Programs & Examples On #Trichedit

TRichEdit is a VCL control that wraps the Windows Rich Edit common control. It is defined in the ComCtrls.pas unit.

Cordova - Error code 1 for command | Command failed for

I had the same error code but different issue

Error: /Users/danieloram/desktop/CordovaProject/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/dx/command/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

To resolve this issue I opened the Android SDK Manager, uninstalled the latest Android SDK build-tools that I had (24.0.3) and installed version 23.0.3 of the build-tools.

My cordova app then proceeded to build successfully for android.

Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

You have a few options:


PS C:\> explorer
PS C:\> explorer .
PS C:\> explorer /n
PS C:\> Invoke-Item c:\path\
PS C:\> ii c:\path\
PS C:\> Invoke-Item c:\windows\explorer.exe
PS C:\> ii c:\windows\explorer.exe
PS C:\> [diagnostics.process]::start("explorer.exe")

How to set the color of "placeholder" text?

::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */
    color:    #999;
:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */
    color:    #999;
::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */
    color:    #999;
:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */
    color:    #999;

How do I prevent people from doing XSS in Spring MVC?

In Spring you can escape the html from JSP pages generated by <form> tags. This closes off a lot avenues for XSS attacks, and can be done automatically in three ways:

For the entire application in the web.xml file:


For all forms on a given page in the file itself:

<spring:htmlEscape defaultHtmlEscape="true" /> 

For each form:

<form:input path="someFormField" htmlEscape="true" /> 

Convert a file path to Uri in Android

Please try the following code

Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/sample.jpg"))

2D cross-platform game engine for Android and iOS?

LibGDX is one of the best engines I've ever used, works on almost all platforms, and performs twice as fast as cocos2d-x in most tests I've done. You can use any JVM language you like. Here's a 13 part tutorial in Java, and here's a bunch using jruby. There's a good skeletal animation tool that works with it here, and it has baked in support for tiled TMX maps as well. The ui framework is awesome, and it has a scene graph and actor style API similar to cocos2d scenes, sprites and actions. The community is awesome, updates are frequent, and the documentation is good. Don't let the java part scare you, it's fast, and you can use jruby or scala or whatever you like. I highly recommend it for 2d or 3d work, it supports both.

Executing <script> elements inserted with .innerHTML

Just do:

document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + '<img src="../images/loaded.gif" alt="" onload="alert(\'test\');this.parentNode.removeChild(this);" />';

iPhone/iPad browser simulator?

I have been using Mobilizer, which is an awesome free app

Currently it has default simulation for Iphone4, Iphone5, Samsung Galaxt S3, Nokia Lumia, Palm Pre, Blackberry Storm and HTC Evo. Simple straightforward and effective.

How to read input with multiple lines in Java

The problem you're having running from the command line is that you don't put ".class" after your class file.

java Practice 10 12

should work - as long as you're somewhere java can find the .class file.

Classpath issues are a whole 'nother story. If java still complains that it can't find your class, go to the same directory as your .class file (and it doesn't appear you're using packages...) and try -

java -cp . Practice 10 12

Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++

// Recursely Delete files using:
//   Gnome-Glib & C++11

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>

using namespace std;

int DirDelete(const string& path)
   const gchar*    p;
   GError*   gerr;
   GDir*     d;
   int       r;
   string    ps;
   string    path_i;
   cout << "open:" << path << "\n";
   d        = g_dir_open(path.c_str(), 0, &gerr);
   r        = -1;

   if (d) {
      r = 0;

      while (!r && (p=g_dir_read_name(d))) {
          ps = string{p};
          if (ps == "." || ps == "..") {

          path_i = path + string{"/"} + p;

          if (g_file_test(path_i.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR) != 0) {
            cout << "recurse:" << path_i << "\n";
            r = DirDelete(path_i);
          else {
            cout << "unlink:" << path_i << "\n";
            r = g_unlink(path_i.c_str());


   if (r == 0) {
      r = g_rmdir(path.c_str());
     cout << "rmdir:" << path << "\n";


   return r;

How to evaluate a boolean variable in an if block in bash?

Note that the if $myVar; then ... ;fi construct has a security problem you might want to avoid with

case $myvar in
  (true)    echo "is true";;
  (false)   echo "is false";;
  (rm -rf*) echo "I just dodged a bullet";;

You might also want to rethink why if [ "$myvar" = "true" ] appears awkward to you. It's a shell string comparison that beats possibly forking a process just to obtain an exit status. A fork is a heavy and expensive operation, while a string comparison is dead cheap. Think a few CPU cycles versus several thousand. My case solution is also handled without forks.

How to customise file type to syntax associations in Sublime Text?

There is a quick method to set the syntax: Ctrl+Shift+P,then type in the input box

ss + (which type you want set)

eg: ss html +Enter

and ss means "set syntax"

it is really quicker than check in the menu's checkbox.

Check file uploaded is in csv format

Mime type option is not best option for validating CSV file. I used this code this worked well in all browser

$type = explode(".",$_FILES['file']['name']);
if(strtolower(end($type)) == 'csv'){



Import Excel spreadsheet columns into SQL Server database

I have used DTS (now known as SQL server Import and Export Wizard). I used the this tutorial which worked great for me even in Sql 2008 and excel 2010 (14.0)

I hope this helps


Jquery UI tooltip does not support html content

another solution will be to grab the text inside the title tag & then use .html() method of jQuery to construct the content of the tooltip.

$(function() {
    position: {
      using: function(position, feedback) {
        var txt = $(this).text();


what's the default value of char?

its tempting say as white space or integer 0 as per below proof

char c1 = '\u0000';

but i wouldn't say so because, it might differ it different platforms or in future. What i really care is i ll never use this default value, so before using any char just check it is \u0000 or not, then use it to avoid misconceptions in programs. Its as simple as that.

PHP array value passes to next row

Change the checkboxes so that the name includes the index inside the brackets:

<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox_veh" id="checkbox_addveh<?php echo $i; ?>" <?php if ($vehicle_feature[$i]->check) echo "checked"; ?> name="feature[<?php echo $i; ?>]" value="<?php echo $vehicle_feature[$i]->id; ?>"> 

The checkboxes that aren't checked are never submitted. The boxes that are checked get submitted, but they get numbered consecutively from 0, and won't have the same indexes as the other corresponding input fields.

jquery Ajax call - data parameters are not being passed to MVC Controller action

If you have trouble with caching ajax you can turn it off:

$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});

How to validate an email address using a regular expression?

Don't know about best, but this one is at least correct, as long as the addresses have their comments stripped and replaced with whitespace.

Seriously. You should use an already written library for validating emails. The best way is probably to just send a verification e-mail to that address.

"break;" out of "if" statement?

I think the question is a little bit fuzzy - for example, it can be interpreted as a question about best practices in programming loops with if inside. So, I'll try to answer this question with this particular interpretation.

If you have if inside a loop, then in most cases you'd like to know how the loop has ended - was it "broken" by the if or was it ended "naturally"? So, your sample code can be modified in this way:

bool intMaxFound = false;
for (size = 0; size < HAY_MAX; size++)
  // wait for hay until EOF
  printf("\nhaystack[%d] = ", size);
  int straw = GetInt();
  if (straw == INT_MAX)
     {intMaxFound = true; break;}

  // add hay to stack
  haystack[size] = straw;
if (intMaxFound)
  // ... broken
  // ... ended naturally

The problem with this code is that the if statement is buried inside the loop body, and it takes some effort to locate it and understand what it does. A more clear (even without the break statement) variant will be:

bool intMaxFound = false;
for (size = 0; size < HAY_MAX && !intMaxFound; size++)
  // wait for hay until EOF
  printf("\nhaystack[%d] = ", size);
  int straw = GetInt();
  if (straw == INT_MAX)
     {intMaxFound = true; continue;}

  // add hay to stack
  haystack[size] = straw;
if (intMaxFound)
  // ... broken
  // ... ended naturally

In this case you can clearly see (just looking at the loop "header") that this loop can end prematurely. If the loop body is a multi-page text, written by somebody else, then you'd thank its author for saving your time.


Thanks to SO - it has just suggested the already answered question about crash of the AT&T phone network in 1990. It's about a risky decision of C creators to use a single reserved word break to exit from both loops and switch.

Anyway this interpretation doesn't follow from the sample code in the original question, so I'm leaving my answer as it is.

How to link to specific line number on github

For a line in a pull request.
90 <- PR number
ce6bf647d5a531e54ef0502c7fe799de <- MD5 has of file name from repo root
R <- Which side of the diff to reference (merge-base or head). Can be L or R.
27 <- Line number

This will take you to a line as long as L and R are correct. I am not sure if there is a way to visit L OR R. I.e If the PR adds a line you must use R. If it removes a line you must use L.

From: Generate line pointer URL into Github Pull Request

grep for special characters in Unix

Try vi with the -b option, this will show special end of line characters (I typically use it to see windows line endings in a txt file on a unix OS)

But if you want a scripted solution obviously vi wont work so you can try the -f or -e options with grep and pipe the result into sed or awk. From grep man page:

Matcher Selection -E, --extended-regexp Interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression (ERE, see below). (-E is specified by POSIX.)

   -F, --fixed-strings
          Interpret PATTERN as a list of fixed strings, separated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.  (-F is specified
          by POSIX.)

How to get input from user at runtime

a number;
b number;
a:= :a;
b:= :b;
if a>b then
dbms_output.put_line('Large number is '||a);
dbms_output.put_line('Large number is '||b);
end if;

Add params to given URL in Python

Based on this answer, one-liner for simple cases (Python 3 code):

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode

url = ""
params = {'lang':'en','tag':'python'}

url += ('&' if urlparse(url).query else '?') + urlencode(params)


url += ('&', '?')[urlparse(url).query == ''] + urlencode(params)

Why do package names often begin with "com"

It's the domain name spelt out in reverse.

For example, one of my domains is So, I use com.hedgee as the base name of all my packages.

jQuery: select all elements of a given class, except for a particular Id

You could use the .not function like the following examples to remove items that have an exact id, id containing a specific word, id starting with a word, etc... see for more information on jQuery selectors.

Ignore by Exact ID:


Ignore ID's that contains the word "Id"


Ignore ID's that start with "my"


return, return None, and no return at all?

On the actual behavior, there is no difference. They all return None and that's it. However, there is a time and place for all of these. The following instructions are basically how the different methods should be used (or at least how I was taught they should be used), but they are not absolute rules so you can mix them up if you feel necessary to.

Using return None

This tells that the function is indeed meant to return a value for later use, and in this case it returns None. This value None can then be used elsewhere. return None is never used if there are no other possible return values from the function.

In the following example, we return person's mother if the person given is a human. If it's not a human, we return None since the person doesn't have a mother (let's suppose it's not an animal or something).

def get_mother(person):
    if is_human(person):
        return person.mother
        return None

Using return

This is used for the same reason as break in loops. The return value doesn't matter and you only want to exit the whole function. It's extremely useful in some places, even though you don't need it that often.

We've got 15 prisoners and we know one of them has a knife. We loop through each prisoner one by one to check if they have a knife. If we hit the person with a knife, we can just exit the function because we know there's only one knife and no reason the check rest of the prisoners. If we don't find the prisoner with a knife, we raise an alert. This could be done in many different ways and using return is probably not even the best way, but it's just an example to show how to use return for exiting a function.

def find_prisoner_with_knife(prisoners):
    for prisoner in prisoners:
        if "knife" in prisoner.items:
            return # no need to check rest of the prisoners nor raise an alert

Note: You should never do var = find_prisoner_with_knife(), since the return value is not meant to be caught.

Using no return at all

This will also return None, but that value is not meant to be used or caught. It simply means that the function ended successfully. It's basically the same as return in void functions in languages such as C++ or Java.

In the following example, we set person's mother's name and then the function exits after completing successfully.

def set_mother(person, mother):
    if is_human(person):
        person.mother = mother

Note: You should never do var = set_mother(my_person, my_mother), since the return value is not meant to be caught.

Oracle: what is the situation to use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR?

There are two uses for RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR. The first is to replace generic Oracle exception messages with our own, more meaningful messages. The second is to create exception conditions of our own, when Oracle would not throw them.

The following procedure illustrates both usages. It enforces a business rule that new employees cannot be hired in the future. It also overrides two Oracle exceptions. One is DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX, which is thrown by a unique key on EMP(ENAME). The other is a a user-defined exception thrown when the foreign key between EMP(MGR) and EMP(EMPNO) is violated (because a manager must be an existing employee).

create or replace procedure new_emp
    ( p_name in emp.ename%type
      , p_sal in emp.sal%type
      , p_job in emp.job%type
      , p_dept in emp.deptno%type
      , p_mgr in emp.mgr%type 
      , p_hired in emp.hiredate%type := sysdate )
    invalid_manager exception;
    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_manager, -2291);
    dummy varchar2(1);
    -- check hiredate is valid
    if trunc(p_hired) > trunc(sysdate) 
             , 'NEW_EMP::hiredate cannot be in the future'); 
    end if;

    insert into emp
        ( ename
          , sal
          , job
          , deptno
          , mgr 
          , hiredate )
        ( p_name
          , p_sal
          , p_job
          , p_dept
          , p_mgr 
          , trunc(p_hired) );
    when dup_val_on_index then
             , 'NEW_EMP::employee called '||p_name||' already exists'
             , true); 
    when invalid_manager then
             , 'NEW_EMP::'||p_mgr ||' is not a valid manager'); 


How it looks:

SQL> exec new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 7782, sysdate+1)
BEGIN new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 7782, sysdate+1); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: NEW_EMP::hiredate cannot be in the future
ORA-06512: at "APC.NEW_EMP", line 16
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQL> exec new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 8888, sysdate)
BEGIN new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 8888, sysdate); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20002: NEW_EMP::8888 is not a valid manager
ORA-06512: at "APC.NEW_EMP", line 42
ORA-06512: at line 1

SQL> exec new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 7782, sysdate)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 7782, sysdate)
BEGIN new_emp ('DUGGAN', 2500, 'SALES', 10, 7782, sysdate); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20001: NEW_EMP::employee called DUGGAN already exists
ORA-06512: at "APC.NEW_EMP", line 37
ORA-00001: unique constraint (APC.EMP_UK) violated
ORA-06512: at line 1

Note the different output from the two calls to RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR in the EXCEPTIONS block. Setting the optional third argument to TRUE means RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR includes the triggering exception in the stack, which can be useful for diagnosis.

