowed to send you the actual GET or POST. If so, it will send that request, again with the "Origin" and various "Access-Control-Request-xyz" headers.

    D. Your PHP examines those headers again to make sure they're still okay, and if so responds to the request.

    In pseudo-code (I haven't done much PHP, so I'm not trying to do PHP syntax here):

    // Find out what the request is asking for
    corsOrigin = get_request_header("Origin")
    corsMethod = get_request_header("Access-Control-Request-Method")
    corsHeaders = get_request_header("Access-Control-Request-Headers")
    if corsOrigin is null or "null" {
        // Requests from a `file://` path seem to come through without an
        // origin or with "null" (literally) as the origin.
        // In my case, for testing, I wanted to allow those and so I output
        // "*", but you may want to go another way.
        corsOrigin = "*"
    // Decide whether to accept that request with those headers
    // If so:
    // Respond with headers saying what's allowed (here we're just echoing what they
    // asked for, except we may be using "*" [all] instead of the actual origin for
    // the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" one)
    set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", corsOrigin)
    set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", corsMethod)
    set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", corsHeaders)
    if the HTTP request method is "OPTIONS" {
        // Done, no body in response to OPTIONS
    // Process the GET or POST here; output the body of the response

    Again stressing that this is pseudo-code.

How to make cross domain request

Do a cross-domain AJAX call

Your web-service must support method injection in order to do JSONP.

Your code seems fine and it should work if your web services and your web application hosted in the same domain.

When you do a $.ajax with dataType: 'jsonp' meaning that jQuery is actually adding a new parameter to the query URL.

For instance, if your URL is then jQuery will add ?callback={some_random_dynamically_generated_method}.

This method is more kind of a proxy actually attached in window object. This is nothing specific but does look something like this:

window.some_random_dynamically_generated_method = function(actualJsonpData) {
    //here actually has reference to the success function mentioned with $.ajax
    //so it just calls the success method like this: 

Check the following for more information

Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery

Pure JavaScript Send POST Data Without a Form

const data = { username: 'example' };

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
  headers: {
 '           Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify(data),
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
      console.log('Success:', data);
 .catch((error) => {
         console.error('Error:', error);

file_get_contents("php://input") or $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, which one is better to get the body of JSON request?

Actually php://input allows you to read raw POST data.

It is a less memory intensive alternative to $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and does not need any special php.ini directives.

php://input is not available with enctype="multipart/form-data".


What do the different readystates in XMLHttpRequest mean, and how can I use them?

The full list of readyState values is:

State  Description
0      The request is not initialized
1      The request has been set up
2      The request has been sent
3      The request is in process
4      The request is complete


In practice you almost never use any of them except for 4.

Some XMLHttpRequest implementations may let you see partially received responses in responseText when readyState==3, but this isn't universally supported and shouldn't be relied upon.

Keep getting No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error with XMLHttpRequest

In addition to your CORS issue, the server you are trying to access has HTTP basic authentication enabled. You can include credentials in your cross-domain request by specifying the credentials in the URL you pass to the XHR:

url = 'http://username:[email protected]/testpage'

How do I know if jQuery has an Ajax request pending?

You could use ajaxStart and ajaxStop to keep track of when requests are active.

Basic Authentication Using JavaScript

After Spending quite a bit of time looking into this, i came up with the solution for this; In this solution i am not using the Basic authentication but instead went with the oAuth authentication protocol. But to use Basic authentication you should be able to specify this in the "setHeaderRequest" with minimal changes to the rest of the code example. I hope this will be able to help someone else in the future:

var token_ // variable will store the token
var userName = "clientID"; // app clientID
var passWord = "secretKey"; // app clientSecret
var caspioTokenUrl = ""; // Your application token endpoint  
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 

function getToken(url, clientID, clientSecret) {
    var key;      "POST", url, true); 
    request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
    request.send("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id="+clientID+"&"+"client_secret="+clientSecret); // specify the credentials to receive the token on request
    request.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (request.readyState == request.DONE) {
            var response = request.responseText;
            var obj = JSON.parse(response); 
            key = obj.access_token; //store the value of the accesstoken
            token_ = key; // store token in your global variable "token_" or you could simply return the value of the access token from the function
// Get the token
getToken(caspioTokenUrl, userName, passWord);

If you are using the Caspio REST API on some request it may be imperative that you to encode the paramaters for certain request to your endpoint; see the Caspio documentation on this issue;

NOTE: encodedParams is NOT used in this example but was used in my solution.

Now that you have the token stored from the token endpoint you should be able to successfully authenticate for subsequent request from the caspio resource endpoint for your application

function CallWebAPI() {
    var request_ = new XMLHttpRequest();        
    var encodedParams = encodeURIComponent(params);"GET", "", true);
    request_.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+ token_);
    request_.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (request_.readyState == 4 && request_.status == 200) {
            var response = request_.responseText;
            var obj = JSON.parse(response); 
            // handle data as needed... 


This solution does only considers how to successfully make the authenticated request using the Caspio API in pure javascript. There are still many flaws i am sure...

XMLHttpRequest status 0 (responseText is empty)

A browser request "" arrives unchanged to the local webserver, while "localhost/somefile.html" may arrive as "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/somefile.html" if IPv6 is supported. So the latter can be processed as going from a domain to another.

Proper way to catch exception from JSON.parse

I am fairly new to Javascript. But this is what I understood: JSON.parse() returns SyntaxError exceptions when invalid JSON is provided as its first parameter. So. It would be better to catch that exception as such like as follows:

try {
    let sData = `
            "id": "1",
            "name": "UbuntuGod",
} catch (objError) {
    if (objError instanceof SyntaxError) {
    } else {

The reason why I made the words "first parameter" bold is that JSON.parse() takes a reviver function as its second parameter.

HTTP 401 - what's an appropriate WWW-Authenticate header value?

When the user session times out, I send back an HTTP 204 status code. Note that the HTTP 204 status contains no content. On the client-side I do this:

if (xhr.status == 204) 
    dropdown.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

Here is the Reload() function:

function Reload() {
    var oForm = document.createElement("form");

Laravel Pagination links not including other GET parameters

Not append() but appends() So, right answer is:

{!! $records->appends(Input::except('page'))->links() !!}

Excel Reference To Current Cell

Full credit to the top answer by @rick-teachey, but you can extend that approach to work with Conditional Formatting. So that this answer is complete, I will duplicate Rick's answer in summary form and then extend it:

  1. Select cell A1 in any worksheet.
  2. Create a Named Range called THIS and set the Refers to: to =!A1.

Attempting to use THIS in Conditional Formatting formulas will result in the error:

You may not use references to other workbooks for Conditional Formatting criteria

If you want THIS to work in Conditional Formatting formulas:

  1. Create another Named Range called THIS_CF and set the Refers to: to =THIS.

You can now use THIS_CF to refer to the current cell in Conditional Formatting formulas.

You can also use this approach to create other relative Named Ranges, such as THIS_COLUMN, THIS_ROW, ROW_ABOVE, COLUMN_LEFT, etc.

Find an element in a list of tuples

There is actually a clever way to do this that is useful for any list of tuples where the size of each tuple is 2: you can convert your list into a single dictionary.

For example,

test = [("hi", 1), ("there", 2)]
test = dict(test)
print test["hi"] # prints 1

Can an AJAX response set a cookie?

Yes, you can set cookie in the AJAX request in the server-side code just as you'd do for a normal request since the server cannot differentiate between a normal request or an AJAX request.

AJAX requests are just a special way of requesting to server, the server will need to respond back as in any HTTP request. In the response of the request you can add cookies.

how to bold words within a paragraph in HTML/CSS?

Add <b> tag

<p> <b> I am in Bold </b></p>

For more text formatting tags click here

How to add a line break in an Android TextView?

I'm reading my text from a file, so I took a slightly different approach, since adding \n to the file resulted in \n appearing in the text.

    final TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.warm_up_file));
    while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {


javac: invalid target release: 1.8

Your javac is not pointing to correct java.

Check where your javac is pointing using following command -

update-alternatives --config javac

If it is not pointed to the javac you want to compile with, point it to "/JAVA8_HOME/bin/javac", or which ever java you want to compile with.

WAMP 403 Forbidden message on Windows 7

It took me forever to figure this out.


In this file you will notice several example virtual host files, that look like:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/docs/"
    ErrorLog "logs/"
    CustomLog "logs/" common

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/docs/"
    ErrorLog "logs/"
    CustomLog "logs/" common

Simply delete these entries and replace with:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "C:\wamp\www"
    ServerName localhost

You definitely need to make sure your other ducks are in a row but this for me with the solution that worked.

Delete worksheet in Excel using VBA


How can I get double quotes into a string literal?

Thankfully, with C++11 there is also the more pleasing approach of using raw string literals.

printf("She said \"time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana\".");


printf(R"(She said "time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana".)");

With respect to the addition of brackets after the opening quote, and before the closing quote, note that they can be almost any combination of up to 16 characters, helping avoid the situation where the combination is present in the string itself. Specifically:

any member of the basic source character set except: space, the left parenthesis (, the right parenthesis ), the backslash , and the control characters representing horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, and newline" (N3936 §2.14.5 [lex.string] grammar) and "at most 16 characters" (§2.14.5/2)

How much clearer it makes this short strings might be debatable, but when used on longer formatted strings like HTML or JSON, it's unquestionably far clearer.

xml.LoadData - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1

I've solved this issue by directly editing the byte array. Collect the UTF8 preamble and remove directly the header. Afterward you can transform the byte[]to a string with GetString method, see below. The \r and \t I've removed as well, just as precaution.

XmlDocument configurationXML = new XmlDocument();
List<byte> byteArray = new List<byte>(;

foreach(byte singleByte in Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble())
string xml = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray.ToArray());
       xml = xml.Replace("\\r", "");
       xml = xml.Replace("\\t", "");

How to apply shell command to each line of a command output?

for s in `cmd`; do echo $s; done

If cmd has a large output:

cmd | xargs -L1 echo

How to read from a file or STDIN in Bash?


if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
    #for FILE in "$@" /dev/stdin
    for FILE in /dev/stdin
        while IFS= read -r LINE
            echo "$@" "$LINE"   #print line argument and stdin
        done < "$FILE"
    printf "[ -p /dev/stdin ] is false\n"


echo var var2 | bash 


var var2


bash < <(cat /etc/passwd)



Create the perfect JPA entity

The JPA 2.0 Specification states that:

  • The entity class must have a no-arg constructor. It may have other constructors as well. The no-arg constructor must be public or protected.
  • The entity class must a be top-level class. An enum or interface must not be designated as an entity.
  • The entity class must not be final. No methods or persistent instance variables of the entity class may be final.
  • If an entity instance is to be passed by value as a detached object (e.g., through a remote interface), the entity class must implement the Serializable interface.
  • Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities. Entities may extend non-entity classes as well as entity classes, and non-entity classes may extend entity classes.

The specification contains no requirements about the implementation of equals and hashCode methods for entities, only for primary key classes and map keys as far as I know.

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

MDPI - 32px
HDPI - 48px
XHDPI- 64px

This Cheat Sheet might be handy for you. check the image :-)


Is Constructor Overriding Possible?

It is never possible. Constructor Overriding is never possible in Java.

This is because,

Constructor looks like a method but name should be as class name and no return value.

Overriding means what we have declared in Super class, that exactly we have to declare in Sub class it is called Overriding. Super class name and Sub class names are different.

If you trying to write Super class Constructor in Sub class, then Sub class will treat that as a method not constructor because name should not match with Sub class name. And it will give an compilation error that methods does not have return value. So we should declare as void, then only it will compile.

Have a look at the following code :

Class One
         One() { // Super Class constructor

        One(int a) { // Super Class Constructor Overloading

Class Two extends One
                    One() {    // this is a method not constructor 
                    .....      // because name should not match with Class name

                    Two() { // sub class constructor

                   Two(int b) { // sub class constructor overloading

Xml serialization - Hide null values

Additionally to what Chris Taylor wrote: if you have something serialized as an attribute, you can have a property on your class named {PropertyName}Specified to control if it should be serialized. In code:

public class MyClass
    public int MyValue;

    public bool MyValueSpecified;

How do I format date value as yyyy-mm-dd using SSIS expression builder?

Correct expression is

"source " + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "yyyy" , getdate() ) + "-" +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "mm" , getdate() ), 2) + "-" +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART( "dd" , getdate() ), 2) +".CSV"

How can I get customer details from an order in WooCommerce?

If you want customer's details that customer had entered while ordering, then you can use the following code:

$order = new WC_Order($order_id);
$billing_address = $order->get_billing_address();
$billing_address_html = $order->get_formatted_billing_address();

// For printing or displaying on the web page
$shipping_address = $order->get_shipping_address();
$shipping_address_html = $order->get_formatted_shipping_address(); // For printing or displaying on web page

Apart from this, $customer = new WC_Customer( $order_id ); can not get you customer details.

First of all, new WC_Customer() doesn't take any arguments.

