Programs & Examples On #Transliteration

Transliteration refers to the process of mapping letters or glyphs from one character encoding to another

How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

For anyone who likes Extension methods, this one does the trick for us.

using System.Text;

namespace System
    public static class StringExtension
        private static readonly ASCIIEncoding asciiEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding();

        public static string ToAscii(this string dirty)
            byte[] bytes = asciiEncoding.GetBytes(dirty);
            string clean = asciiEncoding.GetString(bytes);
            return clean;

(System namespace so it's available pretty much automatically for all of our strings.)

How do I specify unique constraint for multiple columns in MySQL?

ALTER TABLE `votes` ADD UNIQUE `unique_index`(`user`, `email`, `address`);

How to convert array into comma separated string in javascript

You can simply use JavaScripts join() function for that. This would simply look like a.value.join(','). The output would be a string though.

Can I access variables from another file?

I came across amplify.js. It's really simple to use. To store a value, let's call it "myValue", you do:"myKey", "myValue")

And to access it, you do"myKey")

How can I discard remote changes and mark a file as "resolved"?

Make sure of the conflict origin: if it is the result of a git merge, see Brian Campbell's answer.

But if is the result of a git rebase, in order to discard remote (their) changes and use local changes, you would have to do a:

git checkout --theirs -- .

See "Why is the meaning of “ours” and “theirs” reversed"" to see how ours and theirs are swapped during a rebase (because the upstream branch is checked out).

Remove duplicate rows in MySQL

This will delete the duplicate rows with same values for title, company and site. The first occurrence will be kept and rest all duplicates will be deleted

DELETE t1 FROM tablename t1
INNER JOIN tablename t2 
    t1.title = t2.title AND AND

What do 'lazy' and 'greedy' mean in the context of regular expressions?

| Greedy quantifier | Lazy quantifier |        Description           |
| *                 | *?              | Star Quantifier: 0 or more   |
| +                 | +?              | Plus Quantifier: 1 or more   |
| ?                 | ??              | Optional Quantifier: 0 or 1  |
| {n}               | {n}?            | Quantifier: exactly n        |
| {n,}              | {n,}?           | Quantifier: n or more        |
| {n,m}             | {n,m}?          | Quantifier: between n and m  |

Add a ? to a quantifier to make it ungreedy i.e lazy.

test string : stackoverflow
greedy reg expression : s.*o output: stackoverflow
lazy reg expression : s.*?o output: stackoverflow

SQL get the last date time record


Will return one result with the latest date.

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE foo.Dates = (SELECT MAX(Dates) FROM foo)

Will return all results that have the same maximum date, to the milissecond.

This is for SQL Server. I'll leave it up to you to use the DATEPART function if you want to use dates but not times.

How do I remove the non-numeric character from a string in java?

This works in Flex SDK 4.14.0

myString.replace(/[^0-9&&^.]/g, "");

How to export and import a .sql file from command line with options?

Well you can use below command to export,

mysqldump --databases --user=root --password your_db_name > export_into_db.sql

and the generated file will be available in the same directory where you had ran this command.

Now login to mysql using command,

mysql -u[username] -p

then use "source" command with the file path.

Download and save PDF file with Python requests module

Generally, this should work in Python3:

import urllib.request 

Remember that urllib and urllib2 don't work properly after Python2.

If in some mysterious cases requests don't work (happened with me), you can also try using


Here's a decent explanation/solution to find and download all pdf files on a webpage:

JSON character encoding

That happened to me exactly the same with this:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="application/json" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

But this works for me:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="application/json; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

Try adding


to your contentType.

How do you subtract Dates in Java?

Well you can remove the third calendar instance.

GregorianCalendar c1 = new GregorianCalendar();
GregorianCalendar c2 = new GregorianCalendar();
c1.set(2000, 1, 1);
c2.set(2010,1, 1);
c2.add(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, -1 * c1.getTimeInMillis());

When I catch an exception, how do I get the type, file, and line number?

Simplest form that worked for me.

import traceback

except ZeroDivisionError:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/path/to/", line 51, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Process finished with exit code 0

jQuery Remove string from string

If you just want to remove "username1" you can use a simple replace.

name.replace("username1,", "")

or you could use split like you mentioned.

var name = "username1, username2 and username3 like this post.".split(",")[1];      

jsfiddle example

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?

...and when I got one how to process it (do I need to use Fourier Transform like it was instructed in the above post)?

If you want a "tap" then I think you are interested in amplitude more than frequency. So Fourier transforms probably aren't useful for your particular goal. You probably want to make a running measurement of the short-term (say 10 ms) amplitude of the input, and detect when it suddenly increases by a certain delta. You would need to tune the parameters of:

  • what is the "short-term" amplitude measurement
  • what is the delta increase you look for
  • how quickly the delta change must occur

Although I said you're not interested in frequency, you might want to do some filtering first, to filter out especially low and high frequency components. That might help you avoid some "false positives". You could do that with an FIR or IIR digital filter; Fourier isn't necessary.

Find if value in column A contains value from column B?

You can try this. :) simple solution!


How to execute a stored procedure inside a select query

As long as you're not doing any INSERT or UPDATE statements in your stored procedure, you will probably want to make it a function.

Stored procedures are for executing by an outside program, or on a timed interval.

The answers here will explain it better than I can:

Function vs. Stored Procedure in SQL Server

dynamically set iframe src

<script type="text/javascript">
function iframeDidLoad() {

function newSite() {
    var sites = ['',

    document.getElementById('myIframe').src = sites[Math.floor(Math.random() * sites.length)];
<input type="button" value="Change site" onClick="newSite()" />
<iframe id="myIframe" src="" onLoad="iframeDidLoad();"></iframe>

Example at

How to replace plain URLs with links?

Replacing URLs with links (Answer to the General Problem)

The regular expression in the question misses a lot of edge cases. When detecting URLs, it's always better to use a specialized library that handles international domain names, new TLDs like .museum, parentheses and other punctuation within and at the end of the URL, and many other edge cases. See the Jeff Atwood's blog post The Problem With URLs for an explanation of some of the other issues.

The best summary of URL matching libraries is in Dan Dascalescu's Answer +100
(as of Feb 2014)

"Make a regular expression replace more than one match" (Answer to the specific problem)

Add a "g" to the end of the regular expression to enable global matching:


But that only fixes the problem in the question where the regular expression was only replacing the first match. Do not use that code.

How to break out from a ruby block?

I wanted to just be able to break out of a block - sort of like a forward goto, not really related to a loop. In fact, I want to break of of a block that is in a loop without terminating the loop. To do that, I made the block a one-iteration loop:

for b in 1..2 do
    puts b
        puts 'want this to run'
        puts 'but not this'
    end while false
    puts 'also want this to run'

Hope this helps the next googler that lands here based on the subject line.

Failed to resolve:

enter image description hereI was facing the same issue but I switched 26.0.0-beta1 dependencies to 26.1.0 and it's working now.

String Concatenation in EL

With EL 2 you can do the following:

#{'this'.concat(' is').concat(' a').concat(' test!')}

Link a photo with the cell in excel

There is a much simpler way. Put your picture in a comment box within the description cell. That way you only have one column and when you sort the picture will always stay with the description. Okay... Right click the cell containing the description... Insert comment...right click the outer border... Format comment...colours and lines tab... Colour drop down...Fill effects...Picture picture...browse for your picture (it might be best to keep all pictures in one folder for ease of placement)...ok... you will probably need to go to the size tab and frig around with the height and width. Done... You now only need to mouse over the red in the top right corner of the cell and the picture will magic.

This method means that the row height can be kept to a minimum and the pictures can be as big as you like.

How do I remove whitespace from the end of a string in Python?

You can use strip() or split() to control the spaces values as in the following:

words = "   first  second   "

# Remove end spaces
def remove_end_spaces(string):
    return "".join(string.rstrip())

# Remove the first and end spaces
def remove_first_end_spaces(string):
    return "".join(string.rstrip().lstrip())

# Remove all spaces
def remove_all_spaces(string):
    return "".join(string.split())

# Show results

How to get POST data in WebAPI?

After spending a good bit of time today trying to wrap my brain around the (significant but powerful) paradigm shift between old ways of processing web form data and how it is done with WebAPI, I thought I'd add my 2 cents to this discussion.

What I wanted to do (which is pretty common for web form processing of a POST) is to be able to grab any of the form values I want, in any order. Say like you can do if you have your data in a System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection. But turns out, in WebAPI, the data from a POST comes back at you as a stream. So you can't directly do that.

But there is a cool little class named FormDataCollection (in System.Net.Http.Formatting) and what it will let you do is iterate through your collection once.

So I wrote a simple utility method that will run through the FormDataCollection once and stick all the values into a NameValueCollection. Once this is done, you can jump all around the data to your hearts content.

So in my ApiController derived class, I have a post method like this:

    public void Post(FormDataCollection formData)
        NameValueCollection valueMap = WebAPIUtils.Convert(formData);

        ... my code that uses the data in the NameValueCollection

The Convert method in my static WebAPIUtils class looks like this:

    /// <summary>
    /// Copy the values contained in the given FormDataCollection into 
    /// a NameValueCollection instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="formDataCollection">The FormDataCollection instance. (required, but can be empty)</param>
    /// <returns>The NameValueCollection. Never returned null, but may be empty.</returns>
    public static NameValueCollection Convert(FormDataCollection formDataCollection)
        Validate.IsNotNull("formDataCollection", formDataCollection);

        IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pairs = formDataCollection.GetEnumerator();

        NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection();

        while (pairs.MoveNext())
            KeyValuePair<string, string> pair = pairs.Current;

            collection.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

        return collection;

Hope this helps!

Difference between JE/JNE and JZ/JNZ

From the Intel's manual - Instruction Set Reference, the JE and JZ have the same opcode (74 for rel8 / 0F 84 for rel 16/32) also JNE and JNZ (75 for rel8 / 0F 85 for rel 16/32) share opcodes.

JE and JZ they both check for the ZF (or zero flag), although the manual differs slightly in the descriptions of the first JE rel8 and JZ rel8 ZF usage, but basically they are the same.

Here is an extract from the manual's pages 464, 465 and 467.

 Op Code    | mnemonic  | Description
 74 cb      | JE rel8   | Jump short if equal (ZF=1).
 74 cb      | JZ rel8   | Jump short if zero (ZF ? 1).

 0F 84 cw   | JE rel16  | Jump near if equal (ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.
 0F 84 cw   | JZ rel16  | Jump near if 0 (ZF=1). Not supported in 64-bit mode.

 0F 84 cd   | JE rel32  | Jump near if equal (ZF=1).
 0F 84 cd   | JZ rel32  | Jump near if 0 (ZF=1).

 75 cb      | JNE rel8  | Jump short if not equal (ZF=0).
 75 cb      | JNZ rel8  | Jump short if not zero (ZF=0).

 0F 85 cd   | JNE rel32 | Jump near if not equal (ZF=0).
 0F 85 cd   | JNZ rel32 | Jump near if not zero (ZF=0).

Eclipse error, "The selection cannot be launched, and there are no recent launches"

Eclipse can't work out what you want to run and since you've not run anything before, it can't try re-running that either.

Instead of clicking the green 'run' button, click the dropdown next to it and chose Run Configurations. On the Android tab, make sure it's set to your project. In the Target tab, set the tick box and options as appropriate to target your device. Then click Run. Keep an eye on your Console tab in Eclipse - that'll let you know what's going on. Once you've got your run configuration set, you can just hit the green 'run' button next time.

Sometimes getting everything to talk to your device can be problematic to begin with. Consider using an AVD (i.e. an emulator) as alternative, at least to begin with if you have problems. You can easily create one from the menu Window -> Android Virtual Device Manager within Eclipse.

To view the progress of your project being installed and started on your device, check the console. It's a panel within Eclipse with the tabs Problems/Javadoc/Declaration/Console/LogCat etc. It may be minimised - check the tray in the bottom right. Or just use Window/Show View/Console from the menu to make it come to the front. There are two consoles, Android and DDMS - there is a dropdown by its icon where you can switch.

if checkbox is checked, do this

Why not use the built in events?

    if( {
     // code to run if checked

     } else {

     //code to run if unchecked

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

There are several sources on the net suggesting a hack by reinstalling the package with the -m option and then just removing the .egg file in lib/ and the binaries in bin/. Also, discussion about this setuptools issue can be found on the python bug tracker as setuptools issue 21.

Edit: Added the link to the python bugtracker.

PHP - remove all non-numeric characters from a string

You can use preg_replace in this case;

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", "Every 6 Months" );

$res return 6 in this case.