There is more useful information in the PL/SQL User's Guide.

How to use LINQ Distinct() with multiple fields

the solution to your problem looks like this:

public class Category {
  public long CategoryId { get; set; }
  public string CategoryName { get; set; }


public class CategoryEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Category>
   public bool Equals(Category x, Category y)
     => x.CategoryId.Equals(y.CategoryId)
          && x.CategoryName .Equals(y.CategoryName, 

   public int GetHashCode(Mapping obj)
     => obj == null 
         ? 0
         : obj.CategoryId.GetHashCode()
           ^ obj.CategoryName.GetHashCode();


 var distinctCategories = product
     .Select(_ => 
        new Category {
           CategoryId = _.CategoryId, 
           CategoryName = _.CategoryName
     .Distinct(new CategoryEqualityComparer())

Simplest way to profile a PHP script

No extensions are needed, just use these two functions for simple profiling.

// Call this at each point of interest, passing a descriptive string
function prof_flag($str)
    global $prof_timing, $prof_names;
    $prof_timing[] = microtime(true);
    $prof_names[] = $str;

// Call this when you're done and want to see the results
function prof_print()
    global $prof_timing, $prof_names;
    $size = count($prof_timing);
    for($i=0;$i<$size - 1; $i++)
        echo "<b>{$prof_names[$i]}</b><br>";
        echo sprintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%f<br>", $prof_timing[$i+1]-$prof_timing[$i]);
    echo "<b>{$prof_names[$size-1]}</b><br>";

Here is an example, calling prof_flag() with a description at each checkpoint, and prof_print() at the end:


   include '../lib/database.php';
   include '../lib/helper_func.php';

prof_flag("Connect to DB");


prof_flag("Perform query");

   // Get all the data

   $select_query = "SELECT * FROM data_table";
   $result = mysql_query($select_query);

prof_flag("Retrieve data");

   $rows = array();
   while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
       $rows[] = $r;

prof_flag("Close DB");

   mysql_close();   //close database connection


Output looks like this:

Connect to DB
Perform query
Retrieve data
Close DB

Differences between hard real-time, soft real-time, and firm real-time?

Hard real time systems uses preemptive version of priority scheduling, so that critical tasks get immediately scheduled, whereas soft real time systems uses non-preemptive version of the priority scheduling, which allows the present task to be finished before control is transferred to the higher priority task, causing additional delays. Thus the task deadlines are critically followed in Hard real time systems, whereas in soft real time systems they are handled not that seriously.

When should the xlsm or xlsb formats be used?

Just for posterity, here's the text from several external sources regarding the Excel file formats. Some of these have been mentioned in other answers to this question but without reproducing the essential content.

1. From Doug Mahugh, August 22, 2006:

...the new XLSB binary format. Like Open XML, it’s a full-fidelity file format that can store anything you can create in Excel, but the XLSB format is optimized for performance in ways that aren’t possible with a pure XML format.

The XLSB format (also sometimes referred to as BIFF12, as in “binary file format for Office 12”) uses the same Open Packaging Convention used by the Open XML formats and XPS. So it’s basically a ZIP container, and you can open it with any ZIP tool to see what’s inside. But instead of .XML parts within the package, you’ll find .BIN parts...

This article also refers to documentation about the BIN format, too lengthy to reproduce here.

2. From MSDN Archive, August 29, 2006 which in turn cites an already-missing blog post regarding the XLSB format:

Even though we’ve done a lot of work to make sure that our XML formats open quickly and efficiently, this binary format is still more efficient for Excel to open and save, and can lead to some performance improvements for workbooks that contain a lot of data, or that would require a lot of XML parsing during the Open process. (In fact, we’ve found that the new binary format is faster than the old XLS format in many cases.) Also, there is no macro-free version of this file format – all XLSB files can contain macros (VBA and XLM). In all other respects, it is functionally equivalent to the XML file format above:

File size – file size of both formats is approximately the same, since both formats are saved to disk using zip compression Architecture – both formats use the same packaging structure, and both have the same part-level structures. Feature support – both formats support exactly the same feature set Runtime performance – once loaded into memory, the file format has no effect on application/calculation speed Converters – both formats will have identical converter support

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received

Not a complete answer, but one specific situation where I've received this is when trying to access an object that 'died' because I tried to use autorelease:

netObjectDefinedInMyHeader = [[[MyNetObject alloc] init] autorelease];

So for example, I was actually passing this as an object to 'notify' (registered it as a listener, observer, whatever idiom you like) but it had already died once the notification was sent and I'd get the EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Changing it to [[MyNetObject alloc] init] and releasing it later as appropriate solved the error.

Another reason this may happen is for example if you pass in an object and try to store it:

myObjectDefinedInHeader = aParameterObjectPassedIn;

Later when trying to access myObjectDefinedInHeader you may get into trouble. Using:

myObjectDefinedInHeader = [aParameterObjectPassedIn retain];

may be what you need. Of course these are just a couple of examples of what I've ran into and there are other reasons, but these can prove elusive so I mention them. Good luck!

How to install JSTL? The absolute uri: cannot be resolved

Just had similar problem in Eclipse fixed with:

rightclick on project->Properties->Deployment Assembly->add Maven Dependencies

something kicked it out before, while I was editing my pom.xml

I had all needed jar files, taglib uri and web.xml was ok

Text-decoration: none not working

if you want a nav bar do

ul{ list-style-type: none; } li{text-decoration: none;
  • This will make it want to make the style of the list type to None or nothing

with the < a > tag:

a:link {text-decoration: none}

Updating state on props change in React Form

// store the startTime prop in local state
const [startTime, setStartTime] = useState(props.startTime)
useEffect(() => {
  if (props.startTime !== startTime) {
}, [props.startTime]);

Can this method be migrated to class components?

Auto highlight text in a textbox control

Here's the code I've been using. It requires adding the attached property to each textbox you wish to auto select. Seeing as I don't want every textbox in my application to do this, this was the best solution to me.

public class AutoSelectAll
    public static bool GetIsEnabled(DependencyObject obj) 
        return (bool)obj.GetValue(IsEnabledProperty); 
    public static void SetIsEnabled(DependencyObject obj, bool value) 
        obj.SetValue(IsEnabledProperty, value);

    static void ue_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var ue = sender as FrameworkElement;
        if (ue == null)
        ue.GotFocus += ue_GotFocus;
        ue.GotMouseCapture += ue_GotMouseCapture;

    private static void ue_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var ue = sender as FrameworkElement;
        if (ue == null)
        //ue.Unloaded -= ue_Unloaded;
        ue.GotFocus -= ue_GotFocus;
        ue.GotMouseCapture -= ue_GotMouseCapture;

    static void ue_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        if (sender is TextBox)
            (sender as TextBox).SelectAll();
        e.Handled = true;

    static void ue_GotMouseCapture(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        if (sender is TextBox)
            (sender as TextBox).SelectAll();
        e.Handled = true;

    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsEnabledProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsEnabled", typeof(bool),
        typeof(AutoSelectAll), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, IsEnabledChanged));

    static void IsEnabledChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var ue = d as FrameworkElement;
        if (ue == null)
        if ((bool)e.NewValue)
            ue.Unloaded += ue_Unloaded;
            ue.Loaded += ue_Loaded;

The main change I made here was adding a loaded event to many of the examples I've seen. This allows the code to continue working after it's unloaded (ie. a tab is changed). Also I included code to make sure the text gets selected if you click on the textbox with the mouse, and not just keyboard focus it. Note: If you actually click on the text in the textbox, the cursor is inserted between the letters as it should.

You can use this by including the following tag in your xaml.

    Text="{Binding Property}"
    Library:AutoSelectAll.IsEnabled="True" />

SQL Server Service not available in service list after installation of SQL Server Management Studio

downloaded Sql server management 2008 r2 and got it installed. Its getting installed but when I try to connect it via .\SQLEXPRESS it shows error. DO I need to install any SQL service on my system?

You installed management studio which is just a management interface to SQL Server. If you didn't (which is what it seems like) already have SQL Server installed, you'll need to install it in order to have it on your system and use it.

Case Statement Equivalent in R

Imho, most straightforward and universal code:

dft=data.frame(x = sample(letters[1:8], 20, replace=TRUE))
    y[x %in% c('a','b','c')]='abc'
    y[x %in% c('d','e','f')]='def'
    y[x %in% 'g']='g'
    y[x %in% 'h']='h'

Splitting words into letters in Java

 char[] result = "Stack Me 123 Heppa1 oeu".toCharArray();

How to detect IE11?

Only for IE Browser:

var ie = 'NotIE'; //IE5-11, Edge+
    if( !!document.compatMode ) {
        if( !("ActiveXObject" in window) ) ) ie = 'EDGE';
        if( !!document.uniqueID){
            if('ActiveXObject' in window && !window.createPopup ){ ie = 11; }
            else if(!!document.all){
                    if(!!window.atob){ie = 10;}
                    else if(!!document.addEventListener) {ie = 9;}
                    else if(!!document.querySelector){ie = 8;}
                    else if(!!window.XMLHttpRequest){ie = 7;}
                    else if(!!document.compatMode){ie = 6;}
                    else ie = 5;

use alert(ie);


var browserVersionExplorer = (function() {_x000D_
    var ie = '<s>NotIE</s>',_x000D_
        me = '<s>NotIE</s>';_x000D_
    if (/msie\s|trident\/|edge\//i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && !!(document.documentMode || document.uniqueID || window.ActiveXObject || window.MSInputMethodContext)) {_x000D_
            if (!!window.MSInputMethodContext) {_x000D_
                ie = !("ActiveXObject" in window) ? 'EDGE' : 11;_x000D_
            } else if (!!document.uniqueID) {_x000D_
                if (!!(window.ActiveXObject && document.all)) {_x000D_
                    if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" && !!window.DOMParser ) {_x000D_
                        ie = !!window.XMLHttpRequest ? 7 : 6;_x000D_
                    } else {_x000D_
                        ie = !!(window.createPopup && document.getElementById) ? parseFloat('5.5') : 5;_x000D_
                    if (!!document.documentMode && !!document.querySelector ) {_x000D_
                        ie = !!(window.atob && window.matchMedia) ? 10 : ( !!document.addEventListener ? 9 : 8);_x000D_
                } else ie = !!document.all ? 4 : (!!window.navigator ? 3 : 2);_x000D_
    return ie > 1 ? 'IE ' + ie : ie;_x000D_

Update 01 Jun 2017

Now we could use something easier and simpler:

var uA = window.navigator.userAgent,
    onlyIEorEdge = /msie\s|trident\/|edge\//i.test(uA) && !!( document.uniqueID || window.MSInputMethodContext),
    checkVersion = (onlyIEorEdge && +(/(edge\/|rv:|msie\s)([\d.]+)/i.exec(uA)[2])) || NaN;

Django: Display Choice Value

It looks like you were on the right track - get_FOO_display() is most certainly what you want:

In templates, you don't include () in the name of a method. Do the following:

{{ person.get_gender_display }}

How to check if a double value has no decimal part

Compare two values: the normal double, and the double after flooring it. If they are the same value, there is no decimal component.

Array String Declaration

I think the beginning to the resolution to this issue is the fact that the use of the for loop or any other function or action can not be done in the class definition but needs to be included in a method/constructor/block definition inside of a class.

Escaping Double Quotes in Batch Script

As an addition to mklement0's excellent answer:

Almost all executables accept \" as an escaped ". Safe usage in cmd however is almost only possible using DELAYEDEXPANSION.
To explicitely send a literal " to some process, assign \" to an environment variable, and then use that variable, whenever you need to pass a quote. Example:

set q=\"
child "malicious argument!q!&whoami"

Note SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION seems to work only within batch files. To get DELAYEDEXPANSION in an interactive session, start cmd /V:ON.

If your batchfile does't work with DELAYEDEXPANSION, you can enable it temporarily:

::region without DELAYEDEXPANSION

set q=\"
echoarg.exe "ab !q! & echo danger"

::region without DELAYEDEXPANSION

If you want to pass dynamic content from a variable that contains quotes that are escaped as "" you can replace "" with \" on expansion:

foo.exe "danger & bar=region with !dynamic_content:""=\"! & danger"

This replacement is not safe with %...% style expansion!

In case of OP bash -c "g++-linux-4.1 !v_params:"=\"!" is the safe version.

If for some reason even temporarily enabling DELAYEDEXPANSION is not an option, read on:

Using \" from within cmd is a little bit safer if one always needs to escape special characters, instead of just sometimes. (It's less likely to forget a caret, if it's consistent...)