Secondly, WC_Customer will get customer's details only when the user is logged in and he/she is not on the admin side. Instead he/she should be on website's front-end like the 'My Account', 'Shop', 'Cart', or 'Checkout' page.

How to calculate the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function in python?

Starting Python 3.8, the standard library provides the NormalDist object as part of the statistics module.

It can be used to get the inverse cumulative distribution function (inv_cdf - inverse of the cdf), also known as the quantile function or the percent-point function for a given mean (mu) and standard deviation (sigma):

from statistics import NormalDist

NormalDist(mu=10, sigma=2).inv_cdf(0.95)
# 13.289707253902943

Which can be simplified for the standard normal distribution (mu = 0 and sigma = 1):

# 1.6448536269514715

Simple JavaScript login form validation

<!DOCTYPE html>
function vali() {
var u=document.forms["myform"]["user"].value;
var p=document.forms["myform"]["pwd"].value;
if(u == p) {
return false;
alert("Please Try again!");
return false;
<form method="post">
<fieldset style="width:35px;">  <legend>Login Here</legend>
<input type="text" name="user" placeholder="Username" required>
<input type="Password" name="pwd" placeholder="Password" required>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="return vali()">

How to turn IDENTITY_INSERT on and off using SQL Server 2008?

Import: You must write columns in INSERT statement


Is not correct.

Insert into Table(Field1,...)
Select (Field1,...) from TABLE

Is correct

Read a file line by line assigning the value to a variable

Many people have posted a solution that's over-optimized. I don't think it is incorrect, but I humbly think that a less optimized solution will be desirable to permit everyone to easily understand how is this working. Here is my proposal:

# This program reads lines from a file.

while [[ $end_of_file == 0 ]]; do
  read -r line
  # the last exit status is the 
  # flag of the end of file
  echo $line
done < "$1"

How to parse an RSS feed using JavaScript?

Another deprecated (thanks to @daylight) option, and the easiest for me (this is what I'm using for

The Google Feed API without using JQuery and with only 2 steps:

  1. Import the library:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">google.load("feeds", "1");</script>
  2. Find/Load feeds (documentation):

    var feed = new google.feeds.Feed('');
    feed.load(function (data) {
        // Parse data depending on the specified response format, default is JSON.
  3. To parse data, check documentation about the response format.

How do I search an SQL Server database for a string?

You can export your database (if small) to your hard drive / desktop, and then just do a string search via a text search program or text editor.

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver

I was having the same error, but had a proper connection string. My problem was that the driver was not being used, therefore was optimized out of the compiled war.

Be sure to import the driver:


And then to force it to be included in the final war, you can do something like this:


That line is in the original question. This will also work:

SQLServerDriver driver = new SQLServerDriver();

Wait one second in running program

.Net Core seems to be missing the DispatcherTimer.

If we are OK with using an async method, Task.Delay will meet our needs. This can also be useful if you want to wait inside of a for loop for rate-limiting reasons.

public async Task DoTasks(List<Items> items)
    foreach (var item in items)
        await Task.Delay(2 * 1000);

You can await the completion of this method as follows:

public async void TaskCaller(List<Item> items)
    await DoTasks(items);

How to add /usr/local/bin in $PATH on Mac

I've had the same problem with you.

cd to ../etc/ then use ls to make sure your "paths" file is in , vim paths, add "/usr/local/bin" at the end of the file.

What's the difference between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin?

.NET Core is the current version of .NET that you should be using right now (more features , fixed bugs , etc.)

Xamarin is a platform that provides solutions for cross platform mobile problems coded in C# , so that you don't need to use Swift separately for IOS and the same goes for Android.

What is the difference between utf8mb4 and utf8 charsets in MySQL?

  • utf8 is MySQL's older, flawed implementation of UTF-8 which is in the process of being deprecated.
  • utf8mb4 is what they named their fixed UTF-8 implementation, and is what you should use right now.

In their flawed version, only characters in the first 64k character plane - the basic multilingual plane - work, with other characters considered invalid. The code point values within that plane - 0 to 65535 (some of which are reserved for special reasons) can be represented by multi-byte encodings in UTF-8 of up to 3 bytes, and MySQL's early version of UTF-8 arbitrarily decided to set that as a limit. At no point was this limitation a correct interpretation of the UTF-8 rules, because at no point was UTF-8 defined as only allowing up to 3 bytes per character. In fact, the earliest definitions of UTF-8 defined it as having up to 6 bytes (since revised to 4). MySQL's original version was always arbitrarily crippled.

Back when MySQL released this, the consequences of this limitation weren't too bad as most Unicode characters were in that first plane. Since then, more and more newly defined character ranges have been added to Unicode with values outside that first plane. Unicode itself defines 17 planes, though so far only 7 of these are used.

In an effort not to break old code making any particular assumptions, MySQL retained the broken implementation and called the newer, fixed version utf8mb4. This has led to some confusion with the name being misinterpreted as if it's some kind of extension to UTF-8 or alternative form of UTF-8, rather than MySQL's implementation of the true UTF-8.

Future versions of MySQL will eventually phase out the older version, and for now it can be considered deprecated. For the foreseeable future you need to use utf8mb4 to ensure correct UTF-8 encoding. After sufficient time has passed, the current utf8 will be removed, and at some future date utf8 will rise again, this time referring to the fixed version, though utf8mb4 will continue to unambiguously refer to the fixed version.

Compute row average in pandas

You can specify a new column. You also need to compute the mean along the rows, so use axis=1.

df['mean'] = df.mean(axis=1)
>>> df
       Y1961      Y1962      Y1963      Y1964      Y1965 Region       mean
0  82.567307  83.104757  83.183700  83.030338  82.831958     US  82.943612
1   2.699372   2.610110   2.587919   2.696451   2.846247     US   2.688020
2  14.131355  13.690028  13.599516  13.649176  13.649046     US  13.743824
3   0.048589   0.046982   0.046583   0.046225   0.051750     US   0.048026
4   0.553377   0.548123   0.582282   0.577811   0.620999     US   0.576518

select count(*) from table of mysql in php

$num_result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as total_count from Students ") or exit(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_object($num_result);
echo $row->total_count;

SQL string value spanning multiple lines in query

with your VARCHAR, you may also need to specify the length, or its usually good to

What about grabbing the text, making a sting of it, then putting it into the query witrh

String TableName = "ComplicatedTableNameHere";  
EditText editText1 = (EditText) findViewById(; 
String editTextString1 = editText1.getText().toString();  


String TableName = "ComplicatedTableNameHere";            
    //sets the table name as a string so you can refer to TableName instead of writing out your table name everytime

EditText editText1 = (EditText) findViewById(; 
    //gets the text from your edit text fieldfield 
    //editText1 = your edit text name
    //EditTextIDhere = the id of your text field

String editTextString1 = editText1.getText().toString();  
    //sets the edit text as a string
    //editText1 is the name of the Edit text from the (EditText) we defined above
    //editTextString1 = the string name you will refer to in future

then use

       /* Insert data to a Table*/
       myDB.execSQL("INSERT INTO "
         + TableName
         + " (Column_Name, Column_Name2, Column_Name3, Column_Name4)"
         + " VALUES ( "+EditTextString1+", 'Column_Value2','Column_Value3','Column_Value4');");

Hope this helps some what...

NOTE each string is within


its the 'and' that enable the multi line element of the srting, without it you just get the first line, not even sure if you get the whole line, it may just be the first word

Return a value if no rows are found in Microsoft tSQL

My solition is working

can testing by change where 1=2 to where 1=1

select * from (
    select col_x,case when count(1) over (partition by 1) =1 then 1 else HIDE end as HIDE from (
    select 'test' col_x,1 as HIDE
    where 1=2
    select 'if no rows write here that you want' as col_x,0 as HIDE
    ) a
    ) b where HIDE=1

How to clear basic authentication details in chrome

As mentioned by @SalCelli, chrome://restart works. However, this relaunches all the tabs.

Another method is to launch in incognito mode as suggested by CEGRD

However, if you could not like to restart & use incognito, on Chrome 86 (Mac), I found that the answer provided by @opsb & Mike only works with the below additional steps.

  1. Enter the wrong username in the url without the resources

    eg: if the url is, it will not work if I enter http://[email protected]/resources/, but will work if I enter only http://[email protected]/

    1. it clears the Basic Auth credentials
    2. prompt for the credentials again
  2. However, entering the valid credentials will not work, as in the background, chrome still send the wrong user as part of the url, even though the url appears right in the address bar When prompted for credentials you would need to Cancel, and click the address bar and reload the page from pressing enter. Now enter the correct password

Using jQuery to build table rows from AJAX response(json)

  type: 'GET',
  url: urlString ,
  dataType: 'json',
  success: function (response) {
    var trHTML = '';
    for(var f=0;f<response.length;f++) {
      trHTML += '<tr><td><strong>' + response[f]['app_action_name']+'</strong></td><td><span class="label label-success">'+response[f]['action_type'] +'</span></td><td>'+response[f]['points']+'</td></tr>';
    $( ".spin-grid" ).removeClass( "fa-spin" );

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

For Angular Developers

Although, I'm answering this very late. I have a bad habit of checking changelogs of every library I use and while checking the release notes of Angular CLI, I figured out that they released a new patch yesterday (9th Jan 2020) which fixes this issue.

So when you will run ng update, you should get updates for @angular/cli:

enter image description here

And running ng update @angular/cli will fix this warning.


how to call service method from ng-change of select in angularjs?

You have at least two issues in your code:

  • ng-change="getScoreData(Score)

    Angular doesn't see getScoreData method that refers to defined service

  • getScoreData: function (Score, callback)

    We don't need to use callback since GET returns promise. Use then instead.

Here is a working example (I used random address only for simulation):


<select ng-model="score"
        ng-options="score as for score in  scores"></select>


var fessmodule = angular.module('myModule', ['ngResource']);

fessmodule.controller('fessCntrl', function($scope, ScoreDataService) {

    $scope.scores = [{
        name: 'Bukit Batok Street 1',
        URL: ', SG, Singapore, 153 Bukit Batok Street 1&sensor=true'
    }, {
        name: 'London 8',
        URL: ', SG, Singapore, London 8&sensor=true'

    $scope.getScoreData = function(score) {
        ScoreDataService.getScoreData(score).then(function(result) {
            $scope.ScoreData = result;
        }, function(result) {
            alert("Error: No data returned");


fessmodule.$inject = ['$scope', 'ScoreDataService'];

fessmodule.factory('ScoreDataService', ['$http', '$q', function($http) {

    var factory = {
        getScoreData: function(score) {
            var data = $http({
                method: 'GET',
                url: score.URL

            return data;
    return factory;

Demo Fiddle

How do I get and set Environment variables in C#?

Use the System.Environment class.

The methods

var value = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variable [, Target])


System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(variable, value [, Target])

will do the job for you.

The optional parameter Target is an enum of type EnvironmentVariableTarget and it can be one of: Machine, Process, or User. If you omit it, the default target is the current process.

Regex to validate date format dd/mm/yyyy

The best way according to me is to use the Moment.js isValid() method by specifying the format and use strict parsing.

As moment.js documentation says

As of version 2.3.0, you may specify a boolean for the last argument to make Moment use strict parsing. Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, including delimiters.

value = '2020-05-25';
format = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
moment(value, format, true).isValid() // true

jquery, selector for class within id

You can use the class selector along with descendant selector

$("#my_id .my_class")

What's the difference between subprocess Popen and call (how can I use them)?

The other answer is very complete, but here is a rule of thumb:

  • call is blocking:

    print('hello')  # only executed when notepad is closed
  • Popen is non-blocking:

    print('hello')  # immediately executed

How to import multiple .csv files at once?

Building on dnlbrk's comment, assign can be considerably faster than list2env for big files.


List_of_file_paths <- list.files(path ="C:/Users/Anon/Documents/Folder_with_csv_files/", pattern = ".csv", all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

By setting the full.names argument to true, you will get the full path to each file as a separate character string in your list of files, e.g., List_of_file_paths[1] will be something like "C:/Users/Anon/Documents/Folder_with_csv_files/file1.csv"

for(f in 1:length(List_of_filepaths)) {
  file_name <- str_sub(string = List_of_filepaths[f], start = 46, end = -5)
  file_df <- read_csv(List_of_filepaths[f])  
  assign( x = file_name, value = file_df, envir = .GlobalEnv)

You could use the data.table package's fread or base R read.csv instead of read_csv. The file_name step allows you to tidy up the name so that each data frame does not remain with the full path to the file as it's name. You could extend your loop to do further things to the data table before transferring it to the global environment, for example:

for(f in 1:length(List_of_filepaths)) {
  file_name <- str_sub(string = List_of_filepaths[f], start = 46, end = -5)
  file_df <- read_csv(List_of_filepaths[f])  
  file_df <- file_df[,1:3] #if you only need the first three columns
  assign( x = file_name, value = file_df, envir = .GlobalEnv)

Parsing JSON with Unix tools

You could just download jq binary for your platform and run (chmod +x jq):

$ curl '' | ./jq -r '.name'

It extracts "name" attribute from the json object.

jq homepage says it is like sed for JSON data.