If want also to include decimal separator or thousand separator check this example:

$res = preg_replace("/[^0-9.]/", "", "$ 123.099");

$res returns "123.099" in this case

Include period as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9.]/"

Include coma as decimal separator or thousand separator: "/[^0-9,]/"

Include period and coma as decimal separator and thousand separator: "/[^0-9,.]/"

WCF Service , how to increase the timeout?

In your binding configuration, there are four timeout values you can tweak:

    <binding name="IncreasedTimeout"

The most important is the sendTimeout, which says how long the client will wait for a response from your WCF service. You can specify hours:minutes:seconds in your settings - in my sample, I set the timeout to 25 minutes.

The openTimeout as the name implies is the amount of time you're willing to wait when you open the connection to your WCF service. Similarly, the closeTimeout is the amount of time when you close the connection (dispose the client proxy) that you'll wait before an exception is thrown.

The receiveTimeout is a bit like a mirror for the sendTimeout - while the send timeout is the amount of time you'll wait for a response from the server, the receiveTimeout is the amount of time you'll give you client to receive and process the response from the server.

In case you're send back and forth "normal" messages, both can be pretty short - especially the receiveTimeout, since receiving a SOAP message, decrypting, checking and deserializing it should take almost no time. The story is different with streaming - in that case, you might need more time on the client to actually complete the "download" of the stream you get back from the server.

There's also openTimeout, receiveTimeout, and closeTimeout. The MSDN docs on binding gives you more information on what these are for.

To get a serious grip on all the intricasies of WCF, I would strongly recommend you purchase the "Learning WCF" book by Michele Leroux Bustamante:

Learning WCF,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg

and you also spend some time watching her 15-part "WCF Top to Bottom" screencast series - highly recommended!

For more advanced topics I recommend that you check out Juwal Lowy's Programming WCF Services book.

Programming WCF,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg

get DATEDIFF excluding weekends using sql server


@mintDaysDifference     BIGINT

SET @mintDaysDifference = 0

WHILE CONVERT(NCHAR(10),@pdtmaLastLoanPayDate,121) <= CONVERT(NCHAR(10),@pdtmaDisbursedDate,121)
    IF DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@pdtmaLastLoanPayDate) NOT IN (6,7)
        SET @mintDaysDifference = @mintDaysDifference + 1

    SET @pdtmaLastLoanPayDate = DATEADD(DAY,1,@pdtmaLastLoanPayDate)

RETURN ISNULL(@mintDaysDifference,0)


Angular ReactiveForms: Producing an array of checkbox values?


  1. I prefer to use FormGroup to populate the list of checkbox
  2. Write a custom validator for check at least one checkbox was selected
  3. Working example

This also struck me for sometimes so I did try both FormArray and FormGroup approaches.

Most of the time, the list of checkbox was populated on the server and I received it through API. But sometimes you will have a static set of checkbox with your predefined value. With each use case, the corresponding FormArray or FormGroup will be used.

Basically FormArray is a variant of FormGroup. The key difference is that its data gets serialized as an array (as opposed to being serialized as an object in case of FormGroup). This might be especially useful when you don’t know how many controls will be present within the group, like dynamic forms.

For the sake of simplicity, imagine you have a simple create product form with

  • One required product name textbox.
  • A list of category to select from, required at least one to be checked. Assume the list will be retrieved from the server.

First, I set up a form with only product name formControl. It is a required field.

this.form ={
    name: ["", Validators.required]

Since the category is dynamically rendering, I will have to add these data into the form later after the data was ready.

this.getCategories().subscribe(categories => {
    this.form.addControl("categoriesFormArr", this.buildCategoryFormArr(categories));
    this.form.addControl("categoriesFormGroup", this.buildCategoryFormGroup(categories));

There are two approaches to build up the category list.

1. Form Array

  buildCategoryFormArr(categories: ProductCategory[], selectedCategoryIds: string[] = []): FormArray {
    const controlArr = => {
      let isSelected = selectedCategoryIds.some(id => id ===;
      return this.formBuilder.control(isSelected);
    return this.formBuilder.array(controlArr, atLeastOneCheckboxCheckedValidator())
<div *ngFor="let control of categoriesFormArr?.controls; let i = index" class="checkbox">
  <label><input type="checkbox" [formControl]="control" />
    {{ categories[i]?.title }}

This buildCategoryFormGroup will return me a FormArray. It also take a list of selected value as an argument so If you want to reuse the form for edit data, it could be helpful. For the purpose of create a new product form, it is not be applicable yet.

Noted that when you try to access the formArray values. It will looks like [false, true, true]. To get a list of selected id, it required a bit more work to check from the list but based on the array index. Doesn't sound good to me but it works.

get categoriesFormArraySelectedIds(): string[] {
  return this.categories
  .filter((cat, catIdx) => this.categoriesFormArr.controls.some((control, controlIdx) => catIdx === controlIdx && control.value))
  .map(cat =>;

That's why I came up using FormGroup for that matter

2. Form Group

The different of the formGroup is it will store the form data as the object, which required a key and a form control. So it is the good idea to set the key as the categoryId and then we can retrieve it later.

buildCategoryFormGroup(categories: ProductCategory[], selectedCategoryIds: string[] = []): FormGroup {
  let group ={}, {
    validators: atLeastOneCheckboxCheckedValidator()
  categories.forEach(category => {
    let isSelected = selectedCategoryIds.some(id => id ===;
    group.addControl(, this.formBuilder.control(isSelected));
  return group;
<div *ngFor="let item of categories; let i = index" class="checkbox">
  <label><input type="checkbox" [formControl]="categoriesFormGroup?.controls[]" /> {{ categories[i]?.title }}

The value of the form group will look like:

    "category1": false,
    "category2": true,
    "category3": true,

But most often we want to get only the list of categoryIds as ["category2", "category3"]. I also have to write a get to take these data. I like this approach better comparing to the formArray, because I could actually take the value from the form itself.

  get categoriesFormGroupSelectedIds(): string[] {
    let ids: string[] = [];
    for (var key in this.categoriesFormGroup.controls) {
      if (this.categoriesFormGroup.controls[key].value) {
      else {
        ids = ids.filter(id => id !== key);
    return ids;

3. Custom validator to check at least one checkbox was selected

I made the validator to check at least X checkbox was selected, by default it will check against one checkbox only.

export function atLeastOneCheckboxCheckedValidator(minRequired = 1): ValidatorFn {
  return function validate(formGroup: FormGroup) {
    let checked = 0;

    Object.keys(formGroup.controls).forEach(key => {
      const control = formGroup.controls[key];

      if (control.value === true) {

    if (checked < minRequired) {
      return {
        requireCheckboxToBeChecked: true,

    return null;

Easy way to write contents of a Java InputStream to an OutputStream

I think this will work, but make sure to test it... minor "improvement", but it might be a bit of a cost at readability.

byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = != -1) {
    out.write(buffer, 0, len);

Selecting only first-level elements in jquery

$("ul > li a")

But you would need to set a class on the root ul if you specifically want to target the outermost ul:

<ul class="rootlist">

Then it's:

$("ul.rootlist > li a")....

Another way of making sure you only have the root li elements:

$("ul > li a").not("ul li ul a")

It looks kludgy, but it should do the trick

Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources' even with latest build tools

Error:Execution failed for task org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException:

finished with non-zero exit value 1

One reason for this error to occure is that the file path to a resource file is to long:

Error: File path too long on Windows, keep below 240 characters 

Fix: Move your project folder closer to the root of your disk

Don't:// folder/folder/folder/folder/very_long_folder_name/MyProject...


Another reason could be duplicated resources or name spaces


  <style name="MyButton" parent="android:Widget.Button">
      <item name="android:textColor">@color/accent_color</item>
      <item name="android:textColor">#000000</item>

And make sure all file names and extensions are in lowercase





Make sure to Clean/Rebuild project

(delete the 'build' folder)

Turn off auto formatting in Visual Studio

I was pissed off every time I pasted anything in cshtml file in Visual Studio 2015, 2017. I tried different settings and finally found the proper one: Options => Text Editor => HTML => Advanced => Paste (Format on paste) => False enter image description here

Servlet for serving static content

Abstract template for a static resource servlet

Partly based on this blog from 2007, here's a modernized and highly reusable abstract template for a servlet which properly deals with caching, ETag, If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since (but no Gzip and Range support; just to keep it simple; Gzip could be done with a filter or via container configuration).

public abstract class StaticResourceServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final long ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLIS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
    private static final String ETAG_HEADER = "W/\"%s-%s\"";
    private static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER = "inline;filename=\"%1$s\"; filename*=UTF-8''%1$s";

    public static final long DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME_IN_MILLIS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(30);
    public static final int DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 102400;

    protected void doHead(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException ,IOException {
        doRequest(request, response, true);

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        doRequest(request, response, false);

    private void doRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean head) throws IOException {
        StaticResource resource;

        try {
            resource = getStaticResource(request);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

        if (resource == null) {

        String fileName = URLEncoder.encode(resource.getFileName(),;
        boolean notModified = setCacheHeaders(request, response, fileName, resource.getLastModified());

        if (notModified) {

        setContentHeaders(response, fileName, resource.getContentLength());

        if (head) {

        writeContent(response, resource);

     * Returns the static resource associated with the given HTTP servlet request. This returns <code>null</code> when
     * the resource does actually not exist. The servlet will then return a HTTP 404 error.
     * @param request The involved HTTP servlet request.
     * @return The static resource associated with the given HTTP servlet request.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException When the request is mangled in such way that it's not recognizable as a valid
     * static resource request. The servlet will then return a HTTP 400 error.
    protected abstract StaticResource getStaticResource(HttpServletRequest request) throws IllegalArgumentException;

    private boolean setCacheHeaders(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String fileName, long lastModified) {
        String eTag = String.format(ETAG_HEADER, fileName, lastModified);
        response.setHeader("ETag", eTag);
        response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", lastModified);
        response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME_IN_MILLIS);
        return notModified(request, eTag, lastModified);

    private boolean notModified(HttpServletRequest request, String eTag, long lastModified) {
        String ifNoneMatch = request.getHeader("If-None-Match");

        if (ifNoneMatch != null) {
            String[] matches = ifNoneMatch.split("\\s*,\\s*");
            return (Arrays.binarySearch(matches, eTag) > -1 || Arrays.binarySearch(matches, "*") > -1);
        else {
            long ifModifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since");
            return (ifModifiedSince + ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLIS > lastModified); // That second is because the header is in seconds, not millis.

    private void setContentHeaders(HttpServletResponse response, String fileName, long contentLength) {
        response.setHeader("Content-Type", getServletContext().getMimeType(fileName));
        response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", String.format(CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER, fileName));

        if (contentLength != -1) {
            response.setHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(contentLength));

    private void writeContent(HttpServletResponse response, StaticResource resource) throws IOException {
        try (
            ReadableByteChannel inputChannel = Channels.newChannel(resource.getInputStream());
            WritableByteChannel outputChannel = Channels.newChannel(response.getOutputStream());
        ) {
            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
            long size = 0;

            while ( != -1) {
                size += outputChannel.write(buffer);

            if (resource.getContentLength() == -1 && !response.isCommitted()) {
                response.setHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(size));


Use it together with the below interface representing a static resource.

interface StaticResource {

     * Returns the file name of the resource. This must be unique across all static resources. If any, the file
     * extension will be used to determine the content type being set. If the container doesn't recognize the
     * extension, then you can always register it as <code>&lt;mime-type&gt;</code> in <code>web.xml</code>.
     * @return The file name of the resource.
    public String getFileName();

     * Returns the last modified timestamp of the resource in milliseconds.
     * @return The last modified timestamp of the resource in milliseconds.
    public long getLastModified();

     * Returns the content length of the resource. This returns <code>-1</code> if the content length is unknown.
     * In that case, the container will automatically switch to chunked encoding if the response is already
     * committed after streaming. The file download progress may be unknown.
     * @return The content length of the resource.
    public long getContentLength();

     * Returns the input stream with the content of the resource. This method will be called only once by the
     * servlet, and only when the resource actually needs to be streamed, so lazy loading is not necessary.
     * @return The input stream with the content of the resource.
     * @throws IOException When something fails at I/O level.
    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;


All you need is just extending from the given abstract servlet and implementing the getStaticResource() method according the javadoc.