To achieve this, one precedes any quote with a caret (^"), quotes that should reach the child process as literals must additionally be escaped with a backlash (\^"). ALL shell meta characters must be escaped with ^ as well, e.g. & => ^&; | => ^|; > => ^>; etc.


child ^"malicious argument\^"^&whoami^"

Source: Everyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way, see "A better method of quoting"

To pass dynamic content, one needs to ensure the following:
The part of the command that contains the variable must be considered "quoted" by cmd.exe (This is impossible if the variable can contain quotes - don't write %var:""=\"%). To achieve this, the last " before the variable and the first " after the variable are not ^-escaped. cmd-metacharacters between those two " must not be escaped. Example:

foo.exe ^"danger ^& bar=\"region with %dynamic_content% & danger\"^"

This isn't safe, if %dynamic_content% can contain unmatched quotes.

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" in Maven build

When you say you increased MAVEN_OPTS, what values did you increase? Did you increase the MaxPermSize, as in example:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

(or on Windows:)

set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

You can also specify these JVM options in each maven project separately.

How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android

As the question is asked years ago, and Android is evolved a lot on this URI scheme.
From original URI scheme, to deep link, and now Android App Links.

Android now recommends to use HTTP URLs, not define your own URI scheme. Because Android App Links use HTTP URLs that link to a website domain you own, so no other app can use your links. You can check the comparison of deep link and Android App links from here

Now you can easily add a URI scheme by using Android Studio option: Tools > App Links Assistant. Please refer the detail to Android document:

JavaScript Chart.js - Custom data formatting to display on tooltip

In chart.js 2.1.6, I did something like this (in typescript):

  let that = this;
  options = {
    legend: {
      display: false,
      responsive: false
    tooltips: {
      callbacks: {
        label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
          let account: Account = that.accounts[tooltipItem.index];
          return account.accountNumber+":"+account.balance+"€";

How to round up the result of integer division?

The integer math solution that Ian provided is nice, but suffers from an integer overflow bug. Assuming the variables are all int, the solution could be rewritten to use long math and avoid the bug:

int pageCount = (-1L + records + recordsPerPage) / recordsPerPage;

If records is a long, the bug remains. The modulus solution does not have the bug.

Python pandas: how to specify data types when reading an Excel file?

If you are able to read the excel file correctly and only the integer values are not showing up. you can specify like this.

df = pd.read_excel('my.xlsx',sheetname='Sheet1', engine="openpyxl", dtype=str)

this should change your integer values into a string and show in dataframe

How do I find all files containing specific text on Linux?

grep is your good friend to achieve this.

grep -r <text_fo_find> <directory>

If you don't care about the case of the text to find, then use:

grep -ir <text_to_find> <directory>

How do I print my Java object without getting "SomeType@2f92e0f4"?

In Eclipse, Go to your class, Right click->source->Generate toString();

It will override the toString() method and will print the object of that class.

Adding multiple columns AFTER a specific column in MySQL

ALTER TABLE listing ADD count INT(5), ADD log VARCHAR(200), ADD status VARCHAR(20) AFTER stat

It will give good results.

Dynamic WHERE clause in LINQ

A simple Approach can be if your Columns are of Simple Type like String

public static IEnumerable<MyObject> WhereQuery(IEnumerable<MyObject> source, string columnName, string propertyValue)
   return source.Where(m => { return m.GetType().GetProperty(columnName).GetValue(m, null).ToString().StartsWith(propertyValue); });

What is javax.inject.Named annotation supposed to be used for?

Regarding #2, according to the JSR-330 spec:

This package provides dependency injection annotations that enable portable classes, but it leaves external dependency configuration up to the injector implementation.

So it's up to the provider to determine which objects are available for injection. In the case of Spring it is all Spring beans. And any class annotated with JSR-330 annotations are automatically added as Spring beans when using an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.

How to add an onchange event to a select box via javascript?

Here's another way of attaching the event based on W3C DOM Level 2 Events Specification:

     function() { toggleSelect(; },

Insert php variable in a href

in php

echo '<a href="' . $folder_path . '">Link text</a>';


<a href="<?=$folder_path?>">Link text</a>;


<a href="<?php echo $folder_path ?>">Link text</a>;

How do I generate a stream from a string?

I think you can benefit from using a MemoryStream. You can fill it with the string bytes that you obtain by using the GetBytes method of the Encoding class.

What does "control reaches end of non-void function" mean?

Always build with at least minimal optimization. With -O0, all analysis that the compiler could use to determine that execution cannot reach the end of the function has been disabled. This is why you're seeing the warning. The only time you should ever use -O0 is for step-by-line debugging, which is usually not a good debugging approach anyway, but it's what most people who got started with MSVC learned on...

How to reset the state of a Redux store?

in server, i have a variable is: global.isSsr = true and in each reducer, i have a const is : initialState To reset the data in the Store, I do the following with each Reducer: example with appReducer.js:

 const initialState = {
    auth: {},
    theme: {},
    sidebar: {},
    lsFanpage: {},
    lsChatApp: {},
    appSelected: {},

export default function (state = initialState, action) {
    if (typeof isSsr!=="undefined" && isSsr) { //<== using global.isSsr = true
        state = {...initialState};//<= important "will reset the data every time there is a request from the client to the server"
    switch (action.type) {
        //...other code case here
        default: {
            return state;

finally on the server's router:

router.get('*', (req, res) => {
        store.dispatch({type:'reset-all-blabla'});//<= unlike any action.type // i use Math.random()
        // code ....render ssr here

How can I force gradle to redownload dependencies?

One can remove folder with cached jars.

In my case, on Mac the library was cached at path:


I removed the cached library folder ("cached-library-to-remove" in above example), deleted the build folder of my project and compiled again. Fresh library was downloaded then.

Getting an attribute value in xml element

Below is the code to do it in vtd-xml. It basically queries the XML with the XPath of "/xml/item/@name."

import com.ximpleware.*;

public class getAttrs{

   public static void main(String[] s) throws VTDException{
         VTDGen vg = new VTDGen();
         if (!vg.parseFile("input.xml",false)) // turn off namespace
         VTDNav vn = vg.getNav();
         AutoPilot ap =  new AutoPilot(vn);
         int i=0;
         while( (i=ap.evalXPath())!=-1){
              System.out.println(" item name is ===>"+vn.toString(i+1)); 

gdb: "No symbol table is loaded"

First of all, what you have is a fully compiled program, not an object file, so drop the .o extension. Now, pay attention to what the error message says, it tells you exactly how to fix your problem: "No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command."

(gdb) exec-file test
(gdb) b 2
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
(gdb) file test
Reading symbols from /home/user/test/test...done.
(gdb) b 2
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483ea: file test.c, line 2.

Or just pass the program on the command line.

$ gdb test
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
Reading symbols from /home/user/test/test...done.
(gdb) b 2
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483ea: file test.c, line 2.

Why is Github asking for username/password when following the instructions on screen and pushing a new repo?

Don't use HTTP use SSH instead



[email protected]:WEMP/project-slideshow.git

you can do it in .git/config file

Interpreting segfault messages

Error 4 means "The cause was a user-mode read resulting in no page being found.". There's a tool that decodes it here.

Here's the definition from the kernel. Keep in mind that 4 means that bit 2 is set and no other bits are set. If you convert it to binary that becomes clear.

 * Page fault error code bits
 *      bit 0 == 0 means no page found, 1 means protection fault
 *      bit 1 == 0 means read, 1 means write
 *      bit 2 == 0 means kernel, 1 means user-mode
 *      bit 3 == 1 means use of reserved bit detected
 *      bit 4 == 1 means fault was an instruction fetch
#define PF_PROT         (1<<0)
#define PF_WRITE        (1<<1)
#define PF_USER         (1<<2)
#define PF_RSVD         (1<<3)
#define PF_INSTR        (1<<4)

Now then, "ip 00007f9bebcca90d" means the instruction pointer was at 0x00007f9bebcca90d when the segfault happened.

"[7f9beb83a000+f6f000]" tells you:

  • The object the crash was in: ""
  • The base address of that object "7f9beb83a000"
  • How big that object is: "f6f000"

If you take the base address and subtract it from the ip, you get the offset into that object:

0x00007f9bebcca90d - 0x7f9beb83a000 = 0x49090D

Then you can run addr2line on it:

addr2line -e /usr/lib64/qt45/lib/ -fCi 0x49090D

In my case it wasn't successful, either the copy I installed isn't identical to yours, or it's stripped.

HTML/CSS font color vs span style

1st preference external style sheet.

<span class="myClass">test</span>



2nd preference inline style

<span style="color:red">test</span>

<font> as mentioned is deprecated.

How do the likely/unlikely macros in the Linux kernel work and what is their benefit?

(general comment - other answers cover the details)

There's no reason that you should lose portability by using them.

You always have the option of creating a simple nil-effect "inline" or macro that will allow you to compile on other platforms with other compilers.

You just won't get the benefit of the optimization if you're on other platforms.

Convert pandas.Series from dtype object to float, and errors to nans

Use pd.to_numeric with errors='coerce'

# Setup
s = pd.Series(['1', '2', '3', '4', '.'])

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    .
dtype: object

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')

0    1.0
1    2.0
2    3.0
3    4.0
4    NaN
dtype: float64

If you need the NaNs filled in, use Series.fillna.

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce').fillna(0, downcast='infer')

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    0
dtype: float64

Note, downcast='infer' will attempt to downcast floats to integers where possible. Remove the argument if you don't want that.

From v0.24+, pandas introduces a Nullable Integer type, which allows integers to coexist with NaNs. If you have integers in your column, you can use

# '0.24.1'

pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce').astype('Int32')

0      1
1      2
2      3
3      4
4    NaN
dtype: Int32

There are other options to choose from as well, read the docs for more.

Extension for DataFrames

If you need to extend this to DataFrames, you will need to apply it to each row. You can do this using DataFrame.apply.

# Setup.
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'A' : np.random.choice(10, 5), 
    'C' : np.random.choice(10, 5), 
    'B' : ['1', '###', '...', 50, '234'], 
    'D' : ['23', '1', '...', '268', '$$']}

   A    B  C    D
0  5    1  9   23
1  0  ###  3    1
2  3  ...  5  ...
3  3   50  2  268
4  7  234  4   $$


A     int64
B    object
C     int64
D    object
dtype: object

df2 = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN


A      int64
B    float64
C      int64
D    float64
dtype: object

You can also do this with DataFrame.transform; although my tests indicate this is marginally slower:

df.transform(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN

If you have many columns (numeric; non-numeric), you can make this a little more performant by applying pd.to_numeric on the non-numeric columns only.


A    False
B     True
C    False
D     True
dtype: bool

cols = df.columns[df.dtypes.eq(object)]
# Actually, `cols` can be any list of columns you need to convert.
# Index(['B', 'D'], dtype='object')

df[cols] = df[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Alternatively,
# for c in cols:
#     df[c] = pd.to_numeric(df[c], errors='coerce')


   A      B  C      D
0  5    1.0  9   23.0
1  0    NaN  3    1.0
2  3    NaN  5    NaN
3  3   50.0  2  268.0
4  7  234.0  4    NaN

Applying pd.to_numeric along the columns (i.e., axis=0, the default) should be slightly faster for long DataFrames.

How to make a promise from setTimeout

This is not an answer to the original question. But, as an original question is not a real-world problem it should not be a problem. I tried to explain to a friend what are promises in JavaScript and the difference between promise and callback.

Code below serves as an explanation:

//very basic callback example using setTimeout
//function a is asynchronous function
//function b used as a callback
function a (callback){
    setTimeout (function(){
       console.log ('using callback:'); 
       let mockResponseData = '{"data": "something for callback"}'; 
       if (callback){
          callback (mockResponseData);
    }, 2000);


function b (dataJson) {
   let dataObject = JSON.parse (dataJson);
   console.log (;   

a (b);

//rewriting above code using Promise
//function c is asynchronous function
function c () {
   return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
     setTimeout (function(){
       console.log ('using promise:'); 
       let mockResponseData = '{"data": "something for promise"}'; 
    }, 2000);      


c().then (b);


Get Date in YYYYMMDD format in windows batch file

If, after reading the other questions and viewing the links mentioned in the comment sections, you still can't figure it out, read on.

First of all, where you're going wrong is the offset.

It should look more like this...

set mydate=%date:~10,4%%date:~6,2%/%date:~4,2%
echo %mydate%

If the date was Tue 12/02/2013 then it would display it as 2013/02/12.

To remove the slashes, the code would look more like

set mydate=%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%
echo %mydate%

which would output 20130212

And a hint for doing it in the future, if mydate equals something like %date:~10,4%%date:~7,2% or the like, you probably forgot a tilde (~).

Python dict how to create key or append an element to key?

You can use a defaultdict for this.

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)

This is slightly more efficient than setdefault since you don't end up creating new lists that you don't end up using. Every call to setdefault is going to create a new list, even if the item already exists in the dictionary.

How to find cube root using Python?

You could use x ** (1. / 3) to compute the (floating-point) cube root of x.

The slight subtlety here is that this works differently for negative numbers in Python 2 and 3. The following code, however, handles that:

def is_perfect_cube(x):
    x = abs(x)
    return int(round(x ** (1. / 3))) ** 3 == x

print(is_perfect_cube(2146689000)) # no other currently posted solution
                                   # handles this correctly

This takes the cube root of x, rounds it to the nearest integer, raises to the third power, and finally checks whether the result equals x.

The reason to take the absolute value is to make the code work correctly for negative numbers across Python versions (Python 2 and 3 treat raising negative numbers to fractional powers differently).