How to use the toString method in Java?


public class Test {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        ArrayList<Student> a = new ArrayList<Student>();
        a.add(new Student("Steve", 12, "Daniel"));
        a.add(new Student("Sachin", 10, "Tendulkar"));




    static void display(ArrayList<Student> stu) {

        stu.add(new Student("Yuvi", 12, "Bhajji"));




public class Student {

    public String name;

    public int id;

    public String email;

    Student() {


    Student(String name, int id, String email) { = name; = id; = email;


     public String toString(){           //using these toString to avoid the output like this [com.steve.test.Student@6e1408, com.steve.test.Student@e53108]
          return name+" "+id+" "+email;     

    public String getName(){

        return name;

    public void setName(String name){;

    public int getId(){

        return id;

    public void setId(int id){;

    public String getEmail(){

        return email;


    public void setEmail(String email){;


[Steve 12 Daniel, Sachin 10 Tendulkar]

[Steve 12 Daniel, Sachin 10 Tendulkar, Yuvi 12 Bhajji]

If you are not used toString() in Pojo( class,you will get an output like [com.steve.test.Student@6e1408, com.steve.test.Student@e53108].To avoid these kind of issue we are using toString() method.

div hover background-color change?

div hover background color change

Try like this:


Python "extend" for a dictionary

In case you need it as a Class, you can extend it with dict and use update method:

Class a(dict):
  # some stuff

What does yield mean in PHP?

None of the answers above show a concrete example using massive arrays populated by non-numeric members. Here is an example using an array generated by explode() on a large .txt file (262MB in my use case):



echo "Starting memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "<br>";

$path = './file.txt';
$content = file_get_contents($path);

foreach(explode("\n", $content) as $ex) {
    $ex = trim($ex);

echo "Final memory usage: " . memory_get_usage();

The output was:

Starting memory usage: 415160
Final memory usage: 270948256

Now compare that to a similar script, using the yield keyword:



echo "Starting memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "<br>";

function x() {
    $path = './file.txt';
    $content = file_get_contents($path);
    foreach(explode("\n", $content) as $x) {
        yield $x;

foreach(x() as $ex) {
    $ex = trim($ex);

echo "Final memory usage: " . memory_get_usage();

The output for this script was:

Starting memory usage: 415152
Final memory usage: 415616

Clearly memory usage savings were considerable (?MemoryUsage -----> ~270.5 MB in first example, ~450B in second example).

jQuery override default validation error message display (Css) Popup/Tooltip like

Add following css to your .validate method to change the css or functionality

 errorElement: "div",
    wrapper: "div",
    errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
        offset = element.offset();

Determine command line working directory when running node bin script

path.resolve('.') is also a reliable and clean option, because we almost always require('path'). It will give you absolute path of the directory from where it is called.

How to handle the new window in Selenium WebDriver using Java?

It seems like you are not actually switching to any new window. You are supposed get the window handle of your original window, save that, then get the window handle of the new window and switch to that. Once you are done with the new window you need to close it, then switch back to the original window handle. See my sample below:


String parentHandle = driver.getWindowHandle(); // get the current window handle
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='someXpath']")).click(); // click some link that opens a new window

for (String winHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
    driver.switchTo().window(winHandle); // switch focus of WebDriver to the next found window handle (that's your newly opened window)

//code to do something on new window

driver.close(); // close newly opened window when done with it
driver.switchTo().window(parentHandle); // switch back to the original window

Go to beginning of line without opening new line in VI

I just found 0(zero) and shift+0 works on vim.

How to run script as another user without password?

try running:

su -c "Your command right here" -s /bin/sh username

This will run the command as username given that you have permissions to sudo as that user.

How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments)

explained for g++ here, though it is part of C99 so should work for everyone

quick example:

#define debug(format, args...) fprintf (stderr, format, args)

$.ajax - dataType

(ps: the answer given by Nick Craver is incorrect)

contentType specifies the format of data being sent to the server as part of request(it can be sent as part of response too, more on that later).

dataType specifies the expected format of data to be received by the client(browser).

Both are not interchangable.

  • contentType is the header sent to the server, specifying the format of data(i.e the content of message body) being being to the server. This is used with POST and PUT requests. Usually when u send POST request, the message body comprises of passed in parameters like:


Sample request:

POST /search HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
<<other header>>



The last line above "name=sam&age=35" is the message body and contentType specifies it as application/x-www-form-urlencoded since we are passing the form parameters in the message body. However we aren't limited to just sending the parameters, we can send json, xml,... like this(sending different types of data is especially useful with RESTful web services):


Sample request:

POST /orders HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml
<<other header>>

   <date>December 22, 2008 06:56</date>


So the ContentType this time is: application/xml, cause that's what we are sending. The above examples showed sample request, similarly the response send from the server can also have the Content-Type header specifying what the server is sending like this:


sample response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/xml
<<other headers>>

<order id="233">
   <link rel="self" href=""/>
   <date>December 22, 2008 06:56</date>


  • dataType specifies the format of response to expect. Its related to Accept header. JQuery will try to infer it based on the Content-Type of the response.


Sample request:

GET /someFolder/index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
<<other headers>>


Above request is expecting XML from the server.

Regarding your question,

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",

Here you are sending json data using UTF8 character set, and you expect back json data from the server. As per the JQuery docs for dataType,

The json type parses the fetched data file as a JavaScript object and returns the constructed object as the result data.

So what you get in success handler is proper javascript object(JQuery converts the json object for you)


contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "text",

Here you are sending json data, since you haven't mentioned the encoding, as per the JQuery docs,

If no charset is specified, data will be transmitted to the server using the server's default charset; you must decode this appropriately on the server side.

and since dataType is specified as text, what you get in success handler is plain text, as per the docs for dataType,

The text and xml types return the data with no processing. The data is simply passed on to the success handler

Good tool for testing socket connections?

In situations like this, why not write your own? A simple server app to test connections can be done in a matter of minutes if you know what you're doing, and you can make it respond exactly how you need to, and for specific scenarios.

What is the best way to delete a component with CLI

From app.module.ts:

  • erase import line for the specific component;
  • erase its declaration from @NgModule;

Then delete the folder of the component you want to delete and its included files (.component.ts, .component.html, .component.css and .component.spec.ts).



I read people saying about erasing it from main.ts. You were not supposed to import it from there in the first place as it already imports AppModule, and AppModule is the one importing all the components you created.

Deserialize a JSON array in C#

This should work...

JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var records = new ser.Deserialize<List<Record>>(jsonData);

public class Person
    public string Name;
    public int Age;
    public string Location;
public class Record
    public Person record;

Passing a variable to a powershell script via command line

Declare the parameter in test.ps1:

                [switch]$force = $false

Run the script from Run OR Windows Task Scheduler:

powershell.exe -command "& C:\FTP_DATA\test.ps1 -input_dir C:\FTP_DATA\IN -output_dir C:\FTP_DATA\OUT"


 powershell.exe -command "& 'C:\FTP DATA\test.ps1' -input_dir 'C:\FTP DATA\IN' -output_dir 'C:\FTP DATA\OUT'"

What is the functionality of setSoTimeout and how it works?

This example made everything clear for me:
As you can see setSoTimeout prevent the program to hang! It wait for SO_TIMEOUT time! if it does not get any signal it throw exception! It means that time expired!


public class SocketTest extends Thread {
  private ServerSocket serverSocket;

  public SocketTest() throws IOException {
    serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8008);

  public void run() {
    while (true) {
      try {
        System.out.println("Waiting for client on port " + serverSocket.getLocalPort() + "...");
        Socket client = serverSocket.accept();

        System.out.println("Just connected to " + client.getRemoteSocketAddress());
      } catch (SocketTimeoutException s) {
        System.out.println("Socket timed out!");
      } catch (IOException e) {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      Thread t = new SocketTest();
    } catch (IOException e) {

how to get current month and year

If you have following two labels:

<asp:Label ID="MonthLabel" runat="server" />
<asp:Label ID="YearLabel" runat="server" />

Than you can use following code just need to set the Text Property for these labels like:

MonthLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
YearLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();

How to code a very simple login system with java

Check this code :

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException {

    String username ;
    String password;
    String yes_0r_no;
    String scann;
    String passscan;

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

    Scanner name = new Scanner(;
    username =;

    Scanner pass = new Scanner(;
    password =;

    System.out.println("You are logged in");

    Scanner ask = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Do you want to check this or not(yes or no) :");

     yes_0r_no =;

    while (true){
        if (yes_0r_no.equals("yes")){
          scann =;
          if (scann == username) {
        passscan =;
        if (passscan.equals(password)) {
            System.out.println("You are logged in");

        }if (!password.equals(passscan)) {
            throw new IllegalAccessException();

        if (yes_0r_no.equals("no"))
            break ;




Handlebars/Mustache - Is there a built in way to loop through the properties of an object?

EDIT: Handlebars now has a built-in way of accomplishing this; see the selected answer above. When working with plain Mustache, the below still applies.

Mustache can iterate over items in an array. So I'd suggest creating a separate data object formatted in a way Mustache can work with:

var o = {
  bob : 'For sure',
  roger: 'Unknown',
  donkey: 'What an ass'
mustacheFormattedData = { 'people' : [] };

for (var prop in o){
  if (o.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
      'key' : prop,
      'value' : o[prop]

Now, your Mustache template would be something like:

  {{key}} : {{value}}

Check out the "Non-Empty Lists" section here:

What's the fastest way to loop through an array in JavaScript?

2014 While is back

Just think logical.

Look at this

for( var index = 0 , length = array.length ; index < length ; index++ ) {

 //do stuff

  1. Need to create at least 2 variables (index,length)
  2. Need to check if the index is smaller than the length
  3. Need to increase the index
  4. the for loop has 3 parameters

Now tell me why this should be faster than:

var length = array.length;

while( --length ) { //or length--

 //do stuff

  1. One variable
  2. No checks
  3. the index is decreased (Machines prefer that)
  4. while has only one parameter

I was totally confused when Chrome 28 showed that the for loop is faster than the while. This must have ben some sort of

"Uh, everyone is using the for loop, let's focus on that when developing for chrome."

But now, in 2014 the while loop is back on chrome. it's 2 times faster , on other/older browsers it was always faster.

Lately i made some new tests. Now in real world envoirement those short codes are worth nothing and jsperf can't actually execute properly the while loop, because it needs to recreate the array.length which also takes time.

you CAN'T get the actual speed of a while loop on jsperf.

you need to create your own custom function and check that with

And yeah... there is no way the while loop is simply faster.

The real problem is actually the dom manipulation / rendering time / drawing time or however you wanna call it.

For example i have a canvas scene where i need to calculate the coordinates and collisions... this is done between 10-200 MicroSeconds (not milliseconds). it actually takes various milliseconds to render everything.Same as in DOM.


There is another super performant way using the for loop in some cases... for example to copy/clone an array

 var i = array.length ;
 i > 0 ;
 arrayCopy[ --i ] = array[ i ] // doing stuff

Notice the setup of the parameters:

  1. Same as in the while loop i'm using only one variable
  2. Need to check if the index is bigger than 0;
  3. As you can see this approach is different vs the normal for loop everyone uses, as i do stuff inside the 3th parameter and i also decrease directly inside the array.

Said that, this confirms that machines like the --

writing that i was thinking to make it a little shorter and remove some useless stuff and wrote this one using the same style:

 var i = array.length ;
 i-- ;
 arrayCopy[ i ] = array[ i ] // doing stuff

Even if it's shorter it looks like using i one more time slows down everything. It's 1/5 slower than the previous for loop and the while one.

Note: the ; is very important after the for looo without {}

Even if i just told you that jsperf is not the best way to test scripts .. i added this 2 loops here

And here is another answer about performance in javascript

This answer is to show performant ways of writing javascript. So if you can't read that, ask and you will get an answer or read a book about javascript

Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC

You can only install a language pack at install time in VS 2017 RC. To install RC with a different language:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
  2. Find an addition under "Available" and click Install
  3. Click on the "Language packs" tab and select a language

enter image description here

You can have multiple instances of VS 2017 side by side so this shouldn't interfere with your other installation.

Disclosure: I work on Visual Studio at Microsoft.

How can I add (simple) tracing in C#?

I followed around five different answers as well as all the blog posts in the previous answers and still had problems. I was trying to add a listener to some existing code that was tracing using the TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType, Int32, String) method where the TraceSource object was initialised with a string making it a 'named source'.

For me the issue was not creating a valid combination of source and switch elements to target this source. Here is an example that will log to a file called tracelog.txt. For the following code:

TraceSource source = new TraceSource("sourceName");
source.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "Trace message");

I successfully managed to log with the following diagnostics configuration:

        <source name="sourceName" switchName="switchName">
                    initializeData="tracelog.txt" />

        <add name="switchName" value="Verbose" />

GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

My issue was that I was trying to give my ssh key a SPECIFIC NAME every time I entered ssh-keygen on my mac terminal.

I solved the issue by just leaving the name that "ssh-keygen" generates = id_rsa. You'll end up with 2 keys in your .ssh folder on a mac, id_rsa, which is your private key, and the, which is your public key. Then I copied and saved the code from into my GitHub account settings, and that was it. Problem solved.