Concrete example serving from file system:

Here's a concrete example which serves it via an URL like /files/foo.ext from the local disk file system:

public class FileSystemResourceServlet extends StaticResourceServlet {

    private File folder;

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        folder = new File("/path/to/the/folder");

    protected StaticResource getStaticResource(HttpServletRequest request) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();

        if (pathInfo == null || pathInfo.isEmpty() || "/".equals(pathInfo)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        String name = URLDecoder.decode(pathInfo.substring(1),;
        final File file = new File(folder, Paths.get(name).getFileName().toString());

        return !file.exists() ? null : new StaticResource() {
            public long getLastModified() {
                return file.lastModified();
            public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                return new FileInputStream(file);
            public String getFileName() {
                return file.getName();
            public long getContentLength() {
                return file.length();


Concrete example serving from database:

Here's a concrete example which serves it via an URL like /files/foo.ext from the database via an EJB service call which returns your entity having a byte[] content property:

public class YourEntityResourceServlet extends StaticResourceServlet {

    private YourEntityService yourEntityService;

    protected StaticResource getStaticResource(HttpServletRequest request) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();

        if (pathInfo == null || pathInfo.isEmpty() || "/".equals(pathInfo)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        String name = URLDecoder.decode(pathInfo.substring(1),;
        final YourEntity yourEntity = yourEntityService.getByName(name);

        return (yourEntity == null) ? null : new StaticResource() {
            public long getLastModified() {
                return yourEntity.getLastModified();
            public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                return new ByteArrayInputStream(yourEntityService.getContentById(yourEntity.getId()));
            public String getFileName() {
                return yourEntity.getName();
            public long getContentLength() {
                return yourEntity.getContentLength();


REST API - Bulk Create or Update in single request

PUT ing

PUT /binders/{id}/docs Create or update, and relate a single document to a binder


PUT /binders/1/docs HTTP/1.1
  "docNumber" : 1


PATCH /docs Create docs if they do not exist and relate them to binders


PATCH /docs HTTP/1.1
    { "op" : "add", "path" : "/binder/1/docs", "value" : { "doc_number" : 1 } },
    { "op" : "add", "path" : "/binder/8/docs", "value" : { "doc_number" : 8 } },
    { "op" : "add", "path" : "/binder/3/docs", "value" : { "doc_number" : 6 } }

I'll include additional insights later, but in the meantime if you want to, have a look at RFC 5789, RFC 6902 and William Durand's Please. Don't Patch Like an Idiot blog entry.

Centering a button vertically in table cell, using Twitter Bootstrap

A little update for Bootstrap 3.

Bootstrap now has the following style for table cells:

.table tbody>tr>td
    vertical-align: top;

The way to go is to add a your own class, with the same selector:

.table tbody>tr>td.vert-align
    vertical-align: middle;

And then add it to your tds

<td class="vert-align"></td>

Guzzle 6: no more json() method for responses

If you guys still interested, here is my workaround based on Guzzle middleware feature:

  1. Create JsonAwaraResponse that will decode JSON response by Content-Type HTTP header, if not - it will act as standard Guzzle Response:

    namespace GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
    class JsonAwareResponse extends Response
         * Cache for performance
         * @var array
        private $json;
        public function getBody()
            if ($this->json) {
                return $this->json;
            // get parent Body stream
            $body = parent::getBody();
            // if JSON HTTP header detected - then decode
            if (false !== strpos($this->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'), 'application/json')) {
                return $this->json = \json_decode($body, true);
            return $body;
  2. Create Middleware which going to replace Guzzle PSR-7 responses with above Response implementation:

    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    /** @var HandlerStack $handler */
    $handler = $client->getConfig('handler');
    $handler->push(\GuzzleHttp\Middleware::mapResponse(function (\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) {
        return new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\JsonAwareResponse(
    }), 'json_decode_middleware');

After this to retrieve JSON as PHP native array use Guzzle as always:

$jsonArray = $client->get('')->getBody();

Tested with guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.3.3

Perl - Multiple condition if statement without duplicating code?

if (   ($name eq "tom" and $password eq "123!")
    or ($name eq "frank" and $password eq "321!")) {

    print "You have gained access.";
else {
    print "Access denied!";

Saving an Object (Data persistence)

You can use anycache to do the job for you. It considers all the details:

  • It uses dill as backend, which extends the python pickle module to handle lambda and all the nice python features.
  • It stores different objects to different files and reloads them properly.
  • Limits cache size
  • Allows cache clearing
  • Allows sharing of objects between multiple runs
  • Allows respect of input files which influence the result

Assuming you have a function myfunc which creates the instance:

from anycache import anycache

class Company(object):
    def __init__(self, name, value): = name
        self.value = value

def myfunc(name, value)
    return Company(name, value)

Anycache calls myfunc at the first time and pickles the result to a file in cachedir using an unique identifier (depending on the function name and its arguments) as filename. On any consecutive run, the pickled object is loaded. If the cachedir is preserved between python runs, the pickled object is taken from the previous python run.

For any further details see the documentation

Abort Ajax requests using jQuery

The following code shows initiating as well as aborting an Ajax request:

function libAjax(){
  var req;
  function start(){

  req =    $.ajax({
              url: '1.php',
              success: function(data){


  function stop(){

  return {start:start,stop:stop}

var obj = libAjax();






<script src=""></script>
<input type="button" class="go" value="GO!" >
   <input type="button" class="stop" value="STOP!" >

Delete commits from a branch in Git

If you want to keep the history, showing the commit and the revert, you should use:

git revert GIT_COMMIT_HASH

enter the message explaining why are you reverting and then:

git push  

When you issue git log you'll see both the "wrong" commit and revert log messages.

set font size in jquery

Not saying this is better, just another way:


Clear a terminal screen for real

Compile this app.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

int main()
  char str[1000];
  memset(str, '\n', 999);
  str[999] = 0;
  std::cout << str << std::endl;
  return 0;

Aggregate function in SQL WHERE-Clause

HAVING is like WHERE with aggregate functions, or you could use a subquery.

select EmployeeId, sum(amount)
from Sales
group by Employee
having sum(amount) > 20000


select EmployeeId, sum(amount)
from Sales
group by Employee
where EmployeeId in (
    select max(EmployeeId) from Employees)

How to check if string input is a number?

The method isnumeric() will do the job (Documentation for python3.x):

>>>a = '123'

But remember:

>>>a = '-1'

isnumeric() returns True if all characters in the string are numeric characters, and there is at least one character.

So negative numbers are not accepted.

changing color of h2

If you absolutely must use HTML to give your text color, you have to use the (deprecated) <font>-tag:

<h2><font color="#006699">Process Report</font></h2>

But otherwise, I strongly recommend you to do as rekire said: use CSS.

How can I display an image from a file in Jupyter Notebook?

A cleaner Python3 version that use standard numpy, matplotlib and PIL. Merging the answer for opening from URL.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

pil_im ='image.png') #Take jpg + png
## Uncomment to open from URL
#import requests
#r = requests.get('')
#pil_im =
im_array = np.asarray(pil_im)

How to use variables in a command in sed?

This may also can help

sed "s/$input/${output}/" inputfile > outputfile

Ruby: Merging variables in to a string

You can use sprintf-like formatting to inject values into the string. For that the string must include placeholders. Put your arguments into an array and use on of these ways: (For more info look at the documentation for Kernel::sprintf.)

fmt = 'The %s %s the %s'
res = fmt % [animal, action, other_animal]  # using %-operator
res = sprintf(fmt, animal, action, other_animal)  # call Kernel.sprintf

You can even explicitly specify the argument number and shuffle them around:

'The %3$s %2$s the %1$s' % ['cat', 'eats', 'mouse']

Or specify the argument using hash keys:

'The %{animal} %{action} the %{second_animal}' %
  { :animal => 'cat', :action=> 'eats', :second_animal => 'mouse'}

Note that you must provide a value for all arguments to the % operator. For instance, you cannot avoid defining animal.

Javascript change date into format of (dd/mm/yyyy)

Some JavaScript engines can parse that format directly, which makes the task pretty easy:

function convertDate(inputFormat) {_x000D_
  function pad(s) { return (s < 10) ? '0' + s : s; }_x000D_
  var d = new Date(inputFormat)_x000D_
  return [pad(d.getDate()), pad(d.getMonth()+1), d.getFullYear()].join('/')_x000D_
console.log(convertDate('Mon Nov 19 13:29:40 2012')) // => "19/11/2012"

How do I check if I'm running on Windows in Python?

import platform
is_windows = any(platform.win32_ver())


import sys
is_windows = hasattr(sys, 'getwindowsversion')

How to test if a double is zero?

Yes; all primitive numeric types default to 0.

However, calculations involving floating-point types (double and float) can be imprecise, so it's usually better to check whether it's close to 0:

if (Math.abs(foo.x) < 2 * Double.MIN_VALUE)

You need to pick a margin of error, which is not simple.

Is it possible to import modules from all files in a directory, using a wildcard?

Similar to the accepted question but it allows you to scale without the need of adding a new module to the index file each time you create one:


export const example = 'example';
export const anotherExample = 'anotherExample';


// require all modules on the path and with the pattern defined
const req = require.context('./', true, /.js$/);

const modules = req.keys().map(req);

// export all modules
module.exports = modules;


import { example, anotherExample } from './modules'

Text size of android design TabLayout tabs

<style name="MineCustomTabText" parent="TextAppearance.Design.Tab">
    <item name="android:textSize">16sp</item>

Use is in TabLayout like this


How to hide first section header in UITableView (grouped style)

The following worked for me in with iOS 13.6 and Xcode 11.6 with a UITableViewController that was embedded in a UINavigationController:

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {

No other trickery needed. The override keywords aren't needed when not using a UITableViewController (i.e. when just implemented the UITableViewDelegate methods). Of course if the goal was to hide just the first section's header, then this logic could be wrapped in a conditional as such:

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
    if section == 0 {
        return nil
    } else {
        // Return some other view...

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
    if section == 0 {
        return .zero
    } else {
        // Return some other height...

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database

This should work

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(column_name, '/DCResponse/ContextData/Decision') FROM traptabclob;

I have assumed the ** were just for highlighting?

How to convert an array of strings to an array of floats in numpy?

You can use this as well

import numpy as np
x=np.array(['1.1', '2.2', '3.3'])

Jquery Open in new Tab (_blank)

you cannot set target attribute to div, becacuse div does not know how to handle http requests. instead of you set target attribute for link tag.

$(this).find("a").target = "_blank";
window.location= $(this).find("a").attr("href")

SSL Proxy/Charles and Android trouble

I wasted 1 day finding the issue , my system was not asking connection "allow" or "reject". i though it was due to some certiifcate issue . tried all methods mentioned above but none of them worked . in the end i found "Firewall was real culprit ". if firewall settings is ON , they will not allow charles to connect with your laptop via proxy IP . make them off and all things will work smoothly .Not sure if that was relevent answer but just want to share.

UIView Hide/Show with animation

I use this little Swift 3 extension:

extension UIView {

  func fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval = 0.5,
              delay: TimeInterval = 0.0,
              completion: @escaping ((Bool) -> Void) = {(finished: Bool) -> Void in }) {
    UIView.animate(withDuration: duration,
                   delay: delay,
                   options: UIViewAnimationOptions.curveEaseIn,
                   animations: {
      self.alpha = 1.0
    }, completion: completion)

  func fadeOut(duration: TimeInterval = 0.5,
               delay: TimeInterval = 0.0,
               completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = {(finished: Bool) -> Void in }) {
    UIView.animate(withDuration: duration,
                   delay: delay,
                   options: UIViewAnimationOptions.curveEaseIn,
                   animations: {
      self.alpha = 0.0
    }, completion: completion)

TypeError: 'float' object not iterable

for i in count: means for i in 7:, which won't work. The bit after the in should be of an iterable type, not a number. Try this:

for i in range(count):

Database development mistakes made by application developers

The most common mistake I've seen in twenty years: not planning ahead. Many developers will create a database, and tables, and then continually modify and expand the tables as they build out the applications. The end result is often a mess and inefficient and difficult to clean up or simplify later on.

Reactjs convert html string to jsx

There are now safer methods to accomplish this. The docs have been updated with these methods.

Other Methods

  1. Easiest - Use Unicode, save the file as UTF-8 and set the charset to UTF-8.

    <div>{'First · Second'}</div>

  2. Safer - Use the Unicode number for the entity inside a Javascript string.

    <div>{'First \u00b7 Second'}</div>


    <div>{'First ' + String.fromCharCode(183) + ' Second'}</div>

  3. Or a mixed array with strings and JSX elements.

    <div>{['First ', <span>&middot;</span>, ' Second']}</div>

  4. Last Resort - Insert raw HTML using dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

    <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: 'First &middot; Second'}} />

How to include Authorization header in cURL POST HTTP Request in PHP?

@jason-mccreary is totally right. Besides I recommend you this code to get more info in case of malfunction:

$rest = curl_exec($crl);

if ($rest === false)
    // throw new Exception('Curl error: ' . curl_error($crl));
    print_r('Curl error: ' . curl_error($crl));



To debug you can set CURLOPT_HEADER to true to check HTTP response with firebug::net or similar.

curl_setopt($crl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);


About Curl error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK try adding this headers (just to debug, in a production enviroment you should keep these options in true):

curl_setopt($crl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($crl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

How to prevent favicon.ico requests?

