[sql] Delete specific values from column with where condition?

I want to delete specific values/data from one column with the WHERE condition. Putting in another way, I don't want to delete the complete row. Is it possible?

This question is related to sql sql-server sql-update

The answer is

UPDATE YourTable SET columnName = null WHERE YourCondition

You can also use REPLACE():

   SET Column = REPLACE(Column, 'Test123', 'Test')

UPDATE myTable 
   SET myColumn = NULL 
 WHERE myCondition

Try this SQL statement:

update Table set Column =( Column - your val )

You don't want to delete if you're wanting to leave the row itself intact. You want to update the row, and change the column value.

The general form for this would be an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE <table name>
    ColumnA = <NULL, or '', or whatever else is suitable for the new value for the column>
    ColumnA = <bad value> /* or any other search conditions */

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