How can I create a dropdown menu from a List in Tkinter?

To create a "drop down menu" you can use OptionMenu in tkinter

Example of a basic OptionMenu:

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set("one") # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, "one", "two", "three")


More information (including the script above) can be found here.

Creating an OptionMenu of the months from a list would be as simple as:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)


In order to retrieve the value the user has selected you can simply use a .get() on the variable that we assigned to the widget, in the below case this is variable:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)

def ok():
    print ("value is:" + variable.get())

button = Button(master, text="OK", command=ok)


I would highly recommend reading through this site for further basic tkinter information as the above examples are modified from that site.

"Application tried to present modally an active controller"?

I have the same problem. I try to present view controller just after dismissing.

[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

When I try to do it without animation it works perfectly so the problem is that controller is still alive. I think that the best solution is to use dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: for iOS5

How can I give access to a private GitHub repository?

Struggled to find this as well.

Heres a screenshot of how to do it:

enter image description here

How do I download a binary file over HTTP?

if you looking for a way how to download temporary file, do stuff and delete it try this gem

require 'pull_tempfile'

PullTempfile.transaction(url: '', original_filename: 'dont-care.csv') do |tmp_file|
  CSV.foreach(tmp_file.path) do |row|
    # ....

How do I get the current username in .NET using C#?

Get the current Windows username:

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()

        //  <-- Keep this information secure! -->
        Console.WriteLine("UserName: {0}", Environment.UserName);

What is java pojo class, java bean, normal class?

POJO stands for Plain Old Java Object, and would be used to describe the same things as a "Normal Class" whereas a JavaBean follows a set of rules. Most commonly Beans use getters and setters to protect their member variables, which are typically set to private and have a no-argument public constructor. Wikipedia has a pretty good rundown of JavaBeans:

POJO is usually used to describe a class that doesn't need to be a subclass of anything, or implement specific interfaces, or follow a specific pattern.

How do I define global variables in CoffeeScript?

I think what you are trying to achieve can simply be done like this :

While you are compiling the coffeescript, use the "-b" parameter.

-b / --bare Compile the JavaScript without the top-level function safety wrapper.

So something like this : coffee -b --compile whatever.js

This will output your code just like in the site.

Anaconda Navigator won't launch (windows 10)

Update to the latest conda and latest navigator will resolve this issue.

Open the Anaconda Prompt and type

  • conda update conda


  • conda update anaconda-navigator

Simple CSS Animation Loop – Fading In & Out "Loading" Text

As King King said, you must add the browser specific prefix. This should cover most browsers:

@keyframes flickerAnimation {_x000D_
  0%   { opacity:1; }_x000D_
  50%  { opacity:0; }_x000D_
  100% { opacity:1; }_x000D_
@-o-keyframes flickerAnimation{_x000D_
  0%   { opacity:1; }_x000D_
  50%  { opacity:0; }_x000D_
  100% { opacity:1; }_x000D_
@-moz-keyframes flickerAnimation{_x000D_
  0%   { opacity:1; }_x000D_
  50%  { opacity:0; }_x000D_
  100% { opacity:1; }_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes flickerAnimation{_x000D_
  0%   { opacity:1; }_x000D_
  50%  { opacity:0; }_x000D_
  100% { opacity:1; }_x000D_
.animate-flicker {_x000D_
   -webkit-animation: flickerAnimation 1s infinite;_x000D_
   -moz-animation: flickerAnimation 1s infinite;_x000D_
   -o-animation: flickerAnimation 1s infinite;_x000D_
    animation: flickerAnimation 1s infinite;_x000D_
<div class="animate-flicker">Loading...</div>

Why SpringMVC Request method 'GET' not supported?

I also had the same issue. I changed it to the following and it worked.

Java :

@RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)

HTML code:

  <form action="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/test" method="GET">
    <input type="submit" value="submit"> 

By default if you do not specify http method in a form it uses GET. To use POST method you need specifically state it.

Hope this helps.

Change image source with JavaScript

I know this question is old, but for the one's what are new, here is what you can do:


<img id="demo" src="myImage.png">

<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Me!</button>


function myFunction() {
document.getElementById('demo').src = "myImage.png";

With jQuery, how do I capitalize the first letter of a text field while the user is still editing that field?

I answered this somewhere else . However, here are two function you might want to call on keyup event.

To capitalize first word

  function ucfirst(str,force){
          str=force ? str.toLowerCase() : str;
          return str.replace(/(\b)([a-zA-Z])/,
                      return   firstLetter.toUpperCase();

And to capitalize all words

function ucwords(str,force){
  str=force ? str.toLowerCase() : str;  
  return str.replace(/(\b)([a-zA-Z])/g,
              return   firstLetter.toUpperCase();

As @Darrell Suggested


      // force: true to lower case all letter except first
      var cp_value= ucfirst($(this).val(),true) ;

      // to capitalize all words  
      //var cp_value= ucwords($(this).val(),true) ;

      $(this).val(cp_value );


Hope this is helpful

Cheers :)

how to generate a unique token which expires after 24 hours?

This way a token will exist up-to 24 hours. here is the code to generate token which will valid up-to 24 Hours. this code we use but i did not compose it.

public static string GenerateToken()
    int month = DateTime.Now.Month;
    int day = DateTime.Now.Day;
    string token = ((day * 100 + month) * 700 + day * 13).ToString();
    return token;

Azure SQL Database "DTU percentage" metric

From this document, this DTU percent is determined by this query:

SELECT end_time,   
  (SELECT Max(v)    
   FROM (VALUES (avg_cpu_percent), (avg_data_io_percent), 
(avg_log_write_percent)) AS    
   value(v)) AS [avg_DTU_percent]   
FROM sys.dm_db_resource_stats;  

looks like the max of avg_cpu_percent, avg_data_io_percent and avg_log_write_percent


Extracting date from a string in Python

Using python-dateutil:

In [1]: import dateutil.parser as dparser

In [18]: dparser.parse("monkey 2010-07-10 love banana",fuzzy=True)
Out[18]: datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 10, 0, 0)

Invalid dates raise a ValueError:

In [19]: dparser.parse("monkey 2010-07-32 love banana",fuzzy=True)
# ValueError: day is out of range for month

It can recognize dates in many formats:

In [20]: dparser.parse("monkey 20/01/1980 love banana",fuzzy=True)
Out[20]: datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 20, 0, 0)

Note that it makes a guess if the date is ambiguous:

In [23]: dparser.parse("monkey 10/01/1980 love banana",fuzzy=True)
Out[23]: datetime.datetime(1980, 10, 1, 0, 0)

But the way it parses ambiguous dates is customizable:

In [21]: dparser.parse("monkey 10/01/1980 love banana",fuzzy=True, dayfirst=True)
Out[21]: datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 10, 0, 0)

Gnuplot line types

Until version 4.6

The dash type of a linestyle is given by the linetype, which does also select the line color unless you explicitely set an other one with linecolor.

However, the support for dashed lines depends on the selected terminal:

  1. Some terminals don't support dashed lines, like png (uses libgd)
  2. Other terminals, like pngcairo, support dashed lines, but it is disables by default. To enable it, use set termoption dashed, or set terminal pngcairo dashed ....
  3. The exact dash patterns differ between terminals. To see the defined linetype, use the test command:


set terminal pngcairo dashed
set output 'test.png'
set output


enter image description here

whereas, the postscript terminal shows different dash patterns:

set terminal postscript eps color colortext
set output 'test.eps'
set output

enter image description here

Version 5.0

Starting with version 5.0 the following changes related to linetypes, dash patterns and line colors are introduced:

  • A new dashtype parameter was introduced:

    To get the predefined dash patterns, use e.g.

    plot x dashtype 2

    You can also specify custom dash patterns like

    plot x dashtype (3,5,10,5),\
         2*x dashtype '.-_'
  • The terminal options dashed and solid are ignored. By default all lines are solid. To change them to dashed, use e.g.

    set for [i=1:8] linetype i dashtype i
  • The default set of line colors was changed. You can select between three different color sets with set colorsequence default|podo|classic:

enter image description here

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch + git rebase?

It should be pretty obvious from your question that you're actually just asking about the difference between git merge and git rebase.

So let's suppose you're in the common case - you've done some work on your master branch, and you pull from origin's, which also has done some work. After the fetch, things look like this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C (master)
                P - Q - R (origin/master)

If you merge at this point (the default behavior of git pull), assuming there aren't any conflicts, you end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C - X (master)
               \             /
                P - Q - R --- (origin/master)

If on the other hand you did the appropriate rebase, you'd end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - P - Q - R - A' - B' - C' (master)

The content of your work tree should end up the same in both cases; you've just created a different history leading up to it. The rebase rewrites your history, making it look as if you had committed on top of origin's new master branch (R), instead of where you originally committed (H). You should never use the rebase approach if someone else has already pulled from your master branch.

Finally, note that you can actually set up git pull for a given branch to use rebase instead of merge by setting the config parameter branch.<name>.rebase to true. You can also do this for a single pull using git pull --rebase.

How do I get the logfile from an Android device?


The internal log is a circular buffer in memory. There are actually a few such circular buffers for each of: radio, events, main. The default is main.

To obtain a copy of a buffer, one technique involves executing a command on the device and obtaining the output as a string variable.

SendLog is an open source App which does just this:

The key is to run logcat on the device in the embedded OS. It's not as hard as it sounds, just check out the open source app in the link.

Writing outputs to log file and console

Try this, it will do the work:

exec > >(tee -a ${log_file} )
exec 2> >(tee -a ${log_file} >&2)

C# Copy a file to another location with a different name

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Oldfilepath);
string fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd();

StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(NewFilePath);

How to change a nullable column to not nullable in a Rails migration?

Rails 4 (other Rails 4 answers have problems):

def change
  change_column_null(:users, :admin, false, <put a default value here> )
  # change_column(:users, :admin, :string, :default => "")

Changing a column with NULL values in it to not allow NULL will cause problems. This is exactly the type of code that will work fine in your development setup and then crash when you try to deploy it to your LIVE production. You should first change NULL values to something valid and then disallow NULLs. The 4th value in change_column_null does exactly that. See documentation for more details.

Also, I generally prefer to set a default value for the field so I won't need to specify the field's value every time I create a new object. I included the commented out code to do that as well.

SELECT from nothing?

I'm using firebird First of all, create a one column table named "NoTable" like this

  NOCOLUMN              INTEGER
INSERT INTO NOTABLE VALUES (0); -- You can put any value

now you can write this

select 'hello world' as name

from notable

you can add any column you want to be shown

Print values for multiple variables on the same line from within a for-loop

As an additional note, there is no need for the for loop because of R's vectorization.


P <- 243.51
t <- 31 / 365
n <- 365

for (r in seq(0.15, 0.22, by = 0.01))    
     A <- P * ((1 + (r/ n))^ (n * t))
     interest <- A - P

is equivalent to:

P <- 243.51
t <- 31 / 365
n <- 365
r <- seq(0.15, 0.22, by = 0.01)
A <- P * ((1 + (r/ n))^ (n * t))
interest <- A - P

Because r is a vector, the expression above containing it is performed for all values of the vector.

JWT authentication for ASP.NET Web API

I've managed to achieve it with minimal effort (just as simple as with ASP.NET Core).

For that I use OWIN Startup.cs file and Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt library.

In order for the app to hit Startup.cs we need to amend Web.config:

    <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="true" />

Here's how Startup.cs should look:

using MyApp.Helpers;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Microsoft.Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt;
using Owin;

[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(MyApp.App_Start.Startup))]

namespace MyApp.App_Start
    public class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
                new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
                    AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active,
                    TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
                        ValidAudience = ConfigHelper.GetAudience(),
                        ValidIssuer = ConfigHelper.GetIssuer(),
                        IssuerSigningKey = ConfigHelper.GetSymmetricSecurityKey(),
                        ValidateLifetime = true,
                        ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true

Many of you guys use ASP.NET Core nowadays, so as you can see it doesn't differ a lot from what we have there.

It really got me perplexed first, I was trying to implement custom providers, etc. But I didn't expect it to be so simple. OWIN just rocks!

Just one thing to mention - after I enabled OWIN Startup NSWag library stopped working for me (e.g. some of you might want to auto-generate typescript HTTP proxies for Angular app).

The solution was also very simple - I replaced NSWag with Swashbuckle and didn't have any further issues.