Just add the following line to the <head> section of your HTML file:

<link rel="icon" href="data:,">

Features of this solution:

  • 100% valid HTML5
  • very short
  • does not incur any quirks from IE 8 and older
  • does not make the browser interpret the current HTML code as favicon (which would be the case with href="#")

Producing a new line in XSLT

just add this tag:


it works for me ;) .

What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?

undefined reference to WinMain@16 or similar 'unusual' main() entry point reference (especially for ).

You may have missed to choose the right project type with your actual IDE. The IDE may want to bind e.g. Windows Application projects to such entry point function (as specified in the missing reference above), instead of the commonly used int main(int argc, char** argv); signature.

If your IDE supports Plain Console Projects you might want to choose this project type, instead of a windows application project.

Here are case1 and case2 handled in more detail from a real world problem.

How do I set the driver's python version in spark?

Setting PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3 and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=python3 both to python3 works for me. I did this using export in my .bashrc. In the end, these are the variables I create:

export SPARK_HOME="$HOME/Downloads/spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.4"
export IPYTHON=1
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3

I also followed this tutorial to make it work from within Ipython3 notebook:

Getting a list item by index


Assuming list's type has an indexer defined.

Try/catch does not seem to have an effect

Edit: As stated in the comments, the following solution applies to PowerShell V1 only.

See this blog post on "Technical Adventures of Adam Weigert" for details on how to implement this.

Example usage (copy/paste from Adam Weigert's blog):

Try {
    echo " ::Do some work..."
    echo " ::Try divide by zero: $(0/0)"
} -Catch {
    echo "  ::Cannot handle the error (will rethrow): $_"
    #throw $_
} -Finally {
    echo " ::Cleanup resources..."

Otherwise you'll have to use exception trapping.

Node.js client for a server

Client side code: I had a requirement where my nodejs webserver should work as both server as well as client, so i added below code when i need it as client, It should work fine, i am using it and working fine for me!!!

const socket = require('')('', {
            reconnection: true,
            reconnectionDelay: 10000
        socket.on('connect', (data) => {
            console.log('Connected to Socket');
        socket.on('event_name', (data) => {
            console.log("-----------------received event data from the socket io server");
        //either 'io server disconnect' or 'io client disconnect'
        socket.on('disconnect', (reason) => {
            console.log("client disconnected");
            if (reason === 'io server disconnect') {
              // the disconnection was initiated by the server, you need to reconnect manually
              console.log("server disconnected the client, trying to reconnect");
                console.log("trying to reconnect again with server");
            // else the socket will automatically try to reconnect
        socket.on('error', (error) => {

Swift - Split string over multiple lines


@connor is the right answer, but if you want to add lines in a print statement what you are looking for is \n and/or \r, these are called Escape Sequences or Escaped Characters, this is a link to Apple documentation on the topic..


print("First line\nSecond Line\rThirdLine...")

Twitter bootstrap scrollable modal

Your modal is being hidden in firefox, and that is because of the negative margin declaration you have inside your general stylesheet:

.modal {
    margin-top: -45%; /* remove this */
    max-height: 90%;
    overflow-y: auto;

Remove the negative margin and everything works just fine.

How can I change the current URL?

Hmm, I would use

window.location = 'http://localhost/index.html#?options=go_here';

I'm not exactly sure if that is what you mean.

Best way to do a split pane in HTML

Here is my lightweight vanilla JavaScript approach, using Flexbox:

It was tested successfully in Google Chrome 54, Firefox 50, Safari 10, don't know about other browsers.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>

    <style type="text/css">

        html, body {
            height: 100%;

        .panes-container {
            display: flex;
            width: 100%;
            overflow: hidden;

        .left-pane {
            width: 18%;
            background: #ccc;

        .panes-separator {
            width: 2%;
            background: red;
            position: relative;
            cursor: col-resize;

        .right-pane {
            flex: auto;
            background: #eee;

        .right-pane {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            height: 100%;




<div class="panes-container">
    <div class="left-pane" id="left-pane">
        <p>I'm the left pane</p>
            <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>
    <div class="panes-separator" id="panes-separator"></div>
    <div class="right-pane" id="right-pane">
        <p>And I'm the right pane</p>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A accusantium at cum cupiditate dolorum, eius eum
            eveniet facilis illum maiores molestiae necessitatibus optio possimus sequi sunt, vel voluptate. Asperiores,


    var leftPane = document.getElementById('left-pane');
    var rightPane = document.getElementById('right-pane');
    var paneSep = document.getElementById('panes-separator');

    // The script below constrains the target to move horizontally between a left and a right virtual boundaries.
    // - the left limit is positioned at 10% of the screen width
    // - the right limit is positioned at 90% of the screen width
    var leftLimit = 10;
    var rightLimit = 90;

    paneSep.sdrag(function (el, pageX, startX, pageY, startY, fix) {

        fix.skipX = true;

        if (pageX < window.innerWidth * leftLimit / 100) {
            pageX = window.innerWidth * leftLimit / 100;
            fix.pageX = pageX;
        if (pageX > window.innerWidth * rightLimit / 100) {
            pageX = window.innerWidth * rightLimit / 100;
            fix.pageX = pageX;

        var cur = pageX / window.innerWidth * 100;
        if (cur < 0) {
            cur = 0;
        if (cur > window.innerWidth) {
            cur = window.innerWidth;

        var right = (100-cur-2); = cur + '%'; = right + '%';

    }, null, 'horizontal');



This HTML code depends on the simpledrag vanilla JavaScript lightweight library (less than 60 lines of code).

Laravel Eloquent - distinct() and count() not working properly together

This was working for me so Try This: $ad->getcodes()->distinct('pid')->count()

How to add dividers and spaces between items in RecyclerView?

Just add

recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(getContext(),

Also you may need to add the dependency
implementation ''

For customizing it a little bit you can add a custom drawable:

DividerItemDecoration itemDecorator = new DividerItemDecoration(getContext(), DividerItemDecoration.VERTICAL);
itemDecorator.setDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getContext(), R.drawable.divider));

You are free to use any custom drawable, for instance:

<shape xmlns:android=""
    <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary"/>
    <size android:height="0.5dp"/>

Set a path variable with spaces in the path in a Windows .cmd file or batch file

If you need to store permanent path (path is not changed when cmd is restart)

  1. Run the Command Prompt as administrator (Right click on cmd.exe and select run as administrator)

  2. In cmd setx path "%path%;your new path" then enter

  3. Check whether the path is taken correctly by typing path and pressing enter

How to change Git log date formats

Use Bash and the date command to convert from an ISO-like format to the one you want. I wanted an org-mode date format (and list item), so I did this:

echo + [$(date -d "$(git log --pretty=format:%ai -1)" +"%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M")] \
    $(git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --abbrev=12 -1)

And the result is for example:

+ [2015-09-13 Sun 22:44] 2b0ad02e6cec Merge pull request #72 from 3b/bug-1474631

How to ignore deprecation warnings in Python

From documentation of the warnings module:

 #!/usr/bin/env python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning

If you're on Windows: pass -W ignore::DeprecationWarning as an argument to Python. Better though to resolve the issue, by casting to int.

(Note that in Python 3.2, deprecation warnings are ignored by default.)

splitting a number into the integer and decimal parts

If you don't mind using NumPy, then:

In [319]: real = np.array([1234.5678])

In [327]: integ, deci = int(np.floor(real)), np.asscalar(real % 1)

In [328]: integ, deci
Out[328]: (1234, 0.5678000000000338)

How can I read Chrome Cache files?

EDIT: The below answer no longer works see here

Google Chrome cache file format description.

Cache files list, see URLs (copy and paste to your browser address bar):

  • chrome://cache/
  • chrome://view-http-cache/

Cache folder in Linux: $~/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache

Let's determine in file GZIP encoding:

$ head f84358af102b1064_0 | hexdump -C | grep --before-context=100 --after-context=5 "1f 8b 08"

Extract Chrome cache file by one line on PHP (without header, CRC32 and ISIZE block):

$ php -r "echo gzinflate(substr(strchr(file_get_contents('f84358af102b1064_0'), \"\x1f\x8b\x08\"), 10,

String comparison in Objective-C

You can use case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison, depending what you need. Case-sensitive is like this:

if ([category isEqualToString:@"Some String"])
   // Both strings are equal without respect to their case.

Case-insensitive is like this:

if ([category compare:@"Some String" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch] == NSOrderedSame)
   // Both strings are equal with respect to their case.

run program in Python shell

Use execfile for Python 2:

>>> execfile('C:\\')

Use exec for Python 3

>>> exec(open("C:\\").read())

I am getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" error even though it is defined in my classpath

I faced same problem and tried above solutions but none of them worked for me. Then I tried following steps and the problem was solved:

  • Go to the project properties.
  • Go to Java Build Path option.
  • Then add *.jar file as external jar.
  • Then go to the order and export option and select the libraries and jars of the project.
  • save the current changes and clean the project and run the project again.

Enter key in textarea

My scenario is when the user strikes the enter key while typing in textarea i have to include a line break.I achieved this using the below code......Hope it may helps somebody......

function CheckLength()
    var keyCode = event.keyCode
    if (keyCode == 13)
        document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_id_txt_Suggestions').value = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_id_txt_Suggestions').value + "\n<br>";

Pandas convert dataframe to array of tuples

A generic way:

[tuple(x) for x in data_set.to_records(index=False)]

What is a "callback" in C and how are they implemented?

A callback in C is a function that is provided to another function to "call back to" at some point when the other function is doing its task.

There are two ways that a callback is used: synchronous callback and asynchronous callback. A synchronous callback is provided to another function which is going to do some task and then return to the caller with the task completed. An asynchronous callback is provided to another function which is going to start a task and then return to the caller with the task possibly not completed.

A synchronous callback is typically used to provide a delegate to another function to which the other function delegates some step of the task. Classic examples of this delegation are the functions bsearch() and qsort() from the C Standard Library. Both of these functions take a callback which is used during the task the function is providing so that the type of the data being searched, in the case of bsearch(), or sorted, in the case of qsort(), does not need to be known by the function being used.

For instance here is a small sample program with bsearch() using different comparison functions, synchronous callbacks. By allowing us to delegate the data comparison to a callback function, the bsearch() function allows us to decide at run time what kind of comparison we want to use. This is synchronous because when the bsearch() function returns the task is complete.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct {
    int iValue;
    int kValue;
    char label[6];
} MyData;

int cmpMyData_iValue (MyData *item1, MyData *item2)
    if (item1->iValue < item2->iValue) return -1;
    if (item1->iValue > item2->iValue) return 1;
    return 0;

int cmpMyData_kValue (MyData *item1, MyData *item2)
    if (item1->kValue < item2->kValue) return -1;
    if (item1->kValue > item2->kValue) return 1;
    return 0;

int cmpMyData_label (MyData *item1, MyData *item2)
    return strcmp (item1->label, item2->label);

void bsearch_results (MyData *srch, MyData *found)
        if (found) {
            printf ("found - iValue = %d, kValue = %d, label = %s\n", found->iValue, found->kValue, found->label);
        } else {
            printf ("item not found, iValue = %d, kValue = %d, label = %s\n", srch->iValue, srch->kValue, srch->label);

int main ()
    MyData dataList[256] = {0};

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            dataList[i].iValue = i + 100;
            dataList[i].kValue = i + 1000;
            sprintf (dataList[i].label, "%2.2d", i + 10);

//  ... some code then we do a search
        MyData srchItem = { 105, 1018, "13"};
        MyData *foundItem = bsearch (&srchItem, dataList, 20, sizeof(MyData), cmpMyData_iValue );

        bsearch_results (&srchItem, foundItem);

        foundItem = bsearch (&srchItem, dataList, 20, sizeof(MyData), cmpMyData_kValue );
        bsearch_results (&srchItem, foundItem);

        foundItem = bsearch (&srchItem, dataList, 20, sizeof(MyData), cmpMyData_label );
        bsearch_results (&srchItem, foundItem);

An asynchronous callback is different in that when the called function to which we provide a callback returns, the task may not be completed. This type of callback is often used with asynchronous I/O in which an I/O operation is started and then when it is completed, the callback is invoked.

In the following program we create a socket to listen for TCP connection requests and when a request is received, the function doing the listening then invokes the callback function provided. This simple application can be exercised by running it in one window while using the telnet utility or a web browser to attempt to connect in another window.