Detect Click into Iframe using JavaScript

You can do this to bubble events to parent document:

$('iframe').load(function() {
    var eventlist = 'click dblclick \
                    blur focus focusin focusout \
                    keydown keypress keyup \
                    mousedown mouseenter mouseleave mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseup mousemove \
                    touchstart touchend touchcancel touchleave touchmove';

    var iframe = $('iframe').contents().find('html');

    // Bubble events to parent
    iframe.on(eventlist, function(event) {

Just extend the eventlist for more events.

Convert JSON string to array of JSON objects in Javascript

I know a lot of people are saying use eval. the eval() js function will call the compiler, and that can offer a series of security risks. It is best to avoid its usage where possible. The parse function offers a more secure alternative.

unix diff side-to-side results?

diff -y --suppress-common-lines file1 file2

What's wrong with using == to compare floats in Java?

As of today, the quick & easy way to do it is:

if (, currentSectionID) == 0) {...}

However, the docs do not clearly specify the value of the margin difference (an epsilon from @Victor 's answer) that is always present in calculations on floats, but it should be something reasonable as it is a part of the standard language library.

Yet if a higher or customized precision is needed, then

float epsilon = Float.MIN_NORMAL;  
if(Math.abs(sectionID - currentSectionID) < epsilon){...}

is another solution option.

ARG or ENV, which one to use in this case?

From Dockerfile reference:

  • The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the docker build command using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag.

  • The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>.
    The environment variables set using ENV will persist when a container is run from the resulting image.

So if you need build-time customization, ARG is your best choice.
If you need run-time customization (to run the same image with different settings), ENV is well-suited.

If I want to add let's say 20 (a random number) of extensions or any other feature that can be enable|disable

Given the number of combinations involved, using ENV to set those features at runtime is best here.

But you can combine both by:

  • building an image with a specific ARG
  • using that ARG as an ENV

That is, with a Dockerfile including:

ARG var
ENV var=${var}

You can then either build an image with a specific var value at build-time (docker build --build-arg var=xxx), or run a container with a specific runtime value (docker run -e var=yyy)

String method cannot be found in a main class method

It seem like your Resort method doesn't declare a compareTo method. This method typically belongs to the Comparable interface. Make sure your class implements it.

Additionally, the compareTo method is typically implemented as accepting an argument of the same type as the object the method gets invoked on. As such, you shouldn't be passing a String argument, but rather a Resort.

Alternatively, you can compare the names of the resorts. For example

if (resortList[mid].getResortName().compareTo(resortName)>0)  

HTML anchor tag with Javascript onclick event

Use following code to show menu instead go to href addres

function show_more_menu(e) {_x000D_
  if( !confirm(`Go to ${} ?`) ) e.preventDefault();_x000D_
<a href='more.php' onclick="show_more_menu(event)"> More >>> </a>

String contains another string

You can use .indexOf():

if(str.indexOf(substr) > -1) {


How an 'if (A && B)' statement is evaluated?

In C and C++, the && and || operators "short-circuit". That means that they only evaluate a parameter if required. If the first parameter to && is false, or the first to || is true, the rest will not be evaluated.

The code you posted is safe, though I question why you'd include an empty else block.

How to unpackage and repackage a WAR file

I am sure there is ANT tags to do it but have used this 7zip hack in .bat script. I use command line tool. All the times I use this for changing jdbc url within j2ee context.xml file.

mkdir .\temp-install
c:\apps\commands\7za.exe x -y mywebapp.war META-INF/context.xml -otemp-install\mywebapp I have small tool to replace text in xml file..
c:\apps\commands\7za.exe u -y -tzip mywebapp.war ./temp-install/mywebapp/*
rmdir /Q /S .\temp-install

You could extract entire .war file (its zip after all), delete files, replace files, add files, modify files and repackage to .war archive file. But changing one file in a large .war archive this might be best extracting specific file and then update original archive.

Calculating the position of points in a circle

Based on the answer above from Daniel, here's my take using Python3.

import numpy

def circlepoints(points,radius,center):
    shape = []
    slice = 2 * 3.14 / points
    for i in range(points):
        angle = slice * i
        new_x = center[0] + radius*numpy.cos(angle)
        new_y = center[1] + radius*numpy.sin(angle)

        p = (new_x,new_y)

    return shape


Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?

For fadeIn and fadeOut, only add this after super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) in your new Activity class. You don't need to create something else (No XML, no anim folder, no extra function).


How to modify a CSS display property from JavaScript?

I found the solution.

As said in the EDIT of my answer, a <div> is misfunctioning in a <table>. So I wrote this code instead :

<tr id="hidden" style="display:none;">
    <td class="depot_table_left">
        <label for="sexe">Sexe</label>
        <select type="text" name="sexe">
            <option value="1">Sexe</option>
            <option value="2">Joueur</option>
            <option value="3">Joueuse</option>

And this is working fine.

Thanks everybody ;)

How to sort with a lambda?

Got it.

sort(mMyClassVector.begin(), mMyClassVector.end(), 
    [](const MyClass & a, const MyClass & b) -> bool
    return a.mProperty > b.mProperty; 

I assumed it'd figure out that the > operator returned a bool (per documentation). But apparently it is not so.

RecyclerView expand/collapse items

//Global Variable

private int selectedPosition = -1;

    public void onBindViewHolder(final CustomViewHolder customViewHolder, final int i) {

        final int position = i;
        final GetProductCatalouge.details feedItem = this.postBeanses.get(i);
        customViewHolder.lly_main.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                selectedPosition = i;
        if (selectedPosition == i) {

          if (customViewHolder.lly_hsn_code.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {


        } else {


        } else {

enter image description here

Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed

Only call time pass-by-reference is removed. So change:

call_user_func($func, &$this, &$client ...

To this:

call_user_func($func, $this, $client ...

&$this should never be needed after PHP4 anyway period.

If you absolutely need $client to be passed by reference, update the function ($func) signature instead (function func(&$client) {)

Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock

I have the same issue, I tried all the above solutions, but none of them worked for me. Then I searched the keywords in flutter directory, and found the following code. So I tried to delete bin/cache/.upgrade_lock, and it worked finally.

enter image description here

Can Json.NET serialize / deserialize to / from a stream?

The current version of does not allow you to use the accepted answer code. A current alternative is:

public static object DeserializeFromStream(Stream stream)
    var serializer = new JsonSerializer();

    using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream))
    using (var jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
        return serializer.Deserialize(jsonTextReader);

Documentation: Deserialize JSON from a file stream

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

You could use the Merge Functionality to achieve. Otherwise you can do:

declare @rowCount int

select @rowCount=@@RowCount

if @rowCount=0

A regex for version number parsing

I found this, and it works for me:


Comments in .gitignore?

Yes, you may put comments in there. They however must start at the beginning of a line.


The rules for the patterns you can put in the .gitignore file are as follows:
- Blank lines or lines starting with # are ignored.

The comment character is #, example:

# no .a files

How to export a Hive table into a CSV file?

There are ways to change the default delimiter, as shown by other answers.

There are also ways to convert the raw output to csv with some bash scripting. There are 3 delimiters to consider though, not just \001. Things get a bit more complicated when your hive table has maps.

I wrote a bash script that can handle all 3 default delimiters (\001 \002 and \003) from hive and output a csv. The script and some more info are here:

Hive Default Delimiters to CSV

Hive's default delimiters are

Row Delimiter => Control-A ('\001')
Collection Item Delimiter => Control-B ('\002')
Map Key Delimiter => Control-C ('\003')

There are ways to change these delimiters when exporting tables but sometimes you might still get stuck needing to convert this to csv.

Here's a quick bash script that can handle a DB export that's segmented in multiple files and has the default delimiters. It will output a single CSV file.

It is assumed that the segments all have the naming convention 000*_0

for f in $INDIRECTORY/000*_0; do 
  echo "Processing $f file.."; 
  cat -v $f | 
      LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/^/\"/g" | 
      LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^A/\",\"/g" | 
      LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^C\^B/\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"/g" | 
      LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^B/\"\",\"\"/g" |  
      LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/\^C/\"\":\"\"/g" | 
      LC_ALL=C sed -e "s/$/\"/g" > $f-temp
echo "you,can,echo,your,header,here,if,you,like" > $INDIRECTORY/final_output.csv
cat $INDIRECTORY/*-temp >> $INDIRECTORY/final_output.csv
rm $INDIRECTORY/*-temp

More explanation on the gist

How do I use .toLocaleTimeString() without displaying seconds?

I've also been looking for solution to this problem, here's what I eventually came up with:

function getTimeStr() {
    var dt = new Date();
    var d = dt.toLocaleDateString();
    var t = dt.toLocaleTimeString();
    t = t.replace(/\u200E/g, '');
    t = t.replace(/^([^\d]*\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}):\d{1,2}([^\d]*)$/, '$1$2');
    var result = d + ' ' + t;
    return result;

You can try it here:

\u200E is some formatting character that I've seen on some IE version (it's unicode left-to-right mark).

I assume that if the formatted time contains something like "XX:XX:XX" then it must be time with seconds and I remove the last part, if I don't find this pattern, nothing is changed. Pretty safe, but there is a risk of leaving seconds in some weird circumstances.

I just hope that there is no locale that would change the order of formatted time parts (e.g. make it ss:mm:hh). This left-to-right mark is making me a bit nervous about that though, that is why I don't remove the right-to-left mark (\u202E) - I prefer to not find a match in this case and leave the time formatted with seconds in such case.

Convert base-2 binary number string to int

Just type 0b11111111 in python interactive interface:

>>> 0b11111111

How to rename a file using Python

Use os.rename:

import os

os.rename('a.txt', 'b.kml')

How to get setuptools and easy_install?

apt-get install python-setuptools python-pip


apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-pip

you'd also want to install the python packages...

upgade python version using pip

pip is designed to upgrade python packages and not to upgrade python itself. pip shouldn't try to upgrade python when you ask it to do so.

Don't type pip install python but use an installer instead.

Base64 Java encode and decode a string

For Spring Users , Spring Security has a Base64 class in the package that can also be used for encoding and decoding of Base64. Ex.

 public static String base64Encode(String token) {
    byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encode(token.getBytes());
    return new String(encodedBytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

public static String base64Decode(String token) {
    byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.decode(token.getBytes());
    return new String(decodedBytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

How to find out what the date was 5 days ago?

5 days ago from a particular date:

$date = new DateTime('2008-12-02');
$date->sub(new DateInterval('P5D'));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . "\n";

Using jquery to delete all elements with a given id

The cleanest way to do it is by using html5 selectors api, specifically querySelectorAll().

var contentToRemove = document.querySelectorAll("#myid");

The querySelectorAll() function returns an array of dom elements matching a specific id. Once you have assigned the returned array to a var, then you can pass it as an argument to jquery remove().

HTML 5 Video "autoplay" not automatically starting in CHROME

Extremeandy has mentioned as of Chrome 66 autoplay video has been disabled.

After looking into this I found that muted videos are still able to be autoplayed. In my case the video didn't have any audio, but adding muted to the video tag has fixed it:

Hopefully this will help others also.

How to create relationships in MySQL

create table departement(
    dep_id      int primary key auto_increment,
    dep_name    varchar(100) not null,
    dep_descriptin      text,
    dep_photo       varchar(100) not null,
    dep_video       varchar(300) not null

create table newsfeeds(
    news_id         int primary key auto_increment,
    news_title      varchar(200) not null,
    news_description    text,
    news_photo          varchar(300) ,
    news_date           varchar(30) not null,
    news_video          varchar(300),
    news_comment        varchar(200),
    news_departement    int foreign key(dep_id) references departement(dep_id)

Pretty printing JSON from Jackson 2.2's ObjectMapper

The jackson API has changed:

new ObjectMapper()
.writeValueAsString(new HashMap<String, Object>());

C++: How to round a double to an int?

Casting to an int truncates the value. Adding 0.5 causes it to do proper rounding.

int y = (int)(x + 0.5);

Maven error "Failure to transfer..."

I had similar issue in Eclipse 3.6 with m2eclipse.

Could not calculate build plan: Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.4.3 from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.4.3 from central ( ConnectException project1 Unknown Maven Problem

Deleting all maven*.lastUpdated files from my local reository (as Deepak Joy suggested) solved that problem.

What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?

Static makes the clock member a class member instead of an instance member. Without the static keyword you would need to create an instance of the Hello class (which has a clock member variable) - e.g.

Hello hello = new Hello();

Using an authorization header with Fetch in React Native

Example fetch with authorization header:

fetch('URL_GOES_HERE', { 
   method: 'post', 
   headers: new Headers({
     'Authorization': 'Basic '+btoa('username:password'), 
     'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
   body: 'A=1&B=2'

How do I keep CSS floats in one line?

Another option is, instead of floating, to set the white-space property nowrap to a parent div:

.parent {
     white-space: nowrap;

and reset the white-space and use an inline-block display so the divs stay on the same line but you can still give it a width.

.child {
    white-space: normal;

Here is a JSFiddle:

Jenkins: Failed to connect to repository

This is a very tricky issue - even if you're familiar with how things are working in https with certificates (OTOH if you see my workaround, it seems very logical :)

If you want to connect to a GIT repository via http(s) from shell, you would make sure to have the public certificate stored (as file) on your machine. Then you would add that certificate to your GIT configuration

git config [--global] http.sslCAInfo "certificate"

(replace "certificate" with the complete path/name of the PEM file :)

For shell usage you would as well e.g. supply a '.netrc' provding your credentials for the http-server login. Having done that, you shall be able to do a 'git clone https://...' without any interactive provisioning of credentials.

However, for the Jenkins-service it's a bit different ... Here, the jenkins process needs to be aware of the server certificate - and it doesn't use the shell settings (in the meaning of the global git configuration file '.gitconfig') :P

What I needed to do is to add another parameter to the startup options of Jenkins.

