As already specified we add to the AppServiceProvider.php in App/Providers
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; // add this
* Bootstrap any application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
Schema::defaultStringLength(191); // also this line
you can see more details in the link bellow (search for "Index Lengths & MySQL / MariaDB")
BUT WELL THAT's not what I published all about! the thing is even when doing the above you will likely to get another error (that's when you run php artisan migrate
command and because of the problem of the length, the operation will likely stuck in the middle. solution is below, and the user table is likely created without the rest or not totally correctly)
we need to roll back. the default roll back will not work. because the operation of migration didn't like finish. you need to delete the new created tables in the database manually.
we can do it using tinker as in below:
L:\todos> php artisan tinker
Psy Shell v0.8.15 (PHP 7.1.10 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> Schema::drop('users')
=> null
I myself had a problem with users table.
after that you're good to go
php artisan migrate:rollback
php artisan migrate