I lifted most of the WinSock code from the example Microsoft provides with the accept() function at

This application starts a listen() on the local host,, using port 8282 so you could use either telnet 8282 or

This sample application was created as a console application with Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition and it is using the Microsoft WinSock version of sockets. For a Linux application the WinSock functions would need to be replaced with the Linux alternatives and the Windows threads library would use pthreads instead.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <Windows.h>

// Need to link with Ws2_32.lib
#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")

// function for the thread we are going to start up with _beginthreadex().
// this function/thread will create a listen server waiting for a TCP
// connection request to come into the designated port.
// _stdcall modifier required by _beginthreadex().
int _stdcall ioThread(void (*pOutput)())
    // Initialize Winsock.
    WSADATA wsaData;
    int iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
    if (iResult != NO_ERROR) {
        printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %ld\n", iResult);
        return 1;
    // Create a SOCKET for listening for
    // incoming connection requests.
    SOCKET ListenSocket;
    ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if (ListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
        wprintf(L"socket failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
        return 1;
    // The sockaddr_in structure specifies the address family,
    // IP address, and port for the socket that is being bound.
    struct sockaddr_in service;
    service.sin_family = AF_INET;
    service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
    service.sin_port = htons(8282);

    if (bind(ListenSocket, (SOCKADDR *)& service, sizeof(service)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        printf("bind failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
        return 1;
    // Listen for incoming connection requests.
    // on the created socket
    if (listen(ListenSocket, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        printf("listen failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
        return 1;
    // Create a SOCKET for accepting incoming requests.
    SOCKET AcceptSocket;
    printf("Waiting for client to connect...\n");

    // Accept the connection.
    AcceptSocket = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL);
    if (AcceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
        printf("accept failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
        return 1;
        pOutput ();   // we have a connection request so do the callback

    // No longer need server socket

    return 0;

// our callback which is invoked whenever a connection is made.
void printOut(void)
    printf("connection received.\n");

#include <process.h>

int main()
     // start up our listen server and provide a callback
    _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ioThread, printOut, 0, NULL);
    // do other things while waiting for a connection. In this case
    // just sleep for a while.

Is it possible to Turn page programmatically in UIPageViewController?

However using this 'self.pageViewController setViewControllers' method call does not call 'viewDidDissapear' on the viewController for the page that has been turned away, whereas manually turning a page does call viewDidDissapear on the turned away page. I believe this is the cause of my crash

"The number of view controllers provided (0) doesn't match the number required (1) for the requested transition"

How to install pandas from pip on windows cmd?

install pip, securely download

Then run the following:


On Windows, to get Pandas running,follow the step given in following link

C# removing items from listbox

Sorry guys i had to adjust the string

sqldatapull = dr[0].ToString();
                if (sqldatapull.StartsWith("OBJECT"))
                    sqldatapull = "";
                for (int i = listBox1.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(listBox1.Items[i] as String))

Is there a better jQuery solution to this.form.submit();?

You can always JQuery-ize your form.submit, but it may just call the same thing:

$("form").submit(); // probably able to affect multiple forms (good or bad)

// or you can address it by ID

You can also attach functions to the submit event, but that is a different concept.

What is the purpose of the : (colon) GNU Bash builtin?

If you'd like to truncate a file to zero bytes, useful for clearing logs, try this:

:> file.log

Vertically centering a div inside another div

When your height is not set (auto); you can give inner div some padding (top and bottom) to make it vertically center:

    <div style="padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px">

Batch file to move files to another directory

/q isn't a valid parameter. /y: Suppresses prompting to confirm overwriting

Also ..\txt means directory txt under the parent directory, not the root directory. The root directory would be: \ And please mention the error you get


move files\*.txt \ 

Edit: Try:

move \files\*.txt \ 

Edit 2:

move C:\files\*.txt C:\txt

AJAX cross domain call

You will need to dynamically insert a script tag into the page that references the data. Using JSONP, you can execute some callback function when the script has loaded.

The wikipedia page on JSONP has a concise example; the script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

would return the JSON data wrapped in a call to parseResponse:

parseResponse({"Name": "Cheeso", "Rank": 7})

(depending on the configuration of the getjson script on

The code to insert the tag dynamically would be something like:

var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = "";
s.type = "text/javascript";

What is the purpose of the "final" keyword in C++11 for functions?

The final keyword allows you to declare a virtual method, override it N times, and then mandate that 'this can no longer be overridden'. It would be useful in restricting use of your derived class, so that you can say "I know my super class lets you override this, but if you want to derive from me, you can't!".

struct Foo
   virtual void DoStuff();

struct Bar : public Foo
   void DoStuff() final;

struct Babar : public Bar
   void DoStuff(); // error!

As other posters pointed out, it cannot be applied to non-virtual functions.

One purpose of the final keyword is to prevent accidental overriding of a method. In my example, DoStuff() may have been a helper function that the derived class simply needs to rename to get correct behavior. Without final, the error would not be discovered until testing.

How to loop and render elements in React-native?

render() {
  return (
    <View style={...}>
       {, key) => {
         return (
           <Button style={{borderColor: prop[0]}}  key={key}>{prop[1]}</Button>

should do the trick

How to get an isoformat datetime string including the default timezone?

Something like the following example. Note I'm in Eastern Australia (UTC + 10 hours at the moment).

>>> import datetime
>>> dtnow =;dtutcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
>>> dtnow
datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 4, 9, 33, 9, 890000)
>>> dtutcnow
datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 3, 23, 33, 9, 890000)
>>> delta = dtnow - dtutcnow
>>> delta
datetime.timedelta(0, 36000)
>>> hh,mm = divmod((delta.days * 24*60*60 + delta.seconds + 30) // 60, 60)
>>> hh,mm
(10, 0)
>>> "%s%+02d:%02d" % (dtnow.isoformat(), hh, mm)

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android

In order to move a View anywhere on the screen, I would recommend placing it in a full screen layout. By doing so, you won't have to worry about clippings or relative coordinates.

You can try this sample code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/rootLayout">

        android:text="MOVE" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_marginBottom="100dip"/>

        android:orientation="vertical" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false">

            android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_marginTop="150dip"/>


Your activity

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ((Button) findViewById( )).setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById( );              
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );                
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );

private void moveViewToScreenCenter( View view )
    RelativeLayout root = (RelativeLayout) findViewById( );
    DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
    this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics( dm );
    int statusBarOffset = dm.heightPixels - root.getMeasuredHeight();

    int originalPos[] = new int[2];
    view.getLocationOnScreen( originalPos );

    int xDest = dm.widthPixels/2;
    xDest -= (view.getMeasuredWidth()/2);
    int yDest = dm.heightPixels/2 - (view.getMeasuredHeight()/2) - statusBarOffset;

    TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation( 0, xDest - originalPos[0] , 0, yDest - originalPos[1] );
    anim.setFillAfter( true );

The method moveViewToScreenCenter gets the View's absolute coordinates and calculates how much distance has to move from its current position to reach the center of the screen. The statusBarOffset variable measures the status bar height.

I hope you can keep going with this example. Remember that after the animation your view's position is still the initial one. If you tap the MOVE button again and again the same movement will repeat. If you want to change your view's position do it after the animation is finished.

Interpreting "condition has length > 1" warning from `if` function

Use lapply function after creating your function normally.

lapply(x="your input", fun="insert your function name")

lapply gives a list so use unlist function to take them out of the function


Spring not autowiring in unit tests with JUnit

Add something like this to your root unit test class:

@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )

This will use the XML in your default path. If you need to specify a non-default path then you can supply a locations property to the ContextConfiguration annotation.

.htaccess: where is located when not in www base dir

The .htaccess is either in the root-directory of your webpage or in the directory you want to protect.

Make sure to make them visible in your filesystem, because AFAIK (I'm no unix expert either) files starting with a period are invisible by default on unix-systems.

What is a void pointer in C++?

Void is used as a keyword. The void pointer, also known as the generic pointer, is a special type of pointer that can be pointed at objects of any data type! A void pointer is declared like a normal pointer, using the void keyword as the pointer’s type:

General Syntax:

void* pointer_variable;

void *pVoid; // pVoid is a void pointer

A void pointer can point to objects of any data type:

int nValue;
float fValue;

struct Something
    int nValue;
    float fValue;

Something sValue;

void *pVoid;
pVoid = &nValue; // valid
pVoid = &fValue; // valid
pVoid = &sValue; // valid

However, because the void pointer does not know what type of object it is pointing to, it can not be dereferenced! Rather, the void pointer must first be explicitly cast to another pointer type before it is dereferenced.

int nValue = 5;
void *pVoid = &nValue;

// can not dereference pVoid because it is a void pointer

int *pInt = static_cast<int*>(pVoid); // cast from void* to int*

cout << *pInt << endl; // can dereference pInt

Source: link

How to cast List<Object> to List<MyClass>

Note that I am no java programmer, but in .NET and C#, this feature is called contravariance or covariance. I haven't delved into those things yet, since they are new in .NET 4.0, which I'm not using since it's only beta, so I don't know which of the two terms describe your problem, but let me describe the technical issue with this.

Let's assume you were allowed to cast. Note, I say cast, since that's what you said, but there are two operations that could be possible, casting and converting.

Converting would mean that you get a new list object, but you say casting, which means you want to temporarily treat one object as another type.

Here's the problem with that.

What would happen if the following was allowed (note, I'm assuming that before the cast, the list of objects actually only contain Customer objects, otherwise the cast wouldn't work even in this hypothetical version of java):

List<Object> list = getList();
List<Customer> customers = (List<Customer>)list;
list.Insert(0, new someOtherObjectNotACustomer());
Customer c = customers[0];

In this case, this would attempt to treat an object, that isn't a customer, as a customer, and you would get a runtime error at one point, either form inside the list, or from the assignment.

Generics, however, is supposed to give you type-safe data types, like collections, and since they like to throw the word 'guaranteed' around, this sort of cast, with the problems that follow, is not allowed.

In .NET 4.0 (I know, your question was about java), this will be allowed in some very specific cases, where the compiler can guarantee that the operations you do are safe, but in the general sense, this type of cast will not be allowed. The same holds for java, although I'm unsure about any plans to introduce co- and contravariance to the java language.

Hopefully, someone with better java knowledge than me can tell you the specifics for the java future or implementation.

What is the difference between a heuristic and an algorithm?

I think Heuristic is more of a constraint used in Learning Based Model in Artificial Intelligent since the future solution states are difficult to predict.

But then my doubt after reading above answers is "How would Heuristic can be successfully applied using Stochastic Optimization Techniques? or can they function as full fledged algorithms when used with Stochastic Optimization?"

Where is the Java SDK folder in my computer? Ubuntu 12.04

I am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. In my case I had to open the file:


And change the jdk location to:


Then saved the file and re-run Netbeans. It worked for me.

Create a file if one doesn't exist - C

You typically have to do this in a single syscall, or else you will get a race condition.

This will open for reading and writing, creating the file if necessary.

FILE *fp = fopen("scores.dat", "ab+");

If you want to read it and then write a new version from scratch, then do it as two steps.

FILE *fp = fopen("scores.dat", "rb");
if (fp) {

// Later...

// truncates the file
FILE *fp = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");
if (!fp)

How to pip install a package with min and max version range?

you can also use:

pip install package==0.5.*

which is more consistent and easy to read.

Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

Instead of writing some javascript or jquery code(reinventing the wheel). The above scenario can be managed by bootstrap auto-close option. You can provide either of the values to auto-close:

  1. always - (Default) automatically closes the dropdown when any of its elements is clicked.

  2. outsideClick - closes the dropdown automatically only when the user clicks any element outside the dropdown.

  3. disabled - disables the auto close

Take a look at the following plunkr :


uib-dropdown auto-close="disabled" 

Hope this helps :)

How to validate GUID is a GUID

Use GUID constructor standard functionality

Public Function IsValid(pString As String) As Boolean

        Dim mGuid As New Guid(pString)
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return False
    End Try
    Return True

End Function

Numpy converting array from float to strings

If the main problem is the loss of precision when converting from a float to a string, one possible way to go is to convert the floats to the decimalS:

In python 2.7 and higher you can directly convert a float to a decimal object.

How to print a float with 2 decimal places in Java?

One issue that had me for an hour or more, on DecimalFormat- It handles double and float inputs differently. Even change of RoundingMode did not help. I am no expert but thought it may help someone like me. Ended up using Math.round instead. See below:

    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    double d = 0.7750;
    System.out.println(" Double 0.7750 -> " +Double.valueOf(df.format(d)));
    float f = 0.7750f;
    System.out.println(" Float 0.7750f -> "+Float.valueOf(df.format(f)));
    // change the RoundingMode
    System.out.println(" Rounding Up Double 0.7750 -> " +Double.valueOf(df.format(d)));
    System.out.println(" Rounding Up Float 0.7750f -> " +Float.valueOf(df.format(f)));


Double 0.7750 -> 0.78
Float 0.7750f -> 0.77

Rounding Up Double 0.7750 -> 0.78
Rounding Up Float 0.7750f -> 0.77

When to use AtomicReference in Java?

When do we use AtomicReference?

AtomicReference is flexible way to update the variable value atomically without use of synchronization.