Ok, now sharing ConfigHelper code:

public class ConfigHelper
    public static string GetIssuer()
        string result = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Issuer"];
        return result;

    public static string GetAudience()
        string result = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Audience"];
        return result;

    public static SigningCredentials GetSigningCredentials()
        var result = new SigningCredentials(GetSymmetricSecurityKey(), SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256);
        return result;

    public static string GetSecurityKey()
        string result = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SecurityKey"];
        return result;

    public static byte[] GetSymmetricSecurityKeyAsBytes()
        var issuerSigningKey = GetSecurityKey();
        byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(issuerSigningKey);
        return data;

    public static SymmetricSecurityKey GetSymmetricSecurityKey()
        byte[] data = GetSymmetricSecurityKeyAsBytes();
        var result = new SymmetricSecurityKey(data);
        return result;

    public static string GetCorsOrigins()
        string result = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CorsOrigins"];
        return result;

Another important aspect - I sent JWT Token via Authorization header, so typescript code looks for me as follows:

(the code below is generated by NSWag)

export class TeamsServiceProxy {
    private http: HttpClient;
    private baseUrl: string;
    protected jsonParseReviver: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined = undefined;

    constructor(@Inject(HttpClient) http: HttpClient, @Optional() @Inject(API_BASE_URL) baseUrl?: string) {
        this.http = http;
        this.baseUrl = baseUrl ? baseUrl : "https://localhost:44384";

    add(input: TeamDto | null): Observable<boolean> {
        let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/api/Teams/Add";
        url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");

        const content_ = JSON.stringify(input);

        let options_ : any = {
            body: content_,
            observe: "response",
            responseType: "blob",
            headers: new HttpHeaders({
                "Content-Type": "application/json", 
                "Accept": "application/json",
                "Authorization": "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem('token')

See headers part - "Authorization": "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem('token')

Get each line from textarea

$array = explode("\n", $text);
for($i=0; $i < count($array); $i++)
    echo $line;
    if($i < count($array)-1)
         echo '<br />';

What does the restrict keyword mean in C++?

In his paper, Memory Optimization, Christer Ericson says that while restrict is not part of the C++ standard yet, that it is supported by many compilers and he recommends it's usage when available:

restrict keyword

! New to 1999 ANSI/ISO C standard

! Not in C++ standard yet, but supported by many C++ compilers

! A hint only, so may do nothing and still be conforming

A restrict-qualified pointer (or reference)...

! basically a promise to the compiler that for the scope of the pointer, the target of the pointer will only be accessed through that pointer (and pointers copied from it).

In C++ compilers that support it it should probably behave the same as in C.

See this SO post for details: Realistic usage of the C99 ‘restrict’ keyword?

Take half an hour to skim through Ericson's paper, it's interesting and worth the time.


I also found that IBM's AIX C/C++ compiler supports the __restrict__ keyword.

g++ also seems to support this as the following program compiles cleanly on g++:

#include <stdio.h>

int foo(int * __restrict__ a, int * __restrict__ b) {
    return *a + *b;

int main(void) {
    int a = 1, b = 1, c;

    c = foo(&a, &b);

    printf("c == %d\n", c);

    return 0;

I also found a nice article on the use of restrict:

Demystifying The Restrict Keyword


I ran across an article which specifically discusses the use of restrict in C++ programs:

Load-hit-stores and the __restrict keyword

Also, Microsoft Visual C++ also supports the __restrict keyword.

How to convert a string from uppercase to lowercase in Bash?

The correct way to implement your code is

val=$(echo "$y" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
string="$val world"

This uses $(...) notation to capture the output of the command in a variable. Note also the quotation marks around the string variable -- you need them there to indicate that $val and world are a single thing to be assigned to string.

If you have bash 4.0 or higher, a more efficient & elegant way to do it is to use bash builtin string manipulation:

string="${y,,} world"

Rails: Check output of path helper from console

you can also

include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

from inside a console sessions to access the helpers:

url_for controller: :users, only_path: true
# => '/users'



Simple way to count character occurrences in a string

Since you're scanning the whole string anyway you can build a full character count and do any number of lookups, all for the same big-Oh cost (n):

public static Map<Character,Integer> getCharFreq(String s) {
  Map<Character,Integer> charFreq = new HashMap<Character,Integer>();
  if (s != null) {
    for (Character c : s.toCharArray()) {
      Integer count = charFreq.get(c);
      int newCount = (count==null ? 1 : count+1);
      charFreq.put(c, newCount);
  return charFreq;

// ...
String s = "abdsd3$asda$asasdd$sadas";
Map counts = getCharFreq(s);
counts.get('$'); // => 3
counts.get('a'); // => 7
counts.get('s'); // => 6

Inserting Data into Hive Table

Hadoop file system does not support appending data to the existing files. Although, you can load your CSV file into HDFS and tell Hive to treat it as an external table.

Get city name using geolocation

You can use to get city Name. It supports IPv6.

As a bonus it allows to check whether ip address is a tor node, public proxy or spammer.

Javascript Code:

$(document).ready(function () {
        $('#btnGetIpDetail').click(function () {
            if ($('#txtIP').val() == '') {
                alert('IP address is reqired');
                return false;
            $.getJSON("" + $('#txtIP').val(),
                 function (result) {
                     alert('City Name: ' +


<script src=""></script>
    <input type="text" id="txtIP" />
    <button id="btnGetIpDetail">Get Location of IP</button>

JSON Output

    "ip": "",
    "country_code": "US",
    "country_name": "United States",
    "region_code": "FL",
    "region_name": "Florida",
    "city": "Fort Lauderdale",
    "zip_code": "33309",
    "time_zone": "America/New_York",
    "latitude": 26.1882,
    "longitude": -80.1711,
    "metro_code": 528,
    "suspicious_factors": {
        "is_proxy": false,
        "is_tor_node": false,
        "is_spam": false,
        "is_suspicious": false

Java Comparator class to sort arrays

The answer from @aioobe is excellent. I just want to add another way for Java 8.

int[][] twoDim = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 7 }, { 8, 9 }, { 4, 2 }, { 5, 3 } };

Arrays.sort(twoDim, (int[] o1, int[] o2) -> o2[0] - o1[0]);


For me it's intuitive and easy to remember with Java 8 syntax.

Removing all unused references from a project in Visual Studio projects

You can try the free VS2010 extension: Reference Assistant by Lardite group. It works perfectly for me. This tool helps to find unused references and allows you to choose which references should be removed.

How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without increment it?

I also tried to use CURRVAL, in my case to find out if some process inserted new rows to some table with that sequence as Primary Key. My assumption was that CURRVAL would be the fastest method. But a) CurrVal does not work, it will just get the old value because you are in another Oracle session, until you do a NEXTVAL in your own session. And b) a select max(PK) from TheTable is also very fast, probably because a PK is always indexed. Or select count(*) from TheTable. I am still experimenting, but both SELECTs seem fast.

I don't mind a gap in a sequence, but in my case I was thinking of polling a lot, and I would hate the idea of very large gaps. Especially if a simple SELECT would be just as fast.


  • CURRVAL is pretty useless, as it does not detect NEXTVAL from another session, it only returns what you already knew from your previous NEXTVAL
  • SELECT MAX(...) FROM ... is a good solution, simple and fast, assuming your sequence is linked to that table

vba pass a group of cells as range to function

As written, your function accepts only two ranges as arguments.

To allow for a variable number of ranges to be used in the function, you need to declare a ParamArray variant array in your argument list. Then, you can process each of the ranges in the array in turn.

For example,

Function myAdd(Arg1 As Range, ParamArray Args2() As Variant) As Double
    Dim elem As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    For Each elem In Arg1
        myAdd = myAdd + elem.Value
    Next elem
    For i = LBound(Args2) To UBound(Args2)
        For Each elem In Args2(i)
            myAdd = myAdd + elem.Value
        Next elem
    Next i
End Function

This function could then be used in the worksheet to add multiple ranges.

myAdd usage

For your function, there is the question of which of the ranges (or cells) that can passed to the function are 'Sessions' and which are 'Customers'.

The easiest case to deal with would be if you decided that the first range is Sessions and any subsequent ranges are Customers.

Function calculateIt(Sessions As Range, ParamArray Customers() As Variant) As Double
    'This function accepts a single Sessions range and one or more Customers
    Dim i As Long
    Dim sessElem As Variant
    Dim custElem As Variant
    For Each sessElem In Sessions
        'do something with sessElem.Value, the value of each
        'cell in the single range Sessions
        Debug.Print "sessElem: " & sessElem.Value
    Next sessElem
    'loop through each of the one or more ranges in Customers()
    For i = LBound(Customers) To UBound(Customers)
        'loop through the cells in the range Customers(i)
        For Each custElem In Customers(i)
            'do something with custElem.Value, the value of
            'each cell in the range Customers(i)
            Debug.Print "custElem: " & custElem.Value
         Next custElem
    Next i
End Function

If you want to include any number of Sessions ranges and any number of Customers range, then you will have to include an argument that will tell the function so that it can separate the Sessions ranges from the Customers range.

This argument could be set up as the first, numeric, argument to the function that would identify how many of the following arguments are Sessions ranges, with the remaining arguments implicitly being Customers ranges. The function's signature would then be:

Function calculateIt(numOfSessionRanges, ParamAray Args() As Variant)

Or it could be a "guard" argument that separates the Sessions ranges from the Customers ranges. Then, your code would have to test each argument to see if it was the guard. The function would look like:

Function calculateIt(ParamArray Args() As Variant)

Perhaps with a call something like:


The program logic might then be along the lines of:

Function calculateIt(ParamArray Args() As Variant) As Double
   'loop through Args
   IsSessionArg = True
   For i = lbound(Args) to UBound(Args)
       'only need to check for the type of the argument
       If TypeName(Args(i)) = "String" Then
          IsSessionArg = False
       ElseIf IsSessionArg Then
          'process Args(i) as Session range
          'process Args(i) as Customer range
       End if
   Next i
   calculateIt = <somevalue>
End Function

OpenCV NoneType object has no attribute shape

You probably get the error because your video path may be wrong in a way. Be sure your path is completely correct.

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I had the same issue with a site which previously was running fine. I resolved the issue by deleting the temporary files from C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v#.#.#####\Temporary ASP.NET Files\@projectName\###CC##C\###C#CC

No module named pkg_resources

For me, this error was being caused because I had a subdirectory called "site"! I don't know if this is a pip bug or not, but I started with:

/some/dir/requirements.txt /some/dir/site/

pip install -r requirements.txt wouldn't work, giving me the above error!

renaming the subfolder from "site" to "src" fixed the problem! Maybe pip is looking for "site-packages"? Crazy.

What jsf component can render a div tag?

You can create a DIV component using the <h:panelGroup/>. By default, the <h:panelGroup/> will generate a SPAN in the HTML code.

However, if you specify layout="block", then the component will be a DIV in the generated HTML code.

<h:panelGroup layout="block"/>

How to do one-liner if else statement?

Thanks for pointing toward the correct answer.

I have just checked the Golang FAQ (duh) and it clearly states, this is not available in the language:

Does Go have the ?: operator?

There is no ternary form in Go. You may use the following to achieve the same result:

if expr {
    n = trueVal
} else {
    n = falseVal

additional info found that might be of interest on the subject:

How do I insert values into a Map<K, V>?

The two errors you have in your code are very different.

The first problem is that you're initializing and populating your Map in the body of the class without a statement. You can either have a static Map and a static {//TODO manipulate Map} statement in the body of the class, or initialize and populate the Map in a method or in the class' constructor.

The second problem is that you cannot treat a Map syntactically like an array, so the statement data["John"] = "Taxi Driver"; should be replaced by data.put("John", "Taxi Driver"). If you already have a "John" key in your HashMap, its value will be replaced with "Taxi Driver".

Function for 'does matrix contain value X?'

Many ways to do this. ismember is the first that comes to mind, since it is a set membership action you wish to take. Thus

X = primes(20);
ismember([15 17],X)
ans =
      0    1

Since 15 is not prime, but 17 is, ismember has done its job well here.

Of course, find (or any) will also work. But these are not vectorized in the sense that ismember was. We can test to see if 15 is in the set represented by X, but to test both of those numbers will take a loop, or successive tests.

~isempty(find(X == 15))
~isempty(find(X == 17))


any(X == 15)
any(X == 17)

Finally, I would point out that tests for exact values are dangerous if the numbers may be true floats. Tests against integer values as I have shown are easy. But tests against floating point numbers should usually employ a tolerance.

tol = 10*eps;
any(abs(X - 3.1415926535897932384) <= tol)

How to check if another instance of the application is running

The Process static class has a method GetProcessesByName() which you can use to search through running processes. Just search for any other process with the same executable name.

deleting rows in numpy array

The simplest way to delete rows and columns from arrays is the numpy.delete method.

Suppose I have the following array x:

x = array([[1,2,3],

To delete the first row, do this:

x = numpy.delete(x, (0), axis=0)

To delete the third column, do this:

x = numpy.delete(x,(2), axis=1)

So you could find the indices of the rows which have a 0 in them, put them in a list or a tuple and pass this as the second argument of the function.

How to check list A contains any value from list B?

I write a faster method for it can make the small one to set. But I test it in some data that some time it's faster that Intersect but some time Intersect fast that my code.

    public static bool Contain<T>(List<T> a, List<T> b)
        if (a.Count <= 10 && b.Count <= 10)
            return a.Any(b.Contains);

        if (a.Count > b.Count)
            return Contain((IEnumerable<T>) b, (IEnumerable<T>) a);
        return Contain((IEnumerable<T>) a, (IEnumerable<T>) b);

    public static bool Contain<T>(IEnumerable<T> a, IEnumerable<T> b)
        HashSet<T> j = new HashSet<T>(a);
        return b.Any(j.Contains);

The Intersect calls Set that have not check the second size and this is the Intersect's code.