..."keystore" ...

(replace "keystore" with the complete path/name like explained below :)

Now copy the keystore file of your webserver holding the certificate to some path (I know this is a dirty hack and not exactly secure :) and refer to it with the '' parameter.

Now the Jenkins service will accept the certificate from the webserver providing the repository via https. Configure the GIT repository URL like

Note that you still require the '.netrc' under the jenkins-user home folder for the logon !!! Thus what I describe is to be seen as a workaround ... until a properly working credentials helper plugin is provided. IMHO this plugin (in its current version 1.9.4) is buggy.

I could never get the credentials-helper to work from Jenkins no matter what I tried :( At best I got to see some errors about the not accessible temporary credential helper file, etc. You can see lots of bugs reported about it in the Jenkins JIRA, but no fix.

So if somebody got it to work okay, please share the knowledge ...

P.S.: Using the Jenkins plugins in the following versions:

Credentials plugin 1.9.4, GIT client plugin 1.6.1, Jenkins GIT plugin 2.0.1

CSV parsing in Java - working example..?

My approach would not be to start by writing your own API. Life's too short, and there are more pressing problems to solve. In this situation, I typically:

  • Find a library that appears to do what I want. If one doesn't exist, then implement it.
  • If a library does exist, but I'm not sure it'll be suitable for my needs, write a thin adapter API around it, so I can control how it's called. The adapter API expresses the API I need, and it maps those calls to the underlying API.
  • If the library doesn't turn out to be suitable, I can swap another one in underneath the adapter API (whether it's another open source one or something I write myself) with a minimum of effort, without affecting the callers.

Start with something someone has already written. Odds are, it'll do what you want. You can always write your own later, if necessary. OpenCSV is as good a starting point as any.

Convert laravel object to array

$foo = Bar::getBeers(); $foo = $foo->toArray();

Android Google Maps v2 - set zoom level for myLocation

with location - in new GoogleMaps SDK:


Best tool for inspecting PDF files?

The object viewer in Acrobat is good but Windjack Solution's PDF Canopener allows better inspection with an eyedropper for selecting objects on page. Also permits modifications to be made to PDF.

Wordpress keeps redirecting to install-php after migration

Don't forget also the table prefixes if you installation don't use the default prefix.

Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute"

That is because Java cannot find the Main attribute in the MANIFEST.MF file. The Main attribute is necessary to tell java which class it should use as the application's entry point. Inside the jar file, the MANIFEST.MF file is located in META-INF folder. Wondering how you could look at what's inside a jar file? Open the jar file with WinRAR.

The main attribute inside the MANIFEST.MF looks like this:

Main-Class: <packagename>.<classname>

You get this "no main manifest attribute" error when this line is missing from the MANIFEST.MF file.

It's really a huge mess to specify this attribute inside the MANIFEST.MF file.

Update: I just found a really neat way to specify the Application's entry point in eclipse. When you say Export,

Select Jar and next 

[ give it a name in the next window ] and next

and next again

and you'll see " Select the class of the application entry point".

Just pick a class and Eclipse will automatically build a cool MANIFEST.MF for you.

enter image description here

Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! with dynamic sortby predicate

The cause of this error for me was...


in my template

It causes the function myTrustSrc in my controller to be called in an endless loop. If I remove the ng-if from this line, then the problem is solved.

<iframe ng-if="chat.src" id='chat' name='chat' class='chat' ng-src="{{myTrustSrc(chat.src)}}"></iframe>

The function is only called a few times when ng-if isn't used. I still wonder why the function is called more than once with ng-src?

This is the function in the controller

$scope.myTrustSrc = function(src) {
    return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src);

How to add an ORDER BY clause using CodeIgniter's Active Record methods?

Just add the'order_by' clause to your code and modify it to look just like the one below.

$this->db->order_by('name', 'asc');
$result = $this->db->get($table);

There you go.

Execute command on all files in a directory

You can use xarg:

ls | xargs -L 1 -d '\n' your-desired-command 
  • -L 1 causes pass 1 item at a time

  • -d '\n' splits the output of ls based on new line.

How to call a vue.js function on page load

you can also do this using mounted

    getUnits: function() {...}
mounted: function(){

How do I fix the "You don't have write permissions into the /usr/bin directory" error when installing Rails?

This Error hit me after installing RVM correctly. Solution: re-boot Terminal.

Reference RailsCast's RVM Install tutorial.

How to set zoom level in google map

These methods worked for me, it maybe useful for anyone: MapOptions interface

set min zoom: mMap.setMinZoomPreference(N);

set max zoom: mMap.setMaxZoomPreference(N);

where N can equal to:

20 : 1128.497220

19 : 2256.994440

18 : 4513.988880

17 : 9027.977761

16 : 18055.955520

15 : 36111.911040

14 : 72223.822090

13 : 144447.644200

12 : 288895.288400

11 : 577790.576700

10 : 1155581.153000

9 : 2311162.307000

8 : 4622324.614000

7 : 9244649.227000

6 : 18489298.450000

5 : 36978596.910000

4 : 73957193.820000

3 : 147914387.600000

2 : 295828775.300000

1 : 591657550.500000

Java - How do I make a String array with values?

Another way is with Arrays.setAll, or Arrays.fill:

String[] v = new String[1000];
Arrays.setAll(v, i -> Integer.toString(i * 30));
//v => ["0", "30", "60", "90"... ]

Arrays.fill(v, "initial value");
//v => ["initial value", "initial value"... ]

This is more usefull for initializing (possibly large) arrays where you can compute each element from its index.

SQL Server: Difference between PARTITION BY and GROUP BY

Suppose we have 14 records of name column in table

in group by

select name,count(*) as totalcount from person where name='Please fill out' group BY name;

it will give count in single row i.e 14

but in partition by

select row_number() over (partition by name) as total from person where name = 'Please fill out';

it will 14 rows of increase in count

MySQL: selecting rows where a column is null

As all are given answers I want to add little more. I had also faced the same issue.

Why did your query fail? You have,

SELECT pid FROM planets WHERE userid = NULL;

This will not give you the expected result, because from mysql doc

In SQL, the NULL value is never true in comparison to any other value, even NULL. An expression that contains NULL always produces a NULL value unless otherwise indicated in the documentation for the operators and functions involved in the expression.

Emphasis mine.

To search for column values that are NULL, you cannot use an expr = NULL test. The following statement returns no rows, because expr = NULL is never true for any expression


SELECT pid FROM planets WHERE userid IS NULL; 

To test for NULL, use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators.

Convert list into a pandas data frame

You need convert list to numpy array and then reshape:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(my_list).reshape(3,3), columns = list("abc"))
print (df)
   a  b  c
0  1  2  3
1  4  5  6
2  7  8  9

"PKIX path building failed" and "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

Issue Background:

I was getting following error when i try to run mvn clean install in my project and through Netbeans IDE clean and build option. This issue is due to certificate not available when we download through NET beans IDE/through command prompt, but able to download the files through the browser.


Caused by: org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException: Could not transfer artifact from/to repo-local (https://url/local-repo): PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target  


1. Download the certificate of the Url in question:

  • Launch IE by "run as adminstrator" (otherwise, we will not be able to download the certificate)
  • Enter the url in IE-> https://url/local-repo (In my case this url had a untrusted certificateenter image description here.)
  • Download the certificate by clicking on Certificate error -> view certificate
  • Select Details tab -> copy to file -> next -> select "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)
  • save the certificate in some location, example : c:/user/sheldon/desktop/product.cer
  • Congrats! you have successfully downloaded the certificate for the site

2. Now install the key store to fix the issue.

  • Run the keytool command to append the downloaded keystore into the existing certificate file.
  • Command: Below command in the bin folder of jdk (JAVA_HOME).

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_141\jre\bin>keytool -importcert -file "C:/user/sheldon/desktop/product.cer" -alias product -keystore "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_141/jre/lib/security/cacerts".

  • You will be prompted to enter password. Enter keystore password: enter "changeit" again for "Trust this certificate? [no]:", enter "yes"

Sample command line commands/output:

keytool -importcert -file "C:/Users/sheldon/Desktop/product.cer" -alias product -keystore "C:/Program iles/Java/jdk1.8.0_141/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
Enter keystore password:
Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
Certificate was added to keystore
  • Contgrats! now you should have got rid of "PKIX path building failed:" error in your Netbeans IDE.

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute

on ubuntu 18.04 ( virtualenv, python.3.6.x), the following reload snippet solved the problem for me:

import my_module  #
from importlib import reload # reload 




for more documentation check : here

How can I write to the console in PHP?

As the author of the linked webpage in the popular answer, I would like to add my last version of this simple helper function. It is much more solid.

I use json_encode() to make a check for if the variable type is not necessary and also add a buffer to solve problems with frameworks. There not have a solid return or excessive usage of header().

 * Simple helper to debug to the console
 * @param $data object, array, string $data
 * @param $context string  Optional a description.
 * @return string
function debug_to_console($data, $context = 'Debug in Console') {

    // Buffering to solve problems frameworks, like header() in this and not a solid return.

    $output  = '\'' . $context . ':\');';
    $output .= 'console.log(' . json_encode($data) . ');';
    $output  = sprintf('<script>%s</script>', $output);

    echo $output;


// $data is the example variable, object; here an array.
$data = [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];

Screenshot of the result

Also a simple example as an image to understand it much easier:

Enter image description here

Passing data to a bootstrap modal

Bootstrap 4.3 - use code from below snippet - more here

$('#exampleModal').on('', function (event) {_x000D_
  let bookId = $(event.relatedTarget).data('bookid') _x000D_
  $(this).find('.modal-body input').val(bookId)_x000D_
_x000D_ {color: white }
<!-- Initialize Bootstrap 4 -->_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-UO2eT0CpHqdSJQ6hJty5KVphtPhzWj9WO1clHTMGa3JDZwrnQq4sF86dIHNDz0W1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<!-- BUTTON -->_x000D_
<a _x000D_
  class="btn btn-primary open-AddBookDialog" _x000D_
  data-toggle="modal" _x000D_
  data-target="#exampleModal" _x000D_
  data-bookid="@book.Id" _x000D_
  title="Add this item"_x000D_
<!-- MODAL -->_x000D_
<div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">_x000D_
  <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">_x000D_
    <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
      <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
        <input type="hidden" name="bookId" id="bookId" value=""/>_x000D_
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="recipient-name">    _x000D_
      <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>_x000D_

Moment.js get day name from date


var mydate = "2017-06-28T00:00:00";
var weekDayName =  moment(mydate).format('dddd');

mydate is the input date. The variable weekDayName get the name of the day. Here the output is



var mydate = "2017-08-30T00:00:00";_x000D_
console.log('Day in number[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]: '+moment(mydate).format('d'));_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Using multiple arguments for string formatting in Python (e.g., '%s ... %s')

You must just put the values into parentheses:

'%s in %s' % (unicode(,  unicode(self.publication))

Here, for the first %s the unicode( will be placed. And for the second %s, the unicode(self.publication) will be used.

Note: You should favor string formatting over the % Notation. More info here

Changing case in Vim

See the following methods:

 ~    : Changes the case of current character

 guu  : Change current line from upper to lower.

 gUU  : Change current LINE from lower to upper.

 guw  : Change to end of current WORD from upper to lower.

 guaw : Change all of current WORD to lower.

 gUw  : Change to end of current WORD from lower to upper.

 gUaw : Change all of current WORD to upper.

 g~~  : Invert case to entire line

 g~w  : Invert case to current WORD

 guG : Change to lowercase until the end of document.

Push existing project into Github

Just follow the steps in this URl: CLICK HERE

Where does Console.WriteLine go in ASP.NET?

There simply is no console listening by default. Running in debug mode there is a console attached, but in a production environment it is as you suspected, the message just doesn't go anywhere because nothing is listening.

Convert all first letter to upper case, rest lower for each word

Untested but something like this should work:

var phrase = "THIS IS MY TEXT RIGHT NOW";
var rx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"(?<=\w)\w");
var newString = rx.Replace(phrase,new MatchEvaluator(m=>m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()));

Essentially it says "preform a regex match on all occurrences of an alphanumeric character that follows another alphanumeric character and then replace it with a lowercase version of itself"

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA family functions?

The real answer is : It depends

There are a couple factors to consider, the most obvious are : the cpu you are running these algorithms on and the implementation of the algorithms.

For instance, me and my friend both run the exact same openssl version and get slightly different results with different Intel Core i7 cpus.

My test at work with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz

The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md5              64257.97k   187370.26k   406435.07k   576544.43k   649827.67k
sha1             73225.75k   202701.20k   432679.68k   601140.57k   679900.50k

And his with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz

The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md5              51859.12k   156255.78k   350252.00k   513141.73k   590701.52k
sha1             56492.56k   156300.76k   328688.76k   452450.92k   508625.68k

We both are running the exact same binaries of OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014 from the ArchLinux official package.

My opinion on this is that with the added security of sha1, cpu designers are more likely to improve the speed of sha1 and more programmers will be working on the algorithm's optimization than md5sum.

I guess that md5 will no longer be used some day since it seems that it has no advantage over sha1. I also tested some cases on real files and the results were always the same in both cases (likely limited by disk I/O).

md5sum of a large 4.6GB file took the exact same time than sha1sum of the same file, same goes with many small files (488 in the same directory). I ran the tests a dozen times and they were consitently getting the same results.


It would be very interesting to investigate this further. I guess there are some experts around that could provide a solid answer to why sha1 is getting faster than md5 on newer processors.