AtomicReference support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables.

There are multiple ways of achieving Thread safety with high level concurrent API. Atomic variables is one of the multiple options.

Lock objects support locking idioms that simplify many concurrent applications.

Executors define a high-level API for launching and managing threads. Executor implementations provided by java.util.concurrent provide thread pool management suitable for large-scale applications.

Concurrent collections make it easier to manage large collections of data, and can greatly reduce the need for synchronization.

Atomic variables have features that minimize synchronization and help avoid memory consistency errors.

Provide a simple example where AtomicReference should be used.

Sample code with AtomicReference:

String initialReference = "value 1";

AtomicReference<String> someRef =
    new AtomicReference<String>(initialReference);

String newReference = "value 2";
boolean exchanged = someRef.compareAndSet(initialReference, newReference);
System.out.println("exchanged: " + exchanged);

Is it needed to create objects in all multithreaded programs?

You don't have to use AtomicReference in all multi threaded programs.

If you want to guard a single variable, use AtomicReference. If you want to guard a code block, use other constructs like Lock /synchronized etc.

Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute

Just add

model.addAttribute("login", new Login());

to your method ..

it will work..

Hiding and Showing TabPages in tabControl

you can always hide or show the tabpage.

'in VB
myTabControl.TabPages(9).Hide() 'to hide the tabpage that has index 9
myTabControl.TabPages(9).Show() 'to show the tabpage that has index 9

how to use ng-option to set default value of select element

If anyone is running into the default value occasionally being not populated on the page in Chrome, IE 10/11, Firefox -- try adding this attribute to your input/select field checking for the populated variable in the HTML, like so:

<input data-ng-model="vm.x" data-ng-if="vm.x !== '' && vm.x !== undefined && vm.x !== null" />

How can I sort generic list DESC and ASC?

without linq, use Sort() and then Reverse() it.

How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?

In my opinion, turning off the -e option to your shell is a really bad idea. Eventually one of the commands in your script will fail due to transient conditions like out of disk space or network errors. Without -e Jenkins won't notice and will continue along happily. If you've got Jenkins set up to do deployment, that may result in bad code getting pushed and bringing down your site.

If you have a line in your script where failure is expected, like a grep or a find, then just add || true to the end of that line. That ensures that line will always return success.

If you need to use that exit code, you can either hoist the command into your if statement:

grep foo bar; if [ $? == 0 ]; then ...    -->   if grep foo bar; then ...

Or you can capture the return code in your || clause:

grep foo bar || ret=$?

Invalidating JSON Web Tokens

The ideas posted above are good, but a very simple and easy way to invalidate all the existing JWTs is simply to change the secret.

If your server creates the JWT, signs it with a secret (JWS) then sends it to the client, simply changing the secret will invalidating all existing tokens and require all users to gain a new token to authenticate as their old token suddenly becomes invalid according to the server.

It doesn't require any modifications to the actual token contents (or lookup ID).

Clearly this only works for an emergency case when you wanted all existing tokens to expire, for per token expiry one of the solutions above is required (such as short token expiry time or invalidating a stored key inside the token).

Package Manager Console Enable-Migrations CommandNotFoundException only in a specific VS project

if you create an MVC Web project You should select Authentication when creating the project . by defaults is not selected. enter image description here

How to load GIF image in Swift?

//  iOSDevCenters+GIF.swift
//  GIF-Swift
//  Created by iOSDevCenters on 11/12/15.
//  Copyright © 2016 iOSDevCenters. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import ImageIO

extension UIImage {

public class func gifImageWithData(data: NSData) -> UIImage? {
    guard let source = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(data, nil) else {
        print("image doesn't exist")
        return nil

    return UIImage.animatedImageWithSource(source: source)

public class func gifImageWithURL(gifUrl:String) -> UIImage? {
    guard let bundleURL = NSURL(string: gifUrl)
        else {
            print("image named \"\(gifUrl)\" doesn't exist")
            return nil
    guard let imageData = NSData(contentsOf: bundleURL as URL) else {
        print("image named \"\(gifUrl)\" into NSData")
        return nil

    return gifImageWithData(data: imageData)

public class func gifImageWithName(name: String) -> UIImage? {
    guard let bundleURL = Bundle.main
        .url(forResource: name, withExtension: "gif") else {
            print("SwiftGif: This image named \"\(name)\" does not exist")
            return nil

    guard let imageData = NSData(contentsOf: bundleURL) else {
        print("SwiftGif: Cannot turn image named \"\(name)\" into NSData")
        return nil

    return gifImageWithData(data: imageData)

class func delayForImageAtIndex(index: Int, source: CGImageSource!) -> Double {
    var delay = 0.1

    let cfProperties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, index, nil)
    let gifProperties: CFDictionary = unsafeBitCast(CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProperties, Unmanaged.passUnretained(kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary).toOpaque()), to: CFDictionary.self)

    var delayObject: AnyObject = unsafeBitCast(CFDictionaryGetValue(gifProperties, Unmanaged.passUnretained(kCGImagePropertyGIFUnclampedDelayTime).toOpaque()), to: AnyObject.self)

    if delayObject.doubleValue == 0 {
        delayObject = unsafeBitCast(CFDictionaryGetValue(gifProperties, Unmanaged.passUnretained(kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime).toOpaque()), to: AnyObject.self)

    delay = delayObject as! Double

    if delay < 0.1 {
        delay = 0.1

    return delay

class func gcdForPair(a: Int?, _ b: Int?) -> Int {
    var a = a
    var b = b
    if b == nil || a == nil {
        if b != nil {
            return b!
        } else if a != nil {
            return a!
        } else {
            return 0

    if a! < b! {
        let c = a!
        a = b!
        b = c

    var rest: Int
    while true {
        rest = a! % b!

        if rest == 0 {
            return b!
        } else {
            a = b!
            b = rest

class func gcdForArray(array: Array<Int>) -> Int {
    if array.isEmpty {
        return 1

    var gcd = array[0]

    for val in array {
        gcd = UIImage.gcdForPair(a: val, gcd)

    return gcd

class func animatedImageWithSource(source: CGImageSource) -> UIImage? {
    let count = CGImageSourceGetCount(source)
    var images = [CGImage]()
    var delays = [Int]()

    for i in 0..<count {
        if let image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(source, i, nil) {

        let delaySeconds = UIImage.delayForImageAtIndex(index: Int(i), source: source)
        delays.append(Int(delaySeconds * 1000.0)) // Seconds to ms

    let duration: Int = {
        var sum = 0

        for val: Int in delays {
            sum += val

        return sum

    let gcd = gcdForArray(array: delays)
    var frames = [UIImage]()

    var frame: UIImage
    var frameCount: Int
    for i in 0..<count {
        frame = UIImage(cgImage: images[Int(i)])
        frameCount = Int(delays[Int(i)] / gcd)

        for _ in 0..<frameCount {

    let animation = UIImage.animatedImage(with: frames, duration: Double(duration) / 1000.0)

    return animation

Here is the file updated for Swift 3

C++ convert string to hexadecimal and vice versa

string ToHex(const string& s, bool upper_case /* = true */)
    ostringstream ret;

    for (string::size_type i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
        ret << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << (upper_case ? std::uppercase : std::nouppercase) << (int)s[i];

    return ret.str();

int FromHex(const string &s) { return strtoul(s.c_str(), NULL, 16); }

SQL Server: Maximum character length of object names

128 characters. This is the max length of the sysname datatype (nvarchar(128)).

Sharing link on WhatsApp from mobile website (not application) for Android

I'm afraid that WhatsApp for Android does not currently support to be called from a web browser.

I had the same requirement for my current project, and since I couldn't find any proper information I ended up downloading the APK file.

In Android, if an application wants to be called from a web browser, it needs to define an Activity with the category android.intent.category.BROWSABLE.

You can find more information about this here:

If you take a look to the WhatsApp AndroidManifest.xml file, the only Activiy with category BROWSABLE is this one:

<activity android:name="com.whatsapp.Conversation"   android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateUnchanged">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.SENDTO" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            <data android:scheme="sms" />
            <data android:scheme="smsto" />

I've been playing with it for a while, and I couldn't make it to work. The most I got was to open the WhatsApp application from Chrome, but I couldn't figure out a way to set the message content and recipient.

Since it is not documented by the WhatsApp team, I think this is still work in progress. It looks like in the future WhatsApp will handle SMS too.

The only way to get more information is by reaching the WhatsApp dev team, what I tried, but I'm still waiting for a response.


How to make a <button> in Bootstrap look like a normal link in nav-tabs?

In bootstrap 3, this works well for me:

.btn-link.btn-anchor {
    outline: none !important;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    vertical-align: baseline;

Used like:

<button type="button" class="btn-link btn-anchor">My Button</button>


MySQL: update a field only if condition is met

Another solution which, in my opinion, is easier to read would be:

UPDATE test 
    SET something = 1, field = IF(condition is true, 1, field) 
    WHERE id = 123

What this does is set 'field' to 1 (like OP used as example) if the condition is met and use the current value of 'field' if not met. Using the previous value is the same as not changing, so there you go.

Using sed, how do you print the first 'N' characters of a line?

Strictly with sed:

grep ... | sed -e 's/^\(.\{N\}\).*$/\1/'

Sticky and NON-Sticky sessions

When your website is served by only one web server, for each client-server pair, a session object is created and remains in the memory of the web server. All the requests from the client go to this web server and update this session object. If some data needs to be stored in the session object over the period of interaction, it is stored in this session object and stays there as long as the session exists.

However, if your website is served by multiple web servers which sit behind a load balancer, the load balancer decides which actual (physical) web-server should each request go to. For example, if there are 3 web servers A, B and C behind the load balancer, it is possible that is served from server A, is served from server B and are served from server C.

Now, if the requests are being served from (physically) 3 different servers, each server has created a session object for you and because these session objects sit on three independent boxes, there's no direct way of one knowing what is there in the session object of the other. In order to synchronize between these server sessions, you may have to write/read the session data into a layer which is common to all - like a DB. Now writing and reading data to/from a db for this use-case may not be a good idea. Now, here comes the role of sticky-session.

If the load balancer is instructed to use sticky sessions, all of your interactions will happen with the same physical server, even though other servers are present. Thus, your session object will be the same throughout your entire interaction with this website.

To summarize, In case of Sticky Sessions, all your requests will be directed to the same physical web server while in case of a non-sticky loadbalancer may choose any webserver to serve your requests.

As an example, you may read about Amazon's Elastic Load Balancer and sticky sessions here :

In Excel, how do I extract last four letters of a ten letter string?

No need to use a macro. Supposing your first string is in A1.

=RIGHT(A1, 4)

Drag this down and you will get your four last characters.

Edit: To be sure, if you ever have sequences like 'ABC DEF' and want the last four LETTERS and not CHARACTERS you might want to use trimspaces()


Edit: As per brettdj's suggestion, you may want to check that your string is actually 4-character long or more:


How to save DataFrame directly to Hive?

Sorry writing late to the post but I see no accepted answer.

df.write().saveAsTable will throw AnalysisException and is not HIVE table compatible.

Storing DF as df.write().format("hive") should do the trick!

However, if that doesn't work, then going by the previous comments and answers, this is what is the best solution in my opinion (Open to suggestions though).

Best approach is to explicitly create HIVE table (including PARTITIONED table),

def createHiveTable: Unit ={
spark.sql("CREATE TABLE $hive_table_name($fields) " +
  "PARTITIONED BY ($partition_column String) STORED AS $StorageType")

save DF as temp table,


and insert into PARTITIONED HIVE table:

spark.sql("insert into table default.$hive_table_name PARTITION($partition_column) select * from $tempTableName")
spark.sql("select * from default.$hive_table_name").show(1000,false)

Offcourse the LAST COLUMN in DF will be the PARTITION COLUMN so create HIVE table accordingly!

Please comment if it works! or not.


  .saveAsTable($new_table_name_to_be_created_in_hive)  //Table should not exist OR should be a PARTITIONED table in HIVE

How to call a JavaScript function within an HTML body

Just to clarify things, you don't/can't "execute it within the HTML body".

You can modify the contents of the HTML using javascript.

You decide at what point you want the javascript to be executed.

For example, here is the contents of a html file, including javascript, that does what you want.

    // The next line document.addEventListener....
    // tells the browser to execute the javascript in the function after
    // the DOMContentLoaded event is complete, i.e. the browser has
    // finished loading the full webpage
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
      var col1 = ["Full time student checking (Age 22 and under) ", "Customers over age 65", "Below  $500.00" ];
      var col2 = ["None", "None", "$8.00"];
      var TheInnerHTML ="";
      for (var j = 0; j < col1.length; j++) {
        TheInnerHTML += "<tr><td>"+col1[j]+"</td><td>"+col2[j]+"</td></tr>";
    document.getElementById("TheBody").innerHTML = TheInnerHTML;});
    <tbody id="TheBody">

Enjoy !