        Set<TSource> set = new Set<TSource>(comparer);
        foreach (TSource element in second) set.Add(element);
        foreach (TSource element in first)
            if (set.Remove(element)) yield return element;

The difference in two methods is my method use HashSet and check the count and Intersect use set that is faster than HashSet. We dont warry its performance.

The test :

   static void Main(string[] args)
        var a = Enumerable.Range(0, 100000);
        var b = Enumerable.Range(10000000, 1000);
        var t = new Stopwatch();
        Repeat(()=> { Contain(a, b); });

        var a1 = Enumerable.Range(0, 100000).ToList();
        var a2 = b.ToList();
        Repeat(()=> { Contain(a1, a2); });


        Repeat(()=>{ a.Intersect(b).Any(); });

        Repeat(()=>{ b.Intersect(a).Any(); });



    private static void Repeat(Action a)
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

PHPMailer character encoding issues

When non of the above works, and still mails looks like ª הודפסה ×•× ×©×œ:

$mail->addCustomHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=utf-8');
$mail->Subject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';;

How to check if spark dataframe is empty?

I found that on some cases:

<class 'pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame'>

'list' object has no attribute 'isEmpty'

this is same for "length" or replace take() by head()

[Solution] for the issue we can use.

>>>df.limit(2).count() > 1

Get client IP address via third party web service

        url: '//',
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        success: function(location) {

This will work https too

Visual Studio - How to change a project's folder name and solution name without breaking the solution

go to my start-documents-iisExpress-config and then right click on applicationhost and select open with visual studio 2013 for web you will get into applicationhost.config window in the visual studio and now in the region chsnge the physical path to the path where your project is placed

".addEventListener is not a function" why does this error occur?

Try this one:

var comment = document.querySelector("button");
function showComment() {
  var place = document.querySelector('#textfield');
  var commentBox = document.createElement('textarea');
comment.addEventListener('click', showComment, false);

Use querySelector instead of className

Get an array of list element contents in jQuery

var optionTexts = [];
$("ul li").each(function() { optionTexts.push($(this).text()) });

...should do the trick. To get the final output you're looking for, join() plus some concatenation will do nicely:

var quotedCSV = '"' + optionTexts.join('", "') + '"';

Java: Literal percent sign in printf statement

The percent sign is escaped using a percent sign:


The complete syntax can be accessed in java docs. This particular information is in the section Conversions of the first link.

The reason the compiler is generating an error is that only a limited amount of characters may follow a backslash. % is not a valid character.

How to secure the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie?

Here is a code snippet taken from a blog article written by Anubhav Goyal:

// this code will mark the forms authentication cookie and the
// session cookie as Secure.
if (Response.Cookies.Count > 0)
    foreach (string s in Response.Cookies.AllKeys)
        if (s == FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName || "asp.net_sessionid".Equals(s, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
             Response.Cookies[s].Secure = true;

Adding this to the EndRequest event handler in the global.asax should make this happen for all page calls.

Note: An edit was proposed to add a break; statement inside a successful "secure" assignment. I've rejected this edit based on the idea that it would only allow 1 of the cookies to be forced to secure and the second would be ignored. It is not inconceivable to add a counter or some other metric to determine that both have been secured and to break at that point.

MySql sum elements of a column

 select sum(A),sum(B),sum(C) from mytable where id in (1,2,3);

print highest value in dict with key

just :

 mydict = {'A':4,'B':10,'C':0,'D':87}
 max(mydict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])

tap gesture recognizer - which object was tapped?

Use this code in Swift

func tappGeastureAction(sender: AnyObject) {
    if let tap = sender as? UITapGestureRecognizer {
        let point = tap.locationInView(locatedView)
        if filterView.pointInside(point, withEvent: nil) == true {
            // write your stuff here                

Where is android studio building my .apk file?

When you have android studio make your signed apk file it uses

    <property name="ExportedApkPath" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/PROJNAME/APPNAME.apk" />

inside workspace.xml to find out where to place it. However, if you use ./gradlew assembleRelease it places it inside PROJNAME/build/apk. I have the same problem. For some reason my android studio will not show me anything inside the apk subdirectory so the apk is for all intents and purposes missing. But if you search with finder it's most definitely there.

How can I add raw data body to an axios request?

The only solution I found that would work is the transformRequest property which allows you to override the extra data prep axios does before sending off the request.

        method: 'post',
        url: '',
        data: {},
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        transformRequest: [(data, header) => {
            data = 'grant_type=client_credentials'
            return data

Why can't DateTime.Parse parse UTC date

or use the AdjustToUniversal DateTimeStyle in a call to

DateTime.ParseExact(String, String[], IFormatProvider, DateTimeStyles)

How to export/import PuTTy sessions list?

For those who don't want to mess with the registry, a variation of putty that saves to file has been created. It is located here:

It would be nice if the putty team would take this as an option into the main distribution.

How to create composite primary key in SQL Server 2008

create table my_table (
     column_a integer not null,
     column_b integer not null,
     column_c varchar(50),
     primary key (column_a, column_b)

json_encode is returning NULL?

You should pass utf8 encoded string in json_encode. You can use utf8_encode and array_map() function like below:

    $encoded_rows = array_map('utf8_encode', $rows);
    echo json_encode($encoded_rows);

How to remove line breaks (no characters!) from the string?

I use 3 lines to do this job, so consider $s as your "stuff"...


Create directory if it does not exist


$path = "C:\temp\"

If (!(test-path $path))
    md C:\Temp\
  • The first line creates a variable named $path and assigns it the string value of "C:\temp\"

  • The second line is an If statement which relies on the Test-Path cmdlet to check if the variable $path does not exist. The not exists is qualified using the ! symbol.

  • Third line: If the path stored in the string above is not found, the code between the curly brackets will be run.

md is the short version of typing out: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path

Note: I have not tested using the -Force parameter with the below to see if there is undesirable behavior if the path already exists.

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path

Rotating a point about another point (2D)

The coordinate system on the screen is left-handed, i.e. the x coordinate increases from left to right and the y coordinate increases from top to bottom. The origin, O(0, 0) is at the upper left corner of the screen.

enter image description here

A clockwise rotation around the origin of a point with coordinates (x, y) is given by the following equations:

enter image description here

where (x', y') are the coordinates of the point after rotation and angle theta, the angle of rotation (needs to be in radians, i.e. multiplied by: PI / 180).

To perform rotation around a point different from the origin O(0,0), let's say point A(a, b) (pivot point). Firstly we translate the point to be rotated, i.e. (x, y) back to the origin, by subtracting the coordinates of the pivot point, (x - a, y - b). Then we perform the rotation and get the new coordinates (x', y') and finally we translate the point back, by adding the coordinates of the pivot point to the new coordinates (x' + a, y' + b).

Following the above description:

a 2D clockwise theta degrees rotation of point (x, y) around point (a, b) is:

Using your function prototype: (x, y) -> (p.x, p.y); (a, b) -> (cx, cy); theta -> angle:

POINT rotate_point(float cx, float cy, float angle, POINT p){

     return POINT(cos(angle) * (p.x - cx) - sin(angle) * (p.y - cy) + cx,
                  sin(angle) * (p.x - cx) + cos(angle) * (p.y - cy) + cy);

How do I calculate r-squared using Python and Numpy?

From yanl (yet-another-library) sklearn.metrics has an r2_score function;

from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

coefficient_of_dermination = r2_score(y, p(x))

Creating a comma separated list from IList<string> or IEnumerable<string>

I wrote a few extension methods to do it in a way that's efficient:

    public static string JoinWithDelimiter(this IEnumerable<String> that, string delim) {
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var s in that) {

        return sb.ToString();

This depends on

    public static string AppendToList(this String s, string item, string delim) {
        if (s.Length == 0) {
            return item;

        return s+delim+item;

Get current date in milliseconds

Casting the NSTimeInterval directly to a long overflowed for me, so instead I had to cast to a long long.

long long milliseconds = (long long)([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000.0);

The result is a 13 digit timestamp as in Unix.

sql select with column name like

Thank you @Blorgbeard for the genious idea.

By the way Blorgbeard's query was not working for me so I edited it:

DECLARE @Table_Name as VARCHAR(50) SET @Table_Name = 'MyTable'          -- put here you table name
DECLARE @Column_Like as VARCHAR(20) SET @Column_Like = '%something%'    -- put here you element
DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @sql = 'select '

SELECT @sql = @sql + '[' + + '],'
FROM sys.columns 
JOIN sys.tables ON sys.columns.object_id = tables.object_id
WHERE like @Column_Like
and = @Table_Name

SET @sql = left(@sql,len(@sql)-1) -- remove trailing comma
SET @sql = @sql + ' from ' + @Table_Name

EXEC sp_executesql @sql

Javascript loop through object array?

You can use forEach method to iterate over array of objects.



List<Object> and List<?>

package com.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TEst {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Integer> ls=new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> ls1=new ArrayList<>();
        List<List<Integer>> ls2=new ArrayList<>();

        List<List<List<Integer>>> ls3=new ArrayList<>();


    private static void m1(List ls3) {
        for(Object ls4:ls3)
             if(ls4 instanceof List)    
             }else {



Debugging with Android Studio stuck at "Waiting For Debugger" forever

A similar question has been asked recently and the solution may work for some and is very quick.

Clearing the Intellij IDEA (Android Studio) .idea directory which contains configuration information worked for me:

  1. Exit Android Studio
  2. Navigate to the project you are trying to debug
  3. Backup any files inside .idea that you modified (if your project checks any of these into VCS)
  4. Delete .idea directory
  5. Open the project in Android Studio

X-Frame-Options Allow-From multiple domains

From RFC 7034:

Wildcards or lists to declare multiple domains in one ALLOW-FROM statement are not permitted


How do I set the X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM to support more than a single domain?

You can't. As a workaround you can use different URLs for different partners. For each URL you can use it's own X-Frame-Options value. For example:

partner   iframe URL       ALLOW-FROM

For you can just use X-Frame-Options: deny.

BTW, for now Chrome (and all webkit-based browsers) does not support ALLOW-FROM statements at all.

How to pass parameters to $http in angularjs?

Build URL '/search' as string. Like


Actually I didn't use

 `$http({method:'GET', url:'/search', params:{fname: fname, lname: lname}})` 

but I'm sure "params" should be JSON.stringify like for POST

var jsonData = JSON.stringify(
        fname: fname,
        lname: lname 


  params: jsonData

How do I iterate through the files in a directory in Java?

For Java 7+, there is also

Example taken from the Javadoc:

List<Path> listSourceFiles(Path dir) throws IOException {
   List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>();
   try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, "*.{c,h,cpp,hpp,java}")) {
       for (Path entry: stream) {
   } catch (DirectoryIteratorException ex) {
       // I/O error encounted during the iteration, the cause is an IOException
       throw ex.getCause();
   return result;

Skip the headers when editing a csv file using Python

Doing row=1 won't change anything, because you'll just overwrite that with the results of the loop.

You want to do next(reader) to skip one row.

Encoding URL query parameters in Java

Unfortunately, URLEncoder.encode() does not produce valid percent-encoding (as specified in RFC 3986).

URLEncoder.encode() encodes everything just fine, except space is encoded to "+". All the Java URI encoders that I could find only expose public methods to encode the query, fragment, path parts etc. - but don't expose the "raw" encoding. This is unfortunate as fragment and query are allowed to encode space to +, so we don't want to use them. Path is encoded properly but is "normalized" first so we can't use it for 'generic' encoding either.

Best solution I could come up with:

return URLEncoder.encode(raw, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20");

If replaceAll() is too slow for you, I guess the alternative is to roll your own encoder...

EDIT: I had this code in here first which doesn't encode "?", "&", "=" properly:

//don't use - doesn't properly encode "?", "&", "="
new URI(null, null, null, raw, null).toString().substring(1);

Java: how to represent graphs?

Each node is named uniquely and knows who it is connected to. The List of connections allows for a Node to be connected to an arbitrary number of other nodes.

public class Node {
    public String name;
    public List<Edge> connections;

Each connection is directed, has a start and an end, and is weighted.

public class Edge {
    public Node start;
    public Node end;
    public double weight;

A graph is just your collection of nodes. Instead of List<Node> consider Map<String, Node> for fast lookup by name.

public class Graph {
    List<Node> nodes;

Structuring online documentation for a REST API

That's a very complex question for a simple answer.

You may want to take a look at existing API frameworks, like Swagger Specification (OpenAPI), and services like and

Also, here's an example of the same REST API described, organized and even styled in three different ways. It may be a good start for you to learn from existing common ways.

At the very top level I think quality REST API docs require at least the following:

  • a list of all your API endpoints (base/relative URLs)
  • corresponding HTTP GET/POST/... method type for each endpoint
  • request/response MIME-type (how to encode params and parse replies)
  • a sample request/response, including HTTP headers
  • type and format specified for all params, including those in the URL, body and headers
  • a brief text description and important notes
  • a short code snippet showing the use of the endpoint in popular web programming languages

Also there are a lot of JSON/XML-based doc frameworks which can parse your API definition or schema and generate a convenient set of docs for you. But the choice for a doc generation system depends on your project, language, development environment and many other things.