The type List is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments [HTTPClient]

Try to import


instead of


Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

I got the same problem! then realized that my directory was not empty. I found the solution in another thread: not able to delete the directory through Java

 * Force deletion of directory
 * @param path
 * @return
static public boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
    if (path.exists()) {
        File[] files = path.listFiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
            } else {
    return (path.delete());

Find control by name from Windows Forms controls

Use Control.ControlCollection.Find.

TextBox tbx = this.Controls.Find("textBox1", true).FirstOrDefault() as TextBox;
tbx.Text = "found!";

EDIT for asker:

Control[] tbxs = this.Controls.Find(txtbox_and_message[0,0], true);
if (tbxs != null && tbxs.Length > 0)
    tbxs[0].Text = "Found!";

Handling 'Sequence has no elements' Exception

Part of the answer to 'handle' the 'Sequence has no elements' Exception in VB is to test for empty

If Not (myMap Is Nothing) Then
' execute code
End if

Where MyMap is the sequence queried returning empty/null. FYI

How to call two methods on button's onclick method in HTML or JavaScript?

As stated by Harry Joy, you can do it on the onclick attr like so:

<input type="button" onclick="func1();func2();" value="Call2Functions" />

Or, in your JS like so:

document.getElementById( 'Call2Functions' ).onclick = function()

Or, if you are assigning an onclick programmatically, and aren't sure if a previous onclick existed (and don't want to overwrite it):

var Call2FunctionsEle = document.getElementById( 'Call2Functions' ),
    func1 = Call2FunctionsEle.onclick;

Call2FunctionsEle.onclick = function()
    if( typeof func1 === 'function' )

If you need the functions run in scope of the element which was clicked, a simple use of apply could be made:

document.getElementById( 'Call2Functions' ).onclick = function()
    func1.apply( this, arguments );
    func2.apply( this, arguments );

How do I find the PublicKeyToken for a particular dll?

sn -T <assembly> in Visual Studio command line. If an assembly is installed in the global assembly cache, it's easier to go to C:\Windows\assembly and find it in the list of GAC assemblies.

On your specific case, you might be mixing type full name with assembly reference, you might want to take a look at MSDN.

How to determine whether an object has a given property in JavaScript

const data = [{"b":1,"c":100},{"a":1,"b":1,"c":150},{"a":1,"b":2,"c":100},{"a":2,"b":1,"c":13}]

const result = data.reduce((r, e)  => {
  r['a'] += (e['a'] ? e['a'] : 0)
    r['d'] += (e['b'] ? e['b'] : 0)
  r['c'] += (e['c'] ? e['c'] : 0)

  return r
}, {'a':0, 'd':0, 'c':0})

`result` { a: 4, d: 5, c: 363 }

Set date input field's max date to today

In lieu of Javascript, a shorter PHP-based solution could be:

 <input type="date" name="date1" max=
         echo date('Y-m-d');

Regex to match only uppercase "words" with some exceptions

Don't do things like [A-Z] or [0-9]. Do \p{Lu} and \d instead. Of course, this is valid for perl based regex flavours. This includes java.

I would suggest that you don't make some huge regex. First split the text in sentences. then tokenize it (split into words). Use a regex to check each token/word. Skip the first token from sentence. Check if all tokens are uppercase beforehand and skip the whole sentence if so, or alter the regex in this case.

Delete specific values from column with where condition?

Try this SQL statement:

update Table set Column =( Column - your val )

What browsers support HTML5 WebSocket API?

Client side

  • Hixie-75:
    • Chrome 4.0 + 5.0
    • Safari 5.0.0
  • HyBi-00/Hixie-76:
  • HyBi-07+:
  • HyBi-10:
    • Chrome 14.0 + 15.0
    • Firefox 7.0 + 8.0 + 9.0 + 10.0 - prefixed: MozWebSocket
    • IE 10 (from Windows 8 developer preview)
  • HyBi-17/RFC 6455
    • Chrome 16
    • Firefox 11
    • Opera 12.10 / Opera Mobile 12.1

Any browser with Flash can support WebSocket using the web-socket-js shim/polyfill.

See caniuse for the current status of WebSockets support in desktop and mobile browsers.

See the test reports from the WS testsuite included in Autobahn WebSockets for feature/protocol conformance tests.

Server side

It depends on which language you use.

In Java/Java EE:

Some other Java implementations:

In C#:


In Python:

In C:

In Node.js:

  • : also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Google GO, Rack
  • sockjs : sockjs also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Erlang and Lua
  • WebSocket-Node - Pure JavaScript Client & Server implementation of HyBi-10.

Vert.x (also known as Node.x) : A node like polyglot implementation running on a Java 7 JVM and based on Netty with :

  • Support for Ruby(JRuby), Java, Groovy, Javascript(Rhino/Nashorn), Scala, ...
  • True threading. (unlike Node.js)
  • Understands multiple network protocols out of the box including: TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, Websockets, SockJS as fallback for WebSockets is a Websocket cloud service accessible through a REST API.

DotCloud cloud platform supports Websockets, and Java (Jetty Servlet Container), NodeJS, Python, Ruby, PHP and Perl programming languages.

Openshift cloud platform supports websockets, and Java (Jboss, Spring, Tomcat & Vertx), PHP (ZendServer & CodeIgniter), Ruby (ROR), Node.js, Python (Django & Flask) plateforms.

For other language implementations, see the Wikipedia article for more information.

The RFC for Websockets : RFC6455

how to open *.sdf files?

It can be opened using Visual Studio 2012.Follow the below path in VS after opening the project. View->Server Explorer->

enter image description here

How to increase time in web.config for executing sql query

You can do one thing.

  1. In the AppSettings.config (create one if doesn't exist), create a key value pair.
  2. In the Code pull the value and convert it to Int32 and assign it to command.TimeOut.

like:- In appsettings.config ->

   <add key="SqlCommandTimeOut" value="240"/>

In Code ->

command.CommandTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlCommandTimeOut"]);

That should do it.

Note:- I faced most of the timeout issues when I used SqlHelper class from microsoft application blocks. If you have it in your code and are facing timeout problems its better you use sqlcommand and set its timeout as described above. For all other scenarios sqlhelper should do fine. If your client is ok with waiting a little longer than what sqlhelper class offers you can go ahead and use the above technique.

example:- Use this -

 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(completequery);

 cmd.CommandTimeout =  Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlCommandTimeOut"]);

 SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString);
 SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
 adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(completequery, con);

Instead of

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sqlConnectionString, CommandType.Text, completequery);

Update: Also refer to @Triynko answer below. It is important to check that too.

How can I record a Video in my Android App.?

For the benefit of searchers, this example will give you an active preview, with a start/stop button for recording. It was modified from this android blog and seems fairly reliable.

java class (VideoWithSurfaceVw)

package <<your packagename here>>;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class VideoWithSurfaceVw extends Activity{

    // Adapted from

    private Camera myCamera;
    private MyCameraSurfaceView myCameraSurfaceView;
    private MediaRecorder mediaRecorder;

    Button myButton;
    SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;
    boolean recording;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        recording = false;


        //Get Camera for preview
        myCamera = getCameraInstance();
        if(myCamera == null){
                    "Fail to get Camera",

        myCameraSurfaceView = new MyCameraSurfaceView(this, myCamera);
        FrameLayout myCameraPreview = (FrameLayout)findViewById(;

        myButton = (Button)findViewById(;

    Button.OnClickListener myButtonOnClickListener
            = new Button.OnClickListener(){

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                    // stop recording and release camera
                    mediaRecorder.stop();  // stop the recording
                    releaseMediaRecorder(); // release the MediaRecorder object

                    //Exit after saved
                    recording = false;

                    //Release Camera before MediaRecorder start

                                "Fail in prepareMediaRecorder()!\n - Ended -",

                    recording = true;
            }catch (Exception ex){

    private Camera getCameraInstance(){
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Camera c = null;
        try {
            c =; // attempt to get a Camera instance
        catch (Exception e){
            // Camera is not available (in use or does not exist)
        return c; // returns null if camera is unavailable

    private String getFileName_CustomFormat() {
        SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss");
        Date now = new Date();
        String strDate = sdfDate.format(now);
        return strDate;

    private boolean prepareMediaRecorder(){
        myCamera = getCameraInstance();
        mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();




        mediaRecorder.setOutputFile("/sdcard/" + getFileName_CustomFormat() + ".mp4");
        mediaRecorder.setMaxDuration(60000); // Set max duration 60 sec.
        mediaRecorder.setMaxFileSize(50000000); // Set max file size 50M


        try {
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        return true;


    protected void onPause() {
        releaseMediaRecorder();       // if you are using MediaRecorder, release it first
        releaseCamera();              // release the camera immediately on pause event

    private void releaseMediaRecorder(){
        if (mediaRecorder != null) {
            mediaRecorder.reset();   // clear recorder configuration
            mediaRecorder.release(); // release the recorder object
            mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
            myCamera.lock();           // lock camera for later use

    private void releaseCamera(){
        if (myCamera != null){
            myCamera.release();        // release the camera for other applications
            myCamera = null;

    public class MyCameraSurfaceView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback{

        private SurfaceHolder mHolder;
        private Camera mCamera;

        public MyCameraSurfaceView(Context context, Camera camera) {
            mCamera = camera;

            // Install a SurfaceHolder.Callback so we get notified when the
            // underlying surface is created and destroyed.
            mHolder = getHolder();
            // deprecated setting, but required on Android versions prior to 3.0

        public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int weight,
                                   int height) {
            // If your preview can change or rotate, take care of those events here.
            // Make sure to stop the preview before resizing or reformatting it.

            if (mHolder.getSurface() == null){
                // preview surface does not exist

            // stop preview before making changes
            try {
            } catch (Exception e){
                // ignore: tried to stop a non-existent preview

            // make any resize, rotate or reformatting changes here

            // start preview with new settings
            try {

            } catch (Exception e){

        public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            // The Surface has been created, now tell the camera where to draw the preview.
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


activity (activity_video_with_surface_vw)

<RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/surface_camera"     



accessing a docker container from another container

It's easy. If you have two or more running container, complete next steps:

docker network create myNetwork
docker network connect myNetwork web1
docker network connect myNetwork web2

Now you connect from web1 to web2 container or the other way round.

Use the internal network IP addresses which you can find by running:

docker network inspect myNetwork

Note that only internal IP addresses and ports are accessible to the containers connected by the network bridge.

So for example assuming that web1 container was started with: docker run -p 80:8888 web1 (meaning that its server is running on port 8888 internally), and inspecting myNetwork shows that web1's IP is, you can connect from web2 to web1 using curl

How to model type-safe enum types?

In Scala it is very comfortable with

Project is really good with examples and documentation

Just this example from their docs should makes you interested in

import enumeratum._

sealed trait Greeting extends EnumEntry

object Greeting extends Enum[Greeting] {

   `findValues` is a protected method that invokes a macro to find all `Greeting` object declarations inside an `Enum`

   You use it to implement the `val values` member
  val values = findValues

  case object Hello   extends Greeting
  case object GoodBye extends Greeting
  case object Hi      extends Greeting
  case object Bye     extends Greeting


// Object Greeting has a `withName(name: String)` method
// => res0: Greeting = Hello

// => java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Haro is not a member of Enum (Hello, GoodBye, Hi, Bye)

// A safer alternative would be to use `withNameOption(name: String)` method which returns an Option[Greeting]
// => res1: Option[Greeting] = Some(Hello)

// => res2: Option[Greeting] = None

// It is also possible to use strings case insensitively
// => res3: Greeting = Hello

// => res4: Option[Greeting] = Some(Hello)

// Uppercase-only strings may also be used
// => res5: Greeting = Hello

// => res6: Option[Greeting] = None

// Similarly, lowercase-only strings may also be used
// => res7: Greeting = Hello

// => res8: Option[Greeting] = Some(Hello)

Model summary in pytorch

Yes, you can get exact Keras representation, using pytorch-summary package.