Getting CheckBoxList Item values

This will do the trick for you:

foreach (int indexChecked in checkedListBox1.CheckedIndices)
    string itemtxt = checkedListBox11.Items[indexChecked];

It will return whatever string value is in the checkedlistbox items.

How should I escape commas and speech marks in CSV files so they work in Excel?

We eventually found the answer to this.

Excel will only respect the escaping of commas and speech marks if the column value is NOT preceded by a space. So generating the file without spaces like this...

1,"My little title","My description, which may contain ""speech marks"" and commas."
2,"My other little title","My other description, which may also contain ""speech marks"" and commas."

... fixed the problem. Hope this helps someone!

No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?

You'll have to have a ContextLoaderListener in your web.xml - It loads your configuration files.


You need to understand the difference between Web application context and root application context .

In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext. These inherited beans defined can be overridden in the servlet-specific scope, and new scope-specific beans can be defined local to a given servlet instance.

The dispatcher servlet's application context is a web application context which is only applicable for the Web classes . You cannot use these for your middle tier layers . These need a global app context using ContextLoaderListener .

Read the spring reference here for spring mvc .

How to call a function after delay in Kotlin?

If you are looking for generic usage, here is my suggestion:

Create a class named as Run:

class Run {
    companion object {
        fun after(delay: Long, process: () -> Unit) {
            }, delay)

And use like this:

Run.after(1000, {
    // print something useful etc.

How do I prevent mails sent through PHP mail() from going to spam?

There is no sure shot trick. You need to explore the reasons why your mails are classified as spam. SpamAssassin hase a page describing Some Tips for Legitimate Senders to Avoid False Positives. See also Coding Horror: So You'd Like to Send Some Email (Through Code)

Can I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?

Use a duplicated double quote.

@"this ""word"" is escaped";


this "word" is escaped

Padding characters in printf

There's no way to pad with anything but spaces using printf. You can use sed:

printf "%-50s@%s\n" $PROC_NAME [UP] | sed -e 's/ /-/g' -e 's/@/ /' -e 's/-/ /'

ImportError: No module named PyQt4

After brew install pyqt, you can brew test pyqt which will use the python you have got in your PATH in oder to do the test (show a Qt window).

For non-brewed Python, you'll have to set your PYTHONPATH as brew info pyqt will tell.

Sometimes it is necessary to open a new shell or tap in order to use the freshly brewed binaries.

I frequently check these issues by printing the sys.path from inside of python: python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)" The $(brew --prefix)/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages have to be in the sys.path in order to be able to import stuff. As said, for brewed python, this is default but for any other python, you will have to set the PYTHONPATH.

Android, How can I Convert String to Date?

     import java.text.ParseException;
     import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
     import java.util.Date;
     public class MyClass 
     public static void main(String args[]) 
     SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z yyyy");

     String dateInString = "Wed Mar 14 15:30:00 EET 2018";

     SimpleDateFormat formatterOut = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");

     try {

        Date date = formatter.parse(dateInString);

         } catch (ParseException e) {

here is your Date object date and the output is :

Wed Mar 14 13:30:00 UTC 2018

14 Mar 2018

How to convert integer to decimal in SQL Server query?

declare @xx int 
set     @xx = 3 
select @xx      
select @xx * 2  -- yields another integer  
select @xx/1    -- same
select @xx/1.0  --yields 6 decimal places 
select @xx/1.00 --       6 
select @xx * 1.0  --     1 decimal place - victory
select @xx * 1.00 --     2         places - hooray 

Also _ inserting an int into a temp_table with like decimal(10,3) _ works ok.

What are the advantages of NumPy over regular Python lists?

Here's a nice answer from the FAQ on the website:

What advantages do NumPy arrays offer over (nested) Python lists?

Python’s lists are efficient general-purpose containers. They support (fairly) efficient insertion, deletion, appending, and concatenation, and Python’s list comprehensions make them easy to construct and manipulate. However, they have certain limitations: they don’t support “vectorized” operations like elementwise addition and multiplication, and the fact that they can contain objects of differing types mean that Python must store type information for every element, and must execute type dispatching code when operating on each element. This also means that very few list operations can be carried out by efficient C loops – each iteration would require type checks and other Python API bookkeeping.

Is there a way to pass jvm args via command line to maven?

I think MAVEN_OPTS would be most appropriate for you. See here:

In Unix:

Add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to specify JVM properties, e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m". This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

In Win, you need to set environment variable via the dialogue box

Add ... environment variable by opening up the system properties (WinKey + Pause),... In the same dialog, add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable in the user variables to specify JVM properties, e.g. the value -Xms256m -Xmx512m. This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

How does one use glide to download an image into a bitmap?

This is what worked for me:

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition;


  .into(new BitmapImageViewTarget(yourImageView) {
    public void onResourceReady(Bitmap bitmap, Transition<? super Bitmap> anim) {
        super.onResourceReady(bitmap, anim);
        Palette.generateAsync(bitmap, new Palette.PaletteAsyncListener() {  
            public void onGenerated(Palette palette) {
                // Here's your generated palette
                Palette.Swatch swatch = palette.getDarkVibrantSwatch();
                int color = palette.getDarkVibrantColor(swatch.getTitleTextColor());

How can I troubleshoot Python "Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>"

My pycharm ce had the same error, was easy to fix it, if someone has that error, just uninstall and delete the folder, use ctrl+h if you can't find the folder in your documents, install the software again and should work again.

Remember to save the scratches folder before erasing the pycharm folder.

Reusing a PreparedStatement multiple times

The second way is a tad more efficient, but a much better way is to execute them in batches:

public void executeBatch(List<Entity> entities) throws SQLException { 
    try (
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
        PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL);
    ) {
        for (Entity entity : entities) {
            statement.setObject(1, entity.getSomeProperty());
            // ...



You're however dependent on the JDBC driver implementation how many batches you could execute at once. You may for example want to execute them every 1000 batches:

public void executeBatch(List<Entity> entities) throws SQLException { 
    try (
        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
        PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL);
    ) {
        int i = 0;

        for (Entity entity : entities) {
            statement.setObject(1, entity.getSomeProperty());
            // ...


            if (i % 1000 == 0 || i == entities.size()) {
                statement.executeBatch(); // Execute every 1000 items.

As to the multithreaded environments, you don't need to worry about this if you acquire and close the connection and the statement in the shortest possible scope inside the same method block according the normal JDBC idiom using try-with-resources statement as shown in above snippets.

If those batches are transactional, then you'd like to turn off autocommit of the connection and only commit the transaction when all batches are finished. Otherwise it may result in a dirty database when the first bunch of batches succeeded and the later not.

public void executeBatch(List<Entity> entities) throws SQLException { 
    try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {

        try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL)) {
            // ...

            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw e;

How to call base.base.method()?

You can also make a simple function in first level derived class, to call grand base function

angular 4: *ngIf with multiple conditions

<div *ngIf="currentStatus !== ('status1' || 'status2' || 'status3' || 'status4')">

Why do we use $rootScope.$broadcast in AngularJS?

Passing data !!!

I wonder why no one mention that $broadcast accept a parameter where you can pass an Object that will be received by $on using a callback function


// the object to transfert
var myObject = {
    status : 10

$rootScope.$broadcast('status_updated', myObject);
$scope.$on('status_updated', function(event, obj){
    console.log(obj.status); // 10

How to retrieve current workspace using Jenkins Pipeline Groovy script?

This is where you can find the answer in the job-dsl-plugin code.

Basically you can do something like this:


Using a remote repository with non-standard port

This avoids your problem rather than fixing it directly, but I'd recommend adding a ~/.ssh/config file and having something like this

Host git_host
User root
Port 4019

then you can have

url = git_host:/var/cache/git/project.git

and you can also ssh git_host and scp git_host ... and everything will work out.

How do I set/unset a cookie with jQuery?

Make sure not to do something like this:

var a = $.cookie("cart").split(",");

Then, if the cookie doesn't exist, the debugger will return some unhelpful message like ".cookie not a function".

Always declare first, then do the split after checking for null. Like this:

var a = $.cookie("cart");
if (a != null) {
    var aa = a.split(",");

How to get UTF-8 working in Java webapps?

For my case of displaying Unicode character from message bundles, I don't need to apply "JSP page encoding" section to display Unicode on my jsp page. All I need is "CharsetFilter" section.

How to add a touch event to a UIView?

Create a gesture recognizer (subclass), that will implement touch events, like touchesBegan. You can add it to the view after that.

This way you'll use composition instead subclassing (which was the request).

Heroku + node.js error (Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch)

I've spent a lot of hours to find the root cause, and eventually I've found that this timeout (60s) can be adjustable. Here you may change 60 second to 120 or even more. It works for me, hope will help anybody else!

Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image



 define ("MAX_SIZE","4000");
 function getExtension($str) {
         $i = strrpos($str,".");
         if (!$i) { return ""; }
         $l = strlen($str) - $i;
         $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l);
         return $ext;


    $image =$_FILES["file"]["name"];
    $uploadedfile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

    if ($image) 

        $filename = stripslashes($_FILES['file']['name']);

        $extension = getExtension($filename);
        $extension = strtolower($extension);

 if (($extension != "jpg") && ($extension != "jpeg") && ($extension != "png") && ($extension != "gif")) 

            $change='<div class="msgdiv">Unknown Image extension </div> ';


if ($size > MAX_SIZE*1024)
    $change='<div class="msgdiv">You have exceeded the size limit!</div> ';

if($extension=="jpg" || $extension=="jpeg" )
$uploadedfile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile);

else if($extension=="png")
$uploadedfile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$src = imagecreatefrompng($uploadedfile);

$src = imagecreatefromgif($uploadedfile);

echo $scr;







$filename = "images/1-". $_FILES['file']['name']=time();

$filename1 = "images/2-". $_FILES['file']['name']=time();

$filename2 = "images/3-". $_FILES['file']['name']=time();





 if(isset($_POST['Submit']) && !$errors) 

   // mysql_query("update {$prefix}users set img='$big',img_small='$small' where user_id='$user'");
    $change=' <div class="msgdiv">Image Uploaded Successfully!</div>';

<html xml:lang="en" xmlns="" lang="en"><head>
    <title>picture demo</title>

   <link href=".css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery_002.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/displaymsg.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajaxdelete.js"></script>

  <style type="text/css">
font-size:11px; color:#006600;
body {
     color: #000000;
 background-color:#999999 ;
    background:#999999 url(<?php echo $user_row['img_src']; ?>) fixed repeat top left;

    font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 

background-color: #fff;
font-size:18px;-moz-border-radius: 6px;-webkit-border-radius: 6px;
#container{width:763px;margin:0 auto;padding:3px 0;text-align:left;position:relative; -moz-border-radius: 6px;-webkit-border-radius: 6px; background-color:#FFFFFF }

     <div align="center" id="err">
<?php echo $change; ?>  </div>
   <div id="space"></div>

  <div id="container" >

   <div id="con">

        <table width="502" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="main">
              <td width="500" height="238" valign="top" id="main_right">

              <div id="posts">
              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="<?php// echo $filename; ?>" />  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="<?php// echo $filename1; ?>"  />
                <form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1">
                <table width="500" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
               <tr><Td style="height:25px">&nbsp;</Td></tr>
          <td width="150"><div align="right" class="titles">Picture 
            : </div></td>
          <td width="350" align="left">
            <div align="left">
              <input size="25" name="file" type="file" style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt" class="box"/>


        <Td valign="top" height="35px" class="help">Image maximum size <b>4000 </b>kb</span></Td>
        <tr><Td></Td><Td valign="top" height="35px"><input type="submit" id="mybut" value="       Upload        " name="Submit"/></Td></tr>
          <td width="200">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="200"><table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="200" align="center"><div align="left"></div></td>
                <td width="100">&nbsp;</td>




How to start Apache and MySQL automatically when Windows 8 comes up

Find/search for file "xampp-control.ini" where you installed XAMPP server (e.g., D:\Server or C:\xampp).

Then edit in n the [Autostart] section:


Where 1 = true and 0 = false

That's so simple.

Copy files from one directory into an existing directory

cp dir1/* dir2

Or if you have directories inside dir1 that you'd want to copy as well

cp -r dir1/* dir2

Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

Hated having to CONVERT the int, and this seems much simpler. Might even perform better since there's only one string conversion and simple addition.

select RIGHT(1000000 + EmployeeId, 6) ...

Just make sure the "1000000" has at least as many zeros as the size needed.

How to work with string fields in a C struct?

While Richard's is what you want if you do want to go with a typedef, I'd suggest that it's probably not a particularly good idea in this instance, as you lose sight of it being a pointer, while not gaining anything.