Why is NULL undeclared?

Don't use NULL, C++ allows you to use the unadorned 0 instead:

previous = 0;
next = 0;

And, as at C++11, you generally shouldn't be using either NULL or 0 since it provides you with nullptr of type std::nullptr_t, which is better suited to the task.

Your configuration specifies to merge with the <branch name> from the remote, but no such ref was fetched.?

You can easily link your local branch with remote one by running:

git checkout <your-local-branch>
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<correct-remote-branch> <your-local-branch>
git pull

How to convert unix timestamp to calendar date moment.js

Only it,


Read and write to binary files in C?

I really struggled to find a way to read a binary file into a byte array in C++ that would output the same hex values I see in a hex editor. After much trial and error, this seems to be the fastest way to do so without extra casts. By default it loads the entire file into memory, but only prints the first 1000 bytes.

string Filename = "BinaryFile.bin";
FILE* pFile;
pFile = fopen(Filename.c_str(), "rb");
fseek(pFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
size_t size = ftell(pFile);
fseek(pFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t* ByteArray;
ByteArray = new uint8_t[size];
if (pFile != NULL)
    int counter = 0;
    do {
        ByteArray[counter] = fgetc(pFile);
    } while (counter <= size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 800; i++) {
    printf("%02X ", ByteArray[i]);

Is there a way to make AngularJS load partials in the beginning and not at when needed?

Another method is to use HTML5's Application Cache to download all files once and keep them in the browser's cache. The above link contains much more information. The following information is from the article:

Change your <html> tag to include a manifest attribute:

<html manifest="">

A manifest file must be served with the mime-type text/cache-manifest.

A simple manifest looks something like this:


Once an application is offline it remains cached until one of the following happens:

  1. The user clears their browser's data storage for your site.
  2. The manifest file is modified. Note: updating a file listed in the manifest doesn't mean the browser will re-cache that resource. The manifest file itself must be altered.

Why do we have to override the equals() method in Java?

This should be enough to answer your question:

The equals() method compares two objects for equality and returns true if they are equal. The equals() method provided in the Object class uses the identity operator (==) to determine whether two objects are equal. For primitive data types, this gives the correct result. For objects, however, it does not. The equals() method provided by Object tests whether the object references are equal—that is, if the objects compared are the exact same object.

To test whether two objects are equal in the sense of equivalency (containing the same information), you must override the equals() method.

(Partial quote - click through to read examples.)

Difference between window.location.href and top.location.href

top object makes more sense inside frames. Inside a frame, window refers to current frame's window while top refers to the outermost window that contains the frame(s). So:

window.location.href = 'somepage.html'; means loading somepage.html inside the frame.

top.location.href = 'somepage.html'; means loading somepage.html in the main browser window.

Two other interesting objects are self and parent.

Get the last 4 characters of a string

Like this:

>>>mystr = "abcdefghijkl"

This slices the string's last 4 characters. The -4 starts the range from the string's end. A modified expression with [:-4] removes the same 4 characters from the end of the string:


For more information on slicing see this Stack Overflow answer.

Transfer data between databases with PostgreSQL

Databases are isolated in PostgreSQL; when you connect to a PostgreSQL server you connect to just one database, you can't copy data from one database to another using a SQL query.

If you come from MySQL: what MySQL calls (loosely) "databases" are "schemas" in PostgreSQL - sort of namespaces. A PostgreSQL database can have many schemas, each one with its tables and views, and you can copy from one schema to another with the schema.table syntax.

If you really have two distinct PostgreSQL databases, the common way of transferring data from one to another would be to export your tables (with pg_dump -t ) to a file, and import them into the other database (with psql).

If you really need to get data from a distinct PostgreSQL database, another option - mentioned in Grant Johnson's answer - is dblink, which is an additional module (in contrib/).


Postgres introduced "foreign data wrapper" in 9.1 (which was released after the question was asked). Foreign data wrappers allow the creation of foreign tables through the Postgres FDW which makes it possible to access a remote table (on a different server and database) as if it was a local table.

Hide axis and gridlines Highcharts

This has always worked well for me:

yAxes: [{
         ticks: {
                 display: false;

Test if remote TCP port is open from a shell script

In Bash using pseudo-device files for TCP/UDP connections is straight forward. Here is the script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT failed"
  exit 1
  echo "Connection to $SERVER on port $PORT succeeded"
  exit 0


$ ./ 
Connection to on port 80 succeeded

Here is one-liner (Bash syntax):

</dev/tcp/localhost/11211 && echo Port open. || echo Port closed.

Note that some servers can be firewall protected from SYN flood attacks, so you may experience a TCP connection timeout (~75secs). To workaround the timeout issue, try:

timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/" && echo Port open. || echo Port closed.

See: How to decrease TCP connect() system call timeout?

Count Vowels in String Python

data = str(input("Please type a sentence: "))
vowels = "aeiou"
for v in vowels:
    print(v, data.lower().count(v))

How do I deal with corrupted Git object files?

You can use "find" for remove all files in the /objects directory with 0 in size with the command:

find .git/objects/ -size 0 -delete

Backup is recommended.

Copy data from one column to other column (which is in a different table)

In SQL Server 2008 you can use a multi-table update as follows:

UPDATE tblindiantime 
SET tblindiantime.CountryName = contacts.BusinessCountry
FROM tblindiantime 
JOIN contacts
ON -- join condition here

You need a join condition to specify which row should be updated.

If the target table is currently empty then you should use an INSERT instead:

INSERT INTO tblindiantime (CountryName)
SELECT BusinessCountry FROM contacts

Changing the URL in react-router v4 without using Redirect or Link

I'm using this to redirect with React Router v4:


Hope it work for you ;)

How to provide a file download from a JSF backing bean?


You can get everything through ExternalContext. In JSF 1.x, you can get the raw HttpServletResponse object by ExternalContext#getResponse(). In JSF 2.x, you can use the bunch of new delegate methods like ExternalContext#getResponseOutputStream() without the need to grab the HttpServletResponse from under the JSF hoods.

On the response, you should set the Content-Type header so that the client knows which application to associate with the provided file. And, you should set the Content-Length header so that the client can calculate the download progress, otherwise it will be unknown. And, you should set the Content-Disposition header to attachment if you want a Save As dialog, otherwise the client will attempt to display it inline. Finally just write the file content to the response output stream.

Most important part is to call FacesContext#responseComplete() to inform JSF that it should not perform navigation and rendering after you've written the file to the response, otherwise the end of the response will be polluted with the HTML content of the page, or in older JSF versions, you will get an IllegalStateException with a message like getoutputstream() has already been called for this response when the JSF implementation calls getWriter() to render HTML.

Turn off ajax / don't use remote command!

You only need to make sure that the action method is not called by an ajax request, but that it is called by a normal request as you fire with <h:commandLink> and <h:commandButton>. Ajax requests and remote commands are handled by JavaScript which in turn has, due to security reasons, no facilities to force a Save As dialogue with the content of the ajax response.

In case you're using e.g. PrimeFaces <p:commandXxx>, then you need to make sure that you explicitly turn off ajax via ajax="false" attribute. In case you're using ICEfaces, then you need to nest a <f:ajax disabled="true" /> in the command component.

Generic JSF 2.x example

public void download() throws IOException {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExternalContext ec = fc.getExternalContext();

    ec.responseReset(); // Some JSF component library or some Filter might have set some headers in the buffer beforehand. We want to get rid of them, else it may collide.
    ec.setResponseContentType(contentType); // Check for all types. Use if necessary ExternalContext#getMimeType() for auto-detection based on filename.
    ec.setResponseContentLength(contentLength); // Set it with the file size. This header is optional. It will work if it's omitted, but the download progress will be unknown.
    ec.setResponseHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); // The Save As popup magic is done here. You can give it any file name you want, this only won't work in MSIE, it will use current request URL as file name instead.

    OutputStream output = ec.getResponseOutputStream();
    // Now you can write the InputStream of the file to the above OutputStream the usual way.
    // ...

    fc.responseComplete(); // Important! Otherwise JSF will attempt to render the response which obviously will fail since it's already written with a file and closed.

Generic JSF 1.x example

public void download() throws IOException {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) fc.getExternalContext().getResponse();

    response.reset(); // Some JSF component library or some Filter might have set some headers in the buffer beforehand. We want to get rid of them, else it may collide.
    response.setContentType(contentType); // Check for all types. Use if necessary ServletContext#getMimeType() for auto-detection based on filename.
    response.setContentLength(contentLength); // Set it with the file size. This header is optional. It will work if it's omitted, but the download progress will be unknown.
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); // The Save As popup magic is done here. You can give it any file name you want, this only won't work in MSIE, it will use current request URL as file name instead.

    OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
    // Now you can write the InputStream of the file to the above OutputStream the usual way.
    // ...

    fc.responseComplete(); // Important! Otherwise JSF will attempt to render the response which obviously will fail since it's already written with a file and closed.

Common static file example

In case you need to stream a static file from the local disk file system, substitute the code as below:

File file = new File("/path/to/file.ext");
String fileName = file.getName();
String contentType = ec.getMimeType(fileName); // JSF 1.x: ((ServletContext) ec.getContext()).getMimeType(fileName);
int contentLength = (int) file.length();

// ...

Files.copy(file.toPath(), output);

Common dynamic file example

In case you need to stream a dynamically generated file, such as PDF or XLS, then simply provide output there where the API being used expects an OutputStream.

E.g. iText PDF:

String fileName = "dynamic.pdf";
String contentType = "application/pdf";

// ...

Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, output);;
// Build PDF content here.

E.g. Apache POI HSSF:

String fileName = "dynamic.xls";
String contentType = "application/";

// ...

HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
// Build XLS content here.

Note that you cannot set the content length here. So you need to remove the line to set response content length. This is technically no problem, the only disadvantage is that the enduser will be presented an unknown download progress. In case this is important, then you really need to write to a local (temporary) file first and then provide it as shown in previous chapter.

Utility method

If you're using JSF utility library OmniFaces, then you can use one of the three convenient Faces#sendFile() methods taking either a File, or an InputStream, or a byte[], and specifying whether the file should be downloaded as an attachment (true) or inline (false).

public void download() throws IOException {
    Faces.sendFile(file, true);

Yes, this code is complete as-is. You don't need to invoke responseComplete() and so on yourself. This method also properly deals with IE-specific headers and UTF-8 filenames. You can find source code here.

CSS horizontal scroll

Use this code to generate horizontal scrolling blocks contents. I got this from here

<title>HTMLExplorer Demo: Horizontal Scrolling Content</title>
<style type="text/css">
#outer_wrapper {  
    overflow: scroll;  
#outer_wrapper #inner_wrapper {
    width:6000px; /* If you have more elements, increase the width accordingly */
#outer_wrapper #inner_wrapper { /* Define the properties of inner block */
    width: 250px;
    float: left;
    margin: 0 4px 0 0;
    border:1px grey solid;

<div id="outer_wrapper">
    <div id="inner_wrapper">
        <div class="box">
            <!-- Add desired content here -->
   - Explores HTML, CSS, Jquery, XML, PHP, JSON, Javascript 
        <div class="box">
             <!-- Add desired content here -->
   - Explores HTML, CSS, Jquery, XML, PHP, JSON, Javascript 
        <div class="box">
            <!-- Add desired content here -->
   - Explores HTML, CSS, Jquery, XML, PHP, JSON, Javascript 
        <div class="box">
            <!-- Add desired content here -->
   - Explores HTML, CSS, Jquery, XML, PHP, JSON, Javascript 
        <div class="box">
             <!-- Add desired content here -->
   - Explores HTML, CSS, Jquery, XML, PHP, JSON, Javascript 
        <div class="box">
            <!-- Add desired content here -->
   - Explores HTML, CSS, Jquery, XML, PHP, JSON, Javascript 
        <!-- more boxes here -->

Spark: subtract two DataFrames

According to the api docs, doing:


will return a new DataFrame containing rows in dataFrame1 but not in dataframe2.

Moment JS start and end of given month

you can use this directly for the end or start date of the month

new moment().startOf('month').format("YYYY-DD-MM");
new moment().endOf("month").format("YYYY-DD-MM");

you can change the format by defining a new format

Laravel Migration Error: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

The approached that work here was pass a second param with the key name (a short one):


Call to a member function on a non-object

There's an easy way to produce this error:

    $joe = null;

Will render the error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function anything() on a non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/casMail/dao/server.php on line 23

It would be a lot better if PHP would just say,

Fatal error: Call from Joe is not defined because (a) joe is null or (b) joe does not define anything() in on line <##>.