Example for VGG16

from torchvision import models
from torchsummary import summary

vgg = models.vgg16()
summary(vgg, (3, 224, 224))

        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
            Conv2d-1         [-1, 64, 224, 224]           1,792
              ReLU-2         [-1, 64, 224, 224]               0
            Conv2d-3         [-1, 64, 224, 224]          36,928
              ReLU-4         [-1, 64, 224, 224]               0
         MaxPool2d-5         [-1, 64, 112, 112]               0
            Conv2d-6        [-1, 128, 112, 112]          73,856
              ReLU-7        [-1, 128, 112, 112]               0
            Conv2d-8        [-1, 128, 112, 112]         147,584
              ReLU-9        [-1, 128, 112, 112]               0
        MaxPool2d-10          [-1, 128, 56, 56]               0
           Conv2d-11          [-1, 256, 56, 56]         295,168
             ReLU-12          [-1, 256, 56, 56]               0
           Conv2d-13          [-1, 256, 56, 56]         590,080
             ReLU-14          [-1, 256, 56, 56]               0
           Conv2d-15          [-1, 256, 56, 56]         590,080
             ReLU-16          [-1, 256, 56, 56]               0
        MaxPool2d-17          [-1, 256, 28, 28]               0
           Conv2d-18          [-1, 512, 28, 28]       1,180,160
             ReLU-19          [-1, 512, 28, 28]               0
           Conv2d-20          [-1, 512, 28, 28]       2,359,808
             ReLU-21          [-1, 512, 28, 28]               0
           Conv2d-22          [-1, 512, 28, 28]       2,359,808
             ReLU-23          [-1, 512, 28, 28]               0
        MaxPool2d-24          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
           Conv2d-25          [-1, 512, 14, 14]       2,359,808
             ReLU-26          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
           Conv2d-27          [-1, 512, 14, 14]       2,359,808
             ReLU-28          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
           Conv2d-29          [-1, 512, 14, 14]       2,359,808
             ReLU-30          [-1, 512, 14, 14]               0
        MaxPool2d-31            [-1, 512, 7, 7]               0
           Linear-32                 [-1, 4096]     102,764,544
             ReLU-33                 [-1, 4096]               0
          Dropout-34                 [-1, 4096]               0
           Linear-35                 [-1, 4096]      16,781,312
             ReLU-36                 [-1, 4096]               0
          Dropout-37                 [-1, 4096]               0
           Linear-38                 [-1, 1000]       4,097,000
Total params: 138,357,544
Trainable params: 138,357,544
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.57
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 218.59
Params size (MB): 527.79
Estimated Total Size (MB): 746.96

Serializing PHP object to JSON

Following code is doing the job using reflection. It assumes you have getters for the properties you want to serialize


     * Serialize a simple PHP object into json
     * Should be used for POPO that has getter methods for the relevant properties to serialize
     * A property can be simple or by itself another POPO object
     * Class CleanJsonSerializer
    class CleanJsonSerializer {

     * Local cache of a property getters per class - optimize reflection code if the same object appears several times
     * @var array
    private $classPropertyGetters = array();

     * @param mixed $object
     * @return string|false
    public function serialize($object)
        return json_encode($this->serializeInternal($object));

     * @param $object
     * @return array
    private function serializeInternal($object)
        if (is_array($object)) {
            $result = $this->serializeArray($object);
        } elseif (is_object($object)) {
            $result = $this->serializeObject($object);
        } else {
            $result = $object;
        return $result;

     * @param $object
     * @return \ReflectionClass
    private function getClassPropertyGetters($object)
        $className = get_class($object);
        if (!isset($this->classPropertyGetters[$className])) {
            $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($className);
            $properties = $reflector->getProperties();
            $getters = array();
            foreach ($properties as $property)
                $name = $property->getName();
                $getter = "get" . ucfirst($name);
                try {
                    $getters[$name] = $getter;
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    // if no getter for a specific property - ignore it
            $this->classPropertyGetters[$className] = $getters;
        return $this->classPropertyGetters[$className];

     * @param $object
     * @return array
    private function serializeObject($object) {
        $properties = $this->getClassPropertyGetters($object);
        $data = array();
        foreach ($properties as $name => $property)
            $data[$name] = $this->serializeInternal($object->$property());
        return $data;

     * @param $array
     * @return array
    private function serializeArray($array)
        $result = array();
        foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
            $result[$key] = $this->serializeInternal($value);
        return $result;

Xcode5 "No matching provisioning profiles found issue" (but good at xcode4)

All of drop down lists disappeared in Build Settings after running the Fix Issue in Xcode 5. Spent several days trying to figure out what was wrong with my provisioning profiles and code signing. Found a link Xcode 4 missing drop down lists in Build Settings and sure enough I needed to re-enabled "Show Values" under the Editor menu. Hopefully this helps anyone else in this predicament.

Also, I had to clear my derived data, clean the solution and quit and reopen Xcode into for the code signing identities to correctly appear. My distribution provisioning profiles where showing up as signed by my developer certificate which was incorrect.

Editing legend (text) labels in ggplot

The legend titles can be labeled by specific aesthetic.

This can be achieved using the guides() or labs() functions from ggplot2 (more here and here). It allows you to add guide/legend properties using the aesthetic mapping.

Here's an example using the mtcars data set and labs():

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg, y=disp, size=hp, col=as.factor(cyl), shape=as.factor(gear))) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x="miles per gallon", y="displacement", size="horsepower", 
       col="# of cylinders", shape="# of gears")

enter image description here

Answering the OP's question using guides():

# transforming the data from wide to long
dfm <- melt(df, id="TY")

# creating a scatterplot
ggplot(data = dfm, aes(x=TY, y=value, color=variable)) + 
  geom_point(size=5) +
  labs(title="Temperatures\n", x="TY [°C]", y="Txxx") +
  scale_color_manual(labels = c("T999", "T888"), values = c("blue", "red")) +
  theme_bw() +
  guides(color=guide_legend("my title"))  # add guide properties by aesthetic

enter image description here

How to show the "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" when changes committed?

Update (2017)

Modern browsers now consider displaying a custom message to be a security hazard and it has therefore been removed from all of them. Browsers now only display generic messages. Since we no longer have to worry about setting the message, it is as simple as:

// Enable navigation prompt
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    return true;
// Remove navigation prompt
window.onbeforeunload = null;

Read below for legacy browser support.

Update (2013)

The orginal answer is suitable for IE6-8 and FX1-3.5 (which is what we were targeting back in 2009 when it was written), but is rather out of date now and won't work in most current browsers - I've left it below for reference.

The window.onbeforeunload is not treated consistently by all browsers. It should be a function reference and not a string (as the original answer stated) but that will work in older browsers because the check for most of them appears to be whether anything is assigned to onbeforeunload (including a function that returns null).

You set window.onbeforeunload to a function reference, but in older browsers you have to set the returnValue of the event instead of just returning a string:

var confirmOnPageExit = function (e) 
    // If we haven't been passed the event get the window.event
    e = e || window.event;

    var message = 'Any text will block the navigation and display a prompt';

    // For IE6-8 and Firefox prior to version 4
    if (e) 
        e.returnValue = message;

    // For Chrome, Safari, IE8+ and Opera 12+
    return message;

You can't have that confirmOnPageExit do the check and return null if you want the user to continue without the message. You still need to remove the event to reliably turn it on and off:

// Turn it on - assign the function that returns the string
window.onbeforeunload = confirmOnPageExit;

// Turn it off - remove the function entirely
window.onbeforeunload = null;

Original answer (worked in 2009)

To turn it on:

window.onbeforeunload = "Are you sure you want to leave?";

To turn it off:

window.onbeforeunload = null;

Bear in mind that this isn't a normal event - you can't bind to it in the standard way.

To check for values? That depends on your validation framework.

In jQuery this could be something like (very basic example):

$('input').change(function() {
    if( $(this).val() != "" )
        window.onbeforeunload = "Are you sure you want to leave?";

android get real path by Uri.getPath()

Note This is an improvement in @user3516549 answer and I have check it on Moto G3 with Android 6.0.1
I have this issue so I have tried answer of @user3516549 but in some cases it was not working properly. I have found that in Android 6.0(or above) when we start gallery image pick intent then a screen will open that shows recent images when user select image from this list we will get uri as


while if user select gallery from sliding drawer instead of recent then we will get uri as


So I have handle it in getRealPathFromURI_API19()

public static String getRealPathFromURI_API19(Context context, Uri uri) {
        String filePath = "";
        if (uri.getHost().contains("")) {
            // Image pick from recent 
            String wholeID = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);

            // Split at colon, use second item in the array
            String id = wholeID.split(":")[1];

            String[] column = {MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA};

            // where id is equal to
            String sel = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + "=?";

            Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,
                    column, sel, new String[]{id}, null);

            int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(column[0]);

            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);
            return filePath;
        } else {
            // image pick from gallery 
           return  getRealPathFromURI_BelowAPI11(context,uri)


EDIT1 : if you are trying to get image path of file in external sdcard in higher version then check my question

EDIT2 Here is complete code with handling virtual files and host other than I have tested this method with content://

javascript, for loop defines a dynamic variable name

You cannot create different "variable names" but you can create different object properties. There are many ways to do whatever it is you're actually trying to accomplish. In your case I would just do

for (var i = myArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {    console.log(eval(myArray[i])); }; 

More generally you can create object properties dynamically, which is the type of flexibility you're thinking of.

var result = {}; for (var i = myArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {     result[myArray[i]] = eval(myArray[i]);   }; 

I'm being a little handwavey since I don't actually understand language theory, but in pure Javascript (including Node) references (i.e. variable names) are happening at a higher level than at runtime. More like at the call stack; you certainly can't manufacture them in your code like you produce objects or arrays. Browsers do actually let you do this anyway though it's terrible practice, via

window['myVarName'] = 'namingCollisionsAreFun';  

(per comment)

How to do a timer in Angular 5

This may be overkill for what you're looking for, but there is an npm package called marky that you can use to do this. It gives you a couple of extra features beyond just starting and stopping a timer. You just need to install it via npm and then import the dependency anywhere you'd like to use it. Here is a link to the npm package:

An example of use after installing via npm would be as follows:

import * as _M from 'marky';

 selector: 'app-test',
 templateUrl: './test.component.html',
 styleUrls: ['./test.component.scss']

export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
 Marky = _M;

constructor() {}

ngOnInit() {}

startTimer(key: string) {

stopTimer(key: string) {

key is simply a string which you are establishing to identify that particular measurement of time. You can have multiple measures which you can go back and reference your timer stats using the keys you create.

Changing the color of a clicked table row using jQuery

Here's a possible solution that will color the entire row for your table.


tr.highlighted td {
    background: red;


$('#data tr').click(function(e) {
    $('#data tr').removeClass('highlighted');


Breaking out of a nested loop

The cleanest, shortest, and most reusable way is a self invoked anonymous function:

  • no goto
  • no label
  • no temporary variable
  • no named function

One line shorter than the top answer with anonymous method.

new Action(() =>
    for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
            return; // exits self invoked lambda expression

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

In pydev eclipse plugin, you may want to set the environment variable for DYLD. The path can be set as shown in

Install mysqldb on snow leopard

How to get Top 5 records in SqLite?


Remove an item from a dictionary when its key is unknown

I'd build a list of keys that need removing, then remove them. It's simple, efficient and avoids any problem about simultaneously iterating over and mutating the dict.

keys_to_remove = [key for key, value in some_dict.iteritems()
                  if value == value_to_remove]
for key in keys_to_remove:
    del some_dict[key]

jQuery: click function exclude children.

Here is an example. Green square is parent and yellow square is child element.

Hope that this helps.

var childElementClicked;_x000D_
     childElementClicked = true;_x000D_
  if( childElementClicked != true ) {_x000D_
   // It is clicked on parent but not on child._x000D_
      // Now do some action that you want._x000D_
      alert('Clicked on parent');_x000D_
      alert('Clicked on child');_x000D_
    childElementClicked = false;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="parentElement">_x000D_
  <div id="childElement">_x000D_

Convert a String to a byte array and then back to the original String

You can do it like this.

String to byte array

String stringToConvert = "This String is 76 characters long and will be converted to an array of bytes";
byte[] theByteArray = stringToConvert.getBytes();

Byte array to String

byte[] byteArray = new byte[] {87, 79, 87, 46, 46, 46};
String value = new String(byteArray);

Error: EACCES: permission denied

I solved this issue by changing the permission of my npm directory. I went to the npm global directory for me it was at


I went to this directory by entering this command

cd /home/<user-name>

and then changed the permission of .npm folder by entering this command.

sudo chmod -R 777 ".npm"

It worked like a charm to me. But there is a security flaw with this i.e your global packages directory is accessible to all the levels.

ANTLR: Is there a simple example?

Note: this answer is for ANTLR3! If you're looking for an ANTLR4 example, then this Q&A demonstrates how to create a simple expression parser, and evaluator using ANTLR4.

You first create a grammar. Below is a small grammar that you can use to evaluate expressions that are built using the 4 basic math operators: +, -, * and /. You can also group expressions using parenthesis.

Note that this grammar is just a very basic one: it does not handle unary operators (the minus in: -1+9) or decimals like .99 (without a leading number), to name just two shortcomings. This is just an example you can work on yourself.

Here's the contents of the grammar file Exp.g:

grammar Exp;

/* This will be the entry point of our parser. */
    :    additionExp

/* Addition and subtraction have the lowest precedence. */
    :    multiplyExp 
         ( '+' multiplyExp 
         | '-' multiplyExp

/* Multiplication and division have a higher precedence. */
    :    atomExp
         ( '*' atomExp 
         | '/' atomExp

/* An expression atom is the smallest part of an expression: a number. Or 
   when we encounter parenthesis, we're making a recursive call back to the
   rule 'additionExp'. As you can see, an 'atomExp' has the highest precedence. */
    :    Number
    |    '(' additionExp ')'

/* A number: can be an integer value, or a decimal value */
    :    ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)?

/* We're going to ignore all white space characters */
    :   (' ' | '\t' | '\r'| '\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;}

(Parser rules start with a lower case letter, and lexer rules start with a capital letter)

After creating the grammar, you'll want to generate a parser and lexer from it. Download the ANTLR jar and store it in the same directory as your grammar file.

Execute the following command on your shell/command prompt:

java -cp antlr-3.2.jar org.antlr.Tool Exp.g

It should not produce any error message, and the files, and Exp.tokens should now be generated.

To see if it all works properly, create this test class:

import org.antlr.runtime.*;

public class ANTLRDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream("12*(5-6)");
        ExpLexer lexer = new ExpLexer(in);
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        ExpParser parser = new ExpParser(tokens);

and compile it:

// *nix/MacOS
javac -cp .:antlr-3.2.jar

// Windows
javac -cp .;antlr-3.2.jar

and then run it:

// *nix/MacOS
java -cp .:antlr-3.2.jar ANTLRDemo

// Windows
java -cp .;antlr-3.2.jar ANTLRDemo

If all goes well, nothing is being printed to the console. This means the parser did not find any error. When you change "12*(5-6)" into "12*(5-6" and then recompile and run it, there should be printed the following:

line 0:-1 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ')'

Okay, now we want to add a bit of Java code to the grammar so that the parser actually does something useful. Adding code can be done by placing { and } inside your grammar with some plain Java code inside it.