If you were treating it a a counted string, or something with additional functionality, that might be different, but I'd really recommend that in this instance, you just get familiar with the 'standard' C string implementation being a 'char *'...

Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain

In XCode 4.0 main workspace, at the top left side & just after the "Stop Button", there is scheme selector, click on it and change your scheme to IPhone Simulator. That's it

Distribution certificate / private key not installed

Just for anyone else who goes through this, the answers above are correct but it can still be a bit confusing especially if you have multiple certificates. These were the steps that I took:

  1. First take note of the date in the actual distribution certificate that is missing its private key. Then go to the keychain application on the other computer and type iOS in the search bar. It will show all of your iOS Developer and Distribution keys so you have to find the right one.

  2. Click the right arrow of each iOS Distribution entry to reveal the certificate and find the one with the correct date and export that one by right clicking and selection export.

  3. Then just import it in the keychain of the new computer and at least with Xcode 9.3 it immediately recognizes it and corrects the error so you can now upload your achieve.

Error: class X is public should be declared in a file named

I had the same problem but solved it when I realized that I didn't compile it with the correct casing. You may have been doing


when it should have been


Laravel form html with PUT method for PUT routes

<form action="{{url('/url_part_in_route').'/'.$parameter_of_update_function_of_resource_controller}}"  method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT">    //   or @method('put')          
....    //  remained instructions                                                                              

Oracle SqlPlus - saving output in a file but don't show on screen

set termout off doesn't work from the command line, so create a file e.g. termout_off.sql containing the line:

set termout off

and call this from the SQL prompt:

SQL> @termout_off

What does it mean by select 1 from table?

select 1 from table is used by some databases as a query to test a connection to see if it's alive, often used when retrieving or returning a connection to / from a connection pool.

I'm getting Key error in python

Let us make it simple if you're using Python 3

mydict = {'a':'apple','b':'boy','c':'cat'}
check = 'c' in mydict
if check:
    print('c key is present')

If you need else condition

mydict = {'a':'apple','b':'boy','c':'cat'}
if 'c' in mydict:
    print('key present')
    print('key not found')

For the dynamic key value, you can also handle through try-exception block

mydict = {'a':'apple','b':'boy','c':'cat'}
except KeyError:
    print('key value not found')mydict = {'a':'apple','b':'boy','c':'cat'}

jQuery Keypress Arrow Keys

Please refer the link from JQuery

It says

The keypress event is sent to an element when the browser registers keyboard input. This is similar to the keydown event, except that modifier and non-printing keys such as Shift, Esc, and delete trigger keydown events but not keypress events. Other differences between the two events may arise depending on platform and browser.

That means you can not use keypress in case of arrows.

How do you deploy Angular apps?

I use with forever:

  1. Build your Angular application with angular-cli to dist folder ng build --prod --output-path ./dist
  2. Create server.js file in your Angular application path:

    const express = require('express');
    const path = require('path');
    const app = express();
    app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/dist'));
    app.get('/*', function(req,res) {
        res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/dist/index.html'));
  3. Start forever forever start server.js

That's all! your application should be running!

Keyboard shortcuts are not active in Visual Studio with Resharper installed

I have tried many of the above issues and still had installation problems.

It turns out that downloading the full version (not the web installer), and running it as administrator finally got the latest version installed with no errors in VS 2015.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load file. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP

I was facing this error while I deployed my Web API project locally and I was calling API project only with this URL given below:


Since the error message says it is not http:// then I changed the URL and put a prefix http as given below and the error was gone.


Choose File Dialog

I have implemented the Samsung File Selector Dialog, it provides the ability to open, save file, file extension filter, and create new directory in the same dialog I think it worth trying Here is the Link you have to log in to Samsung developer site to view the solution

How do I create an HTML table with a fixed/frozen left column and a scrollable body?

If you're developing something more complicated and want multiple columns to be fixed/stuck to the left, you'll probably need something like this.

.wrapper {_x000D_
    overflow-x: scroll;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
    min-width: 50px;_x000D_
.fixed {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    background: #aaa;_x000D_
<div class="content" style="width: 400px">_x000D_
  <div class="wrapper" style="margin-left: 100px">_x000D_
            <th class="fixed" style="left: 0px">aaa</th>_x000D_
            <th class="fixed" style="left: 50px">aaa2</th>_x000D_
            <th>f</th>        _x000D_
            <td class="fixed" style="left: 0px">aaa</td>_x000D_
            <td class="fixed" style="left: 50px">aaa2</td>_x000D_
            <td class="fixed" style="left: 0">bbb</td>_x000D_
            <td class="fixed" style="left: 50px">bbb2</td>_x000D_

Update Tkinter Label from variable

Maybe I'm not understanding the question but here is my simple solution that works -

# I want to Display total heads bent this machine so I define a label -
TotalHeadsLabel3 = Label(leftFrame)
TotalHeadsLabel3.config(font=Helv12,fg='blue',text="Total heads " + str(TotalHeads))

# I update the int variable adding the quantity bent -
TotalHeads = TotalHeads + headQtyBent # update ready to write to file & display
TotalHeadsLabel3.config(text="Total Heads "+str(TotalHeads)) # update label with new qty

I agree that labels are not automatically updated but can easily be updated with the

<label name>.config(text="<new text>" + str(<variable name>))

That just needs to be included in your code after the variable is updated.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

In case someone missed the obvious; note that if you build a GUI application and use
"-subsystem:windows" in the link-args, the application entry is WinMain@16. Not main(). Hence you can use this snippet to call your main():

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define _stdcall  __attribute__((stdcall))

int _stdcall
WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance,
         struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance,
         char               *lpszCmdLine,
         int                 nCmdShow)
  return main (__argc, __argv);

How to align a <div> to the middle (horizontally/width) of the page

Flexbox solution is the way to go in/from 2015. justify-content: center is used for the parent element to align the content to the center of it.


<div class="container">
  <div class="center">Center</div>


.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
.center {
  width: 800px;


.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
.center {
  width: 400px; 
  padding: 10px;
  background: #5F85DB;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-family: Tahoma;
<div class="container">
  <div class="center">Centered div with left aligned text.</div>

How to count digits, letters, spaces for a string in Python?

# Write a Python program that accepts a string and calculate the number of digits 
# andletters.

    stre =input("enter the string-->")
    countl = 0
    countn = 0
    counto = 0
    for i in stre:
        if i.isalpha():
            countl += 1
        elif i.isdigit():
            countn += 1
            counto += 1
    print("The number of letters are --", countl)
    print("The number of numbers are --", countn)
    print("The number of characters are --", counto)

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

This answer is about .NET 4.5

According to MSDN, the index for array of bytes cannot be greater than 2147483591. For .NET prior to 4.5 it also was a memory limit for an array. In .NET 4.5 this maximum is the same, but for other types it can be up to 2146435071.

This is the code for illustration:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // -----------------------------------------------
        // Pre .NET 4.5 or gcAllowVeryLargeObjects unset
        const int twoGig = 2147483591; // magic number from .NET

        var type = typeof(int);          // type to use
        var size = Marshal.SizeOf(type); // type size
        var num = twoGig / size;         // max element count

        var arr20 = Array.CreateInstance(type, num);
        var arr21 = new byte[num];

        // -----------------------------------------------
        // .NET 4.5 with x64 and gcAllowVeryLargeObjects set
        var arr451 = new byte[2147483591];
        var arr452 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), 2146435071);
        var arr453 = new byte[2146435071]; // another magic number


Force Intellij IDEA to reread all maven dependencies

If you are using version ranges for any dependencies, make sure that IntelliJ is using Maven 3 to import the project. You can find this setting in: Settings > Maven > Importing > Use Maven3 to import project. Otherwise you may find that SNAPSHOT versions are not imported correctly.

How to add buttons dynamically to my form?

First, you aren't actually creating 10 buttons. Second, you need to set the location of each button, or they will appear on top of each other. This will do the trick:

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      var button = new Button();
      button.Location = new Point(button.Width * i + 4, 0);

Using JSON POST Request

An example using jQuery is below. Hope this helps

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>My jQuery JSON Web Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

JSONTest = function() {

    var resultDiv = $("#resultDivContainer");

        url: "",
        type: "POST",
        data: { apiKey: "23462", method: "example", ip: "" },
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result) {
            switch (result) {
                case true:
        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {


<h1>My jQuery JSON Web Page</h1>

<div id="resultDivContainer"></div>

<button type="button" onclick="JSONTest()">JSON</button>


Firebug debug process

Firebug XHR debug process

Disable Transaction Log

What's your problem with Tx logs? They grow? Then just set truncate on checkpoint option.

From Microsoft documentation:

In SQL Server 2000 or in SQL Server 2005, the "Simple" recovery model is equivalent to "truncate log on checkpoint" in earlier versions of SQL Server. If the transaction log is truncated every time a checkpoint is performed on the server, this prevents you from using the log for database recovery. You can only use full database backups to restore your data. Backups of the transaction log are disabled when the "Simple" recovery model is used.

Getting Error 800a0e7a "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."

Check the site's Application Pool in IIS / Application Pools / YourPool / Advanced Settings :

  • Advanced / Enable 32-Bit Applications: True

There's some anecdotal evidence to suggest you do this too:

  • Managed Pipeline Mode : Classic

making matplotlib scatter plots from dataframes in Python's pandas

There is little to be added to Garrett's great answer, but pandas also has a scatter method. Using that, it's as easy as

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,2), columns=['col1','col2'])
df['col3'] = np.arange(len(df))**2 * 100 + 100
df.plot.scatter('col1', 'col2', df['col3'])

plotting sizes in col3 to col1-col2

map vs. hash_map in C++

Some of the key differences are in the complexity requirements.

  • A map requires O(log(N)) time for inserts and finds operations, as it's implemented as a Red-Black Tree data structure.

  • An unordered_map requires an 'average' time of O(1) for inserts and finds, but is allowed to have a worst-case time of O(N). This is because it's implemented using Hash Table data structure.

So, usually, unordered_map will be faster, but depending on the keys and the hash function you store, can become much worse.

Spring MVC Controller redirect using URL parameters instead of in response

This problem is caused (as others have stated) by model attributes being persisted into the query string - this is usually undesirable and is at risk of creating security holes as well as ridiculous query strings. My usual solution is to never use Strings for redirects in Spring MVC, instead use a RedirectView which can be configured not to expose model attributes (see:

RedirectView(String url, boolean contextRelative, boolean http10Compatible, boolean exposeModelAttributes)

So I tend to have a util method which does a 'safe redirect' like:

public static RedirectView safeRedirect(String url) {
    RedirectView rv = new RedirectView(url);
    return rv;

The other option is to use bean configuration XML:

<bean id="myBean" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView">
   <property name="exposeModelAttributes" value="false" />
   <property name="url" value="/myRedirect"/>

Again, you could abstract this into its own class to avoid repetition (e.g. SafeRedirectView).

A note about 'clearing the model' - this is not the same as 'not exposing the model' in all circumstances. One site I worked on had a lot of filters which added things to the model, this meant that clearing the model before redirecting would not prevent a long query string. I would also suggest that 'not exposing model attributes' is a more semantic approach than 'clearing the model before redirecting'.

What can be the reasons of connection refused errors?

From the standpoint of a Checkpoint firewall, you will see a message from the firewall if you actually choose Reject as an Action thereby exposing to a propective attacker the presence of a firewall in front of the server. The firewall will silently drop all connections that doesn't match the policy. Connection refused almost always comes from the server

set div height using jquery (stretch div height)

I think will work.


How to download videos from youtube on java?

ytd2 is a fully functional YouTube video downloader. Check out its source code if you want to see how it's done.

Alternatively, you can also call an external process like youtube-dl to do the job. This is probably the easiest solution but it isn't in "pure" Java.

Android "elevation" not showing a shadow

In my case, this was caused by a custom parent component setting the rendering layer type to "Software":

setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

Removing this line of did the trick. Or course you need to evaluate why this is there in the first place. In my case it was to support Honeycomb, which is well behind the current minimum SDK for my project.

How to check if a line has one of the strings in a list?

One approach is to combine the search strings into a regex pattern as in this answer.

How do I install opencv using pip?

As of OpenCV 2.2.0, the package name for the Python bindings is "cv".The old bindings named "opencv" are not maintained any longer. You might have to adjust your code.

The official OpenCV installer does not install the Python bindings into your Python directory. There should be a Python2.7 directory inside your OpenCV 2.2.0 installation directory. Copy the whole Lib folder from OpenCV\Python2.7\ to C:\Python27\ and make sure your OpenCV\bin directory is in the Windows DLL search path.

Alternatively use the opencv-python installers at

Or Simply install

sudo pip3 install opencv-python  #for python3

sudo pip install opencv-python   #for python2