Usually you have build your class so that $joe is not defined in the constructor or

HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers

Open Project properties by selecting project then go to

View>Properties Windows

and make sure Anonymous Authentication is Enabled

enter image description here

Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist:ERROR

 show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| datapass_schema    |
| mysql              |
| test               |
4 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> use mysql;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> show tables
    -> ;
| Tables_in_mysql           |
| columns_priv              |
| db                        |
| event                     |
| func                      |
| general_log               |
| help_category             |
| help_keyword              |
| help_relation             |
| help_topic                |
| host                      |
| ndb_binlog_index          |
| plugin                    |
| proc                      |
| procs_priv                |
| servers                   |
| slow_log                  |
| tables_priv               |
| time_zone                 |
| time_zone_leap_second     |
| time_zone_name            |
| time_zone_transition      |
| time_zone_transition_type |
| user                      |
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create user m identified by 'm';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

check for the database mysql and table user as shown above if that dosent work, your mysql installation is not proper.

use the below command as mention in other post to install tables again


Allow multiple roles to access controller action

Another option is to use a single authorize filter as you posted but remove the inner quotations.


Switch statement fallthrough in C#?

Just a quick note to add that the compiler for Xamarin actually got this wrong and it allows fallthrough. It has supposedly been fixed, but has not been released. Discovered this in some code that actually was falling through and the compiler did not complain.

How do I use PHP namespaces with autoload?

Using has a gotcha, while it is by far the fastest method, it also expects all of your filenames to be lowercase.


For example:

A file containing the class SomeSuperClass would need to be named somesuperclass.php, this is a gotcha when using a case sensitive filesystem like Linux, if your file is named SomeSuperClass.php but not a problem under Windows.

Using __autoload in your code may still work with current versions of PHP but expect this feature to become deprecated and finally removed in the future.

So what options are left:

This version will work with PHP 5.3 and above and allows for filenames SomeSuperClass.php and somesuperclass.php. If your using 5.3.2 and above, this autoloader will work even faster.


if ( function_exists ( 'stream_resolve_include_path' ) == false ) {
    function stream_resolve_include_path ( $filename ) {
        $paths = explode ( PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path () );
        foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
            $path = realpath ( $path . PATH_SEPARATOR . $filename );
            if ( $path ) {
                return $path;
        return false;

spl_autoload_register ( function ( $className, $fileExtensions = null ) {
    $className = str_replace ( '_', '/', $className );
    $className = str_replace ( '\\', '/', $className );
    $file = stream_resolve_include_path ( $className . '.php' );
    if ( $file === false ) {
        $file = stream_resolve_include_path ( strtolower ( $className . '.php' ) );
    if ( $file !== false ) {
        include $file;
        return true;
    return false;

Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function

You can use Simpsons rule or the Trapezium rule to calculate the area under a graph given a table of y-values at a regular interval.

Python script that calculates Simpsons rule:

def integrate(y_vals, h):
    i = 1
    total = y_vals[0] + y_vals[-1]
    for y in y_vals[1:-1]:
        if i % 2 == 0:
            total += 2 * y
            total += 4 * y
        i += 1
    return total * (h / 3.0)

h is the offset (or gap) between y values, and y_vals is an array of well, y values.

Example (In same file as above function):

y_values = [13, 45.3, 12, 1, 476, 0]
interval = 1.2
area = integrate(y_values, interval)
print("The area is", area)

Access to the path denied error in C#

You are trying to create a FileStream object for a directory (folder). Specify a file name (e.g. @"D:\test.txt") and the error will go away.

By the way, I would suggest that you use the StreamWriter constructor that takes an Encoding as its second parameter, because otherwise you might be in for an unpleasant surprise when trying to read the saved file later (using StreamReader).

JQuery / JavaScript - trigger button click from another button click event

Add id's to both inputs, id="first" and id="second"

//trigger second button

NSUserDefaults - How to tell if a key exists

Swift 3 / 4:

Here is a simple extension for Int/Double/Float/Bool key-value types that mimic the Optional-return behavior of the other types accessed through UserDefaults.

(Edit Aug 30 2018: Updated with more efficient syntax from Leo's suggestion.)

extension UserDefaults {
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .integer(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func integerOptional(forKey: String) -> Int? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Int
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .double(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func doubleOptional(forKey: String) -> Double? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Double
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .float(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func floatOptional(forKey: String) -> Float? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Float
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .bool(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func boolOptional(forKey: String) -> Bool? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Bool

They are now more consistent alongside the other built-in get methods (string, data, etc.). Just use the get methods in place of the old ones.

let AppDefaults = UserDefaults.standard

// assuming the key "Test" does not exist...

// old:
print(AppDefaults.integer(forKey: "Test")) // == 0
// new:
print(AppDefaults.integerOptional(forKey: "Test")) // == nil

$(document).ready shorthand

Even shorter variant is to use



where $ stands for jQuery and ()=>{} is so called 'arrow function' that inherits this from the closure. (So that in this you'll probably have window instead of document.)

How to increase font size in NeatBeans IDE?

In OS X, Netbeans 8.0

  1. Use Command + , to open the options
  2. Select Fonts & Colors tab
  3. Click the button in the Font section (button is next to the Font textbox)
  4. Change the Font, style and size as needed

enter image description here

Are loops really faster in reverse?

The way you're doing it now isn't faster (apart from it being an indefinite loop, I guess you meant to do i--.

If you want to make it faster do:

for (i = 10; i--;) {
    //super fast loop

of course you wouldn't notice it on such a small loop. The reason it's faster is because you're decrementing i while checking that it's "true" (it evaluates to "false" when it reaches 0)

How to round up with excel VBA round()?

This is an example j is the value you want to round up.

Dim i As Integer
Dim ii, j As Double

j = 27.11
i = (j) ' i is an integer and truncates the decimal

ii = (j) ' ii retains the decimal

If ii - i > 0 Then i = i + 1 

If the remainder is greater than 0 then it rounds it up, simple. At 1.5 it auto rounds to 2 so it'll be less than 0.

Make child div stretch across width of page

Since position: absolute; and viewport width were no options in my special case, there is another quick solution to solve the problem. The only condition is, that overflow in x-direction is not necessary for your website.

You can define negative margins for your element:

#help_panel {
    margin-left: -9999px;
    margin-right: -9999px;

But since we get overflow doing this, we have to avoid overflow in x-direction globally e.g. for body:

body {
    overflow-x: hidden;

You can set padding to choose the size of your content.

Note that this solution does not bring 100% width for content, but it is helpful in cases where you need e.g. a background color which has full width with a content still depending on container.

Find and replace with sed in directory and sub directories

This worked for me:

find ./ -type f -exec sed -i '' 's#NEEDLE#REPLACEMENT#' *.php {} \;

How to git-cherry-pick only changes to certain files?

Use git merge --squash branch_name this will get all changes from the other branch and will prepare a commit for you. Now remove all unneeded changes and leave the one you want. And git will not know that there was a merge.

PHP AES encrypt / decrypt

$sDecrypted and $sEncrypted were undefined in your code. See a solution that works (but is not secure!):


This example is insecure! Do not use it!

$Pass = "Passwort";
$Clear = "Klartext";        

$crypted = fnEncrypt($Clear, $Pass);
echo "Encrypred: ".$crypted."</br>";

$newClear = fnDecrypt($crypted, $Pass);
echo "Decrypred: ".$newClear."</br>";        

function fnEncrypt($sValue, $sSecretKey)
    return rtrim(
                $sSecretKey, $sValue, 
            ), "\0"

function fnDecrypt($sValue, $sSecretKey)
    return rtrim(
        ), "\0"

But there are other problems in this code which make it insecure, in particular the use of ECB (which is not an encryption mode, only a building block on top of which encryption modes can be defined). See Fab Sa's answer for a quick fix of the worst problems and Scott's answer for how to do this right.

Securely storing passwords for use in python script

the secure way is encrypt your sensitive data by AES and the encryption key is derivation by password-based key derivation function (PBE), the master password used to encrypt/decrypt the encrypt key for AES.

master password -> secure key-> encrypt data by the key

You can use pbkdf2

from PBKDF2 import PBKDF2
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
salt = os.urandom(8)    # 64-bit salt
key = PBKDF2("This passphrase is a secret.", salt).read(32) # 256-bit key
iv = os.urandom(16)     # 128-bit IV
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

make sure to store the salt/iv/passphrase , and decrypt using same salt/iv/passphase

Weblogic used similar approach to protect passwords in config files

How do I update Node.js?

I used the following instructions to upgrade from Node.js version 0.10.6 to 0.10.21 on a Mac.

  1. Clear NPM's cache:

    sudo npm cache clean -f
  2. Install a little helper called 'n'

    sudo npm install -g n
  3. Install latest stable Node.js version

    sudo n stable

Alternatively pick a specific version and install like this:

sudo n 0.8.20

For production environments you might want to pay attention to version numbering and be picky about odd/even numbers.


Update (June 2017):

This four years old post still receives up-votes so I'm guessing it still works for many people. However, Mr. Walsh himself recommended to update Node.js just using nvm instead.

So here's what you might want to do today:

Find out which version of Node.js you are using:

node --version

Find out which versions of Node.js you may have installed and which one of those you're currently using:

nvm ls

List all versions of Node.js available for installation:

nvm ls-remote

Apparently for Windows the command would be rather like this:

nvm ls available

Assuming you would pick Node.js v8.1.0 for installation you'd type the following to install that version:

nvm install 8.1.0

You are then free to choose between installed versions of Node.js. So if you would need to use an older version like v4.2.0 you would set it as the active version like this:

nvm use 4.2

When should an IllegalArgumentException be thrown?

When talking about "bad input", you should consider where the input is coming from.

Is the input entered by a user or another external system you don't control, you should expect the input to be invalid, and always validate it. It's perfectly ok to throw a checked exception in this case. Your application should 'recover' from this exception by providing an error message to the user.

If the input originates from your own system, e.g. your database, or some other parts of your application, you should be able to rely on it to be valid (it should have been validated before it got there). In this case it's perfectly ok to throw an unchecked exception like an IllegalArgumentException, which should not be caught (in general you should never catch unchecked exceptions). It is a programmer's error that the invalid value got there in the first place ;) You need to fix it.

How to display an alert box from C# in ASP.NET?

Response.Write("<script>alert('Data inserted successfully')</script>");

How to add header row to a pandas DataFrame

Alternatively you could read you csv with header=None and then add it with df.columns:

Cov = pd.read_csv("path/to/file.txt", sep='\t', header=None)
Cov.columns = ["Sequence", "Start", "End", "Coverage"]

How do I add multiple conditions to "ng-disabled"?

There is maybe a bit of a gotcha in the phrasing of the original question:

I need to check that two conditions are both true before enabling a button

The first thing to remember that the ng-disabled directive is evaluating a condition under which the button should be, well, disabled, but the original question is referring to the conditions under which it should en enabled. It will be enabled under any circumstances where the ng-disabled expression is not "truthy".

So, the first consideration is how to rephrase the logic of the question to be closer to the logical requirements of ng-disabled. The logical inverse of checking that two conditions are true in order to enable a button is that if either condition is false then the button should be disabled.

Thus, in the case of the original question, the pseudo-expression for ng-disabled is "disable the button if condition1 is false or condition2 is false". Translating into the Javascript-like code snippet required by Angular (, we get:

!condition1 || !condition2

Zoomlar has it right!

How to embed a SWF file in an HTML page?

<object width="100" height="100">
    <param name="movie" value="file.swf">
    <embed src="file.swf" width="100" height="100">

Asynchronously wait for Task<T> to complete with timeout

Definitely don't do this, but it is an option if ... I can't think of a valid reason.

    System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic |

Triangle Draw Method

There is not a drawTriangle method neither in Graphics nor Graphics2D. You need to do it by yourself. You can draw three lines using the drawLine method or use one these methods:

These methods work with polygons. You may change the prefix draw to fill when you want to fill the polygon defined by the point set. I inserted the documentation links. Take a look to learn how to use them.

There is the GeneralPath class too. It can be used with Graphics2D, which is capable to draw Shapes. Take a look:

Removing double quotes from variables in batch file creates problems with CMD environment

Your conclusion (1) sounds wrong. There must be some other factor at play.

The problem of quotes in batch file parameters is normally solved by removing the quotes with %~ and then putting them back manually where appropriate.


set cmd=%~1
set params=%~2 %~3

"%cmd%" %params%

Note the quotes around %cmd%. Without them, path with spaces won't work.

If you could post your entire batch code, maybe more specific answer could be made.

How can I reload .emacs after changing it?


M-: (load user-init-file)


  • you type it in Eval: prompt (including the parentheses)
  • user-init-file is a variable holding the ~/.emacs value (pointing to the configuration file path) by default
  • (load) is shorter, older, and non-interactive version of (load-file); it is not an emacs command (to be typed in M-x) but a mere elisp function


M-: > M-x

input type="submit" Vs button tag are they interchangeable?

I realize this is an old question but I found this on and think it applies.

A button can be of three types: submit, reset, or button. A click on a submit button sends the form's data to the web page defined by the action attribute of the element.

A click on a reset button resets all the form widgets to their default value immediately. From a UX point of view, this is considered bad practice.

A click on a button button does... nothing! That sounds silly, but it's amazingly useful to build custom buttons with JavaScript.<button>_to_finish