But first: all parser rules in the grammar file should return a primitive double value. You can do that by adding returns [double value] after each rule:

grammar Exp;

eval returns [double value]
    :    additionExp

additionExp returns [double value]
    :    multiplyExp 
         ( '+' multiplyExp 
         | '-' multiplyExp

// ...

which needs little explanation: every rule is expected to return a double value. Now to "interact" with the return value double value (which is NOT inside a plain Java code block {...}) from inside a code block, you'll need to add a dollar sign in front of value:

grammar Exp;

/* This will be the entry point of our parser. */
eval returns [double value]                                                  
    :    additionExp { /* plain code block! */ System.out.println("value equals: "+$value); }

// ...

Here's the grammar but now with the Java code added:

grammar Exp;

eval returns [double value]
    :    exp=additionExp {$value = $exp.value;}

additionExp returns [double value]
    :    m1=multiplyExp       {$value =  $m1.value;} 
         ( '+' m2=multiplyExp {$value += $m2.value;} 
         | '-' m2=multiplyExp {$value -= $m2.value;}

multiplyExp returns [double value]
    :    a1=atomExp       {$value =  $a1.value;}
         ( '*' a2=atomExp {$value *= $a2.value;} 
         | '/' a2=atomExp {$value /= $a2.value;}

atomExp returns [double value]
    :    n=Number                {$value = Double.parseDouble($n.text);}
    |    '(' exp=additionExp ')' {$value = $exp.value;}

    :    ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)?

    :   (' ' | '\t' | '\r'| '\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;}

and since our eval rule now returns a double, change your into this:

import org.antlr.runtime.*;

public class ANTLRDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream("12*(5-6)");
        ExpLexer lexer = new ExpLexer(in);
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        ExpParser parser = new ExpParser(tokens);
        System.out.println(parser.eval()); // print the value

Again (re) generate a fresh lexer and parser from your grammar (1), compile all classes (2) and run ANTLRDemo (3):

// *nix/MacOS
java -cp antlr-3.2.jar org.antlr.Tool Exp.g   // 1
javac -cp .:antlr-3.2.jar      // 2
java -cp .:antlr-3.2.jar ANTLRDemo            // 3

// Windows
java -cp antlr-3.2.jar org.antlr.Tool Exp.g   // 1
javac -cp .;antlr-3.2.jar      // 2
java -cp .;antlr-3.2.jar ANTLRDemo            // 3

and you'll now see the outcome of the expression 12*(5-6) printed to your console!

Again: this is a very brief explanation. I encourage you to browse the ANTLR wiki and read some tutorials and/or play a bit with what I just posted.

Good luck!


This post shows how to extend the example above so that a Map<String, Double> can be provided that holds variables in the provided expression.

To get this code working with a current version of Antlr (June 2014) I needed to make a few changes. ANTLRStringStream needed to become ANTLRInputStream, the returned value needed to change from parser.eval() to parser.eval().value, and I needed to remove the WS clause at the end, because attribute values such as $channel are no longer allowed to appear in lexer actions.

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

Create a section called <connectionStrings></connectionStrings> in your web.config inside <configuration></configuration> then add different connection strings to it, for example


   <add name="ConnectionStringName" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"/>


Here's a list of all the different connection string formats

Can you overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC?

There is only one public signature allowed for each controller method. If you try to overload it, it will compile, but you're getting the run-time error you've experienced.

If you're not willing to use different verbs (like the [HttpGet] and [HttpPost] attributes) to differentiate overloaded methods (which will work), or change the routing, then what remains is that you can either provide another method with a different name, or you can dispatch inside of the existing method. Here's how I did it:

I once came into a situation where I had to maintain backwards compatibility. The original method expected two parameters, but the new one had only one. Overloading the way I expected did not work because MVC didn't find the entry point any more.

To solve that, I did the following:

  1. Changed the 2 overloaded action methods from public to private
  2. Created one new public method which contained "just" 2 string parameters. That one acted as a dispatcher, i.e.:

    public ActionResult DoSomething(string param1, string param2)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param2))
            return DoSomething(ProductName: param1);
            int oldId = int.Parse(param1);
            return DoSomething(OldParam: param1, OldId: oldId);
    private ActionResult DoSomething(string OldParam, int OldId)
        // some code here
        return Json(result);
    private ActionResult DoSomething(string ProductName)
        // some code here
        return Json(result);

Of course, this is a hack and should be refactored later. But for the time being, it worked for me.

You can also create a dispatcher like:

public ActionResult DoSomething(string action, string param1, string param2)
    switch (action)
        case "update":
            return UpdateAction(param1, param2);
        case "remove":
            return DeleteAction(param1);

You can see, that UpdateAction needs 2 parameters, while DeleteAction just needs one.

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed

It happens when $ret hasn't been defined. The solution is simple. Right above $tags = get_tags();, add the following line:

$ret = array();

Hosting ASP.NET in IIS7 gives Access is denied?

For me in windows 7 it started to work only after I gave 'Read & execute', 'List folder contents', 'Read' permissions to site folder for both users

  • IUSR

IUSR permissions NETWORK SERVICE permissions

Regular expression for number with length of 4, 5 or 6

[0-9]{4,6} can be shortened to \d{4,6}

How to stop process from .BAT file?

taskkill /F /IM notepad.exe this is the best way to kill the task from task manager.

How to use DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(sql, params) with stored procedure? EF Code First CTP5

db.Database.SqlQuery<myEntityType>("exec GetNewSeqOfFoodServing @p0,@p1,@p2 ", foods_WEIGHT.NDB_No, HLP.CuntryID, HLP.ClientID).Single()


    "exec GetNewSeqOfFoodServing @param1, @param2", 
    new SqlParameter("param1", param1), 
    new SqlParameter("param2", param2)


var cmdText = "exec [DoStuff] @Name = @name_param, @Age = @age_param";
var @params = new[]{
   new SqlParameter("name_param", "Josh"),
   new SqlParameter("age_param", 45)

db.Database.SqlQuery<myEntityType>(cmdText, @params)


db.Database.SqlQuery<myEntityType>("mySpName {0}, {1}, {2}",
new object[] { param1, param2, param3 }).ToList();

Using "-Filter" with a variable


-like '*'+$nameregex+'*'

if you would like to use wildcards.

ImportError: No module named xlsxwriter

I am not sure what caused this but it went all well once I changed the path name from Lib into lib and I was finally able to make it work.

How to replace NaNs by preceding values in pandas DataFrame?

In my case, we have time series from different devices but some devices could not send any value during some period. So we should create NA values for every device and time period and after that do fillna.

df = pd.DataFrame([["device1", 1, 'first val of device1'], ["device2", 2, 'first val of device2'], ["device3", 3, 'first val of device3']])
df.pivot(index=1, columns=0, values=2).fillna(method='ffill').unstack().reset_index(name='value')


        0   1   value
0   device1     1   first val of device1
1   device1     2   first val of device1
2   device1     3   first val of device1
3   device2     1   None
4   device2     2   first val of device2
5   device2     3   first val of device2
6   device3     1   None
7   device3     2   None
8   device3     3   first val of device3

Load local JSON file into variable

For ES6/ES2015 you can import directly like:

// example.json
    "name": "testing"

// ES6/ES2015
// app.js
import * as data from './example.json';
const {name} = data;
console.log(name); // output 'testing'

If you use Typescript, you may declare json module like:

// tying.d.ts
declare module "*.json" {
    const value: any;
    export default value;

Since Typescript 2.9+ you can add --resolveJsonModule compilerOptions in tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,

inherit from two classes in C#

Do you mean you want Class C to be the base class for A & B in that case.

public abstract class C
    public abstract void Method1();

    public abstract void Method2();

public class A : C
    public override void Method1()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override void Method2()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class B : C
    public override void Method1()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override void Method2()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

How do you remove Subversion control for a folder?

It worked well for me:

find directory_to_delete/ -type d -name '*.svn' | xargs rm -rf

How do I sort a list of dictionaries by a value of the dictionary?

import operator

'key' is used to sort by an arbitrary value and 'itemgetter' sets that value to each item's 'name' attribute.

UILabel - auto-size label to fit text?

Please check out my gist where I have made a category for UILabel for something very similar, my category lets a UILabel stretch it's height to show all the content:

Or check out this post:

This would stretch the height, but you can change it around easily to work the other way and stretch the width with something like this, which is I believe what you want to do:

@implementation UILabel (dynamicSizeMeWidth)

- (void)resizeToStretch{
    float width = [self expectedWidth];
    CGRect newFrame = [self frame];
    newFrame.size.width = width;
    [self setFrame:newFrame];

- (float)expectedWidth{
    [self setNumberOfLines:1];

    CGSize maximumLabelSize = CGSizeMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.bounds), CGFLOAT_MAX);

    CGSize expectedLabelSize = [[self text] sizeWithFont:[self font] 
                                            lineBreakMode:[self lineBreakMode]]; 
    return expectedLabelSize.width;


You could more simply use the sizeToFit method available from the UIView class, but set the number of lines to 1 to be safe.

iOS 6 update

If you are using AutoLayout, then you have a built in solution. By setting the number of lines to 0, the framework will resize your label appropriately (adding more height) to fit your text.

iOS 8 update

sizeWithFont: is deprecated so use sizeWithAttributes: instead:

- (float)expectedWidth{
    [self setNumberOfLines:1];

    CGSize expectedLabelSize = [[self text] sizeWithAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:self.font}];

    return expectedLabelSize.width;

How to merge two json string in Python?

Merging json objects is fairly straight forward but has a few edge cases when dealing with key collisions. The biggest issues have to do with one object having a value of a simple type and the other having a complex type (Array or Object). You have to decide how you want to implement that. Our choice when we implemented this for json passed to chef-solo was to merge Objects and use the first source Object's value in all other cases.

This was our solution:

from collections import Mapping
import json

original = json.loads(jsonStringA)
addition = json.loads(jsonStringB)

for key, value in addition.iteritems():
    if key in original:
        original_value = original[key]
        if isinstance(value, Mapping) and isinstance(original_value, Mapping):
            merge_dicts(original_value, value)
        elif not (isinstance(value, Mapping) or 
                  isinstance(original_value, Mapping)):
            original[key] = value
            raise ValueError('Attempting to merge {} with value {}'.format(
                key, original_value))
        original[key] = value

You could add another case after the first case to check for lists if you want to merge those as well, or for specific cases when special keys are encountered.

how to end ng serve or firebase serve

On macOS Mojave 10.14.4, you can also try Command ? + Q in a terminal.

How do I use CSS with a ruby on rails application?

Put the CSS files in public/stylesheets and then use:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "filename" %>

to link to the stylesheet in your layouts or erb files in your views.

Similarly you put images in public/images and javascript files in public/javascripts.

How to resolve TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Use this:

print("Program for calculating sum")
numbers=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
for number in numbers:
    sum += number
print("Total Sum is: %d" %sum )

Javascript pass values using POST

I used a variation of the above but instead of printing html I built a form and submitted it to the 3rd party url:

    var mapForm = document.createElement("form"); = "Map";
    mapForm.method = "POST"; // or "post" if appropriate
    mapForm.action = "";

    var mapInput = document.createElement("input");
    mapInput.type = "text"; = "addrs";
    mapInput.value = data;


    map ="", "Map", "status=0,title=0,height=600,width=800,scrollbars=1");

if (map) {
} else {
    alert('You must allow popups for this map to work.');

how to clear localstorage,sessionStorage and cookies in javascript? and then retrieve?

There is no way to retrieve localStorage, sessionStorage or cookie values via javascript in the browser after they've been deleted via javascript.

If what you're really asking is if there is some other way (from outside the browser) to recover that data, that's a different question and the answer will entirely depend upon the specific browser and how it implements the storage of each of those types of data.

For example, Firefox stores cookies as individual files. When a cookie is deleted, its file is deleted. That means that the cookie can no longer be accessed via the browser. But, we know that from outside the browser, using system tools, the contents of deleted files can sometimes be retrieved.

If you wanted to look into this further, you'd have to discover how each browser stores each data type on each platform of interest and then explore if that type of storage has any recovery strategy.

Is it possible to interactively delete matching search pattern in Vim?

There are 3 ways I can think of:

The way that is easiest to explain is

:%s/phrase to delete//gc

but you can also (personally I use this second one more often) do a regular search for the phrase to delete

/phrase to delete

Vim will take you to the beginning of the next occurrence of the phrase.

Go into insert mode (hit i) and use the Delete key to remove the phrase.

Hit escape when you have deleted all of the phrase.

Now that you have done this one time, you can hit n to go to the next occurrence of the phrase and then hit the dot/period "." key to perform the delete action you just performed

Continue hitting n and dot until you are done.

Lastly you can do a search for the phrase to delete (like in second method) but this time, instead of going into insert mode, you

Count the number of characters you want to delete

Type that number in (with number keys)

Hit the x key - characters should get deleted

Continue through with n and dot like in the second method.

PS - And if you didn't know already you can do a capital n to move backwards through the search matches.

What is the purpose of "&&" in a shell command?

command_1 && command_2: execute command_2 only when command_1 is executed successfully.

command_1 || command_2: execute command_2 only when command_1 is not successful executed.

Feels similar as how an 'if' condition is executed in a mainstream programming language, like, in if (condition_1 && condition_2){...} condition_2 will be omitted if condition_1 is false and in if (condition_1 || condition_2){...} condition_2 will be omitted if condition_1 is true. See, it's the same trick you use for coding :)